#the apes of wrath
sea-buns · 4 months
I went to go take screenshots of K2's divine intervention but then Zac became the DM and K2 might be pregnant and Brennan has to navigate this and he sounds so much like a parent who was done with this shit YESTERDAY and idek where to start
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14tev · 1 year
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tuttle-did-it · 18 days
'Murder in F Sharp,' Murder She Wrote (s7 e10) guest stars
Ricardo Montalban (Khan in Star Trek, Escape from the Planet of the Apes, Fantasy Island)
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James Sloyan, (ST: DS9, ST:VOY, ST:TNG, The X Files, Diagnosis Murder, Matlock, The Love Boat, etc)
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Aired 16 Dec 1990
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ducktracy · 8 months
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dnangelic · 5 months
everybody knows daisuke wouldn't hurt anybody ever right. not on purpose. right. ok. good. now i need to remind everybody that if you push or threaten him / the things he's deeply possessive over enough that dark can and would slam anybody into the ground and grind their skull into it while hissing and roaring with his claws and teeth out like a terrifying animal
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koraichalcum · 8 months
but he really do be having personal beefs with Raging Bolt, Gouging Fire, and especially Walking Wake--
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spyridonya · 2 years
I will forever love stories and AUs with Daeran lowkey panicking when Galfrey finally abdicates the throne.
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whenthecamerasgo · 2 years
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building a moodboard
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perennialslacking · 1 year
tang/macaqu e!
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thanks for enabling me :3c
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redraven25-stuff · 8 days
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worst way to annotate ever!! it’s grapes of wrath and i’m dying :)
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blushouyo · 1 year
happy bday lucifer 😘
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14tev · 1 year
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mygrowingcollection · 2 years
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Gary Combs
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ducktracy · 8 months
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Bugs Bunny
Growing up, I watched quite a lot of Bugs Bunny My dad had a lot of old episodes downloaded on iTunes. He also had a collection of old LaserDiscs that I grew up watching with additional Looney Tunes content. Today, I saw someone using a gif of a French cartoon chef, and immediately recognized it as a Bugs Bunny skit called French Rarebit part of which can be seen here on YouTube. The clip is about 4 minutes long, with part of the start and end of the skit cropped. That skit isn’t what this post is about. I watched these Bugs Bunny skits on iTunes as a kid, and on iTunes, there is a collection of old Bugs Bunny skits labeled as “Bugs Bunny Volume 1” where various skits are grouped together with two skits per episode. Along side French Rarebit (1951), the iTunes bundle has the Bugs Bunny skit Gorilla My Dreams (1948). I remembered the two being grouped together as I associated them with each other as a kid. Which makes sense, considering how I originally watched them.
After I saw that gif, I wanted to look up the cartoons so that I could rewatch them now as an adult. I looked for ‘the gorilla episode’ of Bugs Bunny. I remembered that clip being first when you went on YouTube, and I decided to find it first. Various clips popped up. I watched this one which is uploaded by the official WB Kids channel. It is titled as ‘Bugs and the Gorilla Baby.’ The skit shows Bugs Bunny in a barrel being scooped up by a female gorilla who declares herself to be Bug Bunny’s mother. Bugs Bunny agrees to be her baby, and is brought home. The clip is about 2 minutes long, which make sense. Warner Bros isn’t necessarily going to upload full videos to YouTube, but then I started thinking. There was a lot more to this skit than what was shown, and I remember it was one of my least favorite episodes.
Then I looked for another clip, to find more of the episode and found this clip (the title is mislabeled, saying that the episode the clip is from was from 1986 even though it was released 38 years earlier) which takes place immediately after where the official upload is cropped. In this clip (which again, takes place immediately after the clip in the original upload) Bugs is brought home by the ‘mother’ gorilla where he is confronted by the ‘father’ gorilla… who is an extremely aggressive man. I also found this clip which takes place a bit after the previously mentioned clip. This scene depicts the ‘father’ gorilla being extremely violent with Bugs, contrary to what the ‘mother’ gorilla said (treat him like a baby). Finally, there is this clip which shows the opening scene to the video, along with a random one-liner from the end cause whoever uploaded it did that.
