#the dog. shes like. shes like oh she looks…not good…and dads gf just talks and like oh yeah well shes blablabla my aunt says ‘ok well
trendfag · 1 year
i cant get over when we went to a chinese restaurant for my brothers birthday and my dads gf was there but wasnt eating because “oh you know i can only eat panda express because everything else has msg in it!” and the owner heard her saying that and came over and was like we dont use msg here and my dads gf looked at the owner of the restaurant in the face and told her that she was wrong about the food at her own restaurant. and this was the same day she told the story about the time she only tipped ten cents to a visibly anxious and stressed waitress on her first day on the job because 1) the restaurant was busy and 2) the food that she and her friend had picked out from the restaurants website like months before wasnt available and wasnt even on the menu. and laughed like it was a cute little anecdote as we all stared at her like what the fuck is your problem
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queenofgraveyards · 1 year
i know h and bambi have veeeeery different views on having kids, but i feel like if they talked about it and ivy ultimately decided she doesn’t want to have them (like ever) it wouldn’t be a dealbreaker for h because he wants kids but only if she’s their mother!!!! like that’s his wife yk and he mainly pictures a family so easily every time because he loves her SOOOOOO much !!!! like yes he’d be a little heartbroken but ultimately he’d never want kids with anyone else so he’d be okay !!!! plus he would still be her daddy and nothing more matters to him 💘💕💖💓 idk if all that even made sense i just word-vomited my thoughts basically but yea
…bestie you are soooooo right like they’re so different abt kids and that’s about to be explored!! but yes like bambi h is a DAD like he is meant to be a dad he always have been he’s the worlds best uncle like he’s good with kids he doesn’t even KNOW he’s good with Nadia in like a dad perspective too like he’s even a dad with his own gf and that’s honestly needed (and not weird ok) but yah he’s always wanted a family and he was going to propose to someone else sure but he knew like he knew they used to argue a lot so there is no way he would have EVER had children with his ex(s) like yes he would have proposed and they would have probably got married if she hadn’t cheated prior so like he would be a divorcee but he would have recognised oh this is not the mother of my children and so ivy is like THAT woman that is his WIFE and yes everything about her is the mother of his children even if it turns out that his children is a dog n a cat yknow??? it’s really hard to put into words how much he loves ivy like and I don’t just mean that from a im bad with words and I’m a shit writer point of view (but I mean…it is) but like he is so much more than sending her flowers and spending so much money on her it’s him doing stuff for her without asking and following through on his word and how his first thought in the morning is ivy and his last thought of the day is ivy so it’s like yeah he’s a lover and he’s a romantic but ivy is truly his SOUL MATE like he’s been in love before and he loves love but this…this is it like he says so ur right it’s kids with ivy or no kids at all and he will ALWAYS be her daddy no matter what and it’s not just for sexy times although he LOOOOOOVES being daddy during sexy times but he’s also daddy getting her to eat vegetables, and paying the bills and doing laundry and not cross the road without looking both ways lmaoooooo
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castle-dominion · 1 year
Undead again 4x22
breaking in TO CASTLE'S PLACE? IS THAT A DOG? OH NO ALEXIS! Not a dog, maybe a gun? also who has their device zoomed that far out? Who goes page-by-page instead of scrolling? Oh it's dad. Lol I miss their laser tag games RC: Wait. Let me savor this. I haven't gotten the drop on you since you were ten. Oh, this feels like…victory.
Aw he doesn't force the game when alexis wants to talk. Good. I remember she said stuff about oxford a few seasons ago. s2 I think. Girl I LOVE living at home during college. It is great. I brought home litres upon litres of soup my first block of my first term. I couldn't eat all of it by myself! Alexis you are so wrong. Adults need play too!
RC: No, it's not [just a game]. It's--it's a time-honored family tradition that we've been honoring since Alexis could wrap her little finger around a trigger! Also a thousand points is a lot less than you think when you play for years ADULTS NEED PLAY TOO
Yeah it IS kind of your fault rick. Yeah! At least let her know why! This man is surprisingly emotionally stunted I love martha so much But also Rick you probably should check with the mystery man that it's ok for you to leave.
KB, to esposito, who has drank coffee often throughout the show: You said you didn't like coffee. JE, the ex-military pig who made fun of his friend for drinking warm milk with honey before bed bc it helped his GF sleep: I like vanilla lattes! Wow becks is pretty af
SP: Ah, our intrepid heroes have arrived. And Castle. I love him so much RC: Ah, Perlmutter. I will treasure these special moments we've shared. KB: *did he just drop a hint he's leaving?*
SP: It's not just a bite mark. Look at the skin. You see how it's torn? The killer latched on and shook like a pit bull trying to tear off the flesh. KB: *wow that was a violent description* Ooh castle knows the right stuff about clothing. Neat.
4am is p early lol. Ah the bakers & foreign traders of the world. Oddball how? Charlie also got murked & HIS body was dumped?
RC: Well, that's a shame. This case had some real promise. Savage bite marks, reconstruction era clothing. Gets some mystery here, a whiff of intrigue. Now we're just slapping cuffs on some disgruntled employee. KB: RC: Just wanted this one to be special. He's just going to be naked I swear.
RC: Relax, Charlie. Relax. We're cops. Charlie Coleman: You're a cop? KB: Yeah. CC: Is that your gun? [Beckett raises her eyebrows.] KB: Yeah. CC: You need to shoot me. Do it now! [Charlie squeezes his eyes shut and presents his chest to her.]
CC: he stared right past me with this weird look on his face and then he said, "What the hell is that?"! RC: What the hell was it?
"yeah sure I promise" not very convincing babe CC: Promise that you will use your gun on me when I start to turn. KB: !?!?!? That's a heck of a bite mark
the 911 operator would assume there are drugs involved & try to get him to come down from his high tbh. RC, totally correct: I believe he believes it.
RC: Oh! Wai-- um… Sorry. Let me make sure I understand so that I might properly relish this moment. You're saying… JE, turning to him in, idk disgust? annoyance? well his face is so great here I think I'll clip it: *thinking: don't touch me* RC, talking too slow: …the evidence shows Charlie and the victim both were bitten by an as yet unknown third party. JE, overlapping & speaking fast: That's what I just sai-- RC, interrupting & talking slow & AGAIN TOUCHING ESPOSITO: Perhaps even… JE: *looking so pissed that castle keeps touching him* RC: …a mindless, shuffling, …undead third party. KB: Castle, just stop. There's no such thing as a zombie. KR, entering: Guys…you gotta see this. Oh he's def going to show "proof" of zombies. I love how ryan slowly has gotten more & more castle-like throughout the show, he believes more things & spins more theories btw he is hot af holy crap I need to grab a pic of this
RC: Our killer's a zombie! *high fives some random cop who probably didn't know that he was going to claim the killer was a freaking zombie*
castle is surprisingly calm. I thought he would get into the bunker he def owns.
RC: Security camera caught him in all his putrefying glory. MR: Woo-oo. I don't supposed you downloaded this video by chance? RC: Absolutely not. That video is police property. It would be very, very wrong of me to…get a screen grab of it and e-mail it to myself.
It has been a full day since they caught the case? bc rick was with martha & alexis there & alexis said "my act yesterday" & now they are wearing different clothes but they barely did anything yesterday. well they did a bunch of security footage so nvm. & they had to calm down a guy enough to bring him to the station.
Why didn't he take his car home tho? when he got bit?
Need to clip this scene with ryan & coleman. (btw his fidgeting? point for the adhd headcanon) & his pretty smile. & playing on charlie's level. *puts it back on ryan's chest & closes the door on himself* & then ryan's FACE it's so GOOD
RC: Charlie has not been wrong yet Me: ... That's true & then castle has a nice leather suit jacket, beckett has a pretty yellow leather jacket, the boys are pretty enough
KR: I mean,.. he does,,, look like a real zombie? JE: "A real zombie"? I'm embarrassed for you, bro. I wish my lipreading was better I figured it out KR: Is that true? RC: ye
JE: Only in New York could some guy dress like a friggin' zombie and walk down the street unnoticed. Yeah lol he's right
Howston? JE: I'll tell you where he went: Booty call. "chica" That's a heck of a name, Mastroianni
Heck of a ring I like espt's shirt bc it's smth I would wear but it is smth I wear bc I live in canada & have scars, not smth I'd wear to work The way they interrogate her... continuing to ask her questions, figuring out tom knew where he worked, standing, it is an interesting choice for them to be standing
This man is kind of interesting looking. I like his outfit How do you know the height of the zombie? "what the hell is that?" Who is at the library at that time???
RC: What about recently deceased friends and coworkers? But castle, they would not be wearing 1870s garb Yeah for sure, psychological issues thinking he's a zombie KB: What kind of chemical? KR: Uh, I won't even begin to try to pronounce it, but it is used in three factories in New York and New Jersey. (it turns out to be a relatively easy-to-pronounce chemical) Ryan is saying this to castle not to becket... interesting
Wow & it is dark out?? RC: All I know is that normal people don't come to places like this at 2:00 AM in the morning. I can't hear anything but I'm also deaf They totally should have been able to hear the moaning too (I've totally done things where some friends & I start running yelling "run" & then people come along with us. It is not that they are stupid, it is that they trust other human beings. We get a whole bunch of ppl running. How did they get behind them too? I totally would have shot earlier tbh, she would have gotten in trouble for shooting a civillian
Lol the one zombie in the wheelchair. Glad to see a disabled person & their friend enjoying a thing like this. It sounds like a fun game of tag lol. But when they get turned they don't have a chance to dress up as much as the rest of the zombies ALL of them are coming with you? HE USES THE WORD OUTSTANDING
Love all the zombies in the police station giving statements in their get-up. Reminds me of that one job interview I had. Vampires are sexy, zombies are also cool Not a supernatural creature tho becks.
JE, not someone I'd expect to have fashion tips: I don't know about those shoes with that top. I'm just saying. I'd have went open-toe.
JE: Oh, and guess what? None of these knuckleheads are real zombies. KR: I think what my colleague means to say is that no one recognizes our zombie from the video or our victim David Lock.
Teacher Zombie: He definitely wasn't part of our group, I can tell you that. Zombie Paul: High AF (& yk what good for him) KB: Paul, are you high right now? ZP: Whoa! Whoa, hey now, uh…where is that …(nervous chuckle)…coming from? No. No, of course not.
Teachers can have lives & have fun. Oh anthropology? Yeah of course he's a zombie TZ: I believe our fascination with zombies is a cultural phenomenon, a commentary on the inner numbness of modern life. RC: *it all makes sense now*
Ooh sexy run & jump into there, love it OH NO MAN'S DEAD lmao his face when he needs to take the zombie's pulse. clipping that.
PERLMUTTER MY BELOVED SP: We're all meat, Castle. Get over it. KB: Well, the question is: who killed him? SP: Isn't that always the question?. Ok castle, zombies can only exist for about two hours after death, then they are no longer able to be zombies.
WHAT THE HECK HE'S ALIVE OR UNDEAD OR SMTH nine to get out of the system lol. btw I totally thought perlmutter was telling him to call 911 Castle is hella calm rn (btw cecil fox)
KB: So, based on the latest report from the ER, Kyle Jennings was transferred up to ICU. He is stable, but under sedation. KR: I'm telling you, that guy was dead. JE: Remind me never to choke on a chicken bone in front of you. KR: Hey! You checked that guy, so did the paramedics. JE: :| KB: Whoa, you guys. I'm sure that there's a medical explanation for it. RC: Oh, there's an explanation, alright. KB: Besides that one. btw it is the next morning & they are in the same clothes from last night. At least caskett are. RC: Well then, what was his motive for murder, Detective Esposito? KR: *crosses his arms & looks at espt, def mimicking castle* & ryan's hair is getting longer & he's so freaking cute I think I have a problem. (I mean they are all good... y'all would fuck a fence if it was white... I hope I'm not one of those ppl)
RC: Or he's a zombie killer with a zombie motive.
RC: (whisper to Ryan) Tasty brains. KR: (whisper) You know, Castle, do you really believe in all this zombie stuff, because I-I would swear on my nana's grave that Kyle Jennings was dead. ((You would swear on your NANA'S GRAVE that's insane)) RC, putting a hand on ryan's shoulder/neck: (whisper) No. You know what I do believe in? Driving Beckett crazy. [They both smile. Castle pat's ryan] KR: (whisper) Y'know, I have to say, it's good to see you guys hitting it off again. RC: *I am planning on leaving… sad* I need to clip this one
Except they all said he did not go on the zombie walk... though his shoe chemicals proved he was there
She would def believe that he was lying oh no poor kyle. At least she tells him to get a lawyer. RC: It is with a sad heart I say that that man is no zombie. Oh & they are not talking about Kyle here. RC: When a life-altering moment occurs… people remember. I like how they are at least talking about it finally, even if they are talking about it through kyle. I love perlmutter. He looks So Annoyed to see them! Def take a pic of this
KB: Perlmutter! SP: *looks up like "heck this"* KB: What are you doing here? SP: I came to…tend to one of my patients, Kyle Jennings. RC: Uh…do you think that's such a good idea? SP: I'll have you know I'm perfectly capable of treating living patients, I simply prefer not to. ((lmao I love him)) I made an exception here because the results of his blood work are quite unusual. KB: What do you mean? SP: Kyle Jennings had scopolamine ((easy to say)) in his system, which in small doses is used to treat motion sickness. In larger doses, it acts on the central nervous system to promote compliant and suggestible behavior. Truth serums aren't real... or this... ok then this is the way things work. But you can't be THAT suggestible...
Ryan touches her shoulder & it means smth to me. KR: Uh, I got started on that, and I did some research on…scopolamine. *smiles* RC: Nice. *you pronounced it, good for you mr used-to-be-a-drug-cop* The zombie drug? that's adderall lol. Actually no, that is adhd medication on adhd people WHEN AT A DOSE TOO HIGH. Lower your dose if you need to. talk to your doctor. & you know what? Maybe you are ok with feeling a little bit like a zombie so that you can function.
the one who was high obviously "woah what now?" didn't they show him that pic already tho? btw is charlie still in the holding cells? Oh no wait this is tom, tom is the boyf TW: Detective, I'm pre-law. I--I have no time for regular culture, let alone subculture. But he had an alibi
True, go at him not head-on but sideways! OH NO SHE KILLED HIM
KB: Maybe this is it. What every homicide cop fears: the perfect murder. RC: No. This is not the perfect murder. Can't be. KB: It happens. RC: Not to me. Not unless I've written it.
Esposito coming in at this exact moment... Castle is suddenly concerned. KB: Detective Esposito, please process Mr. Williams and then escort him to his apartment, make sure it's clear, (to tom williams:) and then after that you are on your own.
Oh heeheehee I know this I like this. We have esposito here driving him in & tom afraid af. & THEN SUDDENLY BASEBALL BAT ON THE WINDOW (whose car is that tho?) I like esposito's voice here Gun is scary, esp when u hear the sound go ka-click Wow this is fun. Weird voice tho. & those eyes... I can tell Esposito <3 I wish martha was involved in the directing of it. & it must be hard for actors to play a person who is acting but not perfect at it. They would act too well.
