#the death of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
meatyitallian · 1 year
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I’m obsessing over
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lookingforhappy · 2 months
So Five did a job for the Commission in London 1966
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The only well known murder that took place in London in 1966 was the Shepard's Bush murders/Massacre of Braybrook Street which involved the murder of 3 police officers by three men.
To me this isn't particularly noteworthy in the grand scheme of Commission jobs (Five's definitely involved with JFK and the Hindenburg but he's hinted to have been involved with Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Joseph Stalin, and the props also place him as the Case Manager for Mussolini and Trotsky's deaths).
In 1866 the SS London (not the place but a ship) sinks killing 244 of 263 people. Which seems much more appropriate for Cha-Cha to consider admirable.
There's nothing noteworthy in London in 1766
1666 is the date of The Great Fire of London. This doesn't actually kill many people (6) but it does last for 4 days and leaves 80,000 people homeless. It's also incredibly famous so Cha-Cha has reason to be impressed.
It's also possible that the London Job in 66 is from 1966 and it's just a case that isn't famous.
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Conversations with my brother:
“But there’s an important reason that many people died in Ghost Trick! In total, he reverses nine deaths! You know what else has nine lives?”
“What’s colder than octopi?”
“Oh! And that makes sense because you told me Sissel…………… killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand and started World War I-“
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stvlti · 6 months
The beginning, expository monologue Chani gives in Dune Part 1 mentions something about how for decades, the Harkonnens have ruled the north of Arrakis with a brutal, iron fist. The Dune films then go on to make it clear that the Harkonnen dynasty has never ventured any farther south and mainly focused its ongoing war with the Fremen on the northern guerrilla troops of the Fedaykin. When Duke Leto Atreides arrives on the planet and receives a mission report from Duncan Idaho, they realise that there could be thousands upon millions of Fremen living in sietches, far surpassing the Harkonnens' estimations (at least under Rabban's stewardship) of a 50K Fremen population.
It is very clear that throughout the Harkonnens' colonial reign, they had never breached even the sietches - at least not the major ones. This means that Feyd-Rautha's assault on Sietch Tabr is truly the first of its kind, breaking up the status quo that has been the multigenerational guerilla warfare between the Fremen and the Harkonnen spice mining industry, and when you take that into account, it becomes abundantly clear what Gurney meant when he told Paul that his path can only lead to war, whether Paul accepts or refuses the call to ascendancy as the Fremen people's Mahdi. Feyd-Rautha's ascension to the mantle of the governor of Arrakis forced his hand.
Of course, you could argue that Feyd-Rautha wouldn't have made such an aggressive turn in the Harkonnens' military strategy had Paul, as Muad'dib, not amped up the Fremen guerrilla attacks on the Harkonnen spice mines, which led to Rabban's removal from the post and the assignment of Feyd-Rautha to Arrakis. But Paul's decision to amp up spice disruption came as a direct result of his exile at the wake of the Harkonnens and the Emperor's joint attempt of assassinating their House and ending the Atreides bloodline. He saw early on that that was the only way to avenge his father's death - by tearing down House Harkonnen's source of wealth and pulling them into destitution along with him. And so goes the chicken and egg question of causality: there is no one single factor to blame Paul's decision to go south and claim the title of the Mahdi, the Lisan Al Gaib, the Kwisatz Haderach, etc and the subsequent Holy War on. Just as there's no clear cut answer to historically well documented military conflicts. Archduke Franz Ferdinand's famous assassination in Sarajevo, as we all know, was simply the catalyst for WWI but not its sole cause. The seeds of conflict were sown decades and centuries beforehand.
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archduchessofnowhere · 4 months
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Imprudence is at the origin of the crisis which will take Sophie away. (...) After attending a performance at the Opera on May 9 in an overheated atmosphere, she wants to get some fresh air on her balcony before going to bed. She dozed off there and only woke up in the early morning with a high fever. She had again recounted the start of her day on the 9th in her Journal. Then it suddenly stops and will never resume. The bulletins published in the first days by the Court are intended to be reassuring. According to them, the Archduchess suffers from gastric problems. The reality is infinitely more serious. In fact, Sophie has pneumonia which, after a short remission, is getting worse day by day. Clearly, the worst is now to be feared. Informed on May 15, while she was staying again in Meran in the company of [Archduchess] Marie Valerie, [Empress] Elisabeth immediately returned to Vienna.
