#the case of the curious bride
rachelkaser · 4 months
Masonry Monday: The Case of the Curious Bride
Rhoda Reynolds will do almost anything to keep her colorful past from her husband and, more importantly, her tyrannical father-in-law. But she won't kill, as she insists when the blackmailer who knows her secret is murdered with her ring in his hand. No believes her . . . except Perry Mason.
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Who's Who
Perry Mason's client: Rhoda Reynolds, a wealthy wife whose past indiscretions have come back to roost
The victim: Arthur "Artie" Kane, a blackmailer whose wealth of knowledge angered more than one person
Suspects: Carl Reynolds, Rhoda's husband, who keeps insisting he trusts his wife despite being dominated by his father C. Philip Reynolds, a rich man who doesn't want a mysterious nurse with a past as his daughter-in-law Dr. Michael Harris, Rhoda's friend, who knows about the blackmail and sends her to Perry Mason for help
The Setup
Carl Reynolds kisses his beautiful wife Rhoda goodbye before heading to work, while a smarmy-looking man watches from a nearby car. Later, he scares Rhoda while she's alone in the house. She tells the man, Artie Kane, that she can't afford to give him the $2,000 he's demanding of her. He gives her until 2 am the next morning to raise it and tells her to bring it to his apartment, even hinting that the former nurse should drug her husband. He also calls her bluff when she starts to call the police.
Elsewhere, Carl watches his father Philip Reynolds skeet-shooting. The elder Reynolds refuses to give his son the $2,000 he's asking for, dong the whole "when I was your age" schtick. Reynolds adds that they've only had each other since Carl's mother died when he was four, but they've fallen out since Carl married Rhoda, whom he knew little of. Carl says he thinks Rhoda married him out of sympathy, as she was once his nurse. Reynolds believes she's after their money and says Rhoda's a little too close to a Dr. Michael Harris. He says neither of them will get his money while they remain together.
At the Beverly Hills Doctors Hospital, Rhoda meets with Dr. Harris, an obstetrician. They discuss Kane's blackmail, and Dr. Harris urges her to tell Carl the truth, believing he can handle it, but Rhoda says his father's the problem. Dr. Harris makes a covert pass at her, saying she should have married him, but Rhoda's not biting. Finally, he gives her the address of Perry Mason's office, saying that, if anyone can help her, the lawyer can.
Enter Perry Mason, Attorney at Law
Rhoda arrives at Perry's office as "Mrs. Crocker" and starts tell him she's here to ask a question on behalf of "a friend." Rhoda says her "friend" was married for a few months to a grifter eight years previously in Seattle. Her husband was supposedly killed in an car accident in Kansas later. Perry accurately guesses that she's since married again and her first husband has now turned up, noting that they used the "money for a fake funeral" dodge. Now comes the big question: Is her second marriage valid?
Perry tells her that, unfortunately, her second marriage isn't valid. She should divorce her first husband and marry her second husband again. "Mrs. Crocker" nervously asks if there's any way her friend can persuade her first husband to leave her alone, but Perry attempts to call her bluff and tells her that "her friend" needs to make an appointment if she wants advice. Rhoda leaves, and Perry tells Della he made a bad call not helping her more. Unfortunately, they can't just wash their hands of it: "Mrs. Crocker" gave Della a $50 retainer, and Perry has to find her now.
When Della goes to sit down, she realizes Rhoda left her purse in the office. Since Rhoda's a client, Perry searches the purse for identifying information, which includes a telegram with Rhoda's real married name on it. Perry calls Paul in and asks him to find out about "Artie," the man who sent Rhoda the telegram telling her not to forget the time of their "date" that night. Paul immediately picks up the phone and obtains the address. Perry arrives at Kane's rooming house, and speaks with a neighbor who says Kane has drunken parties. The building is listed as For Sale.
As he's about to leave, a blonde woman walks out, telling Kane she's giving him a deadline of some kind and that she's working at the Onyx. Perry speaks with Kane, who's wary of the lawyer. When Perry asks about Kane's marriage to Rhoda, Kane immediately picks up the phone to call Rhoda. He hands the phone to Perry, and Rhoda tells Perry to stop interfering and hangs up. Perry picks up a very loud alarm clock and Kane refuses to talk to him, but Perry says that's fine -- he's done all the talking, now he expects Kane to ponder his words.
The Murder
Carl Reynolds is asleep in bed at 1:45 am, with a cup of tea next to him. Rhoda sneaks out, but as soon as she leaves the room, Carl springs up and watches her leave. She runs to the garage and gets her car, then drives off. At 2 am, Rhoda drives the car up to a service station with a flat tire, and the serviceman offers to change her tire for her. Rhoda arrives at Kane's apartment at 2: 10, to his fury, and tells him she wasn't able to raise the money in time.
He decides to take her wedding ring as compensation instead, whether Rhoda likes it or not. There's a ring of the bell, but Kane ignores it. Rhoda grabs a poker from the fireplace to defend herself, but it's not enough to fend off Kane, who attacks her. Their tussle is loud enough to wake the nosy neighbor's dog, and the neighbor calls the police, saying that, "Somebody's getting killed!" The next morning, Paul reads about the "bludgeon killing" in the newspaper, which shows Kane's body, with a large diamond ring in his hand.
Della notes that the ring, which is also pictured, was the same one on the finger of "Mrs. Crocker." Perry says that he doesn't represent Rhoda, as she technically fired him yesterday, but the case against her looks rough. Perry says that Tragg probably has her in custody right now, but Della will take that bet: Rhoda herself is on the phone. Perry speaks with Rhoda, who says she's at the Doctors Hospital. He tells her he's on his way and to stay where she is. He asks Paul to get him the police reports on the killing and to identify the Onyx blonde he met coming out of Kane's building.
In Summation
I'll be honest, this is one of those cases where the motive and guilty party are not all that hard to figure out. I'm still not going to spoil it, but there's only person in the case with a stronger motive than Rhoda to commit the murder.
Case under review, please return later...
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frommybookbook · 8 months
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I've now done a vertical tasting, essentially, of The Case of the Curious Bride. I recently read the novel and then re-watched the television episode and tonight I watched the 1935 movie version. It was so interesting to see what each adaptation kept from the source material and what it cut. Book!Perry does a lot of manipulation of the press and crafting sympathetic stories for his clients and this book is a perfect example. He's also a clever bastard who makes sure evidence is presented to juries in ways that are, if not the most objective way possible, at least highlight the subjective nature of the police and the district attorney's office. The TV episode focused on one of these angles of this story (the evidence) and the movie focused more on the other (the press).
Overall, these early movies are just a trip. They're just ever-so-slightly pre-Hays Code and in contrast to the show this difference is all the more glaring. They're cheeky and flirty, like the novels, and wildly funny. The show is still my preferred adaptation, but these definitely beat out the HBO series in my book, and probably even the radio plays.
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foundfamilyhq · 5 days
Hey, just a quick reminder that we only accept four (4) new submissions per series. We've aleady had several series going over that and seeming to be submitted by the same person, so I'll have to delete every character after that
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jolieeason · 3 months
WWW Wednesday: March 20th, 2024
WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme Sam hosts at Taking on a World of Words. The Three Ws are: What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish reading? What do you think you’ll read next? Here is what I am currently reading, recently finished, and plan to read from Thursday to Wednesday. Let me know if you have read or are planning on reading any of these books!! Happy…
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lilacstarx · 1 month
✭Run For Your Husband
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Author’s Note: Happy 300 Followers (l’m so happy and i yapped to much here)😭🫶🫶 ✨ this my little thank you gift!!
Summary: Being an outworlder in a foreign nation requires hard work. Fortunately for you, a little twist of fate takes you back to the right path.
WordCount: 3080
Warnings⚠️: Reader is mentioned female, Reader ran-away from a arranged marriage, noble reader, reader lies about her identity, reader is a healer, Dan feng is low-key sick and twisted same goes for reader, Mentions of injuries,wound, past life a little lore of the high cloud quintet (spoilers from 1.2 -3) the trailblazer is stelle, timesskips!! Yandere dan feng at the end??
Heels clicking through the floor, working with the alchemy commission, was tiring, especially now being assigned as a healer. It was back and fort Marastrucken soldiers and injuries there.
Tending the wounds of the great jing yuan who has been recruited by the sword champion jing liu despite not knowing this people and being a ran away from your homeland it was good to know a few history there to not look like a clueless foreigner.
It was not your business to listen to the conversation of the imbibitor Lunae, and Jing Yuan You. was merely ministering to his wounds.
"Have you heard from your missing bride?" Jing Yuan queried the azure dragon, who was seated across the chair drinking tea.
"No, and I have no idea what she looks like" said the dragon in an uninteresting voice.
How was Dan Feng going to know you? When he asked the family what he could do to help, they declined and vowed to bring you to him once they found you.
"In that case, how did you manage to get tied into a marriage without knowing how your future wife looks like?" Jing Yuan puzzled about his friend's dilemma.
"She did not like portraits of herself and often hid away from the world that was the only report i received" said the high elder.
What a bomber, you believed a gorgeous man like the imbibitor Lunae should find another woman to marry.
However, you could only keep your reactions to yourself. His situation was similar to yours, and the minute your father announced your upcoming marriage, you took the chance and fled away.
Being someone's wife was never your interest; medicine was, and you're not going to give that up for a man who is probably an old man with five children around your age.
Snickering at the thought and making a disgusted expression, you failed to notice that Jing Yuan had reached your side and was asking for your opinion. "What about you, young lady? Do you care to say a few words about the situation?"
Gulping slightly, you wrapped up the last touch of his wound before responding, "I don't think it's worth it. The bride ran away; isn't it a hint not to take a chance?"
surprisingly, the two men could only hum in response as you excused yourself.
Strange that you thought the bride reminded you so much of yourself, not liking illustrations and staying to yourself. presuming many people feel that way.
"Oh, imbibitor lunae, what could I do to help you today?" You questioned, taking your focus from the therapeutic herbs you were crushing.
"Jinwen informed me you have the medication I asked for a few days ago" the dragon said before gazing at the books on your table.
"Just a moment, I'll find them!!"Running at the medical storage inspecting the label, making sure to offer the medicine that was specifically asked for
Dan Feng wasn't a curious person, but you left your notebook open at the table with a research about medicine and hypothesis, he couldn't help but help and skim a few lines.
Hearing your footsteps, he closes the notebook and looks down into the corridor where you were walking as if nothing had happened.
