#wsb story
wittlesissyb4by · 3 months
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Chapter 3 - The Study Group
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“I…I’m just really nervous.” Jack stammered, dipping his head and rubbing his face as he does any time he’s anxious. 
Marianne used a finger to lift her husband’s chin, looking into his eyes. “I know,” she said, trying to feign confidence, “I am too.”
She gave him a once over, sliding her hands along his shirt that was far too short to cover his belly, straightening it out and picking off any stray lint. 
Jack kept tugging the shirt down. “Can’t I at least wear shorts?” He whimpered. 
Marianne just shrugged, curling her fingers into the waistband of his diaper, gripping and pulling upward so it forced his legs a bit wider. “I don’t really see the point,” she said, tucking the flared edges back into his thighs like she’d been taught, apparently it helps prevent leaks, “they already know you’ll be wearing one, and they’re going to see it eventually. No reason to delay the inevitable.”
He blushed, knowing she was right, but that didn’t keep him from trembling. 
“Hey,” she said, bringing her hand back to his cheek, “you wanted this, remember? There’s no backing out now.” 
That seemed to settle him. He nodded and plopped his hands down to his sides for maybe the hundredth time. Marianne combed him over once more, she found herself uneasy too. There was no reason to be, they were all probably used to it, but Jack was still a reflection of her, and Marianne wanted to show that she was competent in diapering her husband. 
Still, she couldn’t help but gawk at how adorable he looked, like an innocent little one rubbing their eyes and face, tugging on their shirt, and crinkling in their little diaper. She was certainly starting to see the appeal to this whole thing, even if she originally didn’t think it would be her cup of tea when he first presented it to her.
“What time are they getting here?” Jack asked, still a bit flustered. 
Marianne leaned in close for a kiss, which he returned. When they released, she smiled, “they’re already here!”
The girls were giddy with excitement when Marianne came back into the living room. They’d been sitting around the couch, chairs, and tables. Notebooks and laptops open, pencils scratching, keys tapping. The sound of Marianne’s footsteps caused them all to stop collectively and look up from their studying. 
“Ladies…” Marianne cleared her throat, voice shaking nervously but trying to feign confidence, “meet…Jack!”
A round of applause broke out, but nothing (and no one) came from the hallway. At least, not for a few seconds. Finally, once the cheers died down, Jack came simpering into the room, hands relentlessly trying to tug down his shirt, only for it to spring back up and further expose the puffy pamper between his legs. “Oh my godd!!” Someone squealed, stomping their feet in hilarity. 
“Awww!! Look at his wittle pampurrs!!”
“Soo cuuute!!”
“Cute? More like ‘pathetic’!!”
The raucous laughter went on for what felt like several minutes. Even Marianne couldn’t help but smile to herself. Though the girls were probably embellishing, it was nice to see them so excited about seeing her husband in diapers. It was validating. 
“Turn around!”
“Give us a little spin!”
“Yea! Show us your diaper butt!”
“Don’t worry about that shirt, it’s not hiding anything. Trust us!”
“Bend over!”
“That’s it! Smack that ass!”
Jack was whimpering over the dull thud of his hand smacking the seat of his diaper. 
“Come here,” Claire said, snapping her fingers and pointing to the ground in front of her, the same carpet she herself used to crawl on when her Mom brought her over as a toddler, “let’s check your diaper.”
Marianne had never seen her husband move so fast. He was trembling all over, but his eyes had this sort of glazy effect to them, like he was in a different world, a different space. He dropped to his knees in front of the beautiful blonde college girl. 
“Make him tell us if he’s wet!” Trinity suggested. 
“Do you do that?” Brooke beckoned, “I always like to guess when I think they’re doing it. The way they try to keep their face from scrunching is so cute!”
“I just check them constantly,” said Valencia, “They get so huffy and puffy when I'm making them spread their legs so I can pinch their pamper every 5 minutes. It almost makes them force it out faster so they don’t have to keep getting all worked up inside of their clitty cage!”
“I like my methods, thank you very much!” Claire giggled. She closed her spiral notebook and set it to the side, tucking her hair behind her ear as she leaned forward to the quivering Jack. “How’s your diaper?” She asked, smacking her gum. “Are you wet?”
Before Jack could form any words that weren’t just stammering baby babble, Claire already had her hand on his diaper. “Hmm…hard to tell…” she said to the room, “What do you think girls? Can you check him?”
Marianne had given them permission to touch Jack and his diaper, as long as they didn’t go in and touch his penis. She wasn’t quite comfortable with that. 
Jack mewed as he went down the line, waddling side to side on his knees so each girl could pinch and squish and poke and prod him. “Hmm…he doesn’t feel wet…but I do feel something small and stiff!” Valencia giggled, tapping him on the hips. “Turn around! Let’s check for poop!”
Jack’s cheeks flushed red as Val used a finger to peel back the waistband of his diaper and peek inside. “Hmm, nope! No poo poo’s…yet! Maybe the little guy’s backed up!  What were the 4 P’s for easing constipation again, girls?”
“Peaches! And…” Savannah flipped through her notes.
“Plums.” Marianne finished, she’d been studying hard the past few days. “I have all of them in the pantry!”
“Open wide!!”
“Heeerre comesss the airpwannnne!!!”
“And the Choo-choo train!!”
“Gotta put the car in the garage!! Vroom vroom!!”
Spoonfuls of mush were coming from so many directions that Jack could hardly keep up. Actually, he couldn’t keep up at all. Sweet slop ran down the sides of his stuffed mouth, down his chin, and onto the bib that someone took the liberty of bringing for him.  
“Open! Open!” Savannah encouraged, but didn’t even wait for him to swallow before shoveling another spoonful into his already full mouth. Jack tried to close his lips around it, but some ended up getting pushed out from being over capacity. Savannah deftly caught what dripped down his drooly chin, and brought it back up for a second attempt. 
Jack’s stomach was groaning from the onslaught. The pureed ‘P’s’ were slishing and sloshing, making it full almost to the point of bursting, and the jars still had plenty of food left in them. Did Marianne know she bought such big containers? Maybe she didn’t intend them to all be used at once, but she sure wasn’t doing anything to stop them. In fact, she almost encouraged it. 
“I’ve been trying to get him to eat healthier,” Marianne laughed, “guess I just need to invite pretty girls over in order to get him to eat his fruit and veggies!!”
Jack wriggled helplessly in his high chair. The same one he’d built for himself just a few weeks prior. Marianne didn’t understand why he wanted to add restraints to it until this very moment. The way he was tugging them and whining with all that mush in his mouth made it quite necessary. She couldn’t tell if he was struggling just for show, or if he genuinely was in turmoil, but he didn’t use the safeword, so Marianne assumed all was well one way or another. She had to admit, he did look pretty adorable squirming around in that chair covered in mush. His white shirt was no longer plain.
“Hold still, little one!” Claire cooed, holding his head still from behind the chair while the girls forced even more spoonfuls into his mouth. “It’ll help you feel better! Help get your poo poo’s out!”
When they’d finally exhausted all four jam-sized jars of food and the girls cheered “alll gone!!” Jack was leaning back in his chair, mouth agape, groaning over his bloated belly. Trinity used the bib to mop up his face, Brooke and Savannah removed the restraints from his wrists and ankles, and Val lifted the tabletop. 
“Uh oh, girls!” Claire exclaimed, hand between Jack’s legs. “Feels like we’ve got a wet diaper!!”
Jack sat on the floor in his pissy pamper while the girls went over the different types of enemas. 
“Sodium Phosphate, Glycerin, Bisacodyl, Mineral Oil and…” Savannah snapped her fingers over and over, searching for the words, “…and…and…”
“It’s easier than you think,” Val said over her notes, checking off Savannah’s answers. 
“Oh! Tap water!” Savannah exclaimed, smacking her head in her own stupidity. 
“Which one do you use to stimulate colon contractions?”
“Bisacodyl!” She replied immediately with a satisfied smile, “Easy.”
They continued to go through their notes, making sure to cover everything with detail and then some before moving on to a new topic. 
Jack pretended to play with the little blocks and stuffed animals they gave him. It was demeaning and humiliating, but he decided it was better than protesting. He didn’t want to cause a scene or put Marianne in a precarious position where she would be forced to reprimand him, or worse, become too overwhelmed and embarrass herself in front of her peers. He’d asked for all of this, he could deal with it. His diaper was still warm from the piss he added to it a half hour ago. It squished as he shifted, but so did something else. His stomach was churning, doing backflips and giving that noticeable heavy grumble. He thought about asking Marianne if he could excuse himself to the restroom, but she seemed so busy and stressed going through her studies. When he tried to leave the room earlier so they could have their time to study in peace, the girls immediately asked “Where are you going?” and plopped him right back down on the floor where they could “keep an eye on him.” He was stuck in here.
He glanced from side to side, the girls were going over the active ingredients in different suppositories, not paying much attention to him at all. Now was as good of a time as ever. As quietly as he could, he clambered around onto his hands and knees, his heavy diaper drooping between his legs. This wasn’t the first time he’d crawled since they’d been around, (they made him do several laps proclaiming he was a pamper pisser earlier) so they didn’t seem to notice when he slowly crawled over into the corner. 
He just wanted a bit of privacy. It would be weird doing it in front of them. He thought one last time about asking Marianne if he could use the bathroom, but she was so busy with the girls he didn’t want to interrupt, especially to tell them what he needed to do. Plus, he was pretty sure he knew what their answer would be. So, instead, he brought his legs up into a crouch, squatting in the corner and trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. 
“Watcha doin’ over there?” Trinity’s voice called. 
Jack immediately flushed red. 
“Oh! I know that look!”
“Awww!! Is somewon twying to make a pushy??”
“Oh my god! He is!!”
“He’s doing the good ‘ole ‘squatty potty’!!!”
“I love how they think they can get away with it…pooping in the corner like a little tottler.”
Marianne didn’t say anything, just smiled sheepishly at her husband’s antics. She’d never seen her husband so embarrassed before. 
“Get out from over there!” Claire called, snapping her fingers and pointing back at the rug in the center of the room. “If you need to do your business, you will do it right here where we can all see you!”
Jack looked to Marianne for help, his face stricken with horror, but she simply gave a curt nod, the edges of her lips curling upwards. This is what he asked for, she told herself. 
