#the child. the child??? and the adult??? mother what??????????
floatyflowers · 2 days
Yandere husband Thranduil (Romantic) x Reader wife pregnant for the second time x Yandere son Legolas (Platonic)
Very Thanks ♥︎
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"I'm pregnant" you announce in a cheery tone to your son, Legolas, who is shocked by the news as he never expected to have a younger sibling.
Coming to think of it, he is already an adult, 2900+ years old to be exact, so it's indeed a shocker to him.
But it made him jealous at the idea of having a younger sibling which will take all of your attention.
He didn't expect to leave with the fellowship and return back to find you pregnant.
"Is there something wrong, my love?" you ask him, gently placing your hand on his cheek, while the other hand is placed on your bump.
"No, I'm extremely happy, and I can't wait for the baby to be born, Naneth (mother)"
You smile, pulling your son into a hug, causing him to hug you back.
"Can I know why you decided to impregnate Neneth when your marriage is on the edge of collapsing, father?"
Thranduil smiles at his furious son, as he descended down the stairs of his throne, holding a cup filled with the finest Elvish wine.
"War is over and the ring has been destroyed, what is a better way to fix our marriage than to have a child"
"So, you decided to trap her with you?"
Thranduil moves a strand of his son's hair behind his shoulder as he stares directly into his son's eyes, smirking.
"You wouldn't be standing right here now if I didn't use this technique on her the first time"
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splinterclan · 9 hours
once moorsnow got over her kittypet/twoleg hate did she just kinda look at snom go “…oh this child needs mothering actually” and emotionally adopt him or what is their relationship like?
Since Snom was basically an adult/older teen when they met they're more like friends than parent child, but they def talk almost daily and eat lunch together and stuff (along with Droplet).
They're the only two (aside from Cedar slightly) who have been directly "abused" by humans (Moor from getting trapped and fixed - only abuse from her pov - and Snom from actually having terrible owners), so they have heavily bonded over that. When Cedar disappeared and it made Snom relive his worse memories Moor kinda mentored and helped him through it and vis versa, comforting him made her feel stronger. They're comfortable with each other!
I think a tiny part of Moor wishes Droplet and Snom would get together now but she isn't gonna express it or pressure them, she just knows he'd treat her daughter right :'3
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madreemeritus · 2 days
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Guys have I ever commented about how both Youtube and Tiktok have the shittiest takes on Stolas? No? Then I will try to comment more often.
"I wonder why Octavia is mean to Stolas" because she's a teenager who doesn't know the truth about her parents' situation or the abuse her father went throught during 17+ years, that's why.
As Stolas antis are unable to recognize the MOST BASIC aspects of the story, let me just remind everything we know about Stolas and his relationship with his family:
1- emotionally and physically abused by his father
2- forced to marry an abusive person when he was a fucking child
3- raped multiple times by Stella before she got pregnant
4- TEEN FATHER. TEEN. FATHER. You know what a TEEN FATHER means? He was forced to be a father when he. was. A. TEEN.
5- spent 17 years surviving his wife's verbal, emotional and physical abuse FOR HIS DAUGTHER'S SAKE
6- took accountability when he realized his mistakes towards his daughter, and his mistakes were basically trying his best to make his daughter happy while being a literal survivor of parental abuse, domestic violence, SA and social isolation, literally a fucking normal human being trying his best and improving himself
7- is not only teaching her spells slowly and respecting her time, but also raising her as the teenager girl she is, and not as a 'legal adult' full of rich folk bullshit responsabilities as he was raised
"Stolas is a good dad" yes, media illiterate antis, he IS. He raised his daughter with love and care, he shield her from potential dangers (which came from her own mother), took accountability everytime he made a mistake with her, and sacrificed 17+ years in silence, surviving domestic violence, FOR HER. This is what a good parent does; loves, takes accountability and cares for their child, and as someone who has a very shitty dad who actually doesn't respect me or take accountability, I proudly affirm Stolas is doing great. You know what STELLA, an actual terrible parent, does? Abuses her husband in front of their kid and turns Via against her father. This is what a terrible parent does, oh but sorry I forgot she's the cisheteronormative woman who can do no wrong despite doing everything wrong maliciously.
Octavia acting like a teenager is absolutely in-character and justified. She doesn't have to know that her mother is an abuser, and this is why Stolas shield her from this hell, because he wanted her to have a normal fucking life. But the AUDIENCE? Grown adults who KNOW what is happening with Stolas and should understand how basic parenting works, acting like an angry teenager who hates Dada? Now that is just bad faith and urge to justify your hate boner against Stolas with the same stupid outdated arguments that were discussed a thousand times in this fandom.
For a man that was forced to have an abusive wife and a child at his teenage years, yes, he is a good father. He makes normal mistakes like any normal parent does. In LooLoo Land, he (unintentionally) ignored Via's discomfort because he was trying to cheer her up, trying to, as himself said, keep her away from their hostile house — whose hostility is Stella's fault. In Seeing Stars, he DOES NOT ignore Via nor forgot about the promise (he forgot the day, not the promise), he was busy standing up against his ABUSER. He asked for some minutes to finish his phone call, if Via had waited just a little bit longer, he would turn off the phone and listened to her. She didn't, because she's a kid with the trauma of growing up with an abusive mother and a closeted dad, again, in-character and understanding. But grown adults who were supposed to understand what is going on with Stolas having the same behaviour of a kid is hilariously telling a lot about how you react to this show.
Stolas makes the same mistakes Blitzø makes with Loona. Blitzø often infantilizes her to the point of being overprotective, and guess what? He also took accountability, because he, just like Stolas, is a good dad. And just like Lucifer as well. Buuuuut you don't really care about what is or what isnt a good father, you just want to yell about how much you hate Stolas. And the reason why you hate Stolas (at least one of the reasons) is because you can't understand basic shit about him.
Edit: by the way, let me show yall this print. It's so adorable. As irritating as Stolas's "sLaNdErInG" crowd is, the fandom always manage to make everything better. Let's smile more and think about the good things <3
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howlsofbloodhounds · 2 days
What's your opinion on Dadmare aus?
I don’t think much about Dadmare aus, or not very often. I don’t have anything against them and whenever I come across content i usually think it’s cute and like the post before moving on, but i don’t seek it out and hardly engage in it.
