#the bogs hollow players
tnoy-keraxis · 22 days
Obviously the band knows how to play instruments, but what about the players? Does anyone specifically play anything?
Oh yes!! Good question.
Cyprian played the lute, so he was so ready to play the prince. I think Sigrid can play the piano and Bertram just watches her with a dreamy smile. Petra and Tove can probably play a mean violin duet, and I reckon Sabine is good on a cello. Otherwise I don’t think anyone else is talented enough. Gregor breaks instruments but I don’t think that counts.
David can obviously do everything.
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vigilskeep · 1 year
wait harker what is your beef with halsin? /gen
so on my first attempt at starting the game, i played a tiefling druid, which was quite an experience as i had no idea the first conflict i was about to walk into was between tieflings and druids. i found talking to kagha very upsetting for my character; it was obvious this was a place my character would normally feel at home, were it not for the bigotry that had taken root. the first thing kagha said to my character, after she was finished hurling fantasy slurs at and threatening a tiefling child who was crying apologies and begging to go back to her parents, was to dismiss my character as a druid on account of their race: “the treefather’s words spoken with a devil’s forked tongue”. if you read what’s on the table next to kagha, there’s a diatribe against tieflings, saying their allegiance is to the hells and implying they should all be sent back there. i also played a failed save where kagha was responsible for the little tiefling girl’s death and her only immediate reaction was to cover it up, and also where i foolishly attacked her and she commanded a full attack against the tieflings where i came back into the hollow to see dozens slaughtered and the rest desperately trying to defend themselves. so i was fully aware that kagha posed an existential threat to this entire group of innocent refugees with whom i shared common ground
(i swear all this context is necessary)
after all this, obviously i was glad to discover there was a quest to investigate kagha. i felt my character’s faith in their druid beliefs was pretty shaken, and they would be hugely pleased to displace kagha, search out the rightful leader of the grove, and see justice done and balance restored. i put some quite considerable effort into investigating kagha, stealing from her chest (and boy is stealth not my strong suit) and trekking all the way down the map to the bog to discover the truth. i was pleased to learn she was some kind of evil druid. she was an anomaly. all i needed was to get rid of her, and everything would be fine again. but i made a crucial mistake: i decided to rescue halsin first, thinking everything would be much easier if i had the true, good leader of the grove at my side before i started making accusations. after all, my character still wanted to believe in the druids, and had not felt like she would be trusted in the grove herself. it was a natural choice.
and halsin... just demoted kagha to novice?
like. that’s it. he didn’t even make her leave the grove that had been willing to support her in all this. kagha was willing to kill a tiefling child. she was willing to kill all the tieflings. if you show up before you go to rescue halsin, she’s willing to attack her own people. you can even tell halsin she was involved with these evil shadow druids, and he has almost nothing to say about it. and right after that, he had the nerve to say to my druid character that in another time they would have been a welcome addition to the grove, as if it wasn’t very clear how unwelcome people like them were, as if they would be willing to be the one exception. kagha wasn’t the only one who’d gone along with it or spat the word devil. then halsin wants to join me and leave the grove to deal with his own guilt, while bringing in some stranger to resolve the grove’s problems and restore its “purity”, as if any druids seem trustworthy neutral parties right now, and as if kagha and her influence wouldn’t still be right there, just as unchecked in his absence. and he got mad at me for the extremely minor questioning of that which the game let me do!
i absolutely do not expect anyone to share these opinions as they originate from an extremely specific experience of the game lmao. in fact, different players being able to have very different opinions based on how you experienced the game is one of my favourite parts of bg3 so far. but personally i don’t seem to be able to shake this opinion despite now playing as a different character—this current one having found out that he personally taught kagha??—and i... don’t think i’m being that irrational. i don’t like him and if i get an opportunity to drop him from my camp i will take it
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kairithemang0 · 29 days
Hi hello, I'm interested in your storyblock headcanons 👁️��️
Ok so Cinderellas castle is a traveling show right? They have their cast of players and that night they’re in bogs hollow. So I think ragweed and the narrator met in this traveling show business and ragweed was an instant asshole to the narrator but they bonded and ended up getting married somehow and the entrance crew thought it was the worst idea ever andddd they instantly got divorced for a first time
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yeyinde · 11 months
Haha, I also spoil myself intentionally, but for the plot of movies, tv shows, and games I’m not super invested in. If I accidentally spoil myself (especially if I learn a character dies) I’ll cope by telling myself “I don’t know how/when it happened though”
Anyways Major Character Death!!
I’m SO disappointed in them killing off Soap and especially in how they did it! No buildup or anything! To me it was disrespectful to the character and to Neil Ellice. And then the 141 don’t even say anything and it cuts to them spreading his ashes with a simple goodbye! They could have at least made them a little more upset 🥲 also I hate how abruptly the game ended. Makarov gets away, but no mention to that at the end.
I had also initially requested what would become infinity in the palm of your hand (eternity in an hour) as a way to “cope” with 2009 Soap’s death because it’s always been on the back of my mind for years (weird, I know). But now after playing the new MW3 campaign I look like boo boo the fool because of who went and got killed off 😭 now every time I go back to reread it, it will be painful knowing what’s in store for reader for their current reincarnation of Soap.
Tldr I’m kinda not okay with MW3.
From what I've seen, it feels like they pulled it out of a hat. All names went in, but his (amongst others) came out. And I guess it's safe because he died in the OG, so the backlash can easily be deflected from within their own community when other fans come to their defence over this choice. But idk.
I agree with everything you said. It doesn't make any sense. It's jarring and misplaced, and canonically pointless. I'm not against character death. Grief is a powerful thing. But I just hate when it's so contrived and needless. It was definitely done for shock value over plot/character growth and I think they were trying to re-create the massive storm that happened when OG Soap died because they know they don't have much else going for them. It just massively missed the mark because: a) Price and Gaz had no tangible in-game relationship with Soap the same way Ghost did; and b) what does his death really amount to in the end? Nothing. It feels cobbled together and poorly thought out. It's sad when Portal 2 has better writing than your whole remake combined. Honestly, it's kind of impressive how little thought they put into this. I'm getting flash backs to DGG's Halloween.
If it's any consolation, the mythology I based the reincarnation off of in infinity would essentially just be neverending. An ouroboros. The events would happen much the same way. A knock on the door. Spiral of grief. A bog. A deal. Restart. So, you'd just wake up again and live life until whatever the old you made a deal with decides it's time to collect. You're forever stuck in a loop with your soulmate until you get it right.
The rest is just how I kinda wish it went, but this was getting very long because I have more thoughts on this than I anticipated lmao 😅
Personally, I think it would have been much more interesting if they brought in a new passel of characters and slowly chipped off the main cast in a series of horrible decisions that slowly begin to feel hollow and empty. That leave you, the player, feeling emotionally gutted with each new chapter because the choices previously are absolutely impacting the way they move forward, but they're too deep into their own revenge fantasy to see it until the very end when it's too late. Give me actions have consequences and every choice you make is directly responsible for someone's death. The realities of war. And what happens when you give a group of people the power to play god in countries they know nothing about. It would have matched the gritty tone they tried to go for with the trailers and actually served as an interesting conversation about war and how we tend to deify the military when they're just men with too much power in their hands. Instead, we have a death that means nothing. That arguably happened much too early in the series so the payoff is solely meant for clicks and reaction channels. Pointless.
And Makarov. A Russian Ultra Nationalist. I feel like that title alone says everything for me, and yet. They still somehow managed to give a Russian War Criminal so many wins. I'm just so irritated by it all.
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here’s an absolute batshit crazy Cinderella’s Castle theory that is based barely any evidence
the narrator is (used to be) the god of stories. During the fairy queen of sweet dreams scene, She says she has said that she has seen many gods rise and fall and that Ella’s gods are false. Also the “I am mother.” line has a chance of being a little wink to fans but I am using it for evidence. We don’t much the gods but when Cinderella’s Castle takes place there are nine gods currently worshipped by the man folk of the lands that are. We also don’t know when the fairy queen of sweet dreams spawned into existence. Now onto the Bogs Hollow Players. We don’t know when they were established and most importantly how much time after the events of Cinderella’s Castle that Cinderella’s Castle the musical is created. The musical could centuries after the fact and which begs the question how did they know everything. Now I am assuming that the events of Cinderella’s Castle did actually happen and weren’t just a legend later turned into a musical by the Bogs Hollow Players. How did they know about the fairy queen of sweet dreams? Ella would NOT tell anyone other than those close to her because who’s to say that someone with malicious intent could seek her and use her gifts for dark intentions. Then how would they know? The narrator. The little exchange with ragweed and especially the “I didn’t kill her, The stepmother did.” and the bow to ella at the end intrigued me quite a bit. You may be thinking but what his ex wive’s? Let me explain. Here is my explanation. The fairy queen of sweet dreams is mother of all the other gods. She had a iron grip on the grip on the rest of gods and would destroy any of the gods who would defy her and erase any evidence of them from of the lands that. The remaining gods banded together and trapped her in the realm of death. They tried to get rid of any evidence of her but failed as there were few that remembered her would pass down her existence and that she should freed. Now here comes part about the narrator. His job was to make stories that would entertain the gods. He soon became fond of the lands that are and the menfolk. But also here comes in the false gods part. The few who remembered the fairy queen of sweet dreams created the false gods and spread the false gods to every corner of the lands that are to take away power from the real gods as revenge for trapping the fairy queen of sweet dreams. This greatly angered the rest of gods as this was mockery of them and a crime against the gods. They went to the narrator and told him to manipulate the story to get rid of the false gods and to bring the few who remembered to the realm of the gods where they would erased from existence. The narrator who was very fond of the menfolk instead hid all of them from the other gods and made them unable to be found by any of the other gods. When the others learned of what he had done, He was cast out of the godly realm and took his divine power except his omniscience to mock him. He was reborn as a human and reincarnated a few times but he always remembered and watched every story and he was unable to intervene or help anyone. He got married a lot and a divorced a lot. He became numb but decided to tell to stories again but instead to the menfolk. He created the Bogs Hollow Players in a way to cope with and accept the fact he couldn’t create the stories anymore but can only watch.
please ask me for me for me theories based on barely anything! Or maybe a headcanon?
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gamesception · 1 year
Done with Utena for now, but I had fun trying to post something near daily and would like to try to keep that up. Given my track record I'll likely not get very far, but I didn't think I'd finish the rgu read, so who knows. I've got a few ideas, but I also have to take like a week to get out from under the minis-painting commission, so in the mean time why not a poll to see which idea I should go with? explanations under the cut:
Cass Cain project: Cassandra Cain was my favorite comic book superhero, and DC bungling her character back in the day was what got me out of comics altogether. She has since been revived as a new character after a reboot or two, but while I tried I was never quite able to get back into the later version of her, and around the time of the Birds of Prey movie I started a project looking back at her comic appearances more or less in order to try and put into words what I liked about the character back in the day and why later reinterpretations of the character didn't quite hit that same note, for me at least. I put it on intermission at some point and promised to come back with a look at the 'Shadow of the Batgirl' graphic novel, but that book was too long for the too little I had to say about it, so I never did finish that post and the project stalled out. I have thought on and off about dusting the project off and starting it up again. Now might be a good time to do so.
