#the crm are assholes
ionlylikemycat · 7 months
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tell me i’m wrong
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trips2saturn · 7 months
enough time has passed and i’m impatient so here it is. episode two debriefing! ❤️‍🔥
danai and andy’s chemistry is unparalleled and has never been executed so well before by any other actors. their words, emotions, and energy into bringing these characters to life in such a tender way is something absolutely so enigmatic and goshshfgshdhsn i just love them. i love their dynamic and their power to create such an immaculate foundation that will always be such a memorable piece for all of us as fans of this franchise. 🫶🏼
michonne and nat deserved more time. point blank period. i sobbed violently and had to pause the episode for ten minutes. i loved his dynamic with michonne and how much impact his character had in under 40 minutes of screen time. missing him forever and ever. and not to be an asshole but their relationship is what the dude-bros wanted rick and okafor’s association to be ! tell me i’m wrong.
dana from a group of 40 people with her sister el. yaaaas go girl! she’s a b your honor please believe her!!! she’s totally not a badass powerhouse wife and mother of two who’s experienced more in her life than the crm ever have!!!
it’s FUCK the crm forever actually. CHLORINE GAS? killing the pregnant lady and her boyfriend???? im distraught. the most disgusting group of people to ever exist apart from the saviors. hoping to see their entire base burn to the ground by the end of this series !!!! <3
RICHONNE REUNITING AFTER CHOOSING TO GIVE UP HOPE TO FIND EACH OTHER 😭😭😭 the universe loves them soooo much they’re like this 🤞 when it comes to fate. i am still actively emotional over all of their scenes. they’re sooo in love with each other it hurts. i’m still on cloud nine just from seeing them kiss (and moan omg!) so excuse me. ❤️‍🩹
michonne cradling rick’s face and rick nuzzling into her hands? THAT IS HER BABY POOKIE SUGAR PLUM CRISP. keep them together! they cannot be separated!
jadis can die with all due disrespect. she ruined everything. it’s been her fault since the start. she separated them. she’s the reason that rj doesn’t know his father and only knows of his legendary stories. fuck her. d*e!
rick asking about jude multiple times :((( his baby. bring him home to his kids PLEASE. must’ve been such a shocker to hear him ask about his daughter and not daryl or negan oh no! abused, kidnapped father finds the love of his life and wants to make sure that their daughter is still okay after being away from her for a decade! SHOCKER! WOW. this is shocking news! 🙀
the scenes of michonne and nat having to rebuild their health after the chlorine gas bomb was so heartbreaking but powerful. michonne working out and continuing to push herself by being reminded of her strength, grief, and love. she is so strong and i’m so proud of her. i hate the crm.
“shoto? shoto?” PUNCHING ME IN THE GUT WOULD HURT LESS. meanwhile judith is also trying to reach out but their signal is too far gone for them to do so. 😭 pleaseeee i just need one future scene of them reuniting. michonne loves them so much she is the best mother ever. ❤️‍🩹
okay!!!!! that’s all that i have for now. still collecting my thoughts after this episode but i love my tv parents more than life. so happy to have them back and i can’t wait for the next four episodes!!!!!!!
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i've been meaning to tell you how often you've been on my mind.
That sure surprised him. His first, natural reaction would have been to show emotion, get cheesy even. But he knew that...that probably would make Sjogren feel a bit awkward- that wasn't her language, not much- at least it's how he thought. Rick looked at her and raised his eyebrows, teasingly. She would respect him more if he looked tough...right? Or...would he just sound like some asshole to her?
"Because you want to try and beat me up again?" Most of the times she would manage to beat him in the training sessions- Rick surely didn't know where her strength came from.
For sure she hadn't missed all the rampage of emotions since he had been in the CRM. It took him time to settle down and stop trying to escape, and when he found out his family was gone, Jadis rescuing only his two kids, bringing them to the CRM, a kid he didn't even know he had....things were emotional for sure, but he adapted. She probably knew he was very emotional and....depressed, to say the least, but again...he didn't want her to see him that way, as some poor soul.
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Two introverts, often quiet. Rarely she spoke to him- and rarely bothered her- but somehow, they understood each other really well. Had gone to missions together, their dorm room side by side, spent similar times at the canteen and at the library, went to bed late. Sometimes it was just them by the cafe benches, drinking something warm and reading. Sometimes when she wasn't there, he would spot her on the grass stargazing, sometimes he silently joined her, but never too close. If both were alone...it meant...they actually weren't alone, right? What he imagined though was...if she was telling him that...it...it was because she really meant it. That made him happy. He also thought about her a lot- most of the times, she was his only company, even if a thin wall still divided them, even if they made no direct contact- he could tell when she was reading or watching tv, so even if he was alone at home, she was there, one wall away. That was his life now- his kids, Okafor, Pearl (who often threw glasses at him)...and this shadow called Sjogren. Was that even her real name? "What are you up to tonight?"
(( Note: @vuulpecula now i need Fox and Vega at the CRM lol they will blow it away i swear))
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siancore · 2 years
Are you excited for the Richonne series? What do you expect? What do you fear the most?
