#the canary ( amara. )
stillresolved · 2 months
continued from here! / @geaesaekki
SHE’S BEEN IN PLACES LIKE THESE BEFORE. And not when she was in university– the pubs in Oxford could never be this spirited and if they were, that could only spring from the ragers the gentlemen clubs threw. Amara never liked those parties, those chaotic, not spirited places. 
No, the familiarity of the club scene actually comes from her earlier days, back when she was a young child. Before she was Amara. Back then, her mother worked at one of these clubs to make ends meet and because child care was too expensive, she brought Birdie to work. Perhaps it is the childish need for familiarity that made Birdie return to a place like this. There is a solidarity to be found in these supposedly seedy places.
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She’s still glaring in the direction of the asshole, even after he’s long gone. She’s not like Selena, effortlessly graceful, effortlessly affable in a field of annoyances. Birdie still has yet to learn how to let go. “Do I have to turn in an application? I don’t have an ID.” One that wouldn’t get her arrested at least. Her hands curl into fists. But that can be remedied, can’t it? The underbelly of Seoul has a way of making the impossible possible if you look in the right places. “...I’ll throw rocks at all of them. I don’t care if they get mad at me, they deserve it.”
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thethirdtriplet · 11 months
Title: Mentor Tim
It was meant to be a simple mission.
Is what Red Robin was told, when he was summoned to the watchtower, and asked to intervene on a mission gone wrong, a mission that was meant to be handled by a bunch of teenagers, and while Tim wasn’t much of a fan of the justice league (maybe he was still salty about the whole not believing Bruce was alive thing, which was years ago, but his therapist said it was healthy to admit how you feel about things and people, so yeah he was still salty) and preferred taking on missions assigned from the Titans, he couldn’t not agree to the mission when he heard of the team that was assigned.
Young Justice.
Tim wasn’t aware there was even a Young Justice team still operational, as the hero community kept growing so has the number of sidekicks, he assumed all teens and sidekicks became teen titans, but then why would anyone dump their kids in Young Justice? With the team’s… eccentric reputation, Tim doubted it would ever be operational again.
That was until he read their files himself.
Name: Leonard.
Age: 15
Hero name: Iron knight.
Nationality: Irish.
Skin colour: Pale white.
Hair colour: Red.
Eye colour: Brown.
The ability to harden his body into a metallic texture.
Name: Keith.
Age: 16
Hero name: Ronin.
Nationality: Japanese, American.
Skin colour: White.
Hair colour: Black.
Eye colour: Black
Trained samurai from birth.
Name: Peter.
Age: 14
Hero name: Void.
Nationality: British.
Skin colour: White.
Hair colour: Blonde.
Eye colour: Blue.
The ability to create portals.
Name: Nickolas.
Age: 16
Hero name: Magus.
Nationality: French, American.
Skin colour: White.
Hair colour: Brown.
Eye colour: Green.
Magic user.
Name: Mateo.
Age: 15
Hero name: Surge.
Nationality: Mexican, American.
Skin colour: Tan skin.
Hair colour: Black.
Eye colour: Brown.
The ability to absorb high amounts of energy, and redirect it.
Name: Sofia.
Age: 15
Hero name: Ghost.
Nationality: Italian.
Skin colour: Pale White.
Hair colour: Brown.
Eye colour: Hazel.
The ability to turn invisible, and walk through walls.
Name: Amara.
Age: 13
Hero name: Whisper.
Nationality: Russian.
Skin colour: Pale White.
Hair colour: Blonde.
Eye colour: Grey.
Trained assassin from birth.
Name: Amber.
Age: 15
Hero name: Blaze.
Nationality: American.
Skin colour: White
Hair colour: Brown. (Dyed orange at the ends)
Eye colour: Brown.
The ability to create flames.
Those were probably the driest files Tim’s ever read, he knows supervillains with files less vague than these, so he had to do more research himself, reading into more personal details about each member it wasn’t hard to realise that each kid had their own issues, issues apparently no one was interested in dealing with, because the kids had no official mentor, they had been trained for some time from different leaguers, but that’s it.
Black canary has been working with them for some time now, for hand to hand combat, and as a licensed therapist, but there’s only so much she can do for those kids, seeing as most of them had been mistreated their whole lives, mostly by adults, it wouldn’t be surprising for them to be mistrustful.
That’s how Tim found himself, on a jet (that may or may not be the batjet, just don’t tell Bruce), headed to help those kids with their mission.
Once he arrived at the warehouse, he observed the situation from above, through a skylight, and watched as disaster unfolded right before his eyes. The kids were incredibly uncoordinated, some were arguing amongst themselves, while others seemed as though they had no understanding of the word teamwork, just when the goons they were meant to be fighting began to get the upper hand, did Tim join the fight.
His appearance halted most, if not all movement from both sides of the fight, he used that to his advantage and struck the men, taking them down one by one, as he shouted commands for the young teens to follow. Once the young heroes realised he wasn’t a threat, they took action almost immediately, following through on his instructions religiously.
As the last goon was zip-tied, Red Robin was approached by one of the teens, Surge (Mateo).
“Uhh.. Red Robin, ..sir?” Asked the boy
“Yes, Surge?”
“W-what are you doing here?”
“I was asked by the justice league to intervene on your mission, seeing as you weren’t able to complete it yourselves.” Red Robin replied Non-condescendingly.
Blaze (Amber) scoffed and said “As if the Justice League cared.”
Red Robin’s attention was turned to her as he spoke “What do you mean by that?”
As if opening a can of soda that’s been shaken too much, she spoke with relentless fury “Well if they cared, really cared they’d show it, wouldn’t they!? They’re not even pretending to care at this point! Heck the only leaguer we talk to regularly is Black Canary, but that’s for hand to hand and therapy, other than that no one comes around unless they have to, and even when they do, they don’t even bother hiding the fact that they’d rather be anywhere else if it meant they wouldn’t have to deal with us!” By the end of her tirade, she was trembling, with hatred, anger and…hurt..
“You’re right” the words left his mouth before his mind even registered he was speaking, not that his words weren’t true.
( The scene before him, of a group of children that felt abandoned, neglected and lonely, came from a very familiar play )
The atmosphere shifted as all eyes landed on Red Robin, as he spoke, he knew they were listening to his words ( it wasn’t everyday that someone actually understood you, as a teenager, let alone an adult ), “You’re right, the Justice League, has wronged, mistreated and neglected you, in more ways than just training, they’ve failed to acknowledge your presence, despite your need of proper guidance” no one spoke so he continued, “That is a mistake on their end, no yours, and so, it shouldn’t be you who suffers in the end. That wouldn’t be fair to you” silence still echoed as no one dared interrupt him, “I will bring this up with the league as soon as I return to the Watchtower.” (Is it just him or did he sound a little bit ‘adulty’? His therapist would be so proud).
His eyes soften and so did his voice as he took in the sight of the tired worn out teenagers, before him, “But for now I should take you all back to your headquarters, you seem like you need you need a nice hot meal, a warm shower and a good nights sleep, you’ve sure as hell earned it”. The kids seemed taken aback by his suggestion, as if they hadn’t expected him to suggest what he did, but none of them objected. Void (peter), spoke, “The Justice League sent us an automated jet, to get us here”, he was rubbing the back of his neck with his hands, “We don’t really know how to get back...?" He added awkwardly. “No worries, my jet is big enough to fit all of you just fine” said Tim, smugly. “Is that so? Is your jet that big?” Ronin (Keith), asked curious. “That depends, have any of you seen a Bat-jet before?”, Tim swore he could see stars in their -masked- eyes.
Mount Justice -apparently their base of operations- is in mint condition, thankfully (he was going to have words with the league if it wasn’t), looking around it’s obvious the kids haven’t been comfortable enough to mess around with the place (he’ll have to change that).
In a way it’s quite nostalgic, to walk around in his old h.q., though there’s still a few differences compared to back then, Like the brood of ducklings kids that are currently staring at him. “So.. are you guys gonna order something, or does one of you know how to cook?” Asked Tim, “Some of us can cook just fine, but we’re too tired to do so, sir” Magus (Nickolas) spoke, evidently wary in the presence of an adult, but still attempting to be polite.
“Y’know I could just order something for you guys.”, suggested Tim, “No, no need we can order for ourselves just fine.” replied Iron knight (Leonard), “I insist. Tell me what you’re in the mood for, pastas, burgers, pizza?” Once he noticed them perk up at the mention of pizza, he began to scroll through the numbers on his phone, searching for that one pizza place he liked as a teen (the one he used to order from, for the team, man he missed those idiots, he should reach out to them soon).
“Are you sure, sir? There’s no need for you to order for us.” Questioned Ghost (Sofia), “Yes, I’m sure, what toppings do you guys want?”, they suggested he order only one pizza with no toppings, which he immediately shut down, and even threatened to choose the toppings himself (“Do you want me to put pineapples on your pizza’s? Don’t test me, now choose.”), once almost everyone chose the topping for their own pizza, he turned to the only occupant of the room that hadn’t spoken, “And what about you, Whisper, what do you want?”, the girl in question -who had been observing him, silently for quite some time now, is she assessing whether or not he’s a threat?- Peter spoke for her “Uhh.. She can’t talk, she’s mute..”, “Black Canary’s brought her a few teachers for a while, but she didn’t like them much, so she stopped showing up to lessons after a while.” Mateo added.
