#the arcana muriel kokhuri
muriels-brainrot · 3 months
Upright Muriel + My MC Headcanon #1:
Muriel and MC's Dad surprisingly bond in the afterlife
Dw, Muriel isn't dead. They just have another journey where they need to go back to the afterlife
Working on a fanfic where I dive deep into my MC's past life. And she has, technically, 3 parental figures (dead aunt, dead dad, and the dad's alive boyfriend)
I like to think that her aunt and dad and the boyfriend were childhood friends. Now Auntie and Dad are in the same plane as Khamgalai, but they live in the ghost of their own former childhood home from when the aunt and dad were alive
I'm so down bad for this scene where Muriel and my MC's dad have a slightly dramatic discussion where - because Muriel still feels undeserving of everything in life - MC's dad tries to convince Muriel to go for what he wants, including pursuing a relationship with MC, because life is short and death is hella long
Then, as Muriel says that he never had a father figure to help him navigate life better, MC's dad suddenly points out Muriel's scruffy chin and starts giving him shaving tips.
Muriel takes it, despite being very flustered, because he understands what MC's Dad is trying to do - give him a crash course on how to take care of himself as a man
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anni1600 · 1 year
Two bears looking at each other 🐻💚🐻
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He wishes you good luck 🍀🍀🍀
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elsyrel · 10 months
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I create with the sole purpose of feeding my own fantasies
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alabasterpickles · 2 months
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I have nothing to say for myself except I’m obsessed 🤷🏻‍♀️
I’ve been busy with classes so nothing super pretty just shenanigans
I adore them all
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heraxic · 1 year
arcana, muriel ch19 sketch. the idea that nazali and julian knew muriel loved mc before mc did is really funny to me
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rattoenailclippings · 4 months
Just a little guy
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garf-lover96 · 6 months
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portia is a stretch because they're all gay but what can you do. the rest is fitting...........
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bakerozza · 1 year
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b00ket · 8 months
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The wandering hermit haunts these forests, his chains echo through the trees... always watching...
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incorrectarcana · 3 months
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taduki · 5 months
Fun-Sized HCs: M6 walking in on MC hugging a pillow in their sleep
Asra: “IT SHOULD’VE BEEN MEEEEEE”, sobbing at the doorway before promptly spooning you. Honestly, Azz probably does the same thing too. It just hits different seeing you do it now that they know you might be imagining it’s him. 💕
Julian: Flustered for a moment before clasping his hands and watching you. Debates whether to leave you to rest and pester you about it later or join you. Do this when he’s very deprived of sleep and he might just give in!
Portia: Zero hesitation to remove the pillow and replace it with herself. Does so very carefully, as excited as she is. She’s so warm, you might not notice even if you’re a light sleeper. Teases you about it later.
Nadia: She’s used to being out and about, so she opens the door to her chambers secretly hoping to see you like this every time. It warms her little romantic heart! Starts spritzing a bit of her perfume on the pillowcases when you aren’t looking.
Muriel: As if you weren’t already beaming with cuteness… Fighting the urge to nap next to you in fear that he might wake you. He catches himself staring and goes to occupy himself until you’re awake. Is way more inclined to give you hugs now. 🥰
Lucio: Covers his mouth and hunches over the mantle, trying not to squeal. Gently gives you a kiss on the cheek either holds you or removes the pillow and snuggles into your arms. He claims he can’t do magic, but the pillow has disappeared after that…
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What does the arcana do when they’re caught making out with you?
The arcana x GN!Reader   
Synopsis: This won my most recent poll, so how do the main 6 in the arcana react to someone walking in on them kissing their partner?
Asra Alnazar:
He kisses you more passionately as to prove how much he loves you in front of people. He doesn’t even notice the other person for a solid minute.
If you’re conscious or embarrassed about it, he’ll happily stop. He might stop physically - but while he’s waiting for you guys to find a more private spot, he’s fantasizing about you. 
He’s completely guiltless about it as well. Doesn’t feel a tad of embarrassment or shame. Although he does blush a bit, but that’s because of his attraction to you. Not because of the situation.
The thing he might do however is politely excuse you both from the person who walked in on you. 
“O great magicians, the countess has requested an audience with you!” The chamberlain shouted, from outside your room. Displeased at your lack of response, the chamberlain shouts once more. “O great magicians, COME AT ONCE!” They sighed, shaking their head before shoving the door open. 
“ … Magicians?” 
You’re sat on Asra’s lap, facing him. The two of you are kissing passionately and there are several lipstick stains of your shade of lipstick going down his neck and around his face. He seems to be happy as ever, not even noticing the shouting from the chamberlain. 
Asra rolls his eyes and looks over, breaking away from the kiss. Staring at the chamberlain, he says casually, “ .. oh, it’s you. Hello.” You slowly get off of Asra and wave awkwardly. He smiles, “ tell Nadi we’ll be there in five minutes.” Before the chamberlain can respond, Asra pulls you in again. Not caring at all for the poor chamberlain who’s stood in the doorway stunned and weirded out.
Nadia Satrinava:
Depending on who it is, she’s either only a little embarrassed or super embarrassed. There is no in-between.
If it’s a palace servant, she’ll simply blush a bit but quickly recollect herself and help with whatever task is in need of her attention. 
If it’s a friend or family member, she stutters awkwardly and is more or less unable to reply normally. She just stands there in silence but in her head she’s screaming. 
