#the aprehension of have they read it and what if they reply with 'no go fuck yourself you looser' is too much
hesitantsorrows · 5 months
whenever i send an email or important text message i instantly close the tab and refuse to open it for another few hours in case they reply and throughout all that time i just sit there thinking ohfuckohfuckohuckohfuckoh because sending emails is scary and i shouldn't have to
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skellebonez · 4 years
I loved your interpretation of roleswapped spicynoodles with demon MK and Monkie Kid Red so hope you don't mind me making another request with that, but with numbers 36 and 41 this time! Please and thank you!
“Hey, don’t cry.”/ “Who hurt you?”
"Go away!" MK yelled at the Monkie Kid, pulling himself even more into the tree crevace he has holed himself up into, almost suspisciously close to his tuk-tuk at first glance. He glowered, trying to turn away from the delivery boy but realized the hole was too small for hm to acually turn in and just laid his head on his knees as he sniffed. "Just go away Noodle Boy. Your cart's right there. Go."
When Red delivered noodles to the Monkey King's "shame temple" again (this was becoming a routine, and honestly he was starting to like the long relaxing drive through the more naural landscape to get there) he didnt expect to find a certain fire demon quietly crying in a tree hole.
"Hey," Red moved closer, stopping when MK's hair sparked slightly. The last thing he wanted was the tree to go up in flames. "Uh... Hey, don't cry." The words almost came out like a question.
After another sniff MK slowly raised his head just enough to show his eyes, looking at Red with a raised eyebrow. Red finally got a good look at his nemeis/rival/battle flirt/whatever they were and realized there were no tears running down his face. Instead, a steady stream of steam flowed from the corners of his bloodshot and agitated eyes. He couldn't help the quiet "whoa" that he let out. Slowly MK raised his head the rest of the way up and Red winced. There was a deep gash in his cheek and one of his lips was split.
"Who hurt you?"
"No one important," MK sneered. "No anymore, anyway."
It was odd to hear the demon not at least half yelling every word he spoke. The normal volume of his voice made the demon sound... different. Less confident. Red was sure he didn't like it. "And that means?"
"My parents and I have dealt with them, Noodle Boy, and that's all you need to know."
The two looked at each other for a moment before Red turned, walking around the tree without a word. He didn't miss the surprise and genuine sorrow on MK's face as it crumpled before he lost sight of him, nor did he miss the muffled sobs.
MK, on the other hand, missed when he returned with a book, a book light, a bottle of water, and the bag of candy he had hidden away in his delivery bag until he tapped the other's knee. Luckily the startle didn't make him burst into flame, but the almost scared noise he made instead cemented that Red's decision not to leave him alone was probably for the best.
"Your eyes look awful," he said plainly, gesturing for the demon to take the bottle. "Hydrate."
The look of surprise turned into a look of aprehension, then uncertainty, then closed off acceptance as he took the water. MK took a few gulps of it first before tilting his head back and pouring some in his eyes. That... wasn't what Red expected but in retrospect that made a lot more sense than it should have. He turned away again to sit with his back to the tree and opened his book to start reading.
"What are you doing?"
"I KNOW that," MK snapped and that brought a bit of relief to Red's mind. There was that yell, if only just a bit. "But why?"
"You looked like you needed the company."
And MK didn't reply to that. Instead he just stared as Red held up his bag of sweets and took a handful. They sat like that for a while, Red in no rush as this was his last delivery and MK giving no indication that he wanted to leave until hours later. They parted with only a tight goodbye, thank you, and you're welcome but somehow that felt ok for what they were right now.
Red hoped the demon who upset his battle flirt (he decided that's what he was now) was very far away, for the demon's sake, because they would have more than MK and his parents to deal with if he caught them.
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malfoygrass · 4 years
Superhero Au Drabble: the dark knight of Ministry City
"You've been gone for too long Black Dragon, I hate to admit it, but Ministry City needed you" Harry Potter sighed, as the leader of the city's League of Valor, his alter ego "Chosen One" had been too busy for the past seven years, with powers he sometimes still couldn't understand Chosen One had come a long way from the little boy in privet drive who couldn't control his super strength and flying. Now he worked for the Daily Prophet like a regular Joe.
"I had to leave, my parents were dead, Lord Voldemort was in prison, Bellatrix locked up in Askaban asylum" Black Dragon replied, to which Wondermind, the smartest girl in the team scoffed.
