#the anxiety of posting for a new fandom is unmatched
aeligsido · 2 months
[WM] Prompt 1 — Western.
Rating: G.
Characters: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Orion Black, Walburga Black, Regulus Black, James Potter.
Additional Tags: flirting, first meeting, bartender Remus, rich Sirius.
Summary: Sirius is traveling with his family, and meets a cute bartender.
Words count: 646.
A/N: Disclaimer that my only knowledge of western is from Lucky Luke and I haven’t read the comics in ages. Also it’s my first time writing these characters kzjsjs. Hope you like it ❤️
When she steps out of the stagecoach, Mother is less than impressed by what she discovers; Sirius can tell by the turn of her lips and the uplifting of her chin. He steps out right after her, and immediately understands what rebutted her.
The town — if it can even be called one — is small, just emerging from the ground and the arrivals of new settlers. There’s maybe five houses, one of which doubles as the sheriff’s office, what seems to be a half-empty store, and a saloon. There have been a few farms on the way here, and there’s more foundations for further establishments down the main and only road, but for now it looks properly desolate, so unlike the big city they come from.
Father is talking with the driver already, and Regulus appears behind Sirius’ shoulder. He wrinkles his nose in confusion at the state of the town, looking over at him with a question in his eyes; Sirius shrugs. It’s his first time out in the Wild Wide West as well, after all — Father never brought any of them along before.
“Come on,” Father says, back from his discussion. “The saloon is also an inn. We will get rooms here.”
He leads the way, and they follow as always. Regulus is walking so close to Sirius that they almost trip over each other, but he doesn't have the heart to berate his brother when he looks so anxious at his surroundings. The inn is surprisingly empty, save for two people at the bar; one of them, with wide glasses and wild hair, is talking animatedly, while the other, half-hunched over the counter and attention all on his compagnon, is quietly listening. He stands up when they enter, though, and greets them with a polite smile.
“Welcome! What can I get you?”
Up close, the polite smile is paired with dark blond curls and brown eyes, and freckles dusted at the top of his cheeks and nose.
“How many rooms do you have?” asks Father, his hand already hovering over his coin pouch.
The bartender hesitates only an instant. “Two with double beds. How long will you stay?”
“Three days.” They hash out a few more details, and Sirius loses interest; he catches the eyes of the man at the bar beside them, who raises his untouched glass toward him with a wink. Mother is already steering Regulus away, as if being in the presence of alcohol will be enough to corrupt him forever.
“Take the keys, Sirius.”
He obeys, hand reaching out to the bartender; he is pretty cute, in a gentle kind of way. Sirius may be looking a bit too intently, because the man in front of him gets suddenly flustered. Adorable.
Sirius checks; his father has joined Mother and Regulus near the stairs, and his parents are too busy having a silent argument to put much attention on him. And he does have three days to occupy.
They keys drop in his hand, one after the other, the bartender’s fingers just brushing against his palm. Sirius leans on the counter, grin on his lips and eyebrows raised just slightly.
“And which one is yours?”
The man's cheeks turn pink. He clears his throat, sending a look toward the only other customer — who seems suddenly fascinated by his whiskey — before giving his attention back to Sirius. He’s biting the corner of his bottom lip in an anxious, unconscious action, eyes contemplating, and Sirius stares.
“You should go back,” he finally says, and the disappointment settles on Sirius’ shoulders.
He straightens up; but then, the bartender blurts out, words fast and clutched together, “First door on the right after the stairs.” He looks so taken aback by his own words, Sirius’ grin softens into a smile.
“Well then, I'll see you tonight.”
“Remus.” Sirius winks, and goes back to his family.
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fennick-firefox · 2 months
Benefits of being a Furry
Being a furry can mean something different to everyone, the one thing we all tend to have in common is enjoying anthropomorphic characters. The fandom offers a wide range of experiences and sense of community that can offer a range of benefits to many people.
