#the druidess rambles
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im-his-druidess · 9 months ago
I will NEVER get over how big Michael Myers was in Halloween 2007 🤤
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Ft. Some Laurie as size reference lol
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im-his-druidess · 9 months ago
Ignoring Mikey here for a moment
Jason Voorhees as a puppy is pulling at my heartstrings 😭❤️😭❤️
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im-his-druidess · 8 months ago
Vincent would be a great vampire...
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Just sayin' 👀...
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lolygagger · 6 months ago
gotta ask about Zelun'jin. hes always had a very unique, interesing design (LOVEEE the color scheme btw. also super cool tusks. also i think the way ur draw the fluffy ears is cute lol). whats his story? whats up with his tusk shape?
I am so so so sorry it’s taken me this long to respond to your ask! I had a whole essay typed up, and realized it was just way too much info all at once. So, I will try and summarize his story to the best of my ability. He means a lot to me, so he definitely has the most backstory done out of all of my characters.
Thank you! I’m glad you think he’s neat! Zelun’jin was originally going to just be a chill surfer troll, so I wanted his colors to be reminiscent of something tropical, and more specifically, that sunshine during “golden hour” vibe. I can definitely ramble about his design sometime too. His tusks have actually changed shape through my art over time. I used to have them turned inward to be more true to the trolls in game, but I found myself hooked on having his tusks be more open and slender. He also dyes the tips just because he likes it. Nothing too fancy!
Okay, buckle in!
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- Zelun’jin was born to Amareh of the Darkspear in the year 12 ADP, and never knew is father.
- He spent most of his younger years on the Darkspear Isles.
- When Zalazane betrayed Vol’jin and the Darkspear Tribe, Zelun’jin was one of the many trolls that fell to Zalazane’s influence. He was only 12 at this time.
- Amareh grew frustrated with Vol’jin, feeling like he wasn’t trying hard enough to take back the Echo Isles, and made a bargain with Bwonsamdi to ensure Zelun’jin’s safety. Unfortunately, the price was her life in place of his.
- Amareh had to travel to the Echo Isles alone, and bring Bwonsamdi’s “omen of death” to Zalazane as part of their bargain.
- Due to Zalazane’s cruelty and insanity, he forced Zelun’jin, against his will, to take his mother’s life.
- Immediately following Amareh’s death, Zalazane punished Zelun’jin, which is why he has a scar that wraps around his right leg. (This also left a small piece of Zalazane’s corrupted magic within Zel, which he has been able to tap into from time to time.)
- Not too long after these events, the Darkspear Revolution took place, and Zelun’jin ran away after being liberated.
- He was finally tracked down by his long time friend, the druidess Silluz. She helped convince him to return to the Darkspear, and the Horde.
- Zelun’jin continues to struggle with PTSD from the horrors of Zalazane’s control.
- In the time leading up to the discovery of Pandaria, Zel grew very close to Vol’jin, feeling like he was the father he never got to have.
- It was also Vol’jin who saw Zel’s potential, and named him one of the ambassadors of the Darkspear.
- Zelun’jin took Vol’jin’s death very hard (who didn’t?), and grew distrustful of Sylvannas.
Battle for Azeroth was a big one for Zel’s story ->
- Zelun’jin found life long friends in Kikee and Inatish.
- He was able to finally have closure for his mother’s death.
- His bitter confrontation with Bwonsamdi, and the final piece of Amareh’s bargain.
- Zelun’jin becomes a true shadow hunter.
I haven’t been quite sure where I want his story to go from here, maybe just finding happiness? Taking a nice nap? Or maybe, trying to connect further with the other tribes all over Azeroth? Two naps??
I’ve also been interested in exploring Vol’jin’s feelings towards Zelun’jin. Maybe he saw himself in Zel, understanding the weight of losing a parent, and having so much responsibility suddenly thrust upon you 🤔 I’m not sure.
Anyways! I hope this helps answer any questions you may have had about his background, but if it didn’t or you’d like me to go into more detail, send me another ask! I love talking about him <3 Or any of my other characters too!
Thanks again!
(Bonus picture of Amareh!)
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the-king-and-the-druidess · 6 months ago
Personal ramblings about my Mormor Fic:
It's been a year and three months since I started my Morgana-Centric-with an occasional Merlin-centirc-chapter-or-two-Mormor longfic, Trillium. 100kW+ rare ship written in a foreign language (English) My teachers would have been proud, lol.
