#the chains of a fragile soul
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Long requested and finally had time to do that but here we are
It's been a year since our first ever collaboration wih @shygirl4991 had started with The chains of fragile soul, and what had started our friendship too
It's been fun working on this and i love drawing my beloved Aster (im still the number 1 fan dhdhdhd)
So as an honor of that, I redrew the coverart!

Heres the old and the new next to each other for comparison:

Thank you all for reading fragile soul!
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Chapter 3 Pride in yourself
All art belongs to @b-r-i-n-g-x do not repost! Fic prompt from @itsajanea Last Chapter Next chapter Tags: Angst, Romance, Action Adventure, jealously, love confessions, SMG4 discovers he is bi, fluff
The party has ended with the guests all gone, SMG4 sighs, cleaning up the castle with the help of Mario and Tari. As he swept the floor his mind kept going back to Aster and SMG3 having fun together, he could feel his eyes sting from the memory. Shaking his head he focused on cleaning rather than his confusing emotions, Mario stood from afar watching his best friend. Frowning he looks down at the pasta in his hand, that's when an idea hits him. SMG4 smiles at his friends as he walks to them to the front of the castle “Thanks for helping out, see you both tomorrow!” he waves at the pair before closing the door.
Once alone he walks to his room changing into his iconic overalls, he then throws himself on his bed. He lets out a weary sigh, he hasn't felt this drain since the castle incident. His eyes drifted to a photo on his dresser, he turns and picks it up, his hat falling off his head as he looks at the photo. The photo was of him, Three, and Mario throwing a small party for Mar10 day. After what happened with everything Four felt he had to make up for his mistakes, he remembered how grumpy SMG3 was when he dragged him over. SMG4 giggled at how adorable he found it, he blushes noticing his thoughts and drops the photo next to him in bed.

He laid there staring at the roof confused, his mind going back to what Mario told him “Gay for SMG3…yeah right.” He turns in his bed to see the photo again, his eyes fixed on SMG3 as he drifts to sleep. He opens them again to see he was back in Peach's castle, he felt his blood run cold as he looked around. Slowly he walked around, he started to hear loud music blasting through the castle. Confused by this, he followed the sound, the sight he found made him gasped.There everyone was wearing formal wear, Mario turned and ran up to him “What are you doing here, meme boy? It’s too late, Aster and SMG3…” Not understanding his best friend he turns and sees Aster and SMG3 in their wedding outfits cutting the cake. He felt sick again at the sight of Three looking so soft at Aster, he shakes his head letting out a shaky smile “I..I am sooo happy for them!”
Mario gives him a tight hug “Then why even in your dreams you cry?” startled from the comment SMG4 touches his face to feel his tears. Before Four could comment on anything a loud bang jolts him awake, he blinks still waking up confused on what's happening. There he sees Mario running up to him worried, Four looks away wiping his tears “Mario why are you here?”
The plumber steps back and shows him a bag “Mario is taking you on a trip! We are seeing a professional to help you with the gay.” SMG4 blinks, staring at the bag then at his best friend, with a sigh he lays back in his bed. Mario rolls his eyes and grabs SMG4 leg dragging him out of the bed “WHA!? MARIO LET ME GO!” Mario kept going ignoring the guardians pleas, he had a mission and he wont let nothing stop him.
Aster tosses and turns in bed, they feel their body heat up and pain surge through them. Flashes of a bright light coming at them kept playing on loop, then a huge explosion happened causing Aster to jolt up from their sleep breathing heavily. Their body was shaking as they struggled to calm their breathing, still seeing the bright light coming at them. They jump feeling something warm and comforting holding their arm, slowly their breathing relaxed as their eyes shifted to the person next to them. It took a moment to remember that after SMG4 party SMG3 asked them to stay the night, they stare at the sleeping man’s face. With a sigh they slowly pulled themself away, getting up from the bed Aster looked around the room. They needed something to wear that wasn't their formal wear, knowing the height difference between them and Three meant they were going to have to use a little trick to get something to fit. As they look around the room their eyes locked onto the USB on the shelf, he gets closer looking at it “Is this how you got to the world?” They slowly reach for it before stopping themself, this wasn’t their mission and need to make sure not to mess with anything that could give them away. They kept looking and found a journal in one of the drawers, they looked back at the bed seeing SMG3 was still sleeping. It was risky taking the whole thing for information, quickly they ripped a few pages out and shoved them in their bag. With a sigh they were about to give up the search for comfy pajamas till they notice a small pile of clothes in a box, they get closer and smile as they take the pajamas out. Their eyes glow purple as they sprinkle dust on the clothes to grow slightly. “Not too much now, wouldn't want my darling to notice something off,” with a giggle they change into the pajamas finally free from their formal wear.
Once changed they walk to the elevator with their things and go up, so far things were going smooth, they were so sure that the man would wake up. As they arrive at the surface they grab their bag ready to leave, suddenly their phone rings as they walk towards the front door. Looking at the number Aster groans “Yes father?” they could hear the star mumbling something before talking to them “Are you still with the target?” Aster sighs as they drop their bag and lean on the counter “Of course I am, where do you think I am? Hitting on some random person in the kingdom, I just got him as my boyfriend. What kind of partner would I be if I didn't want to spend more time with him?” Ztar sighs “You know what happens if you're out too long without eating,” Aster rolls their eyes as they listen to the dark star scolding him. Their eyes flicker red as their grip on the phone tightens “SHUT UP!” realizing what they did they take a deep breath “Sorry…just dad I will follow your orders and not fail you, so just trust me?” Ztar lets out a dark chuckle sending chills down Aster spine “I trust you, i don't trust SMG3. Don't fall for the good guardian act, make sure that idiot falls for you, let him say the words I love you. Once he does you know what you must do,” With those words the call ends leaving Aster staring at their phone frowning.
Aster looks at their bag then at the elevator, they go to their bag and take out their hair tie. With a hum they pick up their hair and walk into the kitchen “ A good partner makes breakfast for their boyfriend, plus…some sugar would be nice right now.” They start to hum a song as they go around the kitchen grabbing the ingredients needed to make the pair pancakes, they hear a bark and turn to see Eggdog watching them. Aster’s eyes go wide seeing the pup before going up to him and giving the pup a hug “Ah Eggdog’s are so cute! Would you like to be my helper?” with a bark Aster goes back to cooking with Eggdog by his side. SMG3 slowly opens his eyes as he pats the spot next to him, sitting up he frowns seeing the spot empty. With a sigh he gets up “I’m sure they have already run home,” getting out of bed he lets out a yawn before brushing his teeth and making his way to the elevator. He rubs his eyes “Need to figure out how to bring in a crowd,” he leans against the elevator walls thinking about the state of his cafe. While he was making money, it wouldn't be enough to keep the business going. The amount he spends on making his bombs along with always having to call someone in to fix his coffee maker thanks to Mario leads him to spending more than he expected.
As the elevator doors open he steps out only to be given a surprise, his eyes go wide as he blushes seeing Aster cooking and dancing with Eggdog “ We could have been so good together, we could have lived this dance forever. But now, who’s gonna dance with me?” Aster drops the last pancake on the plate as they cover one stack with whip cream.
They turn ready to place the plates on the table, the sight of Aster in his pajamas with their hair up made SMG3 heart race. He couldn't believe he had such an attractive partner “Uh…morning you,” Aster jumps turning around with wide eyes “SMG3?! Ahem, ah darling, I see you are awake. I thought I would make something to eat before I go.” Three stares at the two plates and notice the stack with an unhealthy amount of whip cream, Aster sits in front of that stack placing sprinkles and syrup on the stack. Three take the bottle of syrup from them with a small smile “You know, i'm not one to judge people’s taste given i like to drink out of a bottle of hot sauce. But I have to admit I never expected someone like you to have a sweet tooth.” Aster lets out a soft giggle catching Three by surprise “When I'm stressed I tend to eat sugary things,” their violet eyes that shine brightly dim as they stare at the stack “I also can't taste things without it being covered in sugar, not sure why.” SMG3 frowns as he reaches out grabbing Aster hand, they look up from their plate to see a soft look from the man in front of them “Hey doesn't matter, i will make sure to make the sweetest cup of coffee just for you.” He wink’s causing Aster to feel strange, with a small shake of their head they focus on the role they are playing. They give a charming smile towards Three “My my darling, almost feels like you're trying to outdo me on the charm!” SMG3 laughs “Me? Never after all i could never sing careless whispers as proud as you do when cooking!” Aster’s face goes bright red hearing the man's words, Three takes a bite of his pancakes before smirking at his partner “Didn't expect to get the mighty Aster so red in the face, not a fan of people hearing you sing?”