The hesitant-comfortable atmosphere they’ve had for some time now almost broke, as all the teens looked to him, as if gaging his reaction, all in defensive stances (Tim had to hand it to them, for being willing to defend their teammate, against someone who was probably way out of their league), calmly, he spoke “No worries, I know a bit of sign myself”, “Though, I am a bit rusty” he added, bashfully.
Hesitantly, Amara lifted her hand to finger spell ‘C h e s e’, “Oh, just cheese, sure.” said Tim, the once tense atmosphere returned to it’s semi-calmness, as the teens sighed in relief, (seriously, what did they expect him to do, judge her?).
Tim stayed with the team, up until the food arrived, they were all lounging in the ‘living room’ (it was just a big circular area, that connected all the rooms together, that you had to pass to enter a bedroom, it had couches and sofas), Tim observed the teens, as they helped themselves, with their pizzas, some even opted to shed a few items of clothing, while others, changed out of their costumes completely, politely they began a bit of small talk to pass the time as they waited the foods arrival, at some point the topic of hero’s came up, which then somehow led to a very heated discussion as to which hero could take down who.
Tim -Red Robin at the moment- who had spent an ungodly amount of time analysing various hero’s, old and new, their fighting styles, their abilities, strengths and weaknesses, and has written contingencies for most, if not all of them, was more than happy to share his findings. Especially since they seemed so interested in the topic, and whatever Tim -Red Robin- had to say about the heroes? Well, Who was he to deny their curiosity.
He knew he made the right call, when it got the kids comfortable in his presence.
(Was he gossiping with a bunch of teens over heroes who are basically his coworkers? Yes. Yes, he was.)
“No way, Wonder Woman, is the best superhero, period” said Peter.
“Really? You think she’d win against Superman?” Asked Leonard, curiously.
“The Superman?” Questioned Sofia.
“What say you, Red?” Asked Keith.
Red Robin, or “Red” as they’ve taken to calling him, answered, “I’m with Void on this one.” Tim didn’t miss the way he basically preened at his words, “I’m pretty sure she can kick any leaguers ass, any day.”
“Even Batman..?” Asked Mateo, in a hushed tone, as if just speaking his name would summon him (it was amusing, but understandable).
“What do you think his contingencies are for?” Replied Red, with a Smirk.
“Isn’t he.. I don’t know, your boss or something” Asked Nickolas, confused.
“I like to think I’m my own boss, thanks” replied Tim. (He may, or may not get bullied into visiting the manor, regularly, by various members of the Batfamily, no one needs to know that, though.)
“What?” Asked Tim, when he noticed the sudden silence.
“Huh.” Said Amber, as if a realization had just dawned on her “You’re actually way cooler than I thought you’d be.”.
“Gee, thanks.” Deadpanned Tim.
“She is not wrong.” At Tim’s raised eyebrow, Keith elaborated, “All the leaguers we have met so far were not interested in our wellbeing.”
“Yeah, they’d just complete whatever task they have, with us, and just leave.” Nickolas added.
“I don’t remember if any of them ever asked if we were tired or hungry. Unlike you.” Sofia continued.
“None of them ever stayed long enough to even speak to us.” said Leonard.
“And when they did, we couldn’t have normal conversations like this one, all we did was have a mission debriefing.” spoke Peter.
“Or we wouldn’t say anything at all, incase we say something.. offensive in any way.” Finished Amber.
Amara simply nodded.
Tim felt his blood boil (is that a thing? Whatever, it didn’t matter as long as it described just how furious he was) “Is that so..?”
Tim kept processing their words, even as they transgressed onto another subject, though, he knew he couldn’t stay long, so he bid them farewell, to head back to the Watchtower -via zeta tube- and tried not to let their disappointment affect him (with what he has in mind, for them, their dissatisfaction with his departure won’t last long), he had a few senior league members to speak with about an adoption a mentorship request.
And he couldn’t wait a second longer.
It took some getting used to, Tim will have to admit, for him and the team (his team now), to get used to their new relationship, as mentor and mentees.
The sudden announcement of his now mentorship over the teens, was made only a week after his hangout stay with the team, (it would have taken longer, had he not urged the senior league members to officiate it, and if he made a few, mild, harmless threats, to insure the job was done properly, Batman would be blamed for teaching him how to in-list fear), it did surprise the teens a bit, still, they took the news with stride (whether that was because they’ve never had an official mentor before, and were eager, or that they genuinely liked Red Robin, Tim isn’t sure).
Tim would like to point out, that they’ve made significant progress, in the last two months they’ve been working together.
They’re actually brilliant students, fast learners, always ready to try out a new training program, any chance they get, they soak up any knowledge he offers, like little sponges. They try to follow his teachings without fail, and even trust him when on missions, enough to let him lead them. They look to him for guidance when they need him, and he tries to always be there, to help (and maybe that’s what strengthened their new bond, the fact that he tries to be there, especially when they need him).
It wasn’t always as easy, not in the beginning, no. They liked him, Tim was sure of that, but liking someone doesn’t necessarily mean you trust them. Trust was something meant to be earned, not given. Tim had earned the right, to be trusted.
They trust him enough to act themselves around him. And just as they had gotten comfortable with him, did he realize why they were placed in YJ. He knew deep down, the reason stemmed from their traumatic backstories, strange powers, and ‘behavioral issues’ (talking back, is not a behavioral issue, fuck whoever wrote that in Amber’s file), Seeing as the team’s former members were regarded as “nutcases” by the media, it was a no wonder they would be placed there in the first place. Not that the kids tried proving anyone wrong (“Why waste time trying to show someone who you are, when they have already made up their mind, about you?” Those were the wise words of Keith, a young boy forced to mature faster than most teenagers, Tim could relate).
They were skilled, skilled boys and girls, using their gifts for good, to do good, and be good. They shouldn’t be criticized for being good. Just because they were.. creative with their skills, did he mention that? They’re incredibly creative with their skills, the stunts they pull would bring his old teams shenanigans to shame:
“How did you guys manage to burn and flood a building at the same time?!-”
Sometimes, he couldn’t help but wonder, why?
“-Is- is the building crumbling?! How did you do that?-”
Other times, he can’t help but wonder, how?
“Why in the world did you guys think this was a good idea, Surge?”
“Do you remember that one mission we did last week, when we discovered a secret lab, full of animals that were being experimented on?” Questioned, the boy.
“Yes, I do. But, what does that have to do with this?”
“We found out who owned that lab.”
The building -A Lexcorp building, mind you- blows up, promptly, after his admission.
“Void! I thought we told you to be careful with those!” admonishes, Blaze.
“My Bad!” apologized, Void.
“Ahh, I see, carry on.” Dismissed, Red Robin.
What? Yeah, so maybe he isn’t any better than they are, and he is might be the adult that’s in charge of them, But, who is he to stop them from doing their jobs, as hero’s?
And they’re applying what he taught them, in the field?
He couldn’t be any prouder.
“What’s going on here?” A new voice, interrupted his and Surge’s conversation. A new but familiar voice, actually. One that belongs to a certain Kryptonian.
Red Robin, and his students, that came up to him, not long after the building Burst to flames, turned around to witness Superboy (Conner Kent) descent from the skies, along with Wondergirl (Cassandra Sandmark), followed by Impulse (Bartholomew Allen) on land.
“Hey Rob!” Bart waved his hand so quickly, it fazed.
“Really, Rob, we leave you alone, to go on a mission off-planet, only to find out you’ve become a teacher?” Chides Cassie, fondly. Then, she states “And here I thought we were friends” putting a hand on her chest, were her heart is, feigning hurt.
“And look, he’s already causing trouble with them.” Conner points out, Bart adds “It’s like we don’t even know you anymore.” while wiping away a fake tear.
“Haha, very funny, you guys.” Deadpans Tim, though secretly amused.
“If you’re done with the theatrics.” He sends them a pointed look, before gesturing to the.. starstruck kids next to him (?), “Allow me to introduce to you, the newest Young Justice members.”
This was probably going to be the beginning of something beautiful, or incredibly disastrous… meh, he’ll let the universe decide, and just go with the flow.
