#the case study of Vanitas part 2
Top Anime Relationships 2022
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anime-of-the-day · 2 years
Anime of the day: Vanitas no Karte Part 2
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Alt title: The Case Study of Vanitas Part 2
Released: 2022
In this second season, Noe and Vanitas are searching for a wolf like creature called the Beast. Vanitas believes it is some kind of vampire, but catching such a creature will not be easy. You can expect more characters, epic throw downs, time travel, and of course vampires.
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retracexcviii · 7 months
Now everyone in the room is racist
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aguacerotropical · 1 year
On Astolfo’s fugue, free will and salvation in VnC
The Astolfo arc is set around his own salvation and what it might look like - either forgiveness, represented by Roland, or a darker idea of “salvation” made up of perpetual genocidal violence, represented by Charles.
Now, Teacher’s fugue reference, which frames and structures the story, suggests that Astolfo has the power of choice, free will, over his own life, and his tragedy is precisely that he lets his rage and grief overpower him, and robs himself of that choice. I will now explain my reasoning.
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What is a fugue?
Like Lady Archiviste (not her actual name) says, it is related to a canon, which is a composition that is an imitative counterpoint. In other words, it repeats melodies, but a canon has no space to develop, or even deviate from the original melody. It is a simple composition. 
Fugues though are complex, and I’m no music student, but according to this video, they are made up of an exposition that has a central melody (a subject) and an answer (a near exact copy played in a different voice), and counterpoints, which are melodies that fit in with the subject. Sometimes there are counter subjects,which are repeated counterpoints that appear after exposition and with the subject. Bach’s Little in G minor appears to have 3 countersubjects.
(See this video to see the different voices and structure in Bach’s G Minor “Little”. This analysis is neat too.)
When comparing this definition to our plot, the easy answer is that the fugue’s subject is the hatred and animosity caused by mass killing and revenge, represented by the vampire killing Astolfo’s family for being associated with the paladins, and the (musical) answer is Astolfo murdering vampires and human allies. 
But that would describe a more simple, canon type structure. A person is killed, then there's revenge, and so on. Instead, Teacher insists it is a fugue, and specifically states Astolfo’s story is not a mere imitation, because “it changes flexibly, developing freely” and that, because of it, “it is the most suitable accompaniment to the tragedy of Garnet”. 
That description of flexible change introduces the idea of free will. And, if we abandon the usual definition of Greek tragedy as events that are fated to happen, we could arrive at the fact that this tragedy hinges on that there is a way out of the violence, yet it is not taken because the character (Astolfo) insists on being trapped.
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Now, let’s look at this tragedy with some panels.  First off, we have the theme of salvation woven into coexistence with vampires, shown via juxtaposition. 
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Roland prays to find a way to save Astolfo, and then it cuts to an explanation of the truce between vampires on Altus and humans.
In the next panel, Astolfo thinks of a plan to murder the Altus vampires, and Roland is immediately put off by it and tries to explain why genocide Is Not A Good Thing.
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It’s important to remember that Olivier tells Roland to not take hatred away from Astolfo, but he doesn’t seem too keen on following through with that advice. He clearly believes there’s a third path, which is letting go of hatred and aiming for coexistence, even as he’s mocked by other chausseurs as a hypocrite, later in the issue.
Now, we can listen to our fugue. We have a subject (violence), an answer (more violence under the guise of revenge), and a countersubject (coexistence, letting  of hatred and forgiveness as possible). Astolfo’s story can develop freely, like Teacher said.
Roland tries to guide Astolfo to that third option, but when Astolfo is confronted with a situation in which humans defend vampires against the Church, like he once did, he kills them. He doesn’t even give them the benefit of the doubt.
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Immediately afterwards, Roland gives up on being able to save Astolfo, because he's so trapped by his trauma, he can’t forgive himself or anyone else. Instead he justifies murder by dehumanizing those who trust vampires as heretics. In a sense, he’s coping by killing what he sees as versions of his past self who could put an indeterminate someone (that doesn’t really exist) in danger.
Here we can insert Tumblr’s favorite cliché: “Why does tragedy exist? Because you are full of rage. Why are you full of rage? Because you are full of grief.”
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 On Astolfo’s psyche:
Now I want to dig a little deeper into Astolfo’s psyche. He tells himself that his hatred is for all vampires, but this is… imprecise. He actually hates the vampires responsible for the murder of his family, but they’re already dead. You can hate the dead, but you can’t do much with that emotion, since its object does not exist anymore.
Additionally, his punishment of himself is part of the denial + bargaining aspects that show up in grief. “If he hadn’t been kind! if he could stop others from the same actions! Then they would be alive.
All of that is a lie. Those vampires would probably have found another way to attack, because they were already set on killing his family due to their association with paladins. And that attack isn’t his fault. He didn’t make that choice, it was out of his control.
But, blaming himself and blaming vampires gives him an illusion of control.
Illusion, because it’s clear he has zero control over his grief and his actions. And it also leads him to commit the same evil as the vampires who killed his family.
He’s a fugue’s subject switching voices and ending up in a musical answer on a different, but repetitive, key of violence.
As a last resort, Roland tries to become the main object of Astolfo’s hatred, to control its effects. It does work by making Astolfo vulnerable, something which Noé and Vanitas later exploit in battle.
Anyways, for Astolfo to forgive himself, it would mean stepping into the realm of uncertainty and admitting that there was no sense to any of this violence. The world has no good and evil that is occupied by humans and vampires. It has no point. He would also be responsible for his actions, including his hand in murders. 
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At the end of this chapter, it is evident that these questions are weighing on Astolfo’s mind. Above, he gazes at the dagger he inherited from his father, who stated that he must kill vampires, and sees himself beheaded, asking for more blood to be shed.
And to resolve this existential angst, he would need to craft his own purpose, not have it handed down by chausseurs who want the worst for him and only see him as a symbol, a means to an end for the vampire eradication faction. Roland, on the other hand, sees him and loves him as who he is.
