#the daredevil / punisher characters
2kiran · 7 days
“There you go, good boy.” His hand cups your jaw, his lips ghosting over your own before they settle on your cheek. He simply looked too good, acted too nice, and you weren’t able to resist. His tongue lazily drags all the way to your neck, latching onto a sweet spot as he teasingly rolls his hips.
You shudder, your hands curling around his thighs. “Stop callin’ me that—” you’re cut off by your own groan when he suddenly grounds down against your clothed cock. He softly chuckles, the husky timbre muffled. “Why, don’t you like bein’ told you’re good?” He grinds in small, tantalizing circles, paired with a harsh bite, “My good boy. C’mon, take everything I give you.”
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castlesprincess · 7 months
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chaos-and-ink · 13 days
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Dumbass Disaster Bi
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kastlenetwork · 1 month
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hello kastle fam! for everyone who's come back to the tag (or are in the tag for the first time, welcome 💕), please feel free to join us for the next kastle week!
this next event will run from monday, september 2nd through friday, september 6th!
every medium of work is welcome. you can write fic. you can make edits, gifs, art. playlists curating the vibes of the frank and karen in the prompts, are great, as well! there's no pressure to create something for every day of the week -- feel free to pick and choose what you want to participate in 💕
monday, sept. 2 | we meet again | the day of yearning frank and karen reunions. whether that be months, years, or anything below or in-between.
tuesday, sept. 3 | rom com aus | the day of fluff some actual summer fun for these two dramatic, angsty losers. (coffee shop aus, college aus, beach aus, ect.) picture bright and colorful cartoon book covers lol.
wednesday, sept. 4 | through new eyes | the day of observations outsider, 3rd party perspectives of frank and karen's relationship. no matter where it stands.
thursday, sept. 5 | forced proximity | the day of honesty frank and karen being brought together in various situations where they can't just walk away and are forced to confront their feelings.
friday, sept. 6 | plot? what plot? | the day of desire frank and karen smut day. we know this fandom, let's be for real lol
okie dokie! i hope that anyone who wants to join up can do so! and that something up there inspires you in some way 😊
💕, chey / @kastlenetwork
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batcavescolony · 15 days
Foggy: *walking into the police station* If it's not Matt, it's YOU!
Karen: hi *waves*
Foggy: why are you in here?
Karen: someone who doesn't understand the Punisher had a Punisher sticker on their car. I took it off.
Foggy: ok not so bad-
Karen:...with a bat.
Foggy: *sighs*
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consuocrochet · 20 days
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Recently finished my second handmade Punisher themed embroidery patch! These were a lot of fun to make and I learned a lot. Slowly getting better :)
First one is kinda self explanatory imo. If fascist assholes can try to put a cop flag on the punisher skull I can put him on the gay flag 🏳️‍🌈
The second one I thought of while watching Frank's plotline in the Daredevil TV show, where during the time of his trial we see some protesters with signs supporting him. It made me think about other in-universe, provocative signs of support people could be making themselves, such as homemade patches like this!
And of course it's always just fun to say one of your favourite fictional characters, who definitely did murder a lot of people, did nothing wrong 💜
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missmarveledsblog · 1 month
Angel night ( frank castle x reader )
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Summary : Frank comes home to thinking his angel is in danger only to realise that she has had a nightmare . he makes sure to comfort his girl . this like part of what i will be calling the angel verse  of our beloved bad ass punisher and his equally bad ass sarcastic ball of sunshine that is y/n " angel" murdock . 
warnings : angsty fluffy fun , frank being a teddy bear ( i love making big bad ass men teddy bears) . i have a smutty version post soon . 
A year to the night of when he first met angel probably would of been laughable if someone told him he would fall head over heels in love with a murdock but yet now here he was coming home to their shared apartment.