Dan Feng remained quiet, but Jing Liu was thinking a different kind of silence. "Is this about your bride, Imbibitor Lunae? It's no wonder why you're skills are imprecise today."
The azure dragon snapped out of his thoughts. In truth, he was seeing you about more than he should, in the garden, the tea house, even the seat of divine foresight, but he didn't have the the courage to approach you.
Dan Feng sighs, "It's complicated" perhaps he should let go of the bride situation and the little infatuation at the healer lady you.
Jing Liu doubts her long-time friend, but she lets it go because he will talk when he is ready.
You were persistent in working, even organized, and giving everyone around you the same energy they gave you.
You were something the high elder looked at into the way your eyes would brighten when seeing herbs planted on the sidewalks, picking some and making good use of it.
Maybe he should ask you for a tea chat every now and again.
The scalegorge waterscape is gorgeous, and anyone would be honored to live here. The palace is well-designed, and the plant life are well-cared for.
“I hope i did not keep you waiting miss (name)”
“Noo thank you for inviting me over your highness-“
"Dan Feng is fine, I think we’re pass that" the dragon chuckles, sitting down and pouring tea into your cup first.
"Is there a reason you called for me? I hope I'm not in trouble."
Dan Feng smiles, his hands now resting on his lap, admiring your facial features. "A few weeks ago, I read into your notebook about medicines. I know it's not appropriate to read into someone else's work, but I'm interested in yours."
A tiny flush forming in your cheeks, trying to conceal it by drinking tea,not used to compliments.
“It's okay, I did leave the notebook open. Thank you for the compliment.” 
“Such knowledge of yours is quite advanced; it can even help people in medicine say, How did you get here in Xiaozhou? I hope I'm not overstepping.” 
"I ran away from home considering the pressure was too much" quick and easy you thought if spilling even a little could get you in trouble and you don't want that.
Not after you found a home on an odd planet.
Weeks pass, and you find yourself becoming closer to the high elder, even inviting you to dinner with the quintet. They treated you like one of them.
Life was finally getting better, and you would never trade it for anything.
Not until Dan Feng proclaimed his love to you in the moonlight.
In truth, he was attractive and strong, but you were still running from your problem. Who knew how little freedom you had left, so you had to do what was best.
Reject his confession politely.
“I'm sorry, Dan Feng. You are perfect in every aspect, but I'm not looking for a relationship.” 
“I see apologise for wasting your time (name)”
That was days ago, and a small part of you felt like an idiot. The alchemy commission was quiet without the quintet's presence, especially Dan Feng inviting you out for a short break.
Even the group had not passed by, reminding you that the only friends you made here at the luofu were the quintet and Jinwen.
That said, Jinwen had a life; she was like a coworker buddy, even though she was busy.
Was this it you thought, once again finding yourself alone. Was the running worthwhile if the cycle repeated itself?
No, you can't let the past bind you. You got here for a fresh start. You're smart and can work anywhere. Everything can begin again. 
Soon, you find yourself filling out a resignation letter that was approved the same day you handed over the paper. You didn't have anyone to say goodbye, so the walk back home was chilly.
Not sure what your next destination is, perhaps becoming a galactic ranger and traveling around the cosmos is precisely what you sought.
Besides, you're certain that the group was purposefully avoiding you for Dan Feng's sake. They knew him longer, so it would make sense.
Your feet were aching, cursing yourself for investing in high heels, seeking a big crowd to distract your handmaid. Why was she here at the luofu? Did they manage to hunt you down?
Bumping into people and mumbling innumerable sorrys, you needed to leave, and you were convinced she was chasing you.
At the time you started praying to any aeons above to have lost her and wished you were just hallucinating due to lack of sleep and weariness, yet she yelled your name, which was enough to confirm that this was not a dream.
Bumping into a strong chest almost knocking you out ready to leave, but just as you looked up, there was Dan Feng.
Majestic as the day you rejected him.
"are you alright (Name)?” With a tight hold on your wrist and little time to speak, you hauled him down the narrow passageway in the hopes of losing the person you were fleeing from.
“I think someone was chasing me” you panted trying to catch your breath Dan Feng is drawn by your flausturized appearance, and you seem to have a hold on his heart despite rejecting him.
Tucking in the loose hair that was in the way of your vision, he caresses your cheek while gazing deeply into your eyes and seeing the slight bags under them. You must have been working too hard on yourself.
"Come with me, and I'll help you hide" Dan Feng says, holding you close to him, frightened to let go. Perhaps it was exhaustion working in you, but you inwardly nodded in response.
He brought you to Scalegorge, and instead of taking the stairs, he carried you in his arms. It was exceedingly intimate, and it was the closest you had ever been to anyone.
It was beyond midnight, and there wasn't a single soul in sight. figured everyone was still at the festival celebrating. You felt tired, and his touch was delicate, holding you like fine china.
A rush of guilt comes into your head for rejecting Dan Feng, who is an embodiment of perfection.
You couldn't bring yourself to acknowledge you love him. How can you love him? You lied to him from the start, and your past will only bring bad luck to him.
"You should stay the night, you look tired" he says, feeling the vibrations in his torso. You replied in a high pitched tone, "Why?"
“What do you mean, why? I care for my friend.” 
The fact that he spoke with such elegance cracked a small portion of your heart, especially how he emphasized the term friend.
"I rejected you how can you be so calm hate me atleast for a little" going straight to the point as always
Dan Feng was silent, savoring how you fit perfectly in his arms.
Entering the palace with a few guards opening the door for him and hiding your face in the crook of his neck was embarrassing.
"Oh, sweetheart, you're okay!! Thank you so much, Dan Feng." Color drained from your face, all too familiar who that voice belongs to.
Dan Feng lets you go, helping you stand on your own barefoot on the cold tiles. On the other hand, holding your pair of heels, why was your mother here?
"My sweet girl, you got us worried” your mother says, checking you for any injuries before embracing you.
She choked in her own tears while you saw your father standing in between you couldn't really read what look he gave but you knew it wasn't a pleasant one "you kept us worried why would you run like that" harsh as ever, it could compete with the cold season
You froze, letting your mother coddle you, standing like a statue for minutes, unable to grasp why they were here or why they were thanking Dan Feng.
"I'm sorry to ruin your reunion (mother's name), but my bride is quiet tired from today's event and deserves a rest" Dan Feng said sweetly, but it felt phony.
He dragged you gently inside the chamber, and you couldn't process anything because your entire body went numb and frozen. "My love?"
"What have you done?" Your voice cracks as he shuts the door behind him and approaches your form. "My darling, I did what was best for us."
A shiver raced down your spine as he pecked your forehead, one hand roaming around your waist, the other crawling at the back, making its way to your chin, tilting it facing him. "I gave you freedom and wanted to court you in my way, but what did you do, beloved?"
"You broke my heart for the second time" he looked weak for a while before snapping again, making you step back. "You have no idea how pained I was when I heard my lovely wife ran away"
“Dan feng-“
“Shut it" he chuckles sadistically, "till you made a mistake and left your silly notebook on a table. Guess fate ran its course."
The man you once knew was long gone. Was it all a facade to put on a show? It makes you question how many people were involved in his small production.
"I never expected you to reject me like that, so I had to pull a few strings" he stated, placing his forehead against yours and tightly grasping your body. "Leaving your notebook with your name, all I had to do was a background check."
"Don't worry, wife, I'll take good care of you" drawing away and sheepishly grinned, your body and mind not expecting such a thing to happen, not even noticing a few tears were slipping down.
You couldn't do anything, you wept, and even if you ran now, it would be too late since he had too many connections and would hunt you at the end of the universe, which you knew all too well.
"Shh, don't cry. Being a galaxy ranger wouldn't fit you." That night, he comforted your cries and held you in his arms.
Mumbling pleasing phrases at your ears about how he'd keep you spoilt and secure if you just sat still and followed the rules.
Dan heng wakes up feverish and dehydrated, even after decades, his past will always find a way to follow his present.
He sighed for the nth time, the same dream every night, and each night became clearer, was his ancestor's sin, and being banned from the luofu was not enough to keep him bound even now.
A gentle knock on his door jolts him out of his reverie: "Dan Heng, are you all right? I'm coming in!" A recognizable voice spoke from the other side.
Sliding the door open, you discover Dan Heng sitting up on the floor, referring to bed: "I heard some noises, March and Stelle, and I just returned from a quick journey; I have a lot of information to give at the data bank!!" You cheerfully said.
"Dan heng, is there something wrong?" Asking with concern when you didn't get a response.
Putting your hand into his forehead to check if Dan Heng had a fever, typically he would not allow you do this, but he seemed like he saw a demonic being.
"I'm fine, just a dream" he nervously glances away, smoothing out the crease in the duvet.
Dan Heng prefers everything to himself, but since you came and introduced yourself as a prior researcher from genius society that Himeko knew he couldn't pinpoint why he gets sluggish.
In fact, March teases him that when it comes to you, Dan Heng can't say no "Maybe it's a good idea you didn't come to this expedition, and your room is sealed, not just that you sleep on the floor."
Scolding the ravennette in front of you recently joining the nameless, the first person you became close with was Dan Heng, undoubtedly you cared for him after all, you two had the same interest the data bank.
Dan heng chuckles at your scolding, reminding him of an angry cat hissing, and then it hit him you looked familiar in this light, your farrowed brows with a slight tint of flush; he had never seen you up close and took his time appreciating your features.
You looked like the woman in his dreams.
"What happened? You guys looked like you saw a criminal" you asked, moving around the room looking for a hint of their faces. "We did see a criminal" march murmurs.
You look at himeko expecting she would answer the issues tormenting the mind "stellaron hunter kafka has showed up" himeko responded her guard was still up and you can hear the hesitancy in her voice a hologram of kafka and blade shows up.
"The xianzhou luofu is in a stellaron crisis and appears to be a few warp jumps away" she says with increased confidence.
You saw Dan Heng studying the hologram of blade. "Maybe it's best if you stay with me, Dan Heng Welt, and the others can take this mission" the navigator said, avoiding any sensitive areas for Dan Heng.
Dan Heng nods, leaving the hologram he was eyeing. "I think that would be great, himeko."
“Well i get to see Wel- Mr Yang in action” stelle let out hoping to brighten the atmosphere followed by march “Mr Yang better show us some skills!”
“(Name) what about you willing to accompany them?” Himeko asks
"Of course we can split into two if something ever happens; after all, two is better than one" you let out, matching the intensity of March.