And as he enters Charles’ room, Roland comes out, and it’s almost like he is torn between both options of who he can be. He seems to choose Charles, as he walks past Roland, but will it stand?
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Either way, his story is part of a repetition that has gone on since the world was cleaved by Babel and it was consumed in wars driven by revenge. It represents the current status quo in the larger story that makes up Vanitas no Carte’s plot. And it suggests that our characters have free will, and the fugue that has forgotten how to stop can remember how to end.
Coda: A final note on salvation and free will
I really want to get into this, but it’s a pretty complicated topic, so I just want to highlight that the idea of “free will” is woven into the idea of salvation in Christian faiths. It’s not explicitly mentioned in the manga, but the paradox of free will, in which an omniscient God clashes with the idea that humans have freedom of choice to save or doom themselves, is absolutely a central question that people have tried to answer since the start of Christianity. My favorite exploration of this is Steinbeck’s East of Eden.
As a superficial analysis, we could say that Roland and perhaps Noé + Vanitas represent a camp that is for free will, while Charles and his paladins stick closer to predestination, since humans are the only candidates for salvation. There is this panel in which Roland’s faith starts to crumble, since he starts to accept that God also created vampires. I think this will get much more explicit as we see more of the Church’s actions.
And Teacher, who started this whole analysis, I’m not too sure what his stance on free will is, but he’s certainly curious about its effects.
Sidenote: I take this opportunity to link my huge doc of Vanitas no Carte references. it is still a work in progress. If anyone wants to add anything, please let me know. I need info on the Matter of France / Song of Roland; Noé and Vanitas’ Vincent and Gilbert pseudonyms, and other stuff.
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sailxrmxrs · 2 years
took a little break from writing to recharge the brain but expect some fun christmas content now that december is upon us. before the fesitivities begin, however, let's give alexei a little moment to shine bc i haven't actually written a solo fic for him yet. today we change that. now everyone's beloved science boy is for SURE the type to overwork himself and not realise until he gets sick so who else should take care of him other than mc <3 also bc a sleepy alexei is adorable. enjoy the alexei softness gamers! also maybe opening requests again for some inspo hehe. fantasy rory coming to a tumblr near u too soon <3
Being roommates with Alexei meant a lot of late nights after work, sharing food you'd ordered in because neither of you had the energy to cook. A pleasant routine had settled and you couldn't really fathom a time before this close friendship with Alexei. However, something that set you both apart was the ability to relax. Where you valued your time at home away from work, letting your brain rest and indulge in comforts and hobbies, Alexei did not. Even when the two of you would watch a new show together, or go out for food, Alexei was always thinking about work. If he could, he'd stay in the lab working long into the night, only stopping when you physically dragged him away from his current projects. His late nights combined with his early morning starts meant it was inevitable he'd get sick. Despite his determination to prove otherwise, Alexei was only human. And that meant his repeated late nights would soon catch up on him and render him useless to his own immune system.
It only took a few more days for Alexei's inevitable fate to strike. You were cleaning up the kitchen from your breakfast, the tv providing background noise, when you heard Alexei's door open. Dark circles ringed his eyes as he slowly trudged out of his room, a blanket wrapped around him and his cheeks flushed feverishly.
"Uh oh. Someone's sick," you observed, taking a bite of toast as you watched him collapse on the sofa. "Told you to rest more."
Alexei answered with a groan, his energy levels too low to offer any sort of intelligent response. He burrowed deeper into the cushions, tugging the blanket around his shoulders for extra warmth. Despite it being a result of his own blindsided eagerness to work, you couldn't help but feel sorry for him. Alexei was usually a bright little ray of sunshine in the mornings so to see him look so defeated made your heart sink. Luckily for Alexei, today was a day off for you. Initially, you'd planned to spend it running a couple necessary errands before hibernating away in cosy clothes in your room but some adjustments could be made for Alexei.
"Instead of moping over there, you should get yourself back into bed. Can you manage any food right now or do you just want to sleep it off?"
Alexei contemplated his options for a moment before he begrudgingly pulled himself up off the sofa. "Sleep. Food later."
"Got it. Still, you should drink some fluids first. I'll grab you some water and a spare blanket from my room." By the time you'd gotten Alexei a glass of water and retrieved the blanket in question, he was already fast asleep. His body was so exhausted that he'd collapsed before even getting himself fully into bed. You left the glass on his bedside table, pulling the covers and blankets over him so that he would stay nice and warm as his body caught up on all the sleep it had missed. You pulled the curtains taut and quietly closed the door as you left. Judging from the gentle snores coming from Alexei, he wouldn't be waking up anytime before noon which meant you had a couple hours to run out for some ingredients to make him the perfect comfort meal. It wasn't often that you got to cook for Alexei so you weren't intending on letting this opportunity slip you by. Especially because you knew that in a few hours once Alexei was fully rested, he'd be aching to get up and go about his day like normal despite the strain on his body. Getting him to relax might just be the hardest task you've ever set to accomplish.
Once you'd returned home and got to work on Alexei's food, the real work begun. As you'd suspected, the moment Alexei woke up he made the executive decision to get out of bed again and join you in the kitchen, claiming to be all better now. Of course, this wasn't true in the slighest but there was little you could do for the moment so you let him sit and watch you finish preparing the ingredients.
"As soon as this is all in the pot simmering away I'm putting you back into bed, you know that, right?"
"I already slept I'm fine. Besides I have a report to finish for Monday," Alexei complained as he reluctantly drank sips of water while you glared directly at him.
"Were my ears deceiving me or are you seriously talking about work when you are sick. From overworking and not sleeping. Alexei Demidov I swear you are going to be the death of me." You halted your actions, a half-chopped carrot under your hands momentarily abandoned while you scolded Alexei.
"I'm not sick or overworked. I was just a little tired. Which I'm not anymore."
"Sure. Is that why when I checked your temperature earlier you had a fever? Because you are in perfect health? And don't even get me started on the overworking. I've never met someone more willing to work overtime."
Alexei puffed his cheeks in defeat, knowing that as a scientist himself he couldn't refute the evidence of his high temperature. "Enjoying your job is hardly a crime."