JE: Turn around. [Tom stares at Castle.] JE: (impatient) Turn around. [Esposito flips Tom towards the car and pulls out his cuffs.] JE: (to Castle) I gotta tell you, bro, coming at me like that, almost made me a believer. [Beckett watches Castle step up behind Esposito and growl with the voice modifier.] JE: Stop it. [Esposito shoves Castle away nervously.] JE: Don't do that. You're creeping me out. [Beckett smirks and Castle does another little growl.] DEFINITELY CLIPPING THAT BC IT IS HILARIOUS & I LOVE IT
Hey it's that detective we see sometimes, I don't know his name
Kyle Jennings: Detective, Mr. Castle, I--I don't know how to thank you-- RC: Uh… Let me borrow the zombie outfit for another day, we'll call it even. & THEY ARE USING THE KYLE ANALOGY AGAIN TO TALK ABOUT HER YESSS YES YES YES
Tomorrow & always, the best words on the show
Is that alexis or rick? btw the pic has no background... His hair lol
Martha said it was just a game & you argued It's ok to stay with your family. Love. Castle family <3 <3 <3 I love them
Best two out of three <3! What ending was that... "this isn't over"
Aw that was a great episode! I'm so happy!
Now I have work in an hour IF I get called in & I have chores to do & I should probably record some of that audiobook I haven't touched in a year...
But I might consider getting started on the next episode, though I would have liked to do a bunch of recording to clip on tumblr.
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animesllut666 · 3 years
Kuroo With an Alternative GF
Characters: Kuroo x AltGF
Type: Headcannon
Warnings: None, I don't think so at least. (SFW)
Request: Hello hun 🖤✨
Could I request something for Kuroo with a Alt girlfriend.? Crazy hair color, tattoos, piercings, big eyeliner etc. Do you think he would like a girl like that.? How would their relatives look like.? Sfw and nsfw version if you can/want 🖤 @kami9910
Requests: Are open!
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He isn't someone that judges by looks, it's more actions speak louder then words
The second he saw you trying to coax a cat out of a box with some food, he was sold
An late for work but who cares?
When he got towards you, that's when he REALLY noticed
The striking hair, clothes, piercings, tattoos
He was super jealous and intrigued all in one. But then he saw the orange kitten, an melted
"Hey, ugh, need help?" "Oh yeah, Ive been feeding him for the past week. I can't take him back to my place, cuz of my dog." "I'll take him."
He called in that day, an you both went back to his place.
After about a week of talking, an getting to know one another..he asks ya out
It was an interesting date, he took you paintballing
An from there it was history
would be so fucking fascinated by how you do your eyeliner, an your hair "Do.. does it hurt though? It's right on the eyelid, ONFG YOUR GOING TO POKE YOUR EYE OUT!"
Can't watch you put any kind of false lashes on, or even contacts etc. He.. makes him uncomfortable
(but he still stands there with this face. 😦)
Now he doesn't have a type by any means, or at least he THOUGHT he didn't have a type. Till Kenma came in, an pointed out that he normally had huge crushes on ALT women.
If anyone ever said anything negative about you, oh boy
Hinata, Bokuto, Akashi etc. All took a liking to you almost immediately. So if they are with y'all when shit GOES DOWN
Just call the cops.. an pray.
"Dye my hair.." he would ask 24/7, was always told no, since his job didn't allow colored hair
Huge baby when he suggested (an got) matching tattoos with you
(this could also be my fantasy cuz Kuroo with.. tattoos.. omfg.)
He would try to copy you in style, but he just kept to his usual suit and tie.
His hair was already as styled everyday, Hinata still calls him a Rooster for fucks sake
Overall, he wouldnt judge nor would he care if you dressed the way you wanted
An if anyone said anything? Like.. look at him, he a sweetheart but he is kind of intimidating.
Ain't NO ONE going to say shit when he is around
Would be very protective, even though he knew you could hold your own. He was still someone that didn't want you to handle something on your own
He was the team captain in HS for Volleyball and he did a damn good job
Buys matching outfits he sees on the web, matching shoes with spikes in it. Wore a fucking choker once
Buys you outfits all the time, to the point you had to tell him to stop. Cuz you still had 10 other outfits you hated even worn once, an he just came in with two new pairs of shoes and five new outfits
Gives suggestions for tattoos, once drew something for you to get tattooed and then changed his mind cuz "It wouldn't go with the vibe"
Holds your hand (though youve done this a million times) when getting piercing or tattoo
"Give me your hand, it's okay sweetheart.. you got this, remember breath"
That piercer or artist just looks at him 🤨 "Okay you ready?" "She ready, baby you got this"
You've called asleep before with him coloring them in
(I did this with my mom and grandma etc. Tattoos growing up along with my dad)
"Would you draw some tattoos on me?"
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ikea-employee · 2 years
Oooh you have Oc's? As someone who also has Oc's I am curious....
Do tell me about them if you are okay with it!! I love learning about other peoples Oc's!
Yes!!! I do have ocs and I absolutely adore them all, they’re like my children <3 I have more that I didn’t even list on my pinned…..
I’m just going to give you the basics of each of them because I could go on for days.
Starting with…
Funny little demon e-boy gamer guy
5’3 (shortie)
3 Positive Personality Traits
Clever / witty
Energetic (when he wants to be)
“Only I can tease them” behaviour
3 Negative Personality Traits
Short fuze
Video gaming
Messing around with his eyeliner
Spoiling his cat
Fandoms: None(?)
Actual dad cowboy monster ™️
Non-human / anthro (kinda??)
3 Positive Personality Traits
Quick Thinker
Problem solver
3 Negative Personality Traits
Selfless (would literally die for people he cares for)
Horseback riding
Writing / Poetry
Idk I have to think of more… hes just a cowboy guys….
Fandoms: None(?)
Asher “Ash” Montgomery
Littol guy 🥺🥺🥺
3 Positive Personality Traits
Sweet (almost too much)
Calm / Level Headed
3 Negative Personality Traits
Lil anxiety man
Extremely Sensitive
Refuses to speak up for himself
Song writing
Fashion / Designing outfits
Listening to music (mainly lofi and indie)
Fandoms: DBD, Stranger Things
Kit “Kitty” Archer
My literal bestie
Pansexual (leans more towards females & female presenting ppl)
3 Positive Personality Traits
Deathly Loyal
3 Negative Personality Traits
Won’t back down once challenged
Once convinced of something, its not easy to persuade her to think otherwise
Just very slightly dramatic
Mountain biking
Looking for rocks / odd stuff in the woods
Nursing stray animals
Video gaming
Fandoms: DBD, Stranger Things
Literal goth gf
Pansexual (leans towards males)
Dating Curse-4
Awoken (Destiny Race)
3 Positive Personality Traits
Natural caretaker (mom friend)
Chaotic energy / Common sense of a two year old (sometimes)
Spot on emotional intelligence
3 Negative Personality Traits
Extreme daredevil (doesn’t mix well with being clumsy)
Designing armor pieces
Tarot card reading
Making outfits/shells for her ghost
Learning weird tricks to show off
Collecting pretty armor & shaders
Sketching (never full drawings, she doesn’t have time)
Bullying Drifter (inside joke :,))
Fandoms: Destiny 2
Additional Destiny Info
Class: Warlock
Subclass: Solar
Ghost Name: Pitfall
Oh no hunter stereotype
22 (3 months risen later than Syn)
Pansexual (leans more towards females)
Dating Syn
Exo (Destiny Race)
3 Positive Personality Traits
Just too good™️ Comes out of missions unscathed unless Syn got them into a situation
Funny guy, genuinely has good humor
3 Negative Personality Traits
Rage quitter (after a mission is over he just refuses to do another if it was difficult)
Slight narcissist
Sparrow racing
Collecting exotics
Carrying the fireteam
Trick shots
Exercising (mostly running, nyooms past syn and foxx on every mission)
Fandoms: Destiny 2
Additional Destiny Info
Class: Hunter
Subclass: Stasis / Void
Ghost Name: Diamond
Soft boys for the win
Bisexual (likes females & males equally)
Awoken (Destiny Race)
3 Positive Personality Traits
Loyal as a dog
Very friendly
3 Negative Personality Traits
Tends to think its his fault when plans go wrong
Very Self-conscious
Plant dad™️ (literally gives his plants names)
Likes baking / cooking for his fireteam
Likes having genuine conversations with his ghost
Enjoys just walking around and listening to the chatter between guardians and civilians at the Tower
Fandoms: Destiny 2
Additional Destiny Info
Class: Titan
Subclass: Solar
Ghost Name: Wolfsbane
That was… a lot. I hope that was enough info!! You can ask more about them too <3!
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ynscrazylife · 4 years
Hi again! I don't really know if you want to write this request (most people don't like brutasha) but could you write (only if you want to) after AoU (Bruce didn't disappear) he decides to introduce Natasha (his gf) to his teen daughter (reader)? Idk, some platonic! Nat x reader and they trying to bond.
Honestly I don’t really ship Brutasha but I’m cool with this!
Summary: After Avengers: Age of Ultron, Bruce Banner (Hulk) and Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow) are dating. Bruce decides to introduce Natasha to his daughter, Y/N, and the woman and the teenager start to bond. By the end, Y/B is begging Bruce to make Natasha her step-mom.
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Y/N Banner was the teenage daughter of Bruce Banner and his ex-girlfriend (before he became Hulk). Her parents had shared custody of her - Y/N living with her father for a week every other week. While Y/N did know her father was the Hulk and was an Avenger, she hadn’t known her father was in a relationship. Safe to say, when she found out, she was excited, and even more excited as in this very moment, her father was bringing over his girlfriend to introduce the two.
She was sitting in her room now, thinking about who the woman would be. A doctor like her dad? Maybe she was a SHIELD Agents - or maybe she was a completely ordinary woman. Well, Y/N’s wonderings were cut off when she heard the noise of the key turning and the door opening.
Immediately, Y/N leapt up and ran to meet her father and -
Black Widow??
Holy crap. Y/N stared in awe. Her father was dating Natasha Romanoff, another Avenger, and Y/N’s favorite superhero (don’t tell her dad).
“Hi Y/N,” Bruce greeted with a chuckle, seeing his daughter’s flabbergasted face. Natasha joined in with his laugh.
“How the - you’re dating Black Widow?” Y/N asked her dad, looking back-and-forth between the redhead and the brunette.
Bruce glanced at Natasha. “Yes, I am . . . You say that with such an overwhelming amount of shock,” he joked, feigning hurt.
Y/N blinked and composed herself, walking towards the two adults until she tripped over mid-air.
“She’s adorable,” Natasha whispered to Bruce before speaking louder to Y/N. “I’m Natasha, but you can just call me Nat.”
Y/N nodded. “O-okay. I’m Y/N,” she said, and then promptly stuck her hand out.
Natasha chuckled before shaking her hand.
“Why don’t you two get to know each other while I make lunch?” Bruce suggested, looking first at his girlfriend and then at his daughter.
“Sounds great!” Natasha said, before her attention focused on Y/N. “Can you show me your room?”
Y/N nodded and marched off, her heart racing. She led the spy into her room, which was covered with Avengers posters, most notably her dad, and other bands and pop-stars.
“I love your room,” Natasha observed, making Y/N smile as she closed her bedroom door.
“Don’t tell my dad, but you’re my favorite Avenger,” Y/N whispered, making the other woman laugh.
“I’m flattered,” Natasha said, before placing herself on the teenager’s bed. “Tell me about yourself.”
Y/N thought a bit before sitting next to Natasha. “Well, if my dad asks, I’m not dating. He’s always on me about that stuff. Ummmm, I love cats and dogs! Can’t choose between them. Oh, and I want to help people, like my dad, but I’m not that good with science. I’ve actually been wanting to maybe become involved with SHIELD . . . Until it sorta fell,” she said, not really sure how to explain herself.
“Sometimes I get . . . Worried about my dad. He’s hard on himself, and I worry that he’s going to get hurt or something. I know I have my mom, but she’s not too fond of him being an Avenger either, and she can be a little cold,” Y/N admitted.
“I’m-I’m sorry,” she said quickly. “I shouldn’t be unloading this stuff. It’s just that . . . You’re the first adult I can really talk to about this stuff. My friends help but they usually want autographs from the Avengers, and I had one friend only friends with me because of that.” Y/N stopped, realizing she was rambling on.
“Oh, no, honey, it’s fine!” Natasha quickly assured, and placed an arm around Y/N. “I know telling you not to worry about dad doesn’t really help, yeah? But honestly, he rarely gets injured injured, you know? He usually patches up the rest of us.”
Y/N nodded with a slight smile, feeling a little better.
“And that friend who was only friends with you for the autograph? They suck. You deserve so much better than that,” Natasha added, hugging her.
“Thanks,” Y/N said a little quietly.
“Well, I have a best friend named Clint, and I used to be a SHIELD agent. I’ve had a rough past, but your dad has really helped me turn it around and recognize self-love,” Natasha said.
The two continued to laugh and talk for the next fifteen minutes. Y/N told her what was going on in her life (insert whatever’s going on in your life here), and Natasha was able to comfort her, give her advice, and talk to her. In turn, Y/N inquired about Natasha’s life and about her dad, as it was sometimes hard to talk to him or know things about him with him being an Avenger.
It was then that Y/N got the idea to play a board game. They continued to play that until Y/N won, and suddenly she excused herself from the room.
“Dad,” she said, running into the kitchen. Her dad turned around from the kitchen counter. “You need to marry Natasha! Like, seriously. She’s AWESOME and she would be a great step-mom! Please, please, please.”
Bruce laughed, and then looked over his shoulder, spotting Natasha. Y/N turned around. She was grinning.
“Yeah, Banner,” she agreed with a smirk. “When are you gonna propose?”
Y/N squealed.
“You know, little Banner,” Natasha said, looking down at Y/N. “You make me laugh. Not too many people can do that. You’re great.”
Y/N had the biggest grin throughout the day, where she spent it eating with her dad and Natasha and talking until sunset.
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its-chelisey-stuff · 4 years
Tale of the nine tailed ep 5: Random commentary as I watched it
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Omg she is tending to his wounds, and he's FUCKING shirtless. Yes, yes, more of this, drama. Never stop
Omg his abs are so distracting, what are they saying?
"Keep talking" awww yes, he wants to know everything, also she gave him candy 🥺
Omg the way he looks at her 😍
Wait, was she all alone in that house? Did she grow up without any adult supervision?
It seems to me like Yeon knew always knew where she was and what was she doing....
I love scenes where ML wants to touch FL face lol such yearning haha
Hold up, that kid was just a baby 5 minutes ago! And now he's reading abstract algebra? Bro, what did they gave him?
Their pinkies are touching 🥺
Hahahaha the vet is crying
Omg Kim Bum yes, the perfect man 🤤 my goodness, is too early for you to be doing mischief
"The power of love" 🤣
KimBum is so melo today omg I love it
Eww she likes mint choco ice cream too. Marry each other, I guess
Hahahaha little Aeum was such a cute kid
wait... What?? Aeum's dad was the king? Wtf
Oh, so the "King" is that creepy kid that grows freaking fast ooooohhhh Great. He eats people.
HE'S FLASHING HIS ABS! I CAN'T... Give me at least a warning!
