#the chosen simon the zealot
Simon the Zealot | Carry You Home | Platonic
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Requested: Yes
Your legs can’t carry you any further, but Simon can. It does, however, mean a dent in his tough-guy image.
Every step feels heavier than the previous one as you plod your way through the plains of Judea, your shins feeling like they are on fire ever since passing Jericho. Trailing behind far enough as is, you sigh in defeat as you let your eyes go to the horizon again, where Philip and Jesus are waiting for you. 
“Sorry that I’m keeping you behind,” Little James says next to you upon hearing the sound leaving your lungs, and it genuinely causes you to pull a face. 
“What? No!” you quip back, reassuring him, “You’re not a burden at all. My feet feel like they’re falling off. That sigh was not directed towards you.” 
James lets out a relieved noise and smiles a bit. “Well, at least I’m not lonely now.” You chuckle and look at him from the corner of your eye. 
“I wouldn't have left you alone regardless of my own feet, James.”
A pleasant silence befalls you two as you continue walking towards Jesus and Philip, who wear patient smiles on their faces. “Apologies for holding up the group.” you say, but the two men shake their heads. 
“Neither of you is doing such a thing,” Jesus tells you, smiling. “We cannot just leave you behind here, though. The others will go ahead and set up camp, so we can join them later.”
Feeling immediately a tad guilty for having the others do the heavy lifting, you open your mouth to protest: “But Teacher, we cannot let the rest do our hard manual labour for us! I’d feel so burdened if someone had to set up my tent all by himself!”
Putting a hand on your shoulder, Jesus gently squeezes it. “Stop worrying so much, (Y/n). I love you, but don’t talk yourself down about matters you cannot do anything about. It has been a long day and those who set up camp know very well that you’re exhausted, so don’t mention it, okay? And we both know you’d do the same for them if the roles had been reversed.”
You dutifully nod, knowing better than to question Jesus’ judgement, and lean on the long stick you had found on the side of the road earlier, which supports you on your walk. Still, your feet feel like they might fall off soon.
For a moment, you wonder if it would be strange to ask Jesus to alleviate your hurt, but when you look at Little James walking beside you, you realise that you would feel ashamed to complain about your temporary pain, whereas your friend has been in this discomfort all his life and never so much as complained. 
On the horizon, someone runs your way – it is your good friend Simon, who seems to be in a bit of a hurry. “Master,” he gasps, slightly out of breath upon arriving in front of the four of you, his sandals leaving a trail of dust in their wake. “The boys in the front are bickering again, they’re having trouble picking a place to sleep and they have all agreed that they will only let You pick a spot to camp now.”
Jesus lets out a chuckle and rolls His eyes playfully. “Oh, why am I not surprised? Very well,” He quips with humour in His voice, “Simon, can you stay with Little James and (Y/n)? Philip, you come with Me to settle this little argument in the front. We will see you later, okay? Take your time, don't worry about us setting up your places to sleep or not having food, we will make sure that things are alright.”
“Can’t Philip stay with them, Master?” Simon suggests, gesturing at you and James, “Of course they are my friends, but I was hoping to get in some exercise before sundown, and…” 
The rest of his words trail off when he sees Jesus smile knowingly at him. “You will get your exercise Simon, trust Me. If I didn’t want you to stay with them, I wouldn’t have asked. And then, you’re always running around, doing heavy labour. Sometimes it is better to slow down for a bit, too.”
The bunch of you nod in agreement, but Simon seems less keen to stay behind. When Jesus and Philip are a fair bit away, the former Zealot sighs next to you with a slight pout over his features.
“What, not happy with babysitting duty?” you jest, and Simon snorts a laugh. 
“That’s not it,” he says, “It’s just not in my nature to walk so slowly.”
You chuckle lightly. “We know, Si.”
James pipes up: “At least now we’ve got someone very strong at our side in case something happens to us. If we happened to be robbed right now, we wouldn’t have to hand over our bags.”
“Not that there is a lot in there in the first place.” you murmur, earning an amused hum from him.
Simon folds his hands on his back as he walks next to the two of you in silence, eyes focused upon the distance. “Where do you think we’ll sleep tonight? Do you reckon we’ll have to walk for much longer?” 
You shrug. “I don’t know, it entirely depends on what Jesus– Gah!” 