Aster scoffs as they shove pancakes into their mouth, then an idea comes to them. With a chuckle they get up “Alright darling, if you think you can out charm me then show me your moves.” Three stares confused at them before getting pulled out of the chair “Come on!” Aster gives Three a bright smile that makes him laugh as they start playing careless whispers on their phone, Three rolls his eyes as he takes Aster hands. “Really?” Three shakes his head amused as Aster pulls Three closer “What can i say, i feel a connection with this song!” Three chuckles looking into Aster eyes. They smile at each other as they sway to the song, forgetting their meal as the pair get lost in their dance. Three listens to the lyrics, frowning at the idea of possibly losing Aster due to his fears he decides to take a deep breath. “Hey Aster?” Three lets go of Aster hands as he wraps his arms around their neck, Aster looks into his eyes curious. “Yes darling? Is something wrong?” Three shakes his head “We just became official, and you have been the one doing all the heavy lifting while I'm just standing here like an idiot.” Aster’s hands slowly rest on Three’s waist, “Well darling i don't min-” SMG3 places a finger on Aster’s lips “I take your challenge on charming you, tonight meet me at Bowser’s restaurant.” Aster’s eyes go wide in surprise before they smile, Three could swear he saw stars in their eyes as he moves his finger from their lips “Deal!” they shouted before bending down and sealing the agreement with a kiss.
They smile at Three before hearing a ding from their cell phone, taking out their phone Aster lets out a sigh. Three frowns seeing their reaction, Aster grabs their plate of pancakes and quickly eats it. With their mouth full they run to grab their bag “Sorry,” they swallow the food to speak more properly “I got a job to do, you know how it is. See you tonight?” Three nods as he gives Aster a quick peck before watching them run out of the cafe, he turns and stares at his plate of pancakes. Slowly he smiles at the plate then turns to Eggdog “They are amazing aren't they Eggdog?” The pup barks hopping around in joy, he walks to the table to finish his meal. As Aster walks out the cafe they hear the whisper of a wish, they pause, turning to look at the cafe. They focus on the whisper ‘I wish I could get more customers to save my cafe and be able to spoil Aster tonight.’
Aster’s eyes go wide at the wish “This is new…maybe i can use this,” with a nod they go back to walking away. Knowing what SMG3 desired was exactly what they needed to get even closer to the man, they just needed to think how they could get customers over to him. Getting lost in their thoughts they jump up in surprise when Ztar opens the door for them “What has your mind?” Aster lets out an awkward laugh “Haha oh hey dad, I was just thinking of a new plan to charm the target.” Ztar stares at them for a moment before heading inside the house, Aster sighs looking around before heading inside. When the pair arrived to the world Ztar told them how they needed a home far away from people, they had to stay hidden to make sure no one could stop their plan. Aster didn't get it given so many creatures in the world were not human, a world mix with memes, guardians and other entities it always made them wonder why they must stay hidden. Aster throws themself on the couch as they take out a notebook, Ztar floats over to them “You haven't eaten yet.” Aster waves their hands to shoo away the star. “I don't need it, plus right now I have the perfect plan and I can't let it escape me.” Ztar glares at them using his dark energy to pull the notebook out of Aster’s hands “HEY!” they pout at the dark star. Ztar just keeps glaring at them before Aster groans “Just let me finish this sketch, then I will eat alright? Plus I had pancakes with plenty of sugar. I will be fine!”
Ztar smacks Aster’s head with the notebook “You're not human, pancakes won't give you the energy needed.” Aster pouts, rubbing their head “I got it,” with that Ztar leaves Aster alone in the living room. Being free from their father’s watchful gaze they take out their phone, hitting play on their favorite playlist. As music starts playing they get back to putting together their sketch.
SMG4 gives up trying to fight Mario as he lets the plumber drag him, Four is then tossed into a building. He lets out a scream as he flies into the building causing someone else to scream along with him. Mario walks into the building with a huge smile “LUIGI ITS TIME!” SMG4 sits up confused as he looks around, Luigi panics, still shaking from the scare he hits a button under the counter. All the doors and windows get locked up tight as SMG4 eyes shrink “What?” Mario lets out an evil chuckle as he pats Four “Get ready meme boy, Mario is going to show you just how gay you are.” Four turns to look at Mario confused as the plumber walks over to his twin “Luigi has been out and proud for years now, he is the best one to help you!” Luigi gives a shy wave as he walks over to Four, he offers a hand helping Four to his feet “Sorry about this, Mario told me you have been struggling with SMG3.”
SMG4 blushes looking away from Luigi “No, I just don't understand why I'm having a hard time being happy that Three found someone. Aster doesn't seem like a bad person and yet…” Luigi hums thinking over his words “I was like that before, back when Daisy started dating someone. Then when I was over Daisy I learned about my interest in men with Bowser. I never thought I would be upset over a villain dating another villain but there I was.” Four turns looking at Luigi “Bowser? The giant turtle that would sell his kids for nuggets?” Luigi chuckles as he rubs his arm, Four could only stare surprised by the plumber's taste in men. Mario smirks at Four “Aren't you in love with an ex villain?” Four turns glaring at his best friend “NO! I don't have feelings for Three, I'm just upset he found someone before me!” Mario looks at his twin waving his arms then pointing at Four, Luigi nods as he walks to the back of the building. After a few moments it finally clicked where he was, it was Luigi’s flower shop. He looks at the different plants in the room, there he sees a sunflower next to a purple tulip. He frowns looking away as the flowers bring him back to the memory of Aster and Three together at the party. Luigi returns with a laptop, on the screen was a quiz “Are you gay quiz? Really?” Four gives an unamused expression at the green plumber.
Luigi nods and points at the different tabs “What helped me figure things out were these quizzes! Before you push the idea about taking them, just know there is no shame in the results and you might feel better knowing that what if.” Four sighs taking the laptop from him “Pick a chair to sit weirdly in? How is that supposed to help anything?” he mumbles as he starts taking the quiz. His eyes go wide seeing the results, glaring he changes tabs not letting the others see what he got. As he finishes the second one he gets more flustered “OH COME ON!” he goes on to the third tab swearing under his breath. The twins exchange a look of concern as they watch the man fight with the laptop. “WHAT DOES HAIR COLOR HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH THIS!” he growls as he clicks away at the quiz. Luigi hides behind Mario in fear, Mario frowns seeing the reaction as he slowly pulls away from his twin. He walks over to Four “Maybe it's-a time to take a break?” Four reads the next question “You see an attractive member of the same gender in a..coffee shop. What's the first thing that comes to your mind?” Four blinks before he tosses the laptop getting up, Mario was expecting to see anger in the man’s eyes. Instead all he saw was fear and confusion “I…i just want to go home,” Mario nods walking over to the laptop he finally sees the result of the quizzes ‘Congrats your bi!”
Mario looks at each tab each saying the same result, he turns to see SMG4 looking at the floor. Luigi slowly walks up to him “Four…are you okay?” Mario hits the button behind the counter as Four whispers “I dont know…” he turns to look at Luigi “But I don't have feelings for him.” With the doors open the twins watch as Four leaves, Luigi sighs as he sits down “Was this the right thing to do?” Mario nods as he keeps staring at the door “He never asks for help…we saw what happens when he keeps things to himself. Mario wont let him down again.” —---------------------------
Aster smiles as they spin their newly made outfit, they smile brightly as they put on their bomb earrings “Alright, maybe i didn't have to make a coffee n bomb maid outfit.” They look at their reflection “But i just rock this look!” Ztar stares at Aster for a moment before letting out a cough, they jump at the sound turning around with wide eyes “Geez you scared the shit out of me!” Ztar floats close to Aster looking at their outfit “The true horror is that look, why are you dressed in an outfit with the target's shop name?” Aster grabs a stack of freshly printed out flyers, they then wave the paper at the star's face. Ztar uses his dark energy to take the flyer from Aster, they smile seeing their father looking at the flyer “I'm going to help bring people to his cafe, he will be so happy that will score more points!” Ztar burns the flyer “You sure this is the reason?” He uses his dark energy to grab Aster. He pulls them close looking into the violet of their eyes “Don't let him get close to you, understood?” Aster nods as Ztar pushes them away. “Good, do have fun with your plan.” Once Ztar was gone Aster let out a shaky breath, the last thing they wanted to do was upset their father. With that thought in mind Aster makes sure the flyer’s were all accounted for then leaves the house.
As they leave the house they get pulled back by dark energy, they turn to see Ztar “If you happen to find a super star bring it home for me would you?” Aster sighs as they stare dead pan at their father, Ztar rolls his eyes letting Aster go. They watch as their father floats back into the house, shaking their heads as they head off to the town. As they enter the town they start to look around for a crowded area, seeing people in the center of the plaza they walk over winking at some of the toads that were staring at them. The toads look away blushing making Aster chuckle as they make it to the center “HEY EVERYONE! I’m here to tell you all about a cafe, one with coffee that is out of this world!”
