#the deep sea i love you
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wolfythewitch · 1 year ago
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Okay actual tma sona LMAO. He's just a waterlogged little guy
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beaudesoleil · 1 month ago
"HOLLYLEAF!" we all chant in unison
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loseractivities · 8 months ago
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yay more stuilly (mb for not posting lol)
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babyangelsky · 4 months ago
My Favorite QL Couples* of 2024 💖✨
Welcome to Babyangelsky's 2024 Wrap Up! To commemorate my second year of watching QL dramas, and my first year of actually talking on my blog, I've compiled a series of lists to celebrate all the QL things I loved this year!
My only criteria was that the show had to have either aired entirely in 2024 or had the majority of its run in 2024. No other limits at all (except for tumblr's photo limit). Please feel free to take my categories and make lists of your own and tag me in them if you do! I'd love to see what stuck out to everyone this year 💜
💜 All the lists can be found here! 💜
Without further ado, I'm going to kick things off with my favorite couples of the year!
♡ Tongrak and Mahasamut (Love Sea)
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My darlings. My absolute loves. I knew Fort and Peat were going to deliver something special when Love Sea was announced and I am so glad that I was right. My love for them is as boundless as the sea that bonds them.
♡ Almond and Latte (Knock Knock Boys)
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These two snuck up on me something serious. I never expected them to be this sweet and soft and bring such comfort to each other. They were my unexpected delight this year and I'm so happy I got to watch them fall in love.
♡ Yu and Ai (I Saw You in My Dream)
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These two snuck up on me too, honestly. Never ever thought I would love them as much as I do considering how late I came into this show, but I cherish them very deeply. They're the sweetest childhood friends to lovers and they love each other so much. I don't think I've ever been prouder of a confession than when Yu finally confessed to Ai.
♡ Ken, Seiji, and Japan (Deep Night)
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*Not a couple, but a THROUPLE! 2024 was a year of many, many BL blessings, one of the best of which was the fact that we got CANON POLY SIDES COURTESY OF CHEEWIN! We all hoped, we all prayed, we all looked at the workshop photos and thought 'surely we cannot be wrong', and when it came right down to it, we all got exactly what we wanted! I only wish that we'd gotten more of them.
KenSeijiPan you will always be famous.
♡ Ozone and Pie (Battle of the Writers)
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Speaking of wanting more, I cannot believe it took this long for Mark Sorntast to get to kiss a boy on screen but damn, was it worth the wait. I want an entire spin-off of daddy Pie and his puppy Ozone because they were truly the best part of this show.
♡ X and Namping (Every You, Every Me)
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Thanks to its format, Every You, Every Me gave us lots of great couples and fun dynamics but X and Namping were my favorites, even though their story ended tragically. The love was brief but it was beautiful and real.
♡ Meiji and Freya (Deep Night)
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As if giving us canon poly wasn't enough, Cheewin also decided to bless us with milf yuri and then stacked one more blessing on top and gave them their own spin-off miniseries so we could have more time watching them fall in love. They're beautiful and I love them. This is how it feels to win.
♡ Yuan and Qian (Unknown)
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I can't think of anything to say about these two that doesn't involve making dying animal noises and gesturing helplessly and maybe crying so just imagine me doing that to convey how I feel about this couple BECAUSE THAT'S ALL I GOT FAM THAT'S ALL I'M CAPABLE OF I'M SURE SOME OF YA'LL UNDERSTAND
♡ Tai x Kram (Two Worlds)
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These are by far my favorite roles Max and Nat have played to date. The utter soulmates of it all. The every version of me will love every version of you in every universe of it all. Perfection. I only wish the show had been longer so their love really got a chance to breathe.
♡ Anin and Pin (The Loyal Pin)
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Now, if a love ever got a chance to breathe, it was this love. They made you feel it. The yearning, the joy, the sweetness, all of it. We followed it all the way from childhood and it was such a satisfying experience. I will always have a soft spot for couples that are deranged about each other, however loudly or quietly they may go about it, and my girls are no exception.
♡ Phee and Non (Dead Friend Forever)
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*scream singing* WE COULD'VE HAD IT ALLLLLLLL, ROLLING IN THE DEEEEEEEEP *cries on the floor*
♡ Tan and Fang (We Are)
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AouBoom are never not a delight when they're on screen together, and TanFang were a delight in a veritable sea of delights. They got together early on and spent the rest of the show giving nothing but the best most delicious established couple goodness.