I am extremely excited for their show. I’m actually wondering if they’ll have the narrative unfold in the same way they did for The Walking Dead: World Beyond where there was the present storyline and then flashbacks to explain what was happening and why.
I think that would be an effective way of telling their journey back to one another, and I’m fully expecting a journey. There will probably be at least one episode that has the same aspects of ‘Days Gone Bye’ and ‘After’. That is, Rick returning to a changed world and doing everything that he can to get back to his family just like in ‘Days Gone Bye’. Him on his own traversing the dangers of a world he doesn’t know anymore.
I should explain here what I mean about him not knowing the world anymore. In TWD: World Beyond, it is alluded to that when Jadis took Rick, it was to gain entry into the Civic Republic. People just don’t leave the Civic Republic. The people whom Jadis trafficked were used as human test subjects to find a cure, or at least treatment, for the Wildfire Virus as well as for the Civic Republic Military (CRM) to turn into walkers.
Rick was going to be one of those test subjects, but his extensive injuries may have postponed that while Jadis, for whatever reason, vouched for him saying he was really strong and useful to the CRM (I can’t remember exactly what happened there as I haven’t watched World Beyond in a while, but Jadis called Rick valuable).
So, I’m thinking we’ll get to see what was happening with Rick while he was in the CR. Like Jadis said, Rick was valuable to the CRM. How or why isn’t stated, but I’m assuming that Jadis would have told the CRM people that Rick is an exceptional leader having been instrumental in uniting several communities and defeating a seemingly insurmountable enemy. He has law enforcement training. He is battle tested. He’s a survivor, against all odds. He is strong. These are all qualities and experience that the CRM would find valuable. However, he is more of a threat than he is an asset to them because, while Rick is all of these things and more, he is a family man first. He will want to get home to Michonne and Judith. He would have no qualms about doing as much damage as he could to whomever stood in his way.
I’m just transfixed on why the CR and the CRM find Rick so valuable. One theory that so many fans have thought, even from ‘Days Gone Bye’ is that Rick is actually immune to the Wildfire Virus. The CR has been doing extensive testing on people since the Turn. Perhaps, while treating Rick for his injuries, they discovered something in his body that showed he had immunity to the Virus. That’s one reason why they’d find him valuable and it would be a pretty cool payoff for all of the awful shit Gimple and TPTB have put Rick through.
I’ll shut up about that now, otherwise I’ll be here forever and write the damn screenplay myself.
Okay, so, back to talking about aspects of ‘Days Gone Bye’ and ‘After’. I’m thinking with the World Beyond narrative style, we’ll get a flashback to when Rick arrives at the CR. He’ll wake up in a hospital bed being confused. That would be an emotional callback for us as viewers having Rick relive that again.  Remember how in ‘Days Gone Bye’ the story jumped around from present to past? I think they’ll do that.
If I was writing it, I’d start with action. Right off the bat, have Rick making his escape from the CR. Have this plot run concurrently with Michonne out on the road, just like they did with ‘After’. While Rick is fighting for his life, Michonne will be fighting to keep a hold on her sanity. For her, being back out there, alone, would definitely bring up some issues. I hate that they’re going to put her through that. It would be enough to see her kill a bunch of walkers and save the day a buttload of times. Maybe meet some cool people and/or assholes along the way. I hate the emotional and mental turmoil shit, but I can see why they would go that route.
Anyways, I’m hoping for an explanation as to why they kept Rick away for so long. Some cool zombie kills. Rick murdering a bunch of motherfuckers. Michonne getting a goddamn deer from Rick. Emotional reunion. Rick snot-bubble crying. Rick crying even more when HE FINDS OUT HE HAS ANOTHER SON! Beautiful and sexy reunion love scene. Richonne killing a shitload of walkers in a way we have never seen them do before. Michonne murdering some motherfuckers. Rick murdering some more motherfuckers for Michonne. Another sex scene, but this time it’s more desperate and adrenaline fueled like up against a tree or a wall or something like that. Richonne getting back to ASZ in one piece. Rick reuniting with Judith (crying). RICK GETTING TO MEET RJ FOR THE FIRST TIME – I CANNOT STRESS HOW MUCH I NEED TO SEE THIS HAPPEN. Ummm and no time jumps, please. It’s been long enough.
I am afraid that Gimple and co will k-word Rick off before he gets back home. Or have Michonne be kidnapped or worse – I don’t even want to say but I know what TPTB are like. They want to hurt our faves as much as they can get away with.
Now, if the theory holds true, and Rick is in fact immune, the way I would reveal that to the audience is have a walker bite Rick in the first ep and then end on a cliffhanger hahahaha because I’m an asshole of a writer. Like, how stressful would that be? They’ll want to get as much stress out of us as possible, so I wouldn’t even be surprised if they did that.
But a nice thing that I headcanon (and have written into a fic) is that Rick and Michonne dream about one another while they're apart. That’d be amazing if we got something like that. Even flashbacks to some Richonne domesticity. That, I think, would be what keeps them going when they get particularly lonely.