Kim Bum is an absolute psycho but he has a soft spot for animals lol
Wow morgue date, so dark
The little kids 😭 noooo. Poor babies💔 thanks a lot for the tears, drama
Oh, no. Kim Bum was a little kid when everything went bad... Oh, this explains a lot
My OTP is adorable, just kiss pls
Lol she just compared him to a dog
Nope, Jiah.Toy Story 3 is definitely not a movie for kids. It's super sad
Hahahaha she likes action movies and kpop, I knew this girl was awesome. Also they're bonding over ridiculous stuff lol
Yeon wants to become human 😭 make it happen, drama!
These two are practically dating. So damn cute🤗
Underworld for children sounds like a terrible idea. The God in here is really something, huh?
What? So where are Jiah's parents then? In another world? Dimension? Do we need to borrow Lee Gon' manpasikjeok?
Oh no! The evil dude is the network's president. Fuuuuuuuck. Jiah's luck is the worst 😱
lmao he beat the grandpa, he’s so rude to the elders
😂 He came for her in his expensive car and even played some kpop on the way. Girl, he's a keeper
Jiah *sees hanbok* oh yes, me likey
Me: yeah this will totally not confuse Yeon who still mourns his dead gf, even though you're her reincarnation
also, why is the music in this drama so perfect?
Yeon *sees Jiah dressed in a hanbok, remembers Aeum, finally loses it and gives in into his thirst, kissing her*
Jiah: 👁️👄👁️
Well, that was a beautiful scene, from the scenery, the music and the acting. So romantic, but also sad and full of longing. I loved it.
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I don’t have much to say, other than this was a great ep, it went by too fast. Everyone, especially our main 3 actors are doing a fantastic job, but the hero of the hour is Lee Dong Wook. His reactions and facial expressions were perfect and sometimes hilarious this ep. Also, I loved loved loved his acting in that last scene *chef’s kiss* I could feel every emotion Yeon was feeling.
Wow I love this drama.
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nataliedanovelist · 4 years
GF - How A Star Is Born. ch.VI
A Hercules AU, founded by @evaroze, whom this fic is a gift for. I hope y’all like it!
ch.V - ch.VII
AO3 link
The little sailboat gently glided along the river that would eventually pool into the sea. There, just as the river touched the vast salty body of water, there was a harbor that began the huge troublesome town of Thebes.
“Wow,” Dipper awed as he tied up the boat. “Is that all one town?”
“One town, a million troubles.” Stan quipped as he walked along the dock and his student hurried to catch up. “The Big Olive herself: Thebes. They say if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.”
“Cool!” Dipper said as they entered the city. Never before had the farmboy seen so many temples and buildings clumped together, so many people in one place, so many speeding carts and horses and stray cats and the occasional mice that kept the cats fat and happy.
“Stick with me, kid,” Stan warned as they stopped with a group of people waiting to cross the street. “This place is dangerous.”
The horse-pulled carts came to a stop and some guy turned a red-hand vase so it showed a green walking man. They began to cross, but one cart sped by them and Stan had to dive on top of Dipper to push them both out of the way in time.
“Watch where you’re doing!”
“HEY I’M WALKING HERE!” Stan screamed back and made a rude gesture and he got up from Dipper, somehow miraculously getting a slight hint of a Latin accent. “See what I mean? Knuckleheads, all of them.”
“Then you should feel right at home.” Dipper sneered playfully, earning him a firm punch on the shoulder as they walked on.
A few minutes into town, after passing a shady conman that Stan saw right-through, a cute lady at a corner asking if anyone was wanting a good time, and a naked guy singing about accepting yourself, loving yourself, while waving around a dead chicken, the two men walked up to a fountain, taking notice of a group of people talking woefully.
“It was horrible.” A whiny troll-looking guy said as he rinsed his cap into the fountain, trying to get the soot off his clothes. “I lost everything in the fire. All of my beautiful vases and stone tablets.”
“Now were the fires before or after the earthquakes?” A big red-haired guy asked.
“They were after the fires.” A red-haired girl a few years older than Dipper answered with. “But before the flood.”
“Not to mention the crime-rate.” A skinny guy with a small mustache added in. “Seems every time I turn around, there’s some new monster running havoc!”
“1220 has got to be the worst year I’ve ever heard of.” The red-haired woman said as she kicked a rock harshly and crossed her arms over her chest. “Can’t we just move to Sparta, Dad?”
The entire time the locals were complaining, Stan was elbowing Dipper encouragingly and gesturing for him to go ahead. Dipper cleared his throat and said, “Excuse me.” When all the eyes were on him, he felt a little nervous, but he went ahead. “It seems to me that what you need is a hero.” He said confidently and puffed his chest out with his hands on his hips.
The crowd did not look impressed. “Yeah,” The big guy snorted. “And who are you?”
“Um, I’m Dipper.” The young man said, trying to keep his confidence up, but was failing. “But I happen to be a hero, and…”
The four laughed at him and Stan narrowed his eyes as the townsfolk had their doubts if this young man could possibly help them.
“Have you ever saved a town before?” The small troll-like man asked.
“Uh… n-no, not yet…”
“Or reversed a natural disaster?” The big guy asked.
“Uh… n-n-no, but…”
“Ugh,” The red-haired woman groaned. “He’s just another chariot chaser.”
“Don’t you knuckleheads get it!” Stan yelled, placing a hand on Dipper’s shoulder. “This kid’s the genuine article!”
The little ugly man narrowed his eyes and adjusted his thick glasses to get a good look at the old man. “Hey… isn’t that the fallen god that trained Achelles?”
Stan’s whole face turned red and he began to shake with anger. “Watch it, pal.” He growled like an angry dog.
“Hey, you’re right, Toby.” The big guy said and laughed harshly. “Oh boy! I needed this! Some amateur hero trained by the worst god of existence!”
Stan let go of Dipper and began cracking his knuckles. “You wanna go, buddy, c’mon…”
“Stan, Stan!” Dipper had to use his god-like strength to hold his teacher back as it looked like he was going to pounce on the big guy who looked like he could rip a tree out from the ground if he wanted to. “He’s not worth it, let’s just go.”
Stan, still growing, allowed Dipper to lead him to a large set of stairs while the four walked away. Soon Stan swatted Dipper’s hands off of him and they sat to try to think.
Dipper, meanwhile, was thinking about what that guy had said. A fallen god? That may very well have only been a cheap insult for the Trainer of Heroes, but Dipper had first-hand experience in the matter. Gods can fall. Was it possible that someone who had practically raised him and trained him to be a hero so he could be a god again knew exactly what it felt like to be someone you’re not?
“Stan, wh-what those guys were saying…”
“Listen, kid,” Stan said tiredly and held his head. “You’re gonna hear some really bad stuff about me in this town, and some of it is true, but I need you to trust that everything I’ve ever done has been so that family sticks together, okay? I’m gonna get you to your twin, okay? I’m gonna help you become a true hero if it’s the last thing I do, okay? All I ask is that you trust me. Please.” And he looked up at the teenager heavily.
Dipper swallowed as he saw a million and one emotions in his eyes. After everything this guy has done for him and planned to do for him, Dipper decided that trusting him was the least he could do, so the younger of the two nodded, but their moment was interrupted by a cry for help.
“Help! Help, please! Help!”
“Pacifica?” Dipper muttered as he saw a lush amount of blonde hair try to make its way through the crowd. “Pacifica!” He stood and hurried to her as her eyes lit up at the sight of him and hurried.
“Wonderboy… Dipper, thank goodness! Outside of town, by the sea, this little boy was playing and there was a horrible rockslide! He’s trapped!”
“Quick, show me where he’s at!”
Pacifica grabbed Dipper’s hand, making his whole face turn red, and she led the way through town back towards the sea, north of the harbor and just below a mountain that led to Thebes’ Temple of the Gods. Stan quickly followed behind them and a few townsfolk decided to keep an eye for entertainment purposes mostly.
On the damp sand there was a rocky wall side from where the tide often comes in and forms a wall, separating the town from the ocean. Dipper could hear a boy’s cries coming from behind a rock and he hurried across the beach, leaving Pacifica, Stan, and the townsfolk on the sidewalk.
“Help! I can’t breathe!” The boy coughed and desperately pleaded, “Somebody call I-X-I-I!”
Dipper stood by the big boulder and said calmly, “Don’t worry, I’m gonna get you out.”
“Hurry, please!”
Dipper looked up at the giant boulder and took in a deep breath. This rock was huge, one of the biggest things he had ever had to lift, but if he could accidentally destroy half of his hometown, he can lift a boulder. Right?
He grabbed on from the bottom and struggled for a moment, but with gritted, deep breaths, and sheer determination (Stan’s calls of encouragement also helped tremendously), Dipper was able to slowly lift the boulder up from the tiny cave in which the white haired boy was trapped behind.
The boy ran out quickly and Dipper asked in a strained voice, “Y-You okay?”
“Yeah… J-Jeepers, mister.” The boy awed. “You’re really strong!”
Dipper smiled and said after he threw the boulder into the ocean, “Just try to be a little more careful, okay?”
“I sure will!” The boy replied as he ran off into the town.
Stan cheered and hollered, only stopping when he was coughing and he bent over a little to cough sharply into his fist. The townsfolk gave a small applause for him, only a little impressed, as the boy climbed up the side of the mountain and went into the mouth of a large cave, where he was met with Bill in his throne, sipping on live worms, and Pacifica, who sat with her legs dangling over the edge.
“Jeepers? Mister?” Pacifica sneered.
“I was going for innocence.” Gideon said as she changed back into his older self and sat next to Pacifica to watch the show.
“You both did good.” Bill said coldly. “I was really moved by your performances. Great opening act.”
Meanwhile, Stan was at Dipper’s side and patted him hardly on the back. “Great job, kid! They even applauded! Sorta, but still!”
Dipper heard something and turned to look out at the dark and dreary sea. Bubbles. “I-I don’t think that’s applause, Stan.”
Stan looked out at the ocean and saw a shadow form under the bubbles, and soon they were shocked to find a big green head emerge from the water with sharp teeth and small eyes, followed by a long neck and a fat body, the monster roaring like a horrible siren.
“St-Stan! What the heck is that!?” Dipper asked his mentor.
“The Gobblewonker!” Stan yelled as he pointed at the monster. He pulled out Dipper’s sword from his scabbard, put it in his hand, and ran back to the screaming crowd for safety.
“Let’s get ready to rumble!” Gideon cheered and Bill snapped his fingers to make a ringing bell appeared.
Ford and Mabel were sitting on the front steps of their temple, having tea, as the young muse happily chatted and the aged god happily listened, but they were interrupted by Fiddleford’s wind-breaking running as he hurried up to his dearest friends and was short of breath.
“St-St-Stanford! It’s Mason! He’s battlin’ the Gobblewonker on the beach o’Thebes!”
Ford choked on his tea and had to spit it out. “WHAT?!”
Mabel punched the air. “Alright! He can take down that big dummy! I wanna see him do it!” And the young muse got up and started to run out of Olympus.
“Wait!” Ford called as he and his best friend ran after her. “Mabel, wait!”
Dipper slowly watched as the Gobblewonker’s neck positioned itself for attack, like an angry snake. This was no different than those garden snakes at the orphanage, right? The monster attempted to strike, but Dipper dodged swiftly on the beach. Again, and another dodge. Again, another dodge.
“That’s it,” Stan coached. “That’s it, kid, dance around, look for an opening.”
The Gobblewonker struck again, digging it’s sharp teeth into the sand, and Dipper was almost hit, but managed to spit out some sand and stand strong, unfortunately realizing a second too late that his sword was no longer in his hand, but lying behind him. Now having to multitask running the opposite direction and dodging a monster, as if this battle wasn’t difficult enough.
To distract it and buy some time, Dipper used his super strength and threw a huge rock at the Gobblewonker, who crushed it in his jaws while Dipper retrieved his weapon. He stood proud and ready to strike, but in one instant the monster engulfed the hero in it’s mouth and held its head up high to swallow Dipper like he was a pill.
Pacifica held her throat and cringed as the Gobblewonker licked his chops, but soon it was wincing, like it was in pain, and a gruesome scene of Dipper cutting the monster’s neck from the inside appeared before the audience and the Gobblewonker’s head and half its neck flew into the ocean, leaving red in the water and on his body.
“YES! THAT’S MY BOY, THAT’S MY BOY!” Stan cheered as the Gobblewonker’s body fell onto the beach with a loud splash and the dizzy hero fell to his knees. Stan was right by Dipper’s side and helped him up, lightly tapping his face. “Good job, kid, good job. C’mon, let’s getcha cleaned up.” And the old man helped his student get on his feet and shake away his dizziness from the acid that had been in the neck.
Up in the cave, Bill was turning red and shaking. Pacifica smiled, ready to see Gideon be burned to a crisp, but the young man was still, miraculously, perfectly calm.
“Gideon, your plan…”
“Bill, Bill buddy, relax.” Gideon rested his hands behind his neck as rain started to trickle down on the mortal world. “It’s only half time.”
The Gobblewonker’s body twitched behind the two men. They both turned and were very disturbed to find it standing up on its own and suddenly three heads emerged from the opened neck, ready to attack the hero again.
“HOLY HERA!” Stan yelled and ran aside to give the hero his chance.
Dipper backed away until his back was against the rocks, smiling. “Ha! You’re trapped in water, huh?”
The three-headed-Gobblewonker must have understood the young man and decided to prove him wrong, because the sea monsters climbed up out of the water and onto the same to better attack the human.
“Oh, jeez.” Dipper groaned before letting instincts take over and he chopped an incoming head off to dodge and get out of being cornered against the rocky wall.
Dipper allowed his adrenaline to take over and soon he was swinging at anything that came towards him. This, of course, was a bad idea and soon Dipper stood with his back to the sea at a thirty-headed-Gobblewonker, bigger and meaner and more powerful than ever before.
“WILL YOU FORGET THE HEAD-SLICING THING?!” Stan yelled from the sidelines.
Dipper swallowed as a clawed-flipper scooped him up and pinned him against the mountain side, all thirty heads getting closer and closer and ready to rip him apart limb from limb.
“C’mon, kid!” Stan cheered. “Use that big head of yours! C’mon!”
Dipper did some quick thinking, looking up at the mountain, and without a second to lose, he pounded his combined fists against the mountain on his left side, causing an avalanche. One by one the heads were crushed and more red stained the rainy beach, leaving only a fisted-up claw in the clear, unnoticed by the audience.
“NO!” Stan screamed and hurried to the rockpile. “C’mon, c’mon kid, stay with me. Stay with me!” The old man fell to his knees and started to move rocks out of the way, trying to find his student. “No, no, no! Please!”
Meanwhile, Gideon and Bill were smiling twisted smiles. “Hm, nice job, kiddo.” Bill said to Gideon. “You’ve redeemed yourself.”
“Told you it would work.” Gideon said calmly.
Pacifica looked down at the old man trying to get the young hero back with sad blue eyes.
“I… I can’t…” Stan panted under his breath. “I can’t lose…” But then he heard something that made him stop digging.
The fist was wiggling, finally noticed. The townsfolk were worried it was the Gobblewonker, still alive, and Stan stood ready to die trying to kill the monster that took his kid away, but everyone who was watching was beyond surprised to find Dipper priding the monster’s dead fingers off of him and standing tiredly with his clothes in rags.
