#the creator measures time in supernovas
{Am I...a God? Neat!}
-Chapter Seven: From Ashes to Dust-
(Y/n) sat on the stone debris of the ruins of the Guili Plains with their eyes closed. They cracked open one eye to watch as their gray-haired companion stared at a glaze lily that was in bloom. A small pause in the night breeze gave way to conversation as Guizhong spoke, "I always knew of your existence. There was always this comforting feeling when I was surrounded by dust. My domain always seemed to whisper of one long before our creation...a creator of all there is and will be..."
The ghostly woman released a shaky breath as if a weight was released from her shoulders. She turned to face the god before her as she was knelt before them, the glaze lily long forgotten. "When I first learned of your existence I initially kept it to myself...the information seemed not only too sacred to withhold from others but also too dangerous to share..." The woman's figure shook as she tried to hold back her tears but alas a few drops escaped rushing down her face towards the awaiting dry ground.
"I eventually caved and told my dearest friends of what I'd learned...and while they didn't understand they supported me in my endeavor to not only contact you but worship you..." (Y/n) was staring at the dead god in front of them as she spoke her truth. If they were to be completely honest, they found the whole thing to be utterly ridiculous. A god worshiping another god? It was too obsurded a concept for them to yet grasp until a thought past them.
'Well, it isn't entirely absurd...I cannot die yet these gods can...then again they don't stay completely dead.' They thought to themselves as they felt an ominous presence slowly approaching the two. Choosing to put aside their disbelief of current knowledge of gods the older entity stood from their sitting position. Raising a hand, they grasped the blade of a mitachurl's axe that had been suddenly swung downwards above the god.
There wasn't a need to look at the creature that had attempted to sneak up on the two. The tainted aura that surrounded it radiated from its core like a festering disease. If (Y/n) had been anyone else or a less experienced god, they would likely be mildly affected by such a malevolent aura but alas. They shifted their arm forward a bit before swiping their arm out an across their body in a curved c-shape motion, while also being mindful not to hit Guizhong despite the woman being a ghost.
The possessed mitachurl's grip on the axe never wavered even after the weapon it wield was grabbed easily. Due to it not letting go once their intended victim made a counterattack, they were immediately flung towards the shallow river water ahead. Suddenly drenched the creature stood up further enraged by the failed attack and also the power of the dead god possessing it the mitachurl seemed to whip itself up into a frenzy. It began making loud grunting and roaring noises before charging once more.
At this point (Y/n) was no longer amused, they were deathly bored seeing as that since arriving in Liyue the only thing they've had to think about was the fatui agents that have been stalking them and their children. And if they were honest the fatui need a better strategy than sending countless agents to die at the hands of a parent who considers them a threat. The thoughts coursing through their mind stopped as they rose their dominant hand, the waters near the river began to gather around the charging mitachurl.
"To a watery grave with you..."
At their command the waters rushed to imprison the mitachurl before it completely crushed the creature. A sickening series of cracking with a pained grunt could be heard throughout the night as the mitachurl died upon impact of the water's pressure. With a mildly scrunched up face (Y/n) returned to their seated position as they pulled Guizhong to a standing one.
The ghostly god stood their for a moment still in awe at the gracefulness of her god infront of her. But the woman also shivered slightly at the cruelty, though it did remind her of her dearest friend when he would fight. It was strange if she thought about it for too long. Morax was always skeptical of the all-creator’s existence, yet he supported her in her endeavor of worshiping them or searching for them.
Thinking back, she wonders if he blamed their grace for not saving her. But now she understood, her god wasn’t awake to know. This being she believed in was standing in front of her. Their grace's presence summoned her in the place she died, and she could slowly feel herself changing. Like she was breathing again, living again. It was strange, and it felt like something else was changing the longer she was around them.
Her thoughts were cut off by a chuckle, "Guizhong I assume you are beginning to realize that you are teetering between life and death once more as you did half a nova ago. " They walked closer to the confused ghost grabbing both her hands bringing them to her chest in a clasped position. "You have a choice now Guizhong, God of Dust...do you wish to live once more and serve at my side as Liyue's representative, or do you choose to remain dead and observe as you have since your first passing...?"
[- .. -- . / .--. .- ... ... . -.. / -.... / .... --- ..- .-. ...]
(Y/n) watched their son run ahead of them as Paimon floated quickly after. They smiled quietly following behind as the children reached the main pathway overlooking part of Liyue Harbor. Observing the city as the sun slowly creeped over its skyline was a lovely sight. Even from this distance the old god could hear the hustle and bustle of city folk as they went about their daily lives, and some preparing for the Rite of Descension.
As they entered the city of contracts the trio were in slight awe of it. It was a drastic change from the nation of freedom. The people seemed more restricted but content with life. There were a few onlookers murmuring about the newest travelers entering the city. Some muttering about looking like rich merchants, or nobility. This caused (Y/n) to glance over at the group that was talking with a small laugh.
Aether looked back to say something but stopped as her parent turned back to him ushering him forwards into plaza. They shook their head at the blonde as if saying not to comment on it. "We should focus on attending the Rite of Descension in time...hmm would you like for me to tell you where it is or find out on your own with a few hints from me...?" They asked arms lightly crossed behind their back as they leaned softly forwards the patterns of the pathing gaining their interest.
The blonde thought for a moment and decided on the latter, not wanting his Cosmi to help him too much to seem more independent. "I'd like to try figuring it out." They nodded straightening their position. "Well why don't you ask the locals...and I'll meet you there and should you need me I will be there..." Aether nodded Paimon cutting off the conversation to say she knew where they could start and dragging Aether away.
As the primordial god watched the two get further away in the distance their smile dropped before, they released a deep sigh their eyes darkened the irises turning black. Without turning around they spoke, "How nice of you to show yourself Zhongli...Let's go then this won't take long and you won't miss your little show.."
"Will the peak of Mt. Tianheng suffice..?"
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mesehmer · 4 years
Family Thoughts
Nut is the concept that dared make infinite a word. I get her more cosmic than watery Nun, She is the universe, and the universe is Her. So enormous and encompassing. Like I'm a speck of space dust, but She knows I'm there, She knows everything in her limitless hold, and She sees me. Sees this little smidgen of stardust and life, and tells me that I am more than enough, that I shine like the brightest galaxy in Her arms.
All the wonders of the cosmos, and She even thinks to acknowledge me??? Her love is like a supernova, and I'm what's forming in the epicenter of that radiant heat, gentle yet massive hands cradling this new spark with all the love of the universe. Being is Her presence is like drowning in starlight, like watching the Big Bang explode into existence, graced by the heat of uncountable suns.
She is my Mother, vast beyond measure.
Father is... Gods, where do I start. Primordial, blinding. Nut is the Sky, Nefertem is the First Light, and Sobek-Ra is nearly everything in between. He is Fire and Water and Earth, rising up from Creation like the Sun. He is claw and sharp teeth, but I never fear His bite, watching in awe as he works. He is graceful, like a crocodile swimming, hiding strength I can't comprehend underneath His fluid motions.
He is solar flare and lava flow, heat and dark waters of ocean depths. He can be suffocating in His light, but He means no harm, sometimes He just can't help it. I hear Him speak, and His words are like rivers forming, like mountains rising, like forests growing their first sprouts. Life and creation and carefully shaping. He starts it, and is content to watch it grow, careful to step in when He is needed. Sometimes His footsteps are valleys, his breaths are storm fronts, and His rumbling words are tectonic plates shifting.
Huge creator vibes like He is the breathing planet beneath my feet.
I get His warrior aspect the most, and He's so fascinating??? Mysterious on all fronts, hidden in the rays of first light. Every speck if Him is a warrior who is at rest, but not lazing, ready to strike at a moment's notice. But He's so gentle!! Still a healer underneath the blood, a gentle hand on the center of your back so you don't fall.
He walks with sunfire in His eyes, searching for threats on the brightening horizon, and that gaze never simmers when He looks at you, but it isn't threatening or hostile. He sees you like He sees in you, a hunter who has meet a similar soul, and lets you walk along side Him on patrol. He is So Vast(tm) and infinite and powerful.
I've given Him the epithet of 'The Warrior of Dawn' as a result of spending time with Him, and He just makes me feel a lot of things.
-lays down- There is my Family. So huge and sometimes too much to look at with all their big ole primordial energies, but I love Them all so, so much.