So, yeah. This is what I��m thinking right now. I hope they hurry up and just give us the show already. Also, I don't want them to go and k-word any more of our faves.
Thanks for this :')
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m0thergoose · 7 months
TOWL episode 6 spoilers from promo
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And they are PISSED about it! Beale? Thorne? Some other unknown CRM asshole? Or is it weapons/something Echelon briefing related??
Losing my little mind here
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north-bi-northwest · 7 months
I know it's a minor thing to obsess over but I can't get over the audacity of Jadis asking Rick what the fuck he's doing when like..."doing anything he has to in order to see his family again" is exactly what he's been doing for the last seven years! This is not a new development!
Additionally, a much better question is what the fuck are you doing, Jadis? Because personally, if I were a gestapo-uniform wearing genocide-defending asshole who Rick's had seven years to truly learn to hate, I would not be in a hurry to remind him of my existence, and I certainly wouldn't want to do so in a way that gives him both significant motive (only person who could out Michonne and lead the CRM to Alexandria now that Okafor's dead) and opportunity (showing up alone in his apartment for an 'off the books' investigation, strongly suggesting that she hasn't told anyone else what she knows or where she is) to kill me. But that's just me.
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The Ones Who Live opinions
In an effort to keep my blog Mostly Cegan, I’ve compiled my The Ones Who Live thoughts into one post that no one asked for! I’m open to discourse so let’s discuss 🗣
First off; WOW. It was incredible and everyone should watch it - even if you gave up watching TWD, TOWL is for you!
The Civic Republic and the CRM are SO cool. We see them a bit in World Beyond, and I’m so glad they expanded that part of the universe further in TOWL!!!
Six years really isn’t that long in the grand scheme of things; I think consignment could be fun for a while – plus, you’ll be in great shape when you’re let into the city 😉
Yeah I’d love it if Jadis/Anne could simply not exist please and thank you.
I hope there’ll be a limited series from the perspective of the Civic Republic and the various CRM-guarded safe zones/secret cities with a more in-depth view of them. World Beyond shows you how incredible the CR is, and why the CRM has to do what it does… To get meta with it, there isn’t a lot of rebuilding society in zombie shows/films; usually they either show the before or the after, but the TWD universe is showing the during 👌
What the actual fuck did poison gassing Michonne’s group do for the CR?? The CRM gained *nothing* from that; why did they do it??
Noooo Nat!
In episode three, the first time Michonne and Rick talk after he tricked her, the way she took his helmet off, threw it, and just glared at him is unintentionally hilarious. Like ‘this love is about to get conditional after what you just did’. He knows he fucked up, and he’d do it again in a heartbeat because his mind is Made Up.
Excuse me. Passive aggressive Michonne is my favourite person ever. Their snippy ‘heart’s not really in it because I love you more than life itself, to the point of detriment’ arguing while in life-threatening situations is adorable. “Commando, really?”
The Roomba! Hahahaha, love it. Rick and Michonne’s interactions feel natural, idk how to explain it but Michonne laughing and saying “that explains why it’s so spotless in here,” feels domestic and normal in a way that throws you right back to season five.
If these characters weren’t so well-established, their back-and-forth would have eventually crossed the line into being annoying, but because we know them and their journey so well, I was hanging on every word, man. Damn.
Not Rick shoving a knife through the fandom’s communal heart by dreaming about Carl… 
I appreciate that quick lift make out, then that quick car make out. Gotta get a smooch in while you can 😂 Also let me tell you, Rick wearing a plain jumper is *doing it* for me for some reason…
Uh. Hello Gabriel? I guess it makes sense because of Jadis but… didn’t expect to see him here…
Okay how is Rick tied to the bed - he has ONE hand??? Surely the tie would just slip right off? Unless he’s wearing his fake hand, but why would he be wearing it while sleeping? Is he faking?
Jadis/Anne/Bitchface was already an irredeemable asshole, but then episode five happened and OH MY GOD there’s a spoiler for Huck’s death! (I haven’t got to that episode of World Beyond yet and I’m dreading it). Though as much as Jadis is unpalatable, it’s difficult not to feel bad for poor Gabriel. He saw the best in her so he was ultimately the only one to lose her.
I was on the CRM’s side until that last episode – man, the Echelon briefing really shines a light on everything. But it’s good to know that the Civic Republic lives on!!
Rick, my man, why did you leave your insanely awesome hand behind? What was that about?
THE REUNION! I have no words.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 3 years
Revolution Theme, Part 2: War of 1812
Wow! Thanks @wdway! Love all this!
You’re right that that the Crossing of the Delaware painting makes a lot more sense, now. It also made me think of the more recent pilgrim paintings we’ve seen the past few years. I think we can work those in as well. The pilgrims were somewhat revolutionary in their actions. Not so much in a massive war or battle sort of way, but they left England (yes, Britain) to find freedoms their mother country wasn’t willing to give them. Which is revolutionary in its way.
