#the boyish psycho personality
hcnnibal · 3 months
what do you think were your biggest influences/inspirations when creating a1/a2?
a couple of different hitmen/serial killer duos and also me n my husband ahahah
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anisespice · 1 year
“ the fuck-it list ” || hq! pt. 3
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one || two || four
synopsis: there’s a list going around consisting of hot guys on campus that are deemed “fuckable” with theories as to what they’d be like in bed. it’s all fun and games until somehow your boyfriend ends up on this list. 
pairing: various x gn!reader [ osamu, sakusa ]
warnings: cursing, suggestive language, MDI. literally can’t be bothered to think of anything else, but feel free to let me know lol
notes: sooo i lied <333 i’ve decided to give suna his own chapter later on (srry suna lovers !!!!) i just wasn’t satisfied with how his was turning out, and it was the only roadblock delaying my progress soooo figured we’d just put a pin in his for now lol especially for those who were FROTHING for these two in particular (this for y'all ✨) hope you enjoy :)))
notes ii: nobody LOOK AT ME, this took me an embarrassingly long time lol. i’m not familiar with them, personality-wise, but i tried ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
notes iii: this one’s got atsumu written all over it LMAOOO
tagged: @daedaep69 , @ahahadumbo , @viktoryn , @mdsb , @ourgoddessathena , @ushygushybaby , @hyori2 , @lumpywolf , @fantasycantasy
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The bowl of popcorn nearly flew out your lap when you shrieked bloody-murder, body in fight or flight from the abrupt sound happening moments before a jumpscare in the movie you were watching. Head on a swivel, you soon realized the culprit wasn’t a psycho-killer in a ghost mask, but your darling OSAMU with his lawnmower of a sneeze coming through your front door.
You exhaled, relieved, but scared shitless. After pausing the movie, you glared down the hall leading to the door. “Seriously? You had to do that with your entire chest?”
Osamu sniffled, then muttered. “…Y’supposed to say bless ya before scoldin’ at your sweet and thoughtful boyfriend, y’know…”
“Aw, bless you, my love. And, fuck you.”
The brunette snorted, no doubt rolling his eyes as he toed off his shoes. Coming down the hall to soon reveal his handsome face, illuminated only by the bright tv screen, Osamu held up a large plastic bag filled with something greasy and delicious as the smell traveled up your nose. He grinned smugly at you intently eyeing the bag. “Fuck me, huh?”
You immediately doubled down, waving your hands. “Waitwaitwait I didn’t mean it like that. I meant it as in…fuck you’RE so sweet and thoughtful, and I love you so much..?”
Osamu hummed, taking off his ball cap to place it on your head. Shaking it a little by the brim, he winked. “Nice save, darlin’.”
He made way for your inspace kitchen to get dinner assorted with you trailing not too far behind. Your eyes eagerly ate up the widespread of all your favorites displayed on the countertop, practically hanging off his back since there was barely any room for the both of you in the tiny space. Popcorn long forgotten, your stomach sang a symphony for some real food, Osamu saving you the trouble of eating instant noodles for dinner yet again.
And without you even having to ask him for any of it, too.
Your gaze eventually locked onto the former volleyball player, eyeing him up with a newfound hunger that he was quick to pick up on while he popped a piece of fried chicken in his mouth. Looking down at you with a raised brow he patiently waited for you to voice your thoughts, a boyish grin growing on his face as he chewed.
You blinked. He blinked back, then chuckled lightly. “We communicatin’ telepathically, or somethin’?”
“If we were, you’d know I wanna suck you dry right now.”
Osamu.exe—E R R O R.
Man straight up inhaled the little that was still in his mouth, hurling him into a fit of hacks as he turned away from the food to fight for his life at your sink. Coughing up what he could into the drain with you behind him hitting his back for support, you couldn’t stop the evil, little laugh from slipping out seeing this as a form of karma for the scare earlier. Osamu fixed you with a weak glare once he calmed down, reaching over to pinch your cheek. “A warnin’ next time, would’ya?…”
You winced, but mirth still swam in your eyes. “Your only warning would’ve been your pants around your ankles-”
“Oi, quit that.” He gently grabbed your jaw to squish up your mouth, though it didn’t repress the cheeky grin you wore. The brunette did his best to remain unfazed, but the flush across his face was evident, your words clearly effecting him. “…Jeez, at least ask me how m’day was before ya slut me out. Soundin’ like all them thirsty-ass comments floodin’ my socials all damn day.”
Osamu let go of your face to grab plates from your cabinet, leaving you standing there, dumbfounded. Pursing your lips, you crossed your arms with a raised brow. “‘m sorry…the what flooding your socials?”
He busied himself with fixing your plate, nonchalantly recalling the very incident that occurred the other day, “That dumb fuck-list or whatever, mixed up me ‘nd ‘tsumu in their little post. Had his ugly mug front ‘nd center, but had my name attached to this long-winded thread ‘bout me basically being better in the sack than him. Shit’s wild.”
“The fuck-what now?” Osamu handed over a healthy plate full of food, you absentmindedly took it but made no move to eat. He started fixing his own, acting as if he didn’t just delay your appetite with this information. “Y—…you’re joking right? There’s no way something like that exists.”
“Oh, t’s very much real. Read it with my own eyes,” he licked the spoon he used to spread sauce across his chicken. “What, ya sayin’ ya haven’t heard of it? Seriously?”
“You know I don’t care enough to keep up with the trends that go on around here. And with good reason, clearly. What’s even the purpose?”
He shrugged. “Beats me. But it’s got ‘tsumu givin’ me the silent treatment, so maybe it’s not that bad after all.”
“Pfft. He’s pissy because some random on the internet said you’re the better lay? How would they know?? You’re both happily taken, and I wish a bitch would.” You smugly declared, bringing your food to the living room.
Osamu grinned at your possessive tone, trailing behind you holding plate and soda cans in either hand. “Damn straight. But, wasn’t just some random, babe. We’re talkin’ millions.”
Had you not already gotten situated on the couch, you would’ve surely spilled food all over yourself. Jaw nearly to the floor, you blinked up at him, bewildered. “Nuh uh.”
“Yuh huh.”
“Holy shit.”
Osamu took his usual spot next to you, large frame nearly taking up most of the couch. With bellies empty, knee knocking against knee, and elbow nudging elbow, the brunette hummed contently as he soaked in his favorite atmosphere—Your voice, your warmth, you. Though too busy monologuing about the absurdity of such a thing going viral to notice his fond gaze, Osamu silently listened to every word as he began eating from his plate. Although, all that mushiness is soon pushed to the back of his mind when the next sentence fell from your lips. After you eventually found said post to see it for yourself, needless to say you had some…hot takes.
“How could someone write this and not cringe? I mean, I love you ‘samu, but a Dom? If only they knew how nervous you were our first time, it was so adorable.” You giggled, tossing some chicken into your mouth. “You are not that guy.”
Osamu’s chewing paused. Your laughter eventually died down.
You didn’t feel his stare earlier…but you were definitely feeling it now, Mr. Krabs. Suddenly, the same dread you got when anticipating a jumpscare resurfaced. A sinking pit in your stomach like a rabbit stumbling upon a fox—Cliché aside, you fucked up. And you knew it in your bones the second your eyes locked with his, void of fondness and full of hunger despite his plate being half-eaten.
He swallowed the bit in his mouth, then spoke. “Sure ‘bout that?”
You mouth moved, floundered even, but nothing would come out. And Osamu didn’t rush you either, if anything he gladly watched you struggle while he continued munching away. “I—..I-I mean..I was just saying. Because…y’know, you never…we never really-”
“Mm. Jus’ cause we usually take things slow doesn’t mean you can’t get a hole fucked into your mattress, sweetheart. Keep tryin’ ya luck, ‘nd ya just might. Finish eatin’ first, though. Ya gonna need your energy.”
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SAKUSA couldn’t give a flying fuck about the list. He would literally walk away from someone mid-conversation if said topic got brought up. And don’t think that you’re the exception, either—Man parked and got out of his OWN CAR during the drive back to his place, refusing to get back in until you dropped the subject entirely.
You giggled, “I won’t talk about it anymore, I promise.”
He had his back to you as you spoke through the rolled down, driver’s side window, trying to ‘pspspsps’ him back into the car like a stubborn cat. Sakusa knew he was being ridiculous, but he just couldn’t stomach anymore nonsense. Plus, there’s a bit of suspicion on his end whenever it came to talking about the accursed list—Sakusa saw it as a bad omen.