Coming back to the place he once deemed just that the place he slept and lived in , was now a home . each part has some sort of reminder of the woman that brought sunshine and light into the dark hole he felt his life become. He never thought he could love again , find a second chance to be the happiest he's ever been and yet here he was smile on his face looking around his home  even if he was bloody and bruised after spending few days with said woman's annoying older brother . that smile soon faded , like he could clock something was wrong . his angel didn't come to greet him like she always did no matter what time of the night or day he got back  . a familiar chill ran down his back as he inspected the place nothing seemed to be touched it should of calmed his fears knowing if she was under some sort of threat she would leave evidence of such an event . yet when her screams hit his ear sent him into action mode straight through to the bedroom expecting to see the worst .
Gun drawn he looked around for the threat like it was second nature then he saw her face. That told him everything he needed to know , the pain on her face as she moved in the bed , the sweat on her forehead. She was having a nightmare and a bad one at that.
" angel" he called soft and gentle hoping the tone could change the course of her dreams which sometimes works or wake her from the hell she was trapped in . he went to move forward only for her to shoot up gasping and panting for air tired confused eyes trying to make sense of the environment before locking on him.
" fr-frank you're ok? Please say you're ok" she pleaded voice filled with heartbreak and fear . asking him instead of confirming it was just a nightmare. It broke his heart seeing her so sorrowful like she was still trying to distinguish reality and dream . He didn't speak partially because he was relieved she wasn't under some threat or worse . wordlessly he took off the tactical gear he was wearing before lifting her in his arms letting her heartbroken sobs soak into the shirt he was wearing . sitting her on their sofa and kiss to her head he went to the kitchen. Chuckling at the burnt pot soaking into the sink . He began making the hot chocolate one she enjoyed most during a bad times ,which this deemed to be one of those . Making his more irish , he carried the cups into the living room deal with the clean up in the morning right now it really wasn't important. Handing her the cup and placing his own on the coffee table noticing the shivers down her body , instantly sitting on the sofa and pulling her into his lap wrappin the comforter around her body .
" you're ok" she repeated like it was all she could say .
" i'm ok , i got you sweet girl" he kissed her head holding her a little tighter . Not a word spoken nor was he going to ask , he knew when she was ready she would. Taken her from the room to ground herself and let her just bare her senses . let her ground herself after the trauma her unconscious inflicted. It was bad he knew as much her nightmare never spilled out physically or made her scream that loud. Soft touches and kisses reminding her he was there keeping her safe from the unseen monsters. Waiting til she was ready if she ever was ready to talk about it either way he was there for her.
An hour of silence , an hour of just feeling him under her touch knowing he was actually there. At first it felt like a trick of her mind , the dream was so vivid that real life seemed as it was the dreamland . finally finding her voice she lifted her head eyes looking into his , scanning his face like it was another thing she need to do to definitely be sure .
" they got me , i don't know how but when my eyes opened i was in the dingey room , i could actually smell the damp and mould , it was so real i could feel the binds around my wrist" she said lip trembling as she rubbed the skin of her wrists only for him to take each hand and placing a kiss on the skin .
" they wanted me to work for them , comply to their evil requests and do their dirty work. I kept saying no i wasn't a monster like them , i tried using my powers and they wouldn't come all i kept thinking was you and matt as i pulled on the binds, then like they could read my mind " she paused willing herself not to break as he rubbed her hand letting her know she wasn't alone nor did she need to continue if it was too much one things she loved about him . frank never pressured her into anything, never control any aspect of her life something she never had before .
" they pulled .. they pulled you into the room , hog tied and gagged , bruised and bloody i begged them to let you go and they laughed" she sniffled . " they kept asking me to do it and i said no you said no and each time they hit you and each time it was hard, it was so real i could hear their fist hit your skin , your pained grunts and groans . i screamed for them to let you go when your eyes started getting heavy i agree i did whatever i could to make sure they would stop hurting you , i would do anything to keep you from harm" she cried only for his hand to come up and wipe the tears off her cheeks.