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But more to the point, that was the first step that would eventually lead to a war for freedom between Britain and the American colonies. So, you could see them as the precursor to the revolution. So, it makes sense to use that painting for TF and TWD right now, because what’s been happening the last season or 2 is the precursor to the final, big revolution.
When you got into talking about 2 revolutions, that makes tons of sense as well, and I totally agree.
When you talked about the white house and library of congress being burnt in 1812, about six things came to mind, lol.
When Eugene was at the Sanctuary (which I 100% believe foreshadows the final revolution, Beth, and what Eugene’s role will be in it) he played the 1812 Overture when he did the science experiment for Negan’s wives. (Including Amber, who looked like Beth and Tanya, who had a lot of Beth’s dialogue with Eugene). I’ve kind of low-key obsessed over that song and why they used it, but other than foreshadowing a final battle with Eugene as I’ve already said, it was hard to connect anything more specific.
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The 1812 Overture was not actually written about the War of 1812. It was written in celebration of Napoleon’s retreat from Russia. Basically, he tried to invade Moscow early in 1812 but failed miserably and eventually had to retreat. Not so much because of being out-fought, but more because of weather, illness, lack of supplies for the army, etc.
Now, that’s not the same thing you mentioned in the British fighting Napoleon before turning their attention to the American colonists, but the link is still there. Napoleon/Russia>1812 Overture>Napolean/Britain>Britain/American Colonies. See what I mean? So, the idea of two wars or a war on two fronts really makes sense.
I’ve been trying to find out if the 1812 Overture has a d.c. al coda in it. I don’t think it does, but I’m having a hard time finding the sheet music online. You can find it, of course, but often it’s blurry or watermarked in such a way that it’s hard to read, and that’s because they want you to buy it to remove the watermark. I’ll keep looking.
But I do know it has a coda. Maybe not a d.c. al coda, but a coda of some kind. In fact, while I’m still not sure until I can clearly see the sheet music, from what I’ve read others saying, the final, super-loud, exuberant part of the song that’s often used in U.S. Independence Day celebrations IS the coda. And it represents Russia winning the war over Napoleon. Coincidence?
So, Napoleon fought many wars on many fronts. There’s that. But as you said, the British first fought Napoleon (perhaps that will be the Commonwealth) and then turned to the American colonists. And given what was said in 5x09 about a rebel group fighting against the “republic” using what amounts to guerilla tactics, that does line up with how the American colonists fought the British during the revolution. So clearly that’s the one that will involve Beth and TF (though of course they will probably be involved, at least to some extent, in the Commonwealth bit as well).
Also, also. You talked about the LIBRARY of congress being burned. I’m not sure how, but suddenly I feel sure all the books and librarian stuff must be connected to this. To the revolution theme. I still remember watching the beginning of 6x16 and thinking it was SO significant, but I had no idea why. It’s where we see Carl lock Enid in the closet to keep her safe, and she’s yelling at him things like, “what if you don’t come back?” And he tells her, “just survive somehow.”
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Meanwhile, that scene is intercut with Negan’s guys chasing the librarian they end up hanging over the bridge with an X spray painted on his chest. And then he gets…burned?
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I remember thinking that just FELT like a big war that was coming, but back then, I really didn’t know how to interpret it. Of course, AOW started soon after, but the librarian group wasn’t a big part of that. If we’re honest, they really were just random side characters, which was odd because that sequence FELT so important. So, I’m betting we ought to be connecting them to this as well.
The Native American Symbols
For the record, a couple of things I’ve been trying to look into and haven’t found much (mostly because I haven’t had much time to do so yet) include what role Native American tribes played in the American revolution. Some were loyal to the British, others to colonists. As I said, I need to do more research, but little tidbits like this one are interesting:
“Their biggest contribution was as spies going to Canada and returning with news of the English plans, and attacking English coastal shipping. The Indians played a leading role in preventing an English attack on Machias by sea from being successful. “
(AL’s voice coming out of the radio in 5x09: “At least 68 citizens of the Republic have been killed in four deadly attacks along the main coastal district. The group has continued their campaign of random violence, moving across the countryside unfettered, with the Republic’s military forces in disarray.” Just saying.)
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The other thing I’ve looked into is Francis Marion’s (Swamp Fox’s) connection to Native Americans of the time. During the revolution itself, I’m not finding much. But we do know that he learned a lot of his battle prowess from fighting the Cherokee Indians as a young man.
What he learned there is what made him so effective against the British. So, I’m wondering if that will translate with Beth in that she’ll fight the CRM or perhaps even in battles with the Commonwealth early on and that will give her what she needs to triumph much later in bigger battles. Or maybe they’ll connect it even earlier back to early battles with TF and what Daryl taught her. The possibilities are endless. ;D
If you do a search, it's quite fascinating and well worth the time to do two searches. One on the burning of the White House and then the other one on Andrew Jackson and the Battle of New Orleans.
There are things that I just did not go into like the connection with Napoleon that we've seen hints of in the past couple of seasons and didn't know why. The Cherokee Rose, which has been a symbol for so long and I do not think it was their intention in the beginning but what most people do not understand is that the Cherokee Rose has a strong connection to Andrew Jackson.