It started with a boring moodboard and an idea for it: Mordred and Morgana are druids and perform some kind of ritual. But then I asked myself a question, why they are there and what they are doing, and the idea for this weird twisted(in a family-friendly way) mix of Arthurian elements and BBC's cliches unfolded and is not going to end (I hope I'll finish the sequel, Aconitum, in 2025)
I put all my love for this strange otp of mine I kind of obsessed by, Mordred/Morgana, this darker Merthur's foil, into the fic, and made up several ideas and headcanons I personally find cool. Arthur and Excalibur, Coins of Life and Death, Crystal of Fire, Morgana and Emrys, Avalon and Camlann, the Plagues.
I made Mordred adult (the only reason why he is a child in S1 is a nod to the legends' affair of Arthur and Morgana) and a foster son of Aglain. Yes, his father was killed by the Knights of Camelot when he was a child, yes, he killed them all in return, but he grew up in a good and peaceful family and therefore was more or less healed. There were no slavery or cruelty, his soul remained intact. His love and loyalty to Morgana, their destiny together, is not overshadowed by anything. (So far) I also tied his and Morgana's childhood through Gorlois.
Morgana stays with the druids after the Nightmare Begins, she avoids Arthur's raid. She begins to study magic and the Triple Goddess's faith with them, but is it enough to prevent her fate?
Trillium and Aconitum are not a Character Driven Story, it's Destiny Driven. Destiny here is basically the pattern of the Arthurian Legends; they will come true one way or another; the stars cannot be rewritten, only reassembled. The Legends' key elements are the laws of the story's universe. But the characters do not know these laws, even if they can see visions of the future; they think they follow the path lead by their own decisions and beliefs.
So, Morgana staying with the druids and falling in love with Mordred influenced Arthur, Merlin and Camelot. Mordred's break up with Kara helped Merlin to reveal his magic to Arthur, etc. (Artifacts are also important and fateful in my stories. If one brings a magical artifact in the world it worries the destiny's waves) Though briefly, I explored all Morgana's roles: seer, druidess, princess, Saxon's queen, Arthur's healer, the Triple Goddess' vessel and Judgment (along with Mordred)
There's no milking of the revealing, no Uther's long suffering, I just don't like these and got rid of them as fast as possible. King Arthur and his Wizard Merlin with no delays, fighting against the Barons and Nature rebelling against the Kings' order.
My Arthurian OC's Sir Galahad and Elaine were my special pleasure. I redesigned the image of Sir Galahad to fit him in the BBC's show. Who can this Knight-Saint be in this pro-magic, pro-druids universe? How can Elaine (who is a druidess and Aglain's daughter in Trillium and Aconitum) affect Lancelot? How can Lancelot affect Mordred and Morgana?
Even though I hate the Crystal Cave episode because of Merlin's decisions there, but I was fascinated by the Cave itself, the Source of All Magic. So I came up with a lore for it, and made it a centrepiece of the story (just like the show, yes): Taliesin the Bard, Keepers, Crystals, and Nature Elements. Morgana and Mordred, not Merlin, see the future in the crystals and hear the Disir, but Merlin saves it. These three, they are like always dancing in harmony.
As everything in this fallen world, this story could have been better; especially in the terms of language. But for almost a year and a half, writing this story has become my main hobby, and I feel that I will not rest until I finish everything that I have planned, good it is or bad, I just must.
Now I'm coming up with the sequel, Aconitum, and have many ideas to step into the untouched for me personally and for this pairing land: magic is free, but what's next? What is the Golden Age? As Mordred asks himself, what do heroes do when the happy ending comes? Like in the first part, there will be a misunderstanding trope: the characters are sure that they know, but in fact they know nothing. There will be the Holy Grail, I absolutely love it, united Albion, tragic Gwencelot, cursed found family of Morgana, Mordred, Morgause and Cenred (I always regretted Morgause and Cenred died so early.) And secrets from the past(it ends where it all began), and someone will die in the end, as foretold.