This is mostly because i haven’t found an interpretation of dadmare aus ive been able to get invested in, most interpretations ive come across just aren’t for me.
My biggest “issues” (but not really) with most interpretations is that nightmare is almost always portrayed as a perfect dad who can do no wrong, all the other sanses are infantilized to hell and back, and as @/signanothername said in their own post, none of the characters feel like their own people.
Their relationships to eachother and Nightmare all feel very one note and cut from the same mold most of the time. All the same reactions, all completely trust Nightmare and kiss the ground he walks on.
I don’t mind found family, but I don’t like it when the found family is shoved into little boxes and cannot differ from them.
Nightmare is 500+ years old, did not grow up with any significant parent figure in his life despite winging it on taking care of Dream, and spent his 6 early years of life being routinely abused by all the adults around him. And then he was horribly transformed and corrupted.
Why would he take on a parental role again when the last time he tried something like that he was also a child, he had no other choice, and everything went to shit despite it? Wouldn’t he also struggle like any actual parent would.
If he spent 500+ years isolated and only interacting with others when forced to, or needing something from them like negativity, wouldn’t that life experience translate into trying to care for this group of traumatized men.
And they are men. They aren’t boys. They’re adults. Unless they’re supposed to be actual children when they meet Nightmare, or one or all of them are age regressed, then I don’t see the point in infantilizing them or treating them as if they’re children. None of these guys are looking for a father figure.
Adults can be found family, there doesn’t need to be any dad or child or siblings boxes to me.
Especially not when Horror already has a brother, Killer’s concept of family dynamics is also very likey screwed to hell and back (just look at what he thinks about any relationship, there’s no such thing as “equals” in his eyes, killer in dadmare dynamics would probably just view it as another role and game he has to play and “dadmare” is his new Chara), Nightmare killed his mother and his currently trying to kill his brother after trapping him in stone for years.
Dust killed his brother and is constantly haunted by his hallucination, Cross destroyed his entire AU and also came from an entirely different AU with a completely different life from the others. (Alphys being his sister, for example. Horror having lobotomized his Alphys and Killer having likely killed and tortured his many times and Dust having murdered his.)
So tldr: I don’t mind dadmare, but it personally isn’t for me. I like found family bad sanses, but not if there’s roles assigned and not if it’s not earned.
I don’t like Nightmare being the perfect father somehow and the sanses being treated like children even though they’re 30-40+ adults and aren’t looking for a father figure.
I prefer dysfunctional found family dynamics with the bad sanses.
Also that some people aren’t likely to be overly emotionally involved or invested in these dynamics for a very long time if at all, even if he plays along as if its all a game or some elaborate test being played on him— either because he thinks he has to, or because it’s something new and he’s curious. He may even get bored of the dynamics eventually, and start asking Nightmare when it’s game over.
Which could lead to something very interesting if he realizes it was never supposed to be a game or a test.
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duskmachine · 2 days
I can't take it anymore. The new Chainsaw Man chapters are so good I have to talk about them. Spoilers for chapters 176-178 below.
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Love Yoru here. She undermines the sacrifices Asa has made and describes them as "trifling things" because in Yoru's eyes she has a much bigger goal. She constantly makes fun of Asa because Asa is a child and therefore values things much lesser than the dreams of the War Devil. It's so insane because right in the next panel,
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Asa acts like an adult! Would you sacrifice the things you have fought for the sake of your own gain? You say one thing but mean another. Asa is much like Yoru in this regard, she wishes to fulfill Denji's dreams (whatever they may be) and protect him. But in reality, she wants to do these things for the sake of proving she is a "good" person.
This connects back to the church briefly touched on in the previous chapters! What makes a good person? Action or intent? Many people go to church to follow tradition, and follow the values of this religious system because it will secure them in, what they believe to be, heaven. If one does good for the sake of personal gain, can we say that person is "good"?
Yoru and Asa both are willing to destroy what they had wanted to protect in order to gain this "goodness". Asa, without really understanding, is harming Denji while trying to do right by him. And Yoru, who is willing to kill her comrades for...
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This! She is willing to give up everything for the sake of proving she is a "more fearsome devil"! She ridicules Asa for the "trifling things" she values, and yet she is sacrificing her own kin for the sake of the most petty bullshit dick measuring contest EVER. One that Chainsaw Man does not even care about. It's not a contest between two of the most "fearsome devils" it's a desperate devil attempting to find any means to remain relevant.
This is some teenager angst coming from a centuries old horseman of the apocalypse.
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Armless, mouthless, and with zero agency she comes to realize her pettiness and chooses to steal the freedom of choice from her children. They must serve her as her mouth and her arms. Children then are:
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Asa was saved by her mother from the Typhoon Devil. In reality, despite Asa's flaws she is a teenager. She wants go to college, have a home, have friends. Her story reflects Denji's. She wanted a normal life where she was loved and yet, her agency was taken by a devil much more powerful than her and now she must find meaning and power in a position stripped of those things.
In a way she is attempting to find a silver lining, "If I can protect Denji, that means I'm still a good person despite everything". Which is so tragic, because in more ways than one, she was never truly able to make a sound decision due to the lies she was told and the possession of her body.
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And come this horrifying sequence of events. Where Asa finds herself as the War Devil, hollowed out of her original heart. Her dream desecrated by war waged for the most petty bullshit dick measuring contest EVER. And isn't that all war? As the Statue of Liberty reveals itself to be a cocooning child of war. True freedom, in the hands of law makers and of devils, is defined by one's ability to wage war and decide who, in the end of mindless violence, is the true victor.
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Individuals willing to kill children understood to be a parents' property, or a state's property, are devils through and through.
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This is the fundamental horror of being a child, of being poor, of being irrelevant. This is the fate devils and humans similar to Yoru avoid by constantly participating in petty bullshit dick measuring contests.
Denji and Yoru are children who have been hollowed out so devils and humans can wage violent wars that destroy colleges, homes, and families with these children's bodies and hearts.
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miss-may-i · 16 hours
Miss May I: Season 5 Part 30
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Farah: Good morning, Bella. I made coffee.
Isabella: Good morning. Where's Dad?
Farah: He left.
Isabella: Where'd he go? Is he coming back?
Farah: That doesn't matter.
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Isabella: Is that why you're getting divorced?
Farah: I don't want this to make you think anything less of your father.
