#the customization part was generous with stuff- far more than i expected. loved that instantly.
plague-of-nice · 3 years
so uh... i was hella bored and stumbled upon a D.on't S.tarve mobile game ( it's called Don't Starve: Newhome if y'all wanna try too! ) that's on Beta and checked it out...
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...I ended up making an angry little lady I fell in love with that's lowkey an OC now KSHDKDHDKDH
Her name is Lyss Zvonimir, from the character creation screen she was in essence the bard-ish "class" that the game had to offer (i already forgot those specifics bc that choice was purely cosmetic anyway sjdhjdbdd).
Her gimmick (that I made up for her) is that she can help people in her party regain their sanity at the expense of her own, and she will not shy away from letting it known to them that she hates it.
She's my new lil lady oc and and I'm loving her so much rn. I am also very blind on the base series' whole concept so... as much as I adore playing as her right now I don't know what to do with her in a practical sense. 🥺
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jamestrmtx · 3 years
Fairytale Complex - [Undertale | Sans x Reader]
[Gender Neutral, Frisk's Parent Reader | Slow Burn]
Chapter Fourteen | Run!
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Alternate Chapter Title: Darmstadtium, Protactinium, Chlorine, Thorium, Oxygen
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Sun pours through windows with half-open curtains, waking you up.
The emptiness of a bed too large for one person hits you and prompts you to feel around with half-lidded eyes, still too groggy to assess the state of your surroundings. You search for your glasses by the nightstand, pick them up, and slip them on, clearer vision helping you with your tired gaze. Then, you stand up and stretch, allowing yourself some time before you adjust to the changes. Faint snores from a corner of the room make your head snap towards the noise. There, you see Sans draped over a couch, with a beach towel taken as a makeshift blanket. Even with the uncomfortable posture he seems to hold and the general hardness of the couch, he's out like a light, chest rising and falling in a consistent, slow motion.
If you remembered correctly, you'd made space for him in bed, too used to sharing your bed with Frisk, Aunt Brenda, other family members, and close friends for you to feel even remotely awkward about sleeping with someone in the same space. Sharing it with family was a common thing whenever large, holiday gatherings took place, whereas Frisk climbed in whenever they had a bad dream, and friends stayed when they had nowhere else to go. Having someone beside you wasn't uncommon; if they needed somewhere to stay, you would provide them with it, yet you'd forgotten to ask Sans last night if he felt the same way about that. Him sleeping on the couch reveals he doesn't.
You approach his side as quietly as you can manage and bring your arms around his waist, lifting him up. He proves to be lighter than expected as you carry him off to bed, set him there, and drag the sheets over him. As inopportune as it is, you're soon reminded of yesterday and the whole dating situation you'd both discussed when you stare at his face for a little too long.
'What happened to you yesterday?', 'Were you drunk?', and 'Why did you kiss him more than once?' are just a few of the many questions you could (judgingly) ask yourself in front of the bathroom mirror.
Sure, you'd only ever dated one other person before you settled down with Jerry, only to end up as a single parent and then have little to no interaction with him or anybody else for the next seven years, but that couldn't've been enough to have brought the impulse for you to date a stranger… Right?
You weren't desperate!
As you continue chastising your reflection in the bathroom mirror, you hear a knock on the door, halting your judgement. 
"You there?"
You want to disappear, and maybe time travel to change things up a bit.
"Uhhh," you say, words about as flowing as a carefully recited poem. "...Yeah."
"...You doing okay?"
"I think so."
Such a blissful moment had to have its consequences. Maybe then you were too happy to care, but now that you consider the fact you'd kissed him more than once -- even if it wasn't on the lips -- and stayed a night all alone with him at a shady hotel makes this an experience you would rather forget. "Did you think I left without you?" you ask, stepping into the shower. You don't undress yet, anticipating an answer.
"I might've," he replies, chuckling. "Yesterday was really somethin' else."
"That's an understatement."
You take off your clothes, turn on the shower, and stand under it for a while. Your attention goes to the lowermost part of your abdomen, where you can see a bit of pudginess at the sides -- or 'love handles', as the skeleton called it. The steam makes your glasses fog up before you can stare and think about that for much longer. "...Did I really wear a swimsuit yesterday?" you ask, in denial. You slip them off and place them nearby.
Sans's voice turns faint with the sound of the water running, yet you can still hear when he replies with, "A one-piece, yeah. It, uh, looked good on you, though."
The conversation ends as you huff and continue showering. While you do, distant sounds of someone else present in the room bring back memories from when you used to live with more than one other person aside from Frisk. It's strange to hear noises outside your own and theirs.
You finish up with that thought still on your mind, lingering until you turn the water off; you then proceed by taking a towel and covering yourself with it. Approaching a basket with yesterday's clothes now clean and dry is the next thing to play with your memories and customs, again used to being a family of two after seven whole years carrying on with the same routine. Still, you dismiss those thoughts and remind yourself it's no time to be daydreaming.
You barely knew the person you're sharing a room with, and the history behind him and all the other monsters you knew was still something you couldn't let go. Even if you'd been the one to end up Underground, you couldn't imagine yourself sacrificing your own life -- not because you didn't want to save them, but mainly for those you had to look after. If you'd chosen to give up your soul for the sake of an entire race, then what would've become of Frisk's future? And if you'd fallen in place of Frisk, who was to say you would've been capable of finding an alternative like they had? The reminder they managed to come out alive while also fulfilling that goal makes you wonder if life's even possible to do without hurting others in the process. Then again, emotions can be messy; the mind itself is a whole complicated thing on its own.
If one gains, someone else loses. You can't live life without affecting someone else's, and aiming to please everyone is like trying to make water less wet. To be happy and choose a better path, sacrifices have to be made, and being wholly good and giving isn't as easy as it seems when you have difficulties to face day after day.
"Did you enjoy your stay?"
Your existential crisis ends at the sound of Mettaton's voice coming from outside the bathroom. You grab your clothes, slip them on, and take a step away from the door, still able to listen in on the conversation with how thin the walls are. You wear everything except your old shirt, this one still stained even after having thrown it to wash in the hotel's laundromat. To replace it, there's a plain and baggy, white t-shirt at your disposal -- not quite matching with the rest of your outfit, but sufficient to make do while you made it back home.
"It was nice," Sans replies, words cut short. His tone reveals he's far from wanting to have a talk with the robot, but the latter persists. 
""I'm surprised you hit it off so quick," Mettaton says, chuckling. "It hasn't been a year since we left the Underground, and yet you already have a date! You're honestly the person I least expected this from." 
The conversation's muffled out as Sans talks quieter. Mettaton, on the other hand, doesn't catch on. "What do you mean you two aren't dating? I saw you kiss!"
The skeleton continues to keep his tone at a low level, yet -- once more -- the robot fails to follow up with him. "But that's boring!" You can almost hear him pout. His voice sounds more annoyed than you could possibly imagine anyone to feel about a topic like this one. "And here I thought I'd caught something worth teasing you for! Talk about disappointing."
You wait until the two stop talking to exit the bathroom, Mettaton already gone by the time you step out. Sans sits by the edge of the bed and stands up when he sees you arrive. Awkward silence stays as you both look at each other for a moment, broken when you ask, "So, you told him?"
Sans nods and picks up his towel when you signal for him to use the bathroom. "I did," he says, walking off. He then waits beside the door, continuing with, "He's not too good at keeping stuff secret, but he promised not to talk about it in front of Frisk." The door opens and the leftover steam contrasts with the cold of the bedroom. The latter wins instantly, air conditioner on. You observe him as he steps in, looking about as tense as you feel right now. "Your phone was ringin' while you were showerin', by the way." With that, he closes the door, leaving you to check in on what he'd said. 
With steam no longer an obstacle, you slip your glasses back on, approach the dresser, and pick up your phone; your house number is the only missed call.
The person on the other line responds lightning fast, hardly giving it a chance to ring more than once.
"Are you okay, (mom/dad)?" Frisk's voice asks, words rushed. The phone wavers in your hold. They sound too frightened for someone who'd adventured alone at the Underground, yet what they say next brings you back into calm, "There was a bad storm yesterday, so I got worried." They stop and sniffle before they continue on. "Undyne said you were okay, a- and that you stayed at Sans's place, but… But I still missed you." You can hear them breathe in and then out, huffing after. "And then Jerry came around as soon as the storm calmed down, but when we said you weren't home, he talked about how you were being irresponsible again. But then he left a gift for you, and now I'm confused. Does that mean he still likes you?"
"One thing at a time, honey," you intervene, laughing when you notice Frisk plans to keep on rambling. "I'm fine, and I'm still at his place." You let out a sigh and bring a hand to your forehead, rubbing your temples before keeping up with their rant. "And I'm not sure what Jerry's thinking, but this isn't really the time for us to be talking about that right now." Your eyes wander over to the alarm clock set by the nightstand, eight thirty in the morning flashing on the screen. "More importantly, did you have breakfast? I should be back home in an hour."
"I did! Undyne watched over me while I made something."
"That scared of her cooking?"
"She burned her house last time!"
You sit down on the couch once setting the pillows aside. Your cheeks hurt from smiling and the awkwardness of your situation feels less daunting the more you talk with Frisk. "What did you make?" you ask, propping a leg over the other. You lay back and close your eyes, achieving comfort.
"I made pancakes! I'll cook some for you when you get here."
At the sound of the bathroom door opening, you open your eyes, look there, and carry on with your conversation when you see the monster hasn't made it out yet. "Thank you, dear. Did you teach her while she looked over you, by any chance?" Your posture on the couch straightens as soon as Sans step out, tension returning.
"I did," they reply, giggling. "She said she's gonna make some for Alphys next time they have a sleepover together."
With a few more questions and answers, the conversation reaches an end.
You say your farewells and hang the call, standing up when you realize Sans has disappeared. You then look around from corner to corner and reach the bathroom when you notice he's nowhere to be seen. The door's left open, though right as you're about to delve any further inside, you see someone emerge from behind the shower curtains. Your eyes close on instinct, and you turn around -- ready to apologize -- up until you hear him chuckle. "You can look. I'm just washing somethin'," he says. When you look at him, he hands you your shirt, now a bit dampened. The stain's fainter than when you took it to the wash, revealing the monster's whereabouts. "I tried cleanin' it off with some soap n' shampoo, but it didn't really work."
When you take it back, only one question rests in your mind, and that's, "Was this unintentional, or are you trying to gain another date?" You bite back a smile, in wait for his reaction.
You fail in an instant, allowing him to grin and reply with, "Whatever you want it to be." He winks. "Either way, I think I still owe ya dinner at my place."  
You walk with him out of the bathroom and step into the cold. The reminder you have to be back in an hour falls on you, urging you to check the time and search through your pockets for your wallet. From there, you pull out an envelope and hand it to him. "I have to go now, but here's this." Again, you shuffle through your wallet's contents, retrieving a note with your home's phone number scribbled on it. "And here's my house number." Quickly, you lean down and kiss his cheekbone. "Thank you for the date, Sans. I had fun." When you move back, he's a little less tense, though you can still catch onto a subtle mark of embarrassment on his face. "I'll take the bus. But call me if anything happens, alright? Cars can get damaged with the weather."
Slowly, he nods, saying, "Alright. See you later, (Y/N)."
"See you later, Serif."
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Hogwarts Sorting Profile: Max Russo
So, confession time: Initially, I wasn’t actually planning on writing one of these for him.  I’m sorry!  I love Max, but he’s often in the background of Wizards of Waverly Place and just has these really random plots thrown in his direction, rather than interesting character-exploration-type shit like the main sibs.  (Which, to be fair, is probably why some of y’all might be curious what I’m going to say about him.)
But I was thinking about what makes Max so odd as a character, and specifically I was thinking about him in comparison to other characters of his archetype in the Disney Channel-verse.  Because we’ve seen the messy, funny, underachieving brother character a lot, but they come in very different flavors.  Part of that for Max is that he shares some of those traits with Alex in contrast to the overachieving, overly serious Justin, but part of that is… Max often seems to be in his own little world, incomprehensible to mortals and wizards alike, and generally takes in the “real-world” around him with a shrug.  He still cares about the “real-world” when it suits him, but he’s often kind of divorced from it, and that discovery fascinated me.  Furthermore, it made his Sorting “click.”
We’ll start off easy: what does Max do?  The answer is… he’ll do pretty much anything.  He’s not a Burned Secondary, though, he just doesn’t give a fuck.  Max is every bit the Slytherin Secondary that Alex is, we just don’t usually notice because he spends most of his time in his Neutral State.
The Slytherin Secondary’s Neutral State is blunt, rough, and often unphased by stepping on people’s toes. It’s easy to mistake this for a Gryffindor Secondary’s honesty, but it comes from a different place: comfort, relaxation, and/or apathy.  It doesn’t inspire or motivate so much as sit back and do as it pleases, and the Neutral State’s honesty is there for convenience rather than necessity— if a different tactic will work better, a Slytherin Secondary can ditch their honesty and change direction far more easily than a Gryffindor Secondary.
Max isn’t exactly shy about saying what’s on his mind, even if it’s usually dismissed as nonsense.  He also does seem to charge into situations without a care sometimes, but that’s the thing: he’s able to charge into those situations because he doesn’t care.  When he tests out the zombies’ No-Fear Ring, it doesn’t work on him because he’s already fearless.  So while some Slytherin Secondaries are nervous about showing their honesty to others and only show their Neutral State when they’re home safe with people they’re comfortable with, Max lives in his honest Neutral State because he feels comfortable and safe most of the time… even in situations where he really, really shouldn’t.
Curiously, one situation where he doesn’t feel comfortable or safe has very little to do with actual danger, but about personal identity: when he’s turned into Maxine.  And in Maxine’s body, he’s a lot more manipulative.
“You know, I can’t help it if people think I’m cute.  Watch how I make it work for me.”
As Maxine, he uses his cuteness to get out of chores, to get revenge on Alex and Justin in karate, to guilt dishonest customers out of cheating his parents, and comes up with a plan to talk his “boy self” up to a girl he likes as Maxine so that she’ll like him when he changes back.  Yeah, can’t imagine why Maxine reminded Jerry and Theresa so much of Alex…
But there are Slytherin Secondary indications from Max in his usual form as well.
He has no qualms about outright lying — inventing a fake illness to get out of P.E., pretending to be “Tom Sawyer” so he wouldn’t be embarrassed by/compared to his family — but he prefers obfuscation, aka confusing people with his “Max-ness.”
“How do you get your brother to say what’s really on his mind?”