"You just didn't want to get locked up with all his other cronies" the gifted Amazon princess shot out bluntly, ( how Hermione Granger worked as a junior barrister was a mystery), at her side her boyfriend of ten years, Red Beater agreed, silently munching on a snack. (Weasley hadn't changed, much at least)
"Too bad most of them don't stay locked up" the Thunderbolt twins said at the same time " you've missed out"
"We also have new villains popping up left and right, so you better watch out, this isn't the Ministry City you left" Aquastorm said with a sigh, although Neville Longbottom, just like Draco was a wealthy philanthropist, their similarities ended there, where Draco courted the attention, Neville made a show of being shy "for what it's worth, I'm glad you're back"
"The children of some villains have grown up, others have come out of retirement, some have even trained replacements" Moon girl said dreamily then catching everyone unaware she added "You'll be married soon although it will be a hard courtship, since she's not happy to have you back" and sometimes Draco Malfoy really hated Luna Lovegood's cryptic second sight
He came to realize that the League of Valor had been downplaying the ammount of crime in Ministry City as soon as he was back in the fray. Mobsters, supervillains, wannabe sidekicks were ganging up to meet him. Plus the local vigilantes didn't stay behind either.
On one of those days, while helping Aquastorm sort out a problem with toxic chemicals, they got the unexpected help of someone who took Black Dragon by surprise.
"Need any help Aquastorm? I heard a little darkness could do the trick" a musical voice chimed in the distance
"Who was that" Black Dragon gasped as the black clad girl with the silver flower shield conjured a mist of pure dark fog that helped them get the upper hand over their assailants.
"That was the new Nightshade" Aquastorm replied waving at the retreating back of the mysterious superhero "one never knows what she will come up with, but she seems to like me, so if I ever need backup there's a fifty fifty chance that she will show up"
Nightshade? What Draco remembered from that one was that he used to be an antivillain in league with the superheroes of his father's golden age. This new one seemed to be far too young and too female to be the same person.
"Why the afinity with you?"
"Her powers depend on nature and mine on water, we understand each other" Neville shrugged "most of the time she involves plants that grow in dark places and the fog they produce to hide her presence"
Over the weeks Black Dragon had more encounters with Nightshade, tough they didn't talk, she was always showing up to help any superhero she liked or commit her own crimes. and he didn't like it one bit, not only because the girl was halfway between a white collar criminal and a superhero, but because he knew who the previous Nightshade was and if the man had retired then the new Nightshade could only be his daughter.
And he really didn't want her to be.
Nevertheless his theory was proven right when the Malfoy Gala to celebrate his return to Ministry City brought things to head.
So many people showed up he was almost sure that today ten attempts to his life were in progress. Nevermind the ammount of undercover alter egos.
All he needed to do was remain close to Neville and Nightshade would find him.
"Astoria darling, how good to see you, I must say you look enchanting" Augusta Longbottom said drawing Draco's attention to the delicate brunette making her way towards them
"Madame Longbottom, always a pleasure, everyone knws Greengrass Corporations wouldn't be the same without your sponsorship" Astoria replied with the same warmth "Neville, we missed you at the Veteran Awards benefit, I hope Hannah Abbott was worth it" she teased making Neville chuckle
"And what about me? Don't I get a kiss little Greengrass?"
"Dear me, Draco Malfoy I almost didn't recognize you" Astoria pretended to be startled and her pretty socialite smile never wavered "How long has it been? Nine? Ten years? Isn't that right Ollie" She'd arrived in the arm of Oliver Wood, the famous sports player and Draco hated her a bit, just for that.
They all knew it had been seven years.
