#the baeker
ittyybittybaker · 10 months
The Foxes Take Disney (the sound of reverie) PLEASE!!! - @jtl-fics
Here's a bit of Neil riding his first roller coaster (and my favorite ride at Disney !!!)
Neil had told Andrew that he didn't have to go on the ride with him, but Andrew had just rolled his eyes and pushed him through the turnstile into the queue. Neil knew Andrew didn't like heights so he had given him an opportunity to sit it out, but he also knew that Andrew would suffer through the biggest drops if it meant keeping Neil in his line of sight. It was sweet, even if Neil thought he was being a little ridiculous. Security at Disney was more strict than some 'high security' buildings he'd snuck into during his time on the run.
Luckily for Andrew, this particular ride didn't have any particularly large drops. It does, however, go incredibly fast, according to the Disney blogs Kevin had made them read on the way over. Neil knows Andrew loves to drive fast in the Mas, so he hoped his need for speed applied to theme park rides as well. Neil wasn't exactly sure what to expect, if he was being honest. He had always thought of roller coasters as the rickety old things he saw on tv or in movies, and he certainly never thought he would ever ride one.
This particular ride was based on some superhero movie that Matt had tried to get him to watch, but he hadn't really paid attention because Andrew had fallen asleep on his shoulder and was warm and solid against his side. It was hard to pay attention to most things when Andrew was touching him. Neil still enjoyed himself, even if he didn't really know the characters or the storyline. A disco song played throughout the ride that reminded him of his mother, and it would've been jarring if Andrew’s vice-like grip on his hand hadn't kept him in the moment. It was hard to fall into bad memories when he didn't know up from down as they zoomed through twists and turns and round planets while Andrew gripped him tight.
He let out involuntary whoops and giggles and he felt a rush he never knew he could feel off an exy court. For a small, surreal moment, he felt like a child; he felt like he was flying.
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knif3doll · 7 months
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Strdil Baeker
Chumhandle is Stroodledoodle
(second artwork that isn't the sprite, is done by a mutual on discord!)
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baeksu-krp · 1 year
Hewwo, baekers! Tudo bem? Estamos aqui para liberar o formulário de reservas, que usaremos nesse primeiro momento para organizar melhor as suas solicitações.
Bom, o forms para as reservas estará disponível nessa segunda dia 12/06 (hoje) e na quarta dia 14/06 sempre sendo aberto das 20h até ás 23h em ambos os dias. Caso haja alguma alteração estaremos postando na nossa central do twitter! Lembrando que as fichas só poderão ser enviadas quando as reservas forem confirmadas! Então fiquem ligados!
E não esqueçam que nossa reserva precisa ser completa! Então venham preparados com fc, distrito e vaga no estabelecimento, ok?
Só aceitaremos as reservas enviadas após as 20h. Segue o link para o formulário. Beijo e até a próxima.
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leejungchans · 3 years
it’s the way the boys have cute individual fandom names like shinestars and cute dolls and beautiful woods and ribo and chan’s is dinonaras meanwhile juliet’s is baekers like 😭😭😭😭
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Nah, that video really just fucked me up. I can’t even think straight. Colson didn’t even have to do that to me. Where is EST Tumblr Team when I need them. Like I’ma need them gifs stat. 
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thechanbaeklibrary · 4 years
this isn't an Ask but i really wanted to submit a fic but i didn't understand how to so i am doing this (*´Д`*) It's called "Would you lie with me and Just Forget the World" it's on Wattpad and written by Baekdream there. Admins please check it out and give this more recognition!!!
hello, this is our submission box! you’ll find the rules there and our format too. please do submit it correctly so it can be posted. we do not accept submission on our askbox. thanks!
-the chanbaek library team
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justprocaffeinating · 8 years
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The BAEker™
Karlie Kloss || Bake it Off / Bakers Gonna Bake
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Un-Follow Me Now, This Is Gonna Be the Only Thing I Tweet About For The Next Week. Ive Wanted This For Years Fuck. What The Fuck.
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89xhshb · 3 years
Hi hyung, I love you, bye hyung!
Hi my faborite Baeker, I love you too. A lot. Now come back and give me a hug !
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kittenstorm · 7 years
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unrenderedfuture · 7 years
Fourth Doctor/Sarah Jane Fluff Fic
This is on a head canon that Timelords have a double coat like our friendly doggo and you know my boi Tom Baker has the floofiest and softest floof but during winter Sarah has to deal with it so heres my fic!