“Oh, I use randomness.”
“Well, I just say random things and while people are trying to figure it out, they say stuff that’s on their mind.”
One example of this tactic being employed successfully is with the Genie.  While Alex fails to outsmart the Genie using her quick wits, as the Genie is every bit as cunning as her, Max figures out a way to piss off the Genie enough to blackmail her, then talks circles around her and confuses her until she reveals a way for them to undo her wishes.  Alex calls it “outdumbing” her, but in any case, he succeeded where she failed, and showed that he’s more capable than often assumed.
We get another rare moment of clarity from Max during “Alex Tells The World.”  
“Alex, you know you can’t reveal magic!”
“Oh, even I know that. That’s why I just make people think I’m dumb so if I slip up, ehh, they figure, the kid’s an idiot.  And I slip up all the time, so.  Who’s dumb now?”
Max’s admission that he “slips up all the time” isn’t exactly reassuring, but it is telling that he’s the only one who doesn’t reveal magic during both the Season 4 Premiere and the Season 3 Finale.  Perhaps it was dumb luck that got him there, but I think there’s more to it than that.  There’s a method to his madness.  There’s a logic to it, even if Max’s logic often doesn’t follow all the way through.
Which leads me to his Primary— Ravenclaw.  (LOOK I KNOW. HEAR ME OUT.)
Yes, Max is often seen as “the dumb one.”  Yes, Ravenclaws are perceived as “the smart house.”  And while I’ve just demonstrated that there’s a brain under all the Max weirdness, I’m not about to argue that he’s secretly a genius.  He misses the mark more often than he hits it, and oftentimes when he hits it, it’s through coincidence or dumb luck or Insane Troll Logic that’s impossible for anyone but Max to follow.  But I do believe he operates on logic, just his own wacky version of it.
The thing about Max is that he’s neither as dumb as most people think he is, nor is he as smart as he thinks he is.  He’s somewhere in between, and the fact that people never quite know where exactly he falls on that scale is kind of the point.
In fact, part of the reason I struggled with Max was because I was trying to figure out where exactly he did fit in:
He can be selfish enough at times to argue Slytherin Primary, the stereotypically “selfish” House, but he’s missing Justin’s protective streak.  He doesn’t feel that same sense of duty towards his family that Justin does; when Mason breaks Alex’s heart in “Wizards vs. Werewolves,” Justin turns on him instantly because he Hurt His Little Sister And Is Therefore Bad, while Max is the one most willing to give Mason a chance, because he has his own reasons for wanting Mason in his life.  Yet, he still clearly cares enough about his family to rule out the possibility that they don’t factor into his morality at all, not to mention how easy it is for them to influence him.  
His more humble ending of inheriting his father’s sub shop might make people think Hufflepuff Primary, but there’s even less justification for such a sorting upon scrutiny.  As I’ve touched on above, the staunch loyalty to community isn’t all that important to him, and he’s also not all that into traditions.  There’s no compulsion to help strangers, he doesn’t really make enemies but he kind of just ignores people he doesn’t like (or shatters them in a million pieces on accident), and let’s not forget that he unleashed countless monsters in New York City that killed all the Monster Hunters just to win the competition… even if he did do it when his Conscience was separate from the rest of him.  Not exactly behavior you’d expect from the morality system of “a person’s a person no matter how small.”
Speaking of Conscience, it’s notable that he argues with it, rather than accepting his advice. I’m still a little unclear as to how much this matters (there’s definitely room to argue that most of his brain went into Conscience as well, and that whole plotline was… weird), but even with his Conscience inside his body, he seems to lack that moral drive Alex has.  Gryffindor Primaries have this embedded sense of justice deep within their characters. Even when it’s hidden most of the time, like in Alex’s case, or when it becomes twisted into something dark and dangerous, or becomes Stripped of its certainty, there’s still this sense that there is Right and Wrong in this world, that trusting your gut should lead you to the right conclusion, and that it’s wrong to ignore it.  I have a hard time remembering if there’s really any situation where Max gets that gut feeling of Something Being Wrong at all, much less acting on it with a Heroic Plan… at least, not without convincing.
But Max can be convinced, and that’s key.  Alex often takes advantage of this to manipulate him for her own selfish ends, such as talking him into paying her for handing out fliers to her zombie prom, but more often it’s his parents that act as his voice of reason, whether it’s convincing him to go after the “deli robber,” convincing him to give his siblings a fair shot at the Wizard Competition, or convincing him to tell his girlfriend the truth… and then unconvincing him of that when he takes it too literally and tells her he’s a wizard.  
Actually, Max is prone to misinterpreting advice in this way while trying to follow it to the letter— he does this when he tries to sell fountain water with a puppy, as well, because his mom told him to “add something to it.”  I think he is, to an extent, aware of his own intellectual limits.  He knows he misses the mark a lot of the time, so he’s often willing to trust other people’s judgment over his own, so long as they can get it through to him in a way that he thinks makes sense.
But beyond that, he’s often willing to question “common knowledge” in a way the other characters don’t. When Justin tries to tell him he can’t make life out of the stuff from his room, he simply replies, “Where’s it say that?”  In season 4, when there’s a distinct possibility that he’ll win the competition, he expands the sub shop business by making the Wizard Portal into a Drive-Thru, which genuinely worked as a business plan until Jerry took it too far.  Later that season, he saves his siblings by creating a black hole and then jumping through it to pull them to safety from the black hole in Alex’s apartment.  Like, that was his idea.  He came up with that.  It was weird, it was risky, it was unconventional, it could’ve been incredibly stupid… and it worked.
And that’s what I keep coming back to with this Ravenclaw Primary sorting— that sense of ingenuity, curiosity, and the willingness to experiment.  On one hand, you have your System Claws, who are dedicated to The Rules because they’ve been convinced that living by them is The Best Way To Live, and on the other hand, you have those that are willing to challenge conventional wisdom and try new things.  It’s this willingness to question that I personally attribute to a Ravenclaw mentality, rather than inherent intellectual ability or a large knowledgebase.  While Max may not have the latter, he has the former in spades, and that, more than anything, is really what told me that he truly belongs here.
Max Russo is a Ravenclaw Primary and a Slytherin Secondary.
As a Slytherin Secondary, Max often likes to confuse and obfuscate to get what he wants, is flexible in his methods, and can even be manipulative when he wants to be.  He’s also relatively comfortable with himself, thus he often lives in a Neutral State where he says whatever’s on his mind without thinking much about danger or whether he’ll be understood.
His Ravenclaw Primary is as curious as it is undefined, and operates on a logic that only Max truly understands.  While this leads him astray more often than not, this also allows him to break from tradition and try new things, and this unconventional thinking can sometimes lead to better solutions than anyone else could’ve come up with.  However, it also comes with a set of brakes in the form of taking input from others.  It’s not always easy to get through to Max, but he can be reasoned with, which in his case, is probably for the best. 
In this combination, we find a character who truly dances to the beat of his own drum.  As the most flexible Secondary and Primary, respectively, Max is a conundrum to most who meet him, confusing even to those who know him best.  That said, being the Russo who “goes with the flow” the most often, he’s also probably the Russo that has the most fun.  He’s certainly more fun to write about than I was expecting him to be!  I’m glad I did, and it’s good to be back.
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moomingitz · 5 years
If youre uncomfortable replying to this you can stop here. What are your thoughts on crushers Oc Lutrudis?
I’m going to paraphrase this right now. I never really feel comfortable saying what I think of other people’s creations like fan characters when someone who isn’t the creator asks me for my thoughts on them. Even when it comes to easy targets like Akiadahlia. I know fans are just doing this sort of thing on their free time as just a hobby, they’re not pursuing a career and they’re not getting a regular salary for it. For the average fan it’s something they do as a means of escape, and while I don’t really find much of a need to make Sonic fan characters myself most of the time(because there’s a stockpile of canon characters to work with) I do see the appeal in it.
But, I am going to make an exception here, due to how the creator clearly doesn’t respect other fan’s tastes or their works and efforts, saying lovely things like how I and other fans who like or defend characters like Chris Thorndyke have a “talent for seeing a character that doesn’t exist”, being dismissive of other’s AUs or interpretations of characters by saying “I understand seeing potential in a character but they may as well be a completely different character guuuys” but then expects people to write his personal favorites the way he thinks they should be portrayed, mocking and demeaning the very idea of people defending or unironically liking games like Sonic 06 and admiring it’s ambition it had, etc. And he still does it.
So if you really want my honest, unfiltered opinion of his fan character, I will break this personal unwritten rule of mine for this. But keep in mind here, that I will be talking about them in terms of their character design for most of the part, because I don’t really care to look up much stuff about them.
Remember that one rant of mine a long while back, how “hooved” type Sonic characters, official or fan made, tend to be a big victim of the franchise’s Same Faced Syndrome thing in character design? Well this Lutrudis character is a good example of that. She’s one of the most generic looking horse Sonic fan characters I’ve seen in a long time.
She’s not only a good example of Same Faced Syndrome, but it’s also an offender of “informed species”. I honestly thought she was a cow until I read that she was meant to be a horse. This character doesn’t really have much of an actual significant resemblance to a horse, even as far as more simplified representations of animals go. She has more resemblance to the Sonic franchise’s takes on monkey characters more than she does with anything from the equus genus.
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All I did was swap out the tail and ears and she instantly became a monkey.
To go even further and show just how cookie cutter it is, and the lack of an effort to make her resemble a horse in an actual significant way, that she may as well be a completely different species, here’s what she looks like when the only single modification I made was giving her a standard mammalian nose instead of there being visible nostrils.
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She uses the same base body used for Amy, Sticks, Wave, Blaze, and countless other Sonic fan characters out there, and then slapped on interchangeable design characteristics. A perfectly spherical head with a standard Sonic muzzle, same standard almost triangular or curvy torso, and the same rubber hose arms and legs. It’s what I like to call an assembly line Sonic character design. Lutrudis here looks like she could have come out from the custom character thing in Sonic Forces. At best she looks like she could be one of the many nameless, generic looking background characters in post-reboot Archie that were meant to fill in the background space. If she was meant to just be a nameless background character than this would have been tolerable. But her creator didn’t intend for to be one. She’s apparently not only supposed to be a major character, but she’s also apparently supposed to be Sonic’s damn love-interest. So I will come down hard on this. And I hate to sound like some angry “fem-nazi”, but I’m also just sick of seeing female Sonic characters in official media alone using this cookie cutter design base in general.
I don’t expect people to be masters at designing more unusual species as sonic characters, but at least do something more than just adding visible nostrils on the muzzle. Give them a more unique head shape or body type more closely resembling a horse, or even just give them a unique muzzle instead of a standard Sonic one. Anything, please.
It’s like when I finally learned how Tiara Boobowski was actually intended to be a manx, despite looking exactly like the franchise’s idea of a hedgehog.
My not-so positive opinion of her character design isn’t just because I think it’s a poor representation of her intended species. I can get over Sonic barely resembling an actual hedgehog, Knuckles an echidna, because their character designs themselves look appealing. This isn’t the case with Lutrudis. I think she just looks kind of boring in general. She just doesn’t look that appealing to me.
The outfit and attire doesn’t look like it had much rhyme or reason behind it. It’s just kind of dull. The gloves are at least pretty unique looking, but unfortunately that’s undermined by how plain everything else is. It looks like someone went clothes shopping at Wal-Mart, buying the most plain basic t-shirt, shorts, and bandana, trying to dress up as their super hero alter ego, only to end up not looking as cool as they envisioned it would look.
Having both the tail and ponytail as not only the same shapes, but long, makes the silhouette look both kind of busy but also kind of redundant. Like looking at Snooki’s big hairstyle stacked on top of each other.
I don’t know what he was thinking with putting that green together with not only a bright ass primary blue, but putting that bright brown color together with them, but it doesn’t look the most pleasing to the eye.(Assuming he even designed the character himself and just didn’t have someone else do it for him.) They all look like they’re battling for dominance. Even with the lighter toothpaste green I’ve seen her colored in to break things up, the bright primary blue and bright brown still clash against each other.
And I usually don’t like to make presumptions about creators with their OCs, but, I get the vibe here that this guy is possibly just using Sonic more as a stand-in for himself with his OC. It’s always kind of brow raising whenever a person says they aren’t a shipper and think romance is icky, until it involves their own OC who was not only obviously tailor made to be their ideal waifu, but the canon character they’re pairing up with their OC is one they’ve said they don’t like.
What’s frustrating about this is how a species like horses aren’t used that much when it comes to Sonic characters, yet it’s done in the most safe and bland way possible. The character design does have potential, but whatever it is it’s held back by the common crutches people rely on whenever they design an anthro Sonic character, both official and fan made.
I really don’t expect fans to be pro artists or character designers. But when the creator of the OC in question is not only a rude elitist prick who shits on or demeans other fans for things like “seeing a character that doesn’t exist”, always complains about non-game Sonic characters having either boring or generic character designs, but also seems to really love jerking himself off over how totes unique and awesome his fan character is unlike other lowly fan characters or even canon characters; this is the best he can do? This is what he has to show for it? A bland, cookie cutter looking and sounding character? Believe it or not, but sometimes, “I would like to see you do better.”, is appropriate.
Though him and his ilk are probably just going to find any desperate way to make this about me being an evil Chris fan, and maybe even cherry pick one of my Chris redesigns to “prove” that I’m a hack fraud who has only ever done that and nothing else. If he is even reading this(I’m sure he is because he really loves hate follow people).
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sheplaysthegames · 5 years
20 Questions for Simmers
1.) Favorite Sims Game
While I have played and loved every version of The Sims, I think my absolute favorite was The Sims 2. It was the one I couldn’t put down! The little details and humor are what really stand out when I look back, and I don’t remember having any real problems with it either since the game itself was pretty solidly developed and bugs tended to be squashed quickly. Overall, I was never bored playing The Sims 2 and I still occasionally boot it up just to reminisce.
2.) Yourself in 3 Traits
Ambitious, dog lover, neat
3.) CC or No CC
I play with a small amount of CC. Everything I download is Maxis-match, and I pull pieces out whenever we get new official content that I can use instead.
4.) Preferred Part of the Game
I really like each part of the game and try to spend my time evenly among them. Lately I’ve been building and messing around in CAS more than actually playing though. Oops!
5.) Favorite Expansion Pack
In The Sims, my favorite EP was Makin’ Magic. I was so young when I played that I thought I was incredibly clever for figuring out the pattern to the spells in the dueling arena so that I’d win every time. And I had a lot of fun creating one of each type of potion and then trying them out on the poor, unsuspecting townies!