Isabella: Honestly, this makes me think less of both of you.
Farah: Why don't you sit down so we can talk?
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Isabella: I guess I just don't get it. This makes me feel like everything I've always known about love and happiness is a lie.
Farah: We never lied to you. We've always loved you and your sister. This was a long time coming, Bella. We just didn't want to do it while you were little. Selling the house and having to split your time between your father and I. It's not good for a child.
Isabella: Wait, you and Dad are selling the house?
Farah: We have to. I can't afford this place on my own and your father and I won't be living together anymore.
Isabella: Then where does that leave me?
Farah: You're an adult now. You can come with me if you'd like, and I'm sure your father feels the same way. Or you could go off on your own. Have you ever thought about what you wanted to do with your life?
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Isabella: I guess I just never thought this day would come. I always thought I'd stay here until Richie graduated then we'd go off to live our own happily ever after.
Farah: But what about beside that? Take it from me, you need to know who you are outside of being a wife and a mother. You never thought this day would come, and neither did I: The day my girls were grown and time to leave the nest.
Isabella: Just 'cause we're older doesn't mean you and Dad have to get divorced.
Farah: I already told you, we're not doing this because of you.
Isabella: Then at least tell me why. What could Dad have possibly done that's so horrible to ruin our family?
Farah: *Sigh*
Farah: There's another woman. And there has been for a while.
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Isabella: Why does this keep happening? Does no one have a heart? Julie's dad cheated on Jade, Vivi's husband cheated on him, Noah cheated on Julie, Damian cheated on his girlfriend with Julie ... and now Dad? Why even marry someone and start a family with them if you don't even love them?
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Farah: I'm sorry baby.
Isabella: How can I ever trust a man to love me when it seems all everyone does is cheat?
Farah: You find the right man.
Isabella: How do I find out if he's the right man before it's too late?
Farah: ...
Farah: I wish I knew too.
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Family Tree
*A few poses by @bmit04*
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diminuel · 2 days
Garp is an insane man so Dragon grows up with horror stories about divorce. Men tormented by the insanity of his wife. Women who lie and cheat and steal. Men who are too preoccupied with combat to attend “a divorce hearing”
Of course it doesn’t take Dragon very long to figure out his dad is definitely embellishing and also a little drunk.
It also doesn’t take him very long to decide that Garp is probably mostly biased and lying. Its not harsh to imagine that most women would not enjoy being emotionally bound to this oversized ape. He’s met a few women they seem smart.
Well into his adult years on total random happenstance Dragon somehow manages to *find* his estranged mother, who he thought was dead because he hasn’t seen her since he was like 3 and literally has no memories of her at all.
Of course Dragon is a VERY socially conscious adult so the fact that this woman had a child with and then went completely no-contact with Garp is VERY scary in a particular way (oh good god what did his father do?!)
“Honey that man is gay”
And Dragon is less shocked by the actual content of that revelation as he is by the fact that what has been built up his ENTIRE life as the WORST breakup in HISTORY had such a simple explanation the entire time.
(Garp was maybe just in denial and needed to weave a fiction he got caught up in)
You can tell that the message is going to be good if it starts with "Garp is an insane man" ;D
The punchline to it is also great. Yeah, I can see it. He is way too invested in chasing Roger (and other men - sorry, pirates) across the oceans to have any sort of meaningful relationship with his wife. How did he even come across a woman willing to marry him? Or did they have sex once, she got pregnant and then the "well, now we've gotta marry" mindset got them?
I do not blame Dragon's mom for leaving though maybe she should have taken Dragon with her X'D
(I want to know who Dragon's mom is...!!!)
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silverspectre51 · 5 hours
Summoning the Boy King
Darkseid was rampaging through Metropolis, Superman was injured, and the Justice League was desperate. As the League hid between fallen skyscrapers, John Constantine prepared a last-ditch effort to save the Earth.
The Hellblazer drew an intricate sigil on the ground; its circular design stretching over six feet in diameter. Most of the symbols within were space-related, while the others were themed to royalty. Batman, one of the few heroes in-the-know, grunted.
"Are you sure this king ghost can help?"
Constantine sighed and pinched his nose.
"He's the High King of the Infinite Realms, Bats, an' he's bloody powerful. He'll stop Darkseid, alright, but what he does afterward is anyone's guess. Believe me, I wouldn't be doin' this if we had a choice."
Batman sighed and glanced at the smoke-filled horizon.
"Alright, get on with it, then. We're running out of time."
Constantine nodded and placed a single offering in the center of the sigil: a squishmallow of Disney's iconic blue alien, Stitch.
"I beg your finest pardon," Batman sputtered, "What on Earth is that?"
Constantine sighed again as he took his position at the edge of the sigil.
"Mate, the book was very specific. Unlike his predecessor, the new king requires a single offering of space or alien theme that is suitable for children. It's bloody strange, but beggars can't be choosers."
Batman just shook his head and looked on. Constantine raised his hands and started the summoning chant. An eerie, green glow spread across the sigil, and light fog gathered above it. Little white orbs floated up from the ground and spiraled together, forming the slowly spinning visage of a spiral galaxy.
"Incredible..." Zatanna gasped, "This summoning is on a level all its own. This king of yours is on the level of Gods."
Finally, something began to form over the small galaxy. Batman's expression quickly softened, much to the surprise of his teammates. It was mere seconds before they understood, as a black blob full of white stars formed into the shape of a boy. The blob had spiky 'bangs' if you could call them that and eerie, glowing green eyes.
The squishmallow floated into the boy's arms and he squeezed it excitedly. At the same time, he took on a far more human form, with pale skin and snowy white hair. His eyes had whites now but still glowed green. He was dressed in black and white, royal attire with green accents, a black crown floating in a green aurora, and a black ring with a green stone. A black cape flowed down his back, its underside looking as if it were cut from a clear night sky.
"Awesome offering, dude! What can I do for ya?"
The voice was a reedy tenor in the throes of puberty, and its owner was more than a little geeky. The boy's smile was infectious, or it would have been were it not for the specific circumstance.
"How old are you?" Batman asked, his tone soft, "We weren't expecting a child."
The boy waved him off like it was nothing.
"No one ever does. And, um... technically I'm fifteen. I know, I don't look it."
Constantine cut in, clearly out of patience.