A crowd surrounds Aster as they flash everyone with a charming smile, they hand over the flyers seeing people looking interested. While their looks were attracting a crowd they knew that wouldn't be enough to win everyone over, They slide up to a random person in the crowd and wink as their eyes glow slightly “What's your name sir?” The man looks at Aster confused. “Uh..it's Nick.” Aster leans closer to the man, the moment their eyes meet with the man’s time stopped “You love SMG3 coffee don't you? Why not help me convince these nice people?” Aster takes a step back smiling as everything returns to normal, the man takes a flyer and walks over to his friend. They watch as the man excitedly tells his friends about the flyer, Nick turns to the crowd “That man in a dress is right! LETS ALL GO GET SOME COFFEE!”
Aster frowns, staring at the man annoyed at the comment that was made of them. While no one would know what they would prefer to be referred to, what annoyed them the most was calling their maid outfit a dress. Sure it could be seen as one from a quick look, Aster on the other hand worked hard to make it look like one. They didn't spend hours making an outfit to have it called a dress, with sigh they shake off the man's words. They were being ridiculous letting something like that bother them, they turn around and start waving flyers to get people's attention. “SMG3 COFFEE N BOMBS! THE CAFE WITH EXPLOSIVE DRINKS!” They weren't sure how much time had passed, they could feel themself feeling drained from all the use of their power. As they hand out the last flyer, their smile drops. They stretch looking around to see the huge crowd from before now gone, Aster smiles “Here’s hoping this helps grant that wish.” They start to walk away when they feel someone pull at their skirt, confused they turn to see a Toad blushing at them. The green Toad looked up at them, eyes filled with desire that Aster knew very well.
Before the Toad can open his mouth Aster steps back “Ah sorry, i need to head off but if fate decides it then i would gladly chat!” The Toad frowns as Aster begins to turn around, the room spined for them as they smell something. The Toad seeing Aster not moving anymore runs in front of him “At least let me tell you my name!” Aster’s eyes went wide, now understanding what was going on, they used too much energy. They take a step back shaking their heads “NO! Ahem, my sweet toad isn't it better to leave these things as a mystery? I know it will certainly make me think about you more.” They needed to get away from the Toad and his strong wish, as they looked around for an excuse to escape. Aster’s phone starts to ring, thanking the stars they pick up the phone and walk away from the Toad.
SMG3 smiles hearing Aster pick up the phone, leaning on the counter he starts to doodle on his notepad “Hey babe, I just..needed to hear you.” Aster frowns as they stop walking “Everything alright darling?” They were getting nervous, there was no way the plan could fail after all they charmed the crowd SMG3 chuckles as he finishes his doodle of Aster “Everything is fine, Can’t a guy miss his partner?” Aster couldn't help smiling at the comment “Oh you can darling, but do know your presence is also missed. And you know I'm getting thirsty, think someone got a cup of coffee to give me?” Three’s eyes sparkle hearing Aster words “Of course but I charge extra to guys that think they can be charming!” Aster shakes their head smiling brightly. “Alright I can take that since a handsome man is taking me somewhere, see you soon.”
Aster hangs up still smiling at their phone, they then hear in the background someone calling out to them. Rolling their eyes they put their phone away and started walking again, they could feel their body getting heavy. The Toads voice behind them gets louder, offering his phone number.They grab their head feeling anger growing, their purple eyes turning red as they turn glaring at the green Toad. The Toad giggles in excitement getting Aster attention, ignoring the angry expression on their face. “Okay i'm not going to be nice here, listen up mushroom i have a boyfriend and no time for small things like you. Get it?” The green Toad waves his hand “Oh i don't mind you being taken, still got to take my shot right?” Aster’s eyes go back to purple as he blankly stares at the Toad “Your people are an interesting sort, listen I'm not interested and it's best if you don't get any closer you can get hurt.” The Toad runs off and returns with a box to stand on, once on the box he grabs Aster’s hand. They look around awkwardly as the green Toad gives them a loving stare, Aster pulls away “No.”
The Toad frowns as Aster gasps seeing the aura again, they take a step back feeling themself losing control “LEAVE!” Aster covered their face thinking of anything that could stop the hungry only, SMG3 face pops in causing Aster to shake his head “Why did he have to come to mind ugh.” Toad looks down and cries “Fine…sorry for being a bother, good old Branden will leave.” As Branden was walking away he felt a hand on him, he turned looking surprised as he got taken. Red eyes glowing in the shadows as the Toad felt his chest tighten, a deep chuckle was heard “What's going on? Dont hurt me!”
SMG3 was freaking out, one moment he was relaxing in his cafe doodling his partner when an army of customers came in. His cafe hasn't been this busy in months, Three does his best to juggle all the orders as Eggdog dances to distract the new people coming in. Aster walks in the cafe wearing their usual outfit as they look around “Whoa full house!” hearing their voice Eggdog stops dancing and runs up to them. Aster giggles picking up the pup, Three turns as he hears Aster's voice and smiles at him “Hey! Sorry but I'm not sure I can save you a cup with how busy it is right now.” Aster gives Eggdog a kiss on his head as they place the pup on the counter, they then start to take peoples orders. Three looks at Aster confused only to get a dismissive wave from them, Three softly smiles as he continues to make orders and deliver them. One of the girls was staring at Aster, she hummed as she drank her coffee watching every movement they did. Seeing the woman checking out Aster, Three steps in front of her “Better have a good reason for staring at my partner.” He glares at her as she awkwardly looks away. The girl’s friend snapped her fingers before taking out her cell phone “You know your partner looks like that maid guy, see look!” Three looks at her phone and gasps seeing Aster in a coffee n bomb maid outfit, he turns and stares at Aster who was brewing coffee. He walks away from the table and gets close to his partner, the moment Aster bent down to grab something Three took his shot. He presses his lips against their cheek before running off, Aster blushes looking at Three confused as the man kept working “That was..unexpected.”
As the last customer leaves the cafe, Aster throws himself on a chair “Wow..never want to do that again.” Three hands a cup of coffee to Aster, their eyes light up taking it. The strong smell of sugar has them excited to drink coffee for once, Three sits across from them with a soft smile “Enjoy, once we are rested we have dinner to get to.” Aster hums as they drink the coffee, the strong taste of sugar surprises them as they look at the cup. Three smirks “That's right I remember your sugar thing, thought i should make a special coffee just for you.” Aster smiles at the cup, their expression so soft it makes Three lightly blush “Thank you SMG3.” Aster goes back to drinking their coffee while Three now sits with a bright red face, since knowing them he learned one big thing. Aster rarely uses people’s names, he felt his heart racing at just hearing his name said. Aster notices Three’s red face making them giggle “You doing okay there Darling? Your face is glowing,” Three stands up hiding his pout “Finish your coffee and get ready, i will meet you for the date later!” he storms away leaving Aster with a smug smile. —---------------------------------
SMG4 didn't know how much time passed as he walked around the town, his head couldn't wrap around the quiz. He never noticed men before as his main focus was getting a girlfriend, he looks at his youtube history filled with girlfriend asmr. He blushes as he starts to put on his air pods, slowly, he types asmr boyfriend. Taking a deep breath, he hits play letting a smooth man's voice talk to him. He hums feeling relaxed hearing the man telling him how amazing he is, he could feel himself daydreaming about being on a date. He was wearing his spy outfit giggling as a mysterious man was across from him, Four’s face goes red as he closes the video and removes the airpods. He bites his lip looking at his phone “Oh memes…” He runs home trying to get his screaming thoughts to quiet down, the moment he sees the showgrounds he slowly stops running. He couldn't believe he blinded himself, all this time searching for the perfect women when he could have also looked for the perfect man. “Okay…maybe I am bisexual. I mean asmr videos just give tingles not like if i see a handsome man i'm going to just-” before he can finish SMG3 walks out of the cafe dressed up for his date.
SMG4 blushes as the world freezes seeing Three, his guardian partner notices him and flashes him a smile that could make Four explode. “Hey scrub, you've been busy. Haven't seen you around all day.” Four awkwardly looks away “Ah yeah…Mario kidnapped me for some stupid adventure, you know how he can be.” Three rolls his eyes “Surprise he didn't drag me to, guess i can thank Aster for saving me there” Hearing Aster name made Four stomach twist as he attempts to hide his jealousy “haha yeah that partner of yours…got a date with them?” Three smirks and flicks his hat “You know it, don't worry Four i'm sure you can win a chick over with your lame memes.” He chuckles and pats Four’s back as he walks away, Four looks at the floor as he slowly presses his hand to his chest. “Oh no…Mario is right, I'm in love with Three.” He feels himself about to cry, making sure no one was around he dashes into the castle to lock himself away in his room.
Things won't be the same and Four isn't sure if this is good news or terrible news, all he knew was he can never see his ex rival the same.