His bottom lip started to quiver, but he tucked it underneath his teeth as he made his way back to the center of the room in front of the gaggle of girls. Jack could feel every set of eyes on him while he crouched in his diaper. It was so wet and plump that it practically reached the floor. The girls giggled and smiled, some covering their grins with their hands so as not to be “rude”. 
“Go on Jack Jack!” Val said, taking charge. 
“Yea!” The other girls said, joining in now. 
“Poop your pampers!”
“Make a pushy!”
“Go on, diaper dumper! Let’s see what you got!”
Jack clamped his eyes shut, hoping to block out all the sights and sounds, but it was futile, their incessant cackling reverberated around the room. 
There was only one thing he could do at this point, he had to get it over with. 
“Oh look! His face is turning red! I think he’s doing it!”
Jack’s face was already red long before from the embarrassment of it all, but now that he was pushing, the veins were popping from his head. He couldn’t hold back a grunt as his muscles clenched, then relaxed. The warmth caught him off guard, he was used to expelling the waste and it dropping through the air and into the water below. Now, it didn’t drop far at all, it just pressed back into him as the mush spread through the inside of his padding. Somehow, the girls noticed, either from the smell, or the much saggier bulge of his diaper. 
“Uh oh!! I think somewon has poo poo’s!!”
“Let’s check him!!”
“Not yet, he’s still going! Let’s let the wittle baby finish his business!”
Jack begrudgingly harrumphed and pushed out the remainder of his excrement. He tried to avoid their giggling gazes, but the eyes boring into him were tangible. Finally, he finished, but he didn’t know what he needed to do to convey the message. 
Thankfully, Marianne stepped in: “All done?” She asked, as if being married to him all this time gave her experience on his bowel movements. 
Jack nodded, still unable to drain the color in his cheeks. Marianne could see he had the strangest mixture of embarrassment, discomfort, and arousal. She found that more than a bit intriguing, not the act of defecating himself, but the fact that he was willing to utterly humiliate himself by doing it in front of all of these attractive people. Had he no shame? Or did he just revel in it? Either way, she found it fascinating.
“Tell us what you did.” Val said, a sadistic grin on her face. “Tell us what you did in your diaper.”
Jack looked side to side for help, but none came, not even from Marianne, who just gave him a curt nod, lips curling into a smile. 
“I…” Jack squeaked in the tiniest of voices, he was so humiliated he brought his hands to his face, rubbing his cheeks and squirming like an embarrassed toddler. “I went poo poo’s…”
“Louder!” Trinity commanded. 
His bottom lip quivered, his eyes got a little misty. “I went poo poo’s!!”
“In…in my diaper…”
“We can’t hear you!”
“I WENT POO POO’S IN MY DIAPER!!” he shouted. 
The girls continued making him humiliate himself. Forcing him to say it like a baby. To turn around and wiggle his droopy diaper for them. To stand up and swish his hips from side to side, causing the load to swing like a wrecking ball. 
“Should we…” Savannah started, “should we make him…?”  
All the girls seemed to know exactly what she meant, all except Marianne, so Claire leaned over and whispered in her ear. 
Marianne’s eyes widened a bit, but she didn’t shake her head. She seemed to be weighing options, keeping her eyes on Jack, considering his well-being. Finally, she shrugged and gave a nod in the affirmative. 
The girls collectively giggled and clapped. 
“Okay loser,” Val said, taking the lead, “Tell us: do you like your dirty diaper?”
Jack shrugged, eyes continuing to dart back and forth searching for help as to what to say. His mouth hung agape, but he didn’t seem to notice, drool leaking down his lips, he was so deep in little space. 
“Y-yes…” he said in a voice way too high-pitched for his age. 
“Say it.”
He hung his head, speaking to the floor. “I…i like my dirty diaper…”
The girls all exchanged glances and giggles. 
“Show us.”
Jack looked up, confused. “Wha?”
“Show us how much you like it.” Claire said. “Right there, on the floor.”
It took Jack only a second to register what she meant. It would have taken Marianne ages if it hadn’t just been explained to her. 
“N-no…” Jack begged, face welling up with crimson again, “please…”
“What?” Val cooed, “does the wittle baybee not want to make cummies in his dirty diapy?”
Jack instinctively grabbed his crotch. Even through the padding, Marianne could tell he was hard. If you would have told her her husband would be getting an erection inside of a poopy diaper while a group of girls laughed and ridiculed him, she would have laughed and ridiculed you. But no matter how red Jack’s face got, he certainly seemed to be enjoying himself.
“Lay down, Jack Jack.” Savannah commanded, “on your tummy.”
Despite his hesitation, he worked his quaking legs behind him, then lowered himself down on his belly, the mushy diaper crinkling as it was pressed against the floor, he looked up with doe eyes as he awaited further instruction. 
“You know what to do.” Trinity teased over the laughter of the other girls. “Show us what a big boy you are while you hump your dirty diapers!!”
Jack hung his head in shame, but used his arms to pull himself forward, squishing the mess into himself as his diaper ground against the ground. He visibly cringed, groaning as he wriggled his hips back and forth. 
The girls cackled with delight, even Marianne smiled at Jack’s shame. 
“Hump those Huggies, loser!”
“Pump those poopy pampers!”
“Tell us what you’re doing, diaper dumper!”
Jack was sweating in a mixture of shame and exertion, “I'm humping my poopy diapers!” He repeated over and over as he ground his hips even harder. 
They clapped and cheered and teased him with every thrust. 
“He’s really getting after it!”
“So horny and desperate!”
“See? All these little losers are the same!”
The girls had discussed with Marianne beforehand that anything they said was purely for degradation purposes. They didn’t think ill of her husband, or even care for that matter, they were just playing their part. 
“Tell us when you’re going to cum, loser!”
“Ask us for permission!”
It didn’t take long. Less than 10 seconds since they’d given the command, Jack was blubbering in a pitiful puddle on the floor. “Can I cum? Can i cum please??”
“Call us ‘Goddesses’!”
“And it’s ‘goo goo’ to you!”
Jack moaned and mewed, digging his dirty diaper in the rug. “Nnghhh! Can i make a…goo goo…in my… diapy…Goddesses??”
“No.” Val said without the slightest hint of sympathy. “Lift up.”
Whining and whimpering, Jack reluctantly raised his filthy diaper off the floor. 
“Keep humping.” Savannah said. “But don’t touch the ground.”
Jack was on all fours, humping the air like a desperate bitch. Swishing his hips back and forth and making the dirty droopy diaper swing to and fro. The girls found this to be one of the funniest things they’d ever seen. They continued to make him put on this ridiculous display for almost a full minute. 
“Rub it!” They commanded, making him push his hand into his crotch and stroke it through his padding. 
“PLEASE may I cum, Goddesses?” He was desperate, shouting and whimpering with no regard for how pathetic he looked. 
If Marianne had it her way, she would have let him, but instead she decided to let the girls take the reins. 
“Absolutely not.” Trinity barked. “Get back on your belly.”
They let him simmer down for a bit before having him resume his humiliating humping. 
“Suck your thumb.”
“Babble like a baybee!”
Jack was a blubbering mess on the floor while he mushed his mess with his hips. 
“Turn over.”
He flipped on his back. 
“Raise your hips up. Hump the air.”
It seemed to be a never ending string of humiliations, one after the other. With each bout of Jack being brought to the edge, the girls made him stop and get in a different position. 
“Ple-he-hease!!” Jack begged, actual tears leaking down his face. “Can i make goo goo’s and get out of this dirty diapy?”
The girls seemed to show sympathy for the first time, if only slightly.
“On your back.” Trinity said once more. “You’re not making a goo goo. Not yet, anyway. But you can get out of that disgusting diaper.”
Jack sighed, but did as he was told. 
The girls all turned to Marianne. “Are you ready to change him?”
It was Marianne’s turn to flush. She’d never changed a dirty diaper before. Not that she didn’t know how, but because she never thought she was ready to take on such a task. 
Claire placed a comforting hand on hers, sensing Marianne’s trepidation. “It’s okay, we’ll be right here with you.”
Marianne took a long, steady breath, trying to find her courage. This was something her husband had wanted for a long time. She wanted to share that moment with him, even if she didn’t quite feel ready. But when would she ever be ready? It’s hard to get up the nerve to see your husband splayed out in his own filth, much less clean it up yourself. If there was a time to do it, it would be right now when she had her friends—if you could call them that—by her side, helping her through it. She let out a long, hefty sigh, putting on her Mommy voice. 
“Okay sweetheart!” She chimed, managing to keep her cadence from shaking, “it’s time to change your diaper!!”
To Be Continued
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walkingstackofbooks · 1 month
Consider: Julian being pregnant with Yoshi and going to Federation parenting classes with Miles and Keiko. And encountering a list of all the rights and freedoms every child is supposed to be entitled to. Some of which... don't sound like his childhood. (Cw child abuse)
I've got SO MANY more ideas for this it may turn into a series who knows??? But I want to share it now so people can maybe like it? Because I have feeeelings.
"So these are just, uh, suggestions, right? Parents don't have to do all of them?" Julian asked, instantly regretting it. If Miles' dirty look was anything to go by, clearly that had been the wrong thing to say.
"Julian," he gritted out, "you're my best mate and you're carrying my child so I'm going to give you a chance to explain. What the hell do you mean by that?"
Julian really wasn't sure that he could. Some of the statements on the poster had surprised him, that was all, but he didn't really want to get into the reasons why.
"Don't, uh-- Don't worry. It's not important," he tried to deflect.
"It bloody well is important, if you're just planning to ignore what you're learning here."
"Miles--" Keiko broke in, placing a hand on her husband's knee.
"I didn't mean it like that!" Julian exclaimed, cradling his stomach protectively. "I was just saying that, um... I guess that they're not all as important as each other, are they? Lack of privacy, for example -- that's not exactly abusive, is it, like some of the others?"
"That's a common misconception, but no, Doctor Bashir," answered Mx Rakoto. "Any parent showing a consistent failure to meet any one of these standards would be enough to investigate them for abuse."
"What do you mean, "oh"?" Miles asked, with an irritation that compelled Julian to shrug and look away.
"I guess I just didn't realise it was taken that seriously," he replied, feeling kind of silly and small as he said it. "I know we learnt about them in school, but back then it was more of a thing for teachers than parents, wasn't it?"
There was a pause, before Keiko said tentatively, "...These have always been for parents, Julian."
