#the bonus gif is bc it looks like hes dancing
kallypsos · 1 year
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olivier giroud - ac milan vs hellas verona (june 4, 2023)
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reiderwriter · 5 months
So obviously Spencer is iconic for his wide range of haircuts over the show, and I have this vision of a Spencer x hairdresser fic where he goes to the same hairdresser all the time because he likes the routine and it’s what he’s used to. So like they’re low-key friends bc he’s been her client so long, but then she notices he can’t come as usual and he tells her it’s because he’s always away or working late. So because they’re close she gives him private late appointments after she closes bc they’re more accessible for him, and then they’re always together late at night, and eventually they fall for each other!! And like she loves his curls and cringed when he wanted it cut short but loves it regardless AHH I JUST LOVE IT. Bonus points if Spencer gets to recommend his hairdresser girlfriend to his teammates just to brag about the fact he has a hot girlfriend lmao. I get it’s kinda long lol, if it’s too long a premise then no worries, just sharing it is nice :)
A/N: Hi! I love the idea of hair stylist reader, so I had a lot of fun writing this~♡ Thank you for your request, I hope you enjoy it!
W/C: 2.1k
Warnings: implied Autistic Reid, brief mentions of sensory issues, writer does not care for the shows Canon hair continuity and does basically whatever she wants.
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The first time you'd met Spencer Reid, you hadn't been able to cut his hair. Which was a damn shame because it really did need cutting. 
Sweeping up the floors of the hair salon you worked at, you had noticed the man lingering outside, wringing his hands together and pushing them awkwardly through his hair, approaching and retreating every few seconds. 
You watched him through the mirrors, and let him dance around like that for five minutes before deciding that the evening breeze would be a boon during the hot summer night that was about to set in on you. 
Opening the salon door, you stepped outside and soaked in the fresh air before turning to the now frozen, slightly awkward man. 
“Can I help you?” You tried to put a welcoming smile on your face, but the salon was past closing and empty beside you. You should've been heading home by now, but something in the man's posture had you dawdling.
“The barber shop down the road closed down,” he said quickly, as if the words were practised on his to guess moments before. 
“Yes, that's true. It's been six months now.”
“Six months?” he squeaked out, running a hand through his hair as he turned inwards. 
“Do you… need a haircut?” 
“Yes. Yes, are there any other barber shops in the area?” 
You rolled your eyes and walked back into the salon, picking up a robe and a shoulder cover and spinning around the closest chair to welcome him. 
“Well, are you coming in?” 
“But you're closed. Your sign says you're closed.” 
“And I'm still here, aren't I?” 
He didn't argue any further and hesitantly stepped into the salon. 
You helped him out of his bag and put it away before helping him into the robe and shoulder pad. 
He awkwardly stood around as you prepared your scissors and station again, switching on the mirror light so you could fully see his face and hair. 
And damn was he attractive. As you smoothed his hair out of his face, you were met with warm brown eyes, open and anxious, like a deer caught in headlights. Or, more accurately, a dear caught in a hair salon. 
You had to blink and look away as you remembered what you were about, standing up and leading him over to the sink. 
“I'm… I'm a little bit sensitive about my hair,” he admitted quite meekly as you tested the temperature of the water. 
“Okay. Is there anything specific?” 
He sat himself in the chair but didn't lower his head to the bowl, so you waited. 
After a minute or two, he gently lowered his head to the bowl, and you helped his progress, making sure he was comfortably settled. He didn't speak, just let his shoulders relax and closed his eyes as you turned the water on his locks. 
You enjoyed the simple repetitions of your job. Everyone's hair was different, that was true, but there were really only so many ways to wash hair. 
You rinsed his hair thoroughly, keeping the water away from his face and ears with a face guard before beginning to lather it up. 
For a man who hadn't seen the inside of a salon in six months and likely a hairbrush in the same length of time, his hair was healthy. 
De-tangling as you went, you ran your hands through the lengths of his hair, taking note of how it fell, which parts were healthy, and which had developed split ends. Then you began massaging his head, working the shampoo into his roots, making sure his scalp was free from any possible dirt or dry skin. 
This was the best part of the haircut for you, and you knew your regular clients enjoyed it greatly as well. Which is why you probably shouldn't have been too surprised when the man fell asleep. 
It took you a few minutes to realize that was what happened, the face guard obscuring his face from your vision. When you squeezed the water from his hair, patted it dry, and twisted it into a towel so the water wouldn't run down his back, you had no clue that he was away with the fairies. 
It wasn't until you asked him to stand, and he didn't even move that you moved around the sink and lifted the face guard. 
If he seemed anxious awake, it had melted away now. He looked younger asleep, more calm and confident somehow. His eyelashes were long, a fact you only noticed when you leaned in to get a better look at him. 
It was your hand unconsciously tracing a hand along his jaw that woke him back up, and for a second, you just stared at each other, faces inches apart. 
“I'm.. I'm so sorry, I should go. Thank you for… I should go,” he said hurriedly, pulling the robes and towels off and snatching his bag up, running out the door. 
“Wait, your hair,” you called after him, but he was gone. 
And he hadn't paid. 
It took a week for you to collect the payment, though you couldn't care less about the money anyway. 
But a week thinking about the man's delicate features, his shy smile and stutter, and you were very distracted. 
Thinking about him had become your full-time job, as much as cutting hair had, and you'd had a few close encounters with the scissors when you were lost in thought. 
You'd been thinking up back stories for the man ranging from the romantic to the obscure to the downright realistic. So, a week later, you found yourself behind on work and needing to stay late, just as he stepped into the shop a second time. 
“Hello?” You shouted from the backroom, hearing the doorbell jingle as it opened. “We're actually closed right now, so- oh.” 
He stood awkwardly in the door, his face already flushed slightly. 
“Hi,” you said, trying to stop the grin spreading across your face. You didn't want to scare him off a second time. 
“Last time, I… kinda ran away. I was… I'm not the best with-” 
“With haircuts?” 
“With change.” You both nodded at that, awkwardly staring at each other. 
“So…?” You lead, trying to encourage him to introduce himself, hoping he would reveal something you didn't already know. 
“You're closed again, but could you cut my hair?” He asked, pushing the long locks back on his head as he stood a little taller. 
“It would be my pleasure…” you trailed off as a question, needing to know his name. 
“Spencer. Spencer Reid. Doctor… just Spencer is fine if you'd prefer.” 
“I'm Y/N. Come and take a seat.” 
You slid him into the robes once again and got through a hair wash without any accidental naps this time. Though you did notice that he seemed to be enjoying it just as much. 
His sighs left you feeling hot, your heart beating as you focused on his hair to draw your gaze from his lips. 
When he was back I'm front of the mirror, he again looked like a scared cat that had been backed into the corner. 
“So, what'll it be, Spencer?” You asked cheerily, combing your hand through his locks to detangle them. 
“Hmm? Oh, a water would be nice.” 
“For your hair, Spencer. What haircut do you want?” 
“Oh! Oh, um, just a…just a haircut.” 
Your face scrunched up in confusion as he doubled down. 
“But what kind of haircut?” 
“What kind?” 
You pulled away from his chair for a minute and went to grab a cut reference book. 
“Okay, so we've got undercuts, or trims, I can do pompadour or bowl cut or-” 
You looked at Spencer's face again and saw that he looked more than confused. 
“How about I just cut your hair and after you tell me if you like it or not?” 
He nodded and gave you a weak smile as you grabbed your scissors. 
Twenty minutes of silence later, and you felt Spencer exhale in relief as you dusted off the back of his neck and pulled the robes off of his clothes. 
You'd gone for a shorter cut, but his curly hair had such a nice natural texture that you left it a bit longer on top. Without his hair in his face, his jawline was sharper, his eyes brighter, and you were somehow more infatuated. 
He stood up shyly and you smiled at how good he looked. 
“Okay, perfect! Let me just-” You lifted your hand and smoothed out some of his hair, picking up some strands and pushing them back and forth until it was just right. 
He caught your hand just as you were about to pull away, and you suddenly realized how close he was. Or more accurately how close you had gotten. It was like you were breathing the same air. 
“D-Do you like it?” You asked, voice small and high as it battled your heartbeat to be heard. 
“Yeah. I like it. It looks… it looks like a haircut.” 
You giggled as his grip became gentler, and your hand fell down to your side, brushing his chest gently as it descended. 
“How much do I owe you?” He asked, and you led him over to the register to complete the payment. 
“Thank you,” he said as he grabbed his bags to head out the door. 
“Just doing my job. I'll see you in six weeks,” you said, waving him off. 
“What for?” He asked, voice confused but bright. He sounded almost hopeful. 
“For your next haircut, Spencer.” 
He smiled and waved back as he walked back into the dark and disappeared down the street. 
No one could ever accuse Spencer Reid of being forgetful, and six weeks later, he was back in your chair. 
Except he didn't arrive at 11pm this time, but instead 11am. 
The other customers and stylists gawked at the man as he walked in, and you thanked the gods that your seat was free as he met your eyes. 
“Spencer! You're back.” 
He nodded shyly, head hanging a little as he ignored the many looks from the women in the room and the eruption of whispers and loud glances in his direction. 
“It's been six weeks. You said that's when I'd need another haircut.” 
You laughed a little as you pulled the robe around him. 
“You know, I say that every time, but most people ignore me. I love a man who can follow directions.” 
The eruption of red on his cheeks left you feeling suddenly tongue tied, and you carefully redirected the conversation back to the task at hand. 
“Same again, Doc?” You asked, readying your spray bottle and supplies. 
“Actually, could we, ah, go shorter this time?” Hesmiled sheepishly and watched as you ran your fingers through his tangled hair. 
“My boss, last time, said I looked like I joined a boyband, so…” 
“Your boss at the hospital?” You asked, clinging to every detail you could get from him. 
“The hospital?” 
“You said you were a Doctor, do you work in a lab instead or-”
“Oh. No, I work at the FBI. I'm not a medical doctor, I have a PhD. I have three, Chemistry, Engineering, and Mathematics.” 
You whistled. “Impressive. You can't be older than 30.” 
“I'm 29.” He said, smiling at you in the mirror, and you smiled back, hands still running through his hair. 
“So, no boy band haircuts, okay. For what it's worth, though, you look totally hot.” 
The words cut the conversation short, and you tried your best to take the words back as you went off to the sides to grab your sheers. 
Half an hour later, and you could swear that half the salon had given up pretending to be doing their jobs and were just awkwardly ogling the man. If the shorter “boyband” hair was good, the undercut you'd done for him was even better. 
You turned him around to get a closer look, using the excuse of making sure his hair was symmetrical enough to stare at him some more as you got closer to finishing. 
“Okay,” you said with a sad sigh. “You're all finished, Spencer. Let's get you rung up.” 
He nodded and followed you quickly, pulling out his wallet as he paid quietly. 
“Okay. And I'll see you tomorrow,” you said, as he picked up his bags to leave. 
“Tomorrow? I thought you said it was six weeks between haircuts.” 
“It is. But it's also my day off tomorrow, so I was wondering if you'd like to have dinner. With me.” 
He blinked at you once. Then twice, and another time before smiling and looking away. 
“Okay. See you tomorrow, Y/N.” 
He ran a hand through his hair and nearly walked into the door he was trying to walk through, but your heart still fluttered as you waved him out. 
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tteokdoroki · 1 year
☆༉ — KATSUKI BAKUGOU. love island’s heart rate challenge.
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about. you’re the bombshell katsuki tells her not to worry about. i just wanted to hop on the love island!bakugou trend because i finally managed to catch up and watch some.
warnings. suggestive. minors & ageless blogs do not interact. implied cheating but not really bc it’s love island, british slang lol, lap dances, making out, saucy outfits & fem!reader.