The sudden dent in the road goes unnoticed by you and you strangely twist through your ankle, feeling it shift to the side. A wave of nausea hits you in the gut as you fall to the ground, a searing pain shunting through your form. 
“(Y/n)!” James cries out, “Are you okay?”
“Are you hurt?” Simon crouches down next to you and reaches for your elbow, his gaze focused on your ankle that is throbbing with white hot pain. Inhaling sharply, you nearly choke on your own tongue as you try to gather the air to speak, throwing back your head in discomfort, your teeth grinding together as you grip at your foot, letting out a strained sound. 
“Oh, Hades!” you manage to hiss, having picked up the term from Philip, “That hurts!” Tears spring into your eyes at the sensation.
Little James puts a concerned hand on your arm. “Can you walk?”
You exhale deeply through your nose as you try to move around your ankle, pain ripping through your heel and shunting up all through your calf. “I–I don’t know!” you stutter, your heart beating loudly against your chest. “Simon, can you help me up?”
The former Zealot shakes his head, and you frown in confusion, until he clarifies: 
“Properly sit down for a second, okay? I need to investigate it first.”
You shift yourself to sit on the road, Simon gently taking hold of your leg to stretch it out in front of you, taking your foot into his lap as he kneels down. “I’m going to remove your sandal, is that okay?” You nod, pursing your lips as he undoes the straps and carefully takes it off, holding your foot at the heel, unfazed by the sand between your toes. 
“It feels warm already,” he says, concerned. “It should be compressed for a bit, at least until we reach camp, just to keep it from swelling too much.”
Simon reaches into the bag on his hip and takes out a knife, your eyes widening at the sight. When he sees James’ and your responses at the fact that he carries a weapon on him, he smiles a bit. “It’s meant to cut fruits, don’t worry about it.”
Sighing in relief, you watch how he takes a few scraps of fabric from his bag, selects one and stuffs the others back in. Simon slices a strip clean off, and another, and another, before positioning your foot into his lap properly. You whimper in pain and he mutters a soft apology as he begins binding your ankle.
James holds out his hand for you to squeeze into and you gladly take it, smiling gratefully at him. With practised ease, Simon wraps the strips of fabric around your ankle, your heel, tightly strapping it into a certain position so that you have no choice but to keep it in a straight angle. “Just tell me if it is too tight,” Simon says upon a pained sound that leaves you, but you shake your head. 
“I’ll be fine. Thank you.” 
“Any time,” Simon tells you, putting away his items before helping you put your sandal back on, securing it. “Let’s see if you can walk. Luckily, you have a stick on you already.”
Upon standing, Simon helps you to your feet. However, the moment you slowly set it down, you lift your leg immediately to not put any pressure on the ankle. James hands you the walking stick and you lean into it, hoping for it to take away some of the agony. 
“I feel so silly for spraining my ankle now,” you sigh, “Sorry to keep you guys back even more.”
“You can’t help it, (Y/n), so no need to apologise.” James says. 
Simon supports your elbow as you attempt to make a step forward, but in spite of the assistance you’re receiving, tears blur your vision. “Oh, that is awful!” you whimper, distressed. “I don’t think I can walk.”
The three of you fall silent, your gaze going to the horizon, your heart sinking inside your chest. “Who knows how far we might be away from camp, still? For all we know, it’s miles away.”
“Pessimism will get us nowhere.” Simon reminds you, and you sigh, knowing that you’d indeed spend that time better by thinking of a solution. 
James suddenly pipes up. “Simon, can’t you carry her?”
The former Zealot frowns. “What?”
“Carry her on your back.”
He lets out a small noise and almost flusters at the suggestion. “As (Y/n) just said, camp could be miles away. Can’t we look for another solution?”
“Well, what do you suggest?” 
Brief silence as Simon overthinks it, visibly pondering for a few seconds before admitting to it. “Fine,” he sighs, “I can carry you. But don’t tell the others, otherwise people will request me to carry them just because they don’t feel like walking.” 
You chuckle at the mental image of Big James asking Simon for such a thing and wonder if this would mean a scratch onto his pride, but then, Jesus Himself had said he would get his exercise today. 
“Thank you, Simon.” you earnestly say, smiling kindly. “That means a lot, actually.”
He hums, reluctantly lowering himself so that you can put your arms around his shoulders and wrap your bad leg around his waist so that you can kick yourself off the ground with the other, and he grabs a hold of the back of your knees, lifting you up with a slight grunt. 