" they shot you and laughed when i screamed , crying begging you to wake up and then he turned and went to grab me by the throat i couldn't breathe . I woke up" she looked up into his eyes .
all he wanted to do was take that pain , all those fears from her. take all those negative feelings and make them positive . seeing the one he loves the most so scared ,  so pained never was something he wanted nor would he wish for.  all he wanted to see on her face was smiles although seeing her mad was a hot one though he made sure it never last so long . she was usually the one making everyone so happy and laughing and now it was her turn to be taking care of . 
He held her face in his hand kissing her cheeks , her forehead , nose before kissing her lips letting her know he was there and not planning on leaving at anytime soon .
"angel , my sweet girl i promise you with every fibre in my being those sick fucks will never get you , nor will they hurt you in any shape , we both know you are a powerhouse all on your own powers or not , but in saying that i will kill them all , i would burn this world to make sure it meant you were safe , you my sweet girl gave me a second chance at something i never knew could exist , one that has me looking forward to coming home , waking up in the morning i will let nothing get in the way of that" he kissed her lips again .
" what if you get killed running around with my brother" she sniffled.
" i alway will come home to you no matter what that brother of yours pulls me into i'll keep him safe too , i'm here , i'm breathing , see my heart its beating , it's beating stronger ever since your sassy little ass came into my life " he said softly holding her hand to his chest . " every part of me will make sure i come home to you because you are my everything and more , you gave me something i never thought i would have , something i thought i gave up on so long ago , something so forbidden it was impossible for me to even think of , you gave me a future , you repair a man so broken that others would of just cast away and deemed so unfixable . you gave me a second chance of living i love you so much angel i hope you know you saved me " he pulled her into his arms . " well unless you cook for me well then sorry that's out of my hands " he chuckled only to hear her giggles muffled in his t-shirt and her hand bat his chest.
" hey i'm not that bad but  i love you too " she looked up now smile on her face.
" say that too the pot in there , there she is , there's  my girl now how about we get some sleep and i make us some breakfast in the morning and we have a lazy ass day  watching movies and eating junk food , can even prank call your brother and stark i know you love winding those two up  " he kissed her lips before lifting her in his arms and carrying her into the room . both physically and emotional tired as her head on his chest hand over his heart . feeling the rise and fall of his chest , feeling his heartbeat and his hands in her scalp soothing her . she felt her eyes getting heavy and drifting off to sweeter dreams one where she lived a future with the man she never thought she would find herself falling in love with giving their first encounter .
While he watched her fall into a soothing sleep , wondering when it was the best time to use that ring he hid snugly in his drawer unbeknownst to him of making her dreams a reality . He meant it when he said it , he would burn the world burn just for her to be safe and he was going to do everything to keep her safe . but for now he all he could do was hold his angel , his favourite murdock and lets his own dreams take over one's now filled with promises of a better and bright future. Because a future with angel ,was a future worth living for .  
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Matt Murdock x Autistic!Reader x Frank Castle Headcanons!
I’ve been feeling incredibly AuDHD this week so here are some headcanons for how Matt and Frank would treat their autistic partner :) 
If anyone wants to see drabbles/one-shots with an autistic!reader based on my own experiences, let me know!!
I am certain that both Matt and Frank would be so loving and devoted to their autistic partner. It might take a bit of time to work out some things but they’d be so good to you. 
Something that I really struggle with is expressing romantic love while also having pretty intense sensory issues? I am not touch averse, and usually crave touch, but if I’ve spent too much energy on other things, touch is usually the first thing to overwhelm me. 
If you struggle with touch or being held, or you’re even just having a bad day, Matt and Frank would be so understanding because they, of all people, definitely understand what that’s like. 
While Frank probably has more experience with tactical planning, both a legal and a military background require incredible attention to detail which would come in handy with both setting routines and going over the plan for something. 
My inability to read social cues has led to intense social anxiety, especially where there’s crowds. One way that I prepare for going to events is by creating a detailed plan on my head of how I will get to and leave the event. 
Matt and Frank’s combined attention to detail would be so helpful for talking through what an activity would look like, who would be there, where it was taking place, when you’d need to leave by. 