Anyone who talked about it within his circle, be it teammates or personal friends, miraculously found themselves posted up the following day like fresh meat on the market. Once he caught wind that not even taken people were spared from being thirsted over, his disdain merely amplified, as did his precaution.
“Baby, I’ll burn some sage back at your apartment to scare away the bad energy from my filthy words. Would that make you feel better?”
Sakusa huffed, looking over his shoulder to give you a good ole stank face—One you barely paid any mind to as you batted your lashes at him. He glitched. Had it not been for the mask he was wearing, you’d see the harsh flush that spread across his face. Too bad his neck was exposed, giving him away as you grinned knowingly. But, you weren’t about to distract him from the issue at hand, you temptress.
“Don’t patronize me. Besides, you didn’t say it at my apartment, you said it in the car. Would completely defeat the purpose.”
You blinked.
There was no stopping the laughing fit you fell into when his words eventually processed, borderline cackling. “I-I’ll sage the car then, how ‘bout that?”
The ravenette squinted, marching up to the car to stick his head in before pulling his mask down so you could see his heavy frown through your tearful hysterics.
“You’re laughing. You’ve doomed me to becoming targeted by perverts, and you’re laughing.”
“‘yoomi, PLEASE.” You wheezed, waving a hand at him for mercy. With a couple stuttered intakes of air, you did your best to pull it together. “Don’t you think…you’re being a little paranoid?”
Amusement colored your features when you made eye contact with the outside hitter. Sakusa rolled his, tugging his mask back on before re-entering the car. “We’ll see how funny you find it when we can’t be seen together in public anymore.”
“And why not?” You raised a brow, still giggly.
Sakusa buckled in, taking the car out of park. “Because. When I do get posted, I won’t be leaving the safety of my room until that shit gets banned.”
“Oh my god, honey, I promise. You’re worrying over nothing. If you were gonna be on the list, don’t you think you would’ve by now? I mean, c’mon, even Hinata got on it before you. Majority of your teammates did!”
“That’s exactly my point. I’m the only one left.”
The two of you continued a playful back and forth pretty much the whole drive, more so you teasing him than anything else. After a while, having had your fun, you gave it a rest much to Sakusa’s relief. “Can still burn some sage, if you want-” “You’re not funny.”
Your evening continued on as normal, him taking a shower while you busied yourself by looking for a show the two of you could binge. Although, even after the discussion from earlier had been dropped, your boyfriend’s words still echoed in the back of your mind like a mantra. ‘I’m the only one left.’
As much as you’d hate to admit, though never to his face, your over-suspicious companion had a point. Without the safety net of his more extroverted teammates being in the spotlight of rabid fans, what’s delaying the swarm of unsolicited desires now? Even with his sourtude, Sakusa was an attractive individual—The dark curls that frame his face perfectly, his piercing pools of obsidian that shred through you like paper, the beauty marks above his brow, his THIGHS. And those were just surface-level things.
Being one of the privileged few who’ve seen all layers of Sakusa, you couldn’t blame them for wanting to explore deeper into who he was beyond that cold exterior…in more ways than one. Who better to fill those burning questions than some horny randos with too much time on their hands?
But, he’s made it this far without issue, what’s there to worry about now?—*Bzzzzt*
You jolt slightly, the harsh vibration coming from the sofa table breaking you out of your thoughts. With a short glance at your phone, the lit screen revealed an incoming call from Sakusa’s cousin, Komori. You exhale a breath you didn’t even realize you were holding, reaching over to grab the device and answer it. However, as your thumb hovered over the green button, a small part of you couldn’t help but wonder…why would he be calling you?
You shook your head, answering the call before your mind could wander. He probably just wanted to catch up, make small talk. A smile graced your face as you happily greeted him, “Mori! Hi, what can I do ya for-?”
“Has he seen it?? Am I too late??”
You froze, blinking widely in stunned confusion. Your silence must have been loud enough for the man to grow more anxious, calling out your name to regain your attention. “Uh…has who seen what?”
Komori exhaled, in what you could only assume was relief. “Thank God…you sound blissfully unaware. That means there’s still time. You’re at his place, right?”
You blinked, eyes looking around as if he could see you.
“Kiyoomi’s? Yeah, I am. He’s in the shower at the moment if you were trying to reach him. Is everything okay?”
Now it was him who turned silent. You waited with bated breath, fidgeting with the hem of your shirt as you wracked your brain for every worst case scenario…but a small part of you already had an idea.
“It’s the complete opposite, I’m afraid.”
‘Kiyoomi Sakusa. 6’2ft of ?????. An enigma. We had to take our time this one. This tall, personification of a hand sanitizer bottle may appear to be disgusted and disinterested, but once you get past those disinfectant defenses of his…Lady in the streets, but a freak in the bed. Why else would he keep so clean all the time? It’s ‘cause he’s hiding an absolute FILTHY ANIMAL behind his mask (literally and figuratively) you cannot convince me otherwise. Definitely a Hard Dom, would degrade you for making a mess all over him even though he’s the one to blame; THRIVES when you get messy for him tho. Firm believer that he’d spit in your mouth, both as punishment and a reward. He won’t make much noise, you’ll think he’s doing taxes while deep in your guts, but just watch his face; homie is EXPRESSIVE. Aftercare could go either way, but he’d probably focus more on getting the sheets changed than cleaning you up. 7/10.’
You clenched the phone in disbelief, eyes watering due to the sexual word-vomit burning them the more you read on. It didn’t even take you long to find the dreaded post you were convinced would never manifest, refreshing the page multiple times just to confirm its existence. “Shit. I really did doom him to being targeted by perverts…”
“Huh??” Komori voiced. You merely brushed it off.
“Nothing,” you sighed. Taking the conversation out on the balcony in case Sakusa overheard, you had Komori on speaker as you attempted to do damage control. “Do the others know about this? Oh God, does Atsumu?? Knowing him, he’d surely jump at the chance to tease Omi with something like this.”
“Dunno. Just found out myself, and you were the first person I thought to call.”
You looked over your shoulder, peeking inside to see if the outside hitter was roaming around. There didn’t appear to be any movement, but there’s no doubt he finished showering by now.
Exhaling, you began sifting through your contacts. “We need to do whatever it takes to make sure he never finds out about the post. I’ll text everyone I know to help flag it down, but I’m not sure how long it’ll take before-”
“Who’re you talking to?”
Startled, phone nearly tossed off the balcony, you turned toward the sudden appearance of your freshly washed boyfriend, towel around his neck and adorned in lounge wear. Komori held his breath, as if he also were caught in the act even though he could easily escape with a mere press of a button. “Um…your cousin.”
“Okay, but…why’d you come out here? You wouldn’t have disturbed me if you took the call inside.” Sakusa raised a brow at your stiff posture, perplexed but concerned. “Something the matter?”
“No!” You winced at your own volume. His eyes widened slightly, making you nervously chuckle. Clearing your throat, you attempted to play it cool. “No, uh…just wanted to get some air while catching up with Komori, that’s all. W-why d’you ask?”
Sakusa squinted at you. “You’re jumpy.”
“J-Jumpy? Me? Uh.. that’s because…” Searching your brain for an excuse, luckily Komori had your back with his quick thinking.
“B-Because! We’re talking about the list! And t-they figured you wouldn’t wanna hear us, so-” SLAM!
Before he could even get the rest of the explanation out, Sakusa had already closed the sliding door. You and Komori shared a sigh of relief. You watched Sakusa’s back retreat into the living room as he sat on the couch, flickering around for something to put on to pass the time.
Just as suspected…still paranoid.
“That was close…”
“Super close. Think he bought it?”
You groaned, hesitant to take your eyes off him. “Won’t matter if he decides to check his phone at some point…”
It didn’t appear to be anywhere in sight, hopefully charging in another room. But, there was no point in wasting time worrying about that. You had some flagging to do. And as long as he had no reason to look at it, you’d be fine.
Sakusa, now bored with you occupied by something else, couldn’t help but to watch you longingly from the couch. You were speaking so animatedly, using your free hand to gesture, pacing back and forth. He frowned—How can that stupid list be more important than snuggling up with him? Yet another reason to hate it.
Exhaling through his nose he leaned back on the sofa, remote in hand as he looked for something to help pass the time. However, before he could get very far in his search, his phone rings.
Confused, he reached into his pocket. Instantly, his mood went from neutral to shriveled when he read the caller ID—Miya.
He had half a mind to ignore it, but knowing Atsumu he’d probably just keep calling until the inevitable happened with him turning up on his doorstep. Sakusa gave an annoyed huff, reluctantly answering the phone.
