#the burning god comes out on september and i can't wait!!!!!!
nevermeyers · 3 months
I just finished The Dragon Republic and I'm devastated, ecstatic, and scared.
Seriously, there are very few authors out there who are able to write about strategy and war without boring the reader, and R. F. Kuang is one of them. It has been so impressive, her writing is absolutely amazing
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taylor-swift-bracket · 5 months
🎇Please reblog!🎇
Notable Bridges
(Under the cut)
Fearless (Taylor’s Version)
You Belong With Me
Oh, I remember you driving to my house
In the middle of the night
I'm the one who makes you laugh
When you know you're 'bout to cry
And I know your favorite songs
And you tell me 'bout your dreams
Think I know where you belong
Think I know it's with me
Love Story
But I got tired of waiting
Wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you was fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town and I
Well, you stood there with me in the doorway
My hands shake, I'm not usually this way but
You pull me in and I'm a little more brave
It's the first kiss, it's flawless, really something
It's fearless
Oh, yeah
When all you wanted was to be wanted
Wish you could go back and tell yourself what you know now
Back then, I swore I was gonna marry him someday
But I realized some bigger dreams of mine
And Abigail gave everything she had
To a boy who changed his mind
And we both cried
Mr. Perfectly Fine
So dignified in your well-pressed suit
So strategized, all the eyes on you
Sashay your way to your seat
It's the best seat in the best room
Oh, he's so smug, Mr. "Always wins"
So far above me in every sense
So far above feelin' anything
And it's really such a shame
It's such a shame
'Cause I was Miss "Here to stay"
Now I'm Miss "Gonna be alright someday"
And someday, maybe you'll miss me
But by then, you'll be Mr. "Too late"
Speak Now (Taylor’s Version)
Dear John
You are an expert at sorry and keeping lines blurry
Never impressed by me acing your tests
All the girls that you've run dry have tired lifeless eyes
'Cause you burned them out
But I took your matches before fire could catch me
So don't look now
I'm shining like fireworks over your sad empty town
Oh, oh
This is me praying that
This was the very first page
Not where the storyline ends
My thoughts will echo your name
Until I see you again
These are the words I held back
As I was leaving too soon
I was enchanted to meet you
Please, don't be in love with someone else
Please, don't have somebody waiting on you
Please, don't be in love with someone else (Ooh)
Please, don't have somebody waiting on you (Ooh, oh)
Back to December
I miss your tanned skin, your sweet smile
So good to me, so right
And how you held me in your arms that September night
The first time you ever saw me cry
Maybe this is wishful thinkin'
Probably mindless dreaming
But if we loved again, I swear I'd love you right
I'd go back in time and change it, but I can't
So, if the chain is on your door, I understand
Long Live
Hold on to spinning around
Confetti falls to the ground
May these memories break our fall
Will you take a moment? Promise me this
That you'll stand by me forever
But if, God forbid, fate should step in
And force us into a goodbye
If you have children some day
When they point to the pictures
Please, tell 'em my name
Tell 'em how the crowds went wild
Tell 'em how I hope they shine
Long live the walls we crashed through
I had the time of my life with you
And I remember that fight, 2:30AM
As everything was slipping right out of our hands
I ran out crying and you followed me out into the street
Braced myself for the goodbye
'Cause that's all I've ever known
Then you took me by surprise
You said, "I'll never leave you alone"
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flowers-for-em · 6 months
chapter 1 of shattered innocence
one of my videos is based off this :)
It happened on September 24. 
The day my already crumbling life fell apart even more. 
And all because of 
H E R.
I push the school doors open and walk inside ignoring the stares that follow. They burn into my neck and brand me. 
I walk past the whispering students, the resentful teachers, everyone. 
I used to be not popular but not an outcast either. I was known, teachers smiled at me, people waved and said hello. Not anymore. The only hope for a word from anyone now is a teacher telling me I have homework. But even then it isn't more than a few sentences.
When I reach my locker, I don't bother to look at the hateful words written, taped, stuffed on and inside it. 
Just one more.
One more step.
One more day.
You can do it.
Just one more.
I pull out my books and wish to every god that has ever existed to bring back Emerson. She is my best friend. My ride or die. My everything. And she had left for an overseas trip to France, a eight week ballet workshop, just before the incident. Emmie deserves it though. Its her dream to go to one of these workshops and she had finally made it happen. I'm proud of her. She texts me relentlessly, making sure I'm okay, but no matter how much she wants to come home, I refuse to let her give up her dream. 
So I wait. Wait for her to come home. Another two weeks and she'll be home and I doubt I'll ever be let out of her sight. 
I smile softly and look at the photo - slightly crinkled but still bright - of me and Emerson standing out the front of the local ice cream shop with sundaes and goofy smiles. We were twelve. 
"Why is she even smiling? Planning her next murder?" That wipes the smile of my face. Because when you've been accused of murder you can't be happy. Can't even smile. Why should a monster be able to be happy? 
I shut my locker and turn to walk to my homeroom the crowd of students parting like the red sea when I walk by. 
One more class. 
I silently walk into the classroom head down hugging my books to my chest like your average nerd in the movies. The room quiets, and the whispers start. The bells rings.
The homeroom teacher Mrs. Owen quiets the class and starts role call. 
And then she arrives. 
Lacey Burgess walks into the classroom with a bright smile on her face, waving at the teacher. "Sorry Ms. I dropped all my books and it took a while to pick them up." Anyone with their head screwed on right would see that that was a lie. But Lacey being Lacey Mrs. Owen just smiles and nods her head continuing role.
Lacey smiles and makes her way to the back of the classroom where her seat was saved by her friends. Her eyes flick to me once almost in pity. But I don't want it, not from her anyway.
The interesting thing about being framed for murder is that everyone hates you - that's fucking obvious - but usually they hate your family as well. It doesn't apply to Lacey apparently though. As soon as it was said I was a killer, people were reaching out to her to say they were sorry she was even half related to a monster. They were saying sorry to her. 
Her Mom, even my fucking Father. They were sorry he had unwillingly raised a monster. 
But he is the monster. 
Lacey is  the monster. 
Pippa  is the monster.
But no one would ever believe the girl who killed Mr. Winter; the richest man in the state let alone the town. Not when her supposed "family" are supporting the Winters. Telling them that I'm the killer. That they'll do anything to help. 
Not then.
"Ezra?" The sound snaps me out of my hateful thoughts. The bell must've rung already because the classroom was empty. 
"Yes?" I say my voice quiet, I'm still looking at my battered converse.
"Are you all right dear?" My eyes fly up, thinking that Mrs. Owen was actually asking that. But instead I'm met with my second favourite person on the planet. Mrs. Barnes. My singing teacher and the only person who - though not publicly - doesn't think that I'm a killer. 
I take a deep breath. 
One more smile. 
"I'm fine, just lost in thought," I say, looking over her shoulder to see Mrs. Owen tapping away on her computer. 
"Okay, let me walk you to your next class alright?" I don't have the energy to respond so I just nod and smile weakly. 
Collecting my stuff we both walk out of the classroom towards the science block. Its comfortable silence. Her presence is nice, reminding me that at least one person here didn't hate me to the core. She still gives me lessons every week in her music room after school as not to be caught by anyone else. 
I don't know why she does it. Or why I still like her. She only supports me in private - but I guess it's better than nothing.
Mrs. Barnes drops me off at the classroom and I walk in finding my seat at the back of the class with what I call the Ezra bubble. A certain amount of seats and desks that will remain empty unless a teacher asks someone to sit there. 
I zone out when the teacher starts to talk. Somehow still writing notes and reminders down. Science is fun - when you're doing the crazy shit experiments - not the theory. 
The rest of the day is a blur of whispers and stares, hiding in the library at lunch, forfeiting food for quiet. 
When the final bell rings. I practically launch out of my seat to get out of here. Grabbing everything from my locker and getting on the bus - do you remember that one scene in the Lego Ninjago movie when Lloyd is sitting on one side of the bus and everyone else is on the other? Just imagine that, but a hundred times shittier. 
I look out the window and watch as Lacey flirts with some jock I can't be bothered to name and gets in her car driving off. Lacey gets a car. I get a whole side of a bus. Who's winning now Lacey? 
Still her. 
Our relationship dynamic is like that; Lacey, the golden child the one everyone likes. And me; the child that's just there, and now is a murderer. 
One more stop. 
I just want this shitty day to end so I can call Emerson and hear all her gossip about France. She'd had taken a particular liking to a french boy the last time we talked. 
The bus pulls up outside of my street and I quickly get off, ignoring the fact that as soon as I got off everyone went back to their normal seats and that the bus driver seemed to shut the door quicker than usual as if he's stopping the air around me from staying in the bus.
I walk down the street and... yes the driveway is vacant no one is home. My so called "family" are all out somewhere. 
I'd never thought of Stefan Charleston as a Dad figure much. Before I found out about the cheating and shit he did, he was never around so it was just me and Mom. Then Mom died and Pippa and Lacey moved in. And to top it all off, Lacey was my half-sister who was the same age. I had lost all respect for Stefan Charleston that day. Three weeks after Mom dies you invite your mistress to live with you, the same mistress you've been hooking up with for the last fifteen years before Mom died. Its shit and I seriously hope he knows it. 
Once I'm inside the house and away from the hateful glares of the neighbours who come outside to make sure Lacey gets home safely everyday. I run up the stairs and collapse onto my bed throwing my bag across the room not caring if the books inside are ruined. 
School is shit. 
And everybody knows it. 
Heh, that rhymed maybe I should run away to Paris and become some big time songwriter. I pull out my phone and dial Emerson's number, she answers on the first ring. 
"Hey babes!" Its so nice to here the voice of someone who doesn't hate me. 
"Hey, Emmie! How are you?" I ask a smile already creeping onto my face. 
"You remember that french boy Pierre?" 
"Yeah, was he the one who had the paint all over him?" 
"Yes! And anyway he asked me out! I said yes of course because he was hot- who wouldn't? And he took me to the Eiffel Tower at night! It was so romantic!!" I roll onto my stomach and listen to Emerson as she rambles about her date. Its funny how one person can calm me so much with their voice.
"Oh and he also took me onto his mother's balcony to stargaze! It was so romantic and we had to sneak out at dawn." 
"So you like, like, him?" I ask a smile fully overtaking my face. 
"Yes! It was so romantic!" Emerson is most definitely a little puppy when it comes to love. She gets excited and her energy is infectious. Its quiet for a few moments before she asks. "How are you doing Ez?" 
"I'm doing good," I lie. 
"Catastrophically in danger of being thrown off a bridge?" 
Emerson sighs, "Will you let me come home yet? The last two weeks are honestly nothing special, we're just showcasing the skills we've learnt. I can come home and showcase my skills to you, I don't need some judgemental Parisians to do it." 
"Emerson Morgan. No. You have worked way to hard to let this dream go and I'm not going to let you give it up. Not even for me." 
"You're being accused of fucking murder. So yes I can give my dream up for that. Because its currently fucking you against the world Ezra. And I'll be damned if I let you go through this alone. You're my best friend. I don't give a shit if the town hates me I'm not letting you do this on your own. And I will-" 
"Emmie," I say softly. She quiets. "I love you, but please don't do this, just finish the course then come home, please do that for me. Stay in Paris for two more weeks I'll be fine." Lie. I won't be fine, but I can make it through. "Go on another date with Pierre, I'm sure-." 
"I made him up. Well not entirely, I just wanted you to think I'm actually doing well and having fun instead of worrying about you every spare second."  
We're quiet for a few minutes. 
She sighs, "Okay, I'll stay. But that doesn't mean this is over Ezra." 
"I know. We'll have this exact same conversation tomorrow." 
We talk for a bit longer before I hear the front door jingle, Lacey's home, we say our goodbyes and I hang up before walking over to my desk and opening my school bag and pulling out books, shoving them onto my desk and starting on my math homework. 
I swear to god whoever put letters in math needs to have a conversation with whoever decided to give women's clothes fake pockets, maybe they both have the same evil thoughts about torturing the human race. 
"Yes, I know Clara, its soo gay." Lacey's voice appears outside of my door, on the phone to one of the girls in her posey. "No, because they were making out, I don't know why some would be making out with another guy and then as soon as they're caught say that he's not gay."  
She talking about Josh Hunters the captain of the lacrosse team. He's definitely gay - just in his denial era. 
"Okay C honey, I'll call you back I've got to talk to her now. Yes, I will be safe don't worry. No, you do not need to let the police know where I am. I'll be fine." She hangs up and walks into my room. 
Lacey is the stereotypical popular blonde girl. Fake everything, extensions, nails, personality (I'm pretty sure I've heard her talking shit about Clara before), everything. 
"Whatcha working on?" She asks.
