#the backseating of mikey and donnie gets to me especially like
bullagit · 2 years
idk man the “raph and leo were having constant horrible arguments all the time since the finale that poor mikey and donnie hid away from” take isn’t one that feels accurate to me
i think the movie was an outlier where things came to a head. and a lot of it had to do with the fact that the mission got messed up in a way that led directly to a foot clan situation (and the whole family has a lot of trauma tied up in foot clan situations). 
like mikey and don were literally peeking in to eavesdrop on that lecture situation lmao. they weren’t HAPPY about it, i think some friction and frustrated raph lectures were commonplace, but the fact that it escalated so much was clearly not the norm
(dont get me started on how it didnt feel in character for rise raph to physically go at leo like that and i think that was a nudge given solely to offer a somewhat more traditional tmnt Dynamic for new audiences, the way that donnie and mikey being so passive about leo’s behavior wasn’t in character)
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los-ninos-tortugas · 7 months
Still collecting my thoughts, but im kinda obsessed with the idea of the turtles living to maybe see at least early TOS
And I'm still thinking more about that too.
*drinks shot* imagine if they did have multi-century long life spans tho?
They'd get to see a lot of stuff (insert relevant events from ENT, DISCO, and SNW here) and they'd probably venture off planet eventually.
I can see Mikey being an ambassador, especially during the early days of the federation and by the time of the TOS era he'd be very well known throughout the alpha quadrant. I think there could be a really interesting adventure where Kirk's Enterprise has to escort him somewhere and everyone's all like "we will protect you with our lives Ambassador," and he's just like, "Aw that's cute, you think you're here to protect me?"
If Raph isn't doing something directly involved with Starfleet security then I feel like he and Leo are kinda just like the Federation's cool retired uncles and they just do a lot of planet hopping. Maybe everyonce in a while they give a talk or a seminar about leadership or something but I think they more than anyone want to just chill out, which also means by law they constantly get dragged into shenanigans against their will and it always fall to the nearest hapless starfleet vessel to come bail them out. It's all very lowstakes but very inconvenient. Kirk probably has a story from when he was still an ensign and his ship got sent to go pick up the famous Hamato brothers.
Donnie is directly involved with Starfleet but it's like having your really intimidating grandpa hanging around aaaaaallllll the time. Cuz Cochrane just mysteriously disappeared one day but his old lab partner is still kickin around and he's literally the co-inventor of warp flight (for earth) and he will not stop backseat driving. No one is even actually sure what his title is because he's definitely not an admiral but he's been around so long no one is going to question him. (he has no official rank or title, when Starfleet was founded he just showed up and no one has been able to get him to stop hanging around for the past century but also he keeps improving the starships so they're not really eager to kick him out either). In this version all Starfleet ships come with an option for a male or female voice, the female voice obviously is still Majel Baret's voice but the male version is just Shelldon, Donnie is a very proud father.
Now the boys are very long lived but unfortunately the same can't be said of their human companions, but they of course still keep up with all of their descendants and they're all still considered a part of the Hamato family. If I were less sleepy I would maybe try to flesh out what Ensigns O'Neil and Jones could be like but that's gonna have to be a story for another day.
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yellowhollyhock · 6 months
Please tell us more about Donny and Angel I love these two as a couple they so cute! She’s so perfect for him and vise versa. I like to pretend when the series ended they became official they got married. Mikey is the flower girl because that’s hilarious to me and he’s genderqueer so he’s like yes I get to wear a dress. LH is best man because he’s Donny’s best friend. I am not sure what Raph and Leo are lol. I know there’s brides maid but not sure what you call the version for the groom so Raph and Leo are up there with LH.
Aaahdhhs thank you!! 💜💜🥹 I am always at any time so ready to talk about Donny and Angel.
I love your ideas about their wedding! I think since Splinter would be officiating, Raph can give Donny away (is giving grooms away a thing? if it isn't then, oh well it is now), and Leo can be the ring-bearer. Angel's friends Ashley and Jessica who I made up for the Meeting Gramma fic (it's in pinned post) are bridesmaids.
Okay so below the cut, here's some things I've been thinking about, and how I imagine his proposal!
I don't imagine them fighting often, but one thing that would definitely cause friction is his driving. In the show his bros always let him drive, but have you ever noticed how he's crazy? Usually I think it ends up that way because there's a big chase or it's just comedic, but I like the idea that he's actually quite reckless. Tbh, a lot of people I know irl who are really good at working on cars are really bad at driving safely. They know exactly how far they can push that machine and they like showing it, sometimes forgetting to factor in that there are other people on the road and such things as safety laws.