“Better have a good reason to be calling me this late, idiot.”
“Oh ho ho. Believe me, Omi-Omi. You’ll wanna see this.”
Back on the balcony, after the sixth time flagging the post for misinformation and harassment, you suddenly felt a shift in the atmosphere that wasn’t there moments before. Halting your frantic thumbs, you slowly looked up from the screen as a cold chill ran up your spine; something didn’t feel right in the force.
You weren’t sure what made you turn back to look inside the room, but the moment you did…it was like the world had gone into slow motion—Komori’s voice faded into the background as he called out your name, drowned out by the sound of your heart pounding through your ribs at the sight of Sakusa on his phone, face contorted into what could only be described as pure humiliation as he stared into the endless abyss while on his knees.
Probably should’ve burned that sage when you had the chance.
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© 2023-2024 anisespice ッ all rights reserved. likes, comments & reblogs much appreciated!
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yandere-romanticaa · 11 months
🍂 tear you apart.
❝ i want to hold you close, soft breasts, beating heart. as i whisper in your ear - i want to fucking tear you apart. ❞
yandere! various! ghostface! characters x gn! reader.
inspired by the song "tear you apart" by she wants revenge.
just a compilation of characters that i think would be interesting for this. happy friday the 13th!
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𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐄 ! (genshin impact.)
After years of training and endless carnage, it's only natural for a person to develop specific tastes for the darker aspects of life. Battle and blood were Childe's bread and butter but due to his friendly and frankly charming exterior no one could tell that the young man was a ruthless killer.
Provided that he hides his Harbinger status that is.
There were times when his status was a hastle but there were always some perks, always some string for him to pull and make everything go in the way he wanted them to go. Sometimes, that would include people.
But now, that included you.
Upon first meeting him there was an addictive and boyish charm to the ginger haired man and he had you completely wrapped around his fingers. His pockets were deep but so was his heart and frankly, how dare you just steal it? How dare you be so careless? Don't get him wrong, he wasn't mad per say but he still wanted to teach you a lesson or two, just to make it all stick to your feeble little mind.
He started with your neighbors first.
Childe watches comfortably from high above, hidden away in a tea shop as natives of Liyue Harbor scamper back to their homes as darkness nears. A serial killer is on the loose and the shop owner in which Childe was in had no idea that he just served the man responsible for the deaths of 3 different families. He sipped his tea with content, his heart pounding with excitement. The blade in his pocket was itching for its next victim but he had to be patient.
Patience was a virtue after all.
And once he was done, he was going to claim his prize.
In the meantime, he was going to be nothing less than a sweet and doting friend who was just worried for you. It was only a matter of time when you would fall into his greedy hands and you didn't even know it.
𝐍𝐈𝐊𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐈 𝐆𝐎𝐆𝐎𝐋 ! (bungo stray dogs.)
Meeting him was not by choice but you were bound by fate, or so the clown liked to tease.
He stopped you on the street in order to show you a card trick. It was simple but it did the job, he impressed you even if just barely. You'd sigh and turn your head but Nikolai did not fail to see the blush on your cheeks.
He was a man on a mission. Why not indulge himself, just for a little bit?
The public always was fond of a good show and why not give them one in the form of a crazy mass murderer? Donning on a mask and a long black cape his escapade began, his ability was so useful for this.
However, you were always his favorite target.
It started out small, at first. He would use his ability to touch you and to steal your things, particularly if he knew you were alone at home. Seeing that confused expression on your face became a past time of his. His fingers would brush against your cheeks, his touch barely there, like a wandering phantom. Sometimes he would be bolder and press his hand gently against your ribs, maybe even be cheeky and smack your behind ever so playfully.
After a few weeks of this song and dance, watching wasn't enough.
You answered his first call, which pleased him greatly. He gave you impossible riddles and forced you to answer humiliating and degrading questions, all under the threat that he was in your house and was going to kill you lest you complied.
Of course, he had no intentions of doing that. Perhaps he would one day. But for now, he would continue to paint the streets crimson with blood and make you squirm in your seat.
It became his reason for living.
𝐊𝐀𝐅𝐊𝐀 & 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐄 ! (honkai star rail.)
Ah, these two psychos. Where do I start?
Their plans are at first glance, all over the place. Attacks are random and they do not necessarily always go for the big fish too. Sometimes it's a poor street vendor who was just doing their job but his life meant nothing in the end.
Kafka was the main mastermind. Blade was the one who did most of the dirty work.
Her plans were meticulous, deadly. She would come crawling to you from the shadows, her jacket draped over your shoulders as she'd coo into your ear, her face bloody from her latest victim as she toyed with her mask, a carefree smile on her face. You couldn't see him but Blade was also behind you, his presence was impossible to miss. He was large and imposing, like a phantom that couldn't find peace.
Could you perhaps give him something that he couldn't have? If he can't have you in life, can he have you in death?
There was no escaping them, never ever. Dare to try and there would be consequences.
They were so in love with you to the point of madness. The question was - were they going to keep you alive and leashed or were they just that insane to stab you in the heart?
If they can't have you, no one can.
𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐌 𝐉𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐘 ! (Moriarty the Patriot.)
The streets of London are filled to the brim with gossip and paranoia as the Lord of Crime made his move the previous evening, slaughtering yet another poor noble in his family home. The papers reported that his own children found the corpse, the poor little things.
You hurried to show William the morning paper, morbidly curious about his opinion on this.
Said man could be found lounging about in a cushy, plush red love seat, a hot cup of tea served in front of him by none other than his brother. The two were lost in their own chatter until you abruptly stopped them. Like a sudden storm you pounced on William, his red eyes widening in shock as he tried to calm you down with a sweet smile on his face. You bombarded him with endless questions - who could do something like this, why was it this messy, was the killer sending a message? - all of it came out at such lightning speed that William didn't really understand half of what you said.
It was wrong to corner him like this and let out your frustrations on the man this early in the morning. You knew every single person that died in these past few weeks, all of which were either minor annoyances or massive obstacles in your day to day life.
When it came down to it, their only connection was with you.
Was the police going to come knocking at your door? It was possible! You had no involvement with the crimes but it was incredibly suspicious how everything was connected, like a spiderweb that was being crafted day by day.
It was difficult for William to keep his smirk concealed that morning.
Hours had passed since that interaction and he was back at it, his new victim. He incorporated the fact that you were most likely going to be incriminated in this scheme but it was still in his best interest. It was not difficult to tamper with evidence and blackmail people if need be and best of all, you would always come running to him, scared and worried, for both yourself and the people around you. It was beyond precious how you tell him to not go after sun down, how you made sure to check to see if he was injured or ill.
If you kept doting him like this, he might just slit the throat of every single person that steps foot into London.
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dangermousie · 1 year
Does your first interaction involve battle, ambush and mass drowning? If not, is it even love?
If, like me, you find a period hero’s most attractive feature is his personal army, meet Chu Beijie, one of four rival kingdoms’ god of war.
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 This is the rival kingdom’s general He Xia, who CHJ has come to defeat. He Xia’s psycho ruler expects HX to hold the town against 100K army with 8K men and no reinforcements because he is the first but not the last ruler we will come across in this story who is a bonkers waste of oxygen. Side note - one of the things I love about this drama is that all the male characters in this are men and not boys. Like finally some adults have entered the chat. And they also look like they can actually lift a spear or drive a chariot because yes, in the first 10 min of ep 1, we get a chariot battle.
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And this is Ping Ting, our FL, He Xia’s strategist. I forgot her backstory tbh but I know she feels gratitude to HX and his family for raising her. For the bulk of the story, they are vvv brother-sister until the drama oddly and last minute tries to throw in that he likes her but I think it is clear that is 10% driven by his nostalgia for a simpler time before he fell from grace and 90% by his obsession/rivalry with CBJ where he must win over him in any way he can, including getting the woman CBJ wants.
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She has a plan which seems to be based on her somehow being a meteorologist who knows exactly where rain will hit and wash everything out (so they can lure CBJ and his dudes there.) Yeah whatever, who cares, roll with it. Short version is SHE SMART.
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I love the intercut of CBJ grabbing his weapon and readying for battle as Ping Ting grabs hers and readies for hers (hers is a guqin with messages for He Xia in the music. Once again, roll with it, this is all shorthand for SHE SMART; you want realism watch a documentary on alfalfa farming.)
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God, he is a sexy beast in his mask. Sorry not sorry Wallace makes me hormonal.
