#the book is keeping me fed omg they cut so much of them out of the show
ihavemanyhusbands · 4 months
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loveswrites · 1 year
Omg I loved ur poly volturi!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I'm pleading for more!
Uno~ Poly Volturi x reader
Time it took me: I can't even tell you that hell a month? 26 days?
Word count: 1454
To lovely anon: I so happy you loved it! Sorry I took so long I'm trying to get back into my self! Your guys asks always make my day! Just cause I haven't answered doesn't mean That I haven't seen it! I love just about everyone that comes in! <3
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Poly Volturi x Reader
"That's just stupid." Alec said huffing looking at the table in distaste.
"You have to draw four. That's the rules." You Said shrugging.
You, Alec, Jane, Felix and Demetri were currently playing Uno. It took a while convincing everyone to play. Sure you live in a huge castle with the love of your lives but you are still human. You get bored. While Felix was down to play immediately the others were disinterested in playing with you. You got responses like "That's foolish, I have much better things to do, my love." From Caius.
A simple "No." From Jane.
"I'm sorry but I'm busy right now, beautiful." From Demetri.
"It sounds like a waste of time." From Alec.
You even asked Aro and Marcus. Marcus just straight up said he was too old for that shit in so many words. And Aro said he was too hungry to play games but maybe later. 
All the rejection from everyone put you in a sad mood. It's not like you could have friends in the Castle that wouldn't eat you the moment you get a paper cut. The receptionist is a bitch. And there aren't any more humans you have access to. So the fact that everyone said no you were distant with everyone. They all noticed.
You stopped going to trails with Caius. You stopped attempting to give Jane love. You stopped asking Alec to use his powers so you'd be entertained by the dark fog. You stopped asking Felix for piggyback rides. You stopped attempting to play hide and seek with Demetri. 
It had been days since you spoke more than 2 words at a time to any of them. You knew it was affecting them because of the tension that rested upon the castle in a thick fog. They were quick to temper. Quicker than normal that is. And that's saying a lot. 
Marcus had asked you why you hadn't been to any of the trials lately. As it happened to be one of your favorite parts of the day. "I just haven't been in the mood." You told him. He's been on this godforsaken earth way too long to be able to know when to call bullshit. But nonetheless the less he let it go. 
After that you noticed that your love's would attempt to talk to you more. Not just brushing it off as human attitude as Caius would call it. It was small talk but it was an effort.
"Yes I'm fine Demetrius stop asking me." You huffed slightly irritated.
"Did you eat today?" He questioned a little squint in his eyes.
"Yes I eat everyday." You rolled your eyes, gathering the book you were reading from the cold castle floor you were sitting on.
There was the random corner in the Castle that you would just sit in and watch as people- vampires walked through the halls. It had a lot of traffic coming through it which was what you loved. Cauis had offered to have something built for you so you wouldn't have to sit on the floor all the time. But you would always shake your head and tell him "No, just keep it clean for me please." And so he did.
"I fed today. The humans blood was a bit bitter but nonetheless tasty." Demetrius said following you in your attempts to run away from the conversation. 
"You sound like a child."
"And yet here you are acting like one." He snapped.
"I'm sorry?" You said, stopping in your tracks turning to face him.
"You've had this horrible attitude for almost a week for the stupidest thing!" He stated staring at you with his sharp eyes.
"I have not!" You said in attempts to defend yourself.
"Yes you have, don't bother denying it, the whole castle can smell it!" He yelled.
"The lies you tell!" You practically screamed upset you were getting called out.
"Oh really?" Demetrius questioned before you could even blink he had grabbed you by your waist and next you knew you were in a room full of all your mates.
Once you finally felt your two feet touch the ground you couldn't help but get angry. 
"What the fuck is this an intervention?!" You screamed. 
“If that’s what you want to call it, then so be it.” Jane said in a straightforward tone.
“Oh my god what do you guys want?! I just want to be left alone but you all keep bothering me!” You yelled.
“Us bothering you? You were practically begging for attention a couple of days ago now you want to be left alone? Foolish!” Caius yelled, taking you back a bit.
He would yell but he would refrain from yelling at you the best he could. So him yelling at you right now kinda shocked you.
“You wanted to play that card game the other day right? That was when you started acting like such a brat, so we're going to fix that and play it.” Alec stated holding his head high.
“No thanks, I'm good on that.” You said going to turn around to walk away.
“Sit down!” Your mates yelled collectively making you stop in your tracks.
“Sit down please, I’ll shuffle the cards to start.” Felix said in a softer tone.
That was about an hour ago. To not even wanna be sitting here right now it was quite entertaining watching your mates fight with each other about the fact that another was kicking the others ass. 
“I will do no such thing. I've drawn four four times!” Alec yelled, upset he was losing.
“It’s the rules of the game you have to Alec.” Jane said, rolling her eyes at her brother's temper. She was just happy she was winning. For now..
You were all sitting at a grand dining room table. Well Alec, Jane, Felix, Caius and Demtruis were. You were actually sitting on the table. Caius put you up there in attempts to make it harder for you to run away if you tried. 
You did.
You almost hit your head on the way down. 
“I don’t see the appeal of such a game, the cards don’t make sense.” Cauis said busy reading the rules that were on the back of the box.
“Don’t look at my hand! That’s an immature thing to do!” Dem yelled at Felix who kept leaning over to see what cards Dem had in his hand.
You had won the first round so you were busy spectating.
“Immature!? It’s not like we're taking a test!” Felix yelled back, plopping down in his seat.
“You're trying to cheat!” Dem yelled back furrowing his eyebrows.
“Cheat?! I am no cheater! Tell him Amore mio!” Felix said, turning to face you.
“You were cheating, I saw you.” You said blandly.
“Your human eyes don’t under the actions of mine-”
“Her human eyes are perfectly fine!” Dem yelled coming to your defense.
Tuning yourself out of the conversation-well the constant bickering. You found yourself just watching your mates. All were yelling or frowning about something but you couldn’t help the smile that came to your face. Neither of them could stand human games. They hated it with the most of them. Minus video games Alec, Felix and Dem said that those don’t count. Though you always tell them they do, they insist that they don’t. A fight you could never win. 
All of your mates came together to do one simple thing that you’ve wanted to do for months. Once they saw how much the disconnection to just one human thing hurt you, They came together to try to make you feel wanted and seen. Though they can’t see the appeal at all there trying for you. And that’s all you could ever ask for. 
“That’s not four Alec!” You yelled when you saw him try to cheat his way into just grabbing two cards.
“Oh come on! I’m never going to win!” Alec yelled back.
“Not my problem.”
“Maybe winning is just not in your line of blood.” Cauis said with a slight smirk. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?!” Jane and Alec said at the same time turning their sharp red eyes at Caius.
“I mean-”
“Nope! Nope! Draw two more cards Alec I’ll help you win!” You rushed out attempting to try to keep the peace. Well as much peace as it was going to get in the room.
“That’s not fair!”
“I need help as well, I deserve it!”
“So were picking favorites now?!”
“Felix, stop looking at my cards!”
“You can’t pick sides!”
You can’t even lie to yourself you had missed them so much. And the smile on your face told no lies.
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cera-writes · 3 months
Omg I’m in love with you remy x readers it makes me really happy to see a remy writer out there :3
I was wondering if I could request a remy x fem reader she’s a mutant with goddess like powers one of the most powerful mutants out there and her and remy have been having little on and off flings/feelings for each other since remy can’t find it in his heart to try and move on from rogue he still flirts with rogue constantly and one night readers just done with being the second choice and decides to try and move on from him and lucky her she has a surprise waiting for her when her ex bf/best friend Thor (dun dun duunnn) shows up at the Mansion wanting to catch up and she’s more than happy to since they’ve been with each other forever like since childhood before they parted ways on very good terms no bad blood whatsoever and everyone especially remy is like you dated and are friends with THE Thor and remy gets jealous of the fact Thor can make her smile so easily and they get called into a seriously dangerous mission and Thor tags along to help and keep his old friend safe and later on during the mission reader gets heavily injured due to sacrificing herself and gets hospitalized and remy realizes he’s really in love with her and is just afraid of moving on and remy and Thor have a heart to heart abt reader and thor gives him his blessing to pursue reader making him promise to protect and take care of her for him and it’s angst asf and fluffy asf and if you want sprinkle some nsfw in there :3
Sorry this is so long😭 feel free to change things up or add anything you think would make this more interesting :3
A/N: I really liked this prompt! I hope this was okay. I would have liked to have made it longer but I didn't want to draw the plot out too much. Hope this is alright! Pairing: Remy LeBeau x Fem!reader Tags: angst, jealousy, fluff, and smut
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"Hey, chère, you got a minute?" Remy LeBeau's voice cut through the quiet of the library, his Cajun accent smooth as velvet.
(Y/n), known among the X-Men for your goddess-like powers, looked up from your book, your eyes narrowing slightly. "Remy, it's late. Can't this wait?"
He leaned against the bookshelf, a playful smirk on his lips. "Non, Gambit think it can't."
You sighed, marking your page and setting the book aside. "What is it, Remy?"
"Was jus' wonderin', if maybe you and me could sneak out later? Find some trouble to get into?" His eyes sparkled with mischief, but there was an undercurrent of something more serious.
Before you could respond, the library doors swung open, and Rogue strode in, her presence commanding as always. "Remy, there you are. We need to talk."
Remy's attention shifted instantly, his flirtatious demeanor turning earnest. "Of course, cherie. What's on your mind?"
Watching them, you felt a familiar pang of jealousy mixed with resignation. It was always like this—Remy flirting with you, then turning around and doing the same with Rogue. You were tired of being second choice. This was the last straw and you were getting fed up with Remy's antics.
As Rogue pulled Remy aside, whispering urgently, you stood up, your decision made. You weren't going to wait around anymore. Picking up your book, you headed towards the door, only to collide with a massive figure that filled the doorway.
"Thor?" you gasped, stepping back to take in the sight of your ex-boyfriend and childhood friend. He was as imposing as ever, his smile warm and welcoming. Some things just never change. He stood there, beaming like a golden retriever, waiting for you to acknowledge him.
"It has been too long, my friend," Thor boomed, his voice echoing slightly in the confined space. "I heard you were here and could not pass up the chance to see you."
Relief and joy washed over you. "Thor, it's actually so good to see you! How've you been? Have things been okay with the Avengers lately?"
You both fell into easy conversation, catching up on years apart, your laughter mingling with the quiet hum of the library. From the corner of your eye, you saw Remy watching you and Thor, his expression unreadable. You couldn't tell, but he was secretly seething on the inside with jealousy.
Later that evening, as Thor regaled you with tales of Asgard, you noticed Remy lingering nearby, his usual charm replaced by a brooding intensity. It was clear he didn't like seeing you so happy with someone else, especially not 'the' God of Thunder, Thor.
It almost seemed like old times, and you welcomed the distraction wholeheartedly. The only reason the two of you had broken up before was due to the differences between his team and yours. But you'd always held a soft spot for him, even if things hadn't worked out.
The next day, the mansion buzzed with the news of a dangerous mission. The team was assembled, and to everyone's surprise, Thor volunteered to join, claiming he wanted to ensure his old friend's safety. You protested, but he insisted on joining.
"What if your team finds out?" You asked as he sat next to you on the X-Jet. "So what? I just want to visit an old friend, perhaps an ex-lover. Surely that is excusable," he smirked. You playfully rolled your eyes at him. He was still the same as ever.
As you prepared for the mission, the tension between Remy and Thor was palpable. Each man was aware of the other's history with you, and the air crackled with unspoken challenges. The ride to the location of the mission was awkward to say the least. The two had tried to constantly one up the other amidst conversation and you'd tried desperately to tune them out.
Once you'd landed, you were more than eager to get started on the mission at hand. But this mission had quickly proved deadly in a matter of minutes. Your team was getting outnumbered.
You'd found yourself in the line of fire. Your powers had been pushed to the limit. In a desperate move, you shielded your teammates, taking a heavy blow that was meant for them. As you collapsed, both Remy and Thor rushed to your side, their rivalry forgotten in the face of your injury. You didn't know who had scooped you up into their arms, but they were a sweet comfort amidst the ache in your bones as everything went dark.
Back at the X-mansion, as you lay in the infirmary, Remy sat by your bedside, his earlier jealousy replaced by genuine concern. Thor stood at the door, his expression solemn.
"Cajun man," Thor began, his voice low, "I see how you look at her. Promise me you'll protect her, care for her. She deserves nothing less. Can you do this? Not for me, but for my friend?"
Remy met Thor's gaze, nodding slowly. "Promise, mon ami. Gambit won't let her down again."
"Good." And with that, Thor was gone.
The infirmary was quiet now, save for the soft beeping of machines and the occasional rustle of sheets. Remy remained by your side, his eyes never leaving your face as you slept fitfully. Your injuries were severe, a stark reminder of the sacrifice you had made for the team. Guilt gnawed at him, mingling with the burgeoning realization of his true feelings.
As night deepened, you stirred, your eyes fluttering open to meet Remy's anxious gaze. "Remy?" you whispered, your voice hoarse.
"Gambit's here, chère," he murmured, squeezing your hand gently. "How're you feelin'?"
You attempted a smile, wincing slightly. "Like I've been hit by a truck. But alive, thanks to you and Thor."
At the mention of Thor, Remy's expression darkened momentarily before he schooled it into a more neutral look. "Thor did what any friend would do. But it's Gambit who should be protectin' you."
Your gaze softened, sensing the turmoil within him. "Remy, it's not a competition. We all want to keep each other safe."
He nodded, though the knot of jealousy still twisted in his gut. "Gambit know, but seein' you with him... it made Remy see things clearly. Don't wanna lose you, not to him or anyone else."
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, a mix of fear and anticipation swirling within you. "And what do you want, Remy?"
His answer was immediate, his voice thick with emotion. "You, chère. Gambit want'chu. More than he's ever wanted anythin'."
The air between you grew charged, the tension palpable. You reached out, your fingers tracing the contours of his face, before skimming over the stubble on his jaw. "Then show me, Remy. Show me how much you want me."
Without another word, Remy leaned in, his lips capturing yours in a kiss that was both tender and desperate. His hands roamed over your body, careful of your injuries yet hungry for the connection you both craved.
You responded eagerly, your own hands sliding under his shirt, feeling the heat of his skin. Despite the pain from your injuries, desire coursed through your veins, drowning out everything but the need to be closer to him.
Remy pulled back slightly, his eyes searching yours. "You sure about dis, chère? Gambit don't wanna hurt you more."
"I'm sure," you breathed, pulling him back down to you. "Just be gentle."
With a nod, Remy resumed his exploration of your body, his kisses trailing down your neck, igniting a fire wherever they landed. He unbuttoned your gown slowly, reverently, revealing the expanse of your skin. Each touch was deliberate, a silent promise of his devotion.
You arched into his touch, your breath hitching as his mouth found your breast, his tongue flicking over your nipple. You tangled your fingers in his hair, guiding him, urging him on.
Remy moved lower, his lips and hands mapping every inch of you, worshipping your body with a fervor that left you gasping. This was something he should've done ages ago. Now he was feeling seeing what he had been missing. When he finally reached the juncture of your thighs, he looked up at you, seeking permission. When he finally realized no one else would be coming into the infirmary this late, his eyes looked at yours for consent.
You nodded, your eyes dark with desire. "Please, Remy."
His response was immediate, his tongue delving into you, tasting you, driving you wild with pleasure. You cried out, your hips bucking against his face as waves of ecstasy crashed over you.
As you panted from the previous amount of ecstasy still coursing through you, Remy positioned himself between your legs, his hard erection pressing against your entrance. With one final look into your eyes, he thrust inside, filling you completely.
You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him deeper, your nails digging into his back. You moved together, a perfect rhythm of give and take, your bodies merging into one.
Remy's pace quickened, his control slipping as he chased his own release. You clung to him, your orgasm building rapidly, the intensity almost too much to bear. Remy growled, quickening his pace as he bit down on his bottom lip, desperately chasing his own pleasure. He thumbed your clit, making sure you came for him once more as he dove in and out of you, faster, sloppier.
"That's it chere, cum for me..."
With a final, powerful thrust, Remy spilled himself inside you, his groans echoing in the small room. You followed soon after, your body shuddering with the force of your climax.
Exhausted, you both collapsed onto the bed, Remy cradling you against his chest. Your breaths mingled, heavy and satisfied.
"I love you, chère," Remy whispered, his voice rough with emotion.
You smiled, your eyes closing as exhaustion began to claim you. "It's about time," you teased, kissing his cheek, "I love you too, Remy. Never doubt that."
As you drifted off, Remy held you close, a vow forming in his heart. No matter what, he would protect you, cherish you, and never let you feel like a second choice again.