Now, as you’ve probably figured out, this skit contains a bit of a racist stereotype. If you’re not sure, maybe go back and watch some of the clips and/or read the Wikipedia summaries linked. For the most part, the designs of the gorillas is similar to other animal designs in classic Looney Tunes. The proportions of the limbs are similar to characters such as Tasmanian Devil oddly enough if you ignore the face and other cosmetic differences (I have never watched any Tasmanian Devil cartoons as far as I remember, but his first appearance was in 1954). I can remember other, more ‘obvious’ depictions of racism in other Looney Tunes cartoons with more exaggerated features. This skit probably would’ve gotten away with having these just be gorilla characters, however the hair and certain visual changes in certain sight gags (using that term loosely here) along with the mannerisms and personalities of the gorillas is where a lot of the racism lies. The mannerisms and violent depiction along with the characters being you know, gorillas, is where the racism lies. I’m not going to go too in-depth on the racism. I think we can all recognize the content for what it is. If any POC wanna reblog with their takes on that aspect, feel free. I don’t want to go in depth on this aspect but wanted to acknowledge it.
Now at this point, I was noticing some things in the search results and in the Wikipedia article as I continued hyperfocusing on this episode. There was another gorilla-themed Bugs Bunny episode. Titled Apes of Wrath, and released in 1959, this episode of Bugs Bunny recycles the plot of Gorilla My Dreams 11 years later. The remake can be found on YouTube split up into part 1, part 2, part 3, and part 4. After watching these two versions of a recycled plot, I’ve been thinking about and analyzing the differences between the versions. Typically, when a plot is recycled, it is between different media (like a movie being adapted from a book). Sometimes movies in the public domain are remade with different interpretations (like Cinderella). Sometimes animated will be remade as live action. Sometimes there will even be movie adaptations of old movies with a modern twist. However, all that being said, I don’t think it is all that common for a short story like this to be remade in the same format by the same studio. The only example I can think of that is even kind of like this is Fantasia, released by Disney in 1940 (the movie contained a racist caricature and in later releases, the content was censored).
I think that it is really interesting to see two versions of a similar story written in different decades of Warner Bros cartoon history. Sure, you can look at some older episodes, and compare them to newer episodes, but with these two versions, more direct comparisons can be made. I want to analyze these two pieces of media and some of the differences to be found.
First of all, references. Bugs Bunny has always parodied relevant popular media. The original Gorilla of my Dreams skit is a parody of films like Tarzan, and other ‘jungle’ movies which were popular at the time. I’m not going to go too much into this as its not overly important. If you want to know all the little easter eggs, you can check the Wikipedia, which lists it. I’m bringing this up to show the difference in formatting. The original is more of an original story structured as an homage to what was relevant. The remake, Apes of Wrath, takes a lot of aspects to various ‘stock’ storylines which became more common in Looney Tunes stories over time. Apes of Wrath starts out with a drunken stork, a character not present in the original story. The stork loses a baby gorilla he was meant to deliver. He knocks out Bugs Bunny with a baseball bat, and brings Bugs to a pair of gorillas. Similar to the original, but with different set up, the ‘mother’ gorilla immediately accepts Bugs as her baby. Bugs immediately submits, and agrees to the roleplay. Halfway through, the actual baby gorilla is brought to the family. The ‘father’ gorilla, who had been hostile towards Bugs throughout the skit, finally has an excuse to chase him, now that he thinks Bugs decided him by pretending to be a baby.
Before I continue, I want to point out that in both versions, Bugs Bunny ends up dressed in a baby bonnet, and a diaper. In Gorilla of my Dreams, both are pink. In the sequel, the diaper is plain white, while the bonnet is blue. It’s a small change, but I can’t help but think it was deliberate. I can’t find much information on any controversy that would’ve been around at the time of the remake (to be honest, I’m not sure how I would find that) but I find it interesting if this change was on purpose.