Because Matt is incredibly social, and incredibly sweet, I think that he would be over the moon to help you bypass your social anxiety at functions. 
He would go out of his way to make you feel comfortable. Whether that means speaking for you if you can’t, or bringing up a topic that you’re interested in so you feel more at ease with a group. 
I think everyone is in agreement (myself included) that Matt would be perfect if you needed help because you were overstimulated. He has heightened senses and experiences that stuff himself, so it wouldn’t be too hard for him to take care of you in that situation. 
But I also think Frank would excel at that. He’s a man of few words and he wouldn’t overwhelm you with questions or suggestions. He would listen to what you needed or what Matt proposed and take action. For example, if you were having a bad sensory day and were on the verge of a meltdown so you couldn’t do the dishes you planned on doing, there’s no doubt Frank would have them done by the time you were ready to socialize again. 
This man would keep a strict inventory of comfy clothes and blankets and fidgets for you, making sure to keep everything relatively orderly so that you had what you needed if you weren’t in the mood to go looking. (Because let’s be honest, some days we are all a lost sock away from a mental breakdown.) 
Another issue that I face is being seen as too honest or blunt? I often overexplain why I am phrasing something the way that I am so it’s not seen as rude or ignorant. 
I think Matt and Frank would really appreciate someone being honest with them, especially Matt. Given that he can tell when people are lying, I think it would be a nice change of pace for him to have a partner who doesn’t really do the whole “white lie” thing. 
I also think expressing the reasoning behind why you’re asking something or saying something a certain way would bring him peace because he knows exactly how to interpret it. This man has self-esteem issues of his own, he doesn’t need open ended or slightly ominous questions to make him spiral. 
Also, I firmly believe that Frank would crack up at some of the stuff that comes out of an unfiltered mouth. I think he would adore how embarrassed you get trying to apologize for being rude because you said something without thinking. He would simply tell you there was no reason to apologize because whatever you said was hilarious. 
anyway, this is heavily based on my own experiences but I hope you enjoyed! Please let me know if you’d like to see more headcanons and feel free to request.
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vadinaleme · 2 months
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finhere · 7 months
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feverishly drawing connections here
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adrielloreti · 4 months
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goldenlikedayl1ght · 4 months
happy pride month to my followers! to celebrate here are my gender/sexuality headcanons for people i write for:
matthew murdock, my beloved: bisexual and trans masculine
not because that’s what i am. definitely not.
karen page: lesbian (perhaps transfem)
i have this headcanon that karen is at least a lesbian and she doesn’t realize it until she moved to new york and had a lesbian situationship with a girl who has crazy dyed hair
but also transfem karen <3
foggy nelson: transmasc
I LOVE TRANSMASC FOGGY okay my headcanon is that
1. marci is also trans (t4t)
2. all his life before he came out foggy heard his mom talk about he needs to learn to cook to take up the mantle of the other women in the nelson family but as soon as he came out, she switched to the butcher thing because she’s an ally
frank castle: bro thought he was an ally for the longest time and then like three years into his marriage with maria he was talking about experiences and crushes and stuff and she was like ‘honey pie… that’s not straight’
peter parker: another one (bisexual transmasc)
astarion: pansexual and non-binary
joel miller: ally </3
i have to have one token heterosexual unfortunately i was told i have a quota to meet
alright anyways
this is just a fun silly post! if you’re any type of anti-lgbt, DNI!!!
and have a very happy pride month, and remember— christ without the hrt is just cis <3
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mcudc616 · 3 months
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• frank castle // the punisher || daredevil season 2 episode 3
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sun-snatcher · 22 days
My beloved star-crossed lov— i mean haters.
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(Loving this Void!found-family wip AAAAA)
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cyberspqced · 3 months
give me a netflix defenders character / ship and i will give you one (1) long winded headcanon i have for them
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whoreofdilfs · 1 year
I'd let certain fictional characters spit in my mouth and do horrible things to me
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