Andrew Jackson had a singular focus on driving the Native Americans (mostly the Cherokee Nation) to the West. Lightbulb moment here, but maybe that might be same of the meaning of Indian symbolism.
Jackson had a major part in the Trail of Tears, which is basically the story that Daryl tells Carol after walker Sophia was discovered. Jackson was a brilliant military soldier, but he was not known as a compassionate person. His nickname was Old Hickory (a tree reference) because the hickory tree's wood is known for its hardness.
A few years back, tptb did a promotion showing nuts that had a hard outer shell. People didn't understand what that was, but I knew because it was a hickory nut. A very hard outer shell and then inside is the actual nut. Hickory wood was the favored source for making baseball bats back in the day because they would not easily break.
The other interesting fact about Andrew Jackson was his love for his wife, Rachel. It was a legendary love. He might have been an asshole to the entire world, but Rachel was the love of his life. When she died, he did not simply bury her. He entombed her in her own little Mausoleum at his home, The Hermitage, just outside of Nashville.
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Jackson fought both in the Revolutionary War and the 1812 war, in the Battle of New Orleans. He apparently had been imprisoned by the British for a time during the Revolutionary War, which fired his hatred for them.
Am I the only one thinking about the connections between him and Negan? I'm thinking of the two wars, the Commonwealth and the war against the CRM. I want to think that the Commonwealth conflict is represented by the War of 1812. The larger, more overall important conflict with a CRM will be the American Revolutionary War, with Rick replacing Washington as the leader.
I was freaking out when you mentioned the Overture of 1812. I don't care if it was written for the war led by Napoleon with Russia. If anything, that makes it even as stronger clue that we're on the right track because of the Russian satellite and Russian dictionary that little Judith got from (wait for it) the library, for Eugene.
One other thing, @twdmusicboxmystery. I thought about this earlier today when I was reading about the 1812 Overture, but I wanted to do a check before I mentioned it to you. 
Two very famous pieces of music came out of the 1812 wars. The 1812 Overture about Napoleon and Russia, and The Star-Spangled Banner, our U.S. national anthem written by Francis Scott Key about The Battle of Fort Henry. Both Fort Henry and The Battle of New Orleans were fought in 1814 but were known as being part of the War of 1812.
Can’t wait to see how it all plays out.
Definitely very interesting! Thanks for all this research @wdway! 
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we-will-begin-again · 3 years
(from betaofthedead. for lucille) “  you think i do not notice but i do.  i can tell something is wrong.  ”   
prompts for emotionally stunted idiots
Lucille's day had been far from great. She was used to the stress of the commonwealth and the stress of leaving in the supply runs that due to being performed by people with military training could last anywhere from a couple of days to two weeks; but coming across members of the CRM when she was getting back home with an already quite high level of stress from having lost two men, one to biters and the other to a completely avoidable accident in a collapsing buildings, was just the last straw.
She'd gone to the saloon in hopes of drowning her current sorrows in some awfully warm alcohol, but had instead ended up sitting at the bar with her face in her hands, muffling the sobs as much as she could because the last thing she needed was to attract any attention.
When she heard the door opening and the telltale, heavy, slightly dragging footsteps —the fact she could recognize his footsteps so well should be a call for attention to just how many times she'd come here to see him before—, Lucille lifted her head, sneezing from the dust and using that as an excuse to wipe her tears.
"This place is long overdue for some spring cleaning," she joked, wanting to avoid any questioning if she could. "I didn't expect to see you here today."
Beta was his usual quiet self– but this was a different kind of quiet. He stepped forward, looking her over like he expected to find something: a bruise, a cut, a scratch, something. Beta let out a frustrated grunt when he couldn't spot the cause of her red and puffy eyes just from looking at her. He had no choice but to ask. Beta didn't do so with words, instead, he met her eyes, his head tilting slowly to one side as his brows furrowed slightly under his mask.
The fact she knew that face to mean 'What's wrong?' was yet another sign that she had no friends but the big, feral, masked man she'd met because he'd been trying to kill her.
"'s nothing, really, just had a bad day at work." Lucille shrugged it off, gazing away. "You know, the stress of the old ways."
When she looked back up at him, hoping to see him straighten himself and go do what he usually did when they were here, which was sit at a distance from her and grunt in acknowledgement or annoyance at whatever she was. But instead, he was staring at Lucille in a way that told her he could see right through her bullshit.
"You think I do not notice, but I do," Beta said, and Lucille's heart skipped a beat, blood running cold for a moment. She felt caught and exposed as he gave a step closer. "I can tell something is wrong."
Lucille decided there was no point in trying to act like everything was fine or it was just some small thing, not with how he clearly knew it was bullshit. Something told her if she kept trying to lie, she might fuck up the trust they'd both managed to build, and she didn't want to find out what it was like to lose Beta's trust, not when she already had so many people who didn't trust her. Like the ones who she'd had to deal with today.