"Mrs O'Brien is correct," Mx Rakoto added. "Your parents would have completed a very similar course to this -- some things have changed of course, there's always more progress that can be done, but the fundamental rights and freedoms of children haven't changed, and nor has the law."
"No, but..." Julian's brain didn't seem to be working properly; was he missing something?
"You're saying these are things I should have had at home and at school?"
"And my parents should have known about them?"
"I would find it hard to believe that they didn't. Parents are required to access learning about this every few years."
"Oh." Julian's voice had gone very quiet at the point. "I think I-- I need a minute..." he said shakily, eyes glued to the poster in front of him, reading and rereading the information as he tried to figure out what he'd got wrong.
Right to privacy.
Right to choose their own name.
Right to appropriate support and accommodations of a disability.
Freedom from unnecessary medical interventions.
Freedom from torture.
Right to make mistakes.
"Julian?" asked Keiko softly, startling him out of his thoughts. "Are you alright?"
Slowly, he shook his head. "I didn't know," he whispered. "I mean, it's not like I thought they were great parents, you know, but I didn't think... Well, most people complain about their parents, don't they? I didn't think mine were abnormally bad. But there are so many things--" His voice quavered, almost breaking. "And you say they could have been investigated for just breaking one?"
"What... what kind of things?" asked Miles hesitantly. "Only if you want to tell us, of course."
Julian's eyes flicked around the room, but Mx. Rakoto seemed to have left the room.
"They've gone," confirmed Keiko, seeming to catch onto what he was thinking. "I can go too, if you'd prefer..."
"No -- it's alright," said Julian. "It's just... a lot to take in."
His eyes returned to the poster. Right to encouragement. Freedom from humiliation and constant criticism. Right to self-expression. Right to relax and play. Right to mistakes.
"It must be hard, right," he started, looking to them both anxiously, "to keep these all in your head? There's a lot of them, it must be normal to not remember all of them all the time?"
Miles and Keiko exchanged glances, a second-long conversation that Julian was not privy to.
"All parents make mistakes," said Keiko kindly. "It's when these things start getting ignored often that there's a problem."
"And some of them you barely have to think about anyway," added Miles. "You know, "right to shelter", "right to food", "right to clothes" -- it's not difficult stuff. You don't have kids if you don't want to look after them properly."
"Then why did my parents find it so difficult?" The words burst out of Juliann before he could stop them. "What was so wrong with me that meant they didn't do all this?"
"No, oh no, Julian," said Keiko, as Miles reached out to pull him in for a hug. "Don't think like that. It wasn't you--"
Julian wasn't really listening: his question had finally given him the puzzle piece he had been missing -- he'd realised what hadn't been adding up.
"No... no, it's fine," he said, feeling a little floaty now he'd got his thoughts all in order. "No, it was me. I was a difficult kid. That's..." He shook himself, feeling his cheeks get hot as he wondered what the O'Briens must be thinking. "I'm sorry, this session was supposed to be about your child, not about me."
"Our child," corrected Miles gruffly. "And this is important, Julian. I don't give a damn if you were "difficult", your parents don't get to just ignore your rights."
"You don't understand," said Julian desperately, hoping he'd be able to make them see even without mentioning his enhancements. He'd made a real mountain out of a molehill here, he didn't know why he hadn't managed to connect the dots quicker before this all had spiralled out of control. "I tried to piss my parents off. I'd stay out too late and go drinking illegally and date guys way too old for me just because I knew it would annoy them. And I'd always talk back and argue with my dad, and find ways to be smarter than him, and--"
"And none of that was enough to lose your rights, Julian," said Keiko gently. "That's not how it works."
Julian was shaking; he didn't want to listen to them. He'd figured it out -- it was his fault his parents hadn't done everything they were supposed to, because if it wasn't his fault, it was their fault, and that meant... well, that they were abnormally bad parents, and that... that...
"Hey," said Miles, more softly than Julian had ever heard him, peeling Julian's hands away from where he'd been covering his ears. "Let's say you're right -- just for a moment," he added in response to Keiko's hissed "Miles?". "Maybe we don't understand everything that went on. Why don't you tell us which of these you weren't getting from your parents, yeah? Explain it to us a bit more?"
Flashing him a weak smile, Julian nodded. he should have known he could always count on Miles.
"Okay, yeah, um -- so I guess, uh, "right to choose your own name"?" he said, feeling slightly uncomfortable as he watched Keiko pull the poster up on her PADD and circle it, but choosing not to comment. "It wasn't like, transphobic or anything though," he defended. "They'd just always called me 'Jules' since I was little, you know? So it's not really..." He trailed off, shrugging.
"Okay..." said Miles, and Julian tried to ignore the dubious look his friend shot at Keiko. "Anything else?"
"Um -- I always had to, uh, leave my door open? Or if I closed it, they wouldn't knock before coming in... That's not that weird though, right? One of my Academy friends thought it was, but--"
"Did you feel like your parents respected your privacy?" asked Keiko, and Julian looked at her for a few seconds, before shaking his head.
"But they were my parents," he said. "That was just how they looked out for me. They were supposed to look out for me."
"And you were supposed to have a right to privacy," replied Keiko, making another circle on her PADD. Fuck, this wasn't going the way Julian had thought it would. Hurriedly, he looked for a different one to try to explain better.
"Constant criticism," he said, distantly noticing the strangled tone to his voice. "That's hardly surprising, right? I mean, if you get things wrong all the time, you're going to be criticised, that's just how it works."
Neither Keiko nor Miles looked convinced; clearly he wasn't trying hard enough, describing clearly enough why it had been alright his parents hadn't been perfect. He was getting this all wrong.
The right to make mistakes.
For some reason, those had been the words his eyes hadn't been able to leave alone. Every time he went past them, his heart caught on them, as though the words were a rusty nail left half-buried in his skin.
It wasn't a fair comparison, really. He had been different to the other children -- better, smarter -- so of course he hadn't been allowed to make the same mistakes they did. Of course his parents' expectations had been high; they'd known what he was.
But all the same, it sounded nice, that imaginary childhood where all mistakes were okay, not just the ones he'd carefully measured out to avoid detection.
He didn't realise he was crying until he felt a rough thumb wiping a tear off his cheek.
"Oh, Julian," Miles was saying. "It's okay, you can let it out now. We're here for you. I'm so sorry. I wish I'd known."
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burned-lariat · 1 year
Not gonna lie, this Pikeman story and heavy conversation on the WSB and this corruption lowkey makes me want to write a sequel to TTFE...👀
It would be down the line since I have SCR & HTKHWD currently on my plate, but when one of them officially ends, I might go for it. Or I'll alternate on one to make it possible (likely SCR since that one's gonna be a bit long). Who knows? I have much to consider.
(I do know that @anyathefandom will be happy because it means Wallace/Irina returning plus Spy!Dex & Spy!Emma 😂😁)
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star-girl34 · 8 months
This young man was recently killed in Atlanta, praying for his mother to find justice and strength. If you can donate to Mrs. Lowe's GoFundMe so she can give her son a proper burial.
You can read more about his story here on WSB-TV's website: 'You took away my soul.'
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anyathefandom · 2 months
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“Did you make it there in one piece?”
A gentle breeze kissed Dex’s face as he approached the double-door entrance. He looked upwards, taking in the archaic build of the academy exterior: brown stone, carved inlets, tall windows with sleek, clean glass. Groups of people passed him by, ages of all kinds present, as he stood a foot or two away from the short staircase.
“Yes, I did,” he answered, his eyes darting from one window pane to another.
“Do you have everything you need?”
“Yes,” he shifted his attention to his clothing: a form-fitting black track jacket free of any pin or label, form-fitting leggings with the same dark shade, and dark gray lace-up boots. The straps of his matching dark gray backpack rested perfectly on his shoulders, “Are you going to ask me if I packed a lunch next?”
“Don’t give me lip,” Irina’s voice was sharp yet chipper, “I’m just doing my job.”
“I know, I’m sorry.”
“You’re forgiven…but did you pack one?”
“I’m just messing with you,” she laughed, “I know you’re prepared.”
Me: Hey you guys!! *Points to the audience* Come a little closer I got something to tell y'all...👀 *Audience leans closer*
Me: 📢 MY FAVORITE MOTHER-SON DUO IS BACK BITCH!!!! Like I literally squealed because that's family right there.😌
“I’m proud of you, baby,” Irina cooed, “truly. You deserve this opportunity, and I’m glad my brother was able to give it to you.”
“I’ll be sure to give Uncle Valentin my undying gratitude,” Dex snorted gently, “but yeah, this is thanks to him.”
“Be careful in there, okay? Work hard, study, and please take care of yourself.”
“I will, Mom, I promise,” he began to approach the staircase, “...I should get going.”
“Okay, Dexter, I’ll talk to you later. I love you.”
“I love you too,” he hung up
Me: This fic just started and my heart is already very full. Like OMG I love them so much.🥹🩷
As he walked down the cobblestone pathway, he observed the architecture that rose above the foliage: chapel-like structures, sleek black roof tiles, spears that cut into the clouds in the blue sky. It felt like something out of a movie, and it caused Dex to drift off once again: Look at you. You're your own man now.
Me ready to be shady: Sooooo canon!Dex can you say the same about yourself?😌
Canon!Dex: 😐
That dream-like trance stopped when he suddenly collided with a short yet firm obstacle in front of him.
“Ow…” his eyes focused on the young woman in front of him, noting her long brown hair tied back in a ponytail, hazel eyes, and rounded face. She rubbed the top of her head, the area that made impact with the young man, and he internally kicked himself, knowing full well that both Anna and Valentin will give him an earful later.
Me: It's my girl isn't it?!!👀
“I’m sorry,” he said sheepishly, “I wasn’t paying attention.”
“Clearly,” she huffed, staring at him, “...Oh.”
“I know you, or, I know of you.”
“Do you now?” Dex snorted, “Well, right back at you.”
“Is that so?” the young woman looked Dex up and down, “My grandmother told me you get caught up in trouble. I just didn’t expect that trouble to be so…simple and self-inflicted.”
“I wouldn’t classify observation as ‘trouble,’ but okay.”
She extended a hand out to him, “Emma Drake.”
“Dex Heller.”
Me knowing damn well I asked for this: OMG THEIR GONNA BE BESTIES?!!! Wow I manifested this...
