#the arcana game valerius
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the-one-0 · 8 days ago
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I haven't been painting much in the traditional lately, but...well. In fact, this is a redraw of one of my sketches, drawn back in 2022, which I wanted to improve.
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redbirb-of-fandoms · 2 years ago
An average meeting with The Devil:
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lordedlady · 9 months ago
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crazy ‼️
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incorrectarcana · 8 months ago
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eclectic-anthropologist · 6 months ago
some courtier redesigns im kinda brewing..
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i made these in like idk how long ago i think maybe july, but im thinking i start solidifyin them a little bit perhchance
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soullessseraphim · 3 months ago
Wait, if you're doing art requests now. Could I ask if you could draw Volta eating chess pieces as they play against a drunk and confused valerius?
If not that's fine, I hope your day is good and your pillows cold
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schizowitchic · 6 months ago
obsessed with the fact that four of the courtiers represent a horseman of the apocalypse (valdemar = death, volta = famine, vulgora = war, vlastomil = pestilence) and then there's just valerius.
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inyourwallsbbg · 4 months ago
Arcana HC... M6 + others with an MC who randomly bakes in the middle of the night
Muriel: Just don't wake him up, and clean up any mess you make. He probably really enjoys waking up to anything you bake, although he might not say it.
Julian: He loves it. This man is either passed out on the sofa/cushion pile, or sat in the kitchen with you making bad jokes and flirting.
Nadia: It throws her sometimes, as in she stirs and reaches out for you just for you to not be there. Please bring her up some of what you've made, she'll see it in the morning and adore it. She will check that you are sleeping enough though.
Portia: It's on. Not only does she love waking up to anything you make, she will absolutely bake things for you when you're sleeping. It becomes a sort of competition between you two. (Reward her with kisses)
Asra: They are occasionally awake. Might help you with the cleaning part but leaves most of the baking to you. Asra will bring you anything he thinks would be good from his travels, in return for some of your baking. Will he smell something tasty and wake up? Maybe.
Lucio: Barely notices until he can't sleep and catches you doing it. He was wondering where all the tasty treats were coming from... He will brag to anyone who will listen about how talented you are.
Valerius: He doesn't understand you, not that he'll tell you to stop. Surprisingly he will try everything you bake except he will be extremely honest. Ask his opinion if you're baking with some sort of alcpohol (wine specifically), he is more than happy to help.
Nasrin & Namar: Praise. They adore anything you bake them. If one of them can't sleep expect company in the kitchen. Please let Namar lick the bowl/spoon, it will bring him great joy.
If I can think of anything I might do a part 2 with Nadia's sisters, and the other courtiers. <3
Also I am planning on doing more Arcana Headcanons so feel free to ask :)
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the-one-0 · 2 years ago
Hi! I saw your answer for that ask on MC pouring their wine on Valerius. I'd like to propose if MC started just crying instead. No, not because Valerius embarrassed them. Because they were wearing such pretty clothes and they know the wine stain will be so hard to get out, and they just feel so sorry that Nadia went to such lengths to get them nice clothes and now they're ruined. ;-;
Hmm, good question. As a connoisseur of expensive and high-quality clothes, I already feel this annoyance that an MC would feel.
I am sure that events would have unfolded in favor of the MC in any case: Countess Nadia would have apologized for the repulsive behavior of Consul Valerius and would have taken responsibility to order new clothes for the MC again, promising that it would be much better than the previous one, which Valerius spoiled with wine. Of course, the Consul will not remain without a remark and a serious conversation from Nadia, since this is unacceptable behavior towards the guests of the palace.
Consul Valerius may have expected such an outcome because of his actions, but he is still annoyed that the Countess is so supportive of the MC. To deny the upcoming serious conversation, which is likely to affect the reputation, does not make sense for Valerius, since it was purely his idea, respectively, to be responsible for it only to him. Seeing the traces of MC Valerius utters an apology through his teeth, knowing in his heart that he overdid it and it's too much.
