#the archon war
child--ish · 4 months
Can i ramble about ei's age real quick?
So we know that the archon war was about 2,000 years ago, ganyu was born when it was going and she managed to fight in it because it was so long, ganyu is 3,000 years old, so she was 1,000 or something when she fought, ei is 3,000+, she was alive BEFORE the archon war while ganyu was born in it (as said before) because she was able to fight in it from the start, though we don't know how old she was. so we have a bit of a staple to go of off, she is older than ganyu though we don't know by how much and she was alive before the archon war, so she has to be at least 3,100+ or something (just guessing at this point) but she also just seems kinda old, like ganyu seems like a tired intern just trying to do her job, while ei is an asian mom, we have to keep scara in mind, he is around 500 years old, i couldn't find anything about how old he or ei was when she set him free while doing research so that doesn't really give us anything in figuring out her age except that ei was about 2,600+ years old minimum when he was made. So basically, the summary of this whole thing is that ei is 3,100+ years old minimum.
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onceapirateprincess · 6 months
.Nika, the God of Sun and Freedom. A Genshin Impact x One Piece Crossover Legend.
Bit of a long post, but basically, the legend of Nika the Sun God as I would put it into Genshin. Hope you enjoy!
His name has been whispered many times over the centuries, all in different forms. Nika, the one who sets things right. Nika, the breaker of chains. Nika, the punisher of the unjust. Nika, the berserker. Nika, the wild god. 
Nika, the lost child of humanity. 
Once upon a time, far, far in the past, humanity faced its greatest threat - each other. People enslaved other people, kept others in terror, imprisoned people not just with bars but with their own minds. That’s not to say it doesn’t happen now - but back then, it was a horror show.
And the people cried and twisted under the fearful, flaming whip of their enslavers, and they screamed to the heavens, “Celestia, why have you forsaken us?” But Celestia was silent. And so the people suffered, and those in power grew more powerful. 
But as we all know, humans are resilient when need be. And when their gods abandoned them, they learned to take care of their own. And they created a path to freedom, a path to escape those who kept them in chains. And the way forward was dictated to them in a drumming song tapped out on wherever they could do so without arousing suspicion. A rousing, drumming beat, that was meant to inspire and give power to those ready for the next leg of the journey to freedom. 
And it was called the Drums of Liberation. 
One day, the cruel overlords discovered this path, and grew furious. How dare they not have the control they had enjoyed for so long! So they set out to raze it, and the safe settlement, to the ground. 
The others were not going to sit by while their hard - won freedom burned. So all who were able picked up weapons and stood at the ready. And when the two sides met, they were two opposing ocean tides, clashing with earth - shaking vigor. The battle lasted for five days and five nights, but slowly, slowly, the free people’s forces were whittled away. And it seemed there was no hope. Until one day, on the bloody, scorched battlefield, a young, injured boy raised his hand, and began tapping the rhythm he knew so well. And he was joined by another, a woman, dying of her injuries, but trying to inspire the warriors on the front. And another - a veteran, leaning on his crutch to tap out the rhythm with his good leg. And another. And another. And another. Until the air was filled with the rumble of the Drums of Liberation. Both armies paused. And the air hung still, for five seconds. And then the sun seemed to crash into the battlefield. And the sound of loud, boyish laughter filled the air, as the rhythm grew louder. But some were confused, as no one was tapping after the shockwave stunned them all. From the great shining light, came the silhouette of a boyish figure, clouds floating all around him and a wide, bright smile on his face. His eyes were full of stars, an endless galaxy contained within He looked upon the beaten down troops and said, 
“As you have given me my heartbeat, so I will fight for you until the very end.”
And then the free people’s forces watched in awe as he tore through the overlord’s forces as if they were paper, bouncing and jumping and stretching around the battlefield in ways human bodies were not supposed to move.
When it was over the god turned and knelt next to the young boy who had begun the whole thing and helped him to his feet. 
“You have allowed me life. But…I am still incomplete. What…would you name me?”