"Look, this monster Darkseid is destroying our world. We need you to stop him."
The boy turned in the air and took in the destruction around him. Somehow, he seemed to understand the situation immediately.
"Okay, but I gotta get permission first. This'll take a lot of power." He paused, taking a breath, and then yelled in a strange language. "Mom!"
Constantine paled and the other heroes shrank back as a green portal tore into existence. A young woman, barely an adult herself, floated out. She had waist-length blue hair and the same glowing, green eyes. She wore a royal outfit in white and maroon, complete with a glittering, silver tiara studded with rubies.
"What's the matter, Danny? Are you okay?"
Danny nodded.
"Mhmm! These guys need me to take out this Darkseid guy, though. Can I use my full power?"
Constantine snuck a drink from his flask. He did not sign up to deal with the fucking Queen Mother of the Infinite Realms, nor had he known she existed. God, he needed a smoke...
The Queen Mother smiled softly and pressed a kiss to her son's forehead. She spoke whilst taking his new plush.
"Yes, Danny, you may. Let me hold onto this for you so it doesn't get dirty."
Danny nodded and turned away.
"Okay, thanks mom!"
The Queen Mother vanished through and with the portal she had created. Moments later, Danny shot off into the city, with the remaining able-bodied heroes hot on his trail. The young king reached Darkseid rather quickly, engaging him while the Leaguers looked on from cover. Darkseid was foolishly amused.
"A child dares oppose me? Flee, whelp."
Batman tensed as Darkseid unleashed his Omega Effect. Two red beams shot from his eyes, and yet the young king floated firm. Two eerie, green beams shot from his own eyes and, to the shock of everyone, overpowered his foe's. Darkseid shattered into many tiny pieces which then vanished into thin air.
"Man, he really wasn't smart!" Danny grinned, "Who fires a death beam at the king of the dead?"
He received no response, as the heroes were too stunned to speak. Smiling, he saluted the group before tearing open another portal.
"Oh well; villain gone, carry on. Later guys!"
Batman glared at Constantine, but the Brit had already absconded. Heaving a sigh, he resigned himself to this new reality. Darkseid was gone, but there was an incredible new power to worry about.
(Note: My only source of information is DP canon, DP fanon, and the Justice League cartoons from the early '00s. I apologize for any inaccuracies with Batman's or Constantine's behavior.)
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waughymommy · 16 hours
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Chapter 14
Brian walked into the house and immediately burst into tears. He crumpled to floor and cried for his mommy. “Oh baby, my goodness what’s wrong?” she asked as she sat down on the floor next to him. He nuzzled his face into her chest. She held him tight, “Shhhhh, everything is ok. Mommy is here. Do you think you can calm down enough to tell me what happened?”
Between sobs, Brian tried to tell her about his day, “I I, wet my pull-up twice today and then I lost my paci, but Samantha found and gave it back to me. And then she told me I should wear thicker protection.” His speech sounded like that of an excited toddler, as his short sentences rolled one into the next, “And, and, and then I had to go to a meeting about a new client and it was Babies R Us. I got so nervous in the meeting that I tried to pee just a little bit, but but but…”. Brian wailed like a helpless child. He was so upset that he didn’t even notice that he was uncontrollably wetting his pants again. Rebecca noticed the growing wet spot on the front of his pants. She continued to act like a concerned mother, but inside she was elated. He was becoming a baby before her very eyes, “But what honey? Tell mommy what happened.”
“I, I, I…soaked my pull-up. I am so ashamed mommy, I’m becoming a baby. I don’t know how I am going to make it through work tomorrow,” he buried his head into her chest again.
“That was very of brave of you to tell me what happened. And you know what? You are just a baby. You are mommy’s special little boy. Babies have accidents. That why I put you in pull-ups this morning. But it sounds like Samantha might be right. We might need to send you in something a little thicker tomorrow. Although you are just a baby, just imagine that when you are at work, you are pretending to be a big boy and doing all the things big boys do. But when you get home, you won’t have to pretend anymore. Mommy knows its hard being a big boy. Now, I see a very wet little boy who is desperate need of a change,” she said lifting up off the floor.
Brian let her guide him back to the bedroom. He descended into a haze again, but he knew that mommy would make everything better. She laid out a changing mat on the bed and beckoned him over. She unbuckled his belt and undid his pants, “Ok step out these for me.” Brian stuck his thumb in his mouth and followed her directions. After taking off his pants, she pulled off his soaking wet onesie. “Lay down on the changing bad for me. Oh my goodness you are soaked. You really went pee-pee,” she said as she tickled his belly. Brian giggled behind his thumb. She tore off the pull-up and wiped him down with some wipes. You know what, I think we should get you into a bath. Won’t that be nice?” she cooed at him.
She led him off into the bathroom and set his naked butt on the toilet seat, his thumb never leaving his mouth. “Now you sit here like a good boy, while I start your bath.” Brian just nodded, content to let her do everything for him. She drew he bath and added some bubbles. “Ok, hop in.” Brian sat down, the water barely coming up over his crotch, but he didn’t mind. The bubbles smelled nice and it was fun to splash. “Brian, I got you something for bath time,” she said excitedly and produced a big rubber ducky. His eyes lit up. In the past, his adult brain prevented him from truly enjoying his toys, but this felt different. He was genuinely excited about the rubber ducky. “Can you tell me what sound a duck makes?” Rebecca asked as she kneeled down next to the tub.
“Qwack,” Brian chirped.
“That’s right!”she cheered. “Now you play with that while mommy cleans you up.” Brian moved his ducky through the water and splashed about, making all kinds of silly little sounds. Rebecca smiled and laughed at her silly little boy, “Mommy is so very happy to see you playing and enjoying yourself. Isn’t that so much better than worrying about all those scary big boy things?”
Brian fervently nodded his head and went back to playing. Rebecca grapped a wash cloth and started washing him all over. He bristled a little when she washed his face and behind his ears. “Can you stand up, mommy needs to wash that pee-pee and your cute little butt.” Brian did as he was told. She rubbed the washcloth over his crotch and his bottom. Brian’s thumb returned to his mouth and she washed him up. Two days ok, if she had done this, he would have been overcome with shame and embarrassment, but in this moment it felt right. He had not a care in the world. “Ok its time to hop out now.”