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luciosfanpage · 13 days ago
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lordedlady · 5 months ago
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same, honestly
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incorrectarcana · 16 days ago
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sxftkxssxs · 2 months ago
I love your writing when it comes to the arcana! We’ve seen the main 6 with a winged mc- but what about the courtiers? (Idk how specific we can get with the asks so you can ignore this next part) and if winged mc would occasionally make bird noises- like squawking or chirping depending.
you can absolutely get specific! I love hearing everyone's ideas and how they expand on the original!! I'm very glad you like my writing!
Courtiers with a Winged!MC
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Resident Sweetheart thinks your wings are absolutely gorgeous!
She'd love to look closer one of these days but hey-! Was that food she saw over there?
Volta admires from afar for the most part, if you can get her curiosity to get the better of her for a moment she'll willingly investigate with your permission!
She doesn't have the patience to run her hands through your feathers though, you might wanna find someone else for that job.
If you give her one of your feathers she's immediately tearing up, promising to keep it safe for you.
She probably ends up wearing it somewhere or hiding it in a spot she specifically picked out for it.
She doesn't mind if you chirp or squawk! She might think there's a lose bird and get excited at first but she gets used to it.
Oh, is he enamored.
He LOVES your wings. He thinks that they're the epitome of beauty.
If you have feathers and allow him to run his fingers through them he'll be completely at peace. Can you blame him? Pretty and soft things are too good to pass up.
Gods forbid if you actually give him a feather to keep. He'll accessorize the hell out of that! Wearing it in his hair, a necklace, you name it.
If your wings are more leathery he still thinks they're beautiful! He'd still be content to brush his fingers on them every once in a while.
Purely my self indulgence coming through but I believe he'd love to help you care for your wings. He might be more into it than you.
Valerius has the best products, ushering you to the baths as soon as they arrive. In his mind, helping you with your wings in the baths is like helping someone wash their hair. Its intimate and peaceful. He might tear up the first time.
Valerius actually loves the occasional chirp, but do not squawk near him. He can try to be nice all he wants but that noise hurts his ears and is quite unpleasant to say the least.
He thinks they're beautiful! Even though they represent almost the exact opposite of his gorgeous worms..
With Vlastomil he's much more content to admire with more distance than the others. Though if you insist he might think about a more close up investigation.
He'll help you with your wings if you ask him to, thought he's not as knowledgeable as Valerius so you might have to consult him beforehand.
They think it is absolutely BADASS!
Vulgora thinks leather wings are cooler, even if there isn't a huge difference in how they work. They'd still love them if you had feathered wings.
If you can actually fly with your wings they'll get even more excited. They'll suggest "dodging practice" and for your safety say no.
They'd be perplexed if you wanted them to brush through your feathers or just simply feel your wings. Gentle touch is absolutely foreign with Vulgora. They'll have to ease into it honestly.
They have questions, which is the only warning you'll get.
How do they bend? Are they identical to bird wings? Can you actually fly with them? How easily do they break?
At first you'll likely have to deal with them somewhat gently bending your wings, feeling around them, and if you have them, even occasionally leaving with some of your feathers.
When they do take some feathers they put them in a jar, yes, they have a jar. But hey! At least its your own jar?
Eventually they'll get bored of fully examining you...that is until you start chirping or squawking. That gets them interested all over again.
They aren't bothered, quite the opposite. They want to know if the noises are natural and if so, why? It'll be a long few nights for you I fear..
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babumakeanart · 9 months ago
For the hairstyle thing, Valerius in buns would be funny or Muriel could look really good in the accessories spot
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He is not drunk enough for the courtier meeting
Muriel with accessorize here
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soullessseraphim · 4 months ago
hi :3 if you're still taking sketch requests, Valerius in some sort of cozy setting/activity would be really nice (like reading or sitting by a fireplace, things like that.) /nf
You know Im a sucker for domestic scenarios ✨️
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(He's reading Pride and Prejudice)
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greyspirehollow · 10 months ago
Vesuvia weekly ; First kiss with the courtiers 🎉
Pairing : The courtiers x reader
Fandom : The Arcana visual novel
Warnings : none. Just fluff.
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You're the one who initiated the idea of a kiss. You had noticed how affectionate gestures didn't come out naturally or often on their part (at least not in the conventional way) ; and so you wanted to try and gently suggest it.
Confused at first ; They had forgotten what a kiss felt like, or how to do it properly.