And the boy thought for a moment before saying, “Nika. After my younger brother lost to the evil. 
And so the god was named Nika. News of Nika spread through all four corners of Tevyat. A God not born of Celestia…an unknown. And the slavers and fearmongers came to fear him, for he devastated the very ground they walked on. And slowly, the shadow of oppression was driven back across the land, to the tune of Nika’s heartbeat, the Drums of Liberation. And Tevyat was peaceful for a while. 
Until the Archon War. 
When the heavens split open, Nika protected his people from the thunderstorms. When the ground rumbled and cracked, Nika caught the fallen from the crevices and carved out a space for his people. When the seas raged and roared, Nika threw up walls. When the wind howled, Nika made sure his people’s houses didn’t blow away. 
And Nika grew angry. The power of Celestia was so tempting, it was causing the very gods that swore to protect the people to turn on them and harm them, directly and indirectly. He could see it now. No matter who won, humanity, his people, would be handed over to just another overlord who wouldn’t care about them. 
He had to stop them. And so he went on his own crusade - against the Archons and Gods themselves. And maybe he would have succeeded, had his first target not been one of the most powerful of the fighters - Rex Lapis of Liuye. Nika was always one to go after the big fish. 
Their battle raged across the mountains and plains of Liuye. Nika threw bolts containing fire hotter than the sun itself, landed powerful punches on the Prime Adeptus and his other adept forces. Nika fought hand to hand with Marshal Soaring Snake, Bosacious. He lit the plains up during his battle with General Fire Rat, Musatas. His battle with General Curled Snail, Bonanus, tore the sea down to its very seabed. The very earth shook when he fought with General Mind - Monkey, Menogias.
And in his biggest battle, he fought the Prime Adeptus himself - Rex Lapis - and his faithful servant, the Conqueror of Demons, Alatus, without blinking. It was said that this was the only battle he did not have a smile on his face - but a scowl, a snarl of anger that seemed to scream he would win at any cost, for his people. 
The battle lasted seven days and seven nights. Mountains were torn up as Rex Lapis hurled them like spears at the god, and Nika retaliated with white - hot, glowing blasts of pure energy that left deep gouges in the earth. Alatus aimed his spear at the young god’s heart, and in return Nika struck back with punches that were so full of energy his fist glowed. 
But even the god of the sun must set, and with his power finally depleted, Nika was defeated, laying face down at the bottom of a gorge. And with a final swing of his polearm, Rex Lapis shattered the spirit of the boyish god, and the Drums of Liberation fell silent. 
Another casualty of the Archon war. 
But all is not lost, or so the followers of Nika said. For the spirit of freedom cannot ever be killed…and the sun will always rise the next day. And so they wait for Nika’s return, and they have been for centuries, the story of the God passed down all through Teyvat through memories. And maybe someday, a child will open their eyes and you will see the depths of the galaxy within them, or the wisps of cloud surrounding their head, or the ever present, bright smile of a God who symbolizes freedom itself.
And if you listen closely…the Drums of Liberation reside in every human’s heart - perhaps that was Nika’s last gift to humanity, before he faded.
The desire for freedom - and the drive to do good.
And so the God sleeps - but who knows for how long.
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isnt-it-pretty · 2 years
I still love the au concept of Barbatos born as the son of Decarabian and Amos (as much as I truly love Venti as Istaroth's child). Barbatos, the Prince of Storms, is barely more than a child but endlessly curious about the world outside his father's control and the people his mother loves. He longs to see what the sky is like, free of his father's clouds, to experience the grass and flowers.
He grew up in Decarabian's Tower, lulled to sleep by his mother's songs and stories. She taught him to shoot a bow and loved him in all the ways his father didn't. During the day, he heard the desperate cries of his father's people, longing for freedom--and Barbatos understands. He, too, is trapped, a bird in a gilded cage for all he does not yet realize it.
