#ok but the scene where red walks and mk thought he LEFT?
skellebonez · 4 years
I loved your interpretation of roleswapped spicynoodles with demon MK and Monkie Kid Red so hope you don't mind me making another request with that, but with numbers 36 and 41 this time! Please and thank you!
“Hey, don’t cry.”/ “Who hurt you?”
"Go away!" MK yelled at the Monkie Kid, pulling himself even more into the tree crevace he has holed himself up into, almost suspisciously close to his tuk-tuk at first glance. He glowered, trying to turn away from the delivery boy but realized the hole was too small for hm to acually turn in and just laid his head on his knees as he sniffed. "Just go away Noodle Boy. Your cart's right there. Go."
When Red delivered noodles to the Monkey King's "shame temple" again (this was becoming a routine, and honestly he was starting to like the long relaxing drive through the more naural landscape to get there) he didnt expect to find a certain fire demon quietly crying in a tree hole.
"Hey," Red moved closer, stopping when MK's hair sparked slightly. The last thing he wanted was the tree to go up in flames. "Uh... Hey, don't cry." The words almost came out like a question.
After another sniff MK slowly raised his head just enough to show his eyes, looking at Red with a raised eyebrow. Red finally got a good look at his nemeis/rival/battle flirt/whatever they were and realized there were no tears running down his face. Instead, a steady stream of steam flowed from the corners of his bloodshot and agitated eyes. He couldn't help the quiet "whoa" that he let out. Slowly MK raised his head the rest of the way up and Red winced. There was a deep gash in his cheek and one of his lips was split.
"Who hurt you?"
"No one important," MK sneered. "No anymore, anyway."
It was odd to hear the demon not at least half yelling every word he spoke. The normal volume of his voice made the demon sound... different. Less confident. Red was sure he didn't like it. "And that means?"
"My parents and I have dealt with them, Noodle Boy, and that's all you need to know."
The two looked at each other for a moment before Red turned, walking around the tree without a word. He didn't miss the surprise and genuine sorrow on MK's face as it crumpled before he lost sight of him, nor did he miss the muffled sobs.
MK, on the other hand, missed when he returned with a book, a book light, a bottle of water, and the bag of candy he had hidden away in his delivery bag until he tapped the other's knee. Luckily the startle didn't make him burst into flame, but the almost scared noise he made instead cemented that Red's decision not to leave him alone was probably for the best.
"Your eyes look awful," he said plainly, gesturing for the demon to take the bottle. "Hydrate."
The look of surprise turned into a look of aprehension, then uncertainty, then closed off acceptance as he took the water. MK took a few gulps of it first before tilting his head back and pouring some in his eyes. That... wasn't what Red expected but in retrospect that made a lot more sense than it should have. He turned away again to sit with his back to the tree and opened his book to start reading.
"What are you doing?"
"I KNOW that," MK snapped and that brought a bit of relief to Red's mind. There was that yell, if only just a bit. "But why?"
"You looked like you needed the company."
And MK didn't reply to that. Instead he just stared as Red held up his bag of sweets and took a handful. They sat like that for a while, Red in no rush as this was his last delivery and MK giving no indication that he wanted to leave until hours later. They parted with only a tight goodbye, thank you, and you're welcome but somehow that felt ok for what they were right now.
Red hoped the demon who upset his battle flirt (he decided that's what he was now) was very far away, for the demon's sake, because they would have more than MK and his parents to deal with if he caught them.
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valkyrieofsmut · 4 years
Mk so the previous ask of mc with a kid got me thinking, what about pregger mc who’s boy friend/husband/father of the child ditched her upon finding out she was pregnant and because of being pregnant she was one of the first to get canned at her job (since from what I recall it’s unaviable to have that kind of job while carrying) when they started making cuts and with her being unable to pay rent and the ‘no kids’ policy of her apartment complex she had to move into her trailer at the boys land >:3.
Um... I’d love to answer all of this/ more exactly to the question... but I have a few problems here for understanding... That whole first part, easy to understand, got it... The part about her being one of the first to go: she was, in the story; they don’t care if you’re preggs or not, they only care about how much money they’re spending to pay you. So it definitely wouldn’t matter if she was pregnant, they don’t care, and any risk is defined as risk you took; they’re not liable (not like you could really prove much, anyway). And lastly, the “no kids” policy? ...? Where tf do you live that has that?! It’s been illegal to refuse to rent to anyone because they have kids since 1968 due to the “fair housing policy”! I! I don’t know, but if you’re living somewhere they’re telling you that, look that shit up and let them know you know. Fuck them! They can’t do that shit to you! (there is an acceptance for places classified as “retirement/ old age/ whatever tf” but she couldn’t live there because she’s not old enough, anyway.)
Other than that stuff, I see it just as a “what if MC was pregnant when she got there and asshole left her” question, so I’ll answer that.
Classic- He doesn’t even really think about it for a long while, not even when she starts showing. It literally takes until she can’t walk anywhere without having to try to catch her breath/ not being able to stand for long/ about to go into labor (aka very pregnant) until it is something that he even has to keep reminding himself, just so he doesn’t get irritated that she can’t keep up. And then when she goes into labor, it suddenly comes to him- there’s going to be a tiny human here soon! Fuck! He needs to do something, doesn’t he?! Where do humans have babies?! Right. The hospital. Ok. Panic over. He’s going to get her there right now.
Creampuff- She’s mated? Oh... her mate left... unfortunate... Humans don’t live in such a small community that they can all just stay around each other and raise their children together like they sort of did in the Underground. He’s not sure exactly how humans do it normally, but monsters all pitch in, and he’s ready to help! He likes kids! They’re so amazed at the world around them and look up to him, and are so sweet! He’s always glad to help with the little one when they get here, and until then, he’s going to make sure that she’s as comfortable as possible, almost to the point of being underfoot, like the stereotypical nosy mother in law.