"Ugh I hate math, I got Peppa to do the homework for me." She looks around my room. "Have you ever though about re-decorating in here?"
"What do you want Lacey?" 
"Oh yeah right, Mom and Dad want to have a talk when we get home tonight, to go over the story again. You can't have any cracks in your performance." 
They want me to lie in court. Aren't they just the best?
"Great see you later Ezra make sure you get that homework done." 
I think if I spend another day in this house I'll actually murder someone. 
I pick up my phone and look at the texts I had sent. Seven of them, one to my grandmother, and the others to my Aunts and Uncles. We have all met before and used to go on large family day trips with my Mom. No responses yet. So now I wait.
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ash-and-books · 7 days
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Rating: 4/5
Book Blurb:
Power plays, spilled blood, and lethal romance abound in this thrilling sequel to the New York Times and USA TODAY bestseller Immortal Longings, inspired by Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra.
Calla Tuoleimi has succeeded in the impossible. Despite the odds, she has won San-Er’s bloody games and eliminated King Kasa, her tyrant uncle and the former ruler of Talin. She serves now as royal advisor to Kasa’s adopted son, August Shenzhi, who has risen to the throne.
Only Calla knows it isn’t really August.
Anton Makusa is still furious about Calla’s betrayal in the final round of the games. In an impossible feat, he took over August’s body to survive, and has no intention of giving up this newfound power. But when his first love, the beautiful, explosive Otta Avia, awakens from a years-long coma and reveals a secret that threatens the monarchy’s authority over Talin, chaos erupts. As tensions come to a boiling point, Calla and Anton must set their conflicts aside and head to the kingdom’s far reaches to prevent anarchy…even if their empire might be better off burning.
The stunning sequel in the Flesh and False Gods series filled with even more betrayals, heartbreak, and vicious vile feelings. Calla Tuoleimi has killed the king, she's won the blood games, and is now the new advisor to the king's adopted son, August Shenzhi.... only her victory meant she had to kill the one person she was falling in love with, Anton Makusa... who just happened to body swap and jump into August's body at the last moment. To say Anton is mad that Calla killed him is an understatement and now that he is in the new king's body... he's going to make her pay. Anton was never meant to swap bodies but he somehow did and still fresh from Calla's betrayal he has no intention of giving up this new body or his new power. But things only take a turn when his first love, the beautiful Otta Avia awakens from a year long coma with a thirst for her own power and a personality that has him questioning if he ever even loved her at all. Anton is warring between his feelings for Calla despite her betrayal and the old feelings he has for Otta... she is up to something and he wants to know what. Yet when he discovers August's own secrets, how long can he keep up the act before someone figures out its him... and can he get his old body back before its too late and he's trapped in August's body? Calla knows Anton is in August's body and she wants to make amends, yet he gave her no choice when he chose Otta over her and she chose the kingdom over him... but with Otta back and scheming to put the kingdom in ruins, can August and Calla put aside their differences to long enough to prevent the ruination of their empire... or will are some betrayals too deep? Finding out that this was only the sequel in what I thought was a duology when in fact it was a trilogy makes it a very interesting read. I loved that we get to jump immediately into the events of the previous book and the fall out of the relationship between the main characters. This was truly a roller coaster from start to finish. You can understand both character's flaws and why they decided to act the way they did, yet when they are together it's an undeniable connection. I cannot wait for the third book and to see how this all wraps up. The political games, the betrayal, and the romance were just so much fun to read in this book and I definitely think this does not fall into the sequel slump many books tend to do when they are in a trilogy. Its got such a fun "enemies to lovers to enemies to lovers again" vibe and I can't wait to read the conclusion!
Release Date: September 10,2024
Publication/Blog: Ash and Books (ash-and-books.tumblr.com)
Author Info: Website
Book Tour: TBR Beyond Tours
*Thanks Netgalley, Saga Press | S&S/Saga Press, and @tbrbeyondtours for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review and being part of the book tour.
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pidge-it-up · 1 year
(Izuku and Katsuki have a rule: they can't leave the house mad at each other)
Izuku turned sides that night a hundred times, and he just now felt that Katsuki’s breathing had started to even out, so he tried his best to not move for the one hundred and first time.
But he had repainted the facade of the house today, and the cool welcoming September breeze may have hitten his bones too hard. His shoulder burned, but maybe if he took a deep breath it’d go away. His leg felt twice as big and disconnected from his body, but still, if it was disconnected, how can it hurt like this? Just a deep breath. His hand was kind of numb now, maybe if he tried to open and close it real slow… And that’s it. 
One small move brings his whole body to move along and his conscious is nothing but white noise as his body moves as it pleases to try to make itself more comfortable. 
“Fuck, ‘Zuku, I was almost falling asleep this time.” Katsuki grumbles on the pillow.
He lasted a minute before he had to move again.
“Goddman it, Izuku!”
“I can’t sleep, it’s not my fault!”
Katsuki doesn’t bother turning to him “Well, it sure didn’t fucking help that you snored your ass until 2pm.”
“I was tired!”
“And I’m tired now.”
“I-” Izuku could explain what Katsuki already knew, but why do it? “You know what, fuck this,” why explain for the thousandth time that the fact he couldn’t sleep had nothing to do with how late he woke. It never did. He was exhausted and he wanted nothing more than to sleep for days. But he just couldn’t.  “You don’t see me complaining about how you take the whole space in the bed and I need to have an extra blanket, but god forbid I have trouble standing still one night.” He threw the covers to the side and got out of bed as fast as his rusting body allowed.
“Where are you going?” Katsuk raised his head, eyes squinting to try to make sense of the silhouette moving in the dark, voice close to a dog’s whine when his owner is about to leave the house.
“To the couch,” Izuku dragged himself to the living room without looking back. 
He nested on the couch as best as he could. Pillows supporting his sides, a heating blanket on his back, and his comfort covering his legs. He made an effort to focus on the TV images, playing an old action movie with bad CGI. His eyes burned from the light, but closing them made him too aware of the hurt. 
Then, his phone pinged. Someone from a nearby agency needed backup for a drug dealing operation gone wrong. Izuku sighed. At least it was something to do. 
He texted saying he was on his way. 
He changed quickly in the spare room, but before going out he sneaked his head past the doorframe of their bedroom.
“Hey, Kacchan?” He called. Katsuki was a heavy sleeper, but he was trained to listen to Izuku’s voice like a loyal dog. He raised his head in a hum. “Just letting you know I’m going in. See you in the morning.”
It must have taken him a few second to fully process what Izuku said, because he was already five steps out the door when it burst open again and he was pulled back by a shoeless and shirtless Katsuki. “Hey, hey, hey, wait! Where are you going? You’re not on call!”
“Calli needs help.” Izuku stated simply. She was the new chief of police, but they got along well. 
“Still, you- you know the rules. You can’t leave! I-”
Izuku smiled fondly. “I’m not mad,” the words were true. 
“Still, I’m sorry.” This was also true.
“It’s okay.” Izuku caressed Katsuki’s cheek, taking a step closer.
“You want me to come with you?” 
“No, love. Go back to bed, I’ll be fine. And it’s not like I can sleep anyway.”
“Okay. Kick their asses,” Katsuki grinned. 
“I will. Love you,” Izuku smiled, kissing the right tip of Katsuki’s lip. 
“Love you too.”
Izuku left, and Katsuki went back inside.
This is a part of chapter 9 of In Our Grey Matter, All Grey Matters which will be out soon! Make sure to subscribe to the story to not miss it!
SUMMARY: Deku dies in a car accident but Bakugou refuses to accept that. There's just no way in hell!! So he finds a way to bring him back, but things don't go as expected.
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manichsey · 28 days
I want to get drunk, and that was my biggest fear some months ago
When I was 14 yo I made a promise to myself to be the best daughter I could be, even if that means id have to be unhappy. I won't say I wasn't happy for the past 4 years, I was happy most of the time, but I wasn't being totally me. I thought, by that time, that if I was a lesbian I had to make it up to my parents somehow, so I decided to not bother them with anything.
For the past 4 years I cried alone, I talked alone, I stopped doing things I liked and I was never mad or angry at home. Never. I'm the most understandable person my mom knows. But at what cost?
I am not unhappy and I won't say I regret what I did, I don't. My parents now trust me and they know I won't do bad things. Well, that's the biggest lie of my life, god.
C'mon, I'm almost 18 and I don't know who I am. The only thing I know is that I'm lesbian and that I like to read depressing things. Four years ago I changed from wine to water, I thought no one would notice, and no one did (Halsey, you slayed with it yk). But now, now I want to fucking split that water and become a wine again.
Some months ago my WHOLE life turned upside down, I'm not kidding, and everything I did, everything I gave up, everything I said "no" to, was wasted. All I did became nothing, all my efforts were thrown out and I didn't say a thing. I saw everything coming down, and I kept quiet. Because, as my mom said, I'm so mature for my age.
Fuck that.
No, I'm not so mature for my age, I gave up my age to make YOU proud. To became the daughter YOU wanted. To not disappoint you. Instead of enjoying my youth I kept myself quiet and calm, at home reading or just drinking soda at parties.
But god why, when I saw that all I did was for nothing, that my plans for my future were all ruined, I panicked. I spent the last 4 years following one direction for what I have planned, for what my parents wanted me to do, and I was okay with that, I never complained. Well, it ended up not working.
And for the first time in what seemed for ever, I'm just living. I have no idea of what tomorrow will be, I'm just living and rediscovering what I like. And god how I missed vodka! The feeling of it burning down, shit I always loved that. The 13 yo me knew how to live.
So now I have dyed my hair again, I didn't want to go back to blue so quickly, but purple didn't work so that's what I'll be doing soon. And my parents started complaining about it again. But screw it, I was the perfect daughter for years, I deserve to be me again, I earned that right on September 30th last year. I don't give a shit anymore.
I will live from now on, I'm studying for my dream university, I have the best friends ever, I'm talking the way I like to talk, I have a religion that I really believe, and because of the past 4 years my parents trust me.
They won't stop trusting me because, unfortunately, I'm not crazy yet, and I know how to live the right way. I'll just keep doing what I need to do, and everything will be fine.
I can't wait to turn 18 (in 1 month and 2 days) and be finally drunk 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻.
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headinthestaticsky · 3 years
Extras for The Dusk Calls for me.
Authors Note: While I plan out the next few chapters of my story, enjoy these memories I did for the re-write I did on Wattpad.
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TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions and a attempt of SA
Time: This Takes place a year before the beginning of The Dusk Calls for me.
"Makes me feel like flying
Top-down backstreet driving Dusty road all alone
Tip my hat Puff of smoke, smoke
Makes me feel like flying
I just run ."
American Gurl by: Kilo Kish
I was finally out, those words of bile my mother and sister spew toward me finally pushed me over the edge. Yet those words finally got me back with my father in Forks, where I always belonged.
Flashback: One Week Ago.
"FLEUR! GET DOWN HERE NOW!" My erratic mother Renee yelled from downstairs.
My heart started beating out of my chest, what did I do this time? I walked into the dining room, Renee and Isabella were sitting at the table across from where I was sitting. Bella had a smirk on her face relishing in the tension between Renee and I.
"Yes?" I asked.
"You always have to cause trouble don't you?' She replied back, malice laced her voice.
"What? What are you even talking about?"
"Bella told me you've been saving money to go see your father in Forks." She spat at me.
My rapidly beating heart sunk down into my stomach, I had been trying to see my dad in Forks for a year now. My mother refused to get me a plane ticket herself, she always told me I reminded her too much of my father and that I didn't need to be around him anymore than I already was which wasn't often.
"Mother, it's my money I can do with it as I please," I said calmly though I could feel the rage beginning to boil in my blood.
"YOU AREN'T GOING!" She yelled demandingly.
I couldn't control myself, it was as if someone else had entered my body.
"Well you aren't now aren't you? It's my own money and I will use it however the hell I want to!"
"Oh don't you..." Renee started.
"Are you going to tell me you would be doing the same thing if Bella was the one wanting to go see dad?"
"She isn't a trouble maker." She snapped back.
"How am I a trouble maker? For wanting my mother to be kind and considerate? For wanting my mother to treat me with respect? To get an ounce of love from the frozen, undead heart inside your chest?" I asked, my face heated up it felt like it was burning.
"If you can't stand to be around us so much why don't you just move down there to Forks?"
"I will, just give me the rest of the money for the plane ticket and I swear to god the second I walk out that door I will NEVER come back!"
"Fine..." I turned away from her before she could say anything else. Before I reached the stairs I turned around again, looking directly at Bella.
"Get away from her while you can Isabella, or you're going to end up being just as toxic as she is." I then left before they could say anything else.
Flashback over: 2 years before the Original story begins.