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Alright no you know what I’m not letting that hide in the tags buddy. ‘Why would you be horrified? It’s only cringe because it’s me.’ Why so? Are you inherently less valuable than others? Inherently less socially desirable and therefore ‘cringey’? Are you saying that that CHILD who lived a decade or so ago and wrote those words was inherently less valuable and desirable than other children and therefore the products of their passion are leas worthy or love? THEY are less worthy of love? Think again, you’re made from the same stardust as the rest of us. Your atoms were forged in the hearts of stars and supernovae billions of years ago, all culminating in you, a collection of atoms that can see themselves and be aware of their own existence, an impossible rarity and something precious beyond measure in the expanse of the universe. Atoms that not only became aware of their own existence but dreamed up impossibilities beyond the scope of the universe and created their own universe in word and thought, created more than themselves, created something new, just like how their elements were forged in stars but all the more precious for its infinite complexity and scope beyond compare. Those stories were precious and so were you, so ARE you, so you better knock off this ‘those childhood stories were never cringey, unless they were mine’ train of thought right now, understand? >:(
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh i feel bad i let that choice of words slip by!! don’t worry don’t worry, I am right here with you <3 I had a moment when i was typing that out where i was like hmm. i don’t know if cringe is the right word here - more that there are some things that make me laugh fondly.
i understand. I’ve had some professors tell me “i don’t want you to hate your projects” a couple times this semester and I’ve been so sad to hear that! I don’t think i could ever Truly Hate anything I’ve ever made, because there’s bits of me in everything I make. The idea of hating something I made hurts and I hope no creators ever have to go through that. I don’t hate myself - i’m actually quite fond of that person and I do think past me had some really good stuff incubating in there. (on occasion i’m surprised by how it holds up!)
you know what makes me laugh, though? not knowing what paragraph breaks are. I was doing my best. I was. and my best was fuckin decent! but some paragraph breaks would have helped. I didn’t know what paragraphs were. Younger self, your 10 year old protagonist is taking her dog out for a walk by herself at midnight downtown! you have no idea how unusual that is, because you’re also 10, and it’s very sweet that you think that’s something that her family would let her do.
it breaks down to amusement mixed with some very mild, painless embarrassment, because it’s me, after all. But what’s a 10 year old expected to know about the world at their age anyway? certainly less than I do now. they were just a kid!
thank you for your impassioned defense of my younger self, lynx. I appreciate it. <3
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wisdomrays · 4 years
TAFAKKUR: Part 192
The Sun and its Distinctive Position
Every morning and evening we witness the sunrise and the sunset in a colorful play. Luminous stars virtually hover over us like a parade during the night. We do not even notice the revolution of the earth around the sun and the specific movements of other planets and the stars in our galaxy while we remain busy with our daily lives. If we could take a closer look at the Milky Way which seems to be motionless, we would witness each amazing maneuver of the billions of stars and planets. The Milky Way galaxy is 200 thousand light years wide in the shape of a giant rotating disc and includes seven galactic arms in a spiral shape. It has been considered as a host to 100 billion stars like our sun. It is estimated that 125 billion more galaxies like the Milky Way exist in our universe. Just like how our sun is composed of planet moons, our galaxy also has smaller galaxy moons. These ten or so smaller galaxies revolve around the milky way as it rotates slowly like a machinery wheel. Sets of galaxies gaining distance from each other, planets revolving around stars, stars circling each other and stars orbiting galaxies ... what a glory to watch!
Galaxy and the Sun
The 21 cm long radio wave radiation emitted from the hydrogen gas within the dense dust and gas clouds of the arms of the galaxy enables us to know about the structure of the galaxy. This information led us to conclude that our galaxy is indeed not a solid object and displays a circular motion of 250 km per second. The Solar system is estimated to complete one revolution around the galaxy in approximately 200 million years. At this point the critical question that comes to mind is how a solar system orbit is maintained and protected during these journeys where the solar system bypasses the gravitation and effects of strong heavenly bodies without causing disruption and collisions. The Earth just won't become a habitable place only by considering planetary solutions. We may have to consider measures regarding our solar system and other galaxies, since the solar system has a very sensitive relation with the other heavenly systems in our galaxy.
The Sun's position in the Milky Way
Trillions of comets in the Milky Way galaxy fill the outer space and encompass the solar system in a globular fashion. One of the comet groups orbiting the solar system is called Oort or Opic-Oort cloud. A hundred billion comets is estimated to exist in the Oort cloud.
These comets follow the designated orbits until they deorbit with gravity of another strong heavenly body other that the sun. Stars and masses of the Milky Way constitute a globular center with spiral arms where these arms extend out of the center in the same galactic plane. There are a limited number of systems located in the space between these spiral galactic arms. In fact, this is where our solar system exists. In other words, it deserves attention that the sun does not reside in the dense centric part of the galactic arm Orion (Hunter) but exists in the nearby sparsely populated galactic mid space. The solar system that has been placed in the most appropriate position within the Milky Way also needs to be protected from possible dangers it may encounter (like crossing paths with dense spiral arms) during its journey around center of the Milky Way.
Scientist who study the place of our solar system in galactic maps particularly point out that we are far away and safe from the devastating effects of cosmic storms.
If the solar system did exist in the arm where stars are densely populated and near each other, gravitational forces could result in changes in planetary orbits. For instance, in the spiral arms of the galaxy, comets would easily deorbit and bombard the earth momentarily under the strong gravitational force of these arms. Yet remarkable measures have been taken to protect against this as well! One of them is the velocity value of the Sun. For example, in order to provide an effective communication, a satellite positioned in the earth orbit is given a speed equal to the one earth has for rotating around its axis. Our sun is given a suitable velocity to move with almost the same speed of galactic arms without intercepting each other, thus providing a safe passage. However this is not the case in 95% of the stars and the spiral arms in our galaxy unlike the one determined for our solar system. This is something to reflect and think about. Another measure that prevents the sun from intersecting with the spiral arms is that it has a circular orbit rather than in the form of an ellipse like stars of the same age. Also in this regard, we observe that our sun is given a special movement allowing Earth to become a habitable place for life. The All-Wise and All-Mighty Creator works the galaxies just like a giant machinery wheel with his established laws.
The stars in the spiral arms may in time get sucked into the inner parts of the structure, not being able to hold on to their position for a long period of time. This is also applicable for the sun. Divine measures also intervene here and leave the sun in the protective zone. The sun is located in the "galactic common rotational radius" where strong spiral arm effects do not exist. Furthermore, when Supernova explosions take place, giant star debris can reach a couple thousand light years away, enabling the sun not to be negatively affected from these explosions since it exists in the outer regions of the arms.
Cosmic dangers in the galactic center
The solar system is 28,000 light years away from galaxy center. If our galaxy is considered to be 200 thousand light years wide, one can say that we are relatively close to the center.
This location in the galaxy is distant enough to be protected from the negative effects that could arise from the galaxy center. What would happen if the solar system was closer?
In this case we would constantly be exposed to dangerous gamma, X-ray, and cosmic radiations, therefore no life on Earth! Not to mention the black hole in the galaxy center which has a mass 3 million times as much as the sun. If the sun were to exist near the black hole, life on earth would again be negatively affected from the strong gravity of it. The extraordinary measures that have been taken for our solar system, the sensitive adjustments that are put in place, and the maintenance of such balance and complexity all displays a perfect science and a Divine power in the background. All these events demonstrate clearly that no single event of randomness and chaos exists in the universe. The most complicated and sensitive tasks are resolved in the best possible way, therefore revealing a perfect organization. We see this perfect organization between the Milky Way, the solar system and the earth!
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thetruthseekerway · 6 years
Creationism, Evolution, Intelligent Design or Islam?
New Post has been published on http://www.truth-seeker.info/refuting-darwinism/theory-of-evolution/
Creationism, Evolution, Intelligent Design or Islam?
By Truth Seeker Staff
Creationism, natural selection, intelligent design, the theory of evolution.  Thinking about the creation of the world, the universe, and humankind can be confusing.  There are theories, opinions,  and beliefs that state that the creation of the universe was a random act, that humankind evolved from apes and that living creatures climbed out of the primordial swamp. In general, science proves  some sort of intelligence designed the universe.
Confused?  You should be because that is not all.  There is also neo-creationism, old earth creationism, flood geology, the big bang theory, evolutionary biology, the common descent theory, and macroevolution.  What does it all mean?
For many people, it must be a kind of lottery or a theory of the year choice.  Each group has its evidence, some believe in God, others do not.  Some use science to prove their opinions, others use the book of Genesis or other creation myths.  In Islam, the story of creation is clear.  There are no partly formed theories or strange opinions to add to the confusion.  The creation of the world and all that exists is attributed to God.  The most merciful, most wise, most forgiving.