Red- Eh, kid ain’t here, yet- and that means he’s got free range, since there’s no chance that he’ll knock her up! He is his same self, flirty, trying to get in her pants, just normal Red! And then she starts showing. And he spends lots of time watching her baby belly. Any time anyone ever even curses around her, he yells at them, completely missing the hypocrisy. “what th’ fuck ya sayin’ shit like that ‘n front a the kid fer?! shut yer yap!” The more she shows, the more he’s by her side and doesn’t want to leave. More invitations for nights of just cuddles than orgasm relief start coming. He... likes touching her belly... and imagining that it’s his kid in there... don’t fuckin’ tell anyone! He really is a family kinda guy when it gets down to it, and he’s going to be one of the first to offer to help with the kid, and not in the helpful friend kind of way that Creampuff is. He’d... “uh... like ta have one wit ya, too... whadda ya say, sweetheart?”
Edge- It does not affect him, until it does. When she starts to get cranky and irritable from being pregnant, he’ll be wary of her, but he’ll also seek her out at times, because he knows that yelling and arguing helps when you feel so aggravated. Yep, he’s actually trying to help (Y/n) relieve some stress when he's arguing with her. His brother isn’t around to do it, and- ... he... can’t bring himself... to offer that kind of stress relief after being the cause of a lot of her irritation for so long... He hopes that she’ll be able and/ or willing to move past that after the baby is born. When she goes into labor, he seems completely cold and in control, belittling those around him for being stupid as usual- but inside he’s really freaking out. When the baby is born, he’ll be walked in on holding the baby, looking parental, maybe... almost... maternal...? Breath a word of it to anyone, and you’ll be regretting your own birth...
Blue- He’s smarter, and more mature, than people give him credit for! And that’s going to show itself in the way he fights with Red while trying to get her “nest” ready. He always “just happens” to find things that would look great in the lodge! And some of the ladies at work were talking, one’s niece was going to have a baby, too! And he heard that you need to have this specific type of thing when you’re having a baby! And he just happened to see it while he was at the store, and thought he’d save her the trouble of having to get it later when she’s all achy and sore! Spoiler, he’s actually joined some mom groups and has started asking the ladies at work about when they’d had their kids and is doing a lot of research. He wants to make sure she’s as prepared as she can possibly be! And... all the while, he’s going to be working himself into her life so that after the baby is born, it’ll just be natural for him to be around! And then he’ll just- stay there... in her life... and it’ll already be like they’re mated by the time he actually asks her.
Stretch- He’s not phased by it- until she gets to about the third trimester and is really showing. He hangs out around the lodge a lot, “just happen to be workin’ in the lab a lot lately.” He’s pretty chill, hanging in the background, but he’s, y’know... keepin’ a socket out for her... incase she needs anything, or anything happens... humans are fragile, after all, and that’s a complicated stage to be at... He’s not going to be in the foreground helping, like some of the Papyri, and he’s not going to be doing things behind the scenes, like some of the Sanses, he’s actually the one worried that he’ll break the kid, despite knowing, scientifically, that he won’t. He’s doing what he can to make sure the baby’s doing well and is taken care of, though- even if it is mostly by “casually” mentioning to Blue that something needs to be done or gotten- his bro is better at that stuff, anyway.
Black- He doesn't quite notice at first- not that he doesn't know, just that whole "out of sight, out of mind" thing. So he doesn't really take it into consideration, after all, she's a human; she'd know her limits when pregnant better than he would, wouldn't she? He starts doing research to see if there's something he should look out for and finds so many troubling things! Humans die from this?! They could be hospitalized?! They could lose the baby if something as small as that happens?! Yep... he's fallen into webMD... He's now going to make Mutt do everything for her while he keeps her by his side to stop her from getting hurt.
Mutt- It doesn't really matter to him. The kid isn't there, yet, so it sounds like the perfect time to be trying to get her to keep her pants (and the rest of her clothes) off and stay in bed with him all day, every day. If he does manage to get her in bed (or she gets the pregnancy hornys and takes him up on his open offer), he's not pulling out. All his magic is going inside of her. He thinks it's so fucking sexy, until he realizes that he's poured all his magic into her and... possibly her kid... um... oh... And now the kid is also his. Whether he was there to start the kid or not (obviously not, since she was already pregnant when they met), his magic is all over the kid, and he wouldn't be surprised if the kid turns out to be a mage.
Axe- When he first sees her, he doesn't know, or care. It really doesn't affect him other than being a bonus tastey treat inside... When he gets to know her, and she starts to show, it changes. There are two responses to pregnancy in the Underground; the fear of having another mouth to feed, of losing them before you even name them, due to the famine- but, before everything went to hell, pregnancy meant hope. It meant future... And with plenty of food around- it reminds Axe of that. He will begin stockpiling food, it will be everywhere. He will come make (Y/n) eat, even if he has to come ask her to make a meal for him, and then slowly trick her into eating most of it. She’s going to gain a lot of weight if she’s not careful.
Crooks/ Bun- He jumps on that the moment he finds out, even if she's not showing. He uses it as a reason not to hurt or eat her when reasoning with Axe, he holds her forth as a symbol of hope and future. He still becomes her best Bun! But he's also like the one who goes to all the classes and everything with her, Lamaze classes, shopping for everything she could need... He is there for her. And also... maybe... mother henning her a bit- but only in the good ways!
Dusty- It really doesn't cross his mind at all, until there is visible evidence; she starts showing. And then he's pretty weirded out that there's a baby- an itty bitty human, growing inside her. He keeps a wary eye on her, and especially after she delivers. He’s very nervous about what havoc this little one could wreak! ... but then... he realizes that... with this one starting out brand new, without any pre taught awfulness... he could teach it- he could train it how to be good... and then he has a little bit of hope...