I looked to the side, staring out the window. The desert plains had disappeared while I slept and now the lush green forests overtook the view. The fog wasn't heavy but the skies were covered with dark grey clouds and a downpour of rain. The cold weather was a lot more favorable in my opinion, the sun couldn't burn my skin much here. The plane had begun to shake signaling that the plane was beginning to land. I couldn't wait to see my father again, I hadn't seen him since my 12th birthday. When I got off the plane I stretched, being cramped in a small plane for an almost 3-hour flight wasn't exactly the most comfortable.
I walked through the crowded airport, scanning the area for my father. I bumped into some disgruntled couples and quickly left before I was caught in the crossfires of their mood.
"Petal?" I heard from behind me. I turned around quickly recognizing that voice, it could calm me down before I got into trouble.
"Dad..." I said fondly before running up to hug him.
My heartfelt I little more full, and the pain my mother inflicted on me was healed for the time being. We walked out together, each of us was carrying a bag. The wind was strong today and my hair was flying all of the places. Its cooling touch raised goosebumps on my skin, mom didn't buy any warmer clothes for me so I was stuck in the typical Arizona tank tops and shorts. Luckily for me, the car was already warmed up so I dethawed quickly. We drove for a few minutes in silence, the roar of the engine and other passing cars were the only sounds filling the space.
"So, how have you been? I feel like I haven't seen you in a while." Dad said.
"I've been better, you know how mom is," I mumbled.
"I don't know what happened to her, she wasn't like that in high school. If she was I wouldn't have even wasted a second on her."
"I know you would've dad...she's cruel for sure. She's just good at hiding it from people she wants to impress."
"Yeah, she is."
The drive was a giant wave of nostalgia, being 16 now and seeing all of the familiar sites and views brought back fond memories. The old ice cream shop dad use to take me to, the reservation that Sam and Leah lived on, it all brought me back. It also fueled anger, however, as my mother constantly kept me under the brutal radiation of the sun.  Dad must've seen the look on my face and put his hand on my shoulder.
"It's going to be okay Petal, you're away from her now." He comforted.
"It's not just her dad... Bella's acting like her too."
"That's a shame... it really is."
"Yeah... it is." I sighed.
"I just can't wait to get back home, the attic is calling for me."
Dad chuckled before speaking again.
"You know... I heard you just got your license... So I got you an older car."
"You did not have to do that dad."
"It doesn't get in until next week, so I'll have to drive you to school until then," Dad said as if that would balance out the fact he got me a car.
"That's fine dad. What is it?"
"It's an old Mustang, a Fastback."
"Thank you, dad..."
"No problem Petal.
When we pulled into the driveway of our small but beautiful home the nostalgia fully set in. The colors were exactly the same, and the grass was just as muddy and dead as before.
"Well I cleared off some shelves for you in the bathroom, your room was a bit dusty so I just cleaned it for you," Dad explained as he helped me take my luggage upstairs.
"Sounds good, thank you again, dad, I love you."
"Love you too Petal." He kissed my head before closing the door behind me. The room was bare, I would have to fix it later on. I collapsed on my bed, facing the ceiling.
"I'm home."
September 17th, 2004.
"Dad I have to go, I don't want to be late on my first day!" I exclaimed throwing on a leather jacket.
"Petal I am almost ready, I never knew you were so much of a bookworm." He joked, ruffling my hair.
"Dad I am an entire school year ahead of where I should be... I take my education very seriously." I said, trying to hide the growing smirk on my face.
"Alright alright let's go," Dad said, taking my arm and pulling me out the door.
We were only driving for a little bit when I decided to roll the window down, I placed my arms on where the window used to be and rested my head on them. My hair blew out of my face and the cool mist of Forks hit me. When we arrived at the school dad was scanning the parking lot looking for a place to park when he passed right by a group of people. They were all gorgeous, their faces seemingly perfectly sculpted, and they all had the same colored eyes, golden. My eyes locked with one however, they were filled with pain for a second before melting into shock. something strange filled my chest and my heart began to race. As we drove past them I gave him a smile, hoping to ease his shock.
Timeskip: September 30th, 2004
Something was up, the boy I saw outside that window, Jasper Hale was more than what he seemed. He was freezing cold all the time, and I swore I saw his eyes turn black for a split second when he saw a boy from another make a gesture toward me. It was strange really, we had been friends for a few weeks but he seemingly had a protective...energy over me. But at the same time, I still felt something... I couldn't explain it. It was as if we were connected to each other in some way. My dad had to take my car to the shop and he couldn't pick me up today so I decided to take a trip to the library, hoping to find some new material to read.
I didn't realize how long I had been in the library until I looked out of the small windows of the building. The sky was darkened and daylight was running out, I checked out a few books and left not wanting to be stuck walking in the night. I was a few blocks home when I heard 3 men talking behind me.
"Oh looks at this one..."
"She seems perfect for us."
"Come here girly... we just want to talk."
My heart raced and my pace quickened, speed walking home. I tried taking weird turns and cuts but they wouldn't fall for the bait. I decided to run for it hoping my legs would be quick enough to evade them all. I was then pushed against the wall 2 minutes into my escape again, the smell of alcohol made me want to retch.
"You aren't very good at listening to orders." One murmured, his face was inches away from me, he breathed in my scent and began to chuckle.
"Don't be too hard on her... I like ones that fight." Another said
"Make this easy on yourself girl..."
One reached down to take off my clothes when he was suddenly thrown back a few feet into the air. I just stood against the wall shocked, I saw Jasper standing over the man before making his way over to the other two men. They both took off leaving their "friend" behind but Jasper zoomed toward them. His speed was inhuman and his strength was unprecedented yet I couldn't stop myself from moving from my spot. The other two men were flown into the air and scream on impact. Jasper grabbed them both by the throats.
"If you EVER try to touch her or any woman for that matter like that again... I. will. kill. you!" He growled before releasing them down on the ground. They gasped and ran again, babbling in terror toward one another.
Jasper walked toward me with a guilty look on his face, his hand reached out for mine and I took it without even thinking.
"Come with me Darlin' I have a lot to explain to you." He said softly, his mood had completely changed with me.
We walked for a few moments in silence, I side-eyed him for any shift in behavior, when it didn't I decided to interrogate him.
"How did you do that?" My voice trembled.
He sighed before replying.
"I'm a vampire." He said blatantly.
I looked at him and laughed thinking it was a joke... when he didn't join I stopped and looked at him with shock.
"You're serious?" I said, my eyes widening again.
"Yes I am, I've been 17 for...141 years. I got changed during the Civil War."
"Damn... you're old... wait were you in the Civil War?"
"Yes, I was drafted to the Confederate Army when I was 17..."
"You're telling me, I ran away the first chance I got... I wasn't going to fight in some war that was fueled by warped and disgusting ideas just because I was forced to. I never thought the way they did... I never understood why someone could think so low of a human being just because of his skin."
"That's very brave of you."
"I had just made it to Galveston when I decided to take a break... I ended up on a beach... that's when I ran into an immortal named Maria. She was creating an army and decided that I would be a good fit for it."
"She changed you against your will?"
"I didn't even know what she was doing until I felt searing pains from my arms all the way up to my neck." He explained rolling up his sleeves and showing me his scars."
I traced the teeth marks on his forearm before looking up at him again.
"I'm sorry that happened to you..."
He looked up at me in shock.
"You... you feel sympathy for something like me? I'm a monster..." He said sincerely.
"It wasn't even your choice as to what you became... and I don't think a monster would've saved me back there. Face it, Jasper, you're a big softie who's had bad experiences in his long... long life."
He chuckled before glancing at me, we made it back to the house, dad still wasn't home yet. We walked into the backyard, sitting in patio chairs and looking up at the stars.
"There's something else I have to tell you." Jasper admitted in the darkness.
I looked at him in confusion, what else did he have to tell me? He's a werewolf too?
"You're..." He hesitated. "You're my mate." He said quickly.
"What? How... vampires have mates?" I asked in shock.
"Yes we do, and we instantly know when we've met them. Didn't you feel it, when you looked out that window at me? It was enamour... love, something I have never experienced before."
"I haven't either... but I have to admit I felt something too. I just didn't know what it was, I felt connected to you somehow though. But... I'm 16... falling deeply in love isn't exactly something I planned."
"I understand completely. I won't force you to do anything you don't want to do. I understand I am a vampire... this is a lot to take in." Jasper said lowering his head in shame, his curls covered his eyes.
I sat up and turned to him.
"Hey, hey it's not just because you're a vampire honest! I just need to think things through... we can still talk in and out of school I won't push you out." I said a bit faced-paced. I didn't want to hurt his feelings he did just save me after all.
He looked and me and grabbed my hand.
"Take all the time you need Fleur, I will accept your answer no matter what is it." He said sincerely.
"Thank you... Jasper."
"It's not any trouble." His face lit up all of the sudden, car headlights entered my line of view. I felt my hand by dropped by his cold one and a whoosh of wind flew my hair forward. I turned back around and he was gone.
Timeskip: October 16th, 2004.
It was hard, weighing the pros and cons of being with Jasper.
Pros: We were soulmates... destined to be with each other, He knew my limits and respected my boundaries, he gave me a choice, not forcing me into something I might not want to do, and he was a kind and gentle soul. We understood each other, our hearts and souls were connected and I would never find someone else I would be so close to.
Cons: He was a creature who thirsted for blood... a thirst he didn't always have the best control over, Being in a serious relationship at such a young age was a huge commitment I didn't even fully know who I was... would I ever be able to find out who I am being so committed to someone If I did become involved in a relationship two things would happen... I would die and leave him lonely for eternity, or I would be turned into a vampire... leaving my family behind.
My mulling over of the pros and cons was interrupted, a girl had cleared her throat. I looked up realizing I was still in the school library, standing in the back of the constant isles of books. I turned to the voice and my eyes were shocked to see Rosalie Hale looking at me.
"Rosalie? Is there something you need?" I asked.
"Let's go for a walk, I need to talk to you in private." She said she seemed tense about something.
I checked out the books I got before following her to the outside, we walked near the edge of the woods. The dead leaves and grass crunched underneath our feet.
"I know Jasper told you about us... and he told me that you wanted to think somethings over with him." She started.
"Hey... I just wanted to let you know I would never tell anyone about you guys... And I'm not trying to hurt Jasper with me thinking our relationship over. It's just a lot of process." By the time I finished that statement she laughed and patted my shoulder.
"Don't worry Fleur I completely understand why you want to think over some things... I would too if I were in your shoes. Besides, I trust you... I get a good vibe off of you." Rosalie replied smiling at me.
"I want to get into a relationship with Jasper I do but... I don't want to leave my father... he's all I got right now and I'm all he's got."
"Hey, I promise no one would force you into becoming a vampire in our family... I especially wouldn't force you to."
"Yes of course... It's nice to meet someone with a respect for mortality."
"It's just... I always to do certain things... like going to that art school in Cayon City Oregon... the Art Museums down there are amazing... and I always wanted to kid when I was older... a little boy." I explained smiling fondly at the thought.
"I did too... I always wanted a son."
"But at the same time... I wouldn't want to spend all my time with Jasper... only to leave him alone for eternity you know?" I asked her hoping she would get my point of view.
"Of course... I can tell you've been conflicted these past few weeks about it. But I wanted to vouch for Jasper... he's willing to do anything for you, and his thirst for blood has never been more controlled than when he's been with you. He won't take you away from your family either... he would never want to hurt you in any way possible." She explains turning toward me to look me in the eyes so the message could really sink in.
"Thanks, Rosalie..."
"Of course...give Jasper a chance, I promise it'll be worth it." She said.
"I will... I'll talk to him tonight, thanks for the guidance."
"No problem."
Timeskip: October 16th, 2004: 10:12 PM
Dad was gone, he had to work late down at the station tonight. My palms and legs shook nervous to tell Jasper my decision. I was sitting in the same spot I was in when Jasper told me I was his soulmate... the cool air calmed my nerves slightly before I closed my eyes and sighed.
"Fleur? You said you wanted to talk to me... are you okay?" Jasper's voice asked worryingly behind my closed lids.
"Yeah, I'm fine... I just wanted to give you an answer about... everything."
He sat down adjacent to me and nodded, wanting me to continue.
"I will get into a relationship with you... thank you for giving me the time to think about things."
He smiled before asking me if he could kiss my cheek. I said yes of course and it seemed my body melted in bliss and content. All the past weeks' tensions and worrying left me and it was replaced with love... and a sense of stability. We looked up at the stars and I pointed toward the largest one in the sky.
"You see that one?" I said.
"Yes, I do Darlin'."
"That is the star of the path I started with you..."