Dark Souls: I've played Dark Souls before. I had a lot of fun with it, and for a while watched a lot of lore & cut content videos. One of the bits of cut content that really stood out to me was Oscar, Knight of Astora. In game he's the nameless knight that drops the key to you at the start of the Undead Asylum, and later gives you the estus flask before dying, but until relatively late in development he was supposed to survive the asylum and appear repeatedly in the main game, following a sort of parallel path to yours. Ever since hearing about this cut npc quest line, I've kind of wanted to recreate it by naming a new character after Oscar, collecting all his gear early, and then using co-op and pvp features to play out Oscar's narrative in the games of random players online, helping early on before becoming a rival and invader later.
Morrowind: I never did beat Morrowind - just played it until I had completely broken the game by accident (through bartering if you'd believe it) and sort of lost interest after that. The game's a classic that deserves a better run than that.
Fallout: New Vegas: Another project I started but failed to finish, multiple times over. But maybe third time's the charm for Bethany? I had a lot of fun with New Vegas but the liveblog got bogged down because I ended up playing too far ahead. If I just post thoughts or updates to where I am currently instead of trying to create a continuous narrative of the entire run that shouldn't happen.
Hollow Knight: I've done all the Hollow Knight Achievements on both Switch and Playstation, but on PC my record's sitting at a shameful 83%. Gotta fix that, plus I kind of want to replay it again before the release of the sequel, which I'm still thinking will be later this year.
Cyberpunk/Nier/Sekiro/Disco: Nothing much to say about these, just some games I heard were good and bought on steam that I haven't gotten around to playing yet. At least, not more than just the intro/tutorials.
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ballonleaparadise · 2 years
Possible Lore behind Zacian and Zamazenta
So there's been lots of interesting theories about the Legendary dogs of Galar, Zacian and Zamazenta. I was thinking about the possible lore behind the pair. I think that the inspiration behind these Legendaries might actually lie in classical English literature. (I will explain I promise). I'm actually doing English lit at Uni so reading makes up 60% of my life rn. 🙃
The Hound of the Baskervilles
You might be familiar with the Sherlock Holmes stories, written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. One of Doyle's books, 'The Hound of the Baskervilles', is set on Dartmoor in Devonshire, in the south of England. During this story, Sherlock and Watson are called to investigate the death of Sir Charles Baskerville. Holmes' client, Dr Mortimer suspects the cause of death to be a demonic hound who is roaming the Moor.
Fun fact: The design of the pokemon 'Houndoom' is supposingly based on the Hound of the Baskervilles. (Maybe some foreshadowing there). Credit to @name-rater.
I'm not suggesting that Zacian and Zamazenta are linked to Doyle's story just because they are more dog/wolf pokemon. In 'The Hound of the Baskervilles', Dr Mortimer describes the footprints of the mysterious hound as "gigantic". When you think about the size of both Zazian and Zamazenta, and the fear which they initially impose on Hop and the player, it aligns with this image.
I also find it too coincidental that the Galar region is based on the uk, which is well-known for Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and the Sherlock Holmes stories. In addition, Doyle's novel was inspired by the legend of a ghostly dog which haunts Dartmoor. Pokemon tend to draw on real life folklore when creating legendaries, so I wouldn't put this past them.
The Grimpen Mire and The Slumbering Weald
Another reason why I think that Zacian and Zamazenta could be inspired by 'The Hound of the Baskervilles', is due to the atmosphere of the Slumbering Weald. In Sword and Shield, the Slumbering Weald is the hiding place of Zacian and Zamazenta. In Doyle's story, the hound of the Baskervilles is suspected to lurk in a place called 'The Grimpen Mire'. The Grimpen Mire is a bog in the middle of the moor, described as a misty and "melancholy" place. In a modern BBC adaptation of Doyle's stories, 'Sherlock', *best show ever btw*, there is an episode which re-imagines 'The Hound of the Baskervilles', called 'The Hounds of Baskerville.' (Created by Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss).
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[[Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman as Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson in 'The Hounds of Baskerville, Sherlock, BBC.]]
In the BBC adaptation, the hound resides in an area called 'Dewer's Hollow' which is a hollow in the woods. The area is covered by heavy 'fog' rather than 'mist'.
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[[Dewer's Hollow in 'The Hounds of Baskerville'- Benedict Cumberbatch and Russel Tovey.]]
How does this link to the Slumbering Weald? As I mentioned earlier, The Slumbering Weald is the hiding place of Zacian and Zamazenta. Not only this, but the weald embodies characteristics of both The Grimpen Mire in Doyle's story and Dewer's Hollow in the BBC adaptation: It is an eerie place which is mostly obscured by fog. In relation to the BBC adaptation, the Slumbering Weald is a deep wood just like Dewer's Hollow:
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[[The Slumbering Weald, Pokemon Sword and Shield.]]
It's important to note that the Slumbering Weald is not based on Dartmoor, the setting of Doyle's story. According to Bulbapedia, the weald is based on Grizzledale Forest in the Lake District in the north of England. However, the atmospheric similarities between the Slumbering Weald, The Grimpen Mire and Dewer's Hollow line up perfectly for me.
This is still just a theory but I thought it would be fun to discuss it. The story of the Hound of the Baskervilles and the BBC adaptation both have parallels with Zacian and Zamazenta and the Slumbering Weald.
I don't think that Doyle's story is the only possible inspiration behind Zacian and Zamazenta. For one, the legendaries are heros, armoured with a sword and a shield. This could be a reference to Arthurian Legend, a genre of medieval British literature which is associated with heros such as King Arthur. It could also be a reference to the English legend of Saint George and the Dragon (with Eternatus representing the dragon).
I've rambled for long enough lol but I found this link interesting. I like to think that Doyle's 'The Hound of the Baskervilles' is part of the lore behind Zacian and Zamazenta. It would arguably make a lot of sense.
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juiceboxman · 3 years
Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft came out a few days ago. I bought it an read through it. The book expands stuff in the classic module the Curse of Strahd, a Gothic Horror centred campaign in which a party are pitted against a very powerful Vampire and other types of horrors in a cursed land.
Most of the book’s content details these things:
How to make a horror centred campaign
How to make scary encounters
How to scare your players while also not crossing personal boundaries
I have to commend the book on how informative it is on how to maintain a healthy playing environment. Such as having a thorough discussion with the players before you begin about what players are comfortable with and what they aren’t, so you have topics and themes in the story that you know not to touch upon as it may upset players and ruin the fun. The book also recommends that you avoid using players irl phobias in the game as it ruins gameplay experience as well. For more advice on how to run a healthy fun playing experience, I recommend checking out Dimension 20′s Adventuring Academy podcast. Its a great advice podcast on all things table top.
All the stuff in the Source Book is horror specific, so if you’re not into horror or any scary stuff in D&D, the book is not for you and that’s fine. For those that like horror, the book does a great job of helping set the tone for a horror game and how to build and maintain tension.
It also sets out a guide for how to adapt elements of Curse of Strahd into homebrew games. So say you love the vibe and mechanics in Curse of Strahd, but you don’t really care with the BBEG being a Vampire. The source book lists at least 16 adventures with varying genres of Horror with different creatures and encounters. 
So in one adventure, you can play in this accursed desert where the BBEG is a powerful Mummy Lord. Or in another you can play in a strange carnival in which the BBEG is a Fey creature. There’s zombie outbreaks, mindflayers- everything you can imagine, you can create and play and the book will help you to do so.
The book polishes up some Unearthed Arcana stuff, namely three new playable races. Dhampir (a watered down vampire that you can play as a PC), Hexblood (a humanoid mutated by Hag magic) and Reborn (an undead or construct reincarnation) all of them are pretty interesting.
They also sort out two UA subclasses, namely College of Spirtits Bard and Warlock patron of Undead. he latter of which you can have someone like Strahd be your patron.
There’s also some new backgrounds that are interesting and a new Dark Gift feature that is also pretty cool. A character can choose to receive a Dark Gift from a Dark Lord, an example being Strahd, so that they get some benefits but also some negative impacts as well. It can make some very fun game play for those who are interested.
But, the main thing I buy source books for is the classic DM stuff. NEW MONSTERS! Here are some of my favourites. 
Dullahan, a headless horseman. Very spooky and potentially lethal
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Death Head, very interesting monster that can be flavoured to a DMs whims. ou can have a flying medusa head or a flying nothic head, or any type of flying head. The head is your oyster. They go well with the Dullahan and there is a specific adventure in the Source Book that includes both of them in case you wanna play a sleepy hollow esque game
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Gallow Speaker. Picture a mix between an Oracle and a Spectre, you have one very creepy monster that can also make a very spooky NPC
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Gremishka. A very creepy monstrous cat that is like the opposite of a familiar. In fact, its whole existence is just to be the bane of Spellcasters. Very creepy and has some interesting features, though I think you’d have to juice it up if your Wizard is higher than lvl 3.
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Inquisitors. You have three separate Inquisitors whose whole lore mixes with Curse of Strahd but I won’t get into. There are; Inquisitor of the Mind Fire, Inquisitor of the Sword and Inquisitor of the Tome. If you like elements of the Githzarai but don’t know how implement them into your campaign, Inquisitors are a good alternative
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Jiangshi. A very interesting undead. Basically a mix between a Ghoul and a Vampire, would make a very interesting monster for low level PCs
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Loup Garou. An alpha werewolf. For werewolf fans like me, I imagine you’re disappointed that werewolves are only a CR 3. With Loup Garou though, you now have a werewolf with legendary actions. Very interesting monster and there is a very cool adventure in the source book that features the monster. It also has some very cool werefwolf mechanics if a PC gets infected with lycanthropy and also has a magic item linked to it thats pretty cool
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Nechricor. Imagine if a Lich failed at Lichdom and accidentally turned themselves into an ooze; that’s Nechricor. I always love the tope of very powerful villains trapped in like a bottle or a knife or a statue, so a Nechricor is right up my alley
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Nosferatu. Very much like a Vampire Spawn but a hell of a lot grosser. They have a feature where they can hurt people by projectile vomiting blood on them. Very nasty. If you wanna remove the romanticism from vampirism, Nosferatu are the way to go. Also if you wanna use vampires with lower level PCs, Nosferatu can be very good alternative
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Vampire Mind Flayer. Enough said
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And that’s most of my favourites. There’s plenty more, such as the Relentless Slasher- which is great if you wanna play a murder mystery campaign or a Friday the 13th one shot- very interesting monster.