“God created the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them, in six days.” (Quran 7:54)
“Then He completed and finished from their creation seven heavens in two Days and He made in each heaven its affair.  And We adorned the nearest (lowest) heaven with lamps (stars) to be an adornment as well as to guard (from the devils by using them as missiles against the devils).  Such is the Decree of Him the All-Mighty, the All-Knower.” (Quran 41:12)
“And indeed, We created man from sounding clay of altered black smooth mud.” (Quran 15:26)
“And (remember) when your Lord said to the angels: “I am going to create a man (Adam) from sounding clay of altered black smooth mud.” (Quran 15:28)
God created Adam the father of humankind from mud (clay, soil, earth, or dust mixed with water) and He created his wife Eve from a rib bone.  The traditions of Prophet Muhammad, may God praise him, relate that God created Eve while Adam was sleeping,  from his shortest left rib and that, after some time, she was clothed with flesh.  God then endowed Adam and Eve with the ability to procreate.
“God has created every moving (living) creature from water.  Of them, some creep on their bellies, some that walk on two legs, and some that walk on four.  God creates what He wills.  Verily!  God  is Able to do all things.” (Quran 24:45)
“And God said: ‘O Mankind!  Be dutiful to your Lord, Who created you from a single person (Adam) and from Him (Adam) He created his wife (Eve), and from them both He created many men and women.’” (Quran 4:1)
“And indeed We created man (Adam) out of an extract of clay (water and earth).  Thereafter We made him (the offspring of Adam) as a Nutfah (mixed drops of the male and female sexual discharge) (and lodged it) in a safe lodging (womb of the woman).  Then We made the Nutfah into a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood), then We made the clot into a little lump of flesh, then We made out of that little lump of flesh bones, then We clothed the bones with flesh, and then We brought it forth as another creation.  So blessed be God  the Best of creators.” (Quran 23: 12 -14)
In Islam, unlike other religions, there are no great debates involving the separation of science and religion.  Islam teaches us that great scientific discoveries and breakthroughs are simply evidence of the existence of God.  If scientific theories conflict with the Quran and the authentic traditions of Prophet Muhammad, may God praise him, Muslims simply reject them.  However apart from the premise in Darwin’s theory of evolution, that man descended from apes, the Quran, and modern science are remarkably in accord.
“Indeed, the creation of the heavens and the earth is greater than the creation of mankind, but most of mankind do not realize it.” (Quran 40:57)
More than 14 centuries ago the Quran mentioned scientific facts that have only recently been discovered using modern scientific methods and advanced equipment.  The development of scientific disciplines, such as cosmology and astrophysics have explained some of the mysteries of God’s creation. Cosmic events that were previously part of the unseen now make sense according to modern scientific theory.
“Then He rose over towards the heaven when it was smoke, and said to it and to the earth: ‘Come both of you willingly or unwillingly.’  They both said: ‘We come, willingly.’” (Quran 41:11)
Modern cosmology indicates that, at one point in time, the whole universe was nothing but a cloud of ‘smoke’,  an opaque highly dense and hot gaseous composition. It is now possible for scientists to observe new stars being formed out of the remnants of the ‘smoke’. Dr. Loretta Dunne from Cardiff University says, “Cosmic dust consists of tiny particles of solid material floating around in the space between the stars. It is not the same as house dust but more akin to cigarette smoke.”[1] Astronomers studied supernovae SN 2003gd using the Spitzer space telescope and found that it had produced tremendous amounts of dust.
In the creation of humankind, we are also now able to see modern scientific evidence that seems to be in accord with the words of God in the Quran. Many elements present in the earth are also contained in the human body.  The most critical component to land-based life is the topsoil; that thin layer of dark, organically rich soil in which plants spread out their roots.  It is in this thin, vital layer of soil that microorganisms convert raw resources and make them available to the myriad forms of life around and above them.
The Quran instructs Muslims to “contemplate the wonders of creation” (3:191) Imagine the precision and timing that allows the world and all that is in it to function. Complex systems run perfectly. The earth is specifically designed for human life and life on earth is a delicate balance, from the lofty skies to the depths of the ocean.
“The sun and the moon run on their fixed courses (exactly) calculated with measured out stages for each (for reckoning, etc.)… And the heaven He has raised high, and He has set up the Balance… And the earth He has put for the creatures.” (Quran 55:5-10)
God created the universe and He created humankind. Certain sections of all the theories and opinions that are abound agree with the words found in Quran and the authentic traditions of Prophet Muhammad, may God praise him, but really that is of no consequence. Nor is it important when theories try to disprove the existence of God.
The sun and the moon are fixed in their orbits and life continues.  Muslims know with certainty that the world and all that exists was created by God. When new discoveries prove this beyond doubt, believers smile and wait for the other miracles of God to reveal themselves. The complexity of life is almost to simple to grasp. God is the Creator and Sustainer of the universe.
[1] Smoking supernova; Science daily (July 24, 2003)
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cryptobully-blog · 6 years
A City-Sized 'Telescope' Could Watch Space-Time Ripple 1 Million Times a Year
A City-Sized 'Telescope' Could Watch Space-Time Ripple 1 Million Times a Year
COLUMBUS, Ohio — A gravitational wave detector that’s 2.5 miles long isn’t cool. You know what’s cool? A 25-mile-long gravitational wave detector.
That’s the upshot of a series of talks given here Saturday (April 14) at the April meeting of the American Physical Society. The next generation of gravitational wave detectors will peer right up to the outer edge of the observable universe, looking for ripples in the very fabric of space-time, which Einstein predicted would occur when massive objects like black holes collide. But there are still some significant challenges standing in the way of their construction, presenters told the audience.
“The current detectors you might think are very sensitive,” Matthew Evans, a physicist at MIT, told the audience. “And that’s true, but they’re also the least sensitive detectors with which you can [possibly] detect gravitational waves.” [8 Ways You Can See Einstein’s Theory of Relativity in Real Life]
Current detectors, of course, are nothing to sneeze at. When the 2.5-mile-long (4 kilometers) Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) first detected space-time growing and shrinking back in 2015 — the gravitational echo of a 1.3-billion-year-old collision between two black holes — it proved the existence of the vast, invisible gravitational waves that were once entirely theoretical, and led in just two years to a Nobel Prize for LIGO’s creators.
But LIGO and its cousin, the 1.9-mile-long (3 km) Italian instrument Virgo, are fundamentally limited, the speakers said. Both detectors are only really capable of spotting gravitational waves from objects that are relatively near to Earth on the scale of the whole universe, said MIT physicist Salvatore Vitale. They’re also limited in the types of objects they can detect.
So far, there have really been just two major results from the current generation of interferometers: the 2015 detection of a black hole merger, and the August 2017 detection of two neutron stars colliding (also a hot topic at the conference). There have been a few more black hole collisions detected, but they haven’t offered much in the way of stunning results on top of the first detection.
Build scaled-up, more precise LIGOs and Virgos, or a different kind of large-scale detector called an “Einstein telescope,” Evans said, and the rate of wave detection could jump from one every few months to more than 1 million every year.
The triangular Einstein Telescope, a large-scale gravitational wave detector, is more than a decade away.
Credit: CERN
“When I say these detectors get us out to the edge of the universe, I mean they can detect nearly every binary system which merges,” he said, referring to pairs of stars, black holes and neutron stars that are colliding.
That means the possibility of detecting black holes from the very early years of the universe, probing deep mysteries of gravity, and even potentially detecting, for the first time, the gravitational waves of a star going supernova and collapsing into a neutron star or black hole. [6 Weird Facts About Gravity]
Bigger is better
So why do bigger detectors lead to more sensitive searches for gravitational waves? In order to understand that, you have to understand how these detectors work.
LIGO and Virgo are, as Live Science has previously reported, basically giant L-shaped rulers. Two tunnels branch out at right angles from each other, using lasers to make extremely fine moment-to-moment measurements of the tunnels’ lengths. When a gravitational wave passes through the detector, wiggling space itself, that length changes a tiny bit. What was once a mile becomes, briefly, slightly less than a mile. And the laser, traversing that shorter distance slightly faster, demonstrates that the change has happened.
But there’s a limit to just how fine that measurement can be. Most waves ripple the laser far too slightly for the interferometers to notice. Improving the detection technology in LIGO and Virgo’s existing tunnels can improve matters somewhat, Evans said, and there are plans to do that. But to really amplify the signal, he said, the only option is to go much bigger. [Hunting Gravitational Waves: The LIGO Laser Interferometer Project in Photos]
An L-shaped detector with 24.86-mile-long (40 km) arms, 10 times the size of LIGO, is the next step, Evans said. He called the proposal a “cosmic explorer.” It would be big enough to detect just about anything a gravitational wave detector could possibly detect, he said, but not so big that the underlying physics start to fall apart or the costs become unfeasibly high, even for this sort of eye-bleedingly expensive science project. (The final cost of LIGO ran into the hundreds of millions of dollars.)
So why a detector of that size, rather than twice or 10 times as big?
At a certain point, about 24.86 miles (40 km) long, Evans said, the light takes so long to move from one end of the tunnel to the other that the experiment can become fuzzy, making the results less precise rather than more.