"True, but you can always have too much of a good thing. Perhaps this is the ideal experiment into why rest and relaxation is vital to one's physical wellbeing."
"Perhaps." Alexei sipped at his water, watching as you went about the kitchen clearing up the utensils you no longer needed now that everything was cooking. He quietly observed, only responding with little nods and short answers to your questions about the food. Having food prepared specially for him was a new feeling for Alexei, and it was one he rather enjoyed. He liked the closeness of seeing the process but found the gesture of you going to such lengths to look after him even more comforting. Even if he didn't believe he needed such treatment, he would have been lying if he said he hated it. To be doted on like this was incredibly rare so maybe it wouldn't be so bad to let you continue treating him like this? After all, he did have a slight fever—even if he didn't feel ill himself.
By the time his food had finished cooking, you were already ushering Alexei to either get back into his bed with the pillows propped up or onto the sofa where you'd drag his duvet and blankets. He opted for the sofa as he clutched the warm bowl in his hands and took a first bite. His eyes closed in satisfaction, the heat spreading through every inch of his body.
"You better not get any ideas of working even more because you won't be getting this sort of treatment next time," you commented, tossing the bundle of blankets beside Alexei so as not to spill any of his food. "Special treatment only for people who deserve it."
Alexei took another bite before answering. "You really think I'd do that?"
"Hm, maybe not on purpose, but yes. Anything for some more of my cooking," you teased, falling back onto the other end of the sofa, tucking your feet under one of the blankets.
"Never knew you could cook this good. I might need a lesson or two from you."
You'd gotten yourself a bowl of food to enjoy with Alexei, knowing the comfort meal was exactly what you needed after a long week of work. "Don't get excited, this is one of very few recipes I've mastered. Mostly because I made it all the time as a student when it got cold."
"Still, I appreciate it. Thank you." Alexei smiled, his cheeks still flushed with fever, but looking a lot more rejuvenated than they had been earlier in the morning. After he finished eating, Alexei got himself comfortable under the covers again, swearing he wasn't about to fall asleep. He was just getting cosy. Until you looked over ten minutes later and saw that same sleep-induced calmness cover his features. His lips were curled in the slightest of smiles and his hair tumbled over his eyes. A bemused grin covered your features as you rose from your seat to check up on him. His temperature had almost returned to normal but there was no need to disturb him now. So instead, you brushed the hair from his forehead, leaving a soft kiss in your wake before leaving him to sleep the rest of his fever away. But before you could go, a hand reached for your arm and weakly tugged. Alexei was still mostly asleep, the last remnants of his consciousness encouraging you to join him. What kind of person would you be to refuse such a sweet request? So you managed to balance yourself beside him, the blankets sufficently covering you both before sleep called out and lulled you into its grasp.
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forbidden-sunlight · 2 years
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Although this a blog for yandere literature, please be mindful that the content may contain triggers.
Furthermore, these stories/headcanons are for entertainment purposes only. The behavior depicted here is not unhealthy and should not be encouraged.
If you wish to read something much more pleasant than a possible series of unfortunate events, here is the link to my other blog, @an-idyllic-novelist
For everyone else, welcome~!
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part two
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part five
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yandere!Alastor with Violet Evergarden!reader scenario
[part one]
[part two]
[part three]
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[1] [2] [complete]
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Progress Bar [as of 6.20. 2024]
Reading the following book(s): Dreadful by Caitlin Rozakis, Into The Riverlands by Nghi Vo, Beach Read by Emily Henry.
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ecargmura · 13 days
Wind Breaker Episode 11 Review - New Day, New Classmates
I’m a little confused. Tsugeura’s little motto revolves around the word “virtue”. In the manga, it’s virtue. The subtitles call it virtue as well, but I’ve seen some subs use “aesthetics.” What is the accurate word? A moot on Twitter says that the accurate word should be “aesthetics”. Virtue means a behavior showing high moral standards while aesthetics means a particular theory or connection to beauty or art. My moot told me that the word Tsugeura uses is actually more associated with aesthetic rather than virtue. I don’t know…. For now, I’ll just call it virtue since that’s what the subtitles say, but if they switch it to aesthetics or something, I’ll use that.
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Anyways, it’s a new day, the fourth to be exact, and Sakura meets two new classmates. The first is Taiga Tsugeura who likes to talk about virtue, is a gym bro, and is an all around himbo. He speaks in Kansai dialect, by the way. While he’s a nice guy, he lacks personal boundaries, which is why everyone avoids him. Sugishita’s face says it all. Fortunately, Sakura, Suo and Nirei are nice enough to hang out with him after school. Tsugeura is a macho guy, but he’s surprisingly goofy and sensitive. While he doesn’t get along with Kiryu, he doesn’t let that bother him. He’s very funny, honestly. I think he brings a good dynamic to the group as the optimist in a way. His fighting style centers around wrestling with the way he did a German suplex to one of those scrubs.
Tsugeura’s voice actor actually surprised me. He’s voiced by Kengo Kawanishi. You might know him as Muichiro from Demon Slayer and Roland Fortis from The Case Study of Vanitas. Why I was surprised was because I normally associated with him quiet pretty boys, but remembering that he voiced Roland, he has the capability to go loud and dumb too. Also, another thing that surprised me about him was that Kawanishi always sounded like he could be Akira Ishida’s successor in terms of range and tone, but the voice he uses for Tsugeura makes him sound like Noriaki Sugiyama who you might know as the voice of Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto and also voiced Muichiro’s dad who appeared in the third season of Demon Slayer. Kawanishi’s range is seriously killer.
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The second of the new classmates is Mitsuki Kiryu. He’s rumored to be from a rich family with the way he went to a rich kid’s school during junior high. His past sounds very interesting if he chose to rebel and went to Fuurin; I’m super curious as much as I am curious about Suo’s past. Kiryu is practically the total opposite of Tsugeura in every way. He respects people’s boundaries, especially girls’, but is rather effeminate compared to the macho himbo Tsuge-chan. He’s also a huge phone addict as he was first seen in episode 2 playing with his phone. I do wonder if he has a hamburger case alongside the hotdog case. His fighting style sort of reminds me of the Gentle Fist style from Naruto, especially with the way it focuses on deflecting as Kiryu deflects his opponents and sends them flying to his allies.