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Love her not pausing the beat as an arrow hits right next to her. Lady is cool under pressure and I love it. Once again, sidenote and yet not - everyone in this drama, men and women, are adult adult adult and not giggly ingenues/boyish boyos, and it is so refreshing.
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Two hot men undressing each other as they whip out their enormous hard weapons. Ahem. Joking aside, I appreciate them actually bothering to have a reason why helmet or mask come off. (Also appreciate CBJ having his helmet stay on.) Helmet lack is my pet peeve in battle scenes.
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Yeah, she drowns his giant army.
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If you like your women hot, and big into music, meteorology and mass murder, you should def swipe right on Ping Ting. I mean CBJ will shortly swipe right so hard he’s gonna start a whole new dynasty!
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imeverywoman420 · 2 years
I literally find it so attractive when men are messy like. I find it a turn off when a guy is american psycho like car clean room in perfect order. Theyre just soo impossible to be around im like a tornado of a person like. Hair everywhere no matter how much i lint roll my clothes are covered in fuzz im clumsy af…. Like when i go into a mans room and its like freshly vacuumed everything in place the bed sheets all made up im like -.- i dont wanna go in a mans room and it looks like everythings in its place.
I love the Male living space. Like the platform under the mattress but no bed frame the beds up against the wall. Window unit AC. gaming pc. Random painting of a bird that came with the house hes renting that cannot be taken down. 3 ft tall glass bong. Random vapes everywhere. Clothes on the floor. Stale bag of chips on the nightstand. Like yesssssssss its just so primal……. Its so like. Boyish and youthful and fun.
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honeydew-sillies · 2 years
Finally posting these general Mob Psycho tickle headcanons I've had lying around!! Starting with the brothers ever, Mob and Ritsu :]
word count: ~560
Shigeo 🌻
-switch, primarily lee but not afraid to initiate when he's comfortable, mostly tickles Ritsu as a playful bonding activity (he tends to lose those fights, though)
-not actually very ticklish, hardly laughs when tickled which he is self conscious about, rougher tickles just don't work on most places aside from squeezing hips and knees (probably like a 2.5/10)
-but certain sweet spots can get some laughs out of him; they're mostly silent giggles broken apart by hiccups and occasionally a snort
-hardly protests either, he has no real self preservation skills when it comes to ticklish sensations (he was hardly ever tickled after the incident with Ritsu when they were younger, so he never built a real tolerance to it. Their parents really didn't do it much either. First person to tickle him after a while was actually Reigen)
-Teru probably tickles him the most (besides Ritsu ofc), and sometimes Tome or Tsubomi as well
-Only close people can really tickle him mainly bc others just don't know how and also it makes him very uncomfortable
-mostly curls in on himself and clings to his ler or anything nearby
-teasing doesn't actually do much unless you know how, but compliments will get him blushing very hard (Teru is an expert at this)
-type of kid to respond "Yehes!" when a ler asks if it tickles, or just outright state "Ihit tickles!" (Reigen is a big fan of responding with "Well yeah, it's supposed to.")
-once it gets close to being too much his powers may act up slightly and accidentally lift himself/his ler and objects around them
-good spots are neck/behind his ears !!! also lower sides, underneath his knees, and surprisingly his hands are really ticklish
Ritsu 📚
-very much switch, not afraid to get revenge at all but he's definitely much more ticklish than Mob (he's probably like a 7/10)
-they start having more tickle fights again after Big Clean-Up arc; only other person that is really allowed to tickle him is Sho
-his proper laugh is boyish and sporadic, but high pitched in bad spots. certain spots get him very giggly though
-cannot handle teasing he will just continuously tell you to shut the hell up despite trying his hardest to bite back a smile bc he hates that it makes him giddy
-he gets SO embarrassed and he's so jumpy if you threaten to tickle him, yelps very loudly at fake outs
-will protest the whole way down despite having fun, whether or not he wants to admit it (he definitely will not to Sho)
-also goofy tickle games?? Explode. Counting his ribs will Send him
-def more of a squirmer than Mob, but once you hit his bad spots he nearly goes limp bc he doesnt have a tolerance either (none of these kids do theyre touch starved duh)
-arches his back and kicks his feet a lot on accident
-will probably punch you if you catch him off guard (Sho learned this the hard way. More than once. Because he forgot.)
-his powers have most definitely acted up while being wrecked too; the first time it happened was with Sho and he laughed so hard; Ritsu was incredibly embarrassed he would not stop pouting when teased about it
-later lets Takenaka tickle him as well once they get closer because I said so
-good spots are the spot just below his armpits and squeezing his knees !!! (shares the knees spot w Mob) also ribs and hips, plus his calves are actually pretty ticklish which is very entertaining
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alexhandersenblog · 11 months
„It’s the same principle. Because liking or dislike is simply a personal interpretation of what we think and feel about something even without knowing something/someone well or personally.“
Hi the anon from a few days ago here😉. I agree☝🏻. Alex could post a thousand happy smiley kissing pics with her, could say anything in public, she could say anything and you may follow them and enjoy all of it, but you still wouldn't know what was really going on behind closed doors🤫. Every post they do is intentional and posted to make YOU double tap. Instagram is fame, money and attention. Either you like what you see and hear online or you don’t but you‘ll never know them for real. Which is why I asked if it was ok to share my OPINION and our (me&friends) predictions after a year of following everything. Simple as that.
The anon calling me a hater: Spreading hate wasn’t my intention. I’m glad you’re enjoying Johanne and Alex together. For me her pretentious act on Instagram and the things she has done like lying and trolling ruined the experience of being a fan for Alex for me personally. It made me see Alex in a different way. He was always hiding his true colors and actions from his fans and now I see why. Even before Johanne was in the picture I felt a little irritated at his boyish behavior during fan conventions. It didn’t look genuine to me but more like acting. And reading several Danish interview in the recent years about how he feels about his fans, like „I feel nothing“. But then turns around and says completely different things at conventions to his fans who pay him a shit ton of money of course 😅 Him just saying something in English when he wanted money for something. And just the way he obviously spend every hour on Instagram over the years but told his fans maaaany times how much he hates social media and doesn’t even like using it. And lastly his interviews about how „self promotion is the most boring thing you can do on social media“ etc. it’s all just …meh.
Our main points were that he already made up his mind, but if he had really been madly and genuinely in love, he would’ve been completely different from the jump. The point was that he made a mental checklist of what he has to accomplish by a certain age and that his mom is a little pushy
I didn’t say he wasn’t an adult, although not having any serious adult relationships before this one isn’t too good.
Him saying he has to give it another month and he has to find a wife and he has to this and that is not great here. But ultimately it doesn’t matter because like I said, I believe it’s already a done deal and I believe he will be hurt in several years. My opinion.
And just to be clear : We have seen many examples of Johanne "push him", we have seen examples of her "manipulate" him and there are even screenshots that prove she is staging her posts on Instagram for likes and lying to his fans and deleting evidence. There are examples of her trolling his fans and just btw the endless posing in his clothes is a little psycho at this point. Looks like there are examples of her sucking up to „important“ people as I saw the other day on another blog.
This blog is just kind enough to let a few remaining fans express their opinions before leaving for good..
But I wish you much fun following them over the next years. Especially Johanne will offer you a lot of content that will appeal to you. ✌🏼. I believe Instagram and his fan accounts are free of criticism anyways. So just enjoy?
Anon to anon.
Especially the part about Alex… I’m having the same feeling about it tbh… bit sad but it is what it is i guess 🥲
Always welcome to share your opinion. I try my best to post it! ☺️
By the way, props to both of you for having two different opinions, but still being able to share your views in a respectful way 🥰
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trashcanalienist · 2 years
He calls the radio station because he wants his motives to be known, he wants to be understood, and he doesn't want to do it. In his Hannibal Lecter kitchen with his bird castle nearby, a pair of little birds hopping about inside, Norman is freer than he ever has been - away from that house and the motel, Mother dwindles away to nothing but a shrieking whisper in the back of his head, poor Norman who's been so badly traumatized by her and is not even aware of it. He has a wife who he has not killed yet, and they make love often. A shame that she is a horrible manipulator who lies to him about taking birth control in order to get pregnant when he is so constantly terrified that he'll pass on the same instability his mother gave to him. She does not respect his boundaries and she does not listen to him, she does not respect him as a person at all. Figures she's a psychologist he met while he was crazy. Norman can't stop finding women as crazy and outwardly conservative as his mother. Speaking of whom, Mrs Bates is now the lovely Olivia Hussey, who does a wondrous job with what she's given. I despise that brief mention of forced transvestism that never comes up again - it has no place here, Norman has never been confused in that way. Mrs. Bates wanted her son to be her son, and to be a GOOD son, because she is perhaps not a "good woman" and men have not been good to her. For same reason, Margaret White tries to force Carrie to stay a child because her own womanhood is the cause of her sin in her mind. Mother exists because Norman is a good little boy who loves his mother, not because of some boring Sleepaway Camp nonsense. Well, good then that they never bring it up again.