But he grows, and he learns, and he feels to call of the winds against him, drawing him into them, and Barbatos learns to ride them. He sneaks from his father's tower, from the city entirely, to venture into the frozen world beyond. Andrius may lurk beyond his father's borders, but Barbatos has no fear of the wolf who stands against the storms. Children have little concept of fear.
On one such journey, he hears the cries of the Gunnhildr clan. They left his father's city but still needs help, and Barbatos, truly his mother's son, answers their prayers. They're weary of him, of course. Barbatos is the Prince of Storms, but he has a kindness to him that Decarabian lacks. They form a tentative trust, for all that Barbatos is weak compared to his father.
He doesn't entirely understand what they have against Decarabian-- another thing children rarely understand-- but he won't leave them to die in the blizzards nor drag them back to his home.
The times he spends out and about in the city are less-- it's easier to get caught there, and Barbatos fears what his father would do if he were seen. But he hears The Nameless Bard, who sings of freedom and joy, and follows the sounds. He watches, for a time, unsure whether he should approach. The people of Decarabian's city are afraid of their prince as much as their king. But the Nameless Bard is different. He senses Barbatos' gaze on him and offers friendship to the young god barely older than himself.
But it can't last-- nothing good ever does, and Barbatos' stable life has always been balanced on a razor's edge. Decarabian is cruel, and he has plans for his son that his mother will die before she allows. She cannot abide by how he treats his people, by the storms that ravage their land, and when the final straw breaks, she does too.
The rebellion is bloody. They try to keep Barbatos out of it, but they can't-- not when he is a god, and Barbatos is there when his father slays his mother, tossing her aside as if their years together mean nothing.
And Barbatos? Well, he is the Prince of Storms, favoured by the Thousand Winds for all they don't yet understand what that means. He has no need for a gnosis or Archonhood, but his mother is dead at his father's hand, and Barbatos will not allow it. He picks up her bow, held limply in her dead hands, and fights.
In the end, there are many dead, and Barbatos kills the man that murdered his mother. It doesn't help. If anything, it makes him feel worse, the loss carving a hole in his chest, right next to his heart.
When he becomes Archon-- thrust into a position he never wanted-- Barbatos makes one promise to his broken and beaten people: "I am not my father."
(And what a time it would have been to meet the other six Archons. They're all unsure of him, knowing the rumours of his father, but Barbatos is so different from their expectations. He carries grief like a coat, the dead hanging off his shoulders, never to be forgotten. Even Morax, who has loved and lost, can only feel pity for the child who carries so much.)
Mondstadt is a city where children are not blamed for the sins of their forbearers, who remembers the sacrifice their god made for them. They don't forget Amos and the other who died, even when their names are long since erased from memory, because each year on the anniversary of the last day of the revolution, it rains. The winds are strong, rain pouring as thunder roars, and the Prince of Storms weeps for his family.
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sena-shi · 2 years
SAGAU but with a lazy and always sleepy imposter!creator!reader
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reader who is always sleepy and doesn't want to move a muscle. it's like even moving a part of their body is similar to working out in the gym for an hour.
not narcolepsy, reader just doesn't really care and is very lazy to even give two flying fucks to the world
reader doesn't give a shit even if a war breaks out, sleep is life, sleep is important
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your genshin characters are always aware that you somehow manage to fall asleep in the middle of the game. well of course, they find it cute
you would play for an hour, then they would hear you yawn, and your soft quiet snores comes next
they love the sounds you create when you sleep, and it also warms their heart to think that you're having a good sleep
it went to the point where aside from building you a statue, they also crafted the most comfortable bed they could ever make. it is created solely for you
so when your imposter descended to your world, they were very happy. they couldn't wait to show you what they have crafted, they also couldn't wait to see how you sleep
it goes without saying that they were slightly disappointed that your imposter didn't really... use the bed they made
like do they even sleep? but their creator loves sleeping right? so why aren't you sleeping?
so when you were first dropped into your own world right infront of your imposter who was seated on a throne, you weren't really shocked. you just hugged your pillow tighter that just mysteriously came with you into this world
even though the archons that you are very familiar with surrounded you, you didn't really give any care
you yawned and made eye contact with each one of the archons, you blinked your sleepy eyes at them to which they reciprocated with a hostile glare
well whatever. though, the ground you are sitting on is very cold! perfect temperature! you suddenly felt sleepy and before Ei can grab you, you laid down on the ground and sleep
after all, sleep is more important, you will just deal with the problems later!