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 2 years
the call of the canary and the crow
the call of the canary and the crow https://ift.tt/17xfsE5 by woepond Castiel, covered in blood and mud, looked at Dean like he was all he had in the world. Tears hung at the corners of his eyes yet the blissful, tired smile stayed on his face. “Dean, if not having my name pulled meant I'd be safe and you'd be here without me, then I’d volunteer ten times over to be at your side, time and time again. I will not let you die alone because I love you.” - Supernatural / Hunger Games fic Words: 9355, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005), Hunger Games Trilogy - Suzanne Collins, Hunger Games Series - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Bobby Singer, Amara (Supernatural), Rowena MacLeod, Crowley (Supernatural), Lucifer (Supernatural), Gabriel (Supernatural), God | Chuck Shurley, John Winchester, Jack Kline Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Hunger Games, Quarter Quell, Castiel and Dean Winchester Have a Profound Bond, Castiel and Dean Winchester Need to Use Their Words, Fighting for their lives, strong hunter dean, weak librarian castiel, everyone is aged down to fit the hunger games theme, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Cas and Dean are soulmates, death and sadness but obv cas and dean live, president lucifer morningstar btw via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/9JEa2T1 February 21, 2023 at 05:06AM
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ouyander · 1 year
Gros scandale sexuel ! 3 joueurs du Real Madrid arrêtés par la police. Le Real Madrid est secoué par un gros scandale sexuel qui s’est soldé par l’arrestation de trois de ses joueurs, selon les informations de El Confidencial. Gros scandale sexuel : 3 joueurs du Real Madrid arrêtés par la police Ismaila Diagne, ce Sénégalais de 16 ans du Real Madrid fait la Une de la presse en Espagne La source ne précise pas de nom. Mais, il s’agirait de deux joueurs de l’équipe réserve et d’un de l’équipe C. Les joueurs de l’équipe première pourraient être impliqués, selon El Confidencial. Al Nassr vs Istiklol Sadio Mané pas convoqué par son coach → A LIRE AUSSI Séisme au Maroc : Le geste fort du Real Madrid envers le jeune orphelin passé à la télé avec le maillot du club A l’origine de cette affaire, une plainte déposée, le 06 septembre dernier, à Mogan (îles Canaries) par la mère d’une des supposées victimes. Championnats du monde des malentendants le Sénégal en demi-finale → A LIRE AUSSI Transfert : La pépite sénégalaise Amara Diouf (15 ans) dans le viseur du Real Madrid La mère de la mineur aurait également indiqué aux enquêteurs que sa fille aurait été filmée par les agresseurs, selon la même source. 3 joueurs du Real Madrid arrêtés par la police Gros scandale sexuel → A LIRE AUSSI Transfert : Un international sénégalais courtisé par le Real Madrid (Mundo Deportivo)
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Captain Lance + her legit children
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gwynrielendgame · 3 years
Sad nessian part 3
Nyx pov
This is not a super popular fanfic of mine but I had this written (truly it is not edited) but I hate leaving anyone hanging so this is for you! @haepaw
Nyx loved pissing off his father. Even at the young age of 137 (young in fae years) Nyx found any excuse to disobey his father, including participating in underground fighting rings. He wouldn't lie, he also liked the boost to his ego his undefeated title gave him, but mostly he did it because his father told him not too.
"Remind me why I come to this again? Mom would kick all of our asses if she knew about this." Velaris grumbled from her seat next to them. Nyx's two younger sisters came to these fights with him. They always said it was because they didn't want him hurting himself, but he thought part of them wanted to disobey their father as well.
"Mom won't find out." Violet rolled her purple eyes- the only one to receive that trait from their father. "And because we can't let him get killed. It would be terrible for the night court's image."
They all sat side by side on a bench, waiting for the next fight to begin. Nyx was fighting someone new tonight and he was excited about it. He was tired of easily defeating the same fighters every week. He began to wrap his hands while his oldest sister, Velaris, continued to ramble.
"I'm a terrible liar." She groaned. "One look from Azriel and I'll jabber like a canary. I cannot believe I have managed to keep it a secret this long. I have to avoid everyone for at least a day after. Ugh why must you be on a mission to piss off dad at least every five seconds. Could you not try getting along for moth-" Thankfully Velaris was cut off by the announcer. Nyx jumped to his feet, hopping from one foot to the other as his fight was about to start. He began walking to the ring when Violet called out.
"Good luck."
"I don't need it." He sent her a cocky smile before stepping on the mat. He cracked his neck then looked at his opponent. It was a female- Illyrian by the looks of her wings. He was surprised to find they were not clipped. As much as his father tried to put a stop to the outdated practice, most females found themselves being clipped at some point anyways. She was beautiful, almost looked familiar to him. He felt as though he knew her, but at the same time knew he didn't. Her hair was pulled away from her face in a way that showed off her sharp cheekbones while her large eyes were hazel- a typical Illyrian trait. He was trying not to seem thrown off by the pretty female, however, that was much easier said than done. He had only fought one other female and she closely resembled a troll, so her looks had not played much of a factor. The female sent him a wicked smile before tapping both wrists. Illyrian armor began to cover every inch of her as seven, red siphons appeared. Nyx finally let his astonishment show. Not a single Illyrian female was awarded siphons. So how did she get seven of them?
"Where did you get those?" He narrowed his eyes at her. She didn't appear as thief's normally do. She also didn't appear to be a female to participate in an underground fighting ring, so perhaps his radar was off.
"I didn't steal them if that is what you are insinuating." That same coy smile graced her lips. Her voice was low for a females, but once again it sounded almost familiar to Nyx.
"Fight." The announcer sounded off, and the female was instantly a whirlwind of movement. Before Nyx could even reacted, she slammed her fist into his face.
"Fuck." After that stunningly powerful punch, Nyx focused himself into fight mode. He found it hard to keep up with the raven-haired female though. She was using a blend of fighting skills that Nyx was unfamiliar with, and he felt as though he was playing the game of catch-up the entire fight. He was always one step behind her.
"Come on, Nyx! That was pathetic." The oldest brother rolled his eyes at the shout that could only have come from Violet. It was not until the female back-handed Nyx that he realized she was toying with him. His face burned with embarrassment.
"Fucking fight. No need to go easy on me." He grunted as he spit blood from his mouth. The female- he realized he did not listen when the announcer said her name- laughed. She was bruised up pretty badly herself, but Nyx knew it was nothing compared to how he looked. Her siphons flared brightly.
"Aww. Poor High lord's son. Has anyone ever fought you with all their strength?" She stuck out her bottom lip in a pout to continue to tease the male. It struck a chord with him though. He was tired of being babied. He was the oldest son of the two most powerful fae in Pyrinthian and heir to the night court-dammit. He suddenly realized why he liked this fight so much though, she had gone harder on him than anyone else ever had- except for his dead cousin. It fueled him to fight harder. He threw out a fist that connected with her temple. She was definitely seeing stars from the way she stumbled. He guessed she was not expecting that. It had Nyx snickering. She returned with a few well placed jabs that the male knew would be sore in the morning.
"You look Familiar. Do I know you?" Nyx found himself saying as they circled one another. They were both breathing heavy at this point.
"No. Might know my sister though." She threw a kick that connected with Nyx's head. His body splayed out on the ground as he groaned. She did not let up. She sent punch after punch to his face while locking his arms down with her legs. He knew the knockout punch was coming, and so did she because her mouth was by his ear as she whispered.
"Tell Rhysand that Amara sends her regards." His eyes did not even have time to widen before she knocked him out. His last thought revolved around Amara.
Amara was dead and had been for 37 years.
When Nyx finally came too, his sisters pounced on him instantly.
"Oh thank the cauldron! I had no idea what we were going to tell mom and dad if you did not wake up within the next thirty minutes." Velaris practically screeched. He realized then that he was in his room, laying in his bed. Both Velaris and Violet were sitting on the end of it staring him down.
"What happened?" He groaned. Last thing he remembered was the mystery female telling him something about his dead cousin. Violet snorted.
"You lost dumbass. Velaris and I had to fly you to the house of wind by ourselves after you refused to wake up. She knocked you out cold." That would explain why his head was pounding. Fuck, she destroyed him.
"Yeah and you are heavy as shit." Velaris felt the need to chip in. He rolled his eyes before sitting up.
"Did either of you manage to catch her name?" It was impossible for her to be Amara. He remembered what Amara looked like and it was not that. Though, now that he thought about it, he realized why she looked so familiar. She looked similar to Amara. Perhaps a sister? Not impossible, but severely unlikely. His aunt Nesta struggled to conceive any children the entire time he knew her.
"I think it was Elle something? They did not announce it like normal, but I overheard someone call her that." Velaris answered while beginning to look over his injuries, her blue-grey eyes a mask of concern. Nothing seemed to hurt quite as bad as his head.
"I think I could sleep for three hundred years." He muttered.
"Good thing we have dinner at the house in thirty minutes." Violet chirped up. She was looking way too perky for someone who just watched their brother get the shit beat out of him.
"There's no way I'm going to that." He fell back in his bed and pulled the covers over his face once Velaris was done with his exam.
"Too bad." Violet replied in a sing-song voice. "Mom said she had something important to share with us and I am putting money down that she is pregnant again." Velaris groaned.
"She better not be. I am much too young to be taking care of their child while they galavant off to gods knows where." The oldest of the high lord's daughters had always taken on a motherly role. Even though, Nyx was five years her senior, she found herself babysitting both Nyx and Violet more often than not growing up.
"You better get your ass up, so Velaris can cover those bruises with makeup- wouldn't want to keep mother waiting." The younger sister strolled out of the bedroom, her purple dress sashaying behind her.
Nyx did not know how to broach the conversation about Amara. There was no sly or subtle way to insert it into the conversation. He did not want to discuss it at all, however, he felt this was too important to keep from his parents. They all sat around the dinner table while discussing very unimportant matters. Mor and Velaris were squabbling excitedly about something, Gwyn and Azriel were discussing daggers with Violet, and Feyre and Rhysand were murmuring quietly amongst each other. Only Nyx remained silent. That was enough to catch his mother's attention apparently.
"What troubles you, Nyx?" Feyre's eyes brimmed with concern for her oldest son. He was hardly ever quiet, usually deciding to pick a fight with his father.
"There is no way Amara could be alive right?" He spit out. The silence the befell the room was deafening. His mother's concerned look turned to a sharp one- almost a glare while his father ground his teeth together. Both his sisters gave him a look. A look to say shut up before it is too late. Mor finally spoke up after almost five minutes of silence.