In The Sims 2, my favorite EP was Bon Voyage. I spent so much time completing every single vacation memento! Some of them were really hard to figure out too, so finishing the collection was really rewarding to me. All three of the destinations were equally fun to explore with their local dances, gestures, foods, and massages. I could really feel the difference between visiting Takemizu Village, Twikki Island, and Three Lakes.
In The Sims 3, my favorite EP was Ambitions. The firefighter career and the new inventing skill were the real highlights to me. I spent weeks creating a Simbot without cheating, and firefighting was a really exciting change from the standard rabbithole careers. Another neat feature was the ability to sculpt statues of Sims. Never-melting ice sculptures looked great in mansions, and of course stone sculptures made great monuments to ‘famous’ Sims in town.
In The Sims 4, my favorite EP (so far) is Seasons. The weather effects are beautiful, the raincoats and rainboots and umbrellas are adorable, kiddie pools are the greatest item ever created, and temperature is just such a vital addition that it's finally starting to feel like a full game for me! Seasons and weather in general also function differently in each world, which is perfect. I didn’t want snow in Oasis Springs, and Brindleton Bay desperately needed fog and rain to feel complete.
6.) Favorite Game Pack
In The Sims 4, my favorite GP (so far) is Vampires. I never really liked this life state before, but this time around they’re fantastic! The abilities help differentiate each vampire from one another, and I love that they don’t have to ask permission nicely before biting a Sim. The sticker cracks and spider webs are also something I’d been wanting to help make places seem less perfect. Overall, the life state seems so detailed and sets a much higher bar for future life states. I don’t even mind paying for each individually if they’re this well-done.
7.) Favorite Stuff Pack
In The Sims 2, my favorite SP was H&M Fashion. Honestly, I just really loved all the new clothing that kept my Sims from constantly matching each other. And building a clothing store with all the cool retail items that came with it was a lot of fun too!
In The Sims 3, my favorite SP was Town Life. The rabbitholes were more modern and added some variety since most of the others were the same building with slightly different colors. I had a lot of fun remodeling my more modern worlds with them.
In The Sims 4, my favorite SP (so far) is Laundry Day. I’m a sucker for realism elements so adding another menial chore for my Sims makes me happy. The laundry system is surprisingly complex, the furniture filled in a lacking farmhouse style I felt was missing from the game, and stackable machines look perfect in apartments. The clothing and hairstyles were also very well-done and I have to actively try not to overuse them on all my Sims.
8.) Least Favorite Expansion Pack
In The Sims, my least favorite EP was House Party. It felt like the smallest addition we were given, and parties weren’t enough for me to explore more than a handful of times before I got bored. As soon as the next EP came out, I moved on to the new content and I don’t think I ever threw another party again.
In The Sims 2, my least favorite EP was Nightlife. It wasn’t bad at all, it was just the one I used the least. My personal gameplay style at the time was incredibly family-oriented and you just don’t take your kids to clubs. I only ever went to the new Downtown subhood for first dates and a few marriage proposals since the date interactions were pretty cute.
In The Sims 3, my least favorite EP was Showtime. I don’t think I ever really played with anything from it. The ‘optional’ online connection where you would send your Sims to someone else’s game to perform really made me mad since some of the items you paid for were locked away behind it and I had no desire to participate. And the whole in-game news feed and achievement system were horrible and really caused problems. The venues were also super glitchy so even when I did give the new active careers a go, trying to complete a performance was almost impossible. Overall, the whole thing felt like more trouble than it was worth.
In The Sims 4, my least favorite EP (so far) is Get to Work. I think my expectations were just too high going into it. The active careers are okay, but none of them make me actually want to follow my Sims to work past the first few days because they get highly repetitive and there’s no real risk associated with them. The retail system also seems a bit lacking. There are very few retail items to use when building a store, although I do have to mention that the clothing mannequins are pretty cool. And actually running it is too easy since you can just instantly restock the items even if they’re unique things that you’ve made your Sims create.
9.) Least Favorite Game Pack
In The Sims 4, my least favorite GP (so far) is Spa Day. It’s not nearly as immersive as the others. There isn’t much to do outside of getting a massage or doing yoga, and both are kind of boring to do repeatedly over and over. It doesn’t expand on the gameplay nearly enough to be categorized as a GP in my opinion; I’d demote it to SP.
10.) Least Favorite Stuff Pack
In The Sims 2, my least favorite SP was Glamour Life. It added the least versatile stuff. Most of my Sims weren’t swimming in cash, so the items, particularly the clothing, were rarely used since they’d look and feel out of place. 
In The Sims 3, my least favorite SP was Katy Perry’s Sweet Treats. I didn’t even buy it and I have no idea why anyone did. The objects were all horrible and cheesy. There was literally nothing good about it. At all. Ever.
In The Sims 4, my least favorite SP (so far) is My First Pet. No matter how many times they deny it, it’s a massive money grab. The furniture set literally completes what they left incomplete in Cats & Dogs! The clothing is for the most part just recolors of what we already have! And to top it all off, there’s just one new critter. They claim four, but it’s the same thing with a different skin overlay. I am perfectly fine with some items in a pack being dependent on owning previous packs so that they can continue to expand on past content. But to release this immediately after the associated EP and for it to pretty much be the rest of the items that we were missing from said EP...certainly seems like they withheld content just to wring an extra $10 from their players. Especially since it wasn’t even mentioned in their quarterly teaser. Haven’t bought it, and will not until it’s on sale.
11.) Custom or EA / Maxis Sims
EA / Maxis Sims are the best! I adore the premades and their unique, weird stories. My favorite thing to do is make them over and put an interesting spin on their storylines while still keeping them recognizable.
12.) Households or Single Sims
Definitely households. I prefer organized chaos with lots of things going on at once! There just isn’t enough to do when there’s only one Sim.
13.)  Free Will On or Off
Free will is always firmly set to off in my game. I’m a dictator when it comes to my Sims and I make no apologies for that.
14.)  Favorite Life Stage
Toddlers. They’re just so darn cute! The expanded skill building this time around is really cool since they actually learn in discernible stages instead of all at once, and I’m still not over their ability to go up and down stairs all on their own. The little mess-makers also have some of the cutest interactions with other Sims and their environment.
15.)  Favorite Life State
Aliens. The first time I ever had a Sim abducted was in The Sims 2, and it terrified me because I had no idea what was going on and didn’t know if he was ever going to come back. Then he was finally returned and popped out an alien baby! It was just so surprising and ever since I’ve had a particular fondness for extraterrestrials.
16.) Favorite Skill
Cooking is probably my favorite skill to build. Something about getting to see what those difficult dishes look like is just fun to me. Since The Sims 4 actually includes 3 separate skills for cooking, gourmet, and baking skills I’ve been having a blast discovering all the new recipes!
17.) Ever Completed a Legacy
Only once, way back in The Sims 2. It lasted a grand total of 16 generations before I wound up making the move to The Sims 3. I’ve tried numerous times since then, but The Sims 3 was too buggy to play a single file that long and The Sims 4 is still missing a couple of key features that I’d like to have before trying again.
18.) Longest Simming Session
When I had more free time (and was significantly younger), I happily confess to wasting away a full weekend playing The Sims 2. These days I’m lucky to get a couple hours a week here and there. Ah the joys of growing up!
19.) Personal Sims Wishlist
There are a few things I’m still really missing for The Sims 4. I’m hoping universities and witches are making a comeback soon as they’re crucial to my planned storylines. Fairies, werewolves, and a beach vacation world would also be wonderful to have but they’re less important to me.
20.) Unpopular Opinion
I don’t miss the open world system from The Sims 3 at all. I’m perfectly happy trading it for every world to be connected. Every save file is a megahood and I find that preferable to a single, completely open world. I also think that it makes the game more stable for everyone, especially lower-end computers. The loading screens are worth it!
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princehandsome · 7 years
So, I wanted to make a list of all of the games that came out in 2017 that I actually played, and kind of briefly discuss what I thought of them. 
The list ended up being longer than I thought, so the games and such are under a readmore! Everything is pretty much spoiler free, minus some very light, first-hour spoilers I talk about when it comes to the premise of a game.
The main highlights of this list are: Resident Evil 7 is my game of the year, because it’s so damn good, and also it was a really rough year as a Dangan Ronpa fan, because New Dangan Ronpa V3 fucking sucks.
The year kicked off really strong with Resident Evil 7, which I was incredibly excited to play after the electrifying E3 trailer, and the playable teaser. This was fresh off the cancellation of P.T., so there was a big hole in my heart to fill, but Resident Evil 7 knocked it out of the park with ease. The whole experience is so amazing, managing to inject some good survival horror elements into a tired franchise to revitalize it, while not losing that over-the-top, B-Movie Resident Evil charm. The DLC only elevates it, with the Banned Footage tapes being bite-sized additions of the gameplay you love, while stuff like Not A Hero and The End of Zoe changes up the gameplay in fun and amazing ways.
Hitman has never been a franchise I’ve been into, but I decided to try the new episodic version of it that’s come out recently, and it’s a lot of fun! I’m god-awful at stealth games, but the game offers you some pretty cool guided assassination plans, if you’re terrible like I am, while more experienced people can find faster or more elaborate ways to do it, off-script. It’s a lot of fun, and if you’re into stealth based games, I’d definitely recommend it.
Being a recent Switch owner, naturally I had to pick up The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild as my first game on it, because, duh. It seems like a fun game, but there’s something there I just can’t get into; maybe it’s not giving me the story fast enough? Maybe it’s the sometimes wonky controls? I really can’t say. The combat is easily my favorite part, but I find myself losing interest when I’m not finding hidden treasure or slashing enemies to pieces.
An extremely controversial game to come out this year was Mass Effect Andromeda, the newest Mass Effect installment and the first one to not be made by the main Bioware team, as far as I can recall. It’s true that a lot of the faces are wonky (or at least, they were on launch, I’m seeing that patches have made them better) and that some of the writing is weird, but I still really enjoyed it. Combat has never been better, and the RPG elements are still satisfying enough to keep you invested. Any game that lets me really customize my character and pick some relatively diverse speech options has my heart from the start, and there really wasn’t anything in Andromeda that lost me. Frankly, I’d love to see this team tackle another Mass Effect game, using what they learned from Andromeda, but that probably isn’t going to be a thing after the reception to it.
Being incredibly into Dangan Ronpa, it may come as a surprise that I’ve never played Zero Escape, so when I got Zero Escape: The Nonary Games as a Christmas gift, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I’m barely an hour into the game, but I’m super into it so far! The puzzles are cool and fun, all of the characters are interesting so far, and the plot gives a very effective air of tension to everything happening. This game is definitely going to be what ends up scratching my Dangan Ronpa itch for 2018, but I’ll speak more about Dangan Ronpa below.
Being a huge Persona 4 fan, I was pretty optimistic about Persona 5, which my fiance @shutupshea was really hyped up about. I’ve gotta say, I really don’t care for it. Persona 4 was a game bursting with optimism and love, with tons of warm interactions with total random strangers, and even through the dark events, the main theme of it was friendship, and love, and the different ways that can manifest. The only real theme I got out of Persona 5 was... the world is bad, and people are bad? People in positions of authority will always abuse their power in the most over-the-top, cartoonish ways? Don’t get me wrong, I know that there are a thousand shitty people in a thousand positions of power, but it just feels overly cynical to get beaten over the head with it in every line of dialogue from every single character. The gameplay seems fun and deep, I just can’t really get into the narrative of it.
Being a fan of Outlast, and a super fan of the Whistleblower DLC, I was really pumped up for Outlast II, and it was... okay? It was kind of a mixed bag. On one hand, I think there were a lot of good gameplay improvements, and the overall pacing of the story felt like it moved along at a better clip, leaving me less frustrated. I also thought the ending was much, much better, via having greater emotional impact. On the other hand, I felt like some of the dark elements were... too dark? Not to say they like, personally offended or disgusted me, moreso that they made it difficult to take the game seriously. When you see the fifteenth mass grave, it less horrifies you, and more makes you go “how can there possibly be this many dead people in one town?” Overall I liked it, and I’d recommend it to horror game fans, but it was a lot weaker than the first game, and doesn’t even hold a candle to the Whistleblower.
Prey is a game everyone’s super into, and having played two or three hours of it so far, I’ve got to admit... I don’t super get it? Don’t get me wrong, it’s fun, and it reminds me a lot of the original Bioshock; the design is good, the weapons are varied, there just isn’t anything there that keeps me... super interested, I guess. It wasn’t like Rapture, where it’s filled with all of these incredibly colorful characters and antagonists, it just seems to be goo aliens and your dickhead brother trying to stop you from regaining your memories. I’m assuming some big bombshell is coming soon, but my main issue with it is that the plot feels incredibly... vanilla, in the early game.
I think I wrote a blog post about the original Injustice, which I was gaga over, and Injustice 2 is an improvement... somewhat. The gameplay is good, and the customization of each hero/villain is awesome, really letting you craft a distinct visual and gameplay style. That being said, I feel as though the story was much weaker (until the very end, the last couple of chapters are very emotionally strong) and the roster of characters was a little disappointing. No Nightwing... No Deathstroke... No Doomsday... What’s the point? Overall, it’s a worthy sequel, but it didn’t top the first, in my heart.
I didn’t want to put any remastered games on my list, but the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy earns a spot through virtue of being a remaster of such an old game series, leading a lot of people to play it now for the first time. I’m a huge Crash Bandicoot fan, it was my game of choice growing up, and I still fondly remember playing Crash Team Racing with my parents (where’s that remaster?). All in all, it’s a very competent remaster, with basically all of the weird quirks and certainly all of the difficulty in-tact, and I’d highly, highly recommend it to anyone who hasn’t played Crash Bandicoot before.
Telltale’s Batman Season 2 managed the unlikely feat of making me really enjoy a Telltale game, episode by episode. I really loved the first season, it being the first Telltale game I’ve ever enjoyed, but I had to ask myself if I’d still like it if I had to wait 1-2 months in between each episode. Would it hold up, having larger expectations for each episode? As it turns out, it certainly holds up! Having cool and original twists on each classic Batman baddie, a tone and visual style that’s right at home with the best of the Arkham games, and just generally dynamite character writing, Telltale’s Batman is fantastic for fans and newcomers alike, to the whole Batman mythos. Now, where the heck is Deathstroke, and where’s my Batfamily, Telltale!?