The direction is maybe best with those scenes cut between the radio station (cool, almost clinical, dark, sharp, noir pretty) and Norman's kitchen (bright, airy, a wonderful symbol of how far he's come in his life - and thus with what he's talking about, what he's compelled to say, how much he still feels the need to be dragged back into it). Good that he goes back to Mother's house for the final act - he needs to be in that scared, tormented frame of mind in order to do something as terrible as kill his wife. Poor Norman, this awful woman has taken something from him he did not consent to give her, and she refuses abortion obviously because she's so very conservative. The best kinds of girls for Norman are the kind Mother would kill on first sight. But he can't do it, anyways (I love how quickly his face changes, boyish still now and always, therapy once again got rid of Mother but does nothing for his other underlying issues), and sets the house on fire, blue and with warm eerie orange windows, and is almost trapped to die there with his victims including his mother Olivia Hussey, luckily he gets out and is free as he says, again, as in Psycho III. Wonderful for him! Free to have a child with this controlling mother-knows-best freak who he cannot stand up to because she ensures that there's nothing he can do before she lets him find out. This maniac who decided the best course of option with a man who did not want kids because he was afraid of what he might pass on to them, was to lie and get pregnant anyways and then tell him to just give the baby a chance. Poor Norman, even if genetics have no say in it I'm afraid things will repeat themselves...
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HELLO!! how are you? I’m here to request for (PLATONICALLY) sk8 the infinity, mystic messenger and obey me please! now let me introduce my fabulous self
My name is Joey, im 14 years old, i use He/Him pronouns, im transgender, aromatic and unlabeled, im a Extrovert, my MBTI is ENTP
Appearance: I have shoulder-length brown hair (will be cut into more boyish hair soon), brown eyes, im 5’6, I wear glasses! but I also use contacts, i dress in a lot of different styles such as goth (trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth and nu goth) gyaru (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, rokku, manba, kogal and tsuyome), scenemo/emo and vkei, ouji and lolita but I also drsss pretty normal when I’m not in those styles such as hoodies, T-Shirts, anime stuff, jeans, sweats and other comfy stuff also this is what I look like atm
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Personality: We’ll I am Extroverted and my MBTI is ENTP but firstly I am pretty awkward at first so it may take me time to adjust to a new person or more, i love to ramble about my interests(forgot to add I have adhdism), i love to talk online the most through iPhone, computer, anything electronic, i like to use “hai” as a joke and I say “I’m homophobic” as a joke as well (DONT TAKW TAHT SERIOUSLY), i also make sexual jokes as well.
Hobbies: Anime/manga, art (drawing, painting, pottery, digital art, etc), music, fashion, gaming, writing, editing, learning new languages (Japanese and Spanish), cooking, cosplaying, social media, volleyball and more ^^
Likes: cats, hajime hinata (danganronpa), a silent voice, albedo (genshin impact), lemon demon, felix kranken (twf), bread, sharks, christmas music/christmas in general, scp 3008 (roblox game), get a snack at 4am (roblox game), hotels, and my friends!
Dislikes: negative mentions of my voice, people comparing me to people like “you remind me of ____”, spiders I hate them with all my life, hate talk about my interests and that’s rlly it
Hi Joey! Ooh, a platonic matchup! That's a nice change of pace!
In Sk8 the Infinity, I match you with...
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Miya is your platonic soulmate. You share so many interests!
You both loves cats, video games, social media, and (at least I think) cosplay.
And, let's be real, if Miya was allowed to in the show, he would be making the most inappropriate jokes imaginable. He's a 13 year old. What did you expect?
He enjoys listening to your rambling but he will act like it annoys him. Just say you can stop though and he'll make up some excuse like "it's better to blabber to me, rather than annoy someone else". Don't listen to him. He loves listening to you.
I also see Miya as an arachnophobe (me too Joey and Miya, me too). He's calling up Joe anytime there's a spider near either of you. He's not dealing with it and he's not making you deal with it either.
In Mystic Messenger, I match you with...
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LOLOL buddies! Yoosung gets pretty competitive though so keep that in mind when you're playing with him. Nothing that will break your friendship though.
LOLOL lobbies can be pretty rough places. If someone starts trash talking you about your voice or your rambling, Yoosung's jumping to your defense. No one talks to his best friend like that!
Another one who hates spiders! He probably just panics and forgets he can use his phone to call someone for help though, so that duty will have to fall to you. In the meantime, he's closing the door to the room where the spider is and locking the door. You don't need to go in there right?
Yoosung definitely watches anime. His favourites are comedy action shows like One Punch Man and Mob Psycho 100. He's willing to watch pretty much anything, though he's not a huge fan of anything too scary or sad.
In Obey Me, I match you with...
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I'm not sure why Beel stood out to me as the right choice but he did, so this will be a journey of discovery for both of us.
Beel is so used to Levi rambling about his hobbies that listening to you is basically second nature to him.
He also enjoys playing video games (though not to the same extent as Levi) so I can see the three of you setting weekly gaming nights.
He loves trying your cooking! Beel will eat pretty much anything but he assures you that your cooking is up there with some of the better tasting things he's put in his mouth.
Takes care of spiders with no issues! He won't kill them though. He's associated with bugs after all. He's finding a bowl and a piece of firm paper and taking the spider outside.
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Poland's Next Top Model Cycle 11 Cast Thoughts!
While I get my life under control (sorry for the slow updates on FNTM, my life went to the fucking ground the past few weeks and I've been too busy to do much), I might as well do my personal thoughts on the new PNTM cycle and make some sort of filler posts (regular posts should come back around next week, but no more BTS stuff since my internet basically went to the ground)
Adrian: I actually don't hate him, people weren't a fan of his look but I think he brings some nice needed diversity in the cast, his preshow works were also very promising as well!
Adriana: She's one of my favorites! Her pre show work does scream of catfish but this promo is really stunning, not to mention that she's trans! I hope she gets long hair as a makeover
Ola: Our golden ticket of the cycle and everyone's favorite, for a good reason. I really like her eyes but she might lead into the psycho eyes too much.
Boris: The male models this cycle aren't the best and Boris is a good indicator of that. He does not look 19 and I'm not the biggest fan of his face because of the hair, I hope it gets shaved off
Filip: And my favorite male model of the cast! He has a really cute boyish look to him alongside being one of our few Ukrainian models that applied this year! I hope he does well.
Karolina: Honestly, she's quite bland. She might grow on me over time but for now, she gives off first boot vibes.
Klaudia: I actually like her a lot in this promo but pre show, she was one of my least favorites. Hopefully she proves me wrong.
Krystian: He is a fucking meme right now on the forums and while I used to hate him, I think this promo is really good, like one of the best of the bunch. I like the slicked back hair on him, so he's grown a bit on me and while he's still not good, he's definitely up there with Filip.
Maciej: He straight up creeps me out, his baby face does not match the body and my simple brain can not handle that.
Marcelina: I like how pinched her face looks, her feature are close together yet she has full eyes and big lips, I expect a lot from her.
Martyna: And this is the first ever plus sized model on PNTM and frankly, I think she looks better in motion than on photo. This doesn't do her well in the slightest.
Michalina: I love her bone structure (square head for days!) but I'm not as gaga as everyone else.
Natalia: And I present everyone's favorite girl at the moment, she's clearly very committed (she was a semi last cycle and lost 10 kg after the show) and I am excited to see some drama from her
Weronika: I love elfish looking girls and Weronika is no exception! I love her look here so much, plus she's deaf and so fucking adorable with the judges so I'm so excited to see her do well!
Overall Thoughts:
The female models this cast are IT! My favorites from them are Adriana, Michalina, Natalia and Weronika but the male models really drag the cast down, I much prefer the semis over the actual picked ones besides Filip and Krystian if he keeps up the good photos
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ylkcheeeks · 10 months
first off hell yeah physically in bed before 2 am
Got some real loud caveats of how much better I’d prefer to be but by god it’s been weeks since I’ve seen 1:30 from a reclined orientation
I did three things today. I still have more than 3 dozen things to somehow do in two weeks and this weekend is preemptively blown for homework
But I’m trying not to panic
It is very hard
My spouse believes in me- keeps reminding me (helpfully?) that I have done this before that it’s like this every time and I pull it off but I keep wanting to point out that I don’t always actually. Sometimes I fuck up immensely and there’s no batting my boyish lashes out of it.