Ask Masterlist?
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krat395 · 5 years
W.D. Gaster, the Ultimate Tickle Master (Chapter 5)
After a rather interesting time at Muffet’s bakery/house, Gaster, MK, and the Dreemurr kids are all in the mood to sit by a campfire in the woods with Toriel, Asgore, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, and Alphys. But before they do so however, Asriel and MK feel the need to tell everyone a story; a story about everything that happened at Muffet’s bakery/house during the previous 3 chapters. ;) 
Undertale© Toby Fox.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 5: Story Time With a Goat and Lizard
 After a short car ride, Gaster, MK, and the Dreemurr kids arrived at Asgore’s house in the woods. And upon entering the house, the first place they headed to was the kitchen where Asgore, Toriel, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, and Alphys were all eating dinner together.
 Sans: Hehe. Well, well, well, look who it is everyone. Did the five of you get caught in Muffet’s web or something? *asked Sans jokingly*
 Frisk: Um, yeah. Yeah, we did, actually; in a manner of speaking. *replied Frisk while kicking off her flip flops to feel more at home*
 After seeing Frisk take off her flip flops, Chara then decided to take hers off too. ;)
 Alphys: Really? How so? What happened? *asked Alphys, who, for some reason, was wearing the same clothes as Undyne minus the red boots and eyepatch*
 (During this particular evening, Toriel is wearing her purple and white robe; Asgore is wearing his pink t-shirt and blue pants; Sans is wearing his blue jacket, white t-shirt, black shorts, white socks, and white slippers; Papyrus is wearing a red hoodie, black pants, and red boots; Undyne is wearing her black tank top, jeans, eye patch and red boots; and Alphys is wearing a black tank top and jeans.)
 Chara: Uh… well, we’ll gladly tell you, Alphys. And by “we,” I mean Azzy and Lizzy Boy. Heeheehee, you know; the “expert story tellers.” Heeheehee! But first, um, would you… would you mind explaining to me why you’re wearing the same tank top and jeans as Undyne? *asked Chara, confused as to why Alphys is currently wearing the same clothes as Undyne*
 Alphys: Um, well… because…
 Undyne: Huh? What are you saying, Chara? *asked Undyne, interrupting Alphys* Are you saying that she’s not allowed to dress like her Number 1 fan? *she asked while giving Alphys a hug, squeezing her tightly by accident due to apparently not knowing her own strength* Fuhuhuhuhu!
 Alphys: *WHEEZE* Un… Undy… Undyne… you’re… YOU’RE… *WHEEZE*
 Undyne: Fuhuhuhuhu! So precious! Fuhuhuhuhu! *Undyne laughed, squeezing Alphys even more*
 Gaster: Undyne, that’ll be enough. You’re hurting her. *said Gaster to Undyne in a calm manner*
 Undyne: Oh, s-sorry, babe!! *Undyne apologized, letting go of her girlfriend, who was gasping for air mere moments ago* Guess I still don’t know my own strength! Fuhuhuhu! (Dammit! I need to be more careful! My poor lizard weeaboo!)
 Alphys: *WHEEZE* It’s okay! *WHEEZE* I’m okay! *WHEEZE*
 Gaster: Hehehehe. Good, Alphys. *said Gaster in response, placing his right hand on Alphy’s right shoulder to express his concern for her* Very good.
 Undyne: Fuhuhu! So, anyway, what happened at Muffet’s house, punks?
 Asriel and MK: Heeheeheehee! Well…
 Toriel: Um, excuse me, Asriel, sweetie. *Toriel interrupted* I know you and your little friend here are excited to tell everyone what happened and all. But, can’t it wait until after dinner? You don’t want your food to get cold, do you?
 Asriel: Heeheehee! No, I suppose not. …But then again,
 Toriel: No. *Toriel interrupted again* You are not going to use your fire magic to heat up your meals again! When I say eat while it’s still warm, I mean, eat while it’s still warm.
 Asriel: Awwww, ok, I will. *said Asriel a bit disappointedly while proceeding to sit at the dinner table along with MK, Frisk, Chara, and Gaster* Hmmm, that is unless Dad tells me I can...
 Asgore: Asriel, listen to your mother, please. *Asgore interrupted*
 Asriel: Hehe. Ok, Dad, I will. Hehehe.
 Asgore: Hohoho! That’s my boy.
 Toriel: Hee hee hee. Yes. Eat first, story later. *she said while poking Asriel’s tummy underneath the kitchen table with her 3 right foot toes for about 20 seconds, tickling him in the process*
 Asriel: HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! *Asriel laughed adorably in response* MOHOHOHOHOHOM!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! GEHEHEHEHEHET YOUR BIG TOHOHHOHHOES AWAY FROHOHOHOHOM ME!! *he pleaded, trying hard not to fall out of his chair with every passing second of his brief but super effective tickle torture* HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~!!
 Undyne: (EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! Oh my god, Azzy’s laugh!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! It’s too cute!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! Toriel, stop tickling him!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! Stop tickling him, please!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! Before I get a “cute attack!!” EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!) *Undyne squeed to herself with absolute delight after hearing Asriel’s adorable laughter*
 Toriel: Hee hee hee. *Toriel just giggled in response, right before proceeding to pull her right foot away from Asriel before he could make any attempts to retaliate against her (right before he could grab her big insanely ticklish foot and start tickling it like crazy)*
 Undyne: (Whew! That was a close one!)  
 Gaster: Hehehehehehe. *Gaster chuckled in response* Oh, Toriel. Hehehe.
 MK: Mmmmmmm. *said MK after taking a bite of Toriel’s and Asgore’s food* Amazing food as always Ms. Toriel and Mr. Dreemurr. *he said right before starting to happily wag his long scaly tail*
 Toriel and Asgore: Hee hee hee/Hohoho! Why, thank you, MK!
