#the blowout
wittlesissyb4by · 22 hours
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The Blowout - Chapter 1
They called it ‘The Blowout’. Fitting, because the world has been overflowing with shit ever since. At least, for some of us.
It all happened so fast. I still remember where I was when the knock came. Actually, it was more like a bang. The door sounded like it was being pounded off its hinges. I was so startled, my ass lifted off the couch. The Bears were driving and had the Packers on their heels in the redzone. My own heels raked across the coffee table I’d been resting them on, and ended up scattering the 6 or 7 empty beer cans all over the floor.
Linda rushed down the stairs, looking shaken. She tied her robe closed and peeped through the hole. 
“Kevin McCreary?” A woman’s voice called through the door. “Are you in there?” 
“What’s goin on?” I asked Linda. She looked startled, but also not too surprised. I could see colored lights swirling through the window. At first I thought it was the police, but the lights weren’t red and blue, more like pink and a lighter blue. When I peeked through the curtains, I saw several cars with their flashing lights parked all down the road, but not at every house. Maybe one in every four. There also looked to be several large trucks carrying some sort of cargo.
“Open up or we’ll have to come in ourselves!” The woman’s voice called again.
“Do you know what this is about?” I asked my wife. 
Linda didn’t seem like she was all there. Almost like she was in shock, but she didn’t seem all that surprised about anything either. “I’m sorry, Kevin.” She said. Without a second’s hesitation, Linda opened the door before I could stop her and figure out what was going on.
The woman immediately stepped in, holding a clipboard. She did a quick scan of the house as two large men moved in behind her. Finally, her eyes landed on me, and she smiled.
“Kevin McCreary?” she asked, confirming.
“Uh…yes.” I said, speaking up for the first time, “What is this about??”
“Under the Matriarchal Act 2269, you have been selected for the Pamper Program.”
“The what??”
But she didn’t repeat herself. The two men stepped forward and took me by the arms, pinning me down on the floor.
“Hey! HEY! You can’t do this!” I yelled desperately as the men ripped my shirt off and worked my pants down. “Honey! Do something!”
But Linda was still frozen, watching the scene unfold, like she knew it was coming the whole time.
“Your wife was briefed a few days ago, Mr. McCreary.” The officer said matter-of-factly while other men walked behind her and into my own damn house. They were carrying large white wooden furniture. One piece looked like the bars of a crib as they ascended the stairs like a moving crew.
“Briefed on what? What is HAPPENING??”
My pants were down now, my underwear ripped away, my flaccid penis flopping every which way as I flailed about beneath the heavy hands on my wrists and ankles.
The officer stepped forward, pulling a small, black metallic device from her bag. She ignored my whines and wails as she knelt between my legs. The strange device had two pieces, one was a ring that looped around my balls, and the other was a tiny tube, a very tiny tube that attached to the ring. Linda stood with her arms crossed as the officer deftly took my penis and pressed it into the tube, scrunching it in softly until the piece collided with the ring. She took a set of dangling keys and slipped it into the side, turning some sort of mechanism. When she did, a little red light shone out of the top. The key chain also had a small remote on it, like it was for a car. But when she pressed a few buttons on it, the red light started blinking. She waited several seconds until the light finally turned green.
“Calibrated.” She said, perhaps to herself. She pressed another button.
A sharp jolt of electricity pulsed through the ring around my cock and balls. I yelped in pain, body twitching, but the men held me firm. 
“That’s the lowest setting,” the officer said, but she wasn’t talking to me, she was talking to my wife. “It goes up to 10.”
The dial clicked as the officer turned up the setting on the remote. “This is a 5.” All I could do was watch as her thumb pressed the little button. What came before was a tickle compared to this. I could feel the shockwaves coursing through my arms and legs and back of my neck. I writhed on the ground while Linda looked on with a slight hint of pity. After what seemed like hours, the lightning bolts coursing through my nerves finally ceased. The fob and keys jingled as she placed them in Linda’s hand. Linda looked back and forth at the surrounding units like she just got handed the nuclear launch codes and she was in no way equipped to handle such a responsibility.