Back when it first came out, I played about two weeks of Destiny, non-stop, before I got really bored and jaded. I never bought any of the DLC, because I’me one of those people that thinks that you shouldn’t have to pay money to have a good game, but it got at least a solid chunk of my time, and some good memories with my buddies doing Vault of Glass. Destiny 2 held my attention for about two hours before I went “this is boring” and turned it off.
Never played anything in the Divinity series, but a buddy of mine recommended Divinity: Original Sin 2 to me, as it’s an Oblivion RPG, and it was new, and I could play it for free off of his Steam account. I must have put, I dunno, ten hours into it? It’s an extremely good RPG, but mostly I was put off because, and I’m showing my age here, it just felt too old. I didn’t hate it for that, but eventually there’s only so long I can spend in a top-down view of tiny character models, clicking buttons on a hotbar. There came a point where I just got sort of tired of the gameplay, but if you don’t mind stuff like that, then Divinity: Original Sin 2 is probably like, one of those hundred hour RPGs.
Now, I’m obsessed with Dangan Ronpa. My avatar is Dangan Ronpa, my header is Dangan Ronpa, I talk about Dangan Ronpa almost constantly. It’s safe to say Dangan Ronpa is my favorite franchise ever, even moreso than stuff like Star Wars, and Super Dangan Ronpa 2 is probably my favorite game of all time, despite my misgivings with it. So, you’d think New Dangan Ronpa V3 would be an easy GOTY for me, right? I’ve played through two chapters (the prologue, and Chapter 1) and I got a little bit into Chapter 2, and I reached the verdict, almost right after Chapter 1 ended, that New Dangan Ronpa V3 actually sucks a butt, and is probably the worst Dangan Ronpa game thus far. Whereas other games had very strong emotional cores and casts of characters you instantly fell in love with, New Dangan Ronpa V3 has left me feeling cold on... just about everyone. There are a couple of characters I like, here and there, but for the most part, I just... don’t care about what happens to any of them. Anybody could get murdered, and anybody could be the culprit, and I’d basically feel nothing. I don’t find myself curious about what the overarching mystery is, I don’t find myself pondering the identity of the master mind, I just... don’t care about any of it, which is probably the most damning thing I could say about a Dangan Ronpa game.
On the subject of sequels to games I liked, The Evil Within 2! I always thought the first game was actually pretty good and a lot of fun, and I’ll love Joseph Oda until I die, and the sequel was... pretty good? It falls into that area for me where I think all of the gameplay improvements were great, but overall the story was much weaker, and so were the characters. It didn’t feel as fun or varied as the first game did, like it had the same amount of imagination, but in much lesser quality. Out of the three main bad guys you fight, only the first one is really interesting, and the recurring Anima enemy was the only super memorable boss fight. Overall, it was a fun followup, but I still like the first more.
Doki Doki Literature Club came out of nowhere and took the world by storm, and I’m so so glad I was able to avoid spoilers about it and go in relatively blind. I knew that it had a horror twist to it, so I was expecting it to start glitching out and having eerie stuff happen, but I really wasn’t expecting to get so invested in it. It’s an experience that’ll stick with me for a long long time, and I’ll never forget the best girl, Natsuki. The game is amazing, and if you’re reading this and haven’t experienced it, go do it! It’s free on Steam, and try to stay as blind as possible!
I’m one of those people that buys Call of Duty every year. I always have fun with them, they always keep me occupied for a few months, and I generally don’t have anything bad to say about them. There’ve been some weak years, especially with Black Ops 3 for me, but Call of Duty: World War 2 is a competent little package to bring CoD back to its roots, in both a literal and figurative manner. An emphasis on classes, boots on the ground, World War 2, it’s basically everything the fans asked for, and it’s pretty solid! My only complaint is that I think I’m getting too old for twitch shooters, because my aim and reflexes are getting god-awful, even though I used to be amazing back in the CoD4 days.
Star Wars: Battlefront 2 is an even more controversial game than Mass Effect Andromeda, from Loot Boxes to laggy servers to yadda yadda yadda... I never really had much of a dog in the fight, to be honest. I play stuff like Overwatch and Counter Strike, so loot boxes are pretty par for the course (Counter Strike even makes you pay them to open the box!) and while these boxes did technically give an advantage, I don’t find that the Star Card system allows for anything too wild, as far as power gap due to lootbox elements. By and large, I didn’t care, but it seems as though the narrative of the game has basically become the loot boxes, leaving many people unaware that it’s actually a fun game! There weren’t any paid lootboxes present at launch, so all lootboxes here are earned in-game and in-game only, and usually just contain garbage anyways, so most of what you’re going to be doing is from gameplay too. All in all, it kind of makes me sad that this was the game people decided to rail on for lootboxes (despite so, so, so many other games having them and getting away just fine) instead of holding it up as a massive improvement over the first game. Overall, I still think it has some flaws, but with a full year of free DLC and many features (like trooper customization!) being confirmed to be on the way, I’m really happy to be playing it now. Honestly I think I play Battlefront 2 more than Call of Duty, or... any game on this list. I really really like it.
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tessatechaitea · 5 years
New Titans #110
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DC has been "unleashing" characters for over twenty-five years!
Twitter might be a smoking rectum of a filth and despair but let me tell you what it's given to me. I signed up to Twitter nearly ten years ago, mostly to secure the name Grunion Guy. I think my first tweet was "Why are they called Sixlets when there are only five colors?" Fucking insightful stuff, that. Anyway, at some point, a junior high school girl from Missouri followed me on Twitter. I followed her back and she lost her fucking mind because Grunion Guy started following her. It turned out, her and two of her best friends loved A Really Scary Story and some of Grunion Guy's other stories that were online (I say "Grunion Guy's other stories" and not "my other stories" because some of them (some of the best of them and certainly the first of them!) were not written by me. I just sort of took over the persona). Apparently the stories had been something fun they shared and they were excited to be acknowledged by Grunion Guy. They were funny and clever and I enjoyed reading their tweets and following their lives. Since then, I've watched them grow into compassionate, hilarious college students. I'm proud of them like I would be proud of my actual nieces if they were the kind of people to make me proud (ha ha! Just kidding, actual nieces! Whatever your names are!). But there's a dark side to this other aspect of Twitter, this allowing instant access between writers and their audience. For the most part, it's what makes Twitter truly terrible. But long before Twitter, fans already felt entitled to the stories they expected. But if they didn't get them, they actually had to write a letter that would almost certainly only be read by some person whose job was to act as a firewall to the creator. Now when Tom King writes Batman stories where Batman actually has to deal with the existential ramifications of taking on the role as sole arbiter of justice to the universe, Batman fans can tweet directly at him saying, "You suck! Batman is about punching things, idiot!" I would like to believe that most creators ignore what the audience claims they want and just continue to express what they feel they need to express. Art isn't about feeding the masses what they want; obviously it's about stroking one's ego as if it were a massive cock that just needed orgasmic release. Mostly when people scream at me for writing shit they don't agree with, it doesn't bother me. On the other hand, there's a part of me that feels proud that when those three young kids from Missouri found something they enjoyed in my writing and subsequently followed me on Twitter, they were able to find that the person behind those stories was somebody they actually enjoyed interacting with, somebody whose beliefs they could respect and agree with. I can't imagine how disappointing it must be for, say, a Dilbert fan to get online and follow the douche that does that comic book only to be greeted by his terrible politics and inane philosophies. Actually, I can't even imagine somebody being a Dilbert fan so that was probably a poor analogy. Ultimately I know that who I am doesn't matter when somebody reads A Really Scary Story (a story which, might I add, was once read out loud (by Daniel Heath Justice, no less!) before an audience that contained Connie Willis. So I'm practically a Hugo Award winner myself!). But I'd rather be seen as a somewhat enlightened, mostly compassionate moron than a selfish asshole who thinks they're the smartest fucker in the room. While I'm rambling on about Twitter, here's a little free advice for debating online: only respond to the person angrily responding to something you've written if your response makes you laugh. And never respond more than twice (only once if at all possible. I just say twice for a little bit of latitude). I generally don't engage in "discussion" on the Internet. I "write" posts. If somebody responds angrily, I'll either ignore it, say something whimsically stupid in response, or will clarify once and leave it at that. Most people having debates on the Internet seem to think that they're arguing their side and that they really have to make sure their point is understood. But that's a huge mistake! Because nearly 100% of the time, the angry respondent has intentionally misunderstood what you've written, and will continue to believe that what they said you said is what you said. So even one clarification is probably too much but I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. Very occasionally, the misunderstanding isn't intentional and we can part on good terms. Anyway, Dick is traveling through the rain forest looking for Kory this issue.
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Dick seems shocked by the acrobatic oral sex customs of these indigenous peoples.
Dick finds Kory in the jungle telling stories of her homeworld to this Amazonian tribe. If Dick doesn't stop her, Starfire's stories will soon usurp the stories of the native tribe, being that they're far more exciting and filled with more aliens and space lasers. She's going to destroy this entire culture nearly as fast as a white Christian missionary! Before Starfire can supplant the basis of the village's cultural understanding of their place in the universe by telling space operas, the stars of one of her space operas attacks the village! And just as the story begins to get exciting, the scene changes to the bureaucracy of Checkmate running the Titans. Now that the Titans need the government's help to battle lawsuits brought against them for their familial disputes causing citywide destruction (which the Titans deny but, I mean, have they been reading their own comic book? Eighty percent of their battles are against family members and the other twenty percent are against villains who have a grudge against the Titans themselves), they're being given political missions by the government. On one hand, it's despicable that they're going to be used as pawns for political and corporate interests. On the other hand, there's at least a 50% chance they'll actually be helping to make the world a better place for once.
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What a surprise. There first mission is against a guy who wants to make the world a better place by saving the environment! I wonder if the Titans uniforms will have Shell, Mobile, and Exxon patches added to them.
How do I not remember this guy? That was a rhetorical question that means "I love this guy! Why didn't I have a shirt with him on it?! Why did I spill so much semen over Lobo when this guy existed?!" What I really meant to say was "Terraist? No wonder nobody remembers this guy!" You know when something clever goes a bit too far into clever so that it becomes fucking idiotic instead? That's the name "Terraist." But he's cradling a cat and a rose and he's battling for the environment! How is this guy the bad guy?! Just because he lives in Zandia? Fucking racist, man. Oh wait. Maybe I should have listened to the rest of The Terraist's rant. He plans on destroying the world quickly unless government's stop all pollution immediately. That doesn't seem insane and unreasonable at all! But I don't think his cat is into it. The cat just wants a few nice chin scritches and a plate of fancy food. The lasers that hit the rain forest were part of The Terraist's attack to save the world by destroying it. Maybe I was wrong about judging the people of Zandia. Maybe they are all fucking assholes.
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"We know you can't get into space but we need the Titans to stop Terraist and his death satellite!" "You know there are heroes that can fly into space?" "WE NEED YOU!"
Red Planet declares that they will help and Arsenal is all, "Are you fucking nuts?! I don't have a rocket arrow!" But Flash is all, "I used to hate you because you were a Communist and Russian, Leonid. I just wanted you to know!" Fucking Wally. Although in Wally's defense, I once said this same kind of bullshit. I once told Mistina La Fave of The Prids how I didn't really like their music the first time I heard them but that I loved the show I had just watched before saying that horrible thing to her. Now in my defense during Wally's defense, the first time I saw The Prids (way back in like 2000 or 2001, I think? Yeesh), I also saw The Faint for the first time (touring for Danse Macabre) and I can't be responsible for comparing everything else poorly in relation to that glorious spectacle. But I still suck for saying that thing. The Titans decide to accept help from Alexander Luthor since he's the only private citizen with a ship that can get them into space so they can stop an eco-terrorist from saving the environment in completely the wrong way. This was twenty five years ago. It's like nothing ever changes! Why does anything we do matter if we're just repeating the same shit over and over again?! Oh God, I'm so tired! New Titans #110 Rating: B-. If you were paying attention to the cover, you might be wondering when Baby unleashed his beest. It happened over one panel where he attacked Steve Dayton but Dayton instantly downed him with some neuro-laser. I'm not sure why Checkmate didn't hire Steve Dayton to take down The Terraist since, using the transitive property, if Dayton can defeat the Titans, he should also be able to defeat The Terraist. Also, he probably has a ship that he's not letting the Titans use because he's tired of being used by them. Also he might still be insane seeing as how he's working on another Mento Helmet. Maybe going insane is the cure for being insane? So a second Mento Helmet is the cure for a first Mento Helmet! Man, no wonder I'm not a genius. When I break my arm, I rarely ever think the cure is breaking it again! But then, I know I've heard doctors talking about rebreaking arms to help fix broken arms! So I really am stupider than I thought!