"Had some asshole from another community point a gun at me today," she said, trying to make it as anecdotal as possible, but her voice broke towards the end. "Just some asshole that likes scaring people. That's all."
And he'd damn well succeeded at scaring her, Lucille couldn't hide that, not with how her shoulders shook and her vision got blurry with the tears that threatened to start sliding down her face again. She inhaled sharply through her now, roughly wiping them away before she opened her eyes again to find Beta holding his hand out to her. She paused mid wiping motion, looking up at him and seeing a faint spark of sympathy in his eyes. Lucille reached out, taking his hand and finding comfort in the way he squeezed back when her grip tightened around his palm.
She took a deep breath, letting it over to shakily. "Thanks," Lucille sighed, smiling up at him.
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hopeforged · 4 years
@tiesforged​ liked for a starter for john from hope !
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      “  they  have  our  dad.  ”  assholes.  texas  had  never  been  a  part  of  their  plan.  but  somewhere  along  the  way  they’d  taken  a  wrong  turn.  or  a  FEW.  and  here  they  were.  the  group  they’d  come  across  hadn’t  been  ideal  at  first.  felix  hadn’t  been  thrilled  at  the  idea  of  being  friendly  with  other  survivors.  not  after  all  they’d  been  through  on  the  road  ALREADY.  but  it  didn’t  take  long  for  all  of  them  to  warm  up  and  OPEN  UP.  and  somehow,  they’d  gotten  onto  the  topic  of  the  CRM  and  things  had  snowballed.  “  he  went  to  help  find  a  cure.  but  things  have  turned  bad  and  now  we  need  to  FIND  HIM.   we’re  way  off  course  though.  because  SOMEONE  couldn’t  read  the  map  properly.  ”  she  would  never  admit  to  that  person  being  HER  though.
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strange-grace · 8 years
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look. i did thing.
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arch-ology · 5 years
something really disturbing to me within the archaeology community, especially here on tumblor, is just the huge amount of people who are sour asf about working in CRM and want to make all of archaeology as a profession sound like a living hellscape. several going so far as to name their blog after how much they hate their line of work. and i get it, they’re trying to warn/discourage the people who just want to get into arch for the “cool artifacts” & who don’t want to do hard work and crush the spirits of any young up-and-comers. that makes sense. but i think honestly the bigger problem here isn’t little rascals who grew up watching movies and think history is kind of cool. i was in field school with some of them, and they worked just as hard as the rest of us when they were told what to do. some aren’t continuing in arch, & that’s fine. trial by fire as a student is the best way to figure your shit out. the problem in the field i think is having these assholes out there who hate their job so much they have to project that on every student who comes under their noses. perhaps the field should instead be populated by... idk... people who have a passion for the work & and enjoy what it all involves? just a thought. stay salty out there.
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If you had to take antibiotics for it before you know what to look out for. Otherwise leave them alone, dry very carefully after a shower and in probably like 10 weeks or so you should be on track to get them repierced. Explain to the piercer what happened and when, though, so they can give you a really thorough consultation.. Cohen: I not so sure that he had to hire them they were already working there. Everybody job at the Trump organization is to protect Mr. Trump. I'm a sysadmin in a call center and deal with a dev team who handles some custom integrations between our dialer and CRM. We have been having some specific issues with a portion of the integration. Because I'm not a tech idiot, I would go through all of their customization files and settings and try to identify possible issues. So let's say with the above example, you the want to budget your cell phone bill for March, so you budget $50 for your bill. It pulls the $40 that is available to budget and then holds space for the remaining $10. Looking at March (a future month) it will tell you you are over 양평출장샵 budgeted but as soon as you get paid and have money coming in, $10 of that is automatically allocated to march's cell phone bill.. I planned my wedding in a month. I never bought into the wedding hype and believed that a perfect wedding should be relatively stress free and inexpensive. I am sharing some ideas with you about how to plan a simple, quick wedding for under $1000. To me, my example wasn something "really important". You can congratulate a person ANY time. It not like "Karen" needs one specific friend validation, especially when it already established that others are there. It is important to understand that a person can not reason with an unreasonable person. Understand that you can not win an argument, make arrangements, intervene to help without being taken advantage of, have a sit down discussion with them about your concerns and fears and think that they will understand, change, agree or acknowledge it and move forward without some sort of outrageous backlash. Manipulators will always try to pull a fast one over family and friends to get what they want. For those curious to know the ins and outs of how this is done, I highly recommend the book "Addiction by Design" by Natasha Dow Schll. It deals specifically with slot machines, but provides a great sense of the entire industry and how it works. 96 points submitted 11 months ago. You may actually want people feedback :)In "safety one", you do a post mortem, figure out what went wrong and why, and try to learn from what happened. This is by far the most common, but not necessarily the most productive type of safety thinking.In "safety two, however, you reflect on what you do every day that prevents incidents like this from happening. You also analyse what you could do to change your everyday actions so that the conditions that led to the incident simply don occur.So you were faced with an urgent situation, and had to make a snap decision. "Other guys do even worse things" is still an acknowledgment that what you are doing is terrible. It a variation of the "Appeal to Worse Problems" fallacy "What I doing is indefensible, but what someone else is doing is even more indefensible, so what I am doing is not wrong at all and you have to go through them before you can get to criticizing me." It essentially trying to hold 양평출장샵 up worse people than yourself as a shield to protect yourself from criticism based on the false assumption that the other person doesn care about the worse person if they criticize you.Since you guys love statistics so much, think of it like this: if you an asshole, then statistically more people will find you generally unpleasant and it will hurt your odds of meeting people who want to stick around you (not just sexually, but in general). That doesn mean you will never meet anyone who can tolerate your terrible personality, any more than it means having a great personality guarantees that you will.