The officer paid no mind, though. She plopped down on her knees between my legs and dug into her bag once more. If I’d had 1,000 guesses, I still wouldn’t have landed on her pulling out a giant, white, fluffy diaper.
“Lift him.” she said to the men. She almost seemed bored, like she’d already done this a dozen times today.
There was nothing I could do. I screamed and whined and cried for help, pleading with my wife as my legs were lifted and the officer slid the padding beneath my waist. Linda just watched, seeming to take pity, but not doing a single thing to stop it.
The powder formed a cloud over my waist when she applied it. I wasn’t sure if it always did that, or it was just because I was writhing so much. I was surprised by how soft the padding was. I hated to admit it was actually quite comfortable. But looking down at the little bears printed across the front as she applied the tapes on top of them snapped me back into reality. I was a grown man, and they were putting me in a diaper. She gave a small pat of my crotch when she finished, it reminded me my dick was locked in a tiny tube, and another puff of powder exhaled out of the waistband.
She smacked her hands back and forth as if cleaning off dust and debris while she stood back up. “All of the furniture will be moved in and assembled by the end of the night.” she said, “If there is a spare room, we will use that one. If not, we will modify the master bedroom. He will be given a one month supply of diapers, with another delivered during his monthly check-up. He will most certainly try to remove his diaper once we leave, in which case do not hesitate to shock him, and if he remains noncompliant simply call 922. It’s the Matriarchal Officer of Pamper Security office, but we just call them ‘MOPS’, they will pay him a little visit and set him straight.”
She brandished a clipboard. “By signing this, you agree to uphold the law to the best of your ability. Matriarchal Code 691 states that all spouses administer cloth and/or disposable diapers to the chosen party, and follow the guidelines laid out therein. Failure to do so is punishable by fines and perhaps even jail time. Routine inspections will be made to ensure proper handling of the male sub.” The officer handed Linda her pen, dropping her professional tone. “I know this is a lot to put on you, Mrs. McCreary and I’m sorry, but you were flagged as an appropriate candidate. Your husband fits the profile to a T, and they probably noticed you as soon as you filed for divorce.”
That last line punched me in the face. It was certainly news to me.
“You what? You filed for–”
“Quiet!” The officer snapped in my direction, then turned back to Linda with a smile. “You can do this.” she said reassuringly, “it will just take time. This is for the betterment of society. Pigs like him deserve to roll around in their own shit. It’s high time men like him pay the price for centuries of oppression.”
To my horror, Linda actually nodded, agreeing with this crazy woman and her cronies. “I would suggest hiring some help. At least for the first few months until he gets acclimated. Research shows most men typically start to accept their fate around 6-12 months.”
That seemed to calm Linda’s nerves. She gave me one last lookover, eyed my diaper, smirked, and scratched her pen across the paper.
The officer smiled widely for the first time as she took back the clipboard. “Please do not hesitate to call if you need us. We’re here to help!”
And with that, the men clambered off me, and the three cosplaying police walked out my door where the pink and blue lights circled in rows up and down the street. This wasn’t just a one-off prank. This was a takeover. 
To Be Continued…
Chapter 3 just launched on my SubStar! I'm trying to do some world-building with this story as many of you have expressed interest in it. Chapter 2 and 3 are much longer and start diving into the characters. So if you at least like where this is going, go check them out!
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bishicat · 2 months
I would love to see your Flemeth!!!
Do you mean Flemeth or Flemeth?
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aljeensane · 6 months
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magnetussy so good, his ex gave him everything even his problems
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chocostrwberry · 4 months
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Miraculous redesign doodles!! 🐞
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teddybeartoji · 26 days
tw mickey in a dress🙈🙈
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sorry they're kinda blurry but you get the point okay the dress was very sex and i looked very prettyy:33333
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pwincessdummy · 2 days
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okay. i think I'm done. now to try and clean up....
