#the boss SR
crimescrimson · 10 days
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Red's Guide to Saints Row [Volume One]: Saints Row: The Third (2011)
Scenery: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [MS+1] [MS+2] [MS+3] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [DK+1] [DK+2] [DK+3] [15] [SG+1] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [LD+1] [SG+2] [+1]
Characters: The Boss (Roxxi Rosé) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] | Johnny Gat [1] | Shaundi [1] [2] | Pierce Washington [1] [2] [3] | Kinzie Kensington [1] [2] | Oleg Kirrov [1] [2] | Angel De La Muerte [1] | Zimos [1] [2] | Viola DeWynter [1] [2] [3] | Matt Miller [1] [2] | Jane Valderamma [1] | Jenny [1]
Pairings: GatBoss [1]
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Short hair Vicky from Saints Row 1 and Dex.
The two of them dated for awhile, until just before the boat explosion where Dex breaks up with her out of guilt. He later admits that Vicky was the right person at the wrong time.
While her brother is searching for Dex to kill him, Vicky just wants to be with him again. She's very conflicted on her feelings for Dex, with her not knowing if she wants to shoot him or kiss him.
Vicky never truly moved on from Dex and it's something always nagging at her in the back of her mind no matter what she does to distract herself.
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kikkieabby · 1 month
The Saints: As We Rise from the Ashes, Part 2
“Honey…you okay?” Lenard ask his wife, but the Boss ignores his voice as she searches for the keys to their vehicle. After last night, Lenard was on high alert when it came to his wife, however, he did not realize that he should let go now rather than later.
“Leave me the absolute fuck alone.” She growled at him as she continues to search for the keys.
“Your not going to find the keys.” He spoke, causing her to stop in her tracks and look at him.
“Give them to me.” She growled, but the man stood up tall to her. Walking over he stared her down before saying:
“Listening, I don’t know what’s gotten into you. Nor do I know when you started taking kick-boxing class. But, stop! Don’t mess with the Morning Star.” Lenard begged, but the Boss did not budge.
“Muther-fucka, I will fuck with who ever I want to fuck with. You limp dick noodle! Now give me the keys, I gotta go find my gang.” The boss demanded, her words just caused more confusion to the man.
“Gang!?” He shouted. “You wouldn’t hurt a fly.”
“Yea, that’s about to change.” She chuckle. “Oh, whats my name again?”
“Grace?” He spoke, causing the boss to nod her head.
“I am grace, roger that!” The boss growled at her name. Her actually name was Scarlet where she had  come from, but for her own sake she decided to take the name Grace for own well being, well until she figured out what was going on.
“What ever, see ya Lenard.” She tells the large gutted man before walking over towards the front door of her house. Only to be stopped when the door swung open to reveal two familiar Faces, faces she never thought she would EVER SEE!
“Mom? Dad?” She asked as her parents proceeded into her home. Her father was dressed in his Sunday best while her mother seemed to still be wearing her uniform from a restaurant. It was a haunting view for her, especially since her father was kind of a religious jerk.
“Grace.” He spoke, causing the dark skin woman to look over her shoulder for a second before looking back at him.
“Sup.” She spoke.
“Honey, what has gotten into you?” He spoke as he walks over to her. Placing a hand on her shoulder, he pushes her towards her dinning table where she takes a seat. Her mother sits next to her while her husband sat across from her.
“Lenard told us what happened last night,” Her mother started. “My sweet, are you okay?”
“Uh…” Grace moaned as she looked to the side yet again to avoid eye contact, especially with her mother.
A little history about our Boss. She was born and raised in a very heavy church life, that only got worse when her mother had passed away. See, like this time line, her father was a priest in Grace original world. And he was an awful father, thank god she had her mother to mellow him out a bit. However, her mother would pass away due to cancer when Grace was 13, leaving her to become the woman of the house while also leading by the churches example. Long story short, it did not last for her, she eventually would run away and then found her way to the Saints. So by the view of the world, it would seem that this is the route she would have taken in life, if her mother was still around, as well as no zombie apocalypse.
“You seem lost.” Her father spoke. “Are you on drugs.”