Anyway Angel lost her mom in a car crash where the other driver was at fault. She was six. Neither her nor Ryan have licenses, partially because driving is scary to them but also because they live in New York City.
I don't think Donny would take it well when Angel calls him out about his driving. This is something he taught himself how to do in order to take better care of his family. He didn't have access to the resources she did to learn (experienced drivers, opportunity to legally obtain a license), and she hasn't shown any interest in using them (he doesn't know about how her mom died at the time), so why should he take criticism from her? He gets defensive when she makes a comment, something she is not used to from him, and they both end up pushing and holding onto little things. Angel says she'd just rather not get in the car with him and if he wants to go places with her they can walk. This seems pretty inconsiderate to Don who cannot simply walk through the city, and he doubts she wants to learn how to slink around and jump across rooftops since she doesn't even want to learn to drive.
Once they've both had time to cool down, he apologizes--he hates that he made her feel unsafe, he'd be happy to walk places with her if that's more comfortable, and he'd like her to know he has asked Raph to backseat for him for a while (call him out if he takes corners too fast, breaks laws etc). With him being vulnerable and apologizing, it's much easier for her to realize and admit why it actually scared her so much, that it wasn't all to do with him, in fact she never feels safe in cars. As they've been getting closer she's been worrying a lot that she would lose him somehow. She apologizes for losing her temper and calling him out in front of everyone (everyone probably consists of April, Casey, and his bros). She tells him how much she appreciates that he's trying to do better and that of course she doesn't mind driving places with him, in fact she feels better knowing that if something does happen, she'd know about it right away.
Also kinda thinking maybe Donny teaches her how to drive, later when she asks. I think she'd still feel safer with him at the wheel, especially once he starts being more careful, but it could still be empowering for her to know.
Their proposal~~
He takes her to Central Park--they wouldn't go somewhere like that very often, but they risk it early one November morning for what he will only vaguely call a 'special occasion.'
Anyway it's not hard to stay disguised because he's freezing and wearing so many layers you can't even tell he's round. (We don't really see the turtles in winter clothes much in the show, but after all the chaos had stopped I think they'd be more comfortable doing little things for themselves such as keeping warm). They buy hot chocolates. She makes a snow angel, which he cannot stop laughing about. She keeps close by to keep him warm, which makes him nervous because the ring is in his pocket and she's going to find it before he's ready--he panics and starts a snowball fight. She's in her element. He's getting more flustered by the minute. He's still a ninja though, and holding his own--until in a moment of distraction she nails him right in the face. She's wheezing, crying, cackling and fussing all at once--and when she comes over to help him up he panics again and takes the opportunity to pull out the ring.
It's a puzzle ring. They've talked about it before, and she's never liked the idea of a fancy gem. She wears lots of jewelry, and an engagement ring of all things should be practical to wear daily, not like her studded nose rings or chain necklaces with all kids of loud charms.
He pulls it out and lets them dangle from each other; four rings, all attached to each other. "It takes some work to fit them together," he explains as he assembles it for her, "But it's impossible to take them apart." Allowing herself to get close to people has been a big deal for her since her dad left. He's still haunted by the possibility of just disappearing one day, apparently without a trace.
He's getting teary and having a hard time getting through the speech he planned so carefully. "I want that for us."
She slips the ring on and pulls him into a hug. "I want that, too." Then, as if she's only just thought of it, "Let's get married." Because she's always loved making him laugh 💜
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coff33notforme · 2 years
Alright here's a Rise request for you! (Bc I also am hyperfixating rn lol)
So movie Casey is from the future right? How would the turtles/April react to him revealing that reader (their crush who they haven't confessed to yet) is their spouse in the future? (also slight angst bc reader is most likely gone which Casey might reveal later)
A/n: You guys are coming up with such great prompts! And I will get to all of them this just took so long for me to write because I kinda procrastinated.
I also couldn't think of anything for April so I skipped her but I'll add her in once I think of something so don't worry.
Genre: One-shots, Fluff, A tiny bit of crack
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The air seemed tense, nobody moved from their spots in the tank, nobody dared to speak. Your gaze was fixated on the road ahead, Krang tentacles had been wrapped around any possible surface, there was no place safe, everything had been overtaken. You felt yourself slowly begin to loosen your muscles, taking in a deep breath as you realized you’d been holding your breath through the whole drive.
