#the bad batch s3e4
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hello-there-cyarika · 1 year ago
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This is how it's gonna go at the start of e5 right?
lol haven't had a chance to draw the batch in More Realistic Proportions yet and i'm still figuring it out 〒▽〒
i love batcher so much and if anything bad happens to her i will kill everyone in this room and then myself!!! i expected her face to be harder to draw but it was actually so easy? she's made of good shapes ig
i also deeeefinitely thought her name was "betcha" (like 'you betcha') until i turned on captions in this episode oops (/▽\)
omega's new hair? love it tbh i love seeing how she's changed and grown both physically and mentally throughout the show she's doing such a good job o(TヘTo)
i'm glad to be back to drawing again! ik it's been a while lol (✿◠‿◠)
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adh-d2 · 1 year ago
If there's one thing The Bad Batch nails every time, it's a dramatically lit face-off:
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The animation on this show is just goddamn stunning.
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loveablecurse · 1 year ago
The Bad Batch Season 3 Episode 4. Or as I call it, "Crosshair just really wants to shoot someone, and Omega won't let him"
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codywaan · 1 year ago
"We crossed the galaxy four times looking for you."
Five - Fives
"The mission. The nightmares. They're finally over."
The nightmares of failing to save Omega, of not getting her back. Countless missions of following wrong leads and losing hope.
But all that's over. Cause she's back with them, and at least for one small moment, when she's right here in Wrecker's and Hunter's arms, everything is alright.
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sailinginstars · 1 year ago
OH MY GODDDDDDDD. crying screaming sobbing throwing up exploding.
besides that LOVED this episode, loved seeing crossdad and omega take charge in their mission shes so grown up im crying. really hope crosshair joins back with batch ill sob if he doesn’t
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gun-roswell · 1 year ago
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Bad Batch (Cartoon), Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Omega (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Fennec Shand, Asajj Ventress Additional Tags: TBB S3 Missing Scenes and Fixits, Could Be Canon, Spoilers for TBB S3, Ficlet, Snippets, Series, Force Shenanigans (Star Wars), Who or what am I?, Omega's origins?, TBBS3E4 Teaser Speculation Series: Part 11 of TBB S3 Fixits and Missing Scenes series Summary:
Omega is questioning her very being, her own self.
TBB S3 E4 teaser. Speculation for the episode.
Part of TBB S3 Fixits and Missing Scenes series
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timetodiverge · 1 year ago
I'm not crying YOU'RE crying
The Bad Batch | How it started (S1E1):
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How it's going (S3E4):
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raointean · 1 year ago
My new year's resolution this year is to watch Star Wars in chronological order...
And DAMN it's all over the place. It took me a couple hours to actually sort through, so I'm going to share the list with you so no one else has to do it again. It's out there on the internet.
EDUK stands for Exact Date UnKnown
• Visions (S1E7) - EDUK
• Tales of the Jedi (Episode 2) - ~60-50BBY
• Tales of the Jedi (Episode 3) - 44BBY
• Visions (S1E4) - EDUK
• Tales of the Jedi (Episode 1) - 36BBY
• Phantom Menace - 32BBY
• Tales of the Jedi (Episode 4) - 32BBY (Simultaneous with Phantom Menace, but continues after)
• Attack of the Clones - 22BBY
• TCW (S2E16) - 22BBY
• TCW (S1E16) - 22BBY
• Clone Wars (Movie) - 22BBY
• TCW (S3E1) - 22BBY
• TCW (S3E3) - 22BBY
• TCW (S1E1-15) - 22BBY
• TCW (S1E17-21-S2E3) - 21BBY
• TCW (S2E17-19) - 21BBY
• TCW (S2E4-14) - 21BBY
• TCW (S2E20-22) - 21BBY
• TCW (S3E5-7) - 21BBY
• TCW (S3E2) - 21BBY
• TCW (S3E4) - 21BBY
• TCW (S3E8) - 21BBY
• TCW (S1E22) - 21BBY
• TCW (S3E9-11) - 21BBY
• TCW (S2E15) - 21BBY
• TCW (S3E12-22) - 20BBY
• TCW (S4) - 20BBY
• TCW (S5E2-13) - 20BBY
• TCW (S5E1) - 19BBY
• TCW (S5E14-20) - 19BBY
• TCW (S6) - 19BBY
• TCW (S7E5-8) - 19BBY
• TCW (S7E1-4) - 19BBY
• TCW (S7E9-12) - 19BBY
• Tales of the Jedi (Episode 5) - 22-19BBY
• Revenge of the Sith - 19BBY
• Bad Batch - 19-18BBY
• Tales of the Jedi (Episode 6) - 18BBY
• Visions (S1E2) - ~18BBY
• Visions (S1E8) - EDUK
• Solo - 13-10BBY
• Visions (S2E8) - EDUK
• Visions (S2E3) - EDUK
• Visions (S1E6) - EDUK
• Kenobi - 9BBY
• Visions (S2E7) - EDUK
• Andor - 5BBY (Simultaneous with first season of rebels)
• Rebels - 5-1BBY
• Rogue One - 0BBY
• A New Hope - 0BBY (Starts 5 minutes after the end of Rogue One)
• Visions (S1E9) - EDUK
• Visions (S2E6) - EDUK
• The Empire Strikes Back - 3ABY
• Return of the Jedi - 4ABY
• Visions (S1E1) - EDUK
• The Mandalorian (Seasons 1 and 2) - 9-10ABY
• Book of Boba Fett - 10ABY
• Visions (S2 Episode 4) - EDUK
• The Mandalorian (Season 3) - 11ABY
• Ahsoka - 11ABY (Simultaneous with season 3 of The Mandalorian)
I didn't include any of the Visions episodes that are clearly before 100BBY simply because they would be next to impossible to date. While the other Visions episodes, for the most part, cannot be CLEARLY dated, they're pretty easy to ballpark with outfits, ship styles, comments made by the characters, and the presence or absence of the Empire.