"Well since it's been so long I suppose you wouldn't mind granting me this dance little Greengrass?" He made his insincere apologies to Oliver Wood and easily spirited Astoria into the middle of the dancefloor
"Must you always have your way?" Astoria muttered annoyed
"Must you always pretend we haven't seen each other lately?" He shot back into her ear "you're playing a dangerous game Astoria, those corporate secrets you stole can be tracked" he slid his hand sensually across her waist "Daphne wouldn't like it"
"Why do you care, Daphne is off playing sidekick to Nott and I'm all that's left" Astoria rolled her eyes "not that it matters, you left that part clear in your little goodbye letter"
"If I'd stayed in Ministry City I would be no better off than Pansy: another second gen villain" Draco hissed slowly maneuvering their dance towards a secluded spot in the balcony "And you were sixteen, I had no business getting involved with you and you know it, no matter how much I cared about you"
"So the alternative was leaving?" Astoria glared at him " don't you know the hell I went through? I LOVED YOU" she accused and Draco felt it like a punch in the gut "then you left and it all went kaput, father died, Nott became a villain and my sister abdicated her place in Greengrass Corporations, I had nobody"
"Astoria I didn't think..." But he had, he'd known that Astoria would survive at a high price "you have to understand I did it to protect you"
"Fat good it did you! I had to learn to protect myself" and he could read the pain in her eyes, before they hardened back to stone "now do us both a favor and stay out of Nightshade's business, I have enough dirt on Malfoy Industries to make life a little harder for you if you keep interfering"
"Not happening, in fact I might just decide to keep a closer eye on you"
"Don't make this harder than it needs to be, I'm engaged to Oliver Wood" she hedged as the music ended "we are to be married next month" And one had to wonder about the perfect timing of Draco's return
"So? Engagements can be broken" Draco shrugged "I hope the honeymoon package offers refunds, we both know they'll be no wedding" not if he had to tie Astoria to his sheets and remind her what had made them so explosive in their teens
"Don't you dare, you left Draco, you can't just come back from the dead and pretend everything is okay anymore than Black Dragon can" Astoria protested "it doesn't work that way"
"You grew up"
"I had to" she glared at him "Greengrass Corporations needed a leader, the streets needed a clean up" Astoria shrugged
"And you Astoria? Did anybody stop to ask what you needed?" His eyes were sad, taking her hand he brought it to his lips for a kiss wondering what Ministry City had done to his boyhood sweetheart
"I just needed you" and if that wasn't the most heartbreaking thing for Astoria, then she didn't know what was "my world fell apart and all I needed was you, but now it's too late...I don't need you anymore"
"Liar" Draco chuckled, crushing his lips to hers, savoring the first stolen kiss with the girl he hadn't been able to forget in seven years "is it really too late Astoria?" He whispered into her lips
Astoria was looking at him with a mixture of aprehension and desire "I don't know" she whispered back "things are so complicated now"
"Then I'll make them simple" Draco shrugged walking her back to Oliver Wood and her court of hypocrites "let's have dinner in Malfoy Mannor, tomorrow at five my car will pick you up" and the look he gave her left no room for protests "I'll let you seduce me for a change"
"You have no idea what you're asking for Malfoy"
"I'll be seeing you Little Greengrass" it occurred to him that Moon girl was right once again. He was going to marry Astoria Greengrass one day, because this time, he wouldn't let her go that easy.
An: Drabble companion to the superhero au Aesthetic I posted a few hours ago
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fardell24b · 4 years
Quinn’s Code - Cafe Geekdale - Part 7
Thursday, October 21, 2005
Through the day, many of the students of Lawndale High, thought about what they might be seeing if they went to the Coffee House, or in a minority of cases, what they would be performing...
During lunch, Brittany was reading over the scene from Romeo and Juliet. 'Is that Caplet or Capulet?' She was excited about performing at the Coffee House, but she didn't know how Kevin would perform. 'At least he promised he would learn the lines.'
Jodie came up to Daria as they left Science. “Mr. O'Neill told me that you are doing something at the Coffee House,” she said.
“So?” Daria asked.
“So, I would like to know what you are going to do?”
“You will find out when everyone else does,” Daria said, as she walked off.
Jodie sighed. She had been hoping that she would be able to help Daria with whatever performance she had planned.
“What's wrong?” her boyfriend, Michael 'Mack' Mackenzie, asked as he came up.
“Nothing,” Jodie said.
Mack didn't believe that, but he didn't press.
After school, Quinn met Andrea as she left the school building. “There will be a meeting of the Programming Club tomorrow,” Andrea said.
“Yeah, Laurence told me,” Quinn replied, referring to another member of the Programming Club.
“One of the things we will be discussing will be the coffee house,” Andrea said, as she started walking.
Quinn followed her.  “Why?” she asked.
Andrea looked back “You will find out,” she said.
“I'll be there,” Quinn said.
“Good,” Andrea said.
'What is she up to?' Quinn thought yet again.
When Daria arrived with Jane and Jennifer at the Pizza King, many of the patrons were discussing the Coffee House. “Is that all they can talk about?” Daria asked.
“It's Lawndale. There's not much else to talk about,” Jane said.
“I guess so,” Daria said, as she went to order a pizza.
“Touchy, isn't she?” Jane asked Jennifer.
“Definitely,” Jennifer murmured, as she remembered what Jodie told her about at lunch.
Griffin residence
The Fashion Club was in Sandi's room, they were nearing the end of their regular official meeting.
“Motion approved?” Sandi asked.
All three other members put up their hands.
“Motion carried,” Sandi said.
Tori smiled.
“Coool!” Tiffany said.