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lauraisakilljoy · 1 year
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he is the moment
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free-my-mindd · 5 months
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zytes · 12 days
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9.16.24 / 9.17.24 - september supermoon
#last img is a composite btw. wanted moon clarity AND noise blowout; had to get clever to have both#‘she’s was so big and bright last night!’ - my mom#did you know the moon completes its orbit around earth in 27.3 days? it also completes a spin along it’s axis every 27.3 days#so we always see the same side of moon locally; but it depends on where you’re at on earth#the lunar cycle completes every 29.5 days - as opposed to the 27.3 it takes to complete its own orbit;#that’s a difference of 2.2 days!#something something pythagorean comma#like the leap year! a sidereal year is 365.25 days; every four cycles we gain a ‘semitone’ - an extra day#in musical scale: if you complete a circle of fifths using just intervals of perfect fifths; you’ll gain a quarter of a semitone#the interval leading from an old octave into a new one. like a step forward; a comma which denotes transition#so not a ‘circle’ but a spiral/fractal#in western music we flatten each fifth by a 12th of a pythagorean comma to give us our seven ‘perfect octaves’#also called ‘equal temperament’#this flattens each fifth by ~2 cents to eliminate the perceived discordance cause by the slight bump in tone#I’m not saying there’s a metaphysical connection between the chromatic scale and lunar activity#but#it’s neat when you notice that our moon (and other celestial neighbors) move with a sense of musicality#even if that is a modal sense of musicality and not a tonal sense#my art#aesthetic#art#artwork#webcore#internetcore#glitchcore#abstract#artists on tumblr#photography#lunar#moon
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blueyeswhtedragn · 14 days
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Digable Planets: Blowout Comb (1994)
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wittlesissyb4by · 16 days
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The Blowout (New Story)
Linda scratched another name off the list, setting the pen down against the pad with a click and using her now free hand to pinch the bridge of her nose and rub her eyes, letting out a hefty sigh. How was she ever going to find someone? The last few candidates just didn’t feel…right. But who was right for this sort of thing? Perhaps she was reading too much into it. Maybe she needed to just accept the next person that came her way. Male or female. Males could do the job too right? Or maybe she didn’t need anyone at all. She could do this on her own.
She went to the kitchen and poured a glass of iced tea. Kevin was still sleeping upstairs, she could hear his snores from down here. At least that was a small victory.
She made her way back to the foyer and almost dropped her glass.
“Hi.” The beautiful girl said, “Sorry!” She laughed, “I didn’t mean to scare you! But the door was open and I wasn’t sure if I should knock.”
Linda didn’t say anything. Her mouth still hung agape. This girl was absolutely gorgeous. The light through the windows seemed to radiate off her bronze skin, her perfectly manicured nails tossed her blond hair behind her shoulders majestically as she flashed her pearly white teeth.
“I’m uh…here about the ad?” She laughed again. She seemed proud, strong, confident, and not the least bit uncomfortable, she commanded the room. She reached out her hand, “My name is Emily.”
“Oh…uh…right!” Linda stammered, remembering her manners, “Uh, Linda. I’m Linda McCreary. Please, have a seat.” She gestured to the chair across from her before taking her own, picking up her notepad. She felt more comfortable once she sank into the cushions.
She cleared her throat, trying to figure out where to begin. “So, I assume you’re here about my husband?”
Emily nodded, “If your ad is to be believed.” She sat straight up with her hands laced perfectly in her lap, maintaining that glowing smile. Her breasts were perfectly round and perky, Linda remembered when her own looked that way. Gravity had taken its toll now that she was in her thirties, but they probably never looked that good. 
Linda blinked, snapping herself out of gawking at this beautiful girl. “So then I guess you know he was one of the Selected…” she trailed off, looking at the ceiling, thinking back to a month ago, then shrugged, “I’m not sure why he was…chosen.”
Emily simply shrugged, as if she had all the secrets. “Let’s just say there are a series of parameters that probably deem him more…suitable.”
Linda had a feeling she knew what those parameters might be, but she continued on. “So then you know.” she said, “You know he wears…”
“Diapers.” Emily finished without even blinking. “Yes ma’am.”
Linda breathed a sigh of relief. Why did that make her feel so much better now that it was said out loud? Some of the other candidates she interviewed acted like they had no idea. Do they not watch the news? Did they even pay attention to the details of her ad?
“I can assure you Mrs. McCreary,” Emily smiled, “I am very well qualified.”
“Oh?” Linda said, sitting back, raising her eyebrows in surprise, “And what makes you so sure?”