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robertgordoniv · 3 years
#13DaysOfReflection — Day 3
We found so much insight and success on the campaign trail in my early 20’s that you couldn’t tell me a damn thing about New Media Marketing — I cracked the code. In reality, a bunch of us did. And because I was part of that equation, my ego took that moment and made the next all about ME. Ugh…what an asshole.
My first company was supposed to be this great marketing shop developing a cutting-edge app that would merge TheFacebook and Twitter worlds together with incredible insights. And we’d sell this to the biggest names and companies in the world. A CRM for the New Media, now Social Media, world. Sound familiar? Because there’s literally a gazillion of them now. And they are all far better and more efficient than anything I was building. The I, Me, My in this post is 100% intentional. I forget about the “Why” and the “We.” I find myself circling back to this moment often nowadays. I was focused on the wrong thing. I attached myself to the success — and made it all about ME ME ME! I should have focused on the people, who were likely horrified to witness my ego trip. I should have focused on building THEM up. Collaborating with them. Connecting…with them. But because it was ME instead of THEM, MY house of cards fell…HARD.
The people who sacrificed their time and energy suffered because of it — and that’s what makes me so disappointed nowadays. The product blew away like dust. And all that money was just gone…in an instant. Granted, this is an over-implication of what happened, but it happened. And I was out on the street. A grown man — sleeping on the same pullout couch w/ my little brother — maybe we can touch on more about that in another time — but back to focus…I failed the people who trusted me — wholeheartedly. For what? Smh. I’m sorry.
I’d go on to commit the rest of my life trying to fix this mistake…focusing on others. Focusing on lifting as I climbed. Focusing on building rather than pushing. Focused on leadership over dictating. Focused on WE over me.
Stupid ego…
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tonysoffandom · 4 years
Unpopular opinion TWD season 10
The back half of season 10 was pointless.
All the questions from mid season remain unanswered and unexplored.
Daryl and Carol are both still angry because Connie remains an open issue.
The search for resources shows us yet again that the world ending screws people up. Shocking. Or, you know, not really.
One of the writers decided to write self insert fanfiction that seeks to invalidate the really honest and adorable Daryl/Connie dynamic. Can you tell how excited I am for this pointless aside?
Who captured Ezekiel and company? To hell if I know. The CRM probably.
And I'm supposed to forgive Negan being the definition of an egocentric asshole because he wasn't always? No thanks. Everything in the flash back was understandable, but what he was when our people meet him was still unforgivable.
It was almost like spending a season with Morgan and the cheese maker, which I rather disliked the first time around.
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knightofbalance-13 · 8 years
“It’s weird to me that the humans in remnant are so shitty as people, If you remember the faunus WOR it does state humans used to attack and kill faunus for just being different, an act that wasn’t met by retaliation from the faunus at the time or by any humans who thought it was wrong.“
... So just people then? Because we’ve been doing this as a race of thousands of years: Killing anything that is different. I fail to see why they are held to sucha higher degree than you or I. Pretty sure 90% of the cast of RWBY are better people than the both of us.
“And it continues to get weird because humans lived alongside faunus yet I find it strange no one calls out cardin, our naive optimist protagonist doesn’t tell weiss it’s not fair to judge faunus as one unit because their people, not objects, yell yang the most outspoken member literally just sits there, yang a roamer looking for her mom at some point and doesn’t have anything to say? I’m not saying the injustices need to escalate to make the problem seem “real” but there needs to be some damn consequences to human behavior; ruby wanted to be a hunter to help people yet when velvet is getting bullied literally just watches!“
Because they can’t do anything? Listen, I have been arguing with you for months about your toxic behavior, much in the same way with Cardin, and you haven’t changed. You can call out a racist all you want, you shouldn’t expect them to change. Plus, people tend to not get involved with big affairs. America didn’t get involved with the World Wars until it started affecting us directly. Once again: Why are they held to a higher regard than the rest of humanity?
I seem not to be the only one who feels this either, many people bring these issues up when talking about the faunus.
Your first link is dead and the second comes from a guy tried to argue Jaune got too much screentime to himself this Volume despite the fact that “too much” was 5:42 minutes. Not great sources.