“Last topic for this afternoon; tomorrow night's opening of the Coffee House,” Sandi directed.
Stacy fidgeted as she entered the topic into her notebook, betraying her agitation about Sandi's antagonism towards Quinn.
Sandi noticed the fidgeting. “Sta-cy, is there, like, a problem?”
“Eep! No, Sandi. No, problem!” Stacy said quickly.
“Good. Now, I have written a speech in which I eloquently state the reason why Geeks, especially, like, that Quinn, should not be popular,” Sandi said. She took a sheet out of the right drawer beneath her computer.
“Are you going to read it to us?” Tori asked.
“Sure,” Sandi said. She then read the speech to the club.
“Good Evening, Students of Lawndale High and other Coffee House patrons...”
“Opinions?” Sandi asked, looking at Tori.
“Quite argumentative. Most people will support us,” Tori said.
“But, Sandi -,” Stacy began to say, but she was interrupted by a glare from Sandi.
“No buts!” Sandi said.
“Sandi! What will Mr. O'Neill say?” Stacy asked.
Sandi snorted “Puh-lease, like Mr. O'Neill will do anything more than say 'Oh dear!' He won't say anything negative. He certainly won't say anything to Ms. Li,” she said, imitating Mr. O'Neill when she said 'Oh dear!'
“That's riiight,” Tiffany said.
'That seems to be true,' Tori thought.
“Maybe,” Stacy said, more subdued.
Sandi smiled. “That concludes this meeting. Stacy, concluding time?”
Stacy looked at her watch and at Sandi's bedroom clock. Both were within two minutes of each other. “5:45, for a duration of 1 hour and fifteen minutes,” she said, averaging the time between the two time pieces.
“Usual length of meeting, plus time to, like, read the speech,” Sandi said.
Stacy wrote the concluding remarks down and closed the notebook.
Unknown to the Fashion Club, Sandi's mother, Linda, had listened to Sandi make the speech. She smiled a wicked looking smile. 'Very good, Sandi,' she thought. It was exactly as she had hoped. Sandi was following in her footsteps.
Friday, 22 October, 2005
Sandi awoke at 7:20. After getting ready, she took the speech and went to the bathroom.
“Sandi Griffin, Fashion Club President,” she said, scrutinizing her near perfect appearance.
“Good Evening, Students of Lawndale High and other Coffee House patrons, I have prepared this statement to tell you that Geeks are not welcome, like as members of the popular cliques,” she began.
“Thank you for your time.” After this conclusion she was silent for a moment before looking at herself again. “You will be triumphant! Quinn, that Geekendorffer will not, like come back from this.”
There was knocking. “Come on Sis! I need to go!” her brother, Sam said.
'Of course he would,' Sandi thought. She folded the sheet with the speech on it and opened the door. “All yours, you brat!”
“Finally!” he said as he dashed into the bathroom past his sister.
Helen was preparing to leave for work when the door bell rang. “Who could that be?” she wondered. She went and opened the door. “Oh, Hi, Jennifer! Are you here for Quinn or for Daria, neither of them have come down for breakfast yet.”
“Hi, Mrs. Morgendorffer. For Daria. I am helping her with her performance at the Coffee House this evening,” Jennifer said.
Helen opened the door wider, allowing the quiet girl in. “It is great that she is participating in an extra-curricular activity. She is still quite anti-social and stubborn,” Helen said. 'I see that you have been a good influence,' she thought.
“I had to encourage her,” Jennifer murmured. She knew what it was like to be shy and emphasized with Daria.
“What was that?” Helen asked, not quite hearing what Jennifer said.
“Yeah, it's great,” Jennifer said with a little sarcasm.
“You can go right up,” Helen said, pondering Jennifer's tone.
Jennifer knocked on Daria's door.
Daria quickly opened it. “Hi, are you ready?” she asked.
“I am. I wouldn't be here if I wasn't.”
Daria smirked briefly, prior to letting Jennifer into the room.
“Close the door. I don't want Quinn complaining about the noise.”
“Sure,” Jennifer said, as she closed the door and glanced at the padded walls. 'Excellent soundproofing,' she thought.
Daria grabbed her guitar, carefully swung it around and began to play.
15 minutes later, Daria had gone through her performance twice.
“That's a little better.  Mr. O'Neill will still react to it though,” Jennifer said.
“I want him to react,” Daria said.
“Make him think that the Coffee House is a bad idea?” Jennifer asked.
“Yes,” Daria simply said.
Jennifer shook her head in good humor.
Quinn and Jenna were talking as they approached Lawndale High.