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the girl bakugou couples up with has been worried about you from the moment you first stepped into the villa.
and rightly so.
you’ve had almost every boy charmed since your arrival. kirishima made you lunch on your first day, todoroki and sero eagerly followed you for a chat by the pool to express their interest in you at the party hosted in your honour on night one. but you, you had your sights set on katsuki bakugou.
as a bombshell, you’d been given the power to choose any guy you wanted to take on a first date to the sandy shores of Majorca — with crystal clear waters, fresh fruits and champagne as your wingmen. and while you had initially picked bakugou for his sharp jaw line, mysterious wine red eyes and obviously the rest of his good looks (those abs looked like they were taken straight from a magazine) you were pleasantly surprised by how warm he was. his eye contact was strong, the raspy lilt to his voice was both alluring and calming and he seemed genuinely interested in you as a person and not because you were his type down on paper (though that was a bonus).
you laugh and smile about where you grew up, your favourite things and your red flags and by the end of the date — bakugou is feeding you fruit and helping you stand with a warm hand wrapped around your wrist. “s’only been a few days so i’m not completely closed off,” he mumbles a little too fast. “i’m open to getting to know you.”
you want to get to know him too.
you don’t tell the girls this when they crowd around you with blinged out bikinis and coconut scented sunscreen to ask you how your date went. you’d rather keep your cards close to your chest, but you tell them how nice bakugou is, how sweet he is. some of the girls can instantly tell how much he’s into you. bakugou’s match doesn’t say much.
“obviously, i don’t want to step on anyone’s toes.” you expressed politely to the girls, your eyes doe eyed and bright, voice level and sweet. “i’ve come in at a difficult point, so i’ll just get to know everyone and let the boys know that the ball is in their court.” you don’t care if it makes you seem fake, but you don’t have any plans on leaving the island without bakugou on your arm.
the rest of the week is spent hopping between the boys, wearing all of your most sizzling swimsuits and pyjama sets — knowing that katsuki’s eyes are following you everywhere around the villa. he makes you iced coffees and scrambled egg with toast at breakfast times. he likes you and you like him and it’s causing problems with the girl the blonde is coupled up with.
on the fourth day, you get a text whilst in the pool — schmoozing with bakugou’s rival, deku. you announce it while he smooches up your ankle, making bakugou see flashes of red “islanders, it’s time to see how much of your heart truly belongs to the person you’ve coupled up with. tonight we’ll test that #heartratechallenge #peepthepulse!”
it’s then that you know exactly what to do. exactly how to get your man.
the producers supply you with a cute little number, one that you specifically request in bakugou’s favourite colour — the burnt orange lace of your corset and tiny shorts contrasting perfectly against your skin, accompanied by thigh high socks that squeeze around the plush flesh. your new best friend in the villa helps you smoke out your eyelids and touch up your makeup for the perfect look while she tells you that you look good enough to eat.
and you are. when it’s your turn to get those hearts racing — you stand before the boys at the fire pit who drink you in like a tall glass of water on simmering hot day and eat up your curves highlighted in your skimpy little outfit like men starved. you start with sero and make your way down the line, taking his finger into your mouth before kissing up his arm and right to his ear once you’re in his lap. todoroki digs his thumbs into your waist when you throw it back on him, kirishima let’s out a low whistle when you give him extra special treatment and a kiss on the neck (courtesy of being bakugou’s best friend), you let kaminari feel up and down your curves and nibble on your ear.
bakugou is rigid in his place by the time you reach his rival izuku — and you put on an extra show, pulling the man to a stand and grinding on him like nobody’s business. the boys holler and whoop and scream, practically sweating at the show you put on for them.
when you reach the blonde, you crawl into his lap tantalisingly slow, his rough hands instinctively coming up to cup your thighs — smooth over the skin as katsuki leans back in his seat and manspreads to make room for you.
“hi handsome,” you greet him with an innocent purr, running your hands up to the back of his neck to toy with his baby hairs.
you’re so close to him that he can feel your heat spread through his soul and burn him from the inside out — replacing any memory of the girl that he’s coupled up with. “hi gorgeous, what took ya so long?”
“i wanted to save the best for last.”
bakugou’s cheeks flood with a red that rivals his eyes when you grind down into him, calculatedly placing your lips inches away from his thumping pulse point. you grab at his hair and he grabs at you, practically groping one another as you ghost over his lips, tease him with the prospect of a kiss. he can hear his own heart thundering through his ears, the blood rushing to his head (and between his legs) making him too dizzy to even think. saliva pools in bakugou’s mouth as you make a mess of him without even trying, rolling yourself in his lap, shaking your ass against him, whispering filthy shit into his ear even though the mics can pick it up.
to wrap it up, when you slide off of katsuki, you pretend to drop something — standing up sensually to give him a little treat. his eyes clearly glued to your cute behind.
by the time your turn is over, katsuki knows that he’s done for. he wants you, and the way your vanilla perfume lingers on his sun licked skin. he’s in a daze for the rest of the game and doesn’t even notice the way his girl’s face twists at the sight of your lipstick prints all over him.
neither of you can hide your faces when deku begrudgingly announces “the girl that raised bakugou’s heart rate the most was….” and your name follows suit. you offer up your most winning smile, giving the blonde those “fuck me eyes.” that really get him going from across the fire pit and he can’t help but smirk back.
the boys clap for him but the girl he’s coupled up with gives you a look that could kill.
before it all comes to head, katsuki approaches you and your best friend by the bar — hands tucked into his lose cargo pants, silver dog tags around his neck glinting around his thick neck as he juts his head in the direction of the sunbed’s.
“can i pull you for a quick chat?” he grunts and you grin, offering him your hand despite the stares from the other islanders. you want katsuki bad, so you’ll be as controversial as you want — no matter who’s coupled up with who. “obviously, i like you, a lot.” he starts, helping you sit down, hand around your wrist and eyes full of admiration.
since you’ve come into the villa all he can think about is you, your laugh and your smile. to say his head was turned would be an understatement. katsuki bakugou is crushing hard on you.
“i think you can tell, ‘specially from how that challenge went.” it’s hard for him to open up like this and admit it to you, but your connection goes beyond your beauty and bakugou feels himself gravitating towards you more than his old match. he doesn’t want to pass this up, maybe lose you to izuku. “i said i was open, but i think… if you picked me. i’d be completely closed off for you. i want you like that. if you’d want me too.”
he fiddles with your hands nervously as you sit opposite him, all dolled up with shiny eyes and glossy lips under the evening sky. you think katsuki couldn’t get any cuter which only solidifies your choice.
“i’ve only ever wanted you since i came here, katsuki. i feel like we get each other,” inching forward until you’re a breath’s width apart, you tenderly brush a blonde lock away from his pretty face. “i wanna be yours just as much as you wanna be mine.” you add, quietly.
and you don’t care if your next move makes you shady or betrays anyone’s trust — but you came into the villa looking for love and you think you’ve genuinely found it within katsuki. so you lean forward, pressing your lips gently against his and squeak in surprise when bakugou reciprocates almost instantaneously. he cups the back of your head, deepening the kiss and pushing his tongue past the boundaries of your soft lips to tangle with your own.
“your lip gloss tastes like shit.” bakugou pulls away with a grumble, but his face breaks out into a wide and accomplished grin. “c’mere, kiss me again.”
“m’kay,” you tilt your head towards him, your own expression light with laughter, and place your hand over the one that cups your cheek. “i like kissing you.”
“i like kissing you too.”
smiling again, you squish bakugou’s cheeks. “so does this mean you’re picking me at the next re-coupling?”
katsuki nods dumbly, wanting nothing more to pull you into his lap. he knows they’ll be drama tonight, dealing with the last girl, his sleeping arrangements and yours — but he doesn’t care. he just wants to share this moment with you.
“i’ll pick you a thousand times over. at this re-coupling and every single fuckin’ one after.” katsuki reaffirms, knowing that he’s absolutely fucked up and in love.
and that’s enough for you to kiss him all over again.
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꒰ end. — all rights reserved © tteokdoroki 2023. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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i-love-genya-sm · 2 months
GENYA HCS!!!!!! gn!reader
So I tried to come up with fic ideas but I couldn’t think of any b4 writing this so here are sum hcs: (Genya x gn!reader) BONUS MINI FIC AT END BC I FINALLY GOT AN IDEA T^T
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• He blushes more around you than anyone else • He’d watch you train with pure adoration in his eyes and would practically disappear when you look in his direction. (You know he’s there, he’s bad at hiding from you) • Can barely talk to you. Every time he tries, he gets all flustered and apologetic before running off • Thinks he’s sneaky with his secret admirer gifts. Everyone knows it’s him, but no one says anything to not ruin his pride • On the day he confesses, he can barely keep it together. He’s a blushing mess and he stutters and mixes up his words so much it’s almost incomprehensible gibberish. You were not-so-surprisingly able to understand his message and you tell him you like him too. He nearly faints. • On your first date, he’d take you to a small, nice diner and pay for everything. You start to worry about his savings, but he insists that he’s financially stable. (We all know he’s anything but.) • He contemplates on kissing you multiple times. It’s kept him up at night, the thought of your lips on his, but every time he actually tires, he ends up kissing your cheek instead • While on the topic of kisses, he loves kissing your hands, especially your knuckles. He treats you like royalty, only giving you the best dates and gifts. That cost a lot of money. (Again, finance. Someone teach this little tall child to handle money- T^T) • When he finally gets the courage to kiss you, he does it so suddenly and randomly, but you liked it. STORY BELOW
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Today was the day. Today, he would finally kiss you. Oh, how long had he waited to place his mouth on yours, to taste your love. Many times had he stared at your lips, longing to taste them. And today, he would. He saw you minding your business on the engawa of the Stone Estate, blissfully watching the branches of the trees sway, petals falling down and dancing around your figures. You looked beautiful. The sight of you among the sakura made Genya want you even more. You noice him standing and call out to him. “Genya-kun!” You smile. Genya’s face pinked. He approaches you and seats himself next to you. “I—I want to ask you something…” He began, face reddening at record speed. “Hm? What is it, Genya-kun?” You inquire, tilting your head to one side. Genya slightly stiffens. So cute… he thought. Shaking the thought away, he focuses on his original purpose. “Uh… (Y/N), I was wondering if…u-uhm….I—I c—could maybe…” He stuttered a lot. All while you were sweetly smiling with that cute, innocent, patient smile that made Genya melt on the inside. “It’s ok, sweetie, take your time,” You encourage him with your sweet voice. Gosh, how much did he love you. “Can I kiss you?” The words came out so unnaturally casual. You freeze at his request, then you softened back into your beautiful small smile. “Honey, you don’t have to ask me,” You say, reaching out a hand to cup his cheek in. Your smile widens slightly. “Of course you can kiss me.” Genya nearly ascended with those words. He pulls you close, a hand on your waist and the other brushing away any loose strands of hair from your gorgeous face. You wrap your arms around his neck, beckoning him closer. Genya’s face moved towards yours. A little more, a little more, closing the distance between you two. His lips were hovering next to yours, mere seconds away from contact, when Genya hesitates. I’ve never done this before…what if I’m a terrible kisser and she leaves me? You saw the hesitation in his eyes and give him a small, reassuring smile before going for it. Time seemed to stop. Genya shivered at the feel of your soft lips against his rough mouth, angling you to go deeper. You feel his tongue brush against your bottom lip. You bite his in response, shoving your tongue inside his mouth. He tasted like watermelon, the sweet flavor riling you up. You rubbed your tounge all over the inside of his mouth, desperate to get the most of the flavor. Genya’s tongue reached out to touch yours, and the kiss became a hot mess of lips, tounge and teeth. “Mmmm, Genya~” You moan his name, and he turns on. Genya pins you down on the ground, the kiss gradually becoming more and more aggressive. “(Y/N)…why…did…I….wait…this…long…ngh…to…kiss you?” He punctuated each word with rough peck. You kept going for what seemed like forever, and then you passed out suddenly. Genya pulled away hesitantly, but seeing your unconscious form, he picks you up bridal style and carries you inside.
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TAISHO ERA SECRET 👏👏 • You tasted like watermelon and sakura to him. • When you woke up, Genya was so happy he kissed you. Again. • Genya was concerned that you’d pass out again, wondering if he should call Kocho-san in case it happens again, but you gently tell him that anyone else who made their partner pass out would feel proud. (God bless his dumb ass)
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Anyways, that’s all for now! Sorry if updates are slow! Have a great day/night! 💜🖤💛
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infranuz · 2 years
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“ MY GF’S FAMOUS ” — tokyo revenger headcanons ( x fem )
where tokyorev boys s/o is a kpop idol,, female reader,, draken, mikey, baji, mitsuya, chifuyu ,, modern au
— IVE BEEN WANTING TO DO THIS FOR SO LONG, just thinking abt it always had me thinking of ideas to how they would all have their kpop idol s/o im so glad to finally be writing this <3
warnings;; none I think (hopefully..) most likely bad spelling and a lot of grammar mistakes (not proofread bc it’s late and I’m too sleepy,, hopefully everything is right tho..)