At least as challenging are the costs. LIGO and Virgo are small enough that the curvature of the Earth wasn’t a significant construction challenge, Evans said. But at 24.86 miles (40 km) per arm, putting the ends of each tunnel at ground level means that the centers of the tunnels have to be 98.43 feet (30 meters) underground (assuming the ground is perfectly level).
“Over 40 kilometers,” Evans said, “the trucking distance of dirt [out of the long tunnel] starts to take over costs.”
There’s also the basic problem of finding a flat empty space large enough to build such a large detector. Evans said there’s basically nowhere in Europe big enough, and in the US the options are limited to the region of the Great Salt Lake in Utah and the Black Rock desert in Nevada.
Those space challenges drive the alternative massive gravitational wave detector design, called the Einstein telescope. While an L shape is the best way to measure a gravitational wave, Evans said, a triangle with three tunnels and multiple detectors can do nearly as good a job while taking up a much smaller space, ideal for the geographical limitations of Europe.
These detectors are still 15 to 20 years away from completion, Vitale said, and all the technology necessary to build them hasn’t yet been invented. Still, he and Evans both told the assembled scientists that “the time is now” to start working on them. Already, Vitale said, there are  eight working groups preparing a report on the scientific justification for such massive devices, due out in December 2018.
One member of the audience asked Evans whether it made sense to build, say, an 5-mile-long (8 km) detector while a true Cosmic Explorer or full-scale Einstein Telescope remains more than a decade away.
If he were on a funding committee, he wouldn’t approve such a project, because the scientific returns from doubling LIGO’s size just aren’t that big, Evans said. It’s only at the upper limits of tunnel size, that the costs of such a project would be justified, he added.
“Unless I knew that for some reason [an 8-km detector would be the largest ever realistically possible to build], it’s just not worth it,” he said.
Still, Vitale said, that doesn’t mean scientists have to wait 15 to 20 years for the next major phase of gravitational wave results. As more detectors on the current scale come online, including the Virgo-sized Kamioka Gravitational Wave Detector (KAGRA) in Japan and the LIGO-sized LIGO-India, and as the existing detectors improve, researchers will have the opportunity to measure individual gravitational waves from more angles at once, enabling more detections and more detailed conclusions about where they come from.
Original article on Live Science.
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New Post has been published on Attendantdesign
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This Borg Cube makes your
No, it’s no longer the handiest glowing cube PC you may buy.
But it is probably the only one with the intention to try to take in your humanity into its cybernetic collective thoughts. This is the Borg Cube, a formally licensed Star Trek laptop with an as an alternative distinct chassis. And it is no longer pretty much the seems: This PC appears remarkably small considering the amazing components you will find internal. (Disclosure: Star Trek owner CBS is also CNET’s parent agency.)
According to its creators,
the “Borg CubeVR” gaming PC you spot above will measure simply 12 inches (30.5cm) on an aspect, and a smaller Borg Cube centered at media facilities may be an eighth the scale at 6 by way of 6 by using 6 inches (or 15 via 15 through 15 centimeters).
Intriguingly, in addition, they inform CNET what you are seeing isn’t only a plastic shell around a steel frame — they declare to have created an interlocking layout where the walls themselves can act because of the structure of the chassis.
Borg-cube-Cherrytree–sizes The Borg Cube comes in sizes. Martin Roth/Cherrytree They’re both restrained-version items, unluckily. To commemorate the conflict of Wolf 359 (where the Borg destroyed the Federation Armada), they’ll be promoting simply 359 devices of each version, inside the US and Europe, starting on September 26, proper here.
Prices start at $599 (more or less £460 or AU$755) for the access-level model with a Core i3 processor, 8GB of RAM and a 128GB SSD, and it sounds just like the sky is the limit for the Borg CubeVR, so as to feature up to 2 GPUs, a water-cooled 22-center Xeon processor, 64GB of RAM and room for six SSDs.
Here are all the specifications we’ve thus far:
Borg Cube, $599
Intel Core i3-7100 twin-centre three.9GHz processor Integrated pics Asus H110S2/CSM mini-STX motherboard 8GB G.Skill Ripjaws memory 128GB M.2 2280 SATA III storage Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 8260 Wi-Fi 120W outside strength supply Windows 10 Home (Linux is alternative) 6 by 6 through 6-inch injection-molded polycarbonate chassis Borg Cube, $899 (roughly £690, AU$1, a hundred thirty)
Intel Core i5-7600K quad-center three.8GHz processor Integrated photos Asus H110S2/CSM mini-STX motherboard 16GB Crucial DDR4 2133 reminiscence 500GB Samsung 960 Evo M.2 SSD Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 8260 Wi-Fi 120W external strength deliver Windows 10 Home (Linux is an option) 6 with the aid of 6 by way of 6-inch injection-molded polycarbonate chassis Borg CubeVR, starting spec
Intel Core i5-7600K quad-center three.8GHz processor EVGA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB photographs Asus ROG Strix Z270G Gaming micro-ATX motherboard 16GB Corsair Vengeance DDR4 3000 reminiscence 500GB Samsung 960 Evo M.2 SSD 850W EVGA Supernova 850 G3 modular energy supply Optional Blu-Ray power CPU water cooling Green illuminated fanatics, keyboard, and mouse 12 by means of 12 via 12-inch (30 via 30 via 30cm), zero.6-inch (1.5-cm) thick polyoxymethylene chassis Extruded aluminum 6-slot SSD bay Removable wall with transparent aspect panel underneath Windows 10 Home (Windows 10 Pro is an option) Taboola Sponsored Links by using YOU MAY ALSO LIKE The 9 Best Practices for Developers to Manage Their Own Code PagerDuty Inc. This Rs. 2,000 ‘Desktop PC’ Could Be the Computer You Need Sponsored by means of devices.Ndtv.Com Australian women want Muslim men to fertilize them, cause them to happy: Halal food leader Sponsored by India Today 1/4 BHK Ready To Move In Apts, Starts @36 Lacs in Pallikaranai, Chennai Sponsored via Puravankara Share your voice 6 COMMENTS Tags Desktops Star Trek
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Next Article: Mozilla CEO: A ‘massive bang’ is coming
Mozilla CEO says new Firefox browser delivers ‘a massive bang’ Three years after taking on the enterprise at the back of the Firefox browser, Chris Beard talks approximately fighting the megacorps and taking on Chrome with Firefox 57.
Tech Industry
Stephen Shankland mugshot by Stephen Shankland August 4, 2017 5:00 AM PDT @stshank Mozilla CEO Chris Beard Mozilla CEO Chris Beard in his Mountain View, California, workplace. James Martin/CNET Chris Beard grabbed hold of Mozilla’s reins at some stage in a rough time.
In the spring of 2014, Mozilla becomes looking to take on the 2 cellular software program superpowers, Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS, with its personal Firefox OS. At the equal time, its Firefox browser for PCs changed into losing users to Google’s Chrome browser. If that wasn’t hard enough, the nonprofit corporation changed into rocked to its roots when co-founder Brendan Eich stops the CEO job after a pretty visible gay-marriage controversy.
Mozilla’s new Firefox hopes Inside Mozilla: Firefox fights again Bid your swoopy Firefox tabs goodbye, starting now Mozilla beats its Rust language will make your net safer Mozilla 3 years later: Is Firefox in a higher area? So Beard, an early Mozilla executive, turned into tapped to assist pull the corporation through the crisis.
A quiet govt who can pause for an uncomfortably long time as he cautiously considers how he’ll solve a question, Beard, forty-four, do not hesitate in showing his passion for Mozilla’s software and mission. He first joined Mozilla in 2004 whilst the browser team had simply 10 personnel, and he led Firefox advertising and different projects for years. He left in 2013 for a stint as entrepreneur-in-house at undertaking capital firm Greylock Partners. After Mozilla’s control cataclysm, he left a new startup to return to Mozilla’s Mountain View, California, headquarters. His interim CEO appointment quickly became everlasting. Beard says he knew he needed to take on the job.
“I saw a real threat in Mozilla now not surviving,” Beard said in an exceptional interview. “I additionally knew how important Mozilla is inside the global. I knew how a good deal capacity there has been.”
During his three-12 months tenure, Mozilla ditched Firefox OS, commenced overhauling Firefox, made over financially vital partnerships with on line search groups, made its first acquisition and invested in new regions like virtual fact.
His job now: Get us all to care about Firefox once more. Usage of the browser has diminished in current years — even though Mozilla says it is now strong with greater than 100 million day by day users — and the opposition is fiercer than ever, with Chrome main the market. Beard is prepared for the fight, readying a new version of Firefox this is due in November and that goal to influence us that the web is better impartial, not under the control of Google and a handful of other tech giants.
