#the de aged shen yuan
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diushek · 1 month ago
The Shen Qingqiu who has a strong qi deviation and becomes a child of 7, 8 years old? but he talks about weird things like Pokemon, TV, internet, chocolate cookies, his brothers and where they are and where is his mom.
At this moment, Luo Binghe has already fallen into the Abyss- so, there is a bit of relief about Shen Qingqiu not mourning, but that child is a terror of nature. He goes barefoot everywhere, he has no decorum in his dress, he talks nonstop as if he had a sugar overdose- he says that Liu Qingge is pretty like a Barbie, no matter who the hell that Barbie-jie is (Liu Qingge even gets offended, has he been compared to some COURTESAN?), that Qi Qingqi scares him if she does THAT look (and finally challenge her to flex her arm muscles just to hang from them, and she is PROUD), he rejects Yue Qingyuan's hugs by saying that his clothes are ugly and stiff, but then only accepts cuddles because he says that he has puppy eyes and it's not fair. He tries to flee or attack when Mu Qingfang comes near, saying he smells like a bad weird doctor, and only lets him come closer when Mu Qingfang promises that there will be no needles involved (he also talks a lot about something called a UCI, weird operations - how the hell HAD HIS HEART BEEN REPLACED? what the fuck was a pacemaker - and how horrible hospital food is). And definitely NONE OF THEM can deal with the demanding, loud, complainer, critic, easily bored chaos that is that child.
The only one who seems to know what the hell to do with that little Shen Qingqiu? Of course, Shang Qinghua.
He sings to him in an unknown language lively songs to which the child responds by squealing with joy and following the melodies, they talk about something called Pokemon for hours, he apologizes for not having chocolate cookies (he offers him milk candies as compensation), he says they have no internet reception up there and what's the point of having a TV if they don't have good shows?? Entertains the boy for HOURS telling him about monsters and plants, both clearly made-up stories and real stories from that world. He makes him run chasing flying folded paper to exhaust their energy, and even cooks his meals making meals that none of the other Peak Lords have ever seen (much to the chagrin of disciples Ming Fan and Ning Yingying - they also want to spoil little Shizun!!! But the child only makes ugly faces when he sees white rice!!!)
All the Peak Lords are perplexed who happens to be the only one who knows what to do after all. Apparently and thank goodness, it is temporary; soon Shen Qingqiu's qi will circulate normally and his body will return to adulthood as well as his mind. In the meantime, the sect basically leaves him in Shang Qinghua's hands - although they visit him almost daily.
And Mobei Jun, who sees much of all that because the child Shen Qingqiu - or Yuanyuan - does not leave the side of his spy no matter where he go or what he has to do, just think how much he wants to put babies in Qinghua. Many of them. He will find out how, and soon.
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wyyvoren · 5 months ago
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sleepy shen twins doodle before bed
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meimoons-arts · 3 months ago
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based on this post used this ref:
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meimoons-arts · 2 months ago
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Made fanart for this ❤️😭
Role reversal au but shen Yuan gets temporarily de-aged into a 5 year old.. at first binghe is having the time of his life. His a-yuan got even cuter!! Everytime shen yuan grabs binghes robe and looks up at him with those big eyes and says "bing-gege?" Binghe wants to scream and cry and roll around on the floor from how CUTE it is
Them at qian Cao listening to the peak lord explain what curse shen yuan must have been hit with but neither of them can focus because shen yuan keeps trying to escape binghes hold and touch the medicine bottles
Unlike his adult disciple, baby shen yuan smiles wide without hiding behind a fan, tells binghe what he wants to eat instead of saying he's fine with anything, holds out his arms for hugs and cuddles 24/7... its heaven until shen yuan asks where his family is
Binghe: you... never mentioned your family
Shen yuan: oh I have a mom and a dad and da-ge and er-ge and meimei !! Meimei is only one year old and she just learned how to call me ge :D
Binghe: aww :) okay, your friend Shang qinghua is from your hometown I'll ask him where your family is :)
Shang qinghua: Okay so the thing is........... um.....
Shen Yuan sobbing uncontrollably all night because his family isn't "in this world." No amount of hugs or snacks will make him calm down. Binghe wondering how he didn't know something like that about his favourite disciple.
When shen yuan turns back to his normal adult body, binghe tentatively brings the topic up. Shen yuan opens his fan and casually says "shizun need not worry, this disciple is no longer a child." Binghe doesn't push but he does stay awake at night wondering how much pain shen yuan doesn't share with anyone else
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artsarasp · 3 months ago
You had people send you fics, but what are personally your fic recommendations?
Or fics you like in general or just find cool/neat?
WELL- First off you can always assume that I'm highly recommending any fic I've drawn art for, that's me pointing a neon sign at it and saying GO READ AND LEAVE A NICE COMMENT TO THE WRITER! I'm gonna go dig in my history to get some recs.
- "dumbstruck when you're tender" by pennydaniels This fic is SO good, I wanted to yell about it by making a drawing but I just couldn't decide what to draw. It's a timetravel fix-it fic where Liu Mingyan goes back in time and fixes the plot by joining Qing jing and basically spends the entire story making SQQ go "what the fuck is WRONG with this girl" .
It scratches an itch in my brain. 10/10 go read it.
"We should stick together" by pennydaniels (again <3)
As the author put it, SJ babytraps LQG without the baby. It's honestly so well written, (i want to personally break the face of SJ's Shizun) there's also a sequel fic where sj is de-aged and its so sweetttttt aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
"held within the sharp and the curving" by corduroyserpent
I've read this the other day and really enjoyed it!!! It's Gongyi Xiao/Zhuzhi-Lang. Zhuzhi-Lang brings Gongyi Xiao back from the dead and its a bit of a mess and then it turns so tenderrr
"How To Train Your Empolyee" by ParueCake (MiraEyeteeth)
I think about this fic so much. It's so good. Shen Yuan is a dragon and he needs someone to help him take care of chores around the house, he gets a tiny terrified Binghe to do the job. But honestly, LQG steals the show for me (CALL ME BIASED, HE'S MY FAV) There one scene in particular that just gives me the biggest smile whenever I think about it and it's when SY and LQG are sparring and SY keeps yeeting LQG far away and he keeps coming back like a cat that likes to be thrown around. ALSO LQG TRYING TO APPLY A TALISMAN ON HIMSELF TO GET RID OF MIND CONTROL AND IT'S NOT WORKING BECAUSE IT'S JUST THE WIFE BEAM- IT'S SO FUNNYYYY Mira said something about writing a LQG pov and I'm staring longingly in their general direction.
"A person I can't recall" by milktan
Honestly, I could recommend all their fics (They are ALL amazing and the ARTTT) but this one scratches that itch in my brain that loves funny misunderstandings like these. You can sum it up as: yqy: oh, my poor shidi is so traumatized :( sqh: FUCK FUCK FUCK *TROWS A MOLOTOV* 10/10 amazing shenanigans
"Seamless" by elanor_pam
This one is just the first chapter but it's so good already!!! Timetravel fix it where we get a front-row seat as YQY absolutely TEARS into the Qiu's, just one chapter and it's already PEAK just for the absolute smack at Qiu Jianluo.
"Celestial Afterglow" by elanor_pam (again <3 )
This one is a weird one, but I had a lot of fun reading it. SQH saves the plot by setting up the weirdest unintentional voyeurism session ever. SQQ turns into a living CLAMP illustration, Xin Mo is defeated by the sluttiest flower in the realm, LQG unlocks the particle effect. Everyone has a great time and the OPM gets destroyed as a little treat <3
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gaywarcriminals · 1 month ago
do you think Shen jiu would be in denial about the fact he's gay (like Shen Yuan) or that it's something he accepted that he just doesn't talk about it? Or hell maybe he is openly gay and somehow nobody noticed.