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ryuguji ken “draken”
surprisingly he actually knows a thing or two about kpop and idols. Was surprised to see you pop up on tv when he stayed over with Mikey because Emma actually likes ur group. “Woah Ken-chin!! isn’t that [name]??” Draken seriously had to double check to see if it was actually you.
When you actually told him you were a kpop idol he kissed your forehead and said “I know” so proudly. Believe it or not he brags about it to his friends “my girlfriend is a kpop idol, you should stream their music!!”
ALSO he once dragged you along to a party (mitsuyas bday party) and everyone was there, when I tell you hakkai froze and almost fainted at the sight of you. #3 biggest and supporter right there (according to draken) you had to kind of step out for a second with draken before hakkai had a heart attack.
still he was so happy to meet you (his bias btw..) many congratulations and nice to meet you’s from him.
at some point paparazzi actually noticed you with him out on a date (thankfully they didn’t get to snap any pictures) draken dragged you out of the park as fast as he could covering you with his hoodie. he protects you from paparazzi you can’t tell me otherwise <3
BONUS: whenever he hears your songs pop up on the radio (no matter where he is) he turns it all the way up. If anyone is around him he recommends your unit to them. “They’re really good specially [name]!!” (Of course he also looks up to your group members he just likes to brag about you a lot <33)
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sano manjiro “mikey”
Once again,, surprisingly knows what kpop is all because of his sister. (I’m telling you Emma is a kpop Stan u can’t tell me otherwise) when he actually gets into your music he’s hooked
He would steal Emma’s photocard collection of you or pretty much anything with your face or name on it. Wouldn’t even feel guilty abt it, not one bit “she’s my gf I think that’s enough explanation!!” “WELL I BOUGHT IT SO ITS MINE” yeah they would both argue until you actually gave Emma new signed merch
MOVIE NIGHTS WITH HIM AND HIS SISTER and many Shinichiro.. you can’t tell me otherwise. You guys would have pop corn and snacks before watching the movie all while having your groups music playing on the background (supportive bf I love him <;3)
He hates paparazzi sm, I feel like he would be really jealous of other people taking pictures of you specially when you’re just trying to have a nice time at some cafe. Anytime paparazzi came to bash you and take pictures with you he would cling onto you and cover you from their view. “Only I should be able to take pictures of you” with a pouty face
You would take him to meet your group members and he would ask for autographs from each of them (to brag to Emma ofc). The dude doesn’t even know their names.. it’s okay tho because he’s now best friends with them!!
He actually stayed on set once you guys were filming an mv for your recently released song. Your group tried to get him to try and learn the dance (he actually made it to the behind the scenes videos which was him dancing with your group)
he reads those [name] x reader fan fictions, hee proud of it actually. Others can keep imagining while he can actually have the real thing, im almost sure he would actually have a fan account just for you.
he 100% goes to your concerts with Emma, you actually reserve him and his sister seats. Most of the time you’re always looking at him when you’re performing. if you send him kisses or winks while you’re dancing he’ll immediately go insane.
he gets backstage privileges. yes he does indeed get that privilege. always congratulated you and your group mates for your amazing performance. is extremely clingy after you guys leave for the hotel you booked. he ends up staying with you because he’s too lazy to drive back to his own house.
BONUS: CUDDLES, the best cuddles you’ve ever received in your life, specially after an exhausting performance. he takes care of you <33 “you did great today”
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baji keisuke
he has some idea what kpop or idols are.. the moment you told him he just said “cool” Chifuyu would be the one to explain it to him. Afterwards he would be happy to listen to your songs and even buy your albums
100% convinced his mother would listen to you, idc idc fight me she would. His mother loves you i know she does, the moment you visited baji to meet his mother she cried tears of joy. give this woman free merch SIGNED, dude you would go as far as to take her to your group members so she could meet them all sobs.
once you were tired like really tired since you were coming from endless hours of practice so all you wanted was to spend time with your bf.. you knocked on the door and when he let you in all of his friends were there playing a board game
chifuyu who had begged baji to let him meet you immediately greeted you, bro was fascinated, astonished, flabbergasted to finally see you in flesh and bone. that day you stayed over and played games with them by the end of it you fell asleep. baji tucked you into his bed and afterwards fell asleep hugging you.
HE LOATHES ABSOLUTELY HATES PAPARAZZI. he almost punched one of them once because you were caught completely off guard as they took pictures of you with the flash on. “Piss off cant you see we’re busy??” Most of your fans actually think he’s rude but he’s a sweet guy who just wants to protect his gf <;3
No but fr he would go as far as to break some cameras just so you could have some relaxing time without having to worry about paparazzi. although many attempts have failed because there is abt 100 pictures of you and baji online having dates and picnics.. let’s just say he’s pretty pissed off abt it
baji would 100% teach you how to protect yourself from weird people, pervs and all that stuff. “There’s weird people out there so you need to know how to at least land a punch” you actually ended up sending some perv to the hospital for kicking him where it hurts. baji was proud yet disgusted at how the man even tried to make a move.
BONUS: yk how cats often come into his room, you always take care of them with baji when you stay over. it’s as if the cats were your children and you and baji were their parents.
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mitsuya takashi
mitsuya actually listened to your songs even before you started dating. he was quite lucky (as he claims) to have met you that rainy day that you had forgotten your umbrella and he had offered his. “excuse me? here you can use my umbrella if you want” he was so sweet about it “ah, thank you so much I can’t afford my papers getting wet, will you be fine?”
you were surprised he didn’t bash you with questions and asking for an autograph so you guessed he didn’t know who you were. you ended up giving him your personal number so you could return his umbrella. he was shocked when he found out who you actually were,, the rest is pretty much history
his sisters love you, you always make sure to bring them some type of gift before visiting. mitsuya actually tries to get you to not buy them anything because he thinks it’s a lot but cmon now mana and luna deserve love. they wanted your groups albums for Christmas and they got that and more, you got all your group members to record some type of video and greeting they thanked you profusely afterwards
he’s a designer and you are an idol.. guess what that means. HE MAKES YOUR OUTFITS,, he totally does I know it. anytime your group and you come up with a theme for your mvs Mitsuya always offers to make your outfits. you always proudly wear all of his creations,, like for an interview?? red carpet?? music video?? or just an outfit overall Mitsuya is your guy.
paparazzi would be asking you who the designer is and all you have to say is “This is a piece made by my boyfriend, Mitsuya Takashi.. thank you for asking” he gained a few hundred of followers that day.
dates a lot of dates with him whenever you have free time, even tho paparazzi may sometimes ruin it’s okay because there’s a few 20 new pictures of both of you online showing the world how in love u are.
BONUS: movie nights with him and his sisters, it’s pretty much basically just you and Mitsuya since mana and luna always fall asleep on the first 10 minutes of the movie. anyway it’s more time for you and Mitsuya so win win??
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matsuno chifuyu
now this little silly he has a whole shelf full of your groups albums, magazines and posters. he listens, streams, quite literally enjoys your music (he stans new jeans and wonder girls you can’t tell me otherwise)
your relationship is pretty much public, all of your fans know who he is. I believe they follow peke j’s Instagram account, (it’s what they love most abt your bf) like his cats account has more followers than his own main acc😭
every time you stay at chifuyu house you always make sure to bring some type of treat for peke j, he absolutely adores you. cuddle peke j and leave chifuyu outside his own bed quite literally
LIBRARY DATES,, you both go to the library to check out/buy manga and other books you may like. you guys have those cute little cafe dates where you guys either spend your time reading or just talking about your day and life
he watches your interviews, AND he was once invited to go into one. like a couple interviews or yk those interviews where couples get cards with questions that only they know abt each other. or just cute games for couples,, yeah those basically. fan base went crazy after that interview dropped
you planned on adopting a cat once so chifuyu recommended some adoption centers. sadly you didn’t end up adopting a cat but you did get a date at a cat cafe so a loss and a win?? “look at this cat!! her name is bee she’s so cute” so many cats surrounded him it was cute <33
he’s neutral abt paparazzi tbh, he just dislikes it when you feel uncomfortable being bashed by so many people at the same time. sadly he can’t do much about them,, but when you’re both out of their sight he treats you to whatever you want a lot of comfort from his part
BONUS: since you’re friends with a lot of other kpop idols you invited chifuyu once to meet some of them. he got to meet a lot of his biases and got a shit ton of autographs and merch,, afterwards he thanked you endlessly,, lots of kisses <33
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©asalamis ,, please don’t copy, steal or plagiarize my work in any way, reblogs and likes are appreciated,, hope you enjoyed ty for reading <;3
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djarinslover · 11 months
Missed You
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The ask for this fic
Pairing; Nami x Fem!Reader (no y/n)
Warnings; canon violence, swearing
Word Count; 2.3k
Author’s Note: I’m sorry for getting this out so late ☹️ inspiration was sucked from my soul for a while bc of course it was. I hope you like this, my Nami anon!
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A loud laugh emerges from your throat as Sanji spins you around, showing you how he'd win a woman over just through dance. The fire is burning brightly, the drinks flowing and the laughter infectious. You all had stopped to visit this island that Luffy knew of from Shanks; it was considered a "party" island due to the constant drinking, dancing and just vibe of fun that everyone felt when staying. No one objected when Luffy suggested taking a break there for a few days.
Aside from Nami and Zoro, you all were getting rowdy. Yelling, singing way too loudly and poorly, dancing all over the place with strangers and drinking too much. It felt nice to let go for just a night. Until Nami had said, "I thought having another girl around would calm things down but you're just as bad as the boys."
You didn't see anything wrong with blowing off some steam but the comment was a dagger to the heart. You tried to shake it off as you dance with Usopp, your best friend, but it lingers in the back of your mind for days afterward. You thought maybe you'd forget about since you were very drunk when she said that but it made quite an impact on your behavior around Nami.
You and Usopp came as a packaged deal, which Luffy had no problem with when you all met. He allowed you to join his crew, which was nice since you knew a thing or two about fixing up wounds and they definitely needed a doctor onboard. Never knew who they'd get into a fight with these days. It was a bonus you got to spend the days with the redheaded navigator, Nami. Being the only other girl onboard, the two of you bonded. Well, bonded as much as Nami would. She let you sit with her while she charted out paths, figuring out the best direction to go in. She said it was nice to have another woman around, that the energy was too "masculine" until you came along.
A crush started developing on Nami, to your slight terror. Nami could be cold at times, which left you questioning if she actually liked having you around or not. She was sarcastic, quick witted with a sharp tongue, and she wasn't afraid to tell someone the truth. You felt like you never knew where you stood with her. So when she had said you were as bad as the boys, you thought she couldn't stand you. It hurt but it gave you the push to get rid of the silly little crush you had.
After that night, you began avoiding Nami on the ship, turning down any moment to hang out with her. You were still polite, making small talk when you had to and relaying information when needed but you didn't spend any unnecessary time with her. She eventually stopped telling you that you could stay by her side as she navigated; she began only speaking to you when it was needed. You thought maybe this would help buy any feelings you had for her but it seemed to only amplify whatever you felt.
You were longing to make her laugh, to have her flash that little smile at you, to have those small lingering touches on your skin. You wanted to go back to the way the two of you had been. But it felt like maybe the damage was done. The two of you would exchange nods with awkward slight smiles, avoiding touching each other when in a small space. The boys finally seemed to notice the tension, Sanji being the one to point it out. Usopp felt hurt that you didn't come to him with what was bothering you. You were practically his sister; he wanted you to tell him everything.
"What's going on with you and Nami?" Usopp corners you in your room, demanding answers.
"I don't know what you're talking about. Everything is fine." You flash a tense smile, forcing yourself to look happy.
"Oh, come on. I haven't seen you two giggle and talk like you do. What happened?"
You sigh, caving rather quickly. Usopp could always read you and there was no sense in trying to keep up appearances in front of him. "Nami said something a few days ago that hurt me. I figured she didn't like me so I've been avoiding her."
"That's crazy! Of course she likes you!" You shoot him a frown. "Captain Usopp never lies!"
Rolling your eyes, you brush past Usopp to head out onto the new island Luffy had landed on. You needed more medical supplies and didn't want to talk about this situation anymore with him. "I'm heading out. I'll see you later."