We’re in a world (eerily similar to our own.) Where people will say “Wow that’s fucked up.” yet don’t really seem to care the difference here, these characters became hunters to help, to act where certain people couldn’t/wouldn’t.  And for a young faunus who probably gets attacked (There are probably people out there who are worst than cardin) when you’re treated like shit, attacked for being different and pushed into a corner…consider, your young, vulnerable and now feel unwanted, this is a real feeling, and very relatable.
Yeah and how much stupid shit do people in our world do all the god damn time? A lot going just by the rwde tag alone.
Again, this seems like you make our world out to be better when it’s not. We do this shit all the time and considering that it’s one form of racism against the tens of types of racism we have today, it’s so unrealistic to expect them to be better.
 Now consider the faunus who only feels safe among their own, who wants humans to stop attacking and hurting their kind, so joing the white fang seems pretty enticing, remember before the series began the white fang didn’t preform anything too rash. We didn’t start hearing about hostile takeovers ans such until cinder took over which was directly after blake left. I understand there are people who hear the phrase white fang and have a few things to say.  I want you to take the time to read this. I don’t support the murder of people in remnant, but I do support the white fang’s existance, now hear me out! Remember the white fang started out with peacful protest and as I watched the series could not wait to see the peacful side of the white fang; (That’s an issue for another post) To them attacking SDC cargo and taking away potential ammo from their oppressors/screwing the people using their race as labor slaves seem ideal to a young mind despite how detrimental it might be. (It’s two choices for these people either force a difference or wait for people to change after eons, remember blake states that the peaceful side of the white fang has been going on for centuries.)
Uh...it began five years before the series so yeah, I have no doubt that the White Fang has been doing shit like that before. Especially considering our own history in which even outside of the black panthers the CRM had people doing violent shit in it’s name.
Then how about the killing of innocents? Because Adam tried that bullshit in the Black Trailer which was before Cinder’s takeover, evident by the implications of Blake being in the White Fang on Cinder’s first attempt but not the second. Because that’s the real issue here. The instant you take an innocent life, you lose the right to ask for equality because you ARE equal now: you’re the same as the shit you fought. And no, you don’t get to kill innocent humans because their ancestors did horrible shit. Those humans are not their ancestors and had no control over them and shouldn't bear any guilt. Just as well, judging by SUn the only Fanaus we’ve focused on outside the WHite Fang considers them a cult, Fanaus themselves hate the White Fang so that argument doesn’t work.
But fine let’s say they are allowed. That also means you can’t complain when one black guy shoots another black guy because tribes in Africa enslaved their kinsmen and you can’t speak up about ISIS because Muslism were killed off by Christians in the Crusades. See how dangerous and stupid that mindset is?
In a world where the white fang of the new age are now extremist and humans are innocent, there seems to be a lack of effort that makes me not care for the cast.  Humans innocence is shown to us by being indifferent but that plays against them because these characters who have a strong sense of justice like Ruby, Pyhrra and Jaune see this act infront of them and don’t react at all.  We’re given lines that sound phoned in and tired, These people who want to help the world don’t do anything!
They all glare at the fucker. What more can they do against an asshole, call him out? He ain’t gonna care, evidence being when I call you out you shrug it off. Punch him? Newsflash, they'd bet in trouble. Been there, doen that. Prank him? Then he automatically assumes Velvet did it.
But back tracking a bit: That’s because the conflict isn’t theres. They have no stake in it and there is a lot more serious shit going on like a humanoid Grimm trying to kill everyone and an infinite amount of Grimm to kill.
Okay then: Fanaus innoncence is shown by them not saying a word about the White Fang kill regular, normal humans and aiding Cinder. Ergo, by your own logic, we shouldn’t care about the White Fang. Whereas The main group is facing  much bigger threat, ergo we should care about them.
Weiss is calling a race, trash and flithy and no one reacts, at all. Again they stand there blinking and their lack of reaction make them seem stiff and inhuman, if you want to prove humans are a complete innocent part, then show some effort RT! You could put some flavor text in a line, on a newspaper a character picks up, a sign etc that says “Hey there are humans who fight these prejudice.” -I want fox anf yatsuhashi to loom over cardins team-  And I’d be satisfied, I’ll expect to see a glimpse of them at some point, but I think a small effort is better than zero. Especially with this writing crew.
In Volume 1...afterward she was better around Blake, started liking Sun and risked her life trying to save Velvet. That argument is invalid.
... What gave you THAT idea? The SDC is obviously treated as malevolent and evil and Cardin is treated as a giant jackass, humans are constantly killing each other-This makes no sense! Especially considering a certain writer’s involvement in RvB’s Chorus Trilogy which made a big point in showing that war often times just has two sides with differing opinions! Don’t go blaming the show when you’re the one reading it wrong.
Oh look, potshot against the writing staff. Guess that means I can amek potshots too. But unlike rwde’s, mine will be funny.
Being indifferent is not the same as being innocent, if you watch people beat, tease or harass a person for them races, sexual orientation etc,  rather than say something, do something or call anyone who can do stop it, you don’t actually care.
Glass houses motherfucker, I was suicide baoted by a regular in your tag, pointed it out and no one ever said a word, especially you. By your own logic, you don’t care and are not innocent!
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