The original also introduces Bugs Bunny as reading Esquire (which was considered an Adult magazine at the time) while he sings, sitting in a barrel drifting along in a body of water with a bottle of alcohol at his feet. The remake introduces Bugs as singing the song Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair as a play on the words ‘hair’ and ‘hare.’ So right off the bat when watching these two versions, you can see there are some differences in how controversial they want to be. The depiction of the drunken stork added to the remake isn’t really trying to be controversial, in my opinion. It feels more like an excuse to have a dumb character that talks funny which is a whole other issue. Its less “trying to be edgy” and more “depicting alcoholism as silly.”
The differences between the era are not only shown through the difference between the story structure (original parody vs commonly used formula) but through the comedy as well. While slapstick is more present in both versions, it along with exaggerated cartoon violence takes up more screen time in the original. The remake has less visual gags (such as written puns) than the original, and also includes more dialogue-based humor. This it not to say that one version is wholly without the other, this is just generally what I noticed. The sequel also has this gag, clipped in a 5 second long YouTube upload. I would recommend watching it. It is from Apes of Wrath, and is a funny little gag I did laugh at.
The shift in animation styles from Gorilla of my Dreams to Apes of Wrath is also something I wanna note. The way the characters interact with the background is different due to the changes in animation styles. I haven’t done research on it recently, but hand drawn animation is just fascinating to me. I’m not very good at drawing and techniques confuse me, but I think its cool looking at old animation rigs and stuff.
I realized that I didn’t talk about one of the big differences cause I was getting focused on the smaller stuff. In Gorilla of my Dreams, the ‘mother’ immediately decides that Bugs is her baby, and she insists that the ‘father’ be kind to Bugs. The ‘father’ gorilla has some ‘alone’ time with Bugs where he throws Bugs in the air in an abusive manner, until Bugs retaliates and fighting ensues. (This part of the episode is what I remember scaring me a a child. My father would show me that scene as an example of how I should feel lucky he wasn’t ‘as bad’ as this depiction of a father. Considering my father would toss me around as a kid, and dangle me by my ankles for fun - which was some of the tamest physical abuse from him - idk but that’s kind of fucked up. Anyways back to analyzing this old cartoon and not my childhood.) In Apes of Wrath, Bugs is watched by the ‘mother’ gorilla for most of the episode. Whenever the ‘father’ tries to be violent towards Bugs, who clearly is not a baby gorilla - he is an adult rabbit, the ‘mother’ commits acts of violence towards the ‘father.’ It is not until the actual gorilla baby is brought to the parents by the stork does the ‘mother’ stop protecting Bugs Bunny. Another note is that in the original, Bugs continues to wear the diaper and bonnet for the duration of the chase scene fight with the ‘father’ gorilla at the end of the episode. In the Apes of Wrath remake, he almost immediately ditches the baby clothes. All of this is to say that the main violence of the episode switched from child abuse to more of a domestic violence and ‘betrayal revenge’ scenario.
An additional change I would like to remark on is the change in how the gorillas are portrayed in-universe. In Gorilla of my Dreams, the gorillas are introduced at the start of the episode as extremely humanlike. A group of gorillas are depicted at the start of the episode reading magazines and books with various puns on the covers. The titular gorillas live in a house made of reeds(?) or dried bamboo(?) with appliances. It’s basically a cartoon ‘jungle’ aesthetic that closely resembles a ‘typical’ American household. The gorillas are depicted as mostly humanlike, but with a gorilla twist (for example in the establishing shot of the gorillas sitting outside, they are holding the newspapers they read with their feet). In Apes of Wrath, the gorillas are depicted like cavemen. They have a stereotypical cartoon ‘cavemen’ aesthetic, alongside similar personas. The character design is also slightly different.
All of this is to say idk how to finish this post. I just found this all interesting in a historical sene. I went to watch an old cartoon out of nostalgia, and found a different cartoon which had been remade, and went down a brief rabbithole of comparing content. I’m not sure if I ever watched Apes of Wrath. I don’t remember the stork character, or Daffy Duck’s very brief appearance at the end of the short story. I might have seen it as some time. I don’t really like either video, but I just thought this all was interesting.