“But mommy, I don’t wanna. I was having fun with ducky,” he whined.
“I know sweetheart and I’m so glad that you are having fun, but mommy still has to make dinner. And I know a big baby that needs to get his diaper on. We don’t want you peeing all over the floor,” she guided him out of the tub and dried him off. Hand in hand, the two returned to the bedroom where she diapered him and dressed him in another onesie. She clipped on a different pacifier than he was used to and he made a face at Rebecca. “Mommy has already started getting my baby lots of stuff.” Brian didn’t respond, but simply popped the pacifier in his mouth. In just a matter of two days, Brian was growing more and more dependent on his pacifier. It soothed him. He recalled his mother saying that he had a hard time letting go of it when he was a toddler.
After he was diapered and dressed, she led back to the den and laid him down on the couch like she had done the previous evening. She went to the kitchen and retuned with a bottle of milk and then placed the headphones over his ears. “Remember, this music helps you relax and be the best baby you can for mommy,” she whispered and then kissed his forehead. Brian began to nurse the bottle and in a few moments his eyes closed. When she was certain that he was content, she went to the kitchen to make dinner. But before she started cooking, she pulled out her phone. She scrolled through her contacts. She and Brian had gone out for drinks with Samantha on a few occasions. Although she didn’t know her well, they got along well. There was something about her she knew she could trust. She found her number and sent her a message: We need to talk.
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sapphireshineonao3 · 9 hours
Genshin Modern AU! Concept Post [Title Pending…]
Summary: Kinich is an orphan who is stuck in the adoption process because his two potential “parents” are arguing about which one gets to adopt him.
Age: 18
Occupation: Freelance worker/Courier
Note: Been in the orphanage since he was seven. After his mother left and father died, he wandered on the streets for a few months before Wriothesley found him and took him to the orphanage. He's been there since then, though an adoption process started for him when he was fifteen, however it was dragged out until now because of difficulties with the two applicants.
Age: 27
Occupation: Police Chief
Note: Practically designated himself as Kinich's ‘older brother’ since they lived in the same orphanage since he found Kinich on the street one day. Always worries over him because Kinich somehow managed to attract the strangest of people.
Age: 25
Occupation: ???
Note: Supposedly acts as Kinich's “agent” for freelance work from time to time. No one really knows how they met, but they formed some kind of partnership. Ajaw acts eccentric and egotistical most of the time, but refuses to let anyone get close to Kinich. Constantly butts heads with Wriothesley in regards to Kinich.
Note: Currently at odds with Capitano, who also wishes to adopt Kinich.
Note: At odds with Mavuika because she wants to adopt Kinich.
Note: Capitano's co-worker and one of the heads of the orphanage, looks after Kinich with care due to his… unique circumstances and only puts up with the two adults fighting over the child because one is her co-worker, and another is the CEO of a large company, and somewhat of a celebrity among the sporty kids.
The concept had been eating at me, so here's a brief overview of what I have cooked up so far. Honestly it's pretty barebones, but it's fun to think about. May add more to this if I have the time. The concept of Mavuika and Capitano fighting over Kinich is too fun to ignore XD
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hedgiwithapen · 12 hours
Leverage timetravel, pre pilot/child ot3 meet their redemption era selves
(I took some liberties re: /meeting/) In hindsight, visiting the US Patent office was probably not their smartest move.  Never return to the scene of the crime, and all, at least not if the job was finished. 
But they'd put a pin in going back for the time machine, and not even a really bad idea could deter Hardison from an actual time machine. Well. Portal, like Eliot had said. 
It hadn't come with an instruction manual, but the three of them, Hardison, Parker, Eliot were professionals at figuring things out on the fly . Even lost in the past. Even scattered. 
Hardison knew he just had to wait, though. They'd find each other. They'd lived through the past once, they could deal with it again, especially knowing everything they did. And it wasn't like they had to live through the whole span of years, either. They just had to find each other, put the pieces back together, scattered with them, and go home. Easier said than done--he was starting to think they might have ended up in different times--but still, the Estimated range was fifteen to twenty years, so that was only five max before they met up, right?
Hardison had gotten right to work. Ads in every major newspaper in the heartland cost plenty, but he had years of criminal practice on top of knowing what tech to invest in, so he really wasn't that worried. He guessed Eliot would be betting on sports games, like in Back to the Future. Parker... well, it was hard to guess where she was. Once he and Eliot met up, they'd have to wait for her to get to them. He did have a few things to do, first.
He knocked on Nana's door, feeling like maybe he ought to be wearing a bow tie. 
"What is it? You from the county?" she asked, when she opened the door. He could see behind her a few curious faces, including his own. Damn, he'd been so tiny. 
"Yes, Ma'am," he said brightly. He could remember this day, vaguely. The box he held was more familiar than his adult face. "I'm here to install your new computer."
"I didn't order any computer," Nana said. "Run your scam someplace else."
"It's not a scam!" he heard his own voice say. "I entered a contest at school."
He had. And he'd lost. Stupid Jake Puckett had won, a kid who could have easily afforded a computer. Alec hadn't known that though, until Hardison'd checked idly. And he wasn't about to just let all of history change. Well, all his own history. 
"You got some proof of that?" Nana asked, and Alec went  scampering off to his room to find his copy of the essay.
Satisfied with the expertly forged documents (wow! it was much easier to forge past documents when you were in the time they were from!) Nana let him in and pointed to a corner desk near an outlet. 
"You ever use your own one of these?" Hardison asked Alec, who shook his head. " just the one at school. I really won?"
"Sure did. Now, let me show you what this thing can do."
Eliot stood at the edge of the field, a newspaper crumpled in his hand. Hardison was in Boston, if the ad was right, and of course the ad was. No one else put that much effort into a coded message. 
He watched the football fly. In two weeks, the kid throwing it would be on a bus to boot camp. He closed his eyes. There were options.  Kid wouldn't believe him, of course. There were no secrets yet, to spill as proof. And he was too stubborn to buy the warning.  A good solid tackle, though. Break his arm bad enough...
He'd thought about it. And then about the what ifs. The blood would still be spilled, he knew that. Someone else would end up on Moreau's chain. Someone else would end up with a half dug grave for Flores, and maybe keep digging it.  Everything he'd done for money, the money'd go to someone else. Job might not get done, or it might. 