“See, that’s not too bad, is it?” James says with amusement in his voice, “If I ever trail back again or feel tired, I know just who to turn to, now.”
Simon lets out a sound and rolls his eyes, but cannot fight the smile. “See, there’s the kind of trouble I was fearing. Are you comfortable, (Y/n)?”
You tighten your grip around his shoulders and shift a little against his back before humming in agreement. “I am now,” you say, “As much as the pain allows me to be.”
When Simon starts to walk, you tightly grab onto him, sudden pain shunting through your ankle at the shocks that go through your body at every step. You rest your head against Simon’s back, grunting in pain. “Sorry,” you squeak, “Every movement just hurts.”
“Jesus will fix it,” Simon tells you, “And if not, it will only hurt for a few days.”
You manage to relax, trying to not focus too much on the pain. “Hm, would you carry me for several days, then?”
Simon clicks his tongue. “In your dreams, (Y/n). I’d drag you through the sand at a certain point.”
Both you and James laugh and you feel yourself becoming drowsy at the feeling of the lowering sun warming your back, the even pad of Simon’s feet lulling you into a state of content. 
“Falling asleep back there, (Y/n)?” James muses upon seeing your closed eyes, and you smile sleepily. 
“Maybe…” you hum, and Simon grabs a firmer hold on you as your body begins to slightly slouch forward against him. “Is it too heavy, Si?”
He shakes his head. “It’s okay,” he mutters, “Just close your eyes and try to rest while you can. After all, we don’t know how far off it is, and the more you sleep, the more energy you’ll have for your ankle to heal, and it means that your pain isn’t too bad at this very moment.”
You hum. “That’s right,” you say. “Thank you again for doing this.”
“Hey, don’t mention it.” Simon says, “Seriously thought, don’t mention it.” 
Laughing lightly, you pat his shoulder. “You grump.”
Simon’s eyebrows shoot up and he looks at you over his shoulder, giving you a challenging look. “I could drop you right here and now, you know?”
“You could, but you wouldn’t.”
The three of you travel onwards slowly albeit surely, hoping to find the rest of the followers somewhere soon. “Wake me up when you see camp,” you muse, closing your eyes again. 
Simon ignores the amused laughter of James.
“What a sight, though. Who knew that you were such a soft and caring person under all that tough-guy stuff?” Little James comments. You sleepily giggle.
In spite of his request, the former Zealot realises that he might not hear the end of this any time soon.
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imnotkosmic · 9 months
Moments from "The Chosen" that live rent free in my head:
• Season two: John the Baptist excitingly screaming "yeah!" when Jesus cast a demon from Caleb.
• Season two: "The Son of Man- that's Me, btw."
• Season two: Simon P and Andrew's argument ("My little brother whom I love very much?")
• Season two: Phillip's introduction was the best.
• Season three: Angry Phillip.
• Season three: When the man broke into Andrew's flat. ("Knock next time!")
• Season three: When Simon P told Nathaniel and Z to be quite.
• Season three: The Sons of Thunder being jealous of each other because of Thomas.
• Season two/three: Thomas asked Ramah to marry him???
• Season one: "I'm not exactly jumping of out my sandals because Creepy John pointed at someone!"
• Season one: When Andrew got that huge coat for Jesus ("I think I could fit all of you in here with Me.")
• Season two/three: Jesus telling John (and Little James I'm pretty sure?) that He loved them.
• Seasons two and three: Jesus calling His disciples by their nicknames.
• Season two: Simon P introducing the others to Simon Z ("That's Nathaniel, he says what first comes to his mind, so don't be offended.")
• Season two: The Son's of Thunder and the Son's of Jonah competing to see who goes fishing. (Sore loser Andrew lol)
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dragongguk · 2 months
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ok but zee's initial reaction to being paired with matthew!!! the way he's so confused as to why everyone reacted like that bc matthew is (definitely) so endearing to him
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ghostsmp3 · 1 year
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Matthew 5:3-12a (NIV): Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven.
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The Zealots: This year, we lost our dear friend, Simon Z
Simon Z: Quit telling everyone I'm dead!
The Zealots: Sometimes I can still hear his voice...
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28appleteeth · 4 months
Simon Zee oneshot in the works because I love him dearly!! His characterization in The Chosen is so very interesting to me, and he definitely falls under the kind of “human weapon” category of character and he’s learning to deconstruct that and the ideals taught to him and OUGHHH I love him
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fattened-goose · 1 year
Stargazing | Philip, Simon the Zealot, and Big James.