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ratsalad · 3 years ago
AHHHHH you get me !! 🖤💚👻 (my response might not be the most coherent atm due to my sleepiness, but PLS feel free to hop in my DMs to chat more if ya want!! I need more ppl to rock out with 🤘)
Funny enough, I hadn’t gotten into Ghost until late 2019, when I came upon Prequelle for the 1st time.., much less the music being so good, I thought the theatrics were the coolest, & ‘fuck yea! The plague!! Creepy history of plague doctors & miasma & ✨aesthetic✨...little did I know agjsksk. So basically, Ghost accidentally became a coping mechanism of mine for 2020 quarantine 😂 the lore, the look, much less Tobias being an angel in interviews was a perfect distraction. Every album hit better than the next. I got lucky enough to get to go drive to see them in Texas last month & they are MAGICAL live ahsjgahajsh
Idk how I stumbled onto my 1st Type O song, but I think it was ‘Be My Druidess,’ & tmi, but it wound up on a femdom playlist of mine, & I oop 🤭👀
I think I actually got further into Type O bc of some Ghost fan blogs!! Like I saw some of the gifs/photo sets/snips of interviews & thought “who are these funny fuckers & who is that Vampire Gigachad in the back?”. That gigachad turned out to be the charming Peter Steele, & the rest is history 😂💕💚🖤
How’d you get into these bands? 💚🖤👻
Also literally all of this:
“YES YOU GET IT!!!!!!!!!!! it's the eroticism, the tongue-in-cheek, how if it's supposed to frighten you it also excites you (which is always, ALWAYS my favorite thing about horror and things that are horror-leaning)”
YOU PUT IT INTO WORDS!!! Mmph yes! Like horror isn’t just fear, it’s fun!! It can be fucking fun, lmao, it can not take itself seriously while still so dedicated to making gorgeous art & music 🖤 (don’t get me started on the eroticism or we’ll be here all night)
i'm so happy that you got to see ghost live!!!! i agree, before this pre-imperatour the prequelle theatrics were to die for.
i just finished rambling about how i got into ghost in this post here, but i have fewer memories of how i got into type o. it was definitely around the same time - spring/summer of 2018, i have strong memories of christian woman playing ON REPEAT ALL THE TIME, but before that i listened to the their cover of black sabbath (from the satanic perspective), which is the song that got me into them. i'm quite sure i listened to it only because @verdigrisvolva was talking about it, either on her blog or somewhere in the replies of a post, but i could be misremembering! but the cover was just. so slow and dark and sensual, like a drowsy summer afternoon with the blinds drawn closed, and, idk man i think it awakened something in me 😳
i'll be honest, bloody kisses is the only type o record i've listened to - i've heard a couple songs off their other albums, but never gotten around to checking them out. despite this i got quite attached to the band in 2018, to the point where when one of my friends went to new york i asked her to send me pics of pete's memorial if she ever went to prospect park lol; i've been meaning to listen to more of their stuff and i probably will soon!
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leviathanlazarus · 4 years ago
rules: you can tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. put your favorite playlist in shuffle and list the first ten songs that comes up and tag ten people :)
Thanks for the tag, @anditsmywholeheart 💗 my favorite playlist is still my driving playlist lmao gotta have those jams!
Be My Druidess - Type O Negative
Master of Puppets (Live with the SFSO) - Metallica
The Frayed Ends of Sanity - Metallica
Exits - Foals
Gypsy Road - Cinderella
Ramble On - Led Zeppelin
Amazonia - Gojira
Turn to Hate - Orville Peck
Faded Heart - BORNS
E-Pro - Beck
I tag @tattooedwithblues @dazedstevie @cominunderfire @beautifulcinephile @gruelsum @pi-kai-sso @safari-karrot
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stonestridernerd · 5 years ago
Family Reunion (Part 2)
( Part 1 )
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Winoa couldn’t believe this. 
It had only been a month since she’d left home. The water walker may have traveled across Azeroth- everywhere from the old reaches of Northrend to the cool shores of Pandaria- and even into Outlands, but the Shadowlands were a whole different experience. 
Take, for instance, finding your deceased mate walking among the living. 
Jafern was just as solid as the rest of them, but he hadn’t aged a day. Looking between him and Kennocha, you could easily mistake them for twins. His brown fur was clean and groomed, dark braids running down either side of his face. She could even make out little flowers in his locks, a ghastly pale blue against his black mane. His eyes were even the same, so deep a brown they were almost black, with a flicker of recognition she hadn’t let herself dream of ever seeing again. 