No doubt there was worry clouding everyone's mind, leaving a tense feeling of bitterness. You didn’t blame them at all. But still it was so strange seeing all of them so upset, scared, and even angry. You wanted to do something for them, just to get their minds off everything. There was no harm in trying to lighten the mood a bit right? Well at least what you decided 
You thought for a moment, could you say? You didn’t want to come off as insensitive, like you weren’t taking the situation seriously. What was something that would distract them for a couple of seconds? Then it came to you, you smiled as you began to speak up.
“So Casey, you're from the future right?” you asked the grin still present on your face.
Casey turned to you his focused expression shifted to one of confusion as he quirked an eyebrow at you not really sure where you were taking this.
“Well I was just curious. Could you tell me a little bit about the future?” you asked, glancing at Casey. This didn’t seem to spark too much curiosity amoungst the brothers though, much to your dismay. That was until Casey started speaking. 
“Well after you get married to Master Leo…”
Your eyes grow wide, you nearly gave yourself whiplash from how fast you turned to face the black haired male beside you. “What?” you said with a slight bit of urgency.
“When do we get married?” Leo pipes up from the back genuinely curious.  
“I didn’t actually get to ask, before well…” Casey trails off his face contouring into a sour expression as he shifts his gaze back to the road ahead of him. 
The tank goes silent for a moment before Casey speaks up again. 
“Well, I can still tell you what he did tell me.” Casey grins. 
“Master Leo used to always gush about you whenever he had the chance, talking about how sweet you were. Especially how cute you were.” Casey added 
 Leo feels his face begin to heat up as a dorky smile spreads across his face. You and him? Married? Sure he’d flirt with you here and then but he never thought he’d actually ever have the chance to ask you out.
You giggled as you could hear Donnie groaning in the backseat as Mikey began to coo at Leo lightly teasing him.
You looked back and for a split second you’d looked Leo in the eyes. You immediately looked away feeling extremely embarrassed considering everything that Casey had just told you. The tank suddenly came to a stop, and everyone went silent.
One by one everyone began exiting the tank. You took a deep breath as you began to walk out, that was before a firm hand on your shoulder pulled you back causing you to let out a quiet yelp.
You were suddenly turned around to meet Leo’s uncharacteristically stern gaze. “Is something wrong?” you ask immediately concerned for the blue clad turtle. 
Leo's head dropped for a second before he sighed, bringing it back up to look at you with his signature smile on his face. “I don’t know what’s going to happen out there but I want you to stay safe.” he said his voice firm as he spoke. Suddenly you felt yourself being pulled into Leo as your lips were met with his cold ones.
Your eyes widened for a moment before you closed them leaning into Leo's embrace. Before he pulled away. Offering you his trademark smile before walking out of the tank. Leaving you there face bright red.
“Once you guys got married…” Casey was cut off as Leo spoke up from the back.
“Wait wait, hold up. You're telling me, my baby brother Donnie.”
“We’re the same age Nardo…” Leo clasped a hand over Donnie's mouth to silence his protest as Leo continued his teasing as Donnie pushed his blue brother off of him.
“Actually managed to ask someone out? I didn’t know you had any sort of romantic charm.” Leo grinned as he continued pestering his already humiliated brother. 
Casey spoke up.“He actually ends up being the one flustered by his S/o.” Casey states bluntly. Leo bursts out laughing, deciding to take another jab at his twin as Mikey jumps in too, teaming up against his purple brother. Much to Donnie's dismay. “Aw, come one Leo cut Donnie some slack.” Raph said
This was not how he planned to confess to you at all. Shrinked up, in the back of a hot smelly tank surrounded by his ignorant brothers. He was imagining something more romantic.
You and him, sitting on a rooftop looking down at all of the lights and people. And then Donnie would confess to you. Not like this, nothing like this.
Meanwhile you were still struggling to grasp Casey's blunt response. Sure Donnie had always treated you with a special kindness he didn’t treat anyone else with, and yeah sure he would ask you to stay with him at night to keep him company while he worked on something, it didn’t really mean anything when he would constantly compliment you on your skills and talents. Oh. Oh. 
How could you be so dense? All of the signs were pointing to the fact that Donnie had a crush on you, how could you not see it?
You spoke over Leo and Mikeys teasing remarks. Hoping to comfort Donnie just a little bit.