A/N: I realize some of these aren’t really under the brim of stargazing, but I couldn’t think of something else that would fit for a title ‘cause I’m not that creative. 😅 these are my first preferences on this blog, and I’d like to thank my dear friend @multifandomsofficial for helping me out with them.
Warnings: possible bad writing and punctuation.
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From the first day you’d started to follow Jesus you’d caught his eye. The memory of your first day brought the corners of his lips into an upturned U shape. You looked lovely that day too, but following Jesus had made you even lovelier. You never seemed to pay him any mind though, always spending your time learning scripture with Mary M and Matthew.
Sure, you’d greet Philip in passing but you never seemed drawn to him. He was drawn to you though, which is what made him approach you even though he was nervous. Wiping his palms against his tunic, he approached you, a small grin twisting his lips upward when you greeted him with a smile.
“Shalom, Philip.” The words left you gently and quietly, the small nod of your head that accompanied them boosting his moral.
“Shalom, Y/N, may I join you?”
He fidgeted slightly, his eyes meeting yours with a hopeful glint as he waited for your reply. Heart warming at his inquiry, you nodded quickly before patting the blanket beside you.
“Of course!”
With a widening smile, his skin crinkled around his eyes a bit as he sat down. Scooting so there was a respectful space between you, his fingers brushed against yours lightly in the process, bringing a red tint to his cheeks as well as your own. You, however, failed to notice the blush that covered his cheeks as you gazed up at the stars that blanketed the sky.
Beautiful, dazzling orbs of milky crystal that twinkled brightly around the perfectly full moon. The sounds of the crickets chirping and the wood crackling on the fire only adding to the peaceful delight. The ambience of it all bringing a grin to your face which Philip hadn’t failed to notice, all the more adding to his own grin.
Where you had failed earlier to notice his blush when his fingers brushed yours, you didn’t fail to pick up on him glancing at you from the corner of your eye. It was now your turn to blush, a gentle laugh escaping from your lips at the attention. The sound making him chuckle gently, the two of you breaking the comfortable silence you’d been in.
Daring to look over at him, your eyes landed on his kind dark ones, twinkling in the fire light. A shy smile covered your lips before looking back at the sky.
“Do you like stargazing?” The question breaking the comfortable silence you both had been resting in.
“Yes, but I don’t know enough about it to even know what I’m looking at…” you admitted, eyes drifting back over to his, “I’m a novice.”
“We all have to start somewhere, huh?” Tone light as he winked at you before motioning back up to the sky, his hand sweeping in an arc over it, “would you like to learn some constellations?”
“Only if you’d like to teach me some.” You beamed at him, the sight making his stomach as well as your own flutter.
“Sure, it’s one of my talents; being able to recite Torah at the drop of a hat and pointing out constellations.” His good natured bragging followed by a chuckle and a smile.
“Surely, you have more than two talents.” You teased back, eyes meeting his again as you worked up courage to be a little bolder. Your nerves relaxing a bit due to his kind and goofy demeanor.
“Well, nobody wants to be around a braggart.” He joked, “besides, if I tell you everything I’ll have nothing left to impress you with.” With this he shrugged slightly, pointing back up to the sky and tracing an imaginary line to explain a constellation.
Giving him your full attention, a smile painted its way over your lips, as you listened to him intently. Little did he know, he never really had to do much to impress you.
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(Also, if anyone could teach me how to slow gifs down I’d be very thankful.)
You tossed restlessly in your bedroll, everyone around you in the women’s tent experiencing the most peaceful sleep, except for you of course. It’s not that you weren’t tired, you were of course, it had to be well past midnight after all. You just were having trouble quieting your mind, rolling flat onto your back you sighed deeply. Staring at the darkness that blanketed the inside of the tent.
Sitting up you looked around, making sure everyone was asleep before quietly tiptoeing out of the tent. Looking back one last time you shut the entrance flap, before making your way to the log that sat on the other side of the camp.
The cool air causing goosebumps to rise on your skin and the hair on the back of your neck to stand up. Instantly you wished you’d thought to bring your shawl or your blanket with you in order to stave off the cold. Daring to perch on an end of the log, you let out a gasp of surprise when it turned out to be wet. The sound echoing through the quiet atmosphere, making you hold your breath for a minute before standing back up.