“...And then Jennifer said that Daria doesn't want the Coffee House to succeed,” Quinn said.
Jenna stopped. “She wants it to fail?” she asked.
“I hope that her song, whatever it is about, won't be that bad.”
“Well it's metal music, so I think it might be borderline,” Quinn said with a nervous laugh, as they came to the front of the school.
“I will try to convince Mr. O'Neill to have the Anime reviews first,” Jenna said.
“I have my Ghost in the Shell review.”
“That's good!”
Quinn smiled.
Quinn approached the Programming Club meeting with aprehension. “Why are you so apprehensive, Quinn?” Wolfgang Schuhardt asked.
Quinn turned to the nerdy boy. “Have you ever thought that Andrea may be a cracker or something?” she said quietly.
Wolfgang stopped and looked around. “I have, but only after others have told me their suspicions,” he said.
“No one has told me, but she gives off that vibe, you know,” Quinn said uneasily.
“She does give off an unfriendly vibe, but I don't think that means that she is a cracker.”
“What of the network share at her house?”
“You don't have to share files there if you don't want to.”
“I guess not,” Quinn said.
Wolfgang opened the door. “Girls first,” he said.
“Thanks,” Quinn said.
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megagarymofooak · 7 years
Part 1: Preparing for the worst
I did a POV zombie fanfic. There will be more parts, just have been too lazy to write anything. Craig's POV:
First day of my Senior year and I haven't even seen anyone from town in a week. Visiting my extended family in other states was so tiring. I sigh, wondering who would show their face to me first. Without a doubt it's Clyde, loudly calling my name seemed to call attention of the others.
" Craig! It's been a while man! What's up with the family?"
I shrug, not really wishing to tell them my grandma died. That shit was personal. " Nothing, but being in a car so long left my ass numb..." I could still feel the sting of numbness in my posterior.
Tweek just looked at me intensely and I gave in. " Yes?"
" You forgot to text me yesterday."
"NO!" Clyde gasped " Tell me it isn't true."
Token slapped him for me and I nodded my thanks.
" I fell asleep in the car, when I woke up my phone was dead."
" You left me on read." Tweek crossed his arms, here we go...
I sigh and try to cover up my shame for not replying " I fell asleep before I could finish the text. Ruby finally had shut up for once and I was tired. I don't know what else you want from me."
I must have done a shitty job with it as usual because I can't hide anything from him. Tweek tilted his head and shrugged. " Fine, j-just don't do it again." He huffed and took my hand, leading into the school. " We'll be late if we wait any longer."
That was way easier than last time, last time he accused me of being too busy for him. Whatever makes him happy.
First day goes by fast with introductions and those little 'Get to know you better' papers. Needless to say the only thing I disliked about it was the fact Kenny kept hitting on the younger years. He never means it, he just thinks it's funny to make them confused or blush. Tweek made lunch for us today. He says he'll start making lunch for us every day from now on. I had offered to help him, but he was determined to do it himself. Saying ' I want to suprise you with things dayly.' God damn I love him. His twitching never left him, but instead only happens once in a while per conversation. He stresses about things and it gets worse, but when that happens I'm always there for him. Clyde and Token chose to sit with Stan and his guys, suprisingly the girls are constantly inviting us to their tables. Not that I care much, as long as they don't hit on us. So far Tweek's fitting in with them, his new found sass about things is entertaining to say the least.
On the ride home Tweek sits next to me. " Did you see the way Butters looks at Ken?" Clyde chipped in from the seat infront of us. Dumb ass was on his knees looking over the seat.
" No, why? Is there another gay couple in South Park now?" Craig wondered how this would fair with the fan girls at the school.
" Kenny hasn't been seen kissing ANYONE for the whole SUMMER!" Clyde exclaimed. When was he not loud? Oh yeah, never. I cross my arms and Tweek just looks at Kenny and Butters, Kenny at the back of the bus and Butters up front.
" I don't see them ever interact though." Tweek sounded confused and aprehensive.
" I bet you they fuck." Clyde grinned and that earned a swift galre from Tweek. " We don't talk about those things, it's only going to make things worse for them if we spread rumors like that."
" He's right. Clyde sit down like a normal idiot." Token pulled him down onto the seat.
"Aww! No fair! I'm allowed to have my observations too!" He whined and pouted.
Getting off the bus was harder than usual, somewhere from Stan's place to my own Kyle and Cartman started fighting, they only got more agressive towards one another through the years. Kyle even taking Judo classes so when Cartman challenges him it doesn't take much of anything to knock his ass out. Cartman lost weight over the years, him and Clyde almost weighed the same now. That fact can never be said infront of Clyde however because he starts crying about it. When Kyle kicks him out of the bus and I get off, the bus heads off without Cartman.