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ladykagewaki · 1 year ago
What Crosshair's helmet in S3E4 looked like to me.
Warning Spoilers from Bad Batch Season 3
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@zaya-mo @chrissywakingup @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @aintinacage @ladykatakuri @marierg @thecoffeelorian
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morphofan · 1 year ago
Bad Batch S3E4 Teaser "A Different Approach"
So it looks like we can expect a teaser at noon (EST) the day before a new episode.
I cropped out all the clips that we've already seen in the show and slo moed the rest. Also brightened and lightened when necessary. Descriptions as follows:
Scene 1 CROSSHAIR!!! and Hunter standing on an icy point when a big old monster explodes out of the snow behind them. Wrecker running across a snowy planet with sensors or probes in the background. Hunter diving out of the path of the same (?) monster.
Scene 2 Marauder in space approaching a space station? What I HOPE IS NOT the Marauder EXPLODING and flinging Wrecker and Gonky through the air.
Scene 3 Troopers and blue doggo things (like Batcher) cautiously approaching someone (their POV) hiding in tall grass. Daytime, so not from E3 as I first thought.
Scene 4 TIE fighters flying through banks of clouds. Somebody (Hunter?) looking up at (oh F*CK ME) an Imperial ship hovering above Pabu.
Scene 5 Omega stating that she needs to know what she is. REXXXXXXXX! Somebody piloting upside-down shuttle detaching from underside of larger ship(?) descending into clouds like those from TIE fighter scene. Pilot struggling with control panel/stick being shot at by green bolts. Pursued by TIE fighters.
I'm not sure all the new clips are from Episode 4 or not. Or in fact if any of them are.
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lazinesswrites · 1 year ago
I have Feelings TM about the ending of TBB s3e4 (as I'm sure we all do) and also my brain is being annoying, so instead of working on any of my WIPs or answering the WIP Wednesday asks, I... wrote this?
Title: We're Still What's Left
Summary: It’s on the way back towards the cockpit that Crosshair sees the goggles. They’re by the navi-computer, broken but carefully cleaned, and suddenly Crosshair can’t move.
Tags: Episode: s03e04 A Different Approach (Star Wars: The Bad Batch) - Canon Compliant (pre s03e05 of course) - The Bad Batch Reunion - Crosshair Rejoins Clone Force 99 | Bad Batch - CT-9904 | Crosshair & Clone Trooper Tech are Twins - CT-9904 | Crosshair Needs a Hug - Crosshair Gets a Hug (Star Wars: The Bad Batch) - Soft Clone Force 99 | Bad Batch - Off-Screen Major Character (maybe) Death - Emotional Hurt/Comfort
Length: 1.760 words
EDIT: there’s a part 2 now, see the reblogs (or just click through this link and hop on to part 2 of the series)
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melliejellybellybean · 1 year ago
Bad Batch S3E4 Spoilers! (Sorta)
W h a t i s t h e c o w b o y h a t m a n d o i n g ?
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adh-d2 · 1 year ago
Put our boy Crosshair in a flattering outfit challenge (impossible)
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fellshot · 2 years ago
Mandolorian S3E4 thoughts
Oh thank the Force the show remembered it’s about Din and Grogu. It’s becoming a consistent problem across multiple Star Wars series that they forget who the main characters are. Andor is the exception, it never forgets. Bad Batch and Book of Boba Fett aren’t really about their title characters. Kenobi mostly remembers, but gets steamrolled by needing that Vader/Kenobi rematch (which is and was a terrible idea).
Anyway, more Grogu development which I know will make some friends very happy. I would like to not have more Order 66 flashes, because I can only take so much people shooting at children and that “so much” is a number approaching zero. On a better note, Grogu is again being less of a purse pet and both Din and Bo Katan talk to him more as a person. I strongly suspect that Grogu can actually talk, but has a mental block against it (not unreasonable).