A grimace covered your face before a quiet laugh escaped your throat at the ridiculousness of the situation. You shook your head, moving over to the glowing embers that were now the remnants of the once roaring fire that had danced in the makeshift pit situated in middle of the camp. Figuring it would still be somewhat warm you squatted down, settling on the edge of the pit.
It wasn’t as warm as it could be but it would suffice until you went back to the women’s tent. Staring softly at the orange and red embers your mind soon slowed down. Slowed down as much as possible before you were startled by someone coming up behind you. You barely heard them, had it not been so quiet you wouldn’t have heard them at all.
What if it’s a Roman?
Panicking, you stood and turned a bit too quickly, stumbling backward as you rocked abruptly on your heels, the only saving grace being the person’s hand grabbing onto your shoulder in order to steady you.
“Y/N, are you ok?”
Taking a minute to get your bearings, you rocked forward slightly on your toes before steadying yourself. You were embarrassed to say the least, especially after you saw that it was Simon. Your cheeks pink due to the epic blunder you’d just subjected him too. Exhaling, you nodded quickly as you smiled up at him, “I’m glad it’s you!”
The expression rushing out before you’d fully formulated what you wanted to say making your cheeks grow even redder and butterflies start up in your stomach. Simon on the other hand looked at you with slightly widened eyes for a second, smiling at you gently before squeezing your shoulder lightly. Your breath catching in your throat slightly, at this point he had to know how you felt about him. He was too perceptive not to.
“Let’s sit down.” Releasing your shoulder, he removed his cloak with a flourish, laying it on the ground for you to sit on. The chivalrous act making your heart melt slightly as he studied you carefully.
“You’re cold.” He mumbled, stoking the embers to get the fire going again, your eyes drawn to his muscles that moved in perfect sync under the sleeves of his tunic. Your face grew hot and you forced yourself to look away, thankful that you did before he turned around again. Fixing you with a friendly grin, he reached out to pluck a leaf out of your hair with gentle precision.
“It should start getting warmer now.” motioning to the fire in front of the two of you.
“How’d you know it was me out here?” Your eyebrows raising slightly in bewilderment as the question rolled off your tongue. His head cocked while he surveyed you, lips poised in a warm smile, “I heard someone moving around out here, so, I looked out the tent and saw that it was you.”
This surprised you even more, you’d tried to be quiet but you’d failed, with your mouth agape you gawked at him, eyes wide and unblinking causing a chuckle to leave his throat, “don’t worry, you weren’t being loud.”
“How’d you hear me then?”
“I have very keen senses.” He smiled at you, the affectionate look causing your stomach to drop and your cheeks to heat up.
“So, keen in fact…” he paused, his finger drawing an imaginary line across the sky, the line following a glistening silver streak, making your eyes light up as you gazed after it.
“It’s a shooting star.” He stated, watching you look at it with amazement still glistening in your eyes, “make a wish.”
“Simon, it’s beautiful.” The words a whisper, your eyes following it until it disappeared from view. Turning to see him grinning at you, you grinned back, “I wish I knew how you spot stuff so quickly.”
“Time and practice.” His voice almost lower than a whisper now and laced with embarrassment, “I’ve spent a lot of time outside at night…”
He was no doubt referring to his former days, too embarrassed to meet your eyes, a sight that made you frown a bit.
“But, that’s all behind you now, Jesus said that we’re no longer what we once were.” The words comforting him enough that he shot you a shy smile. You both sat in comfortable silence for a few seconds, hugging your knees to your chest and resting your chin on them. While he looked to be in thought, laughing at the yawn that left you.
“I think I’ll head in now.”
Nodding at you, he stood and offered you his hand to pull you up off the ground, your stomach dropping at the contact of his calloused palm against your skin. He smiled at you, watching as you walked a few steps toward the tent before whispering, “Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Goodnight, Simon.” The tired smile you gave him melting his heart as you entered the tent. Smiling softly to himself, he walked back to his own tent. Fingers laced behind his head as went, hoping one day he’d be able to work up the courage to tell you about his feelings for you.
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Laying with your head on your husband’s arm that was positioned behind you, you both gazed up at the stars.
“Aren’t they beautiful?” You asked, cuddling up closer to James only to have his arm wrap around you tightly in an effort to shield you from the cold. His lips pressed gently onto your temple, the scruffiness of his beard tickling you slightly.