When you see Dan Heng walking away, you quickly excuse yourself and apologize to the group. You seek him. "Dan Heng, are you okay?"
Dan heng hums in replies following him through the data bank, you knew he had a past but were hesitant to ask questions for it was probably painful to him, so you didn't bother.
“Be careful out there (name) things can get complicated”
“Awh dan heng worries about mee~” you teased
Of course, he cares for you in some way. You have a grasp on his space that he wouldn't mind if you broke. He has never truly liked the company of anyone else, but he feels weightless with you.
He watched as you joined stelle and march get ready, leaving him at the data bank. There are still more questions in his mind than answers.
he came in a conclusion when you guys left. Were you the wife of his ancestor who keeps seeking him through dreams?
You can't really blame him if he went out of the train and stepped on a luofu after losing communication with the crew.
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lxgentlefolkcomic · 3 months
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Start reading Episode 1
Dialogue transcripts:
Panel 1
Watson: Speaking of new friends, I daresay the group was as queer as the case! It seems to me you didn’t even find the invisible fellow the most curious of them.
Holmes: Ah, you noticed that, did you?
Panel 2
Holmes (voiceover): Indeed, they’re quite a peculiar gathering… many traits to spark the curiosity.
Panel 3
Watson: That aside, I am glad you were able to meet Irene Norton again, under less dubious circumstances.
Holmes:  As am I. That wasn’t my proudest moment, was it?
Panel 4
Holmes: I’m relieved that she has asked me to stay in touch.
Watson: Oh? So she and her husband are settling down in London?
Panel 5
Holmes (voiceover): They are; and she has stated, quite firmly, that I owe them a proper wedding.
Panel 6
Holmes: I have composed a list of venues to suggest to the bride. Do help me compose my reply?
Watson: Of course! Let me fetch the writing-paper…
Panel 7
Holmes (voiceover): Dear Mrs. Norton, I am writing to tell you…
Caption: End Interlude 1
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riminiscensce · 24 days
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CHARACTER … neuvillette
SYNOPSIS … neuvillette starts to learn more about wedding ceremonies all because of you
NOTES … my last post about this man wasn’t enough
CONTENTS … sfw , angst , you’re called as bride , not entirely proofread
Word count … 1491
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Neuvillette doesn’t know much when it comes to wedding customs.
Throughout the past years he remained in Fontaine as the Chief Justice, he had never attended a ceremony wherein people vow their amour for the one whom they devote their love to. It wasn’t like he never received an invitation for an occasion as such, he just never had the time nor the knowledge on how to.
The closest Neuvillette got to a marriage was a few that regarded an offensive case that he had come upon to adjudge in court. Not really a flattering way to introduce the concept to him.
But ever since you’ve been engaged, Neuvillette always found himself ogling at the perfectly sized ring around your finger. How can he not? It always glistened so beautifully underneath any light’s dazing glare, it was hard not to look at it when you were the one now in possession of it. Neuvillette always feels a sense of wistfulness whenever his eyes catch it, a poignant smile following after.
He is truly happy, he tells himself that.
The engagement was an open window of opportunity for Neuvillette to learn more about this custom, no longer looking at it from the perspective of crimes and judgment, but more on a sentimental view.
Neuvillette knows weddings are a big deal, especially in a city filled with romantic concepts of culture and history. From the charmingly expensive wedding closet, to the tasteful selection of cookery that was specifically made for such a matter, it was something the people of Fontaine always enjoyed preparing for.
Expectedly, many people will also attend. Not only your friends and family, but most likely some people who have worked in the Palais Mermonia with Neuvillette. You and him have known each other for a long time, the people were curious how a wedding with the Chief Justice’s aide will turn out. For what sounded like a mere canard, it started to become true.
Then Neuvillette caught you while you were carefully folding shut an envelope in your hands, soon sharing it to the melusines just outside of his office. The wedding was one of the things that stayed in the melusines’ mind throughout the week. He can’t help but smile at your gesture, welcoming the melusines he cares for, he didn’t even need to tell you about it. The friendly bunch always expressed their excitement whenever they would pass by Neuvillette.
Then one of them gave him the envelope you made, his eyes carefully scattering over the soft trails of elegantly trailed ink once the paper inside had been unfolded. It was kept simple yet opulent, something Neuvillette realized that he really liked. He wonders if you made it specifically for his own preference, likely not, perhaps it was just the standard way of arranging an invitation for wedding ceremonies; Neuvillette didn’t know.
He decided to keep a copy of it in his office, something to be kept as a reminder for when he has the time to reminisce in rue in the future.
The next thing Neuvillette knew about was the buffet. A wide selection of delicacies of the city and even of other regions. It was him who joined you on the day when you were to meet with a chef about your own preference for the food. You sat beside him in a lavish room with two servings of pastries on the glossy table.
For the rest of the time, it was you who mostly decided. Neuvillette didn’t want to influence much on it, though he gives his own opinion whenever you would kindly ask him what he personally thinks.
Neuvillette found himself to be amused whenever you’d have such a difficult time picking on which would end up on the wedding. You didn’t have the heart to pick only a few when there were many choices to choose from on the table. That was when Neuvillette suggested picking everything.
At first, he thought he must have done something wrong when your face of shock made itself apparent to him. But it wasn’t until you expressed your bashfulness at this, considering that it was Neuvillette paying for the food. In the end, he insisted, treating this as one last gift from him before the wedding.
The next thing he heard you were going to check upon was your wedding gown. That time, Neuvillette didn’t come with you to the tailor, he figured that your dress was something to save for the actual occasion itself.
After you had gone, Neuvillette was left to muddle over his own attire for the ceremony. What should he wear? It would have to be something equally as attractive as your gown, though not as much as he doesn’t want to be the main focus of the wedding. That should be you.
Then the day finally came.
It wasn’t until then that Neuvillette found out that the bride and the groom were to not see each other before the actual ceremony started. It was Furina who told him that, as well as the melusines who kindly helped him get ready for the event. That morning, Neuvillette finds himself unable to see you.
When he was getting ready, that was when Neuvillette learned a lot more about weddings. How the order of people would be lined up, who comes after who, certain roles like bridesmaids and ring bearers. In a way, he took the time to learn about it as much as possible that time, maybe because he has already decided this would be the last time he’d entangle himself with a custom like this.
“You look extra fancy today, Monsieur Neuvillette!” One of the melusines greeted him, they were already making their way to the front entrance. “We’re so happy for the bride! You must be really happy too!” Yes, he truly is.
A few family and friends of yours greeted him by the entrance, surprised and honored courtesies were exchanged. You still haven't arrived yet, perhaps only after everybody is inside will you get there. Other guests started to greet him politely, expressing how his presence in this wedding was one that many of the people will forever remember. Though Neuvillette thinks this was rather an exaggeration.
Then the music inside the venue started to play, it was something Neuvillette liked as well. He realized that you must have taken his suggestion on having the venue to be indoors rather than outside. Everyone knows how unpredictable Fontaine’s weather can be, this helps a lot. He likes it this way as well, not just because of his own preference, but for convenience’s sake.
He wouldn’t want to ruin the wedding with heavy rain coming down, befalling on every corner of the land. As much as Neuvillette doesn’t want it to happen, he can’t help but feel a forlorn as the corner of his eyes catches the other attendees. He could feel a pensive bubble building up in his chest, wanting to escape through his throat in a form of a quiet cry.
Then you arrived. That was when Neuvillette could feel how misty his eyes had become. But no tears fell, rather it was rain. This continued as you walked down the aisle with a bundle of flowers native to Fontaine. He was thankful that the music was able to cover the heavy pounding of the rain outside, relief also washed through him when he realized no eyes would fall on his figure; every attention was on you.
The wedding vows and the slipping of newlywed rings was something that passed by so fast in his eyes, though in reality, Neuvillette didn’t intend to pay full attention to it. But he felt like he needed to watch you promise your everlasting love. He felt like he needed to as your friend. At the same time, he desperately didn’t want to feel like a weep would break out anytime he would breathe.
Before he knew it, it was finally time to take pictures. An image to be kept for whenever you would reminisce in revelry in the future.
He heard the shuffling of your family and friends around, he was also included in by the other guests and the melusines. He even wonders if he’s proper enough to be suited for a wedding picture. Neuvillette smiles before the bright flash of the camera flickered before the sound of the device snapping.
Finally, it was time for the bride and the groom to take their own picture.
Neuvillette smiles. Something he found odd considering he wasn’t included in the picture this time.
What was the sound of the camera snapping and the people cheering, only the sound of heavy rain was what Neuvillette could hear during that time. What was accompanied by a whimsical ballad of the piano’s romantic notes, only a tearing sonance befriended Neuvillette. It was neither a longing breath nor a regretful grieve, it was only something that the heart could make.
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rimi’s notes
haven’t posted in a while because I was focusing on my senku fic omg but like I just had this idea for neuvi and wanted to write it
tbh i started to drop genshin and hsr and focused on my other hobbies so that’s also why 😭
hearts / reblogs / follows are very much appreciated !
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flamingpudding · 9 months
Fictober23 Prompt: 18 - "We can't do this on our own."
Fandom: DPxDC
Rating: T
Warnings: Slight mentions of DannyXBruce ship
A/N: Inspired by the comments and Reblogs of Prompt 17. I advise to read that one first before reading this, also posting this early because I won't have the time to do that tomorrow. Credits for inspiring this continuation go to @charlietheepic7 and @noxcheshire
After the babysitting disaster Dick had sworn Tim and Damian into secrecy about. The bat-sibling had quickly warmed up to the phantom children and invited them several more times to visit them at the manor. Damian had even doubled his efforts in getting along with them, still believing they were his half siblings, despite Bruce having tried to explain to them in private that this wasn't the case.
Of course that didn't mean that Damian wasn't butting heads with them at all, in fact they were only sitting together like this now because Damian and Dan had gotten into a fight about whether or not Phantom was an adequate partner for Bruce. Dan appeared to have taken offense to that in some form and declared that Bruce was the one not suited to be with his Mom.
The fight ended with Dani, five years old little girl Dani, kicking down both Damian and her own brother, before proceeding to sit on Dan while loudly yelling that he was risking their entire plan of setting up their Mom with Uncle Bruce so Auntie Valerie would stop trying to be their Step Mom. Which brought them back to their current situation of the five of them sitting together in the main hang out room.