Kiryu’s voice actor is Toshiyuki Toyonaga. It’s been a while since I last heard Toyonaga voice a rather effeminate character. I actually really like his acting a lot! He has so much range that his voice is so hard to detect because he sounds so different in whatever anime he’s in. If you’re curious on what roles he had done in the past, some examples include Yuuri Katsuki from Yuri on Ice, Kazuki Kurusu from Buddy Daddies and Nayuta Yatonokami from Paradox Live. All three of those roles sound different, yet they come from the same person. Amazing, isn't it? I love how Toyonaga gives Kiryu a boyish voice; that tone is so cute.
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The fighting scene in the anime was well-animated! All three have such distinct styles, but it meshes so well together. Heck, even Suo gets to be a part of the fight, despite him being at the back protecting Nirei and the girl Kiryu saved and only fighting when mooks try to run towards the back. I really like the part where Sakura is flipping around after Tsugeura throws in a punch and then Kiryu deflects a guy towards him.
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The episode is also has some development towards Sakura as he gets new fighting allies in Tsugeura and Kiryu and even gets five new contacts in his phone. He’s the most chronically offline teenager, and he’s even slowly adjusting to the teen life by attempting to participate in group chats and stuff. I hope that Sakura becomes an expert at instant messaging by the time the story ends.
The episode ends with the second years coming to Sakura’s class in order to pick a Group Captain. What is a group captain? It’s like a top of the class or something. Suo volunteers Sakura to be captain. What happens next will be shown next week. However, the second years showing up is great because Enomoto is hilarious with the way he rolls his R’s. Can you believe that he’s voiced by Taishi Murata, who voices Pieyon from Oshi no Ko? Crazy, right? That’s the third voice actor with crazy range in this episode. Also, this is the introduction to Kaji but I’ll talk more about him next week as he’ll finally talk. I can’t wait to see people’s reaction to Kaji. He’s such a great character.
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There are two more episodes left. With how popular this show is in the Japanese fanbase, I wouldn’t be surprised if a second season will be announced; I certainly want it. What are your thoughts on this episode and are you also wanting a season two like I am?
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callilemon · 9 months
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✨️Heat haze✨️
Part 3 of @trixipixify and I Kintober series! This art is the most safe for work one so far, so you can click the chapters if you want to check out the first 2!
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fairy-writes · 3 months
Oh , hello , love your works!!! I wonder..if you still writing something about characters..can you write just some cute stuff about Roland fortis (from VNC) x female reader?
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Fandom(s): The Case Study of Vanitas
Pairing(s): Roland Fortis x Reader
Word Count: 0.4k
Genre(s)/Tag(s): Female!Reader, Short!Reader
Notes: Fun fact, I am most definitely not caught up with the manga nor anime. I’ve seen season 1 and part of season 2 but that’s it rip
Roland was working late again. 
You can smell the wind on his clothes as he comes in late and puts Durandal by the bed. He always sleeps with it by his side of the bed. 
“Just in case.” He always said. 
You are teetering on the edge of sleep as he changes out of his work uniform and into pajamas. He slides under the covers with the grace of a cat and wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you close. You squirm. 
“You’re cold.” You mumble, and he breathes out a soft laugh. 
“It’s snowing outside.” Is all he replies with, and kisses your cheek when you turn over to face him. 
It takes some wiggling, but you free your hands and press them to his cheeks. You always were envious of his smooth skin and the light dusting of freckles across his nose. He nuzzles his face into your hold and smiles,
“I love your hands.” He murmurs, and you chuckle,
“Why? They’re gross and stained with ink and—”
“Because they’re part of you. That’s why. You could be missing a few fingers and all knobby, and I’d love them all the same.” He says, and you can’t help but giggle. 
“Well, I’m glad you think so.” 
You wake up in the morning to a cold bed and frown. 
Where was Roland?
Durandal is still by his bedside table, but his coat isn’t over the rocking chair in the corner. And when you enter the living room, his boots aren’t in their place by the door. 
Just where was he?
Then you hear it. 
Just on the edge of your hearing… A scraping sound. Like metal on cobblestone. And when you peek between the curtains, you find out the sound of the noise. 
Shoveling your walkways and sidewalks outside your home. Immediately, your heart sings and a warm fuzzy feeling blossoms. You watch him for a moment before going back to the bedroom and changing out of your nightgown and into clothes for the day. 
You’re making breakfast by the time Roland comes in from shoveling snow. His cheeks are flushed pink and flakes of frozen water are melting in his golden curls. You tighten your apron around your waist, and snag the clean towel you had set aside for this purpose. He grins when you approach him, leaning down to peck your nose. You laugh and cover his face with the towel in your hands. 
Roland had always been particular about his curls, but whenever he was around you, those particularities go out the window. He allows you to run your fingers through the strands, ruffle them, whatever you like. So, he doesn’t pull away when you move to dry his hair. He laughs jubilantly when you cover his eyes with the towel in a game of peek-a-boo.
He stops you abruptly by leaning down and kissing your lips.
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
The Case Study of Vanitas Manga Covers Explained
So, it has come to my attention that some people haven't clued in to the themes and symbolism of all of the covers for The Case Study of Vanitas. So, I am here now to explain the intricacies and important and impressive details of each cover so everyone can appreciate how outstanding these covers are. So without further ado, time to get a little too into something benign and slightly pointless.
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Volume 1
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So, allow me to state the obvious first. The "theme" of Vanitas here is Vanitas, as it's an actual painting style that combines vanity (go figure) with death essentially. Putting the opulence of life in opposition with the absolutism of death. You see it with the skull wearing a crown, for one, or the other skeletal figures that decorate the mirror.
Well, I guess I should explain that first, actually. Each cover has a mirror, in one way or another. A look into the characters, a reflection of themselves through both the frame and the actual contents of the mirror.