Ei was shocked, very shocked! did you just ignore their presence and continue your sleep!?
oh, but wait, sleep?
oh my archons!
she almost killed their divine creator!
somehow, they already have a feeling that the one sleeping peacefully on the ground is their true divine creator
so who tf is sitting on the throne?
"seize them!" ei commanded to her troops. they all marched inside the palace very loudly, which earned the soldiers a glare from every living archon inside the room
"our divine creator is sleeping, do it quietly!"
"...?" all the soldiers were confused. but their divine creator is clearly awake and is sitting on their throne?
then their gazes all moved to the sleeping person on the ground as if waking them up is considered blasphemy, as if waking them up is the highest sin they can commit and worthy of being beheaded
and so they all quietly yeeted the imposter and quietly watched the archons move their true divine creator to the bed they painstakingly crafted
as soon as your body touched the soft and comfortable material, you let out a satisfied sigh and the whole teyvat rejoiced. they have finally found their true divine creator!
they all listened to your quiet snores and when you woke up hours later, every citizens of teyvat including the abyss celebrated the descension of their true creator.
well, you were too lazy to attend your own banquet so they removed the throne and replaced it with your bed just so you could attend.
a happy creator leads to a happy life!
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akashis-waifu · 10 months
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Ah, yes. The Neuvillette-Furina-Venti experience.
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cor-lapis · 1 year
They put my boy is soup can't have shit in Fontaine
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when/if Childe gets back to the Harbingers he's never getting another overseas vacation approved in his life
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yuesya · 6 months
Gunther runs.
Behind him, there is a bestial roar, followed by a shrill human scream –one that cuts off into horrifying silence all to abruptly with a wet snap, the sound of tearing flesh and snapping bones. Something splatters heavily against his back. Damp, and warm.
Gunther continues running, forcing his legs to move faster, and faster.
It’s all he can do.
Terrifying monsters and ferocious beasts dominate these lands, and humans cower beneath them all. There are many who turn to the gods that walk among them instead, seeking protection, and yet–
And yet–
In old legends passed down by storytellers, this land had been ruled by humans, once. It had been an age of peace, and prosperity. But such times are long past, if they had ever truly existed at all. The current reality that they live in is a land where monsters prowl and beasts run wild, and of the few gods who remain…
Relying on the gods? Who could Gunther and his people rely on? The most powerful among the divine host are the beast-gods, and beasts do not care for humanity. Of the ones who are benevolent to humanity… 
The God of Fruit’s power is slowly diminishing, the bounty of her territory gradually declining with every passing season. And the most powerful among them, the God of Rain, had been slain in battle by the Wolf-king. So far, both the God of Fallen Leaves and the God of Mist that Gunther and his kin have approached following that catastrophe declined to accept them. To add more humans under their protection at such a juncture would be a strain, a burden. 
In order to at least ensure the safety of our own.
And so Gunther’s people march on, searching for a place where they can receive protection. Where they can call home.
Hopelessness. Desperation. Despair.
… But giving up is not an option. To give up is to die.
It’s for this very reason that Gunther continues running, running, running, determinedly tugging along his kinsmen beside him. He grabs wildly at the children who falter and stumble, all through the mind-numbing panic of his pulse thundering in his ears–
“DON’T STOP!” he bellows, through the cracked lines of his lips and his dry, burning throat. Through the exhaustion that batters away at his body, the invisible stones weighing down his limbs. “DON’T–”
The ground beneath his feet shakes, and Gunther trips, falls. Hot air scalds his body from behind, the bloody breath of the monstrous hound hunting him and his kinsmen for sport, and the dark shadow of its titanic bulk descends upon him–
–then, freezes.