The goal:
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The reality:
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It’s just not giving, as the youts say.
I never really thought I would live to be like, an adult adult and I didn’t enjoy my youth as much as I overall enjoy myself now- even with all the stress and the pain and the other stuff this particular set of months has so generously given me. Truly I could not bear further gifts. So I don’t have like a big attachment to youth or like, worry about looking older- I’ve been lowkey looking forward to greying since I was a teen. But it is weird for me to no longer be a “young” person. Like, you’re a child and then from teen through late twenties that’s this Young Person time, and there is nuance in there but now I’m on the other side of that. Age wise and, given my current life circumstances, development wise, I’m not an emerging adult or young adult anymore. Unvarnished adult. Not old enough to have a fine patina or rival Pappy, just old enough to not be young. It’s weird.
The pain too, reckoning with being “🤷disabled I guess” now. I’m thinking I should start keeping a more specific inventory of what hurts and how and when, because I need my doctors to take this seriously. I don’t want to be in my body- I’ve learned to muddle through with a lot of pain but I am more and more living at a limit where if I have external structure I can just about drag myself through the day, but I am expending so much energy just on not experiencing the pain undiluted that I cannot spare enough brain to rip start the motor.
And well, even if I could… it’s hard to go to bed when I know I could push through and do some late night creative noodling. I’ve done it many a time and it is often some of my best work. I get As on my last minute projects and learn nothing. I mean obviously I learned the subject but as in my eternal frustration with myself. I don’t want to be this way, I don’t want this to be who I turn back into when things are hard because I don’t like the stress, I hate how vulnerable I wind up being, I don’t feel safe, and it is not good for me.
Not just mentally and psycho emotionally but physically- I can’t afford those levels of exhaustion like I once could. I already have a perma debuff and it sucks and I hope to fuck that my last pain free day isn’t behind me but I overall cannot rely on my body anymore to begin from a normal baseline on an average day.
Okay we’ve got something real bad like inside the shoulder joint, possibly a nerve thing? But it also feels loosey goosey, keeps crackling like it’s gonna fall into place when I roll it but it is endless. The pain is inside the body in two ways there, which are connected. All of them are connected of course. But this on is in the shoulder joint, a thread entering from the lower rear and fit between the knobby round ends of my bones. There’s also, among the scapula and all that, a bright yellow broad rhombus of pain. It’s knitting the muscles but again that strong feeling that something is wrong inside my body. Knex and Lego forced together or something. The other shoulder and not sides of the neck are tight ina more traditional manner. Noisy neck as well. One elbow sharp shooting pain- also right side. Base of skull larding into headache. Right shoulder thought interrupting my bad but base of skull almost the same level when I address it directly with even a gentle head tilt stretch. Pinky pain from holding phone hahaha. This gassy thing, belching air when the pain is bad, and the accompanying chest tightness if I try to hold it in. Feels like something in my sternum, maybe diaphragm is responding to the pain by releasing air. Knees of course achey from how I sit and cold feet cis it’s winter. The middle part, that whole mess concerns me.
Idk I can even list it all my headache is of course getting worse.
I dunno which chaos fivinity would have me but if you could ever so kindly remove these particular weights from my ankles I’d be much obliged.
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Tome really out here bein best girl, huh?
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hobisego7 · 3 years
``F ♡ck you Heather``
FUCK YOU HEATHER by Boyish ♡Recommended song for this fic♡
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Warning ❕- Cheating , Scummy Tokoyami , Degrading words , Angst , thoughts of self harm and suicide , Use of drugs (weed & nicotine) , Fighting, Female pronouns used !
(Not proofread ! )
⚠️Proceed With Caution ⚠️
Summary: You and Fumikage have been in a relationship for nearly 3 years now having sealed the deal in your first year of high school together & Fumikage was just a delightful boyfriend. Until he wasn’t
Written in the 3rd person perspective
Y/n was situated on the couch playing some mindless video game with Denki who was on a winning streak. Denki jolted from the couch as he had died again “Ugh ! Y/n how’re you so good ?! I’m the one who taught you !” Denki shouted in frustration. Y/n chuckled and threw the controller his way before opening her mouth to speak “Well maybe if you played more you’d be just as good” Y/n chuckled out before retrieving the controller and taking a handful of chips in the process. Denki chuckled and pulled a small cylindrical tube from his back pocket “Time to get my A game on !” He shouted before opening the cap and revealing a freshly rolled joint. Denki waved the substance in Y/n’s face “want some ?” Denki said the joint already being placed between his lips Y/n slumped her shoulders down and nodded “Sire why not it’s a Friday night as well” Denki nodded and pulled out a scratched up black lighter from his pocket then setting the end of the join aflame taking a long drag. Denki coughed and passed it to Y/n who took a similarly long drag before breathing out the smoke smoothly. “Weak lungs huh Denki ?” Y/n giggled out before pulling a airbar from her hoodie or technically Fumikage’s hoodie pocket taking a drag before passing it along to Denki. He drank water before grabbing the nicotine and taking a long inhale he grabbed the control and pressed continue on his and Y/n’s game they continued playing before Denki died again at the hands of zombie “Fuck it I’m calling quits you’re just to good” Y/n stuck her tongue out and bit it suppressing a giggle.
On the outside those two looked like the best couple out there always playing video games or talking and interacting with each other but Y/n’s current boyfriend was sweet talking a class mate behind his door. He was pushing hair out of her face calling her the prettiest girl in class, words he’s told Y/n a thousand times. Y/n was slowly walking to Fumikage’s room the intoxication of the weed had hit her already although very mildly. She knocked on his door and sighed before speaking “Fumi honey ! Let me in ! I’m tired and want some cuddles” she shouted before she heard a mumbled `Shi-put clothes on` before slamming the door open to find Fumikage and Tsuyu in bed together Fumikage was wearing his boxers and Tsu was clad in one of his hoodies. Y/n took a step back in horror before she dropped her phone and covering her face. “Fumikage !? What the fuck !? You better be under a quirk’s usage or you have some fucking explaining to do you piece of shit !” Y/n shouted her heart slowly crumbling away and breaking like fragile glass. “And the fucking frog bitch to huh ? Guess animals should really stick together !” Y/n shouted before throwing her phone at Tsu hitting her square in the nose Fumikage bolted up and pushed Y/n back “Y/n what the fuck !? Are you a fucking psycho !?” Y/n’s mouth gaped open as he ran to Tsu cradling her nose that was now bleeding, Y/n’s lips pursed and she looked down tears brimming at her eyes. “You’re such a fucking dick Y/n ! God what the hell you stupid cunt !?”. That was Y/n’s last straw before she breathed out and walked over to Tsu grabbing her face and looking at her up and down “What the fuck does he see in you, you ugly good for nothing bitch !?” Y/n shouted before grabbing Tsu’s hair and flinging her off the bed Y/n got on top of Tsu and started pulling her hair and slamming her head repeatedly against the hard wood floor Tsu tried grabbing Y/n’s arm but it faltered and Y/n started punching her repeatedly Fumikage pulled Y/n off who was breathing heavily and putting her hair back in place. Fumikage slapped Y/n “Are you a god damn psycho !? You stupid fucking bitch ! What the fuck did she do to you !?” Y/n stared Fumikage down “She fucked my boyfriend ! T-that’s what she did” Y/n grabbed her phone and slowly started crying she pushed Fumikage back and ran out of the room running to her own.