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crimeronan · 3 years
march, august, september, ancient for fic asks <3
march: do you listen to music whilst writing?
yeah!! but i don't usually listen to music with lyrics, unless they're in a language i don't know. i'll go on youtube and find instrumental compilations that fit the mood i'm writing. you would be amazed by how many there are!
august: are any of your fics associated with certain genres/artists/songs/etc?
oh a SHITLOAD of my fics are titled after or inspired by certain songs. the two bands/artists that have the most fic influence are definitely rise against & regina spektor. unbecoming jordan hennessy, on the other hand, is an entire series where every piece is titled after one of the lyrics in unbecoming by starset, which is Such a hennessy & the girls song that i just.... hhhh
september: share a comment or review which still warms your heart?
people have left me a lot of really wonderful and deeply personal comments over the years ;-; a few come to mind -- here is one that's long and that i still need to reply to on ao3, but which is fairly recent and makes me lose my Mind whenever i reread it:
"ASD;HGLAJR;UWAGHFSDJKV.NLJ;OFOHULTR.EIJA/S I'M IN TEARS author, this fic is one of the most gorgeous things i've ever read. HOW did you manage to make this so hilarious and meaningful at once? i LOVE the platonic ronanessy that feels like a slow burning dumpster fire (in the best way). i want to give every character in this a puppy, a warm cup of cocoa, and a big hug (lmao they would all hate that). your hennessy made me reread cdth and mi because i missed how frickin wonderful she is the first time around and now i think i'm in love with her. also, not to sound like a completely crazed fangirl, but your characterization of adam is just. 😭🤗 i think i've read chapters 17-19 three or four times now (AND I'LL DO IT AGAIN!) ngl, adam's "i wish you had died" in chap 4 almost made me stop reading the fic but i am SO GLAD i didn't because you know what you're doing. both hennessy and adam seemed so mean and awful in the beginning, and the way you slowly unpacked their respective mental states/past trauma was just *incoherent bawling* sorry if this is weird or too personal, but this fic resonated with me so much. i have bipolar and i'm more than familiar with SI and i was hesitant to read this in case it wrecked my fragile mental state, but that "Healing" tag really didn't lie. this was unbelievably cathartic and immeasurably comforting. thank you, thank you, thank you. i didn't know i needed a 113K anti-soulmate aus soulmate au to cure my book hangover from reading trc+tdt in <1 week and cure my depression(/j), but i did. seriously, thank you so much, author. i feel very called out. this isn't my fav quote from this because there are FAR TOO MANY ridiculously sweet moments to choose. this has a special place in my heart:
“I’m prettier than Parrish.” “Not to me.”
asashgj;afghkavnsa 😍😍😍 whoops i just realized this comment is a long rambling mess. sorry! i just wanted to say that YOU ARE AN ABSOLUTE GOD and i can't wait for jordeclan thing/whatever the next installment in this fic is! if you read this whole thing ily and i hope you have a great day!"
ancient: the first fic you ever posted online?
it's long since lost to the ether, but it was a twilight fic i posted in 2007 on ffnet. it was set in the 1920's during edward's "rebellious years," and it involved him accidentally attacking & then turning a teenage girl OC.
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chronicalchaos · 3 years
Wick modern AU: Explained +Some fun facts
Uhm, i was gonna wait until i finish this AU's synopsis and new book cover, but both will be taking a while until they get ready...
And i wanted to post this "overview" for a while now, anyways, here's some fun facts and a summary of the story:
Old book cover:
Tumblr media
I'm really proud of Sam's shading, but the twins look weird and Tom looks old...I won't use this cover, 'cus Travis and Duncan are main characters as well and i want to include them on the cover. +My art style changed!
Story summary:
Just a quick thing! I changed quite a few things to fit the narrative and the modern days setting, i hope you understand!
The story of this AU happens in September 2014, a little less than a month until Sam’s birthday, where the Weavers aren't dead– Well, most of them aren't...
The narrative is centered on a curse, that was based on the audio that plays when you pick up Benny's bible, where 7 people are affected by it: Tim, Tom, John, Sam, John's brother/Sam's dad(I won't name him), Mary and James.
Sam's, Travis' and Duncan's side of the story will be more on the investigative side maybe with a bit of comedy(I'm not good with writing that, so it will most likely be just investigation), while Tim and Tom's side will be the more angst and unusual/horror side. Sam will have a bit of horror as well, since he's linked with them by the curse, but the twins will definitely have the spotlight when it comes to horror/unusual stuff.
Fun Facts:
The story happens a week, maybe a bit more, after summer break
Even tho one of the first chapters is set on school, them going to school will probably just be mentioned or implied, Example: Them leaving a school bus
For some reason, i saw a few stories where everyone knew what polio is and how it works, which i felt it wouldn't be realistic, so that won't happen here
It has a lot of paranormal stuff
The summer camp by the Weaver's property is closed and has been like that for a few years now
Just Mary and James call the twins Changelings, the rest of the city knows there are "changelings" walking around, just, not that the twins are them
There's no changelings, they think there is, but in reality it's just a curse(like that's something lighter than a demon switched with a child at birth)
The song that helps me get in the mood of this story when I'm writing is "Far too young to die" by Panic! At the disco
Timas Weaver:
Tim is 12, he'll be 13 in...approximately 3 months
He was born December 30th 2001 and is the oldest between him and Tom
He's almost an inch shorter than Tom
He has a huge burn scar! It goes from a bit more than half of his chest, both his arms, his palms and his whole neck, he got that scar when he was 3 years old
He's does not have asthma, but he does have extreme pyrophobia on it's place
He has flat affect, his face doesn't match his emotions/he looks serious most of the time(I'm so sorry if I don't portrait it right! Please give me constructive criticism if I do something wrong here!)
He's a theater kid and would be quoting a lot of musicals if Mary didn't isolate him and Tom from the world(The theater part only exists because of his and Tom's masks)
The whittling thing exists here, but like, it won't be of much importance to the story, the knife will! But not the whittle part
He despises spiders and it's Tom's fault!
He climbs trees (there's not much I can say here to be honest)
He has this...i don't know if you can call it a quirk, but, he tends to tilt his head to the left, it's kinda random
He's ambidextrous, was left handed, but Mary forced him to learn to use his right hand
He teached himself how to throw knifes...don't mess with him
Needs therapy
Tomathy Weaver:
Tom is 12 and will be 13 in approximately 3 months
He was born December 30th 2001 and is the youngest between him and Tim
He's almost an inch taller than Tim
He doesn't have Polio now, he did when he was...around 5 years old
His left leg is bigger than his right one, his right feet reaches his left ankle
His left ankle is paralyzed, that's why he uses a leg brace
He's claustrophobic, he developed that on the same day Tim got his scar and pyrophobia
He won first place on a spelling bee before he got Polio and he used to spell when he got anxious, but after John's disappearence he started shuddering, shaking and cracking his joints instead, very similar to how he shudders on the game
He loves spiders!
He is really flexible, but, because of his polio, he can't play around with it anymore
He likes to draw
He has pretty bad scoliosis
Paranoia #2!
Socially awkward baby
Went to therapy when little, needs to go back
Caleb Weaver:
Caleb is 9 years old
He was born August 19th 2005
He's almost the same height as Timas
He was a year old when Tom had polio
He's actually James' kid, not John's
He won first place in 2014's(the year the story happens) county track meet
He dislikes Tim
Lillian Weaver:
Lillian is 5 years old
She was born February 28th 2009
She's a bit tall for her age
She's notorious for making little deals between her and her siblings, like helping them get away with something in exchange of something(getting her out of class during their recess, buying a new plushy, etc.)
She's a really curious and affectionate kid, loves hugs, kisses and especially being picked on someone's lap
She loves bunnies(even tho this isn't a surprise)
Benjamin Weaver:
Benjamin is 14 years old and will be 15 in less then a month
He was born October 24th 1999
He's just really tall compared to the twins (it's kinda funny, Tim and Tom are 4 years older than Caleb, but they are just an inch taller than him)
He's really religious and prays a lot for his siblings' health and safety
He's been trying to take care of Tom after John's disappearence, since Mary doesn't do it, much the opposite, she hides Tom's medicines on purpose
Mary Weaver:
I didn't give her neither an age nor a birthday...i probably need to do that
She had an affair with James, when the twins were 4 and Benny was 6, Caleb was born from this affair
She doesn't hit any of her kids, but she does neglect most of them
On the nights between Saturday and Sunday, she doesn't sleep, she spends this time praying with a candle, then, before they go to church, she writes everything that happened that night on her diary
She has a lot of diaries, she keeps them in the attic
She's a little bitch(i don't know what else to say about her)
Pastor James McAlroy:
James also doesn't have an age nor birthday (i only have the Weaver kids and Sam's birthdays)
He won't appear much, but he does have a big role on the story
He's Caleb's biological dad(i mentioned that like 3 times already)
He tried doing a "honest-to-god exorcism" on the twins, it was just a cover for an attempt of murder
He's a toxic little shit(there's not much I can say about him)
Samuel Burton:
Sam is 12 years old and will be 13 in less than a month
He was born in October 2nd 2001
Him and Travis are Brothers on their mom's part
He's cousin with the Weavers, minus Caleb, they just don't know each other
He can be just as smug as Travis sometimes
He absolutely hates going on ghost hunting, he thinks it's dumb
He has long hair and freckles all over his body
He's just too lazy to tie his own shoes
He's the only one that remembers to bring a backpack when ghost hunting
While Travis is the camera man, he's the flashlight guy
Travis Burton:
Travis is 15 years old and i don't have a birthday for him, well, he would be born in 1999 just like Benny
He doesn't like wearing glasses, but doesn't have other choice, he either doesn't take proper care of his lenses and gets his eyes irritated or he just lost them
He's the face of his and Duncan's channel
He tries to drag Sam to be part of the channel, but he doesn't really want to be part of it
He cusses way too much
He's brave, only because he goes face first into danger without thinking
Duncan is 15 and would also be born in 1999
Big ass coward, sends Travis and Sam to go investigate on his place every fucking time
Entitled as fuck
The "brain" behind his and Travis' channel
He's suspiciously good on researching, he'll find the most unexpected things about you
He's a little shit as well
...i think that's it! Now i can go continue the first chapter and maybe finish it soon
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plasma-studios · 3 years
Burning Love
Triggers: F!re, w!tch b^rn!ng, tox!c rel@at!onsh!p(?)Triggers: F!re, w!tch b^rn!ng, tox!c rel@at!onsh!p(?)
I stumbled out of bed. Day after day, year after year. The cycle never ends.
Am I truly an angel? Surely, Heaven was meant to be a utopia.
Then why was it so unendurable for me?
We were told that we were pure. Personally selected for Heaven.
We were told that we were perfect. Infallible. Angels.
We were given a landscape to rebuild our fallen society. To revive the good and banish the bad. We were told others were too corrupted to join us.
We were told we succeeded. That we rebuilt all the riches of the past.
And yet, I had just a single soul, who every moment spent with was of pure bliss in this so-called paradise.
"Lily, where are you...?" "Gotcha!" Aria snatched my hand away just as I crept behind her.
"Hey, no fair!" I whined with a huge grin on my face.
"Should've prepared better, " She replied tartily.
"So, Ari, what did you want to show me?" Aria's eyes twinkled and she raced away
"Hey!" "Come on, Ari! I waited for ages!" "Fine, " She pouted. She opened up her palm and I gasped. In her palm was a small stone, rapidly switching colours from ruby red to sapphire blue, then to golden yellow and so on.
"That's amazing!"
"I can do you one better. Look!" She threw the colourful pebble on the ground and it exploded in a rainbow mist. I laughed and waved through the beautiful cloud of smoke.  I stopped as I noticed something moving inside. A moment later, a magnificent peacock strode out.
"Do you like it?" Aria asked after a moment of quiet.
"Of course I do! This is the best day of my life!" I laughed and hugged Aria.
I didn't notice her soft mutterings against my neck then, but as I thought about it now, my cheeks grew red.
September 20th. The best day of my entire life...no, scratch that. It was the best day of my entire existence.
And yet, Heaven was going to steal the only joy in my cruel life this very day.
"Lily, please..." "We can't be together, Aria...would it be enough if I never give you peace?" "You can and have given me. You are my peace." "No...I'm not. And I never can be." I ran away, knowing the mob was approaching. I had to distance myself from Aria if I wanted to live. But god, it hurt so badly. I knew she would die. Someone had tipped them off of her abilities. Now all I could do was to run for my life.
I fumbled with the edge of my dress. A glass of cold water sat beside me on the small drawer. My heart pounded against my ribcage. I mustn't go outside. My heart would be broken forever if I dared to even take one small peek.
Watching would only make it worse.
I could hear tormented cries coming from outside.
I reached for the glass of water, desperate to take my mind off matters.
"PLEASE, JUST LET ME SEE LIANA AGAIN-" I choked, the clear liquid spilling across my clothes.