There’s a lot of other monsters that are also really cool but I don’t really want to share them cause they’re so gross or creepy. There’s a monster called the Boneless which is literally just a bunch of skin that chokes people. There’s a bog star spawn monster that is just super gross and horrifying. There’s also a monster called a Carrionette, which is just a doll that can steal your soul- super creepy! The artists definitely outdid themselves on this source book.
If you wanna check the, out or get a hold of the stat block of these monsters above, check out Van Richtens Guide to Ravenloft
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sanjuno · 4 years
So a thing happened
Hey, so who remembers me saying that “Wildfire Hearts” was a one shot and I wasn’t gonna create an entire crew of OCs for a one shot?
... I’m weak and think too much so here have a crew list.
SHIP: Days of Reckoning
CREW: The Anarchy Pirates
Captain: Portgas D Riot | “Wildfire” Riot
Technically South Blue by way of his mother and birthplace, East Blue by way of his father and part of his childhood
Has eaten the Legendary Logia - Mera Mera no Mi, Model: Ghostfire (because “Hotarubi” reminds me of bog lights.)
Will never admit to anyone what happened in the canon timeline
Wants to bang Marco the Phoenix like a screen door in a hurricane
Completely out of fucks to give
Has died once already and fears nothing
First Mate: Ranger Dustin
Literally a cowboy
From East Blue
If Jesse McCree was a pirate this is the pirate he’d be
Has a Seahorse, likes to rope Seakings when he’s bored
Has roped and tied his crewmates and Captain to stop them from doing a Dumb more than once
Main weapons are his lassos and his ability to suplex a rowdy Seaking, but he’s also got a decent quickdraw – he shoots from the hip!
Hat-tip to Dusty – we loved you before you had a real name, white cowboy hat pirate man
Quartermaster: Occhio D Vittoria
Clairvoyant Clearfin Lionfish Mermaid
A “first generation” D – the D means “Drowned”
Technically an Author-SI but shh that’s a secret so she says she’s from Fishman Island
She’s basically a waterbender but only with seawater
Old enough to have legs and that’s all you need to know
Probably a witch actually
Spends a significant amount of time yelling at the Sea – please don’t freak out when the Sea starts arguing back if it happens just roll with it
Navigator: Kele of Shandora
Shandorian from a tribe that migrated away from the main Sky Island to an arpeggio to get some distance from the fighting
Has eyes tattooed on his eyelids for the lols
Black hair and black eyes, swarthy skin, many tattoos
He swol but built rangy like an alley cat
Has a magic compass
Fell off the Shandora arpeggio when trying to catch a seaturtle as a birthday present for his mother
Has pearl beads in his hair
HC that people from the Sky Islands have hollow bones, so Kele looks scary but is actually comparatively fragile.
Pirate married to Hilda and Tern
Cannoneer: Svan Hilda
Former North Blue noble
Platinum blonde with red eyes, very pale skin
Jacked like whoa – this woman can bench-press both her husbands and the main cannon at the same time
Also very tol
Really likes it when her “little surprises” make a bigger boom than the other guy’s
Frequently kidnapped by other pirate crews; proceeds to take them over through brute force and broken arms before absconding with their loot before they regain consciousness
Pirate Married to Kele and Tern
Bladesmith: Heel Tern
Why are there so many knives?
East Blue native and exactly as stubborn as you think that means
Light brown hair and dark brown eyes, tanned
Basically immune to fire because of Armament before Riot drags him out of East Blue because he started playing with burning coals before he was old enough to know better
Pirate married to Kele and Hilda
Doctor: Angelo Merci
Always smiling. Always.
Lost her medical license when she “accidently” slipped with her scalpel during surgery on a World Noble who was “fond of children”
Originally from West Blue
Technically was supposed to get killed for that but shanked the Marine escort and bolted before the order was given
Pink curly hair and green eyes, dark brown skin
Swordsman: Iago Montoya
Is basically what happens when a flamenco dancer and a swashbuckler have a baby
Very Dramatic Person
From South Blue
Dark purple hair and bright purple eyes, dark tan skin
Is BFFs forever with the Badu Brothers
Likes to accuse his opponents of killing his father to “set the proper mood!” even though Mr. Iago Sr. is running a popular theatre back in his hometown
Shipwrights: Ghal Friday and Mahn Gull
They are both from Water 7 but moved to East Blue as children
Friday looks like a dairy maid pin-up and has a grip that can crush cinderblocks barehanded
Has orange hair and blue eyes, tanned with freckles
Gull is really fond of secret passages and trapdoors
Has dark grey hair and overly large orange eyes, pasty from spending as much time as possible inside the ship
Friday and Gull are either married or co-dependant. We dunno for sure and we’re too scared to ask
They will finish each other’s sentences… and sandwiches.
They share only one braincell and it’s usually occupied with ship maintenance
Bard | Chronicler: Tarone Deff
A Lobster Fishman
From Fishman Island, obvs
His swimmerets have pseudo-hands that he uses to play instruments that need digits
Mostly a singer and percussion player tho
Has perfect pitch and can imitate voices really well
Musician: Dandy Leon
Has a massive embarrassing crush on Badur Mofu
Fails hard at flirting when he likes someone but gets like six different denden codes when he’s schmoozing for clothing discounts
Believes that every fight should have a musical score
Plays instruments beautifully, sounds like a dying cat when he tries to sing
Tucks his shirt into his pants but then leaves it unbuttoned so he can show off his “assets”
Fights with a giant fucking axe wtf you twee little bastard where were you keeping that?
Sniper: Mark Tagger
Has a telescope that is the same size as his rifle, and carries them both on his back in a harness, and that has caused some interesting incidents when he mixes them up by grabbing the wrong one
Best artist of the crew, so he helps Kele make the maps
Rainbow dreadlocks and black skin
Never seen without his visor on
Wears massively oversized shirts – I have no idea if he’s got pants on your guess is as good as mine
Cooks: Badur Mofu and Badur Asif
Twins – have recent Artic Wolf Mink Ancestry that makes them look feral, but far enough removed from it that they’re mostly human
White hair, gold eyes, claws, fangs, and slightly off proportions
Badur Asif talks, Badur Mofu doesn’t talk
Enhanced senses mean they are super strict about seasonings
Lookout | Spymaster: Long Conner
Extremely farsighted – can see an approaching ship 3 days away, cannot see own shoelaces
Learned hypnosis and grifting from his granny
Has a very trustworthy face
He is a lying liar who lies
Apprentice Captains:
Portgas D Ace
Born Gol, took mother’s family name instead
Ate the Mera Mera no Mi because he was shipwrecked and forgot to pay attention to what he was eating
Portgas D Sabo
A “First Generation” D
Formerly Outlook, forgot this due to brain trauma
Joined the crew at 13 when the Anarchy Pirates stole him from the Revolutionary Army
Ate the Yami Yami no Mi because Luffy did a Dumb Thing
Portgas D Luffy
Formerly Monkey
Ate the Gomu Gomu no Mi because he thought it was a desert
Gonna be the next King of Pirates
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hesesols · 4 years
Into the WILD
Day 16 of Ichiruki month 2020
Trapped inside fantasy MMORPG. Send help please?
Rating: T
The first thing that strikes him as odd is that the ground underneath him is dewy soft. Not that the carpet in his tiny student accommodation isn't soft. It just isn't as soft by comparison and doesn't smell so strongly of grass and urgh- he hates pollen with a vengeance.
It makes his nose itch like mad and –
Last time he checked summer was already over and the northern hemisphere was entering early autumn.
Brown eyes open in alarm.
The sun is in his eyes as he sits up and he's lying in a sea of golden tulips and ruby red camellias, blades of grass and crushed flowers under his fingertips.
He isn't alone.
There are others next to him. Each one garbed in unusual medieval clothing- intimidating-looking armours with spikes and brightly-coloured capes, fur-trimmings and equally garish-looking armbands; brandishing weapons that range from claymores to wooden staffs. Everyone seems to be in more or less the same state of disbelief and wide-eyed amazement at their new surroundings.
Where are they?
And holy shit! Is that a real-life armoured bear?
"You look like you could use a hand there, Kurosaki."
Ishida or at least who he assumes to be Ishida- his annoying cousin of sorts and fellow guild member- stands in front of him, offering an outstretched hand. Ichigo recognizes the voice but those pointy ears, the gleaming ivory bow that stands at a grown man's height and strange cleric-like clothing- those are definitely new. He grabs hold of it and pulls himself up, wiping at the grass stains with a fierce scowl before turning to the strange elf-like creature.
"What are you wearing?
Uryuu snorts, "I could ask you the very same question, Kurosaki."
Ichigo glances at the midnight black armour he has on- light weight, extra resistance to magic and +25% endurance to all physical attacks- wait, where did that come from?- the reassuring weight of Zangetsu in his hands-
He blinks.
Name: Zangetsu. Also known as: Sword of the Moon, Cursed Fang. Status: Legendary. Raid item from the Sacking of the Gollum King's Palace at Hueco Mundo. The mythical black blade forged by the Grandmaster Yhwach over the Fires of Sokyouku for a full year and a half in preparation for the Conquest of the Soul King's Throne (see also Conquest of the Soul King's Throne). Grants the wielder—
Reeling from the surprise, he falls flat on the grass.
How the hell did that just happen? How did all those words and background information just pop into his head unprompted? Almost like they're in a fantasy RPG gam—
"What's going on?"
Uryuu's smile is grim and sardonic, sliding the half-moon glasses up the bridge of his nose before he tells him, "Don't freak out but I think we're inside the game."
Uryuu shakes his head.
Ichigo sighs. The lines of communication are down and no one has been able to log back out into the real world since they first entered.
"This doesn't make any sense at all!"
10,000 WILD players across the world and different servers who were online and active at precisely 12 midnight that day somehow found themselves transported into the game world and trapped there as their game character persona.
They're calling it the Lockdown.
No one has a clue as to why they were the only people affected, nor do they know how they came to. One minute they were logged in, playing the game as usual; the next thing they know they're lying flat on their asses in this strange new world strongly reminiscent of the game world of WILD, as their respective game characters.
He's one of the lucky ones he thinks. As a human Swords Master, there isn't much alteration to him besides the clothes and the muscle bulk added to his physique, unlike Chad who woke up as a bear armed to the teeth with a war axe and metal gauntlets. It wouldn't have been a pleasant wake up call for anyone, much less someone who wakes up trapped inside a fantasy MMORPG.
"What about Keigo then? Have you managed to locate him yet?"