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AUTOPLAY: ONOFF 1:12 “Where we have been a success in the past is more as a provocateur — an agent of right representing the humans,” he stated. “Just being that opposing pressure inside the atmosphere can result in excellent. It could be loopy to head up against Google or Apple or Facebook. But we have a function to play to keep the device a bit greater honest and a bit extra open.”
Beard talked about Firefox fifty-seven and what the future holds, together with a club plan that might supply Mozilla fanatics new offerings and benefits — and convey new sales to the enterprise.
Here’s an edited transcript of our verbal exchange.
Q: Hundreds of thousands and thousands of us use Firefox, but people aren’t as acquainted with Mozilla. Give me the huge-picture view. Beard: At the case of the browser wars [of the ’90s], the final man status changed into Microsoft. Then Microsoft laid off the browser crew. It turned into like in delusion tales in which the evil Emperor involves electricity via a few deceptive approach, the blue skies depart and all of the demons and trolls abruptly take root. There were not a variety of exciting matters going on on the web or the net at that time.
Mozilla’s cause rolled out of the state of affairs. Who’s going to rise up and try to do something about this? We should do something higher than IE [Microsoft’s Internet Explorer browser] and we should help the web and the net attain its capacity.
Our task on the time, while Mozilla genuinely got here collectively, turned into to promote desire and innovation inside the face of that environment. The method becomes to excite human beings — to give human beings a product that showed what was possible — and on the same time, bring about a higher atmosphere. We now body it in phrases of making sure the net is open and available to all, it’s wholesome, and it’s desirable. Mozilla’s an enterprise that’s all approximately ensuring that man or woman humans have a better online existence and a higher online experience. They’re on top of things in their revel in.
You succeeded in the IE war by using reigniting browser competition and moving browsers forward with pop-up blocking, tabs, and other overall performance and safety features. But that turned into them. Who’s the evil empire now? Beard: At the time, no one notion Microsoft was going to simply roll over. When we released Firefox 1.0, even once we executed some success, we regularly heard, “You men are loopy. The 800-pound gorilla is going to crush you.” We do not have the audacity to take credit score for the Cambrian explosion of the internet. Back when Firefox launched, there wasn’t YouTube or Twitter or Facebook.
Then you saw the upward thrust of mobile platforms. We have been hyper-centered on the web war and overdue to embracing cellular. Now one or two businesses essentially manipulate what you can do, what you could publish and what you could devour. And this is counter to the promise of the internet.
0 notes
{Am I…a God? Neat!}
-Chapter Three: The Stars Align Once More-
A simple meditation was all Aether wanted. A quiet moment to gather himself after the events of the Dvalin confrontation that went array. That abyss mage's whinny voice was still ringing in his ears like a faint bell but that wasn't the main thing he was worried about. The static like noise that rung out in his head a few moments ago when he was at the Adventure's Camp near Dragonspine was his main concern. It sounded so familiar and the aura that came with it was unmistakable.
Aether opened his golden eyes to glace over to Paimon as she floated near him devouring a chicken-mushroom skewer. Even she'd heard and felt the sensation, so Aether knew he wasn't losing it. To think that just maybe his guardian was alive after all these years provided the young man some comfort. Because if they were here, they'd know where Lumine is and who the Unknown God was that attacked the two. He released a sigh as he slightly hardened his face into a frown.
'Why Dragonspine of all places Cosmi...?' He thought to himself. The mountain was unforgiving and he with all honesty hated traversing it. From the sheer cold feeling too much like the day Cosmi died to the near constant stream of enemies that all but always used the environment to their advantage.
Paimon sent a worried look over towards her blonde-haired companion. While she was used to him being semi-mute the silence was normally comfortable, but this silence was nerve racking. She still can't comprehend there being a god this old and strong being connected to Teyvat let alone having created it. Though to be fair before Aether went silent, he commented a bit on what the feeling meant and reassured her that everything was fine.
"Paimon thinks we should head to the peak as soon as possible...Did you hear Iris mentioning seeing the Fatui pulling out of the area and adventures cheering about a lack of monsters as well? This may be our only chance to get there was very little resistance..And besides we shouldn't keep them waiting this tugging sensation is getting stronger...."
All she got in response was a nod the blonde still seemed to be not talking seemingly lost in thought. She decided to take this time to fill the tense air with her chatter and question to hopefully make Aether relax a little or at least get some more answers from him. "So, Aether what are they like?" He paused his movements for a moment scanning the snowy area for a bit before humming," Cosmi was....is the most understanding yet unfeeling being I've known...They seem distant but there's a fondness and closeness that always told me I was loved...when my sister and I would travel the world's they created they'd always give us this knowing smile and some items that would help us on our journey in that world..."
Paimon nodded her head processing the information," Hmm they sound pretty great--Wait what is that?!" Her gray eyes caught sight of a weird creature that was floating near them. It was mainly a mint green with blue. It looked similar to a seelie and slime mixed together. It had what appeared to be two large bulbous arms that weren't connected to it but moved in tandem with it. The creature floated closer slightly closer raising one arm like a covering one's eyes from the sun before releasing a sharp chirp like sound and all but charging in their direction.
The white-haired child released a squeak as she zipped behind Aether who took a protective stance pulling out his sword. The creature then stopped a few feet in front of them. Close enough that They would clearly see it but not close enough for Aether to swing his sword and attack. It waved its arms in an excited motion twirling happily and overall appeared to be dancing. "What the heck is that?!?!"
"I'm not sure, but at least it appears friendly...?" Aether said quietly. He wasn't too sure of his claim but was at least semi confident he could take it out if it came down to a fight. The creature then released a soft jingle as it floated around Aether seemingly trying to communicate. The blonde's face held a mild smile as he tried to hide his confusion and concern though his eyes betrayed him. Paimon's face suddenly lit up and her small halo gained a soft golden glow as the stars turned white.
As the lights dimmed bit Paimon seemed to gain a smug smile to her face as the creature then began to give a series of jingles and she began to nod her little head. She then placed a hand on her chin eyes closed in apparent contemplation before she smirked a little as she spoke," He said his name is Polaris and he can help us get to the peak...he says someone named (Y/n) tasked him with gathering all the creatures of the mountain to the peak as well..."
"Wait isn't that the all-creator? What do they want with hillichurls and slimes?" Paimon asked curiously. The creature now known as Polaris, released another set of jingles causing the floating child nod again as she spoke," Yeah that makes sense...He said that the (Y/n) wanted to personally introduce themselves to the inhabitants of Dragonspine and also get a head count of every being that lives on the mountain..."
Aether's expression suddenly dropped hearing this," So I will have to wait to speak with them then..." He was a bit miffed at the thought of having to wait to see his parent again especially since he knows where they are, and he has no clue if they really know of Lumine's disappearance or not. The boy decided it would be best to focus on something else, so he began to speak, "Well how are you going to help us reach the peak? It's blocked off by a barrier of pure cryo energy..."
At his question Polaris waved his gelatinous arms in apparent glee before wrapping them around both Paimon and Aether as it glowed a soft golden color. "Hey, wait what are you?!" Paimon attempted to screech as the golden light blurred their vision before fading showing a large exit of a cavern with a waypoint statue nearby. There was an unprecedented number of enemies from slimes and whooper flowers to the cryo hypostasis and lawachurls. To say it was unsettling to be around such strong creatures and so many at that would be putting it lightly.
Polaris then let go of the two as it then shot into the air towards a figure that was floating above the ruins. Its soft jingles could be heard though faintly, Aether looked over at Paimon for a possible explanation as to what it was saying but the girl just gave her own unsure shrug turning her attention back towards the creatures that were all now definitely staring at them.
Aether nervously stopped himself from grabbing his sword before his thoughts were drawn towards a figure that was casually approaching the two. His eyes slowly adjusted to spot the unmistakable figure of arguably the most important being in his life next to his sister, standing (Well relatively speaking they were still floating a bit off the ground) in front of him that same calm and gentle smile on their face. Though looking at their eyes he knew they were exhausted.
The young man wordless charged towards them as they opened their arms embracing their son. "Oh, Aethereal it has been many a nova since we last saw each other hasn't it...I've missed you as well..." It was at this point Paimon decided to cut in, "Oh wow so you're the all-creator? It's nice to meet you! Paimon has been taking good care of Aether while you were away! Does Paimon get a reward?"
(Y/n) did their best to hold back a chuckle at the small child's words. Rubbing their son's back as the young man was still clinging onto them, they spoke," Just a moment Paimon...Though I thank you for giving my dearest starlight a reliable companion in such a difficult time in his life..." While they meant what they'd said they soon regretted speaking it out as Paimon all but seemed to glow from the praise.
At seeing the little fairy puff up in pride (Y/n) turned their attention back to their son," Aether dear I'm not going anywhere you can let me go..." Though they tried to pry the blonde's arms from them it did little to stop Aether from hugging tighter as he began to shake. The tears he was shedding having barely settled. This drew a sigh from the older being as they gave him a tired smile softly pressing a gentle kiss to the top of his head.