The family is now gathered at the Hofburg to watch over the Archduchess. The fatal outcome is no longer in doubt. Like Maria Theresia long ago, Sophie wants to face death. A few years earlier, she had written to her mother: “I only understand the fear of death too well […] but I believe that when one has had time to prepare for it, it must give a lot of consolation and courage.” This moment has come. Always in control of herself, Sophie took leave of her family one after the other on May 22. Having drawn on her last strength for this final farewell, she then gradually weakened and, under the influence of cerebral convulsions, even experienced speech problems. Elisabeth was absent, recalled to Schönbrunn to be with the ailing Marie Valerie. Joined by the news that the end is near, she hastens to return to the Hofburg. When she arrives, Marie Festetics, her new lady-in-waiting, hears her ask: “Is she still alive?” and add, the response having been positive: “Thank God! Otherwise they would have said that I have done it intentionally because I hate her so much!”
The last sacraments were administered to the dying woman, then, surrounded by her family, she died at a quarter past three on the night of May 28. Collapsed with pain, [Archduke] Franz Karl throws himself into the arms of his eldest son, also overwhelmed with grief. Mourning the end of a harmonious union of forty-eight years, he will return each of the following days to pray near the remains of his wife. The embalmed body is placed in the Augustinian church, precisely where their marriage had been celebrated. Then the Viennese can pay their respects before the deceased who was dressed in a silver brocade dress and whose head is decorated with a crown of camellias. Finally, on June 1, Sophie was buried in the Capuchin crypt. This is where, according to Habsburg tradition, her earthly pilgrimage ends. For her, the time of eternity has come.
Bled, Jean-Paul (2018). Sophie de Habsbourg
ON THIS DAY, IN 1872, ARCHDUCHESS SOPHIE OF AUSTRIA (NÉE PRINCESS OF BAVARIA) DIED. She was born in 1805 as the third daughter of King Maximilian I of Bavaria and his second wife Caroline of Baden. Sophie married Archduke Franz Karl of Austria in 1824, and they had six children, among them Emperor Franz Josef I of Austria and Emperor Maximilian I of Mexico.
In 1848, she played a key role in the ascencion to the throne of her son Franz Josef by assuring the double abdications of her brother-in-law Emperor Ferdinand and her husband. And although her influence during the early years of her son's reign is often exagerated, she was nonetheless an important and powerful figure in the Viennese court.
Sophie fell into a deep depression after the execution of her son Maximilian in 1867, which also weakened her physical health. She was often sick afterwards, finally dying of pneumonia five years later, at the age of sixty-seven.
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“I think Archduchess Maria Theresa (third wife of Archduke Karl Ludwig) was so kind! She almost singlehandedly managed to convince the Emperor to let Archduke Franz Ferdinand get married morganatically to Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, and after the couple's death she was the one who informed their children. And it's so sad how she outlived every one of her stepchildren.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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kit-williams · 9 months
demonic name: Arnetrihts "Born": The death of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Though some could argue his "birth" was the start of world war 2 but he will claim his "infancy" was world war 1 -Quote from an Inquisitorial demonologist *Figure out which world it is referring to this "World War"* -Lord Inquisitor [REDACTED]
Notable feature is the flaming crown between it's crown of horns and the gasmasks braided through its mane and on it's loincloth. Can mimic the inhale and exhale of a gasmask to an uncanny degree. Under order of death keep any agent with any Krieger blood away from König until we know it's true name. Theory that Arnetrihts is only a partial true name or only contains part of it's true name needs to be investigated. One of the largest Bloodthirsters we have recorded. His skin/fur is black and his eyes will occasionally drip molten brass. His belt is made of female skulls and when he was asked about them he refers to them as his 'lieblings' ::Translation for darlings::
If König calls any agent Maus they are no longer allowed to interact with the bloodthirster - Orders from Lord Inquisitor [REDACTED]
Demonhost: MUST have a host that is 2 meters at the bare minimum otherwise the host will explode and the skin rip apart. 2.1 meters tall he will still complain but it less likely to rip apart the host. 2.2 meters tall is where he is comfortable. Is said to have icy blue eyes that occasionally drip molten brass or warp energy. If he is in a smaller host the skin of his face will normally be stretched so he likes to wear a face mask akin to an executioner or will modify a shirt. His voice will fluctuate between a soft spoken man to a deep and gravelly thing. The demonhost will put on a ton of muscle mass akin to 113 kgs to up to 136kg man in peak physical condition with a muscle gut included. His hair will shift to either a blonde or an auburn and he isn't picky on keeping it short or long. Age of the Demonhost can be as old as 45 as long as the height requirement is fit. DO NOT GIVE HIM AN OYGRN BODY! We are not repeating Incident [REDACTED]! -Please make sure all nurses from now on who are doing his physicals are males given recent events and his affinity for females.- Agent [REDACTED]
@konigsblog because I know this would get to you eventually so I might as well give it to you up front
@wordstome your aus and drabbles helped with this formation as well as with the others
also @kneelingshadowsalome for reblogging so many good things also
There are honestly too many konig girlies for me to properly thank to help me build this mess of a man.