♡ Muenfah and Teerak (Your Sky)
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At the time of writing we've only had these two for a few weeks but that's more than enough time for their adorable sweetness to land them on this list. They're darling. The relationship may be fake (for now) but the love is real.
♡ Sun and Junior (Caged Again)
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The same goes for these two, and isn't that just the surprise of the year? HOW DID THE PANTHER AND PENGUIN TURN INTO PEOPLE SHOW END UP GIVING US SUCH AN ADORABLE COUPLE?
♡ Shao Peng and Zi Xiang (See Your Love)
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They're just so soft and so gentle and they make each other feel heard and understood and I love them so much. Their boyfriend era may actually kill me.
♡ Jack and Joke (Jack & Joker)
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*gently shakes Yin and War* Would giving us just a little more horny, loving boyfriend era and fewer horrors have been so hard? Do ya'll think you can get away with it because you're so pretty and so beloved?
Because they are. And they can actually. And they did. I adore them.
♡ Yak and Dee (Wandee Goodday)
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One of my favorite things in this life is when a fake relationship slowly turns into a real relationship and two people who think they can be casual about each other are actually completely incapable of being so. Yak and Dee gave me exactly that and I love them for it.
♡ Oyei and Cher (Wandee Goodday)
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Another side couple for which I would absolutely love a spin-off, but we did get to see them have their wedding (the first GMMTV wedding since the marriage equality bill was passed!) which is just as good. The love they have for each other, the support they give each other is top tier. They have my heart.
♡ God and Diew (Monster Next Door)
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If I were to give an award for amazing communication between a couple, I would absolutely be giving it to these two. It was so refreshing to see them not only love and support each other, but talk and listen to each other. They were a delight.
♡ Myung Ha and Yeo Woon (Love for Love's Sake)
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They were so sweet and so sad and they saved each other by loving each other so much that it broke reality and I just love them with my entire soul.
♡ San and Vee (Century of Love)
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When this was airing I talked a lot about how it didn't actually matter whether Vee was Wad or not and that what mattered was San making a choice but for the record? Vee was totally Wad. He and San were SOULMATES!
♡ Neil and Sea (First Note of Love)
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What if a couple was so gentle and soft that it made you wanna cry? What if they saved each other with music? What if they made each other brave?
♡ Moo and Kang (Only Boo!)
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My darling boys. My sweetest most adorable boys who make me wanna curl into a ball and cry happy tears because I adore them so much. Moo's singular desire in this life part from becoming an idol is to save up enough money to marry Kang and NOW HE CAN AND I'M IN MY FEELINGS ABOUT IT EVEN MONTHS LATER.
♡ Karan and Achi (Cherry Magic Th)
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They're perfect. In every conceivable way. Their love was just so lovely, it was such a joy. Everything about it and about them was so lovely to watch.
♡ Haruki x Jin (Our Youth)
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These two have so much potential to hurt me. In fact, I'm almost certain that they will. But they just --*gestures helplessly*--you know? They hit exactly right for me.
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starmocha · 3 months ago
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I'll be honest, everyone. For all of the horny postings, cuteness aggression, and general tomfoolery, this is what I am most excited about. I feel like a lot of us have been begging for the music to be released in some sort of format, and the devs are finally answering our pleas 🎉
Volume 1! The implication that there will be more in the future!
68 tracks! Good golly gee! This is even better than expected. 😭😭😭
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cos-latte · 11 months ago
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Do you like it?
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3gremlins · 10 months ago
me: i care less about dragon age now, it's been almost decade, i am tired.
*a few crumbs of dragon age news*
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astracora · 3 months ago
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A Mandated Holiday Break - Chapter 6
Characters: Sylus x gn!mc (poly lads)
Warnings: None
Word Count: 971
Written: 21st December 2024
Notes: Post-relationship Sylus/MC-centric but poly LADs, with my personal pov of the game and lil headcanons littered in.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Masterlist AO3
Sylus' body is an inferno. He's well used to running hotter than most. It's just another part of who he is, that doesn't occur to him the majority of the time.
The first few times you'd shared a bed, you'd wriggled out of his grasp, sweating and uncomfortable. Had he had less control over himself, he'd have pouted. (You probably didn't miss the furrow in his brow though.)
So he'd slept wearing as little as possible.
Still too much, waking up in the middle of his sleep schedule to find you across the bed, covers thrown off to cool down. Shedding your discomfort.