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radiant-reid · 2 years
What Christmas Means To Me
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Check out the song with the same title !!
Summary: The Reids discuss all the things that are Christmas-y and important to them while being really in love with each other. a/n: this is the first part of my Christmas/winter theme collection, more to come &lt;3
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader (fluff, omg so much fluff)
Content Warning: nothing
Word Count: 1.4k
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"She's finally asleep!" Spencer exclaims, although the excitement is in his tone, not in his volume. He slides the door across the tracks, sealing the living room off, as quietly as he speaks.
Y/n left her husband to deal with Mabel and her bedtime issues. If it wasn't a glass of water that she needed, then it was to go to the bathroom or have another book read to her. She adores all three of her kids, of course, but it could, occasionally, be challenging. Thankfully, Spencer has always been the Patron Saint of patience.
"Ah, I love you." She says, holding out her arms wide to hug him. She's dressed in a sweater that matches his and a pair of pajama shorts with a mistletoe pattern on them.
Spencer reaches her in two steps, keeping his arms low so he can pick her up enough to spin her around while she melts into his chest, her head on his shoulder.
"I love you." He coos. "And I love this place." He says, pulling away from her to look at the house.
It's the perfect place to spend Christmas: at their own home. Outside, it's cold, much colder than usual. There's a light blanket of snow coating the ground and more snowflakes that they can see falling through the bay window.
It's warm inside, though, the fireplace lit. There's no other light besides that, a few low-burning candles and the Christmas lights on their tree. They all let out a perfect warm glow, rather than the bright type of light that you get from LEDs. It makes everything look so much more romantic.
They decorate every year, and it's always over the top. On the sides of the fireplace are stockings overflowing with presents with the names Beatrice, Mabel, and Chester stitched onto them. Y/n brought them out of hiding while Spencer was tussling a 4-year-old into bed.
Under the tree is another impressive pile, although some of those ones are to be unwrapped tomorrow morning when the whole BAU family comes for Christmas lunch. Likely, there will be even more brought around from everyone, and even more likely, the most from Auntie Penelope.
"We went over the top, didn't we?" Spencer voices what she's thinking.
"When don't we?" She asks rhetorically with a giggle. "I made hot chocolate if you're not too tired."
He shakes his head. "Never too tired to sit up with you, baby." He assures her.
It's true. The amount of long nights they've had, most after becoming parents, is extraordinary. Even if he'd been out on a case, as soon as he was back at home, if a newborn baby needed to be fed, a toddler had a bad dream, or someone forgot to do their homework, Spencer would abandon sleeping to offer her support.
She gives him a quick kiss on the cheek before turning to the kitchen to get their reindeer mugs. He's sitting on the window seat when she returns, back resting against the wall, and an arm outstretched for her to join him.
She does, placing the mugs on the part of the window seat not covered by the cushion closest to the window. She rests her back against his chest, legs stretched out but not nearly as long as his. To stare at him, she turns her head to the side. He keeps one arm around her back while he uses the other to hold his hot chocolate, which might be more marshmallows and cream than liquid.
Spencer would be pretty under harsh, fluorescent light, but he's stunning with soft light illuminating his features. It's been a decade, and he's still perfect, like nothing has changed, except maybe his hair. His curls, even though recently cut, are growing out.
"I love you more and more each day, you know?" He tells her after a while of admiring how stunning his wife is.
"Getting sappy on me, Reid?" Y/n jokes, still flattered by his compliments.
He chuckles, breath fanning her face. "Ten years, four months, five days..." He pauses to look at his watch. "Nineteen hours and eight minutes."
"I married such a loser." She complains while beaming.
"Mrs. Reid." He warns lightheartedly. "Don't make me put you on my naughty list."
She smacks his chest as both of them laugh. "You wouldn't dare."
He puts his mug down next to him where it won't spill and pushes a few strands of hair out of her vision. "Not when you make a killer hot chocolate." He assures her.
Y/n pats his chest. "Now I know we said no gifts..." She trails off, smirking. "But I got you something."
Spencer scoffs before chuckling. "Baby, you have done that for seven years. I'm not surprised anymore." He reminds her. "We could always just reevaluate the rule."
"Nope." She shakes her head, moving off him, and opening up the drawer below the seat. When she produces a neatly wrapped gift, Spencer also has one in his hands. Y/n deduces the gift in his hands is probably jewelry, either a necklace or a bracelet, based on the box's shape. "It's not Christmas yet, though." She pouts, more eager to see his reaction to his gift than to get her own.
"I won't tell if you don't." He says mischievously.
She swaps gifts with him. "Deal."
"You first." Spencer insists.
She pulls the wrapping paper off excitedly before opening the- as rightly suspected- jewelry box. It is gorgeous. Easily the most stunning piece of new jewelry she's ever seen. It's the most perfect tennis bracelet, equip with enough diamonds to outshine a polished case of jewels.
"Holy shit! Thank you." She says in awe. "This is stunning, and I don't want to know how much that cost you." It had to be in the high four figures.
He shakes his head, taking it from her hand, so he can delicately put it on her wrist. "Money comes in and out, and it'll never be as valuable as seeing that smile."
She grins again with a blush. "Keep that in mind when you open yours."
He's suspicious of what that means as he opens his, sliding the lid off the watch box. Her eyes light up after seeing his light up at the expensive, shining watch.
"Wow." He remarks, admiring it. "You did not have to go all out and buy me a Rolex, but thank you."
"You're welcome, handsome." She says, taking it from him to put on his wrist like he had just done for her. It definitely belongs on his wrist, of all the wrists in the world. His old one was nice, but it had been chipped over its long lifespan. "Now I can stare at your hands for longer." She jokes, playing with his fingers.
He laughs at her fondly. "You're always welcome to do that."
"I really love this." She says, admiring her own wrist. "But Christmas means more to me than presents."
He nods in agreement, not misinterpreting her statement of ungratefulness. "Christmas means love to me. You, the most gorgeous, talented person I know. Our wonderful kids, the whole extended BAU family, and everyone else's love."
"It means being happy to me. Like that feeling when you can't stop smiling, even if it hurts." He knows that feeling every time he looks at her. "And kids not going to bed so they can see Santa, Christmas lights on houses, carol singers, Christmas songs, family, a big meal snow, oh, and Christmas movies."
"There's one more thing." He realizes with a cheeky smirk. She hums, waiting for him to continue. "That." He points upwards to where there's a piece of mistletoe hanging over them. "Christmas means lots of kisses, too."
She giggles lightly. "So smooth."
"Thanks." He replies quickly before closing the gap of a few inches between their lips. Their lips attach in a well-practiced, languished kiss. It's not something they get to share often with their busy lives, and it only makes it more special.
Both of them have matching grins when they pull back. "We should go to bed," Y/n suggests with a yawn.
"Agreed." He nods. "We're going have to be up at 5am anyway."
"I'll make the coffee and hot chocolate, you make breakfast." She offers, like it's not what they do every time.
He leans in for one more kiss. "Always."
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@holding-on-to-my-youth @misselsbells06 @starrylang @lokisel @gryffi-ndor @lilibet261@idkbubs @slutalexis46 @glimmering-darling-dolly @kodiakwhiskey @rocketxgirl @mochionly @goldentournesol @xdsage @missusstark @spaceygirly1 @holding-on-to-my-youth @insomniacbeth @nbyrd390 @shirleyrose @airedale17  @tanyaherondale @buckys-estrella @geekykeen @lovingsherlockmolly @rory-cakes @muwun-blossom @jetblckdreams @i-wanna-be-conan-obrien @reidsbookmark @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms @idfvc @sammypotato67 @tanyaherondale @1-800-brain-and-heart @stcrrjoon @this-is-doctor-and-its-calm @wholesome-beans @frickin-bats @chaoticevilbakugo @goldeng1rl8 @arrowurboat @itzyourgurlnihya @belongwithreid @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @spencer-reids-mismatched-socks @addievermore  @harrymybelovedd @chimpmunk @i3k2ts @axen-gers @gxrlwithluv @finny-of-the-rear @greengarsstuff @altsvu @jakiki94 @narryl0ver @justreadingficsdontmindme @hobireasns @goldentournesol @kbakery @kaitieskidmore1 @twofacesoftheworldbutnotsome @chaoticconnoisseurgiver @kbakery @twofacesoftheworldbutnotsome @geekykeen @thisbitch-6 @andreead @kayleea122 @xoxospencerreid @dirtytissuebox @xoxospencerreid @jaydahlynne @sultrypotter @awhoreforspencerreid @sprinh @doe-eyed-fallen-angel @kamilaxq @beans-beanz @malindacath @halloween-is-my-nationality @kenny-0909  @mexicosuitrry @lucyysthings @iheartfinnthehuman101 @vane28282 @mente-sindescanso @lucyysthings @tatespillows @cecethoughts @manuosorioh @matthew-gray-gubler-lover @barbietiingz @grandhideoutavenue @feelinlento @i3k2ts @malindacath @luredwithpretzels @sanaz1dlol @ant-mans-tacos @mente-sindescanso @yumuramma @bubblebuttwade @bellarkeselection @spenceswifewhore  @barbiekatz @itseightbeats @neptunes-curse @sucker1-1punch  @nyx2021 @stilinski-void-04 @dirtytissuebox @daydreaminrry @mysticfalls01 @furiousladyking @gildedstarlight @halloween-is-my-nationality @reidsmexyconverse @scargarcia-magshotchner @wdytminy @rio-reid-whoreee @lovelyxtom @b3ast1706 @slvdsjjk @beenz-beenz @alltoowell-lilysversion @la-reine-des-enfers @mochi-moons @itzliyalupin @queenofrandom @ryswritingrecord @ynbutbetter @thxtmarvelchick @allthingsfashionn @justlivinginadaydream @liltimmyst @catertotshitposts @max-mml @crynroom @sugarcoated-lame @lilibet261 @bts-sugaplum @dezibou @a-marlene-s @crynroom @tracysnook @spencersprettyslut @alexxavicry @reidingspence@melonmochi @thicksexxualtension @haylexo10 @rosaliedepp @bport76  @dirtytissuebox @itsmekarlam @saintnourah @liltimmyst @mikkelsenlover @spencer-reid-wonderland @dirtytissuebox @esoltis280  @berenicexd @lyn07 @crynroom @taysatlantic @alphabetbarnes @4margaritasalex  @namelesslizz @allisonslibrary @suckmyass-things @jasminesacademia @littlemoon-fairy @lucy @waywardhunter95 @neptunes-curse @rayrayfrommindless21 @regulus-black-223048 @dingusfreakhxrrington @sluttt444slashersss @little-miss-blinder @fdl305 @feltonswifesworld87 @happymangospot @devilslilbabysblog    /  @bunny-script    / @pauline5525mgg @fanf1ctionwrit1n @j-cat @captainhotchner @ceeellewrites /  @randommmguerr / @sinnxagain / @goofygubler7 / @alotdreamers / @resident-boygenius / @nibb  / @coffeemochicat​ @reidsbookclub @gublerstwilight @k-k0129 @spookyspence @eevee0722 @iamreallytryingiswear @dontcallmekittens @gublur @countingthestarsinfinitely @xhopingthis-worksx @claryandjacelover @spencersjello @mikewizkalifa @actingchica @almost-a-ladybug @foodsarcasmandyou @illegallygingerr @darkacademicwhore @uhuhuh @alexxavicry @probablycryingg @awkwardnesshabitat @black-veil-baby @uwu-queen-420  @one-sweet-gubler @whovianayesha @buckys-doll17 @gubedawnreid @parahmur @whovianayesha @i-wanna-be-conan-obrien @kierstiniscrying @simonsnowsblog @usuck @geekykeen @i-wanna-be-conan-obrien @sexy-dumpster-fire @j4sephluv @sophneedsfandoms @asantos7783 @hotchandspencearedilfs  @kitkatkaitin @allthingsfashionn @spideyjass @sammypotato67 @dimpledsmilex3 @vincentvanshoe @nervous-plant @safespacespence @agirlinherhead @maraudersminds @hopelesslystuc @bakugouswh0r3 @ilovespencerreidmarryme  @elnmop @ah-blossom @bellam47 @matthewgraygublerlover @liltiana-ann @happypixy380 @aaija @arrowurboat @reidsonlyangel @xreaderandshits @alohastitch0626 @nyx2021 @assemblemotherfuckers @idjit-sonovawitch @hwngslove @nycreid @helen-with-an-a @sia2raw @hufflepuffwhore13 @pastelbabygirl19 @blomfildsbeauty @hagridsmomma @differentavenue @grxnde-dwt @indecisive-asexual-stuff @hufflepufftruffle @alexxavicry @eichenhouseproperty @musethekitten @langcvn @cucufk @paperbackprettyboy @spencersprettyslut @devilslilbabysblog @padf00ts-l0ver @honey-stark @spencemylove @an0bra1n @jordierama​ @bellenotthebeast​ @cynbx​ @darkenwolfie​ @conniesanchor @cloudxxs @jellycolors @sydneekomspacekru  @ccosmic-illusion @majooooooooooooooooooo 
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found-wings · 11 months
I LOVE THE PHOENIX PHIL HEADCANON OMG here's some misc hcs with them :D
• foolish was 100% the first person to try to touch them and kept going "ow. ow. ow." because he'd get burned, then immediately put his hands back on the wings
• phil tries to stop him and tinas like "no- let him finish" (he's trying to 'build an immunity)
• roier uses the wings as a way to heat up a knife and do stupid bs with it such as; slamming it against a tree and starting a forest fire, cutting various items in half and they either crumble or burn, or on fed workers (it just makes them mildly uncomfortable)
• on the same topic, when phils napping by fits place, ramon uses the wings to heat up scrap metal he has to try to wield them together.
• dapper also uses them sometimes as a portable heater for potions and uses tongs to hold them above the wings if they need to get to a certain boiling point (bbh is like 'I tried to get him to stop' when phil asks about it. but man's is a liar LMAO he encourages it)
• chayanne sometimes asks him to use em to start fired under his portable grills and pots if he can't find his flint and steel
• on the other side, tallulah def roasts marshmallows on them
• fit has definitely gone "yknow let me just borrow these for a sec-" and holds either dynamite, fireworks, or bombs ends on them to light em off
• etoiles has 100% had many. Many. sticks set on fire and burned durring stick fights and even if phil apologizes for accidentally doing that and you just hear "okay so we're playing that way" and he brings out the flame-enchanted code sword as a joke before they reset the fight 😭😭
• "the burn- he's just too good!"
• "that was literally an accident!!!!"
• "see? you doesn't even need to try!!"
• "oh my godddd."
• if phil does something to make richas mad, he'll purposfully walk into the wings flames and go to his dad's yelling about how phil set him on fire (he's done this too many times for them to give phil anything more then a slap on the wrist)
• he's lit off more then a couple lanterns and candles for cellbit when the two meet up in the order to share information (and more then a few books have scorch marks on them . . . it's very easy to tell which books have been donated by him.)
• more then once phil has been sentenced to laying underneath one of tubbos machines with his wings being used in place of a temporary blaze-burner (fit is very much laughing at him and being told to stfu by tubbo in fear of phil leaving)
• pac and mike are very quick to remove flowing water from their builds and keep them contained to pools and waterfalls that are easily visible
• more then once quackitys beanie or sleeve has caught fire and you can hear him swearing from miles away when it does
• sunbirds tend to surround him a little more then usual when the wings are out, so 100% foolish has asked the capybaras to warp phil to him to attract a sunbird real quick and phil agrees if he has perms to name it (it will be named something stupid.)
• it's not uncommon for the eggs to surround him more on group trips and events whenever they go by somewhere cold as he's basically a walking heater (que the jokes about them liking phil more- when really he's just making sure they don't get frostbite 😭)
• ,,,,,, more then once hes been put through pain when a spontaneous code fight appears and he's had to run for shelter as its common for rain to pour when the day quickly shifts to night and damage his wings (another incentive for etoiles to finish fighting as quickly as possible)
- 💿
Oh my god I love all of these silly headcanons SO MUCH RAAAH, especially the ones involving Phil and the Eggs, Fit, Tubbo, Etoiles and Cellbit because I am so biased
Also on the topic of rain and code fights - I am so. silly about it because I imagine Phil only runs for shelter when he‘s 100% certain the others can handle it. Every other time, especially during the times he had to fight off the code by himself, he pushes through the constant pain on his feathers while engaging in combat
On another side note, all I can imagine whenever someone pulls out a flame enchanted weapon is Phils eyes just instantly going O^O when he sees it and he just. stares. with big eyes & puffed up wings as if he’s about to attack the weapon before snapping back to the current. He‘s offended and sees flame enchanted weapons as a threat to his very being / j
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thenexusofsouls · 10 months
I think Brumbin is a funny muse. He may be a NPC character but NPC muses are great to show more about other characters or their different reactions - Stephen being annoyed by him, thinking he is a dangerous creature and unable to get him to behave while Mantis is like "Brumbin is babey. He's babey. He might be a husband and dad but he's also baby" and using her empathy to comfort him 💔 It's BIZARRE that I remember reading all that months before Gotg 3 came out and when it comes out Mantis befriends giant terrifying monsters in the movie and treats them like babies o_O It's either sorcery or knowing a muse so well you can predict canon, haha. Your muses react in character so well too, I forget I'm reading fan stuff, it's like reading future scripts for the movies!