 Papyrus: Nyeh heh heh! Yes! But, is it as good as your father’s food? *asked Papryus cheekily*
 MK: Hehe. P-Papy, c-come on! You know I like my dad’s food, Ms. Toriel’s food, and Mr. Dreemurr’s food equally!  
 Papyrus: Nyeh heh heh! I know. Just thought it was necessary for I; the Great Papyrus, to conduct a politeness test, MK.
 Toriel: Hee hee hee. Well, I’d say he passed with flying colors. Hee hee hee.
 Papyrus: Nyeh heh heh! He sure did! Nyeh heh heh! (One of these days, MK; one of these days I’ll find out whose food you enjoy the most! Even if I have to tickle torture you to do it! Nyehehehehehehe~!)
 The kids then proceeded to eat their supper. And while they were eating, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, and Alphys all felt the need to jokingly remind them to behave for Gaster tomorrow while the four of them accompany Toriel and Asgore on their “date;” jokingly because the “big brothers” and “big sisters” themselves know that their “little sisters” and “little brothers” will listen to everything “Uncle” Gaster, has to say. X3 Then, as soon as the kids finished eating, they, along with all of the adults, went to Asgore’s basement living room to let their stomachs settle before going to the campsite in the middle of the woods between Asgore and Gaster’s houses. Oh, and also to hear Asriel and MK tell them about what happened at Muffet’s house. But wait, why didn’t Asriel and MK tell them about that while they were eating supper? Well, the answer to that question is simple. Whenever Asriel and MK tell exciting stories together, they REALLY get into what they’re talking about! So much so that they often stand up, run around, bounce around, and jump around all over the place as they reenact every single scene with sound effects from their mouths; just like that of typical young boys. X3 And while the two boys are standing up and telling their story, everyone else is going to be sitting down listening carefully to everything they have to say; Asgore sitting in his massive club chair with Chara sitting on his lap X3; Toriel sitting on the left side of Asgore’s basement couch with Frisk sitting on her lap X3; Undyne sitting in the middle of Asgore’s basement couch with Alphys sitting on her lap X3; Papyrus sitting on the right side of Asgore’s basement couch with Sans sitting on his lap XD; and Gaster sitting in Asgore’s wing chair with no one sitting on his lap.
 Asriel: Hehehe. Ok, you guys, is it ok if MK and I tell you our story now?
 Asgore: Hohoho, of course, my son. By all means, go right ahead.
 Papyrus: Nyeh heh heh! Yes, please do tell, boys! I’m very eager to hear what happened at Muffet’s house! Nyeh heh heh!
 Gaster: Hehehehe. I love your enthusiasm, Papyrus. *said Gaster with a friendly smile to his son, Papyrus* Hehehehe. You hear that, boys? Papyrus is eager to hear what you have to say. *he then said to Asriel and MK* So, you better start talking. Hehehehe.
 Asriel: Hehehe. No problem, “Uncle” Gaster! *replied Asriel enthusiastically* MK, you heard the man. *he then said to MK, putting his arm around one of the young lizard boy’s shoulders and walking him to the center of the basement living room* It’s time to tell everyone a story, “Azzy and MK style!” Hehehe. Ready?
 MK: Hehe. You know it, Az! *replied MK enthusiastically, wagging his tail to express his excitement for what he and Asriel are about to tell everyone* Hehehehe.
 With that said; Asriel and MK then started telling everyone about what went down at Muffet’s house. And just as everyone predicted, they acted out all of the scenes just like that of typical young boys; making sound effects with their mouths such as “Kablooey,” “Kaboom,” “Vroom,” “Pew Pew,” “Whoosh,” “Fwip,” and “Psssh”; falling down, running, jumping, bouncing, strafing, etc. when necessary to mimic the movements of everyone that was involved; and imitating certain actions with their arms such as Muffet firing webbing out of her web shooters, Mettaton firing his arm cannon, and Gaster summoning ghostly hands. And while Asriel and MK were both adorable and fun to watch, everyone liked MK’s way of acting out things slightly more than Asriel’s; and that was mostly due to how MK made use of his tail to imitate certain actions. Everyone really likes seeing MK make use of his tail and it’s not hard to see why. It’s like an extra arm to him and with it; the young reptilian boy himself did things like wrap it around Asriel’s legs to simulate Muffet’s webbing; wrap it around his torso and Asriel’s torso to simulate Gaster’s shields and Muffet’s web cocoons; swing it and point it in Asriel’s direction, pretending that it was one of Mettaton’s backup arms, one of Muffet’s extra arms, or Gaster’s scythe at any given time; and spin it to somewhat simulate how Gaster spun his scythe to deflect Mettaton’s electricity directly into Mettaton’s heart-shaped core. That’s pretty impressive for a lizard monster such as himself! And while MK’s usage of his tail may have been fun to watch, the real cherry on top of his and Asriel’s sundae of a story were the parts where he and Asriel tickled each other when necessary. :D
 Like, for example, when the boys reenacted the part where Muffet webbed up the their ankles, along with Frisk and Chara’s ankles, Asriel sat down on the floor and then MK tickled his feet after wrapping his tail around his ankles.  
 MK: Oooooooooooh! I’m Blooky, the g-g-g-g-g-ghooossssst! And I’m here to make the widdle pwince, waugh! *teased MK, pretending to be Blooky… sort of XD*
 MK: Heeheehee!! I know, dude! I know! Heeheeheeheehee!! Kitchie, kitchie koo!! I gonna keep tickling you!! *teased MK, tickling Asriel’s feet faster and faster* Heeheeheeheehee!!