Before he even had the chance to speak, the druidess lunged at him. “Jafern!”
“Woah!” He stumbled back, the full weight of his sister crashing down on him as she hugged him. “Kenn?”
Kennocha looked up at him, tears spilling over as she hugged him. “I am so sorry. I should have been there for you sooner. You did not deserve your fate...I was suppose to heal you. I should have-”
“Shhh.” The Brave shushed the younger Bloomcaller. “That’s water under the bridge. Besides, I wouldn’t have let you risk yourself like that.”
“And I wouldn’t have cared! You could not have stopped me.”
He smirked, challenge glistening in his eyes. “What makes you think that?”  
“Everything!” The druidess folded her arms. “You could not stop me even if you tried!”
“Want to test that?” 
“Bring it!” Kennocha beamed, already shifting into a doe when the water walker raised her arms out. 
“Save your strength, both of you!” Winoa rushed in between the siblings, giving the two a heavy glare. “You aren’t going to give away our location just because of some silly fight!”
Kennocha stuck her tongue out as Jafern sighed dramatically. “You know we were just playing right, NO-na?”
The druidess chuckled at the old nickname while the water walker gave him a dirty look. “Why are we helping you again?”
Jafern picked up on the sarcastic question, setting a hand on his heart as though offended. “Why? Because you love me?” 
“Hmmm,” The water walker hummed, pretending to think it over. “I suppose I do.”
“Knew it!” 
Winoa broke character, laughing as she went in for her own hug. “Good to see you too, dork.”
“I’m your dork though!” Embracing both taurenesses in a tight embrace. 
“That you are!” The water walker patted his back, breaking off the group hug as she stepped back. “How have you been though?”
“A bit here, a bit there.” The Brave shrugged. “I felt you when you went back for my body though. I was so worried I wouldn’t have my Final Rites...”
“It took some...creative thinking...but we couldn’t have just left you there.” Winoa shook her head, the idea absolutely repulsive. “It wouldn’t have been right, for any of us.”
The Bloomcaller siblings both dropped their more lighthearted stances at that, the weight of the past four, nearly five years back on everyone’s shoulders. 
After what seemed like the longest moment of her life, Jafern finally spoke again. “How’s Maliko?”
“Good.” Winoa smiled, though it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “He knows your story and misses you so much, but he is happy.”
“That’s good...”
“Indeed.” The water walker awkwardly answered, shifting her hooves before continuing. “He looks so much like you.”
“I know. I see him sometimes...” Jafern closed his eyes and smiled, as though imaging his child. “But he has your intelligence and grace.” 
Winoa nodded, flushing a bit at his words. “Don’t forget your mischief.”
“Of course, of course! The best of both worlds, our Little Wave. I couldn’t be any prouder! ” The Brave chuckled, before his tone turned more serious. “You’ll make sure Mali knows his Papa loves him to the sky and back, yes?”
“He already does, but I’ll reaffirm it.” The water walker smiled fondly, turning to druidess. “Though speaking of calves, I believe Kennocha has some news.” 
“Oh!” Kennocha was dumped from her stupor, from watching the heartwarming reunion to nervous excitement buzzing in her chest. “Yes, I- uh, I have two calves of my own now.”
Jafern widened his eyes, grinning from ear to ear. “Congratulations! Who is the lucky mate? You didn’t have twins like Tamaya, did you? They could be quite the challenge-oh! What are their names? How old are they?” He reached for Kennocha’s shoulders, shaking her back and forth in eager excitement. “I have to know!”
“Aaaah!” The druidess yelped at the sudden motion, barely catching any of the fast questions hurled her way. “No mate, just the calves, Winoa, and I.”
“Then you took them in?” Jafern settled down a bit at that, furrowing his brow. ”Lopehe and Tamaya are okay, right? And the rest of the tribe..?”
“Yes!” Kennocha realized his line of thinking with wide eyes. “Everyone else is back home, safe and sound.”
“They’re from the Bloodtotem Tribe in Highmountain. From what I gather, they got involved with the Legion and it- well, they weren’t as lucky as the orcs.”
Jafern’s face fell. “How many are left?”
The druidess shrugged. “There’s a few wandering around that we’ve seen, but most are with the Sky Father now.��
“The calves made it out okay though?”