Next he'd taken to pulling your clothes off. Always a delight, this time a driven aim. It had worked somewhat, you'd wrapped yourself into his embrace and tangled around him, seeking out the heat of his body like he was your personal pillow.
It lasted longer, but still he was awoken by you edging away, seeking the chill of a turned over pillow and the outside of the duvet.
He'd changed the type of bedding he used, bought you new bedding.
You'd told him to stop worrying, to stop paying expenses, sometimes it was just too warm.
Sylus was sure at that he'd grumbled like a child. He wanted to hold you, and he wanted to wake up with you in his arms.
Everytime you moved out of his reach, he itched and ached like scales growing through raw skin. It was one of the few times he envied the doctor, he never seemed to have trouble with keeping you clinging throughout your slumber.
Eventually he had two things fitted, a ceiling fan and air conditioning. The change to temperature meant so little to him, unbothered by heat or cold. When you'd seen them on your next visit, you'd been incredulous. Since when did he need either of these?
He didn't answer that he needed them for you, for him, he just made an offhand comment about the best, and preparation for the future. (The immediate future. His sleep quality.)
His relief that day when he'd woken up, your head under his chin, legs tangled with his, and arms around him. Seeking out his skin against yours.
The second you left the bed, however, you'd complained for the chill. He left the remote for the new tools of his victory, in your hands, but he had gleefully held you as long as he could, chin on shoulder and hands dancing across cool skin.
Your week off has allowed him to experience that for a few days now, he's using your sleep pattern for the week, though there is no real track of time in the sky of the N109 Zone. He doesn't want to make your return to work difficult.
As he wakes, this morning you have stayed asleep, catching up on long hours. Your back is pressed to his chest and you're holding onto his arm. He won't tease you about the drool out the corner of your mouth, but he files away the image for himself. Tickled and endeared.
He doesn't want to wake you, you're so peaceful... but he can't stop himself from pulling as close as he can. Burying his nose in the crook of your neck, and breathing you in.
You smell like his last meal in every life. Like he could bite down and die happy, your blood in his mouth and your soul in his chest.
If he were a weaker man, perhaps he'd drool as well, salivating and starving.
He certainly feels starved when he cannot keep you close, desperate and dogged.
You'd teased him that he reminds you of a wolf, and he thinks that's more accurate than he likes. He would bite your hand lovingly, but tear and snarl at your command, if that's what you wanted from him.
Sylus wants to get up, if he can get breakfast ready, he can see your eyes light up. Hand you a mug of coffee, that turns his nose, in bed. So you'll kiss his cheek and sigh happily.
He feels satisfaction when he sees you happy because of him. Yet...
Pressed against you, your chest moving with each breath. So alive, and warm and his. You trust him to guard you, to kiss your neck when the scent drives him to madness, to keep you warm against the cold. He once mused that you still took his hand despite how dangerous he was, and every day he marvels more at how you continue to do so.
Now when you take his hand, you place a kiss on his knuckles. That if he had no healing ability, would be scarred and torn and ruinous. He thinks, that even if that were the case... you would still kiss them tender and raw.
You had always seen something in him that no one else did. Flowers suiting his soul, a smile worthy of his face, love belonging in his hands.
He feels sick with the feeling, overflowing from where joined hearts beat in his chest, but it's a sickness he would never wish to heal himself of. Peace found despite how little he probably deserves it.
Sylus is selfish though. A fragment, a taste, a burst of you had not been enough. Millennia's will not be enough. Until the end of the world itself he will never think this is enough.
No matter his sullied hands, or the actions he has made, some of which he would not apologise for, he will never relinquish his treasure.
His Soul.
You who owns his heart for eternity.
As he bites down at your shoulder, stirring your sleep, and laves with his tongue to your sleepy pleasure, he settles for a taste of the cure to his hunger, that he plans to draw out forever.
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froginamoodboard · 8 months ago
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Sheldon Plankton moodboard
Requested by: anon
x x x x 🧫 x x x x
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i-am-a-giant-siphonophore · 2 years ago
leafy seadragons!