“Well I think it’s sweet Donnie.” you spoke sincerely as the purple turtle felt himself wanting to shrink away from all of this tournament. You let a stupid grin spread across your face as your mind drifts to a domestic future with Donnie. As you shifted into living out this sudden fantasy.
Your daydream was broken as the breaks of the tank were slammed on. “We're here.” Casey said, opening the door to the tank. As he and his brothers began to walk out Donnie called to you. 
You turned around now facing Donnie as he continued to desperately avoid your gaze. You smiled at him.
“Yeah Donnie?” you asked as Donnie took a deep breath in before speaking. 
“I wanted to apologize on behalf of my brothers.” he spoke firmly as he finally gained the courage to meet your gaze. You smiled leaning up to peck him on the cheek as you took his hand leading him out of the tank. “Come on, we're going to fall behind the others!” you said dragging the flustered brother behind you. 
“Well, You and Mikey get married a couple years after all of this happens.” Casey says with ease. You can hear Mikey gasp from the back. As his face lights up with joy. 
Leaning over to Casey with a glimmer in his eyes as he begins to shower poor Casey questions.
“Really?! Me and Y/n?” he exclaims happily not even trying to hide the fact this new revelation has the orange turtle captivated. 
Casey chuckles as he takes a glance at Mikey before continuing.
“Yeah, you and Y/n.” he states again as Mikeys face lights up with joy you can’t help but beam with excitement as well. 
“When do we get married?” you asked curiously, Casey turns to face you humming in thought before he answers your question. 
“I think in the middle of October,” he says. Mikey hasn’t finished his celebration as he continued to dance around in the back.
You laugh at his antics before he turns to you, pulling you up from your seat to dance with him. He takes your hands in his and with a laugh he spins you around pretending to dip you as he pulls you back up. You giggled as he struggled to pull you back up.
Donnie pretends to gag from behind you as Leo rolls his eyes playfully, as he watches you two dance happily. 
“Can you believe we're going to get married?!” Mikey exclaimed his smile growing as he spoke 
You shook your head playfully. You hear Raph chuckle at his little brother as he walks out of the tank.
“Alright lover boy, time to go.” Donnie said, pushing past you as he exited the tank. 
“You're just jealous Dee!” Mikey retorted, sticking his tongue out as he rested his hands on his hips. 
“Yeah yeah.” Leo says walking out as Casey follows. You smile as Mikey takes your hand confidently as he turns to you grinning. 
“Come on! Future spouse.” you chuckled following him out of the tank. 
“You and Raph get married a little after…all of this.” he pauses before continuing waving his hand around to emphasize what he was talking about. Your eyes widened at the mention of Ralph's name. You hear Raph cough awkwardly from the back, before he speaks up shyly.
“Me and Y/n?” he asks, unsure of what he had just heard.
Casey nodded in reply. You could feel yourself trying to avoid Raphs gaze as you fixated your vision on the road outside. It was obvious you and Raph were very shy about this new information. You hear Leo whisper something to Raph before Raph's face was covered in a crimson red, his mask practically disappearing on his face before he turned to his brother quietly scolding him. 
“Oh Y/n, There's something Raphs been dying to tell you.” Leo cooed from the back seat as you turned around in confusion. Raph turned to Leo again, his brows furrowed together.
“Shut up Leo!” said hitting his brother lightly as the blue turtle continued to laugh. 
“Oh come on Raph you know you want to.” Mikey jumped in teasing his brother as Raph's face grew red again in embarrassment. 
“Not you too Mikey!” he groaned, putting his head in his hands. You giggled softly at the sight.  
Raph was always so sweet to you, always treating you with kindness and respect, you're sure that if he had something to tell you it wouldn’t be as big a deal as Mikey and Leo were making it out to be. 
You walked back to Raph crouching down as you softly removed his hands from his face. 
“Raph, you can tell me anything, I won’t freak out I promise.” you smiled reassuringly as he looked away embarrassed. Raph sighed.
“Okay here it goes. Y/n will you go out with me?” now it was your turn to be embarrassed you looked away. Before nodding softly, turning back to Raph with a shaky smile. 
“I’d love to.” Raph’s eyes widened as Leo and Mikey cheered in the background.
“Can I kiss you?” Raph asked meekly, avoiding your eyes. You nodded shyly. 
Raph gently cupped your face before giving you a quick peck on the lips. Leaving you both embarrassed as hell.
As the tank came to a stop Raph rose up offering you a hand which you gladly took.
“Alright guys let's go.” Raph said as a confident smiled spread across his face
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