“As okay as they could be.” Kennocha mused. “They’ve lost so much. Yiska was too young to remember, but Hanoke was not. She was one looking out for him when I meet them.”
“Tell me more about them.” His eyes were heavier than Kennocha remembered. “Please.”
“Well,” The druidess happily obliged. She sat down beside her Sister and brother, beginning to ramble about the children back home. “Hanoke just turned seven and Yiska will be three in September. You should have seen her face when Mali and Yiska presented their gifts, Jafern, it was so precious!”
The night continued like this, stories of laughing calves and old times filling the cold evening air with some warmth. Winoa settled back and watched the exchange between siblings, content for the moment she never thought would come.
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im-his-druidess · 9 months ago
Okay I saw these pictures and immediately thought of that one picture of Peter Steele of him at the piano 🤯
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NO ONE can tell me this isn't Older Teen!Vincent 😤😤
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Sinclair twins as little ones playing piano
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im-his-druidess · 8 months ago
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jiraki-the-hybrid · 6 years ago
Special thanks
So I Kindof wanted to take a moment and just do a sort of special thank you. I’m not leaving, I’m not doing anything drastic, it’s just me giving out a special thank you. The main reason for doing this is because I’ve been RPing for about two years and I have met some amazing and unforgettable people in my life. Even saying that as if I haven’t seen you in person.
This is not in order of appearance!
@garethlyons - good lord where do I begin. You’re the first person I have actually ever got to RP with on Zun when I first came to alliance RP and you brought me into a good company guild. Not only that, but you’ve been such a wonderful and caring friend. I can’t really say much because you’ve had to listen to me bitch so damn much. I am sorry about that. Nevertheless, thank you for being there. Thank you for being a great friend. And I REALLY hope things are still amazing, my dear friend.
@shredenfield - Yeah, I’m definetly not forgetting you. You’ve been a great friend to me on various characters and I do apologize that you had to listen to my bitching the last month and a half. But you’re the first and maybe my one true friend from the horde side of WoW that I’ve actually been enjoyed getting to RP with and have the light rl chatter. I hope this cheers you up and puts a smile on your face, I know you’ve been feeling a bit down. Least so you’ve told me.
I feel bad for not having her added, if she even has a tumblr. But hopefully someone can show this to her at sometime. But for the last few months, Lily, you have been an a wonderful listener through thick and thin and my various bitchings. I know I pick on you so much, you and Gareth to be fair, about being Canadian but it’s because deep down I love you two! And sorry you got dragged into the recent situations.
@druidess-kiefie I’m not sure which one you’d prefer being tagged in but I’ll just do this one. But for the little while that I’ve talked to you, I appreciated every second of it. You’ve put a light on a dark area in my life and made me realize something that I was blind to. So thank you, and I hope that we can still have this friendship.
And last but not least, miss Ramune. Or my recent ex girlfriend. You have shown to me your true colors and that not everyone that displays a kind soul is not always as such. You have made me realize who I truly am and what I can be. And while I can sit here and ramble on or call you the long list of names that fill my ever expanding dictionary, I wish you good luck and the best of recovery in life. You’ve finally allowed this crow to expand his wings and shine brighter than before.
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honorfallen · 6 years ago
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I am a very important person. I need to make it through this. I have so much to look forward to. I have a purpose. I have family. I am important to them. I am a very important person...
How long was the lost soul whispering this? It was only a small candle of light that protected Duard in the encroaching shadows that continued attempts to blind him.  So close to losing sight forever; when he wasn’t seeing darkness, everything he saw was red and everything he saw he wanted to kill. The buttery taste of blood dripping down the sides of his maw, tongue licking his canines clean-- another deer killed, this time. The feral beast in control of his body merely clawed at the carcass to pieces. He was not hungry, but the desire to hunt and to kill was all that motivated him to continue. No mage, no alpha, no chains no longer binding him. Free to do what he wished. A slave to instincts. Almost invisible in the darkness of the forest, the black worgen vanished into the shadows after there was nothing left of his prey. On all fours, running again, smelling the air for his next target.  How long had it been like this? How long could he last? He had to protect that small light of hope for just a little longer. As long as he had something-- anything-- to hold onto, the cinder of hope would still burn. Months... years? Centuries? Time lost it’s meaning. No matter the length, he needed to hold out... 