"Amara is dead. I saw Koschei kill her myself. We all did." He looked toward the beautiful female. Unshed tears glistened in her eyes.
"Why do you ask, son?" His mother responded in a defeated tone. He did not mean to cause all of this, but apparently time had not lessened the pain of her death.
"I met a female." He started. Both his sisters' eyes widened as though they thought he was going to out all of them. They clearly did not need to add underground fighting rings to the list of things that will piss off mom and dad tonight. He also did not miss the look that Gwyn and Azriel shared. "She said to tell you," he gave his father a pointed look. "That Amara sends her regards." His father's eyes narrowed as he scrutinized his son. Rhysand wanted to make sure this was not another ploy to piss him off.
"What was her name?" Feyre interrupted her mate before he could say anything. Nyx began to shift in his seat uncomfortably. Clearly he should have kept his mouth shut.
"Elle something? I did not catch all of it. She looked like Amara. I mean she looks different than her, but similar enough that maybe they are sisters?" Nyx suggested. He watched as his mother and father shared a meaningful look.
"Who is Amara?" Violet had the courage to ask. She was much braver than Nyx. If their positions were switched, he would have kept his mouth shut. He always forgot that Violet was born the year after Amara died. While Velaris was only five years younger than him, Violet was one hundred and one years his junior. She was practically an infant in fae years at only thirty six years old. Technically, fae reached full maturity at twenty-five years, but when you live an immortal life, thirty-six seems young.
"Your cousin." Feyre whispered. Nyx's attention was caught by Azriel's shadows that were clearly hard at work. They were moving around much more than they had been earlier, indicating they were on a mission for information.
"I did not know Aunt Elain had another child." Violet offered to ease the tension. It only seemed to make it worse though.
"She does not." Their mother began. She finally set her silverware down and pushed her plate away. As if she knew that she would be unable to eat anything else for the rest of the night. Her voice was filled with such sorrow and regret that Nyx wished he never brought it up. If only to avoid hearing his mother sound that way. "I have another sister, Nesta. She is mated to Cassian, who I am sure you have seen pictures of around the house. She struggled to have children and when Amara died, it destroyed her. She blamed all of us and denounced us as family. We have not heard from her since."
"Do not leave out why she blames you." Gwyn snapped. It was the first she had said since Amara had been brought up. She was clenching her knife tightly. A stray shadow wrapped around her wrist causing the mates to have some sort of silent conversation.
"She blames all of us because of me." Rhysand finally admitted. Not even Nyx knew the whole story and Amara was his best friend at the time. Nyx sat at the edge of his seat, anxious to finally hear what happened to his cousin.
"I sent Amara on a mission she was not prepared for. She was captured by Koschei and killed in front of Nesta and Cassian, killed in front of all of us." His father's voice was tense- for obvious reasons, but he could see the hurt behind his eyes. Nyx could see the pain his father felt about the role he played in Amara's demise. "Your mother and I thought Amara was immortal- more so than the rest of us anyways. Nesta had great power that was passed to Amara and it manifested in such a powerful way that we assumed she was more immune to death. We were wrong. Nesta was a dangerous female with unknown power. She had threatened to take your life, Nyx, in retribution for the role I played. Cassian, himself, threatened to kill me. However, when the opportunity presented itself, the mates left and have yet to return. I suppose Nesta being pregnant at the time would explain why neither of them have sought revenge after all this time."  Rhysand let out a long, contemplative sigh at the end of his explanation. Nyx was more than a little shocked to discover his favorite Aunt had threatened to kill him. He was devastated by her disappearance especially since no one would explain why they left. He found it hard to believe that his uncle Cassian would allow his mate to do something so drastic, but perhaps grief makes monsters of us all.
"Befriend the female, Nyx." His father suddenly demanded. His tone changing from one of grief and regret to his commanding High Lord voice. Nyx found it grating. "Many fae learned of Amara's demise. Someone could be trying to trick us. Best to keep the enemy close, yes?" Rhysand lifted an eyebrow at his son. The entire table knew that Nyx could not disobey the High Lord command. They also knew he would try his damnedest to piss off his father.
"And what if she is Nesta and Cassian's daughter? What then?" Nyx held his breathe as his father contemplated.
"Then we kidnap her and hope the couple will hear us out before killing the entire city of Velaris."
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laufire · 3 years
Various Supernatural icons (46 in total) from Carver’s era (pt. IV, season 11, set 1 of 3).
Do not edit them or claim as your own. Like/reblog if you use them or save them. Credit is appreciated. More on my icons page.
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[11x01. Amara looks ominously over her shoulder.]
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[11x02. Billie’s introduction. We see her profile while she has an amused expression.]
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[11x02. Crowley dressed as a priest, smiling with a teacup on one hand.]
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[11x02. Hannah releases Castiel from his chains, the two of them face to face with Castiel still wounded.]
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[11x02. Angels put a metal device around Castiel’s head to torture him.]
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[11x03. Rowena with her hair up, wearing a red dress, trying to recruit witches.]
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[11x03. Castiel with a sad expression, with a blanket around his shoulders.]
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[11x03. Rowena in a restaurant, looking exasperated.]
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[11x03. Demon Nanny played by Tasya Teles smiling down at Amara.]
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[11x03. Dean sprawled on the floor wearing a Hawaiian shirt and sunglasses.]
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[11x03. Sam stops Rowena -who’s wearing sunglasses and a blond wig- from spelling Dean.]
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[11x03. Rowena, in her blonde wig and sunglasses, smiling at Sam when he handcuffes her.]
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[11x03. Rowena, exasperated, with her wrist in chains in the bunker’s dungeon.]
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[11x03. Rowena smiling up, self-satisfied.]
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[11x03. Rowena calmly smirking and performing a spell with Sam pointing a gun right at her head.]
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[11x03. Dean on his knees, looking up at Castiel, who had just been beating him up under the influence of a spell.]
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[11x03. Castiel gazing at Dean while the latter craddles Castiel’s face in his hands.]
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[11x03. Dean refusing Castiel’s help to heal him from his own beating, saying they’re even after Dean beat him up before.]
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[11x06. Crowley waiting for teenager!Amara to come home, doing the whole routine of sitting next to a lamp to dramatically turn it on at the right moment.]
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[11x08. Sam and Dean in cardigans and ties, disguised as child psychologists for a case.]
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[11x08. Sully, Sam’s imaginary friend when he was a kid, smiling at him with a bag tied to a stick over his shoulders.]
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[11x09. Rowena with her hair down and wearing a light golden dress, giving a calculating side-eye.]
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[11x09. Amara inside a church, with glass windows behind her illuminating her, looking up.]
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[11x09. Rowena with a bored expression, resting her head on one fist, that wrist chained.]
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[11x09. Rowena, frustrated, showing how the chains limit her movements.]
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[11x09. A close-up to Rowena smiling, the cuffs barely visible.]
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[11x09. Rowena smiling like the cat who got the canary.]
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[11x09. Amara with her hands on Dean’s chest, their lips almost touching, while both of them have their eyes closed.]
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[11x09. Amara looking at the sky in awe when the angels prepared an attack against her, thinking it was God finally paying attention for a moment.]
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[11x09. Crowley and Rowena side by side watching Sam speak with Lucifer.]
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[11x09. Close-up to Sam’s horrified expression when he ends up inside the cage with Lucifer.]
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[11x10. Crowley, in Rowena’s dream, wearing a child’s pijamas next to a Christmas tree, showing off a Sam funko pop.]
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[11x10. Close-up to Sam’s funko pop. He’s wearing a blue shirt, a red jacket, and jeans.]
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[11x10. Rowena smiling, with a red reindeer nose and a reindeer diadem. *current icon!]
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[11x10. Rowena, with the same light golden dress but now with her hair up, smiling after her ruse to help Lucifer is discovered.]
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[11x10. Castiel examining Dean’s mouth, telling her to stick out his tongue.]
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[11x10. Amara craddling Castiel’s face with one hand.]
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[11x10. Close-up to Billie resting her chin in the palm of her hand.]
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[11x10. Rowena with a smug expression and a cup of tea on her hand.]
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[11x10. Sam’s expression when he tells Lucifer “no”.]
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[11x10. Castiel showing how Amara has carved the words “I AM COMING” in his chest.]
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[11x10. Castiel looking up at Lucifer, agreeing to be possessed by him.]
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[11x10. Rowena’s face behind flames, with a chain around her neck.]
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[11x10. Rowena whispering on Crowley’s ear why she hates him (because otherwise she’d love him, and love is weakness), upon his request while she’s spelled to obey him.]
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[11x10. Rowena with tears in her eyes and a chain around her neck.]
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[11x10. Lucifer in Castiel’s body, seemingly about to kiss Rowena, who has her eyes closed.]
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lunavadash-creates · 3 years
Woah Babe! I am in awe seeing your Altair in Sims! How is it even possible? Did you create him with the help of some skins? His clothes are not that bad! I have seen worse. Have you made Amara too? I don’t remember when I played Sim last time! I got a new computer so I can finally do anything on it. I thought about buying Sims 4, because of their latest expansion pack. Like.. Imagine having a cow! But in the end I bought The Witcher games, because I have never played them and I enjoyed the books and soundtracks. To be honest, The Witcher soundtracks are my favorite amongst other game soundtracks and if you didn’t pay attention to music I can recommend you many fantastic songs!