#smg4#smg3#smg34#shygirl4991#smg4 smg3#smg43#smg34 fanfiction#The chains of a fragile soul#SMG4oc#Aster#Aster3
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could we do art request? if so would love to see Aster being cute with SMG3

Aster3 my beloved
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How to Fluster an SMG3 [Aster34 Fanfic]
Aster belongs to @shygirl4991 (and tagging @b-r-i-n-g-x because they are the #1 Aster Fan and made their ref sheet)
It was a regular day at the Showgrounds, or regular enough for the SMG4 crew that was. It was actually rather boring to say the least.
Two people sat on the couch within the castle. One was an enby with blonde hair and purple eyes who wore an orange plaid flannel with a black t-shirt underneath, a nonbinary pin, and jeans. Their nails, which were currently being run through raven black hair, were painted a dark black. The other was a man with black hair and blue eyes and wore a blue turtleneck sweater and white overalls.
SMG4 was currently lying with his head in Aster's lap as they ran their fingers through his hair. Both were scrolling through their phones aimlessly, sharing different things they found that they thought the other would like.
Really they were both just biding their time until their boyfriend, SMG3, was finished with work. Because it was a very boring day so far.
Aster sighed, setting down their phone and looking at one of their two boyfriends before getting an idea. An evil smirk appeared on their face as they tapped 4's forehead.
"Hey 4," they said, "wanna do something fun?"
"Hm?" 4 asked, barely looking up at them from his phone. "Yeah. Sure. Whatcha got in mind?"
"Well," Aster laughed, leaning an arm on the couch and leaning their hand against their fist, "since we both seem to be bored and SMG3 is currently at work, why don't we play a little game~"
4 put down his phone, giving his partner a confused glance. "What's the game?"
"We go over to 3's cafe, and whoever can make him the most flustered, wins."
"What's the prize?"
"Making 3 extremely flustered."
4 laughed. "Sure. Be ready to lose though," he said, sitting up and stretching.
"I was going to say the same thing to you, Dear," Aster said, grabbing 4's chin and planting a kiss on his cheek before standing up and heading towards the door.
SMG4 huffed as he stood, face going red. "Dammit," he mumbled to himself as he followed them out, "they're gonna win aren't they?"
Meanwhile, inside 3's Coffee N Bombs, SMG3 stood at the counter, taking orders from customers as Eggdog bounced around the cafe entertaining people.
The bell above the door rang, earning 3's attention. His red eyes looked up before seeing two very familiar faces.
Aster waved at the man, SMG4 standing beside them with a large smile on his face.
Clearly they were up to something...
The two walked up to the counter as the most recent customer grabbed their coffee and took a seat.
"Hey Darling~" Aster said, leaning an arm against the counter and giving 3 a flirtatious wink.
"What do you two want?" 3 asked, getting the feeling that his two lovers didn't have any good intentions related to their visit.
"We can't stop by and pay you a visit?" 4 asked, pouting at the man in purple.
"Oh, you two are definitely up to something," 3 said, looking between the two. "Spit it out. What do you want?"
Aster gave a fake scoff, turning away but keeping their purple eyes locked on SMG3. "How rude. We can't come and see our boyfriend while he's at work?"
Oh, they were definitely up to something.
"Or come over for coffee either?" 4 added.
"Exactly!" Aster shouted. "Our intentions are pure, I promise, Darling."
“Somehow, I doubt it,” 3 mumbled under his breath. “Do you want coffee or are you both just here to bother me?”
“Both,” 4 admitted with a shrug.
3 glared at the two. “… so…?”
“My usual, please,” 4 said before giving Aster a side eye. He then reached over the counter, grabbing 3’s hand as he jotted down the order. “But can I take you to go?” He asked with a wink.
3’s face went red as he stared at his fellow meme guardian. “I… um…”
Aster smirked at 4, but quickly turned their attention back to 3. “Darling, are you feeling ok? Your face is all red~” They reached out and gently touched 3’s cheek. “And you’re burning up!”
“OK!” 3 shouted, quickly pulling away from both of them, mind swirling in pansexual panic. “One Cyanide Supreme Latte. Aster, you getting any coffee or a bomb or… something?” He didn’t dare make eye contact with the two.
4 and Aster smirked at one another. It was far too easy to get under 3’s skin.
“Well, I guess I can have one of those too,” the enby said with a shrug. “But one question remains. What’s the price?”
“Huh?” 3 asked, cautiously looking towards them.
“How much do I owe such a beautiful creature like yourself?” They asked, placing their chin on the back of their hand. “I mean, I already know you’re priceless. But how much for the coffee?”
“Oh. Uh… well…” 3 attempted to come up with a coherent sentence, red eyes darting back to the notepad in his hands he was using to take orders on.
4 glared at Aster. There was no way he was going to let them win this. He had to pull out the big guns if he was going to stand a chance against them.
3 went about making the coffee, keeping a wary eye on the other two with a face redder than Mario’s hat.
“I’m winning~” Aster laughed quietly, smiling at 4.
“Stupid… high rizz…” 4 mumbled, crossing his arms as he attempted to come up with a plan to outdo them.
They laughed, placing both hands on his shoulders as they leaned into 4’s ear. “Well, how else did I pull two handsome meme guardians~?” They whispered.
A shiver went down 4’s spine as he glared at Aster, cheeks becoming a faint red. “Asshole.”
“You love me~”
3 rolled his eyes as he watched the two before placing their coffee on the counter. “There. On the house. Now go away.”
“Aww, Darling, trying to get rid of us so soon?” Aster asked with a playful pout.
“Damn. Tell us how you really feel,” 4 laughed, grabbing his coffee and leaning against the counter. “But seriously though, what’s wrong with wanting to hang out with our handsome boyfriend?”
“When you two start nonstop flirting with me?” 3 asked, looking between them. “It’s fine whenever we’re alone or with friends, but seriously? I am working here.”
“Exactly,” Aster said, leaning over the counter and kissing 3’s cheek. “That’s the fun part.”
3 huffed, crossing his arms and looking away, earning giggles from his partners. “Bakas… both of you…”
“Aww, SMG3,” 4 cooed, walking behind the counter and putting an arm around 3’s waist. “You’d be bored without us.”
“My life would be so much more peaceful,” 3 laughed, avoiding the blue and purple eyes looking him over.
“Oh, Darling,” Aster said, looking behind them to see no one paying any mind to their antics. They walked behind the counter with the other two, lifting 3’s chin. “You know we love you.”
If 3’s face could have gotten any redder, it would have.
Whatever braincells were left within 3’s brain finally kicked into gear. “Ok,” he said, pushing the two away from him, “I love you too, but…” He pointed towards the door. “I have a business to run. So… out.”
“But Darling, we’re bored,” Aster whined, grabbing 3’s hand and placing a kiss on his knuckles. “Just a few more minutes?”
“We won’t bother you too much,” 4 agreed, wrapping his arms tightly around 3 and placing his chin on his shoulder, pouting up at him.
Aster joined in, placing their head on his other shoulder and pouted, continuing to hold his hand as they wrapped their free arm around his waist as well.
SMG3 shook his head. “Nope. Out.”
“But-” the two tried to protest before 3 pushed them out of the cafe.
“Out!” He shouted before slamming the door shut behind them.
Aster crossed his arms. “Rude.”
4 sighed. “Dammit… who even won that?”
“Me, obviously,” Aster laughed.
“Damn. I don’t even get a chance in that one?” 4 asked, crossing his arms.
“Nope. Sorry, Dear, but I’ve just got more rizz than you.”
“You saying I can’t rizz you up?” 4 joked, standing up and holding out a hand to help the other.
“Oh, I never said that,” they said, smiling up at him as they took his hand.
It’s shorter than what I usually write, but hope people liked this short oneshot! Go check out The Chains of a Fragile Soul on WattPad and AO3! Highly recommend it!
#smg4#smg4 au#my art#my writing#the chains of a fragile soul#aster34#aster3#aster4#smg34#shygirl4991#b r i n g x
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Poor Four... Aster is very high competition tbh ( ︶.︶ )!
[AU belongs to @b-r-i-n-g-x & @shygirl4991 (˃u˂)!]
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Hey, what's going on dudes, it's Aster, or Orange Bajan Canadian.- /ref /silly
no but seriously, appreciate this NB blonde character from a fanfic, the chains of a fragile soul made by @shygirl4991 and @@b-r-i-n-g-x!!!
#smg4#smg4 smg3#smg3#smg4 oc#smg4 aster#the chains of a fragile soul aster#the chains of a fragile soul#smg4 fanfic#orange bajan canadian I may hate you but I still like you as a character#ESPECIALLY IN A SHAY'S SECRET FIC LOL
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TCOAFS Cover Art redraw for fun!

This fic has invested my soul lol I wanted draw the cover art for fun! AU done by @shygirl4991 and @b-r-i-n-g-x ! Lol definitely check it out! Definitely wanna draw more of this series!