Emily still showed her teeth, but her lips curled into a slightly more sinister grin. “Let’s just say I’ve been taking care of men in diapers since I turned 21.”
“And how old are you now?”
“25.” Emily said proudly. 
Linda blinked, trying to comprehend. “But the law was only passed a few months ago, and it's only been a month since The Blowout, how were you–”
“There are a lot of pervy men out there, Mrs. McCreary.” Emily chuckled, but not impolitely. “Believe it or not, before The Blowout, there were men that would pay to be put in diapers by girls like me.”
Now that she mentioned it, Linda had heard of men like that. DBAL’s or something. The first time she heard about it was on some show called “My Strange Addiction”.
“That would have to be like one guy out of a billion though, right?” Linda reasoned, “It can’t be that common.”
Emily laughed the hardest she’d laughed since she’d arrived. “You’d be surprised.”
Linda didn’t know what to make of that. “So these men would pay you to…”
“Not just men.” Emily said, shaking her head, “some girls like to wear diapers too, but those were more rare. Not because girls wearing diapers is more uncommon than men, they just have much less trouble finding someone to diaper them. However, some of my biggest clients were not the ones wearing diapers, it was their spouses. Some didn’t want to deal with their husband’s fetish, didn’t want to change diapers, or just wanted nothing to do with them at that point and wanted me to watch their little hubby while they went out. They all effectively paid me to ‘babysit’ their husband for them.”
Linda blinked, “Like I’m thinking of…”
“Like you’re thinking of doing, yes ma’am.” Emily finished for her once more. How was someone her age so put-together and confident? How had she gotten so mature for her years? Especially about something like this.
“I graduated from DYU with an ABC Degree and a specialization in Feminization,” Emily said, reading her mind. “I can administer enemas, corporal punishments, tease and denial, timeouts, early bedtimes, and milkings if you desire. I will change as many diapers a day as you deem fit–wet and/or dirty–and I will make sure he is fed, read, and in bed at whatever time you choose.”
Linda struggled to process all of that. She was blown away by how resolute this beautiful young lady was. “Well that all sounds wonderful,” she said, not quite sure she knew what all of those words meant, “but I should tell you he can be rather…difficult.”
Emily shrugged as if that was expected. “How old is he?”
“37.” Linda sighed. “And I have to say it’s a bit of a shock for him to suddenly be back in diapers. I guess I just didn’t see this coming. Neither did he, obviously, and he’s…not adjusting well.”
“A lot of them aren’t,” Emily nodded knowingly, “but these are the growing pains of  change and progress.”
Linda supposed she agreed.
“What kind of things is he doing?” Emily asked.
She shrugged, trying not to cry. “Throwing stuff, slamming his fists, yelling…lots of yelling…”
“Like a toddler throwing a tantrum.” 
“Yes!” Linda laughed, not putting those pieces together until now.
“Do you shock him?”
Her lips pressed into a line, and she exhaled. “Not as much as I should. I guess I’m just…afraid to hurt him.”
“I know it isn’t fun,” Emily said, sympathizing, “but it’s like training a puppy, sometimes it takes a little discipline to properly train them. Even if you don’t want to hear the yelps, it’s for their own good.”
Linda nodded, knowing she was right, but she still had more to get off her chest. “I know he’s supposed to be using his diapers but…”
“But what?”
“It’s not worth the fight.” Linda sighed, “I know it’s the law that he has to wear them–and he does, but only because I threaten to call the MOPS on him again–but sometimes I let him…use the potty. Well, all the time actually.” 
Linda immediately clapped her hand to her mouth. She shouldn’t have said that. She knew the law. She could get in big trouble for letting him use the toilet.
“Don’t worry, Mrs. McCreary.” Emily said, hardly batting an eye, “I won’t report you. I know how tough it can be. But I can assure you: that’s why I’m here. I know exactly how to use both positive and negative reinforcement to get your husband acting right and using his diapers like he’s supposed to. By the time I’m through with him, he’ll be your obedient, bouncy, babbling little baby boi that makes boom booms in his diapers. And, if you want, I can even make him your little baby gurl!”
Linda gasped. “You can do that?”