He'd be there for his mother's funeral. He'd miss Katherine Clive's. Rebecca Ibanez.  the way the drinking might have gone... he'd miss Nate Ford's.  He'd go to school, like his dad wanted, never play college ball. Study something-- art history, maybe -- but no, that was him now. Not him then. Him then would be angry and broken. Him then wouldn't have... his people.
He crumped the paper further. "Dammit, Hardison," he said quietly, and walked away. 
Parker had a code. Some things, you just didn't do. Some were big and flashy and obvious. Some were smaller, quieter. 
Hardison would say she shouldn't do this, she knew, and she usually listened to Hardison. He knew what he was talking about, most of the time. You can't change the past. That'd been part of the lecture before they'd gone to steal the time machine.  You can do things, sure, but you always did them. 
Well, Parker hadn't done this. No one had, back the first time she'd lived through this day. But she was doing it anyways, breaking his rule and her own. You don't steal from kids who don't have anything. 
Carefully, she picked the lock on the child's bicycle chain. 
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wilcze-kudly · 18 hours
Suyin wasn't "coerced" to commit a crime, neither did she want to take herself out of the situation. She wanted to get her friends out of paying for their crimes because she's spoiled and entitled.
She didn't "have" to travel the world, she was sent to family members to take her away from a criminal and endangering environment, and she decided to escape because she's too much of a pick me girl to stay with the so called family "that didn't show her affection". To be honest, you speak of her as some kind of adult avatar-styled Rapunzel, instead of a teenager who deserved to be reprimanded.
She did turn her life around, and kudos to the creators for showing that. No one can say that her story and background is boring by any chance.
She, however, is not the most likeable character out there to a big part of the fandom, but I seriously doubt someone is taking it as seriously as you seem to do. Just chill.
Istg this happens almost everytime I post something mildly touching on the fact that Suyin deserves compassion too. Though you may be the same anon who blew up my inbox a while back so it might just be you.
I've always found the disdain we have for "troubled teens" upsetting because usually, when a teenager "acts out", there's more of a reason behind it that just "ooh they're spoilt or entitled".
[Trigger warning for self harm and suicidal ideation mentions]
Like, I was a very difficult teen back in the day. I argued with my parents, even got into physical altercations, skipped school, ran away from home at night. I was also going through a severe depression, dealing with a shitton of childhood trauma, cutting on the regular and making multiple attempts on my life. Hell, if my parents had brushed me off as "a kid who needs to be disciplined" I probably would've killed myself at 14. It doesn't excuse me for punching my dad in the stomach when he was just trying to stop me from running away into the night but it doesn't mean I didn't deserve help.
[End of Trigger Warning]
These two things can be correct at the same time. Suyin can have done a shitty thing that deserves reprimand and that she needs help that she seemingly had to find on her own. But like, guess which of these two is almost exclusively focused on.
And I mean, it's totally not like the Avatar fandom has a habit of expressing extreme hate towards young girls (especially young girls of colour) making sub optimal choices or just beind "annoying". I've just never seen that before.
Suyin grew up with Toph, who Lin herself has described like this:
Suyin : No, no. My children are a blessing. Lin: Yeah, mom used to say that too, but she never meant it.
Which btw, still an incredibly hillarious thing to say in front of Suyin's children: "Hi kids I'm your aunt Lin and your mother is lying about loving you"
While Suyin has, as a child, expressed doubt that Toph would even care that she's skipping school. And as an adult, she has described her childhood with Lin as "competing for their mother's affection" and still has doubts whether or not her mother is happy with how either of them turned out.
Hell, even though Su and Toph have been said to have made up, Toph still maintains a heavy layer of distance between them, seemingly dissappearing for years at a time!
It's honestly sad how Suyin hugs Toph and puts up statues of her everywhere in Zaofu and yet Toph still just fucked off to the swamp when Opal was probably less then ten and did not contact them.
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I mean, sounds like there's not a lot of motherly affection going on there, dude. Idk what to tell ya. We know there were no fathers around either.
And Lin was also a victim of this environment, so I don't really want this to come off as me blaming her for the way she acted towards Su. But Lin is hardly what I would call affectionate.
So of course Suyin would put so much stock in her relationships outside the house. And her friends happened to be fucking criminals fucking hell. And of course Lin, being a kid too did not know how to approach this situation properly, so she inadvertently just pushed Suyin closer to them by insulting them and making her feel defensive.
Because that's what all fucking teens do. The internalise things, they rely on their peers to form their perception of things and they want to be independent. So when someone, especially someone who isn't a parent tries to control them, guess how they'll react? They dig their heels in. Especially a teen like Suyin who has virtually no reason to listen to her older sister other than a vague "I know better than you" type of vibe which really pisses teens off. That's like the time when talking down to them is the worst thing to do.
And fuck off with saying getting arrested and screamed at by your sister in the middle of the road isn't a stressful situation that you wolud wanna get out of. Lin punched a car so hard it dented! (Especially that Lin has already been confirmed to use her status as a police officer against people she has a vendetta against, like when SHE TRIED TO THROW PEMA IN JAIL FOR STEALING HER MANS like how tf did we brush over that)
What I always find interesting in this scene is the front that Su puts on in front of Lin, which slips up a few times, particularly when Lin can't see her expression. Because Suyin is, of course being a fucking brat and taunting Lin, but you can clearly see that she's stressed out.
Suyin also describing the reason she helped her friends as a getaway driver is something I find interesting:
Suyin: I didn't steal anything. I just drove the car. I owed my friends a favor. It's not a big deal.
Of course she's scared and minimising her involvement but the usage of "owing her friends" could very easily imply her not exactly being too hyped about this, as well as her insistence on not stealing anything.
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Because the thing about Suyin is that, especially in the flashbacks, we see her only in Lin's PoV. We don't see her relationship with her friends, what led up to the robbery, anything. Which makes sense, because the flashbacks are supposed to be Lin's. But that means we're viewing Su with the inherent bias of Lin, who clearly has an agenda against Su.
Lin clearly blames Suyin for Toph leaving policework, despite us later seeing how burnt out and cynical Toph was about being a cop. Its more likely that Su's arrest was a wake-up call for Toph, but she left due to the buildup of stress and disillusionment and Lin, who has been idolising her mother and her mother's career blamed it on Suyin in her head.
