muriels-brainrot · 2 days
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why was this youtube comment so applicable
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muriels-brainrot · 2 days
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I had to make a timeline to help me figure out my MC's story and I figured I should share with the class so, here you go!
I tried to get it as accurate as possible with what information I could find. Since there's no actual dates in the game, I made the year Asra was orphaned the center point [0] Additionally, on the left you'll see some dark gray points, these indicate events that can only be estimated on (basically, there's no year given, so we can only speculate the when within the timeframe that we have).
Ages are also somewhat estimated, based on what we've been given. I worked with what seemed (to me) like the most realistic based on the events that take place but, technically you can adjust these ages by a couple years to suit your own headcanon needs (so long as they still fit within the actual canon dated and events) I'm sure that's likely why the dev's refuse to give us a concrete answer on a lot of these things, so that it can all be left up to interpretation. [Does it stress me out? Yes. Do I understand why they do it? Also yes.]
Anyways, I hope this can prove helpful to others. I know it would be nice to have more confirmed dates, but I think there's enough here to work on a good backstory for any new and thriving Apprentice ^u^
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muriels-brainrot · 6 days
The Arcana Hot Take #1:
I think Lucio's route could have been better if we just enabled him. I want a bad bitch, ready to cast me aside, keep me on my toes, puppy kicking, ear-whispering, bad ass villain who's ready to step on anyone who gets in their way.
Not this "I made an oopsie sorry" and now I'm a good boy kind of guy. It's only so believable for Muriel and Julian because they were never villainous to begin with.
But Lucio? Man, you've gotta had some kind of pre-meditated fucked up mindset to do what he did.
And honestly [within the limits of the fictional reality], I would have been the MC who's ready to lie down on the floor to be his doormat.
Think evil Astarion okay? Lucio was already there. But in the interests of corporate and being PG-13 I guess we got virgin Lucio
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muriels-brainrot · 6 days
Hi I'm back!
Thanks for waiting everyone =u= I missed sharing my Muriel thoughts with you guys. I'm gonna start changing some things:
- Flavored Muriel Headcanons! [happy,cute,angsty, sad, and slice of life! :Dc ] - The Arcana Headcanons! - Detached Scenes! [Scenes I cooked up in my noggin but not enough to warrant a full story]
Stuff you might like from my headcanon list:
1.) Giving Asra his heart back [and all the implications that Muriel is worried about ! *evil laughs* (/j ofc) ]
2.) Helping Julian recover his memories, and explaining the secret underneath his eye patch [for post-upright Muriel route. Julian route readers alr know what's up]
3.) Slice of Life Muriel headcanons
4.) Unveiling MC's past from when they were in the Lazaret
Something that I like this time:
5.) Revealing my MC and exploring Muriel's world through her perspective
I just want to say that, after reflecting for a while, I think I'll dedicate this blog to Muriel and laying out everything I've cooked up in my head for the past 2 years. I think it's healthier for me to not think about activities on my post, though they would help me figure out what you guys like.
But I think I'll focus on having fun. And I'll be grateful for however you guys let me know in any way that you've enjoyed the delusional ramblings of a very dedicated and avid mountain man fan. xOxO, Reese
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muriels-brainrot · 6 days
hihihihihihi :3
we love you
Wahh, thank you!! Sending love to y'all too ^-^ <3
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muriels-brainrot · 7 days
Gotta say, thank you to everyone for being so sweet and supportive!
This still feels kind of new to me, as I talked about before. Like some people, I sadly fall into the type who's a little obsessive about checking the activity on my posts.
So I'm gonna take some me time for a few days just to sort out my feelings and plan a healthier way to approach my socials. I won't be gone for too long but I might take my time to relax a bit and be more present in other areas of my life
Anyways, thanks again you guys. I'll continue writing when I get back.