The official clip upload on the Warner Bro’s YouTube channel is very clearly from the original Gorilla of my Dreams. It is carefuly cut around any depictions of the hyper aggressive and abusive ‘father’ gorilla, and it makes me wonder what is the point of having a new version? I cannot find a clip of the Apes of Wrath version on that channel. Plus, the clip that was uploaded doesn’t have the episode title. The clip for French Rarebit has the actual title, and it was uploaded to the same, official channel.
I forgot what the point was. Bye
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the-monkeies-girl · 2 months
Scolding. ( Noa x Human!Reader, POTA Oneshot. )
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Title: Scolding. Fandom: ( Kingdom of the ) Planet of the Apes. Pairing: Implied! Noa x Human!Reader. Rating: T. ( Sexual implications, talks of a naked human body. ) Words: 4.5K+ Summary: What would Noa's reaction be to seeing you in a dress for the first time?
It was long faded; your eyes scanning the yellow tinted fabric of a dress you had scavenged only a few months ago when Anaya, Soona and Noa had taken you to the Echo ruins for the first time. Faded but in the dim orange glow of your hut, you could still see the vividity of the flower pattern that once clung so happily to the threads. They appeared blackened now and barely outlined the shapes of petals, but your imagination did its due job and filled in the blanks for you.
It was like it was barely clinging to whatever hue it had been for the last three-hundred years, beaten and soaked by the sun’s wrath until it came into your loving and reminiscent possession. It would have been easy to explain to the three Apes if they had captured you admiring it. You liked Echo things. You were Echo to them in most regards despite the constant reassurance that you were also a part of the Clan. It would be easy to just tell them that you found the pattern interesting and leave it at that but something yelled inside of your mind to take it. 
Humanities self-loathing jealousy for things more beautiful than the nature that surrounded you day in and day out.
Humanities seething love for things that would make themselves outwardly more appealing.
Hesitantly at first, you had no reason to tuck it into your rucksack that Autumn day and take it back to the Eagle Clan but something spurred you to do just that, it was as if the other bodies it had once been placed upon were seeping into you and telling you stories one by one from over the generations of who had owned it up until its time with you. Stories of firsts kisses in the dress, chaste and afraid, stories of love and adoration as the wearer was showered in compliments from their significant other, closer melancholy of another Human finding it and never realizing the value….
You were a romantic and it pained at times that the world you found yourself in, especially from your Human lineage, tore that down and destroyed it into a lacking ghost of what it could have been. Human’s did not love the same way Apes did, and it was apparent from the first day you came to be with Noa. 
It was different.
You folded the crinkled fabric gently between your fingers and never looked back on it, no intentions made for the garment as it was shoved into the sack against your hip. You washed it the day after and it did nothing but sit as a folded pile in your hut, a shimmered reminder of the remnants of Humanity, a sweeping caress you would place your hand on when you wanted to remember a time before your own.
A time where there swirled nothing but vanity and the self-absorbed nature of individuals that would ultimately and always lead to the downfall that began generations ago. No need for it in the climate of the Winter when you had taken it, no need for it in the political position that the world sat in, teetering between intelligent Apes and the smaller, dwindling aspect of intelligent Humans.
But still… Your eyes admired the garment for what it had been once as it was splayed on your animale hide boasted nest. Faux wooden buttons against the bosom that were chipped around the edges, the silky texture of the thinned straps as you lifted the dress upwards, wrinkling in on itself and let it drape down your body and pressing at the crevices of your shape, stopping at mid-thigh with a shrill of exhilaration trickling down your spine.
It felt strange to be so exposed to the air, your arms tucked in on themselves out of censored defense and it took all your willpower to relax a bit as your heart ran a marathon against your ribcage to the point of self-inflicted hardened breathing. 
Your entire life centered around safety and keeping yourself alive, something that you loosened control over once you became more associated with the Eagle Clan. Once… Noa had taken you under his Eagle’s wing and secured your survival by always being at your side. A dress was juxtaposed to that, no armor and no shield against otherwise delicate skin and that felt guilt filled and sinful in your mind. There was nothing telling you that it was appropriate.