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is there a aster ref sheet? i wanna practice drawing the lad
Here you go
Damn I really should remake this-
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Story time :
So, today, we had this exam. Okay, not that bad, right?? WELL THAT WAS UNTIL SCIENCE CAME UP. One question was like "Oh, what is baking soda and vinegar used for?' and one option was like 'Salad Dressing'. AND BEING THE DUMBASS I AM, I SAID 'Oh yeah it's salad dressing.' I HAD TO DOUBLE TAKE ON WHAT I HAD JUST SAID BECAUSE OF HOW STUPID IT WAS 💔💔 Anyways I changed the answer.
- Aster { -🌟 } [They/Them] (Source : TCOAFS by @shygirl4991 )
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Aster dump traditional sketches yay

Aster belongs to @shygirl4991
#Im so ill-#Theyre so cute waaa#Smg4#Smg3#Smg34#Aster3#Aster4#Aster34#My art#Chains of a fragile soul
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The glow up is real
Heres the redrawn updated version of Aster reference sheet from Chains of a fragile soul written by @shygirl4991
Comparison undercut:
The beginning of 2024 vs now

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Chapter 4 Do you care?

All art belongs to @b-r-i-n-g-x do not repost! Fic prompt from @itsajanea Tags: Angst, Romance, Action Adventure, jealously, love confessions, SMG4 discovers he is bi, fluff, abuse, PTSD Last Chapter Next Chapter
Three lies in his bed frowning, his mind was driving him insane, it’s been several weeks already with Aster.Surely the magic of a new relationship has vanished, due to these thoughts Three found himself getting nervous when he saw his partner. Over time Three has been letting down his walls showing his softer side, while Aster seemed to be unchanged. It was driving him insane, some moments he wondered if that's just how they are. Then a memory comes to him from a few days back, the soft blush they had during their breakfast together was something that Three never stopped thinking about. Not to mention Aster said they had work to do, only to end up dressing up like a maid to help his cafe. Aster never brought up that they did this also, he wondered if they knew pictures of them in a maid outfit were taken.
He sighs annoyed by the mixed feelings until Eggdog jumps on the bed, he turns and smiles softly as the pup cuddles up to him “I know…i should trust them but something tells me there is more to them, I can't put my finger on it.” a ding is heard from his phone, holding Eggdog close he reaches for the phone seeing the name duck girl on the screen. Curious, he unlocks his phone to see what Tari wanted from him. He smiles seeing how the crew wanted to invite him and Aster to a gaming competition at the castle, he goes to his contacts and finds Aster’s name. He pauses looking at the number feeling nervous, shaking off his nerves he presses the number and calls Aster. After a few rings he hears the line pick up “Hello Darling, didn't expect a late night call. Did you miss me that badly?” SMG3 couldn't stop himself from letting out a bright smile, just hearing their voice was enough to put Three in a good mood. Then his mood dropped when he started to think about their relationship, how often did Aster even call him by his name. He was always darling which wasn't something Three minded, yet the thought of hearing Aster call him by his name made his heart race. He smacks himself, annoyed by the school girl's thoughts “Yeah my bad i wasn't paying attention to the time, i just called cause Tari invited us to the castle to hang out. Wanted to know if you're up for hanging with those losers?” Aster lets out a chuckle “Sure,you know I don't mind hanging out with the crew. Though I do find it interesting how you always tell me they're not your friends, yet we just made plans to hang out with them in the morning.”
SMG3 blushes at the comment as he glares at the phone “OI! I don't care about them, I only hang around them because it's better than having those guys be annoying near my cafe!” Aster lets out a hum hearing their boyfriend complain, the line goes silent for a moment. Three frowns unsure what to say, Aster sighs before speaking up hoping to end the silence “I will be there at noon, I should let you go, it's late and now we have plans.” SMG3 frowns at Aster’s words while on the other line Aster stares at their phone conflicted, they look around making sure Ztar wasn't around before speaking “Sweet dreams, cant wait to see you tomorrow.” Three smiles as they hung up, staring at his phone he decided that he was overthinking, he texted Tari and tossed his phone to get ready for bed.
Aster stares at their phone for a moment before looking around the house, seeing Ztar isn't around they out a loud groan “UGH! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!?” Their heart was racing over what they told Three, the emotion was so sudden it startled them. They sit on their bed and stare at the photo the pair took together, they blush thinking about the phone call “He…is the villain we must kill, Ztar is already annoyed it's taken this long to get rid of him. I need to act faster and ignore whatever is happening, more than likely heartburn from that toad.” This hang out could be the perfect time to score the words needed to start the trap, the more they thought about it the more certain they became about the next plan. Aster glares at the photo before moving the photo out of sight, they make a note to attempt a love confession this month. They couldn't keep playing the slow game, something needs to happen to change their relationship. They lay down thinking over what they could do before sleep takes over, Ztar arrives home hearing snores. He floats over to see Aster sleeping. “You're getting soft, I'm going to have to remind you what happens when you get soft.” Suddenly an electrical energy zaps Aster causing them to jump up awake screaming in pain, Ztar stares as he zaps Aster again “Child, while I’m annoyed by not having our target in our hands. I’m more annoyed by what you have shown me about yourself!”
Aster hugs themself as their body felt as if it was on fire from the shock, they breath heavily as Ztar gets close and gives them a magical pat on their head. The dark star let out a sigh “You know how much it hurts me to do this to you, you're my best creation and seeing you screaming in pain hurts me more than you think.” Aster nods as the pain subsides, they get up showing Ztar a serious expression “Don't worry, I'm not being soft with the crew I know they can't be trusted. I will make my big move there and play my role.” They open a drawer and show a piece of paper with different confessions on it, Ztar looks at it and chuckles “You're going to tell him you love him to inspire his own confession, perhaps I had nothing to worry about.”
Ztar uses his power to give Aster a gentle back pat, Aster smiles at the affection their father was showing them “Child i know i can be rough on you, but remember the pain i give you is nothing to what will happen if i lost you. You're too important to lose.” Aster nods shoving their past thoughts aside, they can't let weird emotions get to them after all parents know what's best. They knew about what SMG3 did and they shouldnt let themself forget it, Ztar looks over them. Aster gives a stern nod before Ztar floats to the door “Aster, those people don't care about you so it's best you watch out for their lies. Plus those people will never accept you for what you are, a shooting star like you can't be trusted in their eyes.” Aster frowns from their fathers words looking down for a moment. “I understand, I promise father I don't care about those people.”
Ztar opens the door then floats out leaving Aster alone thinking over his words, they throw themself on the bed as they get lost in their thoughts. -------------------------
Four tosses and turns in his bed, since learning about his crush on Three things felt like a nightmare. How his stomach twists whenever he sees Three and Aster together, how the pair didn't care who was looking as they kissed. Not wanting to get angry from the memory he takes out his phone and goes to youtube, there he looks up his favorite girlfriend asmr video. Hitting play, he lays his phone on his bedside table as he closes his eyes. “Had a rough day baby? Come over and we can cuddle your stress away~” the woman's voice was calm filled with affection. Yet it wasn't helping him, annoyed he grabs the phone and looks over the list of girlfriend asmr videos. Each one that he played made him more annoyed, as he scrolls looking for the perfect one he pauses seeing the title on one of the videos. He taps on the video ‘Tsundere Girlfriend wants cuddles asmr’ he then gets comfy in bed listening to the video, “I just…I want cuddles there happy baka!” as the video goes on the attitude brought comfort yet wasn't enough for him. His eyes go wide seeing his recommended videos, there in the list was SMG3 youtube channel.
He taps the account name and sees all the twitch stream highlights, he smiles softly seeing the man smirking in the thumbnails. He hits the playlist tab and sees a playlist of SMG3 asmr, he blushes staring at the playlist. He wasn't that down bad for the man that he would listen to the playlist, he chuckles thinking the idea was ridiculous as he taps on the playlist without thinking. Realizing what he has done he panics and attempts to exit out only to hit play on the video “Hello chat, this is SMG3 I will be doing a little asmr tonight to help you all go to sleep.” Four’s face goes red from the whisper, he never noticed just how deep and soothing Three’s voice was. He stares at his phone as if he was in a trance, he had spent so many years with this how could he have been so blind. Feeling sleepy, he hugs his phone with a soft smile listening to Three’s voice, as he dreams of finally being able to date SMG3 a loud scream jolts him awake. He sits up in a panic, he looks to his phone for the time only to see it died. Slowly he gets up from his bed and leaves his room, that's when he notices the game room doors being open. His eyes go wide seeing the one behind the screaming “OH FUCK OFF I SO WON THAT! Three shouted as he glared at a smug Tari. Four panics as he runs to the bathroom and fixes himself, once he looks presentable he steps out of the bathroom and peeks in the room. He smiles brightly “Hey everyone! Didn't know we were having a gaming day.” He watches as Three hands over the controller to Luigi, his grumpy expression making Four giggles and smile at him “Sore loser much?” Three rolls his eyes “Shut it scrub!”