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“You didn’t change your last name?”
“No? Why would I do that?”
“...Because you’re a Cassadine.”
“And? My…aunt? Cousin? She's one of the two, but I’m sure you know who Alexis Davis is-”
“Fair point,” Emma scuffed her boot against the ground, “I was just curious.”
“...Uh huh.”
She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms as she attempted to keep the conversation going, “So what prompted you to want to join the WSB?”
Me: The way I cackled because they're already being snarky with each other.😂 And the way Emma was basically like " Like I'm sorry I didn't know you were content with keeping a nobody's last name my bad big dog🤷"
“Long story short, I needed a change. What about you?”
“Just following in my grandmother's footsteps.”
“Because you want to or because you'll be disowned otherwise?”
“Because I want to,” she rolled her eyes again, “Do you have this much snark when you speak to anyone else?”
Dex shrugged, opting not to give her a full answer.
Me: This really is just Emma and Dex having a gag off and seeing who's gonna out gag the other right now because the snark is at an all time high😂
Emma's eyes darted around his face and body, studying him intently. Her remark left her mouth absent-mindedly, “...You look a lot like your uncle.”
“I sure hope I do.”
“Yeah, it's a little uncanny…and unfortunate.”
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“Unfortunate? What's that supposed to mean?” Dex made a sour face.
Me thinking that I'm clever when i'm actually corny: I guess you aren't one of those...fortunate enough😉🥁
“…I was just making an observation, that's all,” Emma let out a rough sigh, immediately fixating on a nearby open bench. She pointed her head in its direction, walking over. Dex looked between her and the rest of the courtyard before rushing to her side, “and it's not about your looks, just in case you're wondering.”
“Then what is it about?”
“You really want to know?”
“I don't think it's wise to backtrack after freely offering that kind of information.”
“...Okay,” she took a heavy breath, “well, Grandma told me that you were kept away from the Cassadines for a long time.”
“So I presume you're not on the up-and-up with their history?”
“Not completely. I don't know all the historical lore or anything. I do know that my grandmother was pure evil.”
“We can only hope none of her worst traits are ingrained in your DNA,” Emma giggled, and Dex forced a laugh in response. She caught onto it, sucking in her lips, “The Cassadines…they have this…jaded darkness to them.”
Dex doesn't comment, averting his eyes, “I don't think we're all that bad…”
“I know. Spencer's one of my childhood friends, for one, and it seems like every member is, at minimum, a halfway decent person…but that darkness is still there.”
“...Why are you telling me this, exactly?”
Emma gave him a reserved look, brightness in her pupils. Dex's breath hitched in his throat, and part of him wasn't sure why.
Me: hmm so she sees that same jaded darkness within him as well but she just doesn't know he also gets that from his father's side of the family as well because being Wallace Heller's son will do that to you.
Dex and Emma took their seats somewhere in the middle on the left, watching as a number of older men and women in crisp suits appeared onstage. One lone man stood in the middle, hovering over the podium in his ash gray suit and crisp eyes.
“Welcome to the World Security Bureau Academy!” he bellowed, his Australian accent thick, “It is my pleasure to greet you all and take in the potential new faces that will join the ranks.”
“That's not…?” Emma muttered loud enough for Dex to hear, prompting him to raise an eyebrow.
“I'm sure some of you are wondering why Frisco Jones is not standing before you today, as he was the director of the Bureau,” the man cleared his throat, “There has been quite a bit of… turnover recently, and he has left the Bureau altogether. I, Jack Brennan, as the new director, promise that the education you receive this year will be top-notch. I will also make sure that everyone's well-being will be properly maintained.”
“My grandmother never mentioned this…” Emma spoke up again, her voice still low, and Dex turned his head in response, “What the hell?”
“Big things lie ahead for each and every one of you. Some of you hail from Geneva, the lovely home of the academy itself, some of you come from neighboring lands, and some of you are overseas attendees. Some of you got in on your own merit, and others had a bit of a leg-up in admissions. Regardless of where you're from, how you got in, or why you're here, you'll all be working towards the same goal. It'll only be a matter of time before you'll graduate and rightfully earn your ‘agent’ title.”
Brennan scanned the crowd, hopping from student to student until he locked onto the specific area Dex and Emma sat, “Your purpose here is immense, and I seek to push you all to your highest level. I look forward to seeing which new recruits make the cut, and I hope you all have a studious, productive, and successful time at the academy. Thank you.”
“What the hell,” Emma swore as people dispersed around them. Dex remained with her, waiting for her to get to her feet. She eventually did, marching towards the closest bench she could see. She pulled out her phone, dialing ferociously. Dex slowly sat down on her left, waiting in muted anticipation, “What the actual hell…”
“What's the problem?” he asked.
“What's the problem?! You heard the guy: there's a new head of the Bureau!”
“And that's bad because…?” Dex dragged the word out before scowling at Emma's raised pointer finger. She held the phone against her ear as it rang, clicking after a few buzzes.
Me: Oh there's gonna be fuckery going on...and I'm so ready for it!!!👀
“Hello?” Anna's voice was crisp and clear through the static, “Emma?”
“Grandma,” she responded, “what's going on?”
“What do you mean?”
“Frisco Jones left the WSB?!”
“...What?” Anna questioned, “How do you know that?”
“This guy gave an opening speech and said that he was the new director.”
“Jack Brennan. Does that name ring a bell?"
“...It does.”
“You used to work with him?”
“We were on a couple missions together, yes, but we hadn't connected in years.
“So you didn't know about this?”
“This is all brand new information to me. I certainly would've seen or heard something well before your first day.”
“...I see.”
“...Emma,” Anna's voice was stern, “don't. Focus on your education and training.”
“Is it bad that this guy is in charge?”
“Jack was quite the agent back then, so I have no doubt that the quality of your education will be top-notch.”
“That didn't answer my question.”
“Don't worry about this, okay? At least not now.”
“...Okay, but if there's anything shady I should watch out for, please let me know.”
“I will, and if there's anything shady going on, you tell me, and I'll handle it. For now, worry about your education,” Anna replied, “I need to attend to some business, so I'll call you later, okay?”
“Okay, love you.”
“Love you too,” Emma hung up the moment the sentence left her grandmother's mouth. She let out a sigh as she faced Dex.
Me: Yeah things are about to get interesting.😌
“So,” he spoke up, “anything to report?”
“That's classified,” she answered, pocketing her phone, “You'll learn what that means soon enough.”
“Wow, rude,” he scoffed, an astonished smirk on his face, “I know what ‘classified’ means, thank you.”
“Good,” she gave him a cheeky smile. They stood and stared at one another for a beat, waiting for something to break the ice. A buzz from Dex's jacket pocket managed to do so.
“Who is it?”
“Uh,” Dex began to reply, fixated on Wallace's contact on his lock screen, “just…family.”
“I guess I should leave you to it, then,” the young woman approached him, reaching her hand out, “I'll see you around.”
“Yeah,” he hastily shook the appendage before marching off, leaving a confused and slightly flustered Emma behind. He rushed into the main building, walking towards the front staircases. Hiding underneath the steel steps, he opened his phone and read the message left for him.
Me: I can't wait for the Emma and Dex team up that i'm sure is eventually going to happen because we all know Brennan is shady ASF.😂 So I guess here's to Brennan for being the reason why I get my spy duo.🥂
From: Dad (10:59 AM)
Ich hoffe, dein erster Tag verläuft gut. - Hope your first day's going well.
The young man inhaled sharply, shutting his eyes tight as he tried to keep the wave of emotion attempting to overtake him at bay. He slowly and shakily examined his phone, trying his best to formulate a response.
To: Dad (11:02 AM)
Die Dinge sind in Ordnung. - Things are fine.
From: Dad (11:05 AM)
OK. Bitte pass auf dich auf. Wenn Sie etwas benötigen, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte. - Okay. Take care of yourself, please. If you need anything, please reach out.
Just as Dex was about to respond, a mix of voices latched onto his ear. He stole a few glances at the source, a crowd of older men and women surrounding the new director. Brennan managed to look back at Dex, a depth and gleam of determination and curiosity in his blue-green eyes. The young man felt a chill run down his spine, sending a response back before he made his exit, rushing up the stairs in search of his dorm room.
To: Dad (11:10 AM)
Wird tun - Will do.
Me: I get a Wallace and Dex interaction but at what cost?! 😩They still seem a bit estranged.🥺 But at least Wallace is still trying to improve their relationship at least.
@burned-lariat Bestie i'm so excited for chapter two because I already know you're gonna Soap better than GH ever could.🤷
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bklynmusicnerd · 9 months
I don't understand the Pikeman/WSB/Forsyth story at all and none of the dialogue between Dante and Sam made any sense to me so I'm just gonna be Team Anna no matter what in that story. Whatever that means at this point.
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impishtubist · 2 years
how do you feel about sirius x james x remus
I mean, I wrote them, so I think I like them very much: August Rain. I'm also pretty sure you can search #wolfstarbucks on my blog here and see all my posts about them. <3
I think Remus is tolerable in a Wolfstarbucks situation! Mostly because the WSB stuff I read are AUs where he didn't leave Sirius to rot in prison or Harry to rot with the Dursleys lmao. So he's a good guy in those stories. I also think that James holds the sole braincell in that group haha. And I do think that the three of them are extremely codependent in any universe and absolutely need each other. I am a big fan of codependent, feral, unhinged WSB.
I do want someone to write a past WSB, current WS fic one of these days though. Where Remus and Sirius come together post-POA, and have to figure out how to be together without James. Do they even work as a couple if James isn't there? I don't know! But I do want to see them grieving and suffering together hehehehehehe.
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chikagestits · 2 years
Hi! Sorry to bother but... could you please explain to me about the A3! Trading card game? 😅😅🤔🤔😊😊
You only hear that with Pokémon and Yugioh and maybe even Genshin now really. Trading Card Game—that’s what this is! Liber partnered with WSB and created their very own A3! Trading Card Game!
So not only are we getting exclusive art within this TCG, we get cards from within the game!
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There’s so much potential for this from link skills to story references to little tidbits of new information! You can battle friends with your very own deck of your favorite actors or demolish people with your meta deck >:3
Now don’t get me wrong, the attack on Tenma and Banri look lackluster while Sakuya has like 6000 (good for him really), but that doesn’t mean Tenma and Banri’s cards are weak! No siree! There’s a little paragraph on the cards that are usually called effects in other TCG’s. These influence a specific part of the game depending on what it says. It usually benefits you a lot! For example, in Pokémon, there’s the possibility of freezing your opponent and other status affects like burn, poison, etc. So even though Banri and Tenma have low attack power, they could have an effect that really hinder your opponent or helps other cards on your field.