“I wish.” Grace chuckled. “A bowl would be great right about now…with lemon shots, and dick on the side.”
“Oh my god!” Her mother shouted in shock, she had never heard that type of language come out of her daughter. Just the vulgar word of a males genitallia made her mother clench her pearls. Grace on the other hand did not care, for she didn’t know these people. Her mother had died years ago, and her father had made a new family and forgotten about her. So to her, these people were nothing.
“Grace!” Her father shouted, however Grace was done with this entire talk. Standing up, she heads straight for the door again, ignoring her father and husbands protest for her to stay. However, she didn’t care! Walking out of the house, she begins to walk down the street and think of a way to find her gang. Now in this new world, there was tons of opportunity for the Saints to rise again, the problem, she didn’t know where to start. Even when she was thrown into a situation like this after waking up from her coma, the Saints were still known and popular enough for people to want to join. But now, they were a distant memory, and she needed to fix that immediately. And she knew just how to do it too!
Running into the street to stop a man straight in his tracks, she hijacked his car! After throwing him out of it of course, and then drove straight to the local news station. If she was going to find her friends, this was the only way she was gonna do it. Marching straight into the studio, she smiles ear to ear to see that they were live and talking on the television. Running up to the camera, she looks at the lens, causing everyone around her to panic since they didn’t even notice her enter the room.
“Hey, yea! Hi! Listen, I am only humiliating myself once in the hopes that ONE OF YOU FINDS ME!” The boss started as she stares into the camera lens. “Listen, go to kinzie’s warehouse! And there were gonna regroup. And don’t fuck with me! Drop everything and go there right fucking now! Bye!”
The boss shouted before leaving the studio with a smile on her face. Heading down stairs, she gets into her car and drives to Kinzie’s warehouse, and to her surprise, the place was unoccupied! So she waited.
And waited.
And waited.
And waited.
But no one came.  
No one came to the warehouse, leaving Grace in a rut. It was starting to dawn on her that perhaps the saints might truly be gone forever. This was her new life now, and what she had before was gone. Her heart started to sink a bit, she had done things that no man has ever done before, and now she was a normal person. The sheer thought of it made her sick to her stomach, but it was feeling she felt that she would have to get use too..until…
“Scarlet?” A voice spoke, causing her to look to the side to see a tall, dark-haired male standing by the doorway. He wore a black suit with a neon blue tie, but she knew his voice immediately.
“Matt?” She spoke. In shock at the sight before him, it looked like Matt but older with no makeup. However, it did not matter, her surprise was enough to run over to him and plant kisses on his lips. He wraps his arms around her waist and begins to kiss her back while also enjoying her warmth.
“You look different.” He chuckles, this causes her to stick out her tongue at him. “I think its cute.”
“Yea, well don’t get use to it. I need to change my look soon.” She says. “So, you saw my message.”
“Yea, of your beating the crap of the two morning star guards.” He says, much to her dismay.
“Shit…” She muttered under her breathe. Walking around the empty warehouse, she begins to feel that sinking feeling of doubt as she looks around.
“I thought you be happy to see me?” Matt spoke, this makes her snap out of her bad mood for the moment.
“No, I am glad that you are here. Its just…the saints are gone.” She tells him. “My friends…”
“Our friends.” Matt corrected her, causing her to nod her head.
“Yea.” She said before looking back at him. “Wait a minute, what’s your name here?”
“Charlie Watson.” Matt chuckled at the ridiculous of his new name, but one he didn’t seem to mind. “Unlike the original me, I was sent to a different orphanage that catered to my hacking abilities. Ironically, I still ended up working with Philip, the Deckers don’t exist though. They're called the Idols in this world (yes, those guys from the reboot), and personally, they are the worst!”
“Why are you older?” She asked, causing him to shrug his shoulders.
“I don’t know honestly, but being 23 is nice.” He tells her with a chuckle. “And I got to say, you have a very nice body in this world.”
“Awww, the same could be said for you buddy.” She chuckles as her cheeks begin to turn a deep red. “My King.”
“My queen.” Matt chuckled before leaning down to give her another kiss, only for a piece of plastic to be thrown over his head. Bouncing off the skin to land right next to his feet. Looking behind him, the two gasp when they saw a familiar red haired woman entering the building.