His good mood then sours when Aster walks in the room with a bag of snacks “Listen just because I'm soft for my boyfriend doesn't mean you can keep sending me out to get snacks.” Aster smiles brightly making Three blush, any trace of the man being upset over losing is now gone as he walks over to his partner. Three grabs the bag digging around for his treat, Aster’s eyes then lock on to Four “Ah sleeping beauty has awakened i see.” Four felt his jealousy wanting to come out, swallowing the emotion down he gave Aster an eye roll “Yeah well Three is a pretty good alarm clock.” Three finally gets his treat and tosses the bag to the crew, hearing Four’s comment Aster turns to Three “Lost the battle Darling?” Three scoffs looking away from everyone “That's only because she cheated!” Aster gently grabs Three turning him to face them, Three stares wide eyed at Aster as they lean down to kiss him. Three closes his eyes ready to kiss his partner, the sight was making Four feel sick. Not wanting to see the pair kiss, Four pulls the gaming controller out of Tari’s hand. He charges up to the couple, the distance causing the cord of the controller to unplug from the console as Four points at Aster “ASTER I CHALLENGE YOU TO A MATCH!” The couple turn, staring at Four, Aster smirks seeing the anger in Four’s eyes “Oh? Now why would I do that hm?” Three steps back staring at Aster confused seeing the mischievous expression they had, Four chuckles as he fixes his hat “We can make things interesting, If I win you stop all that gross pda you do with Three. Not all of us want to see you making out!” Aster crosses their arms amused “Alright, then if i win you have to do one thing i ask of you. No matter what, we got a deal cupcake?”
Three frowns as he watches the two shake hands sealing the deal, Aster gives Three a quick kiss on the cheek before sitting down on the couch. Four plugs in his controller before pushing Luigi aside to sit next to Aster, they exchange a look before going to the character select screen. Aster picks their character and lays back on the couch “Ready?” SMG4 takes a deep breath as he selects his character “I hope you're ready to lose pretty boy!” Aster chuckles as they lean forward, Four focuses in as he attempts to counter Aster’s moves. Tari gasps, jumping up from the intense match “I never seen someone able to pull off that combo!” Aster smirks hearing her comment about their play style as Four starts to sweat seeing his health dropping low. “Looks like round one will be mine~” they smirk as they land the final hit. Three bites his lip seeing the bright colored victory icon on the screen, as the second round starts he couldn't help himself as he whispers “Please lose Aster…please.”
Aster chuckles seeing SMG4 struggle with avoiding their attacks, Aster smirks seeing his health bar drop low “Hope you're not a sore loser cupcake, cause I’m about to win this bet.” Four rolls his eyes at the comment as he manages to block Aster’s attack “Not giving up to some pretty boy that wears so much eye shadow he looks like a raccoon!” Tari giggles at the comment as he pictures a racoon version of Aster “Aw I think Aster would be a cute racoon.” Annoyed by the comment they glare at Four, Luigi smiles along with Tari on the idea of Aster being a racoon. Aster grip on their control tightens “Would you guys kindly not make comments about my taste while im playing?” Tari and Luigi apologize as the pair keep playing, Four’s health has dropped to a low percent causing both Four and Three to panic. In one quick move Aster does the final blow, they drop the controller smirking at Four “I win, be ready to do your end of the deal.” Four frowns as he stares at the winner screen, he didn't think they would be so good at fighting games. It was almost as if Three’s partner was perfect at everything, while Four was pouty over the loss Three clenched his fist he felt sick at the fact Aster won. “I can't believe you Aster…” hearing their name they turn confused at Three. Even the others in the room were surprised by the hostile tone in Three’s voice “You told me you wanted me, yet you make this sick bet with Four. Well go on do your stupid request, i know what you want to ask him.” Aster looks at Four then at Three, they weren't prepared for a situation like this as they think over what to say. “Darling, I have no idea where you're going with this.”
SMG3 lets out a sarcastic laugh causing Aster to walk up to him “You're being strange, are you okay?” as Aster reaches out only to have their hand slapped away. Aster looks at Three surprised, the shorter man glares at them “I know you made that stupid bet to get a date with SMG4.” Now it was Four’s turn to get up from the couch and stare at Three in shock, there was no way Three honestly thought Aster had feelings for him. Aster shakes their head “Darling what would give you that idea? We were just having friendly competition, isn't that why you invited me to join everyone so we could have fun?” They were starting to feel strange, they didn't understand why their chest was feeling tight. The thought that Three would think they were interested in someone else was ridiculous, they needed to show the only one they wanted was him.
Four gets up in a panic “Whoa no! SMG3 why on earth would I want your partner?!” Four couldn't let this misunderstanding happen, sure he is all kinds of jealous over what Aster and him have. But to get in the middle of that without a good reason was cruel, he hated to see Three hurt after everything they have been through. He cared too much about his ex rival, Three glares at Four “You have taken plenty, every relationship I have had you manage to get in the middle.” Four’s eyes go wide at the comment before Aster reaches out one more time to Three, seeing Aster reach out the man swats their hand again walking out of the room “GO ON ASTER MAKE THAT REQUEST! WHO DOESN'T WANT THE FANCY YOUTUBER OVER SOME CAFE LOSER!” Four takes a step back feeling his heart break hearing the man's words, Aster follows after Three “Darling I don't want Four, where is this coming from it was just a silly bet nothing serious.” Three growls as he turns around “IT'S OVER ASTER!” They pause as Three’s words echoed in their head, their legs suddenly felt heavy. He snaps his fingers opening a portal next thing the crew knew Three was gone. Aster stood still in shock, their mission is at risk if SMG3 doesn't want to date them. They had to chase after Three, except they couldn't make any attempt to move,they just stood there frozen. Mario pats Four’s back before whispering with a smirk “Hey good-a job now you can get your gay lover.” Four frowns hearing Mario’s words, this was not how he wanted things to go. It didn't feel right to go after Three with the thought of making a move when his crush must be in pain, he sighs throwing himself on the couch making Mario worry.
Tari runs up to Aster “Are you okay?” taking a deep breath they force their heavy body to move giving Tari a small smile “I will be fine blue jay, I just…need to think on things.” They walk out of the castle with Tari slowly following them. “Three has a rough past…please don't hold it against him.” Aster nods as they leave the castle, they walk down the forest path lost in thought. Tari watches in concern before returning to the gaming room “Guys what are we going to do? We have to help our friends!” Four bites his lips, his feelings were mixed on the whole situation. Getting up he turns to his friends “We need some kind of event, something that can bring those two to have some kind of talk.” The group goes silent thinking on what to do, then a loud slam of the front door catches their attention. They go to the main lobby to see an excited Meggy “GUYS! Guess who is going to be the host for the new and improved splatfest!” her smile drops seeing Four and Tari frowning. “Hey everything okay?” she hugs Tari then Four as she waits for them to explain everything, Four gives her a small smile “Three and Aster got into their first fight, Three told Aster it's over but…knowing Three if it was really over Aster wouldn't have walked out of here in one piece.” Meggy nods then hands a ticket to splatfest “Then how about we get these two talking,” Four takes the ticket remembering all their bonding during the first runs of splatfest. How professor E gadd helped make a gadget for everyone to now be able to join the event, thanks to Meggy being turned into a human. He takes the ticket and nods “I will go to Three and try to talk to him, you guys find Aster.” As Four was about to leave Mario grabs him “Are you sure? If we fix this fight…you-a lose your chance.”
SMG4 looks behind Mario making sure the others can't hear “I know…but I love SMG3 too much to see him suffer, I can't do that to him again.” Four leaves the castle and snaps his fingers, nervously he tosses a rock making sure the portal is stable. Seeing that the portal wasn't going to blow up, he runs in hoping to all the memes he wont end up blowing up or ending up in the wrong place. Four looks around the woods hearing the clicking of the local memes was enough to confirm he made it, walking he looks around in surprise from all the new buildings. “Wow..Three really is an amazing ruler,” he stops walking when his eyes meet with the iconic starbucks building. He walks in and smiles softly, it's been so long since he last saw this place. He frowns as he hears crying, Four gently knocks on the door “GO AWAY I'M ON A BREAK!” Three shouted attempting to sound angry. Four pushes the door open only to get a pillow to the face “AH! Dude it's me Four!”