 Undyne: (EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! NUUUUUUUUUUUU!! NOT THE BLEATING!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! OH MY GOD, IT’S, IT’S TOO CUUUUUUUUUTE!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! AND AZZY’S SO FLUFFY!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! X33) *Undyne squealed and shrieked to herself with absolute delight, hugging Alphys, who’s currently sitting on her lap, as a means of preventing herself from accidentally squeeing out loud*
 Once again, Asriel and MK’s combined cuteness is too much for Undyne to handle. Undyne LOVES cute things; cute things such as the friendship of two lovable monster boys; so much! X3 Asriel and MK play off of each other so well. Not just when telling stories together but in general. And Undyne just loves that about them so much; so much that it makes her want to squee like a schoolgirl (and pick both of them up off of the floor and give them lots and lots hugs). But she doesn’t want to do that though. At least not out loud, anyway; and not on this particular night. So, in an attempt to prevent that from happening, she’s lovingly hugging Alphys, who’s currently sitting on her lap, to distract herself from the adorable scenes in front of her and everyone else that’s watching the boys in action.
 And when reenacting the part where Muffet tickled MK’s feet, Asriel simply just wrapped his left arm around MK’s ankles and then tickled both of his scaly three-toed feet with his right hand fingers.
 Asriel: Now, imagine this; but, with 6 hands instead of one!! *Asriel exclaimed to his audience as he continued tickling MK’s feet with his furry right hand fingers* Heeheeheeheeheeheehee!! Tickle, tickle, little lizard!! *he teased* Heeheeheeheeheeheehee!!
 Asriel: Because that’s where Muffet tickled you, stupid! *teased Asriel with no intention of offending MK as he began tickling the young lizard boy’s feet faster with his furry fingers* Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee!! Coochie coochie coo coo coo coo coo!! Heeheeheeheeheeheeheehee!!
 Chara: (And because they’re sooooo stinkin’ cuuuuuute, Lizzy Boy!! X33) *thought Chara to herself while blushing after looking at MK’s soles and toes; soles and toes she finds extremely cute*
 And when reenacting the part where Gaster tickled Muffet with spines, Asriel lied on the ground and then MK tickled his torso with his long scaly tail, slithering it around his every inch of his torso like that of a snake, pretending it was one of the spines Gaster magically summoned.
 Alphys: Haha! Yeah! Way to work that tail, “little bro!” *cheered Alphys* (You have to teach me how you do that, MK! Seriously, you do!)
 MK: Hehe. Thanks, “big sis!” So yeah, as I was saying, “Uncle” Gaster’s spines were awesome! Slithering around Muffet’s body, tickling her with each one of their individual vertebrae, and even wiggling their tail bones like this! *exclaimed MK, right before using the tip of his tail to tickle Asriel’s armpits and bellybutton to simulate how Gaster tickled Muffet’s armpits and bellybutton with his spines’ coccyges.
 And when reenacting the part where Gaster summoned hands to tickle Mettaton, MK lied on the floor on his back and then Asriel used his fingers and toes to tickle his torso.
 Asriel: Well, since I can’t summon hands like “Uncle” Gaster, I’m just gonna have to pretend that my feet are hands for this scenario! *said Asriel, right before beginning a ticklish assault on MK’s armpits and belly with his furry toes and fingers respectively* Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee!! Coochie coo! Coochie coochie coo! *he teased*
 Asriel: Heeheeheehee!! Oh yeah; yeah, I know, dude! Heeheeheehee!! Such a ticklish little lizard! *he teased again, this time tickling other parts of MK’s body such as his neck and sides with his toes and fingers respectively* Heeheeheeheeheeheehee!!
 And when reenacting the part where Gaster tickled Muffet’s feet after Muffet got trapped in her own webbing, MK lied down on the floor and wrapped his tail around his torso to simulate Muffet’s webbing. But MK’s tail alone wasn’t enough to simulate Muffet’s webbing though. So, to add to it, Asriel trapped MK’s legs in a set of “leg stocks” (Asriel wrapping his legs around MK’s legs to hold them still and expose his scaly feet). Then, once Asriel ensured that MK couldn’t pull his legs out of his grasp, he tickled MK’s feet with every single one of his furry fingers, eliciting frantic laughter and precious squeaks from his young reptilian friend in response.
 Asriel: Heeheeheeheeheeheehee!! *Asriel just giggled in response* Oh, MK. Heeheeheeheeheehee!! Tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle!! *he teased, tickling MK’s feet a little faster than before* Coochie coochie coochie coochie cooooooooo!! Heeheeheeheeheeheeheehee!!
 Yes, teasing is very effective when tickling MK! Everyone who’s currently in Asgore’s basement knows that! Especially Chara and Alphys! ;)
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skellebonez · 4 years
if you still wants prompts, how about 9 with red son after being taken in by tang and pigsy, seeing how they, mk, mei, and sandy all act around each other and being completely bewildered and out of his element around an actually affectionate family dynamic?
I had an idea a while ago about what might have happened if WBS had left one of those wisps that possessed the Bull Clones in DBK after episode 10, something she could use to try to manipulate him much more subtly and from a distance behind the scenes, so I'm gonna play around with a smidgen that here (so this ended up a little long... ok a lot long... SUPER LONG, 2K words). This is set between episode 10 and the Lunar New Year special, a little canon divergence.
How long have you been standing there?
The last few weeks hadn't been easy on anyone, but it hit Red Son harder than anyone else. Everyone had been hurt, physically at least, but Red’s hurt was on a deeper level... he'd thought everything was at least back to the status quo after Xiaotian had fought his possessed father.
He had no idea that the fight would be the catalyst for being forced into leaving his parents.
Oh, he had tried to stay. For a while everything had actually been pretty ok, his father was less cold and one minded on gaining power, but it quickly became apparent that something had gone wrong. He tried to talk reason into his father when he began to lash out at him, a little more every day, but after what had happened last time he couldn’t argue without his chest feeling tight and the words sputtering as they escaped his lips. His mother had tried as well, and she had managed to get through to him for a moment before that familiar blue light shone in his eyes and they realized exactly what had happened.