What was I thinking? I had to say goodbye. I had to.
I dashed out, hoping I wasn't too late.
"Witch!" "Heathen!" "Burn it!" "WAIT!" I cried out, my legs feeling as though they would give out any moment.
"Please, Aria, I'm so sorry, I never meant for any of this to happen—"  I stumbled and tumbled onto the grass. The crowd, momentarily silenced by my cries, started to jeer.
"The witch's friends have to burn with her too. Throw her into the fire! " Hands grab every inch of me and drag me to the pyre. Aria's face is unreadable.
I'm ready for the sweet oblivion of death.
The yell echoed across the space, the flames pushed to the side, looking much more decorative than deadly. Everyone is still.
Aria stands tall and proud, the fire of promised death dancing in her distant eyes. A vacant smile spread across her face, not an inch of her singed by the fire.
"How silly can you be...?"
Her soft yet hard whisper carries across the now-hushed crowd.
"You deem me a freak of nature, a heathen. Yet..."  She smiled sadly.
"You forgot. If I'm a...'witch', then...what use would burning be?"
Not a single murmur is heard. A chill settles across the crowd.
Flames rose against her. She closed her eyes.  All this while, I was laying on the ground before her, petrified. Was this really the Ari I knew?
She raised her hands...and snapped her fingers. Then something seemed to explode, and the whole space was filled with golden sparks of fire, aching to destroy everything in their path. Screams and shrieks of pain surrounded me.
Aria bent down and stroked my cheek. I was too much in shock to even say anything.
"You asked me once if it be enough if you could never give me peace. Look around. We'll have peace for eternity." She whispered in my ear.
Something clicked in my head. Heaven is Hell. And we're all here for our eternal punishment.
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qbrooklyn1056 · 3 years
El angelito que cambió NYC!
The lack of resources when it comes to children should never be an issue. Why is it that rich children get treated so, much better than less fortunate children? Aren't children, children and they all should be loved and tread equally? This is no where near the case for most poor children. The system seems like they fail to protect black and brown babies, like to them its not as important as finding justice for white baby. When describing children, you think of lovable, sweet and some of the smartest little humans you’ll come across. Children are the key to joy some may say and their pure innocence makes up for some of the most hilarious and memories moments. What happens when you have people who use their children innocence for their own personal gains, and the lack of a system making sure putting the safety of children needs at top priority. You get a dead child and a ton of excuses. Either way, 6-year-old Elisa Izquierdo, who would have been 32 years old this year, but instead is resting in Cypress Hills Cemetery. This would be at the hands of the people who she should’ve been most protected by.
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Elisa Izquierdo was born on February 11th 1989, in Brooklyn NY, at Woodhull hospital. She was born to Gustavo Izquierdo, who was a Cuban immigrant dancer, and her mother Awilda Lopez who was Puerto Rican. The pair met in a homeless shelter in Fort Greene Brooklyn, where Izquierdo was a caretaker, and she was a resident of the shelter. Two years into the relationship Lopez got pregnant with Elisa. Izquierdo would break up with Lopez after discovering she was heavy into using crack cocaine, and that was actually part of the reason she was into the shelter anyway. She would lose her two oldest kids to child welfare (Now ACS), the same year Elisa was born. Elisa had crack cocaine in her system and Elisa was permanently place with her father. He made sure she was his world and got her into a good school, but a health condition would interfere with him paying for Elisa schooling. Says the daily news, who covered the whole story throughout the trail.
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Should a parent that had been on drugs get their children back? For most, I would say, Hell No, not untroubled the child is 17 and older. This way the child can fight back or speak up against the abuse if its happening. Plus,, most abuse patents, usually only go after the weak and small, because they can't fight back. Now, the same year her mother claimed to completely drug treatment and had an apartment on Manhattan Lower East side, Rutgers Houses projects. She was now married to a maintenance worker named Carlos Lopez. Lopez was granted unsupervised visits every second weekend. This is where her two oldest siblings would tell family, that Elisa was being abused and lock in a cupboard by their mom and step-dad. (Family members did nothing). While Elisa would return home and begin bedwetting and had scars all over including her genitalia. She would vomit after coming from her mom house and would refuse to go in bathrooms. (Information also provided by the daily news), I don't know about most people, but if a child is showing all these signs, something is very wrong. This is nothing you sweep under a rug this is something the U.S. Marshall's should even be notified of. This little girl was being treated like a human punching bag, all for just being herself. Elisa story should be made into a movie or shown at them programs for people who abuse kids. Should also be shown to new parents, so they can have an understanding of the real world. Even people thinking about having a baby Should see this story, so they know how much work kids are but they may also come to realize they're not ready for a child.
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Her father is the type of dad I believe anybody wouldn't want as a dad or any woman would love to have a baby by him, because of how much he cared and loved his daughter. He was a real standup guy who just wanted the best for his baby girl. He never could imagine that the person he had a baby with, was the devil in the flesh. Himand teacher notice the bruises, and she said she didn’t want to go back to her house ever again. Elisa also, told a social worker what had happened, and Izquierdo tried everything to stop the visitation rights, but the courts said she could continue to see her daughter, but under the conditions she doesn’t hit her child Izquierdo would purchase tickets for Cuba for the date of May 26, 1994, he planned on moving him and Elisa there. He would be rushed to the hospital in May, finding that he had Lung Cancer, he would pass on the same day him and his daughter was supposed to start their new life May 26, 1994. The director of the school still tried to report the mother after the father died because the school was worried. Since he wasn’t there to fight for her anymore. I sometimes wonder why God took him away from that Elisa, because she really needed him at this time, but even though this story is tragic. It's because of Elisa's story a rules and regulations have change when it comes to children.
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This is were we see things get really bad for little Elisa. This is were child welfare dropped the ball over and over. This is were this beautiful little girl will lose her life because everyone around her was dropping the ball. Her mother would get temporary custody after she filed a permanent custody order of Elisa, Izquierdo family would challenge the decision, Lopez lawyer made her seem like a saint, who wasn’t going to use drugs again, and Elisa wanted to be with her biological mother. Judge Phoebe Greenbaum approved permanent custody in September 1994. Elisa was withdrawn from private school and sent to public school 126 in Manhattan. She was said to be “uncommunicative, emotionally disturbed, and urinated often”. Also, the principle at the new school said “Elisa was tearing out hair and walking with difficulty.” In 1995, some ones sent an anonymous letter to child welfare and said Lopez cut off Elisa hair and was locking her in dark rooms. The school kept reporting and child welfare kept saying “Not reportable “due to lack of evidence. The evidence was obviously there. It was supposed to be a caseworker checking on Elisa all the time. Lopez back on drugs and that spring withdrew Elisa from 126 and didn’t enroll her another school. She was in her six child and but Elisa for some reason was always her target. Why wasn't this judge disbarred? This is a slap in the face to any child going through abuse. You are basically giving the abuser a pass to do whatever they want to the child with no consequences. Do you really think that a person on drugs, who beats her child everyday, is going to change overnight? I'm here to tell you absolutely not, Not when they don't even like there own child. I believe a lot of these people should have been brought up on charges and given prison time to show the world we will not tolerate this kind of abuse.
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To imagine this poor little girl being beating and abused by somebody that she hope would protect, turned out to be a monster. The mother was an evil women with real problems, besides drug use. In my opinion she knew exactlywhat she was doing, because she didn'treat all her kids that way or even think about doing half the things she did to Elisato the others. I mean this women made this child. eat her own feces, sexually assaulted with a hairbrush, hair mopped with the floor, and way more horrible things. Carlos Lopez would beat Elisa and the oldest two because they weren’t his. November 22nd. Lopez would phone her sister and says her daughter was “retarded on the bed" and she had fluid coming from her nose and mouth, which was said to be brain fluid. She was told to take her to the hospital and she said “I’ll think about it after she did the dishes.” The next day a neighbor came to see what was going on and told Lopez to call the police and she said “No.” The neighbor did and Lopez talked of committing suicide. She would admit that she threw her daughter into a wall two days prior. The autopsy revealed broken fingers, vaginal tear, burns, welts, and a bone protruding through her skin.
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Elisa story gained lots of media attention and the Newspapers, such as dateline, New York times, and time magazine just to name a few. Everyone was in some way scolding child welfare services for dropping the ball horribly. Judge Phoebe Greenbaum faced a lot of backlash and claimed she followed proper procedures in the case. Then Mayor Rudolph Giulliani would create ACS (Administration for Children Services). Devoted to child welfare, which years down the line would have a lot of similar cases like Elisa. In 1996 then Governor George Pataki signed Elisa's law which is for every agency whether private or city work together to make sure children are safe, and to also protect the child’s privacy or workers in case of any situation with abuse. This is about the need to increase accountability in the city.
This whole situation is just wrong, so many people failed this child and looked the other way. I guess it goes back to what I was asking at the beginning. I believe poverty can play a big part in children not getting enough love and support from their families, because they have to work and make sure things are taking care of. One thing I learned is no matter what, talk to a child and see if anything is going on. Any little sign of anything you confront the situation, you don’t want to wait until it too late to do something about it. Hurting one of most God creatures is absolutely disgusting, and there should be no coming back from that. I wonder if she was from a family with money would child service had taken her case way more serious? The answer most likely is yes. Money talks in this country and the sad part is, people don’t take action until its always too late. One child is too many to lose to child abuse.
 • Daily News
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Y/n's POV:
These past four months have been the hardest for me and Sam. I try to help him but he blamed himself and I did the same with myself. Sam would disappear for days then come back. I couldn't sleep because when I closed my eyes I was able to see or more imagined what Dean was going through and I felt the same pain, how I felt my body being torn apart then put back together. The first time that I had those nightmares I had Sam to comfort me but it wasn't the same he wasn't Dean.
As the time went by I would disappear for weeks saying that I was going to the bar and on hunts to think and free my mind, but I wasn't. I drove to a different crossroads in town then out of town to make a deal, but none of the demons want to make a deal with me to bring Dean back. It was driving me crazy.
"you know Dean wouldn't like you to make a deal Y/n? He made me promise that I was going to protect you and stopped you from doing that" he said as he sat down in front of me, "yeah Sam I know" I said lying to him, "I will go to take a nap then I will bring us food is that alright?" I said and he nodded and gave me a small smile that I returned. I went to my room and did something that I haven't done in years I prayed. I got on my knees and cross myself, "look, I know that I am not one of your favorites. I don't even know if you are real or not, but once again I just want to ask you for a miracle to bring Dean back, he deserves something better than what he has got. So, God, I ask you for a miracle to bring Dean back safe, that's all I ask for. Please and Thank you" I said and got up and grabbed the keys of my car to go to town, "hey Y/n I thought you said you were gonna take a nap?" Sam said as he saw me, "Not anymore Sam. You want the usual?" I asked and he nodded, "be careful alright," he said giving me another smile, "will do Sam," I said before I walked out.
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I was walking around not really looking, having other thoughts on my mind which were really only about Dean. I bump or more like slammed into someone and I fall on my butt, "I'm so sorry Miss" the guy said as he turns around to help me up, "no, it was my fault.  So I am sorry for slamming into you Mister" I said as I look up and saw that he was wearing a black dress shirt, "Don't call me Mister you make me feel old" he said as he looked down and smile at me and I smile at him back, "thank you... uh I guess young fella for picking me up even when it was my fault" I said and he laughs at what I said and I saw those big blue eyes that twinkle, "no problem, young gal and have a good night" he said as he started to walk away and I just stood there looking at him walk away, "good night to you too!" I said loud and he turns and waves, "may God bless you," he said and it made me froze, then I continue to go and get the food for me and Sam. After that day I left for Iowa to try again to make a deal.
Dean's POV:
"Help! Help! Help!" I said as I was pounding on the wood that was above my head as dirt falls on my face and I continue to pound.
I was in the middle of a grassy field, a simple wooden cross is planted as I crawl my way out of the ground, groaning and gasping. I lie on my back, panting. I stand looks around in the glaring sunlight.
I walked until I saw an abandoned Gas Station and I entered, "Hello?" I say but no one answers, so I enter and took some water to drink I was really thirsty. I started to get more water to take and I see a Newspaper and it says that is Thursday, September 18th. I cleaned myself and started to look on my body and see that nothing that happened to me in Hell is there no scars, well just a hand-print on my left shoulder.