"You were always the more sensitive one of you two...Oh how this reminds me of when you were little..." At the start of the sentence Aether moved his head a bit trying to hide his embarrassment releasing a small whine of protest. "Oh, it's nothing to be embarrassed about Aethereal~" They teased as the boy then moved a bit letting go of the hug but still clinging onto the sleeves of (Y/n)'s shirt.
(Y/n) took the silence that grew over everything as an opportunity to speak freely," I know where Luminous is, but it will be difficult getting to her as I am now...I'm sorry there isn't more I can do...being dormant for so long as drained much of my power for regeneration..." Aether seemed to shake his head a bit before softly speaking fearing his voice would betray him, "Cosmi...It's fine as long as you know where she is I-...I'll be okay.." Taking a moment to wipe the young man's tears (Y/n) gave another soft smile.
"Now Paimon about that reward of yours...hmmm" The ancient being closed their eyes for a spilt second before sticking a hand towards Paimon in a giving motion. For a moment nothing happened until the halo upon the floating child's head glowed a soft gold once more before the light faded," There that should be adequate enough..." The white-haired child tilted her head confused," But Paimon doesn't feel any different...?"
Her reaction caused (Y/n) to release a small chuckle," Try thinking of something you want most little one" They said as they held an amused look. Paimon seemed to think for a moment," Paimon could go for some sticky honey roast right about now..." At the child's words her halo glowed the same soft gold as before as a plate suddenly appeared floating in front of her. On it a plate of sticky honey roast sat as if it were pulled fresh from the oven.
The floating child's eyes seemed to pop out of her small head as she didn't know how to react to the dish's sudden appearance. "Oh, and one more thing little one...use this little gift wisely while it may be tempting to use all the time too much and you'll tire yourself out..." Paimon nodded her little head so fast Aether was sure it would fly off before she dug into the roast that was oddly still warm despite the chill of the mountain.
"Back to more important matters now...Aethereal you'll have to introduce me to your new friends I'm quite interested in meeting them. And as far as the issue with Dvalin goes I will assist in curing him..." Aether's mood seemed to greatly increase at that, "Of course Cosmi...and I'm glad you're back..." The old god smiled as they spoke, "Me too little star...me too"
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{Am I a...God? Neat!}
-Chapter Four: Of Dragons and Power-
There were many ways (Y/n) thought this introduction would go. But having the Anemo Archon curled up in a ball seeming about to cry in front of his subjects as his true form was revealed was not one such scenario they thought would occur. The old god physically cringed hearing the high-pitched wail that came from the small wisp as he tried to return to his original form with failure. They released a sigh leaning down and picking him up before spinning his small form once like a spin-top in their hands. This action caused a small whirlwind to form before Venti was back to his usual form.
"Apologizes little wisp, I didn't think that my being here would destabilize you..." Despite them trying to speak the others (Jean, Diluc, and Venti), only heard what sounded like multiple disembodied and cracking voices. Like a group of people were saying the same thing but overlapping each other. It was intelligible but greatly unnerving at the same time. Noticing their reactions Aether facepalmed slight before turning to them, "Cosmi...did you forget about what your voice sounds like to others...?"
(Y/n) released a small laugh, though it was still echoey, before snapping their fingers creating a spark of light. They then grabbed the light with their other hand tracing an intricate pattern. It looked like a star of some sort but very pointy. It was white and gold yet oddly, despite being made of light, didn't seem to glow. The odd star then floated upwards before settling behind their head like a halo. "There is that better...?" Their voice now sounded like one person speaking.
The air was still tense however, the three Mondstadters in front of them were understandably on edge. The old god sighed, "I will answer any and all questions you have for me if that soothes you all.." At this the blonde, Jean gingerly raised her hand," H-how is it that you destabilized Lord Barbatos just by being in the room...?" At the question (Y/n) placed a hand on their chin closing their eyes in thought. They took a moment before answering, "I believe it has something to do with him being an archon...or that I even after all these years still cannot truly mask my divine energies..."
"Therefore, they clashed thought me being not only older but stronger it caused him to destabilize. I'm truly sorry about that though I must admit it was amusing..." Aether shook his head hearing them say that before Diluc interjected, "And we are supposed to just trust what you say? The very idea that you are whom you say is hard to grasp as nowhere in human history is there mention of a primordial god of Teyvat..."
Jean sent a slightly desperate look at the redhead silently urging him to take back what he'd insinuated for fear of angering the being in front of them. Though the young man had no intuition of doing so, God or not they could be a threat to Mondstadt and for that he could not let this slide. The challenge caused (Y/n) to release an amused chuckle as they held back a laugh before they composed themselves and spoke.
"Well little Ragnvindr if you truly find the concept hard to understand it would be because the castle in the sky ensured that me existence was all but erased from history. However unfortunately for it the world still answers to me and me alone..." As they spoke Aether tugged slightly on their sleeve shaking his head. This caused them to give a muted sigh in response, "But since my little Starlight doesn't see it fit for me to display that power here let us head to the ruins of Old Mondstadt...Once I cure Dvalin of his affliction maybe you will understand I am no threat to your beloved nation..."
"By the way you might want to check on that little Lyre of yours I saved you the favor of returning it broken by repairing it and also imbuing it with a protection charm so that it cannot be broken again...While I would have liked to see Deaconess Barbara's reaction to its sorry state in person, I have more important matters to attend to that require my full attention..." The two vision bearers seemed to be slightly unnerved by the words of the being in front of them, but they weren't sure they had much choice
"Now let's be off we haven't a moment to spare that poor dragon has suffered long enough...and I'm sure you wouldn't want to Fatui to an Ursa the Drake once more...Be advised this might get uncomfortable." At their words Paimon released a small squeal at the feeling of being teleported once more. The group was now at the entrance to Stormterror's Lair, or as (Y/n) had called it Old Mondstadt though how they knew the name of the ruins and the place was unsettling to the newer additions.
"Venti, would you like to do the honors of breaking the barrier...oh and don't worry about the Hillichurls they will not be a problem..." At this Venti nervously took out his lyre and began to play dispelling the barrier making a small comment on its awful noise. The group began their journey into the old ruins, though it was odd. While there were Hillichurls and slimes about they didn't seem all the interested in attacking anyone. The monsters actually seemed to be clearing a path for the group.
"How strange the creatures here aren't attacking in any capacity." Jean muttered to herself through loud enough for the group to here. Paimon took this as her chance to speak," It probably has something to do with the fact that (Y/n) is here with us...back in Dragonspine they gathered up all the monsters of the mountain not single one attacked at any point." At her words Diluc's face seemed to scrunch up in distaste like what he'd just heard was proof enough not to trust this "All-Creator" The old being chuckled at his reaction taking a moment to stop and float in place seeming in thought.
Aether turned around for a moment noticing that they were lagging behind the group and as he went to speak, they only shook their head and gesture for him to continue on ahead, "I'm going to go ahead and disable the barriers over the ruins you lot can head on up and prepare for a short fight." Humming as they floated off somewhere the blonde boy could only sigh at his parent's antics. Sure, he knew they didn't care if they were trusted but he did. These people were technically his friends, so he wanted everyone to get along.
Paimon looked at her travel companion in confusion as they had all reached the top of the ruins, but the others just now noticed that (Y/n) was nowhere in sight. The white-haired child spoke what the rest were thinking, "Where'd (Y/n) go? Weren't they just with us?" Aether took a few moments before speaking, "Cosmi said they were going to dispel the three barriers blocked our way to Dvalin..."
"How did they know about the barriers? I only just realized they were here..." Venti asked in confusion. Jean seemed to have the same contemplating expression," They also seem to know a lot about us and Mondstadt as a whole." Diluc stayed silent though his demeanor gave way to what he was thinking that this being knew too much and they knew too little. As Aether went to respond suddenly the three barriers just broke and vanished almost instantaneously.
The shadows in one of the ruins corners seemed to bend and mold before (Y/n) casually walked out of them, the shadows them returning to normal," I know just about everything there is to know about Teyvat...except for the reason Celestia exists." They spoke not exactly looking at anyone but obviously speaking to them, "Because not only did I not institute such a power I find its very existence bothersome...on another note let us be off to save the dragon of the east."
The group although mostly hesitant follow after (Y/n) deeper into the ruins. Dvalin flew overhead Venti sending Aether into the sky to rid Dvalin of two blood clots the third remaining as the blond was knocked from the sky. While the primordial being trusted the archon to catch their son they still did not wish to take the chance and floated upwards snagging the boy from the air like one catches a falling cat.