0 notes
felassan · 8 years
Assorted Andromeda info 9
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6] [part 7] [part 8] [additional scraps]
There is loads of other new info from the preview articles, vids and podcasts, but these “assorted” posts mostly only track information given in tweets (because fuck Twitter). Under a cut for length. There may be a few mild spoilers, but it’s only stuff devs have tweeted. might be some stuff that I’ve already said in previous posts (sorry) because honestly at this point keeping track of everything is impossible  
Favorite names are fixed at 1-4, you can’t rename them [x]
Ian enthuses about loving Liam and his great lines [x]
All squadmate pairings are combat-viable and have good banter [x]
Any detonator works with any primer so squadmates can combo with each other, with you, or even by THEMSELVES, potentially [x]
In a NG+ playthrough you can customize the twins [x]
Suvi described as a “very thought-provoking human” [x]
Ian likes Gil’s sense of humor [x]
Nothing similar to DA:I’s war table is in the game [x]
Install size on PC: 55 GB. On consoles, between 40 and 60 (Ian unsure) [x]. Filesize is reportedly 42.2 GB on Xbox Marketplace [x]
Q. “since charge is something anyone can use, what's special about the vanguard profile now?” -> A.  “1.) Not just anyone can charge. If you don't start with the vanguard training, then it takes investment in biotics before you  can get Charge. 2.) The vanguard profile offers both stat bonuses & a special built-in ability, like all the other profiles” [x, x]
Companion banter while exploring confirmed [x] (was a given tho tbh)
Q. “Regarding profile switching: is the cooldown affected by weight, or is it just a flat cooldown when switching?” -> A. “It's affected by weight, profile, and certain skills” -> Q. “so in theory, could i make a build where the cooldown was fast enough to combo between profiles? Or does switching cancel powers?” -> A. “It's theoretically possible, I suppose...I've never tried that! Now I want to” -> Q. “Chances of all game balance being suddenly broken: 13% -> A. “Ha! Nah, for this to even be possible, you'd have to spec so hard that way that you'd be trading off other stuff” [x, x, x]
Face tattoos for Ryder in CC [x]
If you didn’t see already, Suvi is written by Sheryl Chee [x]
Throw, Pull, Annihilation, and Lance can all be specced to capture elements of Warp, depending on what you're looking for [x]
They don’t natively support PS4 controllers on PC so expect XBox prompts in that scenario [x]
On PC you can seamlessly & instantly switch between mouse/keyboard and controller [x]
There are mods in MP but no augmentations or crafting functionality [x]
On squadmate AI:  Generally speaking they do whatever makes sense based on their range from the target, so if Liam is near the target and you order attack, except Havoc Strike. If he's far, expect Overload or Frag Grenade [x, x]
Havoc Strike is available to Liam only, not Ryder [x]. Presumably each squadmate has a unique skill like that
You can drive the Nomad through shallow water. It isn’t an aquatic vehicle [x]
Sniping while hovering is challenging but possible. Hover is engaged the same way you tight aim (LT on a controller) & it stabilizes you [x]
Gil will be properly revealed at some point [x] Edit: Update - maybe not before launch actually? [x]
More color options for armor customization than ME has ever had! [x] (presumably due to the wheel)
Biggest ME game so far [x]
Spelling clarification: Heleus Cluster [x]
You can change difficulties at any point in the game, not just one setting picked at the start [x]
If you prefer to you can autolevel Ryder & squad [x]
Combat music confirmed [x]
High stake choices confirmed [x]
You can still mute voice and chat in MP [x]
There’s an entire story/plot/quest that deals with the plot point of SAM (an explanation is needed as AIs are illegal in Citadel space). Also, related codex entries [x]
The latest gameplay vid was played on Normal difficulty. Note that they did quite a bit of balancing since that footage was captured [x]
The weird behavior of the Fiend enemies in the recent gameplay video was a bug and has been fixed [x]
No geth in the game [x]
Comment from Aaryn and one from Gamble on hair options for different races
The build the press played wasn’t the release build or the build with the Day 1 patch [x]
Colors for customizing armor and outfits don’t need to be bought, they’re just all in there [x]. Not sure if this person meant in-game credits or irl money, lol
Tom & Fryda going to try and arrange a tag-team Reddit AMA at some point [x]
some of this stuff was repeating/obvious, sorry :)
49 notes · View notes
allenmendezsr · 5 years
Covert Hypnosis.
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/covert-hypnosis/
Covert Hypnosis.
 Buy Now    
By Kevin Hogan
“Covert Hypnosis Gives You the Scientific Breakthrough and Ultimate Power To Covertly Control Minds, Change Behaviors And Hypnotically Make Anyone EAGER To Fulfill Your Every Desire…Without Them Ever Knowing It!
“Covert Hypnosis is the most powerful stuff I’ve EVER seen for selling, persuading, and motivating… — Joe Vitale, known as one of the world’s most powerful copywriters and marketing minds of all time, and New York Times best-selling author
The world’s most successful people have closely-guarded these underground covert secrets. But now, you can finally get insider access and become one of them! (Newly Revised and Updated!)
From: Kevin Hogan, Psy.D
Dear Friend,
When was the last time you felt totally in control of the people around you?
What would it be like if you could possess the power of Covert Hypnosis to literally control anyone in any given situation?
How at ease and happy would you be?
If you have always wanted to know how to control people’s minds and attitudes, then look no further. That is the essence of subtle influence.
In this underground book, you’ll discover how to make people fulfill your dreams and meet your every desire with push-button simplicity!
And the best part is… they’ll be very willing to do it all for you.
Does the power of hidden persuasion sound unbelievable?
It was a notion that originally seemed impossible to me…but I was wrong…
Now you can read the full story and get the facts about covert communication… because I guarantee you.. this scientific breakthrough has been tried, tested and proven to work in the real world.
Please make sure you read every word of this letter because the secret that can dramatically change your life is here. In 1998, when I coined the phrase Covert Hypnosis, there was a great deal of solid material on the market about NLP but there was nothing that went deep to the center of the nonconscious brain.
That’s why I developed Covert Hypnosis.
But before you proceed, I want you to enter your top 3 things that you want others to do for you. (Please don’t type their real names in the box.) Examples: I want my boss to give me a 30% salary raise, I want Jane to go with me on a date, I want XYZ Company to buy my product in bulk, etc. You name it…
Are you done writing your 3 “wishes?” Great!
Imagine what would happen if you could use subtle persuasion to get anyone to do these 3 things (and anything else you could ever think of) by skillfully using the right words cues, impulses, or triggers, at just the right moment?
And would you be surprised if I told you that you can influence people even without saying a single word?
You can often turn “no” into “yes” with the simplest of gestures.
See that image of the pocket watch going back and forth? In the old days hypnosis practioners used hypnotic language and rudimentary suggestion to try to change minds.
Sometimes those obsolete tricks worked. More often they failed.
The world of covert persuasion has changed and now you have something far more magical in nature at your fingertips.
That’s the power of covert hypnosis!
“The most powerful stuff I’ve EVER seen for selling, persuading, and motivating…”
“I got chills up my spine as I started flipping through your new book. I’m afraid I’m either going to have buy all rights to this thing from you and take it off the market, or buy all copies to keep you from selling it.
This material is the most powerful stuff I’ve EVER seen for selling, persuading, and motivating— without anyone but you knowing it. Truly amazing. You’ve hit another one out of the park and over the stands.”
— Dr. Joe Vitale, known as one of the world’s most powerful copywriters and marketing minds, star of The Secret movie and New York Times best-selling author
Did you know?
Almost everything you want in life requires acceptance, compliance or consent from other people. This is a universal rule. No exceptions.
You will accomplish nothing, or will have a very tough time accomplishing anything, if you’re doing everything by yourself. You need other people to WANT to help YOU attain your every desire and accelerate success; that’s a simple reality.
You need to be able to subtly persuade.
Unfortunately, you can’t just expect them to just give you anything you want (or to do whatever you like them to do) any time you please, unless you can…
Control Their Minds and Change Their Behaviors!
Many of their behaviors are shaped by their genes, in their DNA.
What would happen if YOU had the power to connect with the part of the brain that is “driven by their DNA” so you can change their behavior? Not only is it possible, but unseen influence is scientifically proven and being used by a few selected people to have a dramatic edge over everyone else.
How exciting would it be to know exactly what they’ll do or say next.
You can almost instantly program their mind with this technology to take the specific actions you want? Best part is..you don’t have to know anything about DNA!
Just imagine..
You will find out how to know what people are thinking.
You will learn to be in control of every communication you participate in.
They will demand to be with you, to want your input or buy from you. You will never sell anything again!
Your message is received without significant thought or resistance.
You get to subtlly change their minds without them being aware of it.
You have my personal guarantee. No one will ever recognize what you are “doing” as hypnosis or what they think hypnosis is. If you think that’s interesting, wait ’til you read this…
“With only ONE sentence, I had the sale!”
I recently purchased Covert Hypnosis and absolutely love it. I sell security systems to small business owners. I was calling on a repair shop owner and after giving my presentation I asked for the sale.
He said his budget was really tight now but call in 6 months. That’s when I remembered what you taught and with only ONE sentence, I had the sale! It blew me away. Thank you, thank you!
— Andy Howland, Grand Rapids, MI
You are Now In Total Control!
People desire to have control over their lives, but it rarely happens. They’re unable to accomplish anything because you see, they don’t know how to persuade people to help them. Worse, they might be under the control of others.
This lack of control makes your life miserable.
YOU feel it in every aspect of life. You’re sometimes more than a little angry at the world because you failed when others succeeded.
People who have no control have no chance to live their dream life. They hate their jobs, their relationships, their inability to handle situations, and their financial status, among others. Have you ever felt this way before?
If you’ve ever wondered how some people can attract massive success automatically like a magnet, it’s because they have the ability to control people and their situation. And there’s no other control tool more powerful than covert hypnosis!
Secret of the Top 20%
Aside from control, what is the difference between the top 20% of people who earn 80% of this world’s money, and the 80% who earn 20% of the money?
Answer: The top 20% of people are experts at making every conversation a victory. They know how to ask questions that go straight to the needs and desires of others.
Successful people are experts at two things. One is the field in which they’re communicating in, and the other is in communicating at the unconscious level.
You are now in control of other people’s behavior and mindset by becoming a master communicator – consciously and unconconsciously.
“Your courses are the reason I made $32,000 last week…
I bought your Covert Hypnosis and Science of Influence and I thought I owed it to you to tell you that your courses are the reason I made $32,000 last week.
I used to lose a great deal of customers ‘on the fence’. I thought it was just part of the deal, but I believe your courses have enabled me to get most of the ones ‘on the fence’. Thank you!”
— Mark Deaton, Twin Falls, ID
The Leading Covert Hypnosis and Body Language Expert
Hi, my name is Kevin Hogan. for the last 20 years I’ve studied what causes people to behave in very specific ways and how to generate those desired behaviors. the author of over a dozen books, including, The Psychology of Persuasion, which has sold over a million copies worldwide.
Just like you, I started from scratch. I learned all the old stuff with hit and miss results. Then I did the research, took it out to the real world and now profit massively from what I’ve discovered over the years!
What’s better? I haven’t stopped. I keep updating my field of Covert Hypnosis every year.
Today, I’m an international speaker and have given specialized training to employees of numerous Fortune 500 Companies. These include Boeing, Microsoft, Starbucks, Meespierson, Auntie Anne’s, Novazymes, Cargill, Pillsbury, Carlson Companies, Fortis, Great Clips, the State of Minnesota, 3M, The United States Postal Service and many others.
I just got back from Poland where I spoke at The National Stadium. I’ve worked with the government of Poland. I’ve helped a number of key political figures in Washington D.C.
The press says that I’m the go to guy for everything related to reading a person.
In fact, the New York Post reported my analysis on the body language of former US President Bill Clinton regarding his affair with Monica Lewinsky.
Soon after, I analyzed the nonverbal communication of Hilary Clinton, Judge Ken Starr, Starr’s Staff, and numerous other figures in the news story of the year.
Later, I was consulted on the body language of Al Gore and George Bush for the BBC during the 2000 elections. Heck, I was the first person to go public and tell the sporting world that Cleveland would lose LeBron James to free agency.
I’ve used the power of Covert Hypnosis in a successful program to get little kids off drugs. I put together a modality that got inside of these kids’ heads and literally changed their minds, against their will (to quit doing something they wanted to do – take drugs). This project was recognized by US President George Bush and Mrs. Ronald Reagan.
And yes, I’ve revealed this top secret information to the government of Poland to make strategies that fight the spread of HIV/AIDS.
I’ve shared my expertise about body language, persuasion and influence with all four major television networks and the nation’s largest newspapers. They include the New York Times, Playboy, the BBC, Fox Television and dozens of popular magazines including Redbook, Success!, Selling Power, Cosmopolitan, Woman’s World, Mademoiselle, First for Women, Psychologie Netherlands and Wprost.
I developed covert hypnosis, and have spent two decades researching and then training body language and persuasion after years of trials-and-error, And now, you can leverage from my knowledge and years of experience to accomplish your most desireed goals and dreams in no time!
If you want to shave many years off your learning curve, start on the right track and experience the full power, then you can count on me to give you the necessary covert communication talent you must have.
“My income increased 40%…”
Thanks for putting out the great information. I love it when Kevin brings out a new program – it means I’m going to earn more money.
My income increased 40% last year! I see great things in my future.
— Tom Reilly-Smith, Ontario, Canada
How Does Covert Hypnosis Work?
I began with covert conditioning and have now developed this 18 year old technology. Covert Hypnosis is about changing people’s minds and behavior intentionally.
Don’t think for a moment that this is a spin on NLP.
NLP is not covert hypnosis. In fact, conversational hypnosis is not covert hypnosis. I developed Covert Hypnosis to share the science of human behavior, not a philosophy of mind.
This occurs with the use of subtle, subliminal or silent cues (or triggers) in the environment; from the use of space, time, nonverbal communication and sometimes words that prepare the mind to respond in a certain way.
It directs the mind into using motion, action, nonverbals, questions and priming – mostly things you can’t see or hear.
Now here’s the good part. Covert hypnosis is subtle influence that allows you to move people to a point where they seemingly can’t control themselves.
Using covert hypnosis, you’ll never hear a response such as, I don’t think that’s true, or,There’s no way that can happen. Why? Because they’ll unconsciously trust and believe you, often without even knowing why.
They just feel GOOD about YOU.
With this ability, you’ll be able to paint a clear picture onto the landscape of another person’s mind.
Are you beginning to realize what this can do to your life?
Many people think covert hypnosis is about language patterns. While that can be true perhaps 1% of the time, you don’t need to ever use language patterns for invisible influence to be effective. I intentionally keep everything you’ve already learned about hypnosis OUT of this book. This material is cutting edge.
Once you master covert hypnosis, you have the ability to change the way people think – and decide – with the use of targeted questions. You get compliance when words would otherwise fail.
You get to maximize the important parts of nonverbal communication, which extends far beyond elementary body language and NLP.
Did you know?
Free! Covert Hypnosis and My Secret Persuasion Files
In this 8-day power course, you’ll discover:
How to read people’s minds and know what they will decide…so you’ll be steps ahead of them.
How to apply covert persuasion tactical power.
7 white-hot persuasion tactics that are guaranteed to work.
10+ powerful strategies that bring them to YES in selling and everyday life!
You Magazine’s exclusive interview with me, Kevin Hogan, on the science of silent communication.
The secret to mind control. How to tell their past and future, and accurately predict what people would do next!
18 ways to handle the argumentative person.
How to influence minds through stories.
And more!
Please register below to get instant access:
* Your Email is completely confidential. I will NEVER share it with anyone and you can unsubscribe at anytime. I hate spam as much as you do!
Biggest Challenge with Covert Hypnosis – Solved!
Covert hypnosis is a securely held body of knowledge. Those who know the secrets are not telling. If you hold something that can give you have an overwhelming edge over others, would you share this with the world? Most probably not.
The real masters of persuasion rarely publish their secrets in books, articles, or anywhere. If everyone knew these secrets, their techniques obviously would no longer be as powerful.
And even if someone was willing to mentor you:
How would you find them?
How would you approach them?
How would you get them to reveal their secrets?
How much would it cost you?
What questions would you ask?
It becomes more and more complicated… and time-consuming. But not anymore, because I’m finally revealing the secrets of covert hypnosis!