Hell, even they made up, Lin still immediately pivots to accusing Suyin of being involved in the Red Lotus' attack. Despite the attack placing Suyin's life, the lives of her sons and the lives of her guards at risk and Suyin going out of her way to thwart it.
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And Suyin's life is just a fucking mess after this point like: betrayal by close friend, daughter kidnapped by terrorists, anarchy in the kingdom, leaders of 2 foreign governments trying to pressure her into subjugating the people in the name of a monarch she doesn't support, betrayal part 2; child boogaloo, the country she lives in being declared a dictatorship, city under literal siege, threat of attack in 24 hours, the fucking Avatar doing fuck all to help, a desperate attempt at assassinating the leader, getting caught and placed in questionably humane restraints, having to watch her daughter be forced to flee, PUBKIC HUMILIATION, the arrest of her non combative son and husbandd, INHUMANE JAIL CELL...
Do I need to go on? Like the moment the Krew came to her gouse her life just started to fucking fall apart its actually kinda hillarious.
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And calling Suyin a "pick me" is just... unfounded? Who's she trying to get picked by? Her mom who doesn't love her? Girlie just wanted a family she literally said so in the show, put your listening ears on, babes.
I understand that Suyin isn't the most likeable character to people. I can understand why they dislike her. She can be annoying, hypocritical, rash, the poor structuring of the episodes around her and Lin makes it so she gets unearned favour from the writers etc. People who like Lin and Kuvira, two extremely popular characters in the fandom have an easy villain in their faves' lives if they just tweak Suyin a bit.
But that doesn't mean I'm obligated to dislike her too or that I'm not allowed to post about her in a way that doesn't allign with the fandom's narrative of her. You're not obligated to read it, hun, you can block the #pro suyin beifong tag if it makes you that upset to see me
I want to appreciate parts of Suyin which aren't highlighted by the fandom and I'm allowed to do that. Just because it doesn't fit with your clearly overtly negative opion of the character well, tough luck. And hey, I gladly take the opportunity to talk about Suyin, but I've also made a ridiculous amount of posts around har and have probably addressed almost every single fandom complaint of her at some point so I'm starting to get a little tired of repeating myself lol.
And I'll be the first to admit, my own teenage years probably heavily affect how compassionate I am towards Suyin, particularly in her younger years. But I know how much people hate "troubled teens", how little compassion thet are given.
The narrative that if a misbehaving teenager just gets deisciplined and reprimanded enough they'll stop being "spoilt and entitled" or acting out is wrong and harmful. It hurts tons of teenagers by not getting them the help they need and it would've fucking killed me.
Also hun, I'm not sure if you've noticed, but I tend to use hyperbole a lot. I'm a dramatic bitch. Like did you also think I was serious when I said I'd shoot myself if I saw another ad for Amazon's shit lotr wannabe show?
Tbh everytime I get an ask like this I vaguely consider doubling down and commiting to the bit of being the fandom's "Lin Beifong hater". Though I feel like a lot of people wouldn't realise its a bit and think I actually hate her for real lol.
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honeysylvan · 1 day
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🌹 Belial Rose 🌹
the girl with the demon blood
When the prestigious Hawthorne family heir’s dalliance with a demon led to an unwanted pregnancy, her family gave her an ultimatum: disown the child, or be disowned herself. When the demon-hybrid was born, her mother left her with only one thing: the name Belial, meaning “worthless.” Belial grew up in an orphanage in Moonwood Mill with no connection to her family in Glimmerbrook. Little is known about demons, and Belial was shunned by spellcasters and avoided by other occults. Despite her rough upbringing, Belial was nothing if not resourceful; she focused on her studies and managed to graduate high school early and secure her independence at only sixteen. When she left the orphanage, she didn’t look back. Belial spent the next three years traveling, searching for answers about her demonic heritage. She poured over vampire tomes in Forgotten Hollow, learned the traditions of the mermaids in Sulani, and even went back to Moonwood Mill to study ancient werewolf writings. But fear kept her from returning to Glimmerbrook—until she heard of the Embers Academy Spellcasting Tournament. If anyone would know more about her bloodline, it would be the very Sage of Untamed Magic themselves. Swallowing her fear, Belial set off to enter the tournament with the hopes that winning would put her in Morgyn’s good graces.
For @adelarsims Embers Academy Spellcasting Tournament! Other information below the cut 🌹
Name: Belial Rose Age: 19 (Young Adult) Pronouns: she/her Gender: Woman Sexuality: Bisexual Ethnicity: White Species: Spellcaster-Demon Hybrid Traits: Loyal, Overachiever, Music Lover, Perfectionist*, Creative* + Gregarious Additional Traits: Ancient Bloodline, Unhappy Infant, Idea Person, Low Self-Esteem, Compassionate, Responsible, Spice Hound, Observant, Speed Reader, Night Owl, Brave Aspiration: Big Happy Family Education: graduated high school early | no university degree  Career: N/A — takes on odd jobs to survive Lifestyle(s): Frequent Traveler Likes & Dislikes:  Activity - Cooking, Gardening, Gemology, Mixology, Research & Debate, Singing, Violin, Wellness, Writing | Mischief, Programming, Snowboarding, Video Gaming Color - Pink | Black Conversation Topics - Deep Thoughts, Discussing Hobbies, Discussing Interests, Physical Intimacy, Stories | Deception, Gossip, Malicious Interactions, Pranks Sim Characteristics - Cerebral, Family-Motivated, Idealist, Nature Enthusiasts, Pet Enthusiasts | Ambitionless, Argumentative, Egotistical, Rascals Music Genre - Classical, Cottagecore, Singer Songwriter | METAL, Ranch, Strange Tunes Turn-Ons & Turn-Offs: Way of Life - Academic, Culinary, Health & Sports, Interpersonal, Nature | Slacker, Media & Technology, Taken Characteristics - Cerebral, Family-Motivated, Idealist, Nature Enthusiasts, Pet Enthusiasts, Spirited | Ambitionless, Argumentative, Egotistical, Messy Romance Styles - Affection, Physical Intimacy, WooHoo | N/A Hair Color - Auburn, Black, Blonde, Brown, Orange | Platinum, White Outfit Color - Black, Red, White | Pink Fashion - N/A | Costumes Skills: Cooking - 6 | Gardening - 7 | Gemology - 8 | Herbalism - 6 | Logic - 9 | Medium - 5 | Mixology - 5 | Research & Debate - 8 | Singing - 9 | Vampire Lore - 12 | Wellness - 7 | Writing - 6
*I have the more traits in CAS mod, but if you don’t have that, then feel free to stick with just Loyal, Overachiever, and Music Lover!