They gingerly set him down noticing the group was now on a platform, the dragon flying closer once more beginning his attack. That was at least until (Y/n) raised their arms into an X a faint periwinkle glow overtaking them before they swiped down sending a frost infused wind towards the dragon knocking him slightly prone over the platform. The last blood clot seemed to pulsate more as the others began their assault.
After a few hits Dvalin recovered himself and staggered as he flew a bit away. The dragon took this moment to concentrate his power as a shower of concentrated Anemo bullets rained down shattering most of the platforms excluding the one the group was standing on. (Y/n) narrowed their eyes slightly," A-ha, this is Dvalin's ace in the hole: Caelestinum Finale Termini!" Venti said as he watched fo his old friend struggle to fight. Paimon held a look much like that of displeased and confused child as she spoke, "...This dragon has strange taste when it comes to naming things."
The archon gave a short giggle as he responded," That's because I named it for him just now...hehe" Paimon then gave a protest at his actions before they focused their attention back to the raging dragon. He was once again swooping down to attack. "This should be the last stretch of this battle..." (Y/n) said softly though everyone heard them. Once more the old god sent a cryo infused wind towards the dragon knocking him down enough to expose the cause of his blight.
Aether then climbed up the dragon's neck using his sword to send one last attack at the blood clot before it completely shattered. The dragon then struggled again thrashing around as the corruption left his system. This caused the remaining platforms to give under his weight. (Y/n)'s eyes widened slightly at the sudden feeling but quickly gathered themself preparing a shield that would grab everyone but was stopped as Dvalin caught the group breaking their concentration.
The group was quite for a bit porcessing the events that just occured. Venti was the first to speak, "It's been a while since we flew like this together, huh, Dvalin?" He spoke with great fondness as a gentle smile overtook his expression. Dvalin was silent reeling from the entire situation before he finally spoke, "Just now... Why... Why did you not ask me to protect you like the last time?" The poor child thouhgt of his past actions in unspoken agony.
Venti sighed as he spoke, "Me not wanting you to listen to the Abyss Order doesn't mean that you have to listen to me...Freedom, if demanded of you by an archon, is really no freedom at all." The wisp smiled as he then concentrated his power into a ball of pure anemo energy giving it to Dvalin. The dragon felt the power boot and his worries seem to flow away like a leaf in the autumn breeze.
His relief nearly brought him to tears, yet he spoke regardless, "Is this... the power of the Anemo Archon? But I am no longer part of the Four Winds." The dragon new his previous actions couldn't be entirely excused, and he certainly couldn't understand why the archon would grant him such power especially considering he no longer held his position as a protector of his beloved nation.
 Venti allowed a carefree smile to overtake his features as he spoke, "Even if that's so, you still protected us regardless...Now, spread your wings of freedom and go with my blessing." The group then enjoyed the flight back to Mondstadt feeling the winds flow freely around them and the beautiful view that was below.
The group was back in Mondstadt for a while Jean cleared up any misunderstandings with the citizens and knights also taking the time to introduce (Y/n) to the nation, though as per request she did leave out the fact they were not only a god but the creator of all that is. The old god was simply introduced as Aether's parent and a friend of Mondstadt. Though most of the citizens didn't pay them much mind, choosing instead to focus on their Acting Grandmaster and Honorary Knight.
The events died down and everything seemed to be fine. The city was rather lively despite it now being late afternoon. Everyone had dispersed and Diluc seemed to have given (Y/n) some credit as he wasn't as tense around them before he left. Jean was much the same, it seemed that the assist provided by the old god during Dvalin's confrontation settled any worry that they were a threat.
(Y/n) sent Aether and Paimon off to rest saying they needed to handle something important. Aether was reluctant to part from them but after much coaxing and a promise to be back soon he allowed them to leave. They followed a trail of anemo energy that was sure to lead them to Venti, the archon was sitting on the hands of his statue near the Cathedral. The night air was cool but nothing too chilly and the stars were bright.
The primordial one floated upwards quietly watching the archon softly play a tune on his lyre seemingly lost deep in his thoughts. "I see despite being the god of freedom you yourself lack it in a general sense." Venti seemed to all but jump out his skin hearing the sudden voice. He nearly dropped his lyre carefully hugging it to his chest to ensure that it was indeed still there. "What makes you say that oh antient god I've never met before..."
Sensing his mild sarcasm (Y/n) rolled their eyes, "It would have something to do with your ties to the parasite you know as Celestia...Your Gnosis makes you duty bound to serve it regardless of what you wish." They took this moment to sit on the head of the statue looking down at Venti as he quickly turned around to face them a look of shock on his face," H-how did you know that...?"
He only received a small, amused smile from them before they finally spoke again," I said before that I know much...the only thing I cannot understand is the motives of these alleged gods of Celestia. However, I do know that the gnosis is the reason your power has diminished greatly over the years...it feeds off your people's worship and your active involvement in their lives...since you do not actively participate in ruling as an archon it has merely been feeding from you alone."
"That isn't how a Gnosis works. So, you don't really know as much as you say..." Venti countered though he seemed unsure of his retort. (Y/n) chuckled," Oh but it is...I can tell as much simply from how you use your power...If you would like I can do away with the parasite's hold on you...and you needed worry about attracting Celestia's ire since my arrival in Mondstadt they've been more worried on collecting power from the nations whose archons rule. Though in the end I will still be far more powerful even in my weakened state."
The archon could only watch in astonishment as the being in front of them stared at him silently awaiting his answer. Should he trust them to rid him of this burden? Sure, he never trusted Celestia and their reasoning, but he had seen what happens when they were defied. He couldn't risk his people, but at the same time is he not already by not ruling over as an archon should? It seemed only question after question ran through his mind before the sound of someone clearing their throat broke his concentration.
He turned his attention back to (Y/n) as they smiled. They waved their hand in a circle anemo energy seemed to gather quickly before forming the Gnosis he had. Venti released a gasp as he no longer felt his Gnosis residing within him. Suddenly he felt the winds converge on his person like a blanket wrapped tightly around him before the feeling faded and he felt stronger. The feeling was similar to his time during the Archon war, when he was in his prime but more intense. Yet he didn't feel wrong, it was like this was the strength he was meant to have. Like a chain had been broken.
"That is the power you should be able to harness but this little thing has not only been consuming such power but was also acting as a limiter of it...So here's the question...do you want it back?" They asked him in a voice that given the situation sounded taunting though something told Venti they were being genuine. He took a few moments before shaking his head, "N-no...I don't want it back.."
(Y/n) gave the wisp a soft smile as they clutched the gnosis in their hand making it disappear in a burst of darkness, "Good...there will be a confrontation tomorrow I have given you a fake Gnosis not that anyone will know of course...just be sure not to let anyone know that it if. I'll see you tomorrow then little wisp..." With that the being seemed to dissipate into the shadows.
"J-just what are they...to manipulate such power like mere child's play...are they really a god above all..." Venti whispered to himself in awe and slight horror. Too much was happening at once he needed a break.
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{Am I...a God? Neat!}
-Chapter Eight: Of Cracked Stone & Shattered Faith-
"So, tell me...not that I don't already have an idea, what is this meeting for?" The older of the beings asked as they sat floating on the air like a chair. Zhongli's eyes narrowed slightly in minor confusion but also annoyance. "I would like to ask what you are doing here...and if you plan to interfere with my plans for Liyue.." All he received in reply was a hum. (Y/n) made a gesture as if pondering how to answer before shrugging. "Well little dragon that entirely depends on how you answer my question...and if I like your response."
The air surrounding the two became tense as Zhongli began to exert his godly aura. "And you think I would let you so easily?" The old god laughed to themself finding his attempted display of dominance amusing. Their face began to distort as a cracking noise permeated the air. The vessels face was gone leaving behind a black void. It seemed the replacement "face" absorbed all light. Zhongli felt himself growing weak as a malicious pressure began to compress his heart. It was like this entity was grabbing it and pumping it by hand.
The void face then gained a single eye or was it multiple. He couldn't tell the little lights that seemed to float around were hard to distinguish from stars or eyes. For the first time in a while, he felt genuine fear. He couldn't focus on anything other than the presence of the primordial being in front of him, but one thing was clear, he did not feel safe in the slightest.
And just as quickly as the atmosphere changed it was reverted back. The entity in front him returned back to their initial appearance and he retracted his aura back. "Hopefully now that that's out of the way we can continue our discussion...What are your thoughts on Celestia and its rules? Honesty only or it might end badly for you and your lovely little nation." (Y/n) said with a smile, though it did not fully reach their eyes.
Zhongli could only stand as he tried to process the situation at hand. He remembered vividly what Guizhong would tell him about the entity she learned of and subsequently worshiped. That while they can be nice, they can be equally as cruel, and their ire was not something to be taken lightly. On the same hand he remembered what Celestia did to past nations that defied them, a fate he did not wish to repeat for his people.