She flung herself on the bed and cried she sobbed until her head hurt and her throat was sore from shouting. She sighed and walked to her bathroom looking at her face, that was now stained with tear tracks and messy mascara. She washed her face and looked down her hoodie was his. She giggled and punched her mirror breaking it to a million pieces of the ground she stared at the and pondered for a moment Y/n slammed her back in the wall and slid down sitting amongst the glass she picked up the longest piece there was and rolled up her sleeve she bit her lip and sighed slamming her head against the tiled wall screaming before throwing the glass breaking it even further. She fumbled out of the bathroom and threw the ceramic ash tray he made her she stared at it and then she grabbed her phone and played a random playlist and akin to a manic she started laughing grabbing any reminiscences of Fumikage and smashing it to pieces of the ground she took the photo the taken of their first date together and she threw it on the ground and stepping on it with her converse sneakers Fumikage bought her she started crying and laughing throwing more breakable stuff on the ground one of the mugs he gave her had cut her arm while she was smashing it. Y/n stared at it and giggled picking it up thinking about slicing her arm open and letting herself bleed out on the floor all over the memories of him. She started crying and slamming the ground thankful she lived in the first floor. She shouted fuck before grabbing all his hoodies and clothes from her closet and bring them to the kitchen sink. Bakugou walked in going to grab a midnight fruit “Y/n..what’s going on..” Y/n stared at him and cried while smiling “He fucking cheated on me so I’m destroying everything he gave me..is that to much ?” Bakugou giggled and sighed “Want some help that’s erase that bitch ass bird from your memories” Y/n smiled and tied her hair back slightly shocked at Bakugou’s kindness. She grabbed the bleach and unscrewed it before pouring it all over his hoodies Bakugou took the liberty of cutting up his pants and boxers. Y/n smiled and poured some random hair dye on them slamming her fist down. Bakugou gave her a small hug “Come on let’s put this in a box ‘n give it to him bastard deserves it” Y/n smiled and put everything that was his in a box she had found in the trash Bakugou yawned and walked with her to his room she slammed it down and knocked on his door before shouting “Here’s your shit !” Bakugou tched and smiled at her pulling her in and rubbing her hair. “Come let’s clean your room we can replace the photos of him with dunce face in the mornin’ he’s got a crush on ya’ ‘ask him ‘bout it” Y/n giggled and hugged Bakugou, who started at her arm “Let’s get this fixed to”.
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amusedarcher · 3 years
All the while since I started reading POTN a couple of months back, my first choice of actor to play Seungho have always been Lee Soohyuk. If there’s ever a live action, that is. Teehee! Partly, it was due to Seungho’s crazy eyes in Season 1, especially in Chapter 30, I thought I saw a splitting image of Soohyuk there.
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I have never watched the live action of Scholar Who Walks The Night, in which Soohyuk played the antagonist, Gwi, but I have seen enough stills here and there, I just thought he is perfect as Seungho.
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However, I have to admit there were also times when I get the vibe of an entirely different character. Have you watched Love In The Moonlight? If so, you will know I am referring to the playful protagonist, Lee Young, played by the brilliant Park Bogum.
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I like that Bogum can switch from being the boy-next-door to a psycho killer in no time at all. He’s got the killer gaze but his face is way too angelic/boyish to play Seungho.
I have not given up yet looking for the perfect rl Seungho. Come out, come out, wherever you are!
Anyway, what I meant to say is, I no longer see Soohyuk as Seungho. He is much better fit as Jung Inhun instead!
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Just compare their faces side by side, put a pair of glasses on Soohyuk, they are essentially the same person.
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Wdyt? 😁
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little-diable · 4 years
Your true family - Chibs Telford (fluff)
Requested by my lovely @band--psycho​
I changed the setting, hope thats alright. Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: (Y/n)s parents uninvited her, forcing her to stay in Charming as Christmas was just around the corner. 
Warnings: bit angsty, but mostly just Chibs being the lovely man he is
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“Okay, lass, I’ve had enough of your sulkin’, what’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” Chibs opened another bottle of beer for (y/n), dark eyes following her every move as another deep sigh spilled from her lips.
“It’s nothing.” The scotsman had to stop himself from rolling his eyes, walking around the bar to wrap his arms around her, cuddling her into his chest as they sunk down in one of the boots. “Tell me.”
A wave of sadness washed upon her, mind wandering back to the uncomfortable phone call from earlier this day, the way her mothers voice dripped in disgust, uninviting her daughter from the annual Christmas celebrations. All because she was dating a murderer, a drug dealer, at least that's what her mother saw in Chibs. 
Her family had never met the man who had conquered (y/n)s heart months ago, they wouldn’t give him a chance, wouldn’t see the pure, good soul he was. Somewhere along the way she had stopped caring, accepted that her family wouldn’t ever understand how happy he’d make their daughter, how much he cared for her, the way he kept her safe, safer than she had ever been. 
Though she had thought about the consequences that would follow, never in a million years would she have imagined that her own parents would uninvite her, how far would they take it? Would they cut ties completely, forget about the girl that carried their family name?
(Y/n) had to blink a few times, she wouldn’t cry, wouldn’t give her mother the satisfaction of letting her words get to her. “My family doesn’t want to spend Christmas with me,” the words were slurred, mouth pressed against the fabric of his shirt, hoping that he wouldn’t ask any more questions, but he simply wouldn’t be Chibs, if he wouldn’t dig a bit deeper. 
“Any specific reason for that?” He wasn’t oblivious, of course the biker knew that he was the reason for the way (y/n)s family was acting, treating him like a disease, a pest. She didn’t speak another word, only tried to pull herself closer to his tall frame. “I’ll just stay in Charming, it’s fine.”
Her heart felt heavier with every word she spoke, as cruel as her family could be, she missed them, missed the arms her dad would wrap around her waist as he’d greet her, the fabulous cooking of her mom, the giggles that would rumble through her as she’d listen to old stories. 
But this year she wouldn’t have any of that, would have to spend Christmas on her own as her family was happily celebrating without her, as Chibs would celebrate with the boys.
“Well, you’re a part of this family, you can always celebrate with us sweetheart,” Chibs pressed a kiss to her forehead, beard scratching her skin as his scent engulfed her, whisky, cigars and a faint hint of his perfume, a perfect mixture. “I don’t know, I don’t want to intrude,” she couldn’t look up at him, didn’t want him to realize how lonely and sad she truly felt, cumbersomely turning towards the boys who just entered the shop. 
“Oi, Jackie boy,” Chibs voice echoed through the room, eyes snapping towards the Scotsman and his girlfriend. “I’ll bring a hot date to the Christmas party.” He didn’t leave any room to argue, not like the boys would ever have anything against celebrating with (y/n), they loved her with all their hearts. 
She stared at Chibs with flushed cheeks. “Chibs,” (y/n) muttered. “I’m sorry guys, you don’t-“Jax cleared his throat, instantly shutting her up. “If you don’t show up at the party I’ll personally drag your ass down here,” he winked at (y/n), turning away from the couple as he kissed Gemma's cheek.
“See,” Chibs pinched her side, coaxing a squeal out of her smiling lips. “Now you’ll have to get me a present, you know that right?” She chuckled, pulling him in for a kiss. “I think this,” he pointed towards himself. “Is by far the best gift one could receive,” a boyish grin tugged on his lips. “You’re probably right.”
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astarryon · 4 years
1980s Horror Film
No Good Deed
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Warnings: typical criminal minds stuff
Chapter Summary: You’re beginning to think your unadulterated hatred for unknown phone calls is actually justified.
A/N: The first installment of my Halloween inspired mini series! This fic was dreamt up during a very long, very intoxicated conversation with @johnmulaneyslut​ and my mind hasn’t been able to focus on anything else since! I hope y’all enjoy, and if you want me to add you to this fic’s masterlist, shoot me an ask or a message!
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“There are horrors beyond life’s edge that we do not suspect, and once in a while man’s evil prying calls them just within our range.”
- H.P. Lovecraft
The agents were starting to get on your nerves.
There really wasn’t any good reason for it. They were being perfectly kind — when they bothered to talk to you like you were actually in the room, that is, though with three other victims of the deceased variety and a serial killer actively gunning for you, you figure you shouldn’t take that too personally — and the one named Jennifer had asked more times in the last hour than anyone else in your life had in maybe, well, ever if there was anything she could get you. You declined each time, sometimes rudely, sometimes in defeat, but that never stopped her coming back to ask again. When this was all over — and you prayed that an end would come quickly, if only so you could go back to not being quite so on edge — you’d need to be sure to thank her for all her efforts to make you comfortable.
But that wouldn’t come until later, when you were safe, and each of the agents in the behavioral analysis unit of the FBI didn’t pause every six seconds to analyze you in some attempt to figure out the psyche of the serial killer gunning to cut you open. In some ways, you understood — you were, currently, the only direct key they had to understanding how the serial killer who was after you selected his victims, though it wasn’t like you could answer any of the questions they had about the matter. Just because you understood, though, didn’t make the wandering eyes any less irritating, and you were counting yourself lucky that they were all just about to head home for the night so you wouldn’t have to worry about snapping in the next few hours.
“Okay,” Jennifer began as she approached, yet another kind smile occupying her features. “I’m stepping out for the night. The rest of the team will be leaving shortly, but our colleague Agent Anderson won’t be far. If there’s anything he can do for you, please don’t hesitate to ask.”