Overall, we don’t really know much about the TCG since it’s just announced that the booster packs are releasing on Feb 24th 2023! Though it was announced on the 6th anniversary stream at first and I unfortunately don’t know what they said then. Most likely, it’ll only be a jp release and stay as a jp release, but there’s multiple ways overseas fans will be able to buy it, from local cons to proxying from an international site. And even if you don’t want to battle people with your cards, you can still collect the cards like you do in A3!
As you can see I’m very excited about this and if this kicks off really well, we’ll be able to get more editions and such and even MORE exclusive art!
Thank you for indulging me, I am so excited!
And here’s a tweet with a short video on Twitter about the exclusive TCG art cards!
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selfdefensegearco · 8 years
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Check Out This Fantastic Post Just Published on https://selfdefensegearco.com/personal-protection/kindergarten-teacher-35-is-shot-dead-at-her-parents-house-by-her-mother-in-law/
Kindergarten teacher, 35, is shot dead at her parents’ house ‘by her mother-in-law
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Georgia – A well-liked kindergarten teacher in Georgia was shot to death at her parents’ home allegedly by her mother-in-law on Thursday. Authorities say 63-year old Elizabeth B. Wall (picture) of McRae is accused of shooting dead her daughter-in-law, 35-year-old Jenna Wall at a home on Antioch Road SW in Powder Springs. The grandmother arrived at Jenna Wall’s home with her grandsons, ages 7 and 8 around noon on Thursday, WSB-TV reported. She told the boys to wait outside in a pickup truck when she entered the house. More Nutty Videos NUTTY NEWS APPs: iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch – Android Nutty News Today – Nutty Videos – Nutty News on Twitter – Nutty Videos on Twitter – Nutty News on Facebook – Strange Crimes – True Crime Stories – FBI Most Wanted – Amber Alerts – Strange Facts – Today’s Nutty Joke – Technology News – USA Politics
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wittlesissyb4by · 5 months
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ABC Degree - Chapter 1
Marianne clutched her books tightly as she made her way through campus. 30 years ago she would have felt right at home. Laughing with the other girls by the fountain, flirting with boys by the quad, or frantically studying before an exam. 
Now? She couldn’t feel more out of place, like all eyes were upon her. She imagined what people were thinking as they saw her: What does this woman think she is doing trying to get a higher education at her age?
She felt even more foolish about what she was here to study: Adult Baby Care and Development or ‘ABCD’ as the kids were calling it these days. She’d known for a while about these Adult Babies, and how they were becoming more and more common in today’s world, either by choice or by punishment. But she had no idea they would actually offer a class in a prestigious University about how to care for one. She had even less of an idea that her husband would be the one who needed caring for. 
It was a little over a year ago when Jack first came to her about his diaper fetish. Throughout their 8 years of marriage, she’d always known he’d been hiding something. The way he would turn his phone ever so slightly in her presence, the way he’d make 100 different clicks on the computer as soon as she unexpectedly walked into the office, and how flushed and flustered he would get any time she used that same computer. Like he was terrified she’d stumble upon his goldmine of a porn stash.
So when Jack finally came to her and confessed his longstanding affinity for diapers, she was actually a bit relieved. At least he wasn’t cheating on her like she’d suspected. But with this new revelation came a whole host of insecurities. She saw how vulnerable he was when he approached her, how terrified he must have been to tell her. He probably thought she would just up and leave as soon as the words left his mouth. But obviously she would do nothing of the sort. He was her husband, after all. One she still loved very much. Marianne wanted Jack to know that she was happy he told her. She remembered placing her hand on his knee lovingly as he tearfully confessed what he had bottled up for so long. 
That’s not to say she wasn’t a little taken aback, though. It’s not every day your husband tells you he’s been sneaking off to play with his penis inside a pair of Pampers. She certainly had her questions: how it started, when it came about, and any other girlfriends he may have told. 
He mentioned a girl in college that he had gotten the nerve to confess to. She apparently laughed her way out the door and he never saw her again. So it was understandable to Marianne why Jack had taken so long to tell her: he was worried she would do the same. 
But Marianne–like most wives in a happy marriage–wanted to please her husband. She can still remember how much he was shaking from being so turned on when she first wrapped that pair of AB Cushies around his leaking, throbbing cock. The pheromones coming off of him were almost tangible, and she even found herself getting a little turned on by how much it was fulfilling his desires. 
But alas, once the diaper was on, she was at a loss. What was she supposed to do now? She knew Jack liked her to be dominant. But it’s not like she could very well spank him while he had a diaper on. She was never great at the dirty talking thing, no matter how hard she tried, and she wasn’t sure she could stomach changing a grown man’s dirty diaper. Sex was pretty much off the table as well. Jack wasn’t the smallest, but he wasn’t the biggest either, so it’s not like his dick could really stick out of the diaper enough to do anything with. She was at a loss. She was fine with putting him in diapers, but she didn’t know what to do once the diapers were on. 
So she turned to porn. She tried finding videos to give her ideas, any little tips she could get on how to properly engage with him the way he wanted. But her research yielded very little. She found out the hard way that there was a surprisingly barren amount of Adult Diaper porn on the web. Or, at least, she wasn’t the best at finding it. Apparently a Tumblr wide purge of ‘explicit content’ didn’t help………………….
She didn’t want to turn to her girlfriends for help. She didn’t think it was her place to air her husband’s dirty laundry (or diapers) to the public. But, one night over drinks, her friend Cathy was talking about her daughter who was now in college, and that’s when she heard about the program. 
“She’s majoring in ABCD.”
“Like…the alphabet?” Her other friend Erica asked with a mixture of incredulity and amusement. 
They all laughed, but Cathy explained, “Apparently they teach them how to deal with those guys that are in diapers. I was a bit skeptical at first, but it turns out there are a lot of job opportunities that come with it.”
“So what does she want to do?” Erica asked. 
Cathy shrugged, “She wants to be a ‘Betasitter’. Supposedly these rich couples or wives will hire her to…take care of their husband while the wife goes off with another man. Something about ‘cuckolding’ or something like that…” Cathy sighed and shrugged exasperatedly. “I don’t really get it, but it’s something she’s really passionate about, so I guess all I can do is support her.”
Marianne sipped her wine silently, but her interest was piqued. The very next day she was Googling the program and getting details on the specifics. Still a bit unsure, she decided to talk to one of the counselors. 
“Yes, the Betasitting class will still be great for you. They will provide you with lots of resources and ideas to use on your husband, it will also open up more opportunities for you down the road if you want to explore it further,” the counselor explained. 
Marianne was skeptical, but ever since finding out about Jack’s fetish, she realized she wasn’t participating in it as much as he probably liked. After the initial fun of it, her anxiety took over, making it feel uncomfortable for her any time it was brought up. Not that there was anything wrong with the diapers themselves, it was mostly how uneasy she was in the dominant “diaper domme” role. 
So she enrolled, and that’s how she ended up here, in the ABCD building, trying to get the nerve to enter the classroom. 
She watched as flock after flock of 18-24 year old girls entered the room. Feelings of regret and anxiety rising to the surface. What would they think of someone her age taking a class like this? 
Finally she came to the realization that she didn’t care. She was doing this for her husband, for her marriage. She took a deep breath, clutched her books and readjusted the bag on her shoulder, grabbed the handle of the door, and entered. 
The room was a little bigger than your typical classroom. It had auditorium-like seating and rows that ramped downwards to the front of the class. Marianne felt like all eyes were upon her as she entered, even if they weren’t. 
She found a seat towards the back of the room, then looked around and thought better of it. She needed to be able to see the board. She gathered her things again awkwardly and moved up a few rows. Girls were still filing in, and Marianne tensed as she heard some sit down in the row behind her. 
“Originally I was in Early Childcare,” one girl said to the others, “I wanted to work with toddlers at a Daycare. Turns out, I much prefer working with Adults and treating them like toddlers. Still the same dirty diapers and tantrums, but at least with adults you know what they want...and you can tease them for it!”
They all laughed and must have nodded in agreement. 
“I’ve already got a job lined up” said another, “$1200 a week to betasit some rich loser that was caught cheating on his wife! She left him for another man, but still wants him in diapers 24/7. She’s gonna use his money to pay me as soon as I get my degree!”
Marianne’s eyes widened at that. Even with her business degree and healthy job she wasn’t making that good of money. 
“Is someone sitting here?”
Marianne looked up to see a young, beautiful blonde girl. Her stomach tried to escape through her throat when she realized who it was: Claire, the daughter Cathy was ranting about over drinks. The one who ultimately let her know about the ABCD program. 
Claire obviously recognized her too. There was that small, awkward moment of recognition before general social norms kicked in. 
“Oh my god! Marianne! Hi! How are you?” Claire asked as she sat down, it would be too weird for her to take off and find another seat now. Marianne reciprocated the uncomfortable exchange of “I'm good! How are you?” Before the conversation descended into silence. 
“So…” Claire finally said after what felt like ages, “why are you…taking this class?”
The elephant in the room was staring them in the face. Claire obviously knew Marianne’s husband Jack. But she didn’t want to out him in front of her and all these girls. So she said the first thing that came to mind: “I'm interested in the…business side of things.”
Claire nodded with narrow eyes, probably in disbelief, but she didn’t press further. 
Luckily, Marianne was saved from any further discomfort by the door opening at the front of the room. 
A woman in her mid-forties strode in, a couple years Marianne’s junior. Her salt and pepper hair tied up in a tight bun. Black, horn-rimmed glasses, fiery red lipstick, and a sharp jawline that jutted in the air as her pumps clanked on the floor rhythmically, like a Judge using their gavel to command order in the room. 
There was a sharp, collective intake of breaths as conversations ceased and pencils and notebooks were taken out. 
“Good afternoon, everyone!” the Professor announced with a sleek smile. Every girl in the room, including Marianne, replied back in unison “Good afternoon, Professor Peterson!”
“I trust you all have your essay on Yankevitz’s Psychology of Age Regressive Therapy, so please take those out, and pass them down the line if you will.”