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best-habsburg-monarch · 9 months
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Archduke Karl, Herzog von Teschen (1771-1847): General during both the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars. If you have been to Vienna, you have likely seen his statue opposite Prince Eugene of Savoy on the Heldenplatz.
Archduke Johann, Reichsverweser of the German Empire (1782-1859): The reportedly liberal archduke who is most well-known for presiding over the Frankfurt Parliament in 1848 and his role as regent for the German Empire in 1848. There is a statue honoring him in Graz.
Archduke Josef, Palatine of Hungary (1776-1847): Elected Palatine of Hungary who represented Hungarian interests - often in conflict with Franz I/II (who is everyone's favorite here). Provided significant support for the establishment of the Hungarian National Museum and the National Library. There is a statue of him in Budapest that was unveiled after the 1867 Compromise.
Archduke Franz Ferdinand (1863-1914): It would be fair to say that the most famous thing he did was die, but given the consequences of his death, it would be harder for anything to be more significant. He also got married against the usual dynastic protocols and was relatively pro-Slavic.
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rabbiteclair · 1 year
here's my pitch for a prestige drama reboot of Mister Ed:
you start with the traditional scenario: he's a horse, but for some unknown reason, he is intelligent and capable of speech. over the first season, Mister Ed grows increasingly alienated from a humanity that cannot understand the emotional needs of a horse, while finding himself frustrated by his inability to connect with normal, non-talking horses. in this angst, he starts catfishing women on the rapidly-growing online dating scene, posing as a reclusive-but-handsome Portuguese billionaire. he arranges dozens of dates only to never show up, leaving a trail of broken hearts in his wake
but then one of the women tracks him down and figures out what's going on. she threatens to reveal his secret to the world, which would undoubtedly make him into a curiosity who's under constant media and/or scientific surveillance. panicked by this prospect, Mister Ed tramples her to death. season 1 ends with him getting into a shootout with the cops and going on the run
over the next two seasons, Mister Ed grows increasingly embittered and hateful of humanity. he turns his preternatural horse brain toward the sciences in search of some answer to his dilemma, making great strides in his research between interruptions by police raids. while he can find no way to make other talking horses, he eventually invents honest-to-goodness time travel. he travels back to the year 1914 and shoots Archduke Franz Ferdinand, setting off the chain of events that led to WW1.
the last half of the third season is about him traveling throughout Europe, satiating his ghoulish need to watch humans die by the hundreds of thousands, weeping in dark joy as he knows that he is now one of history's greatest murderers, though none will know his name. but he grows ever-hungrier to see carnage closer and in more detail, and one day, he's close enough to the frontlines to be struck by a stray artillery shell. as this hateful, wretched horse bleeds out in a muddy ditch, the camera slowly zooms out for four full minutes, while a sad woodwind version of the original sitcom theme plays
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fitzrove · 7 months
So... what really would've gone down if Mayerling 1889 didn't happen?
Under the cut for speculation & surface-level research... I may write a better post about this someday later. Tysm @baldandersss for inspiring this hehehe
This is a favourite topic for many a "historian" (lol) online, people love to think about what would have happened if Rudolf hadn't died in 1889. Setting aside other things that could've killed Rudolf (we don't know for sure if he had syphilis, Brigitte Hamann sometimes says no - gonorrhea only, but he believed it was syphilis and therefore progressive and uncurable - but in later interviews she switches to yes, it was syphilis; also, maybe stephanie would've eventually gotten tired enough and murdered him (JOKING)), let's pretend for a moment that he actually managed to survive until the 20th century and beyond lol
Now, it's late and I'm not going to google all the stuff that happened between 1889 and 1914 LOL rip, but the thing with 1914 is:
I'm not altogether sure it would've made a difference in the grand scheme of history, ie. Rudolf could not have prevented WW1 from occurring
unless a bunch of people got cool about a bunch of stuff really quickly
according to wikipedia The Bosnian Serb students who planned out the attack mostly cited larger anti-imperial motivations (= the attentat was conceptualised as a heroic bid to free the homeland from decades of tyranny and forced organisational/governmental/political assimilation - omg fun fact this also happened in Finland in 1904 for similar reasons but nobody cared so there was no war xD), but there was also a slight personal aspect to it, because Franz Ferdinand had advocated for even further imperial consolidation, and the assassin actually stated that one of his motivations was to prevent further developments in that vein from occurring by removing FF from the playing board.