Sarah arrived back from grabbing groceries one rainy April day and called up to her husband tinkering upstairs. “Doctor? Help me with the groceries? I got you two bags of you-know-what!” Sarah called up in a singsong voice. “Coming!” The Doctor replied with a grin, running downstairs like a child on Christmas, with a trail of mousy brown curly hair falling behind him. Sarah watched the hair fall to the ground and sighed. “What’s wrong?” The Doctor asked not noticing the mess he left behind. “Darling I think you’re shedding the winter layer of hair...”Sarah said running a hand through his hair and pulling out some loose dense hair. The Doctor frowned and groaned dramatically. Sarah fought back an eyeroll and sighed looking at the groceries in the car and the mess left from her Timelords hair. “Let’s get the groceries and then we can deal with your hair.” Sarah said. “Alright, let's be fast before it gets itchy and you start to scratch your head.” Sarah said with a small smile hoping to cheer up The Doctor. He couldn’t stay grumpy forever and smiled. “Okay my dear...” he agreed kissing her hand. The two spent the next ten minutes bringing inside the groceries and putting away the perishable food before it went bad. The frozen meat were finally stored in the freezer when Sarah turned to her shedding husband. “I’m going to get my apron and the brushes, you get on an old shirt and the plastic sheet.” She ordered seeing The Doctor's smile turn sour. “Do we have to use the special brush? It’s made for dogs not Timelords!” The Doctor whined. “Yes! It works wonders and makes this whole ordeal much easier!” Sarah argued back. “Okay fine...” The Doctor sighed trudging dramatically to their bedroom to grab his old shirt and pants. Sarah watched to make sure he was going upstairs and went to the basement to grab her tools. Compared to the fall shedding, the spring one every year had to be the worst for The Doctor and in turn for her. The Timelord got cabin fever easily to begin with an with the added heat and extra effort his body made hormonally, he would act like a spoiled teen until the extra hair was off that head of his. Sarah was lucky to have bought Jellybabies, at least she could let him get a treat if he wasn’t too crabby. She walked back upstairs and luckily found The Doctor changed and already sitting on the plastic sheet that came with their refrigerator. He looked annoyed by the whole thing and was already scratching his head feeling itchy and uncomfortable. “Alright, do you want to sit first and we’ll do the sideburns and around the face first?” Sarah asked taking the cover off of the grooming brush. “Yes, I hate that part...” The Doctor sighed sitting with his legs crossed on the plastic. Sarah kneeled down and began to brush out his hair. Within minutes the brush’s bristles were filled requiring her to pull it from the brush and set the excess hair in a pile next to her. The Doctor played a game on his phone a bit while she groomed and pulled as much of the fluffy hair as she could from him.
In a few minutes of brushing she could get a brush through without any excess coming out.
“Alright Doctor how do you want to do the rest?” Sarah asked The Doctor who was scratching his itchy head and watching as tuffs of hair fell out.
“I don’t know last time I just laid down on you.” The Doctor said still grouchy and uncomfortable with the itchy and gross feeling on his head.
“Here lay down and just put your head on my apron and I’ll brush you out.” Sarah said patting to her lap. The Doctor was okay with this and set his head on her lap. Sarah kissed him and began to brush again. The she had set the brush into his locks when already the bristles were caught in his thick curly hair. She pulled making the Timelord whine into her lap and burrow further. Finally mustering up more strength Sarah pulled it free and with it thick winter hair that had kept them both warm all winter.
“Ow!” The Doctor grumbled from her lap.
“Oh hush, you’re fine I'll be gentler next time anyway, The first brush is the hardest.” Sarah said removing the excess hair and going in again. She brushed his hair again and emptied the hair from the poor brush. Again and again she gently removed thick winter hair from his head. The Doctor remained tense in her lap but soon relaxed to the massaging motion on his head where not many could reach.
Sarah smiled seeing his hair lessen in its overall mass and her husband finally relax comfortably in her lap.
“Almost done darling wait until you see how much hair was on your head.” Sarah said as K9 rolled in and began to scan the pile of curly thick hair on the plastic sheet. The Doctor yawned and turned so she could get the last side of his head that needed brushed out.
Sarah grabbed the brush and dragged her hand past his lips and was surprised to feel him kiss her fingers as they passed by his lips. Sarah smiled and began to brush out the last of the winter hair. After another ten minutes spent pulling the winter curls from him Sarah put down the brush and looked around at all the light brown hair that had gathered around her. It reminded her of the stuffing out of a pillow she had ripped a few years back.
“Doctor look at all of it” Sarah laughed piling it all together. The Doctor looked up, feeling much lighter and smiled.
“Yes...it is a lot isn’t it and that’s just from me. In the academy we used to have to do it to each other in our dorms. The pile would almost take up a whole mattress!” The Doctor said touching it gently. Sarah grabbed a tuft of the curls and placed it on K9’s head.
The robot dog wriggled his ears a bit and looked almost confused if possible sending Sarah into a fit of giggles.
“Mistress?” K9 asked not understanding only sending her into more giggles. The Doctor finally looked up and smirked.
“I think I wear the hair better if we’re going to be honest here.” The Doctor said looking at his wife near tears.
“Oh hush I’m taking a picture it’s too cute!” Sarah squealed pulling out her phone to send to Luke, Sky, Harry, Maria and anyone else she could think of who knew he was an alien. The Doctor would have not found it funny but he felt much better with his hair brushed out and not making his head itchy or warm.
He looked at the winter hair some more and pressed on it lightly. Sarah while he played with his pile of fluff took another picture of him playing in it and saved it in her folder on her phone labeled “Cutie” with every heart emoji strung after it.
“Do you want to join me for a bath my shaggy bear?” Sarah asked helping him collect his hair into a bag to destroy in the TARDIS. The Doctor blushed at the pet name and tied up the bag.
“That sounds wonderful…” he said standing and helping her fold up the plastic. A bath was always nice after a good grooming to get rid of the excess hair but nothing could beat a bath with the one he loved.
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justbadpuns · 8 years
Did you hear about the vampire rock band? I heard they sucked
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magicmalcolm · 7 years
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Cake Bo$$ in Training. 🍰
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leejungchans · 3 years
Wait does this mean that julie won't be in any of the unit stages??? I need answers ma'am i'm curious rn 👁👁
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So goddamn stoked to go to my first EST Fest this summer! 
I'm hoping that there's gonna be some bandanas again! I dumbly bought two at a show a few years back, (wish I would've bought more) but I made a bra out of one! I'm definitely gonna try to bring some EST looks to fest! <3
Anybody else going to FEST? 
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sugaftrm · 3 years
AHAHAHA there’s puns on every 100jin post so far!! And you’re the first one to mention them alskkfkskd I should have guessed🤣
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