Uryuu's eyebrow twitches. The pale blue glow from his hand falters for a fraction of a second when his attention shifts to shoot his guild leader a nasty glare.
Ichigo growls before mumbling out an apology to the raven-haired Cleric. He knows of course that Uryuu is trying his best and really in a strange new world that seems equal parts deadly and fascinating, the best is all they can do.
He's just … frustrated over the lack of answers and to make matters worse, one of their own still remains unaccounted for. Out of all the guild members who decided to switch servers during the Lockdown, it just had to be Keigo- scatterbrain extraordinaire. He wouldn't trust Keigo not to get sold on some crazy-ass get-rich-quick scheme in the real world, let alone in this virtual reality full of bloodthirsty monsters just waiting to make a nice dinner out of unsuspecting players.
The double doors to his studies are suddenly pushed apart, jolting him out of his thoughts. Orihime stumbles in barefooted and narrowly avoids tripping over the trail of her druidic dress robes in her excitement. Her cheeks are flushed and the pretty flowers in her flower crown bloom and blossom in magnificent shades of pinks and violets as she makes her announcement.
"Kurosaki-kun! I have his location!"
Ichigo jumps to his feet.
It's the first piece of good news he's had since he found himself stranded here with the rest of his guild members.
"So where is the idiot then?"
Behind her, trails Tatsuki- their resident cynic and Shield Maiden who purses her lips and informs both him and Uryuu rather miserably, "You're not going to like this. He's in the Forest."
Ichigo resists the urge to face-palm as he sees Uryuu rubbing at his temple.
"Keigo must have been on his way back to HQ and decided to take the shorter route," Uryuu rationalizes things- as the team tactician he excels at it, "he couldn't possibly have known."
That's right. Keigo couldn't possibly have known that he would get sucked into the game and be left standing in place of his game character.
Tatsuki gives a derisive snort, "Doesn't make a difference. A level 25 Bard like him can't possibly survive the Forest of Hueco Mundo alone. He's going to get himself killed. The Forest is no man's land- level 70+ Hollows and player killers aren't warded out."
All eyes turn to their orange-haired team leader.
"What do you want us to do?"
Call it instincts but Ichigo has a nasty suspicion that player death in their new world would also mean certain death in the real world. The thought makes him nauseous and for obvious reasons, he isn't too keen on testing out the theory himself.
Keigo may be a pain-in-the-neck and downright insufferable at times but damn it! He's one of them. He's their pain-in-the-neck and they can't just leave him there.
In the real world, Ichigo Kurosaki may be just an ordinary university student bogged down by studies but here in WILD, he's a guild leader, it's his job to look after his guild members and he pledges to make sure that every single one of them makes it back home to the real world in one piece.
Ichigo heaves a loud weary sigh, grabbing the sleek black katana by his side.
"Let's go get our idiot back!"
"I told you we should have gone left instead of right!"
Tatsuki can feel her skull throbbing. She should have just stayed behind with Chad and Orihime.
"Stop yelling at me! It's not my bloody fault that you're so fucking incompetent that you couldn't get a better map!"
"Oh so I'm the incompetent one?! Never mind I was the one who organized the rations! We would have starved to death days ago if I hadn't triple checked our provisions!"
Tatsuki grimaces as the feel of exhaustion creeps in as does the unbearable chaffing on her thighs. It wasn't just the lines of communications that were shut off with the Lockdown. It turns out the Portals- their main means of transport have also been disrupted and that means that the full distance between Karakura and the Forest had to be covered by good old-fashioned horse-riding.
They've been riding nonstop since they left Karakura, trading horses with NPCs in the farmlands nearby to push ahead at a gruelling pace and rescue Keigo as soon as possible. It is a noble cause but the trade-off for the weeks' long worth of hard-riding leaves the three riders surly and sullen. This virtual reality that they're trapped in certainly feels real enough, right down to hunger pangs and sore muscles.
Chaffed thighs, bland food, little sleep and the heat (the sheer humidity was making her hair frizz) made for horrible traveling condition and it seems that both Ichigo and Uryuu are about to hit their respective boiling points.
She rolls her eyes, tugging at her horse's rein to halt.
"Both of you need to shut up before –"
A sudden rustling in the bushes nearby draws their collective attention and sure enough from the depth of the overgrown bushes, a Hollow emerges. This one seems more reptilian in features, flickering pink tongue and all. Something jumps at the back of her mind but Tatsuki ignores it.
The Guide is nothing more than a useless collection of WILD lore and trivia.
She doesn't need a lecture on Hollow classes and their special attacks to know that the only good Hollow is a dead one.
With a loud battle war cry, she unsheathes her blade and leads the charge, throwing herself against the beast.
Ichigo leaps through the dense foliage with Zangetsu drawn and bloodied in his hand. Despite Tatsuki's misgivings about his foolhardy plans and recklessness, the woman is just as bad with her own brand of battle lust, leading the charge like a crazy berserker.
All hell literally broke loose the second they stormed through the clearing. The sheer number of the Hollow horde overwhelmed them and forced them to break formation and the three of them took off in different directions in a bid to divide the remaining Hollows' attention.
He ducks behind a tree to catch his breath. Having lost sight of both Uryuu and Tatsuki during their retreat, he is in a sour mood and more than a little embarrassed that a level 98 Swordsmaster like him is being forced back by a horde of weakling Hollows in level 50s.
"Psst. Ichigo."
Ichigo grips Zangetsu tightly, eyes nervously darting at his surroundings. He could have sworn that he heard Keigo's voice. Well it's either that or he's officially losing his mind.
"Over here."
A head pops out from the bushes next to him and Ichigo reacts accordingly- nearly slicing the newcomer's head clean off his shoulder and Keigo almost becomes a casualty of friendly fire before Ichigo sees through the heavy layer of disguise and stops the blade mid-swing.
The bard is barely recognizable with his slashed and dirtied tunic, patches of dirt and dried leaves covering his face.
"The fuck you doing- sneaking up on me like that! I could have killed you!"
Keigo couldn't have cared less. With a loud wail and snot running down his face, he throws himself at his saviour and professes his undying gratitude in between hiccups and tears.
"ICHIGO! I knew you would come for me! I never doubted for a second!"
"Get off me! You stink!"
The happy reunion doesn't last as the roar of a Hollow and heavy footsteps of a lumbering giant still their movements. Ichigo pushes Keigo away from him and readies his blade, but even his quick reflexes are no match for the suddenness of the attack.
The Hollow's swipe knocks the air right out of him and sends him flying. The tree trunk of a young sapling snaps in half as his back connects painfully with it. The pain disorients him and he is enough of a doctor's son to recognize the signs of concussion. Also, he thinks he might have cracked a rib (or two) as fresh blood- metallic in taste gurgles past his throat.
His vision clears in time for him to see the Hollow- a Dragon class one with beady yellow, thick, iridescent scales covering its front and gigantic wings sprouted at his back, rearing up for another charge.
This time at Keigo, who is down on his knees- eyes wide with fear as he scrambles to get away from the advancing Hollow.
There's no time to think. Ichigo pushes everything he has- the very last spurt of HP and MP within him towards Keigo, taking his place before the monster with gapping mouth, awaiting certain death to come.
"Out of the way!"
His eyes snap open just in time to see a small lithe figure, sunlight reflecting off the bone white armour- so bright that he squints, leaping through air and landing gracefully on the Hollow's back. A glint of light flashes yet again and before his very eyes, one of the Hollow's tattered wings is cut off, an arc of blood spurts high into the air and the Hollow's roar of anguish follows.
"Are you deaf or stupid? Get out of the way!"
Ichigo doesn't hesitate. With Keigo tucked under his arm, he pushes past the pain and sprints for the clearing.
With them gone, the mysterious stranger makes quick work of the beast, easily dismantling its other wing before diving for the kill; sinking the white blade somewhere between the soft scruff, flabs of excess skin free from the scaly armour.
Ichigo watches in silence as the dying monster screeches in pain, a swan's song in roars of fury before it topples over with dead eyes, a fine cloud of dust from where its body fell.
With the urgency of the situation gone, he focuses on the newcomer. Sheathing Zangetsu as it becomes apparent from the markings and sigil on the stranger's shield and helmet that he is a Paladin, one dedicated to the path of the light. They're in safe hands- for now at least.
"Where did you come from?"
The Paladin regards him oddly.
"What do you mean?"
Half a dozen of swords are suddenly drawn and held under their throats by what seems to be a band of armed knights. Their armours gleam with the same bone-white shine and the leader of the men- a tall redhead with inked markings across his forehead approaches them with a fierce scowl and the intent to kill.
Next to him, Keigo yelps.
"The fuck!" Ichigo curses. His chest hurts, he's barely standing on his feet and now this?
Can this day get any worse?
"Watch your mouth, you punk!" The redhead growls threateningly, "You're in the presence of the Princess."
Amber eyes narrow. Did they think he's stupid? There's no one vaguely even female in their company unless—
The Paladin removes his helmet and a cascade of black hair- dark as the night pours forth. Apple cheeks, soft petal lips and elfin features curtailed somewhat by the iciness of her stare and her unsmiling face.
Their eyes meet.
The short stature suddenly makes so much sense. Ichigo gulps.
"They're Heroes, Renji."
Renji scowls and gives them a dirty look.
Ichigo's eyebrows knot in confusion. "Hang on- what do you mean by Heroes and how are you a princess? Royalty isn't a job class and Paladins don't call themselves Princesses. I don't care what level you are, that's not allowed by the game admins."
The smile on the woman's face- Ichigo doesn't know what to make of it, but he thinks he's about to be made into a fool of epic proportions, especially when she pushes past her armed guards and tilts his face up by the chin with the tip of her white blade.
Smirking with dark violet eyes gleaming, she tells him, "That's because I'm not a Hero. Look closer."
Sure enough- when Ichigo focuses his gaze at her, her presence is shrouded in golden aura. The Guide pings- very belatedly and most unhelpfully, he might add.
Name: HRH Princess Rukia of the noble house of the Kuchiki, heir apparent to the throne of Seireitei. Status: NPC
He bites his tongue.
"B-But- but NPCs aren't sentient," Keigo blurts out.
Ichigo turns just in time to see him give out a pained yelp, being pummelled by the angry redhead, "Oh I'll show you how non-sentient my fists are!"
He winces. That looks like it would hurt… a lot. But Keigo's an idiot with thick skin, he'll live.
Rukia- her name rolls off his tongue easily. He refuses to even entertain the idea of addressing her by her royal title. For starters, a princess isn't supposed to be a Paladin, or know how to fight or use a sword, or look this good while having him at her mercy.
He gulps when violet eyes narrow at him.
"And you? Do you think that NPCs are non-sentient beings too?"
Ichigo is a fast learner and gives a quick shake of his head.