Rank: Acolyte Familiar: none Wand: none Broom: gnarled wood broom Perks: Knowledge Is Magic, Discharge, Power Shunt, Insightful Eye, Spellcaster Socialite Known Spells: Floralorial, Scruberoo, Repario, Deliriate, Inferniate, ZipZap, Chilio, Necrocall Known Potions: Nimble Mind, Good Fortune, Emotional Stability
Her favorite flowers are roses, and when she left the orphanage she took “Rose” as her last name.
What Belial wants most are family and friends to call her own. She’s fiercely loyal and protective, but her lack of experience with interpersonal connections growing up means she has a hard time making friends.
Because she never returned to Glimmerbrook to study formally at an academy or with a mentor, all of Belial’s magical abilities are self-taught. She’s only managed to get as far as she has due to her work ethic, talent, and stubbornness.
She’s incredibly honest, and hates when people lie.
In addition to being very academic, she loves to sing and is quite creative. She loves to learn and experience new things.
She is touch-starved and very much craves affection and physical intimacy.
She doesn’t have a familiar yet, but wants a cat.
She casts with her hands near-exclusively, finding it far more comfortable and natural to do so.
Due to her demonic heritage, spicy foods don’t bother her at all—but she is unaware why.
She has a proclivity for untamed magic.
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**The only CC in her non-everyday looks are 2 hairstyles, some makeup, and items that are already in her everyday looks. If any CC in any of her outfits needs to be removed/changed, please let me know!
If you read all this you're a saint 🩷 Thank you!
Private DL 🌹
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ofmermaidstories · 1 day
Amnesia anon add on: maybe you're not pregnant, but Deku freezes and leans over, suddenly extremely hushed and asks if you think... should he get a test? Should I stay and wait to see if... and you're thinking a test for WHAT
Its A pregnancy test you two have been trying for a baby and depending on pregnancy mileage that can either feed into the wistful aching confusion or the psychological horror.
But the idea of being 21, you're still trying to do taxes without crying, you had to text an adult (because you are a child wearing adult clothes) how to get a stain out of your one nice shirt because you have a job interview for a position that would suck just a little bit less than the one you have now-- relationships are barely even on the radar, let alone children, let alone wanting a child, and then feeling so secure in your life that you could promise that by the time it is born you would still have a place to keep them warm and food to fill their belly. You can't even promise that for yourself yet.
The drama. The angst. You want your mom!!! But then again! This dude would be a dilf! Ngl! It's all very confusing.
Genuinely sorry to all the pregnancy averse people I get it unfortunately I have a soapopera soul.
LMAOOOO, reader, looking up at him like he’s bonkers, like test?????? oh my god im crying. imagine being in that position. like on the outside you are 36, a proper adult that’s in the perfect position to have a baby—but on the inside you are freaking out about essentially being a teenage mother LMFAOOOOOOOO. idk i think i would actually start flipping tables at that point.
when you balk at it deku would trip over himself to reassure you that everything happens in your time, whenever you wanna blah blah blah. meanwhile u are like. planning your escape from this nuthouse bc why is he talking about PREGNANCY tests, omg are you a captive? have you been CAPTURED by some SICKO?
(poor deku, he’d never recover if he knew what was going through your head LMAO)
anyways i agree with u anon, i get why being preggers can be a sore spot/fear, however. 😌 sometimes i have ideas. and my original idea was having Reader be like six months pregnant bc it would truly be body horror at that point lmao, but then i decided against it bc it kinda throws off the tone of the ending i have in mind so. 😔 next time ig.
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n04s · 2 days
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Okay. Actually this is completely wrong
Rusty's misery isn't because he can't live up to his father. Maybe in season 1? But at the end of that season he gives up all hope of ever becoming like his dad and passes the torch on to his brother, Jonas. Which imo makes him a happier person... somewhat.
Rusty's ACTUAL misery is because nobody loves him and he loves no one. He's too self absorbed to love anyone (and the closest thing we ever get is his fan club president...), not just because he's a narcissist but also because the shit his father did to him in his childhood was incredibly damaging and he was never able to move past it.
In the episode "Assisted Suicide", we get a direct view of Rusty Venture's mind, and, to me clearly solidified the fact that Rusty Venture has alters due to childhood trauma.
We first meet "Id", who is portrayed as a narcissistic child. This is the Rusty we see in most of the show. He has a collection of women that have all fallen for him. Yes, Rusty Venture DOES get laid (many times actually?). However, this part of him only cares about women as "trophies".
Next, we see "Ego". This is an adult Rusty, but he's too preoccupied trying to fix his child self from all the shit that happened. Focused on looking at the past, unable to connect with anyone while in his spiral of misery. His problems are only momentarily solved when the "trophy" women are brought in. Yes, this part of Rusty is equally misogynistic, and only sees women as "mother" figures for himself. We see this Rusty when he is at his most vulnerable.
Finally, we meet "Superego", who had been locked up in mind-jail. When the crew meets him, he says that nobody has needed him for a while. Also, he looks like his dad. Ring a bell? YES! This is the Rusty we have only seen in season 1, the Rusty that WANTS to be like his dad, who's CONFIDENT.....and who's also the most evil bastard Rusty of them all. Immediately after the main cast sets him free, Rusty has one of his most morally dubious episodes ("What Color Is Your Cleansuit?"), the likes of which he hadn't had since Henry Killinger tried to make him a supervillain.
Anyway. Back to my original point. Nobody loves Rusty. Except women. And he is so misogynist that he might as well be gay. Or maybe he is genuinely gay, but no men like him? Still misogynist.
His sons also love him, but children are not able to provide love to their caretakers the same way a true friend could. Plus...well this could get long but tl;dr he is the shittest dad imaginable.
He pushes away people. His rare moments of vulnerability are met with awkward silence and avoidance. He's utterly and completely alone, due to forces on both sides--internal and external.
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hollypies · 5 months
Finding out my mom has tumblr account an actively likes/reblogs Harry Potter × Snape is
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