-> would a "fairer" archduke - or crown prince - have made a difference? More importantly, could we assume that Rudolf would've actually held substantially different views (in terms of political thought Rudolf was "fairer" to the Slavic peoples of the empire than many others at court, but he was still an imperialist at heart, he didn't want A-H to break apart into independent nation-states - which is the opposite of what radical nationalists all across Europe wanted), AND even if he did, could we assume that evidence of his views would've been widespread enough to make the nationalists hope that once he became emperor, things would get better?
There's simply too many questions, I don't know if it could've worked out... Of course, maybe the overall political line of the court would've been different if Rudolf lived, but that would've necessitated actual power and influence for Rudolf... and idk if any was forthcoming especially once he started to be viewed as mentally unstable and/or morally repugnant by family members, members of the court and the general public (in the late 1880s). So in general I would assume that Mayerling as an event actually isn't historically as momentous as people sometimes say - it's a symptom, not a cause. Really, the real tragedy is the build-up of a political system that's so hostile to idealist liberalism that people in power (or adjacent to power!) who go/think against the system don't have a chance to affect change AND find their very existence unsustainable
(of course there was a level of personal tragedy too, not being able to cope with everything AND having limitations to how you could solve your problems because status made many things impossible for Rudolf, but...)
Also, @baldandersss pointed out that this version of events would've made Rudolf alive at the time of Elisabeth's death - surely a tough blow, especially given the circumstances...
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dreamconsumer · 2 months
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Maria Annunziata, Principessa di Borbone delle Due Sicilie (1843–1871) married (in 1862) Archduke Karl Ludwig of Austria. Their marriage was short-lived due to her death from tuberculosis in 1871. She is known for being the mother of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, whose assassination in Sarajevo precipitated the start of World War I.
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archduchessofnowhere · 8 months
Do you know about the potential marriage between Crown Prince Rudolf and Archduchess Maria Antonietta of the Tuscan branch? Read (unsure if it's accurate) how Emperor Franz Joseph I because of her tuberculosis, but reminds of Ludwig I of Bavaria initially opposing his third son Prince Luitpold marrying Archduchess Maria Antonietta's own aunt Augusta Ferdinanda who although died young, she did also bare four children who had long lives of their own.
Hello anon! This is a subject I've tried to look into, and honestly I find it equally frustrating and fascinating.
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Many of Rudolf's biographers state that his first love was Archduchess Maria Antonietta, the only child of Ferdinando, last Grand Duke of Tuscany, by his first wife Princess Anna of Saxony. The story goes that they fell in love around 1878, and as you said, that she was considered a potential bride for the Crown Prince until her tuberculosis became evident. Some authors choose to end the story there, but others go even farther and talk of a secret marriage in 1880 - which would make Rudolf's marriage to Stephanie of Belgium in 1881 invalid. Maria Antonietta eventually died in 1883, at the age of 25.
But what these biographers sometimes don't mention is that in 1937 a man called Robert Pachmann claimed that he was Rudolf and Maria Antonietta's secret love child, born a month before the archduhcess' death, and that since his alleged parents had been legally married, he was the real head of the House of Habsburg and not Otto von Habsburg, Emperor Karl I's eldest son.
While before the invention of DNA tests it was very common that a person would randomly pop out claiming they were someone famous' lost child, what I find particularly interesting about this case is how FAR the Pachmanns went, going to trial several times, to the point that in 1965 Theodor Pachmann, Robert's son, was legally recognized as a Habsburg by a Vienese regional court, and again - even more explicitly - in 1976, when a judge ruled that he was a great-grandson of Franz Josef and Ferdinando of Tuscany. All these veredicts, however, were based solely on the testimony of Robert Pachmann's mother, who in 1925 stated that her son was actually Rudolf's and Maria Antonietta's. It was only in 2013 when two of Theodor's sons finally compared their DNA against a Habsburg: Georg Hohenberg, Archduke Franz Ferdinand's grandson. Which came out negative. Despite this, Robert Pachmann's descendants still claim to be descendants of Rudolf, mostly because they don't understand why Robert and Theodor would've spent so many years at court fighting for their case if it wasn't true [x].