"Good-" her lips curve into a smile, hair dipping low to tease at the contours of his face as she whispers into his ear- "Because this NPC just saved your life. I'll show you just how deadly I am with my sword before you dismiss me as just another background token NPC."
The sword tip leaves his neck.
"Now, hold still."
That's all the warning he gets before a green glow is emitted from her hands- smelling faintly of mint and something fresh he can't quite name. He shuts his eyes, letting the healing magic wash over him, knitting most of his superficial cuts and wounds back into place.
When the light fades, his chest still hurts but at the very least he feels a little less light-headed and breathes a little easier despite the pain.
He wants to thank her- both for her healing and her timely rescue from the Hollow but she refuses to meet his eyes.
"Renji," she barks at her captain of guards who immediately stands to attention.
"Take them with us. He needs a proper healer. I can't set his broken ribs."
"It's Ichigo!" he calls out, interrupting their conversation and earning himself a hard glare from Renji but Rukia's gaze is almost thoughtful.
"Can you still ride, Ichigo?"
He nods.
A horse is brought to him under Rukia's instructions and as soon as he is properly mounted with Keigo seated behind him, the woman sounds the horn, black hair unbound and flailing in the wind as she leads the company into a gallop.
"To Seireitei!"
Review, like, comment or reblog to send some love my way pretties~~~
I have a thing for fantasy AUs. Can’t you tell? Click on link for rec list of some off-main Isekai/Game animes. I have a special place in my heart for them.
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tnoy-keraxis · 22 days
I just can't stop writing about them <3 Have another Bogs Hollow Players fic, this time focused on the players who portray Tadius and The Prince.
please talk to me about them these two make me crazy
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akilah12902 · 4 years
Creature Feature: Godling
Look, you can’t have a game where you kill something that looks like a child.
Hello, everyone! Today we’re going to cover another relict ‘monster’; Godlings!
Have a look at the tags for warnings and click keep reading for more.
Not too long ago the areas around peasant hamlets were chock full of guardian spirits. Today it's nigh unto impossible to spot a brownie, bucca or lutin. And godlings, they are always the first to go. Such is the price we pay for civilization's forward march. – From the preface to "The World We Have Lost," by Professor Dorregaray Godlings (sometimes mistaken for lutin) are woodland creatures dwelling in burrows and moss-covered hollow stumps on the outskirts of human settlements. They are similar to children in behavior and appearance, and, like children, delight in mischief. Godlings are deeply rooted in their home territory and perform acts of care and guardianship to those dwelling near their burrows. They watch over people as well as animals, but, shy creatures by nature, they try to do so while remaining unseen. Godlings are drawn to joy and innocence, and so delight in the company of children and usually only show themselves to the young. These hard-working and clever creatures gladly perform small services for those in their care, asking only for respect and payment in the form of food or cast-off tools in return. They are easily offended by churlish, ungrateful or simply rude behavior. Godlings also treasure their peace and quiet. When the village a godling watches over becomes too populous or its inhabitants forget the old ways, it will abandon its burrow for good and walk off to destinations unknown.
Witcher 3 Bestiary Entry
There are three godlings you can run into in Witcher 3, and you can’t fight any of them, because they use the child model and look more or less like children. Not that I would want to fight any of them; they’re pretty sweet, and generally* have no interest in harming anyone.
*exceptions for a highly unsympathetic player character aside
The first godling you run into is part of the main story plot with the Crones of Crookback Bog, so we’ll talk about Johnny later.
The second godling, Sarah, is who we’re going to be talking about today. She’s still part of a main plot quest; Geralt is looking for an oneiromancer, someone who can read the future or past of a specific person in dreams. He hears the woman, Corinne Tilly, was hired by a banker to investigate an apparently-haunted house that he recently purchased.
The man, Rudolf de Jonkheer, is waiting nervously outside the house. Corinne hasn’t come out yet. Geralt can ask a bit more about the ‘haunting’—de Jonkheer was hearing giggling, found that furniture in the attic had been moved around, and found feces in the front parlor. All of this sounds pretty damn benign, but you do need to talk to Corinne, so offer to help and head on in.
Almost immediately you’ll hear the sound of someone in distress. Head up to the second floor to find a small humanoid standing over someone on a bed. The woman on the bed is Corinne, and she’s stuck in some sort of trance, and in a nightmare. Despite being unconscious, Corinne does manage to give Geralt two hints; ‘the doll’ and ‘the attic’.
Head up to the attic and break through a blocked doorway to find a rag doll and a childlike drawing of the doll in a cradle. If you already poked around a bit, you’ll have found it already, but it’s not hard to find if you haven’t. Place the doll in the cradle and a door will swing closed, revealing another doodle, this one of a bread oven. That particular feature is all the way in the cellar. Head down and investigate and up pops that humanoid—a godling named Sarah. She manages to startle Geralt with it, which she finds rather funny. Geralt just points out that she maybe shouldn’t do that; she might end up scaring someone so bad they’d hurt her. Sarah doesn’t quite get why or how that would come about—after all, it’s just fun, right? Like the bad dreams Corinne is having?
Geralt says that he needs to speak with Corinne, but Sarah doesn’t want to stop playing. Geralt points out that the way Sarah’s playing is only fun for her and Sarah pouts. Geralt asks again why Sarah’s tormenting Corinne, and she reacts with confusion—she thinks scary dreams are great! She in particular likes the ones where this huge hen chases her—
Geralt interrupts to ask why she’s living in a haunted house. Sarah, as you can guess, points out that she’s the source of the supposed haunting. The house was sitting completely vacant, so she decided she wanted to live there. But then the banker moved in, and Sarah doesn’t really like bankers (a sensible girl), so she started trying to scare him off.
Geralt can either make a deal with her to convince the banker to leave, or he can just outright chase her off. Chasing her off involves tracking down some burdock and burning it in the oven—godlings hate the smell—but I can’t say I’m all that fond of rich bankers either.
Go for the deal and Geralt will say that while Novigrad isn’t really a great place for a godling, it’s really up to Sarah on whether she wants to live there or not. Geralt will lie to the banker and tell him there’s nothing to be done about the haunting, and Sarah will wake up Corinne. Sarah excitedly agrees, and tells Geralt that’s he’s very nice (”...I don’t hear that often. Thanks.”) and you can go talk to Corinne. Apparently she was dreaming of furniture that wanted to eat her.
On the way out, de Jonkheer will ask you about the status of the haunting. You can choose not to lie, but if you’ve come this far...
Geralt applies the only way he knows how to lie well and exaggerates. He claims a demon had hold of Corinne, and that Corinne had had terrible dreams of the building’s past that she didn’t want to talk about. de Jonkheer decides he’ll have to sell the building and says straight out that it’s not as if that this failed financial expedition will put him in the poorhouse.
There’s a little more to the tale if you made the deal with Sarah as well— a few days later you’ll find an advertisement on a noticeboard proclaiming de Jonkheer as a liar and a cheat for selling a house he knew to be haunted. Swing by the house and you’ll find that the notice poster appeared to have re-sold the house again—this time, to Corinne! You come across Corinne braiding Sarah’s hair, in fact.
Ask about the change and Corinne says that she was curious about the godling, and came back to meet her in person. Turns out they got along very well, and Corinne decided to buy the house so she and Sarah could live there together. Aww.
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leviosarpg · 5 years
Tumblr media
Congratulations, GRACIE! You have been accepted for the role of VENUS ROWLE! Gracie, this app was p h e n o m e n a l. Venus is a character that’s rather hard to capture, simply because I think it’s so easy to veer away from her dark side, but you charged straight ahead and managed to illuminate the cruel ugliness of Venus so perfectly, my stomach is still churning from the sample app (in the best possible way). “The world won’t be kind to girls like me, why shouldn’t I treat it the same?” Gracie, this line was utter perfection and somehow manages to sum up Venus’s character flawlessly, explain her motivations, and provide such a wonderful insight into her mind. Venus is a taker, but more importantly, she’s someone with the ability to take what she wants, something this app highlighted effortlessly. I can’t wait to have Leviosa’s diamond on the dash!
Your faceclaim change to: Eliza Scanlen has been accepted. Don’t forget to send in your account to the main and complete the items listed on the CHECKLIST!
name/age/pronouns/timezone: Gracie/24/she her/ est 
desired role: Venus Rowle- I love the poisonous princess, the girl who is not in danger; but is the danger. Sickly sweet honey words laced with venom, smiled sharp enough to cut. The little girl who got everything she could possibly want, but took more. She’s coming for the crown, she’s coming for things she doesn’t even want - just because she doesn’t want someone else to have it.
gender/pronouns: cisfemale, she/her
extracurriculars: the harbingers, the slug club
para sample: (tw dubious con - kinda, tw self harm, tw underage? ) not exactly sure how to tag it but better safe than sorry!
He was seventeen, she was fifteen. All golden curls and a high babied voice, Venus Rowle never learned the word no. He was some minor pureblood heir, a Crabbe or some other. But he was beautiful, and she loved the way it felt to have his eyes follow her through the halls. Her friends noticed, and asked her in somewhat awed whispers in the back of charms.
“I am sure I don’t know what you mean.” Her eyes flashed more blue than green, and her smile was triumphant, barely concealed behind a modesty they all knew she didn’t have.
At her father’s Yuletide Party, Venus ignored him outright, dancing with nearly everyone else but him. His eyes never left her twirling golden figure, and she felt the jealousy burning in his gaze, reveling in this as if he were worshipping at her feet like the goddess of her namesake. Venus always knew how to play the game, had felt the heated gaze of men ever since she was 12 and she’d left her sister and childish shape for the curves of a woman. They liked the chase she learned. She learned to laugh and toss her head back joyously, how to place a delicate hand on her cheek, to absentmindedly play with a curl and draw their eyes to her neck like. She could fake demure and purity and goodness and all those other things men think they want.
And so, when she sensed the Crabbe heir was about to admit defeat, she caught his eye, smiled softly, and quickly looked away with a slight flush rising to her cheeks. He followed her into the library like she knew he would, a lovesick puppy leaning in to tuck a stray lock behind her ear. She resisted at first, the way they always wanted young girls to, but gave in to his kisses eventually. Men liked to think they were in charge, that they were the hunter and Venus was the doe eyed prey, quivering in his crosshairs. Men were easy.
After she let him worship the porcelain curves of her body, he buttoned up the back of her velvet dress, kissing her neck and whispering that one word they all wanted to hear. Love. She smiled with venom, and sent him back to the party first while she adjusted her hair in the mirror. Venus felt empty, unsatisfied. The next three nights of the holiday celebration, she ignored him outright. She was so easily bored, and he’d proved to be nothing more interesting than a pretty face and practiced lips.
He told her he’d ask his father for her hand, and she laughed.