“Oh yes, Mrs. McCreary.” Emily grinned, her face had a wicked gleam to it, “I can do that and more. I can make your husband a prissy little sissy, a pink pansy, and a mewing little maid. I know how to get him cleaned up and, most importantly, I can train him to keep the house clean for you.”
That did sound amazing. This was all too good to be true. “But how much will it all cost?”
“My going rate is $2,000/week.” Emily said matter-of-factly.
Linda’s eyes widened. “Oh…well, that’s…pretty steep.”
“I assure you my services will be well worth it, Mrs. McCreary.”
Linda fiddled with her nails, nodding while she ran the numbers in her head. “I start my new position on Monday.” she said, thinking out loud.
“Oh really? Where at?”
“Kevin’s company. I will be taking it over. Well, officially. I’ve been running more things than he has for several years now. He was just a figurehead, because men wouldn’t listen to women in those positions, but I guess that is changing now.” she bit her bottom lip, “Which is why I will need some here as a nanny or babysitter or whatever you want to call it, but unfortunately your prices are a little too high. I like you, Emily, but I don’t think I can–”
“The government will provide financial assistance.” Emily said, cutting her off. “They will take care of most of it.”
Linda blinked in surprise. “Really?”
“Oh yea,” Emily nodded, “Part of their way of rolling out the program. The Blowout is happening, the Matriarchy is taking over, and they want to ensure there is proper funding to keep their new little pamper packers in their place!”
It was the best news Linda had heard in the last month. She was finally going to get help, real help, until she could figure out how to do this whole “Mommy” thing. 
Emily reached out a reassuring hand, placing it on Linda’s leg. “I know this has been a lot for you, Mrs. McCreary, but I assure you things will only get easier. Especially with my help!” she smiled, then gave her leg a playful pat. “Plus, the law states that you are officially back on the market! Are you excited??”
That got Linda’s mind on something else. “If i’m being honest? Very much so. Kevin has been quite…neglectful of me and my needs the last few years.”
Emily nodded like she was a therapist hearing out her patient. “Go on.”
“Well he never took me out, never did anything romantic, leaves all his shit all over the floor, drinks all the time, and we would rarely have sex. He was way more interested in spending hours watching porn!”
Emily smirked, “probably difficult for him to do the latter now, isn’t it?”
That got Linda laughing. “I have to say, the main thing I like about this whole Blowout is the cage they put on that little dick of his! I don’t quite understand the reasoning for the diapers, but chastity making him flustered and frustrated is quite the sight to see!”
“And it will only get worse over time!” Emily agreed, “But don’t be afraid to use his orgasms to your advantage. I will too, if you deem it appropriate.”
Linda didn’t quite know what that meant yet, but she already trusted Emily to make the right decisions.
“And as far as the diapers go…” Emily continued, “the reasoning is to humble them. I’ve changed a lot of diapers Mrs. McCreary, and let me tell you: nothing absolutely breaks a man’s psyche like having to piss and poop all over themselves. Even worse is having to beg a superior female for a chance at a fresh diaper. Men aren’t complicated, they’re very easy to control. If you control their orgasms, you control their behavior. If you control their bodily functions, you control their mind. Your husband will break, Mrs. McCreary. They all do. Men have spent far too long acting like babies, it’s time we finally treat them like one!”
It was a rousing speech, one Linda was nodding along with the entire time. She fiddled with the chain around her neck. “I feel really good about this. I think you’re the perfect candidate to take care of Kevin and treat him the way he needs to be treated.” She unclasped the chain, and removed one of the tiny keys dangling from it, handing it to Emily, who smiled wickedly as she took it. “You’re hired!”
To Be Continued
This is a new story I'm writing that I'm excited to delve further into. I just posted Chapter 2 on my Substar, so if you like where this is going, go check it out! Thanks for reading!
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despazito · 8 months
when will we be freed from studios using historically inaccurate hairstyles and armor in favour of something that would look more cool and appealing by today's aesthetic standards
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mossytrashcan · 3 months
you’re serving cunt. two lannister children were just murdered and you’re serving cunt.
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novaswrldd · 2 years
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free-my-mindd · 5 months
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I love a good blowout
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vgadvisor · 2 months
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