Three blinks as he wipes his tears “Four? The hell are you doing here, didn't you do enough back at the castle?” Four sits on the bed ignoring the glare the other man is giving him. “Offering a bet with Aster was dumb of me, I guess I hated…” Four closes his eyes thinking on what to say, the last thing he wanted was to let his feelings for the man be known. He turns to Three “I’m sorry, I was upset that you got to find someone that understood you. While me…I try so hard to get a relationship but heh no one gets my passion for memes. Maybe it's the curse of being a guardian.” Three stares at Four silently, he hugs his pillow shaking his head. Four watches as Three's eyes move from him to the floor. “This is my fault.” feeling his eyes water, he looks away. “Aster acted so perfect, or maybe it was all in my head. Every relationship has been a pain in the ass yet here comes some random guy from the dark web, they just changed a lot of things for me.” Three throws himself on the bed getting Four to stand up to give him space “I fucked things up cause i couldnt trust them, Aster side of the bet just screamed i was an idiot for trusting them.” Four nods as he listens to the man, he peeks out the door asking a few Eggdogs to grab coffee. After a few moments the coffee arrived, he thanked them with a quick pat before offering the cup to Three. Three sits up taking the cup and sipping as Four begins to speak “I don't know Aster as much as you all do, but I do see how they look at you these days. I’m pretty sure the rizzler has charmed this dark web guy pretty bad, no way could Aster look at anyone else.” He hated having this talk with Three, just thinking of the soft looks Aster gives Three when they think no one is looking always made him feel sick. Four stares at his coffee thinking back on that look, he wondered if that's how he also looks at Three.
Four looks at Three seeing how the man was avoiding eye contact, how he stares at the floor hoping it will give him the answer he needed. Four was about to reach out to the man before Three let out a shaky breath, his voice cracking “Aster will never forgive me,” clearing his throat SMG3 finishes his coffee “Even if you're right about them…I told them it's over.” Four gets up putting his coffee on a nearby table, he then digs into his hat pulling out a ticket “We both screwed up, so how about we fix it?” Three stares at the ticket confused, Four rolls his eyes and takes Three’s hand placing the ticket on it. Three places his coffee down as he begins to read it “splatfest hosted by Meggy?! The squid is bringing that back, wait how the hell is this going to fix anything?” Four smirks at Three giving him a wink “We are going to get you and Aster a moment alone, we fight all the time and make up after talking. I’m sure Aster will hear you out, just be honest with them.” Three lets out a soft chuckle getting up “I doubt this will work, but I don't have anything going on that day,” Four nods as he walks to the door “This lets hope the others found Aster.”
Tari looks around frowning “How will we find Aster? We don't even know where they hang out, oh why did none of us ask for their number.” Mario smirks as he walks in front of Tari “Aster has the looks of a god, to find someone like that you must find the simps!” He takes out binoculars looking through the crowd, that's when he notices a small group of people giggling. He sprints to the group of people leaving Tari to run after him “Mario wait!” Mario slides up to the group getting strange looks, he takes out a photo. The group looks at it before one of the women takes it with a huge smile “omigosh! That's the hot guy we saw at the cafe, you know he is out of this world hot when he makes your boyfriend question himself!” The girl giggles along with the others over the photo, Mario takes out a spray bottle and starts spraying the group of girls. Tari catches up and watches the whole thing in shock, she grabs his hand stopping him “Uh sorry about that guys thank you for the help!” Tari pulls Mario away “We can't spray people, how are we going to find Aster that way?” she frowns as Mario rolls his eyes “Fine fine!” He walks up to the girls again, seeing him the girls huddle together glaring at him. Mario lifts up his hands, he turns to see Tari giving him a thumbs up. He smiles at her before turning to the group of girls “Listen here, if you don't want to get the spray again you will tell me where that person is.” Mario points to the bottle making one of the girls hiss at him “We found him at cafe meow.” Mario takes the photo back as he walks over to Tari giving her a thumbs up, she cheers as she follows after him.
Aster sighs as they lay on the floor, a small black cat walks up to them slowly staring at them.Aster smiles as they reach out to the cat “Hey little buddy, want to join me in thinking how to fix my fathers plan?” They couldn't wrap around how they manage to screw up the mission so bad, they thought they were being the perfect partner. The cat meows as it cuddles up to them making Aster melt and smile, only for the moment to be ruined when Mario kicks the door open “ASTER COME GET YOUR MAN!” They sit up as the cat runs away in fear, Tari lets out an awkward giggle “Hey Aster..we were looking for you for Meggy.” They look at the pair suspiciously, they stand up focusing on their heart. There they heard Mario’s wish for pasta making Aster shake their head, then they turn to Tari. Their expression softens when they hear Tari’s wish for her friends to make up, relaxing more knowing there was no danger they smile at the pair “Meggy? Did something happen?” Tari smiles, handing them a ticket “She is hosting the new splatfest, it's an inkling event, it's a lot of fun. Oh but it can also be really scary…I used to be in a team with her back in the day.” Aster takes the ticket and stares at it curiously, they hum trying to picture Tari firing ink at anyone making them giggle “How did you guys even manage that? Don't inklings swim in ink?” Tari smiles while taking out her cell phone showing them pictures of her time in the competition, Tari starts telling them about their adventure with Axol and how they saved anime. As she tells them the story Aster’s eyes sparkle as they smile brightly, Tari frowns as she fondly looks at the group picture they took together “We lost a lot of people…Axol and Desti aren't with us anymore. But they won't ever be forgotten.” Aster frowns as they look at the photo then at the ticket, the crew have gone through so much together. It was different from what their father told them, they think over the story before looking at Tari and Mario seeing them frowning. Aster then smiles wrapping their arms around them both “Hey, I can't really relate to what it's like to lose someone but im sure they both are happy you carry on their memory!” Tari looks at Aster and smiles “Yeah!” Mario steps away from Aster feeling awkward being too close to them “Mario takes it you will join us?” Aster nods “Sure, maybe at the same time I can figure out what to do with Three..” Tari and Mario exchange a surprise look before Mario smirks at Aster, Tari gently pats their back “Don't worry together i'm sure we can figure things out!”
The next day the crew met up in the inkopolis plaza, Aster looks around in amazement while Meggy giggles at them “It's funny seeing the calm and collected Aster looking like a child in an amusement park.”’ Aster blushes then pouts trying to regain their mask “Ahem, I was just surprised by all the colors.” What was wrong with them, they needed to stay focused on the task. They only showed up because they had to fix things with Three, not to be on some field trip. Aster shutters at the thought of what their father would do if he learned that they weren't with SMG3, they needed to get this mission done and get payback. As more of the crew showed up Aster was beginning to get nervous, the meme guardians weren't around. They bite their lip wondering why they were showing up late, then a thought came to their mind. The pair had a history together, could they have gotten together after their fight with Three? Aster places their hand on their chest feeling it get tight at the thought, it was strange for them. Why would something like that bother them, they think it over and sigh coming to the conclusion they were nervous about disappointing their father. That's when in the corner of their eye they notice the pair showing up together, something in them snapping at the sight.
As the pair arrived Three felt himself getting nervous, Four smacked Three’s back earning him a glare “Don't be nervous I'm sure Aster will be all for hearing you out!” With a nod the pair join the group, Meggy claps excitedly and starts to lead the group to her new office. As the group walk Three awkwardly moves himself next to Aster “uh hey..” Three looks up hoping that Aster would talk to him, Aster looks down at Three. This was their chance to make things up and fix everything, they had to keep the plan moving forward. Aster opened their mouth to talk only to shut it, they mentally scolded themself for struggling to talk. They needed to fix things for the plan they just had to say what they needed to “ Brave of you to say hey to me after showing up with him, after the things you told me.” Aster wanted to scream at how aggressive they sounded. Before Aster could take back their words, Three scoffs at them “Unlike you I'm friends with the scrub and i didnt make any stupid fucking bet with him.” Aster wanted to slam their head against the nearest wall, why did they say that now all chances to fix things are ruined. Three walks ahead with Four following after “Dude what happened?” Three facepalms as he walks not wanting to talk.
Aster stops walking letting out a sigh, Meggy turns, catching what happened “Hey guys uh there is an arcade over there, how about we play some games and we can meet up at the office later?” A few members of the crew cheered running to the arcade while Tari, Four and Mario stayed outside with Three. Meggy then walks up to Aster “Hey Aster join me? I'll be pretty lonely seeing my office alone, plus I need to see who I will be up against in the future!” Aster nods following Meggy as they attempt to figure out what's going on with them, it was a simple greeting yet they couldn't return it. All that came out of them was annoyance, why did it annoy them to see Four so close with Three? Once they were away from the group Meggy turns and tosses a splat gun “THINK FAST!” Aster panics as they catch the gun, they look at the gun in their hand confused “Uh why are we throwing weapons?” She smiles as she points to an arena “When i need to think or get over negative emotions i go target practice!” Aster looks at the arena then the splat gun, with a shrug they go with Meggy. She does a quick explanation on how the gun works then points at the target “Okay focus on the target, think on something you would love to hit. That's what I do and it helped with my aiming when I first started, you got this Aster!” She cheers as Aster stares at the target, their mind starts to picture Four making them growl as they aim and fire hitting the target. They gasp, surprised they really hit it while Meggy gives them a thumbs up “Heh thanks coach, did help a little though i rather not spend too much time firing at a target. I doubt it will give me any answers,” Meggy deflates as she watches Aster frown walking away, she quickly walks after them to point them the right way.