Warm wishes,
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muriels-brainrot · 9 days
Upright Muriel + My MC Headcanon #1:
Muriel and MC's Dad surprisingly bond in the afterlife
Dw, Muriel isn't dead. They just have another journey where they need to go back to the afterlife
Working on a fanfic where I dive deep into my MC's past life. And she has, technically, 3 parental figures (dead aunt, dead dad, and the dad's alive boyfriend)
I like to think that her aunt and dad and the boyfriend were childhood friends. Now Auntie and Dad are in the same plane as Khamgalai, but they live in the ghost of their own former childhood home from when the aunt and dad were alive
I'm so down bad for this scene where Muriel and my MC's dad have a slightly dramatic discussion where - because Muriel still feels undeserving of everything in life - MC's dad tries to convince Muriel to go for what he wants, including pursuing a relationship with MC, because life is short and death is hella long
Then, as Muriel says that he never had a father figure to help him navigate life better, MC's dad suddenly points out Muriel's scruffy chin and starts giving him shaving tips.
Muriel takes it, despite being very flustered, because he understands what MC's Dad is trying to do - give him a crash course on how to take care of himself as a man
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muriels-brainrot · 9 days
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thank u trigger for making it gayer by putting the flowers front and center. happy pride
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muriels-brainrot · 9 days
Slay girl I feel like this is something I need to take s page from
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This is lovely advice.
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muriels-brainrot · 9 days
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my trick for getting through grad school is learning to navigate the quadrants with all their nuances
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muriels-brainrot · 9 days
Mini Muriel Headcanon #1:
You know how people have small hobbies or traits that they don't normally show off because they don't really get to?
For Muriel, one of those things is his laugh
You've heard him laugh. But there is this one type of laugh that only happens once in a blue moon. If something is really funny to him, he can laugh so hard that it steals his lungs. It's like squeezing a squeaky toy but with no squeaker - it's in between a wheeze and a cough
He'll never tell anyone. Not even you. Although Inanna's heard it once or twice - and she tries to get you to be in the same room when it looks like it might happen. But it never does.
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muriels-brainrot · 10 days
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if you see the above image (yea, image, not actual), DO NOT ANSWER IT WITH SUPPORT. this is a very prolific scammer that claims to be multiple different people on multiple different accounts, all with insulin needs. not a legitimate blog/donation link!
always check with trusted legitimacy checker blogs (can't remember the names) if receiving a direct ask about donations to palestine!
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muriels-brainrot · 10 days
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something something the soul is an egg
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muriels-brainrot · 10 days
if you don't do anything else today,
Please have a moment of silence for the people who were killed instead of freed when news of emancipation finally reached the furthest corners of the american south.
have another moment for the ledgers, catalogs, and records that were burned and the homes that were destroyed to hide the presence of very much alive and still enslaved people on dozens of plantations and homesteads across the south for decades after emancipation.
and have a third moment for those who were hunted and killed while fleeing the south to find safety across the border, overseas, in the north and to the west.
black people. light a candle, write a note to those who have passed telling them what you have achieved in spite of the racist and intolerant conditions of this world, feel the warmth of the flame under your hand, say a prayer of rememberance if you are religious, place the note under the candle, and then blow it out.
if you have children, sit them down and tell them anything you know about the life of oldest black person you've ever met. it doesn't have to be your own family. tell them what you know about what life was like for us in the days, years, decades after emancipation. if you don't know much, look it up and learn about it together.
This is Juneteenth.
white people CAN interact with this post. share it, spread it.
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muriels-brainrot · 10 days
*handling a skeleton* since we cannot know this individual's gender, I will refer to them with the gender neutral term 'bestie'
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muriels-brainrot · 10 days
My Ask box is open for requests/questions!
Mostly obsessing over Muriel from the Arcana, but I'd love writing HCs for the M6 too!!
feel free to drop in your requests and I'll do them as soon as I can^^!
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muriels-brainrot · 11 days
me when i have like 20 notifications in the span of five minutes and when i go check its just the same guy rapidfire liking and reblogging posts
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