The series likes to do a lot of talk about how Mandolorians are super fighters and so on, but boy they are bad at not pissing off the local wildlife. And then not taking any steps to stop pissing off the wildlife or protect themselves from said wildlife. That noivern thing wanted to feed its babies. Who is doing the location surveys for the culvert, because they need to be given a new job.
Call me when we get Danny Trejo doing Star Wars wildlife facts a la the Crocodile Hunter.
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kobak · 1 year ago
Star Wars: The Bad Batch
Star Wars: The Bad Batch - A Different Approach (S3E4)
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faceofpoe · 1 year ago
Poe’s Chaos Guide to Andor Star Wars Fic
(because ao3 sorting isn't specific enough, I want my own chaos sorting system and here it is)
Breaking Cassian Andor for fun and profit:
Pre-series: The Thing Itself (feat: all those little things Luthen knows about Cassian + creative use of Fest backstory + all the other little indulgent tie-ins I worked into this fic)
   Sub-category Brasso my Beloved: Pull Together
Sub-category Melshi my Beloved: Mirror
Breaking Everyone Else for Fun and Profit:
Tether (Bix & Melshi, Bix/Melshi, Bix & Cassian & Melshi)
Sunrise (Mon & Luthen)
Remember (Kleya & Draven)
Chandrilan Hospitality (Mon)
The Random Factor (K-2SO)
    Sub-category Putting Them Back Together in the End: Stone and Sky (Kleya & Ferrix crew)
Light(er)-hearted Spy’ish Romps:
Yearn (Luthen & Kleya)
Inside (feat: Draven)
Clarity of Purpose (feat: Melshi, Draven, K-2SO, Luthen, and where Axis & Fulcrum collide)
Double (Melshi)
Spectacle (Draven)
All In (Kleya & Cassian)
Poe’s obsession with the next 5 minutes after the screen goes to black
Everything (feat: a scenic detour)
Pyre (feat: Kleya really wants to shoot Cassian Andor, okay?)
      Sub-category Poe’s obsession with the missing Sky Kyber: Something More
That Thing the final scene of the show did to Poe’s brain and she makes no apologies:
(Or to quote tag: Handling and Manhandling)
Yield (Cassian's unsanctioned foray into sexpionage)
Escape (the one that's fucked up, but like, soft about it)
Floodgate (feat: water-type Cassian Andor)
(Or to quote tag: Being dysfunctional with one another to the point of self-destruction)
Ghosts (some of those Fondor trips are actually for the art, right?)
Equation (the one that's just fucked up, but Dr Gorst gets what's coming to him (offscreen) so it's okay in the end)
The Bad Batch:
Canon compliant:
Missed a Lot (feat: Crosshair & Tech (yes, I said canon compliant) and people getting to experience some damn grief ffs set between s3e9-post-finale) (if you're looking for closure for these two, this one's for you)
Mayday (feat: Hunter & Crosshair, end of s3e4 - end of e5 scene filler)
Decryption (feat: Echo, Rex, Crosshair, end of s2 - end of s3e5 expansion/filler)
Along the Way (feat: Crosshair & Omega, post-finale)
Shadow (Crosshair & Hunter, see tags and author note, dark themes)
Expendable (Crosshair - Barton IV Mayday & CF99 & esp Tech angst)
Almost Canon compliant:
Something than Nothing (feat: Hunter & Crosshair post s3e5)
Unyielding (post s3e4 speculation on what came after the reunion that actually held up impressively well)
The Point Where CX-Tech Thoughts Started to Creep In (pass the salt)
Landed (stream of consciousness'ish Tech post s2-s3e7)
Breathe (CX-Tech post-series AU feat: Tech & Crosshair recovery)
Primary Mission Objective (CX-Tech back half of season 3 rewrite; Tech, Crosshair, Emerie POVs)
Clear Line of Sight (CX-Tech Extraction divergence feat: Wolffe & Cody)
Speculation stuff that started compliant and diverged:
Plans Change (feat: Rampart & Crosshair post s3e12 and gave Rampart too much credit lol)
A Hit or a Miss (feat: Tech & Phee s2e13 and Crosshair & Phee post s3e11)
53% (feat: Echo & Crosshair set post s3e5)
The Feral Energy episode 3 gave me fun times with Omega & Crosshair:
Plan 72 (feat: Hunter & Wrecker approaching what's probably a trap)
Plan 99 (feat: Crosshair wondering wtf to do now)
Plan 100 (feat: an extra dramatic recovery operation)
32 Rotations (Crosshair & Omega post-ep4 AU in which eps 2&3 occurred concurrently and Hunter & Wrecker missed the rendezvous)
And for a complete change of pace:
Atmospheric Interference (series; cloneship, Tech/Crosshair, pre-TCW to post-TBB AU, dark themes, see tags)
Sanctuary of Sorts (series; cloneship, Tech/Crosshair, priest/demon AU. Yeah.)
First Time for Everything (cloneship, Tech/Crosshair, silly smut)
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