Whether Brumbin becomes an independent muse or not, his dynamic with Stephen is everything 😂
{i am the caretaker of souls} Hehe, I'm glad you like Brumbin. It's funny, but that's kindof how Jix started out too. He was a sidekick character in a short story as part of a series of books and short stories I did years ago for his fictional world, and all my friend who read the story were talking more about Jix than about the main characters or story! So I decided to write some things about Jix and develop him a bit, and then I brought him to Tumblr a while back and developed him even more. Now he's completely his own thing and I love him to bits. =) More below the cut because LONG. XD
And omg that's happen to me too, only with things that I created, so it was doubly an awesome moment. Actually in the same world Jix, Channe, Aurelien, and Strychthia are from, and in the original story Jix was introduced in, I created a creature called Shilkie, which was basically a softball-sized, vaguely octopus-like critter that fed specifically on the brains of magic users. They were bred specifically for that and kept as pets/guard dogs by a race that was commonly hunted by wizards and sorcerers. But I digress. These creatures were really vulnerable (think a soft octopus body) and couldn't get around to fast or easily by themselves. But people of this race would keep them in pouches on their belts and whip them out when threatened, throwing them at their enemies. The creature would stick on, hopefully to their head but if not they would crawl up to it, and start to feed on the person's brain.
It was almost exactly the same as a creature I saw a few years later when Hellboy II came out, seen in this clip from 2:35 to 2:50. Mine doesn't have an eyeball on its back, and its body is more round instead of dangly, but other than that, that color, texture, size, behavior... all perfect. My now ex-boyfriend at the time and I even looked at each other simultaneously during that scene because he'd read my story and even he recognized what creature of mine it was like. I felt SO COOL because I had created on my own something that was essentially imaginative enough to be in a Guillermo del Toro movie. Not that anybody would believe me if I said oh I created something just like that before it came out, but I really don't care because I know I did. =) So yeah, it's always fun when something like that happens, heh.
You're so kind to say that you forget you're reading fan stuff when you read my muses, thank you so much for that. I've heard than from a number of people over the years, and it always amazes me. I will say that I feel like my writing was better years ago, before I had a lot more issues in my life that really have affected my creativity and ability to get into character, so sometimes I get a little sad because I feel like I've lost that edge to my writing that I used to have. But if there are those like you out there who still feel I'm writing up to that level, then I am truly grateful for the praise. <3
I don't feel it's necessarily all ability or creativity on my end, though, I think I'm just a perfectionist and I have issues with visuals and sounds, heh. Seriously, I've always had a lot of strange quirks with regard to music, sound, people's voices, and then also people's mannerisms, facial expressions, etc. I tend to hyperfocus on those details in ways that other people don't always do. I will recognize an actor by their voice and face, sometimes with several decades between roles, before I recall their name or what they were even in. Sometimes I'll hear them say a line in one movie that to me sounded the same as how they said a line somewhere else, almost sing-songy, as if it were part of a song that I'm recalling. I'll repeat it to myself in the same inflection and tone until it finally comes to me... oh, they were in this movie too. Or a way they move, a facial expression, or some mannerism will cause me to recall another time they made that same gesture, and then I'll remember what movie that was.
So for almost all of my muses who have live action FCs or who are canons from movies or shows, I get hung up a lot on... does this sound like something they would say? Literally, does it sound like they would say this in this accent, cadence, tone, etc.? I will actually emulate the character's voice, read their lines aloud, and if anything trips me up or doesn't sound like how the actor would have portrayed that character, I remove it or change it until it does. The same goes for body language, facial expressions, hand gestures, etc. If I've never seen the actor/character do this before, or if I can't imagine them doing it, then I discard it. For some reason, I'm very uptight about making things sound believable, real, plausible, feasible, etc. as far as both me and my readers feeling like this could actually have happened within the world in question. I don't know why I'm so hung up on that, but that's probably why my muses are so true to their characters and faceclaims. That's also the reason why I have multiple muses for certain faceclaims, because sometimes a person just speaks to me as far as the way they have about them and how they say/perform their lines.
I also don't put in what I want the character to do, I put in what they would do, heh. Sometimes I want them to do things they don't want to do, or I really wish they would do something or advance the plot in a certain way, but I just can't see the character doing that, so I can't write it. A lot of rpers are extremely OOC with their writing in that they write what they want the characters to do, or even what they would do in a self-insert sort of way, instead of staying true to the characters. If that's your thing, that's totally fine, I'm not hating on that method, but it's definitely not my method. When I read that kind of writing, it takes me right out of the story because to me the characters don't seem like themselves. I really need to be as IC as possible and to stay as true to the muse and the world they're in as I can, or I simply get annoyed at my own writing, haha. I started out writing fanfiction that way, and then it just spilled over into my rping on this site. So that's also probably why my muses never seem to deviate much from their core mannerisms, speech patterns, etc. even if I change canon or do something different with them.
A lot of times when I say I can't write or I "don't have a brain" to write, it's because I can't get into that zone where I feel I am writing my muses perfectly IC and true to themselves. The more tired, sick, unhappy, whatever that I get, the lazier my writing gets, and I don't try as hard to live up to my own standards, haha. So to prevent what seems to me to be like the deterioration of the muses, I will often just say I can't write on that day.
That was all probably more than you wanted to hear, but you made me kindof think about my own methods a bit which was cool, and I wanted to share, heh.
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dylanobrienisbatman · 3 years
The main problem with the whole mal vs the darkling thing in regards to being possessive (or really when it comes to any of their traits) is the fact that throughout, the darkling is clearly framed as the villain and his actions reflect that, whereas Mal as supposed to be the good guy and best romantic partner for Alina, and yet he has all these awful character traits and tendencies. So its less about how awful the Bad Guy is (since he's supposed to be), and more about how awful the person that we're supposed to believe is the best option for Alina is. I don't ship either, just my two cents.
Okay well... two things. First, your comment about "its less about how awful the bad guy is, since he's supposed to be", takes every comment I've made about Darkles out of context, which seems fitting since everything Darklina's spout about Mal is out of context. Him being the Bad Guy is fine, and if you like him AS A VILLAIN, and acknowledge all the bad shit he does, then my posts aren't for you. I think he's a very interesting villain, and a lot of the terrible shit he does that I have to keep making posts about make him a good villain, the problem is when the terrible shit the "Bad Guy" does is romanticized and viewed as the reasons why Alina SHOULD have picked him. So, don't assume everyone gets that "hes supposed to be awful". The point my post was making is that Darklina's love to call Mal possessive, but then turn around and act like Darkles literally enslaving her in somehow sexy and romantic. It's fucking not, and it's transparent as hell that y'all romanticize and sexualize the actually possessive character, and then project false character traits onto Mal. It's so transparent, it's almost funny.
But, more importantly, to your second, very wrong point, I wonder how much of the narrative about Mal having "awful character traits and tendencies" is actually a commentary on Mal as a character, or is it just Darklina's lying about things Mal has done and everyone accepting that misinterpretation as canon. Because, if were making a list...
Fuck boy - False! Mal was not a fuck boy! He was an attractive teenager who hooked up with consenting girls his age when he could, and he was not in a relationship during that time. Alina had never told him how she felt, so he is not beholden to her. (Also, nobody seems to have an issue with the fact that Darkles hooked up with Zoya in the show, that doesn't make HIM a fuckboy... interesting) (also also, nobody seems to discuss Darkles literally sexually assaulting Alina, and lying and manipulating her to get her to be physically intimate with him so he can use her... double interesting).
Slut Shames Alina - FALSE! The ever favourite callout line from Darklina's "He's all over you" isn't him slut shaming her. First, he has no idea what their relationship is like at that point, but more importantly, he is making an observation of her status in the little palace and how she has become his tool. He has dressed her up in his colors, made her put on a show for his benefit, and has created a situation where Alina appears to be his. Mal is noting that after months of searching for her, believing she was being hurt, tortured, or worse, when he arrives to save her, she looks like the Darkling's pet. (and, even if he WAS angry because he perceived them to be romantically involved, boy just spent months fighting for his life, lost multiple friends, and almost died to find her, all while coming to the realisation that he was in love with her, and then he shows up, after not hearing from her for months... I'd be pissed as hell too.) Important Note: He even acknowledges that what he said was wrong and tries to apologise, before Alina tells him that he was right. (Shadow and Bone, pg. 286). He also then apologizes, completely unprompted, for what he said. (Shadow and Bone, pg. 297).
Fat Shames Alina - False! This one is particularly laughable to me, because its one of the Darklina arguments that falls apart the second you actually read the scene. They are running for their lives in the forest, and Mal has to hunt and gather to feed them. He is noting that Alina's appetite has increased since he last saw her, and he makes a joke (ya know, how you do with friends) about how it would be easier to keep her fed if she still had her more meager appetite from before. He makes no comment on her weight, or her size, and he is not actually commenting on her appetite in a negative way, he is just acknowledging that it's a lot more work for him now that she eats more. Right before he says the line, the quote even proves that he isn't shaming her or thinking badly of her: "With a bemused expression, he watched as I gobbled down my portion and then sighed, still hungry". He is noting a change in her, and complaining that its made more work for him. If you think thats the same as fat shaming, well... thats a you problem.
Hates Alina's Powers - FALSE!!!! How to begin... do we talk about it was Mal's idea to hunt the stag in S&B, because he knew she needed it to be more powerful so she could stop the darkling? Do we talk about how he vowed to find the firebird for her, even though he was terrified of what all that power would do to her? Do we talk about how he literally died so she could achieve the power she needed to save the world? Or maybe we could talk about how he believed in her power more than anyone else, like when everyone was making bets about her abilities with the Cut and he knew she'd go further and better than anyone else expected her too, or when he tells her that he was never afraid of her powers, only what seeking all that power would do to her (which is literally the theme of the books, that power corrupts and seeking unmatched power can destroy you)? Mal being afraid of what is going to happen to Alina, being protective of her and worrying over her, is not the same as him hating her powers. He exists to help remind Alina of the themes of the story, and to guide her into maintaining her humanity.
Abusive - ... Do I even need to explain this one? Must I deign an explanation as to why this favourite Darklina lie is so fucking stupid, and also totally hypocrisy? No? Because we all know Darkles is actually the abusive one and they're trying to project their own shit onto Mal to further their abuse apologist agenda? Cool. Moving on.
Possessive of Alina - False! Throughout the entire series, Mal is quite literally the opposite of possessive, but yall just cant read. Not only does he quite literally step out of the way and allow Nikolai to court Alina without argument, which is the most direct example of him not being possessive, he also spends two full books believing, and repeatedly saying over and over and over, that they can't be together because he is not good enough for her. Mal believes, fully, that Alina deserves more than him, better than him, because he's just a tracker and a soldier, just a regular man with nothing to offer her but his love and his protection, and she is a Saint and should be a Queen. Possessiveness is the wish to own and control someone, it is literally the opposite of Mal believing that he's not good enough and doing everything he can to ensure that Alina achieves everything and gets everything he believes she is owed. A possessive character would not tell her to tell him to leave because he has nothing he can offer her, no title or land or country or crown. A possessive character would not promise to be the blade in her hand, because he believed he had nothing but the blood he could spill to offer her.
Angry - True! Yeah, omg, you caught us, Mal is ANGRY! Heaven forbid a teenager who is traumatized beyond belief and has to give up everything in his life, his position in the military (he deserted for her), his friends and the job he loved (Mikhail and Dubrov died for him, and he can't be a tracker in the army... because he deserted... for Alina), and, most importantly, he has to give up Alina (she should be Queen, he believes, and he has to give up the future he imagined with the girl he loves, who he was pretty sure loved him back, because she's a saint and queen and he's just a man), and more, is ANGRY. He has to be the one to find the amplifiers that he knows will end up hurting her, because thats what she needs to save the world. He has to sit by while Nikolai treats him like the dirt on his shoe and tries to woo Alina for his own personal gain (because Nikoalai did not love Alina. Maybe he came to care for her, but he proposed and spent all of S&S trying to get her to marry him when it was obvious they were not in love. He straight up says its so that the next King of Ravka can be married to the Sun Summoner. It's a power grab.) and he can't do anything about it. So yeah, Mal is angry. And yeah, sometimes he's even angry at Alina, just like sometimes she's angry at him. But they always find their way back, always apologize and try to be better for each other, and if you think anger is a toxic trait, and not simply a natural human emotion, might I suggest touching some fucking grass?
Idk why you thought I'd stand for Mal slander on my blog, cuz I will not. So, I'm gonna stop there, because I have shit to do today, but I really do wonder how much of Mal's 'toxic' or 'terrible' traits, that make him such a 'bad' love interest for Alina, really comes from Darklina's who refuse to actually read the text critically at all, and instead take everything he does and says out of context to further their agenda that Alina should have ended up as the Darkling's fucking slave forever, because thats the "girl power feminist" ending somehow. Mal supports her, loves her, sacrifices for her at every turn, and does everything he can do, to the point of literally dying for her, to ensure that she can defeat Darkles and save the world. He protects her, and when they end up happy and safe together on the orphange that they've rebuilt to help the children that were victims of Darkles war and genocide, he spends his days bringing her tea and cakes and flowers, kissing her silly under the stairs in the view of all the teachers, and calling her names like beauty, beloved, cherished, my heart for the rest of their ordinary life together, if love can ever be called that.
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fangirlovestuff · 4 years
Okay! I had this idea brewing in my mind (but that’s the most my mind is capable of I’ll leave the writing to the professionals). So Carly or Shana (you can decide) are planning on going away for a vacation with their partner but they’re sceptical of leaving the children alone. So they ask Chris if him and reader (who is Chris’ girlfriend and super close to his family) to babysit the kids over the weekend and they accept. Since Chris is busy with ASP reader mostly entertains the kids, helps them with homework and stuff and Chris sees the way she is with them and imagines their future! Please make it fluffy 🥺❤️❤️
A Tale Of Nephews And Princesses - Chris Evans x reader
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a/n - @tonystankschild surprise! i got my ask back somehow so i can properly post this!! thank you so much for this lovely ask, I had so much fun writing it! I chose Carly pretty randomly. her children’s names are online, so that was mostly why lol. in my head i imagined it so Miles is the firstborn, then Stella then Ethan but it doesn’t really matter. they’re all pretty small in the fic so like, the oldest is 10 years old? idk, i didn’t really wana do research because i wanted to respect their privacy lol, so i took creative liberty over most of it. also you calling me a professional?🥺 pls omg i am so far from it but tysm!! I hope you enjoy it!!<3
Word Count: 3k (!!! y’all are getting fed hehe)
Warnings: none! just fluffy fluff :)
"Hey babe?" Chris asked, coming into the living room. His hand was on the telephone, so whoever's on the other side was still on the call.
"Yeah?" you replied from your place on the couch.
"Is it okay if Carly's kids come sleep at ours next weekend? It's Carly's anniversary so they wanna go on a weekend away."
"Yeah, sure," you smiled, "watching them is gonna be no problem. Tell her I said congrats!"
"I will," he smiled. "And well, I have some stuff for A Starting Point I gotta do that weekend. I told you about the interview and –"
"It's okay, I don't mind watching them," you smiled and cut him off. "I'll have someone to keep ne company while you're busy."
"You're the best," he blew you a kiss and you smiled as he got back on the phone with his sister.
"You're sure it's okay?" Carly asked, ushering her kids through the door of your and Chris' house.
"Yes, we're sure," you smiled at her. "It's no problem at all."
"Besides, even if we weren't, I don't think you'd have any other options right now," Chris smiled at his sister as well. "Go, have fun, we'll all be here when you come back. If anything, you should worry about them not wanting to leave," he smirked.
"Sure," she drawled out with a smile. "Well, if you need anything at all just call me," she told the both of you.
"It's gonna be fine," you laid a hand on her shoulder, smiling. "I could understand why you'd be worried if you left them with this five-year-old," you nudged Chris with your elbow and he rolled his eyes, "but I'm here and I assure you we're gonna have a lot of fun, isn't that right kids?" you smiled at Chris' nephews and niece, who were still standing there with their bags, waiting to say goodbye to their mom.