My first thought at your story was.. You were attacked by what?! It took me a few moments to process how it was even possible. Think of it bears are not popular “animal mascots” if I can put it like that. But then it made me extremely sad. Bear on a chain leash. I know the story is exciting on its own but the thought that people are this cruel to animals makes me want to cry. I understand your aversion tho. It must have been a really scary experience, especially because you were a kid then!
Bulgaria! I have never been there, but I would love to. They are known for their rose cosmetics and I love its scent! How many times have you been there already? What makes you love this country this much?
Turkey is beautiful! I have been there and it was an incredible experience! If I had the opportunity I would go back there without a second thought, so if you ever have the opportunity to visit this country - GO! Egypt? Maybe it’s because I had really high expectations, but it disappointed me a lot. It’s dirty, people are pushy. But the coral reef is worth seeing! For sharing adventures I can say that I almost had a heart attack and collision with a sea turtle!
As for my travel plans - I have a lot! I don’t know if I could ever make it to some places tho! I would love to see Japan too! Since I remember I've wanted to go to Takarazuka theatre! For sure I would love to go back to Iceland. And I will go back, even if it were my last and only one journey. I am in love with this country with all my heart! And I am hyping over it as much as over my dog lol. I love hot weather, even when it is extreme for most people. But if I have to choose, I would choose to see the Arctic and Scandinavia. To see northern lights. To see milky way once again. And maybe go to Labrador Peninsula and find labradorite stone of my own! And Costa Rica just to go to Territorio de Zaguates and adopt all the dogs. Eh, some dreams have to remain just dreams.
Is there something particular you want to see in countries you would like to visit one day?
As for spicy food - I admire such skill! I guess you like spicy food and spicy content <winks>
Heavens, I can’t believe I respond to all messages! Sorry for divide our conversation into so many threads!
I'm glad you like him! Yes, I have like 20GB of CC for sims 3. Skins, eyes, make-up, sliders, clothes, objects. I spend a long time on him, especially that HIS FACE. THERE IS NO PIC OF HIS FACE AS A WHOLE. So I used to picture of the Altair figure I found. Honestly, If they made Altair in modern graphic he would be the sexiest of them all. I used to have Amara too but I don't have a picture ;; But if you want I can make one for you! And I have a cow in sims3! And it gives chocolate milk! ANd in all honesty. I won't but sims 4 because... I'm waiting for sims 5 >.<
The Witcher series is really great tho I haven't played Witcher 3 yet. YET.
As for bear yeah, it was not too nice. Anyway. Yes, I love Bulgaria, I was there twice but I could go there anytime I love that place. Idk maybe it's the weather, the people, the food, the sea, maybe everything. It's just so amazing. I love it so much more than for example the Canary Islands. People there was rude ;;
OMG SEA TURTLE?! Amazing! Tbh I don't really want to go to Egypt anymore. I used to want to go but I'm a bit afraid. But turkey! I think ill go there next year! Also funny thing. When I was in Albania I caught a sea turtle. I was like 14 I think and there was a turtle so I just... grabbed it. Took a photo, make people gasp and then let it go. I hope he's still alive and well ;; KNifeeeeyyyy. I love your plans and gods you are so amazing. I honestly wish you will visit all those places and one day tell me about them! I think that except Japan I also would love to see the northern lights and the milky ways. It sounds so nice when you're talking about it. I would be more than happy to see it with my own eyes. Also maybe you want to visit bunny island in japan? It's called Okunoshima. Yes, I love spicy in my life :D I want to see rabbit island in Japan, the cherry tree alley, the key-hole graves and the museum. I want to see the famous things in china. Like the army and the Chinese wall also I want to see Chinese and Japanese festivals. I want to see Petersburg and Moscow in Russia, the ruins of Masyaf castle, the Pyramids... there are a lot of places, you know? Or ruins of the shrine of Quetzalcoatl. The world is such a fascinating place I want to see all creations of the great, ancient civilisations ;w; And I want to do to Budapest again! And the famous water part in Slovakia! Hbu Knifey? tell me more?
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hellhoundsprey · 4 years
SPN Kink Bingo 2020—hhp’s Masterpost
8 months. 25 squares. 100k of words. Big and small, soft and harsh.
A masterpost for you to handpick your sweets for the day. (Square - title - wordcount - ship - main tags) (Alternate view: the entire bingo on AO3.)
skinny dipping——only fools (673) weecest // trans!sam
f/f——If I Knew (1.3k) charlie/jo // SKYDUST!verse, top!charlie, bottom!jo
dom/sub——Canary (7.2k) J2, jared/others // dubcon, gangbang, cuckolding, top!jensen, bottom!jared
mirror sex——Betelgeuse (2.8k) wincest // deaged!dean, bottom!dean, top!sam
body modification——magnolia bloom (17.3k) wincest // underage, rape, a/b/o dynamics, alpha!sam, top!sam, omega!dean, bottom!dean, sadism, violence
barebacking——Brenthia Coronigera (1.7k) sevin // a/b/o dynamics, dubcon, stealthing, alpha!sam, top!sam, bottom!kevin, omega!kevin
mind control——The More You Know (4.3k) dean/jack/sam // sex curse, reality bending, mind control, jack has a magic vagina, bottom!jack, top!sam, top!dean, threesome, double penetration
pregnancy kink——barefoot (1.3k) sevin // a/b/o dynamics, pregnant sex, top!sam, aplha!sam, bottom!kevin, omega!kevin
plus size——Short Circuit (2.5k) J2 // bully!jared, chubby!jensen, nerd!jensen, top!jared, bottom!jensen
humiliation——and baby, my heart is blue (6.2k) wincest // rape, soulless!sam, top!sam, bottom!dean, sex magic, rough sex
caged/open back panties——cupid’s chokehold (2.4k) dean smith/justin smith // married couple, panties!kink
dirty talk——This Little Piggy Stayed Home (1.1k) alan ackles/jeffrey dean morgan // trggrfngr!verse, top!jeff, bottom!alan, humiliation
free space——kiss the ground you walk on (1.2k) jared/jeff // foot fetish, body worship, domestic boyfriends
gimp suit——apple sins (2.8k) alastair/dean // mind control, constructed reality, sensory deprivation
bathtub sex——deep blue (4.9k) sastiel // SKYDUST!verse, tentacles, dubcon, body horror, oviposition, top!cas, bottom!sam
office sex——believe it or not it’s just me (4.5k) destiel // accountant!cas, mechanic!dean, top!dean, bottom!cas
deep throating——Cherry Pie Lovers (583) amara/dean // domme!amara, sub!dean, strap-ons
filming sex——Devour (4.1k) jack/kevin/sam // college!AU, bottom!jack, bottom!kevin, top!sam, soulless!sam, dubcon, drunk sex
cuddling——ruin (677) drowley // demon!dean, top!dean, bottom!crowley, trans!crowley
puppy play——Playdate (857) alex/colin/misha // dom!misha, sub!colin, sub!alex
master/slave——I’ll Let You Know (4.5k) swesson // a/b/o dynamics, alpha!dean, alpha!sam, trans!sam, bottom!sam, top!dean, bondage, double penetration
breeding kink——Appetite (3.7k) sevin // space!AU, alien!sam, top!sam, bottom!kevin, trans!kevin, double penetration
skype sex——Drown Soda (14k) colin/jared, colin/jared/jensen // underage, grooming, video chat sex, coercion, puberty, child abuse, age difference
kink negotiation——Peacock (6.2k) J2, jared/jeff // age difference, dom/sub, possessive!jensen, top!jensen, bottom!jared
shower sex——i will have to ask you to leave, sir (2.9k) J2 // age difference, drunk sex, top!jensen, bottom!jared
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superspookyjanelle · 4 years
can i hear about the whole love potion crew?
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𝘗𝘴𝘺𝘤𝘩𝘦, also known as 𝘗𝘪𝘱𝘦𝘳 𝘚𝘮𝘪𝘵𝘩, is the 𝘎𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘬 𝘎𝘰𝘥𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘚𝘰𝘶𝘭. She has a rather long tragedy ridden past that is paired with cruel family and a toxic marriage. Pysche has telepathic and Empathic abilities as well as having abilities such as seeing people’s auras. The goddess no longer lives, nor does she associate, with the Greek gods or any other gods for that matter. It’s just, after everything that she went through with Eros and his mother ( Aphrodite ) put her through, she over the gods and their cruelty. Pysche now lives amongst all of the mortals and tries to hide her identity for the most part. Lastly, she is one of the biggest advocates for mental health due to her centuries of struggling with it and not having the proper care for it. Pysche has Depression, PTSD, Anxiety, and DID. Something else that should be mentioned about her DID ( Dissociative Identity Disorder ) is that all of her alters seemingly have different abilities when they take control of the system; It is unknown if this weird power separation was somehow caused by her mutant genes or rather something to do with how Hera and Zeus gave her godly physiology.
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It’s unclear when her first headmate came about, but, Pysche was certainly glad that she did. This is mainly because 𝘕𝘰𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘦, also know as𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘚𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘘𝘶𝘦𝘦𝘯, is this force of peace, love, and all round nurturing figure. She always comforted the girl when she was scared or uncomfortable. Noelle, like her name might suggest, has the ability to control and manipulate water (which is usually in the form of ice and snow). She also is one of the eldest out of the alters and tends to mother the rest.