Now why would I share this powerful technology to the public? Because I know that once I give you this information, you would almost certainly be appreciative and want to do something nice for me or someone else. If you could earn $10,000 more money this year than last year from my methods, would you tell your friends about this book? Of course you would! That’s The Law of Reciprocity at work. In 1995, I coined the phrase The Law of Reciprocity, to bear tribute to Dr. Robert Cialdini’s valuable principle of reciprocation.
That’s why I’ve made it super-easy for you. I know the secrets everyone is burning to know.
When you’re able to tap inside the minds, attitudes, beliefs or emotions of people, you possess the key to getting anything you want. It’s like having a magic lamp by your side, granting your wishes anytime you desire.
In this case, your knowledge of invisible influence allows you to make people fulfill your desires and dreams for you.. without hesitation, and even with the thought that they’re gaining the upper hand.
Btw, this information might be helpful to you:
From No! to Yes! in a Heartbeat. The Facts of Asking for What You Want…and Getting It
“Would you prefer the full page at $2000 or the 1/4 page at $750? I think I’ll go with the 1/4 page. OK great.
It was always this easy:
* Two options. * Big price distinction. * Customer purchased the smaller option almost all of the time.
Research shows that when people turn down a large request they often comply with a significantly smaller second request.
Of particular interest is the fact that if the second request is made by a different person than the first request, compliance tends to reduce.
Finally, the shorter duration of time between the two requests, the better chance of compliance. Best? If the request comes in the same conversation!
Is Covert Hypnosis Ethical?
That’s entirely up to the person using the tools. You wield a very powerful sword. Please do the right thing. It means a lot to me that you do.
This new technology is like remote control for television. You press the buttons and instantly change the mental and emotional inner channels of people by channeling your communication in very specific desires and drives.
This is an incredible power that you must use with utmost care because you can change the outcome of any situation by changing people’s way of thinking and decision process.
Can you get people to do things against their will with covert hypnosis?
Of course you can – whether in therapy, in business or at the bar on Friday night. That’s what this has been designed to do – to get past resistance and reactance.
Against someone’s will doesn’t necessarily mean that they don’t want X. It means they’ve folded or been unable to do X. The girl might say “no” not because she doesn’t want to say yes, but because it’s her emotional response to say no….This has to be disengaged for persuasion to happen. For that, you use covert hypnosis.
Please use your new skills ethically and legally, because this knowledge can be dangerous in the wrong hands. However, it can dramatically improve your life if you use it responsibly.
Just imagine your clients demanding that you sell them your products! With this ability, you’ll never have to worry about what to do or say next.
Everything will happen according to your thinking. You can predict outcomes and events like Nostradamus, because you’re in control of any situation!
Covert Hypnosis Gives You a Dramatic Edge
With covert hypnosis:
You get to be an unstoppable moneymaking sales machine.
You get to effectively lead and control any group of people.
You get to win the toughest negotiations.
You get to easily influence anyone to go out with you.
You get to have many friends who like, trust and believe you.
You get to be an in-demand speaker.
You get to be a highly paid copywriter or advertiser.
You get to have your dream job.
You get to persuade anyone to do anything for you!
The more you read, the more you’ll realize how using covert hypnosis can put you on the winning edge of life.
Listen, you’ll never know the amazing opportunities and possibilities that can happen until you’ve applied your new skills and talents to your everyday situations. I can guarantee you’ll be astounded with its sheer simplicity and power.
If you’re ready to become a world-class influencer in a way far superior to street hypnosis, then you’ll be thrilled with all the mind-altering secrets I’m revealing in my 100,000 word book, Covert Hypnosis: An Operator’s Manual.
Everything you’ll read in this material has been thoroughly studied, researched and tested. What you’re about to discover in the science an art of persuasion is new to you and unknown by everyone else.
It’s written with clear examples pertaining to either therapy or selling situations; but of course, the steps apply equally to dating,teaching, training, relationships, social settings and simple everyday activities.
What Makes My Book Different from NLP Products?
Most products that say they are “covert hypnosis” are really about conversational hypnosis or NLP and require you to babble endlessly while someone else is supposed to sit their in rapture.
It’s not real.
That’s not what Covert Hypnosis is.
NLP and conversational hypnosis techniques require you to speak volumes to have control. But with covert hypnosis, you don’t even have to speak to take control of other people’s minds. Here you learn the core drivers of human behavior and ask one or perhaps two questions. Once you’ve mastered the technology it is quite simple, but I confess it is not a remedial study. It does require an intelligent mind to connect the dots!
Using covert hypnosis, you’ll be able to control almost any scenario and subtly influence others to your way of thinking…quickly and sometimes instantly.
Others who have come and written and attempted to teach Covert Hypnosis, don’t know how to measure what works and doesn’t work.
They truly believe that what they experience is what will work for all. This is a recipe for failure. People who practice NLP alone rarely become successful, because the scope is too narrow and the bulk of the material is untested.
I’m sure you’ve experienced this by now as well.
It is what it is.
I did the research, applied the techniques in real selling/life experiences and have simplified them into easy-to-master concepts. All you have to do is push the right buttons and – people do what you want!
I give you hundreds of questions you can ask that will arouse a desire or urge in another person. No one else does this. And it’s far more important than any of the “hypnotic language patterns” because questions produce desired states instead of resistance of patterns.
Persuade 40 Times Faster?!
I didn’t think it was possible either.
I was given that challenge by a sales manager working for a billion dollar company. Specifically they were making bids on jobs and not finding out for MONTHS whether they would get the sale or not. It was ridiculous.
Using the tools and techniques you will learn, you’ll turn months into days, days into hours and hours into minutes.
What you are about to learn greatly cuts the amount of time you have to use in the persuasion process. 30 seconds replaces two hours!
My personal motive is to show people how to persuade others quickly and effectively. The less resistance or reactance that is experienced, the better off everyone is.
Lightning-fast compliance is the name of the game in covert hypnosis.
It has to be. If people don’t agree quickly, they regret their decisions later.
That’s exactly what you get with this special download. You’ll find out every necessary tactic from a real-world sales/influence speaker and author who profits daily from this information – and not some self-proclaimed expert trying to sell you something and only they profit.
In fact, I promise you that you will make more sales per call starting now, for the rest of your life.. guaranteed, if you apply the techniques in this book. Eveything in this book is tried, tested, and true. They are proven to work!
Why spend months (or years) muddling through the process of trial and error when you can learn from a successful internationally known speaker who has already finished that process FOR YOU? You can immediately benefit from what I’ve discovered in my real-world learning experiences.
“Brought my career to the next level…”
“Phenomenal! My first run through the COVERT HYPNOSIS Manual is so powerful & enriching. The knowledge within has empowered me and brought my career to the next level.”
— Christopher Horne, Minnesapolis, Minnesota
The Fast Track to “Yes”
What is the fastest way to reap the profits from covert hypnosis?
The best way is to get inside the mind of an expert. I first used covert hypnosis to successfully get kids off drugs and eventually our collective work was recognized by the first President Bush. Perhaps a question would be… how much would you trust me?
Now what’s the slowest way to success? Buy lame how to and self-helpbo oks that give you all sorts of promises about getting anyone to do anything, anywhere, anytime. Unfortunately, most of the people who publish those books have never tested – or profited from – the theories they sell you.
If you fall for their hype, you could end up spending years on trial and error; or worse, you might be using techniques that either don’t work or could put you in trouble.
Would you not rather obtain a model that works, and have the absolute certainty that it does work, because you are modeling someone who has profited from the things you wish to achieve?
The Most Closely Guarded Secrets of Covert Hypnosis Revealed!
Underground secrets are the best kind. The kind that your competition doesn’t know….yet! In my book (and in the related articles on my site), you’ll discover:
15 specific non-verbal communication techniques so you can control them through your actions alone.
The basic steps to become a master of covert hypnosis, so you can be in the top 20% who earn 80% of the money.
Secrets of the multi-billion dollar corporations to control the inborn genetic programming within each of us.
The Formula to find magic words of persuasion.
How to stand and sit with people, to ensure they will like you and believe your message.
How genes influence people’s decisions and how to know in advance what they are.
The basic thinking process of covert conditioning.
The 53+ mind-altering words that change people’s thinking and decision process (verbally and in print).
How to use 20 of the most powerful hypnotic language patterns ever spoken.
The 16 core desires of every person you meet, so you’ll know how to satisfy their wants and urges. Knowing them makes motivating others and getting them to buy from you easy and instantaneous!
The 1 new secret metaprogram that no one has previously discovered.
Hypnotic questions that help you direct the thinking of others.
The startling truth about distraction and confusion.
How to use suggestion in changing the way people see and remember things.
2 complete models for presenting material to others in a persuasive manner.
How to make minor alterations in your physical appearance to influence others.
How to tell a compelling story that covertly delivers your real message.
Covert techniques for breakthrough sports performance.
Surefire strategies for pre-hypnotic therapy.
How to double, triple, or quadruple your income using the power you now have in your hand!
How to know anyone’s personality and true emotions just by looking into their eyes.
How to change people’s minds by simply appealing to them at an instinctual level.
A secret to ensure your products and services stay in high demand.
How to develop loyalty to you that makes future selling a formality -guaranteed!
The unbreakable laws of persuasion. Most people are not aware of these laws, and it’s costing them big time.
How your client decides and how to know in advance, so you can craft the perfect proposal proposal; most fitting to his needs and wants.
How to control the software installd in your client’s mind.
How to make your client experience the pain of not working with you.
Easy-to-understand Mind Access Points to tap your clients’ DNA.
How the enemy can make sales for you.
10 highly-powerful persuasion strategies for the 21st century. These techniques work accurately every single time.. without fail.
How to reframe your request to get them to say YES; after they said no;.
How to predict human behavior with accuracy.
How to create unlimited demand for your products or services.
The motivating forces that drive humans.
How to change your products or services, so people will insist that they buy from you.
How genes influence your clients’ behavior, so you can pull their genetic strings.
The secrets of writing powerful copy.
3 key magical questions that will let you know another person’s values instantly.
The 21st century covert hypnosis model.
How to build rapport, identify the driving needs and wants of others, and understand how and why your client buys.
The most powerful law of selling persuasion based on scientific research.
How to get your clients out of the mistakes of the past.
Secret ingredients of covert hypnosis
Specific words and phrases that yield amazing results in gaining compliance.
How to reframe problems into opportunities.
And many more!
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The Power is Yours,
Kevin Hogan Best-Selling Author, International Speaker and Business Consultant
Network 3000 Publishing 3432 Denmark #108 Eagan, MN 55123 Telephone Number: (612) 616-0732 Email: admin (AT) kevinhogan DOT com
P.S. You’ll never know the tremendous potentials you’re missing until you experience the power of covert hypnosis.
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P.P.P.S. This might be the most important material you’ll ever invest in your entire life, and I’m serious. Why? Because nothing else comes close to making an immensely positive impact in your life as this manual.
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Copyright 2018 by Covert Hypnosis Developer, Kevin Hogan All Rights Reserved
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kidkei · 5 years
PawNews24’s 2019 Gear of the Year
If there’s one factor that drives us loopy, it’s spending our hard-earned cash on one thing that appears helpful for our canines – however breaks inside just some makes use of, or fails to ship something particular. The objects right here, in distinction, are all examined and true. This is stuff that’s value the time, price, and hassle.
Clawguard Scratch Shield $26
GO TO: Clawguard Charlotte, NC clawguard.com
We had been shocked by the simplicity and effectiveness of this product after we first noticed it at a pet merchandise commerce present – a sheet of sturdy plastic that hangs from the doorknob on the inside of your door and covers each your door and the door body, stopping your dog from scratching the door or body. Brilliant! 
Clawguard is supposed to hold on the inside of doorways; this assumes a dog who’s inside the home and scratching to get out. As such, it doesn’t intrude with the opening of a door inward. But in case you had been in search of an answer to guard the exterior of a door that swings inward (as in the case of a dog who was locked exterior and was attempting to get in), you’d need to take the Clawguard off the door earlier than opening it. 
One aspect of the Clawguard sheet is clean and the different has little ridges. Turn it whichever method you favor: When a dog scratches on the aspect with the ridges, his claws make a loud “scritch!” sounds that is sufficient to dissuade many canines from scratching once more. If you’re extra averse to the noise than your dog, simply flip the Clawguard round.
Clawguard is available in two weights (thicknesses): common and heavy obligation. Doors could be well-protected by the common Clawguard from smaller canines and canines who aren’t strongly invested in scratching, however the heavy-duty could be really useful for canines with separation nervousness or who’ve a well-established behavior of door-destruction.  
The firm features a piece of adhesive-backed hook-and-loop fastener that can be utilized to safe the backside of the sheet if wanted; in opinions, we’ve seen some patrons point out that they wanted to purchase extra strips of comparable materials to carry the sheet actually firmly in place – a small value to pay to guard your own home.
Clawguard could be bought instantly from the firm, or for a bit much less from on-line retailers similar to Chewy.com and Amazon.com. The firm doesn’t take cellphone orders however is responsive through e mail.
Pooch Paper 50 sheets: $12
GO TO: Pooch Paper New York, NY littlebooandyou.com
Reducing plastic consumption is an ongoing purpose for a lot of of us, however relating to poop baggage, it’s the place could house owners draw the line. Biodegradeable baggage improved issues considerably, however nonetheless contained plastic – an imperfect answer. 
Here’s the first product we’ve discovered that works effectively for selecting up and disposing dog poop that accommodates no plastic in anyway. Pooch Paper a big sheet (about 12 x 12 inches) of recycled, non-chlorine-bleached, coated paper – kind of like wax paper. It’s sturdy sufficient to seize even massive or squishy piles of poop with out breaking or leaking by way of, and upon getting it contained, you simply twist up the edges and carry it by the prime of the bundle till you discover an applicable place to dispose it. And it’s actually, really, totally biodegradable and compostable. 
Folks who’re accustomed to selecting up after which carrying dog waste for a ways will undoubtedly miss the handles of their environmentally unpleasant plastic baggage. But if the poop it’s a must to choose up doesn’t need to be carried far, you’ll discover this paper greater than sufficient for maintaining your arms and the earth equally clear.