Dan grumbled inaudible, arms crossed and glaring at the bat children assembled before him. Dani giggled, nudging her big brother's leg. "Don't go nonverbal now!"
"Nonverbal?" Dick couldn't help but question, causing Dan to snarl at him while Dani still smiled very brightly at them.
"Big Brother sometimes only talks in growls and snarls. Auntie Jazz said it's got something to do with what he's been through. Mom says big brother isn't socialized enough yet." The boy only growled, glaring at them while he pulled the little girl into a hug and made her sit between his legs, making Dani giggle once more grinning bridely. The two Phantom children were seated on a loveseat together now in the general hang out room of Wayne Manor. Dick, Tim and Damian sat across from them on the couch.
The bat kids exchanged glances. Bruce can try as he might, there was no hiding the relation he had with the Phantom kids. There were too many things that added to the fact that the kids had to be Damians half siblings.
Damian looked rather disgruntled, arms also crossed as he turned to return Dan's glare with the same intensity. "Father, may have been trying to hide you from us but his attempts at gaining Nightingale favor are just as pathetic as the excuses he has been giving us in regards to our relation."
Tim arched an eyebrow. "I was not even aware that Bruce tried to flirt with Phantom at all."
Dick patted Tims shoulder in mock condolence. "I have seen the Phantom-Batman dynamic since my days as Robin… It was horrible and painful to watch. Jason can attest to that."
"Mom is as dense as a neutron star." Dan muttered looking away from them.
As if realizing something Dani blinked a couple of times before staring wide eyed at Dick and pointing with one hand at him. "You're the menace Robin! You're the one that asked Superman to throw you high into the air so you could do flips! Mom even said that you asked him once if he could phase you halfway through a wall or turn you invisible to scare your rogues!"
Both Tim and Damian stared at their older brother unimpressed.
"I guess that did happen. Well back to topic!" Dick tried to deflect which sort of worked. But more because Tim got curious about something.
"I don't get how you guys know about us but we didn't know about you two at all. Phantom never mentioned either of you before, not even when he came to visit as Danny. Before we were told about him being Phantom." Tim muttered, completely ignoring Dick as he turned his attention to the two kids. The two children in turn exchanged knowing looks.
"Mom and Auntie Jazz were worried that big brother would get PTSD seeing the Justice League. That's why Uncle Bruce and Superman are the only ones who really knew about us." Dani explained looking up at her older brother who suddenly sported a feral grin, showing off suddenly very sharp appearing teeth. "Though Superman learning about us was more a spur of the moment than intentional telling him."
"Mom was so mad at him." Dan mentioned his sharp teeth glinting as he exchanged a feral look with his sister. It sent a shiver down the batkids' back, making them remember that the kid mentioned he had apparently murdered all of them before. The image of little ten years old Dan standing in a sea of blue fire and laughing like a maniac crossed their minds for a brief moment before they pushed the memories of the babysitting disaster into the depths of their minds again. "He would have beat him up if Uncle Bruce didn't stop him. Instead Mom put Supes through the lecture of a lifetime using us as his how-it's-supposed-to-be example."
"Oh and we met big bro J when Frostbite helped with his treatment!" Dani added clapping her hands together all cutely while her brother on the other hand ended up growling. "He still owns me a spar."
"That… explains nothing." Tim retorted, eyes narrowed at the two kids who only shrugged refusing to explain any more than they had.
Damian meanwhile ended up glaring at nothing as he crossed his arms muttering something about punishing Todd for having been in cahoots with his father and keeping his younger siblings from him. Dick smiled, their youngest apparently really like the thought of having two younger siblings of his own now.
"Can we please get back to topic? About these two trying to set up Danny and Bruce?" Dick tried once more, he really wanted to know more about this whole 'we attempted to set our mom up with Bruce' deal the two kids had going on.
"What is there to question, Richard? My half siblings appear to want for my father and their mother to be together." Damian huffed with his attention being on his eldest brother he did not notice the confused look Dani gave the older boy before looking at her own brother only for Dan to sport a mix of a feral and mischievous grin the girl soon returned when a look of understanding crossed her face briefly.
"So are you guys going to help?" Dani looked at them with big baby blue and pleading eyes. Dan gave them a red eyed glare as if daring them to disagree with his sister. "As big brother said Mom is a neutron star! We can't do this on our own. But now that you guys know you can help!"
The three bat-kids exchanged a look, though it appeared as if Damian had already made a decision on that matter the moment he learned that Phantom was the mother of his half siblings. Dick grinned, pulling out his phone. "If we are going to do this then I am calling in the cavalry."
In other words Dick was going to call in all their siblings as back up. They had been discussing making Phantom, aka Danny Nightingale, a more permanent fixture in their lives before after he had helped Jason. Now they had even more reason to do so with two baby siblings added into their lot.
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charliedawn · 2 months
Can the slashers meet Eddie Gluskin? I am just curious you don’t have to if you do not want to. And have a good day or night😊
Eddie Gluskin AKA "The Groom"
- 46 years old
- Patient with OCD and post-traumatic disorder. Obsessed with finding himself a wife. Abused physically and mentally as a child.
- Very tall and muscular man, middle-aged, with a black slicked back disconnected undercut hairstyle which is neatly combed down and light blue eyes.
- Eddie's face is covered with red scabs, skin peelings and he has a severe case of subconjunctival hemorrhage in both eyes, the right more so than left.
Face claim for him: Cillian Murphy.
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Once you read his file, you frowned as you learned that Eddie Gluskin had been abused at a young age. You already felt bad for him. You knew that the first thing that man would need once entering St Louis was to have his personal space as patients with post-traumatic disorder needed to be handled with care—especially the first few days. Hence, you decided to keep his arrival a secret from the slashers at first, as to not frighten him. You were walking towards the entrance with General McCain and a couple of his men when you were made aware he had arrived.
"Be careful. He has already killed two guards in Mount Massive Asylum not a week ago. He is a tough guy."
You chuckled and shook your head.
"Don’t worry, James. I know how to handle tough guys…"
James nodded with a small smile on his face before he opened the door for you and you entered the room where a handful of policemen were waiting. They were surrounding a man who was chained down to the bench he was sitting on. The man was quiet and his eyes were facing down to the ground. You took a few steps forward before making your way through the policemen to reach the patient.
You stood before him.
"…Eddie Gluskin I presume ?"
The man remained silent for a while before he slowly raised his eyes to look at you.
He didn’t speak a word. He just started staring at you before you smiled and decided to introduce yourself.
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"Y/N L/N. But, you can call me Nurse Y/N. Pleasure to meet you." You extended your hand forward and Eddie Gluskin stared at it for a moment. You chuckled awkwardly as you realised he couldn’t really shake it as he was chained up.
"Oh. Right. Sorry about that. I—" You were cut short when you felt a pressure on your knuckles and your eyes widened as you realised that Eddie Gluskin had just kissed your hand.
He then looked up at you with a smile and finally replied.
"Pleasure shared…"
You blinked twice in astonishment before you quickly retreated your hand and Eddie simply smiled at you. Little did you know…You had just unintentionally became Eddie Gluskin’s next 'wife'.
First time meeting the slashers:
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Freddy *appears wearing a wedding dress* : "Heard you were looking for a wife ?"
…What did you expect from the simp master himself ? Of course he would shoot his shot. Eddie is hot. In the way that he is tall, muscular and could rip Freddy to shreds…Of course Freddy would simp for him.
Eddie likes him, but only because he finds him amusing. Eddie chooses his wives upon various very strict criteria. Unfortunately, Freddy wouldn’t make the cut.
Freddy *looking at Author* : "Hey ! What’s that supposed to mean ?!"
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When Brahms met Eddie, they both did not really talk much. However, after Eddie spent a little more time around Brahms, he started finding his company enjoyable…
Let’s be honest here.
Brahms would be the perfect bride for Eddie. Brahms is sweet, attentive and touch-starved. So, Eddie would surely like him.
But, I think Eddie would also see him as a child so maybe he wouldn’t try anything, but they would hit it off pretty quickly as two very distinguished gentlemen.
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Alpha male standoff.
Eddie Gluskin is the same height and bulk as Michael, which means in Michael language: danger. Michael is like the daddy of the slashers. He protects them. So the first thing that would go through his head would be:
Should I be worried about that guy ?
And the answer is yes.
Eddie Gluskin also noticed the chain of power around St Louis and immediately noticed that all the slashers respected or didn’t mess with Michael. And you—his precious future wife—dared to spend a lot of time around Michael.
So, they wouldn’t really like each other.
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Pennywise once pranked him by pretending to be you and Eddie kissed him. Eddie genuinely thought it was you and was so happy…until he opened his eyes and saw it was Pennywise.
He punched Pennywise in the face so many times that it took 6 nurses to get him off Pennywise.
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Penny bit Eddie Gluskin’s arm because of what he did to his brother.
He liked the taste.
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Jason met Eddie Gluskin when he was tending to his frogs. He was in the garden near the pond when Eddie came and sat down next to him. They started spending time together and Eddie even started helping him with his frogs.
They became friends—which is quite a feat considering Jason’s trust issues.
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…Father Paul’s face after Eddie Gluskin came to him for the 11th time to ask him to officialise his marriage to you. (Give the poor man a break. 🤣)
Even though, A: You’re not aware of it.
B: Eddie Gluskin is mad.
And C: Father Paul is obviously no longer a priest.
But he still does it every time because A: He is bored, and B: Eddie doesn’t leave him alone unless he somehow convinces him that he would so…
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michimonie · 1 month
Just wanted to get this idea out of my head for once and out there.
So, way back when I first made my Haunted Mansion x Ducks crossover illustrations, I originally had plans for a whole series.
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It was going to be a ton of illustrations based on the second movie. (For the record, I've never seen the original ride, only the movies).
So, here's the full list I was originally going to do, in case anyone was curious (also, sorry, I don't remember all the character names):
Daffy as the spirit photographer (duck dodgers could be the hero he talks about? Or superior Duck since he seems to be unknown)
Tina Russo as the "single mother who bought the mansion"
Plucky (90s) OR Huey Duck (2017) as the kid
Fethry (or Bugs Bunny) as the priest
Daisy as the medium
Von Drake as the wacky historian
Scrooge as the Top Hat Ghost (though Glomgold would be perfect for personality)
Donald as the Mariner / Sea Captain
Melissa Duck as Hatchaway (bride with the axe)
Shirley as Madame Leota (she literally has the powers)
Gladstone / Magica as the lovers
HDL as the hitchhikers (maybe? If huey isn't the kid)
Maybe I'll still get around to this in the future, but we'll see...