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𝘓𝘢𝘶𝘳𝘢, also known as𝘝𝘢𝘮𝘱𝘳𝘢, is the second eldest of the alters and origin is also murky to this day. She is one of the positive and hopeful out of her headmates. She is undeniably strong and intelligent, while still begging down to earth. Her powers include things like that of animal control, blood bond, compulsion/ dream manipulation, invincibility, healing factor, immortality, enhanced senses, and speed. In a lot of ways, Laura exists in a vampire like state, but that doesn’t make her cold or cruel. Instead, it drives Laura to do good and be the good in the world. Although, this state does make her one of the more vulnerable of the alters and she tends to not take control much, unless it’s a dire situation that calls for her powers or she needs to protect them in a way that her other headmates can’t.
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𝘑𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘦, also known as𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘞𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘚𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘳, became known to Pysche shortly after the goddess was temporary taken by Hydra due to Wanda Maximoff ability to mess the mind. The alter shares a lot of characteristics and memories as the man, who’s motives are still murky to Pysche, saved her from Hydra’s torture and constant testing. Jamie abilities are exactly like that of other well known super soldier’s. Lastly, Jamie is probably the most defensive and protective alter in comparison to the rest of her headmates.
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𝘈𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘢, also known as𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘉𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘊𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘳𝘺, is the most cunning of all of her headmates as well as begging the one of the most mysterious and aloof of the alters. She doesn’t really tell them too much, but, is never the less caring and protecting of them all. Amara is very strategic, wise, courageous, and artistic. In a lot of ways, she is like Jamie, except she is also truthful, hopeful, emotional, and ambitious. Her powers include her famous canary cry, sound disruption, and she is very versatile when it comes to fighting.
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𝘌𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳, also know as 𝘍𝘪𝘳𝘦 𝘚𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘮, is the youngest out of the alters and that can often times by reflected in her personality. She can be described as helping, loyal, childish, spontaneous, immature, insecure, and is very fierce. Ember came about when Pysche had to go back to the place that her family left child her to be killed by a supposed beast. She has the ability of fires as well as begging able to make electricity. It is still unknown if she can do more.
Here you go, @witchofinterest !!
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stillresolved · 3 months
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amara bennett birdie. 21. fugitive. the canary.
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justjessame · 4 years
Put Me In Coach 5
I was typing out a text to both Eric AND Mary as Negan was entering the house. Fuck fuck fuck.
A buzz came as we stood for a moment in the foyer. I stopped Negan with a hand on his arm. “One second, please.” I pleaded, and he stood with me as I typed a reply to Eric’s triple question marked response.
NEGAN my house NOW.
As I held on to Negan’s arm, another vibration and looked down I smiled. “OK, let’s head in.” Before we could be seen through the doorway of the dining room the doorbell chimed again. “I’ll get it.” I offered, loud enough for Mom to hear and Negan shot me a look. “Come with me.”
Standing outside the door was the cavalry. “Eric,” I closed my eyes in gratitude for my best friend. “Mary.” I grinned at my other bestie. “Thank fucking GOD.” Negan was standing back staring at the three of us as we clustered together. We wouldn’t have long. Mom would wonder what was going on. She’d rush out and here we’d be, a clusterfuck of assholes. “Negan wants to meet Mom and Dad. Tonight.” I filled my best friends in as Negan stood there watching us with a combined look of discomfort and confusion.
“Wow, Coach,” Eric ran his gaze over Negan from top to bottom. “Balls of steel.” Fuck, don’t laugh, don’t fucking laugh. “Should have joined a fucking sport.” He muttered to himself, and I bit my fucking lip. Negan’s expression was going to undo me. Fuck.
“Guys,” Mary tried to refocus us. “OK, so if we all walk in, you,” she pointed at me, “can be like ‘oh, Mom, I’m sorry I invited my friends over and totally forgot.’” I nodded, it sounded like a good start. “And you,” she gestured to Negan, “you’re going to introduce yourself. And we’re going to EASE the relationship into the conversation, maybe, we'll see.  No pissing on my girl’s leg, do you fucking get that?” Negan opened his mouth to argue, but she shushed him. “At school you’re Coach, but here? Here I’m Coach.” She shot Eric a look. “And YOU.” Damn it. “You are going to play referee. If you see the level of awkward shooting up, make it go away. If you sense that SOMEONE,” another look at Negan, “is about to go postal? You are going to fucking divert it. Fully. Fucking sing show-tunes if you must, but don’t let this shit get out of hand.”
“All gays DO NOT sing show-tunes, whore.” Eric muttered, and Mary shot him a glare that I was envious of. “Fine. I’ll sing like a fucking canary.” He held up his palms in surrender.
“I’ll run interference.” I raised an eyebrow. “Your parents want you and Joe to make tiny perfect bland babies, but trust me, I’ll make Joe want to practice with me first.” I giggled. “OK, that’s the plan. Let’s go before Mrs. Kendall decides to come find us.”
I had doubts, as we rounded the corner and entered the dining room. My mom’s eyes widened at my collection of misfits. My dad’s look of confusion. I made the excuses that Mary had concocted for their presence. I didn’t stumble through it, I held my head high, as though I often made such silly faux pas. My mother, knowing that to pitch a fit would be TOTALLY against her goals for this dinner, smiled through her irritation and graciously welcomed Mary and Eric to join us. Her gaze met Negan’s form and I had to fight closing my eyes from the churning of my stomach.
He did fine. He introduced himself without allowing for a comfortable opening to attack his clear age difference, and he even shot Joe a look as though daring him to mention school. Joe, I was happy to see, wasn't even paying the slightest attention, since he was focused on Mary’s cleavage. I had a flash of fear about his parents recognizing Negan, but then rolled my eyes internally when I realized they were cut from the same high and mighty cloth as my parents. Negan, as a mere teacher, was beneath their notice. Even when he was the one to force them to fetch drunk Joe from the dance.
We got situated around the table, Negan held my chair for me and Eric held Mary’s. Mary was seated between Joe and Eric, who shot me a wink as I realized Negan took the seat next to me,  putting me between him, and since I sat at the corner, my mom. Great. Fuck.
Our dinner was served, courses and courses of dinner, because clearly my mother was in the impress the Malberrys mode. As I was about to sigh through the main course, I felt Negan’s hand touch my knee. I glanced at him and he was smiling.
“Joe,” my mother had been trying, with various levels of failure to draw Joe into a conversation that would PROVE to me that he was worth a second look, throughout each course. “What are your plans after graduation?”
It wasn’t Joe who answered. It hadn’t been Joe who’d answered ANY of Mom’s questions all evening. His mother fielded most of them, but his dad chimed in now and again. And my mom’s interest would wane for a moment, and her focus would shift. To Eric, asking him if he’d found anyone special, then flinching when Eric would say something about the GUY he was seeing. I bit my lip and looked at my plate. Or when she asked Mary if she’d heard from any of the schools she’d applied to and Mary deadpanned that she hadn’t but there was always cosmetology school. I knew that Mary got in to every fucking school she’d applied to, because she might be fun and silly, but she was also fucking smart as fuck. So was Eric, but no one ever noticed it.
“Negan, is it?” My mom had refocused, fuck.
He’d been taking a drink of his water and swallowed carefully before answering. “Yes, Mrs. Kendall, that’s my name.” His fingers were sliding on my bare skin, teasing me as he spoke with complete ease to my mother.
“You don’t look like a student.” Not a question, so he didn’t answer. “How is it you know my daughter?” Fuck.
“Oh, Mrs. Kendall,” Eric cut in, seemingly accidentally. “I think there’s a chip in my plate, I hope that a bit of the porcelain isn’t in my potatoes.” Oh my God.
“What?” Mom was on her feet and next to Eric’s seat studying his dish, leaning closer and closer as Eric kept pointing at I fucking hoped an actual fucking knick.
“You doing alright, princess?” Negan breathed close to my ear, not so close to draw attention, but close enough so no one could hear him.
“Fine, you?” I spoke to my forkful of broccoli.
“Highly fucking entertained.” And I sucked in a lungful of air when his finger traced up my inner thigh. “Your friends are fucking amazing, sweetheart.”
“Aren’t they though.” I smiled, taking a bite of my vegetables.
Mom had left the room with Eric’s plate, bitching about the nerve of the housekeeper/cook having broken the good china. Dear fucking god. I caught Eric’s eye and he winked and I had to bite my lip again.
“So, Joe,” Mary was breathing up at the big lug. “What brings you to Amara’s house for dinner?” Shit. Joe was looking down at her with an almost glazed look in his eyes and I wondered if he had hit the bottle again.
“Her mom called my mom and invited us.” Huh, he wasn’t drunk, he was just fucking HORNY for Mary. At my dinner table. Negan was right, this was fucking entertaining. “Glad you showed up.” Wow, thanks, I feel special now.
Negan’s finger was sliding ever higher up my inner thigh and I closed my eyes as he was nearing his goal. Fuck. “Amara, is something wrong.” Fuck, Mom’s back. I opened my eyes and looked up at where she was hovering at her chair. Negan’s hand left and he stood to hold out her chair, as he had mine. “Thank you, Mr. Negan.” Mr. Negan? Fuck.
“Nothing’s wrong, Mom.” I answered, forking a piece of chicken. “Just a bit of a headache.” Negan took his own seat again, once Mom had sat back down. “Dinner is delicious, by the way.” Sprinkle in a compliment, tramp down the worry, rinse and repeat.