There was nothing assuring you that Noa would even like it. He’d probably think it pointless. Clothing were clothing to him, such an Echo aspect of privacy that did not exist to Apes who wore no clothing and only accessories with cross body bags, thinned twine belts and the armbands that signified they were a Clan, together and not apart. 
There was screaming from your appendages fully cased in the firelight, the heat being a gift against the otherwise chilled Summer air that surrounded you, there was no guarantee that a snake wouldn’t sink its teeth into your leg after popping out from the tall grass of the meadow, there was nothing stopping a bug from landing on you and trailing around as if you were one with nature. Not that those things would be an issue. 
You’d let Noa sink his sharp canines bouncing against the moonlight straight into you without reserve if that’s what he so chose to do upon seeing flesh that had never been seen, you’d let Noa’s hands trail your bare arms, fluttering and calloused like the tiny legs of a beetle in an attempt to keep you warm and there was a drop in your stomach that you were… Wearing what you were in order to garner some semblance of attention from the otherwise occupied Master of the Birds. Would he… notice? Your fingers trailed against the bottom hem of the dress, wavy and bumpy as the fabric was coming undone in spots and it had obviously been repaired by inadequate sewing. There was a small hole right above your belly button, beckoning even the most docile eyes to look at it and it captivated you to see the color of the dress against the tone of your skin.
The things that could happen to you for being so bare would not happen, they persisted as improbabilities against the larger scape of what would happen when you finally mustered enough courage to tug your equally worn jacket over your shoulders and trailed to meet Noa once the sun had fully set in the field adjacent to the Village. 
Quiet and peaceful, the two of you could enjoy each other's company without the prying stares from the other Chimps, without the constant pestering from Anaya or the curious glances from Soona that told you all you needed to know about the Eagle Clan’s leaders intentions towards you.
Ignoring them was the way to go around it but it was hard at times when you found no time alone with each other, finally yearning to use the dress for what you imagined its intended purpose might have been at one time in the past. To impress. To dazzle against the wearer and show their intended what might lay underneath. It did just that, not to boast about yourself. It clung to you like a second skin, stretching the fabric as you took a deep breath in and held it carded in the depths of your lungs. 
No bra, your breasts perked against the thinned textile as you trailed a hand upwards to adjust the right sleeve against your suddenly heady skin. It felt so… Human to wear. The drawing in your mind and imagine that Noa would want to tear it right off of you. The growl he’d release for you upon seeing what was underneath as if it weren’t evident enough from the way the yellow garment was hugging the right places. You doubted that it would make a difference, you were both too shy to act upon impulse but it was a tasty delicacy you were using to hype up the anxious sensation in your limbs as you released the breath you had been holding in. 
The gravity at the center of your being felt unbalanced as your feet shuffled themselves into your boots. Not adequate for the rest of the outfit, you had no way to tell how the dress might have looked actually put together with the proper accessories but you did your best and flattened the fabric against your hips and sighed. Whoever had worn this before… Who ever fitted it against themselves like you were doing must have felt the same, right?
The blood rushing in your ears with silenced anticipation, the jittering of fingers right under your breasts as you smoothed the cloth there starting from the buttons lining down your sternum and out towards the flare of your ribcage. This was fruitless, Noa would not care, you mind was convinced of that and you had no idea what you were even thinking as you grasped your jacket with your right hand and faced the exit of your hut. 
Noa would not care and that was alright. As long as you felt good about yourself wearing it, that was all that mattered as you trailed right out the entryway. 
The gliding of your thighs against each other was an odd sensation outside of them ever kissing when you washed yourself. They were often carded in the thicker fabric of your cargo pants or pressed together without release when you slept and you never took notice of the lick of arousal it garnered from just your mind running with the idea that Noa would want to touch you there. The way his leathered touch would feel against them as they were pried right open with very little strength. How hot he’d be against you as he slotted his tapered waist between then and urged you to tighten and stay secure as he rocked into your body. 