She’s not ashamed of you at all - she just wants to keep her private time private when it comes to servants, and with her family - she doesn’t tell them much and most likely didn’t tell them about your relationship yet if she wasn’t 100% sure you were the one.
Nasmira is watering the garden, one of her favorite parts of the vesuvian castle. She adores the little grass labyrinth behind the palace, and always tends to it when visiting her dear sister. She snipped off stray branches and leaves, and then crossed the corner to move ahead. 
She paused as she you and Nadia together, kissing. You have your hands running through Nadia’s long hair, and she’s rubbing circles onto your back while you both are immersed in each other. 
“DiDi?” Nasmira says, surprised to see you and Nadia.. Like that.
Nadia turns, and shrieks before covering her mouth. “Oh my! Mira, I– I–..” She immediately lets go off you and steps a foot or so away from you. “Why, I wasn’t expecting your company today..” She says, her face covered in a pinkish blush. 
“ .. Now I know why you talked so fondly of your magician friend.” Nasmira teases, smiling warmly at the both of you.
Julian Devorak:
He blushes slightly, but doesn’t really care. He’s happy when he’s around you, and not much could possibly sour his mood whenever you’re around. 
Is very polite about it. He’ll stop kissing you and focus his energy on the other person, but will still want to be showing you appreciation by having an arm wrapped around your waist, or holding your hand.
He doesn’t feel the need to keep going as soon as the person leaves, but he will if that’s what you want. He’ll do whatever you want <3
Julian peppered your face in kisses, sat in the living room of Mazelinka’s house. He moved over to your lips, kissing you passionately and planting his hands on your torso and waist. He felt as if he were on cloud 9, so infatuated with you and all of your quirks and kinks.
A figure came back through from the kitchen, carrying a large bowl of soup and staring impatiently back at the two of you.
“ oh ho ho, Am I interrupting something?” Mazelinka said with a smirk. Shaking her head at the display of love you two were undergoing in her living room. 
Julian moves his head back, stopping the kiss. His hands still lingered on your body, but he turned over to look at the older woman. “No, not at all. We were..” He cleared his throat. “ .. just being in each others’ presence.” 
“ Oh no, continue. I could use more grandchildren, it’s been a while since I’ve had some children to look after. But just not here – I’m trying to eat.” She sipped at her soup, staring at the two of you and then at the door. “ GO! I’ll only be alive for so many more years, you two could stand to speed up the process a bit..” 
He just laughed and smiled, interlocking his fingers with yours. 
Muriel the outsider:
Is the most embarrassed out of everyone else on the list. He’s blushing furiously and goes extremely quiet and timid.
He’s already nervous in front of people - he definitely doesn’t need this extra attention! Poor guy covers his mouth with his hands, as if to conceal the fact that you’ve just been kissing. 
He lets you smooth it over - he couldn’t handle talking to anyone else but you after that embarrassing incident! He’s completely and utterly horrified to say the least.
Just sort of stares at the person. To any normal person, it’d look like he was glaring to high hell but to him he’s just afraid of having to deal with it.
After a long day, Muriel  couldn’t have thought of anything better than to go home with you and have a ‘loving’ session. You two were on top of the rug in front of the fire at his hut, he was kissing your neck and shoulder. He felt so loved and appreciated.
The keylock jingled, and Asra walked through. 
“Muriellll~!” He said in a sing-song voice. “I can’t find [Name], have you seen the–... oh.”
Muriel stares at him blankly. A mix of shock and shame washing over him at once. You smile, and stand up to go hug and greet Asra. He covers his face with his left hand, his eyes never leave the floor as he can feel himself go beetroot red. He can’t help it, he’s just so confused on why he didn’t hear Asra come in and why he didn’t spare himself this situation.
Lucio Morgasson: 
Isn’t embarrassed at all. If anything, he’s angry. He thinks the person has a lot of nerve bothering him while he’s trying to enjoy his private time with his lover, how foolish of them. 
He probably either insults them or shouts at them, to which you have to tell him not to and that it’s totally fine.
If the other person is grossed out, you’re probably the one smoothing the  situation over entirely. 
His logic is ‘ I’m count and I say the shit I want.’ So he feels no remorse for shotuing at the other person either.
Lucio’s eyes traced the outline of your body with a feverish grin. He couldn’t stop himself from grabbing you by the arms and going in for a deep and long kiss. Neither one of you breaks until you’re both almost out of breath, in which you give it a minute before going back to it. 
A servant whips past the two of you, accidentally splitting you apart. The poor servant doesn’t even notice as they hurry past you and start scrubbing a spill from earlier. Lucio looks down at them in silent outrage. 
“ Do you know who I am? It is I, your very count! How dare you interrupt my private time!” He yells, the servant looks up nervously. 
“ oh, my lord! I’m so sorry my lord, please I didn’t mean it!”  they beg. 
Lucio spits at them, “ – leave my sight, please.” He shakes his head as they scamper off in fear. “ Get lost! You’re fortunate I don’t fire you!” All you can do is give them an empathetic look before tangling yourself once more with your lover.
Hello! So sorry I've been gone, my account got hacked and I had to make a new one entirely. How annoying is that? Very annoying! Don't worry though, I'll be reposting my old content as well as coming back with all of my new work.
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faolan-fews3 · 3 months
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muriel my beloved!!!
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heraxic · 10 months
the glow up this man had is truly insane
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also, added more belly to him on the second one cause he’d be eating better post-route
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rattoenailclippings · 5 months
It’s you!
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Despite everything, it's still you.
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bugpip · 9 months
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god i love muriel's route
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