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leafy seadragons are found off the southern and western coasts of australia!
they are extremely good at camouflage and can easily pretend to be a floating piece of seaweed
it is a fish which usually grows to be an average of 30cm long!
they eat small shrimp-like creatures called mysids, and each day leafy seadragons can eat thousands
leafy seadragons actually do not have any predators!
they’re very poor swimmers so they rely on their camouflage to protect them
they have a long snout to slurp up their food :)
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merakiui · 2 years ago
me after learning it's now canon that the tweels have violent sibling fights and therefore the headcanon is finally proven true:
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shivunin · 4 months ago
Anyways, this is Lenore
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babyangelsky · 3 months ago
My Favorite Love Scenes of 2024 💖✨
Welcome to Babyangelsky's 2024 Wrap Up! To commemorate my second year of watching QL dramas, and my first year of actually talking on my blog, I've compiled a series of lists to celebrate all the QL things I loved this year!
Please feel free to take my categories and make lists of your own and tag me in them if you do!
💜 All the lists can be found here! 💜
So this is my third time posting this list. It was flagged twice despite my labeling it and switching gifs around and my appeals to unflag it were denied. That isn't going to stop me from talking about the love scenes I loved, however, so rather than risk another flag, I'm simply going to link the posts I had originally chosen gifs from and tag their lovely creators.
I would love to include visual aids, but alas. Support our gifmakers, babes. They're out here fighting for their lives for us.
Now then! Some sex scenes exist to tell you something about a character, some exist to tell you something about a relationship, some exist to advance a narrative, and some exist simply for their own sake, but all of them have a place and a right to exist in queer media.
These are many of my favorites and they run the gamut, so strap in IT'S DEGENERATE HOURS!
♡ Mahasamut Solo Shower Scene (Love Sea)
The gif I chose was from this set by @babybison
The way Tongrak is looking at Mahasamut as he jacks off in the shower is exactly how I looked at him the entire show. This was such a delightful surprise, and not only because I was blessed with Fort's bare ass on my screen.
I love masturbation scenes and I've included all the ones we were given this year on this list. I love them because I love seeing desire and genuine horniness and pleasure depicted in dramas. It's human. It's real. It makes me happy.
Mahasamut doing something about the blue balls Tongrak gave him when he pumped the brakes to go write leads nicely into...
♡ Tongrak x Mahsamut Post-Shower Scene (Love Sea)
The gif I chose was from this set by @laurenkmyers
Love Sea episode 2, how you blessed us. You gave us that incredible shower makeout. You gave us Tongrak's little case filled with condoms and lube and toys. You gave us reverse cowgirl. Blessings upon blessings upon blessings.
♡ Yu x Ai First Time Scene (I Saw You in My Dream)
The gif I chose was from this set by @putterphubase
I'm gonna go ahead and quote myself from three months ago after I saw this scene, because Yu and Ai's first time is everything I love:
The horniness is mutual all around, everyone is checking in with each other before things get going, they're checking in with each other while things are going, consent is being asked for and given, boundaries are being respected, and the sex is giggly and joyful and loving.
♡ X x Namping Mirror Scene (Every You, Every Me)
The gif I chose was from this set by @pharawee
X feeling up Namping in front of the mirror may just be one of, if not the sexiest scene we got all year. It was so intimate. So perfectly erotic and sensual. I sincerely hope whoever put Top in that shirt gets whatever they want in this life.
Regrettably unable to be pictured for photo limit reasons: the absolutely beautiful expressions on their faces as they look at their reflections
♡ Shan x Ob-aun Blindfold Scene (Battle of the Writers)
The gif I chose was from this set by @alienwlw
You can fault this show for a lot of things and you would be absolutely right about all of them, but every single love scene was fantastic. The shot I was most anticipating from this particular one didn't make the final cut but this scene was still gorgeous.
Ob-aun baring his shoulders as he looks at Shan? Riding him like his life depends on it? The blindfold? Incredible. I loved it.
♡ Ming x Joe Face to Face Scene (My Stand-In)
The gif I chose was from this set by @jimmysea
This scene is significant not only because it's the first time that Ming and Joe are face to face, but because Ming stops Joe from rolling over to make sure that they are face to face. This isn't about needing a stand-in or a fantasy, this is about Ming needing and wanting Joe and only Joe, which is what makes it so good and so special.
♡ Yuan x Qian First Time Scene (Unknown)
The gif I chose was from this set by @wanderlust-in-my-soul
You don't even know what I dream of at night. You don't even know what I dream of at night. YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT I DREAM OF AT NIGHT.
*screams into my shirt*
♡ Wayu x Jao Hideout Scene (Two Worlds)
The gif I chose was from this set by @thisautistic
If there was ever a scene that made me yell "FUCKING FINALLY!" at my screen, it was this one, and it was worth every single minute that I had to wait to get it.