It was at her urging that he leave after that. For his own protection, she said, and Red didn’t know why that brought up so many conflicting emotions. DBK has fixated on him at the White Bone Spirit’s insistent manipulation, once again latching onto the notion of him being a traitor (and that hurt even more the second time around somehow) and she feared she would not be strong enough on her own to keep DBK from nearly succeeding in what he had failed to do last time. They had agreed on a plan, one that would have PIF playing along and pretending to banish her son so she could try to keep DBK under her watchful gaze while Red Son was at the very least out of harm’s reach.
It hadn’t taken him long to realize that he wasn’t safe anywhere alone. His mother had kept in contact with him at first, back when he tried to stay in his old apartment. DBK had made short work of that plan and Red realized quickly that if his father considered him a traitor and his mother wanted his safety before anything else he would need to swallow his pride and do the one thing he hadn’t planned on trying.
He went to Pigsy’s Noodles and asked for shelter... After he was body slammed by Noodle Boy and his two companions there, naturally. He supposed now that the reaction was relatively warranted.
The first thing they asked him was “How long have you been standing there?” since he was completely soaked in the rain that was pouring outside.
It was the scholar, Tang, who had listened to him most out of anyone. He seemed to be well versed in the stories of the White Bone Spirit and knowing the fight Xiaotian had put up against his father (and seeing the news stories of DBK smashing a random apartment) he was more than willing to give him a chance. Xiaotian had seemed willing to help after a time and once his stomach started growling and he admitted he had not eaten a full meal in over a day (and had been eating the worst meals he had in a while due to always being on edge) while hiding Pigsy had scowled and told him to sit down and wait. It was an awkward silence that fell over everyone.
The bowl of soup the pig demon placed in front of him was the best looking and smelling thing he had seen in days and he could barely hold himself back from scarfing it down. It was delicious, not that he was ready to admit so out loud. “Perfectly adequate” was what he had said when asked, around a full mouthful of noodles no less. He doubted it fooled anyone.
Though he hadn’t known what to expect when he asked for help, where they would send him or if they would even say yes. He thought maybe he would be sent to stay with Sun Wukong, though that would have been the worst possible outcome given their less than stellar history, or been told to stay with Xiaotian in his cramped tiny apartment. What he hadn’t expected was Pigsy to lead him out by the shoulder with a firm grip toward his and Tang’s apartment.
They’d given him their spare room and an old mattress and a set of rules. No going off on his own for his own safety (though he had a sneaking suspicion they also didn’t fully trust him which was honestly fair). He would work with Xiaotian on his deliveries or in the Noodle Shop (the idea of driving with Noodle Boy all day made him shudder and he hoped he would be set to work in the kitchen instead most days, but he bit his tongue). He could leave only if he stayed with Xiaojiao or Sandy. No catching things on fire (again, fair). Try not to fight with Xiaotian and Xiaojiao too much.
They tried to work out some kind of payment but he knew his father had no idea how bank accounts worked so he assured them he would at least be financially stable.
And things just... fell together somehow.
In time he started calling Xiaotian and Xiaojiao by their names rather than the nicknames he has given them. He found he actually quite liked Xiaotian’s music and driving delivery routes was not as bad as he feared. Xiaojiao had shown him the wonders of street racing (in disguise and the less Pigsy and Tang knew the better) and they bonded over mechanics. He had met Sandy and his many cats and learned that he was both a cat magnet and, according to Sandy, needed anger management (and also bonded with him over mechanics). He’d seen Sun Wukong only once, very briefly and neither saying a word in awkward silence. But somehow he could tell the monkey looked sad as he flew off back to Mount Huaguo.
Soon enough Pigsy had allowed him to help making soup and as it turned out while his own preferences for spicy food weren’t exactly popular with most normal clientele it drew an entire new group of food challengers. Pigsy seemed more than appreciative of this.
Tang, meanwhile, was overjoyed to have someone to talk to about all his stories and scholarly pursuits that wasn’t just Xiaotian and an annoyed (if, Red eventually realized, affectionately so) Pigsy. It was honestly quite fun to discuss topics he knew about and learn things even he had not known, learn how humans had passed down stories of demons he knew long ago, and just enjoy mildly antagonizing Pigsy in good fun.
This was all stuff he almost could have anticipated given what he knew about them all already. What he hadn’t anticipated was how... affectionate they all were.
Oh, some things he expected. Pigsy and Tang constantly being together? That wasn’t much unlike his parents. Xiaojiao grabbing him in hugs and pulling him around? He had seen how she was with others, that seemed in her character. Xiaotian bumping shoulders with him all the time? Much the same. Granted, he flinched every time this happened out of reflex.
But his confusion had started when Pigsy had ruffled Xiaotian’s hair on the first day Red Son worked in the noodle shop. The action baffled him, especially when the other young man swatted away the chef’s hands in annoyance, but there was a smile on his face and a laugh in his voice that belayed that he hadn’t hated the action.
He saw how much Xiaotian and Xiaojiao hugged, threw their arms over their shoulders, playfully punched each other. How Tang would also ruffle their hair and how Pigsy would move Xiaotian with a firm hand to where he needed him to be walking to. How Sandy would just gather everyone up in massive group hugs out of the blue.
He saw how Pigsy sometimes, when no one else watched, gave Tang the free helping of noodles he hassled him for with a smile. How he frowned after Xiaotian as he walked up to his apartment on shaky legs that were tired from a day of work and fighting demons. How Tang and Pigsy would sometimes reach over the counter and hold hands for a second before going back to what they were doing. How one time he had seen Xiaotian and Xiaojiao sitting back to back on his bed when he was sent up to get them and just... enjoy each other’s company.