"Alright," she laughed. "Well, have fun kids! Bye!" she hugged each one of them and went back to her car, where her husband was waiting to go on a weekend away. It was their anniversary, so you and Chris volunteered to watch Miles, Stella and Ethan while they were away for a couple of days.
Before you managed to say anything, you and Chris were bombarded with questions – "Uncle Chris, can we play Mario Kart?" "No! Can we have a princess tea party?" "Can you read me a story?" "Can we eat cookies?" "Where's Dodger?" "Can we play with the cap shield?"
Chris looked at you and you return his amused look with one of your own. "Okay," you said, effectively silencing them as they looked up at you with wide eyes. "We can do all of these things later, but for now we should put your bags up. Dodger's hiding, so maybe after we find him, we can play with him, alright? But bags first," you smiled at them as they immediately sprinted upstairs with their bags, as best as they could carry them.
"Be careful!" you yelled after them and laughed.
"Is Dodger hiding?" Chris frowned at you.
"Of course not. I got him out in the yard before they arrived so he wouldn't tackle them to the ground," you grinned.
"What would I do without you?" he smiled, wrapping his arms around you.
"My guess? Have more sweaters," you chuckled. "But hey, that's why I'm here!" you showed off the sweater you were currently wearing, which was indeed his, making him laugh.
"C'mon, let's go make sure they're not breaking anything," you pecked his lips.
Chris was the first one to go outside and play with them and Dodger, while you hung back for a while, cutting up some fruit and getting some juice boxes before stepping outside as well.
"You guys hungry?" you smiled at them when you got out, Dodger immediately running to you and the kids right behind him.
"Yes!" they yelled in unison as you put the plate down on the table before sitting down next to them and Chris.
"Oh, by the way it's 4:15, so you should probably go get ready," you told him. He had an interview for ASP in about 20 minutes, and as much as you'd love for him to stay outside with you, you knew he had to go back inside to his home office.
"Thanks honey," he smiled softly before patting Miles' head and scratching Dodger's ear. "Alright kids, be good while I'm working," he winked at them before disappearing inside.
"Princess auntie?" Stella asked once she finished eating. Your heart melted in your chest at the sound of it, not the princess part of course, since Stella was currently obsessed with Disney and had the habit of calling everyone princes and princesses. No, it was the auntie that tugged at your heartstrings.
You weren't officially a part of the Evans family, well, not yet, you hoped. But their tendency to embrace you as one of their own never failed to make you smile, because there's nothing you'd want to be more.
"Yes, princess Stella?" you smiled at her.
"Can we have a tea party now?"
You chuckled at her request. "Well, I think there's nothing better for a tea party than…" you paused for suspense, "cookies!" at the sound of that all three of them cheered and you laughed. "But you all have to come and help me make them!"
The happy bunch followed you to the kitchen and you let Dodger into the living room on your way so he could rest a little.
"Okay, first of all we all need to wash our hands," you instructed. After a few minutes and some stray drops of water later, you were ready to go.
"Okay, Miles, you can help me measure everything, and Stella can pour it in, and Ethan's gonna stir, sounds good?"
Surprisingly, the kids went with your suggestion without any argument, and you started making the batter.
"Ethan, mix slower, will you?" you contained your laughter once a bit of batter flew out of the bowl and onto Miles' face. "Are you okay Miles?"
You turned to the kid in question to wipe the batter from his face, but you found he already took it on his finger and tasted it. "It's really good," he nodded, and you and you couldn't contain your giggle now.
"I'm glad, but let's try not to eat the cookies until they're ready," you raised your eyebrows at him and he nodded in understanding, although a grin was still on his face so you weren't sure how much he was going to stick to that.
The rest went pretty smoothly, and just as you were dividing your batter and putting the cookies in the baking pan Chris walked in, having just finished his interview.
"Ooooo, what are you guys making?" he smiled.
"Cookies!" Ethan yelled.
"For the tea party!" Stella added.
"But I don't wike tea parties," Miles sulked.
"You don’t have to be in the tea party to eat the cookies," you calmed him down before they'd start fighting.
"Now come on, let's finish up these cookies and then we can go play."
You spent the rest of the afternoon playing board games, the smell of the cookies filling the air as the kids got more and more impatient to have them. Eventually, it was time to take them out, and you tried to slip away unnoticed but unfortunately they noticed and followed you to the kitchen.
"I'm taking out the cookies, but just remember they're very hot and we can't eat them yet, okay?"
You heard a chorus of okays before you opened the oven, the pleasant smell and warmth coming at you in a wave. You grinned and took the cookies out of the oven, warning the kids to stay away from it while you put them on the counter and went to shut off the oven.
After a few minutes you touched the cookies tentatively, and found they were cool enough to give to the kids to taste. They all took a bite and immediately smiled.
"Well? Did we succeed?" you asked with a smile, taking a cookie yourself.
"Yeah!" they all nodded, and ran to the living room, where Chris was still sitting. "Uncle Chris, you have to taste our cookies!" you heard Stella say and smiled, knowing they'd all walk in here in a couple of seconds.
You all ate dinner together, cookies for dessert obviously, and before long it was bedtime. Chris needed to get some more work done, so you were the one to put them to bed. The boys were sleeping in the same room and Stella in another one, but all four of you were currently snuggled together in the boys' room, as you read them all a story.
Stella was on one side of you, her eyelids slightly drooping already. Miles and Ethan were on the other side, and you were half sure Ethan was already asleep. Dodger was at the foot of the bed, seemingly listening as well. You were just reading the last page when Chris walked in, a grin stretching on his face at the sight in front of him.
You smiled back and softly finished the rest of the story, closing the book and putting it down on the bedside table. Carefully getting up, you kissed Miles and Ethan's foreheads goodnight before taking a sleepy Stella into your arms, smiling at Chris on your way out of the room as you carried her to her bed, laying her down and tucking her blanket around her.
"Goodnight princess auntie," she mumbled.
"Goodnight princess Stella," you whispered back and smiled, gently tucking her hair away from her face before getting up. Seeing Chris waiting for you at the doorway, you put your finger to your mouth signaling him to be quiet until you softly shut the door nearly all the way behind you, leaving a small crack so it wouldn't be completely dark and so you could hear her if she needed anything.
"Did you get your work done?" you whispered as you wrapped your arms around Chris' neck.
"Yeah," he whispered back. "You're really good with them, you know that?" he smiled, affection dancing in his eyes.
"They're great kids," you smiled back, pecking his lips softly before drawing away. "C'mon, let's go to bed."
The next morning you awoke to the sound of whispers and padding of feet coming from the hallway. You smiled to yourself before getting away from Chris, whose arms were wrapped tightly around your torso. He stirred when you sat up, mumbling a low "Where are you going?"
"They're awake, but try and get some more sleep, you have a long day today," you whispered back, kissing his cheek before getting out of bed and out of the room, shutting the door behind you.
When they noticed you got up they stopped talking and you smiled at them. "C'mon, let's go downstairs so we won't wake uncle Chris," you whispered.
When you were down you asked them in a low voice, "did you brush your teeth? What do you want for breakfast?"
After they all brushed their teeth, and so did you, you all gathered in the kitchen to make breakfast. You made them some chocolate milk and they drank it while you made something to eat, laying it out of the table and sitting down to eat with them, but not before you put some food aside for Chris.
"What do you wanna do today, huh?" you asked, taking a sip from your mug.
"I have homework," Miles admitted shyly. "Mommy said I was supposed to do them yesterday, but I forgot."
"That's alright, you can do them right now," you ruffled his hair affectionately.
After you were done with breakfast, Miles sat down to do his homework and Stella and Ethan helped you with the dishes. Well, they just handed you the dishes, which you then washed and put in their place, but it kept them occupied long enough.
You were nearly done with the dishes when you felt a tug on the hem of your shirt. "Can you help me?" Miles looked up at you.
"Of course," you smiled. "Stella and Ethan, wait a sec alright? And be careful!"
You walked back to the kitchen table with him, where he showed you the exercise he was struggling with. Just as you were helping him solve it, Chris walked into the kitchen. Thankfully, fully dressed in his everyday clothes, you eye rolled inwardly at your boyfriend's sleeping garments, or lack thereof.
"Hey guys! Did you have breakfast already?" he asked, going to hug Stella and Ethan.
"I left you some," you gestured at the plate on the counter with a smile.
"Thank you," he picked it up and started eating. "What'cha doing there bud?" he asked Miles.
"My homework," he said with a shy grin. "But I'm almost done!"
"Yeah," you smiled. You explained it for him, all the while ignoring Chris' eyes on you. You felt his gaze and smiled, not giving it any attention and helping Miles solve the problem.
"All done!" you high fived him and he cheered.
"Good job!" Chris smiled at the both of you. "I have to do some work, but after I'm done we can go play some more with Dodge, how about that?"
"Yay!" they cheered. He hugged them all and retreated into his office once more. You knew how much he hated not being able to be with them all day while they're here, but he cared about this project a lot, so you were going to make sure everyone had a great time regardless.
"Okay, how about…" you paused to think, "we build a blanket fort! As a surprise for uncle Chris," you smiled at their excited reaction. "But shhh! We have to be very quiet so he won't hear us, because it's a surprise!" knowing Chris needed his focus, you were glad when they nodded their heads. Ethan out a finger to his lips and shushed his siblings, which you giggled at.
"After you," you gestured for them to start walking towards the living room. "The blanket fort isn't going to build itself!"
They were quiet, whispering to each other as you draped the blankets you had brought from their bedrooms. The only loud sounds were their laughs, which you really couldn't bring yourself to get mad about.
After nearly an hour, the blanket fort was complete. You all cuddled inside, the kids bringing their dolls as well.
"Can we watch a princess movie?" Stella asked once you had suggested they watch a movie.
"No! I don't wike it!" Miles immediately objected.
"Yeah, no princess!" Ethan joined his brother.
"Okay, how about… Peter Pan?" you asked them. Then, you leaned closer to Stella and whispered in her ear, "Tinkerbell's a fairy! That's almost as good as a princess, right?"
She contemplated it for a moment before nodding her head. You kissed the top of her head and put on the movie. You all settle down, and you cuddled Stella close to you, smiling as Ethan and Miles soon joined.
That was how Chris found you, about an hour later, and his heart swelled in his chest at the sight. His niece and nephews all cuddled up with you, watching a Disney movie. He thought about the ring, safely stowed away deep in his bedside drawer, and smiled softly.
With any luck, soon these might be your own kids you'll cuddle with. The thought filled him with giddiness, but also nerves. He didn't really think you'd say no, but hell – you can never know with these things. All he knew was that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you, and he was going to ask you if you wanted the same. Soon.
The end of the day finally arrived, and Carly and her husband were coming to pick up the kids.
"You got everything?" you asked them. They all nodded their heads. "Great! Well, your mom's gonna be here in a few, so how about –"
"But I don't wanna go!" Miles complained.
"Yeah, I wanna stay here!" Ethan exclaimed.
"Princess auntie, pretty please can we stay?" Stella looked up at you.
"I'm sorry guys," you smiled, "But you have school tomorrow. Besides, your mom missed you very much, and I'm sure you missed her too. Don't you miss mommy and daddy?"
"Yes," they admitted.
"C'mon, don't be sad," you grinned at them, "you can always come visit us."
At that moment Dodger decided it was a good time to greet them goodbye, jumping up and trying to lick them. They giggled, and you and Chris exchanged a fond glance over their heads. You heard the car pulling up outside, so you caught onto Dodger and made him stop before Chris opened your door, knowing Carly would be coming to get them.
"Mommy!" they all yelled.
"Hey babies!" she greeted them and pulled them all into a big hug.
Dodger tried to escape your hold and join them, but you caught him before he could tackle them. "Don't be jealous," you playfully chastised him and scratched him behind his ear.
"Hello Dodger," Carly smiled and came to pet him as well. "Okay kids, say goodbye, daddy's waiting for us in the car."
"Bye bye!" said and hugged both you and Chris tightly.
"Bye!" you waved at them once they got out, closing the door gently behind them.
Chris came to wrap his arms around you. "You're amazing."
"So are you," you smiled into his neck.
"No, I'm serious. You were amazing with them," he smiled timidly. "And well, in the future, I…" he trailed off.
"Awwww, you were totally thinking about what if they were our kids, weren't you?" you grinned. "That's so cute!" you teased him.
"Whatever," his cheeks tinted slightly. "I guess you don't wanna hear what I think."
"No, I do!" you objected with a smile.
"I think," he started, "that you're gonna be the best mom ever someday. And I am so lucky to have you."
"And you're gonna be the best dad," you smiled before leaning it to kiss him.
When you broke apart, you smiled. You knew how true your words were, and you couldn't wait until that turned into a reality.
what’d you think??🥰
Taglist:  @horny-nd-bored​ @shannon124 @perfectlyharolds​ @wintersoldierslut​ @iceebabies​  @sleepingpapermouse @steverogerswasalwaysworthy @holtzkinnon @angelicl-y @stydia-4-ever @thatoneperson5000 @fangirlfree​ @kaitcordx25 @bequeening​ @steve-barry-damon-logan​ @itscrazycherryblossomcollection​ @hollandxmarvel​ @stargazingfangirl18 @readsreblogsfics @onetwo3000 @beritmetal @harrystylesholland @jazbot2000 @anobscurename @xxxtwilightaxelxxx
if you wanna join / be removed from this taglist, comment/message me! much love <3
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can i say a sort of pointless rambly thing i was thinking about that i can't put under the cut bc i'm on mobile?
jk, i'm not actually asking. ramble below, not edited for clarity. the following is completely unclear and i will not fix it:
i've been thinking about how part of the reason i'm so chill about caryl is bc growing up as a queer woc 99% of my main ships were like, never gonna fucking happen bc they literally couldn't. it was like, "omg, they gazed at each other from across the room, let's analyze the homosexual subtext of this one scene for the next fifty years, that's not necessarily hyperbole." i've watched all my ships fuck other ppl/have other love interests, and i knew that my thing was never gonna be canon, so to see like, one thing being like, "one half of my ship fucked another person several years ago while pining for the other half of my ship," i'm like...#nice, bc that can and likely will be used as a plot point to get them together later on, whereas in other situations i've been in i just kinda had to deal with it. so my impulse when i see ppl losing their shit is to be like
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and to be slightly annoyed, tbh, bc the ship is still on track to be canon, and it's like, literally two white heterosexuals, they're prime candidates for juicy angsty pining that actually gets a resolution.
that being said, i recognize that that attitude isn't necessarily fair. for one thing, i'm not the only queer woc (or some variation thereof) in this fandom, and some ppl's impulse might be exasperation instead, bc like, "wtf, even my mayohet ship has dumb fucking drama," and that's valid as hell, and i get it.
and also, i get that, even if you didn't grow up shipping impossible ships (or mulder/scully, bc that's a brand of bullshit all its own), this has been a suuuuper drawn out process where sometimes it feels like they're legit sprinkling crumbs to keep you hooked, just to play you again, and when you are invested in something, like /rly/ invested, especially if it's a form of escapism or hyperfixation or whatever, that can be e x h a u s t i n g. and i get that. i truly do, and while i make a lot of snide comments about the fandom being bonkers, i do get where the bulk of you are coming from (unless you're one of those ppl who hate on actors and esp actresses for just doing their jobs, and attack them on social media, in which case i am very much judging you and you need to get your life together).
i also realize that in the scheme of things i'm still a newbie. i've been here, what, twoish/threeish years, whereas some of you have been here since the beginning, so i'm not as worn out as y'all. but i also think that gives me a bit of objectivity that some of y'all have (understandably) lost.
my positivity is not meant as a sleight against those of you who are feeling negative, but is more of a semi-objective viewpoint (i say semi, bc lbr, i'm invested af in this, so i definitely have bias), and to me the threads of the storyline they're crafting seem sort of obvious.
like, let's look at it, yeah? they have one season left of this show that has been on for over a decade. they need to cater to everyone to give them a satisfying ending, while still hanging on to carylers bc of the spin-off. darylrreah seems like a very calculated move, bc it gives them both something to make abcers happy, while also creating tension and suspense and pining for carylers (i think they might underestimate just how fed up some carylers are tbh, and are banking on us to hang on for one last ride, which, honestly? if they play it right will probably work.)
if they end up doing a dumb love triangle thing, which, without seeing the episode and gauging the subtext i can't confidently say if i think they will or won't, it will ultimately end in our favor. it has to, bc leah isn't going to third wheel them on the bike in the spin-off. we can say with good authority that whatever that relationship ends up being (again, idk if they'll drag it out or not) it will be temporary. which leaves caryl open to ride off into the sunset and then bone down in every state in the united states and in puerto rico for good measure.
it's a lot of cheap drama, but i really and truly do not think it's anything to worry about, and i still really and truly trust kang to not make it out of character. ik ppl still don't agree with me on that point, and i'm not gonna argue, but to me it really does make perfect sense.
and i also predict that they are gonna play it up hardcore in the promotional shit and talking dead, but when that happens, remember it's bc it gets attention. regardless of where the story is ultimately going, relationship drama gets attention, which gets viewers, which gets amc and twd producers nice and comfy with full pockets
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idk. to sum up ig i just wanted to clarify that i don't mean any harm with my relentless positivity. my history in fandom has just made this seem like nothing in comparison, bc while ppl are freaking out, i'm like, "oh damn, they're actually gonna get together by the end of this, aren't they? i didn't know that could happen!" and that makes me excited instead of upset
and you definitely don't have to listen to me. maybe i'm actually wrong. maybe i'm completely full of bullshit and am just good at making things sound confident. i got a lot of As on papers in college over books i never read, i know how to bs. but i also know how to analyze, and i while i will be the first to tell you i am not the best at a great many things, i do know that i am good at critically analyzing text while taking into account the context it was written in, and imho all signs point to canon caryl. when, i'm not entirely sure, but i see it happening. if it doesn't then they severely fucked up their storytelling, and that'd just be bad writing on their part.