So anyways, in the mirror, we have the blue moon and the spider's web that we associate with Altus Paris. The undeniable connection that Vanitas has to the Babel Incident, Vampires, and Vanitas of the Blue Moon. As the first volume cover it's very well designed to evoke that connection without giving readers a touch more.
Volume 2
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Next up we have Noe (one of my favorite covers). This one is interesting for a few reasons integral to his character as a Vampire. Firstly though, we have the two important bits cresting the the mirror, a pen and paper (to be taken as a journal) and the blue flowers of Noe's childhood with his teacher. They are integral aspects of his character in that he was never afraid of the blue moon like other vampires, and that his family's ability to feel the memories of others through their blood.
Alongside that we have his Teacher in the mirror, hands wrapped around Noe. It's pretty evident symbolism for how much his Teacher has him wrapped around his fingers, and how he's the controlling force within Noe's life. Outside of the mirror though, Noe is covered in blood from drinking it from someone. This is pretty easy to relate to Noe's line about a certain someone's fate, which he mentions within the first volume.
Volume 3
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I find this cover particularly interesting, though it is not quite my favorite. Once more we see the Vanitas style applied to the mirror, though this one is special. It's a mirror that goes both ways. We're only seeing it from Vanitas' side. Regardless, Vanitas is both stained with blood and marked, while sharing the chain of the Book of Vanitas with Noe. This is pretty clearly symbolizes the nature of their connection, that Noe is chained to the book rather than Vanitas himself in this case.
Aside from that there's nothing incredibly crazy to it, though the water from the mirror and Vanitas' side disappears on the exterior of the mirror once it passes the plane that the mirror exists on. Essentially, the water only exists in the mirror and on Vanitas' side of it. The same can be said of Noe, as the "rest" of them on the volume is colored completely different.
Volume 4
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I really love this one. The mirror is decorated with all manner of flowers to make it "pretty", and Jeanne is all dressed up as well. However, her mirror is coiling around her arm, trapping her in place. She's unable to leave it, stuck within it so to speak, eternally struggling to view herself how she so desires. But, we have Vanitas' hand pulling against this. He is there to free Jeanne of her mirror, to free her of the blood-stained thing that she desperately tries to hide.
It's a pretty straightforward theme that doesn't have a great deal to explain, but it has a really incredible amount of depth to it, especially considering the second part of the anime.
Volume 5
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This one, this one is very interesting. It's arguably the most unique/divergent of the bunch. It doesn't adhere to quite the same rules as the prior 4, but still conducts itself like it does. I won't act as confident with this one, but I believe this cover to be from within the mirror. Things are as they are, and they are effectively trapped by the Beast of Gévaudan, which hovers menacingly in the background through the mirror.
Most interestingly however is the smaller details. We don't get to see Noe's right hand, and the book of Vanitas is not visible compared to it being featured in both of Vanitas' previous covers. Alongside that, we have the foreshadowing of the cover, with a certain spear covering Vanitas' leg. It's very well done and impressively creative, but is just a little too divergent from the rest for me to really sell my standpoint on it, so there's certainly room for personal interpretation here.
Volume 6
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Really, all these covers are just so pretty. Here with Astolfo though, there's a couple of things that stand out. The spider's web, the butterfly, the damaged and odd mirror.
Let's start with the overall appeal. It's decrepit, it's damaged- tattered, if you will. A mess, a state of disrepair or lack of care. It all speaks to Astolfo's character, what his life left him as, and where he aims for. It's another more unspoken cover that digs deep into his character. For example, Have you realized that what they stand upon is a pile of skulls? Or that there is a fungus or something of the sort in place of the withered and dying roses along the bottom of the mirror? Or that the mirror itself is thorny?
Volume 7
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I do quite enjoy this one for how simple it is. Jeanne Jaques and Chloe share a mirror in this volume cover to better represent their relationship. And along the outline of the mirror is a type of music sheet to better relate to Chloe's history and purpose. To cap it all off is the positioning of the mirror though. Shining a light down from above, like they're trapped in a dark cage and it is the only source around them.
It's just really well done, and then there's the details on Jeanne Jacques, that he's the only one with blood on him, that his eyes are glowing and that he has that flame alight his left shoulder. It's really expert work and stuff you might not typically pick up on.
Volume 8
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I could speak on this mirror for ages, but I will endeavor to keep it short. The mirror isn't just Domi's reflection, it is Domi. She's losing her sense of self, she's losing who she is, being pulled deeper into the cracked and dark mirror. Falling deeper into the visage of her brother Louis who has turned his back on her. She has her sword drawn, a sense of duty mixed with fear and sorrow is traced across her face. She's afraid that the boundaries that comprise Domi are being broken apart, not much unlike the mirror, and that she'll lose sight of herself as guilt drags her deeper into memory.
Vol 9
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Butterflies are something that we manage to see quite a bit of in these covers thanks to their symbolism. But more interesting than that is the standout butterfly, the one butterfly for noe that shines red against the hues of blue that Vanitas finds himself slumbering beneath, trapped within the desires of Mikhail.
It's a rather self-explanatory cover, but still a very solid one. The exterior of the mirror meant to mimic the Book of Vanitas, with pins decorating its exterior to "hold" it in place similar to how you pin an insect up to display it. Along with that is another show of the symbolism of chains, though this one in a different manner. It does not attach Vanitas to Mikahil, but rather Mikhail uses it to trap Vanitas.
Volume 10
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And we finish the foray into the covers with volume 10. This one is very pretty, and the only cover in which we don't directly see Vanitas' earring. Of course, the mirror is his earring, as well as a window into both Vanitas and Noe.
More than that though, the mirrors themselves continue the theme of chains, as they decorate the exterior of the hourglass figure. Vanitas being responsible for the dark and rainy mirror of the top, with Noe taking the brighter bottom half. It's an interesting one to see given the covers for volume 3 and 5, but one that fits incredibly well with where the story leaves off at. Showing the opposite natures that the two posses, but that regardless, one will always fall into the other.