Marianne gulped. There was a clamor of rustling papers as the women took their printed or handwritten sheets and passed them down the row for the T.A.’s to pick up. Marianne had worried she’d be behind on assignments after signing up for the class two weeks late. Hell, even 20 years after her first bout of college life, she still had recurring nightmares of showing up to Calculus 17 and not realizing there was a final she hadn’t studied for. The anxiety associated with being a full-time college student suddenly came rushing back to her. 
“We have a special lesson lined up for you today, it will be your first real ‘lab’ demonstration of this course.” Professor Peterson announced, she opened both arms wide and like clockwork the side doors on either side of the room opened. T.A.'s on both ends came in wheeling what looked like hospital beds into the room. 
The girls all gasped in excitement, apparently seeing something Marianne couldn’t. When the lady sitting in front of her finally hunched back down again to gleam excitedly at her neighbor, Marianne finally caught a glimpse of what everyone was ‘oohing’ and ‘aahing’ about.
Inside the bars of each bed, there was a college boy squirming underneath a blanket. 
“If you’ll all carefully make your way down so we can begin our demonstrations…” the Professor began, but the girls needed no further instruction. They already had their books and bags over their shoulders and were clambering down the stairs towards the blanketed boys. All 50 girls in the auditorium-like room were divided into groups among the 5 beds respective to their seated section. That meant Claire was in the same group as Marianne.
The 10 or so girls in the group circled around the crib-like bed. The boy inside was old enough to be Marianne’s son. He was around 20-22 years old. Further inspection yielded that the boy was, in fact, tied to the bed. His ankles and wrists strapped down with hospital restraints. He made a pathetic attempt to squirm and escape from under the bed sheet as the girls oggled and giggled. 
“Now, as you can see, you each have a Betaboi in front of you.” Professor Peterson called over the groups, “Notice their less than prominent jawline, their lack of much body/facial hair, their high-pitched whimpers, and their cowering nature.”
The girls nodded their heads in agreement. Marianne couldn’t help but see the same resemblance in her husband Jack. 
“Now, if you’d all be so kind as to remove the sheet, so we can see our Betabois in their appropriate attire…”
The girls all clapped their hands in excited glee, rushing to be the first to grab the hem of the sheet. Marianne seemed to be the only one interested in being a mere spectator. She watched as the girls looked around, nodded, and withdrew the sheet at the same time like a magician revealing their prestige. 
The bound boy clenched his legs as the sheet was removed, like that would do anything to hide the large disposable white diaper taped around his waist. The crowd of girls erupted in laughter and awes. The boy’s cheeks flushed a dark shade of pink. 
“As you learned from your reading last week, it is very important to emphasize the Beta’s attire. Remind them of their place, and that the diaper is necessary for their development.”
There was a chorus of chastising comments coming from each of the girls. 
“Awww!! Wook at the wittle beta baby in his diapurr!!”
“Aren’t you just the cutest?!”
“Look at the little loser in his Luvs!!”
“Don’t you wish you could use the big boy potty like an Alpha?”
The boy winced at every mocking remark as if they were lashes from a whip. He cringed and pulled pathetically on the straps. Marianne tried to jot down some of the things the girls were saying to remember them for later, but there was too much to keep up with. 
“Awww!! He went pee pee in his Pampers!!”
Marianne wasn’t sure if the boy’s diaper was wet beforehand, but it certainly was now. There was no mistaking the yellow tint forming in the front, and the big blue wetness indicator showing prominently down the middle. 
As if on queue, Professor Peterson continued with her lecture. “After you have properly acknowledged their attire, it’s time to focus on the state of their attire. Be sure to comment on any observations you see about it. Poke, prod, and question them about it. You can even have them talk about their situation. Remember: verbalization is one of the highest forms of humiliation.”
Again there was a slew of comments slung at the poor boy. 
“Did the wittle baby wet his diapy?”
“Beta baby went piddles in his diddles!!”
“The only wet thing your wittle clitty ever gets to touch!”
“Tell us what you did in your diaper, beta!”
The boy looked to be on the verge of tears. He screwed up his face and his bottom lip was quivering as he spoke in the most pathetic high-pitched voice “I…i went tee tee in my diapy…” The gathering girls erupted into laughter.
The boy tried to wipe his misty eyes on his shoulder, but the straps left him quite immobile. 
Marianne leaned over to the girl standing next to her. “Don’t you think this is a little…harsh?”
The girl’s face was bewildered. “What…him? Oh please! Don’t let those crocodile tears fool you! He is loving this! All of them are. In fact, they sign up for this!”
“Look! He’s hard!” one girl exclaimed as the girls leaned in to observe. 
“Awwww!!” They cooed. Pointing and laughing. 
“His wittle pee pee is poking inside his Pampurrs!!”
Marianne didn’t believe it was possible with how ashamed the boy seemed, but sure enough, there was a very noticeable bulge forming at the front of the swollen, sodden diaper. 
“And that brings us to our first demonstration!” Professor Peterson announced. “If I can have one volunteer at each station to perform a diaper change.”
Almost every hand shot in the air. Marianne chose to sit this one out. She was so overwhelmed by all the new experiences, the last thing she wanted to do was put her inexperience at the forefront of everyone’s attention. 
Mrs. Peterson went down the groups, choosing one girl seemingly at random. The girls not chosen groaned in jealousy, with the selected student grinning wickedly. 
When the Professor got to Marianne’s group, she pointed across the way. “Yes!!” Claire exclaimed excitedly when she realized she was picked. 
The rest of the girls groaned in disappointment, but parted ways and allowed Claire to clamber onto the bed and take her place between the beta’s legs. 
The boy squirmed and writhed at his bonds. Marianne wasn’t sure if he was pretending to be in distress, or trying to rearrange his bulging member inside his diaper. Either way, the onlookers found it hilarious. 
Claire looked a little more unsure now that she shared the center of attention, but she took a deep breath to calm her nerves. 
“First thing we want to do,” the Professor began, strolling back and forth amongst the groups, “Is administer the pacifier. This will immediately drop the beta into subspace. It is hard for them to argue or complain when they have something in their mouth, and it reinforces their regression.”
One of the girls in Claire’s group pulled out what looked to be a glasses case. Instead, when she popped it open, it was actually a very large pacifier. But instead of having a rubber nipple, it was an elongated rubber penis. Claire chuckled as she took the paci from the spectator, thanked her,  and pressed it to the beta’s lips. Marianne expected the boy to put up more of a fight, considering how humiliating and patronizing it must have been, but instead the boy opened his mouth and accepted the penis paci down his mouth without hesitation. Almost eagerly, in fact.
“After you have adequately administered verbal degradation and provided them with a paci, it is time to remove the diaper.” Peterson declared. “Make sure to place a firm palm at the front, between the decorative banner of the diaper and the blue indicator. You should feel their stiffness through the padding. You want to press this area so that they can feel the wet padding against their stiffy. This establishes dominance, provides slight stimulation, and gives you a solid grip to begin pulling off the fastening tapes. They can be a little stickier than normal baby diapers.”
Claire followed the instructions to a T. Smirking when the beta whimpered underneath her firm hand as she removed the tapes one at a time with a tssskk!
“Remember to take a deep breath before opening the diaper! I realize your babies aren’t messy at the moment. But it’s a good habit to get into. The fresh batch of air will save you from gagging more often than not.”
Clair pulled the front of the soaked diaper open, exposing the beta’s bits to the surrounding air. Some of the girls had to turn away, covering their mouths. Not out of disgust, but out of hilarity at the little 3 inch pecker pointing straight up in the air. 
“I always forget how tiny they can be!”
“That can’t be as big as it gets…can it?!”
“It amazes me that some of them think they deserve anything other than a diaper!!”
The beta had a fresh flush of blood rush to his cheeks. He tried to hide his face, but again the bonds kept him bound and exposed. 
“If you will take out your supply bags, you can begin the changing process…”
Claire looked around for help. In her excitement to get on the bed with the beta, she’d left her bag on the floor in the circle of girls. Marianne reached down and grabbed the infantile looking diaper bag. Claire side-eyed and shrugged innocently as Marianne handed it to her. It was a bit awkward for them both, but with everything going on, it paled in comparison. 
Claire set the bag on the bed next to her. Fishing for a package of wipes. She took them out and removed three from the container, which crinkled more than the beta’s diaper did. 
“Remember, take your time. You can never get them ‘too’ clean. Every little bit of stimulation gets them that much more desperate. Either for you or for the wife that is off having her own bit of fun.”
Claire laid the cold wipe across her palm and placed it against the boy’s inner thigh. He gasped, perhaps from the chill or from the anticipation. Claire slowly ran her hand up, closer to the beta’s bobbing balls, but stopped. Jumping over the area with the wipe and continuing to the other thigh. 
The boy’s breathing changed considerably, the head of his cock was swelling, his eyes were desperate. The other girls teased and pinched his nipples and cheeks, making him squirm even more from the intense stimulation. 
Finally, Claire laid a new wipe over his pulsing pecker. Making it resemble an actual tent, or a tiny little ghost. The girls giggled at the ridiculous display. Claire smiled before using her whole palm to twist and turn the wipe around the boy’s cock. Making it more painful than pleasurable. 
“Now, if the beta is uncaged, I always recommend a proper edging session.” Peterson professed as she strode back and forth amongst the groups, “Again, we want them as sexually frustrated as possible. It will make their eagerness to please and their obedience levels skyrocket. So if you will all carefully take your subject’s privates in your hand…”
Claire glanced over at Marianne. Neither of them really wanted to witness this in front of each other. Marianne had watched her friend’s daughter grow from a young age to the beautiful woman she is now. It was a bit abnormal to see her grasping another “man’s” penis right in front of her. 
“It is very important that you watch the beta’s visual cues during this portion of the change. As you know, betas have a very difficult time controlling themselves. We do NOT want them to achieve release, we just want them right up to the edge. Hence the term ‘edging’”
Claire looked down at the helpless subject before her as she applied liberal amounts of lotion to her hands.  Smiling at the obvious hold she had over him. Every single girl in this room with the exception of Marianne was here because they enjoyed that sense of power over those they found weak. Claire reached out her hand and grasped the beta’s already leaking member. Though, it was so small she couldn’t even palm it. Her hand ended up making the whole thing disappear. 