On New Years Eve, he no longer followed her with those desperate puppy dog eyes. She saw him across the ballroom, whispering now in the ear of some much plainer girl, Venus thought unkindly. Her eyes flashed red. She didn’t want him, the idea of marriage was laughable to someone so young and burning. But she certainly didn’t want to be so easily replaced. Venus Rowle was the end all be all, not someone you got over in a matter of weeks.
On New Years Day she walked sobbing into her father study, peeling up a long sleeve to show a ring of purple bruises around one delicate wrist. A sleepless night spent in dedication to her plot added to her overall look of fear and shame. She said no, Venus told her parents in between tears, and he’d been so angry she would not go off with him alone and she’d told him and told him it was inappropriate but he gripped her wrist tighter and tighter almost pulling her away from the party so that she had to wrench herself from his grasp to remain pure. She’d found the bruises that morning, she sniffed for effect, and had been so ashamed and not wanted to bring harm to the family name but so afraid. Her mother stroked her hair to quiet the sobs, and, after delicately confirming her virtue was still intact, her father grabbed his cloak and stormed out the front door.
The Crabbe boy was quickly and quietly sent to America, his father bowing to the weight and power of the Rowle name. No one outside of her family ever knew, and he suffered with the unearned reputation of a brute. He wrote to her once, and she set it on fire without even reading it.
Venus might have been named for the goddess of love, but the Latin root should never be forgotten. Venenum, or rather, poison.
May I pretty please change her face to Eliza Scanlen? Thank you!
Venus sometimes resents her sister, particularly on their birthday, a time she feels should be only dedicated to her. She was thrilled when they were sorted into different houses - the sorting ceremony the only time Diana has ever come first, D before V alphabetically.
Diana is too soft, this world will eat her alive, Venus fears. She cannot hide behind books forever, and Venus justifies her cruelty through love. Someone has to toughen up the younger Rowle, why not her own twin, someone who wouldn’t truly hurt her.
Venus has never been as clever as her sister, her marks always lower but really she had never cared that much. Did it matter what one knew of goblin rebellions or how many runes one could translate?
Her magic is surprisingly powerful, though her knowledge is limited. It comes from the violence in her blood, the fire burning in the hollow place in her chest that should hold a heart.
She is utterly cruel, a true Mean Girl, but with the charm and grace of her breeding and blood status. Words like poison laced barbs wrapped in velvet. She can tell you to go fuck yourself in a way that will make you truly want to.
She has almost no real friends, having begun to lose the girls of her childhood to competition or some sort of morality. She sometimes fears that if she truly needed someone, no one would answer the call. In these moments she reaches out to her sister, bothering her in the library and laying her golden head on Diana’s shoulder until she promises to always love Venus.
She isn’t sure when she first noticed Silvanus, likely when she caught the lovesick glint in her sister’s eyes. Venus has never been one to share and has always wanted what others have. He was beautiful and seemed almost kind. He’d be quite fun to ruin, she thinks.
Diary entries - I am obviously willing and happy to change all of the below especially with regards to other characters! Just some early thoughts
January 23
I was in the library last night copying Diana’s History of Magic essay - bored out of my mind. I have no desire to read or write anymore about goblin rebellions or giant wars or any other horrible creature who has been a threat to wizard kind. Sometimes I think we all might be better off if they were simply gone. But that is not a thing one says out loud, and so I will whisper it to you my dearest pages.
Anyway, I was bemoaning to myself the waste of time it is to read about things others have done instead of doing them myself when Riddle & Lestrange came over to sit at my table. Always a pleasant interruption, although I confess any sort of interruption was highly welcome, I had seen the two of them glancing over from across the room. I know how to attract attention, it is as natural as breathing. They came sooner than I’d thought - I am getting quite good.
They are beautiful boys, both tall and dark and brooding. Exactly the type of boy who my mother would say was up to no good. But Lestrange has the name and family wealth, and Riddle - well no one really knows all that much about him but he is brilliant, perhaps the most talented I have ever seen. And his charisma could charm even my overprotective and suspicious parents.
But, my dear friend, they were not interested in any sort of fun distractions. No - they had a proposal (no not that kind either - as if). Grindelwald, they say, wouldn’t dare come to England. They say he’s afraid of Dumbledore. But his ideas need a place to cultivate and take root here, so why not Hogwarts? I raised one eyebrow, perfectly poised on the line between disinterested and inviting. And so they said more. Riddle had ideas, plans to expand and go further. We were the next generation of leaders, were we not? Those not bogged down in the mess made from Grindelwald and the muggles and the destruction of everything good in the world. We should lead wizarding kind into the new world.
And, I’ll confess, I was terribly interested. The path my parents have painted for Diana & I seems dreadfully boring - marry some man and lose myself and my name to him, lose my body and my beauty to his children, become so consumed with the lives of messy tiny humans and give and give until who I am - Venus Manon Rowle - no longer exists. I will not be some empty shell belonging entirely to others. They spoke of power and change, and I held on to my air of aloofness as long as I could. But it was too perfect, and I gave over to the glamour of his vision quickly. They need my name and my charm, and (it was quite amusing to watch Lestrange struggle to find a tactful way to say so) my bite. I know I can be quite cruel, Diana has been more than happy to point it out to me. But being kind is boring, soft is weakness. The world won’t be kind to girls like me, why shouldn’t I treat it the same?
We stayed for another hour until the library matron threatened to call the caretaker or tell Slug we were out of bed after hours. But the plans and dreams continued in the common room late into the night. Lestrange is driven and controlling, Riddle has a charm and vision - they both match me in the ability to easily draw people in. Although, I might be a bit ahead of them in that case, having the name Riddle does not and being a fair bit more attractive than Lestrange. Most importantly - it is not just talk. You know how talk without action drives me mad. No, there are plans, and some have even already been enacted. Now I couldn’t possibly tell you the details even if I wanted to, having been sworn to secrecy, but Riddle himself has directly acted.
It was such a glorious night that I even woke up burning despite how little sleep I had gotten. I will tell you more later, I have to finish that stupid essay.
Love - V
PS. How terrible would it be for me to just accidentally forget to give Diana’s hers back and turn it in with my name instead? Binns would hardly notice. And Dee always forgives me.
June 22
Remember when I told you a few months ago that Freya was acting strangely? It has only gotten worse. I am practically seething with rage. Last night was daddy’s summer solstice gala, and Freya didn’t even say hello to me when she arrived. I was willing to look it over because she was with her family. But even later when she came around to speak with Giselle and I, something was off. I know how to read people, and I grew up with this girl - I know her every tick and every expression almost as much as I know my own sister’s. She is hiding something and I must find out what it is.
I tried to ask Giselle if she noticed anything wrong, but she seemed preoccupied as well. Am I the only one who knows how to have any fun? Giselle I am less worried about. She has always tried to compete with me, and it is healthy and natural for competition to develop between girls like us. She makes me sharper and I force her to rise up to my level. It is good for both of us I think, as long as I am always on top. Besides, I know her secrets and she knows enough of mine. I do love her dearly, but I would not hesitate to destroy her if necessary.
Mother says they are all jealous of me, but it has to be more than that - especially with Freya. I feared secretly from the moment she was sorted away from us all those years ago that we might lose her. I have made an effort, I constantly seek to include her in everything. And yet still, she is pulling away. Perhaps I will have to come up with some creative way to get her to confess what she is hiding.
And now, dear diary, please allow me a moment of weakness, a moment of insecurity. What if I lose them? And what if I never really had them to begin with? Sometimes I fear that they don’t actually love me, they might love the opportunities I can give them with my name. Or maybe they are afraid of me and play nice so they don’t end up on my bad side. Am I unlovable? Oh no Venus, you say, everyone loves you - look how many admires you have, how you can catch the attention of everyone in a room. No - they love who they think I am, the pretty mask I put on to hide the fact that I am all sharp edges and hot rage. But still, I would rather be loved and noticed for something, rather than hiding in the corners. Alright - I am done acting weak now.
Speaking of corners, I suppose I will always have my dear sweet Diana. My second, my shadow, my sister, my twin. She resists the type of criticism and growth I try and teach her, but she must take some of it in stride. I don’t much like sharing the spotlight, so I am happy that she is so reserved. Still, it would be good for Di to have some actual fun for one. To leave the library and step out from behind her books. I love her, dearly, and I only want the best for her. I confess, I may not be the best at showing her exactly how much she means to me. We are cruel to each other in the way only sisters can be, but I do believe she would die for me. And I know I would kill for her.
I will stop filling you with my melancholia now - V
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Mud and muck, some sublime swamps in video games.
The swamp levels are often atmospheric and can prove to be quite a challenge. These levels usually contain poisonous water, dangerous plants, and gross enemies. They tend to be dark and hard to navigate, much like the real life counterpart. So here are some sublime swamps you can find in various video games!
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The Bog of the Forgotten – God of War II One of the many locations Kratos ventures through on his quest for revenge. The Bog of the Forgotten opens with a battle against one of the most important people of Kratos’ mortal life, the king of the barbarian and the reason why Kratos swore servitude to the original god of war. After a long brutal battle, he can explore the swamp properly. In order to get into Euryale’s temple, which is located within the swamp, Kratos must navigate through the dense foliage, ruins and poisonous pools to find the key and return to the entrance. This isn’t a long level, but its atmospheric for sure.
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Southern Swamp – Majora’s Mask This swamp is home to the Deku people, who are very seclusive and aren’t fond of outsiders. The waters of the swamp have been poisoned by the corrupted woodfall temple. This swamp is home to giant lily pads, large plants, giant octoroks, and a boat ride that circumnavigates the swamp. This swamp can be troublesome to traverse, but can be rewarding, some mask await you here, and a handy potion shop! Now once Woodfall is cleared, the swamp will no longer be toxic, allowing for easier exploration, so that’s good.
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Mz. Ruby’s Swamp – Sly Cooper A delightfully evil swamp deep in Haiti, this place is a hive of voodoo and dark evil magic. Jump from island to island, avoid falling into the deadly bog. The clues are well hidden here so make sure to be a curious yet cautious explorer. Look out for traps and the undead hoards that guard the swamp. Of course, giant bugs make their home in these swamps so keep that cane handy. Also be ready for a harrowing chase against a giant snake that really wants you for lunch. Eventually, after conquering all the zones, you can go up against one of the people responsible for the main character’s father’s death.
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Boggy Swamp – Jak and Daxter This lovely level in Jak and Daxter is a dangerous one, deadly obstacles and enemies lurk in the murky waters and muddy caves. In this swamp, you got to use yellow eco, which is basically ki energy, to shoot through certain areas. Blue eco is also needed to jump from one segment to another. Its going to take time to complete this level 100%, because some of the collectibles can be a pain to get, all in all this is one of the harder levels in this game.