I go to the counter, set down the bag, and hit a single button on the register, snapping my fingers in satisfaction when it pops open. As I'm looting the cash, the TV to my left flicks on, showing only static. I shut it off; only to have a radio to my right turn on to white noise. Not wasting a moment, I go to another shelf and grabs a carton of salt, opens it, and begin to pour it along the windowsill.A high-pitched single tone begins, and I clutch my left ear in pain as I continue to pour salt with my right hand. As it continues, I drop the salt and crouch to the floor, groaning in agony. The window above my head shatters as the sound continues, and I drop to the floor. I leap to my feet to try to escape, and more glass on the ceiling and walls shatters. I went to a phone booth that was there and dial Sam's and Y/n's number but they don't answer, so I try another number. This time it rings and is answered."Yeah?" he said and I was happy to hear his voice, "Bobby?" I said looking around, "Yeah?", "It's me," I say and still sounds that he doesn't recognize me, "Who's "me"?" he says confirming what I thought, "Dean," I said and a dial tone sounds, so I hang up and dial again. "Who is this?" he said again, "Bobby, listen to me" I try to stop him from hanging up, "This ain't funny. Call again, I'll kill ya" he said and the dial tone again. ~AT BOBBY'S~
I pound on the door, and Bobby's hand appears to open it. I smile cautiously, but Bobby looks at me suspiciously. "Surprise," I said, "I, I don't..." Bobby says, "Yeah, me neither. But here I am" I said entering. As I approach him he lunges forward and slashes me, so I grabbed his arm and twist it around, he breaks the grip and backhands me in the face. "Bobby! It's me!" I said but still, he doesn't believe me, "My ass!" he said and I put a chair between the both of us, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait! Your name is Robert Steven Singer. You became a hunter after you met Rodney, and later met your wife and... you're about the closest thing I have to a father. Bobby. It's me" I said raising my hands and he lowers his knife and places his hand on my shoulder, suddenly he slashes again, but I quickly subdue and disarm him. "I am not a shapeshifter!" I said but he can't hear me or something, "Then you're a Revenant!" he said and I shove him away and hold the knife, "Alright. If I was either, could I do this – with a silver knife?" I said rolling my sleeve and slicing my arm, "Dean?" he said starting t believe me, "That's what I've been trying to tell you" I said and he grabs me and pulls me into a tight hug and I return it.
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"It's... It's good to see you, boy" he says and I felt relief, "Yeah, you too," I said smiling at him, "But... how did you bust out?" he said and I really had no idea, "I don't know. I just, uh, I just woke up in a pine box..." I didn't finish cause Bobby splashes water on my face, "I'm not a demon either, you know" I said spitting the water, "Sorry. Can't be too careful" he said giving me a towel that I use to wipe my face, "What do you remember?" he asked, "Not much. I remember I was a Hellhound's chew toy, and then... lights out. Then I come to six feet under, that was it. Sam's and Y/n's number are not working. They're, uh... they're not..." I said imagining the worst, "Oh, he's alive. And as far as I know, she is too" he said sitting down, "Good... Wait, what do you mean, as far as you know?" I asked him what he means, "I haven't talked to her for months. Sam calls some days to check-in" he said, "You're kidding, you just let her go off by herself?" I said getting angrier, "She was dead set on it and Sam was with her for a while," he said, "Bobby, you should've been looking after both Sam and her, you saw how she reacted!" I said raising my voice, "I tried. These last months haven't been exactly easy, you know. For them or me. We had to bury you" he said trying to make understand, "Why did you bury me, anyway?" I said curiously, "I wanted you salted and burned. Usual drill. But... they wouldn't have it" he said suspiciously, "Well, I'm glad they won that one," I said, "she said you'd need a body when she got you back home somehow. That's all she said while Sam just didn't want to listen. Both insisted that she was acting differently" he explained, " What do you mean?" I asked him to elaborate," she was quiet. Real Quiet. And then she just took off. Wouldn't return my calls. I tried to find her, but she didn't want to be found by me. And Sam said that sometimes she will show up stay for a day then leave for weeks" he said and I got mad, "Oh, damnit, Y/n" I said hitting the table, "What?" he said not understanding my actions, "Oh, she got me home okay. But whatever she did, it is bad mojo" I said shaking my head, "What makes you so sure?" he looked at me with concern, "You should have seen the gravesite. It was like a nuke went off. And then there was this... this force, this presence, I don't know, but it, it blew past me at a fill-up joint. And then this" I said and show him the handprint, "What in the hell?" he said as he stands up, "It was like a demon just yanked me out. Or rode me out" I said having my mind going wild, "But why?" he asked, "To hold up their end of the bargain," I said and I saw the worried on his face, "You think Y/n made a deal," he said as the concern grew on his face, "It's what I would have done," I said and I didn't know what to think.
Me and Bobby left to Kansas where Sam was and to see if he knew anything about Y/n.
Y/n's POV:
It's been a couple of days since I left for Iowa and I have tried at least 5 times to get a deal, but all of the demons don't accept my soul at all.
~At night~
Today it is my last hope to see if I can get a deal so I can bring Dean back, I did the whole ritual and waited for a demon to show up, I was losing my hope when I felt someone behind me and I turn to see him.
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" Hello darling, you come to daddy," he said and I just looked at him and recognize him, "Crowley?" I said and he smiled at me, "so my demons said that my special one was trying to make a deal" he said and I rolled my eyes at him, "I'm not your special one Crowley. You should know that I don't like you" I said crossing my arms, "C' mon darling you do like me admit it" he said and I just looked at him, "yeah maybe the size of a mustard seed. But why the King of Hell is here instead of your minions, huh" I said and he raised his eyebrows, "well Darling you see, your soul has something special that I would like to have and I wasn't going let them have it, so I told them to not made any deals with you until I was able to come to make it" he said, "can you bring him back?" I asked him and he gave me a bitch face, "of course Darling, but in exchange for something" he said looking at me up and down, "what do you want in exchange for bringing him back?" I said as he started to walk around me, "you see as the King of Hell I need to have a Queen, and who would it be the best Queen that one of the most feared female hunters, that has a special soul like yours" he said licking his lips and I really wanted to puke, "Dean gets back and I have to go with you to Hell, for how long?" I asked accepting what I had to do, "well that's the thing. Is for eternity" he said and I gulped and looked down, "okay Crowley, where do I sign" I said and he looked surprised, "I thought I had to try to convince you more Darling, but I guess I was wrong" he said and I just wanted to finish this, "cut the shit Crowley and let's do this" I said and he took a step forward, "you have to kiss me Darling to seal the deal and your Ken doll would be back just like we said" he said and I took a deep breath and when I was about to step forward to kiss him my phone started to ring and I knew it was Sam for his ringtone, I stopped Crowley. "I have to answer this first," I said and took a step back.
"yes Sam," I said and Crowley looked at me, "he's alive Y/n!, alive!" he said and I couldn't understand what he mends, "what? who is alive?" I said and Crowley raised his eyebrows and looked away from me, "Dean, he just arrived with Bobby at the Bunker. He-he-he is truly him Y/n" he said and I felt that all the blood was drained from my body, "Sa-Sam don't play with me please" I begged him as tears started to blurry my vision, "sweetheart is me is really me please come back I missed you" I heard that voice that I've been missing for months and I dropped my phone to the ground as tears ran down my face. I pick it up and walked towards my car, "what about the deal?!" Crowley screams at me, "forget it you lied to me!" I said as I drove off.
Dean's POV:
It's been about 7 hours since we talked to Y/n and I just wanted to hold her and tell her that everything will be okay, and that I was never going to leave here ever again.
The 3 of us were at the kitchen, but soon it was just me cause the 2 of them left.
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I wasn't gonna go and wait there so I decided to go to our room and sat down on the bed waiting, but I couldn't help to wonder all the bad things that can happen to her, to me, to us. I couldn't help but cry and wipe my tears as more started to run. I listen to footsteps it seemed that someone was running but I didn't bother to look at the person that enter my room, "Dean?" I heard a broken voice said and I felt my heart pump faster and I turn to see her. I stand up and run to her and picked her up on my arms as she wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist, "thank God you are here" she said as she held me closer and I did the same. I kissed her slowly showing her all the love and how much I missed her.
I felt that I was complete again I put her down and grabbed her face and kissed her again and again, " I love you, Dean, you don't know how hard it was" she said as tears started to ran down her eyes and I wiped them with my thumb, "please baby tell me that you didn't make a deal please" I said and she looked down and took a deep breath, "I tried so many times, but none wanted to accept, well until tonight. But I said no cause Sam called" she said as she tries to smile at me with her teary eyes. I stopped holding my breath as I hear her said that I was really glad that she didn't and that we didn't have to be concern about how much time did we had left together. I kissed her again, "we need both of you at the library," Sam said making both of us break the kiss.
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When we were walking towards the library Y/n was holding me close, just like the day that she almost lost Scott, I looked down and kissed her head and smile at her just like she did. We soon arrived and we saw someone standing in the middle with a trenchcoat, "who are you?" I asked, " Castiel" the guy answer and I moved Y/n behind me, "Yeah, I figured that much, I mean what are you?" I asked again as he kept looking staring at me, "I'm an Angel of the Lord" he answers, "Get the hell out of here. There's no such thing" I said and I felt Y/n move, "This is your problem, Dean. You have no faith. Unlike her she did and thanks to her faith I brought you back" he said and I was about to say something but Y/n beat me to it, " I know you, I-I saw you on town I bumped into you, but... you are using the guy as you meat suit" she said stepping forward,  "He's a devout man, he actually prayed for this" he answers and the lights started to flash and we were able to see his wings all of us took steps back but Y/n stayed in place even when I try to pull her, "so you are really an angel Castiel" she said and he nodded and step forward towards her and try to reach for her, but I saw her flinch, "I would never hurt you Y/n. You and Dean were chosen by God to accomplish his plan" he said as he caresses her face, "what plan?" Sam asked, "I have to go," he said and he disappears as we hear a flop of wings and Y/n just stays there not able to move and I move in front of her and snap my fingers and she shook her head and blinked, "what happens? where did he go?" she asked confused, "he had to go" Sam answer and I just embrace her and she did the same and I started to kiss her but soon it turns into something more, so I picked her up and I walked straight to my room and shut the door, "WE WILL BE ON THE BAR DEAN, IF BOTH NEED US!!" Sam scream and I really didn't care I just wanted to show her how much I missed her.
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flowers-for-em · 7 months
ok ok so im posting this lil tid bit of a wip that i abandoned lemme know what you think :D
It happened on September 24. 
The day my already crumbling life fell apart even more. 
And all because of 
H E R.
I push the school doors open and walk inside ignoring the stares that follow. They burn into my neck and brand me. 
I walk past the whispering students, the resentful teachers, everyone. 
I used to be not popular but not an outcast either. I was known, teachers smiled at me, people waved and said hello. Not anymore. The only hope for a word from anyone now is a teacher telling me I have homework. But even then it isn't more than a few sentences.
When I reach my locker, I don't bother to look at the hateful words written, taped, stuffed on and inside it. 
Just one more.
One more step.
One more day.
You can do it.
Just one more.
I pull out my books and wish to every god that has ever existed to bring back Emerson. She is my best friend. My ride or die. My everything. And she had left for an overseas trip to France, a eight week ballet workshop, just before the incident. Emmie deserves it though. Its her dream to go to one of these workshops and she had finally made it happen. I'm proud of her. She texts me relentlessly, making sure I'm okay, but no matter how much she wants to come home, I refuse to let her give up her dream. 
So I wait. Wait for her to come home. Another two weeks and she'll be home and I doubt I'll ever be let out of her sight. 
I smile softly and look at the photo - slightly crinkled but still bright - of me and Emerson standing out the front of the local ice cream shop with sundaes and goofy smiles. We were twelve. 
"Why is she even smiling? Planning her next murder?" That wipes the smile of my face. Because when you've been accused of murder you can't be happy. Can't even smile. Why should a monster be able to be happy? 
I shut my locker and turn to walk to my homeroom the crowd of students parting like the red sea when I walk by. 
One more class. 
I silently walk into the classroom head down hugging my books to my chest like your average nerd in the movies. The room quiets, and the whispers start. The bells rings.
The homeroom teacher Mrs. Owen quiets the class and starts role call. 
And then she arrives. 
Lacey Burgess walks into the classroom with a bright smile on her face, waving at the teacher. "Sorry Ms. I dropped all my books and it took a while to pick them up." Anyone with their head screwed on right would see that that was a lie. But Lacey being Lacey Mrs. Owen just smiles and nods her head continuing role.
Lacey smiles and makes her way to the back of the classroom where her seat was saved by her friends. Her eyes flick to me once almost in pity. But I don't want it, not from her anyway.
The interesting thing about being framed for murder is that everyone hates you - that's fucking obvious - but usually they hate your family as well. It doesn't apply to Lacey apparently though. As soon as it was said I was a killer, people were reaching out to her to say they were sorry she was even half related to a monster. They were saying sorry to her. 
Her Mom, even my fucking Father. They were sorry he had unwillingly raised a monster. 
But he is the monster. 
Lacey is  the monster. 