A laugh rose from your throat at the sensation, your head turned toward his, giving him a return peck on the cheek. His eyebrows raising at you slightly, before smiling over at you, his fingers tangling in your hair.
“Not as beautiful as you, my heart.”
“James…” his name left your lips with a giggle, the soft blush that covered your cheeks melting his heart and making his smile widen as you snuggled closer to him. The sounds of the others laughing and joking around the fire just barely audible as the wind carried their voices toward you.
“I’m glad we were able to sneak away for a bit even though it’s cold, you’re a far better companion for looking at stars than John is.”
The shiver that raced its way through your body causing James to pull you even closer. Turning onto your stomach, you rested your chin on James’ chest, a coy grin making its way to your lips. The sight making him release a breathy laugh, “what?”
His fingers gently separating strands of your hair, while his dark eyes drank in the sight of you, obviously pleased with the jest that was poised on your lips.
“You did a lot of stargazing with John, did you?”
At this his brow furrowed slightly at you, as he fought off a smile, “In a manner of speaking.”
The mischievous glimmer in your eye forcing the smile onto his face, a throaty laugh escaping past his lips as he elaborated, “the stars are still out in the morning if you get up early enough, although, I don’t snuggle up to John like this.”
His arms giving you a tender squeeze in an effort to emphasize the word snuggle, eyes meeting yours with a warm affection glinting in them. Smiling at him, your fingers traced along the neck of his tunic before teasing, “you don’t snuggle up to Andrew or Simon either do you?”
A sour look crossed his face for a second, only to be replaced by a gentle smile as a playful tut left his lips, “especially not to them, not even for all the silver in the world.”
You laughed quietly, as his fingers tangled in the ends of you hair, “how fortunate for me to get all your cuddles.”
“How fortunate indeed.” He quipped, leaning forward to place a gentle kiss on the tip of your nose, his heart swelling with tenderness and warmth as you curled into him more, your eyes looking back up at the sky with admiration as he glanced at you with equal parts love and awe.
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nobrain-onlysteven · 2 years
forget zodiac signs… who’s your favorite disciple from The Chosen?
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Zee: Get kidnapped. You’ll find out who your real friends are, I promise you that. 
Judas: I feel like there are probably steps you could take before that one
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hi-there-buddies · 2 years
Guys I’m sorry. I try not to talk about religion or politics on my blog but I just have to say
I’ve been watching The Chosen and the fact that they’re setting up Gaius to be the centurion that asks Jesus to heal his servant is making me BAWL
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Headcanons | John, Simon Zee & Big James crying in front of you for the first time | Romantic
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John (the Apostle)
John is very emotional but he doesn’t really want to admit that to his significant other.
Whenever he gets misty-eyed around you, he turns away with some kind of excuse, not wanting to show it.
Although he has never been taught by his father that a man needs to hide these emotions since Zebedee is a deeply feeling person as well, he still feels like he somehow needs to compete with James.
John is quite insecure when he compares himself to his older brother. James is a bit taller, his shoulders are broader, and he feels like he needs to compensate even though you never give him the impression that he must do so.
However, he cannot always hide his emotions from you. It is only a matter of time before you bear witness to it.
The first time you catch him weeping is when he is watching Jesus read a scroll in synagogue. A few tears streak down his face at the words Jesus reads out loud and you smile at him softly, although his gaze is not fixated upon you.
You just slip a hand around his waist and rest your head against his upper arm, stroking small circles over his back. 
He jumps at first but soon relaxes into you, reciprocating the side hug, despite his concerns of how your perception of him is now changing.
All worries leave him, however, when he catches your gaze as you look up at him with a soft and affectionate smile over your lips, no judgement behind your eyes.
Even more so, a few tears slip over your own cheeks as well.
Afterwards, you have a heart to heart about the importance of expressing these emotions and that they don’t make him any less of a man.
From then on, John isn’t afraid to cry around you anymore.
Simon the Zealot
Simon has harboured a certain set of emotions for a long time – rage, disgust, hatred – and being vulnerable was not part of this calibre.
His time at the Zealots has caused him to build up a wall around his heart.
The moment that cracks this thick layer is when he witnesses his brother Jesse skip from one leg to the other, claiming that he has been healed by the Messiah.
When Simon joins the group, you are already part of it and immediately act warmly towards him in spite of his grumpy nature.