So there you have it, my takes on the importance and symbolism of Mochizuki Jun's expertly crafted manga covers. There's really such a great deal to appreciate in them, especially given how light the designs can be for them. They clearly went to great lengths to attach a theme to the covers that would be integral to the overall approach they have with the characters, and for that I'm really thankful (and impressed).
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Favourite Male Characters 2022
1.  Kageyama, Shigeo (Mob Psycho 100 III)
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2. Noe Archiviste (The Case Study of Vanitas Part 2)
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3. Reigen, Arataka (Mob Psycho 100 III)
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4.Sasaki, Shuumei (Sasaki to Miyano)
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5. Loid Forger (Spy x Family)
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thecutestswitch · 20 hours
To my fellow people who love to watch anime I have to recommendations hope you like them. I really hope y'all give these a try 🥰
Fruits basket (includes love/trauma so be prepared) on hulu
Naruto (I grew up in Naruto so I love it) on hulu and Netflix
Classroom of the elite (some people found it boring but I liked it) on crunchyroll/animesuge
Charlotte (watch it watch it you might like it) on crunchyroll I think and on hulu
Assassination Classroom (it's a fav of mine personally) on YouTube/hulu
Romantic Killer (it was funny for the most part but has serious moments as well) on Netflix
Vampire in the garden (I loved this highly recommend) should still be on Netflix
Deadman Wonderland (has lots of killing and blood so if thas your thing watch it) this is an old anime from years ago and you may be able to find it on YouTube or animesuge (Google it)
Free ( I don't usually watch sports animes but I enjoyed this one) this is swimming on animesuge or any other anime website
Clean freak Aoyama kun (again another sports anime soccer btw) on animesuge or any other anime website
Love is war (pure comedy this had me giggling and laughing so much) on hulu
High rise invasion (has killing and some pantie shots which I hated but if you look past that part it's a good watch) on Netflix I think/if not try hulu or an animesuge
Demon King Academy (I watched this but I don't really remember too much of what happened so give it a try and watch it lol) I'm pretty sure I watched this on Netflix but try animesuge
Horimiya (romance and I loved it especially the newest season that came out) on hulu/funimation/animesuge
Vivid strike (this was a really good watch, it takes place with 2 orphan girls and one gets adopted and later on they meet again but are enemies you should definitely watch this) on animesuge or any other anime website you may use
Toilet bound Hanko Kun (about a ghost boy who committed yk and he befriends a human girl and this has blood/killing and very sweet and cute moments as well I recommend this one as well) on hulu and or animesuge or should be on any anime website you use
The study case of Vanitas (a human man and vampire goes on quests to help cure vampires and a bunch of other stuff as well. Definitely try this one it's a favorite of mine) on hulu but if all the episodes aren't there look on animesuge or any other anime website
Blue Exorcist (son of Satan and is trying to control his powers while having human friends who are afraid of him and I hate his brother with the glasses so much but give this a watch as well) on Netflix and hulu but animesuge should have it as well
Tonikawa: Over the moon for you (romance and this was a very cute anime and you might like it but it was a little boring to me though but don't let that stop you from watching it) on animesuge or any any other anime website
Fairy Tail (I absolutely love fairy tail and I will always defend it no matter what! A lot of people hated this but I loved it and you should definitely watch it. May be a little boring ro you in the first few episodes but after that it's great) on YouTube/Netflix but animesuge has all the episodes for it
Snow white with red hair (again I watched it but I don't remember shit of what happened but watch it LMFAOOO) I'm pretty sure this is on crunchyroll
Devils line (at first I thought this was a regular vampire anime but then they started throwing in hot and steamy scene if yk yk but watch this) hulu or animesuge
Classroom of the elite (this is different from any other animes I've ever watched this focuses more on manipulation/mastermind abilities. This is a very good anime in my opinion but it may be boring to y'all but I definitely recommend giving this a try before you write it off as boring off rip) on animesuge
Shugo chara (this focuses around a school girl who has powers and the little fairy looking creatures idk what they're called I forgot but it was interesting to watch) on crunchyroll/animesuge m/any anime website
Charlotte (this anime broke my heart lol. It's about a boy who has special abilities and he meets others like him and finally uses his power for the greater good definitely watch this) on crunchyroll I think/on hulu/animesuge/any anime website
Magi (if I remember correctly this is about some boy who lives in Egypt I think and he went on a quest looking for something. I watch too many animes to remember everything about all the ones I've watched) this is definitely on Netflix
Spriggan (I totally don't remember shit about this one because I stopped watching it due to watching other animes but if you want to try it then you should) on Netflix
Shadows house (I loved this one although I did find it boring at times but I pushed through and I'm glad I did. This is about "dolls" and their masters. The "dolls" are kids from the nearby village sent to a mansion to act as servants and "faces" for their shadow masters (I highly recommend watching this one you might love it) on crunchyroll/animesuge/any anime website
Bastard (all I remember about this one is a girl and her little brother is possessed or something by some deomn thing I think) it's on Netflix if you wanna watch it on Netflix
A Lull in the sea (I started off liking it but towards the middle of the end of the series I gave up on finishing it because I got tired of it. This is about people who live in the sea and people who live on land. The sea people go to school on land and a bunch of other stuff happen during their time in the ocean. You should try it out for yourself don't just take my word for it about it getting boring) on Netflix and you should find it on animesuge as well
Revisions (this is very different from all the animes I've watched by far. It's like 3d animated I think? The Animation is what caught my attention you should watch it) on Netflix I think
Sasaki to Miyano 《 BL》 (this is a boys love anime and no not smutt just pure and wholesome. It's about a boy in Highschool who loves everything BL but has never experienced anything to do with BL. One day he meets his upperman classmate who falls for him instantly but the younger classmate couldn't tell if he felt that way about him yet. It's a super cute anime and you should watch it) only watch it if BL is your thing on animesuge/any anime website
The Apothecary Diaries (Recently got into this and I don't hate it tbh. It's about a girl who gets kidnapped and soled into a palace to work for an "eunuch" and he falls for her but she doesn't fall for him hehe not yet. She deals with poisons and other crime solving things and I loved it) animesuge/any anime website
Ghost stories (super funny I loved it. I know a lot of people don't like to watch animes in dub BUT HEAR ME OUT THOUGH this anime you NEED to watch it in English. It's way funnier in English I recommend it) on tubi I think
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retracexcviii · 1 year
Vanitas no carte Stage play comic translation (part 1)
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Hi there. As I told you, I made the cleaning and edition of this comics Jun made last year.