“KINZIE!!” The boss shouted, running over to hug her. Only for the red-haired woman to raise her hand to her and growl.
“The amount of work I am about to do, does not even come close to the bullshit you put on TV!” Kinzie yelled at her. “We were coming to get you, why the fuck did you go on TV!?”
“We?” The boss questioned.
“Oh, yes, Kinzie works with me.” Matt explained. “In this timeline, she works for the Dwynter sisters as their head accountant.”
“So you both work with one another!?” The boss shouted. “How the fuck was I suppose to know?!”
“You weren’t, which is why I said we should find her immediately before she does something stupid, right Kinzieton?” Matt said, causing the redhead to let out a gag sound before saying:
“You wanted to fuck her Matt, you were not searching for her out of fear!” She growled. “Plus, incase you forgotten, there is a large wrestle that is always keeping an eye on us! Its not easy to move around.”
“Oh definitely not. I swear, Kilbane got bigger in this timeline.” Matt muttered. “ I think even Philip is scared of him.”
“Really?” The boss asked.
“It doesn’t matter now. Once’s he’s dead we’ll deal with Philip later.” Kinzie explained as she takes a seat on the edge of the loading dock. She then pulls out her laptop and begins to type away at her computer. Matt was about to say something, but the boss had cut him off when she pressed her lips to his once again. Only this time, her tongue slithered into his mouth. Causing him to moan a bit before they separated.
“Oh shit, I’m married in this timeline.” The boss spoke, causing Matt to stare at her in shock.
“Married!” He shouted.
“Right, I married a fucking bus driver?” She growled. “Ugh, and we live in a small house that’s dirty and shit and I am nurse! It sucks! Ugh, I need the saints!”
“That’s not all you seem to need.” Kinzie chuckled as she points to Grace’s fat thighs.
“Listen, when we get the gang together and start making money. All of this will be fixed in no time.” Grace says before looking over to Matt. “You however can stay just how you are.”
“Oh, you naughty Vixen, you!” Matt chuckled before laying a kiss on her lips. Causing Grace to moan but Kinzie to gag.
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luckycl0ve · 4 months
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gale went full sopping wet beast mode during this end of act 2 dialogue
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queer-cartoons-quotes · 6 months
It could have been better, but I normally don't edit sooo...
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snav1d · 1 year
hi metal gear tumblr. my first post here, heres some homosexuals if this is a good way to say hello 🛌
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ink--theory · 7 months
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thoughts on bonerattle arena
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alphashley14 · 8 months
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“Jibberish that rhymes, Fred! If you’re going to draw me then don’t make such a mess with the ink!”
What character(s) (and possibly their monster(s)) should “Fred” draw next?
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aleksikesa · 9 months
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▸Games Played in 2023
Like A Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name (2023) dev. Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio
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crimescrimson · 10 days
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Roxxi 'The Boss' Rosé in Saints Row: The Third (2021)
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My boss in Saints Row.
Victoria runs the Saints with her twin brother, Antonio. Huge motor-head, loves beating people up and money.
In SR1, she has short hair because she liked it, and was mistaken for a man due to her size and clothing choices.
She and her brother are Puerto Rican, but were born and grew up in the United States, in Stilwater specifically.
Unfortunately I can't make her and her brother that dark in-game, but I tried to make their game counterparts and my drawings as accurate as possible.
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haru-kuneko · 5 months
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I remember being inspired by GLITCH to make this imaginary magazine dedicated to indie projects, pop culture news, and other latest trends on the Internet. I was kind of inspired by those K-Zone magazines growing up.
They're actually old projects I found on my computer from last year so I've decided to share them with y'all (ᵔ́∀ᵔ̀). By the way, I will try my best to be a little active starting this weekend. Your love and support is highly appreciated (ˊᗜˋ)/ᵗᑋᵃᐢᵏ ᵞᵒᵘ*
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r3tr0s-posts · 11 months
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>> Had to doodle some highlights from GlitchX 0]0]0]
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lelelego · 2 years
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completely platonic things to do with your bro. your broski. your homeboy
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snav1d · 1 year
hey, what if we form msf together?... >_<
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