Only for a moment, the monster inexplicably freezes in its tracks, ceasing its movements entirely.
Gunther is not about to take such an opportunity for granted; he instantly clambers to his feet to continue running. This causes the monster to growl as its prey escapes. Gunther chances a brief glance backwards, only to see the muscles on its body clench as it prepares to continue its chase–
But suddenly, its body slackens, and falls. 
The colossal mountain of a beast just –falls. Plummets to the ground in an ungainly, graceless heap, toppling down. The force of its fall is enough to send another earthquake through their surroundings, and Gunther slips in the mud once more. Something in his chest spikes from the sudden panic, at the knowledge that the beast is right there–
But the beast has fallen.
It falls, and… does not move again.
Gunther stares, wide-eyed. 
It is in this moment, when his mind is still struggling to comprehend that this nightmarish monster is dead, that he finally realizes that there’s… something off about their surroundings. He hadn’t really been paying attention to it, during the mad rush to escape, but now that the imminent danger is gone… Gunther realizes that it’s far too quiet. The silence in their new, unknown surroundings is… unnerving. Unnatural.
Which doesn’t mean anything good.
Gunther sweeps his gaze out and rapidly scans the surrounding landscape. Left, and right. There’s nothing but muddy earth and light shrubbery. Desolate, and empty, save for his fellow kin around him who’ve also gradually slowed their footsteps at the beast’s sudden, inexplicable demise.
But… there’s nothing to explain it. Nothing to explain why the bloodthirsty monster pursuing them suddenly just –just dropped dead out of nowhere. There’s absolutely nothing to explain–
No, there is.
With a sudden start, Gunther realizes that he and his people aren’t alone here.
For above them, there is a young girl sitting in the barren branches of an old oak tree. 
A small slip of a girl, a little child who looks entirely out of place with her surroundings, pale-skinned and white-haired and dressed in nothing more than a single formless swathe of pristine white cloth wrapped around her body.
Most damningly of all, though, are those disinterested eyes that look down upon Gunther and his kin. A deep, abyssal blue. Blue, but not wholly blue, for there is an iridescent sheen that flickers within those dispassionate, inhuman eyes.
She’s not human. A god?
A sudden shiver runs down Gunther’s spine as he finally recognizes what he’s seeing. There’s no doubt about it.
Yet, at the same time…
“You are the one who saved us, aren’t you?” Somehow, Gunther manages to find his voice. Then, he swiftly bows his head, “Thank you.”
There is a long silence, in which the not-girl does not respond.
“… The dog was annoying.” Eerie blue eyes finally turn away from him, after that non-answer.
The appearance that she possessed, the aura that she exuded, the strength that she so very clearly wielded… there was no doubt about it. Despite wearing the form of a small, young child, there was no doubt that the entity sitting in the tree atop Gunther was a god.
A god who was… alone.
Was it because she was young, that she had no worshipers?
… But even if that was the case, she was still a god. A young god who was strong enough to kill the monster that had nearly wiped out Gunther’s clan without even moving from where she sat.
Gunther makes his decision.
“Please.” He knows full well that could be killed on the spot, for the impertinence to brazenly ask anything of a god. To ask for more, even after the god had already saved them, when they had no obligation to do so.
But Gunther also knows that his kinsmen can’t continue on like this –wandering aimlessly across the lands, constantly having their lives uprooted as they flee from monsters too powerful for mortals to face, always on the run.
“Would you… be willing to give us your protection?” he asks.
Does she not know? No… no, that couldn’t possibly be the case. Then… is this a test?
“Monsters such as the one you just killed number many upon these lands, and we lack the strength to defend ourselves” Gunther bows his head as he replies, forcing himself to steady his voice as best as he can, and slowly sinks to his knees. “My clan has no home, and we grow weary of endless wandering. We do not wish to die like this, as we inevitably will if we continue on as we are. Please, allow us to remain upon your lands. We would serve as your loyal worshipers, o mighty god.”