The translations from japanese are all made by the hand of my dear J, you should go to show your gratitude here:
In case you need context: Last year, in January 2022, there were a event in Japan in which some actors represented Vanitas no carte first 18 chapters (until the end of Catacombs arc). It was a big event, worked well, Jun went there to see it and made all this comics representing moments of the stage play. Later in summer Jun wrote a AU so this actors could play it (that AU in which the main 8 characters traveled to the future and were dressed in modern clothes. You sure have seen those images already). And to finish, the stage play worked so well that it has had a repetition now in March 2023 and they have announcement that it will be a DVD/Blu ray release of this representation in September 2023.
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444lpblue · 6 months
The Witch and the Beast Anime's Outlook
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I've finally awakened from my anime slump and have been catching up on a lot of anime. I learned my lesson about trying to do too much and watch too many shows. Therefore, I'm going to limit the number of anime I watch going forward so that I actually have time to write about them. I was barely finding time to watch the shows I've decided to begin, let alone write about them. I'm feeling a bit more comfortable now after grinding a ton, and I would like to talk about one of my anxiety-inducing and highly anticipated anime, The Witch and the Beast.
If you didn't know, The Witch and the Beast is possibly one of my favorite mangas of all time, if not my absolute favorite. It's very under the radar, and I think if you love the world of Ancient Magus Bride or enjoy The Case Study of Vanitas and want a darker twist with a highly aesthetically pleasing art style, I think you should give it a try. But back to the anime, like most people when their manga get adapted, when I first heard it was announced, I was extremely excited—after all, who wouldn't be? Getting an anime adaptation is probably one of the things you wish for your favorite series. After months of confirmation, we finally got the first teaser PV, which looked fine (I did have some complaints about it, but it was mostly fine). We learned that the studio working on it is Yokohama Animation Lab.
If you've been watching anime recently, you might have come across some of Yokohama Animation Lab's works, as they have been quite active since 2017. They have produced visually appealing shows such as Miru Tights and Lapis Re:LiGHTs. However, more recently, they've released shows with less-than-stellar visuals, like Kingdoms of Ruin, The Great Cleric, and Rail Romanesque 2. Even their highest-rated show at the moment, The Genius Prince's Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt, doesn't exactly have amazing animation quality; it's more of a passable-looking show. Which made the studio choice a huge large concern for me, as The Witch and the Beast is a series that relies a lot on its visuals. It's an integral part to the enjoyment of the series, it's a series that relies on its aesthetically pleasing artwork for the sake of showing off the characters and the worldbuilding.
However, studios aren't people, and I didn't want to adopt an incredibly negative outlook because the people working on it will change over time, and anime relies heavily on freelancers. The quality of the anime you see from individual studios will differ greatly. But there is a difference in that aspect to an extent in Yokohama Animation Lab, much like in this interview said. They are looking to become more of an in-house studio rather than freelance due to the costs of subscription programs. Oogami Yuuma emphasizes that while digitalization in anime is often viewed as a cost-cutting measure, setting up the required digital environment can be initially expensive. So they are seeking a cost-effective solution. His statement, to this day, still rings pretty true. If you look at the staff for Yokohama's series episode by episode, you might be surprised that a majority of the episodes do seem to involve in-house staff more than the average anime. However, that doesn't seem great when their recent quality, especially in shows like Kingdoms of Ruin, has been rather atrocious. In all visual aspects, animation (incredibly lacking), storyboarding (low quality and not engaging, scene flow to eachother like a slideshow), compositing (incredibly jarring). The only thing I can praise about it is its art direction.
I mentioned Kingdoms of Ruin specifically as it does share several key staff with The Witch and the Beast and I think it's just worth mentioning. Now with all that being said you can see how my worry for the adaptation was incredibly large at the time (in the fact it still is), but I've lessen my worry of it when I tried to look at the individual staffs working on this show and the stafflist of the recent Yokohama shows.
Unfortunately, I did sit through some episodes of Kingdoms of Ruin (do not recommend), and I found it interesting that the staff list for the show was rather small at times— a lot of animation directors, but not many actual animators. For example, one of the action-heavy episodes only had a singular key animator. It's as if they didn't have enough staff. I would say that Kingdoms of Ruin is of lower quality than even the average Yokohama series.
This got me thinking, where are the staff going? Well, there are several options. Yokohama has some upcoming releases, but unquestionably, their biggest series coming out is Whisper Me a Love Song (which I also love), followed by The Witch and the Beast. The other two upcoming series are not nearly gaining as much traction.
This is all just a guess that likely won't amount to anything, but just the type of series that The Witch and the Beast is and the fact that it's the series coming right after Kingdoms of Ruin, I think it's possible that it will end up benefiting from the staff that was missing from that series. I feel like Yokohama will try to put more effort into this series, considering they didn't opt for their usual newbies and completely in-house directors; rather, they got a veteran director in Takayuki Hamana.
Hamana has been in the industry for an incredibly long time, but chances are you haven't heard of him. Recently, he directed Power of Hope Precure Full Bloom, which had a lot of great cuts from what I've seen. He has also recently finished working on the Sorcerous Stabber Orphen series, which didn't receive the best reception (more so for its rushed nature rather than visuals). Additionally, he worked on the Rakudai Majo movie recently, which unfortunately doesn't have an English release yet.
While it's not like these recent shows have the best ratings on MAL or other sites, it tends not to be because of the visuals but rather the story, over which he likely didn't have much control, especially in the case of Precure. He's very much capable of delivering a good product if the source material and the script are solid. Beast Player Erin is his highest-rated work, but he also has shows like Library Wars or Arte, which I know many people like.