Cheer erupted, everyone deaf to the yells of anger from Bill and the yells of pain from Gideon, or the dark cloud that appeared by the small cave as the three vanished.
The townsfolk yelled and celebrated and ran down to Dipper and Stan, but Stan was the first to congratulate the new hero, holding him in his arms and giving him noogies and yelling to the top of his lungs. “YOU DID IT, KID! YOU WON BY A LANDSLIDE! HAHA!”
And there, up in the dark rainy clouds, Fiddleford danced with Mabel cheerfully for Dipper’s first victory, leaving Ford standing there, mouth open, speechless with pride. “I… I can’t believe it… my boy… he…”
“I told you!” Mabel cheered and punched her uncle on the shoulder. “I was right, you were wrong! Looks like somebody has to sing the Ford Was Wrong Song!”
Ford chuckled and smiled down proudly at his nephew, who was now being carried away by the other humans. To congratulate him, Ford threw down joyous lightning bolts to dance among the jubilant rain.
Dipper caught the lightning striking the ocean and he smiled to himself, daring to believe that his family might be proud of him.
In the Underworld, Gideon was on his hands and knees, weak from pain and whimpering. This was the fifth time he was being punished, and Bill wasn’t done. The young white-haired man looked up at his boss and pleaded. “Bill, I…”
With a snap of the triangle’s fingers, Gideon’s tongue burst into flame and the teenager cried out and clawed at his mouth. Bill glared maliciously as he snapped his fingers again and Gideon’s whole body was suffocated in flames. Again.
Soon a sad pile of burning flesh was at Bill’s feet slowly healing again. “First you couldn’t even turn both twins into mortals. Then the one left mortal you let live. And now he lives and kills off one of my most powerful allies for taking this dimension!” Bill snapped his fingers again, burning Gideon alive again, sentencing him to pain that would kill a mortal.
Halfway through healing again, Gideon whimpered through tears, “I can still kill him. He’s still mortal. He got lucky.”
“You better.” Bill said coldly. “You’ve got one year to kill Pinetree, and every time you fail, I’ll kill you again until either he’s dead or you wish you could stay dead.” And the triangle left his minion alone to cry on the floor and think of how he was going to kill the man destined to defeat Bill.
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lastoutpost · 4 years
sam stan ask game!!!! @stanfordsams​​ thanks for tagging me!
Sibling status (younger, middle, older, only child…) -   Only child!
How long have you been stanning for -  I started watching in 2012 and stopped watching after I finally watched s8 on boxset, around 2013/2014 sometime? (I *begged* my dad to take me to Walmart so I could buy it the day it was released) and after binging the whole thing I just... thought it sucked really bad....and started to fall out of the fandom. 2020 slingshotted me back into old obsessions though. I can have a little sam winchester to cope
Favorite Sam era -  sam is my baby in every single season BUT hence the URL, i love bitchy sanctimonious grieving psychic awakening sam from s1 SO much. baby faced coconut head bangs king <3
Favorite spn season, but if the only criteria was Sam’s hair - season 2 or 3 definitely. he has a rough patch while it’s growing out for a couple seasons and it finally looks good again in like, season 11, but peak sam is short haired sam. he looks like a lesbian and i love it for him <3
Favorite Sam-centric episode - does croatoan count??? that’s an absolute banger of an episode from start to finish....the codependency....the crying....i love everything about it. if that doesn’t count tho then born under a bad sign, jared is SO good at acting unhinged. honorable mention to playthings, the greatest episode of all time (jirt)
Any ships you may like to mention -   samruby. why? genevieve padalecki sexiest woman alive and sam drinking demon blood was his RIGHT he DESERVED a hot girl summer. one of the fundamental reasons i get obsessed with this show is the extremely fucked up character dynamics and samruby really fits the bill
Favorite song you would/have put in a Sam playlist -  numb by linkin park............this is so chaotically embarassing of me and i don’t even listen to linkin park anymore but that song is such a sam song, esp around s4/s5, that i have to believe it was written about him only
If you could steal one thing from Sam’s wardrobe, it would be - purple dog shirt!!!! i actually used to own one and outgrew it and when i finally get another stable job i am going to order another one <3 it’s my right as a lesbian and as a s1 sam stan
Complete the sentence: If Sam cishet, why... -  if sam cishet, then why unclean in the biblical sense?
Favorite unhinged Sam moment -  full on ugly crying-sobbing about having to kill werewolf gf in heart and refusing to let dean do it because she asked *him* to, and how this parallels the season arc of sam begging dean to kill him if he has to
You must have some intense headcanons you need to talk about, tell me one Sam hc that drives you insane - in the spn that lives in my head, sam is a lesbian so....that is my favorite headcanon i love to imagine lesbian sam struggling to put up with misogynistic dean and his femaleness/homosexuality heavily contributing to her feeling of being unclean and fundamentally wrong/sinful. in terms of headcanons that fit the actual show i love how multifaceted we know sam to be, even though we see so little of it on screen -- he’s smart and nerdy but into health and fitness and is kind and compassionate, likes children and animals, etc. when dean dies and sam settles down with his family, he gets & trains a therapy dog (that looks a lot like riot who he had to leave behind with amelia) and takes it to help sick kids in the hospital <3 ALSO after leaving the hunting life he becomes a nurse since he’s basically been a field medic since birth. oh and ALSO he loves to cross-stitch even though his ginormous hands make it hard <3 OK I AM DONE but i could definitely keep going. oh and btw he’s gay and his blurry wife was actually a man. dean jr is the biological son of a hunter that gets killed on a hunt. OK IM DONE FOR REAL
Tell me something about the hbo Sam that lives in your brain -  i’m gonna be honest i’ve never seen hbo in my life so i don’t really want to say anything inaccurate but i wish in a more gritty or grimdark version of spn sam’s mental illnesses and his suicidality, disordered eating, etc would have more screentime.
Oh no, the writers forgot to give Jess a personality! Now it’s up to you. Tell me, what was Jess like - I feel like jess was the epitome of an all-american girl. I bet she was raised solidly upper-middle-class with two parents who loved her and had respectable jobs. she has a sister who lives in a different state who she is close with but in a normal way. and part of what sam adores about her is she’s just so...Normal...she’s like his embodiment of his ultimate fantasy and desire to live the American dream. i feel like that’s exactly why demon brady introduces her to sam, because he knows she is sam’s perfect fantasy of an apple pie life. And despite being so Normal she’s supportive, kind, insanely witty, and sees through sam’s defenses and deflections instantly. she knows there is something Wrong About His Life and doesn’t care. even if he can’t tell her the truth about his childhood he knows she would believe and love him if he could tell her, and he loves that about her. she pushes him outside his comfort zone a little bit to make him enjoy college a little bit more and always beats him at any game they try and play. i miss jess and i hope she and sam get to reunite in heaven!!!!
)Biggest injustice Supernatural committed against Sam (be as brief or as ranty as you desire) - i’ve only watched up through the first part of s11 so i don’t know what else bullshit will happen in the course of the show, but as of right now I would say gadreel possession. sam was ready to give up his life to shut the gates of hell and dean stopped him, had gadreel take his form to trick sam into agreeing to be possessed, and then lied/gaslit/emotionally abused sam about it for weeks (months?) and gets extremely upset when sam has the gall to be mad about it. after how much he has suffered being a vessel for lucifer, for having no autonomy over his life at all, this was just so cruel of dean and i’m so mad that the show never lets him get really fucking mad about it!
And finally, just say something about him that makes you smile ♥ - he has so much faith in everything and everyone despite how hard his life has been and how much he has been punished for his faith repeatedly throughout his life. he is a good man who will give himself up for others or the greater good in an instant. and he looks like a very huggable puppy despite being extremely muscular <3 sam is my ultimate comfort character.
i tag, anyone who follows me and wants to do this but hasn’t yet! tag me in your responses so I can read them if you do it <3
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Survey #343
“i slither like a viper and get you by the neck  /  i know a thousand ways to help you forget about her”
What's your favorite kind of bear? I don't really know. I just like bears. Have you ever sent a FWD because you were afraid? Ha, yup, as a little kid. Would you ever date more than one person at a time? Nooooo sir. Have you ever rebounded... or been someone's rebound? No. What’s the biggest argument you’ve ever had with a family member? Did things ever go back to how they were beforehand? My grandmother cursed me the fuuuuck out one night as a kid because I was in a mood and didn't tell my mother goodnight. I still remember being called an ungrateful bitch with her like an inch from my face, and admittedly, I was being rude because I wanted to go home, but it kinda scarred me for life. For the remainder of her life, I was always sort of on edge around her and was convinced she didn't like me. Have you ever experienced some kind of natural disaster? I've been through lots of hurricanes. None that massively affected my life, though. If you have pets, do you feed them human food or do they just get regular pet food? If they do get human food, what’s their favorite thing to have? Venus is a snake, so she obviously doesn't get food meant for humans. Roman is very well-trained to not beg or make a move for people's food; he tried once as a kitten, and giving him a pop taught him right away. Have you ever been in a physical fight? Who won? No. What’s the mode of transport that you take or use the most? The car. Mom's, specifically. Have you ever had a zoo keeper experience or anything where you’ve been able to go behind the scenes and look after/feed the animals? No, but I wish. :( Would you ever want the responsibility of being a politician or a similar position of power? NOOOOOOO. What’s something your parents do that really annoys you? Mom is *always* right, pretty much indisputably. And she WILL have the last word. Dad, meanwhile, can be pretty rude to people. I don't think he realizes it half the time, but still. It's not an excuse. What is your main source of anxiety? Social interactions. What’s your favorite 90s cartoon? Pokemon. Describe the moment you realized you were falling in love with someone. I'd rather not. What’s your favorite sparkling water brand/flavor? I've never tried sparkling water. What’s your favorite makeup brand/brands? I don't have a favorite, considering I don't wear it nearly enough and have never even bought my own. I just use whatever Mom buys. What are some female names you would name a baby? Alessandra is my favorite for sure. I also love Anneliese, Justine, Evelyn, Chloe, Evangeline, Quinn... There's a lot. What about male? Severin is my favorite, and I also like Damien, Vincent, Victor, and Luther. Do you have any subscription boxes? No. What fictional creature would you like as a pet? I want a dragon, goddammit. Idc if it can breathe fire ok I want a dragon. Ewoks are also the one and only thing I enjoy from Star Wars. What kind of dwelling do you live in? Just a one-story house. Is there anyone you work with that you don't get along with? Why? N/A Do you have an opinion on adopting/purchasing a pet? PLEASE adopt, especially with cats and dogs, given the number of strays. Purebreds tend to have so many underlying issues, and besides, it's just a LOT of money for an animal that probably wouldn't outlive a mutt. Don't feed the machine if you can. What's your favorite chain restaurant? The Cheesecake Factory or Olive Garden. Why were you last pulled over? I’ve never been pulled over before. What was the last thing you've done on the water? Just kinda swam around a bit in the ocean. It was so warm, totally like a bath. I do NOT miss that sun poisoning, though. Are you cool with swimming in a lake? I think I'd do it if someone invited me to, and the lake didn't look filthy, of course. Do you have a drone? No. What's your favorite hole-in-the-wall restaurant? We have this tiny, local Mexican place that's really good. I don't know the name of it, and I wouldn't share it for obvious reasons. What do you order from there? Chips and salsa of course, along with a shrimp and cheese quesadilla, and finally their cheesy rice. What's your favorite ice-cream flavor? Depending on my mood, it bounces between vanilla with chocolate syrup or just plain chocolate. Do you have any t-shirts from any local businesses? No. Do you listen to any talk shows or podcasts? I used to listen to Mark, Bob, and Wade's podcast, but I'm like... ten months behind, haha. What's something someone calls you that you find endearing? I like "love" a lot. What's your favorite children's book? I loved books like The Rainbow Fish, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Stellaluna, 10 Minutes 'til Midnight, What Makes a Rainbow?, Chrysanthemum, etc. Is there a new season for a series you're excited to come out? Meerkat Manor comes back this summer, and I am fucking HYPED. How old are you? I'm 25. What is something unique you enjoy about the one you like/love? I tease her about it all the time, but it's really cute that she keeps all of her snakes' good sheds in her room. Proud reptile mom. Are you more liberal or conservative? I'm close to the middle, but I lean towards being more liberal, and I seem to go more that way with time. Do you watch American Horror Story? I used to. I saw the entire first season and really liked it, and then I almost finished the second, but I lost interest. The story got a bit stupid imo. I'd be willing to watch other seasons, though. Does your hometown have any urban legends/scary stories? None that I’m aware of. The people there are scary enough. What's the scariest nightmare you remember having? Let's not talk about it. Are you medicated? Uh very. Are there any apps you're addicted to? Nah. Did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a child? It was initially a bunny holding a polka-dotted blanket, then it become a moose I got from Cabela's when in Ohio. Do you still collect stuffed animals? Only meerkat ones. Have you ever stolen/borrowed clothes from an ex? Haha I've worn Jason's pj pants before and they just kinda... became mine, lol. What's the last movie you watched at home? The Shining, I believe. What's the last movie you watched in theaters? The CGI remake of The Lion King. I still don't get why it was received so badly. Have you ever had eggs cooked over a campfire? I don't think so, no. If you do drink, what's your favorite alcoholic beverage? Margaritas, generally. However, Sara's dad made me this absofuckinglutely incredible chocolate drink before that tasted like a milkshake. It had like, no alcohol flavor, which worked out well for me considering I very much dislike that taste. Are there any songs you've been listening to repetitively lately? There's a new one every day lately, haha. Today it's Halocene's cover of "Love Bites (So Do I)." Cereal, granola, or oatmeal? Cereal. What TV shows did you grow up watching? You gotta gimme an age group... but I'd say the typical stuff for kids of that time. What does your phone case look like? It's just a boring purple that came with it. What were your favorite toys to play with as a child? I looooved playing with my "family" of a father crocodile, a mother deer, their two "children" (a fawn and smaller croc), and "friends" that were little Pokemon figurines. Then there was an evil t-rex with two stupid sidekicks, haha. I can't remember what dinosaurs they were. What's the most embarrassing thing you can ever remember doing? Hold on, lemme find my book. Do you remember what you dreamt about last night? I only very faintly recall dreaming about my cat Roman. Have you ever done anything embarrassing in a dream? Thank FUCK they're just dreams. Do you vape? Nah. What was a song you loved as a child? So uh. Apparently. I loved "Dookie" by Green Day. It's an undying story from Mom about how it came on once at a putt-putt place and I apparently started yelling "dookie!" and dancing. Do you enjoy the Arctic Monkeys? Yeah, I love some of their songs. Are you going to see Finding Dory? You bet your sweet ass I saw it. I've cried everytime I've watched it. Have you ever been horseback-riding? I have not, but I would love to. When was your last piercing? Whenever I got my tragus done, which I can't remember. What did your first crush look like? I don't remember my puppydog love first crush, but I can talk about my first REAL crush, Sebastian. He's a skinny dude with short, brown hair and a lip piercing... I can't remember which kind. He dressed in an emo style, and Facebook pictures at least suggest he still kind of does, I think. Is your body more curvy or flat? Well, I'm not at all skinny, so... What's your least favorite holiday? Probably Christopher Colombus Day, honestly. You didn't discover shit. Don't pretend to me it's worth celebrating in a clean conscience. if you’re having a boring day what do you usually do? If I'm rock-bottom bored, quite honestly, I normally nap, even though I know I shouldn't. Do you turn to food when you're upset? Ugh, I'm admittedly an emotional eater. I got way better about it, and then I started up again. Is your bf/gf good with your parents? I don't have an s/o. Do you think soda should be served at school? Vending machines are fine I suppose, as I don't believe they should be free seeing as they're nothing but sugar content, and I feel schools shouldn't just hand that out to kids at lunch or something. Do dogs have feelings? They sure do. Are you afraid of snakes? Oh no! I adore them. I respect snakes and am going to give wild ones their space for sure considering I don't recognize every native venomous one, but nevertheless, I'm not afraid of them. They are so vital to the ecosystem and are incredibly fascinating animals that deserve our protection. On that note, PLEASE do not kill any snake you come across in your shed or whatever. Call someone to relocate the terrified thing. Favorite snack? It depends on what I'm in the mood for, really. Ever seen The Notebook? Read the book, seen the movie plenty of times. Do you think cussing is trashy? No. Who is the most famous person you’ve met, if any? Nobody. Do you own any animals that aren’t domestic? No. Have you ever feared that you would lose a body part? No. Do you like gore? Yeah, generally. Do you like to drink water? Ugh, I really don't. I wish I did. Have you ever had a wax? I used to get my eyebrows waxed. Do you have any sets of matching bras and underwear? No. Are you any good at improv? Not at ALL.