Usopp wilts as you go, upset and not knowing what to do.
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You're strolling around the island humming to yourself, admiring the people as they went about their day. Too occupied with watching other people, you're not paying attention to where you were walking, ending up bumping into a rather large woman. She was tall, muscular, and her eyes were flaming with rage.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see you there."
The woman gets in your face, steam practically coming out of her ears as she stares down at you. "How could you not see me standing here?!"
"I wasn't paying attention, I'm sorry."
"You're about to be sorry!"
She swings at you, a hefty fist meeting your cheek with a heavy thwack. It makes you dizzy, sends you stumbling backwards. You hear your name being called by someone from the crew, though you were too disoriented to figure out who it was. You shake your head to try to clear your vision, seeing double of the woman who hit you. You could see she was winding up to hit you again. Your vision stops spinning, and you manage to duck the next hit, throwing your own punch into the woman's face.
Your punch doesn't land as hard as you had hoped; it seemed to only make the woman angrier. She lands hit after hit on you, and all you could think was that this happened all because you accidentally bumped into her. You're unable to defend yourself, too disoriented to make your own punches. Eventually you feel her get pulled off of you, Zoro's voice loud while Luffy's was soft and gentle. You could see Sanji and Usopp leaning over you, faces pinched tight with worry. They were the last faces you saw before passing out.
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Nami was startled by the boys bustling to the ship, voices raised and frantic. She looked down to see you limp in Zoro's arms. Confused, she met them at the deck to see what was going on and why they were running around like chickens without heads.
"What's the problem? She drink too much?" Nami asks.
"She got into a fight," Zoro says with a clipped tone.
"What?!" Nami says, alarmed. "With who?"
"Some woman. She just started hitting her for no reason," Usopp says as he stares down at you.
Everyone crowds into your room, watching as Zoro gently lays you down on your bed. Sanji comes in with a cool cloth to lay on your forehead, dabbing it softly to see if you would respond to the stimulation. You just lay there, still and too quiet for everyone's liking, your face purpling with bruises.
"What are we going to do?" Luffy asks, frown deep on his face. "She's our doctor, she'd know what to do."
"Yeah, well she's not here to tell us how to help," Zoro grunts. "We'll just have keep eyes on her until she wakes up. Hopefully it won't be long."
Nami bites her lip, watching your sleeping face. "I'll take first watch."
The boys nod, leaving her alone to watch over you. She took the cool cloth from Sanji, pressing it against your forehead and neck at times to keep sweat from sticking to you. She sighs, slumping down to be beside you. "This is going to be a long night, huh?"
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The hours you spent unconscious turned into days. The crew began to get extremely worried and scared. They didn't know what to do, how to wake you up or if they should wake you up. Throughout the days they took turns on sitting with you, pouring water down your throat and keeping you cool so as to not catch a fever. Your face wasn't as badly bruised anymore, so they had hope that you were recovering and would wake up at any moment. They decided if for one more day you stayed unconscious, they would seek help from someone else. Nami thinks they should've done that from day one but the boys thought you were fine for the night.
Nami was sitting with you again, holding your hand. She traced patterns on your palm, sighing softly. "You know, it's been awfully lonely without you here. The boys are great, sure, but they've got nothing on your jokes." Nami stares at your face, a small smile on her lips. "I miss hearing you laugh at Luffy and Usopp. I miss that cocky smile you give me when you make me laugh. I miss hearing your voice . . . Wake up soon, okay?"
She stands to get you some water before freezing as your eyelids open slowly. "What else do you miss about me, Red?" you croak, voice hoarse from days of not using it, lips curling into the smile she was talking about.
"Oh my god, you're awake!"
Nami doesn't know what to do; she wants to hug you, she wants to get the boys, she wants to cry with relief. Instead she grabs your hand again, sitting down on the bed next to you. You try to sit up, grunting with effort as you push up. Nami helps until you're comfortable.
"How long have you been awake?"
"Eh, I heard something about my smile and then you said you missed my voice. Figured I should let you hear it."
Nami tries her best to not roll her eyes even as a smile cracks her face. "I was telling the truth. I missed you a lot these past few days."
"Days?!" you gasp.
"Yeah. That woman really kicked your ass."
You groan, rubbing your face. "Oh my god, no wonder I sound like I smoked all of Sanji's cigarettes. And why my head is pounding."
"Let me go get one of the guys, they can get you something."
"No. I just want to be with you a little longer," you plead. "Please."
Nami nods, squeezing your hand gently. You two sit in silence for a bit before you turn to look at her, a question on the tip of your tongue.
"Did you really miss me?"
Nami seems shocked. "Of course I did."
"I just thought . . . I annoyed you, like the boys annoy you."
"Why would you think that?"
"Because you said I'm just as bad as them."
Nami's face turns a slight shade of red, embarrassment making her body run hot. She remembered saying that when you were all drinking but she didn't think you remembered or even heard her. Her head jerks up. "Wait, is that why you've been avoiding me?"
"Well, yeah. I figured I would give you some space. You just seemed so annoyed with me that night."
"Oh, I . . . I was joking. I didn't truly mean it. I like that you're like them, that you can be carefree. I like that you aren't afraid to put them in their place and I like that you're funny and passionate and incredibly smart. I like everything about you. I . . . like you."
It was your turn to feel your face flush. Whether it was excitement or embarrassment, you couldn't tell. Your hand feels sweaty in Nami's grip but you don't want to let go. Not after what she just told you.
"I like you, too, Nami."
You both look at each other, gazes hot and full of excitement. Nami brushes hair off of your forehead, leaning in closer. She bites her lip, hesitant to say whatever she was going to say. You figured you knew what she was going to ask, so you asked first. "Will you kiss me?"
She surges toward you, lips meeting yours with fireworks exploding behind your eyes. It felt like all your puzzle pieces had finally fallen into place. Nami pulls back, resting her forehead against yours as you both breathe heavily, lips tingling with the pressure of having hers on yours. Her hand squeezed, like she was communicating with you. You both had silly smiles on your lips, giddy from the high of finally confessing to one another.
"I'm glad you're awake."
"I'm glad I am, too."
"Hey, Nami. I'm here to-" Usopp stopped short, pausing in the doorway of your room as he looked at you two.
Nami pulls away, her face bright red as she avoided his gaze. "Uhh . . . I was going to come get someone. She's awake."
"Yeahh, I can see that. Luffy owes me ten Berry."
You look at him in alarm, his signature smirk on his face. "Yeah, we bet whether one of you would confess or not when you woke up." He turns to walk away, yelling out, "Hey, Luffy! Pay up, man! The Great Captain Usopp never loses!"
You can't help the giggles escaping you, because you knew your best friend meant well and he just wanted you to be happy. Looking down at your hand, which was still intertwined with Nami's, you knew you were happy. And all it took was a stupid fight.
"Let's go get you some dinner, yeah?" Nami says, standing up to help you stand.
Nami helps you to the galley, where everyone is gathered for whatever delicious smelling food Sanji had cooked up. They all had big smiles on as you walked in, happy to see you well. And doubly happy to see you holding hands with Nami.
Usopp turns to Luffy. "Told you."
Luffy grumbles as he pays up, making you and Nami laugh. It was good to be awake, you thought, bringing Nami's hand to your lips to press a kiss to the back. She beams at you, smile bright enough to outshine the sun. You wouldn't change a thing about your crew.
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luvlyycy · 3 months
twin😋 we need to see Ed's cultural shock when he goes clubbing in america, it's 2000s night at the club, with his chubby reader. She's shaking her hips and twerking in the crowd of people and Ed can't help but to stare. Imagine if Ed has a problem with the idiot standing next to her bc he grabs her hips. I wanna see some bump and grind in the club😋
Bonus points if reader is wearing low rise pants/skirt and a thong. extra bonus points if reader has hipdips. (i fucking love hipdips) you get a brownie point if the thong song starts playing😋😋🫶🏼
DID I GET ALL THE POINTS??? ALSO I LOVE U FOR THIS IDEA THANKKSKSSSS RRRRAAGGGGG (theres no explicit smut in this but its vv suggestive i also recommend listening to the songs featured in the fic when they play cus it works lmao) enjoyyyy <3
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Ed stifles a tiny yelp, his arm around your waist as he watches many individuals grind against each other in what seems like dancing, multiple girls bumping into his broad chest.
"are they all like this?" he yells over the bumping music, still astonished by your clothes, you giggle into him and nod yes as his finger dips underneath the thong peaking through your skirt. Ed makes a shocked face before laughing due to nervousness, he looks up again at all the people noticing the 2000's theme.
he finally realizes why you had him dress this way— white tanktop with black wings drawn on the back, along with baggy jeans, simple black bracelets adorning his wrists, silver chain around his neck.
the song 'peaches and cream' slowly coming to an end, fading into the next track on the songlist.
"....this song right here, is lettin' all the ladies know what guys talk about." the singer begins in the song, and Ed watches your face light up, handing your drink to him.
"this is my fucking song, Ed !!" you excitedly cheer, running onto the dance floor— putting a considerable amount of stress into Ed's soul because he thought your skirt was gonna ride up too high over your ass.
he stares at your body as you lift your arms in the air, swaying your hips to the bump of the beat, girls beside you cheering you on. he's quite literally in a trance, watching the soft bounce of your belly and the dips on your hips practically making hearts in his eyes.
you're even singing along with the song, "lemme see that thooonnngg !!! —" you yell a little more than you sing, back arching so you shake your plump ass, multiple girls mimicking slapping it.
what is with america? are all girls like this? what kinda club is this? he frowns when he notices all the guys looking at you, your sparkly lip gloss glistening in all the bright lights. you turn to him and call him on the dance floor, but he psyches himself out as he looks where you are—
men and women grinding against each other as if they were horny teenagers, all dressed with the same theme as well. he softly shakes his head 'no', he wasn't much of a dancer anyway. you tilt your head in confusion but continue to dance your heart out.
suddenly, a random guy wraps his hands around your waist, sliding against your soft tummy, resting on your hips. you turn back, expecting to see your boyfriend— seeing a mediocre man compared to who you belonged to. he smiles politely as he begins to dance along with you, hips rolling into your behind to the song. Ed's face contorts with anger as he slams both of your drinks onto the counter, non-alcoholic unlike the stupid asshat in front of him.
Ed stomps over, upper lip twitching upward similar to Balrog when he gets angry. he places his hand flat on the guy's shoulder, causing him to jump— Ed leans closer, head tilting upwards as he looks down at the brown-haired idiot.
"fuck ya doin', hah? can't keep your greasy hands to yourself?" he's close enough to where he doesn't have to raise his voice too much so the guy can hear him. he listens to the guy stutter, hands immediately being thrown up in surrender, "i-i didn't see you, man. i swear!" Ed lets out a soft 'tch' before just simply pushing the dude back, causing him to stumble into his friends— eyes softening as he looks back at you.
you look up at him, smiling before giggling out, "what a weirdo, right?" you lean closer so he can hear you— "yeah, he's an asshole for sure." .
suddenly, the song switches— beat slow as it starts out, "....welcome to my sex room...." Ed laughs at the audacity of the lyrics before you begin to grind on him to the slow beat, his hands flying to your hips— carressing the way your skin dips.
you turn around and grind your ass on his crotch, back arching as you place your hands on your knees— ass swaying side to side. Ed licks his teeth as he grinds into you as well, hand running down your back as he leans backwards to get a better view of you— his other hand dipping underneath your showing thong.
man, you gotta take him to more clubs.
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hausofmamadas · 2 months
FRENCHIE | Queer!Mode, Detected
The Boys, Season 1, Ep 2 - Cherry | Season 2, Ep 3 - Over The Hill With the Swords of A 1000 Men, 6 - The Bloody Door’s Off, 8 - What I Know | Season 3, Ep 3 - Barbary Coast
I’ve seen a lotta chatter in The Boys fandom (mostly on Reddit but also TikTok. Appropriately this take wasn’t on Tumblr much) that ppl were mad at Kripke and Co for taking an unforeseen “gay turn” with Frenchie’s character in S4 ..? And I’m over here with my Sherlock Holmes cap and pipe and tiny detective notebook just
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trying to understand how these ppl didn’t pick up on the bipan vibes from this beautiful, majestic, so-French-he-can't-help-it butterfly.