“Remember, you don’t have to use your whole hand. In fact, you only need to use two fingers! This will further emphasize the inadequacy of their equipment. Simply make a ring with your fingers, or a small gap between your thumb and index...”
Claire followed the Professor’s instructions, making a small circle with her hand and putting it into the air just above the head of his twitching clitty. 
The beta whimpered behind his pacifier. Raising his hips up and trying to poke his way between the tiny ring Claire had made for him. He managed to make the head slide through, but only for a bit. Falling back down on the bed and onto his used diaper. He grunted again as he summoned the strength to flex his abs and raise his hips again, pathetically humping at Claire’s stationary hand. 
“Good job, Claire!” Professor Peterson cheered, “As you can see, Claire here is letting the beta do almost all of the work, another great way to establish dominance and have the change go on your own terms. Always work smarter, not harder!”
The poor boy was practically pleading with his eyes. Sucking on his oversized paci with frantic intensity. His thrusts into her lubed up palm were eager and anxious. Like he hadn’t had relief for weeks. 
“Pay attention to the signs…” Peterson reminded, “See how his toes are curling? Perspiration building around the chest and temple? He’s close, when he starts to gasp, pull away.”
It was like the Professor was a fortune teller. Within seconds, the beta boy was whimpering and clenching and several quick, short, gasps later…Claire stopped. Opening her fingers just enough so that all the wiggly worm of the beta could feel was a cold breeze.  An almost angry grunt escaped around the paci in the frustrated beta’s mouth. 
“Awww!!!” The girls around the bed teased, “Somewon’s getting fussy and fwustwated!!”
There was an explosion of laughter, followed by shouts and jeers from the group next to them. 
“Professor Peters!! Someone had an accident…” they called. The older woman rushed to other group to assess the situation. Turns out the other girl was not as successful in edging her beta, as evidenced by the massive load of sticky juices covering both the kneeling student and the naked boy beneath her.
“Seems like we waited a bit too long to withdraw the stimulation. That’s okay! I won’t dock you points as you are still learning, just make sure you learn what you did wrong and what this particular beta’s tells were. Everyone has their little ticks that give them away, and sometimes it’s just a matter of learning each individual. However, if they do begin to ejaculate, ALWAYS remove your hand as soon as possible. The lack of stimulation at this precarious time will result in what is known as a ‘ruined orgasm’. It provides some of the relief the sub desperately wants, but without the associated pleasure of a full orgasm. Not to worry, dear. We’ll get ‘em next time! But just be aware that your future clients may not take lightly to having their husband’s achieve any sort of release. So keep that in mind.”
The girl seemed embarrassed as Peterson walked away without another word, the group of girls around her and the spent beta put a consoling hand on her shoulder.
Claire now seemed even more determined to do it right. Edging the beta 5 more times until his balls were noticeably swollen and aching. The poor beta could probably be heard across campus if it weren’t for the penis paci muffling his sobs.
“If you have made it this far into the edging session, give yourself a pat on the back!” Professor Peterson declared, the girls around Claire and one other group clapped and cheered. 
“The next part is where their preference sheet comes in,” Peterson continued after the room quieted down, “Again, every client is different, but some will have the box checked that allows for optional or even mandatory ‘milkings’. The wife or caretaker of the beta will often be specific as to how the milking can be administered, but I’ll show you one of my favorite ways: a procedure known as ‘milking the prostate’.”
Half of the room gasped, the other half looked around bewildered.
Peterson clicked the device in her hand, and a Powerpoint presentation detailing the specifics of the male ‘g-spot’, also known as the prostate, appeared on the screen. Through a series of slides the Professor explained that one of the best ways to stimulate this area is by using two fingers inserted into the rectum of the beta.
“It will be about the size of walnut, though some studies have shown that betas tend to exhibit a much larger sized prostate, which is why a lot of them are more prone to enjoying anal activity. Simply insert the lubricated fingers, point upwards just behind where the base of the penis is, and press lightly.”
Claire followed along with the Professor’s presentation by practicing on the beta in front of her. She put on a latex glove, lubed up her fingers with more lotion, pressed her palm against the pelvis of the boy, reached between his legs, found the hole, and pressed inwards.
Marianne will never forget the sound the beta made as Claire entered him. She was always hesitant to try things like this with Jack, but she’d be lying if she said she didn’t want to hear those same sounds come from him.
The beta’s breathing was much more measured now. Like he wasn’t excited, but wasn’t being tortured either. One of the girl’s stroked his hair while another whispered in his ear to relax and ‘take it like a good boi’.
“OoooOOoohhh” the boy cooed as Claire worked her fingers inside him.
“That’s it, Claire!” Peterson encouraged, “right there! That’s the sound we want. Do you feel the walnut?”
Claire nodded and screwed her face up in concentration. Biting her bottom lip as she worked her hand and fingers back and forth inside him. 
The beta was moaning now. Like he was experiencing the most intense pleasure he ever felt. Claire had to use her other hand to hold him still while she worked her fingers in and out of him. 
“He’s close. Finish the job.” Peterson prodded, and Claire obliged.
The beta was rocking up and down on the bed, tugging at his bonds, moaning pathetically.
“Yes! Yesss! Yess!! I’m gonnNna..”
He didn’t need to finish his sentence, the puny penis pulsed and a projectile of semen shot into the air, then more oozed down the shaft and dribbled down his balls.
The crowd gasped and clapped. Even Marianne threw her notebook under her armpit and joined in the applause. 
“Well done, Claire!” Professor Peterson commended, “you have a bright future ahead of you!”
Claire smiled sheepishly as she pulled out several more wipes and began cleaning up the beta’s baby batter. 
“We are almost out of time,” Peterson announced, checking her watch, “so let’s all take out a fresh diaper and learn how to properly prepare it for application.”
Every girl in the room reached into their bags and pulled out a large, fluffy diaper of varying colors and designs. Except for Marianne, who must have missed it on the supply list. 
“Do you mind if I borrow…” Marianne asked the girl next to her. She smiled sweetly and obliged by handing her a pink, princess diaper with unicorns and flowers all over it. It was a bit of a strange design, she thought. Weren’t the people that wore diapers this size mostly males?
“It is very important when you have a new diaper to do what I call the ‘Fluffing Technique’” Peterson instructed, using a diaper of her own as a demonstration. “Most of them come vacuum or hermetically sealed, and they lose most of their volume. We obviously don’t want a flat, puny diaper, we want big, bulky diapers that force the wearer to waddle. So in order to fluff it up, simply open it up, and fold it down the middle, ‘hotdog style’ like this…”
She held the diaper aloft so all could see and follow along. 
“This begins the aeration process and creates a sort of channel for the messes to travel, helping to ensure you don’t have as many leaks. Once you have that crease, grab it on both the edges and wriggle it back and forth like this, almost like you’re activating a disposable heating pad.”
There was a cacophony of crinkles as the 50 women shook the sides of the diapers back and forth. 
“We are fluffing up the inner material and letting those layers breathe. Again, ensuring that we’re adding bulk and reaching peak absorbency. Your clients will thank you for going through less diapers, and for making their hubby’s look even cuter!!”
There were murmurs of agreement and awes. Even comparisons between the girls as to who got their diaper the fluffiest. 
“Now take those diapers home with you and practice applying them to a stuffed animal, your boyfriend, or anyone you can! That concludes today’s session! Have a great day!”
The auditorium rumbled as the girls grabbed their things and filed out. The betas in the beds were wheeled out by the T.A.’s. 
Marianne waited behind, stuffing the pink diaper into her bag that the girl graciously let her have. 
“Excuse me, Professor Peterson?” Marianne asked, approaching the desk where her teacher was rounding up her things. 
“Yes dear?” She said, without looking up at first. When her eyes rose to see the speaker for the first time, there was a look of recognition and sympathy in them. 
“My name is Marianne Olsen and I…I just wanted to say thanks for the lesson today. I’m sorry I didn’t get that paper in, and didn’t have my supplies b-but I—“
“How old are you, if you don’t mind my asking?” Peterson asked. 
Marianne was a bit taken back by the question. ”F-fifty-two” she answered, feeling self conscious again. 
Peterson smiled, nodded and removed her glasses. 
“And why are you here?”
“I…well my uh…my husband has an…ummm—“
“A diaper fetish.” Peterson finished for her without even blinking.  
The Professor stared at her for a long while, then smiled. “I admire you, Mrs. Olsen” she finally said. 
“I…you do?”
Peterson smiled again “Yes. Few women, especially your age (no offense) would be willing to put forth the effort to accommodate for what is often seen as a very taboo and misunderstood fetish. Most women would run, but you stayed. Not only that, you signed up for a class to better understand and provide for your husband. I deeply admire that.”
Marianne’s eyes started misting. She had been so unsure about this whole thing and, up until that very moment, felt like it was all a mistake. 
“The world is changing, Marianne.” Peterson continued, “People are not only seeing diapers as a fetish anymore, but also as a very effective method of punishment, control, humiliation, and therapy. There are going to be many business and recreational opportunities in this field in the not so distant future, and I really hope you will see this class as more of a stepping stone rather than just a way to help get your husband off.”
“I…I guess I never considered—“
“You’re a powerful woman with a good head on her shoulders and the desire to learn and please. I am confident you will get more out of this class than you ever thought possible.”
“Thank you, Professor Peterson.”
“No, thank you. But in the interest of being consistent with all my students, I am going to need your essay by the end of the week.”
“Consider it done, ma’am!”
By the time she got home, Marianne was exhausted. She placed her bag on the coat rack, went to the fridge to grab a bottle of wine, and sighed exasperatedly as she sat next to Jack on the couch. 
“Hi honey,” Jack said, “how was class?”
“It was good,” she said as she poured herself a glass of Cabernet, “Now go get your diapers and bring them to me. Then take off your clothes. I have some...studying to do!”
To Be Continued
Click HERE to read Chapter 2!!
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burned-lariat · 2 years
I love the vet presence on top of progress with the Cassadine/WSB story that came out of Friday and today. It's one of the few plots worth watching. If only the annoyance and dullness that make up Crew and Truck Nuts weren't wedged in between...