You try for a small smile of thanks, but it’s hard to say whether it reaches your eyes. Judging by the poorly concealed concern in Jennifer’s gaze, you don’t think it does. “Thanks, but I’m all set. I already got this cozy cot set up in your boss’ office. What more could a girl ask for?”
Jennifer frowns, something like guilt tightening her perfect features. “I know the situation isn’t ideal, but this is—“
“The safest place for me to be, especially since this psycho likes to strike at night,” you sigh, unable to help a dejected roll of your eyes. “I know. I’m grateful, truly, but this still isn’t exactly what I would call great.”
“We’re gonna catch him,” Jennifer assures you. She sounds so resolutely positive that you’re inclined to believe her, even though there’s the issue that they still can’t even tell you who he is. “Just… try and get some rest tonight, okay? You’re safe here. I’ll have whoever from the team leaves last come check on you one last time before they head out. Good night.”
“Night,” you tell her, and she smiles one last time at you before heading out the office door, once again leaving you to your lonesome.
You should try to get your mind off it, you know. Thinking of something else was imperative to getting to sleep for the night, and though that was the last thing on your mind right now, trying to wind down was certainly more productive thank sinking into your own body numbing panic. Unfortunately, that was easier said than done, and now that you were by yourself, you had all the time in the world to think.
Someone wanted you dead. Someone out there in the world, someone you’d had contact with in your daily life, someone wanted to kill you. You hadn’t managed to get much information out of anybody — There’s no point in working yourself up over it, Jennifer had told you. You’d wanted to scream at her, tell her she’d be of a different opinion if she was the one whose life was hanging in the balance, but you’d managed to hold yourself back. Though you had every excuse in the book to lose your cool, she didn’t deserve you your verbal abuse. Even in your state of frightened paranoia, you could recognize that none of this was her fault.
Why this was happening to you, you didn’t know. You wished you did. If whatever was making you a target for the rampaging serial killer was something changeable, you’d take care of it in a heartbeat. If it was the way you dressed, you’d fix it. If it was your willingness to be kind to strangers, you’d be meaner. Anything, anything to get you out of this terrifying mess. Anything that meant you got to go home and sleep in your own bed and not have to worry about whether someone was going to break in to your apartment and—
“Are you doing okay?”
The gentle voice startled you out of your reverie, though you couldn’t help flinching out of reflex at the sudden intrusion despite how quietly it had been spoken. Blinking yourself back into focus, your eyes shot over to the door, where you found the tall, lanky frame of one of the BAU agents taking up space in the doorway. The one with softer features than the rest, though you didn’t know whether that spoke more to his youth or his naivety. The one with a certain boyish quality about him that you couldn’t quite place, though he carried his head high and had a surprisingly confident set to his jaw, one that contrasted directly with the sheepish, almost bashful tone of voice he’d had when speaking to you. The one whose name you couldn’t quite recall, which was a testament to the ordeal you’d been through in the past few hours because you’d never be careless enough to forget the name of such a beautiful man on any regular day.
The itch of tears trailing down your skin brought you back to your senses, and as you reached up to swat them away, you realized there was no way he hadn’t seen them. “Just peachy,” you snarked, instantly feeling badly over the tone you’d taken. Whatever; there was nothing to be done for it now, and you could agonize over your rudeness when a pretty stranger wasn’t busy witnessing your terror. “Really just having the time of my life. Can’t you tell?”
And you swear if you concentrate, really concentrate, you can just make out the ghost of an amused smile curling the corners of his lip upward in response to your bitter attempt at sarcastic humor, but it quickly becomes overshadowed with concern at spying the tears still brimming in your eyes. “Sorry to interrupt it,” he murmurs, stepping out of the entrance and closing the door behind him, and something about his tone is so meaningful that you believe he’s genuine. He detours by the desk at the far side of the room to pick up the box of tissues sitting on its corner before making his way over to you and setting them on the filing cabinet just beside your cot. “I’m Dr. Spencer Reid. Agent Jareau asked if I would check in on you before I went home for the night.”
You blink, reaching for a tissue and wiping the rest of your tears away, thankful that this man is kind enough not to force you to talk about your emotional state. At his introduction, though, you pause, the familiarity of the name taunting at something in your mind. “You… you’re the one who called me. Before.”
Spencer nods leaning his weight against the filing cabinet he’d set the tissues on and absentmindedly tucking a particularly unruly strand of hair behind his ear. “That was me,” he confirms, leveling another kind smile your way. “I, um, I was actually the one to get you out of your house, too, but… I mean, you were pretty upset, so you might not remember much of that.”
The unfortunate truth, actually, was that you remembered Spencer collecting you from your home and escorting you into the protective arms of the FBI a little too well. More specifically, you remembered having nothing short of a mental breakdown on the phone at the news that a serial killer was targeting you, looking to murder you in some horrible, awfully gruesome manner, and all for some reason that Dr. Reid had declined to inform you of over the phone. He’d been kind enough to talk you through all your debilitating paranoias, kind enough to stay on the phone with you until he’d gotten to your home with his partner — Morgan, if you remembered correctly — and rushed in to make sure you were in one piece. Though he’d told you on the phone that they were just outside, though he’d warned you that they’d be coming in to collect you and take you into protective custody, you’d still lost your mind at the sight of a stranger in your home and immediately rushed him, kicking and screaming and begging for your life, your safety, your… well. Everything, really.
Luckily for Spencer, you were a horrible right hook and ended up doing more damage to yourself than to him, but unluckily for you, you’d been out of your mind in that moment, and had lost the impulse for self preservation. Spencer had calmed you down and restrained you long enough to stop your attempts at gouging his eyes out in self defense, but every last bit of composure you’d been clinging to instantly vanished, and you’d been left a bawling mess, falling apart in the loose, awkward embrace of his arms as you begged him not to let anything happen to you, as you desperately implored him to keep you safe.
More than a little embarrassing once you’d managed to calm down, to say the least.
“Right,” you muttered, dropping your eyes to the floor. It was nothing against Spencer, with his kind eyes and reassuring expression, but you were just about at your wit’s end, here, and you really didn’t have enough composure left in you to be the sweet, dainty girl you assumed he’d enjoy interacting with. “Well, all things considered, I’m just fine. So, if that’s all…”
Instead of taking the hint, instead of leaving you to your solitude and allowing you to wallow in your misery, Spencer simply readjusted his position against the filing cabinet and folded his hands together. “I’m… Look, I don’t mean to pry, but you’re crying, and I… kind of get the feeling that when you say you’re fine, you’re not really telling me the truth.”
“An astute observation, Dr. Reid,” you muttered, wringing your hands together. “Really, someone ought to give you a medal.”
“Well, if you wouldn’t mind passing that along to my boss,” Spencer chuckles, and the gentle joke is so at odds with the defensiveness that anyone else would have responded with that it practically jolts you into civility. By the time you realize this, he’s already shifted from the filing cabinet to sitting at the edge of your cot. Not quite close enough to invoke feelings of familiarity, but just enough to let you know that if you want to, you can confide in him. And, it’s silly, but you kind of think you want to. “So… you don’t have to tell me why you’re crying—“
“Oh, thank you for the permission.”
“— but if you want to,” Spencer presses on, “I’m here to listen. No offense, but I imagine pretending nothing’s bothering you gets to be exhausting after a little while.”
“You’d be the expert,” you sigh, crossing your arms over your chest, but you turn more fully to face where Spencer’s seated himself.
He was being kind to you — that alone was reason enough to grasp at some manners and stop being so defensive, but there was another, more personally beneficial one as well. Jennifer had been awfully tight lipped about the man pursuing you — who he was, what he did to his victims, why he was so interested in you. But… Spencer wasn’t Jennifer. Spencer also felt kind of bad for you. Taking all that into consideration, maybe he would be more willing to give you the answers you were looking for.
More willing, and more interested.
“You know, I do have a few questions” you begin, hugging your legs to your chest and tucking your chin against your knee. You wondered if you looked as small and pathetic as you felt. “I don’t… know that you’d be willing to answer any of them, though.”
Spencer arches a brow at you, and you subconsciously take note of the way that his eyes narrow the slightest bit, though it’s hard to tell whether that’s fascination or a sweeter kind of curiosity. “Well, I can’t try to answer them until you try asking them.”
Alright, well. Worth a shot at least.
“I was wondering...” You trail off and set your jaw, clearing your throat before trying again. “I want to know about the man who’s trying to kill me.”
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