" Dumb ass, you never learn to stop fucking with Kyle." I kick him in the side for good measure, then head inside. Red Racer sadly ended when I was sixteen, I have since then watched the whole series twice over from first episode to the last. Today's episodes were more of a filler episode than most. I zone out while watching five or six episodes, so much so I miss dinner and have to heat it up. Mac n' Cheese with Fishsticks and grean beans. Ah how American of them. I smile to myself as I eat the meal. Looking at the clock, it's almost seven. I sigh, at least it wasn't too late. I took my phone out. Three unread text messages, at least one of those was from Tweek. I open the ones from Clyde and Stan first. Tweek's message chills me a bit.
Tweek's POV:
What. What was that? I must have been seeing things, no, no I wasn't seeing anything. That was for sure what the news story was about. The screams of terror and dismay echoed. Zombies? Looking at my phone as I packed as many useful things as possible, I look on as Craig is texting me back finally. " Why do I need to get as much as food and supplies as possible? What's with the weapon reconmendations anyway? Are we playing again?"
" NO! THIS IS REAL!" I shouted as I typed up the same message. " I swear Craig, tell your dad you guys need to meet here at my place. I texted the others to do the same. I'm not kidding, zombies are real!" I scream to myself as I'm set into panic mode. My parents saw the same thing and are trying to get ahold of other parents they know.
" What kind of Zombies though? Like The Walking Dead zombies? Spore Zombies? Fast running ones?"
"WHY WOULD I KNOW THAT YET!?" I feel like this is a lost cause. I should have just told the guys and not the parents. I text him back, fumbling over my own fingers. " I dont know thy dont look like theyr runners."
" Hold on, I'm packing things. Do you think a compound bow is okay for this? I mean, besides that I have a bat."
" Take both, please be careful." I looked out my window as some of the other boys and the parents started for my house.
I get my stuff on, a hiking backpack that I had bought for camping full of useful things and head downstairs. Kids and parents piling in, some of them being made to go upstairs. The parents mainly talking about a plan. Randy seemed to be really into the idea that was being shared, but Sharron and most of the moms hate the idea. I creep my way to the door and flag down Craig as he heads over with his parents and sister Ruby. First thing he does is hug me. There is a time and a place Tucker! I groan and hug him back for a second before leading him inside. Cartman, Kyle, Stan, Kenny, Butters, Myslef and Criag were all together. Clyde, Token, Bebe, Wendy, Jimmy, and Timmy were across the room. The parents were seperating people into groups for travel. The noise the house was under made me shudder, I take a peek out of the window. Oh god. Oh jesus, oh god. No. The zombies were slowly approaching at a steady pace from the graveyard area. I can't say anything but I do manage an "AAAAUGH!"
Craig, bless him, looks out and in a deadpan voice says. " Oh, The Walking Dead zombies. Cool."
I want to strangle him for that but instead I end up making the whole place become on edge. They start ordering us out, this was apparently the plan. We were the B Team. Token, Clyde, Bebe, Wendy, Jimmy and Timmy were the A Team. They got the keys to my family's two cars and were sent off first with supplies. Jimbo supplied everyone with at least two guns. Team B, us, we're sent to both the neighbors houses Kyle won't leave Ike, so he's sent with us. Kyle, Ike, Stan and Cartman take the left. Craig, Kenny, Butters and myself took the right side. Thanks to the fact we're not slow as a group we get into the car. Craig takes the wheel and we're out of town within a few minutes. People I didn't know well in town, they were being eaten or trying to escape the madess. I just closed my eyes and curled up. Craig wouldn't allow me to sit in the back when we piled in, so I had a close up on what was happening. " Damn it... This car only has half a tank." Craig sighed , country roads hard to see, using the headlights on this thing wasn't working. " M-My mom and dad. They Euuggh- always have both tanks filled. Token and Wendy shouldn't have problems." I get a text. Why wouldn't I? Maybe all those movies and TV shows were wrong about the immediate cut of electronics. It was Clyde, thank goodness it was him!
" How are you guys holding up? Wanna meet at that weird off road gas station and talk? Maybe switch team mates? We have Jimmy and Timmy with us, I think both teams should have one. "
" Yeah, s-sure." I look up to Craig. " Clyde wants to meet at that Shell up the road a bit."
" Good, we can talk to them like normal people. Stupid parents..."
"Wait..." I look back at the phone. " Did you ask Jimmy about this?"