Your mouth fell open at the absurdity of the thought but it was persistent and called for you to walk a bit faster, feet trudging through the scape of the village to the east. Noa was waiting. The Chimp was always waiting for you, the outline of his body finally captivating your minored night vision that was aided by a few of the fire stakes that scattered the perimeter of the Clan’s edges. He would not care, your mind replayed itself over and over again but there was the excitement of the Ape seeing you for the first time so vulnerably. You hoped that’s how it came across. A sense of comfort, a sense of understanding that you felt… Safe with him to wear such absurd and impractical garments. You had no idea what he found so interesting about you, heart racing inside of its ribcaged home as you came to walk more gently against the ground, eager to not step on anything that might alarm yourself like an innocently placed twig begging to be snapped under the weight of your body. There were obviously unspoken things that were of interest to both parties, the way that Noa looked over at you upon your impending arrival, shoulder fur rising in acute absorption as was the case when you made your presence known to the Ape who had to have known of your arrival before you hit his peripheral.
Noa’s vision was greater than your own; the sweep from your feet all the way up to your head, the Ape loomed over every small detail he was able to detect against the backdrop of the village itself. You could almost feel the dilation of his gold and green irises, blown to proportion from the lack of proper lightly and more so… You were desperate to think that it was more from how you looked in his line of vision rather than the strain his gaze needed to present to see things about you in detail. 
Noa’s mouth parted naturally as was his natural default expression, something you found so amusing as it casted a light right against the sheen of his sharpened canines when under the right circumstances before they drifted back into the home of his gums. But this… Your heart fluttered a bit to crazed in your chest as you came a bit closer, grasping the hem of the dress once more to keep the nerves that were bursting out at bay.
This time out of more surprise at the appearance of your… Arms. Longer than his own, he was able to see the build of your flesh against what smaller muscles you had to his own. There was the delicate coating of your thinned hair that he was able to detect as the flushed light behind you seemed to set your skin aglow at the angle of which he was peering up at you with. 
So… Strange… Noa felt a jolt inside of his navel and it blossomed upwards to rest right beneath his diaphragm. Uncomfortably, he shifted his position and tried to get it to go away as Noa’s mind collapsed in on itself. Has… Has he seen them like this before? Your legs! Had he seen… Your legs been like this before? Tangling in on themselves as if you had just learned how to walk? Your calves shone as they caught the light. They were so new, he wanted to touch them. Noa’s brow hardened at that thought. He wanted to do more to them than that, but was he willing to relent the control he had over himself to admit? 
Noa wondered… If they felt any different than his own set of legs. They were more proportionate to your body length and seemed to stagger here and there against the terrain, balance was never your forte and Noa was on alert even now to make sure you did not take a tumble. On the flip side, Chimp legs  were shorter and more attune to heavy lifting and were incredibly centered to allow him to balance and hold with the help of his dexterous feet.
He could lift you and force you to let him admire you. To sink into the flesh that was teasing him so ardently along with the overwhelming fragrance that rivaled the meadow’s speckled wild flowers. The scent between your legs that was so clear in regular clothing was smothering to him and caused a stifled jostle for the Ape that was hard to ignore as you walked nearer and gave him a small brisk smile of affection and adoration. 
“So-Sorry I’m late. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to wear.” 
That sounded so Human, you wanted to slap yourself, tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear as you tried to set aside the everlasting notion that Noa was perplexed beyond belief and it was hard to see otherwise when he was coiling himself into a tightened ball of nerves beside you. The hackles of fur along his broadened shoulders rose from interest at the lack of clothing. At the lack of privacy you were showcasing. It was forbidden in his mind to ever think about your body like that, Noa had no self-control to stop and the one time he allowed himself to go down that road, he couldn’t look at you for an entire week out of shell-shocked embarrassment.
Noa was stagnant and amply watched as you dropped your jacket first onto the ground for you to sit on before following suit with your delicious frame. It was like it was slowed down and dilated for him to take in every detail. The ripping of the fabric against your skin as you stretched your thighs apart to seat yourself properly, the way that drifted up ever so slightly and gave witness to a piece of your hamstring as your legs lifted and rested into a crossed position, the strap that was holding the garment up drifted downwards and stopped right above the bend of your elbow and the Ape found it difficult to not gawk at the newly exposed piece of your jugular. 