He heard the nicknames and saw the casual brushes of hands and bumps of shoulders and smiles and gazes and it...
It made him realize how alone he had been with his mother, before his father had returned. How he almost always had Bull Clones for companions as he worked on his machines, how she rarely gave him casual touches of affection. Even after his father had returned she had been somewhat cold to him. His father was far more concerned with opening the box that started all of this, though he did not know how much blame to place on his father’s neglect itself or the influence he was under.
He loved his parents and he was certain they loved him. He had to be certain of that. But he could no longer deny they were not... affectionate.
So when one day Tang had reached out to grab his shoulder he had panicked.
Luckily he hadn’t burned the man, he had jumped back when he felt his hair flaming up, and he apologized profusely (when had he started being apologetic for his actions? maybe he was just afraid they would second guess giving him a chance and kick him out) for almost harming him.
It surprised him even more when Tang apologized and asked if he was the one ok, saying he didn’t mean to startle him and he should have asked before touching him. He honestly didn’t know what to say, staring at the man before Pigsy had managed to get his attention. Again, he apologized, saying he just didn’t expect it and that it was alright. He didn’t care as long as he wasn’t surprised again.
Something changed after that. Every morning when he woke up Tang and Pigsy made it a point to just nudge him in some way after getting his attention. A grip on his shoulder, warm and firm. A nudge on his arm. At first he tensed or flinched just like when Xiaotian or Xiaojiao touched him, but after a while he just... got used to it. Soon their gentle affection didn’t elicit any reaction and after that he realized he was starved for this kind of attention. He wanted more, not much, maybe he could stand his hair being ruffled a bit now.
And so he started to return it. He grabbed Xiaotian’s arm one day to get his attention and the look of surprise and joy on his face told Red that Pigsy and Tang must have told him something. He started sitting closer to him in the tuk-tuk, no longer pushing away when a bump made their shoulders brush together. He sat closer to Xiaojiao when they played video games or worked on blueprints for their rides. He allowed Sandy’s cats to have free reign of him (within reason) and accepted the hugs and nudges the large man had clearly been holding back from him (he was never able to initiate contact first, the other man was too touchy for him to beat him to it).
He started tapping Pigsy on the shoulder at work for his attention. He didn’t sit two seats away from Tang anymore, instead sitting right beside him.
And a few weeks later when Tang reached up to ruffle his hair the same way he did with Xiaotian he paused, looking at Red Son for permission. He nodded his head yes.
He knew why his old rival seemed to like them so much now.
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skellebonez · 4 years
Smoke, Flasks, and Unfinished Tasks
Hey. So. Remember THIS fill from like... a week and a half ago? Because of the comments I received I decided to rewrite it as a multi-chapter fic. The first chapter has the same premise but is completely written (barring a couple lines) and has many new scenes. Like a hint as to where the trio is maybe?
AO3 Link!
Summary: It had been over a year since MK had become the Monkie Kid. Months since Mei formed an unlikely bond with the Monkey King. Fewer months since Red Son had defected from his parents and was desperate to prove to everyone he could change a second time. In all that time a routine was set, communication alleys were formed, and agreements were made. Things had been going well.
Now the trio was missing without a single clue to where they had gone. And they weren't the only ones.
Warnings: None for this chapter, but perhaps mind the tags on AO3 for future ones.
Chapter 1: Thunder and Lightning
They were late. They had made sure to remind him of their plans multiple times last night... and they were late.
Sun Wukong, The Monkey King himself, would have been starting to get angry if he wasn't so worried. He wouldn't be surprised if Mei was late, it wasn't odd for her get distracted by some new thing she wanted to show him and take the time to get it before coming by. But Red Son and MK as well? That wasn't normal. MK had only been late to training once, that had been during the entire incident with Macaque training tricking him (they don't talk about that anymore), but even then he wasn't this late. Not to mention Red Son's thickheaded determination to show off just how serious he was about joining their side. He'd made promise after promise and did his best to keep his word in attempt to impress them, even going as far as going far over and earlier than what he promised.
The three of them were supposed to come to Flower Fruit Mountain for the day. Some training for MK, video games with Mei, and Red Son just tagging along so someone could keep an eye on the new comer (by Red Son's own insistence). They never showed. Didn't even send him an e-mail. He'd waited almost a hour, a personal record for patience, but not a peep from any of them. Something was wrong.
That was why he found himself standing outside of Pigsy's Noodles in the middle of the day disguised as a human, tail wrapped around his waist as a "stylish belt". Though, in retrospect, a mysterious man with flawless eyeliner falling from the sky without a single injury was not the most inconspicuous way to arrive. He didn't take the time to think about that, instead entering the noodle shop with a hastiness in his step he couldn't hide.
"Welcome to Pigsy's Noodles, home of the lon-oh..." The chipper greeting from the shop owner was cut off, a mix of annoyance and confusion taking over the tone. Pigsy looked over the counter at him and the ever present Tang turned around in suit. "It's just you. Ain't you supposed to be not here? With the trio?"
"Yeah," Wukong started, laughing oddly as he rubbing the back of his neck. There was an awkwardness he wished he could get rid of, something that didn't really belong on him. But things had always been tense between him and his once-younger brother and the tenseness had only grown since their separation after the journey. After he trapped the Demon Bull King. After he vanished for 500 years... after he came back. "See, funny story about that! I was waiting for them and you know how impatient I am but I was doing my best to not be so I waited for almost an hour and they kinda never... showed up?"
"What do you mean never showed up?" Pigsy questioned carefully, coming around he counter and brandishing a ladle in one hand.
"They did leave pretty late," Tang offered quickly, awkward smile showing he could sense the tension between the two old friends. "Red Son was fixing some of the equipment in the kitchen, maybe they ran into a demon and are on their way to the island right now! Maybe you just... missed them?"