Pippa  is the monster.
But no one would ever believe the girl who killed Mr. Winter; the richest man in the state let alone the town. Not when her supposed "family" are supporting the Winters. Telling them that I'm the killer. That they'll do anything to help. 
Not then.
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hellishmess · 4 years
21: The Union Festival pt. 2
September 22,2018 [11:12 pm]
[Ana pov ]
Everything changed in a heartbeat.
Loud bangs shook the ground underneath me. People were running, taking cover. I ran too, but not before I saw some pterodactyl looking creature take a woman in its claws and lift her to the sky.
The halls of the center building was a mess. Gifted tried to defend themselves, but no one had weapons and the creatures were horrible.
A scream.
"Demons!" Someone shouted.
It was a frenzy. Instinct shoved common thought out of my brain. It had me running down an adjoining hall, away from the chaos of the main one and all the monsters.
I dove into a small hidden crevice. It had a door made of the same stone material as the walls.
I shoved against it, begging it to move.
A sickening crunching sound came from the main hallway. Panic and fear bolted all movement. I froze, back, pressed up into the crevice’s corner.
When the noise faded I managed a final shove against the door, earning entry with an open the door. I plunged into darkness, and darkness engulfed me. The door shut behind me with a final grate.
I collapsed on the floor, my back still against the door. My breaths were erratic. The booming of the blood in my ears was all I could hear.
Monsters and death was outside.
Aspen was somewhere out there too.
Christ! I should have went with her to get the punch.
I banged my head against the door.
I scrambled to find my phone, thankful it was still in the leather garter she let me borrow.
Flicking on flashlight, I stifled a scream again. I wasn't alone. A body was laid out flat along the back wall with someone crouching in front of their face. Another was curled in the far corner.
Men. The one crouching and the one in the corner turned.
I could have cried at the familiar face.
"Ana!" Eli exclaimed softly. "How'd you get in here?"
"I saw a maid leave from here." Moving closer, I saw who Eli was crouched over.
Samuel’s body was mauled with long gashes shredding his skin. They created caverns in his body. 
I backed away. I escaped one circle of hell only to climb into another. I wasn't an idiot. He'll be looking for something to eat soon.
"Ana," Eli said. His worry moving from Samuel to me. "It's okay. He's unconscious."
"Oh god. Oh god," I hit the wall. Everything’s closing in. I try to focus on the light from my phone but even that was growing dim. "Oh god."
My breathing was erratic. My lungs were heaving, but my muscles tingled as if they weren't getting enough air. Maybe they were getting too much?
"Ana. Calm down." Eli sounded so far away.
"Oh holy shit." My knees shook. I felt the slide down the wall. The coolness of it touched my skin. Was I going to pass out?
Someone had grabbed me, their hands gripping my chin to force my head up. It was Eli.
Suddenly he was all I knew. The depth of his voice as he said my name, the blue allure of his eyes. I waited for him to say something to me, I'd wait forever if I had too.
"Ana," His voice reverberated in my soul. "I need you to calm down."
I took a deep breath, slowly letting it out. In, hold for a moment, then out. I repeated that task for a moment, still looking at Eli, still waiting for him to say something else.
He looked away, and the spell snapped.
"Shit," My hand ran through my hair. He just compelled me.
Eli apologized, "Sorry. I didn't know any other way to get you to chill."
I shook my hand, "No, it's fine. I think I was going to have a panic attack."
Eli went back to Samuel.
"What's wrong with him?"
"Some creature had him pinned. It had 4 arms and claws a foot long." Eli's lips turned up at the grotesque creature he saw.
I understood and took another deep breath. I didn't want to be weak. I wasn't weak. What would Aspen do?
An image of her popped into my mind. She stood tall, defiant against any adversary. 
"Can he sit up?"
Eli shook his head. "No the witch over there put him under."
I glanced into the dark corner. The man was still curled up, his eyes blank as they met mine.
"He needs blood?" I asked.
Eli nodded.
"Let him feed from me." I said. "Just enough for him to heal and get some of his strength back."
Eli was shaking his head. "No way. I don't know if he'd stop. It's too risky."
"It doesn't matter. He's old, right? Powerful? We need to get out of here. We're just sitting ducks here. I mean have you seen the monsters out there?! He’s our strongest bet of making it out alive."
I scoot closer, raising my wrist to Eli. A stubborn set to my jaw. This was the only way, I told myself. The best way.
Eli hesitates, "Have you ever been bit before?"
I suck in a breath, my answer delayed. That was enough to tell him.
"This won't be pleasant," he warned. "This is really fucking dangerous."
"Yeah. Well I don't expect it to tickle and this whole situation is unpleasant." I brought my wrist up to his face. "Lets just get it done. I'm serious. I don't plan on dying just yet."
With frown, Eli took my wrist. I knew the unspoken words that hung between us. You just might if we do this.
His lips part to reveal fangs. I close my eyes. Flinching back, my eyelids pop open at the sudden sting from the bite. Eli withdraws immediately.
With a shaky breath, I quickly cover Samuel's mouth. My blood dripping between his lips.
He's still for a second. Worry starts to form.
I stifle another scream into a yelp. Samuel's latched himself to my wrist, his fangs splitting the bite even farther.
I cry out, feeling the flick of his tongue and the draw of my blood.
Suddenly, he's on top of me, snapping my head sideways to split the skin at my throat.
Pain erupts throughout my whole body, but my screams are muffled by a hand. I struggle to breath. Samuel has me fully immobilized.
Tears run down my face as I stare into the darkness. The pressure of Samuel is gone.
"Samuel," Eli's there. He's somewhere close. "She healed you."
I can't move. Shock keeps me on the ground.
Eli's closer, crouching over me this time. "Hey. You want some blood from me? It would heal you and give you your strength back."
I shake my head. I don't feel too bad. The shock dissipates allowing me to be sharply aware of my situation.
"At least let me heal the bite," Eli presses.
Eli pulls me in close. His tongue against my mangled throat, before hitting my wrist.
It was awkward, but I was grateful. I didn't want the open wounds or the scars.
An itching burn blossomed within seconds. My hands went to scratch but Eli brought them back down. "Don't. It's your skin multiplying and healing."
I curl my fingers into fists until the itch subsides. Slowly I manage to stand. I wasn't as weak as I thought I'd be.
Upon expressing my shock, I learn why.
"It's because I didn't take much from you. You're blood is surprisingly strong. I'm healed and at full strength from just three mouthfuls." Samuel said.
I push that out the window. "We need to get out of here."
"I agree," Samuel says.
"There’s a hallways over here," the witch says. He stood in a tight little stone walkway.
Samuel takes the lead position. "Let's go."
We all file out. It's eerily quiet. Only sometimes broken by the faint crash or scream.
The pace is quick. I drag a hand along the wall, my flashlight in my hand so only some light leaked through.
Samuel leads us up some stairs and into a kitchen. The sound of fighting and monsters is so much closer.
A high pitched screech sounds, making me flinch back into Eli. It’s too hellish to be human.
My eardrums ring. I see something fly by the little window in the kitchen.
A huge hound-like creature crashed through the door. It's jaws big enough to crush my skull, the beast stood easily at my stomach.
I gasp, backing away as it eyes us all. It's breath creeps into the room as it pants. I cough. My lungs start to burn. The witch grabs me and shoved my shirt over my mouth and nose.
"Hell hounds exhale toxic gas." He says.
The beast lunges forwards but Samuel meets it head on. We scurry to the edges of the kitchen while Samuel wrangles the beast. His stomach and thighs were scratched by its claws before he maneuvered himself behind it.
Samuel grabs the hounds jaws, prying them apart as it tries to snap. Soon the dog falls, it's jaw split wide open.
I stand there. Not moving, not blinking. This is crazy. Yet no one is really batting an eye? This was this world. I'm apart of this now.
"Ana!" Eli whispers. "Come on!"
I see Samuel grab another kitchen knife. The witch and Samuel following suit. I grab a frying pan.
We all slip through a back door and burst outside. The hell out here is being battled by gifted and some others.
In a blazing strike, lightning takes down 5 monsters at once. I see the woman that the power came from. Her eyes shining and her hair standing up from her electricity.
Another screech and something blurs in my the corner of my eyes. I knock to the ground, squealing as something with claws and a long snout tried to eat my face. The only thing saving me is my pan.
It lets out a scream of its own, a loud pain-filled bellow. I fling myself away as it's skin bubbles and boils.
A figure is rushing over, through the smoke and the chaos. "Aspen!" I yell, unsure of myself.
She comes and scoops me up in her arms. "Are you okay?!"
I look at the body on the ground. It was the demon version of a goose, with a long neck, two rows of fangs, and wings with claws at the bend of them.
"Yea. Thanks to you." I pull her close. Maybe this wasn't the time for hugs but god I couldn't stop myself. Aspen wrapped her hands around me.
But I get jostled to the side. A huge shadow looms over us all. Aspen moves towards it, encircling the 15ft tall monstrosity. Samuel and Eli draw its attention too.
I sit, stunned and hawking as they attack this Grendel like beast.
The creature swipes at Eli with a huge paw. It was crazy fast for its size, but Eli managed to duck just in time.
Samuel used his knife, stabbing at its muscles. It roars when blood gushed out of its wound.
Still, it wasn’t enough to slow it down, and Samuel’s plan backfired quickly. He hissed, recoiling in pain when the blood touched his hand.
The creature started to move but found himself unable. Aspen was to the back of it, out of sight with her hands raised. Slowly they moved together.
I saw the hard look of concentration, watched as the creature’s body bent. Aspen was crushing this thing.
Samuel and Eli step back. A confused glance was shared before Eli points to Aspen.
She ends this. Literally crushing the creature down to the ground. It squirmed, but it didn't move. It couldn't.
The realization that it might literally explode had me running behind one of the oak trees.
Just as I thought, with a last shove from Aspen the creature flattens. Blood spews in a nauseating show of gore. My eyes close, expecting the acidic blood to burn towards us.
It doesn't. The barrier Aspen set up kept it all contained like glass. Trails of dark green blood slid to the ground.
It was silent.
Aspen comes back up to me. Her hands grazing my face, then my throat. "Jesus Christ. What happened to you?"
My mind whirls. "No time. We need to go get somewhere safe!"
I twist to run, but she holds me still. "Ana, we've got them all. The Assault team was quick to respond and we managed to contain and kill the wave of creatures."
"What?" I looked around. Bodies of human and creature shapes lie dead around us. Nothing moved. The panic died down. "Oh thank god."
I pull Aspen into another hug, tears threatening to roll. "I should have went with you to get the punch."
Aspen hugs me back, her arms wrapping around me in the strong way that I loved. "I'm glad you’re safe." She pulls way, holding me at arms distance as she looks me over again. "Jesus what happened here?" Aspen draws up my wrist where crusty blood trails bled. Her eyes got to my throat next.
I notice her jaw clench, her eyes sliding over to the two vampires among us, and got the strange wariness one feels when unsheathing a sharp blade.
I bit my lip. Might as well be truthful and save these two from whatever anger is brewing. "I fed Samuel to heal him so he could get us out of the room we were in."
"You what?" She snaps. Her voice rough. There was a darkness in her gaze. She wasn't looking at me though. No, her eyes were pinned on Samuel.
I gently pull her focus back to me. She softened up when I sheepishly smiled at her, "Yeah. I escaped into their room, Eli saved me from a having panic attack and passing out, and then I tried to get myself to act like how you would."
Aspen just stared at me. Her lips parted slightly.
I clarified what I meant, "Strong and unafraid."
Aspen’s laugh was gentle as she grabs my wrist where she rubs off all the crusted blood. "So you think I would have risked my health to feed a hungry vampire?"
My face starts to redden, and I shake my head. "I didn't feed him because I thought that's what you would have done. I know you would have done something else, something better, but I fed him because I thought that's what I needed to do to stay alive. He was the most powerful friend I had at the moment. We all needed him."
"Smart, I guess. Ballsy definitely," She says. She turns to Samuel next. "You tell her thank you?"
Samuel's eyes narrow. He looks like he's going to snarl something nasty.
"He doesn't need to. He got us out safely." I interject.
"He should. You saved him, too." Aspen retorts, but she doesn't fight. "Let's go before we get roped into having to clean this clusterfuck."
I laugh, feeling all the tension in my body release.
Aspen leads us out to where the cars are parked. I think to thank Samuel but decide against it. I thank Eli instead.
"No problem." He replies. "I'm glad we all get to go home tonight."
"Me too," Aspen agrees. "Thanks for helping her."
Eli nods again and we turn away, walking throughout the destroyed lawn together.
Aspen squeezes my hand. "You don't understand how happy I am you're safe."
"Same here." I utter, looking at the damage. "I was worried about you."