She smiled at me and then her eyes fell on Negan again. “Mr. Negan?” Here we go again.
“Mrs. Kendall,” Eric, I swear to fucking God I would buy him whatever his heart desired after tonight, piped up. “My mom would die for the recipe for this-” he held up, I squinted, was that the fucking garnish?
“It’s cilantro, Eric,” my mom looked confused, and I could see her mind shoot to a question about whether Eric was high. And I was biting my lip so hard that I almost didn’t feel the return of Negan’s hand on my thigh. Shit, I wasn’t going to survive this.
“No, Mrs. Kendall, not this-” I watched, my eyes widening, as Eric flung the cilantro over his fucking shoulder like it offended him. “Cilantro tastes like dirty dishwater. THIS.” He picked up a bite of chicken. “Mom would LOVE the recipe for this, I know it.”
Dear fucking God. Eric was either earning every fucking BEST FRIEND MERIT BADGE ever, or he was going to die at my mom’s hands.
“Eric Sullivan!” My mother gasped, and I didn’t know whether to laugh, cry, or stand up and get between them. “Did you just toss the garnish-”
“He’s right,” my dad’s voice cut in. “Why do we buy this crap when we don’t actually eat it?” Twilight Zone. I must have been transported into an alternative fucking reality because my dad NEVER engaged during dinner. EVER. He didn’t toss his over his shoulder, but he did put it on the bread dish next to his plate. “It’s disgusting and quite frankly, it does taste like dirty dishwater.”
Negan was biting his own lip beside me. I could see it out of the corner of my eye. Jesus. “I don’t know.” Negan picked up his sprig of the greenery and bit into it. “I kind of like it.”
For fuck’s sake. What the hell was going on? And then the debate really got rolling. With Mary and slow Joe weighing in on Negan’s side. Pretty sure Joe would have voted for Hitler if Mary mentioned he had some good ideas, at this point. His parents were split, his mother, clearly trying to salvage the slowly fraying likelihood of Joe and me, sided with Mom and his dad, not reading any part of this batshit room was wondering why anyone ever used any garnish whatsoever.
“Princess, I think this shit has gone fucking all the way around the goddamn bend.” Negan’s voice was a breath again, someone I heard him over the very enthusiastic debate that was now going on about garnish period. I nodded, glancing around the table in disbelief.
Dinner was over faster than I expected, my mom never getting a chance to return to her twice failed interrogation of Negan. As we walked our guests to the door, a cluster of a group if I'd ever seen one, she tried ONE more time.
“Mr. Negan,” I held back a sigh. “I feel like we never did get to speak fully.” No shit, Mom, it was a concerted effort, trust me.
“I guess not, Mrs. Kendall.” He was smiling down at her, oozing charm.
“You should come to dinner next week.” Fuck. “This time, perhaps, Amara can NOT invite her friends without asking first.” Damn it. No buffer this time. “What day would work best for you?”
I zoned out. Shit. Although, alone with just my parents and Negan, maybe it wouldn’t be such a nightmare? As Negan crossed over the threshold to leave, the final participant in the world’s most strange dinner party, Mom and I offered our goodbyes, his eyes lingered on me for a beat and I knew I’d be getting a call soon.
Once the door closed, Dad was already in the family room with his paper, Mom focused on me. “When were you planning on telling me you’re involved with the gym teacher?” Shit.
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 2 years
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menameh · 5 years
I made my own RWBY team
Forest Coy (Leader)
Race: Human
Home Kingdom: Vacuo
Gender: Non-Binary
Height: 5’8”
Personality: Mischievous but kind (knows when to get serious)
Weapon: Ma’ii Adiłhash (dagger that turns into a glock)
Semblance: Trickster’s Cloak (invisibility)
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Lavandra Revel
Race: Human
Home Kingdom: Vacuo
Gender: Female
Height: 5’9”
Personality: Loves food, revelrious (a bit HUZAH!)
Weapon: Freki & Geri -> Devour (two hand axes that combine into a battle axe)
Semblance: Warrior’s Witness (she can absorb negative emotions from others becoming a magnet for Grimm, also flies into a berserker rage as a side effect)
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Amara Vulcan
Race: Dog Faunus
Home Kingdom: Menagerie
Gender: Female
Height: 5’6”
Personality: Aggressive, tempermental (kind of that type of mom that’s 100 percent done with your bullshit)
Weapon: Pã’oa (fire staff)
Semblance: Dancer’s Omen (can sense disaster, kind like Absol. Qrow would drive her insane)
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Marien Corvus
Race: Human
Home Kingdom: Atlas
Gender: Female
Height: 4’8”
Personality: Shy yet persistent
Weapon: Áláshgaan (bow that turns into retractable nunchucks)
Semblance: Savior’s Scream (a high pitched scream that pushes back and disorientates those who hear it, like Black Canary)
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These characters are based off of mythological figures related to fire. Such as Coyote, Logi, Pele, and Rainbow Crow.
These are just rough sketches for now. I plan on doing final digital version with more tweaks to their designs. Maybe do a poster reminiscent of the RWBY poster with their initials.
But I’d like to know your thoughts on them any tweaks you think might better suit them.
(The weapons are not to scale)
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vainedvulpine-a · 5 years
@madeperfect had liked for a starter
The dark haired Ravenclaw was sitting at her desk, doing her Transfiguration essay when someone sat down in front of her. She glanced up to give the person a talking to, as they have chosen to sit with her when there are several other tables to sit at, when she realize it was her brother, who looked awfully cheerful.
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“You look like a cat ate a canary.” Amara said. “What did you do?” no doubt she will hear it from someone but its best to hear it  from Draco then from someone’s mouth.
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Fix You 10
A/N: Rewrite. This series doesn’t follow the show. Sorry, its been forever since this has been updated!!!! 
Link to Chapter 9
Words: 2,797
Pairings: Gabriel  x Reader
Lucifer sat in a small cafe with a bottle of whiskey in front of him. He was enjoying watching the drunken humans make total fools of themselves.
“Having fun?”
He looked up to see none other then Anael looking down at him. Lucifer gave him his best pouty smile.
“Awe, did you miss me?”
Anael rolled her eyes before sitting down.
“Hardly, I am only here because I have news that could be of some use to you.”
Lucifer put a hand on his heart acting like he was having a heart attack.
“Oh, you are so hurtful! You are breaking my poor little heart! Now that I have gotten that out of my system, what do you have to tell me?”
Anael rolled her eyes. As much as she hated dealing with Lucifer at the moment it was good news to share. Lucifer's voice interrupted her thoughts,
“Did you find my kid? Please tell me that you did because I am getting a little impatient and you know how me and impatience don't go well together.”
Anael focused her cat-like gaze on the prince of darkness before speaking.
“No, regrettably, I was unable to locate your child as you asked. I do, however, know that you have other family that you could use.”
Lucifer scowled before slouching down in his chair.
“I doubt whatever you have to say isn't going to make me happy. You’re a party pooper.”
Anael rolled her eyes.
“You have a niece and I think she would be of some interest to you. The angels are really concerned about her.”
Lucifer's eyes widened.
“A niece, huh? Well, look at that some other angel has been bad too! Why should I care about some other Nephilim when I have my own kid to worry about?”
Anael smiled.
“Because she is half Nephilim and half archangel.”
Lucifer sat up straighter, looking clearly confused.
“Half Archangel? What is Michael and Raphael up to?”
Anael smirked.
“It wasn't either of them.”
Lucifer's scowl became more defined.
“It's not possible! Gabriel is dead! I killed him!”
Anael rolled her eyes.
“Not quite. He's alive and kicking. Your niece is five years old and smart! The smartest I have ever seen. She has a lot of potential”
Lucifer looked completely baffled! Gabriel had literally placed him like a fiddle! Lucifer taught Gabriel all of his tricks and now they had been used against him.
“That little son of a bitch played me! He made me feel, feelings! I want you to go get that kid! I want her too!”
Anael snorted.
“Sorry, I am not going after her! I am not foolish enough to go up against Gabriel. He'll kill me when it comes to that child. Not to mention I am kind of concerned about what that child can actually do. If you want her, go get her yourself. I should probably also mention that the child is also being protected by Amara.”
Lucifer stood. He was done listening to this bullshit!
“I'll go find them myself. I swear if you want something done right you have to do it yourself! This time that brother of mine is dying!”
Meanwhile, back with Team Free Will....
“Prove to me that you actually love me and that I can trust you....that's my word.”
Gabriel had to look away from you. There was that disappointed expression that he was given so often. Maybe Loki was right? Maybe he was a failure? He had it all with you before; someone who loved him and relationship should!
You meanwhile, kept your attention focused on Gabriel. His face looked almost hopeless! Even after everything that he had put you through; you still felt pain when you saw that look in his eyes.
“What happened to your face?”
You asked softly. Gabriel’s head snapped up as he thought about the ass beating that Loki had given him.
“Had my ass kicked.”
He said with an embarrassed expression. Your worries expression intensified.
“It’s alright, sugar. It wasn’t the worst thing that has happened to me.”
You didn’t look convinced enough. You walked to Gabriel putting a hand on his cheek healing the bruise.
“Is your grace weak again?”
Gabriel gave you a nervous chuckle.
“Yea, peach. Everything about me is weak apparently.”
Gabriel immediately reached out taking your hands in his.
