#the chronicles of metina and temun
the-orangeauthor · 2 years
11, 13, and 16!
Thank you for the asks!!
11. What was the highlight of your writing career this year?
I think I answers this elsewhere but finishing the wand and the wolf!!
Also the fact that I fleshed out Raynor a little more and I let myself have some fun with exploring the possibilities of this universe.
13. Did you start any new projects?
I started a little bit on The Assassins Party / The Chronicles of Metina and Temun which was fun since it’s so unlike the other plot lines I’ve thought of so far. It will probably go on hold for a while though since it occurs further down the timeline of the Raynorverse, but exploring that story helped me out a lot of other parts in perspective.
16. Who was your favourite character to write?
Ibhan my beloved, simply because he is basically me. A little mean spirited and always sarcastic. A multitude of hobbies to keep himself occupied, and someone who claims to want to be alone but actually loves company
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the-orangeauthor · 3 years
Double WIP intro for:
The Assassins Party
The Chronicles Of Metina and Temun
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A little unconventional to do a 2 in 1 wip intro but I have a good reason for it!
First off, these do take place in the Raynorverse but the Chronicles Of metina and temun will most likely be able to read separately. Click here for more info on Raynor!
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The Chronicles Of Metina and Temun
Genre: Fantasy, adventure, action
POV: (most likely) first person dual POV
A short story collection featuring Metina and Temun, two rebellious friends who lead a group of rogues, warriors, and thieves against a tyrannical Queen in the warlands. This collection features all kinds of heists and missions that the two embark on to take back from the Queen and her loyal minions.
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The Assassins Party
Genre: Fantasy, adventure, action
POV: first person (Metina)
Metina is a notorious assassin with a wide reach of control amongst the warlands more... morally ambiguous types. Finally reaching her last straws, she decides that now is the perfect time for her to pull in all her favours and go straight for the head of the beast - The Queens Castle. Accompanied by her best friend, Temun, the two plan the largest job they've ever dared to try, but along the way they stumble upon a group of creatures, mismatched and out of place, that just might be able to help them out.
Ah yes, that's right, The Assassins Party falls into 'The Legends of Raynor' and will take place once the barrier has fallen and our characters brace themselves for the rest of Earth.
A little snippet to entice you:
"I need you to trust me, Temun, or get out."
"God, you are so dramatic sometimes," he said as he walked over to the drawing board. "I put my life in your hands 15 years ago when I let you teach me to swim. I haven't asked for it back since," he reminded me and I smiled.
"I hate you," I replied and he slung an arm over my shoulder as he inspected the board.
"We need more weapons," he said and I nodded.
"I've called in some pretty big favours," I said with a grin and I saw Temuns eyes light up like a little kid at a fair.
"You didn't."
"I did," I said smugly, checking the time on my pocket watch, "any minute now."
Themes and tropes you can expect from both:
Found family but they're all criminals
Main relationship: unbreakable platonic friendship
A lot of heists and missions type plot lines
A fair amount of violence
Robin Hood-esque espionage
Eat The Rich
Magic of course
Also these go very well hand in hand because all of the heists that take place in the Chronicles are name dropped in The Assassins Party!!
Search the tags 'TAP' or 'The Chronicles Of Metina and Temun' for more posts!
Raynor - The Wand and the Wolf
I'm gonna go ahead and tag a few people who may possibly be interested but please let me know if you'd like to be on the taglist for this work! (Or all Raynor associated works!)
@ashen-crest @zmlorenz @stories-by-rie @akindofmagictoo @athenixrose @writing-with-melon
Image IDs for the covers below the cut!
On the right is another cover. The background is of an old map laid out on the table, the paper is brown with age and there are a few islands outlined in black. There are a few random objects over the map like small images, notebooks and a pair of glasses. The title reads 'The Chronicles Of Metina and Temun' in black lettering. One of the journals is open and the page reads 'wanted in: all of the warlands, home, heaven, hell - by popular demand.'
On the right is another cover. The background is of an old map laid out on the table, the paper is brown with age and there are a few islands outlined in black. There are a few random objects over the map like small images, notebooks and a pair of glasses. The title reads 'The Chronicles Of Metina and Temun' in black lettering. One of the journals is open and the page reads 'wanted in: all of the warlands, home, heaven, hell - by popular demand.'
End image ID
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the-orangeauthor · 3 years
Metina and Temun bring you:
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A Name Your Own Adventure Game!!!
Since the Chronicles Of Metina and Temun is a collection of bizarre short stories, I want to base them off random titles generated by you lovely people!
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Name your own Adventure:
Step 1 - What day is your birthday on?
Step 1 - What day were you born?
Winteridge 's
Step 2 - What Month were you born?
January - Midnight
February - Dancing/Dance
March - Spring
April - Ballroom
May - Moonlight
June - Fete
July - Summer
August - Gala
September - Autumn/Fall
October - Feast
November - Ball
December - Winter
Step 3 - Pick a number from 1 to 20 
Feel free to leave your combination below or in the tags and I'll be writing my little short stories based off of them!!