They will need to practice by just kissing your cheek from time to time, just to get used to the way they need to purse their lips and the feeling of something against them.
A week or two later, they will gently grab you by the arm and drag you somewhere quiet ; they will slightly push you against the wall, their eyes never leaving yours as they paused, and eventually, they lean in carefully to meet your lips with their own
it's pretty calculated and thought out to begin with, almost mechanical. You didn't blame them ; it must have been a while. As they part away, you gently whisper : "try not to think about it. Go with the feeling..."
And you both go in for another one. This time, they manage to make their lips dance with yours softly for a while, before parting away. You could swear their cheeks had tinted in a warmer hue than usual.
uhm... Force.
Prepare to have your breath taken away.
They are the one who brought up the idea. Ever since you've been together, you've had your fair share of energetic and violent displays of affection. Whether it was carrying you around while chuckling like a madman or threatening anyone that made you upset ; or having your cheeks pampered with tons of kisses when no one was looking.
They are all jumpy when you agree to come with them in a less crowded corner. They look at you with a wide excited toothy grin as you rest your hands onto their shoulders and start to lean in. You barely have time to process it ; their lips crash into yours with passion.
It's heated and full of energy, yet you can sense they're afraid that it might be a bit too much for you. That doesn't stop them from kissing you so agressively ; but not aggressive in the painful sense, more the overwhelming way. They are so excited, have so much love to give you that they can't think of any other way to convey it all.
Once your lips part, you gasp for air, looking at them, baffled. You know they were a handful, but damn. Not that you minded. "Phew, that was... That was something else." you breathe out, their contagious grin spreading across your own face. Before you know it, your face is getting attacked with kisses again.
Will brag about it in an argument ; "AND I KISS MY PARTNER SO WELL THEY'RE ALWAYS BREATHLESS AFTERWARDS, TWAT!!" or something similar.
He has kissed before, he's just not exceptional at it. He's not bad at it, don't make me say what I didn't say ; he's simply good.
You nearly brought up the idea at the same time ; and yet none of you said it out loud. One night, sitting next to each other, you just looked at one another and leaned in at the same time, closing your eyes and meeting your lips with surprising harmony in your timing. This was the moment. This was right. It's as if things had fallen into place : nothing pushed you or held you back.
His lips are surprisingly soft. You'd expected them to at least tingle because of their little beard, but not even. They were a tad moist, but that was to be expected.
Once your lips part you can't help but look fondly into each other's eyes, your hands intertwined, as you just let the moment sink in.
The idea had been swirling around in her head for a while now. But she never brought it up. She was much too shy. Holding hands was already making a stuttering mess out of her, so a kiss?? It doesn't mean she doesn't want to, it just flusters her beyond what's reasonable.
When you bring it up to her, the sweet potato will go bright red, nod, and look at you with big expectant eyes.
You have to lean down to bring yourself to her level and she has to be on her tippy toes to reach you. She'll close her eyes tightly, purse her lips and go in for a smooch. It doesn't last too long, maybe half a second, but it seems to be enough for her.
She'll never dare to do anything too involved in terms of kisses, so take it slow with her. But after that, she will tug at your sleeve and timidly ask for a kiss more often (and how the hell could you even think about denying her?).
The most skilled out of everyone. And believe it or not, you didn't even have to think about introducing him to the idea. Ever since you've confessed to him, he knew he would kiss you. And that didn't seem to be negociable. But when would be the right time...?
It was during a party. Just a small annual gathering. But he'd noticed how the nobles seemed to gravitate around you. He didn't like that one bit. He frowned, walking towards your little group, before swiftly snatching you away with a defty hand to your waist and a kiss to your lips
Oh. Gods. You had not expected that at all. His lips linger on yours, the warm taste of wine sweeping across your mouth as he moves his against yours. You can't help but hold onto his shoulders, closing your eyes and savoring the moment. The other nobles, after a while, seemingly uncomfortable, leave you and the Consul alone.
After your lips part, you look at him with a cheeky grin "Did Lucio teach you?", you ask. He groaned, rolled his eyes and swirled his wine before taking a sip out of it "I taught Lucio" he replies, avoiding looking at your eyes.
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