"Dude, Jimmy's the one who suggested it! He thinks Timmy should stay with me and Token and he should go to your team." Clyde's words meant he was serious.
At the gas station we made sure no zombies were around, the place was evacuated and there was still food, Token split up what he found between the groups. " Enough for both A and B teams. In case you guys run in with one another." Token was so calm, I wonder how he does it. I get a huge hug from Clyde who looked to be just freshly done with crying. " I'm going to miss you and Craig so much Tweek..." His voice... He was. Talking softly. Clyde. I hug him back and nodd. " We'll miss you guys too, but they sent us in teams for reasons." Token came over with Craig." I heard it was the best way for our survival."
Jimmy headed over from where he was talking to Butters. " BBButters and I ha-have made an agreement. I will svwitch places w-with him."
" I have no problems taking over for him." Butters was arguing with Kenny. " Don't you see it's unfit for them to have two people who can die easily?"
" YOU can die easily!" Kenny groaned and grit his teeth. " Why you though. Why do you have to go."
"Because Tweek and Craig shouldn't be separated."
"We shouldn't be separated Butters! I don't know what I'd do if you died on me." There was desperation in Kenny's voice.
" Then don't die on me, and I won't on you." He smiled and Kenny hugged him.
I bet Clyde couldn't help himself, because the dummy started wiggling his eye brows at me and making weird noises.
" Stop being this way Clyde..." I sigh. " What weapon did you pack, those guns should be a last resort."
" I have a whole thing of tools with me." Token said.
Clyde pulled out a knife. " It was the closest thing."
Butters showed he had a frying pan. " These things hurt real bad."
" It's not about pain it's bout destroying the brain." Clyde chipped in.
" Aww Hamburgers..." Butters kicked the ground with a scuffing noise.
" It's a good enough weapon." I nod in approval.
Craig had his bat on hand. " You already know what I have."
" I d-don't have any weapons but the gggun." Jimmy pointed out.
"Timmeh!" Timmy showed his hands.
" What did you bring Tweek?" Clyde was curiously eyeing him.
He went to the trunk and got out his sword. " I always have it sharpened. I also have a poison dart set I made myself and the ingredents for a few different kinds of explosives. I got them f-from a chemicle website."
I may have said something weird. Did I? Why were they looking at me like I was weird. I put my stuff away.
Craig came over and pat me on the head, something he does on occasion. " That's my boyfriend. Always ready."
I smile for what seems to be the first time tonight since the incident.
Stan's POV:
I take on the role of driver as Kyle uses a local and nationwide map and marks off where we came from and where we're going. Cartman is oddly quiet as he looks out the window and Ike is in his seat playing with one of Kyle's action figures. Not too many Zombies the way we're going, a few cars were on the side of the road, maybe a few accidents here or there, but nothing we couldn't handle. Being in a rush we completely forgot about our other half of our group. Man, I hope they chose a good route or at least something. They had gotten the text that Craig was the driver of the other car and that they had food and water if they could meet. Problem was, when they left in the direction they did, there was like a huge pile up that happened behind them. Not knowing where to go next Stan just started going through small towns.
Kyle took out his phone and called his mom. No answer was an answer on it's own. He got annoyed and turned it off to save battery. " I'm glad I packed these maps.."
"What else did ya pack Kehl?" Cartman had his usual inflection to his voice, but as far as Stan could tell it wasn't like he was taunting the guy.
" I packed four note books, writing utensils, a few books, maps of all over north america, and a chainsaw from my back yard. My dad got it, and never used it. Said it was too loud or some shit. I think I can mod it to be more quiet."
" I gotta go pee!" Ike whined.
" Pull over and let him pee, I'll keep watch." Kyle took out a dagger and Stan pulled over. Ike went right by the car as Kyle instructed and they were on their way in no time. A bed and breakfast was close to where they were and Stan hoped they could sleep tonight, they would need it.
" I think Wendy went this way Stan." Kyle pointed out the street sign that had a purple W and a yellow B on it. "Wendy and Bebe."
YES! Maybe we could sleep after all. I hope Wendy has secured the Inn.
Upon arrival to the Bed and Breakfast, they found cars parked in a manner resembling a fort wall. Wendy took aim at them with a rifle. "Who are you, what do you want, and when are you LEAVING."
Stan parked the car with the lights on so when the four of them got out Wendy could see them. " It's Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Ike. We wanna know if we could crash here. And we'll leave tomorrow."
" Oh you guys! We've been here for nearly an hour setting up." Bebe let them in. " We found a few loners, oh and Shelly."