It is only a matter of time before he finds himself falling for you, although he is confused at these feelings. After all, he had never even considered finding himself a wife, for he had always devoted himself to the Zealots.
He pushes them away at first despite your obvious reciprocation. 
For a while, your heart breaks every time you see him, hoping that one day he will let you in fully.
One day, however, you fall terribly ill with a fever whilst Jesus is away.
Everyone is worried about you, but Simon doesn’t leave your side for a single second, making sure you’re as comfortable as can be.
Your body is weakening yet you remain positive, and when you sweetly reach up for Simon’s face to cup it, meekly smiling as you whisper a soft ‘thank you’, he feels a few tears escape his eyes.
He practically breaks down then as all this pent up sorrow overwhelms him – the years of not being able to express fear, the confusion that he feels about you loving him so much, but most of all because he is afraid to lose you.
Once Jesus returns, He heals you, and you immediately turn to Simon with the message that you need to have a word with him.
Needless to say, your relationship takes a wonderful turn from then on.
Finally, you have managed to break down that wall around his heart in order to completely capture it.
Big James
This man is Tough Guy™ and wants to protect you at all costs.
Because of this, James has told himself he shouldn’t act too vulnerable around you.
Whereas you aren’t afraid to be yourself around him and seek comfort in his arms whenever you need it, James swallows the lump in his throat as soon as he feels it form. After all, he feels like he should be there for you and comfort you instead of the other way around.
This man puts a lot of pressure on himself in order to give you what he thinks you need from him. Since he plans on marrying you soon, he wants to prove himself in many ways, and he thinks that he cannot be a beacon for you if he allows himself to cry around you.
He does cry in secret though, whenever he’s in bed at night.
But things eventually catch up to him, as it does whenever you’ve been with someone for a long time.
It happens in a moment that one of Jesus’ teachings overwhelms him. The Rabbi tells a story about how being vulnerable and open about one’s emotions can be very freeing, and for God nothing remains in darkness. James is so touched by it and recognises himself in the story so much that he just cannot stop the tears from suddenly flowing down his face.
When James sees that you’ve noticed him, panic suddenly grows inside his chest, and he asks you if you now think that he’s weak.
Reassuring him that you don’t, you tell him quite the contrary, namely that showing real emotions takes more courage than keeping them inside.
James then learns to maintain a balance of holding onto his protective nature as well as daring to be more open about his emotions.
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imnotkosmic · 7 months
just watched season 2 ep 5 today with my family (we watch at least two/three episodes each Sunday) and throght I'd share my favourite moments:
• Matthew: "you get very illogical when your emotional!" Thomas: :o
• Matthew again, but with time with the SPOON.
• Matthew AGAIN (last one with Matthew I promise) he watched Thomas squeeze the lemon on the cucumbers and copyed him, which was adorable.
• John's yell when Jesus cast the demon from Caleb "yeah!!"
• John screaming and scaring Jesus and company.
• Jesus and John's little talk on the log.
• "I'll stop you there. Your *both* Simons"
• Zee just standing there like: 😬 when Jesus and John say goodbye
• Jesus *yeeting* Zee's daggers into the lake.
• Simon P introducing Simon Zee to the others
• and ATTICAS (or whatever his name is lol) COMING OUT OF NOWHERE and picking up the dagger.
• Jesse!! ❤️
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dragongguk · 2 months
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3×04 — "Clean, Part 1"
"And who'd have guessed they'd come together on their own?" — "Something There", from Beauty and the Beast.
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angedemystere · 2 years
The first time I saw Simon Z climb up the wall in the new season of The Chosen I thought “someone put this man in an Assassin’s Creed game”
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i had a feeling this would happen but i still felt Matthew's panic
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fxshrxfmxn · 1 year
How to Request
I have decided that I will write for The Chosen. Maybe a good decision, maybe a bad decision. But here we are.
This seems like overkill right now if I’m honest, but I might thank myself later.
As of this moment, I do not have a masterlist, however, I do tag all of my writings so you can search them and read them all.
Just search:
fxshrxfmxn writings
fxshrxfmxn fanfic
And they should all be made available to you to find relatively easily💖
To make things a bit easier for me and how I want to stay within my beliefs, I’m setting up guidelines for requesting writing from me for The Chosen.