And yet he began to speak. Giving the ancient god his unfiltered and honest thoughts about the castle in the sky. He spoke of his unease and resentment, of his regrets and hopes. The dragon was shocked with himself when he finished speaking a truth that he agreed to keep hidden. He felt he'd broken the terms of his contract something he didn't think was possible, and something he feared more than even erosion.
(Y/n) smiled and hummed in thought before they stood grabbing both of Zhongli's shaky hands. They gave a small reassuring squeeze and let go before speaking," Worry not little dragon your contracts do not apply to me for I have asked of you the truth...Liyue will not suffer the spear of Celestia...in fact the information you've given me has only aided in my plans to get rid of the parasite plaguing this world."
They nodded as they moved towards the cliff's edge that overlooked Liyue," I'm sure you can already feel that I have taken your gnosis, worry not for I've replaced it with a fake so your deal with the Fatui will still be completed...and another thing you are not to relay this information to them it would be such a shame if my only source of entertainment were to turn hazardous."
Zhongli could only hum in mild dissatisfaction feeling his voice would fail him. This reaction caused (Y/n) to chuckle," At a loss for words are we well it's a good thing you are about to fake your death in 5 minutes...Let us part here but know this I will be watching" The male's face held a worried frown as he watched them dissipate into shadow like wisps that faded soon after. He wondered if he should rethink his decision to step down as archon but figured it was too late to change the events that were set in motion.
~A few moments later~
"Starlight are you sure you don't want me to handle this little ginger?" (Y/n) asked their son as he stood with the 11th of the Fatui Harbingers. They found the whole situation entertaining from the guards chasing them and their kids to the ginger coming to their "rescue". The blonde merely shook his head at his parent hoping he could handle this himself, though he wondered what they had in store for the harbinger should he change his mind.
Childe's face held a nervous smile as he looked between the two conversing in front of him. He noticed that the blonde was hostile to him after mentioning his affiliation with the fatui but also that the other person was indifferent to his presence. From what Signora informed the Tsarista the blonde was of little consequence but the other person, the boy's parent, was not only dangerous but someone to be avoided.
While he loved a challenge, he wasn't entirely sure if fighting someone who gave off the same energy as the hostile environment of the abyss was worth it. He would make his final decision later. Since they accepted his help, he gave them the Sigil of Permission and directed them to Jueyun Karst in search of the Adepti. All the while he felt eyes boring into him. Childe knew deep down who the cause of it was, but he hoped the longer he ignored it the more likely they would direct their attention away from him.
"Well, my little starlight we have our assignment let's be off then but first I need to talk a bit more with Childe, so I'll meet you outside the gates alright?" (Y/n) said as they pat the blonde's hair down gently and nudged him and Paimon towards the stairs. Deciding against fighting his parent on it, Aether gently grabbed Paimon by her collar and rushed towards the gates of Liyue to avoid being spotted.
Once they were sure the children were out of ear shot the god turned their full attention back towards Childe. "I know of your intentions Ajax, and I will only say this once...hurt my children and you will deeply regret...also keep your agents away from them as well it is a waste of resources seeing as they won't ever report back." As they finished, they smiled before beginning to walk away," Oh and by the way...if a spare is what you want, I shall oblige when the time is right..."
With that they walked off leaving Childe alone to his thoughts. The ginger could feel the power raiding off them as they left. It was stronger than the abyssal creatures, hell it was even stronger than the displays of power from the Tsarista herself. He felt himself in mild turmoil, sure staying loyal to the Tsarista wasn't entirely a priority outside of keeping his family safe. And he loved the thrill of the fight, but now he wasn't sure how to proceed.
It was very clear that he wasn't simply threatened but promised. He was also off put by how they knew of his true name, a name he only uses with family. 'What are they...could they be that god from those reports...?' He thought to himself before heading inside of Northland Bank away from prying eyes and ears, though he felt, no he knew that they were still watching him, and they were listening. He'd never been more excited for a confrontation before, though for now he'd keep it civil.
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{Am I…a God? Neat!}
-Chapter Six: The City of Contracts and a Primordial Promise-
The old god was softly humming while keeping a watchful eye on their son and his companion as the two bickered back and forth about food. (Y/n) enjoyed the gentle breeze that blew as they reached Mingyun Village. They sighed softly feeling the presence of lost souls nearby, not to mention the various Hilichurls that inhabited the area. Luckly, they stayed mostly out of the way or at the very least were remaining docile. There was two samachurls, one dendro the other hydro, that seemed to be trying to subtly follow the trio.
The two creatures had been following the group since they crossed the border into Liyue. 'How odd, I haven't even interacted with the residents of this nation, yet they have the same reactions as those of Dragonspine...almost as if they know of me...' At the thought they chuckled. 'It seems my dearest Dorian is working fast to inform the creatures of Teyvat of my arrival...I guess I should check on how he's settling in soon...though not until I assure Aethereal safe arrival in Liyue Harbor.'
Noticing the two ahead stopping in the middle of the abandoned village (Y/n) took a second to scan the area. Remembering that the two samachurls weren't the only thing following them their eyes narrowed making contact with a Fatui Pyro Agent that was attempting to cloak himself with the shadows. "Starlight we should keep moving..." At their voice the blonde and his white-haired companion stopped conversing about Liyue and the village turning their attention to the older entity.
"I'm sure your tired but there is an Inn nearby...If we keep up the pace, we can arrive by Sunset...I'll even slow down time a smidge to ensure we don't have to travel at night..." They said a smile on their face as they waved a hand to the sky, sure enough the fast-moving sun seemed to slow down as did the passing clouds. Paimon could only stare in awe as she witnessed another display of power from the creator.
Her navy-blue eyes sparkled brightly as she gasped softly before she zipped directly in front of the primordial god waving her arms and screaming excitedly. "Woooah!! You can control time too!! Paimon wishes Paimon could do something cool like that!!" All the floating child got in response was a soft smile followed by a huff and headpat.
"Some day when you realize your potential is more than you can eat you will be capable of much so more." The white-haired child could only look on in confusion as she was softly grabbed and held like a toddler before resuming their humming and continuing to walk. As they approached the broken bridge the creator adjusted a sleeping Paimon on their hip as they began to walk. The bridge was quick to repair itself with every step. Aether followed behind silently observing their parent casually displaying power far beyond mortal comprehension.
It reminded him that his, and likely his sister's, powers were still sealed off as a result of their loss in the fight against the Unknown God. But if Cosmi wasn't too concerned about it he would keep his mouth shut and trust their judgement for now. He gave a soft sigh as they crossed the now intact bridge. The passed by some small ruins and (Y/n) seemed to stop for a moment as if sensing something nearby.
Sure enough, they sighed in mild disappointment before continuing to walk. "What was that about Cosmi?" Aether asked softly as to not wake Paimon. The old god glanced at him for a second, taking a moment before responding," I sensed the residue of a long dead god in those ruins...Once I get you two settled into the inn for the night, I will be investigating it for a bit...and before you as no Starlight you cannot come. This is a bit too dangerous a situation for you to handle just yet."
The blonde couldn't help the pout that took over his face upon hearing he once again couldn't accompany them on one of their excursions and investigations. But ultimately, he understood, they were far older than he and understood each of their worlds intricately. It was safer for them to handle any rising problems than for him to get unnecessarily involved and get hurt. He had much to learn before he could ever hope to take over a position at their side.
The trio reached the inn just as (Y/n) had said, sunset. The fading light provided an excellent view of the Wangshu Inn and the beautiful tree it was attached to. Noticing the broken stairs (Y/n)'s face took on a sharp scrunched up look as they questioned why there were so many unrepaired structures in the surrounding area. 'No matter I'll just fix it like before...' As Paimon and Aether stopped to converse with the locals the old god moved to the stairs.
Like with the bridge as it repaired with each step on one of the fractured parts. They could hear the murmurs and gasps of the onlookers both below and above. Reaching the top of the stairs they were greeted by the innkeeper Huai'an and his wife the boss of the inn, Verr Goldet. The two were throwing questions after question before (Y/n) just smiled holding up a hand to gesture it was no problem. At this point Aether and Paimon had caught up using the elevator.
The trio got a room as the sun set completely the moon beginning to rise high into the sky. Paimon had since passed out on the left side of the bed in the room. Aether was refusing to go to sleep like a stubborn child until (Y/n) returned from their excursion. To which they sighed knowingly before kissing his forehead and leaving. Though they made sure to have a chat with Verr Goldet about informing Ningguang of their intended arrival in Liyue Harbor. They then dissipated into the shadows of the night.
Headed towards the Guili Assembly ruins the old god took a moment to decide a course of action this arc. "Should I fully interfere before everything begins or should I let it play out and ruin the fun in the end? What do you think Guizhong..?"
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