(Also all this hand wringing about Frenchie "turning gay," te lo juro me esta eloqueciendo alaverga. Like canwenot with the bi-erasure, it’s giving Ashley telling Maeve she’s a lesbian bc is more “clear-cut” and easier to sell than bi. It’s just as insulting to call a bipan person gay as it is to call them straight. And I don’t mean like the use of gay as a catch all that a lotta us queers use sometimes interchangeably for queer, I talkin ppl acting as tho bipan isn't real and/or thinking Frenchie jumped out the closet as a gay man 3/4 of the way thru the show.)
And their confusion over this has got me confused. Like I didn’t even realize it was such a plot twist until I got on Reddit and a lotta ppl were screaming like Ned Stark's head just got cut off, or like it's some wild-ass writer's room shenanigans where the character is suddenly a diff person for no discernible reason. Like have you seen this man? Do you know where you are? Bc they’ve been dropping hints throughout the show. Case in point:
a) Little Nina and all that talk about her Sergei ahem it's Serge and his overwhelming enthusiasm for butt stuff and Vincent Cassel try to convince me Sr. Cassel wasn’t a childhood crush of Frenchie’s or someth and that’s why it’s his safe word. You can’t
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b) this time he planted a fat smooch on Hughie’s face after finding out he leaked the compound V tip to the press (bonus points for his attempt to make out with mm before getting a no-homo hard pass)
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c) this deep, abiding love of The Golden Girls this is unequivocally the gayest thing on the list
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d) how he turned tricks in mad NYC before Little Nina locked that mf in a chastity belt and held him hostage by his penis he went to ‘work’ for Nina. -> Disclaimer: this is not to imply that queer ppl’s participation in sex work is bc they’re hypersexual. This is here to point out queer coding, as lgbtqia+ ppl are more at-risk for mental health issues stemming from severe trauma, food and housing insecurity, and addiction, often without access to the care they need to recover. So sex work becomes a viable vocation to survive bc unlike a regular 9-5, it’s more conducive to untreated mental health issues and substance use also it’s an easier market to get into than arms dealing or contract killing
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e) this throuple arrangement btwn him, Cherie and Justin
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f) His attempts to…er broaden mm’s horizons ?
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g) the evident lack of knowledge or interest or acumen for this mysterious sportsball of which mm speaks of but he’ll still go on that dumb golf bachelor trip bc he loves his fraaand
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h) this fondness for Eurotrash raves and dancing
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And look, I might get it if they sprung it on us. But this shit has been since the beginning. The earliest indicator being ep 2 of S1 — THE FIRST EP HE’S IN. Hughie asks what it’s like to kill someone and Frenchie waxes poetic about his first hit (just before ominously dropping, "I carry them all with me" buried the lead on that one to Hughie's horror but to the delight of bbygirllovers like myself everywhere) and well, I think the evidence here speaks for itself
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Like the dichot— nay, Bichotomy of talking about how mindblowingly hot this chick is whilst, in the same breath, gushing over her outfit. Okay I’m sure there’s a token straightmale who can id high-end designer brands on sight. I’m sure that unicorn exists somewhere, right, cuz humans contain multitudes. But this man? He just a bipan butterfly. So those who felt blindsided by Frenchie gettin’ dicked down, oh you beautiful, naive, sophisticated newborn babies. If not spelled out, it was so heavily implied, I saw the fling with whatshisname with the murdered fam whose name I’m too lazy to Goog and was like, “hm yes, the math is indeed mathing, these calculayshuns are correct”
Like u thot a mf dressed like this??? was straight ?
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Mans is in a scoopneck bunny crop top that looks straighr from the juniors section of Forever21 with plaid pants and fuckingsjs suspenders iconic so to think he'd nary tarried in sausage-central before, well ... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
taglist: @drabbles-mc, @complete-nonsequitur, @rerorero-my-cherry, @ladygoatee, @tofuwildcard, @tinylittleobsessions
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readthephible · 8 months
Damien x Shayne Ship Questions (from @zillaphoneswag)
Who is the cuddler?
Who makes the bed?
Who wakes up first?
Who has the weird taste in music?
Who is more protective?
Who sings in the shower?
Who cries during movies?
Both depending on the movie
Who kisses more roughly?
Shayne, maybe…???
Who is more dominant?
Damien ofc
Who is the most affectionate?
Damien (I can literally give one hundred examples)
Most common argument?
Silly: video games, serious: challenging each other’s thoughts almost therapeutically about body image, guilt and shame, habits, etc
Who apologizes first?
Damien, just bc he’s a very apologetic person, but Shayne wouldn’t have any reason to withhold apologies either
Favorite (non-sexual) activity to do together?
Video games, cooking, silently working on projects side by side
Who drives and who rides shotgun?
I think Damien would more often as a gentleman but idk (I’m recovering from driving phobia, I would be curious what their driving journeys looked like. Were they eager to get behind the wheel, or anxious?”
Who is most likely to carry the other?
Damien (for reference)
For Damien: Dames, Dee, Damienuh, babe, honey, dude, man, idiot, nerd, weeb (probably)
For Shayne: Shay, Shanyé, baby boy, baby bird, babe/baby, hun/honey, my guy, angel, darling (tbh, anything to get him to blush or laugh)
(bonus: scrub, dumbass, sweetheart, good boy, pet, puppy)
Who proposes?
Damien (either, but my heart says…)
Who sings along with the radio?
Who worries the most?
Damien, but both
Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
Who is embarrassed to take their clothes off in front of the other?
Both, at first
Who tops?
Who initiates kisses?
Both, mostly Damien (he’s so touchy. his love language is touch)
Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
Who is more ticklish?
Who brings home an animal they found?
Who holds the umbrella for the other when it rains?
Who tries to playfully embarrass the other in public?
Who kills the scary bugs?
(Damien seems more KILL IT, Shayne is more well let’s at least try to release it outside)
Who asks weird questions at random in the middle of the night?
Who hogs the blankets?
Who wants to stay in bed just a bit longer?
Damien (but both if they’re together)
Who always makes coffee for the other in the morning?
Shayne (only because he probably got up first)
Who says “I love you” first?
Who tells their friends/family about their relationship first?
Shayne is very casual about it even though his friends/family are excited, sappy and want to make it a bigger deal. Damien is nervous and makes it a bigger deal than it needs to be and feels a wave of relief after finally admitting it
Who is more likely to ask the other to dance with them?
Who cooks best?
Who wears the other’s jacket?
Who uses cheesy pickup lines?
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
Who makes the other one laugh the most?
Who needs more reassurance?
Who would have to bail the other out of jail?
What would be their theme song?
Rather Be or Glue Song
What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Text or call with life updates and sappy sweet nothings
Who eats the other’s uneaten pizza crusts?
Who would accidentally set the kitchen on fire while cooking?
Who would throw the other into a pool?
Who is the morning/night person?
Shayne - morning, Damien, night
Who gives the other person cool-looking rocks?
Who is the big spoon? Who is the little spoon?
Damien - big, Shayne - little
Who talks smack when playing video games and then loses?
Who wants to take lots of pictures of them together?
Damien (have you seen how often Shayne is on his instagram)
Who is most excited to tell their friends they’re dating?
Who still blushes when they say ‘I love you?’
Who is the protective one?
Who likes to jump into the other person’s arms?
Who likes to take artsy photos together?
What do they like to watch together after a long day?
Anime, probably
Who is most likely to kiss the other on the cheek?
Who is most likely to break out in a spontaneous dance?
Who would sing a love song to the other in the car?
Who can’t help but giggle when the other compliments them?
What do they say to one another before they go to sleep?
“I hate you” (affectionate)
Who looks at the other person like they are their world when they’re not looking?
Who would win in a pillow fight?
Who loves to be held the most?
Who asks the other how to spell a word?
Who loves to have the other rest their head on their chest?
Who makes funny faces to make the other person laugh?
Who puts their hand on their partner's knee while driving?
Who goofs around in the kitchen more?
How do they say “I love you” without really saying it?
Damien: “I’m proud of you”
Shayne: “Remember when…”
What would they marathon?
Anime, probably
What would their wedding song be?
Starlight by Muse
Who nuzzles into the other?
Who kisses the other on the head before they go to sleep?
What position do they fall asleep in when sleeping in the same bed?
One laying on top of the other is my favorite trope, so Shayne crushing Damien
Who initiates the first kiss?
Who asks the other out on the first date?
Who gets the other out of a speeding ticket?
Who sleeps with their dog cat when the other one is gone?
Who still has the first gift the other gave to them?
Who likes to see the other wearing their sweater?
Who is the sleepy cute one?
Who gives the other person the best cards?
Both give either funny, possibly cursed cards or extremely sentimental and heartfelt, there is no in between.
Who gives a hilarious speech at their wedding about how they met?
Damien (see: Shayne’s graduation)
Who has a vast knowledge of random facts?
Who likes to clean?
Who would be a lovey-dovey drunk?
Who can’t stop laughing at their own jokes?
Who distracts the driver by being a bit too provocative in the car?
Who is the competitive one?
Shayne (Damien’s argument: there’s no need to be competitive if you’re just good)
Who asks the other’s parents for their partner’s hand in marriage?
Who puts their cold hands/feet on the other?
Who worries more about the other?
Who is more likely to lock themselves out of the house?
Shayne (Damien can just lock pick, and has facetimed Shayne to teach him before)
Who would slide down the hall in their socks?
I can picture both doing this. nerds
Who is always horny and will have sex at any time, at any place?
Who likes to walk around the house naked and who tells the other to go put some clothes on?
1) Shayne 2) Damien
Who takes photos of the other while they sleep?
Who likes flower crowns more?
Who is the meme lover?
Who has to teach the other how to fold a fitted sheet?
Who’s afraid of thunderstorms?
Neither, but on a sensitive day, Damien, which of course Shayne is receptive of and gives extra affection and care
Who cries over the ASPCA commercials?
Who considers the other the love of their life?
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wonwooslibrary · 1 year
svt as boyfriends ♡ junhui edition
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member: junhui <3 genre: fluff, bullet points word count: 940 summary: junhui's boyfriend things <33 warnings: none !! it's all fluff <3 author's note: hello and welcome to sam's new birthday-based svt bullet point series..and who better to start with than gasp junhui !!!
I think that Junhui is the type of boyfriend where you can’t predict his next move, but like. In a good way? 
Is he going to plan a movie night for the both of you? Or is he going to plan a week-long vacation to some kind of tropical island for you? 
Jun is truly the best of both worlds ! 
Quality Time 
Jun would love spending time with his s/o! For example, if you just wanted to sit on the couch and read a novel, there is no way he wouldn’t join! He would sit with you next to you in the living room, calm music playing, and playing Genshin 
bc even tho I know nothing abt it, I know that Jun is so addicted to mobile games there is no way he wouldn’t play Genshin
Jun also would love practicing a dance and looking over his shoulder and :O there you are! Studying for an exam while he pulls a twice and dances the night away! 
Even though you are doing different things, Jun loves just being around you <3 Being in the same room is enough for him !!!!
Words of Affirmation
This man is a man of compliments !!!
I feel like Jun’s way of showing love in words would be like. Dad jokes. 
He speaks in memes and I love that for him, so if he just wakes up and the first thing he says is a really awful pun, just know that is his way of saying “I love you” 
And this man is fluent in multiple languages pls he would totally say something under his breath in Mandarin about how amazing and beautiful you are, but when you ask what he said and be like ??? 
He’d just go “oh i never said anything hehehe” and it would annoy you 
But after a while you’d learn that he’s not making fun of you, but instead complimenting you in the language close to his heart !!! 
God I love this man
Physical Touch
I have one word for this man and physical touch. 
C U D D L E S 
He doesn’t care where you are, or what you are doing, he loves just hanging off of you like a koala 
You ran into a friend of yours from school? He’s got a hand on the small of your back encouraging you to not be nervous in front of someone you haven’t seen in a long time
You are doing chores around the house and are stopping for a water break? Junnie’s wrapping his arms around you in a back hug so fast you can’t swallow your water in time 
Also bonus points on this one if he scares the crap out of you bc he’d just be vibing and then walk so silently that you’d think he was a demon or something ! 
If you’re watching a movie or vibing on the couch together, he’d rest his head on your thigh (or visa versa ! ) and you’d just rake your fingers through his hair until he rubs at his face because his bangs are tickling him 
Or stabbing him in the eyes, whichever comes first ! 