From a meta-analysis perspective, I don't have a strong opinion about this; I've seen a wide variety of interpretations that are well-supported by the text, and I think it’s best served by just going with whichever suits that particular fic. 
When it comes to my personal headcanons, I don’t think the world of PIDW/SVSSS has homophobia the way we think of it: I’m sure there’s still a bias against gay people, but I think it more comes down to “but you need to produce heirs”. You can have your boy toy so long as you’re still having kids with your main wife (very loosely based on the pre-Ming dynasty view of homosexuality). There’s also the fact that, in the de-aging extra, MF sincerely believes for a bit that LBH is SQQ’s biological child, which, as many people have pointed out, could imply that mpreg is possible in this universe (at least for cultivators with the resources for the plot device), and that could also lessen any discrimination based on the reproductive imperative. Imo, if SJ has an aversion to being gay, it comes down to his issues with the men in general. 
I usually default to SJ thinking/telling himself that he's not attracted to anyone. I don't buy comphet for SJ, at least not beyond QHT (and that has more to do with the traumatic situation than his sexuality); if he’s cuddled up against a half-dressed woman’s breast multiple times a week, it’d be hard not to notice his lack of attraction, but he just computes it as being better than other men lmao. He isn’t some drooling beast who can’t control his vices! Clearly every other man just lasts the self control and will power to do the same. And of course, SJ doesn’t notice any potential attraction to men because he hates most of them too much to be horny for them. I also like the interpretation that SJ is demisexual, and doesn’t experience his sexuality as being attracted to men so much as This Specific Person.
There two main paths I like to take from there, depending on the fic and intended tone:  1.) SJ isn’t into men, he’s into Qi-ges; it’s totally different! (This is where SJ’s attitude comes closest to SY’s lol) 2.) SJ’s long and grueling journey to deal with both the horror of experiencing lust as a man, being attracted to a man, and him having to reconcile that with his aversion to men.
Either way, I don’t think SJ would be openly gay until he had a male partner he couldn’t/didn’t want to hide (or rather, wanted to stake a public claim on, lol). Why would anyone else need to know who he’s attracted to, It’s not their business 😒. Infuriatingly, he would never bring up his sexuality to dispute the lechery accusations. Hate him (said while experiencing the Blorbo Emotion).
As I said though, I've seen a lot of other interpretations of SJ's relationship to his sexuality that I've liked, so I'd love to hear other people's thoughts on this as well!
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gaefiction · 3 months ago
Son of the ScumVillain - Modern Au (ft. Luo Bingge)
So, OG!Shen Qingqiu dies and reincarnates multiple times until he ends up in the Modern World™.
The thing is- His parents hate him (very much) and it's mutual; so the moment he hits adulthood he's forced to marry a wealthy lady of good offspring « he's not interested in, thank you very much» and in retaliation Shen Jiu decides to elope with his new wife (not for long) and HALF AND A YEAR later he comes back, with no spouse in sight and a CHILD.
Little Yuan, no more than a few weeks old, is a delight to the eyes; a tiny baby boy with rosy cheeks and chubby little arms that in the moment his father walks in with him, the entire room is already cooing at the boy- Shen jiu hates that, of course.
Shen Jiu's parents «being the snakes they are» try to take his little boy, using multiple excuses about how Shen Jiu isn't ready for the responsability; that they would take care of Yuan while he works to provide the baby (which, he has already been taken care of since he dropped his, now ex, wife the moment the baby was in his arms!) or that he's too «uhg» innapropiate to be a parent. That directly infurates Shen Jiu, making him yell at his parents about «how innapropiate THEY were for him, that they can try to snatch his baby boy from him, but he will die before letting them touch a single hair of Shen Yuan's hair!». It should be emphasized that they did not take well this, and disowned Shen jiu (lmao).
But, this man being a high IQ individual, has already predicted this course of action- While being away; he slowly built a decent business abroad, enough to keep him rising to the top, and maintain his baby! (RIP ex-wife, she was not in his plans) Check mate. So he has absolutely no problem dropping his deadbeat awful family and disappearing from the picture.
That's how the first years of Shen Yuan's life he's coveted by his father, and spending most of his time indoors (thanks to a very rare decease that keeps him with a very weak inmune system). This shy, cute little child that looks like a carbon copy of his dad (geez, Mother's genes didn't even try) who's too introverted to make friends with the children of dad's business partners, ends up casually being a secret brat!
Too smart for his age, Shen Yuan's a tiny Shen jiu; much less violent but poisonous to the same extent that his father's venomous. His pure golden heart is appeased by the coldness emanated from Shen jiu's and is equally measured a lil bitch (also, he has a lot of mysandric ideas thanks to his beloved dad, but were not talking about that).
That's when Shen yuan's dad meets his- other dad (he doesn't know THAT yet). Yue Qingyuan is a golden retriever made into a man, quick to appease Shen Jiu's moods and pacifist to the absolute extreme, making him very easy to bully but also the best to actually de-escalate any conflict his husband can possibly make.
So, at five/seven years of age, when his new dad enters the picture Shen Yuan is allowed to be a child; no more classes too advanced for his age, no more behavioral instructions or punishments «he can actually eat sweet now! whenever he wants! Baba Yue is the best» but the damage is already done; he's a brat, just like his father, and has a snake's tongue (again, just like his father), with a very- complicated view of the world, ("kill all men" he yawned one day during literature class, his teacher too stunned to speak) and a very serious behavioural problem (he indeed liked to kick people's calves in supermarkets and run to his parents for protection, that little shit).
So, this MENACE grows up, reads PIDW and doxxes everyone that has a fight with him (including airplane himself), sends glitter bombs to Luo Binghe's haters and has a very secret (only Baba Yue knows about it, because and ONLY because he's the one paying for it) collection of merch in his very very big closet and gets discovered by his (dramatic) dad; who threatens to burn all of Shen Yuan's merchandise, leading him to make a threat of his own that he will move out if anything happens to his Luo Binghe welding Xin Mo collectible figurine.
Of course, Shen Jiu doesn't believe it: And when Shen Yuan isn't looking he throws the damn nendoroid in the trash.
Two days later Shen yuan is sitting in his new apartment with all his collectibles secured behind every damn lock he knows blocking the front door.
And because Shen Jiu's luck is shit a month later a very known face shows up in his son's apartment.
He of course isn't informed about it (Shen yuan's still giving him the cold shoulder). He grows suspicious when one day, a year and a half after shen yuan's tantrum, he hears Yue Qingyuan on the phone talking to their son, Shen yuan with a strangled and breathy voice "Ah! Baba don't worry- everything is fine, i'm fine! can w-we talk later? Okay bye!" Not even giving his Baba the CHANCE to say hi.
That little shit.
Neither Shen Jiu nor Shen Yuan take it well when Shen Jiu appears unannounced at the door of his apartment, and finds a VERY tall muscular man, with beautiful curls and a winner's smile opening the door.
EDIT: Guys I'm so sorry I was really sleepy when writing this and just now i noticed the copy-pasted parts *cries*
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corduroyserpent · 5 days ago
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“In my defense,” Tianlang-jun says as he elegantly lowers himself to sit cross-legged on the floor of the Holy Mausoleum, “I’ve never brought anyone back from the dead before. As far as complications go, this is relatively manageable. Wouldn’t you agree?” The question is directed towards a young child swimming in black robes far too elaborate and spacious for his minuscule size. The child simply blinks his big, dark eyes in response. It’s a familiar mannerism, and one that has only gotten cuter amidst accidental age regression.
Tianlang-jun brings Zhuzhi-lang back to life. It doesn't quite go as planned.