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Deep Darkness – Earthbound A dark swamp maze that must be navigated. The murky depths are full of poisonous enemies, and being in the waters themselves are bad for your health. The deep darkness is impossible to cross without the hawk eye. Crossing the deep darkness will gain access to Tenda Village. Make sure to watch out for sentient piles of puke!
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Great Marsh – Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum The great marsh is Sinnoh’s safari zone, here you have to use bait and rocks to catch rare pokemon if you want to add them to your team. The great marsh is a swampy area with pools of mud and patches of tall thick grass. Being a swamp, it is home to many water and ground type pokemon, such as Wooper or Marill, and is a good place to look for fallen items, be careful though, your on a timer, so make sure you know which part of the zone you want to go to.
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Point Lookout – Fallout 3 One of the most memorable dlc for the Fallout series, at least in my opinion, point lookout is a swamp on the coast of Maryland and is home to many oddities. Redneck mutants wander the swamp and are very hostile to outsiders, packs of ghouls wander about, there’s a long forgotten military camp, and an inconspicuous house that is home to an eldritch horror that is beyond human comprehension. An age old rivalry keeps you from leaving just yet as well… Be ready for a lot of fighting, and exploring the swamp in this post nuclear wasteland, but remember, you’re an outsider, and they don’t like outsiders.
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Blighttown – Dark Souls Often regarded as the most infamous location in Dark Souls, Blighttown is a poisonous swamp that many players dread visiting. For most players, they will have to descend a rickety series of towers suspended high above the swamp, a misstep can mean death. They will have to make a tricky descent, avoid crazed hollows, fire breathing dogs, club wielding ogres and other awful monsters. Then there’s the base, the actual swamp. A wide-open expanse full of poisonous movement slowing mud, down here even more monsters await as you make your way to the area boss, or the secret area. Very little light enters this swamp, but luckily, a shortcut can be taken to leave. Be on the look out for some important treasures! Just beware, for they may be guarded…
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Swamp Fever – Left 4 Dead 2 One of the main campaingns of Left 4 Dead 2 takes place deep in a swamp. Expect hoardes of zombies coated in mud to attack you. Youll have to make your way across boardwalks suspended over the murky waters as you try to reach your destination, a plantation. Beware, for water will slow you down, but not the undead hoard. This is one of the quieter levels in the franchise, as there is a lack of artificial noise such as car alarms, keep your guard up!
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Swamp Biome – Minecraft One of the more dangerous surface biomes, the swamps are home to lily pads, trees covered in vines, and the occasional witch hut. Beware of slimes, for they love to spawn here as well. This biome does not have the highest resource value, but holds plenty of mushrooms and clay, make yourself some stew or go look for a cauldron, just be careful out there, especially at night…
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Doom’s Mire – Brutal Legend Doom’s mire is a stage and a important historical piece in the music themed world of Brutal Legend. This stage is set in a dreadful swampy area were many lost souls reside. Some time ago, humanity raised a revolution against the demonic beings, but were slaughtered on this very ground. The swamp is dark and murky, the ground almost black and all trees seem to be dead, a very dreary place. This bleak land serves as a multiplayer map as well.
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Crocovile Swamp – Spyro: A hero’s Tail. A huge swamp full of deadly pitfalls and foes. Everything here can be dangerous, pools of toxic water, tentacles, and of course the friendly inhabitants. Watch out for the plant life, they love to eat dragons, and your looking mighty tasty. You’ll have to platform through caves, trees, and even a temple that should be explored. Overall, a good swamp level, its colorful and appealing to the theme of a swamp.
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Kokari Wilds – Dragon Age Origins One of the first locations of the game and the place where the grey wardens conduct their ritual. These wilds are a swamp like land full of animals and dark spawn. The area isn’t too difficult to navigate and the more swampy sections are mostly aesthetic as opposed to gameplay settings. There lives a powerful witch here as well.
Woah, I could have never expected this many notes! Thank you! It really made me happy! If you have the time, check out my other list! Ive covered Fire, Water, Forest, Desert, Ice and Jungle levels as well!
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tokensfortalkers · 5 years
From pulsing spiral shells
of perfect, woven red scales
our tribe extracts rich music
to sweat the land in dance
til vice weft seed in set.
The flowers of lava trees open like shattered glass spilling liquids of molten pollen
A single bud rests in a fallow field, shimmering a sign planted next to it reads "Needs blood"
For each fallen limb stepped upon, a tree breaks into splinters; limbs crack at the slightest touch.
Swamps travel swiftly and quickly. The same swamp can be seen many days from many mountains
Rock splits in a cacophonous crack, oozing red and blue liquid, when hardened go back in time.
A craft falls from the sky, blazing with heat and, eventually, berths opportunity
As it's marked, tree hisses -- a faint whistle (Return in 2d10 days to a deflated tree -- and a sapling).
Winds braid walkable paths of leaves in the air. Only as the wind dies, do the leaves fall away
Moles' noses are carved into stones, creating a fern gully of sniffing sculptures
Floating woven metal drip beeswax around a wick of living hemp positioned below an exposed bladder.
Pits in the skin caused by biting insects deepen into darkening and widening maws until the next day.
Boats along the lake shore are all shells for crab-like crustaceans
Footsteps are Taken away -- stored in vials to be poured out for later use.
Illusion barrier of ancients' lost city is on the fritz; such sensually polluting defenses nauseate.
Writing in the fog lights up where fireflies flutter from one location to the next
Oars cause lake water to be shoveled rather than pushed. Water sticks to implements, weighing them
Spiders in the forest have been cursed with human customs. Like to picnic and play volleyball.
Water shrine of exotic wood caused a lake to explode and freeze at the same time, resulting in ice caves.
Single bed and breakfast hosted by a ghost. Good meals, fascinating guest log, excellent books.
Drunk frogs defend an artisan well of wine fed by a massive pitcher plant suffering from allergies
Lamppost mill, owners tend to the lampposts, growing them from single crystals in careful vats.
Servile-yet-serpentile signs read what actions PCs took last, in an attempt to annoy them away
Flash flood is an illusion (unfortunate actions of panicking characters are not.)
Gruesome sculptures with pivots stand before picketed signs reading Tip Me.
Piles of leaves dart about wildly, clamboring in a cacophonous emsemble, deafening all other sound
Wellsprings of gasses hiss in notes. Covering them plays a flute-like melody, enchanting victims
Chasm blows anything blown into it back out and 10x smaller; thrown in again, reverts to normal.
Snails with numbers on shells litter the forest floor and trees. Snails are purple with black spots
Wisps travel from tree to tree like high traffic. Sign posted says Experimental Area: Keep Out
All equipment hums and wilts when held by an owner who isn't at least humming if not singing
Cairns of stacked pumice float from one spot to the next, rearrange their stacks, and continue
Odorous flowers create paths. Follow the fresh bread odor? Or the smoked meat one? Or some other?
Seeds in the shape of fetuses wriggle in warm areas, like in sunlight or the palms of ungloved hands
Pool of glass hatches and walls of plasmatic liquids make a maze of this deathly-still lake
Boxes of quartz contain tiny plants growing tinier morsels. Opening a box usually kills the plant.
Sky flickers between day and night as though it can't remember what time it's supposed to be
Cat rests atop a floating, bloated carcass, pounces upon a mouse, and returns to the carcass to dine.
Fruit dries quickly when plucked, its wrinkles taking on the face of the one who plucked it
Every tree has a name carved into it. A fallen tree's root ball harbors an unearthed prisoner
Boulders crack, revealing stone chicks. it would seem this particular part of the forest is a nest.
Silent beast work tirelessly at weaving spider webs into cocoons for sick caterpillars
Driftwood in the lake each have a hand in their centers bobbing in and out of view
Field of view shifts in parallax, at 5 frames per second. Woodland beasts appear and disappear wildly.
Whispers from holes dug in the ground reveal the names and notable deeds of those buried here
Fire blooms from grasses bent too quickly, their blades passing one another produce the spark.
A thick, sweet pollen clouds vision and clog up uncovered airways, causing light asphyxia
Baubles or trinkets are grown into tree bark, assumedly pulled up by the capillaries by mistake
Breezes fill in pockets of thick air, erupting when touched, causing a furious blowback
Expansive circles or carefully cut and laid stone course a map to old civilizations
Animal path cuts through a canopy of ever-shrinking oaks. Leaves of the oaks drip a shrinking tonic.
At night, animal sounds are mistaken for mad ramblings, philosophical musings, and arguments
Tapestry of quilted hemp died with shells and treated with aromatic oils blanket the area
Cylinders of colossal, rusting, fallen chimes chamber the only accessible paths through the forest
Pustules on the hillside reveal the mad workings of a unindustrialized colony deep below
Flute sounds emanate from cracks in the stone cliff and stop when the cliff is touched.
Sticks crossing one another reveal the true forest floor -- a barren desert.
Howls and screeches leave the players mouths, their hollow words swallowed up by something high above
Animals will only eat from the hand. Beg players to feed them. Starvation abounds.
Blossoms of a tree paint pictures in the sky as they fall. If shaken, produces a vision of the future
Salt deposits litter the forest floor from red trees puking fresh water over themselves.
Tree roots reach out of the riverbed. Stepping into the river inverts the forest's orientation.
Eels swim through the air, casting crude shadows in the shape of animals once presiding here
Croaking of ghostly frogs echo through the forest. Bumping into one causes it to spew fiery vomit.
Red dust litters the forest floor. When exposed to rain, turns into rivulets of blood.
Tress drink so much light, they are too black to see. Useful light is only produce pointing downward
Bushes restructure the limbs sporadically, limbs fighting over sunlight
Herd beasts chew vegetation growing on their backs, reluctantly move only when aggressively persuaded
Ghosts of a pilgrimage performed time and time again fill the ancient steps of this mountainside
Owls with heads turned in the direction of safety become parts of trees when viewed up close
Distending mosses sprinkle spores onto coats and cloaks, turning fabric slowly to more moss.
Dollops of cream leak from fleshy termite mounds. Animals congregate around, lapping the cream
In a stony nook rests a single hut. In the hut rests a single book, in the book, a single word: Run.
Snot eventually pours from trees periodically sniffling and obviously allergic to visitors
Groups of birds vanish from the sky. Reappear again and vanish again in the same spots.
Magenta plants leave the forest floor a royal, mossy color. Sleeping here feels deep. Forever, even.
Every strike makes a weapon sharper, a bow tighter and a blade swifter until, of course, they shatter.
Trees all appear as doors and are, in fact, door trees. Should probably knock before harvesting.
Animals incessantly beg to be ridden and then race at top speeds until players fail Ride checks.
Wood is lopsided. Limbs slowly move between trees to grasp at the light, feverishly and frightened.