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From left to right: Crown Prince Rudolf, Robert Pachmann, Theodor Pachmann and Rainer Pachmann (Theodor's son). From Alles aus Neugier: 40 Geschichten aus 40 Jahren by Georg Markus
At this point I was so down the rabbit hole that I thought, ok, there must have been some kind of rumor about Rudolf and Maria Antonietta, and Robert Pachmann built his story around that. After all, his descendants insist that there is evidence of a "love story" between them. But here is the thing: I can't find a single mention of a potential engagement or a rumored affair between Rudolf and Maria Antonietta from before Pachmann made his claim. In fact I can't even find a single mention of Rudolf and Maria Antonietta ever being in the same room together, though I assume they must have met at least once in court. Of course, just because I haven't found it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, so if any of you ever come across any sort of story (it doesn't matter if it's just rumors!) about Rudolf and Maria Antonietta from before 1937, please let me know!
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lovecraftianbeing · 9 months
On June 28th, 1914, the archduke of Austria "franz ferdinand" was attacked twice by the same man. The first attack was a homemade bomb made by Gavrilo Princip, Gavrilio hated franz ferdinand. He threw the bomb under his car but missed. Gavrilio ran away to a café nearby. A few minutes later, the driver of ferdinand's car took a wrong turn going down the street where Gavrilo Princip was eating a cheese sandwich. Once, gavrilio realized he decided to shoot Franz ferdinand with an FN 1910 semi-auto handgun. The death of franz sent Austria into war with others starting WW1. this brings us to a failed art student from Austria named adolf hitler. Hitler was an Austrian infantry. He was in battle when he met fave to face with an American. The American made a horrible mistake of letting him live. Years later and Hitler became the ruler of Germany. Once he became ruler, he created the nazis. Starting WW2, once WW2 was almost over, a gay American man named "Alan turing" created the first modern computer. Years later, the technology became public, and companies started to make home desktops. This lead people to discover communities such as weebs and furries. The growth of furrys led to a website named E621.NET, creating the first worldwide furry porn hosting website
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royal-confessions · 2 years
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“I know that the Habsburgs had the strictest protocols among European monarchies and they were different times. But it saddens me that even after death Duchess Sophie of Hohenberg was treated with inferiority. Her coffin was placed lower in relation to her husband (Archduke Franz Ferdinand) and with less adornment, all this to show her "inferiority" to the archduke. She was also forbidden to be buried in the Habsburg imperial crypt.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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lizardhawthorne · 7 months
Today, puppydog planet is full of malice and hate. I want to personally ensure that whoever is responsible for daylight savings time suffers a torture worse than death for ten hundred thousand years.
Murder kill maim et cetera. This shit is new to me, a proud former Arizonan puppydog, and this is utterly miserable I hate it and I hate the cascade of consequences that have a direct through line to archduke Franz Ferdinand making a wrong turn.
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studentshaul · 1 year
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Name: Gavrilo Princip
Gender: Male
Class: Assassin
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Strength: E
Endurance: D
Agility: C
Mana: D
Luck: A
Noble Phantasm: A
Class Skills:
Presense Concealment: A
Personal Skills:
Revolt for a Better World: A Taken from his anti-imperialist, nationalistic views. With this skill the more Princip believes in a cause, the stronger he gets when fighting for it. So long as a fight will achieve the goal he sets, he will never give up.
Plotting and Scheming: C A sharp young mind who plotted and successfully killed Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand. This skill is exactly was it says on the tin, he can plot and scheme murders and assassinations with precision. Things just go my way: B Causality is linked to Princip, from his lucky shot on the Archduke to the fallout from the assassination. This skill can effect the world around him to a small extent so that he can complete what needs to be done. However just because things are set up for him, doesn't mean he always pulls through in the end.
Noble Phantasm: The Black Hand - A Conspiracy for Freedom: C+ Allows Princip to summon shadow servants that resemble fellow members of the nationalist organsiation he joined, the Black Hand, to help him. These shadow servants can scout, fight and even communicate. He can create up to ten at a time. Fatal Bullet - Cause of the Great War: A+ The spark that almost destroyed Europe. The cause of millions of deaths. This Bullet is a conceptual weapon that when actived makes it so that the next bullet Princip fires does not injure the target..but it effect causality around them. A butterfly effect that leads to the worst possible outcome for the person and their families, friends...neighbours. A spiraling effect that drags those effected by it into a metaphorical hell.
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