Relationships: Tianlang-jun & Zhuzhi-lang, Luo Binghe/Shen Yuan | Shen Qingqiu, Su Xiyan/Tianlang-jun, Luo Binghe & Zhuzhi-lang, Luo Binghe & Tianlang-jun, Shen Yuan | Shen Qingqiu & Tianlang-jun, Background Mobei-Jun/Shang Qinghua
Rating: T
Tags: Age Regression/De-Aging, Post-Canon, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Tianlang-jun Has Chronic Pain, Dreamscapes, Memories, Pregnancy Mention, Eventual Happy Ending, Zhuzhi-lang Lives, Minor Liu Mingyan/Ning Yingying/Sha Hualing, Trans Shang Qinghua, Hurt/Comfort, Agender Su Xiyan
💚 89.4k | 28/28 chapters | complete | read on ao3! 💚
Yes, that's right! It's finally finished!! Thank you to everyone who has stuck with me. What a ride, huh? 😆 And in honor of having posted the final chapter, I'd like to once again share all of the phenomenal art that has been created over the past 3(ish) years.
freshly resurrected baby and jiujiu by shatouto
the awakening of binghe's gege powers and shy zhuzhi-lang with tianlang-jun by dohmeytay
the bathtub scene from chapter 2 by scrambledcattos
"sad how?" "like jiujiu" from chapter 5 by CucumberedSnake
little zhuzhi-lang chasing after tianlang-jun + binghe gege holding de-aged zhuzhi-lang by goatpunches
bingqiu making the baby laugh by matimatti
tianlang-jun, zhuzhi-lang, and a certain ghost + two mimir by nekoning
toddler zhuzhi-lang holding a stuffed snake by todesesser
zhuzhi-lang trying to take care of rotting tianlang-jun + the unforeseen effects of basking by ghostclowning
baby BITE by fireandgrimstone
a series of moments from chapter 24 by junodoom
pain, pain, go away + zhuzhi-lang with a bloodpup + the baby is growing up 🥺 + to love is to be changed (aka zhuzhi-lang during the final chapter) by ouremperorssmugsmile
eepy baby by hskcut_
As always, much love from me – baby ZZL too awww he's waving goodbye with the tip of his tail 🥺💚 – and I hope you enjoy the final chapter!
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horsegirlwarcrimes · 11 months ago
if your still doing the fic-wip thing, i would love to know about the YQY and SQH De-Aged Fic or the shen yuan transmigrats into YQY fic.
i also really loved the two YQY and Zhúzhī Láng adventure snippets u posted🩷🩵
ahh thank you so much!!! ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ
theres another bit of this fic here with a description, but here's a later scene! this fic is everything to me yall are making me so excited to finish it
"You're Shen Qingqiu." The boy exclaimed, eyes wide. "How do you know that name?" "Wow, you look just like I imagined! Haha… ha." His laughter trailed off and he lifted a hand to thread into his shorn hair and tugged tightly. His voice took on a sharp quaver. "That's it, I've really gone insane, huh?" Shen Qingqiu turned to Mu Qingfang. "How could he know that? Shang Qinghua was older than I was when I joined the sect. I wasn't named Qingqiu until years later." Mu Qingfang knelt by the side of the bed. He had a way of making himself softer, nonthreatening, that annoyed Shen Qingqiu both for the saccharin quality of the affectation and, privately, his own inability to immitate it. One might catch more flies with honey, but Shen Qingqiu has only ever had vinegar in his arsenal. The young Shang Qinghua didn't seem comforted by it, and leaned away warily as Mu Qingfang settled next to him. "Do you know where you are, Shang-gongzi?" he asked. The young Shang Qinghua swallowed. "If he's supposed to be Shen Qingqiu, then this is Cang Qiong Mountain, huh?" The doctor nodded. "Yes, that's good. You remember entering the sect then?" "Entering the—no! What is this, some—some isekai shit? Into my ideas? This—this isn't real. I'm hallucinating." "You know who we are and where you are, what makes you feel it must be a dream?" "This isn't real. You're not real, Cang Qiong isn't—Shen Qingqiu isn't real. He's just a character I thought of, I haven't even written it down yet." "A… character?" "Yeah, you know." The boy bunched his hands up in the thin blanket and looked down at his lap. They were trembling. "Shen Qingqiu and Yue Qi, Yue Qingyuan. Two slave boys who are seperate when they're children, and fight their way back together at Cang Qiong mountain and become top cultivators. But there's like, you know, drama and stuff."
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coolshadowtwins · 1 year ago
Edit: in hindsight, I should have added Mu Qingfang and Qi Qingqi. Oh well lol
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neonghostcat · 1 year ago
Brain Overflow
You know how in my last 'state of the author' post I said I could feel the urge to write coming back?
Oh, it has.
It's terribly inconvenient too. I'm going to tell you a little about some of the things I've been thinking of and then whine/wibble a tiny bit if you click through to behind the cut. (You don't have to read the last bit!)
I've written down three different SVSSS (LiuShen) ideas in the last couple of weeks, added a few thoughts to older ideas, made a mental note of possible Cultivate extras, and just refused to write down others so as not to encourage rampant plot bunny breeding.
But let me tell you about a few of them because I'm hoping it reduces the urge to work on them better than just typing up notes.
The Lady Blackbird fusion Not sure what Lady Blackbird is? Well, it's a free tabletop rpg that you can download here. But the TL;DR is, "Sort of like steampunk Star Wars: A New Hope + Firefly + potential Jane Austen novel, if you want." I'll just C&P the pitch here: Lady Blackbird is an Imperial noble fleeing from an arranged marriage to be with her secret lover, the pirate king Uriah Flint. To reunite with him, she has hired a notorious smuggler and the crew of his skyship, The Owl. However, The Owl has been captured by an Imperial cruiser. How will Lady Blackbird and the others escape? What dangers lie in their path on the way to the pirate king’s lair? Can you see where this is going? (Actually, probably not your first thought, no.) We start with Shen Yuan transmigrated in a xianxia-by-way-of-steampunk gown, sitting in a jail cell with several men, a teenage boy, and a veiled teenage girl. System helpfully informs him that he is now "Lady" Blackbird, on the run to end up in the arms of Pirate King Mobei-Jun. His cell-mates are, as follows: Smuggler Captain Liu Qingge, Lady Blackbird's personal bodyguard Liu Mingyan who suggested her brother when LB said she wanted to escape, the ship's mechanic Shang Qinghua, the ship's doctor Mu Qingfang (or they pick him up later, I haven't decided), and "a goblin named BingBing". While SY is busy freaking out that System can't fool him - that's the Protagonist, Luo Binghe!!! wtf!!! System says "later, loser" and more-or-less abandons him (though still employing an OOC ban). So now you can probably see where this is going, lol. It involves at least a brief period where SY has to crossdress and pretend to be one of Binghe's future wives - a fiancée/wife of Mobei-Jun as Liu Qingge gets very conflicted feelings about his troublesome passenger. Featuring lots of Cumplane friendship, sassy MQF (as a treat), teenage smirking (likely aided and abetted by the adults), and space whales (naturally). I have not yet fully decided if the story Shen Yuan read was PIDW and now he has to figure out how the infiltration of "space with gears on it" into his xianxia has fucked up what he and Airplane know, or if the story was something like "Proud Immortal Starlit Way" and it was always like that. (Thoughts?) ---
The "SY Bodysnatches MQF" idea What it says on the tin... SY accidentally ends up in MQF's body instead of SQQ's. Only MQF isn't gone - he remains. This occurs directly before the Demonic Invasion and double qi deviation part of the plot and they rush back to the sect to deal with that. Then things get messy while they conspire to get SY his own body. Featuring: An extremely confused Liu Qingge, eventual Shenbros, and aro-ace MQF being very bemused at all times. ---
The "LQG Gets De-Aged/Age-Regressed" idea As you can guess: LQG gets age-regressed. This happens in Lingxi Caves instead of his death-by-deviation. He latches onto SY-SQQ and SY-SQQ is helpless to do anything but take the cute kid in. Featuring: BingLiu friendship, possibly Bing-other disciples friendship, but mostly establishing bro-code that makes Binghe switch his infatuation with SY-SQQ into family feelings as soon as LQG regains his adult body and it becomes clear that LiuShen is happening. ----
This is along with: Joint Custody (LiuShen), my SJ-SQQ second-chance redemption fic (LiuShen and LiuJiu, but different LQGs), a peak lords ascension fic using Cultivate's backstory (LiuJiu), a LiuShen timeloop fic, and at least another half a dozen fic ideas sitting in the hopper that aren't nearly as developed/that I am not burning to write yet.