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OH YOUR TERRARIA CHARACTERS ARE BABY... Tell me more about them pls
WAAAA TY im so sorry i been forgetting to reply to this.. umm!! i think about them Every Day and I think I'm gonna start up an askblog soon maybe BUUUT um I can talk abt all but vexx’s backstories bc they're all gonna b explained in the first like 3 posts of that anyway so it works out so!! firstly we got Terra!! yes ik the name is cliche but i made her when i was 10 and then 6 years later adapted her to who she is now so. umm yea shes a swordswoman, strong as hell, GAY as hell, cares way too much about her town and her friends. n like shes the aggressively loving type? shes like. shes like that “I LOVE YOU DOG” vine idk how to describe it but u know what i mean. shes also rly tenacious n persistant n all that which is usually a good thing but also it kinda led to umm sacrificing a bunch of guides trying to get this One thing from the WoF like we do n then realized holy fuck. what have i done. fell into a depression n stopped all progress for like almost a year early hardmode. eventually tho w the help of the other townsfolk and also vivian who ill talk abt next?! she got back to it!! and crushed it!!! next is VIVIAN shes terra’s gf, uses like knives n bows n those kinda ranged melee weapons like vampire knives. v sweet n motherly. big mom energy. mom shes the only one out of the group with any fuckign Braincells n most of her adventuring happens when she has to get them out of trouble. other than that the whole Terrarian hero adventuring life doesn’t really come to her like it does to, say, terra, so she mostly stays at home and in the town looking over the town when everyone else is out. she had her own world she was the hero of and was doing p well until early hardmode, where corruption spread a LOT n she couldnt control it and eventually it took over the town and got so bad she just had to call it quits and jump over to terra’s world where they um ym um fell in love :] next is MATTIE!!! oh he is just a littol baby he isnt here to hurt anybody he just loves everyone and everything unconditionally. ohh he just love. he’s an ex lunar cultist who was killed by the leader, revived as a terrar hero, fell in love with his guide, had an assassin sent after him after the lunatic cultist found out he was still alive and freaked TF out, the assassin went “nah fuck this im on his side now” they teamed up and killed the lunatic cultist and then had a confrontation w mr. moon god and Saved The World B) yea he’s rly sweet n just loves everyone a whole Lot but can fight too!! then theres pixie who technichally isnt a terrar hero like the last 3, he’s that assassin loony sent on mattie and then went “actually... no ❤” but he’s still important and means the world to me :) big STRONG fuckin guy from texas?? terraria equivalent of texas. cold exterior and doesn’t normally like to open himself up but theres like a few ways u can get him to start opening up. hes got dad energy, dumb ol himbo, he COOKS RLY WELL?! n basically yea he helped mattie out during hardmode n trained him to fight better n was his emotional support but mattie was also his emotional support!! n he got him to open up and Show Ppl He Loves Them Again. god i love him he gives me gender envy
and then theres vexx who i can’t talk about much just yet ❤
ive got a few more like terra’s current guide, mattie’s old lunatic cultist, mattie’s old guide he fell in love with, etc. but these r the Big Ones and they make my brain to a perfect backflip i love them so much
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itsjuliak5 · 4 years
My thoughts so far on season 3 of The Rain on Netflix
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These are literally just a stream line of all my thoughts as I watching.
~ Spoilers Below for episodes 1, 2, and 3 ~
Episode 1
- Jean annoys the hell out of me. I don’t trust him.
- I hate Rasmus, but I know a lot of people do like him. I just don’t like him and I never have.
- Sten gives me creepy uncle vibes, I don’t like him.
- If they even think about possibly setting up a love triangle between Martin, Simone, and Kira I will fucking riot. I hate love triangles.
- Why weren’t Simone and Fie given guns to go over the wall with?
- How pregnant is Fie supposed to be? Like I know 3 months passed since the events of season 2, but she wasn’t even showing then. I didn’t think she was as far along as she is.
- Patrick and Fie would be so cute together. It shows that Patrick is maturing.
- I really like Kira. [Me, like 2 seconds later] Oh no, is she going to betray them?
- Mathilde will either be a sweetie or the worst. Or dead.
- Omg Patrick’s reaction to Fie’s baby being a boy was so cute!
- I love Simone’s power move of bringing Mathilde to see Rasmus.
- I like Fie, she’s really smart. Her saying Pat was the baby’s father made me so happy.
- OMG so much is happening in the first episode, but I love it.
- Ok, I know Simone isn’t dead, but Martin’s reaction to her jumping and possibly being dead killed me.
- How the hell did Sarah get there??
Overall:  9.5/10
Episode 2
- If they even think about trying to set up a love triangle with Daniel, Simone, and Martin I’ll be pissed.
- Martin taking out those guards was amazing, love him.
- I like Sarah, but I still hate Rasmus.
- I don’t trust Daniel. He has creepy cousin vibes.
- I feel like Dan is lying about the tracker being broken because he wants Simone to stay so he can be with her.
- I HATE Rasmus.
- Ya know, I’m sort of eh about Sarah at times. I like her because I think she’s a realistic character in her environment given the situation.
- I got chills when they showed the dead bodies. RIP Mathilde, I was right. The music during this scene was so good.
- The actor playing Dan ain’t that great. He just makes his eyes really wide and then moves his mouth a bit.
- Where are Jean and Kira?
- Poor Martin.
- The flower reminds me of Rapunzel.
Overall:  8.2/10
Episode 3
- Oh there’s Jean and Kira! And there goes Jean annoying me within the first minute.
- Simone you are breathing so loud.
- Who the hell are these people in their little camp??
- Ok, Jean hugging Simone was cute. Still don’t trust him though.
- Wow, Daniel is a bad actor.
- Okay, so are we really just gonna ignore that other group of survivors?
- The virus is gonna work on Olivia next and then that’ll be enough for Sten to be like “Do it on me!”
- I find it weird that Simone and Rasmus were naked around each other.
- Why do I feel like Emilia’s blood (Dan’s gf) had something to do with the flower?
- YASSS SARAH! I love you!
- OMG Patrick is gonna open up the tracker and it’s gonna show that it’s still active! (it didn’t)
- Shut. Up. Jean. Thank you Kira for putting him in his place, you’re an absolute queen.
- Fie is gonna save Patrick.
- Sten’s lying - Knew it. Creepy uncle.
- I hate the vagueness - Who’s following you, if it’s not Apollon? Just spit it out!
- OH of course Dan is messing up. Also Dan is still a bad actor.
- So Rasmus is obviously faking and trying to get a redemption arc going, which I can appreciate.
-Kira better not die, I swear to god. Love her.
- Martin and Pat’s reactions to Rasmus beating up those guards was everything.
- So Sten is definitely Rasmus’ dad and Rasmus is gonna end up finding that out in the coming episodes. Also I don’t think Sten is really dead.
- Jean is gonna become like a big bro to Luna to make himself feel better, which means that Luna’s gonna die/almost die and he’s gonna sacrifice himself to save her or to save the rest of her family out of sympathy OR Dan’s gonna die and Jean is gonna step up to protect Luna.
- The fuck are they talking about with the dogs?! 
- 🎵Flower gleam and glow. Let your powers shine. Make the clock reverse, it’s time to die.🎵
- Aw thanks Dan! You’re still a bad actor and I hope you don’t try getting with Simone, but thanks for fixing the tracker.
- Pat’s gonna find out Simone is alive while Martin is getting the virus - I knew it.
- I think Olivia and Luna are gonna die. Also who the hell was that Jason Mamoa looking guy at the end?
Overall: 9/10
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samclownchester · 4 years
The day is June 15 2020
The time is 3 am
The situation is that the world has fallen into a pandemic of Covid-19, and my job closed down in March, leaving me with lots of time on my hands. Despite my doubts, I fell back into Supernatural, deep into it, and I am now rewatching it. I thought it would be fun to try and see how much I could remember from earlier seasons before I watch them all
I have watched up to 1x14 at this point, so those episodes are fresh in my mind, but lets see what else I remember
Season 1
“Dad’s on a hunting trip, and he hasn’t been home in a few days”
“Saving people, hunting things, the family business”
Sam’s girlfriend dies just like his mom did
Their dad is the point of the season but is only actually in like 3 episodes
Sam and Dean break up but get back together
Sam has VISIONS and moves things with his MIND
Meg is a demon, Sam has a bit of a crush on her
They find their dad, but don’t kill the demon
Season 2
Dean dies in a car crash, John sells his soul for him and dies
Bobby Singer is best dad
Ellen and Jo and Ash exist
Purple Nurple
Lots of psychics! Sam can make friends??
Jk, it’s the hunger games
Sam gets stabbed in the back
Dean sells his soul for him
They kill Azazel I think??
“I have … demon blood in me?”
Season 3
Saving Dean from his demon deal
Groundhog day episode where Dean dies everyday
Gabriel?? (trickster)
Blonde Ruby (let’s hear it for Laurel Lance!)
Very short because there was a writers’ strike that year
Hell hounds
Season 4
Dean was “gripped tight and raised from perdition” by Castiel
Sam has a new gf! (Surprise, it’s Ruby in a new body! :o)
Why does she pretend to not know Dean when he first shows up? Is she lying to Sam about who she is this whole time?? Hmmm I wish I remembered
Time travel?? (Sam doesn’t get to come ☹ )
Demon blood
Demon blood detox ☹
Let’s kill Lilith
“Because it had to be you Sam”
“The boy with the demon blood”
Season 5
Dean is the Michael sword
Sam is messed up, trying to quit demon blood
Cas rebelled, and he did it, all of it, for Dean
Adam Winchester is a person who exists
Also I think this is the season with Jesse the antichrist who never shows up again it’s fine.
He only existed so they could have important conversations about nature vs nurture which honestly they should’ve just saved from when Jack was born but they didn’t know that was gonna happen
More time travel??
Cas likes drugs
Team Free Will
Fall into the cage
Dean goes to live with Lisa and Ben
The end?
Season 6
Cas is working with Crowley and spying on Dean but not talking to him like the pining idiot that he is
Dean can’t help but inspect monster happenings in town
Dean finds Soulless Sam
Hanging out with some old dude?
Get Sam’s soul back
Meet Death?
Find out Cas is working with Crowley
 O: Ultimate betrayal
Season 7
Godstiel?? Why?? Idr
Please give Sam therapy
Sam goes to an asylum
Cas takes Sam’s trauma??    
More leviathans
Garth? Did we know him before. Idk, we know him now
Dean and Cas go to purgatory!
When does Cas die and walk into the lake? That’s before they go to Purgatory, right? Hmmmm but how does he come back
 Cas is Emmanuel and has a wife? Is that in this season?
Season 8
Dean gets out of purgatory!
But no Cas
Sam had a girlfriend and a dog! Nice!
Not nice, he ignored Kevin and didn’t look for Dean
Like they agreed on, but whatever ok sue him for trying to be happy
Dean has a vampire boyfriend
Not so high and mighty about killing every monster are we now, huh Dean?
Right? I don’t remember, this is a conversation that happens though
He does end up killing Benny though, doesn’t he? huh
Cas is back from Purgatory! But he’s got Secrets ™
“I’m gonna become a hunter”
Then he stays in the old folks home and next time we see him he’s all wacky and likes to watch the bees?
You’re just playing sorry
Am I right?? I don’t remember, but all of this happens at some point
Who even is the big bad? What are we fighting? Idk
Oh we have to save Kevin from Crowley and he reads the demon tablet. Only eats hotdogs, doesn’t shave. I love him please keep him safe.
Spoilers, they don’t
Right! The trials, Sam does the trials, they “purify” him
The angels fall, but Sam doesn’t complete the trials and almost dies.
Season 9
Sam almost dies, Dean is like “right, nonconsensual possession is clearly the best answer for this”
Human!Cas, he drinks lots of water. Steve.
§  “you can’t stay here” :o
Abaddon I think?? What was the point
Crowley is sort of our friend now and I think we meet Rowena? Idr
Kevin dies ☹
“What is the upside to me being alive” – Sam
§  Maybe in this season, maybe not. Who knows?
Cas is a cannibal (eats grace) and becomes and angel again at some point
§  Hannah exists
We all hate Metatron
Metatron stabs Dean and Sam puts his dead body on the bed
Season 10
Demon!Dean and Crowley are living it up!
Sam and Cas try to cure Dean
Charlie and Rowena interact a lot I think
Book of the Damned
When did they find the bunker? Men of Letters? All that? Idr, anyway they have it at this point
Dean kills lots of people
Charlie dies ☹
Dean blames Sam which is unfair and I hate it
They get the mark off and The DarknessTM is release
Season 11
The Baby episode exists
Really weird sexual tension between Dean and Amara while she’s still kind of a child, no one knows why. Please stop.
Cas gets called expendable and then makes poor life decisions
Lbr, though, Misha is the only other one who can play Lucifer with the same spirit as Mark Pellegrino. Sorry Jared, it’s the truth.
Eileen!! <3
Chuck is God :o
Let’s kill Amara!
Except we don’t kill her, she just needs to bond with her bro.
Here, have your mom back
Season 12
British Men of Letters
Lucifer F*cks
Boy I didn’t think this would turn into what it did, let me tell you
Winchesters escape from Federal Prison
Cas says “I love you”
But like, the plural you. No homo.
Sam admits he lost his drive to lead, then finds it again and leads hunters against the dang brits! Hooray!
Oh shoot Lucifer wants custody of his kid!
Fatality – Castiel
Fatality – Mary
Oh no wait she didn’t die she’s just trapped.