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Made For Him X
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Warnings: this fic includes dark content including rape/noncon, blood and gore, violence, death, grief, and other potential triggering elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Peter finds himself alone after the loss of those around him, so he decides to find a cure to his grief.
Characters: Peter Parker
Note: I'm sorry it's been so long.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. Thanks to everyone who reads this one and thank you for all your energy.
Love you all like Garfield loves lasagna. Take care. 💖
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The Creation
The night swathed you in moonlight. The silver gleam held your eye through the open window, the noise of the ocean crashing in from the shore. Behind you, he snored. Deep snorts and long exhales. A rhythm that unsettled you. A peace he stole from you.
He kept telling you it would feel better. That you could enjoy it too. But you didn’t. Not when he tried again. And again. And again.
It still hurt. Your insides ached and your thighs were raw from the friction. Your eyes were still wet and would not dry, no matter how much you wiped them. You could not sleep. You found that task as difficult as ever.
You rose and looked at Peter. His naked torso was pale above the tangled blanket. You remembered his strength, him pinning you to the bed even as you writhed and told him how much it hurt. Did he not hear you? Did he not believe you?
You touched between your legs. It was still slimy there. An odd sensation you disliked. You went into the bathroom and washed yourself. That only made the pain worse.
You put on a nightgown and left Peter to sleep alone. He was your friend, your best friend. You loved him, but you felt something else. Something you couldn’t name.
The tablet was where he left it. You picked it up and exited the video he made you watch. It was worse than in the movie. That woman seemed happy, you didn’t fell happy.
You sat and winced as your own weight sent a pang up through your body. You eased yourself against the armrest, letting the pressure off your bottom, and curled up as you cradled the tablet and looked for a movie to watch. You stopped at Casablanca but before you could click, you saw another movie above.
You focused as you sounded out the words; the other movies you know mostly by the pictures. ‘The Br-ide…of… Frank-en-steen.’ You tilted your head. You’d never heard of that before. The cover was black and white and a scared looking woman with tall hair looked out at you. 
A bride? Would you marry Peter now? He said he loved you and you loved him. He kissed you and did other things with you. You would ask him tomorrow.
You hit play, curious to know who Frankenstein was and why his bride seemed so frightened. You leaned the tablet in its case on the table and nestled down with a pillow. Your body was heavy from what he did. From what you did. 
The movie was confusing. There was a dead man who turned out to be alive and a monster with a squared head. Men take a woman’s body from a grave and tell the monster she will be his mate. You watched, unnerved but bound by the storm raging. The Doctor worked to put together a woman from the dead.
You sat up. You could not look away. The woman in her bandages was slowly unveiled. You felt the scars around your body; the stitched at shoulder and wrist, around your neck. As the bride is revealed, your world was bared fully before you. You knocked over the tablet as your chest knotted tightly.
You lumbered around the room and turned on the light. You looked at the square mirror hung by the door. You examined your face and the scarring all over you. How your scalp didn’t match the rest of your head. It could not be true. You were being foolish.
You pulled away your hands and looked at them. These were always your hands. They were always this big. Never small like a child’s. You were never a child. You don’t remember being small. You only remember being like that. 
A crack of thunder rolled through the sky and shook you. You pulled your hands down to your sides and watched the windows light up. You were never a child. You were not a woman. You were not like Peter. You were what he made you.
He made you.
He made you. 
You backed up as the eerie music plucked from the tablet, distant from the front room. You spun, afraid, of yourself, of this world. Who were you? What were you? A monster! A monster!
Why would he do that? Why would he curse you? Why would he make you this hideous thing? Why would he make you only to cause you pain? 
You turned to the door and ripped it open. You did not think before you dashed out into the darkness. You did not stop or even try to. You ran and ran and ran. Away from Peter and his lies.
You chased the sunlight. The morning came bright and yellow as you stumbled upon the outskirts of pale buildings with square tops and long windows. You’d never seen anywhere like that yourself. You’d only seen towns and cities on the screen. There was only the house on the shore. That was all you’d ever known. All that Peter ever let you know.
You walked along a street and took in the sights. A man emerged from a door and didn’t seem to notice you passing. A dog ran around in a fenced yard and you watched him pick up a stick. You went closer and reached your hand out to offer a pet. The animal sniffed and retreated as if struck. You recoiled and carried on.
A woman and a stroller passed. You noticed how she looked at you. You must have looked odd. No shoes and all.
You heard voices trailing you and turned to see a group of three following you. They stared and spoke in low tones. You kept going, turning your head to see all that you could. You didn’t know where to go next. You didn’t have anywhere to go. You only knew Peter and he would be mad to find you gone. And you are mad at him too. Yes, that is how you felt; mad.
You got further and heard more voices. A wall that seemed to surround you. The street opened up and you found rows of booths, vendors selling fruit and trinkets, as people mill about. It was just like a film!
You rushed forward to look at a shiny display. Rings set on cushions and long golden chains sparkling in the sunlight. A shadow shifted above you and you looked up at the man. He spoke in a language you don’t understand. As he saw your face, he stepped back and his mouth fell open.
You frowned and he just gaped. You looked to the other man behind the same table and he made a motion with his hand, muttering low on his breath. You turned and saw the three strangers who followed you there.
You shook your head and continued to the next booth. There you received a similar reaction. A woman cried out and a child blubbered. You touched your face then tore your hands away to examine your skin.
Hideous creature! 
You spun and looked around you at the faces, at the bodies closing in, words you couldn’t understand. Coming towards you, circling you, like in that movie. You remembered how they shot the monster after he saved that girl. No, no, no.
A woman touched your arm and you howled. You shoved her away, shrieking as you batted away another hand. They talked to you in their twisted words, their strange language. You backed up until you hit the booth. Cornered, you searched frantically for an exit.
You grabbed the edge of the table and pushed back. It scraped on the ground and moved as you stepped back on your heels. Your terror mounted and all at once, you turned and threw the table away from you. It flew over the heads of the vendors and landed against a car.
The crowd went silent. They stared, terrified. Of you!
You shielded yourself with one arm and fell into step. You ran and ran without looking back, ashamed, scalded by their rejection. You didn’t want to hurt anyone. You just wanted to look.
The Creator
He stretched his arm out, disappointed to find an empty bed. His eyes opened slowly, staring at the yellow plaster above. He spent months on the solution, on making sure he never woke up alone, and here was.
He planted his hands and pushed himself up. The curtains stirred with the morning breeze, the scent of the sea drifting in. Naked still, he rose and covered himself with a pair of linen boxers. 
He paused as memories of the night before came to him. He gripped the doorframe before he could pass through as his pelvis squeezed at the thought of her around him. She felt amazing. The perfect fit for him. Maybe she could make it up to him. After all, she did leave him all alone.
As Peter reached the top of the stairs, he heard an odd shrill music. Instrumentals that make the soul uneasy. He descended to the first floor expecting to see her through the open archway, watching one of her films. He followed the melody and found the tablet on the floor.
He bent to pick it up and read the title card above the button, ‘watch again’. The Bride of Frankenstein. His heart plummeted. He flipped the case closed, locking the tablet and muting the music. No, even if she watched it, she wouldn’t figure it out. She couldn’t.
He dropped the tablet on the sofa as he went back into the hallway. The door is ajar, just an inch or so, letting in a slat of sunlight that shines blindingly against the mirror. He stumbles forward and rips the door back all the way. He sees the remnants of footsteps in the dirt. No, no! Where could she go? She couldn’t have gotten far.
He retreated inside. He would have to go find her. He was faster, he knew this world better, she couldn’t get far. He sprinted up the stairs and dressed. He tidied his hair and sat to tie his shoes. He grabbed the phone he hid in the safe. It flashed with an alert. The ones he always swept away and ignored.
‘Attention Avengers. Anomaly in Lerici. Call to investigate.’
Shit. How long had she been gone? It didn’t matter, it was long enough to draw attention. He unlocked the phone and tapped the notification. It brought up a case file and a video. He could tell by the angle it was taken on a cellphone.
Fuck! His creation, his precious, was there, panicked and terrified. She pushed through a table and stormed away, her movement clumsy but overpowered. People screamed and swore. They thought she was a monster. She wasn’t. Not to him.
He took a breath. There at the bottom of the alert, a checkmark stood beside the words; responder deployed. That meant Peter was on the clock. He had to find her before whoever they sent did. Well, he was here and they had to get there.
Besides, Spidey was always good at finding where the trouble was.
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dean-isms · 5 months
dean’s ultimate valentines watchlist
a complete list of all the romantic movies that dean has mentioned for all your date night needs (up to 13x11)
teen dean’s dreams:
Pretty in Pink (1986)
When Harry Met Sally (1989)
Ghost (1990)
Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)
Titanic (1997)
Romeo+Juliet (1996)
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)
fairytale romances (fantasy and magic):
Cinderella (1950)
The Princess Bride (1987)
Bewitched (2005)
The Little Mermaid (1989)
Groundhog Day (1993)
time to boogie:
Saturday Night Fever (1977)
How Stella Got Her Groove Back (1998)
Dirty Dancing (1987)
orpheus’ gay cajun vampire sidepiece:
Twilight (2008)
True Blood (2008-2014)
Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992)
toxic love & bad romance:
Natural Born Killers (1994)
50 Shades of Grey (2015)
The War of the Roses (1989)
okay, dean! (queer dean truthing)
Dead Poets Society (1989)
Thelma & Louise (1991)
East of Eden (1955)
Rent (2005)
This is just where I’m at on my rewatch, I’m sure I’ll be adding more on in the future! Happy Valentine’s Day! 💖
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thebetawolfgirl · 8 months
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Bonding Time part 5
Pairing: Timmy x Reader
Warnings: Smut.
Summary: The Best friend finds out.
Bonding Time pt5
A week later and they hadn’t heard anything from either of their parents again. After Greg walked in on them in bed together the step siblings thought they would hear from y/n’s mother, but they received only radio silence.
‘Well, to be fair how do you tell your new bride you walked in on your son and her daughter fucking like rabbits?’ Y/n asked over the phone hearing Timmy sniggering on the other end.
‘I mean it’s not something you blurt out at dinner while passing the carrots is it?’
Timmy hummed from his side, ‘True. But I thought we would hear something at least. You can’t tell me he walked back into that house all fake smiles and cheery ‘hellos’ after what he just came from? Now THAT’S unnatural.’