I'd love to know which ideas you guys are most interested in. ;) Joint Custody is still next regardless and I'll probably not be working on either of the LiuJiu fics in the near future because they are definitely 100k+ territory and I'm still not ready for that. But knowing people are hype for something keeps me hype. ;3
I'll probably be in this fandom awhile, y'all. Please send help.
Sadly, I can't work on any of them yet, because I have over 2,600 messages in my inbox waiting for me to respond to. (This is not a humble brag - this is thousand-yard-stare territory. It was somewhere over 3000 for awhile until I started making a list of people who generally only left emojis or thanks and let them know that I was going to just thank them for all of them in one email so they didn't peppered by replies in kind.)
Not that I'm complaining about them, because I missed replying to comments so much (it's genuinely one of my favorite parts about writing fanfic), but it's still a lot and even if I could manage 100 replies a day (which for mental health reasons, I really can't), it's going to take awhile.
More importantly - I hope you are well! 🌼
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danmeiconfession · 1 year ago
I'm torn between not caring about Ning Yingying and Qiu Haitang and hating them tenfold. Why did the rumor persists? When I watched the donghua, I found Ning Yingying so freaking annoying. Although in the latter part of the novel, there were improvments. The PIDW Ning Yingying, did she never defend her Shizun from the lecherous rumors that still persist or no one believed her because she's a dumb kid in their eyes? She really backstabbed him the one person he favored and she let everything be destroyed for Binghe what justification is there except she was a stupid? Did she not care for people and her her Shizun lol like she's worse than the scum villain himself at least he's got integrity. i'm sorry to say but deing a dumbfuck or naive ain't an excuse just cause she's a girl.
And Qiu Haitang, is she another stupid girl who can't she her supposed "love" is being abused. There may not be scars visible but being so thin or signs will be obvious. Or ask herself why a slave would do such a thing after many years you think with age comes wisdom she didn't have that
Maybe I just really hate their rose-tinted eyes, privilege and stupidness.
And Yue Qingyuan, how did you become a Sect Master when you can't even talk and explain things to your Shidi? I get he has trauma but I look at Shen jiu right and even though he also had trauma he goes above to save him and to do everything even with that trauma and you're telling me a few words can't qualify. He can't fucking defend his own shidi or believe him.
He never belives him does he ? Someone could replace his Xiao Jiu and he'll won't notice oh wait that already happened... Imagine someone you knew for years you won't know some signs or investigate further beside that one time I know Shen Yuan didn't do such a great job they checked him for possession I think ? But seriously... If it was the other around knowing Shen jiu he'd do his best to bring him back because he loyal as hell. That how I know how unfair this is because Shen jiu is such an all for nothing guy and he wastes it on him is such a shame because what benefit has this man brought except pain.
I genuinely feel bad for Shen jiu because the bar for people is low just being even a smidge kind to him and he'll do anything for you is sad as hell because the world he lives in is complete dogshit. Yue Qingyuan is such a low bar to i'm sorry but he is to even have if you want a dependable and reliable figure that there for you when they just mess more shit up more. He ain't Lan Zhan that for sure . My god, Liu Qinghe the type if you want a loyal man he fought Luo Binghe for 5 years for his SVSS corpse such dedication in such a short time too and they hated each other. If Shen jiu heard me talking shit about his Qi-ge that's fine lol because it true he ain't much.
Everything is a mess. I feel like they just messed up Shen Jiu's life. What value had they brought in my man's life if not pain.
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ladysunamireads · 6 months ago
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allpiesforourown · 1 month ago
So obsessed with role reversal au + de-aged shen yuan
Binghe: a-yuan is soooo cute like this my little meow meow let me show you around the peak!!
Some disciple: greeting shizun- wow, this little boy looks like shen-shixiong!
Binghe turning Shen Yuan around and holding him tight to hide his face against his robe: no he doesn't. Don't tell anyone what you just saw.
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tinypinkmouse · 11 months ago
Guardian (and adjacent) WIPs
These are literally the titles of the documents, and yes, I am definitely embarrassed about some of them.
To be edited
These are technically WIPs since they're not posted yet, but they just need a round of editing and podficcing and they're ready to post.
Weilan derivatives
Luo Qingeng/Zhang Yuan sequel 
<1k words
deaged SW, <1k, probably weilan and idk maybe twincest (we'll see)
Instead of trying Shen Wei to a pillar Ye Zun decides to turn him the same age(ish) they were when Ye Zun was taken by the rebel leader (see how SW likes being young and helpless and at someone else's mercy). Except then Ye Zun just can't resist tiny, worried gege with his big eyes and needs to protect him (also probably finds out what actually happened in the past, because to de-aged SW it happened recently).
arranged marriage yohe, <1k, weilan, lanzun
Zhao Yunlan ends up in YOHE and stumbles into an existing marriage agreement with the Black Cloaked Envoy… that then instead ends up in a marriage agreement with the Rebel Chief (Ye Zun at that point but they don't know that of course). Everyone is upset, but I guess Zhao Yunlan is doing it for peace and whatnot.
cuddle the enemy, <1k, weilan
AU where Dixing and Haixing are at war. There's peace talks and diplomatic teams and whatnot and Zhao Yunlan is very bored. He might want to cuddle Heipaoshi.
SW stalker, <1k, weilan,
Shen Wei somehow stumbles into Zhao Yunlan's existence years before he did in canon. And then starts stalkins Zhao Yunlan, of course Zhao Yunlan catches onto something at some point.
ZYL memory loss, <1k, weilan
Instead of time travel Zhao Yunlan is immortal and has amnesia. There are some issues here with some of the details, but lots of handwaving will make it work.
I just had a dream, <1k, weilan
Literally a dream I had where Shen Wei is some kind of god that happens to rescue Zhao Yunlan for some reason. And then keeps rescuing him. And Zhao Yunlan figures out that Shen Wei will show up if he's in danger so then he starts deliberately putting himself in danger. Shen Wei is not happy about it, but of course still keeps saving him.
Mass Effect xover?, <1k, weilan(zun?)
The Hallows throw the three of them off somewhere else somewhere around the show ending, because they somehow know the reapers are coming and someone needs to do something. Set somewhere around ME2.
amnesia au, <1k, weilan
Shen Wei doesn't remember being the Black Cloaked Envoy. He meets Zhao Yunlan earlier than canon, they get married, everyone's happy. The SID is pretty busy with no BCE around. And then something happens and Shen Wei starts remembering, slowly in bits and pieces that don't make any sense (alright, I admit I might have rewatched the Long Kiss Goodnight).
monster!ZYL... prequel? <1k, no weilan because it's before they meet
Musings on little monster Zhao Yunlan's life before he meets Shen Wei in a night club.
android au, <1k, weilan
Zhao Yunlan used to be Kunlun during a war or something, got deactivated, but somehow Shen Wei managed to save him, but he got sent off somewhere to be reprogrammed/memory wiped instead and Shen Wei has been trying to find him ever since.
AC crossover, <1k, weilan
Post-death Desmond meets Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan post-death. And then once Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan drag themselves back to the living (because post-canon fix-it of course) they take Desmond with them.
soulmate au writing, <1k, weilan
Soulmates can write on their own skin and it appears on the other one. Zhao Yunlan and Shen Wei are soulmates separated by time, but they can still write to each other (because of the Hallows somehow).
another soulmate thing, <1k, weilan(zun?)