(Feel free to ask to be added to the taglist for this wip)
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the-orangeauthor · 3 years
Temun + 🤢 for the ask game ^^
Ah Temun, from my wip/s The Assassins Party and The Chronicles Of Metina and Temun.
Temun is a towering 6 foot 2 chicken of a man, compared to all those who know him. He is anxiety riddled and deeply afraid of many things in life. For all the brains he has when it comes to planning a heist, the man has very little wit and is a bumbling idiot around the woman he has a crush on despite the fact that he's a trained assassin. He can often be found running from responsibility by taking comfort in books.
His leadership qualities are none existent and he'd much rather be laying face down in dirt than be seen as the leader. Whilst group projects are not his forte he also lacks the ability to work on his own because of his grade A procrastination skills.
This was super fun, feeo free to send me the name of any other OC and 🤢 to see them get dragged
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the-orangeauthor · 3 years
About Me
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My name is Anmol and I am an MSc immunology student and I adore writing as a hobby!
I am a poc writer (from Pakistan, raised in England) writing mainly fantasy stories, some sci-fi, and plenty of genres like dystopian themes, romance, mystery etc!
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My Finished Projects:
Daughter of the Dragon
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Daughter of the Dragon was my first story that I actually finished, and because I was so proud of it I self published it on Amazon and even managed to sell a few copies!! You can check it out here or through the link tree in my bio.
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My Wips
1. Raynor
I am currently working on setting the scene for my world called Raynor. Raynor is going to be my foundation for several series of work that will eventually come together in one combined series (kinda like MCU and the Avengers if that makes sense). I will be taking some of my old/abandoned wips and reviving them into the series including Her Golden Eyes, A Ferals Howl, and some other odd ideas I've had over the years.
This is heavily fantasy based, dabbling into all types and creatures of magic and bringing them together. There will be lots of found family, enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, action, adventure, and plot twists!! I will post a link for master post soon. click here for the wip intro!!
2a. The Wand and the Wolf
The Wand and The Wolf takes place in Raynor, and follows the story of Kyda and Ibhan, a werewolf and warlock, who are bound to be soulmates but who never see eye to eye. As more and more things go wrong, will they finally overcome their differences or will the chaos break them???
Click here for the wip intro!! Also search the tag 'The Wand and the Wolf bits' to see exceprts in tag games
2b. The Warlock in the Shadows (coming soon)
Part 2 of the wand and the wolf series following Kyda and Ibhans journey
3. The Little Letters
This one is a poem anthology exploring ideas about culture, and what it's like growing up a young poc woman.
Reworking this a little bit but stay tuned for posts!
4a. The Assassins Party
4b. The Chronicles Of Metina and Temun
The Chronicles Of Metina and Temun is a collection of short stories featuring a pair of rebellious Assassins fighting back against thr corrupt leaders if their world.
The Assassins Party also features Metina and Temun, but this time they intersect with others in the Raynorverse as they finally set their sights on the Queen as they battle their way through the war lands.
Click here for the wip intro!!
Coming Soon:
- Captain of the Barrier
- Her Golden Eyes *revamped*
- The Scale of Dragons
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Dividers by @firefly-graphics ����
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the-orangeauthor · 3 years
Hi Anmol! Happy Almost-New-Years to you haha, hope things are well! Just stopping by to give my well wishes, and say hello :D How has the creative work gone lately? Do anything fun? Feel free to use this space to tell me whatever you please! Ramble to your heart's content!
Hi Andy!! Happy new years eve eve to you too!! I am doing far better than I was at the start of this holiday which is great!
I haven't done much in the way of writing, but a lot of planning and organisation has gone on which is great because I have a lot of direction for when I do get time to write!!
I went through my One Note notebook for writing and made tabs for each of the wips so far in The Legends of Raynor
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There are still several key stories missing from the timeline that I've not yet thought of, but for now we have:
The wand and the wolf (there will be a sequel for this one)
Her golden eyes
Captain of the barrier
The scale of dragons
The assassins party
And in the short story/ spin off category we have:
Azruers Seasons
Imogens Story
The Chronicles of Metina and Temun
Its a lot and kind of messy right now but I am having a lot of fun playing around with this many wips at once!!
What have you been working on recently?
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the-orangeauthor · 3 years
Also 10, 13 and 36 for the ask game?
thamks have a good day/night <33
10. How many wips do you actually have right now?
God these questions are so invasive 😭 allow me a moment to count them
Roughly about 12/13 some of them don't have names or real characters yet so I didn't count all of them, but these few are for sure in the process.
13. What's a wip that you're determined to post this month or within the next few months?
Other than the wand and the wolf which is already in the process, I really want to get started with The Assassins Party/The Chronicles Of Metina and Temun!!
26. Is there a wip you'd like to see recreated in a new medium?
Absolutely! All of them! I would prefer shows for most of my wips I think but there are some that would make good movies like my first book Daughter of the Dragon since its a stand alone story!
Thank you for the asks!
These questions were from this ask!!
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