‘Yeah.’ She held up a dress in front of her standing in front of the mirror.
‘What are you doing? You’re distracted.’
‘I’m trying to find something to wear to this stupid party tonight.’
She heard him burst into laughter on the other side of the phone, ‘What is so funny?’
‘You got roped in to going to Chloe’s party tonight. Ha ha ha.’
‘Go fuck yourself Chalamet!’
She hung up the phone and tossed it on the bed when she heard her doorbell ring, she looked at the camera footage and saw it was Sarah and Emma and let them in.
She hung up the dress she had out and went to greet them.
‘Hey guys I’m in my room.’
The two girls came into her room kicking off their heels at the door and sitting on the bed, y/n grabbed her iPhone and put it in her dressing gown pocket, one so it wouldn’t break and two so they didn’t have a nosy in case Timmy messaged her.
‘So have you decided what to wear tonight?’ Emma asked flipping through a magazine she found on the bedside table.
‘No nothing yet, how about you?’
Both girls shook their head no.
‘Chloe is just losing her mind with this party, she really wants to impress her future in laws with this. Make them think she’s sophisticated and cultured.’ Sarah waved her hands in an exaggerated manner and y/n smiled and took out a dress from her wardrobe and held it up ‘Oooh that’s nice, is that Chanel?’ Y/n nodded and smiled.
‘Yeah I decided to treat myself.’
She didn’t tell her friends Timmy had bought it for her just because.
She knew her friends were wondering where she was getting all of this nice stuff and who was buying her it, but to be honest it was none of their business. Plus they wouldn’t get it either. They were also curious about the amount of time she and Timmy were spending together.
She removed her robe to try a dress on and heard gasps behind her, she looked behind her shoulder to see her friends staring at her body in shock. ‘What?’
‘Y/n your back!’ Emma stood up and slowly walked over to her. The fact she didn’t flinch from her convinced her friend she wasn’t being abused as she touched her back lightly.
‘I’ve been taking kick-boxing classes recently. It’s really fun.’
‘And the bite marks on your shoulders?! Are your sparring partners biting you?’ Sarah asked standing up with Emma to get a closer look.
‘They don’t hurt and there’s no internal damage so it’s no big deal.’
Y/n responded trying the dress on and looking in the mirror before shaking her head, ‘No good.’ Before removing and hanging it back up.
‘Y/n! We need to talk about this. Who is doing this?’
‘No one is doing this to me. Like I said I’m taking kick-boxing classes and it’s hardcore. Now let’s just get ready for this party.’
Y/n Heard her phone Ping in her pocket and grabbed it smiling at the message
“Apparently Stacey has been invited and insisted I go with her tonight.”
“This party just got a lot more fun.”
She locked the phone and put it back in her pocket seeing her friend’s faces.
‘Who was that?’ Emma asked casually.
‘My mom, why?’ Y/n lied.
Sarah shrugged ‘Just curious. You seemed to be spending a lot of time with Timothée lately.’
Y/n rolls her eyes walking over to the dresser ‘This shit again? He’s my step brother, our parents are married, so wether we like it or not, we need to try and get along with each other. Because according to my mother she’s in this for the long haul.’
‘We’re just concerned that’s all.’ Emma said calmly.
‘About what exactly?’ Y/n asks facing her friends.
‘Timothée said you tried to make a pass at him at Georgette’s 21st and he turned you down Sarah. So I’m getting along with him, and suddenly you’re so concerned about how much time I’m spending with him.’
Sarah’s eyes widened in shock ‘y/n that’s not the case at all. My god, we were stupid kids then, I’m completely over that.’
Y/n rolled her eyes, picking her things up off the floor and threw her gown back on as Emma piped in.
‘Y/n it’s just…. Whenever we’re all out together you and Timmy sit in a corner by yourselves whispering to each other and not getting involved in any conversations-
‘Oh I’m so sorry I don’t want to listen about the wedding that’s been happening for the past fucking six years. Jesus, I was bridesmaid at my mother’s wedding before I’ve even been asked to be Chloe’s.’
Sarah was about to speak again, when y/n’s phone pinged, she picked it up and looked at the screen. It was Timmy, apparently he was in the living room and he overheard most of what her friends had said to her about him.
‘I’ll be right back. Don’t go looking through my stuff you won’t find anything.’
She walked out of her bedroom closing the door behind her and went to meet Timmy in the living room.
She found him pacing in front of the sofa annoyed when he looked up and saw her approaching and walked over to her crushing his lips against hers in a heated kiss.
She kissed him back, before breaking away breathless.
‘Shhh. They’re in the bedroom still. We need to be quiet.’
He took a deep breath through his nose closing his eyes.
‘They have no right to talk to you like that y/n.’
‘I know. I know.’ She whispers stroking her thumb across his cheek, soothing him.
‘They’re the most nosiest people in my life. And I think Sarah is a bit jealous since you turned her down at Georgette’s 21st.’
‘Oh boohoo.’ He rolled his eyes feeling more calm and lay his head against her shoulder. ‘Are you going to the party tonight?’ She asked rubbing his back.
He nodded against her shoulder.
‘Stacey was invited, I’m very confused as to why though.’
Y/n smiles against his shoulder ‘Chloe’s way of showing off her kind side to her future in laws.’
Timmy chuckles against her and lifts his head to look at her.
‘I should go, but I will see you tonight.’
She nodded smiling when she heard her bedroom door open and her friends coming out to the living room.
They both parted and Timmy headed through to the kitchen, and y/n stood glaring at him with her arms folded across her chest.
‘Go and eat food at your own apartment.’
‘Why would I do that when I can raid your fridge?’ He smirks at her.
‘Seriously? You’re such a delinquent.’
Y/n’s friends came through and he rolled his eyes ‘Oh look, it’s Gretchen Weiner and Karen Smith.’
Y/n coughs to cover up her laugh as Sarah glared at him. ‘What the hell are you doing here?’
‘Performing open heart surgery.’ He rolls his eyes eating a potato chip. ‘Mind your own business!’
‘Well this is y/n’s apartment-
‘Right, y/n’s apartment, I don’t remember seeing your names on the fucking lease.’ Timmy bit back glaring.
‘OKAY! We get it, you don’t like each other, move on.’ Y/n held up her hands becoming bored.
Timmy decided to say his goodbyes and told y/n he would see her at the party.
Later at the party, y/n was sitting with her friends when Timmy entered with Stacey and they both approached their table and sat down. Timmy remained standing offering to get in a round, ‘I’ll come up with you I need to go to the ladies room anyways.’
Y/n and Timmy walked to the bar together as Emma watched them from the table where she saw them chatting close together. It was dim lighting in the room, but she still saw how close they were standing to each other and how they were subtly touching each other.
She also noticed how when Timmy leaned in to talk in her ear she would lean forward and smile hanging onto every word then laugh.
When the music began everyone headed to the dance floor, Timmy stayed seated although Stacey asked him to come with her, he declined. Emma saw from the dance floor y/n return from the restroom and sit across from Timothée, she saw him lean in whispering something to her and she nodded.
Emma got Sarah’s attention and nodded subtly to the two at the table as Timothée played with her fingers on one hand as she pushed his hair back smiling.
Y/n noticed they were being watched and moved away from Timmy as he sighed following her lead.
‘Your friends need to get a life of their own, it’s pathetic how invested they are in yours. Especially Sarah.’
Y/n nodded running her fingers through her hair.
‘Tell me about it, you know when she saw my back today she actually came over and TOUCHED me. She didn’t even ask before she put her fingers on my body,’
Timmy clenched his jaw grinding his teeth.
‘She needs to learn some fucking boundaries that woman.’
Y/n shook her head and took his hand before standing ‘Dance with me.’
He followed her to the dance floor and took her hand in his as a slower song came on and swayed with her.
‘I think Sarah and Emma are onto us.’ Y/n whispered to him.
‘Who cares what those two think? Emma was caught getting taken from behind by her father’s nephew at her parents wedding anniversary so she has no right to judge us.’
‘And Sarah?’ She raised her eyebrow at him.
‘Sarah is a pathetic and nosy little wench who has nothing else better to do than to involve herself in things that’s nothing to do with her. If she did confront you about us she would be more devastated at the fact you didn’t tell HER rather than the fact that you’re fucking your step brother.’
Y/n chuckled against him as the song finished and they separated.
Timmy looked around and saw both women look away knowing they had been watching them and smirked.
‘We have an audience.’ Y/n looked in the direction Timmy nodded in and rolled her eyes.
‘They are unbelievable.’
Timmy pulled her into a corner and kissed her gently holding her face between his hands.
She kissed him back wrapping her arms around him before they broke apart breathing heavily.
After the party began to die down, Timmy offered to take y/n home and she immediately accepted even though Sarah had already offered to take her home.
Y/n went home with Timmy without hesitation. Both Emma and Sarah had been weirded out by both of their behaviour throughout the entire evening, even Chloe mentioned it at one point.
So Sarah decided to follow them home. Just to make sure he didn’t take advantage of her friend, because she didn’t trust Chalamet whatsoever.
Timmy and y/n were walking home talking about how decent the party turned out to be.
‘They could’ve had a better selection of beer, or any kind of beer for that matter.’ He complained as y/n chuckled finally entwining their fingers while they walked home.
‘I think she was going for sophisticated to impress the in laws so she had the finest wines and oldest ports and whiskey and scotch.’ He lifted their hands and kissed her knuckles nibbling each fingertip.
She watched him before he turned and kissed her gently before deepening it.
She kissed back and pushed him against the nearest building leaning into him as he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer against him.
Sarah watched the entire thing in disgust as they broke their make out session and walked into y/n’s building together.
She walked home not believing what she had just witnessed with her own eyes and fathomed how they could do that? And why didn’t y/n tell her and what did their parents think?
Timmy shoved y/n against the wall with a thud shutting the door behind him and began kissing her neck sliding the hem of her short dress up he thighs and bit her shoulder.
Y/n gasped as he grabbed her thighs and lifting her up to wrap her legs around him and crushed his lips to hers in a rough kiss.
She ripped his shirt open letting the buttons scatter across the room as he pulled her dress off her body and carried her to the bedroom.
He dropped her onto the bed and removed his jeans and boxers in one go and crawled on top of her kissing his way up her body.
She breathed out his name as he nipped and kissed her chest as he slid into her making her gasp.
He entwined their fingers and pinned them above her head so she couldn’t flip them this time and took control as he began to move against her leaning down to capture her lips in a heated kiss.