"Yeah!" Wukong agreed immediately, laughing harder to hide his worry. Tang didn't seem convinced by his own explanation but Wukong as more willing to believe that without question than think about what the alternative could mean. "Yeah, that's probably it! I'm sure they're just fine, but if it makes you feel better I'm going to take a look around. If they make it there before I do they're sure to come home when they realize I didn't wait for them. Yup, totally sure of it. BYE!"
He ran out the door, jumping on his cloud faster than anyone could follow and took off in the direction of his home. He didn't miss the odd frown on Pigsy's face at his overly quick reaction.
They weren't anywhere he could see on the way to Flower Fruit Mountain. They weren't on the island or in any of the surrounding areas. There were no boats or any sign of a pogo ride on the staff on the sandy beach. There was just... nothing.
He only waited for another 10 minutes before the concern (not worry, he was not worried the three were very capable adults despite him thinking of them as his kids kids, one was even an ancient demon who nearly bested him centuries ago for Heaven's sake) took over once again and his somersault cloud was getting more distance this day that it had in years. He zipped back and forth over the ocean, looking for any sign of bodies people, boats, anything, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he found absolutely nothing in the calm and clear water. But this only raised more questions. They had left Pigsy's, there were witnesses, but had they made it to- Sandy! He was so focused on them coming by that he forgot how they would get there!
"I'm sorry, elder brother," Sandy said with a frown. "They weren't going to come by today, see?" He held up his phone, way too small for his massive hands, a text from Mei reading "Took ur boat yestday, srry! Will return tmm! *heart heart heart cat*" Well. That at least explained how they were supposed to get there without going to Sandy.
The Monkey King, changed back to his usual form, took a half shaky breath and sipped the tea the fish demon had offered him the moment he opened the door. Mo sat in his lap, purring softly as he no doubt sensed the tension in the air. "Then where are they..?" He wondered out loud. He hadn't seen one of Sandy's boats anywhere, they stuck out like a big blue sore thumb just like his still-younger brother.
"I don't know," Sandy answered, standing and stretching before giving the shorter man a wide smile. "But I'll do anything to help!"
He'd returned to Pigsy's shop immediately after that, not bothering to change back into his human disguise. That took so little energy and time but it was still energy and time he didn't want to waste. It had just started to sprinkle rain, the weather station having planned this for some time now. He had sent Sandy out to check all the waterways in the area, just to be safe, and he hoped that his search would be fruitless. He really hoped he sent Sandy on a wild goose chase...
"Are they back?" He demanded the second he opened the door, startling the 2 customers in the shop in addition to Tang and Pigsy. "Pigsy, Tang, did they come back?"
The dawning worry on the two men's faces was enough of an answer for Wukong to immediately run out, ignoring the shouts that followed him as he flew off again.
It was starting to rain harder. They weren't at Mei's house.
It was starting to downpour. He didn't see them at any of the food stalls.
The downpour worsened. They weren't at the anti-gravity arcade.
It was a torrential downpour. Red Son's apartment was empty.
There was electricity in the air. They hadn't been taken to the hospital.
Thunder and lightning. He carefully flew around DBK and PIF's hideout. He heard them talking about their next plan to "knock sense" into their son. They weren't there.
It was when he was nearly struck by lightning, nothing that would have actually caused him real harm but would have hurt like he'd been hit by a truck, that Sun Wukong finally decided that he wasn't going to find the trio. Not like this. Running around without a plan was not helping. He wouldn't find his kids like this.
So he made his way back to Pigsy's, soaked to the bone and brain fuzzy. Numb almost, not from the cold but in a mental exhaustion he couldn't explain. He walked in with his head down, dripping icy water from his fur, and was greeting with an almost as cold hiss before he could say anything.
"Where are my kids, Wukong?"
He looked up and took in the sight before him. Pigsy, Tang, Sandy, and Mo were all gathered in the shop. He hadn't even noticed it was closed until that moment. Sandy had a towel over his shoulders, as did the little blue cat, and they sat sipping a bowl of hot broth each.
"You said they'd come home. So, where are they?"
Wukong grit his teeth, continuing to avert his eyes from the furious gaze of his once-brother. "Idon'tknow..."
"What was that?" Pigsy almost yelled, stepping forward to grab he tails of his soaked cloak to drag hi down to eye level. "You said they'd come home! Where the FUCK are my kids, Sun Wukong!?"
"I don't know!" He grabbed Pigsy's hands, not gripping them or moving to remove them just holding them, grip shaking as he tried to keep his tone level. "I don't know, Pigsy, I looked everywhere but... I couldn't..."
For a split second there was nothing but disbelief and fear in the shorter ancient's eyes and it hurt Wukong more than he thought it would. Far more than he prepared himself for. Everything from the entire day came forth to hit him like the lightning truck he barely missed and he collapsed to his knees, mental exhaustion finally taking it's toll and tears began to mix with the rain water running down his fur as he looked off into nothing. He came to the horrifying realization that he really had no answer.
"I don't know where they are Pigsy..."
"You ok, bud?"
MK groaned as the Monkey King grabbed him by his arms and stood him up, brushing all the dirt from his clothes. Training had been going well, Red Son and Mei battling each other in the new Monkey Mech game as he continued to have his butt handed to him. But he had gotten a single hit in on his mentor, matching his last training session, and he looked so proud of him! "Yeah, we gonna go again?"
"Nah, I think making a new crater with your own body twice in one day is more than enough," Monkey King laughed out, guiding MK toward the small house he called home now. "Besides, I want to kick your butt in Monkey Mech too!"
"Hey! I'll totally kick your butt!"
"Prove it Monkie Man!"
Despite the lighthearted banter between them something just felt... off. MK couldn't quite put his finger on it... now that he really gave it thought...
Didn't the weather station call for rain today?
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