… There is no response. In this interval of silence, the wind sighs softly. A quiet breeze sweeps gently over them all, and even reaches up to lightly tousle the snow-white strands of the unknown god’s hair.
Gunther remains kneeling, staring fixedly at the ground in front of him while his fingers curl and dig into the dark, cold earth.
He doesn’t know how long he remains in this position. A single instant, perhaps, or maybe even an eternity.
“… Decarabian,” the god-child’s voice finally sounds in the air, and Gunther’s head snaps up –just in time to catch the sight of the divine entity uncurling her legs. She stands up gracefully, a movement that briefly reveals a pale expanse of flawless skin upon her limbs.
And it is with those unblemished legs that she descends from her high perch, barefooted. Dark blots immediately soil that fair, milky skin as her feet sink deep into the dirt and mud beside Gunther and his fellow kin.
“You may address me as ‘Decarabian,’” she says. “And… I don’t need worshipers. But you can stay.”
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bloodymiso · 3 months
“minutiae” — morax x gn!mortal!reader
as we walked in, a refreshing smell reached my senses. like tea in an early, summer morning, like walking into the kitchen as your mother whipped up dinner—
i bit in, and the steam entered my mouth, my chest felt light, almost as if a flower had bloomed inside. i hummed at the taste, a smile on my face. sometimes, i’m unlucky, and the soup leaves a ticklish, burnt feeling on my tongue. as i brush it against the hood of my mouth, it feels rough. but when cooked perfectly? its comforting. like a hug after a long day, a burst of flavor— a burst of nostalgia.
morax didn’t quite understand this feeling. i mean, after experiencing it hundreds of times, what would you expect? the things i viewed as precious, he could experience countless times in hardly a fraction of his lifetime. “the curses of immortality” he calls it. everything comes at a cost, no?
he chuckled, looking at me with that look your mother would give you when you showed enthusiasm for a concept she didn’t understand, “i don’t get it, it’s simply the sun reflecting off the water.”
but it was much more than that, to me, they were like sparkles. stars on land, stars which grazed the water—beauty is what it was. we were at a small family restaurant i dragged him to near the lake, it was near sunset, a bit early for dinner but i just had to see that orange sky.
“yeah but..its pretty, no?” i smiled, taking a sip of my tea as he brushed a strand of hair from my face, almost as if the curve on my lips had infected his, he softly smiled.
“i guess so.” he nodded, turning his head to admire the water once again. “perhaps one day” he paused, biting his cheek “when you’re gone, i’ll understand.”
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favvn · 2 months
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Mm-hmm. Ok. Quick question here, Jimmy: This you?
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The Return of the Archons (s1 ep21)
The first instance of the Prime Directive! In this episode, Kirk justifies interference due to the cult keeping the society stagnant. Certain members of the planet also aid Kirk and the crew in their plot to overthrow the computer Landru, thinking of them as fulfillment of a prophecy (which is its own issue, the idea that salvation must come from an outsider rather than an inhabitant of the planet itself). Also of note: Gene Roddenberry wrote this one himself! In addition to The Omega Glory! Perhaps the shelved first episode of Star Trek should have gotten a proper editing treatment before making its debut in SEASON 2.
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A Taste of Armageddon (s1 ep23)
The crew was in danger of dying for Eminiar VII's war count in order to satisfy the terms of their centuries long war with Vendikar. Kirk interfered not only to save his crew but to also force peace talks between the two planets at the risk of a violent escalation of the war. (The other issue is: no one was supposed to beam down to Eminiar VII because of their war! Ambassador Fox orders the crew to do so anyways.)
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The Apple (s2 ep5)
Yet again the crew is in danger yet Kirk chooses to do all he can to free them. Kirk himself says, "We owe it to them to interfere," after Spock warns of violating the Non-Interference Directive in doing so. Kirk may have been justified owing to the cult that is present on the planet, but Kirk and Spock both call their decision for what it is.