He thrust harder and faster into her as she rocked against him panting into his neck, he freed her hands to wrap his arms under and around her waist and held her tighter against him as he slammed into her causing the full bed frame to hit the wall. She clung to his shoulders, as he rammed into her holding him against her, she grabbed his face and kissed him hungrily feeling his tongue slide in to her mouth and bit his lip causing him to slam particularly hard into her making her leap further up the pillows.
‘Timmy’ she gasped against his shoulder as he pulled her up to sit on his lap and let her ride him. She pulled him against her chest and bounced against him hard hearing him whimper and claw her back and even her waist this time as she rode him. They came together in a shaking sticky mess panting into each other’s mouths.
They fell back together landing at the bottom of the large bed tangled in the sheets damp with sweat and breathing hard.
They had no idea Sarah knew their secret now. All they knew at that moment was each other as they lay in each other’s arms kissing tiredly as Timmy drew circles on y/n’s damp skin where the sheet had tangled around her waist.
They fell asleep not knowing Sarah was in her own apartment telling Emma about what she had seen.
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lightlycareless · 5 months
how would nanami react to y/n getting married to naoya im so curious
Hello anon!!
A very interesting question I know I’ve been ignoring on my main fic by… you know, plot reasons hahahah But I did want to explore this a bit!! And now that I have a chance… here it is 😊 Enjoy!
As usual, warnings: none. Really. Nanami being very blunt.
Happy reading ❤️
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Nanami would not take it well at first, for a variety of reasons.
First, it’s unexpected. At least for him it feels that way.
The two were close throughout your years in jujutsu high, but as all things happen, you began to date Naoya and, well, he took much of your attention.
Sure, you kept in contact with Nanami, he was still important for you after all, but it wasn’t the same anymore.
So, when rumors began to circulate that the two were to marry… he couldn’t believe it.
Cue the second reason.
Naoya was very… different. To say the least. Like your complete opposite—and honestly? Everyone at one point thought you dating him was some kind of prank, probably something Satoru created in order to get a rise of whoever allowed it, as usual—and if it was true, it probably wouldn’t last, certainly not with someone as… your boyfriend.
Until the wedding invitation arrives, and this not only cemented the fact that you were still together with Naoya, but that you wanted to take this relationship seriously.
The first thing he does is call you in hopes of getting verbal, actual confirmation from you.
“Yes, I’m marrying Naoya.”  Is what you say, proudly—with an excitement that doesn’t escape Nanami’s attention.
Something that was expected of any bride-to-be. And yet… it hurt him to hear that.
Is it because he thinks you’re making the wrong decision? Well, considering the rumors surrounding the Zen’in, definitely. He may not be well versed in the Jujutsu community, at least when it comes to clans, special techniques and whatnot…
But he’s seen enough to understand the Zen’in might not provide you with a life you deserve, and there’s only so much you (or Naoya) could do before their ways finally caught up to you.
Or worse: Naoya eventually succumbs to his environment, leading him to be the main perpetrator of your miseries, which Nanami has no doubt he already was considering his behavior at school.
However, it’s like none of these things mattered to you, and why would they? By now, after years of being together, you were completely and utterly enamored by him, seen by the way you went on and on about the wedding preparations, how excited you were to go on your honeymoon (which Naoya kept a secret from you) and how you’d like Kento to attend.
And your words, far from reassuring, push him to dive deeper into this… hazy feeling of surrealness, as if everything had been nothing but a jest, perhaps even made up from his own imagination to justify your absence.
But it wasn’t fake. None of it was. And at the culmination of his displeasure, alongside what he considered your delusions towards Naoya, he blurts the most painful words Nanami has ever told you:
“Are you sure this is even the man you want to spend the rest of your life with?”
“Wha—what do you mean? Of course I want to spend the rest of my life with him! I wouldn’t be getting married if that wasn’t the case, you know?” You gasp, undoubtedly a bit offended by his questioning, doing your best to hide your shock.
As if he hadn’t said the one phrase no bride wished to hear just a few weeks away from the great day.
“I just wanted to be sure—the things that are said of his family are no joke.”
“…You knew I was with him. Have been for a long time since school. So… why are you bringing this up now?”
Nanami sighs.
He’s too deep to back off now.
“Because I think you’re making a mistake. Naoya is known for being too irra—”
“I take you won’t be attending, then? Either way, I hope you have a good evening. Thank you for calling me, goodbye.”
And you hung up.
Nanami never considered himself a highly sociable person everyone loved to be around, nor was he interested in becoming one, but even then, he was able to discern he had gravely miscalculated his words, more so when the days following this call, you’d gone radio silent.
And after a long moment of reflection, remembering that regardless of what he thought, this was still your decision to make, and that you’ve already gone through the necessary discussions, expenses, sacrifices, and so on and so forth, to reach to this conclusion. And now, you wished to enjoy your well-deserved celebration.
Alongside your family, and friends…
One of the things he was supposed to be.
But instead of being supportive, he simply dismissed the enthusiastic bride the crudest way one could.
If he really cared so much about it, he should’ve made the effort to tell you before, not when you were a step away from becoming Mrs. Zen’in.
Without time to waste, Nanami decides to make things right by reaching out to you. Not via phone call or text messages, but through (hopefully) meeting up with you at the usual place he knows you’re always there on a Friday afternoon, just before calling it a day, due to their daily special.
A popular boba bar in downtown, conveniently located just a few stops away from his office, which he could easily visit after work.
And luckily, his efforts were not for naught, because he’d find you there, patiently standing by the waiting area as the barista prepared what he assumed you ordered to be your favorite drink, while munching on one of the pastries from the nearby bakery.
By a simple glance Nanami was able to determine you’ve spent the whole day shopping, probably doing some last-minute arrangements for the upcoming wedding, or maybe something for yourself, who knows—not that it mattered much since both statements just made him feel a whole lot worse than he already was.
“Y/N.” Wanting to catch you before it was too late, Kento finally calls you.
And for a moment he thinks to have seen you frown, a look on your face that tells him you didn’t believe someone had called you, perhaps making it up due to the gathering crowd, before deciding to corroborate your ears by turning around and look for the answer—eyes widening when realizing you hadn’t imagined things, and worse, that it came from your slightly estranged friend, whom you didn’t feel like seeing at the moment.
“Oh… hey.” Is all that you manage to muster before looking back down onto your phone, a way to distract yourself from this quickly-made uncomfortable moment, until your drink is ready.
By then, you head over to the counter, thank the barista, before taking your drink and moving to the exit…
“Can we talk, Y/N?” Unless Nanami’s persistence falters you.
Yet, as much as you wished to say no, crumple up your feelings and shove them to the back of your mind so you could peacefully head back home…
He was still a friend, someone you held dear, and ultimately, always regarded his opinions as important.
You sigh.
“… follow me.” Is all that you say before guiding him into a more private area, to the second floor of the café and into a booth, sitting across from one another in rough silence until Nanami begins to speak.
“It didn’t take me long to realize that the things I said to you during that call were wrong.”
“…you still said them.”
“I did. And for that, I’d like to apologize.”
“…is it really that hard to believe I want to marry Naoya?” you ask, looking at him. Kento can see this isn’t the first time you ask this, yet it remains painful every time. “I hoped you, of all people, would trust in my ability to make decisions…”
“I know.”
“I’m tired of defending my feelings for Naoya. Having to find excuses for every single regarding him… I just want—I just want my relationship with him to be accepted. Is it really that… hard?”
“Do you want my honest opinion?”
You nod.
“I never expected him to marry you—to actually settle down.” Kento begins, you frown.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He sighs.
“I’m talking about him, not you, Y/N.” Nanami explains. “You saw how he was back in jujutsu high, and probably even before that. Not even the teachers liked him, less the students.”
“… well… I’m not going to say he isn’t hard to get along with sometimes, but… he’s a good man. At least, he’s been to me and my family.” You respond, and Nanami finds your words a bit difficult to believe, to say the least, given his own experiences with the man.
But at the same time, he must give credit where credit is due.
While Naoya was less than ideal as a friend and classmate, he appeared to be nothing but an overachiever when it came to being your partner given the way he (embarrassingly) couldn’t keep his hands off you whenever possible.
And if he also accounted for the endless gifts he’d spoil you with when away for the holidays, or because he was back in Kyoto… everyone would easily call him an excellent, attentive partner—at one point, they didn’t even fit in your dorm anymore, making the school put a limit to this, since they weren’t thrilled to be signing thousands of packages from a paramour that couldn’t spend a day not thinking about his girlfriend, or assign you a temporary storage to place them.
Nanami supposes that a relationship is much more than what others perceive, or more likely, it was never about that—in the end, all that should matter is how you feel about him, and how he feels about you.
“Naoya is the one that proposed to me, actually.” You add, the need to defend Naoya’s image prickling the back of your mind. You’re certainly tired of having to do this over and over again, but if it’s needed, then… “…I was willing to wait, I guess. ‘Till he was ready. But truth to be told, I was secretly hoping he’d do it soon.”
Your words appear to have worked their purpose, because Kento initially suspected you had forced the idea out of Naoya; the Zen’in heir just seemed… carefree to even bother with that level of commitment. —But now that you’ve stated the truth, he’s amused.
“How as the proposal?” He follows, and a smile immediately parts your lips, brightening your face in a way he could not dismiss. “It must’ve been nice, then.”
“Very.” You admit, the memory still warms your heart. “Totally unexpected, he first told me we were going on a trip, a small vacation because he wanted to do something different, get distracted from work—and I didn’t see it coming. Nothing at all! Can you believe that? And to believe I always told my sister that I’d know when he’ll do it!” you laugh, Nanami lets out a small chuckle. “Naoya then arranged another proposal, this time with my family—it was really nice of him, but I think it was my father’s doing all along, he must’ve pestered him to it!”
Nanami smiles—he hasn’t gotten the chance to meet your father personally, but whatever he managed to know, it always narrowed down to one thing: protective.
Maybe there was nothing to worry about at all.
“I would still like you to go to the wedding.” You eventually say. “If you’d like, of course. I didn’t mean to uninvite you that way, I was just—”
“You don’t need to apologize. I should’ve been more considerate with my words.”
“You were just looking out for me, and I thank you for that.” You respond. “I know how Naoya is… seen by everyone else. Even his own family couldn’t believe that he was getting married! Or that I consciously wanted to, but still… I remained hopeful for that one person that could be happy for me since the very beginning, without me having to give explanations.”