“Well then what's the problem?” Meggy wasn't one for romantic advice given her failed past with it, even so it wouldn't stop her from trying her best to help her friends. Aster shakes their head “It’s fine, we are here to celebrate you being the new host for splatfest.” They smile at her as they arrive at her office, Meggy opens the door excited to see the office “Just remember you're not alone Aster, if you don't want to talk about it that's okay. Now let's see this ro-” Meggy freezes seeing the office, Aster looks around unimpressed “Pretty dusty, this inkling must have been gone for a long time. Hm one shot wren?” Meggys breathing quickens hearing the name as she reaches for her hat, flashes of her meeting with wren. ‘DRAW’ Meggy screams making Aster turn quickly, she shakes her head crying holding on to her beanie as if her life depended on it.

Aster stares at her, focusing hard seeing the negative energy “Shit..even if i attempted anything there i would be worse off.” They slowly approach her, unsure what to do. As they look around the room they notice multiple wren photos giving them an idea, their purple eyes glow as they erase anything with Wren on it “Uh Meggy I got rid Wren, are you okay?!” She hugs herself breathing heavily, Aster curses to themself, they sit near Meggy thinking on how to help. “You know it's pretty fun seeing your home, hitting something with ink was really fun!” They begin to talk hoping that their rambles could help the women next to them. As they keep talking, Meggy slowly relaxes as she stops hugging herself, she watches Aster as they ramble about their thoughts on her home. Seeing her feel better they get up and get her fresh water “Need some air?” she drinks the water before slowly getting up “That…sounds good.” The pair walk outside the building, they stand there in silence before Meggy speaks up “Sorry about that, I’m normally able to handle things better than that..” She lets out a shaky breath as she removes her beanie, Aster stares at the road watching inklings walking around “It’s fine, sorry i wasn't the best company to have for this.” Meggy smiles softly “It was nice not to be alone for once, this feeling reminds me of when I first became human…” Aster turns towards Meggy “Ah yeah Tari told me, you guys had a whole anime arc.” She nods as she puts her beanie back on “I lost someone close to me, a rival, an old crush. When the others told me about you and Three, well all i could have thought of was how i never got a chance to get closer to Desti. I didn't want you two to fight and leave each other's life without seeing how deeply you care about each other.” Aster blushes at Meggy’s words, how could she think that they care deeply about SMG3.
They must be that good of an actor to make the crew think they care about what happens with the man. Aster could laugh at how hilarious the idea is, yet their chest was feeling strange again thinking over her words. Before the two of them could chat more they notice a group of inklings running, Meggy runs up grabbing one of them “What's going on?” the pink inkling pointed towards the arcade “Killer Ink is having a battle with a bunch of humans over at the arcade!” Aster and Meggy nod at each other as they run towards the arcade. A loud explosion of ink could be seen as they approach, Meggy starts to speed up sliding in seeing the crew hiding behind a pile of crates. There she sees Killer Ink laughing as they keep shooting “That all you guys got? This is why humans should stay away from splatfest!” Meggy growls taking out her splat gun “HEY! Leave my friends alone!” Aster arrives looking around, seeing the buildings covered in ink, then their eyes land on Three. They both blush looking away from each other, the leader of killer ink rolls her eyes “Oh look who it is again, just cause you got lucky and won splatfest years ago doesn't mean you can take this one from us.”
Three swears under his breath “Ugh these fuck heads ruining our planning!” Four yelps as he hides behind the crate dodging the shot. Wearing white overalls at this time is a choice Four is hating at the moment “How did they even know we were here, god these guys sucked so much when we first met them!” Three peaks and gasps seeing a shot almost hit Aster, he hits the floor as he thinks about what to do. Four felt a chill making him turn to Three “Three…what are you planning?” Seeing Three get up taking a bomb out of his hat makes Four eyes go wide, he grabs Three “No! My meme sense is saying this is a bad idea, Three if you go out there with a live bomb you could hurt Meggy and Aster!” Three looks over at Aster and Meggy who are now hiding by the arcade, he then turns looking at the inklings chuckling. He growls pulling his arm away from Four “I will be fine, after all i felt the same with you and look your still standing! I’m just going to put them in their place, I'm not some wuss that hides!” Three goes over the crates and tosses one of his bombs, one of the inklings scream running as it explodes. SMG3 lets out an evil laugh making Aster smile, Meggy steps out and aims, hitting a few of the other team members. The team looks to their leader in a panic, she growls frustrated at the situation “I won't let humans scare us off!” She fires her gun, the ink hitting Three’s bomb, Four gasps as the ink makes the lit bomb fall next to Three. Aster eyes go wide seeing the bomb get hit, their eyes glow the moment the explosion goes off.
“YOU'RE SUCH AN IDIOT!” Aster yells as they hold Three close to them. Slowly Three pulls away staring at Aster in awe, Aster places their hand on his face checking on him “YOU COULD HAVE DIED THREE WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING!?” Three grabs on to their arm “I..wanted to teach them a lesson,” he mumbled at them. Aster’s eyes water shaking their head “That was worth risking your life? What if you died? What if…” They let go of Three slowly touching their face, their voice crack “What if…I never got to see you again?”

The leader glares at the pair and readies her gun only to hear footsteps behind her, she turns to see Meggy smirking at her “Game over, thanks to your stunt as host of this year's splatfest you're banned.” She swears as she gets up walking away “You won't get away with this!” Meggy smirks, putting her splatgun away and joining the crew. Seeing their concerned faces she turns to see what they were staring at. Aster starts to wipe their tears confused as Three gently caresses Aster’s face “I…I’m sorry, for everything…What I did was stupid but not as stupid as what started most of this mess. I got scared that you were using me, I let it get the best of me and I snapped at you when I should have trusted you. Do you forgive me?” Aster slowly pulls away from Three, their heart racing seeing the soft look the man was giving them. Aster then runs away, Three watches them run off as he clench his fist “FUCK!” Four slowly walks up to Three and gently rubs his back. Aster falls to their knees after running for a long while, it felt like hours having Three’s face haunt them as they ran. They could have ended their mission there, that bomb would have killed Three yet they stopped it “Whats…wrong with me, why cant i stop crying?” Aster looks around to see they ended up at a beach, they get up and walk toward the sea staring at the sunset. They stare at the sea thinking over everything that has happened the past days, was their father right?
The more they thought about the crew the more things felt confusing, their father told them all these stories about the crew. Yet none of it was adding up, they shouldn't question their father. They frown feeling panic grow “Was he right? Am I getting soft with the crew…with him?” The very thought of seeing Three hurt made them feel sick, it never did before which frustrated them more. They sigh, drawing in the sand thinking everything over, their phone starts to ring. Taking out their cell phone they see Three’s name, they feel their heart skip a beat as they silence their phone. Perhaps they needed to accept what was happening, the very thought put fear in them. They stop drawing and stare at their phone “Have I…already failed my mission? Am I falling for you?” Once the words escaped their mouth they felt a strange pull, their head hurting. They close their eyes, suddenly an old man's voice is heard “Oh man you really know how to keep an old star waiting~” Aster’s eyes shoot open as they look around “who..who said that?
#smg4#smg3#smg34#shygirl4991#smg4 smg3#smg4 au#smg43#smg34 fanfiction#the chains of a fragile soul#aster oc
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aster arts when?

Heres your local emo boy /silly
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Been having a bit of a rough day today so I drew my new comfort ship.
Was also debating about writing a oneshot of 4 and Aster flirting with 3 while he’s working at the cafe and they’re kinda having a friendly competition to see who can fluster 3 more, but idk (but only if you’re ok with it Shay ^-^)
But yeah, SMG4 is very amused by his partners’ attitudes.
They’re my new comfort ship. I love these three sm.
And if there are any people out there hating on this ship, cry harder ig /silly
Aster belongs to @shygirl4991 and designed by @b-r-i-n-g-x
#my art#smg4#smg3#aster34#smg34 fanfiction#the chains of a fragile soul#shygirl4991#b r i n g x#thinking of scenarios with these three dorks lifts my spirits
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ah so you to saw the Aster hate the character isnt bad i like them i think all the hate is cause Aster has a thing for SMG3 meaning they are getting in the middle of SMG34. Lets give Aster all the love that charming non binary lad deserve!
Oh the hate is 100% because of them "getting in the way" and I'm personally gonna bite and scratch at everyone who thinks like that. Let SMG3 smooch other people in peace guys its ok, you can bring him back to your SMG34 ship in your own time and space just don't take it out on other people maaan. No one likes being told that you hate their characters, keep it to yourself and don't interact with them if you don't like, it ok and it's very easy to keep your mouth shut.
Also NB people can do anything they want and can do no wrong.
#mangos mystery ask box#again I haven't even read the chains of a fragile soul yet#I just think people hating on characters because of shipping is fucking stupid and I won't stand for it here
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Can my Tumblr stop recommending me these characters
Aster the chains of a fragile soul Split into three's Six splits for fours SMG4's Minion all i want is SMG4 & SMG3 that's it
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