Shelly was writing something in a book.
" We have room for tonight. I think Bebe and I will stay here, close to town, for a while."
" Yeah, predicting we have about four months of food rations."
" Craig and Token have more food, but they went East." Kyle stated as he lead Ike to one of the rooms that had a cracked open door.
Cartman took the room opposite of Kyle's.
" Stan, what do you think about the groups... Do you think we'll survive?" Wendy looked exausted. The way her hair... and her eyes... It was just... Damn she was hot when she was in charge like that. I had to stop looking at her before I vomited. " I-I think my group can survive, You and Bebe look to be doing fine already. Craig might come into some trouble, but I'm most worried about Token."
" We should have taken Timmy, damn it, I know!" She groaned and face palmed. " We weren't thinking Stan, we left both Jimmy and Timmy with Token and Cyle. Token can handle himself, Clyde is okay, but Jimmy and Timmy?"
I have to calm her down. " Maybe if we meet up with them in the future, we can see if they survived. If that's the case then, you can just ask if one of them wants to join you."
Wendy sighed. " Yeah, thanks. Go turn your car's lights off now..."
I just smile sheepishly and go to get the lights turned off and park the car within the barrier.
Kyle's POV:
Taking out some paper and a pen I start to write. " I think today was possibly the worst day of my life. I can't confirm it yet, but I think my mom at least is dead. She'd never leave a call from me hanging. Besides that, I'm in a group with Cartman. Cartman. God I hate writing that name." I use white out to take out the word 'Cartman' both times. "There, that's better. No more of that name here. I have to think about Ike now. He's far too small for this sort of thing, but it's not like we have a choice. I'm going to teach him how to shoot a gun soon. He needs to know." I sigh and look at my younger brother. " I swear I'll protect you, Ike." He kissed his sleeping head goodnight and turned off the bedside light to lay down for some rest. With Wendy on alert, we should be fine. I trust her.
It was the sun that woke him up, Ike was trying to read a big book. " Kyle! How do you wead... Paernora...."
"What?" I went over, the book was a study on the paranormal. " Oh, paranormal. Like what we thought Zombies were. It's mainly just hypothetical."
Ike tilted his head.
" Big 'What ifs.'" I explain.
" Oh!" He goes back to trying to read. He's going to be smart I think to myself as I look out the window. Stan is already up and helping Bebe with the rigging of barbed wire made from electrical chords.
" Smart move girls. " I say as I head outside, things all packed and Ike in tow.
" Thanks Kyle, you know you guys can stay here if you want. " Bebe offered. "Stan was a big help this morning."
" I think we should all have our separate things. Stan come on, we need to go before it gets too late."
Cartman comes out from his room, not packed and sloppy as hell. " Go get packed asshole we're leaving."
" EH! Don't call me an Asshole! I didn't even do anything yet!"
" Yeah, that's the point. GO PACK." Why do I even loose my temper so badly with him anyway, I used to be able to handle anything he said. Now I just want... No, I want it but I can't say what. That would be admiting to myself that I've givin in. I just glare at him as he mutters to himself and goes to pack.
Clyde's POV:
OMG! It's HAPPENING! Bunny bunny bunny bunny~ I giggle to myself as Butters and Kenny keep their embrace, the others are sorting out what to do and where to go. I mean I could listen in, but I don't want to. Not knowing where we're going is basically what an adventurer strives for. And in all honesty, I have to keep this an adventure because what it really is, is killing me inside. I'm left without my Bro and Tweek. It's not fair! Token treats me like a kid too, and while that's good in some cases like an extra juice box, it SUCKS in other cases! I hear my name and tune into their channel. " Clyde and I should trade places as well. I can't leave Butters."
No. Freakin. WAY! I looked at Tweek and Craig with my signature puppy dog eyes.
" Are you sure Kenny, we could need you man. You're crafty."
"They have Timmy, if Timmy's wheelchair gets broken or stops working for some reason. I can carry him. Clyde can't."
I stop begging. What? How dare he. I can SO carry Timmy. For like a block.... And then... Nevermind, it's true they need him.
" No, you take Clyde." Tweek looked at me. " I think he's better off with you."
" Then I'm leaving you guys for Butters."
Craig frowned. " That's not even though. How will Tweek and I take care of Jimmy?"
I sigh. " It's okay. I'll stay with Token."
Token broke appart Kenny and Butters and took Butters to his car. Craig taking Kenny, who faught with him about it, back to thier car.
I take a last glance at my friends as we depart down a fork in the road. I hope Token has orange juice...
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