Fetid bog's algae moves like lips, spewing low hums, sharing secrets of the wood's history
Jewelry in scattered piles brighten vision when worn and turn to bloody briars once leaving the area
Short afternoon showers morph brambles into herds, twigs into serpents, and rocks into turtles.
Furs nailed upside down to trees speak quickly hushed warnings of what lies ahead
Single silken bamboo drips milky sap from a cut, trapping all who enter until the cut is mended
Animals stop what they are doing to stare at visitors, moving closer and drop dead when touched
Single-occupancy thatched shelters litter the wood where a single well-dressed skeleton lies face up.
Leaf-vested and well-spoken asks to join visitors. Becomes a dagger in an inventory outside the area
Abandoned wine cave leads down, into a burial tomb filled with statues in the likeness of players
Thrown rocks never hit the ground, loop back around behind players in d10 hours.
All wine taken into the wood is greedily hunted by ever-agitated vines eventually hissing, barking.
Well-kept signs argue in text about which way to go and must be separated before being of any use
Shanty ranch house bigger on the inside is home to giant talking bats drinking blood from pet rats.
Fruit launches from trees instead of falling, is picked off by swift birds with sword-like beaks.
Village performs odd festive rituals to entice visitors to move in; keeps a log of failed rituals.
Meticulously decorated massive nut shells are filled with villager bodies (filled with exotic seeds)
Farmers moving a waterwheel state their river's reversed direction just as the river reverts again.
Baby birds fall from nests left and right, crying for help, they beg, plead. Where are their mothers?
Sign reads Wondrous Shop Right At the Boulder. There is no boulder. There is no shop.
Elk sheds, disembodied, crack and strike one another. Best not get between them.
Rivers of trailers filled with kids teaching kids how to manipulate space without time.
d100 Only in the Wood by shwac
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redatuvu-blog · 5 years
Making Art for Cheap: The Current Cost of Game Development
Gamers tend to complain that gaming has become more expensive in recent years. In actuality, gaming is becoming somewhat more accessible. In parallel, game development also used to be far more expensive to get into, but in recent years, many resources have been made available to make development easier and cheaper - often even free. While originally too expensive for common hobbyists, game development has become inexpensive enough to be accessible to all, and is on the verge of becoming a popular art form, much like music and painting.
Game development is usually seen as expensive by default. Even in the 80’s, when video games first started to become widespread, they would cost a few-hundred-thousand dollars to create. Steve Theodore, a developer who worked on games such as Half-Life and Halo 3, says that nowadays, triple-A (aka “blockbuster,” but for games) budgets can reach the hundred-millions, and predicts that those numbers will continue to rise. Due to the steadily improving speeds of processors and capabilities of hardware, games are consistently expected to become more outstanding and amazing – and thus, more costly – every year.
As a result of these larger budgets, these triple-A games are also fairly expensive for gamers to play, currently selling for about $70 a copy, and not all of them live up to the demanded quality for their scale. Reviewers like Caddicarus on YouTube state in many reviews that a lot of high-budget games are “not worth the price I paid,” and players on social media tell others to “wait for a sale before buying this game.” There is almost an air of entitlement as to how much a game should cost when compared to how much a player enjoys it, and, in many ways, that makes sense. Paying $70 to a triple-A developer for a poorly-made game does not feel like a fair trade to most people.
But not every game is $70; PC games on the online distributor Steam average at around $6 - $10, and there are multitudes of games on sale for much cheaper. On the “Free to Play” page alone, there are 1,415 games listed. Players don’t need to pay a dime to be able to play even a large selection of games, and this is becoming the norm. This makes the steadily rising cost of mainstream triple-A games look a bit pricey in comparison.
But even in that case, while those prices have indeed been rising, they have not been keeping up with inflation. In 1990, the average cost of a new game to play on a Nintendo Entertainment System was $50. According to the CPI Inflation Calculator, that would be around $96 as of the time of this writing - a fair chunk more than the $70 for high-end games of today. The actual cost of video games hasn’t risen at the rate they could have - and that’s still overlooking the waves of sales and discounts that games often go through.
The lower costs of games is a result of the lower costs of game development. While triple-A budgets are obviously still rising, much of that cost is being directed toward marketing, rather than actual development. Plus, there’s many more small, independent companies making games for cheap than there used to be. Minecraft, one of the highest-profiting video games in history, was started as a hobby project, costing the developers next to nothing. While the game was in beta, it was $12 to play. This comparatively low price tag was due to that lack of a large budget. Another popular independent game is Undertale, still available for most systems at an outrageously high price of 10 whole dollars. Again, the creator of Undertale, Toby Fox, did most of the work himself, with a bit of help from friends, not expecting much of a return. Yet, because it became the source of many memes and the inspiration to countless creative projects, the game sold enough that Fox earned far more than he invested in creating it. Not all independent games get as popular as Minecraft or Undertale, of course, but that doesn’t matter much when a $5 game still results in profit.s
That’s not even touching on the 1,415 free games available on Steam. Many of them are free to download and get into, but offer upgrades or DLC as microtransactions. While a company can make a good chunk of change from these transactions, the games are still playable from the start for free, which shows that the development was at least cheap enough to suffer some sacrifice for the initial release.
Additionally, a lot of those Free to Play games are free forever. Often short and, again, independently developed, these games are made solely for the sake of the art. Some of the developers of these artistic games may have sacrificed some cash to bring them to fruition, but the majority of them were made for free, put together from homemade code and art and music.
[Bad transition, fix later] Even then, there are also many free resources available to create games with. Unity and Unreal are two of the most popular engines to start with; both are powerful, professional-level systems that let creators dive in without too much training – but they have plenty of in-depth training available as well. Aspiring creators can jump in and begin practicing with the available tutorials and tips, getting ready to dive into the advanced aspects later on. There’s also Blender 3D for making homemade assets, and plenty of cheap image editors for making 2D assets; aspiring creators do not need to purchase a pricey copy of Photoshop or Maya anymore.
These inexpensive resources are what’s making game development more popular and commonplace - and from that, even more artistic. The same rise seen in pop music, painting, and even filmmaking as popular forms of art is happening now with games. Folk music was born to poor singers playing cheap instruments, and that begat blues, and then blues begat rock ‘n’ roll, which begat pop and hip-hop and rap, which are now omnipresent in modern media. The music of the poor has always been more popular than the grand orchestras and symphonies of the rich, because anyone could pick up a guitar, raise their voice, and sing along with the folk songs, blues, and rock ‘n’ roll. Everyone could join in, and that made it popular. Now, game development is turning the same direction; almost anyone can join in. And, as more developers do join in, they pave the way to make it even easier and more accessible to an even higher number of aspiring creators.
An example of this evolution of accessibility is a hobby called “modding” – short for “modifying.” For years now, gamers have been taking games that already exist, reverse-engineering them, and then changing them for their own enjoyment. These reverse-engineered techniques are then passed on, allowing more creatively-minded fans to use those resources to make their own changes. These modifications – “mods” – have been around for decades, and have been the jumping-off-point for many fans into becoming game developers of their own. For many fans, modding is what gets them into game development as a hobby. It’s an easy way to learn the basics of game logic and asset creation without being overwhelmed by deep code and project management. These fans then transform into hopeful game devs, wanting to create their own artistic projects using what they’ve learned.
Of course, some might argue that paying for these more expensive programs and professionally-produced assets makes for a better quality game in the end, and that can be true. However, more and more affordable resources are being created and developed constantly. Even for someone who can’t draw or compose, there are still plenty of good-quality stand-ins for little to no cost, and the selection is still growing. [examples]  And, as always, practice makes perfect; with enough time and effort, someone who can’t draw well can learn to, and then create their own assets.
Yes, sometimes you can still tell when a game was made on a low budget. Shovelware games - named for the way they seem to be “shoveled” out of a failing developer’s back door – are usually horrendous. But most of the time, these games are also extremely cheap, or even free. They may not be diamonds, but at least they don’t cost as much as diamonds. In contrast, triple-A games are far more expensive, but are also frequently criticized for not being worth their price. Shovelware games are criticized for being bad, but are inevitably waved off with, “Well, you get what you pay for.”
In fact, many of these games exist almost entirely due to the fact that game development is more accessible. Hobbyists can get their feet wet and find out where they fall short without dropping too much of a budget into something that may flop. Additionally, many hobby projects turn out to be outstanding for what they are. Accessibility can surely breed low-quality content, but high-quality content will shine through and last longer. Gems hidden in the bog of ugly messes stand out and become popular, just as many artists and musicians do. When every song on the radio begins to sound the same, one that genuinely sounds new and fresh will overdrive a musician to the top of the charts. The same thing happens with these small-scale indie games.
Indie games are becoming increasingly popular in the eyes of most reviewers. Hollow Knight, Shovel Knight, Ori and the Blind Forest, Celeste, and many more have all been praised for being beautiful, fun games, and they’ve all been developed in just the last few years. Indie games are sweeping through the markets, showing up on every platform, and, since they’re fairly cheap, gamers and reviewers alike are happily claiming that they are worth buying, playing, and supporting.
The same cannot be said of the triple-A market. The publisher EA, one of the few mega-corporations behind game development, is notorious for releasing games of sub-par quality chock full of microtransactions on top of high base-game prices. The Sims series, one of their forefront staples, has hundreds of DLC packs, and those packs average at $30 - half the price of the base game. Other developers, like Bethesda and Ubisoft, are ridiculed for releasing “unfinished” games. Bethesda’s Fallout series and Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed series are full of bugs and glitches, and are often required to make updates and patches in order to push the games into what players call “suitable for sale” territory.
Still, not all indie games stand out. Some try their best and fall very flat. Mighty No. 9, a highly anticipated, Mega-Man-inspired Kickstarter game, was full of bugs and glitches in place of any good story or gameplay. And on the flipside, triple-A, high-budget games do not always come out as trash. There is, after all, a reason the triple-A developers are called triple-A. In general, many fans have high hopes from big-budget games; they are meant to be beautiful, powerful, fun works of art. For example, Nintendo is very well-known for putting out amazing works, to the point that “Nintendo Polish” is expected as their norm. However, that polish adds extra dollars to the pricetag, and, regrettably, Nintendo does not always live up to the the term. Lately, many of the powerful developers have been “slacking off,” and the independent devs are filling in the holes. More and more, indie games are being praised, and triple-A’s are being criticized. Again, it’s not always true, but it’s becoming more true as time goes on.
Artists through the ages have used writing, painting, movies, music, and more to express themselves. Today, they are adding game development to the list. Development in the early years of the gaming age required high levels of technical knowledge and skill, but nowadays, it has changed enough that one can take it on as a hobby. Anyone who can draw, write, or express themselves are able to get into game development.
Because the cost of getting into game development is almost nothing, if you’re willing to make assets on your own, you can start. So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and start.
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