Pooch Paper is available in a field of 50 folded sheets for $12 for many customers; dog daycare or shelters could be curious about a field of 4,000 flat sheets for $450. Purchase on-line from the producer’s Etsy retailer (Etsy.com/shop/littlebooandyou)
“Raising the worst dog ever” $20
GO TO: “Raising the Worst Dog Ever” DDTA Publishing, 2019
Books which can be written to tell do that finest once they have a narrative to inform. Dog coach Dale M. Ward’s new ebook Raising the Worst Dog Ever: A Survival Guide (DDTA Publishing, 2019) exemplifies this notion. This ebook is first an intensive, fascinating, and progressively minded puppy-raising information, written for house owners who want to “do things right” with their new member of the family. Second, it’s a private and touching memoir of Ward’s life with canines generally, and with one dog particularly, her Labrador Retriever, Wylie (aka “The Best/Worst Dog Ever”). 
The ebook begins with the creator’s relocation to a distant space in Wisconsin’s Northwoods area together with her new husband. Isolated and infrequently alone in an unfamiliar neighborhood, Ward decides to convey a brand new dog into her life – enter pet Wylie. Ward tells the story of Wylie’s journey interwoven into her personal private story, utilizing a sequence of occasions and adventures that they encounter collectively throughout Wylie’s life. This partaking strategy is riveting and entertaining – and an extremely useful instructing software. Each vignette features a part at the finish that gives pertinent dog-raising recommendation. Ward not solely delivers wonderful dog coaching info (and the science that helps it), but additionally consists of reams of info concerning dog conduct, the significance of day by day routines, canines’ train and enrichment wants, security and accountable dog possession, and well being – all issues that new house owners must know and might profit from. 
While Ward directs her recommendation to new pet house owners, the breadth and depth of dog coaching and conduct info on this ebook can be useful to everybody from seasoned dog house owners to skilled trainers. Ward’s and Wylie’s private tales are poignant and endearing, and the creator’s message is uplifting. I discovered myself falling in love with candy Wylie and revisiting many of my very own cherished canines from years previous. This is a ebook for curling up subsequent to your canines, hugging them shut, and following the journey of Wylie and Dale’s life collectively. 
The additional advantage is that additionally, you will be taught loads about reward-based and dog-centered coaching strategies alongside the method. Ward is the proprietor of Dale’s Dog Training Academy, LLC, situated in northeast North Carolina. Dale is a licensed Victoria Stilwell Positively Dog Trainer (VSPDT), a Fear Free Certified Professional Dog Trainer, and a licensed Family Paws Parent Educator. Readers will profit from Ward’s dog coaching expertise and information – and be entertained and moved by her tales of life with Wylie. – Linda P. Case
 “Canine Enrichment for the Real World” $20
GO TO: “Canine Enrichment for the Real World” Dogwise Publishing, 2019
I’m an enormous fan of making canines’ lives as enriched as attainable, full of alternatives for them to have interaction in very doggy actions, train for his or her our bodies and brains, and challenges which can be inside their skills to unravel (however not too simple). But even so, I questioned how somebody may suppose of sufficient enriching actions and toys to fill a small ebook, a lot much less a 230-page ebook! 
Silly me; that’s far from all the ebook discusses; it’s not only a record of video games and meals puzzles that your dog would possibly take pleasure in. The authors clarify that enrichment is not only giving our canines issues to do or creating an atmosphere that appears good to us. Rather, they are saying, “Enrichment is learning what our dogs needs really are and then structuring an environment for them that allows them, as much as feasible, to meet those needs.”
They add: “If we don’t understand who dogs are as a species or what their needs actually are, the enrichment process will not get very far. If we rely on myths, misunderstandings, and romanticized notions abut dogs, we are bound to miss the mark when trying to enrich them. For this reason, this book covers a much broader range of topics than most people might expect from a book about enrichment. This isn’t just about toys and play. It’s about who dogs are, the entire spectrum of their physical, behavioral, and instinctual needs, and how we can meet those needs as a part of our daily routine.”
The authors have utterly and engagingly succeeded in describing what canines want in an effort to be behaviorally, mentally, and emotionally wholesome and the way, in sensible and readily achievable methods, we will present these issues to the companions we love a lot. 
The authors are extremely educated animal conduct consultants (they every have CDBC, CPDT-KA, and SBA certifications) who work with all companion animal species and have intensive dog coaching résumés. They make the behavioral science that underpins their suggestions accessible to even novice house owners and engaging to even very skilled trainers. I’ll be sending copies of this ebook residence with each foster dog or pet I place any further. – Nancy Kerns
BreezeGuards $260 pair
GO TO: Mutt Managers Woodinville, WA (866)653-5631 breezeguard.com
Any of you ever convey your dog with you in the automobile? Of course! Don’t all of us? But it’s gotten increasingly more worrisome, particularly if we park the automobile and go away our canines inside for even the quickest errand. When we go away the home windows cracked solely a bit, we run the threat of both our canines being too heat or individuals pondering (erroneously) that our canines are too heat – and if we decrease the home windows an excessive amount of, we run the threat that somebody would possibly attain inside and steal our dog, or that our dog jumps out!
Enter BreezeGuards: custom-made welded metal wire mesh cage panels or “screens” that suit your automobile’s window opening. They are offered in units of two, to make sure a cross-breeze in your automobile, and set up from the inside of the car to permit totally free motion of the window glass, so you’ll be able to go away them in place if you get again in the automobile, activate the air con, and shut the home windows. 
They are additionally sturdy sufficient to include even a big dog who’s motivated to flee your automobile. If you’ve gotten considerations about this, watch the set up instruction video on the producer’s web site; you’ll see how these usually are not simply mounted by the strain of the window, like the low-cost plastic screens offered elsewhere. BreezeGuards are custom-made in your precise car mannequin (in order that they match the window opening totally and exactly) and have anchors that slide down into the door, between the window glass and the door body. You can go away them in place and drive with the window open or closed, and open and shut the automobile door usually. 
BreezeGuards are made in Washington state and can arrive about three weeks after ordering. Everyone we all know who already has them says they’ll by no means have one other automobile with out them. 
Ventlock $20 – $36
Want to extend the airflow in your parked automobile much more – once more, with out permitting somebody to achieve in and steal your safely crated dog or different belongings? Then you could be on this ingenious little product, which lets you prop open your automobile’s tailgate, rear hatch, or perhaps a aspect door, whereas concurrently stopping the locked door from being opened sufficient for anybody to achieve inside and take issues. 
The Ventlock is a metal rod that connects to each ends of the locking mechanisms that latch and lock your automobile hatch or door. It is available in lengths starting from 4 inches (to be used with uncrated canines in cooler climate) to 24 inches (for canines in massive crates solely, as a result of in any other case they may escape, and small crates could possibly be stolen).
GO TO: Clean Run South Hadley, MA (800)311-6503 cleanrun.com
There are photographs on the Clean Run web site that present the Ventlock being utilized in many alternative methods, with many differing types of vehicles and vans. Watch the demonstration video, too, so you’ll be able to see how the software is used, and the way simple it’s to placed on and take off (so long as you’ve gotten the keys to the automobile!). 
If you used an appropriately sized Ventlock on a automobile’s rear hatch together with BreezeGuards, you’d have as a lot air coming by way of the automobile as attainable, with as a lot safety in your dog as attainable. Sounds like a terrific tactic for anybody who travels loads with a dog.
PetAmI waterproof dog blanket $21
When you’ve gotten canines, having just a few waterproof blankets round is useful, particularly in the winter. Waterproof blankets can maintain your automobile seats dry and clear, even when your dog decides to put down in that vast puddle proper earlier than leaving the dog park. They will help your dog get heat and dry after coming again inside from going potty – with out making your couch scent like damp dog. And if in case you have an older dog with occasional urinary incontinence or one who leaks urine whereas sleeping, waterproof blankets are a godsend, stopping the must launder cumbersome dog beds or your individual mattress comforter – simply pop the blanket in the washer. 
But when a good friend really useful this blanket to us as a possible Gear of the Year entry, we had been frankly doubtful. One aspect of the blanket is fleecy; the different is clean. It simply doesn’t seem like the kind of blanket that might be waterproof. Most of the waterproof mattress covers and blankets we’ve seen weren’t very inviting materials; they largely appeared kind of canvas-like. This blanket appears fluffy and tender!
GO TO: PetAmi Waterproof Dog Blanket amazon.com
We expressed our skepticism – to which our good friend responded with a video she made, the place she poured a glass of water over the blanket so we may see the water pool on the prime, after which run proper off when she held the blanket upright. Well, all proper!
Our good friend has a 70-pound dog who generally experiences urinary incontinence whereas asleep, and this blanket, our good friend says, has contained the complete, um, problem on a couple of event. In the 9 months our good friend has owned it, she has washed the blanket a quantity of occasions and says it’s nonetheless repelling the occasional accident – and demonstration!
Available in a minimum of a dozen colours and patterns. Our solely bone to choose: The PetAmi Waterproof blanket is barely 30 by 40 inches. 
Zee.Bed $90 – $120
Have you ever purchased one of these space-age mattresses that comes tightly wrapped – a heavy, dense roll of compressed foam that expands to a number of occasions its dimension when reduce free of the wrapping? If so, and in case you love sleeping in that mattress – effectively, you simply would possibly love this comparable mattress in your dog, too. 
The core of the Zee.Bed is a “viscoelastic foam” – a kind of reminiscence foam that breathes and molds itself to your dog, regardless of his resting posture. It’s molded in a rectangle, with a raised edge that serves as a pillow for canines with a sprawled sleeping model or gently accommodates canines who sleep curled in a ball. The mattress’s base options anti-slip rubber nubs that maintain the mattress in place, and its cowl has an all-the-way-round zipper that permits for ridiculously simple elimination and alternative after washing. The Zee Bed is available in two sizes: the Small is 22 x 25 inches; the Large is 28 x 32.
Zee.Dog says it takes about three hours for the mattress’s foam, maximally compressed for transport, to puff as much as its final, cushiony thickness. Less than an hour into the growth course of, our check dog checked out the mattress. After just a few exploratory sniffs and circles, he deemed it higher than all the different beds scattered round our workplace, and wouldn’t get off till dinnertime. 
GO TO: Zee.Dog Raleigh, NC zeedog.com
Zee.Dog provides a $40 to $60 “Watershield” mattress cowl as an adjunct. It’s a skinny artificial ripstop material that’s meant for use to cowl the foam core of the mattress, underneath the Zee.Bed’s microfiber cowl, stopping any liquid from reaching the foam (the reminiscence foam, like your individual reminiscence foam mattress, is just not meant to be washed). 
The firm doesn’t take cellphone orders however is responsive through e mail.
Lakse Kronch Pocket trainers $6
Look, we all know that treats that consist solely of recent roasted meat or aromatic cheese are what dog trainers imply once they counsel utilizing high-value treats. But generally, you want a deal with that’s smells tremendous fascinating to your dog however that you would be able to carry in the pocket of your denims or skirt – a dry deal with that’s nonetheless of sufficiently high-value for coaching in even a really distracting atmosphere. That’s the place Lakse Kronch Pocket Trainers excel!
GO TO: Kronch USA Sanford, NC (866)457-6624 kronchusa.com
These treats are made with salmon (76%) and potato meal (24%) – that’s all. The maker calls them “pocket treats” as a result of many dog house owners take pleasure in placing the dried treats of their pockets for dog walks with out having to fret about the scent of salmon being left on their clothes. But imagine us: Dogs can scent the deliciousness. 
Kronch USA says the salmon in the treats is recent, by no means frozen, Norwegian salmon that’s processed inside 24 hours of being caught. The treats include no ethoxyquin or different preservatives and are made in Denmark. They make terrific, behavior-building treats or very wholesome dietary supplements in your dog.
Note: We bought from CleanRun.com. 
Lotus Ball $12 
Treat Hugger $9
The Lotus Ball is just not actually a ball – it’s so lightweight that you would be able to’t throw it very far; it’s extra of a treat-dispensing toy.
But it’s not the kind of food-puzzle that you just give to your dog to occupy his time when you are engaged in one thing else. 
The Lotus Ball (and the Treat Hugger) belong to a class of their very own: toys that maintain meals however are used for coaching lures and/or rewards. The toy side is most reinforcing to some canines – and once they uncover that there are scrumptious treats inside, it makes the toy much more rewarding. Food-motivated canines can be drawn to the aroma of the treats you stash inside, however must work for a second to get at the treats – and most conduct consultants agree that the anticipation of the deal with is sort of extra reinforcing than the deal with itself!
An added bonus is that you would be able to throw these treat-laden toys, serving to to ship a reward to your dog at a distance from your self – very helpful for sports activities coaching!
The Lotus Ball is designed a bit like a flower, with three stuffed mesh “petals” that join alongside their edges with a hook-and-loop (Velcro-like) fastener. The mesh makes the aroma of the treats inside very accessible, tantalizing your dog and motivating him to make use of his paws and mouth to open the toy to achieve them. 
The Lotus Ball is offered in three sizes: Mini, Small, and Medium. Clean Run additionally sells a Lotus Ball Braided Fleece Tug ($15) – a fleece Lotus Ball with an 18-inch fleece-braided “tail.” 
GO TO: Clean Run South Hadley, MA (800) 311-6503 cleanrun.com
The Treat Hugger operates in the similar method, however has no hook-and-loop fastener to decelerate the dog who has earned the deal with. Instead the deal with is held in a crevice in the heart of the toy; it’s a lot simpler to get it out, making this toy extra applicable for puppies or canines who don’t have sturdy foraging expertise. Also, some canines are averse to the “ripping” sound that hook-and-loop fasteners make when torn aside; the Treat Hugger has no Velcro-like fasteners, making it extra very best for these sound-sensitive canines. It additionally accommodates extra stuffing than the Lotus Ball and so appeals extra to canines who particularly like stuffed toys. 
If your dog will get rapidly bored of the standard treats or toys, or will get distracted simply, these toys could be simply the ticket. They are nice instruments for serving to you retain your dog eager and centered – eyes on the prize(s)! 
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Source link
source https://pawnews24.com/whole-dog-journals-2019-gear-of-the-year/
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darcyfarber · 5 years
4-Step Plan You Need to Make $2,000/Month with High-Ticket Offers
Stuck in your affiliate business?
You’re feeling frustrated because people are not looking at your affiliate products, let alone buying them.
I can relate to it because in 2013, I tried my hands on affiliate marketing but didn’t succeed.
To be honest with you, I failed.
The highest monthly income was in September of the same year when I earned $308.99.
The months before have experienced staggering failure – it’s common to see just $74.22 or less on my merchant account at month end.
However, things started to change in 2014 when I signed up to promote recurring high-ticket offers.