(if you want proof that i'm good at reading writers'/producers' intentions, consider that i watched like, 8 seasons of supernatural before giving up, and said to myself, "i think they're gonna make destiel canon, but not until the very last second bc they are rly into catering to their fans but also have to consider their dumb fanboy audience so they can't do anything crazy overtly gay," and guess who hit the nail on the fucking head on that one)
none of this is important, but it was rattling around my mind grapes and i wanted to write it down into something vaguely coherent, and where else better to do it than here. i can word vomit and then send it into the ether and pretend i never said a thing. i love this horrible website, nothing can compare
i have no real conclusion to this, it was mostly stream of consciousness, but i hope it sort of helps y'all understand where i'm coming from, and why i am as chill as i am about things. not about y'all. y'all cause me so much anxiety i get physically sick and have to legit block tags, but with the actual show content i'm zen as hell
the end ig?
it feels weird even signing off on this, but w/e
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mettywiththenotes · 3 years
The idea of Shiggy taking care of a child is so varied
Because I feel like he'd be stuck with them and he'd be like "omg wtf do i do", having no idea how to take care of a child
The kid would do smthg weird and he'd be like "is this what children do? is that normal? i'm not cut out for this"
All he has to go off is his childhood and how Kurogiri and AFO treated him
Upon remembering AFO, he decides that that won't do. He's grateful that his sensei gave him somewhere to stay, letting him live, but he wonders if "letting him live" is the right train of thought when taking care of a child
He tries to remember his mother, the comfort she brought, how she fed him, helped him with his medicine. And he wonders if he has the capacity to care about someone like that. Thinking about it, she didn't care enough to stop dad though... so instead, he takes bits and pieces of her influence. It's a lot of work but he thinks he's doing it right. Maybe. I mean, his mother took care of him until he was 5, she knew enough to keep him and his sister alive, so he's probably doing okay? Should he look this up or pick up some books on how to take care of a child or smthg? He groans, already sick of how much energy this is taking
The kid is upset about smthg and, thinking back on his mother, he pats their back and comforts them. From the outside it may look like he knows what he's doing but on the inside he's like "is this right??? is this how you should comfort a child??? i think this is how mom did it but idk???"
One of the things he doesn't even have to think twice about is the decision to make sure this kid doesn't go through what he went through. It's a lot of work and he'd rather be doing anything else but he'll be damned if he ends up as another Koutarou or any of his other family members
I think it would be a big mix between his own logic and making sure history doesn't repeat, and Nao's parenting, since she's the only reference he has to parenting that at least keeps the child healthy and comfortable
He's straight forward with questions and doesn't mess around with his answers. On the topic of "who do you like best, heroes or villains?" the kid says Villains because Shiggy "takes care of me and makes me happy!" and Shiggy doesn't know how to take that
Should he be making this kid happy? He's a Villain, and obviously he's more than his label, but somewhere inside him, it feels wrong to say that he makes this child happy. Shiggy destroys stuff. He wants to destroy stuff. He kills people. When he supports the people around him, accepts them as they are, accommodates missions for them, he's just being honest. Does that have anything to do with being nice? Maybe this kid is confusing "honesty" with "kindness". Yeah, that has to be it. There's no way somebody like Shiggy could make a child happy
The kid says he's "like a dad" one time and Shiggy blacks tf out. It doesn't feel real and it gives him a sinking feeling in his stomach. He's not happy, he's just confused
One of the League references the kid as Shiggy's child at one point ("the boss' kid") and Shiggy's brain stalls. If the League are quiet enough, they can hear the fax machine sound coming from his brain
And if you're out here thinking that Shiggy takes care of them well, nope. He gives the kid energy drinks, junk food with the occasional healthy option (that the League may or may not have pushed onto Shiggy cuz "the kids gotta eat their veg!"), they have more sweets than savoury, and when it comes to teaching them how to take care of their body, Shiggy has almost no idea. He knows maybe the odd 1 hygiene rule but this is the area where Compress has to jump in and teach the kid
AFO kept Shiggy in unhealthy conditions, including neglecting to take care of his body (all a part of the 'hatred and rage' stuff and keeping Shiggy in a constant state of anger and neglect) so somebody else has to step in. Compress knows how to take care of himself, and so do a few other members of the Leagus (Toga, Twice knows a few things, even Dabi has a few pointers) but this is one area where Shiggy steps away
Anyway this is my take on Shiggy taking care of a kid lol
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mydearesthrry · 4 years
places we won’t walk (chapter one) || peter parker
summary - the doors at midtown seem a little boring, but when you get introduced to someone you seem to remember, what happens when they seem to remember you too?
word count - 2.9k (wow shes gettin better!)
pairings - peter parker x fem!reader
warnings - like mild mention of s*xual assault, angst if you squint really hard, mj being a softy for you, mj being a lowkey bi, peter being stupid as always, y/n calling peter a colonizer.... thats it ok enjoy
a/n: so i know i last updated in october, but as u all saw i have a 25 days of xnas thing going on (PLS I WROTE THE A/N LIKE A MONTH AGO PLUS I FORGOT ABOUT THE XMAS THING DISREGARD) so pwww updates will be slow (as if they werent already omg) but the next chapter will be arriving hopefully, fingers crossed, on xmas eve or xmas! also, are you guys watching the new euphoria episode? also, i’ve stopped using the word ‘stuttering’, as it may be ableist, and i’d never wanna come off as insensitive. anyway lmao, enjoy chapter one, the trials and tribulations of hitting someone in the nuts.
also side note psa: biggest thank you to @blossomparkers for helping me so much w this chapter. i owe it all tooooo u lani yani. thank u for everything !!!!!
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(gif not mine!)
when y/n y/m/n stark was in her early years, she was never aware of the impact her father would and did hold over her life, and in turn, the whole world. for the longest time, you’d always assumed that your father wasn’t real, and everything that had been told to you by malicious family members who were jealous over your father’s “successes” had been lies, and you had it believed yourself. no one would even think that you were tony stark’s daughter until it had been mentioned. tony’s snarky attitude had been a character trait that you’d gotten, and you always took pride in your humor and attitude.
the story of your mother and tony had been messy and all over the place. from a drunken hook-up followed by multiple days of morning sickness, to a surprise pregnancy test, the storyline of your parents had been.. well.. interesting to say the least. you never focused on your family’s history, solely based on the fact that you didn’t have two fucks to give about your family history, but you also never knew your father which was-- bizarre. 
when tony had found out about you, he claimed it was a drunken accident, a mistake, and one he made when he was “less responsibly a stark”, which was actually just some fucking bullshit, but he didn’t wanna admit that he hooked up with some random chick at a bar that he thought was hot.
since you had been raised by a mother who was barely there, you had to raise yourself. you were kinda street smart and book smart, and you were always smart when it came to books, because you were the type to want to learn-- unlike others.
when you were in your teen years, you had tabs on you and the media on you 24/7 to make sure you didn’t royally fuck up. the unwanted attention became too much when you started realizing that people didn’t want you for your personality, they wanted you for your title. but this was after you moved from brooklyn. nuvale and peter never saw you as some “movie star”, or some famous person in the media because you weren’t. but when you had grown to learn what your father did, he had forced you to not fuck up to maintain his-- somewhat okay reputation. 
you always wanted that superstar life, as a fantasy of course, but when you got to it, you realized the cliche-y-ness of it all. you’d idolized the famous women in the media-- idolized how they looked like. you realized fairly quick how fucked up the media truly is. you realized how things really aren’t as they seem. its not just the galas that look extravagant, or getting to wear a fancy new gucci outfit every night. it honestly was a whole bunch of other shit you wouldn’t even imagine. it comes with the no privacy thing- people stalking you in public, the death threats, so much shit that wouldn’t happen as common if you were just anonymous.
being an avenger (basically), your dad had natasha teach you the ropes; the basic rules of how to kick someones ass. it was a handbook that the women of the avengers had created, and it had all the rules and regulations of how to spar someone on the team, and basically how to righteously beat someone's ass up. it was never really something you found too important, but as you grew older, you realized that it was very important to know, especially since you were a girl.
despite your harsh remarks and snarky attitude, your father always knew how to hit a sensitive point in you that always managed to break you down. you never quite understood why he would want to make you feel worse about yourself than you already felt, but regardless, you always felt underappreciated by him. being a stark, you were expected to be a genius, get over the top grades, and constantly be able to keep up, but with your luck, you were graced with depression, social anxiety, and a 4.0 gpa. fun, right? 
when you were 11, you had made friends with the kids in your apartment halls, and you learned that their names were nuvale jones and peter parker, and you were basically the golden trio. you were hermione, peter was ron, and nuvale was harry. which, now that you look back at it, makes much more sense than any other arrangement. you also had another friend, harry osborn, but once he moved away, there was no way for you to talk to him anymore. he had moved across the country to california, and from then, it was just you, peter, and nuvale. your best friends ha been there for you for what seemed like decades, although you only knew them for about three.
peter was the boy with the rosy cheeks who little 12 year old you would get butterflies in her tummy. or the type of boy to bring you an extra snack if you weren’t able to pack it the night before. he was the type of boy to walk you to the nurses office if you got hit with a dodgeball. he was the type of boy to fall for someone like you. but he didn’t. or so you thought. 
little prebubescent y/n was an awkward girl who thought the world would be on her side when she needed it the most, or that whenever you needed peter or nuva, they would be there. you didn’t think your best friend would stop talking to you after you had moved away. you were too naive to know that peter liked you, and you were too naive to know that he had liked you back, but you wanted to believe what your brain would tell you, so you decided to flush your feelings down the drain and forget about them, which, in hindsight, was a pretty shitty idea. who would’ve known?
your alarm clock blared loudly from beside you, causing you to let out a loud groan in protest. you hit the side of your head angrily, then whining and rubbing the spot which you hit. whines and loud sighs fell from your lips as you rubbed the sleep from your eyes and pulled the covers over your head, knowing what would come next after you would try to snooze your alarm.
“good morning, miss stark, how could i be of service to you this morning?” friday’s voice echoed through your large bedroom. you peaked your eyes and forehead from beneath the covers, your eyes slowly starting to adjust to the light that was pulled through the big blinds which were now open. 
“mmm, fri, just tell happy to get the car ready, ill be ready in a few min- nevermind, tell him to get ready in thirty, im probably gonna fall asleep in the shower.” you croaked, taking your phone from the charger which was on your nightstand. you slipped on your bunny slippers and turned on the heater in your room, the draft filling your room with cold air throughout the night.
once you walked through the large industrial doors of midtown’s cafeteria, everyones voices started to drop into sharp hushed whispers, making you roll your eyes and pull your hood up over your face. you pulled your airpods from your pockets into your ears and tried your best to avoid any and all eye contact with anyone you did end up coming into contact with. you walked over to the food bar where you grabbed a red school tray and plastered on your best smile to the lunch ladies who work oh so hard to make sure you all were fed. as you walked through the line, you could feel the intensified stares on you, making your back erupt in chills. you didn’t like to be watched, and the fact that you were a so-called celebrity didn’t help your cause in any way. 
“hey.” a low voice called from behind you. it was a girl with curly hair with gorgeous light brown skin, and a jawline that would cut you. you were almost astonished by her beauty, but you remembered the facade you had to hold, especially to strangers that you didn’t know.
“hey?” you asked unsurely, wondering if she was with the media or not. which was something that tended to happen quite a bit.
“don’t worry, i’m not with the press. you just seem interesting.” she said in a monotone voice, but still with a strong look of seriousness on her face. you giggled softly when your eyes locked and your faces went totally still, making the girl in front of you laugh as well. she held out her hand in front of you, while also balancing her tray and book in the other hand. you placed yours into hers and shook it, smiling when she told you her name.
“michelle jones.” she smiled, your throat getting a little tight at her last name, and you had to admit that it struck a little chord within you, but you quickly cleared it from your thoughts and introduced yourself as well.
“y/n stark. pleasure to meet you, jones.”
“pleasure to meet you too.”
“so, i get that you’re new here,” she started walking, inviting you to walk along with her. “what- what are you doing here? i mean i get you’re smart and all, but this is a nerd school; you literally could’ve gone anywhere, so, might i ask, why here?”
“hm, interesting question. seriously i don’t know. my dad and i don’t really get along so he makes the decisions and i tell him if i like it or not. which by the way, i’m gonna have to stay near you-- you’re the only one making this bearable for me right now.” you snorted, nudging your elbow to hers. 
“hm, daddy issues. great song, love the artists.” she smirked, making you shoot your head back in loud laughter, gaining some side eyed glances from a few people sitting at the tables around you.
“so, where are we sitting? i usually nev-”
“hey mj!” you were interrupted by a boyish laugh and hoots and hollers coming from a table two tables ahead of you. 
“jesus fucking christ. what? just because i got some and you didn’t doesn’t mean that you have to be that fuckin’ loud about it.” she grumbled, placing her tray down, slinging the backpack on her right shoulder beside her. you looked at her with a nervous but curious glint in your eyes. she gave you a knowing look which said, ‘just go with what i say’, making you nod in understanding.
“woah! holy shit! i m- i mean woah- nice to- nice to meet you!” the boy fumbled over his words, looking at you and michelle in disbelief, shaking his friends shoulder and poking at his cheek.
“nice cut, g. looks nice.” you said to him, giggling as you stuck your straw into the mini juice box.
“o-oh, thanks… g?” he said back to you, observing your looks with a confused expression written on his face making you giggle at his confusion. 
“peter! look! y/n stark is at our table!” he whisper shouted to his friend, making you look at michelle with a smile on your face and playfully rolling your eyes. she looked back at you, rolling her eyes as well, gesturing to her head as if saying ‘idiots’, making you giggle and turn back to them. 
“so, bowl cut dude, what’s your name?” you nodded to him, picking at your salad with the blac spork that was so cordially given to you by mj. 
“n-ned, ned leeds.” he smiled sheepishly.
“and you, colonizer, what’s your name?” you tapped on the table, alerting the boys attention. you could hear michelle and ned hollering and snickering from their seats, but decided to keep your poker face rolling. but i mean, how couldn’t you? the look on his face was absolutely priceless. 
“peter park- wait did you just call me a colonizer?” he cut himself off in his own sentence, looking at his other friends for confirmation, to which they nodded, still cackling at the fact that you had indeed call him a colonizer.
“peter park, hm?” you teased, ignoring the way you hesitated and ignoring the way your chest felt heavy when the name of peter was said.
“n-no thats not my name-” he said, tripping over his words, making you let out a chuckle. 
“i’m messing with you. with what you’ve given me, i could only guess your name is peter parker?” you rested your chin on your hand, engaging in the awkward conversation.
“yeah. thats my name.” he said more confidently, giving you a tight lipped smile.
“nice to meet you, parker.”
“you too, stark, my pleasure.”
after the small encounter with your new found friends, you had gone back to your respective classes, which meant that your next class had peter in it. after you had split up, you decided to get there early to avoid any commotion surrounding you.
as the boring class continued, you heard the loud clicking of high heels in the hallways, which had to be one person and one person only.
“stark,” someone shouted from the door which swung open. low and behold, in front of you was the prickly bitch, your principal, mrs cunningham. “come with me, eugene’s parents have requested a meeting with you and your father considering that you had just hit their son in the private areas!” everyone snickered and laughed. finally someone had stood up to flash’s shit. 
“y- you punched flash in the nuts? i thought that was just a rumor?” peter stuttered, looking at you in disbelief.