Season 13
Jack jack jack jack jack
3 dads, all at various levels of dadding
Actually 2 excellent dads, one dad who is too emotionally damaged to dad but he tries sometimes
Yeah Cas pisses of a cosmic entity. That won’t come back to bite him
Jack just wants to be good
Wayward sisters was not picked up which sucks
Apocalypse world
Rowena is our friend now
Custody Battle!!! Who wins? Not Lucifer
We saved the day! And a ton of people
Literally they made a whole deal of the people being like “We won’t leave our home or our cause” and then they got back to Sam and Dean’s world, didn’t have archangel grace and were just like “meh, actually this place is cool. We don’t have to worry about going back”
Psych! We’re not done yet! Luci wants his kid
And Michael wants his planet
Season 14
Michael! Dean
Jack dies
But it’s ok, we fixed you, just don’t use your powers
Oh shoot he used his power
Nick is somehow alive
In love with Lucifer
Burn his ass!!
Oh Mary disapproves
RIP Mary
RIP Dean being a father, now he’s gonna murder
Hi Chuck, nice of you to show up
Oh no.
Season 15
Chuck sucks
Dean and Cas break up ☹
Sam has visions again
But he’s not psychic, it’s just the piece of his soul inside Chuck
Resurrect your girlfriend! Yeah!!
Jack is eating hearts, but it’s ok, Death told him to do it.
Garden of Eden?
Get your soul back boy!
 And cry
Honorable mentions (Aka these happened but idr when)
Sam falls in love with a werewolf and then has to kill her and MAN Jared really brought the tears
AU where Supernatural is a TV show
Finding out Supernatural is a book series and the author is Chuck!
Crowley becomes helpful mostly
Crowley has a son??
 Meet grandpa
Ellen, Jo, and Ash die
Bobby dies
literally everybody dies
Kill Hitler
They meet that Jewish guy with the Golem who pretended to flirt with Dean at some point.
Jimmy Novak was a devout man who deserved a lot better than he got
Claire Novak is so cool
She moves in with Jody
When do we meet Jody? She’s just always kinda been there?
Gabriel, I don’t remember anything about Gabriel
The council of the Gods’ happens and then I think Gabriel dies in that episode?? Idr
The Four Horsemen
Death, Pestilence, War, Famine
“You’re not hungry Dean”
 I literally do not remember what was happening with these guys
Also, they killed Death, killed a reaper, that reaper became the new Death. I remember when all that happened I just didn’t feel like putting it in the timeline.
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more Vamp Glimmer and Supposedly-werewolf-actually-just-a-furry Adora
- Not-sure-if-dating-vampire-or-cosplayer Adora chatting with any bats she sees in case they are girlfriend
- putting out a welcome mat so possible vamp gf won't ever be stuck outside her apartment 
- (it doesn’t quite work like that but adora leaves the mat out anyway) (just in case)
- watching Glimmer determinedly eat pizza while Bow facepalms and looking out for her when she gets violently sick later and being like ? Lactose intolerant?? OR deadly vampiric garlic allergy??? 
- its both
- and worth it
- Vampire glimmer remembering seeing her gf fight off a werewolf and screams internally bc adora is human she could have DIED 
- also how strong is she to fight off a werewolf while wearing a full body realistic furstuit??? 
- hooman gorlfriend STRONK!! 
-Question: how did human adora fight off actual werewolf? 
-Answer: she read somewhere that werewolf bite could one hit K.O. vampires. Pure protective girlfriend panic did the rest 
- this gets swapped once glimmer realizes her gf is 100% human, and very mortal, and won't actually regenerate or heal in moonlight, and could potentially be cursed for all eternity or eaten
- anything supernatural and not friendly within 100 yards of Adora can and will be mobbed by a cauldron of killer bats
- Adora think this is Very Cool
- but she also still wants to Fight too 
- Bow face palms even though he isn’t even there to see it he can just sense them being reckless gay idiots by now he can just TELL  
- Bow’s not a vampire YET but he’s been thinking about it for years bc his best friend is an immortal undead being of the night and he never wants her to be lonely 
- Glimmer was actually a dhampire originally but uh a thing happened- Bow got mistaken for an actual vampire and she jumped in to protect and.... turns out that dhampires come back as vampires when they ‘die’. Who knew?
- (glimmer’s just grateful she got done with high school before she changed. collage would have made her a nocturnal shut in anyway so no biggie) 
- Glimmer’s mom (also Vampire) was a lot more freaked out over it
- it made her a lot less pleased with the idea of Glimmer dating a werewolf aka a thing that hunts vampires on instinct once a month and is one of the few creatures capable of killing them fairly easily 
- she made a lot of very thinly veiled threats to Adora
- Adora was Confused 
- Adora spent a whole year thinking Glimmer’s goth dad had been killed by a furry and they even had a talk about how Glimmer felt dating Adora and how she didn’t want Adora to trying being someone else bc she was already nothing like the people who attacked her dad and SOMEHOW they still didn’t figure things out. Amazing 
- Micah isn’t dead he was a human who got attacked by werewolves for being around Vampire Angella and she turned him to save him but he has to spend a few decades in underground recuperating before he can wake up again :(
- Glimmer, back when she was a living dhampire, was really scared he’d sleep for centuries and she’d never get to talk to him again
- another reason she’s cool with being a 100% vampire now 
- Vampire Glimmer leans into her vampireness with glee- smokey eyeshadow, glitter, metal studs, corsets and fancy skirts, black lace fingerless gloves, lots of moon themed pendents, earrings that look like drops of blood, etc 
- She calls her fashion TRAS-ylvanian Vamp-bi-er because she also uses the trans and bi pride flag colors just like, constantly
- Vampire Glimmer: Things I need to survive. One, clothes themed pink-purple-blue, and Two, clothes themed Blue-Pink-White
Bow: What about blood?
Vampire Glimmer: Oh, yeah. That too I guess 
- Vampire glimmer can sprout smol bat wings 
- she is very pissed. her mom’s wings are HUGE and she cannot WAIT to have wings big enough to use as her own ultimate vampire cape
- after finding out Adora is actually a human Angella gets worried for Glimmer in a whole new way
- by then she’d actually warmed up to ‘werewolf’ Adora and trusted her and was actually glad Glimmer’s girlfriend had some supernatural powers to protect her, but now Glimmer is with a human just like Angella was, and she’ll either lose Adora like Angella almost lost Micah or have to make the choice to change her and possibly be left with the guilt of that for the rest of her eternal life
- (Angella’s a little terrified of Micah waking up. What if he doesn’t like being a vampire? What if he pretends he’s fine with it but secretly isn’t and is lonely and miserable forever??)
- she talks with glimmer about it all and they share many hugs. Yay undead mother-daughter bonding! 
- but this also makes glimmer worry bc she used to think her turning Adora a non-issue bc werewolf but now it’s a thing they have to think about and UGH her head hurts blegh whatever 
- not long after Glimmer catches Adora very seriously trying on some cheap fake party fangs and taking notes on how they feel
- Glimmer laughs so hard she cries 
- then she almost dies when Adora asks her “Vat’s vrong?”
- back to the I Am A Furry reveal, Adora sits down with Glimmer and explains that sometimes a furry is just a person who has a fursona and like dressing up as it if they can afford to and that’s literally all there is to it 
- glimmer does some research and comes back with even more questions 
Vampire Glimmer: If your fersona is bipedal werewolf but your fursuit is hyper-realistic to point where i thought it was a REAL wolf, then does that make you a Feral or just a detailed Anthro?
Adora: how do you KNOW about all this??
Vampire Glimmer: google exists. now answer the question so I know which terrible pun to send in Bow’s good morning text 
-For the next few months after finding out The Truth glimmer suffers like, two more Truths per day 
- Vampire Glimmer, texting from inside her coffin: Wait, if you’re not a werewolf then why do you eat your meat so raw?
Adora: .... i can’t cook...
Vampire Glimmer: .......... fair enough
- half an hour later -
Vampire Glimmer, texting again: WAIT if you’re not a werewolf then how come you get all moody and grumpy and run off into the woods every full moon??
Adora: LARPing is fun but also stressful and brings on my period AND you can’t fully appreciate a good werewolf fursuit without both the right backdrop and bright moonlight 
Vampire Glimmer: Oh. huh
- half an hour later -
Vampire Glimmer, calling adora from inside coffin: Why do you always smell like dog
Adora, sobbing harder: I JUST REALLY LOVE TALKING TO YOU!!!
- glimmer texts bow and has him make an emergency coffee run to Adora’s so she be kinda sorta functional. This becomes a ritual and Bow joking complains about having to do their ‘dark bidding’ (adora drinks her coffee black) (Glimmer hates that Bow managed to make a both a vampire AND a coffee pun)
- by far the most horrifying thing of all is the fact that Adora has no canine allergy to chocolate. She just doesn’t like it
- vampire! Glimmer lies awake for several days trying to process this
- in the end they both just really love each other <3 
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szopenhauer · 4 years
What star sign is the last person you text messaged? Aries
How did you feel when you woke up today? not well
Do you know what the person you're dating is doing at this moment? napping
Who was the last person to make you cry with laughter? my gf
Who was the last person you talked about sex/love with? either her or my father
Who introduced you to the person you're in a relationshop with? my high school classmate K.K.
How many brothers does your father have? two
When was the last time you did something which you knew was wrong? I don’t know what’s wrong and what not, ugh...
Do you still speak to your first crush? nope
If you could get your own house with one friend, who would you pick? dad but I’d prefer to live alone
Which is worse, too-tight clothes or much too-loose clothes? too tight are worse
What is something that you are willing to fight for? hmm...
If you jump, can you touch the ceiling of the room you’re in? noooo
Which do you think is worse: ear aches or tooth aches? tooth aches
How many different colors are you wearing right now?  3 (4 counting panties)
You can only listen to one band for the rest of your life, who do you pick? omg I can’t choose :o
Do you like big or small cars better? big
What store do you get the majority of your shoes from? *shrug*
What place, in your mind, is heaven on earth? How about hell on earth? there’s no such thing as heaven on Earth to me as I would bring myself there and ruin everything but almost whole planet is hell mostly because of people
Do you think there is anything scary about midnight? midnight is the time of ghosts but no longer minute before and/or after :P 
Can you snap with both of your hands? yep
In your opinion what is the absolute worst house chore? laundry?
How young do you think is too young to get married? definitely under 20 but I think it’s best to get married 30+
Who do you think is the dumbest superhero?  I can’t believe Green lantern is an actual superhero...
Would you rather be a hair stylist or a clothes designer? clothes designer
Would you rather be 3 inches taller or shorter than you are now? taller
Are there any foods that you think smell good, but taste bad? possibly
Would you ever stay overnight at any of your neighbors houses? why would I? 
Do you think it would be cooler to play a hero or the villain in a movie? hero
If you had the last name of your favorite actor, what would your name be? I like many actors so...
how many syllables does your first name consist of?: 3
do you know someone who is allergic to chocolate?: used to know
have you worn a dress [casual, formal, etc] within the past week?: not within the past week
when was the last time you saw the last person you kissed?: days ago
is that person your significant other?: yup
last person you talked to on the phone and what was it about?: mom, I informed her she probably didn’t take out the matches from my pocket and now she’s washing my shorts with ‘em inside the machine and my instinct was right so she turned it off in the last moment, minutes or even seconds later water would soak the package and that could ruin the clothes, I wish she checked or asked while taking my stuff away
got any plans today?: been to laboratory, done shopping but am too tired to help my parents in carrying wood 
were you born in an odd or even numbered year?: even
did you drive anywhere at all today?: took the bus
which of your parents did you see last?: both at once
describe your current shirt: black tee Nie każdy musi mnie lubić w końcu nie każdy ma dobry gust with Lil My
are you currently listening to music?: I’m very picky about songs today
do you fill out your own surveys or do you think it’s just weird?: I do
where did you buy the shoes you last wore?: Biedronka (Tom & Rose)
last disappointment?: health issues 
do you still talk to the person you first kissed?: yeah
did you seriously believe that the opposite sex had cooties in elementary?: I didn’t think about that 
did you take a nap today?: I barely ever take naps in general
name something random in your car: I don’t own a car
would/did you cheat on someone for revenge or if they wouldn’t find out? neither
would you rather be remembered for something bad or forgotten? forgotten
would you date someone twice your age for money? only if I really had to survive and there was no other way but not forever?
rate your self-confidence, 1 being insecure, and 10 being cocky. I’m insecure but not sure how much 
are you content? I wish
would you knowingly be who someone cheats on someone else with? cheats with me on someone they pretend to love? hell no
would you sleep with a teacher to pass a class you were failing? ewww, yuk
have you ever contemplated physically hurting yourself or another? mhm
are you prejudice against any groups of people? I am
is there anything you chose to be ignorant about? (war, animal rights, etc) maybe
would you replace any family members if possible (& who)? oh well...
do you lie when asked how you’re doing? what for? to blame then for not noticing? to be an ass who’s lying?...
do you have any plans for tomorrow? meeting with M.
are you able to get a tan? not much
the next time you are on an airplane, where will you be traveling to? umm... no thx
are you satisfied with the picture on your id card? could be worse but also could be better
what are your chances of getting with your crush? I'm taken
what color is your car? no car!
is the song you’re currently listening to being sung by a male or female? two women
where did you get the shirt that you’re wearing? it was a gift
how tall is the last person you kissed? taller than me
is anybody in the room with you right now? not rn
how long have you been with your significant other, if you have one? 3 months
do you enjoy dried fruit? meh
How’s your day going? blergh
What does your umbrella look like? I borrow my parents’ umbrella, I hate umbrellas
Do you share a room with anyone? there are furniture with stuff inside that don’t belong to me
Do you have socks on? Describe them. grey
Are you one of those people who has like a hundred apps on their phone? I have spotify, choices, tumblr, tik tok, fb and messenger
Do you have good reflexes? I guess
Picture you think is cute.
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Do you like blowing bubbles? sometimes
Are you better at posing good questions or coming up with outrageous dares? depends
Has there been a celebrity death that really affected you? I cried after some celebs but that’s all
If you’re out of high school, have you stayed in touch with your high school friends?  I haven’t :(
Do you think, if it came down to it, that you’d be able to kill someone? I believe I might
Are you good at rating things? am not
Do you get into a lot of arguments? :x
Can you pass for older than you are? can’t even pass for my real age lmfao
Do you talk a lot? at times
Are you capable of finishing a game of Monopoly? it’s not that hard
Do you own any tie-dye clothing? I hate tie-dye 
How much soda do you drink in a week? - Do you like being asked questions? love Are you nosy? slightly
How well can you pay attention to someone talking? depends What is the closest yellow thing to you? rosary Would you mind living on a farm? I’d try Are you a patient person? wouldn’t say so What annoys you the most about people? what doesn’t... Does your computer freeze a lot? my browser freezes right after turning on the computer and my internet dies often
Have you ever ate glue? wtf
When is the last time you took a picture? this day
If you could know one thing about the future, what would it be? when will I die for example
Do you like Ellen Degeneres? she’s awful
Are you comfortable dancing in public? whatever
Would you like to live to be 110 years old? I wanna die already
Do you like getting your picture taken? I’m ugly
Do you like being the X or the O when you play tic tac toe? X
What do you think is the most popular name for a girl? I checked:
Zofia Hanna Julia Zuzanna Alicja Maja Helena Maria Oliwia Pola
What about a boy?
Jan Franciszek Antoni Aleksander Stanisław Jakub Adam Leon Mikołaj Szymon
*do ya like any?