Jun would never be nervous or scared to cuddle you or touch you in any way - if he sees that you’re nervous he wants to let you know that he is here for you, and if it’s not the time for words, he won’t stop himself from a back rub or a shoulder pat! 
Acts of Service 
Picture this: the both of you go grocery shopping, and you are pushing the cart. When Jun finally decides to stop filling the cart with snacks and notices you’re struggling to push the cart because it’s a bit heavier than expected…
He doesn’t even take a breath before shooing you from behind the cart and pushing it himself ! 
After you’re he’s done paying for the groceries and they’re all bagged up - he’ll do the heavy lifting of putting the bags in the cart and pushing it to the car! And he’ll even pick up the heaviest ones and put them in the backseat for you
When you come home from classes one day and he notices that you’re stressed out? Don’t worry - he’ll do the bulk of making dinner AND cleaning up! 
When you question him about it, he just shrugs his shoulders 
Jun is the type where he would do something without thinking - especially if it means helping you be more happy and comfortable ! 
Gift Giving 
I honestly feel that at the beginning of a relationship, Junhui is going to be SUPER awkward and since he’s not gonna know how to show you his love, he sticks with quality time! 
But the further you get into a relationship he learns that there are always better ways to show you just how he feels about you and that ….. Does not include buying gifts :((
But he has his reasons! He’d be too scared of buying you something you don’t like or won’t use! He doesn’t want to embarrass you in front of your classmates and coworkers by delivering flowers…so he just sticks to the basics ! 
Using his card to buy groceries, keeping your favorite snacks stocked up in the cupboards, and even leaving you some cash every day to get yourself a drink and a snack in the morning before work or classes 
Even though he’s not getting you anything too special, you appreciate the thought, and make sure to let him know that you love everything he does for you, and that you’re very thankful to be with him and have him in your life <3
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morvantmortuary · 2 months
my buddy @bigtiddythanos asked a while ago about what our OCs’ Top 4 on Letterboxd would be, and I needed something to do with my hands while I finally got around to watching maxxxine last night, so I actually went ahead and made them! and here they are, bc why not!
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Necromancer Top 4s:
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(eta: this is rae from the future, I had to come back and swap this .gif out, you’ll see why lmao)
Maxi -
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Candyman (1992), Harold and Maude (1971), Arsenic and Old Lace (1944), and yes, Phantom of the Opera (2004), which just narrowly beat out Silence of the Lambs and the Vincent Price House on Haunted Hill. He’ll never say no to a rewatch of the Final Destination series, either — they’re his version of the Fast and the Furious. the way he giggles at some parts is somehow both unsettling and endearing at the same time.
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(‘is hex being shirtless relevant’ yes. it’s the only way he watches movies. ‘really?’ ssssh.)
Hex -
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El Espinazo del Diablo/The Devil’s Backbone (2001), The Sixth Sense (1999), Peeping Tom (1960), and El Orfanto/The Orphange (2007), which just edged out Talk to Me (2022) and Savageland (2015). He will happily tell you why the latter is deeply underrated if you finally agree to watch it with him, but it will take about an hour after the movie ends for him to finish. (He’s not wrong though, imo 👀)
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(here, rora’s shirtless-ish too look she’s very all or nothing this was the best I could do, we’re equal opportunity shirtless enjoyers!)
Rora -
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she wore out her VHS of the original Carrie (1976) when she was alive, so that’s at the top of her list. the rest are The Bride of Frankenstein (1935), What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962), and Black Swan (2010), which she thankfully only would’ve discovered after she came back to life, otherwise it would’ve been her whole personality in high school. She also would love May (2002) and Excision (2012), both of which might hit a little too close to home in different ways :’D
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(these necromancers just can’t watch movies with their shirts on! for real!!)
Seth -
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The Wizard of Oz (1939), Tod Browning’s Freaks (1932), Singin’ in the Rain (1952), and The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920). He also loves the high drama and spectacle of DeMille’s Cleopatra (1934) and Lang’s Metropolis (1927). If you jokingly ask him if he’s seen any movies in the last century or so, he’ll just blink at you, thinking, then be like “…I thought the 1989 interpretive dance remake of Dr. Caligari was good? :D” or ask if you want to watch the Cabaret with Liza Minelli in it. (He would go absolutely bonkers for the X trilogy, though, relating way too hard with Maxine Minx and Pearl.)
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(does anyone in greymoon own a shirt?? who’s to say)
Bonus! Leon -
…he doesn’t know what Letterboxd is. :’D baby doll still has the most minimal version of a smartphone possible. as for movies, he’s happy to watch just about anything with you, but he’s impossible to watch either westerns or vampire movies with, as he usually points out what they’re getting wrong while chewing on what look like some home-made red vines he pulls out of his freezer. (Don’t ask.) He also talks like Lestat is a real person he actually knows and actively has beef with whenever you watch the Tom Cruise ‘90s version of Interview with the Vampire. you can’t tell if he’s doing a bit or not and you’re too afraid to ask, tbh??
anyway! thanks for humoring me! definitely google some of these before you watch them solo, bc they can be pretty scary or pretty bleak, depending or just. Not the Best Version of the Phantom, but Fine :’D
if anyone does their own OCs’ Top 4, I’d love to see it :3c
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here4kpopfics · 2 years
Good Boy | Vernon
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Pairing: Vernon x (f)reader 
Genre: good ol’ smut and fluff
AU: idol!au, established relationship
Wordcount: 3.3k
Summary: You visit your boyfriend on tour after two months away and find out something interesting about him.
Warnings: language. Some good ol’ smut. Unprotected sex (WRAP IT UP). nicknames. Praise kink. Vernon’s a rough boy sometimes. He calls her his plaything. Oral (f receiving). Fingering. Other sexy stuff I’m sure.
Rating: M / 18+ 
AN: this is a bts blog. this was a bts blog. now we are chaos and we are confused and horny. enjoy. thank you bby @playmetheclassics for beta-reading and dealing with me screaming and crying over Stage Vernon. Also tagging @yoongimingyu and @the-boy-meets-evil bc y'all made me do it. and @sugarwithtea bc 💜
I'm going to have to make a Seventeen masterlist. 🥲
and of course, banner and divider by @classicscreations
Masterlist | Taglist | AskBox | Coffee?
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You land on the bed with a soft thud, head hitting just below the pillow and legs dangling off the edge.
You let out a shaky laugh, watching your boyfriend stand in front of the bed and grip the back of both of your knees. He slowly brings them up, eyes locked on yours as he parts your legs enough for him to crawl onto the bed, settling on his knees and in between your legs. Your thighs find their place on his, wrapping the rest of your legs around him as he crawls to hover over you. 
He stays silent while you’re locked in on his tense staring contest. He knows you hate it, much preferring it when he’s growling in your ear about everything he wants to do with you. There are  two different personalities to Vernon, and you love them both, but there’s one that just destroys you, and he knows it. 
Stage Vernon.
Off stage, Vernon is quiet, calm, and often in his own world in his mind. He can be very loud and hilarious when needed, especially with Seungkwan. With you, he’s the bonus of being extremely sweet and loving, always giving back hugs, and needing some sort of physical touch, even if it’s just sitting next to one another. 
He’s the perfect boyfriend, even if he is oblivious sometimes and a bit shit at remembering important things, but it’s fine. You’re the same way. 
Stage Vernon, however, is a problem. 
Stage Vernon is a natural entertainer. Stage Vernon gets lost in the music, rapping and singing his heart out and dancing like the rent is due in an hour. And it drives you insane every time. 
Stage Vernon almost always ends the shows that you attend by walking off stage, immediately looking for you, and fucking you senselessly in a random room. By the time he’s done with you, you usually find at least three bite marks near your shoulder, countless hickies across your body, and marks where his fingers had been digging into the skin on your hips from holding you still while he used all the adrenaline from the show to pound into you relentlessly. You fucking love it.
Which is why this feels different. You surprised him at a show in a different country. You were wearing your best outfit showing off his two favorite things about you, your ass and your breasts. You waited in the dressing room while they were doing soundcheck. When they came back, everyone quietly greeted you, not wanting to give away the surprise to Vernon, who was the last to enter. His eyes found yours immediately, his mouth hanging open in utter shock. Seungkwan had to push him towards you just to bring him back to reality, lifting you in his arms and swinging you from side to side as he buried his face in your neck, mumbling about how much he missed you. 
The show was amazing. Of course, it was. Vernon put his all on the stage, and you watched as you usually did, absolutely amazed at his duality and the fact that he was yours. You didn’t even care that he barely looked in your section’s direction because he focused on his performance and interacting with the fans. This was his job, and he can’t be distracted by you while working. 
Except you were all he could think about while on stage, which is probably why he went so hard tonight. All he could think about was getting you back to the hotel so he could have his way with you after two months apart. That’s why he didn’t look your way the whole night. That’s why he barely said anything when he got off stage, in the car ride back to the hotel, or in the elevator to your floor. 
It’s not until you put the keycard into your room’s door and open it that he finally makes a sound. A low growl as he stops you from proceeding down the hall once you both step inside the room. The grasp on your wrist is tight when he pulls you back to face him and desperately presses his lips against yours and pushes you against the wall in the process. 
You both moan in between fervent kisses and gasps of air. He dips down a little, hands wrapping around your thighs to pick you up and keep you pinned against the wall with his hips. Your dress quickly becomes useless and rides up to your waist just from being lifted, the straps falling off your shoulders like string. 
“I missed you so much, baby.” He groans into your mouth, and you lean your head back against the wall. 
You take a useless deep breath that escapes quickly when his lips move down your jawline, landing on the part of your neck he labeled the sweet spot since it always made you squirm under him. Tonight’s no different as you let out a sharp squeak, starting to struggle under the strength of him pinning you, hands tangling in his hair when he rolls his hips perfectly. 
“Vernon, baby. It’s been two months, don’t make me wait any longer.” You plead into his ear, and he stills immediately. 
For a second, you panic internally, thinking you ruined the moment. But he just brings his face back up to face yours, resting his forehead on yours as his eyes pierce yours. 
“You think I enjoyed making us wait until we got to your room? That I enjoyed not just bending you over the couch after soundcheck in front of my hyungs and fucking you until next year?” He lifts from your forehead, returning to your neck and biting down hard before letting go, ensuring he left a mark behind. 
“Or how I had to ignore an entire section of the arena because if I saw you in this fucking outfit again, I’d drag you onto the stage and show everyone what I do to you?” His lips trail down to your collarbone, lips bruising your skin on the way down.
“Do you think I haven’t lost my fucking mind these past two months without you?” After this question, the death grip  on your thighs loosens only to readjust his hold on you and push you further up the wall. 
“No, baby, no. I don’t mean that.” You whine, using your grasp on his hair to move him back to face you. 
“I mean, I need you. Now. I need you to fuck me right now.”
His eyebrows shoot up at you, a cocky grin following suit.
“Are you trying to tell me what to do?” His tone is teasing, his hands sliding up and down the back of your thighs. 
“If it gets your cock in me? Then, yes. Yes, I am telling you what to do.” You whine, trying to roll your hips for any amount of friction. But he presses further against you, making any movement impossible. 
The man dares to laugh, forcing a groan out of you when his lips meet yours again. 
“You don’t get to tell me what to do, baby girl.” A wicked smile flashes when you pout at your boyfriend. 
“You’re my little plaything, right? My little obedient plaything?”
You nod because you are, and you’re not afraid to admit it. You love when he throws you around and edges you until you cry. But you’re also needy and desperate right now and not in the mood to be played with. You missed him like crazy for two months, which is how you ended up working with Seungkwan to get you a flight out to visit. 
“But an obedient plaything wouldn’t tell me what to do, would she?” 
“Vernon. Please.”
“That’s better.” He grins, a small laugh escaping when you whimper against his lips. He backs away from the wall, giving you enough time to secure your legs and arms around him as he brings you to bed, giving you another kiss before he tosses you onto the bed. He sheds all of his clothes before you can fully process where you are. 
When he hovers over you, your legs wrapped around his waist and thighs resting on his, you get that familiar sense of excitement again. Vernon sometimes changes his behavior in bed. You call it the secret third Vernon. Stage Vernon multiplied by ten. You love it, you hate it, you crave it, and you fear it. 
Tonight’s Vernon, you’ve met a few times before it got rougher. This Vernon is slow, methodical, calm, and loving. He doesn’t bother helping you out of your dress, kissing whatever skin is exposed as he makes his way back down to lay between your legs. 