Soulmate bonding between Dixingren and Haixingren always skews in favour of Dixingren because something about dark energy making the bond and it ends up with the Haixingren sort of subservient. It is somewhat public knowledge that Zhao Yunlan has the Black Cloaked Envoy's mark. He's sixteen when they bond and he… has expectations. Things turn out quite different.
serum time travel, <1k, weilan
The serum at the end of the show makes Zhao Yunlan travel in time, but he can't control it. Just jumping from one moment to another, never there long enough to do much. Eventually, should somehow end up in a fix-it.
wish, <1k, weilan
Someone makes a wish to change one thing and the world is suddenly entirely different. Things go very bad. But possibly a somewhat hopeful ending anyway.
android sci fi au, <1k, weilan
Really just an excuse to write a scene with Zhao Yunlan flirting with android!Shen Wei and some outsider being horrified/disapproving. Because androids, you know.
Shen Xi and Shen Wei, <1k, weilan
AU where Shen Wei and Shen Xi learn to know each other because the treaty says that her son and the Black Cloaked Envoy will be married and Shen Xi wants to meet this man. Zhao Xinci will just have to indulge her.
Parallel, <1k, weilan
Somehow post canon (fix-it) Zhao Yunlan ends up seeing a parallel timeline in glimpses. His mom is still alive there. Somehow the two timelines seem to be converging and Zhao Yunlan doesn't know which one he wants to be real, because he's never seen Shen Wei in those moments when he sees the other world.
this nice AU, <1k, weilan(zun?)
More or less canon setting, except nothing bad is going on and everyone is doing well and Shen Wei and Ye Zun get along just fine. And Ye Zun decides to pretend to be Shen Wei and go flirt with Zhao Yunlan because he wants to know more about this human that Shen Wei has been hung up on for ten thousand years.
amnesia, <1k, lanzun, weilan
Zhao Yunlan loses his memory when he's in Dixing to free Shen Wei from the pillar. And then Ye Zun finds him, and well, takes advantage.
time travel fix it - ye zun, <1k
post-canon Ye Zun ends up travelling back in time to fix thing, but it means he initially ends up back in the pillar.
Dance, dance, <1k, weilan
Alright this is novel verse and entirely ridiculous. There are videos somewhere on the internet about the 'dance' stoats do to confuse prey (or something, it's weird) and what if that's what Little Ghost King did when hunting?
so what happened in YOHE, <1k, weilanzun
Zhao Yunlan manages some last minute rescuing of Ye Zun while back in time and things go differently.
sequel - he had a name, <1k, weilanzun
Sequel to https://archiveofourown.org/works/26892040/chapters/65617987. Zhao Yunlan is in Dixing and they try to work things out.
cohabitation, <1k, weilanzun in some form
Ye Zun is stuck in the pillar and his body is gone, and he can't just make a new one. Wanting to help Ye Zun, and make up with him, Shen Wei offers to share his own body with Ye Zun.
surviving, <1k, weilan
Both Zhao Yunlan and Shen Wei somehow live through the show end, but Shen Wei doesn't survive it well.
chronic pain, <1k, weilan
Post-canon fix-it, but Shen Wei is left with chronic pain and needs to learn to live with that.
arranged marriage, <1k, weilan
The Black Cloaked Envoy and Kunlun got married back in the day, and now with the anniversary of the Treaty signing coming up, they need to do a whole Black Cloaked Envoy getting married to a Haixingren thing again.
blind? <1k, weilan
A lot of Dixingren are born blind, Shen Wei happens to be one of them. Because of the whole living in darkness thing, which doesn't make as much sense for Shen Wei, but I'm going with that anyway.
tiny dragon, <1k, weilan, damian
One tiny dragon ficlet in the series that I started and haven't finished.
sequel? yohe, <1k, weilan
Another instalment in the time travel fix-it series (https://archiveofourown.org/series/2182137). This one deals with the YOHE issue.
sequel seeing shadows, <1k, weilan
(https://archiveofourown.org/works/42466083/chapters/106652535) Zhao Yunlan wakes up with amnesia, so the monster boyfriend is a bit surprising.
wants, <1k, weilan
Zhao Yunlan tries to get Shen Wei to express his wants, but Shen Wei doesn't actually know what they are
Hell, <1k, weilan
Masturbating creates a portal to hell. Shen Wei is a demon… 
Shen Xi and Shen Wei, <1k, gen
The treaty says that Shen Xi's son and the Black Cloaked Envoy will be married and Shen Xi is going to meet this man no matter what.
1k-5k words
but winter, ~4k, weilan
Literally just "what if Guardian, but it's winter?" Things did start deviating from canon pretty fast though, so who knows where it's going.
Fringe AU, ~1k, weilan
Tries to fit the whole concept of Fringe (two universes, if they eventually smash together badness follows) with Guardian somehow. The Hallows have something to do with crossing universes, there's only one Zhao Yunlan and somehow he falls for the Shen Wei in both universes.
Somekind of eldritch AU? ~1k, weilan
Shen Wei is some kind of eldritch thing faking humanity for some reason, he went to jail a decade or so ago for a series of murders (actually committed by Ye Zun probably) and now Zhao Yunlan is investigating murders that are exactly like those ones…
AC fusion thing, ~1k, weilan
Assassin's Creed fusion with Zhao Yunlan stuck in the animus. He meets Shen Wei in his memories and then I just handwave everything AC tells us about how the animus works so I can make this weilan anyway. By Hallows magic somehow.
undercover cop au, ~1.3k, weilan
Zhao Yunlan is an undercover cop, Shen Wei is a lawyer for a criminal organisation. They end up fake dating because Shen Wei finds out about Zhao Yunlan and wants to help him for reasons he's not telling Zhao Yunlan.
dragon au, ~3.8k, weilan
Zhao Yunlan accidentally wakes up a sleeping dragon when he's a kid. And then at some point when he's all grown up he meets Shen Wei.
So like, SW and HPS different people, ~1.3k, okay probably some weird ot4
There's three brothers instead of two. Shen Wei is the normal brother. I'm pretty sure Zhao Yunlan falls for everyone.
DA fusion thing, ~1.1k, weilanzun
Dragon Age Inquisition-ish setting plot wise. Shen Wei and Ye Zun share a body (like an Anders-Justice type situation). I just wanted something where if they're in the Fade Shen Wei is suddenly Ye Zun instead. There's some plot and backstory, and trying to mash Hallows and other Guardian things into this setting. But the Shen Wei and Ye Zun situation is the most important thing.
da xover, ~1.4k, weilan
Portal accident somehow takes post-canon Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan physically into the Fade. And then… they get involved in the plot of DA:Inquisition.
Monsters in the jungle, ~2.8k, weilan
AU, explorer!ZYL gets dumped into the jungle to die, and gets found by Shen Wei, who is half snake apparently.
yohe sex injury, ~1k, weilan
Their first time having sex turns out a bit… much and Zhao Yunlan gets slightly injured. It's not really the first time that's happened (from Zhao Yunlan's perspective) and he doesn't think it's a big deal, Shen Wei can heal him and no harm done. Except Shen Wei hasn't learned healing yet, and he's a lot more horrified at hurting Kunlun.
fake dating, ~1.1k, weilan
Everyone keeps assuming Zhao Yunlan and Da Qing are dating, for some reason, Zhao Yunlan can't be bothered to correct them. When he meets a very attractive Professor Shen, Zhao Yunlan is suddenly worried that he'll think that too.
Untitled document, ~1k, weilan
AU, this is a bit confusing because I forgot the specifics of what this is about (learn to make notes, self). It starts out with Shen Wei and Ye Zun being separated because Shen Wei gets banished from Dixing because he disagrees with certain official policy. Haixingren are the result of Dixingren doing some kind of experimenting to make people better suited to life on the surface. Except things get out of hand and there's a rebellion and war. After he gets exiled to Haixing, Shen Wei meets Kunlun.
sw/zyl/hps, ~1.8k, weilan (I guess, what else would I call it?)