“I’m sorry.”
“… thank you. For everything. And for reaching out for me, I… wouldn’t have liked to get married while upset with my best friend.”
Nanami smiles.
“I wouldn’t dream of ruining your special day.”
“It’s going to be even more special now that you’ll go!” you grin. “There are so many things my family has prepared, from the decorations to the food… I just know you’ll like them all! I just hope Satoru doesn’t find a way to… you know.”
“He’s going?”
“Well, he’s been invited—but I’m not sure if he’s actually attending… Hinata certainly doesn’t want him to, but at the same time, if he doesn’t go, she’s never going to let him forget!”
“That certainly sounds like her. Either way, I’ll do my best to be there—as well as inviting you out to eat, if you allow me, to make up for the sour moment I made you go through.”
“You don’t need to repay me for anything, you know? It was just a misunderstanding, that’s all.” You say, although your growing hunger was pushing you to say otherwise. “I’d love to go, but I am running late for a few more things, this was just a quick stop before I jumped back into the wedding preparations.”
“Any other day that you wish, then.” He adds. “Preferably before your wedding, of course, because I’m not sure I’ll be able to see you again after that.”
Considering Naoya’s… enthusiasm, no one will be able to do so in a long time.
“Don’t be silly…” you fluster, lightly elbowing him before standing up. “Anyways, I have to go now, it was really nice to see you again.”
Nanami stands up soon after you, helping you with your bags as both walk down to the exit and out to the street.
“I’ll let you when I arrive home safely.” You say, taking the bags from his hands, but not before giving him a tight hug. “Thank you so much for everything Nanami~n. I hope we’ll still be able to hang out even after I’m married.”
“Just because you’re getting married doesn’t mean you can call me that.” He teases, you scoff.
“Ahh, I just wanted to try my luck…”
“I will do my best to keep in contact—Now hurry before your boyfriend starts to miss you and bombard your phone.”
“He—He doesn’t do that anymore!” you cry, embarrassed, before laughing and waving him goodbye.
Nanami then watches you walk into the crowd, and once he can’t see you anymore, he finally heads back to the subway and home, all while reflecting on the new stage you’re about to enter in your life, and how he’ll support you through it.
Because above everything else he had experienced (or hadn’t) with Naoya, or the type of relationship he had with him…
He was still your friend.
The person he promised to be for you whenever things got too hard for you to deal with on your own, be a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen, or a voice to laugh along with when good things like this happen in your life.
Just as you’d done when he faced adversities of his own, and the future ones he has yet to live, which he knows you’ll be there, every step of the way, to help him out.
Both had vowed to remain by each other’s side through highs and low, whenever the other could…
And your wedding was to be no different.
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There you have it 😊 What I think would happen with Nanami regarding your announcement to getting married to Naoya. We’re talking about you and naoya meeting in jujutsu high and your dear husband being an actual human being, still… Naoya, but less that Naoya lol.
Anyways, I can’t wait to write more Nanami stuff hahaha I’m already working on his first-time meeting Naomi!!!!!
As always, thank you so much for this lovely ask!! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, take care, and hope to see you soon!!
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jolieeason · 4 months
It's Monday: What Are You Reading?---March 18th, 2024
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? a place to meet and share what you have been and are about to be reading over the week. It’s a great post to organize yourself. It’s an opportunity to visit, comment, and add to your groaning TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started on J Kaye’s blog and then was hosted by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at The Book…
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merakiui · 1 year
what if darling randomly choses floyd at those husband selections bc they think ‘eh, he cant be that bad’ (he is very bad)
(cw: yandere, nsfw, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, female reader, apocalypse logic, mentions of pregnancy/breeding, misogyny)
Floyd is an interesting case because whether or not he’ll agree to being chosen is solely mood dependent. If he’s not feeling it, he’ll just shrug you off and that’ll be that. But you’re the first bride to have enough courage to choose him, so either you’re fearless or you just like to toe the line of danger. Or you have no idea what he’s like.
He’s carefree about the entire selection, even though it’s supposed to be this really important thing, his thumbs hooked in his pockets when you point at him and say that he’s the one you want. “‘Kay,” he’ll agree without much hesitation, shrugging nonchalantly. Azul has told him that he ought to be a little more conscious about selections and what they mean, but Floyd doesn’t care. So what if the population’s on the decline? What’s that got to do with him?
The walk through the compound back to his lodging is when Floyd begins his curious, unfiltered questionnaire. He may be disinterested in the process, but that doesn’t mean he’s disinterested in you. No one ever picks him—not that he’s saddened by that. He could care less, but you’re interesting and he wants to know more.
“What do ya get out of pickin’ me, shrimpy? Can’t just be because it’s me.”
You blink at him. Wasn’t he the one who should already be well aware of that? You broach the subject as simply as you can, not because you’re awkward about it but because you genuinely have no idea how to tell him that the entire purpose of selections is to pair two individuals together for the sake of breeding. He’s nodding as you speak, looking you over more closely while he walks, mismatched eyes searching for something.
“So ya wanna be fucked full, yeah?”
Well, at least he catches on quick. Floyd’s rather vulgar about the entire thing, but that’s always been his normal. He doesn’t blush or get flustered by things like sex or nudity. Why should he? That’s just a part of life. You think he might be easier to deal with, blunt honesty and all, and that you might be able to get this over with sooner than expected. But to your surprise he tells you that he’s not really feeling it and that he’d rather just go back to sleep instead. You have no idea what’s up with the sudden shift in tone. He was disinterested before, but now he’s gone apathetic, yawning not-so-subtly and going on about how it’s so lame Jade woke him up early for this.
You follow him all the way back to his bedroom because you have nowhere else to go, and when you tell him that you’re meant to stay with him he just shrugs and opens his door for you. His room is a mess, dirty clothes lying discarded in piles, snacks both opened and unopened scattered throughout, and his bed is an entanglement of sheets and blankets. Maybe you really should go back to the bride dormitory; you suspect anything would be better than this. But Floyd’s already flopped onto his bed, slipping into slumber rather quickly, and now you’re left alone in an unfamiliar, filthy space. For a while you just pace to and fro, reviewing the pros and cons of this arrangement. But then pacing becomes boring and so you busy yourself with looking around at your messy surroundings. You’re not sure what compels you to start gathering dirty laundry, but once you’ve set yourself into cleaning mode you can’t stop.
Floyd wakes to watch you do this, lying propped on his elbow as his eyes follow you. “Shrimpy likes clean stuff, huh?”
“Well, I don’t like unclean stuff,” you reply, a basket already filled with clothes that need washing.
Floyd giggles like it’s a funny retort, his eyes crinkling with mirth. “Guess not.”
And that’s how your bond starts, with you acting as Floyd’s little maid and he acting as…Floyd. He never complains about it. He never objects when you ask him to get up so you can strip the bed, but he does make it very difficult for you, sometimes intent on remaining in bed just to see what you’ll do. He’s always smiling, whether in amusement or something else you can’t quite say. He seems to enjoy teasing you, sometimes knocking something onto the floor so that you can pick it up or clean. He’ll stare at the way you’re bent down and, weeks into a very strange relationship, he finally realizes he could just make you his personal stress relief. Teasing you was relief enough, but it’s always boring relieving himself in other ways, where he just has his hand to rely on.
Floyd doesn’t tiptoe around what he wants. He’ll look at you with lidded eyes, a smirk sprawling across his lips, while he tells you there’s another spot you’ve yet to clean. Obviously he means his dick; you’ll have no choice but to agree to get on your knees for him. That’s basically what you’re meant to do, right? You’re just a hole for him to use whenever he wants. And though it’s demeaning to hear such things, it’s the unfortunate truth.
What’s strange about Floyd is that he knows what’s meant to come out of this partnership, but he never really considers much about your futures. Instead, he’ll use you for his own enjoyment. You essentially become his sex toy. For a while that’s all he treats you as. He’s always feeling you up, always wanting to bite and mark you. He has lots of fun with this newfound relationship. Between lots of sex (he’s oddly good at pulling out right before he cums), there are a few moments where he’s tender. He cooks most of his meals himself, using the kitchen that he and Jade share in their lodging, and he’s brought you a tray of breakfast one morning when you were too exhausted and sore to get up. He even feeds you; how sweet. Floyd’s hard to read sometimes. When he isn’t muttering filth while he fucks you into the mattress or against the wall or in the bath, he’s fawning over his shrimpy. He’s getting attached in more ways than one, and now it’s getting harder for him to really look at you as he has before.
Floyd is possessive. He’ll mark you in bruises and bites so that everyone will know you have a husband who fucks you better than anyone else in this compound possibly can. If anyone stares too long at you, he’ll grip your chin and yank you into a heated kiss of teeth and tongue to show the poor soul that you’re off the market. And if anyone thinks to touch you… Floyd’s beaten people bloody for saying vulgar things about you, for trying to touch you, for looking at you wrongfully. He can’t explain it, but it really frustrates him when people do this. You’re his shrimpy. You’re his bride. You’re all his and no one else’s, so everyone who tries to get between the two of you can get lost.
Floyd tends to fidget when you aren’t with him. He’s bored easily and very restless. He hates when you have those usual health check-ups and he’s not permitted to accompany you, and he hates when the doctors imply that it’s surprising you haven’t gotten pregnant yet. He’ll fuck a baby into you when he wants; everyone needs to lay off. Can’t he just fuck you for the fun of it? Apparently not because you’re one of the rare instances where you’re not immediately knocked up after a selection. Somehow that makes Floyd smug. Those doctors can keep hounding him all they want. It’ll just make him not want to do it even more.
But then he truly thinks about it in the days following that check-up. You’d look so soft and cute if your belly was all stuffed and rounded, and he’d get to cook so much for you. Floyd considers it when he’s doing his usual rounds for Azul and you’re not there to entertain him. Even thinking about it has him hard and aching. He wonders if you’d let him fuck you while you were a few months along. Maybe you’d let him do anything if you were needy enough. And if you were pregnant, you’d really become his.
The next time you’re under Floyd he looks at you differently. It’s difficult to place an emotion to his stare because he looks so focused when his eyes rove over your chest and he leans down to bite along your collarbone and shoulder. “I’m gonna breed ya good,” he’s mumbling into your skin as though it’s a prayer. “Gonna make ya a mommy.”
You don’t have much of a say in that matter, but when you’re too sex-brained to think of anything else pregnancy seems like less of an obligation and more like a dream come true.
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