“yeah, the fuck was i gonna do? let him flirt with me? no. that bitch tried to grab my ass. i’m a stark, i was raised better than that.” you whispered to him, packing your bag as you did so.
“hm, guess you’re right. well, good luck stark.” 
“thanks parker.”
once you arrived in the principals office, you saw what seemed to be his mother in one of the seats decked out in expensive pearls and diamonds. typical.
“little miss over here punched my son in the privates! i will not allow this to happen!” fuck. you thought; another one of those stuck up cunty parents.
“pfft, probably paid to get their son into here.” you muttered under your breath, playing with your protection bracelets incase anything was to ever happen.
“wHAT? mrs cunningham, i will not allow this child to talk about my son this wa-”
“hello! i was called in?” a voice interrupted, one you could only peg as your father.
“ahh! mr stark! you’re finally here!” your hilarious excuse as a principal said cheerfully.
“i am! and i am here to.. come and have a meeting about my daughter's- behavior?” he asked questiongly, already seeing the triumphant and cocky look on your face. he knew you weren’t at fault, and you were gonna lie your pretty ass out of it.
“well, mr stark, we have a student in the nurses room due to the actions of your daughter!” she looked at him menacingly. he shook his head with a smile on his face and walked over to you, grasping your shoulders in his hands.
“well kiddo, wanna explain what and why you did what you did?” he smiled, giving you two taps on your shoulder, already knowing what was next. you two had a pretty good acting schedule when it came to it, when in reality, you despised eachother.
“sure daddy! eugene had been hitting on me for several days now, and even found my private social medias in use to.. how can i say this, use me for my fame? he tried talking to me, very inappropriately on several occasions, and even went as far as to try and grab me in areas in which i find extremely inappropriate, without my consent, might i add, which doesn’t seem okay with me. does it seem exceptional to you, mrs thompson?” you asked, while only keeping your eyes on his mother.
“why, i am so sorry miss stark! his father will be in contact, i did not raise my baby to be this way! im sorry for any inconvenience he may have caused you!” she gasped, raising a hand to her heart. 
“it’s okay, i just request, may this never happen again? i would not like my privacy to be invaded, much less from your son, and can i please ask that he never try to hit on me, nor any girls at this school ever again? i can only imagine how many other girls this may have happened to, mrs thompson.” you sighed, your eyes filling up with fake tears. you reached up to touch your fathers hand, tapping it twice back, knowing that you both had just won.
“never again miss stark, once again, i am so sorry this happened to you.” 
“it’s okay. now mrs cunningham, shall we see our way out?” your father answered for you, looking over at the old white woman who looked like a piece of cheese. she could only nod in awe, giving you the cue to pick up your bags and walk proudly to the door.
“thanks i guess.” you muttered, pulling out your airpods once more, hoping to seal the conversation with your father.
“yeah yeah, no problemo.” he muttered back, avoiding eye contact and stuffing his hands in his  pockets. 
once you reached the door, you remembered that you had left something in your locker, and informed your dad that you’d be going back to get it. he all but nodded and looked back at his shoes before trudging to the car.
once you entered the seemingly halls, much to your surprise, you saw a scrawny teenage boy lifting open a set of lockers, which you didn’t even know was possible, and pulling out a red and blue suit. once you saw who the hands belonged to, your mouth fell agape as you gasped,
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allie1804-fan · 4 years
The Middle of the Road (Chapter 15)
Chapter 1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8 , 9, 10, 11 , 12,  13  14
Warnings None
Later that day, they arrived back home – to the relief of a tired Patricia and Karina and the delight of Johnny and Hannah. Keanu and Emily were thrilled themselves to be back with the children too even though they had enjoyed such a special time away.  
As Keanu read Johnny his story before bed, he thought back to the day it had stuck him like a thunderbolt that he wanted kids. He’d been reading a 4 year old Jamie (Chloe’s son) a story book that he and Emily had bought him for his birthday when it hit him how joyous that bond and love could be. Shortly after, he’d seen Emily holding another friend’s baby who was just weeks old and a friend had spotted the desire for a baby in both of them. It would be 2 years before Johnny was born after struggles with fertility and then an ectopic pregnancy.  At that point, they had basically given up trying but Johnny had been conceived thanks to contraceptive failure and he couldn’t be more grateful for that sickness bug stopping Emily’s pill from working!
Emily was feeling much the same contentment as she fed Hannah. It wouldn’t be too much longer that she would breastfeed her and she cherished it as well as feeling the relief in her breasts! She had pumped a little over their break to relieve the pressure and keep her supply going so she was full again by the time of the evening feed.
When they regrouped in the kitchen later, Keanu was ordering some Thai food for a take-away and they spent the evening planning the Spring and Summer ahead. They would keep their secret to themselves until her birthday a couple of week’s later. Karina had already agreed earlier that afternoon to cook the family meal for Emily’s birthday – all Keanu needed to do was find the perfect engagement ring and birthday present to go alongside it.
Day to day life resumed for them and they managed to get into a rhythm which they could stick to easily with the designated days for writing and gym. Chloe still had Johnny one day a week, Keanu had him one full day and both kids for a half day giving Emily her writing time. Meanwhile, he was at the gym two mornings and doing other meetings in-between. One of those meeting was  with Hannah Johnson to review her work on the script and let her know how grateful he was for starting the healing process by talking to Emily. He let her into the secret on their engagement – she was thrilled for them both and  told him his happiness was certainly shining through.
The night before her birthday, Keanu presented Emily with her engagement ring, a beautiful vintage ruby ring. The central stone was a Burmese ruby flanked by smaller pear cut diamonds all set on a white gold band.
“Wow, my God it’s fabulous, am I gonna need security guards with me if I wear this out?”
“Well don’t wear it when you go to the gym and leave it in the locker!” he joked. It had cost him over $50,000 - nowhere near the millions of some celebrity rings but still a very significant amount.
“Anyway, it has to last, I am never buying another so it had to be a good one!”
“Well I love it, thank you. Shall I wear it tomorrow, when the family arrive?”
“Yes! I want to see if anyone has ‘spidey’ senses and spots it!”
As it was, his mother did spot it but she didn’t spoil the surprise. She whispered to him in the kitchen when they were alone briefly but didn’t give the game away and let him make the announcement after dinner when he raised a birthday toast to Emily.
“So thank you Karina for a delicious meal and thank you all for coming. People usually celebrate the big numbers for birthdays but Emily was a bit busy baking a baby this time  last year! So, on her 41st birthday, I’d like to raise a toast to Emily, the most beautiful mother to my children, my partner and my future wife!”
A gasp went round the table.
“Show them the ring Emily” Patricia encouraged, revealing that she’d seen it earlier but had kept quiet so as not to ruin the announcement. Everyone was surprised and delighted about the engagement – most had been aware there had been some tension of late and were glad this seemed to have been resolved.  Keanu gave Emily a necklace matching her engagement ring for her birthday, a pear shape ruby on a white gold chain  - she would be able to wear it for the wedding. The family  heard that the wedding would be a small affair in their own garden with just family and a few friends and would take place in about 3 months time so that they could have a short honeymoon before Jonathan turned 2.
When the day came, the house was filled with the fragrance of flowers, Emily had her wish of an abundance of cottage garden flowers that would not be out of place in a Hardy novel.  For the ceremony her dress was a simple cream tea length design with a wrap over bodice and asymmetrical layered skirt while Keanu wore a beige suit. They each had more casual clothes for later in the evening  - their children were there at the party so they were not keen to be in their finery for the whole event.
Their honeymoon was 5 days in Taormina Sicily, where Jonathan had been conceived. The children would be looked after by their new nanny, Maria, who they’d recruited a month before. Emily hadn’t been planning to work again before Johnny’s 2nd birthday but her agent had contacted her a couple of months earlier about a script that needed re-writes because the female voice just wasn’t sounding authentic. He knew this was something that she could help with so had got in touch. The boost to her confidence about getting back to work was huge and Keanu encouraged her to go for it even though it was earlier than planned and they had the wedding coming. Luckily their search for a nanny wasn’t prolonged and they had confidence in her having the children for their short honeymoon break.
The crystal clear turquoise waters, the wonderful food and the luxury of the Hotel San Domenico gave the two a wonderful relaxing break before they would return for the mayhem of a 2 year old’s birthday party and a big event in September for Keanu -  both his 60th birthday and an honorary award at the Toronto International Film Festival. 2024 was certainly proving to be a big year for them.
@penwieldingdreamer @fortheloveoffanfic @kindainlovewithkeanu @ladyreapermc @witty-wallflower @gatsbynouvel @bitchyslut99 @keanureevesisbae @omg-imagine @iworshipkeanureeves @fics-not-tragedies @ficsnroses @kindainlovewithkeanu @paperplanesandwallflowers
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iraniq · 4 years
part I 
I slowly woke up with a horrible headache, and a fuzzy mind. I gently moved, my leg was stiff. I wanted to roll to my back, but I felt something... Someone. Their hand was on me and I heard a growl when I moved. 
"Perfect, another idiot who thinks he owns me, because we fucked".
  - I have to pee, move! - I hissed, not waiting for an answer and rushed looking for the bathroom....
The room was huge, like terribly huge. I almost lost it, till I saw a marble floor behind one of the wood decorated walls. I did my job, and went back to bed. Since Mr. Ladie's boy was rich I was gonna let him be and spoil myself. 
"I deserve some quality me time after this hectic week!"
I jumped back in and he hugged me again. Lying his head on my shoulder.
  - I am not a pillow!
  - Why not, you are plump. - his sleepy voice was deep and actually sounded good.
"Did he just?"
  - I am sorry... - I was fed up and started to get up.
  - Shush... I didn't meant it that way... Stay... - he growl the last one.
I layed back and he hugged me again. Fixing half his body on me.
  - Are you hungry? - he mumbled half asleep.
  - Always! 
He shifted and I felt his hand moving the hair off my face. I felt his lips so close to my cheek... Then his phone rang. 
He put his hand on the bed, so he could get up more and reached for his phone. He had this odd red shaped tattoo on his hand. He sat on me grabbing his phone. I lied on my back, trying to wake up. To get rid of the dizziness. He sat comfortably on me, fixing his posituon while using my gello belly as a holder. In just a seconds I heard him yelling on the phone on some other language. His voice sounded familiar, till I finally looked up to him...
... It was the green haired pale and heavy tattooed Clown Prince of Crime. He proceed to talk, I didn't understand, but by the way he talked it looked like he was explaining something. His voice was low and stern. 
Don't know why but he sounded so hot. Half naked, sitting on top of me... I had sex with him least night, it finally hit me... 
He looked at me, while nodding his head, winked at me. I awkwardly smiled. He then hang up and lied on top of me. 
  - Want breakfast, fluffy?
I blinked several times staring at the celing, trying not to cry. I was both impassioned and intimidated.
"What have I involved myself into?"
I got out of my trans by his voice, he was asking if I was hungry.
  - You hungry, little bear?
  - Am... Maybe, why not... - I had no idea what to say. If I say 'no' he might get offended, if I say 'yes' he might have fun of me, for having too much breakfasts in my life. - Yes, maybe something light.
  - Like you?
  - Ha... - my heart skipped several beats.
  - You were my light breakfast this morning... - he growled - I am starving! - he got up of me, slapping my thigh and walked to the door. - Jump jump, cupcake, food won't drag itself! 
I covered myself with the first piece of clothing I saw and run after him. 'Being sort sucks' - I thought after running and triping in the long sheet.
He entered a huge kitchen and I slowly followed. He opened the fridge and got some stuff out. 
  - Toasts with avocado?
  - Can I have them with butter... Please?
  - Help yourself ... - he pointed at the open fridge. 
This thing was stashed for the end of the world. I picked the butter and some jam. As the toasts were ready he put 2 for me too, and prepared his. Poured himself some juice. I prepared my breakfast too and got a cup of juice as well. He led me to a huge couch on the balcony. It was around noon. There were huge curly clouds moving around the sky. My stomach was growling. This wasn't enough, I didn't had dinner, only light lunch... Then I went to the club with... 
  - Shit... My friend! Do you... - I turned towards him, he was just biting his toast, his hair was in the mashed avocado as well. - Did you... by any chance saw my friend... Last night, at the bar? 
  - Hmmh. - he mumbler while chewing and shaked his head for a 'no'. 
  - Damn... She must be worried.
  - Feel free to do what you want, after breakfast! - he said the last one with a low voice. Obviously he wasn't pleased I interrupted the feeding with myself. 
  - Excuses me! - I mumbled and finished my juice. My stomach growled again.
  - You can have more, if you want. - he said looking at the clouds, then scribed the avocado off his hair.
  - No thanks, my stomach is just... Slow with processing the food, it still thinks I am hungry... - I nervously joked. 
  - Aha... - he said still not looking at me. 
  - You have a nice place... - I tried to start a conversation.
  - I hate pointless conversations! - he cut me off. - If you want to say something, say it, otherwise pack your shit and leave! - he almost yelled, looking furiously at me. 
  - I would like to look at the clouds a little longer ... If it's possible. - I tried to calm my voice from shaking while I said this.
  - Of couse you can, they are horgeous this morning. - he got up and took the plates inside. 
I was left outside, I have no idea how long I stayed, I even cried a little bit. I was so scared and confused... 
'OMG... How did I end up here... Did he drugged me... Did he... Raped me... Will I be able to go home, will he kill me... Worse, will he claim me... '
I heard a noise from the inside, a man approached me. I was fast to wipe my tears.
  - Miss, Mr. J would like to see you now, please come with me.
  - Of course. - I left the blanket I had used to cover myself and followed the man. 
He brought me back to the big bedroom and left me inside, closing the door after me. 
  - Finally, you are here! - he was fully clothed, approaching me with open arms... - What is it fluff... What? Are you crying... Ha? - there was a madness in his eyes. - Lie to me and I will kill you! - he said putting his hand on my throat, squeezing me lightly, to show he wasn't joking.
  - I...  - he loosened his grip - I was kinda scared. - I said as fast as I could.
  - Why? - he waved both his hands. - I had breakfast with you... Were I rude?
I nod my head 'no'.
  - Use your words! - he roared at me.
  - No... You weren't rude.
  - Did I offend you?
  - No you didn't... You were actually quite nice with me.
  - So? - he frowned his non existing eyebrows.
  - Well... I guess I was mislead by the popular opinion.
  - Well... They are right! - he laughed hysterically. - Have your shit and leave! - he turned his back on me.
I quickly got dressed and grabbed my stuff. 
  - No! - he got my feather necklace, I will keep this, I like it. 
I handed it to him. He nod a gratitude and I smiled. 
  - Should I be worried?
  - Should you? - he mocked me, tilting his head. The lack of amusement in my looks turned him to being serious again. - I guess not. 
It was odd, but there was something in him, something like my favorite character, something nice in the monster.
  - I am free for breakfasts... - I said before having the chance to think it through.
'Oh my God!'
He looked back at me, and smiled lightly. Like a trapper who just spot his pray.
  - I will have you in mind!
The same man who brought me into the bedroom escorted me to a black SUV and drove me back into the city, to a deserted part. 3 blocks away I got the public transport and arrived home. It was bizarre experience, that I will probably won't forget, but that fact that I said I am free for breakfasts, was definitely gonna haunt me... This way he will definitely come for me... 
'We all know how Harley end up... This was beyond ridiculous... Why I said this... Why I am so stupid... Why I need to save them all... He is a monster... Silly me!' 
I hit my head with my palm. And sat down on the small bed. I cried for a while longer and then took a shower. After this all I decided to call my friend. The bitch didn't even realized I was gone, she thought I got bored and went home! What a nice fiends I have indeed.
Two weeks later I went to the bank to beg for another loan. While waiting I thought of him. Oddly but I haven't had such a chill breakfast with anyone, all the men in my life were mostly unsatisfied with my looks, it was just one night stand and that's all. He didn't even remarked it. And the guy is build like a freaking God!
My loan was denied, and silly me, in a moment of need, decided to go to him... Breakfast buddy. I dressed to impress, with maroon dress, my leaf earrings that match the nickles I left with him. I was allowed in his club, which was actually a miracle, and I went mingling. Some men approached me, but when I politely said I wasn't interested they left.
' Is this the fucking Haven or something? Why aren't we aware of this? ' 
I stopped at the bar. 
  - Hey... Why are every one so polite? - I asked the bartender.
  - Mr. J doesn't like when men are disrespectful towards women.
  - Oh... Can I have a glass of red wine, Merlot please. 
The pretty blond gave me the glass, I paied a small fortune and proceed walking around. I finally saw him lying upside down on a golden couch. With lots of fluffy scarfs, these that strippers have. His shirt almost fully unbuttoned and his mind was visibly somewhere else. 