Shen Wei, despite seeming all kinds of suspicious and being in the wrong place at the wrong time actually is entirely normal human man. The Black Cloaked Envoy is the Black Cloaked Envoy (I might need to figure out if he still looks just like Shen Wei). Somehow, Zhao Yunlan manages to start a relationship with both.
marriage proposal celbrity au, ~2.6k, weilan
AU based on the trailer of some movie. Zhao yunlan is a celebrity of some kind, Shen Wei is University Professor that ends up entirely accidentally proposing to him during some public event (it was Cheng Xinyan's sign, he was just holding onto it, and it was a joke anyway) and Zhao Yunlan accepts for reasons, in public.
knitting, ~1.6k, background weilan probably
Post-canon fix-it and Ye Zun is supposed to find a nice calming hobby to keep himself occupied. Knitting is it. He forces gifts on people.
kidnapping, ~1.3k, weilan
After meeting Zhao Yunlan for the first time, Shen Wei gets his file, learns some things about Zhao Yunlan and decides the most sensible thing to do to keep him safe is to kidnap him.
bear, ~2.7k, weilan
At some point is the past Shen Wei somehow got stuck as a bear (a curse or something, a Dixing power?). Zhao Yunlan meets a bear, and is rightfully terrified. He doesn't know the bear is anything but a bear.
dragons. for fucks sake. I cry, ~2.7k, weilan
Shen Wei is a dragon and when he meets Zhao Yunlan for the first time in modern times he more or less drags Zhao Yunlan to watch some baby dragons hatch. Look, Kunlun had told him he'd be there for it, so Shen Wei just goes with it. He just forgets to actually tell Zhao Yunlan that they're actually also Zhao Yunlan's babies. Or, Zhao Yunlan acquires an instant dragon family.
mermaid love triangle in the forest, ~1.2k, weilanzun
Very random fantasy AU. Zhao Yunlan is some kind of errant hero, and there's monsters in the forest. Well, mermaids. In a forest. Thank you random prompt.
enemies to lovers, ~3k, weilan
An AU where the Dixing-Haixing relations are worse. Well, Zhao Yunlan assumes they're enemies, Shen Wei (who hasn't been able to move to Haixing in this AU) has never actually met the Chief of the SID and has no specific feelings about him, but this one seems… better from what he's heard. So, when Shen Wei sneaks his brother out of the pillar, he needs to take him somewhere, and the Chief of the SID seems like a very bad choice, but it's possibly also literally the only Haixingren Shen Wei knows about. If he won't help, Shen Wei will just make him help. He really just needs somewhere to hide for a while.
what do you mean by expected? ~2.6k, weilan
Some mpreg happens due to the whole Sundial healing thing.
space farming, ~2.6k, weilanzun
Scifi AU, Zhao Yunlan crashlands on what seems like an empty planet and then finds the twins just sitting there, leaning against each other and not moving in the middle of a field of oats.
Shen Wei is not a disney princess, ~3.3k, weilan
Shen Wei woke up from the nap and decided to go live alone in a cottage in the woods for reasons. There are animal friends.
daemon au, ~3.6k, weilan
Basically canon but with some daemon wordlbuilding.
another au, ~3k, weilan
Relatively close to show canon, but there's no Black Cloaked Envoy. The SID occasionally gets messages from Dixing telling them about some escapee. One day the rogue Dixingren they get information about is Shen Wei.
teaching cat, ~4.2k, weilan
Post-canon Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan (and Ye Zun) go on vacation. But Shen Wei has to do some remote teaching for a few days (Zhao Yunlan promises to set it up). During everything, Shen Wei gets turned into a cat and insists on teaching anyway, as long as the students don't see him, it'll be fine or something, and Ye Zun steals a child (it's not stealing if the parents don't want her anyway, Ye Zun insists).
wolf cubs, ~1.8k, weilan(zun?)
Zhao Yunlan and Da Qing go hiking and run into a couple of wolf cubs. Well, the wolf cub finds them and takes them to its injured sibling, really. Somehow, Shen Wei got Ye Zun out of the pillar but things went a bit wrong and now they're in Haixing and stuck as tiny wolves.
hostile alien race? ~1.9k, weilan
Dixing is some semi-evil alien empire and Shen Wei's spaceship ends up boarding Haixing's first exploratory spaceship, captained by Zhao Yunlan.
chatfic, ~2.3k, weilan
AU where Dixing and Haixing are at war. Shen Wei gets captured, and tortured by Zhao Yunlan who doesn't know who he is yet, because time travel.
cyberpunk(ish) au, ~1.9k, weilan
Roughly canon adjacent, but Dixingren come with various cybernetic enhancements.
broken time, ~1.8k, weilanzun
At some point post-canon while Zhao Yunlan is hanging around not being alive, he somehow manages to time travel back to YOHE, and then decides fuck timelines and changes things. And the future, his own time, turns out very different.
neigbours, ~1k, weilan
Monster AU, Zhao Yunlan gets a new neighbour, and he seems a bit… off.
shen wei/zhao yunlan/ye zun???? ~1.4k, weilanzun
Post-canon. An ace Ye Zun tries to somehow fit into Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan's life, while being in turns jealous and angry at the other two.
the world never touched me, ~1.1k, weilan
An AU where Shen Wei is the murderer the SID is after.
assassin!au, I guess, ~4.4k, weilan
Assassin!Shen Wei gets hired to take out cop!Zhao Yunlan.
dark fic? ~1.2k, weilan
Basically just Shen Wei a little less worried about doing the right thing.
 hps dream thing, ~4.4k, weilan
Mostly canon-ish, but something where Shen Wei looks more alien/inhuman.
haunted house sequel, ~3.8k, background weilan, maybe Wang Zheng/Sang Zan
Wang Zheng gets murdered and then she's busy trying to solve her murder and trying to make the only colleague who might have any idea she's still around actually pay enough attention to actually notice her.
guo changcheng, ~3.3k, Guo Changcheng/Chu Nianzhi(/Chu Shuzhi)
A sidestory to Modern Times (https://archiveofourown.org/works/39748716). Guo Changcheng somehow is assigned as an aid to Haixing's ambassador to Dixing.
hive of two, ~2.2k, weilanzun
Scifi AU, Zhao Yunlan goes to check up on some reported anomaly that turns out to be a spaceship. The twins have at some point separated from a larger hive mind (something between Star Trek's Borg, and Marvel's Phalanx but with less malicious intent and more just… trying to learn the universe by assimilating it or something), and they're injured and not dealing all that well with being alone. Zhao Yunlan gets added to mini hive mind.
ye zun? ~1.2k, weilan
Another instalment in the time travel fix-it series (https://archiveofourown.org/series/2182137). Zhao Yunlan dealing with Ye Zun not being who he remembers from the other timeline.
Sequel - in the shadows, ~2k, weilan
Eventually Ye Zun/Zhao Xinci, navigating child care and trying to figure out family relationships when most of the family are eldritch beings and Zhao Yunlan is very human.
wind is cold, ~4.8k, weilan
Trying to figure out canon with a much darker Shen Wei.
the future, ~1.4k, weilan
Another part of teenage!Zhao Yunlan meets Shen Wei series (https://archiveofourown.org/series/1810891). Just weilan being weilan really, and maybe trying to save Dixing.
ot3 kissing, ~2.2k, weilanzun
Zhao Yunlan walks in on Ye Zun kissing Shen Wei (it's never happened before) and expects some kind of explanation
possession ZYL-KL, ~1k, Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan+Kunlun(?)