“It isn’t your fault so please don’t even think of it. Y/n, I’ll sing like a canary if it fixes things between us. I’ll let you know everything you want to know. You want my life story I’ll tell you every grimy detail.”
You were clearly surprised! This was a whole new side to Gabriel. You expected Gabriel to put up a fight or do one of his cunning little jokes. Sitting down on the bed, you patted the place beside you.
“Whatever you want to tell me.”
You said softly. Curiosity was definitely getting the better of you! Gabriel nodded as he joined you on the bed.
30 minutes later, you sat beside Gabriel with your mouth hanging open. Your head was spinning with everything that Gabriel had just told you! For a few moments, you had no idea what to say to him! From hearing about his wreck of a “childhood” to his decision to leave heaven, up to getting his ass kicked by Loki...all of it was hard to hear!
“Gabriel, I...”
He shook his head.
“You don't have to say anything. Hopefully, you can see why I didn't want to go and spill my guts to you. What kind of girl in the right mind would want to be with a guy like me?”
You answered without thinking.
“One that loves you! Why can't you see that? After everything that you have put me through I still love you more than anyone on this earth! I don't trust you right now! I am not about to jump in bed and fuck you. Like I said, you have a lot to make up for. Gabriel, you are not a failure. I don't even want that in your mind.”
Gabriel rolled his eyes. How could you say that he wasn't a failure? In his mind, he literally failed at everything he has ever done! He failed at being an archangel and he most definitely failed as a soulmate and father.
“Kinda hard for it not to be.”
You stood up fighting the urge to cuddle him. He looked so hurt and vulnerable! You reached out letting your hand cup his face. Gabriel's golden eyes rolled up to your face.
“Y/n, you don't have to do this.”
You shook your head.
“I'm not doing anything. We are going to get you back to your standard archangel power strength and go from there. That is what WE are going to do. Now I am going to go get our daughter so I can get her back to sleep before she talks Jack's ear off.”
Gabriel smirked.
“Jack wouldn't complain. He's missed her.”
You turned and walked into JoyAnna's room where she sat snoozing on Jack's lap. He looked up with a smile.
“I think she is tired.”
Jack stood up and placed the little girl in your arms. You were pleased to see that he hadn't lost his kind demeanor.
“I'm glad to see you, Jack.”
Jack looked overjoyed.
“Me too. We'll talk later in the morning when Joy wakes up.”
You gave his forearm a pat before turning and going back into your bedroom. Gabriel sat on the bed. He quickly looked up as you put Joy in the middle of the bed.
“She will be out for a few hours.”
You said before laying down as Gabriel turned on his side. He looked down at his daughter's little round face and that guilty feeling came right back! Gabriel had missed her birth and the majority of her first few years.
Looking back up at your face, Gabriel reached out intertwining your hands. To his surprise, you didn't pull away.
“It's going to be okay.”
You whispered softly. Gabriel half smiled. Both of you were unsure whether that statement to be true or not. The most that the two of you could do was hope for the best!
Later in the morning when Joy woke up. She between Gabriel and yourself with a small smile before throwing a leg over Gabriel's side to get out of bed. Joy stopped moving when her father's eyes snapped open.
“Where are you going?”
Gabriel questioned softly. JoyAnna pointed to the door.
“Going to find Jack. Mommy is still sleeping?”
Gabriel nodded.
“Yeah, peach.”
Gabriel carefully turned on his back so JoyAnna could slide out of bed a little easier.
“Don't go getting into anything.”
Gabriel whispered. JoyAnna gave him a knowing smirk. She giggled.
“You're good!”
Gabriel chuckled as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
“You have no idea, princess. Now go be a good girl.”
A few hours later, Joy sat on the couch with a quantum mechanics book in front of her as she read to Sam. He was totally surprised that the child could sit there and read word for word each sentence and was able to tell him exactly how the subject worked.
“Wow, Joy.”
Sam managed to get out as he looked over at Dean who was half asleep.
“Maybe you should go teach Dean all about it.”
Joy grinned before she slid off of Sam's lap and went over to Dean. Slinging the book against the eldest Winchester's chest, Joy climbed up to join him. Dean jumped awake and looked down as she started to read.
“What are you doing?”
He asked. Joy pointed to the book and gave him the exact expression Gabriel would when dealing with a stupid person.
“I am teaching you something.”
Dean looked down at the book and right away he felt tired again.
“Kid, I will never use this a day in my life.”
Joy smirked.
“Did you watch Cops like I asked you?”
Dean nodded.
“I was doing character building all night.”
The sound of fluttering wings made Dean look around to see none other than Balthazar. Joy immediately jumped off of Dean's lap and went to the angel holding her hands up. Balthazar reached down picking the child up before noticing Sam and Dean. He automatically frowned before giving them a nod and looking back to his granddaughter. Balthazar knew that he could get whatever he wanted from the child.
“Hello there, sweet pea. What's new around here?”
JoyAnna looked like she was about to pop with all of the excitement that had happened in the last day!
“You have missed a lot grandpa! Daddy came back and so did everyone else! Aunty Amara has stepped out for a bit. She said she was going to visit grandpa Chuck. He's a nervous little guy, huh?”
Balthazar's rage began to build at the mere mention of Gabriel being anywhere near his daughter and granddaughter.
“Love, where are your mum and dad?”
As if cued to do so, you walked into the room with Gabriel behind you. You stopped the moment that you saw your father. Turning to Gabriel, you sighed seeing that frown on his face reappear.
Balthazar, meanwhile, put Joy down.
“Sweetheart, why don't you...”
Joy sighed,
“I know, go play! Sheesh, I am missing everything.”
Once JoyAnna was safely out of earshot Balthazar focused his attention on Gabriel.
“What the bloody hell are you doing here? You left and should have stayed gone, Gabriel. You're made a giant mess out of things as it is.”
Gabriel smiled.
“I am here for my family. I don't know what else it looks like.”
Balthazar frowned.
“You are just going to destroy things.”
Your eyes widened as you tried to get between Gabriel and your father.
“Both of you stop! Dad, Gabriel and I have a lot of things to work on and I am not jumping into anything quickly. Gabriel has every right to see his child. I am not stopping that. Besides Joy loves him. I was wrong to keep him from her this long.”
Balthazar was clearly not seeing his daughter's point of view.
“He's just going to hurt the two of you again. It seems that is his talent.”
Dean stepped in clearly having enough! He was tired of being privy to angel relations.
“I'm putting my two cents in. Balthazar, I get where you are coming from because I am concerned too but it is their decision. If you try to keep Y/n and Gabriel apart it's going to backfire on you.”
Dean turned to face Gabriel and yourself.
“You two are going to have to get your shit together and grow up that's all there is to it. You both run when the rough gets going and that has to stop! It isn't fair to Joy or anyone else that has to deal with you both. That is the lesson that Chuck and Amara are trying to drill into your head, Gabriel. Y/n, you know I care about you. You're a great friend and I can't believe that I am saying this but Gabriel has been miserable without you. I am not telling you to go fuck his brains out but listen to him. Asmodeus the asshat may be gone but there are other things that we are going to have to deal with. We can't go up against things like Lucifer and whatever else and expect to live the way that we are going.”
Dean was pleased to see that he had clearly struck a nerve with both of you. You had edged closer to Gabriel and was wrapping your hand around his.
“He's right. Things have to change.”
Meanwhile with Lucifer,
Lucifer stood in front of none other than Michael. His older brother sat behind a large oak desk with his hands crossed.
“Lucifer, whatever can I do for you? I must say that I am shocked that you have come to locate me.”
Lucifer rolled his eyes as he looked at his older brother. The guy left “bizarro world” and his kick-ass vessel to come to this world and be in fucking young John Winchester's vessel.
“Sheesh Michael, you got rid of the cool vessel for a Winchester?”
Michael smirked. The coldness in his eyes sparkled as he gave his younger brother a disapproving scowl.
“My choosing of vessels in my own business. Now like I asked what can I do for you?”
Lucifer shook his head.
“Actually I have a team work propitiation for you.”
Lucifer wanted to choke on his words. The last thing that he wanted to do was team up with Michael but he would need help getting his hands on their little niece. Michael looked intrigued as he sat up straighter.
“And that is? Why would I want to work with you?”
Lucifer raised an eyebrow.
“Aw, I don't know. I mean it's just a slight issue known as a half Nephilim/half archangel that has come into existence that could totally help us.”
Michael held up a hand.
“Pardon? Half Nephilim/half archangel? What?”
Lucifer nodded feeling a little more excited. The expression on Michael's face was enough to make Lucifer be more amused.
“Gabriel and a Nephilim shacked up and made a baby. I would go after them but poor little ole me is low on grace because of you. I know that you wouldn't want to get your hands dirty...”
Michael slammed his hands down the table.
“Gabriel knows better! You did too when you made a Nephilim and look what happened to you!”
Lucifer raised an eyebrow.
“Uh yeah, but I really would like to get our niece.”
Michael shook his head.
“The child has to die and so does her filthy half breed mother. Do not harm either of them. I have plans.”
Lucifer was quietly muttering that he should have just started looking himself as Michael again stood.
“What plans?”
Lucifer questioned. Maybe he was going to have to play double agent to finally get Michael killed off and get his hands on his niece.
“I am going to kill them in front of Gabriel and make him watch the light leave their eyes.”
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