The camera work? Stunning. The rich warm lighting and the shadows? Gorgeous. The chemistry? Everything I dreamed of.
♡ Hiro Solo Shower Scene (Love is Better the Second Time Around)
The gif I chose was from this set by @musicdramalove
You know what I love about Hiro asking Takashi if he'd ever thought of him while he jacked off? The fact that asking that question implied that Hiro had done that himself. You know what I love even more?
That we got to see it happen.
♡ Korn x Tonkla Couch Scene (4 Minutes)
The gif I chose was from this set by @jimmysea
This scene, and really all the sex scenes in 4 Minutes, are the perfect example of sex being used by a narrative to tell you something about a character and a relationship.
It was more than a great scene and a welcome surprise of a pairing; we learned so much about the dynamic between Tonkla and Korn on this couch and who they were as individuals and to each other.
♡ Ken x Seiji x Pan Daydream Scene (Deep Night)
The gif I chose was from this set by @pharawee
Bless Khem for being the one to plant the seed of polyamory in Pan's brain because the moment Pan realized that that was an option, we got this amazing scene from the theatre of his mind. It cemented his attraction to Ken and opened the doors to eventual canon poly.
♡ Anin x Pin Punishment Scene (The Loyal Pin)
The gif I chose was from this set by @dragonsareawesome123
Has there ever been a more enjoyable punishment? Has anyone ever looked more beautiful than Pin did while she was punishing Anin? Is it any wonder that Anin was so excited at the prospect of it happening again?
♡ Achi x Ji "It's Art" Scene (To Be Continued)
The gif I chose was from this set by @pharawee
The tension. The intimacy and the careful exploration of someone you love when you realize that the exploration is an option and is desired. The way things just broke between them after they let themselves have this.
It really is art.
♡ Almond x Latte First Time Scene (Knock Knock Boys)
The gif I chose was from this set by @pharawee
Oh, but I loved everything about Almond and Latte's first time. I loved the awkwardness and the leg cramps and the struggle to find a comfortable position and the many, many false starts. There are a lot of love scenes in BL and on this list that are perfect and graceful and smooth but this one?
This is real and it's a mess, and it's so endearing and funny and I love it so much. Almond's strawberry boxers you will always be famous.
♡ Ozone x Pie Robe Scene (Battle of the Writers)
The gif I chose was from this set by @diaospuppy
It's Pie undoing Ozone's robe with his teeth for me. It's the expression on Pie's face while Ozone rides him. It's the fact that I had to wait an absolute age for these two to get together.
♡ Takashi x Hiro "It Pisses Me Off" Scene (Love is Better the Second Time Around)
The gif I chose was from this set by @itagakimizuki
The sheen of sweat. The sheen of sweat and the way it catches the light on both of them has not left my mind since this aired. It may piss Hiro off that Takashi is as good in bed as Hiro thought and dreamed he might be but he's definitely glad he's finally getting to enjoy it. This is how you made a second chance count.
♡ Atom Sad Boy Hours Solo Scene (The Rebound)
The gif I chose was from this set by @pharawee
Poor Atom. He was a good boy and he liked Zen so much but it just wasn't in the cards for them and he knew it. All he could do was get himself off to photos and memories of Zen being kind to him and existing and look very pretty and sad while he did it.
♡ Tongrak x Mahasamut "Dessert" Scene (Love Sea)
The gif I chose was from this set by @crispywizardtale
I'm not the only one who immediately thought of Taemin's Guilty MV when they saw this, right? Because that MV and this scene have become inextricably linked in my mind. I can't think of one without thinking of the other and feeling so grateful that both exist.
Man, am I glad that they left that dinner early.
♡ Great x Tyme Great's Reimagined First Time Scene (4 Minutes)
The gif I chose was from this set by @spicyvampire
We did not yet realize the significance of this scene when we were gifted it. Great's 4 minutes softened the edges of his first time with Tyme and turned it into something gentle and intimate and loving when his actual first time with Tyme was the exact opposite.
It was a beautiful scene and going back to rewatch it with the knowledge that none of it was real adds such an undercurrent of sadness to it.
♡ Tai x Kram Cave Scene (Two Worlds)
The gif I chose was from this set by @laurenkmyers
The shift in Kram's eyes from artist to lover as he drew Tai nude lives in my mind rent free. It was so subtle and the scene it led to was so sensual and beautiful. One of MaxNat's best. Art as foreplay is something we deserve to see in dramas more often.