In studios like Yokohama, I always tend to favor veteran directors, as they have been in more situations and will likely be able to find a way to maintain quality better than newbie directors; their industry connections should allow them to get external staff to help out. Hamana has shown evidence of this many times, even in the rushed release of Sorcerous Stabber Orphen and the hazardous release pace of each season. They all still managed to have well-animated cuts here and there, and that has been a trend for a majority of his series.
If you just put some of his randomly directed series on Sakugabooru, for example, you'll find that every one of his series tends to have cuts listed there. I think this is a testament that Hamana, while he won't always make the best shows, knows who to bring in and how to manage them for the more important parts of a show. He's a very consistent director, and I think he's someone who could and likely will benefit The Witch and the Beast's studio situation a lot in terms of its production quality. Whether you'll like his directing style (which tends to remind most of 2008s anime) is an entirely different matter, but he is a source of hope in terms of its production quality.
And you know with all this talk of Yokohama and the many people, like me worried for The Witch and the Beast's quality, while I may not be a fan of the many visual direction choice that has been shown in the PV, we haven't gotten any real evidence that the production quality or animation quality will be bad. From the most recent PV and likely final PV, the character designs look fairly well-maintained for the most part. Close-ups are impressive. I also like the expressions for them, strong eye work. Overall CAD work seems good.
Though, essentially, there isn't a lot of animation shown, so that aspect of it can't really be touched on at the moment. So, conclusion? It's a really lazy thing to say since I made you read through this long spew of mine, but I don't really know either. It really is a wait-and-see situation; however, I do encourage you not to write it off just because of the studio choice. A good pick in a director like Hamana, and some other staff I haven't even touched on, like the character design by Hiroya Ijima, and the external studio situation in terms of releases, provide hope for the series, and I genuinely believe that, at the very worst possible version of the series, it probably will be about the Genius Prince's visual quality, which isn't great but won't be a complete disaster. However, with Hamana at the helm, I do expect a better quality show than that.
I'll see you guys next time on January 11th when the show comes out, because, trust me, I will be there.
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phxntomhives · 2 months
Welcome to my sideblog
That has most likely become my main one. But idk how to change main and second one. So yeah. So if you see @phxntomhives-98 it's still me. I just don't know why sometimes I can't switch accounts and sometimes I can.
I will try to keep this blog mostly related to Kuroshitsuji and twst but who knows what I will like next. From memes (mostly repost because I am not that funny) to theories you can find anything here.
I am not spoiler free BUT I try my best to protect the new fans and hide things under the cut. Unfortunately, I am human, so you may run into spoilers, I am truly sorry.
I am 25, she/her pronouns, INTP. I would love to get to know more people in the fandoms I am in, but eeeh my social skills are lacking. So feel free to hit my dms, I don't bite I promise. I am trying to make more moots/mutuals pls
Here most thing you can find me posting about/comments etc (under the cut because it became long ops)
Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler
Sebaciel shippers do not interact. I will just block and move on. If you see me liking one post tagged like that it's because I am stupid and I don't always read the tags, pls let me know and I will fix the problem.
Now that the important part is over: I AM SO EXCITED FOR THE NEW SEASON AAH. The Weston College arc is my favourite so I am very happy and it feels so nice to see my children here :3
I am up to date with the manga as well, so if you need to cry with someone, I am here. Sobbing.
My fave is Ciel, and Lizzie slander shall not be tolerated (half joking, you are free to dislike her but I am ready to fight at any time to defend her).
A couple of things you may want to check? If you are bored???
New manga chapter comments under: #Phxntomhives Kuro manga yapping
"The Parade of Battlers" song analysis
Finny grew up (chapter 211 spoilers)
Short analysis of the GFantasy May cover
The unlucky fate of the P4
Silly theory of the cricket's ending dance
Edgar sure is very much unlucky when it comes to life decision...
About Lizzie's anger (reblog theory)
Chapter 209 crack theory (to welcome denial)
Short analysis of Bluewer talking to Ciel during the Midnight party (from a reblog)
Short analysis of Undertaker's GFantasy cover
P4 headcanons
My kuro AU, kuro AU pt 2
Gregory scream headcanons (kind of angst)
Pandora Hearts
Very new to the fandom and I understood like half of it. Anyway it's beautiful and you all should read it! Come cry with me!
Here some fresh thoughts after I read the last chapter
Headcanon to hurt my soul
Vanitas no carte/The case study of Vanitas
Up to date with both anime and manga! And not so patiently waiting for each update. I miss them, I hope for a new chapter soon.
Twisted Wonderland (JP SERVER)
Up to date with main story and eons behind with the events ops. No I do not know japanese, tho I am trying to learn, but I started the game when that was the only version avaiable and I will not start again on eng server sorry. (Technically I have started but I had no more space on my phone and one had to go)
If you are curious about what I think about the story check #phxntomhives twst yapping (because I plan to type a lot and refuse to keep updating this list it's supposed to be pretty after all)
Events are canon. Part 2: wish upon a star.
Silver gets a title copium.
Tokyo Aliens
Parallels between Tokyo Aliens and Negai no Astro
Spoiler/Analysis from scans: chapter 41, chapter 42, chapter 43, chapter 44, chapter 45, chapter 46, chapter 47, chapter 48, chapter 49, chapter 50 (After I added these I basically took over the tags plsssss)
Dr stone
It's appearing more on my feed so I had the feeling I had to add this lol. I love it dearly, I finished the manga and I need to catch up with the anime. I am extremely worried about the rumored (?) new volume that is coming ngl
Negai no Astro
Damn, I am hooked.
Parallels between Tokyo Aliens and Negai no Astro
Aaand honestly many more, feel free to ask! If it helps, here is my not updated because it takes forever MyAnimeList! But I probably missed many of them so really, just come and ask.
I may drop some suggestions to read too sometimes, here they are
Suggestions for you <3
Why you should read Merry Marbling
If you like Negai no Astro or Tokyo Aliens PLEASE CHECK THE OTHER SERIE MENTIONED.
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