You let out a series of soft moans when he lightly bites your inner thighs, tongue dancing across the marks a little before moving on to the next bite. 
“Fuck, baby, please. Please, I need something. Anything.” You’re already on the verge of crying, the teasing being too much for you after such a long time away from him. 
You feel him exhale a laugh against your skin, kissing the space between your thigh and where you need him most before he harshly tugs your underwear down to your knees, giving you a moment to kick it off the rest of the way. He finally places a soft kiss on your clit, your hips buck up, and he forces them back down as he dives right in, lapping up your arousal from your center and thumb coming up to play with your clit. 
Your whines and moans become stronger and louder as he eats you out. You spare no thoughts or concerns for your hotel neighbors. The only important thing right now is your boyfriend’s mouth that’s buried between your folds and the fingers that are now thrusting in and out of you with no remorse. 
You lift your head slightly to look down and see him work his magic. You have no idea why you open your mouth, but you can’t stop yourself from speaking as your hand tangles in his hair.
“Fuck, that’s a good boy, keep going.” 
You don’t even sound like yourself when saying it. You have no clue who or what possessed you. Your eyes widen in horror as Vernon stops what he’s doing to slightly lift his head to look up at you, eyebrows raised to the top of his head.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t. I don’t—ahh, fuck.” Your head falls back onto the bed, crying out at the sudden pleasure of Vernon’s mouth sucking on your clit like his life depends on it until you’re coming around his fingers and on his tongue. He pulls off you for just a moment, quickly crawling back up your body to kiss all across your face and neck. 
“Say it again.” He growls against your ear.
“What?” You question, unsure of the sudden change. 
“Say it again, baby. Call me your good boy.” He groans against the skin under your ear.
“What?” You ask again, fingers dancing up and down his spine. “You wanna be my good boy?”
The guttural groan that vibrates through his chest answers your question for you. You’re thankful he can’t see your reaction right now, a huge grin plastered across your face. You whisper for him to roll over, and he does, effortlessly holding you close as he flips you both over and slides himself up the bed so he can sit against the headboard. He pulls you back on top of him, legs straddling either side of his lap. 
“I thought I just said roll over, not sit up.” You smile, wrapping your arms around your neck as his arms wrap around your waist, pulling at the zipper of your dress so it comes undone 
“And I said you don’t tell me what to do.” He teases back, capturing your lips again. But only for a moment because you pull away, leaving him to whine at the loss. You lift the dress over your head, tossing it somewhere off the bed.
“So I can’t tell you what to do, yet you get turned on when I call you a good boy?” You hold his chin between your thumb and index finger, tugging down slightly so his lips barely part.
“I didn’t get turned on.” He lies, his hands finding their usual grasp on your hips.
“No? Then what was that? What was that whole ‘say it again, call me your good boy’ stuff? You don’t want me telling you you’re a good boy?” You slowly roll your hips, your soaked center rubbing perfectly against his erection. “Don’t want me telling you how amazing you feel inside me? How well your perfect cock stretches me out?” 
The grip on your hips tightens and you feel yourself clench around nothing when he tries to suppress his whines. His eyes shut tight when you lean forward to whisper in his ear.  
“Tell me, baby. Are you a good boy that knows how to treat his girlfriend right?”
He nods quickly, exhaling a shaky breath and pulling your hips over his back and forth. 
“Yeah? A good boy that knows how to make his girlfriend feel good?” 
“Fuck, yes.” His words are drawn out, and his head falls back, hitting the headboard. 
“Then be a good boy and prove it.” He takes barely a second to do as you say, quickly lifting your hips so he can line himself up with you and sitting you back down on his length in one go. 
Your breath stops for a moment at his action, looking down to watch him rut your hips against him. You mutter a few curse words under your breath, mostly enjoying the feeling you’ve been craving for two months. He lets you take over, watching you lift your hips and bring them back down in a rhythm that has both of you losing your minds. You bring your gaze away to look up at him, his eyebrows are pinched together, and his bottom lip is perfectly tucked under his teeth. He looks so good, and the fact that he’s reacting this way because of you is a little confidence boost you don’t need but greatly appreciate. 
“Feels like I’m doing all the work here, baby.” You smirk, rocking your hips once to make his breath shudder, looking up at you. “You’re not proving to be a good boy if I’m doing all the work, now are you?” You tease, watching his eyes flicker from your sweet boyfriend enjoying the feeling of you to your menace of a boyfriend that just got off stage. 
In the blink of an eye, he pushes you forward so you’re on your back again, hands forced up above your head with one hand as the other grabs both of your ankles, folding your legs together up towards your chest. He gives you all of two seconds to focus on what had happened before he’s roughly shoving himself back into you, beginning the relentless pace you’ve been looking forward to since buying the plane ticket out here. 
“Fuck, there he is.” You quickly say in a gasp. He laughs as he presses deeper with each thrust. You cry out, unable to move any of your limbs. You try to lift your hips more to meet him faster, but he lets go of your wrists, pinning you back down by placing his hand on your lower stomach. His thumb creeps down, finding your clit and rubbing harsh, almost circles eliciting a loud moan of his name to leave your lips.
You breathe out a warning of you being close, and he only gives a small nod because he is pulling out enough to lower his head, spitting directly on your clit before quickly resuming his harsh pace. You try lifting your hips again at the sudden shock of him spitting on you, but his hand holds you down again, his thumb finding its way back to your clit. 
“Come for me, baby. I’ve missed the feeling of you coming around my cock.” He groans out the words, bringing your legs to his chest and kissing your ankle. Just that action alone is enough to quickly bring you to the edge, but it’s when he bites down just above your ankle that you feel the hot coil in you burst and you’re coming undone for him while he continues to fuck you through it. 
When you’ve finally calmed down enough, he quickly pulls himself out of you, dropping your legs and parting them, so he has access to your stomach. His hand wraps around his cock and starts pumping while he grunts a series of words you barely understand.
“Good boy, baby. Come all over your plaything. You did such a good job. Come for me, baby.” You repeat your affirmations a couple of times until he finally lets out your favorite sound, a loud but deep growl followed by short gasps and moans as he comes all over your stomach. He stills for a moment before moving to your side and laying backwards next to you, neither of you care that your feet are at the headboard. 
You both stay silent while catching your breath, your fingers mindlessly tracing the cum on your stomach as he watches. You’re not doing it to be sexy or try to turn him on again. It’s just a thing you do while thinking. He knows that, but he’d be lying if he said it wasn’t doing anything for him. 
“So…” you giggle at your own thoughts, “a praise kink, huh?” you turn your head to grin at him. He sighs, resting his arm over his face to hide a laugh.
“I guess so.” 
“Interesting…the rough loving dominating one wants to be told he’s a good boy. I can get used to that.” 
“That’s fine, but don’t forget who has the power here.” He grumbles with an almost giggle, failing to say it seriously as he turns on his side, head resting in his hand. 
“Oh, me for sure. You can’t be rough with me unless I say so. And you won’t be praised if you do anything I don’t like. All me, baby.” You grin as he stares at you, eyebrows pinched together again and mouth open in disbelief.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” He concedes, and you giggle, flipping to your side, mimicking his posture to get closer to him. You cup his face with your free hand as your smile softens.
“I missed you, Vernon. So much. Two months is too long.” You whisper. You know it’s his job, touring the world and being an idol and someone everyone desires to be with. But it’d be stupid not to admit that it’s hard not seeing him every day. 
“I know. I’m sorry, y/n. If I could, I’d take you everywhere with me. You’d never leave my side.” His free hand finds your waist, thumb rubbing soft circles against your skin. 
“Oh, that might be too clingy there, buddy.” You giggle, easing the sadness you both feel.
“How long are you here for?” you look off to the side at the imaginary calendar in your mind.
“A week and a half. I think. I leave before you head back to Seoul.” One of his eyebrows raises at the idea of having you on tour with him for under two weeks. A mischievous grin creeps along his face as he tugs your waist closer to his.
“Then I have just under two weeks to make up for two months of neglect.” his voice lowers when he moves to kiss your neck. 
“Oh, a good boy with a good plan. I like it.” You tease, cackling when he tickles you before climbing back on top of you to make good on his plan. 
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hope you enjoyed! lmk what you think. I love you 💜
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ellavaday · 1 year
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Hello! We're back to Sandra talking too much about DRES3.
I promised myself to make these shorter unless something truly horrific happens in the subtitles lol (which is, thankfully, not usually the first episode, so this is relatively short and sweet)
Here's the reference post for the first episode.
I have a drinking game for you. Take a shot each time someone mentions Torremolinos. (Disclaimer you might die of alcohol poisoning). Think of Torremolinos as the equivalent of Palm Springs. Where all of the gays go on holiday and where all the drag queens go to die retire.
Pinkchadora makes a joke of Supremme's pictures in the work room bc her name is also the name of a McDonald's burger here (yes, the entire name, Supreme Deluxe, hence the bbq sauce comment). People Pinkchadora mentioned as inspiration/references for her drag: Lola Flores (flamenco singer); Sonia and Selena (one hit wonder duo of the early 00s)
Pakita's intro line in the work room is a pun 'i whisked my milk so much' (de tanto batir la leche) ((yes yes masturbation joke)) 'i ended up whipped' (he terminado montada) we call the act of getting/being in drag as montarse/estar montada in Spain
Pakita said she's what happens when you put a Furby and Falete in a cocktail shaker. Falete is a nb flamenco singer.
Bestiah says she comes from the cultural capital of the province... Leganés. Which is a joke but we love Madrid working class neighborhood pride in this blog (sidenote there's a lesbian and a nonbinary flag in their entrance look and they're my comfort punky this season)
Pitita's name comes from Pitita Ridruejo, a socialité (that reported seeing various Marian apparitions when she was alive for which it's safe to say she was not only filthy rich she was also more than a little insane)
María Edilia came dressed like the logo of Harina Pan (the Venezuelan precooked maize corn flour used to make arepas) and in the colors of the Venezuelan flag
When Chuchi entered they talk about how they won the Canarian drag gala of 2019. There's nothing to compare Canarian drag to and it's like saying you won the most ferocious drag competition @supremmedeluxe did a post about Canarian drag if you wish to know more but like. Suffice to say it really is a league of their own
Chanel's intro line in the work room is a pun with badmouthing ("turning someone green") ((she's the one in green skin ofc))
In the mini challenge Pitita says her rat is named Obregón and it's a ref to Ana Obregón, an actress that is better known for the 'sexy sexy sexy' bit Pitita mentions (it's from the romcom Ana and the 7, in which she's a stripper that gets a job as the nanny of the seven children of a widow man, a raunchier version of The Nanny lol)
A bonus fact about how insanely talented Clover is (bc I'm in love and they talk about people thinking cis girls can't do drag): Last year there was an official viewing party hosted by Pupi in which there were also local drag performers and there were mini contests w the audience (think butch queen realness, dance offs, lipsyncs, all that, it was amazing). Clover won that thing when she was like 3 months into drag, she's really that bitch
I don't think there's much to explain for the talent shows but just in case...