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novumtimes · 27 days
Gained his heavenly wings: Carroll County deputy shot in the line of duty has died
A Carroll County deputy shot in the line of duty while executing a search warrant has died. The Carroll County Sheriff’s Office confirmed overnight that Investigator Taylor Bristow died Friday night at Grady Memorial Hospital. “Tonight, we mourn the passing of Investigator Bristow, who has left this earth and gained his heavenly wings. He served our community with unwavering passion and dedicated his life to protecting the citizens of Carroll County. We are deeply saddened and at a loss for words. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers, and kindly respect their privacy as they grieve this profound loss,” the office wrote in a statement. [DOWNLOAD: Free WSB-TV News app for alerts as news breaks] Bristow was helping the Georgia Bureau of Investigation execute a search warrant for a child exploitation suspect at a house on Don Rich Drive on Tuesday. The GBI said the suspect, 40-year-old Christopher Bly, opened the door and retreated into his home, where the deputies followed. The GBI said Bly pulled out a gun and shot himself and Bristow with the same bullet. Bly died at the scene from his self-inflicted gunshot wound. Paramedics rushed Bristow to the hospital. While searching Bly’s home, the GBI said agents found child porn at the home. Bristow previously served as a police officer in Waycross and a Ware County sheriff’s deputy. Bristow is survived by his wife Lyssa and their two children. Bristow was shot three days after Paulding County Deputy Brandon Cunningham was killed in the line of duty. Cunningham’s funeral was held on Friday. The Carroll County Sheriff’s Office will provide funeral information for Bristow in the coming days. An online fundraiser through the West Georgia First Responders non-profit has been set up for Bristow’s family. You can click here to donate. RELATED STORIES: [SIGN UP: WSB-TV Daily Headlines Newsletter] Source link via The Novum Times
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ear-worthy · 2 months
Flashpoint Podcast To Focus on the 1996 Olympic Bombing
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The Paris Olympics begin next week so naturally the podcast world is also ramping up with NBC, for the first time, dedicating resources to its coverage of the Games via podcasting. 
Further, there are podcasts reliving the most infamous moments of past Olympics. One notable podcast, Flashpoint, is co-produced by Tenderfoot TV and iHeartPodcasts. On July 27, 1996, a domestic terrorist bomb shattered the safety of the Summer Centennial Olympic Games held in Atlanta, GA, forever altering the lives of those affected. The subsequent media frenzy and FBI missteps overshadowed the stories of the true victims.
Beyond the Olympic bombing, Eric Rudolph targeted two abortion clinics and a lesbian nightclub in the Atlanta area, leaving a trail of devastation that has largely been untold.
You can view the trailer here. Flashpoint focuses on the victims and aftermath of the Olympic and other bombings, whose stories are often overlooked. The series launches on July 25th. 
Flashpoint will revisit the manhunt for a serial bomber and delve into the harrowing aftermath, and the victims overlooked, a chapter often forgotten. The series will explore the impact of these attacks through the personal stories of the victims and their families who were left to pick up the pieces. Flashpoint sheds light on the impact of these events through a personal lens, unearthing Rudolph's motivations, while exploring America's greatest threat, the political and religious radicalization of homegrown terrorists.
 Hosted by Cole Locascio, who takes listeners through his own shocking connection to these bombings, the series will also reveal first-hand stories from the following, along with many more:
Vince Velazquez, an Atlanta rookie cop during the Olympics who witnessed the bombings
Emily Lyons, a Birmingham abortion clinic nurse who was brutally injured by the bombings
Rob Stadler, a renowned radio station host who nearly lost his twin daughters in the Sandy Springs abortion clinic bombing 
Terry Turchie, Inspector in Charge of Rudolph's manhunt
Dana Ford, Owner of The Otherside Lounge and key witness to the Centennial Park bombing
Monica Kaufman, legendary Atlanta WSB reporter who heavily covered the bombings and manhunt that followed
Doug Jones, former Alabama US Senator and former US Attorney who indicted Eric Rudolph
Check out Flashpoint on July 25th. It is indeed a sad commentary that the more media presence at an event, the more likely it is that a person will draw attention to their hate-filled or delusional cause, usually through violence.
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dankusner · 4 months
Lajitas golf resort in Terlingua
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The bronze sculpture, which was removed from the Dallas park in September 2017, is now at the Lajitas Golf Resort in Terlingua, Texas,
The 27,000-acre resort, which is privately owned by Dallas billionaire and pipeline mogul Kelcy Warren and managed by Scott Beasley, the president of Dallas-based WSB Resorts and Clubs, received the statue as a donation in 2019.
A statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee that the city of Dallas removed from a park and later sold in an online auction is now on display at a golf resort in West Texas (pictured in its new location at the Lajitas Golf Resort in Terlingua, Texas)
Workers remove the same statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee from Robert E. Lee Park in Dallas, Texas, on September 14, 2017.
The park has also since been renamed
Workers remove the same statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee from Robert E. Lee Park in Dallas, Texas, on September 14, 2017.
The park has also since been renamed
Confederate statues are removed from Lee Park in Dallas
The 1935 sculpture by Alexander Phimister Proctor was among several Lee monuments around the U.S. that were removed from public.
The artwork, which depicts Lee and another soldier on horses, was kept in storage at Dallas' Hensley Field, the former Naval Air Station, until it was sold in 2019.
Law firm Holmes Firm PC made the top offer for the sculpture, according to documents from the Dallas City Council.
Terlingua, which is in Brewster County near Big Bend National Park and the Rio Grande, has less than 100 residents and no record of Black residents, according to recent census data.
Black people make up just 1.7% of the population of Brewster County, according to census data.
Beasley told the Chronicle the statue serves no intent but to preserve 'a fabulous piece of art,' and called its critics 'uneducated'.
'I would say that of the 60-plus-thousand guests we host each year, we've had one or two negative comments' he said.
'[The critics] were uneducated. They didn't know the true history and the story. (We) have not had any verbal comments at all and it wouldn't matter. If you know your history about Robert E. Lee and everything about him, it's fabulous.'
But Black Lives Matter Houston activist Brandon Mack said he takes issue with supporters of Lee who argue that the statue is merely 'an appreciation for art'.
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The 1935 statue of Robert E. Lee, right, and a young soldier by sculptor Alexander Phimister, sit in storage at Hensley Field, the former Naval Air Station on the west side of Mountain Creek Lake in Dallas. Dallas City Council on Wednesday, May 22, 2019 Pictured: The 1935 statue of Robert E. Lee, right, and a young soldier by sculptor Alexander Phimister, sit in storage at Hensley Field, the former Naval Air Station on the west side of Mountain Creek Lake in Dallas. Dallas City Council on Wednesday, May 22, 2019 He said he wonders whether the same defense would be used for other offensive symbols from throughout history, or if that's reserved for iconography solely glorifying the oppression of Blacks.
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'We don't glorify the swastika; we don't have monuments (of) Adolf Hitler,' he said.
Robert E. Lee was a Confederate general who is best known for his service for the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War.
During the war, he was appointed the overall commander of the Confederate States Army, which fought to secede from the United States largely over the right to own slaves. Lee himself is documented to have had paradoxical views on slavery, believing it was both an evil but necessary institution.
Dallas City Council voted to remove the Lee statue in September of 2017 in the aftermath of the deadly August 2017 'Unite the Right' white nationalist rally over another Lee monument in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Both statue removals came amid a wave of local grassroots calls to take down Confederate monuments in cities across the US.
Pictured: Workers prepare to remove a statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee from Robert E. Lee Park in Dallas, Texas, on September 14, 2017
The Lee statue was taken out of Dallas' formerly named Lee Park in September of 2017 after an approving city council vote.
Lawmakers voted to sell it in 2019 following months of debate about what to do with it.
In May, Lee Park was temporarily renamed Oak Lawn Park following the Lee statue's removal.
City council voted to rename it Turtle Creek Park later that month.
It was revealed in 2019 that it was a Dallas-based law firm that placed the winning $1.435 million bid for a statue of Lee.
Holmes Firm PC - owned by Ronald L. Holmes - made the top offer, according to documents from the Dallas City Council seen at the time.
It was revealed in February that almost 170 Confederate symbols were removed from public spaces in 2020 after Black Lives Matter activists threatened to tear them down following the death of George Floyd.
Dallas City Council voted to remove the Lee statue in September of 2017 in the aftermath of the deadly August 2017 'Unite the Right' white nationalist rally over another Lee monument in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Dallas City Council voted to remove the Lee statue in September of 2017 in the aftermath of the deadly August 2017 'Unite the Right' white nationalist rally over another Lee monument in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Pictured: Hundreds of white nationalists, neo-Nazis and members of the "alt-right" march down East Market Street toward Emancipation Park during the "Unite the Right" rally August 12, 2017 in Charlottesville
Neo Nazis, Alt-Right, and White Supremacists encircle counter protestors at the base of a statue of Thomas Jefferson after marching through the University of Virginia campus with torches in Charlottesville, Va., USA on August 11, 2017
Of the 168 symbols changed or removed from public spaces last year, all but one went down after Floyd was killed in Minneapolis on May 25. At least one was stolen and several were vandalized by protesters before being removed.
'2020 was a transformative year for the Confederate symbols movement,' SPLC Chief of Staff Lecia Brooks said in a statement.
'Over the course of seven months, more symbols of hate were removed from public property than in the preceding four years combined.'
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bklynmusicnerd · 1 year
Yeah I feel like this Robert and Holly story was a waste of their chemistry. I've seen the "we love each other but we just can't make it work" arc done many times and this really isn't how you do it. The focus should've been on the two of them, and Diane should not have been involved at all. Because all this send-off solidifies to me is that Robert is about to settle for Diane. Why would I be invested in something so depressing?
Also it was kind of weird to have Holly go on and on about how she was gonna fight for Robert and not give up this time, just to basically give up because Anna was taking too long with that WSB gig. They were mostly before my time so I'm not crazy invested but I know when a pairing has been done dirty by the writing, and I definitely feel like these two were done dirty with this send-off arc, so my condolences to their fans.
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petnews2day · 7 months
Cobb County firefighters save kitten stuck in engine compartment of car
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/jRIBl
Cobb County firefighters save kitten stuck in engine compartment of car
COBB COUNTY, Ga. — A kitten was able to keep all its nine lives after being rescued from an engine compartment in Cobb County. [DOWNLOAD: Free WSB-TV News app for alerts as news breaks] Last week, Cobb County Fire and Emergency Services were notified about a trapped kitten. TRENDING STORIES: Read More Firefighters worked tirelessly […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/jRIBl #CatsNews
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