Zhao Yunlan gets possessed by Kunlun
grooming, ~1.8k, weilan
The hair kind of grooming in YOHE
AC reincarnation ~2.5k, weilan
Assasin's Creed crossover. Zhao Yunlan gets reincarnated as Desmond. And then ends up seeing Shen Wei somewhere in those ancestral memories while he's in the Animus.
same, ~1.5k, weilanzun(?)
Shen Wei and Ye Zun are the same person, sort of. Except Ye Zun was the original personality that somehow (trauma and dark energy) got replaced by Shen Wei. Shen Wei doesn't know this and thinks all his memories of his didi are real. And then Ye Zun comes back
SW and HPS different, ~3.6k, weilan (except with two Shen Weis)
The Hallows do something screwy while Shen Wei is napping and now he's two individual people: Professor Shen and Heipaoshi.
imperial au, ~1.2k, weilan
Zhao Yunlan is a crown prince. He's forced to marry Shen Wei, the prince of another rival nation
yet another soulmate au, ~1.2k, weilan
Soulmate marks that grow when something significant happens in their lives. Idk, baby Zhao Yunlan is born with a lot of soulmark then?
FFVII xover, ~4.7k, weilan (no idea what I'm doing with Ye Zun though)
Post-canon Guardian Shen Wei, Zhao Yunlan and Ye Zun end up in pre-canon FFVII (pre-canon for the game that is). Apparently they meet Angeal at some point.
naruto xover, ~3.1k, I think I might seriously have been considering Hatake Sakumo/Ye Zun so who even knows
Okay, this is hilariously both a time travel fix-it for naruto (Kakashi goes back in time) and a crossover where Ye Zun just happens to run into Kakashi. It doesn't make sense, but whatever.
another ac crossover I guess, ~1.5k, weilan (other than that I have no idea at this point)
Desmond meets Shen Wei, Zhao Yunlan and Ye Zun in the Grey.
Zhu Hong time travel, ~3.9k, weilan
Zhu Hong gets to do the time travel fix-it
voyager vorik/ye zun, ~1.8k, Vorik/Ye Zun (but probably very one sided)
They happen to be on Haixing when Vorik has his Pon Farr and he proposes to Ye Zun isntead
voices, ~2.1k, weilan
Soulmate!AU, kid!Zhao Yunlan hears Shen Wei's voice in his head, except it speaks in a language he doesn't understand.
goth!ZYL :D, ~1.8k, weilan
Sequel to At First Glance (https://archiveofourown.org/works/55003546)
AI, ~1.4k, weilan
This is literally a fever dream. Shen Wei is an AI in charge of Zhao Yunlan's life. And then there's… some kind of android rebellion going on.
tiny soulmate, ~2.6k, weilan
Zhao Yunlan has had Xiao Wei (literally, he's tiny) with him his whole life. No one else can see him, and Zhao Yunlan doesn't know where he came from.
YZ/DQ, ~1.4k, Ye Zun/Da Qing, weilan
Da Qing is lying in the sun when suddenly a very young time travelling Ye Zun appears out of nowhere.
somnophilia, ~1.7k, weilan
Supernatural AU of some kind. Zhao Yunlan accidentally summons Shen Wei, doesn't realise it and then Shen Wei just hangs around without Zhao Yunlan ever realising he's there and kind of… worries about Zhao Yunlan. And maybe takes advantage while Zhao Yunlan is sleeping.
Planet drop, ~3.1k, weilan
Apparently this is the idea: Random idea. Something happened, Haixing evacuated. And then a lot of years later ZYL and a bunch of others go down to… investigate. Make that work somehow.
Weilan Jurassic park, ~2k, weilan
Weilan end up on Isla Sorna (portal accident or something) around Jurassic Park 2, with that kid Eric
5k-10k words
soulmate au, 8.9k, weilan(zun?)
A soulmate AU that is relatively close to canon, but things aren't going so badly, Ye Zun is un-pillared and living with Shen Wei when weilan meet. Ye Zun doesn't have a soulmark and at some point when they were kids Shen Wei promised that Ye Zun would of course share his soulmate. Ye Zun intends to keep Shen Wei to that promise. (I'm not entirely sure what kind of relationship Ye Zun and Zhao Yunlan will have yet, though.)
Sword!YZ, ~4.6, weilanzun
Ye Zun is somehow actually Shen Wei's sword/glaive turned sentient and, you know, human shaped. Shen Wei still sees him as his brother though. Also no one is stuck in a pillar. Having Ye Zun around makes the first meeting with Zhao Yunlan happen differently.
baby animals, ~5.5k, weilan
The Black Cloaked Envoy keeps showing up with baby animals all over him, like that's normal. Zhao Yunlan is charmed, everyone else is confused or vaguely horrified. No one ever says anything about it.
sequel life's a little weird, ~7.1k, weilan
The next part in this AU: https://archiveofourown.org/series/2649130. Zhao Yunlan gets offered the job as Chief of SID.
other soulmate AU, ~6.6k, weilan
Dixingren soulbonding is a bit more intense, requiring that they basically keep touching each other for however long (days, weeks, it depends) until the bond is stable. So, Zhao Yunlan's first meeting with the Black Cloaked Envoy goes in a very surprising direction.
more au, ~9.7k, weilan
Canon adjacent AU, Shen Wei is in prison in Haixing, he stays there for reasons that are his own, then suddenly escapes. He goes after among other people Zhao Xinci (because he was involved in whatever happened in the past). The team sent to capture him includes Zhao Yunlan, who's still a relatively young cop. There's a stand off sort of thing where Shen Wei holds Zhao Xinci hostage, and Zhao Yunlan suddenly offers himself up instead.
sequel k15 - it's complicated, ~6k, weilan
Shen Wei tries to navigate being an accidental sugar daddy to teen prostitute Zhao Yunlan (https://archiveofourown.org/works/26986951) 
vampire, ~7.6k, weilan
Mostly casefic and Shen Wei just happens to be a vampire
Gifts, ~8.2k, weilan
Vaguely supernatural AU where Shen Wei has been stalking Zhao Yunlan for a while and leaves him weaponry (mostly knives) as gifts for reasons.
Star Wars xover, ~8.7k, weilan
Post canon everyone is magically alive and some Mandalorians happen to make a quick stop on Haixing and Zhao Yunlan thinks it's a good idea if he and Shen Wei take Ye Zun and leave with them because apparently no one is that happy with Ye Zun being around. Oh, Da Qing goes with them too.
monster, ~8.5k, weilan
Some kind of AU where apparently Heipaoshi and the Guardian traditionally work together by Heipaoshi possessing the Guardian
ZYL time travel, ~5.3k, weilan
Post canon (I think) Zhao Yunlan time travels and finds himself an outsider to that scene where kid!Zhao Yunlan lost his dog. He decides to interfere 
memory, ~8.1k, weilan
Shen Wei has a power (can't turn it off) that makes people forget about him once they haven't seen him for a day or something. It makes relationships hard. Zhao Yunlan makes notes, he's not going to be stopped by some memory issues.
acquiring ZYL, 8k, weilan
Zhao Yunlan was kidnapped at some point when he was younger and taken to Dixing and sold into some kind of sexual slavery. A lot later Shen Wei finds him and kills everyone and takes Zhao Yunlan with him. Except Zhao Yunlan now thinks Shen Wei is his new master.
lake dragon, ~6.9k, weilanzun(?)
Totally a dream I had. Zhao Yunlan wakes up in a strange place with temporary amnesia. He finds some weird town, and some weird people. And then there's a lake, with a dragon, that people warn him not to go close to. There's a portal at the bottom of the lake somewhere.
tiniest dragon sequel, ~7.4k, weilan
Sequel to Too Small (https://archiveofourown.org/works/46538785/chapters/117189478). Shen Wei keeps growing.
space pirate AU, ~6.1k, weilan
Shen Wei is a space pirate (really, some kind of freedom fighter) and Zhao Yunlan is stuck policing some backwater planet that Shen Wei is supposed to meet someone on. It's a trap, there's fighting, Zhao Yunlan ends up in the middle. Shen Wei kidnaps him, as you do.
he-man x-over, ~8.6k, weilan
Crossover with the newish netflix he-man. Shen Wei, Zhao Yunlan and Ye Zun are hanging around in the void post-canon and then Eldress ends up there and she ends up wishing them all back to Eternia with the wishstone.