Aspen laughs as if she can't believe the thought. "Don't worry about me. I'm okay."
We're quiet as we hit the sea of cars. Finding our own was gonna be hard. Aspen raised her hand and clicks her keys. Nothing sounds.
We head down the rows.
"Did you really think of me to draw strength from?" Aspen’s voice is low when she asks.
I smile, getting the faint feeling this is an important question to her. "Of course I did. You're the strongest person I know. I envy you."
Aspen nudges her body into me, dropping the subject at that. "Come on. I think I see the car."
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littleangel4996 · 5 years
His Favorite Student
Professor!Duncan Shepherd X Reader one shot
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Summary: you are one of Duncan's best students. You are never late, never miss a class, nor flirts and asks for help. What happens when he asks you to stay after class.
Warning: Smut, Oral(female and male receiving) fingering vaginal, Spanking, Age difference (reader is 23 and Duncan is like 36) Sir kink , Praise kink, public sex.
Y/n P.O.V
"World War II was also called the Second World War, conflict that involved virtually every part of the world during the years 1939–45" Professor Shepherd finished after writing down the questions on the board. I've been studying in his class for 3 months and aced an A in his class not missing a lesson in his class. Especially if I get sick I pack myself Theraflu and Tylenol. Most of the girls in my class are always wearing trampy ass clothes such as short skirts, crop tops and don't get me started on how they "accidentally" drop a pen or a pencil and bend over in front of the Professor's desk while he's doing work showing off their pretty pink thongs. 
Ugh, I just want to jump over my desk and kick them square in the face-
"Ms. (Y/l/n)" Professor called out. "What was the cause of World War II?" He asked. I didn't need to look in my book or ask a partner.
"World War II began in Europe on September 1, 1939, when Germany invaded Poland." He grinned pointing at me saying "Right you are" and writes it on the board. I couldn't help the smirk coming up on my face. I can't help it, I love being right and I never gotten an answer wrong in my life.
"Alright another question, Who were the leaders during World War II?" Regina, dressed in a short pink dress showing too much cleavage with brown hair rose her hand up being all flirty and shit. "Ms Smith, go ahead".
"United Kingdom, Soviet Union, France, and uhh the United States yeah." God her fucking voice is more annoying than nails on a chalk board. Plus she got it totally wrong. Almost.
"And their names and you're missing three countries" he almost sounded annoyed at her answer. Again, can I kick her?
"What the hell, that is so totally right. I've been studying every night how can I get it wrong!" She exclaimed.
"The Allied powers were led by Winston Churchill of UK, Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union, Charles de Gaulle of France, and Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman of the US. The Axis powers were led by Adolf Hitler of Germany, Benito Mussolini of Italy, and Hideki Tojo of Japan." I answered.
"And Regina if you weren't studying what's the Professor's pelvic area and trying to get his attention by dressing like a Barbie doll whore you might get the answers right next time". All was heard from the class was "burn" and "damn girl". Professor Shepherd had to quiet down the class and dismissed us having Regina cry while leaving the class. 
As I was about to leave Professor Shepherd stopped me.
"Ms (y/l/n), a word." Fuck me. I've never been in trouble with him but I guess when I called Regina a Barbie doll whore then yeah I guess  going to get a lecture. He gestures me to have a seat and him facing me leaning on his desk.
"So Ms (y/l/n), why do you think it was okay to call Ms Smith a Barbie doll whore" he scowled.
"I'm sorry Professor, she really pissed me off, she doesn't care about this class none of these sluts do. Dressing in their pastel short dress, bright makeup and when they bend over showing their fucking thongs right in front of you're goddamn face" I ranted. His expression softened. He leaned in front of me with his hands on the chair handles.
"Are you jealous?"
"No, I'm just here to learn and not worry about sex or partying like everyone else does" I snapped. He leans back smirking on my answer. 
"I knew there was something about you that I liked. You're self assured, ambitious and intelligent beautiful creature" he complimented. I got up from the chair. Am I dreaming or what because he never complimented me like that.
"Umm, Professor-" he cuts me off with a kiss, grabbing my hips. 
"Please, call me Duncan (y/n)" he breathed. Without thinking for a second I began pulling him for another kiss. This kiss was very needy and passionate. Damn I've always thought Duncan was attractive but never thought of him as a good kisser. I know this feels very very wrong and I'm going against everything I wouldn't do but fuck I want this, I need this, I need him.
I grabbed him by the collar of his black button up, turning around to push him on the chair. I waited for him to take his trousers down but it is almost like he wants me to do it. 
"I'm nothing like the other whores, take off your own damn pants" he was taken aback by my words but managed to unbuckle his belt pulling down his black slacks along with his briefs. My eyes widened at his size and girth. I looked up at him and smirks at my reaction.
"Can you handle it little one"
"You've underestimate me sir" As I got down on my knees wrapping my delicate fingers around his shaft as I jerked it with my hands a little then I take just the tip in my mouth slowly swirling my tongue like a lollipop and taking him fully and stroking him. Hearing him groan just encourage me to go all the way.
I hold the base of his penis with one hand, and play with his balls with the other.
"Fuck, you're really good at this " he complemented and I just winked at him making my movements faster with him grabbing a hold of my hair out of my face so he can have a good look at me. I swirled my tongue as I used the exact amount of suction to drive him insane. He moaned and moaned. Every moan I got out of him was a trophy, only driving me onward. 
Summoning every bit of self-restraint he had, he bade me to stop. "Come up here my pet." he beckoned over to his desk. Without asking I pushed the papers to the floor. I looked behind me and he's still sitting in his chair.
"Now, look at the mess you've made. I'm afraid I'm gonna punish you my dear. Now be a good girl like you've always have in my class and take off those jeans.
"Yes, sir" I replied. I start to unbuckle my jeans, pulling them down slowly to tease him. He knew what I was doing and he wasn't liking it. 
Finally getting the jeans off along with my panties ,pushing them aside with my foot. When I was about to unbutton my blouse Duncan jumped out of his seat as he pushed my hands away and ripping it open to reveal my Victoria's Secret bra. Luckily you can unclip it from the front so he won't have to rip it off so he won't buy me a new one. He takes the bra off me tossing it with my pants and shoes. His hands start to stroke your sides and my fingers slip under your hip bones. I raise my hips to meet his but stopping just short.
"Tsk tsk tsk baby" he said, turning me around as I placed my hands on his desk.
" Now, you are going to count whenever I spank your pretty smart ass and when I do spank you will also say sir" he growled in my ear and I nodded with a whimper.
"*Spank* 1, sir." I whimpered
"*Spank* 2, sir."
"*Spank* 3 sir" I moaned.
"*Spank* 4 sir".
"*Spank* ahh oh fuck, 5 sir please. I need you sir so badly" I moaned. I looked behind me and he gets down on his knees and he starts to devour my pussy with his tongue and mouth from behind as I gripped his desk for leverage.  No man has ever done this with me. All of them didn't know how to please me and Duncan Shepherd, my history professor is having me bend at his desk devouring my pussy like it's water. He starts to lick me up like an ice cream cone and starts pumping a finger inside me. 
"Ever Since you've walked into my class, you're all I've been thinking about" then adds his second finger, curling them as he hits my g-spot. I knew I was ready to cum. I wanted to cum so badly and he knew that. Duncan takes his fingers out of me as he stands up and gives my ass one more slap. 
"Are you ready for me baby" he said, stroking his cock. 
"Yes sir, please fuck me" I gasped as
he plunged his cock hard inside me.  I rose up on my elbows and pushed back against him as I felt his hips slapping rhythmically against my ass.  Duncan grabbed my shoulders and pulled me back against him with every thrust. I looked back at him as we watched each other’s pleasure grow.  His cock was even harder now, and I was drenched with arousal. The look in his eyes was almost feral, and I wanted him to fuck me…hard.
His hands found my breasts, and his fingers coaxed my nipples, and they ached with every pinch.  My clit began to throb, and I thrust my hips with the arousal that was building again inside me.
"You're the only one that interest me" he nipped and sucked on my neck, leaving me a red mark to remind me I'm his.
"Not all those ladies who think they're better than you. You have something that they don't. A brain, and more importantly a fucking personality" he growled in my ear.
"Oh yesss" I hissed. His pace became more faster. 
"Please, I want to cum" I gasped.
"What was that my favorite Student, say it correctly and I may just give you what you like my angel" he groaned.
"Oh please sir, please let me cu-" I was cut off by his hard fast thrust screaming from the pleasure I was getting. 
"Don't you dare cum without me, " he said. Thank God for birth control. "We're gonna cum in 5...4...3...2...oh fuck 1, cum for sir baby cum for me" my orgasm came out of me as I came all over my Professor's cock and thrusted a couple more times in me.
We start putting our clothes on. Luckily Duncan had wipes so I wouldn't have to feel sticky. "Well I better be going" I was about to head out of his class then I turned around by Duncan giving me the sweetest, softest kiss.
We pulled away with our heads touching and said " I meant what I said (y/n). You're very special to me. May I take you to dinner on Saturday". I simply nodded. "Yes, Duncan I'd love too" .
A/n: Any thoughts on this? 
Like, comment or reblog and I have one more one shot. 
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piecesofmicorazon · 3 years
a rainy busy lovely day
i stayed home all day today, but lots of things happened!
i had a meeting where it didn't go so well, i thought it would be an impossible fix, yet with the help of my coworkers, i felt at rest by the end of it. i'm thankful for rodrigo always helping me out, for good leadership like carly's, and even for clients who challenge me in this way.
then i had a meeting with camille, where she brought up the paris trip again. it kills me every time, my heart burns a little more each time, already setting myself for not being able to go. but is that me limiting God's power? or me being realistic? or both? i feel like even if should mean that i trust Him till the end, even when the answer is no. i feel like it's supposed to be like "even if i don't go," not "even if i don't set up myself up to be disappointed so i'm already assuming i can't go, i'll trust you tho!"
forgive me God, my faith is so small. i do believe in you, i do surely trust in your power and goodness over me. i know you will do the things in your time, that you are doing something that i can't see. so here i am, begging for paris. for me to go, to see the world, to see my friends, to fall in love with another city, to live my parisian dreams, to go and come back safely, and to eventually get to a place where i don't have to fear the process. God i trust you, and i believe that you will bring me there. i pray that it'll be in october, that you will let me go, that you will have your hand over the me the entire time. this mountain for me, but this anthill for you -- will you take me there? will you lead me? go before me? i am undeserving, but i shamely ask for your faithfulness anyways. my heart doesn't want to be disappointed but i will not let myself get in the way of your power. you are God, and i fear you, just like the oceans and the mountains and every living + breathing thing on this earth. you are who you've said you are, and i will lay in that. i hope with my whole heart that you'll take me to paris, i pray for it so deeply. all the pain and exhaustion i've had to feel leading up to this trip, won't you show me mercy again? i feel embarassed and wrong to even be asking these things, yet here i am again. i will not lose hope, not lose faith, knowing that you are fully listening and fully seeing me. it's september 1st and there's not much time left. and yet, you can create miracles overnight, and i pray you'll create one for me too.
i made a post on ig today about how thankful i am for the people in my life. God, you are too good to me. and why? but i can't do anything but thank you and thank you and thank you again. my whole life, i've searched for friends to do life with, for cute tea dates, potlucks, picnics, all of it! and this summer you have brought me all these things, and more. i feel so full and blessed to have met all these precious souls, for an incredible summer, for growth, and for more love. help me to bring you to them.
this saturday i'm having a potluck! i'm hosting! i'm so excited, even though some of my friends aren't able to make it. i pray that it goes well, i don't stress too much, that i let it be. that people would feel full, loved, and happy by the end of it. i'm excited to have this home full of people, how i think it was intended to be. cheers to that!
i was supposed to see some friends today, but because of the storm i couldn't. so i ended up making some of my favorite foods; boxed mac n cheese, salad, truffle fries!
then we watched a scary movie, all three of us, and here i am. thank you for letting me talk to you, for being a friend that i can tell anything to. speak to me Jesus! i can't wait for your response, and though some of these things may seem mundane, i hope it glorifies you in some way still.
yesterday, i had a devo debrief with sheri and erin. i feel so blessed to have the relationship i do with the, thank you for healing our friendship so deeply and for strengthening it with you as the foundation. you are too kind and so good.
i had planned today to be a empty day, where i'd go and walk around all day. but it ended up being quite the opposite, but perhaps if it wasn't so, i wouldn't be here writing this all down. i'm thankful for the way it went.
through the storm, i am reminded even more so of your power and your love that you lavish over me. fill me with your spirit God, with your love and kindness, that i could be more like that. like jordy.
thank you for another day full of blessings, even through this crazy storm (literally)
you are a gracious and generous God, even especially to me. thank you and thank you again!
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