How many people are around you right now? my family’s in the kitchen eating so I’m alone
Do spicy foods give you heartburn or make you make you gassy? both and more
Is body hair attractive or unattractive to you? it’s normal/natural?
Do you prefer bare feet or socks? socks
Hard wood floor or carpet? hardwood
Would you ever want to work in a toy store? yasss
Do you like asking questions better or answering? answering
Do you follow your head or heart more? head
Would you rather give up your hand or your foot? foot
Have you ever tried crowd surfing? too risky and no fun
If you could have 16 wishes, tell me just one you wish: I don’t need 16, 3 are enough
Do you like the movie Bambi? If so, who is your favorite on there? I don’t remember Bambi 
Would you rather be on the computer all day or watch TV? computer
Would you rather be a police man or a firefighter? police
Do you like jokes or riddles better? jokes
Do you like onion rings? disgusting
Do you like odd or even numbers better? even are easier to count
Last song you heard? Marroon 5 - Animals
Ocean or lake? lake
Do you know a lot of people with the middle name Marie? weird but no, Anna is more popular
Do you like loud or quiet people better? smth in between unless in public - quiet strangers are better
Taking pictures or getting your picture taken? taking
Do you like chocolate? meh
Favorite day of the year? New year’s eve?
Favorite holiday? same
Crayons or markers? markers
Snookie or Vinny? Snookie
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have you ever been to an animal shelter? that would break my heart
are you tired right now?
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who is the worst actor or actress in your opinion? there are plenty  have you ever bought someone else lingerie? nope where are your parents right now? run around the house like crazy if you have a dog, does it bark a lot? luckily not, he howls rarely too have you ever seen a magic show? sure can you juggle? I tried to learn but failed
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Lola & Astrid
Lola: [come in to get your tattoo then, which is on the back of her neck/shoulder blade moment which isn't the worst but I think it vibrates on those bones pretty hard, also the embroidery technique/colour will make it worse/more time, overall vibe a sassy, confident bitch but lowkey nervous on this tattoo] Astrid: [I like to think she's already in there and probably has been for hours because whether it's big or small on this occasion they obvs let her stop whenever she wants and for as long as she wants cos they know her so we just chilling with the dog BFF who goes everywhere with her lowkey and both having a drink of water casually so the dog can go up to her like hey gal] Lola: [have loads of pictures of her with dogs and cats, so gonna say we're an animal hoe and gonna be extra over this lil dog then AFTER you've stroked and loved upon it 'Shit, I've not distracted it, have I? I'm so sorry' like when you aren't meant to with blind people service dogs] Astrid: [just straight up talking to this dog like she's a person like are you okay, do you wanna go and the dog's like nah I'm fine by giving a Lola a toy or something like I think we should play with this gal] Lola: [straight up throwing this toy like we aren't in a tattoo shop like please be careful, probably getting told off by a grumpy tattoo dude and just loling like whoops 'cos the kind of carefree hoe we are 'what's your name?' but we are talking to the dog] Astrid: [being like 'did you forget we like rules?' @ the dog as if she caused this trouble herself and full naming her like a cross mum but we not cross we're more playful about it because autistic bants] Lola: ['so distinguished, suits you madam' and shakes her paw, then touching one of Astrid's leg tattoos as is clearly ground level with this dog rn 'that's gorgeous, how many do you have?'] Astrid: [when you an affectionate af person but you don't know her like that so then you can't answer that question and she must think you're being so rude sorry gal, but let's say the tattoo person answers for you cos probably did most of them but not all so gets it wrong so then you have to answer whatever the right number is] Lola: [you really shouldn't grab people but that's the kinda hoe you are so that's the vibe lol, undeterred but do let go of her leg thanks, just talking about ALL the tattoo ideas you have] Astrid: [at least you can likewise go off about that babe because they are literally another thing you collect/comforts you and makes you feel safe so like you always wanna get more, try not to actually talk over her and listen but it's okay if you do, she'll get over it] Lola: [just listening intently anyway and bowing to her superior knowledge on it 'cos you wanna get more even though you have yet to start this one and are gonna be sobbing in a sec lolll, very seriously turning to the dog 'Winnie, will you hold my hand?' then turning back to Astrid and rolling her eyes 'my girlfriend was too shamed to be seen with me'] Astrid: [just going OFF about aftercare too before she's even started this tattoo because as far as you're concerned there is only one right way to do it and everything else is wrong and a huge no, the grumpy tattoo dude from earlier who Lola's gonna end up having is just gonna try and be like nah she's wrong, this this and this is fine but shh sir tbh. The dog just grinning through all this cos she's buzzing about the energy 'She's not ever going to be heavy enough for proprioceptive stimming but it's still calming when she lies with you, she's soft and she smells nice, does that make sense?' her confused face when she then doesn't understand what she means about her girlfriend not wanting to be here though like um why] Lola: [just ignoring the man like the true lesbian you are, be careful girl, nodding 'total sense, Miss Winifred is a vibe' and giving her an approving sniff like yes 'it smells like bleach in here' probably a good thing babe but we're not happy lol 'ugh, 'cos she's so tough and I'm going to embarrass her' shakes her head like oh girlfriends] Astrid: [repeating back to Winnie that she's a vibe because you like the sound of that thank you but whatever you're gonna say about how it smells in here is interrupted by grumpy tattoo dude complaining that it's because Astrid always has to OTT clean up the station etc and blah before they start, like don't out her like that sir and don't be a dick so we're not happy about his vibe rn] Lola: ['you should be happy she's doing the hard work for you' even though we were the one complaining about the smell, we're not about it] Astrid: ['he's not a happy person' hahaha suck it sir] Lola: ['that's so sad, what happened?' oh gal] Astrid: [just telling her this dude's life story like he's not right there because we don't understand sarcasm bye] Lola: [when you weren't even being sarcastic but you were not expecting her to reply and you know he's not gonna be thrilled so you put your finger to your lips like shh but smiling at her so she knows you aren't being a dick like stfu] Astrid: [being like oh do you want some quiet, like offering to get them to turn down the music they always blast in tattoo places] Lola: ['can we change the station?' like this rock shit is not a #vibe honey and getting out your phone and aux cord from your bag] Astrid: [just like 'it's not a vibe [name of your tattoo gal] can we change it to a vibe?' because we're saying vibe now and obvs this woman will cos she's a good egg] Lola: [putting on your femme gay girl bubblegum pop playlist like every other person in here/grumpy tattoo man is going to be taking the piss but we aren't aware 'cos we're that bitch and just dancing around like it's the clerb] Astrid: [Astrid and Winnie are vibing, picking this dog up like do you wanna dance lil queen as if we're not in the middle of a tattoo sesh] Lola: [hyping them up in a very yasss queen manner and then getting interrupted by this dude being like are you done pissing about and just twerking at him like mwah 😘 as you climb your ass up onto this bench, then being like 'WINNIE, I NEED YOU' very dramatically with grabby hands and all, this man like oh my god] Astrid: [we're loling at her antics and then putting Winnie on her lap because this angel will look after you gal so we can finally get some more of our own tattoo done] Lola: [good incentive not to drop this dog or shriek in her ears gal, 'cos gonna be so OTT about this pain obvs, all of this painting a picture as why your butch tatted gf did not wanna be here, just 🥺🥺🥺 at Astrid 'does it hurt you?' 'cos gf popping off like it doesn't which is a lie like when people say childbirth doesn't like admit it even if you can hack it] Astrid: ['not as much as other things' because we matter of fact about it instead of being like her girlfriend and pretending nothing is happening here] Lola: [we aren't really listening anyway just talking to talk here 'beauty is pain'] Astrid: [just repeating that like hmmm idk ' you're saying you feel more beautiful now, they'll want to put that on the signs outside'] Lola: ['They've got better promo' and giving Astrid's tattooist a look, 'cos the insecurity jumped out when pain] Astrid: [just going off about how much you like it here and you've told everyone about it like lol peeps have said they should pay me] Lola: ['yours are so cool' and asking her why she got that one and when etc etc] Astrid: [telling her everything even if like some of this shit is personal like tell me those roses aren't because of Ro you can't] Lola: [when you're an oversharer so you are 1. not phased by this 2. can say how this is for your abuela who's dying] Astrid: [genuinely is upset about this and asking loads of questions about her like obvs how old is she but also about her as a person and what she likes and how she was living before this] Lola: [we was already crying from the pain so you know, just carry on lmao, telling her that you live with her, that she's your only family and she's a bomb cook and she loves you even though you're gay and you go to bingo together on Thursdays] Astrid: [when you're just like are you gonna live with your girlfriend and cook together and go to bingo with her] Lola: ['I don't know' big sigh 'Do you live with your dad?'] Astrid: [hardcore like BUT WHAT WILL YOU DO because we're so upset about this like we can't answer your question until we get one that's okay here] Lola: [reaching over like hey it's okay 'I'll work it out'] Astrid: [just like oh yeah I do live with my dad btw after ages has passed and she's probably forgot she even asked but we needed a sec there] Lola: ['what's he like?'] Astrid: ['he's weird but not like I'm weird, just not how everyone says a dad should be-' trying to find a way to word wtf Drew is like lol 'he doesn't like rules or keeping things clean oh and he's a really shit driver who plays music too loud and he dresses too young'] Lola: ['sounds like every dude I've ever met' lols, wiping her tears 'has he always been like that or is it a midlife crisis moment?'] Astrid: [lols too because oh Drew you hot mess 'he fell out of his pram and wasn't claimed for 7 days'] Lola: [nods solemnly 'mine too'] Astrid: ['but he makes sure my food doesn't touch and never makes me eat anything I know will be fucking gross and he took me to go get Winnie' like but I do love him] Lola: [gives Winnie love and smiles 'not all bad then' pauses 'mine used to take me to ballet, and never get bored of me showing him my routines'] Astrid: [just going off about this Barbie ballet movie called Barbie and the pink shoes like have you seen it because I figure why not have dolls as a special interest, thanks Ro, though she'd fuck with Bratz and Monster High more] Lola: [talking about the red shoes 'cos assumedly what it is based on and saying you'll look up the Barbie version online 'when Ren is at work'] Astrid: [just chatting about it to the point that she doesn't even need to see it cos you've told her everything but letting her know that Barbie isn't your fave and making sure she knows what you fuck with more like this is vital info okay] Lola: ['Like Yasmin is technically the Hispanic queen like me but I do be looking more Jade and she fucks with cats so ME' 'cos definitely a girl who was into dolls and the bratz are making a resurgence in the culture anyway huns] Astrid: [we're living a life where we only accept the OG's so of course she gotta be that blonde hun who is described as wide-eyed and bubbly and loves her friends more than anything in the world so pop off but we not fucking with soccer and we gotta let Lola know] Lola: ['I see it' like just being like you're an angel there nbd] Astrid: [being like I do support cheese pizza ONLY but thai curry wtf] Lola: [loling like 'food isn't food unless it has at least two carbs and all the cheese you can throw at it'] Astrid: [just listing off everything Jade likes in the known world like do you like these things or no] Lola: [replying like this is a vogue 73 questions I bet tattoo dude is delighted lol] Astrid: [we're having fun here sir excuse you] Lola: ['do you have a Jade in your group already?'] Astrid: [The calming force that she is, Winnie is the group's Yasmin, she can handle a sob story, as you've seen so that's wrong' looks at her like soz gal I know you're offended 'my other best friend is most like Sasha, I don't know if I'm allowed to say that when she isn't black though'] Lola: [looks around at how white everyone here deffo is like I won't tell on you, claps her hands like yay 'we can be friends then'] Astrid: [when you're clearly buzzing about this, giving her your phone like this is my number take it thank you] Lola: [saves it as angel, oh that won't cause any drama with your gf no no lol, taking the tattoo dudes biro or whatever and being like hold out your hand? but thankfully NOT just doing it 'cos she may not vibe gal] Astrid: [at first is like ?? because hasn't connected the dots of what she wants her to do and why but then is like oh okay and does] Lola: [being like to the tattoo lady 'now make it permanent' loling like hohoho] Astrid: [loling 'when I know you better' like we considering this] Lola: [so flattered like omg me and blowing kisses] Astrid: [gotta get some