>10k words
ot3 arranged marriage AU, ~12.3k, weilanzun
It's the old the Treaty says they need to get married thing, but instead of just marrying the Black Cloaked Envoy, Zhao Yunlan needs to marry both of the twins.
alone, ~26.1k, weilan, Chu Shuzhi/Shen Wei, Shen Wei/OCs, Zhao Yunlan/Da Qing
Shen Wei wakes up in Haixing after his long nap and the portal to Dixing is closed. He has to learn all about modern Haixing on his own, and somehow through some odd developments there's prostitution (hey, he needs money) and then he slowly and accidentally takes over the whole business, and starts studying in uni. Eventually, he meets Zhao Yunlan.
in this thing together, ~33.5k, weilan (optionally weilanzun)
A choose your own story that's gotten very out of hand and has too many storylines. Shen Wei holds Ye Zun's hand in that last scene in YOHE and lets go or doesn't let go, Zhao Yunlan manages to intervene or he doesn't… and then the Hallows have opinions too.
weizun I suppose, ~14.1k, weizun
Third part of a genderbent series, mostly a prequel about the twins learning to get along and some twincest, https://archiveofourown.org/series/2613379
let's go back to yesterday, ~18k, weilan
A time travel/time loop story that fixes nothing, just makes things differently sad.
tradition, ~22.2k, weilan
A kind of collar AU, where that's a Dixing tradition or something. Not sure I'm entirely happy with how close to slave!AU this one got, so I don't know if I should rework things or not.
voyager xover, ~11.2k, weilanzun
Star Trek Voyager that is. They find dilithium or something on Haixing, and then accidentally end up kidnapping everyone during that whole confrontation with Ye Zun at the end, and there's a transporter accident… there's a lot going on here.
marriage, ~14k, weilan
A younger Zhao Yunlan digs Shen Wei out of the ground and accidentally proposes marriage. Shen Wei of course thinks it's the best idea, even once he finds out Zhao Yunlan has no idea who he is.
Weilan derivatives
These are mostly not getting summaries, because the title is the pairing and that basically is the summary. Just throw the characters together and see what happens.
<1k words
Luo Qingeng/Han Chen, <1k (cult leader!LQG, undercover cop!HC)
Jiang Yang/Mao Hou, <1k
Luo Fusheng/Jiang Yang, <1k (JY wakes up and there's a dead body, LFS helps)
Yang Xiuxian/Xun Xu, <1k (YXX time travels)
Jiang Yang/Xun Xu, <1k (JY time travels)
Jiang Yang/??????, <1k (more like JY/everyone)
sequel - unexpected turns, <1k (Jiang Yang/Luo Fusheng)
Luo Fusheng/Jiang Yang?, <1k
Jiang Yang/Han Chen the AU fusion version, <1k
Jiang Yang/?, <1k
1k-5k words
Luo Fusheng/Jiang Yang Star Wars AU, ~4.1k
Meng Shaohui/?, ~1.1k (I'm thinking either Bai Zhu or Jiang Yang, so far it's just MSH breaking up from gf)
Mao Hou/Lin Dayu, ~2.1k
Chen Yiming/Lin Dayu, ~2k
Cheng Musheng/Jiang Yang, ~2.5k
Luo Qingeng/Chen Yiming, ~2.9k
Yang Xiuxian/Luo Fusheng, ~1k (older LFS amused at getting hit on)
Han Chen/Mao Hou, ~3.3k
Jiang Yang/Han Chen (the worst idea), ~1.7k (HC time travels a few years back)
Xun Xu/Luo Fusheng, ~3.6k (this is catboy!LFS btw)
Luo Fusheng/Chang Dong/Ye Liuxi (Parallel World (folder)), ~4.5k
Ye Liuxi/Chang Dong/Hua Wuxie (?), ~1.4k
Chang Dong/Ye Liuxi/Jiang Zhan (also not derivative obviously), ~4k
Chang Dong/Gongzi Jing sequel, ~3k
Yang Xiuxian/Gongzi Jing, ~3.2k
5k-10k words
Chen Yiming/Han Chen, ~8.6k (HC saves a pocket sized CYM)
Luo Qingeng/Jiang Yang/Luo Fusheng, ~6.4k
Clown/Yang Xiuxian, ~5.8k
Mao Hou/Lin Dayu, ~5.1k
Jiang Yang/Han Chen/Luo Fusheng (android thing), ~6.6k (LFS is the android)
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skollwolf · 11 months ago
I am here a few days late with some questions for the fic writer ask game!!
4 - a story idea you haven’t written yet?
14 - where do you get your inspiration?
30 - share a fic you’re especially proud of!
Aw, thank you friend! 💖
4 - A story idea you haven't written yet
There was this fic idea that burst into my mind in vivid color shortly after I first played Disco Elysium, which was for some reason a Scum Villain's Self Saving System (SVSSS) fic written in the style of DE. Shut-in gamer Shen Yuan is absolutely obsessed with an episodic video game called Proud Immortal Detective Way. It's a xianxia-styled detective thriller, where Shen Qingqiu--an immortal master with a hinted-at dark past--and his disciple Luo Binghe work together to solve a murder in Jin Lan City.
Ever since the very first episodes released, Shen Yuan has been incredibly well known on the fan forums for his vitriolic insistence that any episode now there's going to be a twist where it's revealed that Luo Binghe has been the true hero of the piece all along, just pretending to be a mediocre side kick to catch his no-good shizun off guard. Even as game developer Airplane starts investing more and more time into DLCs that add romantic interactions into the game--and why are all these women falling all over Shen Qingqiu when Luo Binghe is right there, huh??!!--Shen Yuan remains convinced. And when Airplane hints at a huge reveal in the next update, only to drop yet another romance-centered episode, Shen Yuan chokes to death out of sheer shocked rage, and wakes up--inhabiting Shen Qingqiu's body at the beginning of Proud Immortal Detective Way's storyline??
Well, didn't Shen Yuan put over 50 hours into the first episode alone, diligently documenting every plot thread that supported his reading of the game? Hasn't he written nearly a hundred different guides on the best stat distributions to unlock different secret routes early?? Forget the mystery in Jin Lan City--this is Shen Yuan's chance to solve the real mystery of who Luo Binghe really is once and for all!
....obviously I haven't done this yet, because this seems like...such a niche overlap? But it does exist in my head completely rent free. Maybe someday I will.
wow realized how long that'd gotten in only the first question, oops. here's a read more to make other people's dashes less cluttered up with my nonsense.
14 - where do you get your inspiration?
I feel like there's two answers to this question: what inspires my story ideas, and what inspires me to write. as for the first one, my story ideas usually kinda descend into my head abruptly and insistently, accompanied by the character that wants me to tell them. I'm kinda just a vehicle for what the characters are doing, the majority of the time.
as for what inspires me to actually sit down and write, though, that's music 100%! Every fic I write has an accompanying song or playlist that I put on while writing. can't write without 'em.
30 - share a fic you’re especially proud of!
the fic I'm currently writing and publishing, House Fire, is my absolute favorite thing I've written in ages. I love everything about writing it. my word processor tells me it's currently 145 pages long and it's nowhere near done, so the bits I've published are kinda the tip of that particular iceberg. That said, it's uh....very nsfw, so not everybody's cup of tea.
another older fic of mine that I'm still very proud of is Blinding. I did some things there with nonlinear storytelling and an unreliable narrator that I think landed really well!
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