It was heavily beating implying nerves on your end from the quickened pace. Implying want and desire as Noa felt his mouth run dry with temptation to place his teeth against the beating vein. Right away and without any reserve, your arousal was drifting around the young Ape like a ripened fruit best to pick off the branch at the moment than to wait any longer. He had not seen what you were wearing before. Ever.
It was obvious from the pulling and drift of your breathing which catapulted the fabric against and away from your chest that you weren’t wearing anything underneath, scratching at the inner part of Noa’s conscious mind that he did desire to see what lay there, bare and without fur. Sure, Female Apes had the same characteristics you had, there was nothing… Special about them, Noa fluttered his eyes to the side in an attempt to keep the morbidity of his train of thought at bay. 
So why would the young Chimp be so… interested in seeing you… Without anything on? Sure, the fabric seemed interesting enough, mildly see-through Noa had to admit to seeing that when you first beckoned your arrival with a blushed smile. At least where the textile was thinner did it appear to cling closer to your skin, Noa’s mind felt like it was set ablaze with a trace of jealousy that he wanted to cast his body against yours in such fashion---...
There was the small hole of wear and tear that tugged right below your right breast, against the ridge of what Noa imagined to be your ribs… It expanded and shot back in with every breath you took as if it were teasing the Ape that it might just burst open if you inhaled too aggressively.
Maybe it was the primal part of Noa’s mind that yearned to see you exposed as a form of acceptance, that you were Ape just like he, just like Soona, Anaya and Dar. You were after all, with a roll of his shoulders at the satisfaction of the thought itself, Noa chuffed, you were a part of the Eagle Clan. There was no need for the pesterance of clothing, but you insisted and Noa never argued against the Echo logic which held privacy and embarrassment so highly. 
Maybe in some sick twisted way, Noa just wanted to know what your reaction to being bare would be. Would you try to cover yourself up, much like you were doing as you drew your arms to fold against your sternum, ultimately bolstering your breasts against the cap of the dress collar. Noa looked at that briefly and puffed his cheeks out before gazing out at the stark field that now held very little interest for him.
You’d try to cover yourself up was the deduced fact just as Noa was trying to sly away from the fact that there was a part of him that was yearning to just stare at you instead of the darkened landscape to figure out the purpose of your choice. It was warm enough, Noa figured, feeling a heated breeze through his thinner fur of the Summer and colliding with the skin beneath. 
“What… Is it? Have not seen you-... Wear…. That.”
“I found it… A couple months ago…” Your voice was hushed as you looked down at your own body and shuffled your butt a bit to get comfortable against the ground below. It was mildly cushioned from the bent grass that conformed against your lower half, tickling a bit at your bare legs and left a ricochet shiver to run up them and let it linger between your legs. There was no way to play faux confidence even as the yellow dress dragged itself upwards and displayed more of your thigh for Noa to take delectations in. You wanted to do nothing but pull it down and apologize for the mis-understanding and scuttle back to your hut for the night and tear it off with no intentions to ever wear it again.
All futile attempts at thinking that Noa’s opinions did not matter were lost. You… Cared, your heavy eyelids fell shut slightly as you looked at your lap where your hands were tangled in on themselves, pulling into knots with your fingertips and releasing them out of anxious desire for either one of your to say something that was going to be beneficial instead of sitting in what felt like bated and intensely scrutinized judgment.
What… Was Noa thinking? Did--- did he like it? Did the Ape think it was just a stupid Echo aspect, to worry about what you wanted to wear? To worry about your outward appearance? You drew a deep breath in but that did nothing to help your mind from falling into a pit of its own despair.  There was a pull in the center of your chest that hurt more than you cared to admit at the time that you wanted Noa to say something about it, even if it were critical so you could retaliate as if your words were going to convince him otherwise.
“I-I think we…” The tapering in your voice was relaxed and flowed into eased correction, “Echo… used to call it a dress.”