Trust me, offering a high-ticket product for sale is the ONLY way to work less, drive fewer visitors to your ‘money page’ and still make decent income to live by.
You want proofs from ordinary people who are succeeding in this business model?
Okay, Pat Flynn makes over $30,000 monthly from Bluehost. Their affiliate program pays out $65 per referral.
An affiliate could earn up to $150 if the person they referred orders.
In this post, I want to share with you the 4-step plan you need to make at least $2,000/month, promoting high-ticket offers.
A quick definition, before we jump right in on the easy steps.
  What are high-ticket affiliate offers?
These are products/programs or offer that you promote as an affiliate and earn up to $100 when a sales order is completed.
For instance, most of Brian Tracy’s video training courses and seminars are sold for $599 and beyond.
You could join as an affiliate to promote the program and earn commissions in the process.
Typically, you’ll be paid 50% commission no matter the cost of the product. But in this case, it’s $1000+.
A 50% commission rate will net you $500 or more, depending on the upsells and backend offers
Important fact: if you’ve been promoting a $37 e-book in order to earn $18.50 commission per sale, then it means you’re already qualified to earn $200 commission per sale.
That’s what high-ticket affiliate marketing is all about. Stop wasting time on peanuts.
You deserve more from your hard work cowboy!
But the question is: how do you ensure the money keeps rolling in, assuming you’re new to the game?
Just follow this 4-step plan and you’d be smiling to the bank by next month.
  Step #1: Get a custom blog theme
The difference between a high-ticket and low-ticket offer is the impression you create in the minds of buyers.
According to Forbes, people only do business with who they like and trust to some degree.
Whether you’re a blogger or business coach, impression is everything.
What people say about you is much more powerful / important than what you say about yourself – more importantly on the internet.
That’s why you must get a custom blog design from day one that’s compatible with mobile devices. Econsultancy.com saw 65.71% increased conversions when their design was improved, and revenue increased by 101.25%.
You may be asking why some people succeed online without having a custom blog, right?
Well, you have to understand that even a free wordpress theme is all you need to persuade people to buy an e-book that sells for $27.
Buyers may not trust you yet, and it’s because of the low cost of your product – they’ll just buy it.
But when the same people are expected to spend up to $100 and more on a particular product/program, the fear of losing money will set in – and discouragement is the next thing.
To curb this challenge, use a custom designed blog to build influence and speak the same language your readers love – BEAUTY!
  Step #2: Research high-ticket offers
There are several platforms to select high converting offers that will generate a high commission for you. Make sure in the beginning not to waste your time on low-ticket affiliate offers and instead focus on high-ticket offers.
My favorite merchant is offervault.com. On the homepage, just type the niche you want and press search.
In this case, I’m looking for a product that will pay me $150 per lead/sale in the home business niche:
Now you’ll see a lot of opportunities to earn more money as an affiliate.
Don’t be scared to pick any of the offers that pay out handsome commissions.
If you work hard for it, you’ll earn it.
In affiliate marketing, choosing a niche and product to market is usually seen as the most delicate of all, because the wrong niche will drown your efforts.
Moving forward…
  Step #3: Create video tutorials weekly
I love this. Video tutorials will set your posts on fire, and trigger action almost instantly.
Have you ever watched a video and got inspired to try a particular product?
For instant, if you watch Derek Halpern instructional videos, nothing can stop you from moving ahead in your online business.
Don’t just write a product review and relax.
It’s not going to work that way, and your sales conversion will be low. Remember that text-based content has a limit on how much it can engage and portray you as the go-to expert.
But when you create videos tutorials weekly, you’re reinsuring readers to hold you accountable for the things you said, not just what you wrote.
And if that happens, they’ll definitely buy your high-ticket affiliate products.
I find it pretty difficult to trust a blogger just because he wrote a useful post.
It’s possible that s/he outsourced the content to a ghost writer. Don’t you think so?
Can an affiliate marketer, blogger or business coach outsource video creations?
Yes they can, but on that type of video, it’d simply be a guide, not on personal relationship.
  Step #4: Target low-hanging keywords
Since “home business” is our preferred niche for this case study.
How do we generate low-hanging keywords, which are less competitive and profitable at the same time?
Just go over to Google and type, “home business” and watch the auto generated search queries.
See what I’m talking about:
I think I like ‘home business opportunities’.
I’ll click the keyword, copy as it is and go to Google Keyword planner (here).
Once I get there, I’ll paste it, and hit “Get ideas.”
From the screenshot above, the low hanging keywords (a.k.a. long tail keywords) you should target if you were to promote a home business program/offer are:
Work from home business
Starting a home business
Legitimate work from home opportunities
Home based business opportunities
Work from home scams
Note: Targeting a long-tail keyword doesn’t mean you’re over-optimizing or stuff keywords.
In fact, Google recommends that you research the top search queries people are using to search for you. So it’s vital, it’s fundamental!
If Google is against keyword research and targeting, why are they still allowing us to use Google keyword planner.
  Step #5: Create excellent content
Now, based on the keywords you found, as suggested in the previous point, you are ready to start the part that takes the most time (but potentially the most profitable) of producing the affiliate content. This is where the phrase abused but more true than ever comes into play: “Content is king”.
Your goal will be to turn your website into an authority in your niche and the most effective way to do this is to create fresh, unique and high-quality content.
Now, do not write to sell, but try instead to create a relationship with your audience.
Your reader, before being converted to a full-fledged buyer, needs to be attracted to your brand (or simply your name). That’s why when you create content, it must never be purely for the sale of your product or service. On the contrary, it should be always aimed first at creating a relationship of trust, encouraging your reader to follow you over time because you have something interesting to say and tell and that can be really useful to him in his life.
Only when this relationship of trust is created, only then, you can start earning with affiliate marketing.
In all, you’ve to understand the psychology of persuasion, as laid out by Robert B. Ciadini; Author of Influence.
Whether you’re selling a $17 product or a $1999 high ticket product, knowing what prompts people to press the buy button is a powerful force you can’t do without.
Most of the time, people buy out of emotional signals going on within their minds and afterwards, they justify it by giving cognitive reasons why they bought it.
If you want to succeed at selling other people’s products, start speaking to the minds of your target audience.
Use your videos, posts, podcasts and slide presentations to evoke curiosity, captivate potential buyers and nudge them to action.
If you continually do this, nothing can stop you from making $2,000 per month through high-ticket affiliate offers.
  As always, what is the biggest commission you’ve ever made per sale in your affiliate career so far?
Share your value-based thoughts in the comment box below. See you ahead!
  About the Author
Michael Chibuzor teaches people how to get their first 1,000 blog traffic and build a thriving business. And he does that through content marketing. If you need help in this regard, you can follow him on @twitter.
  Originally published on October 27th, 2014. Updated on November 5th, 2019.
4-Step Plan You Need to Make $2,000/Month with High-Ticket Offers published first on https://mysingaporepools.weebly.com/
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gossamer-scraps · 6 years
All of them; you don’t even have to reblog the post, since you’re me.
- gossamer-scraps
Thanks for the ask!
1. When did you start playing?
Ashlynne's irl birthday is November 1, 2014.
2. What was your first characters race/class (profession)?
Sylvari guardian. As previously discussed, it was not what I was expecting.
3. How many characters do you have?
Depends how you count: ~11 that I play; 20 total.
4. Whats your favourite race?
Haven't got one.
5. Whats your least favourite race?
the male norn model Ahem. I definitely have the fewest charr, but that really comes down to the lack of armor skins that I thought would look interesting/good on their models. So while it's not true from a lore perspective by any means, from a purely ingame perspective I guess it’s charr.
6. What do you prefer PvE or PVP?
PvE. I bet I might like PvP as well, but I just never came across an opportunity to really get into it.
7. Have you spent IRL money on the gem shop?
Once, on a present for someone. Given how things have gone with Arenanet, I feel a bit bad about not having been slightly looser with my wallet. I do think the developers deserve more than the (I just checked) US$135 I've spent for more than 4 years of entertainment.
8. Whats your favourite zone? 9. Whats your favourite city? 11. Whats a piece of gear you always transmute because you love the look of it so much? 17. Whats your best guild wars experience? 18. Do you have a favourite character from the lore? 21. Favourite weapon skin? 38. Best memory in guild wars? 40. What bothers you the most about the game if anything?
Oh, man. I bet back when I played non-raid content in this game and developed my own fanlore, I'd have really interesting answers for these if I gave them some thought. But I really don't remember at the moment. I may come back to some of these.
10. Whats your favourite PVP map?
Absolutely no idea. I've only played like 4 of them. I can tell you which ones aren't my favorite (all of the ones I've played).
12. How many achievement points do you have?
10,534. I expend no effort collecting AP; in fact, I used to enjoy not having that many.
13. Is it okay to ask to RP with you?
Sure! I prefer to do that kind of thing outside of the game, though, for a number of reasons; the most important of which is that I like to keep records of everything in case something really compelling comes out of it and it could be made into a story.
14. Is your guild open to new members?
The actual guild I rep: Yep! They're not on Tumblr though. The "guild" I made, [PS] Please Stack: Sure, why the hell not. Message me if you want in.
15. Have you ever been really angry at the game? why?
Yeah, probably? Though most instances that might count are being really angry at people's behaviors within the game. Things bother me about the game itself all the time, but I can't think of a time off the top of my head that would qualify as "really angry." I'd put the over/under as like 5 times though.
16. Do you enjoy jumping puzzles?
Yes, especially when I experience them entirely within the game. I haven't done a ton oh I'm apparently at 35/44 on the achievement category, though a lot of jumping puzzle experiences in the game aren't on there. But in any case I don't usually go out of my way to do them.
19. Is there a class you like the idea of but the gameplay doesn’t match up for you?
Years ago I wrote a post about this. But... pretty much all of them don't match up in my opinion. I treat the lore implications of each class completely separately from the game-mechanical implications, with few exceptions. As far as classes I particularly dislike the play of but want to like, revenant definitely takes the cake, as I can't stand any of its unique mechanics (energy, not customizing your utilities, few weapon choices, the animations, etc). Guardian too: I still want the defensive, supporty knight class I signed up for at launch whose mechanics all apparently went to chronomancer. (Necromancer doesn't qualify because neither the idea nor the gameplay appeals to me particularly.)
20. How far have you made it in SAB (Super Adventure Box) if you had the chance to play it?
I think I beat W1 on normal? I don't remember, it didn't interest me that much.
22. Do you have a legendary? Which one or ones?
I have nevermore and sunrise/twilight/eternity. If I collected 3 more chak eggs I'd enough stuff and gold on me to instantly craft a set of legendary armor and another legendary weapon, but neither seems worth the cost.
23. Whats your favourite legendary?
Hopefully the upcoming ring, since I'll probably make it in that case. But hm... maybe the wielded version of the flameseeker prophesies? Or nevermore? I wish astralaria's metal parts were less flat-looking, maybe with more than one color to visually differentiate the gears. The shining blade's pretty nice too.
24. Is there a race you hate with a passion?
I looked through the whole list, and... nah. The closest would be halloween creatures, due to a general dislike for most of the holiday, but that’s not their fault, and they don't do anything particularly bothersome to me. Can't blame them for being pointless and unfun ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
25. What class do you hate to face in PVP?
Let's go with scourge, because standing in a shade and dying of conditions is kind of boring? But honestly I have no idea; I don't PvP.
26. Are there any players you look up to?
Hmm. In small ways, a few, like DEKeyz from back in the day. But I don't think there's really been a player who I met who I thought, "I aspire to live up to the example you set" or anything like that. Rare is the player whose skill at ingame things is notable who isn't also annoying or an asshole in some way, and the ones who I only know from public comments don't get a pass until proven otherwise. If I was being optimistic, I’d like to think a few people might be okay, like Knox from [Ren]. And purely on ingame skill there are a lot of people.
28. Do you play with sound on or off?
Off. I've pretty much always played games mostly without sound. Not sure why.
29. Do you stream GW2? If so where can I watch you?
I could! I've considered it, but I don't know anyone who would watch, and I don't have any particular GW2 content to stream.
30. Are you obsessed with in game fashion?
Yes, arguably. I'm very particular about it, and I don't make characters without putting hours into how they look.
31. Do you have a favourite dye?
Nah. I'm sure there are some I like a lot, but it's all down to how they're used (just like my favorite color).
32. Whats the best glider skin in your opinion?
I'm still waiting! I've been ready to snap up the first glider skin I really like ever since HoT came out, but none has tickled my fancy or whatever the saying is besides the classical glider which I've got right now. iirc I used to like the old ad infinitum glider, but I don't like the changed version and I certainly don't want to spend 1300g on it.
33. Have you ever had to block someone?
Tons of times. This is video games; I’d be surprised if I didn’t. Though, to be fair, none of the blocks I can think of were out of “necessity” in that none of them were actively reaching out to me or anything. They were just annoying/offensive/etc and I saw no value in remembering they exist. So perhaps I’m lucky in that regard.
34. Weirdest map chat experience?
Uhhh... hm. I bet it was back in the HoT-meta-grinding days. In the aerodrome, nothing is at all unexpected. Nothing comes to mind though; the memorable stuff is just offensive or annoying, not weird.
35. Do you have 100% map completion on any of your characters?
Only a few. They were all for the gifts of exploration to craft legendaries for profit. I used to keep track of how many I'd sold, but I don't recall anymore.
36. What type of player are you? Hardcore, Casual, Semi-hardcore, Barely online.
This is such a wide range, so it’s hard to specify. Among all GW2 players I'm sure I'm hardcore. Among raiders I'm still probably hardcore. Among hardcore raiders I'm probably semi-hardcore to casual. 
37. What are the top three tips you would give someone just starting to play?
I would prefer to give them a lot more than 3 tips, and do so in voice chat over a long period of time. Otherwise I try not to get involved with that. I can't stand trying to correct other people's misinformation or judge how much or how little background someone has when they ask a newbie question without really getting into it. Like, I used to read the reddit and answer new players’ questions, but the number of other commenters who’d chime in and be totally wrong or obviously unhelpful drove me nuts.
39. Do you stick to one character mostly or are you an altoholic?
When you get to this point in the game, you really have to be comfortable with a roster of characters. I guess there are some exceptions, but those are still people who have a main but can and do play every class. But ever since basically the beginning, I've switched between a bunch of classes and builds as was appropriate for the situation. I dunno how much that counts as being an "altaholic" though; I've made a new character for non-mechanical reasons probably 3-4 times, which may be many or few depending on who you compare it to actually I just counted and it's like 7, so... maybe. You be the judge.
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