♡ Oab x Plawan "I Can Teach You" Scene (This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans)
The gif I chose was from this set by @thisautistic
Sailub and Pon know how to bring the heat. Any one of their scenes throughout this show could've been on this list but THIS SHOT FROM THIS KITCHEN SCENE WAS TOO FUCKING GOOD FOR ME TO PICK ANY OTHER.
♡ Almond New Toy Solo Scene (Knock Knock Boys)
The gif I chose was from this set by @pharawee
I love love LOVE how this show handled Almond's virginity. It wasn't his singular defining trait, it did not inform every single thing about his character, it was just a fact about him. AS IT SHOULD BE!
So to see him be allowed to be curious and proactive and excited about exploring sex and masturbation was an unparalleled delight. Unparalleled. One of my very favorite things to happen this year.
♡ Arashi x Rei First Time Scene (Love in the Air Koi)
The gif I chose was from this set by @divineandmajesticinone
I never had any doubts that the Japanese adaption of LITA would bring the heat but loooooord have mercy. That shot of Arashi's sweaty muscular back just about did me in. I thought I was prepared but I super was not.
♡ Anin x Pin Car Scene (The Loyal Pin)
The gif I chose was from this set by @boyslovegirlslove
There is simply not a force on this earth that can keep Anin away from Pin. I said it in my kiss post and I'm saying it again here.
Absolutely nothing could keep Anin from whisking Pin away to her car right under Kuea's nose and reminding her who she belonged to in front of god and everyone with only foggy rainy windows for cover.
♡ Huaien x Xiaobao Heartbeat Scene (Meet You at The Blossom)
The gif I chose was from this set by @guzhufuren
Was this shot of Huaien and Xiaobao's hands the prettiest shot of 2024? I think it just might be. Everything about this scene was pretty. The hands, Huaien's chest moles, the dreamy besotted expressions.
Xiaobao bit off so much more than he could chew with Huaien and I enjoyed watching every single minute of it.
♡ Fadel Mental Theater Solo Scene (The Heart Killers)
The gif I chose was from this set by @wanderlust-in-my-soul
Bless the theater of your mind, Fadel. Genuinely truly. He may tell himself that Style is annoying and that he just wants him to go away and he may even believe it, but here in the privacy of his bedroom he simply cannot deny his attraction. Instead he indulges it and lets himself fantasize and for that I am grateful.
♡ God x Diew Tent Scene (Monster Next Door)
The gif I chose was from this set by @thisautistic
It began with some quick research into the best way to have sex in a tent and then it hit us with the blinding light of love and served the exact same energy as the YuAi scene from earlier in this list. It was so perfectly sweet and soft. God did not do a thing until he made sure that Diew was ready and wanted to be intimate and took care of his boyfriend the whole way through.
♡ Jack x Joke First Time Scene (Jack & Joker)
The gif I chose was from this set by @thisautistic
A HORNY, HUNGRY EXPLOSION. THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT THIS SCENE WAS. These two wanted each other so fucking badly and they waited so damn long to finally give in to each other.
Forget grandma, people in Chiang Mai probably heard these two going at it for hours on end.
♡ Haruki x Jin Vacation Scene (Our Youth)
The gif I chose was from this set by @forcebook
Whoever lit this scene deserves to get whatever they want forever. All the light is on them and the bed and those shadows just keep shifting because even in this little circle of peace that they've allowed themselves, there are reminders of the darkness that's waiting in the wings.
But in that circle of light there are soft kisses and gentle, exploring hands and more desire than either of them know what to do with.
♡ Fadel x Style "I'll Be Your 100%" Scene (The Heart Killers)
The gif I chose was from this set by @thisautistic
A very, VERY late entry into this list but I simply couldn't not include it because Style was out here taking control and overwhelming this stoic broody man in absolutely the best way. They're both so gone for each other. SO gone. Style may be scared of Fadel but he's already in love with him and Fadel can think Style is as annoying as he likes but that annoying man makes him feel safe and loved.
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cordycepsbian · 2 years ago
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oh the wonder of that wild wet world
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oceanicscribbles · 1 year ago
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Day 29 - Massive
I would personally like to thank giant isopods for existing and rewiring my brain permanently.
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spitvana · 2 years ago
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(You Drive Me) Crazy - Britney Spears 1999
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