“You have not,” Noa muttered softly, and shifted his body ever so slightly so his shoulder brazenly drifted against your own and it felt like your skin was set aflame that rivaled even the bonfire in the center of the village at its peak during the evening meal. “Worn before.” That was said previously but in a different way and this time, it was accompanied by a swinging of Noa’s right arm to translate it into signing as if that were going to help the intended thoughts that now danced around the inside of his mind as frenzied contact between your stares was made and Noa felt a shattering of your clear scent radiate down into the depths of his nostrils once more and he turned back forwards, leaving your mouth open as if you were going to say something but ultimately decided against it at his reaction. It was an astute observation by an already obsessive Ape who took things apart at times to cure whatever seeped inquisitiveness that possessed him at the time.
That… You tilted your body inwards and captivated the very tips of Noa’s darkened fur against otherwise virgin skin that Noa himself started to enter by shifting his larger body towards your own.  That obsession was something you always found so attractive about Noa and it appeared it dove even deeper by your underlying desire to be the puzzle that he could not crack but attempted time and time again.
“Not much… to cover Echo’s… arms and legs.”
“Not really.” It was getting more difficult to hide the disappointment in your voice as you uncrossed your legs carefully, feeling the cracking of your kneecaps as you did so. Sitting up so you were able to pull the dress down enough to cover yourself better, you tugged the fabric to the point of the stretch against your thigh and carded your knees inwards so you could curl into a defended ball of nerves that now leaked uneasy confidence. “I think it was used more for celebrations and stuff… Thought it would… be nice to wear. Something different, you know?” The words felt empty and shallow now that you were explaining it in verbalization. Noa pressed his mouth together into a tightened line of discernable emotion. He knew you well enough to notice the shift in your tone. The body language that you paraded here with was gone with whatever semblance of self-assurance you had when you told him that you were unsure of what to wear and ultimately choose what was laying against your flesh that Noa wanted nothing more than to sink his own canines into. Forget the fabric, he'd be able to rip that off without any notice if it chose to get in his way---...
There were things the Ape could say, his teeth bared themselves in a small grimace of frustration aimed towards himself only while the fur along his longed collarbones rose in agreement to the emotion that ravaged around. The only coping mechanism Noa had was self-deprecation at times like these when he lacked the Echo understanding of what you were begging him for. Gritting the blunted top and bottom set of his teeth together for a split second, Noa relaxed his jaw and glanced towards you as you actioned your neck upwards to look at the sky and the twinkling of the lights that dotted along the midnight navy backspace.
There was such innate interest in you, Noa wanted you to know that but how… Could he just come out and say it? There was no way that you’d be receptive… Right? “Think it is… Nice. Something different…” 
Noa nodded his head assuredly at his own choice of words, hoping you recognized them as having a dual meaning. One towards the yellow scorned dress that had been faded and brought back to life by a captivating body and movements that flushed against your hips, bustled against your chest and waved invitingly at the Chimp, and the other towards the wearer itself. The hold of your shoulders that seemed to perk with anticipation, shoulder caps flushed with red that was from the heat of Noa’s proximity.
“Something different… is always… Nice.”
The smile that Noa gave you was rushed but held enough tenacity emotion for you to notice that it was bashful as if he were unsure of the cadences of his statement. As if he were… Afraid that you would not understand. Noa’s mouth parted once more, dripping his hot breath against the warmed skin of your bicep as the breathing was rapid but paced and not sporadic. You found yourself in a mimicked position, your lungs being crushed in by your position but it felt good and soothing against the knowledge that Noa was… Attempting to give a compliment, if you so chose to be optimistic about what the Master of the Birds was uttering to you.
And optimistic you stayed.
“Do you think so?” You whispered hushed, bringing your face down to kiss your forearm as you wrapped your arms around your knees and kept yourself positioned to longingly peer up at the sky. Noa felt jealous at that, shuffling once more to bump his shoulder against yours in an attempt to keep you grounded and focused on only himself. Selfish, he knew that but the way that you tore your eyes back into his foliage irises was something that lit Noa on fire, the smile that tugged itself across your expression was something the Ape longed to see over and over again. And he wanted to be the only one to stir it from you. 
“I think… It is welcomed. Especially when it is… You who brings something… Different.”
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