Vania Vainilla mentions an app called To Good to Go that I don't know if it exists outside of Europe so we'll just mention it, it's for restaurants to sell a bit more cheaply the food that is still perfectly good but might get thrown away
Spain is Different. Alright. Welcome to my history class. So you might be familiar with how Spain was in a dictatorship for about 40 years. After WW2 Franco realized he needed to get friendlier with the US government if he wanted to keep in power bc money ((Spain was neutral in WW2 so it didn't qualify for the Marshall Plan in the beginning but it got in basically bc Franco was a massive prick that hated anything remotely Communist leaning and the USA gov... Is what it is))
Pitita's was my favorite talent show but I do realize it was the hardest to understand without references. The women in the wheel she was spinning are pop culture icons here, and she was imitating stuff that represents them. The first one was Manuela Trasobares (a mezzo-soprano trans activist) who got famous for getting very angry when discussing LGBT rights on tv on an interview and breaking a glass. Then Carmen Lomana who is a filthy rich woman that made an ad for BK that went viral bc seeing such an elegant woman in that ad was kind of camp. Then there's Terelu, there was a reality tv about how was her life and her mother's (a well known newswoman) called Las Campos (they tried to make it something akin to The Kardashians) and she famously told her mother to go fuck herself bc she asked her if she wanted a churro which became a meme so her eating churros became viral. Ana María Aldon however is a little less clear to me (the time she got COVID maybe? The fact that her disgusting ex who is the one that was actually in the wheel is one of those super macho man and famously said in an interview his sperm was still strong and wanted another kid w her??? Eh still insanely funny)
Part of said efforts was making a very strong tourist campaign under the slogan "Spain is Different" which was used to promote... Literally every single stereotype you know about the country. Toros. Flamenco. All that. So that's how you get Bestiah dressed like jamón serrano, Macarena as a comment against bullfighting (which *chef's kiss*), Hornella in a Goya/locomia inspired fan look, Maria Edilia as a flamenco souvenir doll, Vania and Kelly as homages to Sara Montiel (la Violetera and Sandra Montiel the official Sara Montiel impersonator and an icon of Torremolinos), Chuchi as a disco ball representing the party scene (very Paco Rabane too), Chanel as the dumb tourist shirts, Clover as the 12 grapes tradition on NYE, Visa as La Sagrera and then the Parc Güell in BCN
But we also now use it as a very sarcastic way to talk about things that suck but of fucking course happen in Spain. Like Pitita making a commentary on corrupt politicians (listen people trying to get away w illegal money in trash bags is a surprisingly common occurrence I'm not even going to mention a case there's a dozen), Pinkchadora talking about the Spanish cinema dedicated specifically to juvenile delinquency and in a very heartwarming example, Pakita and her homage to Ocaña (LGBT icon from the 80s that we love and adore thank you very much)
María Edilia's exit line was for me and me alone (and every other Venezuelan bc no one else would have understood it lmao). The national beauty pageant is a huge deal in my country and she sang the hymn song of the contest. It's extremely catchy and I'm now humming it lol.
I think that's all for this episode 😊 if you made it this far, thanks 💖 lmk what you thought about the episode
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v-anrouge · 2 years
Ok I decided I'm redoing my match up thing, it was too messy
What I look for in a man:
I don't wanna say this but he's gotta be handsome (shallow I know but hey at least I admit it) but he's also gotta be kind enough to me so I don't feel like a worthless piece of shit whenever he talks to me (bonus points if he's got a hot voice)
Love Language (recieving):
Words of Affirmation (says almost every Asian child ever) and gift giving are major love languages I have for recieving
Love Language (giving):
Physical touch/intimacy, I had this era as a kid where I'd rub on my mom and sister like a cat, it was annoying for them but that's just how I showed me love for them. Playfully hitting is also included like it a little bap on the head, sometimes I underestimate my strength and hurt the person I do that to and it makes me feel terrible.
Things about myself my s/o should very much know:
I'm a lazy, cynical and very pessimistic person (also very neurodivergent coded) I will cry if they're mean to me a lot and I will curse them out if they're mean to me a lot. It entirely depends on how I feel after waking up. Very much anger issues (working on it dw). I find crying attractive which is very weird and I don't wanna dive into that can of worms just yet.
Resting Bitch Face is my default which scares babies apparently and that's why they don't like me? Children are scary but I do want them. Every Time I see a cute baby I will say 'i love babies 🥹' (yes the emoji is included). It's a forever ongoing baby fever for me.
If you're gonna be with me you need to know how to listen cause if I think you're not I'll either A: stop talking and say nevermind or B: annoy you into listening to me. This again, entirely depends on my mood.
Being dramatic cause I like drama? Nah
I'm dramatic cause I never got attention from my dad as a child. Ig that's part of why I seek male validation, sad. I dunno what else to add 🤷🏻‍♀️ (have my first draft for the ppl that see this ig)
Guess who's asking for a match up (spoiler: it's me)
Favorite color: obvs purple 🙄 (why did I add this 😭)
Uhhh I'm super lazy and very much depressed, I will get angry if you ignore my very obvious mental struggles. (I also just get really angry in general but SHHHH) also very cynical and apathetic to most things, sleepy 24/7.
I make characters so they can live a life I can only dream of...hmmm what else...I'm smart-ish (if top 7 of my grade for 8 consecutive terms counts as smart) anddddd I like writing and making up storylines. My favorite thing to do is read (not the classics, they bore me tbh, but I guess Holes and Midsummer's Night Dream is ok)
I very much often ramble into tangents and can be seen as a bitch apparently cause yay social anxiety doesn't like me talking to other ppl ✨ toxic friendship frr‼️ I'm more expressive on the internet than I am in real life bc no one knows who I am behind the screen (unless you doxx me but pls don't ♥️) and that comforts me.
I have ADD, MILD autism and 💩 crippling depression 💩
I like being dramatic bc I didn't get much attention from my dad as a kid and he went to buy milk ig 🤷🏻‍♀️. I always look high in pictures and I hate taking them cause I always look high.
What else...hmmm I like singing and dancing when I think no one's watching and I despise- no I abhor when ppl try to force me into doing things I don't wanna do. I like food a lot and will cry if it has no flavor. Donuts are 👌🏼 . I was 100% a menace as a kid and awfully gullible. And I'm very good at holding grudges as well (my longest grudge is over a decade long-)
And I think that's abt it? There's probs more but I'm tired
homie gave me their entire autobiography holy fuck /pos
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MALLEUS this man LIVES to spoil you he just loves hugging you from behind and smiling as he shows you a beautiful (and extremely expensive) necklace he got done for you, the necklace is enchanted so that it'll always be in pristine condition, the gem's color change in the light naturally but you can see they also have a bit of magic on them, everyday this man will smile and compliment your stunning flawless looks with a smile on his face, if he had his tail out it would be wagging so hard he'd cause an earthquake
at first malleus would be very confused on why you hit him and think he had done something wrong but when you tell him it's just your way of showing affection he'll say you can use him as punching as much as you want to with a cute little smile, malleus won't ever hit you back because 1- he is way stronger than you and would definitely hurt you 2- what kind of man would he be if he hurt the one he is so deeply in love with??
he loves any affection you give him, in the beginning of your relationship malleus always went a bit stiff when you showed him a lot of affection because he isn't used to it but even back then he already did enjoy your affection he just didn't know how to react to it, now he is already very used to it, to the point he'll get a bit pouty if he doesn't get his morning hug and kiss
malleus is aware of your mental health and he does everything in his power to help you heal and feel better, malleus does not like fighting and he isn't used to being mean, sometimes he could say something a bit hurtful but it's just because he isn't completely socially aware, please talk to him if he ever hurts you and he'll immediately apologize and promise to never say anything like that ever again, he'll spend the rest of the day spoiling you to make up for that, he says it's because he feels terrible and although he isn't lying you both know malleus just really enjoys spoiling u
malleus loves reading to you, he'd really enjoy it if you could sit on his lap as he reads a book you picked out, his voice is very pleasant to listen and honestly very calming so most of the times you end up falling asleep, when that happens malleus kisses your forehead and hugs you tighter making sure you're having the sweetest dreams ever
both of you are seen as intimidating so as soon as you two step into any place everyone is immediately looking at you two, an intense intimidating aura filling the entire place as you two walk together before malleus picks up a silly little plushie and tells you that it reminds him of you and start gushing over it as if u two were completely alone, to be fair, whenever malleus is with you you're the only thing he cares about
malleus is over the moon when he discovers that you'd like to have children since he will be a king that is basically a necessity, it doesn't matter if you two adopt or have the child yourselves malleus will make sure you and his little baby/babies are always happy and comfortable, he'll spoil both u and ur child/children rotten and would be constantly cooing over them, however he is extremely protective of you and your child/children so he tends to growl at strangers that approach u 💀
other possibilities: kalim, lilia & trey
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leasboyfriend · 2 years
Maroon, Yellow, Emerald, Indigo, and Pink for Axel! - ⏳️🤍🖤
@hearts-and-stars yesssss thank!
🔴/Maroon: Tell us about the perfect date night scenario with your f/o!
already answered so im slightly changing the question to just describe a date
he took me on my first ever visit to halloween town! bc he knows i like spooky shit and had never been there before 😅 world magic made us both look delightfully creepy and we had a good time just wandering around (it was pretty close to halloween so most of the inhabitants there were busy oops)
💛/Yellow: Imagine a fantasy au with you and your f/o! What roles would the two of you take? How would the story end?
ok so originally I was going to say beauty and the beast but it doesnt quite work out, but then i thought hades and persephone and oooo yes i want that one. axel as hades and me as persephone and obviously we're in love by the end
🟢/Emerald: Are either you or your f/o a good cook? Or is the kitchen being declared a disaster zone and you ordered out?
i can bake lmao. i can cook with a recipe, but i dont rly enjoy it. Axel can cook simple stuff, but that's about it. we won't burn the kitchen down, but we're ordering takeout pretty often 😅
🔵/Indigo: Do you have a favorite image/gif/video of your f/o? Show us!
flamey bf go brrr :)
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Show us the emoji(s) you associate with your f/o! (Bonus: Tell us why?)
already answered so ur getting emojis he associates with me :)
green heart and space emoji are hopefully obvious
dancer bc he says watching me fight is more like watching someone dance (i took years of ballroom i cant help it 😅)
plant got added bc he saw my "garden" (the floor to ceiling wall of various plants from various worlds)
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floodland, spirit phone, and symbols for the f/o ask game? (for anyone you like, or even multiple)
*dances bc i chose eds*
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floodland - what is your favorite thing about your f/o, whether it be something appearance-related, or personality-related? Good question bc ... for eddie its just... everything about him 🥺🥺 Like...ok to begin with it's his personality because.. jesus fuck- he is such a badass and a rebel.. skeptic kid omfg.. yet god i love his god-wholesome awful puppy eyes bc they break me internally so for god's sake i'd do anything to spoil him when he gives me those,,, stupid puppy eyes... I also love how badass he gets for being a rebel in nature-- even at the,,, end of the book (fl1ght of 1carus coughs coughs ok debate what you want but ill never not think of him also in the BOOK) but i wont say spoilers in case bc,,, yes. but i will say about what he does in the book that i fucking love :" ) I love that omg.. he is such a simp in nature and and and omfg i loVE that he talks so much about LOTR!!!! I don't know anything abt LOTR and oMFG... he even gives his bestie Ronnie (My GIRL ILY forever(tm) ) a 1 hour lECTURE of Elven politics of Tolkien??? Like hoNEY!? Ronnie in the book was like 'uh yeah excuse me im done" roNNIE GIVE HIM to mE BC I wouldn't MIND It when he will talk LOTR on me 🥺🥺🥺🥺 just let him to the talking to me ill listen-
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anYWAYS appearance? I... ever since i was 10 years old, im always into men with long hair- Eddie's such a bonUS-- him w/ a badass battle jacket? SO freaking RAD!!!! I love that most of his room is bunch of metal band posters,, I wouldn't know if he knew most of the hits but im sure he is a big judas priest fan- and a accept, King diamond fan bc... after THOSE posters it really mADE ME LISTEN ALL OF those!! and im ... thankful for learning more of them on the way. It's been a year and.. one of my favorite band albums,,, from one of Eddie's band's is probably Accept's album; Russian Roulette. I would suggest it if anyone wants to hear it too omfg.
spirit phone - does your f/o believe in the supernatural? (if they are a supernatural creature, how do they react to people who don’t believe in them?) Oh eddie? Idk... I.. oh m y god Eddie sure has debated about whether he believes in aliens or not,, but i think he pretty much does... he really is the type to believe on them.. Sometimes.. he doesn't believe much like fairies, big foot, moth man etc. so.. hes a skeptic sometimes... but when it comes to space, he always go with deep questions like... 'what if life is actually out there other than earth??" "are we like... not alone in this universe?"
symbols - what’s a popular misconception about your f/o?
Honestly... I would say somethin controversial and unpopular thing but... i think i'd skip that one bc that... wOULD hit a yikes into my card in this hellsite so... I'll put other thoughts instead if you excuse me,,, omg.. a really big misconception is people think Eddie's necklace is either Red, or black-
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uh look, I realized by research... it's actually tortoise shell made! because it's not even red or black! It's a color of darker brown with half transparency with it...
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honestly seeing that,, it really made sense!! another one? The ring Eddie was wearing?
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its not dark, its actually a vintage looking mood ring-
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this really made me felt like I resemble him a lot bc... i actually own a mood ring that has a hermes theme to it.. it looks old as well : ) I got it from the planetarium in Salt lake city..
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