more water cos we recognising that we're getting a bit too buzzing rn so obvs asking her if she wants some] Lola: [just like lifesaver 'cos we been crying so hard over here lol] Astrid: [gotta get some for Winnie too even if she don't want because that's a routine hun] Lola: [live your best life babe you deserve it] Astrid: [let's say her tattoo is then finally done and she abruptly leaves like it was nice to meet you I gotta go now bye because it kills me how they all did that on that show every time] Lola: [the only time you've been shooketh 'cos you'd be a hang around saying bye for ages bitch] Lola: WHERE DID YOU GO?! Astrid: hOmE Astrid: is YOuR tattOO fiNishED? Lola: [sends a progress picture she's made that man take lol] Astrid: 25-30 miNS leFT Lola: yeah? Lola: 🙌 I am about to PEE my pants Astrid: iT'LL bE lONgEr wiTH BreAks but YOu Wont bE alloWED bacK iF yOu dONt TakE oNE foR THaT Lola: 😄 I did a little but we've had no leaks Lola: got my big girl panties on Astrid: 👙 is A GooD iDeA tOooooOOOOO Lola: so NOT letting him do my underboob though Astrid: nO ⛔ no ⛔ Lola: the chick you were with seemed kinda cool though Lola: not gonna write off the whole shop Astrid: 🌟 ✨ sHE MAkEs me fEEL coMFoRTaBLe 🌟 ✨ Astrid: thE reVIeW Astrid: & thE VIBE Lola: love that Lola: don't know how he can do such colourful work and be so sad ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 🖤 🤍 🤎 Astrid: van GOGH? Astrid: 🌻🌻🌻🌻👂💛💛 Lola: 🤯🤯🤯 Astrid: Do thEy ShARE a SOUL doEs thAT maKE senSE? Astrid: hMMMM Lola: reincarnation baby Astrid: dO you BEliEVE in it? Astrid: a BIG quESTion Lola: I think it's technically a ❌❌❌ Lola: but I think it's cool Lola: like past lives, all the AMAZING people in history you could've been Astrid: I DonT unDERstAnd wHY is iT ❌❌❌ if YoU liKE iT? Lola: Jesus and Abuela 💘 Lola: 💀 is very important to us Astrid: oHhhhhhhH Astrid: hEAvEn ☁👼☁ Astrid: mY muM taUGHt mE about THat Lola: 🧹🌻🦋🌞🍞 Lola: we believe souls come back, but not as other people, always themselves, even if they take a different form Lola: and they come back all the time, though Jesus hasn't come back YET Astrid: 👻👻👻👻 Lola: I can do an offering for your mum if you like Astrid: shE woULdNT coMe bACK for 🍞 Astrid: wHaT ElSe can THey be? Lola: you can put all the person's favourite things on their altar, you can skip the bread Astrid: 🕯🌹🕯🩺🕯🥀🕯🦴 Lola: wouldn't look out of place Astrid: sHe LiKEd DollS tooOOOO but thERe's No emoJi?? Lola: that's so RUDE Lola: did she get you into dolls, what was the first one you got? Astrid: 🧚🏻 thoUGH & 🔮 & 🧙🏼 Astrid: [sends her a picture of some creepy doll because of course she still has it and cue a huge ramble about everything possible about this doll like soz gal you didn't ask for that level of detail] Lola: looks like la catrina's 👶 Lola: I like it Lola: what doll would your mum be? Astrid: [when you disappear forever lowkey to do all the research you can about that just falling down a rabbit hole without saying bye] Astrid: ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 🖤 🤍 🤎 💀❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 🖤 🤍 🤎 Astrid: eVErYoNE is EqUAL in tHE eND Astrid: loVE that Lola: right?! Lola: we STAN an inclusive queen Astrid: caNT waIT tO TeLl mY otHER bFf she is GOiNg to bE so ExCitEd Lola: do you bake? I will send you a recipe for some sugar 💀 cookies Lola: i always loved decorating them Lola: and eating them, duh 😋 Astrid: I dOnT know hOw TO dO that Astrid: ❌❌❌ Lola: I can make them, if you wanna meet up again Lola: or come teach you, that would be fun Astrid: here? Lola: if you want Lola: you could come to mine but you'd have to meet abuela and that might be a LOT ??? Astrid: iTs nOT a ⛔ no if weRe frIeNds Astrid: i THinK yoU couLD bE heRE Lola: I'm a good guy, I promise Lola: I'll be super polite and say please and thank you and take my shoes off Astrid: buT 🍭 🍬 🧁  🍫 🍩 🍪 🍨  wILl maKE mY mum 😢 oR 😡 iF sHE is a 👻 Astrid: 🤫 Lola: it's all about celebrating life anyways Lola: what's better than tasty food Lola: my mother was the same though Lola: but abuela loved food because it made people 😄🥰 she didn't care if it made you fat too Lola: plenty of time to be 💀🦴s Astrid: hMMMmmm Astrid: 👌 Astrid: I wAnt to BE 😄🥰 Lola: maybe your friend would like some too Lola: not Miss Winnie though, too much sugar for 🐶 Astrid: IlL exPLain Astrid: sheS vERY 🤓 Astrid: thATs sMArt noT an INsult Lola: I could tell Lola: I very much enjoyed meeting her Astrid: & mE? Lola: OF COURSE you, gurl Lola: you were so nice and helpful Astrid: 😀 😃 😄 😁 😆 😅 😂 🤣 Astrid: thANKs Lola: you're welcome ❣️ Lola: are you from here, I like your name, it's unusual Astrid: I dOnT liKE to bE reFErRed tO bY it Astrid: it maKEs mE FeeL liKe PeOPLe ARe 😤 😠 😡 Lola: oh no, I'm sorry Lola: is there anything you would like me to call you instead? Astrid: ...... Astrid: I doNt KnOw Lola: no probs Lola: don't need to call you anything we'll manage just fine without 🙃 Astrid: iS thAt aN oKaY anSWer? Lola: of course it is! Lola: it wouldn't be okay for me to call you a name you didn't like, that's just rude Lola: my gf HATES the name she got as a 👶 so she changed it Astrid: liKe @ scHoOL Astrid: I goT caLLed loAds of namES thERE Astrid: 👿 👹 👺 🤡 💩 👻 💀 ☠️ 👽 👾 🤖 🎃 Lola: 😢👎 Lola: school SUCKED Lola: you're cool Astrid: thEy jUsT doNt unDERsTand mY 🧠 Astrid: mE eiTHeR mE eiTHeR Lola: who does Lola: still don't have to be a 🍆 Astrid: eVErYoNE is EqUAL in tHE eND Astrid: ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 🖤 🤍 🤎 💀❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 🖤 🤍 🤎 Lola: that's what I'm talking about Astrid: yOu aRe GoiNg To LikE mY aUntY 🧠 ❤ 👀 Astrid: bUt U CaNt bRInG hEr HeRE foR 💀🍪 Lola: why not? Astrid: mY DaD & hER ❌❌❌ Lola: family drama Lola: say no more Lola: abuela only talks about my mother when she wants to cuss her out, and that's her daughter so 🤷 Astrid: hEs BaD buT nOT to ME? I doNt unDERstAnd hoW thAT iS suPposED to maKE seNse Lola: you're special to him Astrid: BuT whY aREnt my SiSTeRs sPEcial toOOOo? Astrid: beCausE theIR muMs aRE dIFFeRenT or Astrid: my BrOThEr haS anOTher DiffErent mUm agaIN Astrid: itS conFUsinG Lola: people are a lot of different things all at once, I think Lola: they don't all fit together right, it is confusing Astrid: wHEn yoU DiE aRE yOU NoOOO thiNGs Or moRE thinGS? Lola: Hmm Lola: I think more Lola: everything, and then the missing pieces make it all make sense Astrid: maybe they ARe tOOOoo sPEciAl then, THaT sisTER & ThOse mums dAD canT DeaL Astrid: hmmM Lola: could be Lola: being dead is meant to be easier than being alive, but it isn't perfect Astrid: & mY OthEr SisTER diDnt diE whEn sHe NeaRLY diD sO mAYBe heS coNFuSed AbOUT THat Lola: could you ask him? Lola: or would he be 😢 or 😡? Astrid: heS not my TaLking To pErsoN heS mY DoinG peRsOn Lola: that's important too Lola: sometimes it's actually better not having the answers Astrid: I sHOULDvE saID that @ scHOol Astrid: BettER not HAVinG thE anSWERS sORRy Lola: 😅 Lola: if ONLY Lola: I wouldn't say ANYTHING at school Astrid: I diDnT taLk unTiL aFter my mUm dIeD Astrid: moSTlY Lola: at all? Astrid: ❌❌❌⛔⛔ Lola: did you talk to your dad? Astrid: somE WoRdS Lola: the rest you just got what you needed in other ways Lola: that's cool Astrid: i THiNk it waS BaD oF mE Astrid: maYbe Astrid: .... Lola: but was it bad for you Lola: that's the important thing Lola: its frustrating when people don't understand you, but people get frustrated when they don't understand, even though they might not still when you tell them with words Astrid: iS thAT wHy yOU didNT talK @ sChooL? Lola: i took up too much space just being there Lola: without taking up the 💬 too Astrid: tOo muCh Space Astrid: hmmM Lola: that's what they thought Lola: basically Astrid: pEoPLe DoNt unDErstaND yOu Astrid: how mUch spaCE yoU neEd Lola: they don't like it ❌❌❌⛔⛔ Lola: i'm not trying to take other people's space though Astrid: tOO muCH iS ❌❌❌⛔⛔ Astrid: toOOOo mUch AnyTHiNG Lola: it is? Astrid: ItS 😢 or 😡 Astrid: itS beInG weIRd Lola: there's no such thing as too much 🐶😸 though Astrid: NeVEr!! Lola: exactly Lola: don't think there's any rules that you can stick to everything Lola: always exceptions Astrid: I wriTE liKe thIs beCauSe thOse rULes are Boring Astrid: loAdS of RulEs doNt maKe sEnSe Lola: I like how you write Lola: it's more interesting to read Astrid: yOu cAn Do iT toO if You waNT Lola: really? Lola: thanks, I'll try it out 😄 Lola: ITs actUallLY REAlLY hARd tO Be TOtallY raNDoM Lola: oTHER New RuLES poP UP in YOuR hEaD Astrid: ItS a VIBE Astrid: 😀 😃 😄 😁 😆 😅 😂 🤣 Lola: tOTAlLy Lola: LikE THOse nEwSPApEr RAnsOM notEs Lola: aEStheTIc Astrid: ??? Lola: you know in films, when a killer or a kidnapper sends the person a note, they cut up bits of newspapers and magazines so the note is all different fonts and sizes and stuff Lola: [examples Lola: I liKE ThAT LOooooooOOoOKk Astrid: OhHH WoW Astrid: cAn I sEnD YoU onE? Lola: THaTs whaT IT RemINDS mE OF Lola: UM yeS Astrid: TheY dO it So NoBoDy knowS itS from THem YeaH? Astrid: hoW wiLL you Know ItS from mE? Lola: YEah Lola: do the outside of it normal, so the postman isn't 😱 Lola: I nEVEr GeT 💌 Astrid: do the outside of it normal, so the postman isn't scared Astrid: do the outside of it normal, like this Lola: [her address] there you go Lola: a stamp and it'll be perfect Astrid: ThiS is ReAllY whERe U Live? Astrid: I knoW whEre tHiS is Lola: you do? Astrid: yEAH Astrid: itS By a SHop I lIkE Lola: maybe you could show me 🙃 Astrid: I JuST geT 🍓 thEn I LeAVe Astrid: thEY haVe to Be from ThEre Astrid: a RuLe Lola: nOW i waNt TO tRy SomE Astrid: diD yoUr GirLfrIEnD liKE youR TaTTOo? Astrid: I caNt STop THinkiNG aBoUT iT Lola: She lIKEs 🖤 🤍 bUT I seNT hEr ThE piC & She SAid wAs cUUUUUuUuUUuUuTeeeeeeE Astrid: iS shE gONna coMe wiTh yOU neXT timE? Lola: mAYb ❓🤔 Astrid: tHats noT 🖤 🤍 Astrid: sHe shOUld saY yeAH oR NO Lola: TrUuUuuUuUUUUUUUu Lola: I'll tell her Astrid: Do YoU lIkE haVinG a girlFRieND? Lola: 🤗 & 😘 R gOoOOoddD Astrid: ❓🤔 Lola: you like hugs and kisses? Astrid: PlaTOnic is DiFFeRent Astrid: i LikE theM thOUgh Lola: yeah Lola: with a girlfriend, you just get them all the time Astrid: ? ShE dOeSnt asK you ? Lola: she doesn't need to Lola: if I said stop she would Lola: it's just nice having a person around, is what I meant 🙃 Astrid: 👌 thAT maKEs SeNse Lola: do you like 🧑 or 👩 or none or both Astrid: 👩 👩🏻 👩🏽 👩🏾 👩🏿 Lola: hi-5 Lola: me too 😄 Astrid: but i DoNt have a GIRLfrieNd Lola: would you like one? Lola: we could go out 💃💃 Astrid: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Astrid: yeAh Astrid: yOuRe a GooD 💃 Lola: YOU TOO ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 🖤 🤍 🤎 Lola: I KNOW A BAR THAT WOULD LET WINNIE IN Astrid: yOU dO????????? Lola: i KNow tHe OWneR Lola: heS SO coOL Lola: and he has his own dog Finola who sings with him Astrid: I diDNT knOw dOGs coULd sING Astrid: WiNNie coULd hAVE a SeCRET talENt Lola: they do somewhere over the 🌈 it's very good Astrid: wheN cAN we Go? Lola: 😄 When are you free? this weekend? Astrid: FriDAY Lola: 👏 let's DO IT Astrid: 🕐 🕑 🕒 🕓 🕔 🕕 🕖 🕗 🕘 🕙 🕚 🕛 🕜 🕝 🕞 🕟 🕠 🕡 🕢 🕣 🕤 🕥 🕦 🕧 Astrid: ? Lola: 🤔 8? Astrid: To bE @ yOUr hOUse oR ThEre? Lola: we could get 🍓s first and eat them in the park Astrid: 😀 😃 😄 😁 Lola: 🙌 IT'LL BE FUN Astrid: WeRe bOTh eXciTed Astrid: 😆 Lola: 💃💃💃 Lola: have to plan my outfit Astrid: I liKeD uR ouTfit yOu werE weaRing Lola: you're so 🍧 🍨 🍦 🥧 🧁 🍰 🎂 🍮 🍭 🍬 🍫 🍿 🍩 🍪 thank you 😚 Lola: you looked amazing Astrid: I nEEd to dyE mY haiR a new ColOur Lola: have you done every colour??? Astrid: ⛔❌ 🖤 🤎 Lola: boring in comparison to the rest of the 🌈 Astrid: & hARd to GEt Out ❤️ & 💜 sTAY TooOO bUT thEY caN bE maDE inTo a PaTTeRN sO its Not 😢 oR 😠 Lola: 🦜 Astrid: BiRdS aRE weiRD Astrid: mY AunTy haS 🐓 & I ONLy liKE thEm WhEn TheYrE 🐤 🐣 🐥 Lola: DOES SHE HAVE ANY BABIES RIGHT NOW Astrid: yEaH Astrid: thEyre sOFt Lola: 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 that's so cuteee Astrid: doNt be sad shE wonT eaT thEM Lola: but i don't have any🐤 🐣 🐥 Astrid: IlL aSk heR iF you CAn Lola: our apartment is tiny Lola: wouldn't be fair for the poor chickie Astrid: YoU cOuLd VisIt THem Lola: I'll have to buy some 🌽 too Astrid: TheYll be YouR FRIEnds ToooOOOOo Astrid: loVe ThAT Lola: new friends are always welcome Lola: especially fluffy ones Astrid: WiNNie aGReeS Astrid: & saYs dOnT foRGet sheS the FLUFFiest Astrid: she gETs JeaLOUs Lola: 🤭 Lola: of course Lola: she's a babe Astrid: evERYoNe saYs I was wHEn mY brOTHer waS a 👶 bUT i Dont remeMBEr thaT Lola: aw, you helped out? Lola: that's so cute Astrid: 👶 NeED lOAds of HeLp Astrid: haVE yOu EVer heLd onE? TheY caNt suPPOrt their Own HeaDs Astrid: itS wilD Lola: I've actually never held a baby Lola: or really met one, which is weird, I'd never thought about that Astrid: !!!!!!!! Astrid: My FamILY iS SoooOOOOO BiG Astrid: 👶👶🏻👶🏼👶🏽👶🏾 Lola: do you like it? what's good and what's bad? Astrid: YoU aRenT evER aLOne Astrid: thatS gOod OR Bad Astrid: Good & BAD Lola: I can picture that Astrid: bUT itS FUn & LOud Astrid: you LiKe hugS so Youd likE it Lola: yeah Lola: I think so Lola: abuela was from a big family Lola: but it's just us here Astrid: WhERe aRE TheY aLL? Lola: her family? Lola: mostly dead Lola: the ones she would've known, sisters, brothers Lola: their kids are probably still in Mexico but she doesn't know any of them properly Astrid: Im SoRrY Lola: you don't have to be sorry Astrid: ItS saD fOR hER Astrid: I mEAn Lola: yeah Lola: she left a lot behind Lola: but she's been happy here Astrid: & YoURE haPPy? Lola: mostly and most days Lola: not 🖤 & 🤍 Astrid: nOT 🖤 & 🤍 Lola: nothing is ever perfect, is it Astrid: mAyBe WinniE is Astrid: 😀 😃 😄 😁 😆 😅 😂 🤣 Lola: I am willing to believe that and let her have it too 💝🐶 Astrid: [a happy picture of this dog like thank you I'm buzzing] Lola: an angel Lola: or princess, I should say Astrid: [a picture of this dog with some kind of tiara moment on because of course we can] Lola: 🙇 Lola: I'll find mine when I get home Astrid: YoU hAve One? Lola: duh gurl Lola: it's a vibe Lola: 👑🌈💃😘 Astrid: iT is A Vibe Lola: you know a vibe when you 👀 one Lola: i CaN TeLL Astrid: I haVE tO gO Astrid: doNT fORget FriDAY Astrid: @ 8 Astrid: 🍓!! Lola: Oh, okay Lola: Looking forward to it ✨
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