Before I begin, it is important that we all understand that I am writing for the storyline of The Chosen. Each event in The Chosen was either spun by the writers and directors OR pulled from the Bible itself. I am writing for the character that the actors in the show portray, not the real people themselves. The Bible and the Chosen, to me, are separate things and I will be treating them as such. (I am for sure okay with talking about scripture itself, but in a different kind of context.)
With traditionally romantic writings, things tend to be a bit touchy and comfy. That’s fine, I love that. Lord knows, I will be huggy with my future other half before marriage(I don’t think I could just not touch them, luckily our current culture allows for that.)
But the culture in bible time was very different. The parents would arrange with the parents, or the parents would talk to the guy. There wasn’t dating as it is now, certainly not premarital kissing or hugging, not in public anyways, because it was seen as improper. Also pretty much no touching. So, I really want to try and keep things more proper.
In A Misunderstanding (my fic about John the Beloved) I do think that’s the most contact I will allow for “romantic” fics, that I write. Not entirely true to the proper culture back then, but less scandalous, y’know?
(I might budge the line occasionally, but if it doesn’t feel right, I just won’t write it. I will for sure communicate that to the requester.)
That being said, I have only written for John so far, I will write for anyone in the show. I am female, so anything “romantic”, I will only write for the men in the show(anyone BUT Jesus(obviously)), and beyond that if you want just a chill fic about hanging with the Marys and Ramah and Tamar, I can do that. I love writing fanservice, just shenanigans and things of that nature are super fun. Give me a challenge, I love those.
So: Keep it E for everyone, not even PG. Minimal hand holding; maybe a few hugs. No kissing on the mouth and certainly no NSFW. Men and women, who were not married, weren’t allowed to be alone together. So that is the way my fics will be.
(Not telling other people they shouldn’t be writing it, (you write what you like and are comfortable with) I am just setting a personal standard for myself and will be keeping to it.)
I am a female and, as this is already out of my comfort zone, will only be writing from the female perspective.
-Mouth to Mouth(kissing)(unless it’s a marriage fic, which Idek if I’m comfortable writing that yet)(idk why either so don’t ask)
-No being completely alone with the opposite sex
-if the character is married or already betrothed in the show, please keep the request platonic.
-edit: 10/23 anything same sex romantic is a no as well. I will not change my mind. Any messages/comments will be deleted/reported and you will be blocked if you harass me about it. We can discuss things without those coming into the mix.
-Shenanigans(practical jokes and things of that nature, family friendly comedy stuff)
- Girl time with the female disciples
-Found family is my favorite trope, so anything about learning to cohabitate in a camp with a bunch of Christ’s followers? Yes, please.
-prompts about Christ accepting you as you are, calling you to follow him and helping you turn from old lifestyles are fics that I think can be very healing. (Things like this I will be discerning on a prompt to prompt basis)
Characters I will write for at least once:
Simon Peter(platonic only please)
Simon Z
Thomas(platonic only please)
Matthew(either romantic or platonic for now until we actually figure out where his relationship with Mary is going)
Big James
Little James
John the Beloved(of course)
Judas(tentatively because I have a personal bias to get over(I had always thought of him as the villain(which isn’t the case))
Any of the girls(Mary, Mary M., Ramah, Tamar, Eden, Salome)(platonic only please)
Jesus(platonic only please(I shouldn’t have to say that, but there’s always someone)
Potentially Quintus, Atticus, and/or Gaius(platonic only please) (I would actually prefer platonic for all three, but I will use discernment on a prompt by prompt basis.)
TL;DR: Every prompt that comes to me, I will use my own discernment for whether I am comfortable or not with writing it, all I ask is that you be respectful if your prompt is not answered the way you want it to be. If you request something that goes against everything on the “NO” list, your request will be discarded, so I recommend you at least read that bit.
Tutorial on how to request anything from me:
Use the ask button! Or send me a message! Both are located in the upper right hand corner for mobile. I don’t use a computer, so I’m not sure where those buttons are at on the computer.
I also prefer dialogue prompts have at least two bits of dialogue and a genre with it, just for a bit more guidance on what you want.
Will do headcanons, but if you could say whether you want separate headcanons or just a group headcanon so that I give you exactly what you want and don’t have to guess, that’d be great.
I love you so much because Jesus loves you so much and wants the best for you. I respect you as a person, the way Jesus respects you and ask that you extend me the same courtesy.
Blessings to each and every one of you. 💗✨🫶🏻
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