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A Private Little War (s2 ep19)
One of McCoy's finest moments, only for Kirk to be at his absolute worst--the soldier trained for war, the opportunist who will risk an endless and unpredictable war on a planet that neither the Federation nor the Klingon Empire holds rights to and justify it as good and necessary for the inhabitants' survival. The episode itself flat out calls for Kirk to not interfere at the very beginning, yet he does so anyways.
There are more than these episodes that one can argue as violations of the Prime Directive, but these are the most glaringly obvious instances to the point of the show itself naming them as acts of interference.
The T in James T Kirk's name might as well not stand for Tiberius but “The Prime Directive is just a guideline"
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fantasyinsanity · 26 days
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clown-alchemist · 10 months
There's something to the fact that Focalors and Zhongli gave up their role as archons in wildly different ways.
Zhongli fakes his own death, meaning he chooses to give up his authority, not necessarily his power. Once he's given up his authority and role as archon (and traded the gnosis), Zhongli no longer helps his people. The Adepti and the Qixing defeat Osial and his wife entirely without his help. Arguably, that's fair. If he's no longer acting as the archon of Liyue, it is no longer his responsibility to defend Liyue, any more than it's any citizen's responsibility. But again, Zhongli has given up his position and his gnoses, but not his power as an archon. For all his talk about letting the people of Liyue govern themselves, Zhongli does nothing to prevent another geo archon from taking his place or to shield his people from Celestia.
Focalors, on the other hand, completely surrenders her power and divinity. She makes the decision to sacrifice her own wishes, life, and power for the good of Fontaine. When Focalors gives up her power, she well and truly gives it up. She doesn't cling to it and fade into the background, leaving any future problems for the citizens to deal with- she ensures that the people of Fontaine have a guardian who loves them with the necessary power to protect them. It comes at a tremendous cost to both parts of herself, Furina and Focalors, but she doesn't hesitate. And even though we know Furina is exhausted, lonely, terrified, and would step down in a second if it was possible, the thought never crosses her mind. If her suffering was weighted against all of Fontaine's there's no question which way the scales would tip. Focalors gives up her archonhood as an act of sacrifice, a completely selfless decision to protect Fontaine and return the hydro archon's power to its rightful owner. When Zhongli gives up his archonhood, the geo archon's throne is still fully intact. Zhongli's choice is partially to let the people of Liyue rule themselves, sure, but it's also because he's tired of doing it himself. So when Zhongli gives up his archonhood, he takes his power and leaves his people to deal with the fallout.
Focalors sacrifices herself for a "sin" her predecessor committed, while Zhongli lets his people deal with the consequences of his rise to power. I think it's a really interesting comparison between justice and law/contracts and the different ways they would tackle the same problem. To me, the quest really cemented the issue I had with Zhongli's character and the way he's discussed. Basically, if he was acting selflessly, with the people of Liyue's best interests in mind, he would have carried out his "death" more like Focalors', with a proper successor ready and waiting (or at least the government informed), all of his remaining duties handled, no giant vortex monsters waiting to jump out at his people. Focalors made sure her people were protected and the head of government was (to the best of her ability) informed, and she was under way more pressure than Zhongli. There isn't a particular point to this, I just think it's really interesting how differently Focalors and Zhongli handled giving up their positions.
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alitheakorogane · 2 years
This is an interesting thought suddenly popped up while listening to some music recently...
The seven Gnoses were actually created from seven fragments of the Divine Creator's soul after they had disappeared from the face of Teyvat a long time ago.
These seven powerful fragments, each containing different elemental energy, turned into beautiful chesspiece-shaped sources of power that were then given by Celestia to the seven victors who won the Archon War, who became the Main Seven.
It was said that once someone combines all the gnoses and wields them at the same time, it will summon the Divine Creator back to rule Teyvat and Celestia, and to bring peace over the land.
Flash forward to the present, the Tsaritsa was actually collecting all the Gnoses to summon the Divine Creator in order to avenge Khaenri'ah and break their curse cast by Celestia as a punishment, by taking the Gnoses away from her fellow Archons, whether by diplomacy or by force.