I walked around, didn't wanted to push it. I was already nervious enough. I made a small walk around the club. I approached his, obviously vip area, and since no one stopped me I went to him.
  - Hey... - nothing - Hello! - Nada, again. I sat down and turned my head a little upside down. - Hello in there. - he finally blinked.
  - Oh... Hi! - his reply was so casual, like we were friends for years and we were just talking before he went where he was.
  - Was it cool? - he frowned his 'cureently on permanent vacation' eyebrows. - Where you were. Was it cool? - I got up and stand in front of him.
He ruffled his hair and sat down. 
  - Are you hungry again? - he looked at me, he was reading me like a book. 
  - Maybe... - I smiled. 
  - Give me 5 min. - he got up and headed to another private boot with closed curtains. 
3 gunshots echoed, no one bothered, not even the music stopped. He came out. Handing the gun to the same man from previously, and getting a towel of him. He wiped his hands, and got a jacket. 
  - Shall we! - he pointed me the direction we were supposed to walk. 
  - Was this blood on your hands?
  - Do you really want to know? - he hissed in my ear.
  - I have... I get sick of the sight of blood.
  - Then don't... - he was obviously pisses but calmed himself breathing in and out several times. - Yes it was. Any more questions?
  - I don't wanna see this! - I walked faster ahead of him.
  - This wasn't a question! - he yelled after me laughing.
  - I regret my first question! 
  - Why are you dressed like a prostitute?
  - I am not... - I protested.
  - Really? - he raised his non existing eyebrow again.
  - OK, I might be just a little bit.. - he laughed - How you do this... Like moving only one eyebrow?
  - If you are a good girl, Daddy will show you!
  - Awwww... - I squealed, we both laughed. 
We exit the club by a secret exit or something like it. We sat in a black SUV and the driver started the car.
  - So ... - he leaned closer - You didn't answered my question.
  - Which one? - I blushed. I expected inappropriate question or sex related suggestion.
  - Why are you dressed like this? You are not a girl like this...
  - I needed to get in, and why do you think I am not... A girl like this?
  - You blush! Sluts, hookers and other nasty women don't blush.
  - OK, I agree here. - I laughed.
We spend the ride in silence. He drove me to the same place out of town. He exit the car and held his hand for me to exit as well. 
  - I have some things to do... You remember where the kitchen is. Eat as you please and as much as you want. - he waved at me.
  - What will you do... - while I was asking I saw the man nod a 'no' but I couldn't shut up in time. 
The Joker turned back at me. In 2 steps he was in front of me, pushed me against the car and rawred.
  - Don't ask questions that doesn't want to know the answer of... Otherwise I will show it to you... Bizarre and vivid... And bloody!
  - OK... OK! I am sorry. 
  - Get lost! - he yelled and pushes me towards the man. - Frost... - he pinched the bridge of his nose - Make sure she will eat and then led her to her bedroom. And please, explain to her, if I see her out of the room, I will rape her and break her arms, then her legs... And then, I will allow her to die. Got it! - he explained this so casually. My mind didn't had the opportunity to process all of this.
  - Yes, boss!
The man led me to the kitchen. Waited till I eat my sandwich. Although my hands were shaking. The thought of rape freaked me out. I wasn't that scared of broken bones. This was a fear my mother planted in me as a child. Almost nothing in the world freaked me this much. The man then led me to a room, it wasn't the one I was in the precious time. He unlocked the door and after pushed me in handed me the key.
  - Don't worry, little girl, you will be safe as long as you stay in. Regardless of what you hear outside stay in. If he needs you he will ask for your presence. - he then proceed closing the door. - No need to lock the door. No one else will come to you... Our punishment for any thoughts of this sort will be way worse.
  - Is this... Even possible?
  - Everything is possible with the Joker. - he closed the door. 
I was alone in the dark cold room.
I couldn't fall asleep, tossing and turning, and suddenly it was morning already. I got up, get a shower and get dressed. In the wardrobe there were several clothes, mostly casual. I tried to check my phone, but the sugnal was blocked. Couldn't even open my damn farm game.
4 hours later someone knocked on the door and informed me I am being expected for breakfast. It was the same man as I opened the door. He led me to the kitchen and left me there. A very displeased Joker was sitting on the huge couch. The fridge door was open, there was food scattered everywhere. Some bullet wholes in the wall and the balcony glass door was broken. 
  - Come... - he said in a low tone. 
I obeyed and sat next to him. He slid a plate my direction. It was guacamole and some kids snack. I got a fish shaped one and dropped it in the sauce. It looked fun, so I laughed.
  - I think I drowned the fish! - I started laughing. No idea what was I supposed to do in general. But at the time this sounded as a good idea. He started laughing too and throw an elephant in.
  - Chill he will save it. - we both laughed. 
For the next several minutes we laughed without a particular reason, my eyes even got teary. 
I got the elephant and ate it, then the fish.
  - It is nice. I haven't tried it before and kinda expected it to taste gross.
  -  Well... Surprise! - he said, rubbing his hands in his pants.
One strand of hair was falling on his face. And I reached to fix it. He was quick to grab my hand.
  - Don't... You need a permission to do so. - he smiled wildly and let my hand go.
  - OK... Do you want to try... To drown a fish or something. 
He got a cat or a tiger and threw it in. 
  - If it's a tiger it will swim... well I believe this is more like a swamp. - he poked the cat in - That's it, we lost it...
  - Time of death?
  - Time of death... - he pretended to look at his non existing watch - Time of death, who cares! - he laughed again, this creepy laugh of his. He threw some more cats inside then he threw one in the air and catched it. - Wanna try? 
  - Oh no... I will probably choke on it and die, I am very clumsy.
  - Are you shy?
  - No... I just know my weak spots.
  - Come on I will give you an easy one. 
He threw one at me, I tried but it hit my nose and fell somewhere under the furniture. He smiled and threw another one, this time he hit my eye, I whined and the fish swam under the couch pillow. He threw another one I caught it but when I tilted my head down it fell off my mouth.
  - Mmmhmm - he growled twitching his face. - You are a hopeless case. He got up and threw the package in the table.
  - Told you.
  - Here! - he got a fish out and squeezed my cheeks, shoving it in. - Now close your damn mouth and chew! - he ordered and I obayed.
  - Yay! - I raised my hands in the air. 
  - Yeah, finally... - he said obviously annoyed. - What are you doing?
  - Looking for the fallen ones. - I said while moving the pillows.
  - Leave them, there is a person who cleans here!
  - Well I... 
  - You what? - he yelled.
  - I prefer to clean after the mess I made myself. - I said already regretting the words that came out my mouth.
He looked at me and nod his head.
  - You have 10min. 
For the short time I got, I managed to find all of the escapies. Even ate the stuck in guacamole ones. I got it in the fridge and finally closed the door. Although half of the stuff were melted, maybe some were went bad already, since I had no idea how long the door stayed open. We spend like solid hour and something "breakfasting". As I was done I followed him in his room, he took a shower and we went to bed. He positioned me on my stomach and lyed his head on my shoulder. Till I decide to weather joke about being a pillow or not he was already sleeping.
@diyunho @rhina988 @nikkitasevoli @sougie @lovermrjokerr @darthjokerisyourfather @marsmad @itsmeauntie @echelongaga @brightlightsfanfiction @mj-isback @gemma60 @elliegrace139 @lylabell2013 @pandaliciouz 
dunno who’s active, because i wasn’t much, if you want o be tagged or untagged, let me know 
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grisdidthis · 4 years
AKA, blessed fucknuggets, why do these fools feel the need to put themselves through high school, my sources tell me that the US school system isn’t all that to begin with, what gives?
(Warning: this got long. Looooong. Hence, cut, so that I don’t murder your dash like Edward doesn’t murder Bella in this chapter.)
Welcome to the first entry of a live-read that no one asked for, in which I’ll go through the first chapter of Midnight Sun, i.e. a retelling of the first Twilight book from Edward Cullen’s POV. Not to be confused with Grey, a retelling of the first volume of a Twilight fanfic with the serial numbers filed off, or the Life and Death edition, a retelling of the first Twilight book in which Bella Swan is genderbent into a dude called Beau, who utters the immortal line “I knew I must look like a gorilla on a greyhound.” Which still tickles my humerus to this day.
I’ve waited for this novel to drop so long that at some point I’d stopped waiting. If by some freaky turn of chance you stumbled on this without knowing about the hoopla surrounding the publication, here’s a Wikipedia link. The gist is that the first few chapters of the WIP got leaked, the author got upset, the book got shelved until ??? and no further information about it was forthcoming until a while ago, when out of the blue arrive the news that it’s getting released in August.
My first thought was “Oh, yay, something actually NICE is happening this year!”
My second thought was “Please let it be good, so that I can laugh outrageously at [name redacted] for mocking my enjoyment of this series!” And. Look. I know what’s said about Twilight with regards to its literary merit and Stephenie Meyer’s abilities as a writer. A lot of it is admittedly accurate. However, the metrics by which I measure the value of a book are a) did it entertain me? and b) did I gain anything by having read it? And yeah, those are personal and subjective items, but objectivity is a lie, Jesus enjoys using toasters to take selfies, and if ten years ago I hadn’t been looking for a place to post my 50k+ epic Renesmee-centric fanfic, I wouldn’t have met the people who are currently my best friends.
Which is to say: I’m too attached to this series to give a fig what color the prose is. Deal.
And yet. Me hoping that Midnight Sun would be good, in a way that people who don’t have my level of emotional investment might acknowledge, wasn’t… that farfetched?  Because the last book Meyer released before this one, The Chemist? Is an improvement on all her previous work. A huge improvement! It’s competently written! The characters read like they were intended to be flawed, messy people.
The main romance isn’t the kind of fucked up that Bella and Edward’s is, where you can pen treatises on why they’re omg so unhealthy. It’s the kind of fucked up where five seconds after meeting her love interest, the protagonist drugs him unconscious, kidnaps him, sticks a urinary catheter up his ding dong, straps him to a table and tortures him for information until the guy’s ex-CIA identical twin drops a plane on the barn they’re in and crashes through the ceiling all “HANDS OFF MY BABY BROTHER YOU DISCOUNT MATA HARI!”
Then they all make friends and go on a road trip together because a shady government organization is after them.
That’s not a fucked-up relationship that you write an essay analyzing the fucked-up-ness of. It’s something you stare at, stunned and, if you’re me, torn between thinking “Holy shit, this is so my brand of heroine!!!” and “How much crack was Auntie Steph on when she wrote this?” And it’s beautiful. I want ten more like it. So my hopes for Midnight Sun are tempered by the knowledge that, being a retelling of an established narrative, it can’t go all-out with the batshit. But I’m still optimistic that some part of it will give me that warm “Awww, you’ve come a long way from where we first met, author! Good on you!” feeling.
Now let’s (finally!) get started on the chapter proper.
…oh wait there’s an author’s note.
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…uhm. Yeah. My dreams. About those. *fixed stare at faraway bonfire* Actually, let’s not talk about those and just move on to Edward Not Liking High School, thank you. Yeah. That’s good.
Edward Cullen doesn’t like high school. Edward doesn’t like that people think. Edward doesn’t like that the human student body is beside itself with the arrival of some new chick. Edward thinks his adopted siblings are super basic. (Rosalie = shallow, Emmett = simple, Jasper = psycho two seconds away from jumping off his chair and going on a rampage.) We don’t get to hear his utterly unbiased assessment of Alice, because she butts in and starts a one-sided telepathic convo about how Jasper is two seconds away from jumping off his chair and going on a rampage. You know. Normal sibling stuff.
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(Let me take this opportunity to share my pet crack theory that Carlisle Cullen is secretly the most twisted, evil vampire in all of vampiredom, and that the sending the young ones to high school bit is something he does solely because he gets his evil fix by feasting on the emotional toil it inflicts on them. Also why he’s a doctor; he can ignore the call of blood, because being surrounded by the pain of patients and their loved ones already keeps him fed. I mean. He was chilling with the Volturi way back when, and Aro gives off a handsy vibe. No way he didn’t get his mind read in every which way, and if that happened - if he were reaaaalllyyyyy that nice, why would he still ping them as a threat of any kind?)
(This has holes in it, I know. And clashes with my other pet crack theory, which posits that the whole immortal child/Let’s Catch Them All: Cullen Edition was in fact the fallout of a Very Bad Italian Breakup, with Aro being the pissy ex who wants sole custody of the kids.)
Whatever. It still makes more sense than them going through “the inert state between active periods” when. My dudes! College is right there. Some places you can even sit out 90% of lectures and still get your diploma if you don’t feel like faking one, so Jasper would be all set! And you can pick different subjects! Diversify! Why must it always be med school rehashes, there are other worthy professions! And whole fields that are useless for getting-a-job purposes, but still interesting and enriching for those who have the luxury to pursue them. Let Emmett do Viking Studies, for fuck’s sake!
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This amuses me much more than it rightfully should. I’m a child.
The Cullen clan tries to pep talk Jasper into not getting his murder on. Jasper is like OMG WILL YOU GUYS LAY OFF, while Edward is busy doing his judgy Edward thing and thinking to himself that Jasper should accept his limitations, that it’s a bad idea to have him at school at all, blah blah bleh, and you know what, I’m with you there, Ed.
Although we all know that this is just setup for the irony that will ensue as soon as Bella the Delicious klutzes her way into his line of smell.
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Oh yah! Enter Bella. Edward can’t hear her thoughts. Jessica Stanley is a b-word. Edward wonders whether not being able to butt into the new girl’s head may be a red flag for vampire Alzheimer. Biology class next! The teacher is a man “of no more than average intellect” and, lord. It’s lucky that Edward is the mind reader in the family, because imagine if it were one of the others and they had to put up with listening to him bitch about the world at large, nonstop, at all hours of the day. And night, since these guys don’t sleep. Angela Webber is the only soul in the whole school whose thoughts have the Edward Cullen seal of approval. I feel sorry for her. I also feel this weird sense of hey, this all seems familiar in senses other than being a retelling, have I been here before?
*googles for the old version*
*runs first chapters through copyleaks*
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*slams head on desk*
Well. At least I know what I’m in for. HONESTLY! It’s been. It’s been THIS MANY YEARS since the leaked version appeared, and that was a first draft, how in the… she’s way better than this, now! Was this novel produced in a terminal state of $#%CARING#NOT?&FOUND?! Is half of it just going to be the same old thing with a thin veneer of polish? I’m.
*sigh* You know what, I’m okay. We’re just going to call this first part a re-read. It’s been ten years, so I remember not a whole lot of the specifics, so at least I won’t be bored. BUT COME CHAPTER 13 I EXPECT TO BE SWEPT OFF MY FEET, DO YOU HEAR ME?!
Biology. Bella walks in right past a fan and gives Edward a throbbing throat boner. How awkward. Then she goes and sits right next to him and saucily tosses her hair around like he’s not actively plotting her murder and that of the rest of the class. The cheek of the thing!
Fortunately, Bella’s tasty ass is momentarily saved by a stiff breeze.
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…I think we may have found the solution to Jasper’s control issues. The Cullens just need to start carrying air freshener around and spray the murder out of him every time he starts looking peckish. It would look weird if anyone else did it, but since they’re all pretty and rich, it’s more likely that the trend will catch on and cause Febreze sales to skyrocket.
Anyway. We’re not done victim-blaming Bella for…
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…at least another couple of pages, but at least Edward gets his head out of his ass long enough to recall that hey, vampire! Oxygen is optional! But he still spends another lot of words grumbling about what a hassle it is to be forced to hold his breath in order to dampen his murderous urges. This is why you are a virgin, Edward. No, I don’t mean the planning the assassination a classmate’s assassination, plenty of serial killers still manage to get laid heaps, consensually, even! It’s the fact that you’re this much of a buzzkill that’s the issue.
Live, laugh, love, you dumbass disco ball!
Yep, he’s still on about how he’s going to kill her, totes kill her, he feral dangerous vampire, rawr. The miracle of adequate indoor airflow only got him to railroad a quartet of brain cells into thinking up smarter ways of snuffing Bella out. Now he wants to lure her to the forest. No, he’s going to kill her at home! He hates her! No, he hates himself and is projecting!
So he flees to his car, plays some calming music, breathes in and out and thinks about his family and how disappointed they’d be in him if he were to help himself to a Swan shake. Well, I’m nobody to shit talk anyone’s self-soothing routine. I’d probably throw in a truck of food + a bath, but he’s had 100+ years to figure out what coping mechanisms work for him, so let’s just let him do his-
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…do you actually think this is an appropriate time to start a ginger-off with some random desk lady? Yes, we know you’re the One True Redhead To Rule Them All. (Though Kvothe from Name of the Wind may beg to differ, and I don’t know who would win that fight.) I mean, really? You pull this crap when you just barely talked yourself out of a murder? And then you call her eyes flat! What!