I have so much to look forward to.. I am important to someone.
Strength waning as more time passed. Inevitable. The taste of blood and flesh became too normal. At this point, he was able to tell exactly what he was tracking, how far it was, and even the number of targets just on scent and hearing alone. This was normal now. Hunting in the shadows was normal. The darkness was normal. Perhaps this was meant to be. Escaping the shade of the forest, the beast sprinted into an open clearing. A perfect view of his surroundings. He heard himself howling like a mad wolf, celebrating his latest kill. On the inside, he mourning his dying humanity. The moon was going to be the last thing he would remember as a sane man. Oddly comforting.  Duard closed his eyes. Was this finally the endless peace?
The warm touch of a soft hand upon his face; a voice was calling for him. A calming rush of tranquility was enough for him to push past the emptiness and open his eyes. 
He quickly gasped for breath, sitting up from the grass; a large blanket wrapped around him. There was no growling while he breathed. He looked at his hands-- normal human hands again. Feeling his face, there was a human nose in place of the wet nose of a worgen snout. This all felt real. Human.  He looked up at the sky. It was still night, but there was no more darkness. The moon was so bright, the stars accompanying it with their own flickers of light. It was beautiful.
“It’s fine, now,” a small voice remarked from what appeared to be a pile of fur sitting next to him. The hand that woke him up withdrew into the mass and lifted up the antlered skull from her head, revealing a wide grin on her tired face. “Do you remember your name?” The Druidess asked. “Do you... remember anything?”
“I remember,” Duard struggled to speak at first, coughing lightly and then spitting to the side. “I am a very important person.”
(A short ramble I guess on him becoming human again for the first time and maybe a bit of a reason why he acts a bit arrogantly)
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im-his-druidess · 9 months ago
Love the slow creep forward
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THE BOY william brent bell, 2016
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im-his-druidess · 8 months ago
It's my birthday today! 🥰
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im-his-druidess · 8 months ago
I came across your blog and I loved the deal. Could we get the part II but we actually cum after Tommy realize we got hurt? I know he’s a pleaser deep down.
Also if I spammed sorry, I think I sent out a request before but my phone was at 1% and I was typing for dear life😩
I got your first message, yes 😆
I've actually got quite a few messages about this fic in general, each requesting a continuation of a different sort, but I haven't decided if I want to do a second part yet 🤷🏼‍♀️
I made The Deal when I wanted something dark and serious and hot. I created it specifically for the darkness in it and a lot of people want a softer sweeter side but that would be contradictory to why I wrote it in the first place, ya know?
If I did write a continuation of it I would honestly follow the same theme I already had. I like the darker side to these slashers (as much as I know Thomas Hewitt would cherish his lover in his own way) I find it hot to write about the more primal and deadly side of all slashers.
Does this make sense? 😅
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stonestridernerd · 7 years ago
Describe your character badly: Cow sisters go hippy and bring love and peace to the land. Pro-animal cruelty troll mocks people while thinking about her surprised love of male genitalia in the form of her favorite bad word. Purple elf sells purple flowers or something.
Rowan folds her arms at the comment, shifting her weight onto one foot. “I have more than purple flowers...”
“True, but they are your favorites.” Kennocha shrugged. She opened her mouth to continue speaking, but a loud growl came from behind. 
“‘ow dare ya? Ya gonna suffeh from my beauties beasties foh yar insolence!” The huntress screeched. “An’ wankehs are wankehs foh a reason, not foh love but foh deir sheer annoyance! I mean, why would ya want somedin’ soh squishy an’ fragile ‘anin’ down dere? Et’s stupid, like ya!” As Kij continued to ramble, she reached for her spear, leaning forward as though ready to pounce. 
The water walker sighed, grabbing the troll before she could go after the mage. 
Kij’aza struggled against the taureness, her arms frailing around her. “Put me down! ‘e gonna pay!”
"You can’t kill him. That’d be rude.”
Rowan chuckled at the sight, leaning back on the wide-eyed druidess.
The huntress turned to the water walker, narrowing her eyes to give her best dirty glare. “Ya know, ‘e be right ‘bout ya bein’ ‘ippies.”
Winoa shrugged. “Indeed he is.”
( Thanks @curiouscodex! )
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