When she finally completed them, she summoned the legendary deity. At the same time as she summoned the Creator using the Gnoses, bright gold and purple meteors were suddenly seen on the skies of Teyvat, brightening the night sky and the Visions of the Vision Holders. Tsaritsa was confused when they never showed up as soon as she summoned them using the Seven Gnoses, so she brings her Harbingers and the Fatui to find you, bring you to Snezhnaya, and protect them at all costs.
Meanwhile, people were talking about the mysterious event for days, and the six remaining Archons knew why this event had been happening. It's been prophesized in the ancient texts, after all.
It's time for the Divine Creator of Teyvat to claim their only right to the throne.
Under all this chaos, they had never noticed that a certain glowing golden meteor landed somewhere in the city of Mondstadt and you were there, now groggily awake in your regular hoodie and pants ensemble, with a Vision-like thing on hanging on your hip and glows like a primogem.
Unfortunately, the cruel gods now presiding Celestia know that you were summoned and fearing that they will lose their hold to the power that were supposed to be rightfully claimed by the Creator, they decided to manipulate the people of Teyvat into hunting the "imposter" for exchange of huge power and a chance to become a god given by Celestia.
Of course, people would definitely take the bait and proceed to hunt the "imposter" out of greed or justice, ranging from normal NPCs to the defeated and weakened gods in the Archon War who had allegedly participated in Celestia's bait so they could have Celestia's approval and take revenge against the Seven.
Whatever their reasons, it's still going to be dangerous to the young player who was now trying to survive while traversing the land of Teyvat with crazed people chasing the ends of the world to find you, not knowing that the player was the actual Creator.
The Seven Archons knew about Celestia's plan to eliminate you and vowed to protect the Creator, but they had to be subtle or they would risk themselves and their nations to the wrath of Celestia. The hope in their hearts know that they would find you so they could help you take down Celestia and take your place on the throne, so they subtly helped you whenever you stepped into their nations.
And you will ask, "What about the twins, Paimon, and the Abyss?"
Well for the Abyss, it depends. It's a good opportunity to take the offer of Celestia so they could force the gods above to remove the curse, but their hatred and distrust for the sky kingdom above for the destruction of their homeland were greater than any rewards they will receive from the wretched gods.
Besides if they could find you first, they could convince you to join them and their plan for their cause. They may not worship this Divine Creator too much like Teyvat has (of course, they're from a godless nation) but they will do everything to avenge the fallen city of Khaenri'ah and possibly try to rebuild the city through your guidance and power.
The twins are a different story.
The Traveler knew you were the Creator because they had a deep connection to you, but may still stick to their original intentions. They will seek you partially to ask questions about their siblings' whereabouts and the truth of this world. Because you're an important asset to Teyvat, they will do their best to protect you because it's the right thing to do, not because they worship you. After all, you're a person in need of help to their eyes, even though you're technically a god now.
Paimon would definitely be suspicious of you but she will still do anything to get along with you. When you asked her though, she just doesn't know why she felt that way unto you. Whether this Paimon would be a traitor or a real ally is still the question, you never knew.
The Abyss Twin would definitely seek you, for you as a key to their cause, they thought your presence and hidden powers would make the "Loom of Fate" operation work successfully without anyone stopping the Abyss from doing it. All they need is to befriend and convince you to join their cause and agree with their plans. Unfortunately for them, you need too much convincing.
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tasnad · 1 month
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𝖌𝖔𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝖜𝖆𝖗 𓆩𖤓𓆪
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keepofkandrakar · 7 months
i’ve seen too many animated memes for genshin and hsr i’m gonna need a twitter au for them
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chernobog13 · 2 months
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c6jpg · 3 months
skin tone aside i think what's throwing a lot of people off to make the natlan character designs seem like "pokemon" or "not genshin" is that the designs are relatively modern-looking compared to the fantasy/traditional aesthetic that genshin usually goes for. if anything i'd have expected these kinds of designs from zenless zone zero
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