One of my favorite comic book series, Y the Last Man, features a scene where two characters discuss what it is that truly binds people together. One of them presents the argument that stronger bonds are formed not by shared love, but by shared hates. By which they mean not a kiss-kiss-slap-slap, enemies-to-lovers relationship dynamic, but like… you, being someone who really hates coleslaw, having a partner who likewise hates coleslaw, with whom you can indulge in tireless verbal roastings of coleslaw and who will never get tired of your complaining, because the fire of their loathing burns every bit as hot as yours.
I’ve always felt that this concept resonated with me deeply. And if you apply it to Bella and Edward, by its standards, they have the real deal. Go through the namesake chapter in Twilight-the-book, and you find Bella thinking similarly judgy thoughts, being irked by the same shit that no one normal would bat an eye to, going “Ugh!” and “Gah!” at everything that makes Edward wince internally. So their love will be eternal for sure. Perhaps not in an epic way. They’ll live boringly ever after, until they’re ancient and onion-skinned and lurking at passerby humans through the geraniums on their windowsill, exchanging “Holy crow, I can’t believe she bought a hydrogen engine car just to show off!” / “Awful! She should know that thinning the deer population so that they produce less flatulence is the most sound way of controlling toxic emissions!” And then probably gazing at one another like idiots for an ice age or two.
Edward wants to be moved out of Biology class. Goes back and forth with the desk lady, who obviously wants to tap that, because of course she does. Every hot-blooded woman within spitting distance must crave his alluring icicle, even as he mentally eviscerates every minuscule detail of their appearance.
Except Bella, because she’s soft, translucent, deep-eyed and edible. And, I mean. You can complain all you want about “you’re different from anyone else I’ve ever met, you’re SPECIAL, better, more beautiful, more everything!” being a dead horse of a trope so old and beaten that by all rights it should have turned to smelly glue, but. That pony is still kicking. And by kicking, I mean selling. And it sells because being made to feel special, even if it’s happening by proxy while you’re immersed into the thoughts of a fictional character, is nice. Readers enjoying that experience and seeking out fiction that provides it shouldn’t be considered so… mock-worthy as I’ve seen it be, in discussion of works that feature the trope prominently.
Which doesn’t mean that it wouldn’t be nicer if Edward’s narration were focused solely on elevating Bella, instead of also viciously kicking down everyone in the vicinity. Man, we get the message, okay? You don’t need to act like you’ve swallowed a Simon Cowell before coming in for school.
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I swear, it’s almost a relief when Bella interrupts, heralding the triumphant return of the throat boner. Edward’s thoughts about the people around him are actually LESS gratuitously bitchy when he’s contemplating how to best murder them.
At least this time he is able to extract himself from the situation and flee speedily. (Which… in Biology, what exactly was preventing him from asking for a bathroom break? Or just saying he was feeling poorly and getting the fuck out of there?)
He meets the sibs. Only Alice has any clue of what is going on because visions, and she doesn’t explain anything to the others, who just stand there baffled while Edward decides to get his shiny ass in his shiny Volvo and run off to Alaska. Probably because it would ruin the serious mood of the scene if she told them and Jasper started doing happy cartwheels at the prospect of no longer being the only fuckup in the family.
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END CHAPTER. Same time tomorrow, hopefully, and I’ll TRY to be less longwinded. Try. 
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bisexualterror · 4 years
All the even headcanons?
at first i was confused and then i made a noise and went ?? really!!?? now i’m blushing 😊 ok so!
1. Light sleeper
altheia for sure. they have to deal with a lot of abrupt attacks during the war so yeah 😔
2. Has non stop puns
nova does use a few. but mainly remy and her dad richard. omg they’re jokes are terrible together, dwight has to leave the room sometimes lajfjdjfhj
3. Will cut you if you hurt their loved ones
almost all of them?? except a few dick side ocs. but nova was the one who came to mind first so her the most. she does a lot for the people she loves.
4. Has a dysfunctional family
uhhhhhh the correct question would be who doesn’t have a dysfunctional family 😅 maybe spencer? they love their parents but.... yikes!
5. Likes rock music
so many!! but nova and bo listen to it the most!
6. Will give you the middle finger
dkjdjdh most of them tbh but nova and bo again for the most!
7. Is a sweet angel
a tie between remy and zephyr appleby!! remy is so precious and zeph is such a soft boy i love them 🥺
8. Can kill you with a pencil
nova would 100% wanna stab a vampire with one. but corvina is the one who would kill you with one.
9. Looks sweet but will murder you in cold blood
mmm probably my only anime oc akane! cause she’s pretty violent but she looks cute!
10. Looks like they will murder you but is a sweetheart
alex and mars! ive done so much rewriting for mars, made her softer on the inside than she looks on the outside, which is the cliche ice queen slytherin look.
with alex she has a pretty bad case of resting bitch face but she’s probably my kindest oc, loves helping people, esp people in pain, no matter how much she denies it.
11. Will eat everything if they could
ljshdsg nova, she loves going to other people’s houses and stealing their food.
12. Wants to run away from everything
alex is constantly running away from stuff until she finally embraces her new world and begins to run towards people.
also noor, she does sometimes dissapear/runaway from serious sibling arguments and her job is basically her running from being truly intimate with people
13. Knows random facts about everything
14. Owns a motorcycle
i think a few of them do actually? but alex is the one that rides hers the most and takes care of it herself very well. she just loves driving anything from motorcycles to cars to that one time she has to emergency land a plane!
15. Is book smart
a few but al came to mind first!! altheia consumes books with a real hunger for knowledge of all kinds. the moment they step out of gallifrey they begin to see that somethings are best learned through life experience.
16. Is naïve
says a lot that it took me a second to think for this one. probably zeph or reyenna in her pre s1 years, although their naivety is because of their young age
17. Would steal a penguin from the zoo
1000% mars!!
18. Has very exaggerated facial expressions
remy and nova but nova the most tbh she has so many different looks she uses on people and only bonnie and her best friends can read them all
19. Likes Harry Potter
a lot of them but zaria and nova make the most references kshshjs
20. To solve other peoples problems, they say to murder the problem
skhsjaksj a lot lmaooo but corvina is probably the only one that’s not joking
21. Is a nervous wreck
alex has a lot of anxiety so her def
22. Likes dragons
nova, mars and zaria. mars just a little bit more though, very enthusiastic over animals, especially ones that are big and can kill you
23. Will laugh as they kill you
hhhhdg corvina mostly just to scare you but yeah
24. Would bake a cake for a friend who is sad
nova and zaria! nova keeps her friends well fed and loves cooking at random hours. zaria is pretty good at baking, for the most part, if only because she loves sweets.
25. Is the comforting one
a lot. alex, nova, noor and zaria.
zaria is a full on empath so she’d probably be the best at it.
26. Acts like they don’t care, but do
a few! but elena and corvina the most in their first season(s). corvina is a bit better at keeping up the facade though.
27. Loves children
roma!! she’s really good with her baby brother and other kids too!
28. Gets lost easily
talia and mars! talia with driving anywhere cause she prefers portals and mars trying to figure out all the twists and turns of hogwarts. she will probably be playfully upset w Harry for keeping the map to himself for so long 😆
29. Likes to work out
alex for sure!
30. Will sends meme in the group chat
a lot for sure but remy will send the most, sometimes she’ll only express her emotions with memes
31. Knows every song ever
probably my only fully formed singer oc audrey! she likes rock, indie and classical more but tries to keep up with every genre for the most part.
32. Likes socks
the first that came to mind was al! they have a collection of weird and funny socks, but remy has some pretty great ones too!
33. Can’t sleep without something special
noor can’t sleep without the lights on. usually dimmed but still light on always.
34. Has a sweet tooth
zaria!! no competition.
35. Has amazing hair
most of them probably?? but dessa and nova’s hairstyles are the ones i would want the most personally
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hey!! i love you!!! thanks so much for the ask!!!
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elejah-wonderland · 6 years
In The Name of Love/2
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Elijah Mikaelson x Elena Gilbert
a/n: this is just a little something for Valentine’s Day. From Cupid, herself. lol 
Thanks for reading. Have a wonderful day! 
Happy Valentine’s!!!!
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source jpg- Pinterest.com
tags @rissyrapp20 @dendrite-lover @elejahforever @cassienoble2000 @captainshurley @goddessofthunder112 @hides2000
Still at the restaurant, still at table, still not uttering anything in the form of words, Elena looked at Elijah - whatever she said would be unnecessary as she knew he was listening to her heart. And her heart jumped uncontrollably. It had always done so in his presence. It had a will of its own when he was concerned. She could not hide that seeing him didn't shake her to the very core of her being, even more so because this time it was the matter of his own heart spilling openly what was suppressed for so long. 
She would lie if she was to say she never felt anything for him. His Willoughby kiss left her wondering what if many times afterwards, but he left and everything that followed in her life shut it out.
Elijah now uttered all what her heart murmured-
"This has come out of the blue. Out of nowhere. Even though it is not really so. And  I have no right to come here disrupting your life with this after everything that had happened, acting selfishly-"
Elena cut in- concluding in a way "But had enough of mistakes- being lost-"
Her words always direct. Always to the point. There is silence set between them again like a dark curtain 
Come to me and I shall give you peace
Come to me lay down your head Touch the rain and feel the summer breeze Say the things we've never said I will keep you from the world outside I will never let you go I will be the thing you dream about Come to me and you will know I adored you before I laid my eyes I laid my eyes on you l'amour toujours I just can't take my eyes can't take my eyes off you Follow me to where the rivers meet Tell me I belong to you Feel the grass crumble beneath your feet Set me free and let me loose Take my heart for it is yours to keep Shackle my spirit to you You are mine and mine eternally Come to me you always knew  
Elena got up and said-
"You knew, but you left" and she walked away from him into the restaurant kitchen, completely shaken. She placed her hand on her stomach trying to steady herself. Tears flowed now down her face.
Outside, Elijah, still sitting at the table, drew a long silent breath.                  
Yes, he knew how she felt and he had left. Regret. Burns him. He can hear her tears.
"Elena, what happened? Who is this guy? What did he do?"- Maria, a fellow waitress aske now as she approached her friend.
Elena brushed her tears off and replied, now putting a serious face on-
"No one"
"For a no one, he sure knows how to shake you"- Maria remarked.
“Ok - what table needs serving?”- Elena said with a closing gasp and tossed her hair off, now focusing on her work, like nothing ever happened.
Straightening his sleeves now Elijah got up and walked in the restaurant kitchen and without any innuendos he now spoke- without caring that all eyes were set on him -
"Yes, Elena, yes, I knew and I cowardly backed down. And no excuse will cut it. I know I have made a mess of everything hiding behind my family, where in fact, I was hiding behind my own inability to accept my true feelings and express them no matter if you would despise me- for I have behaved abominably”- he stopped for a slight second, his eyes, his whole demeanour full of remorse, and then continued-
 “and I came here to ask for your forgiveness- to tell you that I ardently admire and love you and -hope you give me a fighting chance no matter how small it may be"
Elena felt she was enveloped in a crazy haze of emotions.Her head was spinning. Her heart pounded wildly and she could hear people cheering her to give him a break, put him out of his misery- but her mind fed all the hurt and disappointment he had left her with, and it now filtered in her eyes, shooting small daggers at him. 
Elijah nodded now understanding. And he walked out. 
Maria, standing next to Elena and looked at her friend astounded-
"OMG!!!!- what was this? He is no one?? Seriously? You two put this kitchen on fire right now- what are you doing? Why are you letting him go? The man just spilled his soul out to you?"
"You don't know"- Elena then said taking the apron off, putting it aside on the counter. She walked out to the kitchen through the back door. Thunder still in her head, in her heart, in her soul. Yes-what was that? Never in her wildest dreams could she have imagined that he would appear again. He had this life in New Orleans. Stefan told her everything. So, how come now? She took her phone out of her jacket and dialled the vampire's number.
"Elena?"- the vampire said as he picked up the phone.
"How is he here?"- Elena asked.
"Who is ‘here’?"- Stefan said clueless as to whom she was referring to.
"Elijah!"- Elena said-"you said that no one can find us. We are off the magic grid?"
"I don't know"- Stefan replied-"what did he want? Are you all right?"
"Nothing. Yes, I am fine"- Elena fibbed.
"You don't sound fine."- Stefan then said-"if he has come because something is up with his damned family, this will be the last thing they will ever do"
"No, Stefan. It's nothing like that. It's -"- Elena reassured the vampire and made a little gulp.
By the way she drew a deep breath next, her vampire bff now knew what it was about and then said-
"And how do you feel?"
"You know how I feel. But- it's not that simple"- Elena said with a tearful voice.
"It never is when he is concerned"
"No, it's not."- Elena sighed again -"but it is too late anyway. He left. I don't know why it bothers me. Why I am just so - HUH"
"Because you love him.You always have."- Stefan said.
Elena nodded now. It was so. She loved the Original vampire. It was that simple. 
Elijah walked into the Four Seasons and went to the reception desk asking for his key card.
"Here you are"- the receptionist asked handing the key card to him continuing-"I am sorry, Sir, there has been a confusion with the booking. May ask how long you will be staying?"
"Indefinitely"- Elijah replied taking the key card.
"Very good. Thank you. Would you please sign here"- the receptionist continued.
Elijah signed the paper and took off to the penthouse suite. As he got in, his heart relived every moment of this encounter with Elena earlier. 
"You knew, but you left"- Elena's words rumbled in his head. But there was a glimpse of hope. Her heart didn't shut him out. Not completely. It was fighting through the hurt and disappointment. And he could not fault her. And he never would. No matter how long it took, he was going to wait. Even if it took forever. With that resolve, Elijah now undid his tie, sliding it off, and went to make himself a drink of Bourbon.  
A year back
"Tell me all"- Elijah says to his vampire confidante over the phone.
"Bonnie Bennett turned. It happened with Damon Salvatore's blood in her. Elena Gilbert is awake, but they are hiding her whereabouts."
"Right"- Elijah slips.
"There is one more thing. She is not a vampire anymore, but apparently she is not entirely human and for that reason they are keeping her away from the Evil they unleashed from  the Armory."- the vampire adds.
"Thank you. Keep tailing them."- Elijah says and hangs up.
 And with all memories hanging on him, the first rays of the sun found him gazing out in the city skyline.
Some time later
 Elena hurried to her and Jeremy's apartment not far from the restaurant she worked in. She stormed in as if she was chased by a hoard of vampires, tossing her bag on the sofa,she now dialled different numbers that came up on the search engine. 
"Can I speak to Elijah Mikaelson, please?"- she asked The woman on the others side of the phone replied -” I am sorry, we have no one under that name staying here.”
Elena  hung up and dialled another number. Same question. Positive answer. . Elena hung up. He didn't leave. Her heart filled up with sweet, warm gladness.  She now rushed to the bathroom to shower and change. 
rewind to moment of her realization of all that had happened in the restaurant - and like a lightning she became aware of Elijah's eyes saying to her the moment he nodded at her, the split second before he turned and left-
"This is forever."
She looked at herself in the mirror just as she was about to get out, ruffling her hair a bit, Jeremy walked in the apartment and looked at his sister startled a bit-
"I thought you are working today?"
"I got out early. Ok. I got to go. Don't wait up"- Elena said on the exited.
"Have fun."- Jeremy shouted. 
Fun. Oh, this was so much more. With this, her life, their lives, all was going to change forever. Was this a decision she was taking lightly. No.This was something she felt was coming. How? She knew. She had always known. Deep inside of her. With the letter, it was confirmed. The always and forever was not written without meaning. Nothing with Elijah was without meaning. 
She was now at the hotel, walking into the lobby and straight to the reception desk. She was asking for Elijah's room, looking at the woman straight in the eyes. She hated using her supernatural powers she still possessed, but this time it was an exception. ”The president penthouse suite.- the receptionist replied. The ride on the elevator seemed to take forever. Elena's heart could not stop from going into overdrive as she finally stepped out of it. Her steps were light as she swept to the penthouse suite door. But the Original could hear them coming from the moment she set foot from the elevator
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                 and he flew literally to the door opening it. And there she stood barely able to breath from all the excitement that took over her entirely. 
Did they need to say anything? All words were unnecessary. At least in that very moment. And yet, Elena uttered gulping a little-
"Don't wanna be without you anymore"
Elijah’s heart now smiled, pumping wildly, with love. Sliding his hands through her hair gently, he took a moment looking into her eyes and down to her lips, listening to the sweet loving hums of heart-
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                 both trembled with the sweet anticipation of the kiss that followed, so blissful, so zealous, so loving, tying them together forever.
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