For some people, the fandom provides them with a sense of belonging, just like any other fandom, we can connect with others that share similar interests and experiences, which can lead to a supportive social network.
Other people use the fandom for creative expression. The entire fandom revolves around creativity, whether that's through artwork, writing, fursuit designing/making, or many other things! It provides an environment and outlet for artistic expression and allows people to explore their creativity in many different ways.
For some people, being a furry is an important part of their identity, and embracing this identity can foster self-acceptance and help people feel comfortable with who they are.
Furry Conventions and events provide people with opportunities for more social interactions, to meet in person, socialise, and form friendships. These events are extremely enjoyable and enriching experiences for a lot of people in the fandom.
Engaging in the fandom can offer an escape from reality and the stresses of everyday life. Throwing yourself into fantasy can provide a welcome distraction and source of enjoyment.
Being part of the furry fandom can also contribute to personal growth by encouraging individuals to explore new interests, develop new skills, and broaden their horizons.
The furry fandom has been a lifeline for my anxiety. Through this community, I’ve found the courage to make new friends and try things I never thought I could. Furry conventions bring me more joy than anything I’ve ever experienced; the sense of belonging and shared excitement is unmatched. Yet post-con crud is something we almost all experience—missing the connection and energy of the event so much that it leaves us longing for the next one. Without the furry fandom, I would be a shell of who I am today. It has brought me out of my shell and helped me discover who I truly am.
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messifangirl · 3 years
I... I kinda want to know more about the Cressi waiter and Royalty AUs? They sound like incredible stories. Is vampire/werewolf the one you have a chapter posted? Could you show something more, pretty please?
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(Adding a cut!)
The Waiter AU I actually wrote way back in the day. It’s Like A Fairy Tale (5.5k) But I always wanted to write a follow up to it and I have a lot of notes and pieces the sequel. Here’s some:
Cristiano rolls his eyes. "Nothing's wrong," he says. "I just feel like..." He lowers his voice. "Like, I'm chasing him." It sounds silly to say it out loud, and Cristiano's fears are proved right by Marcelo's response.
Marcelo laughs. "Good! It's about time somebody made you work for it." He slaps Cristiano on the arm, laughing again and turning back to his bag. "I like him even more now. Make sure he stops by after the game so I can say hi." He fist bumps Sergio and heads towards the exit.
Sergio watches him leave before focusing on Cristiano. "So it's a little unusual for you. And you're chasing him. But... He's worth it, right Cris?" He widens his eyes imploringly and bites his lip. "I mean, you love him." He flicks his eyes around the room to see if anyone overheard him before turning his attention back to Cristiano. "Right? You've always loved him. He was your first kiss!"
Cristiano's smile dims a little. "Sergio," he says, exhaling and tilting his head back. "It's not that easy, okay?"
And this really isn't a conversation he wants to be having here.
Or at all.
A few seats down, Fabio catches his eye and looks at him questioningly--ready to save him from Sergio if necessary. Cristiano gives a quick shake, indicating everything is fine.
"What do you mean?" Sergio asks, crestfallen. He sits down on the bench in front of Cristiano as if his knees can't hold him up anymore. A hand darts to his waist to fidget with his towel. "You don't love him anymore?" His voice wobbles.
"Sergio," Cristiano starts, rubbing a hand across his face. He takes a deep breath. "I *did* love him. Once. As a child... But it's been fifteen years. And sure, I like him. But I like the idea of him—I liked who he was, and of course I like the look of him now. That's not the point, of course... But things have changed for the both of us... He doesn't know me, and I don't know him. Not really.”
Sergio's still looking up at him with sad eyes. "But..."
Cristiano huffs. "All I'm saying is, we're taking things slow, okay? And it's a little hard, what with our schedule, and the fact that he works two jobs." He shuts his eyes and pictures Leo's face, imagines stroking his cheek and seeing that gorgeous smile. "But yes," he says quietly, opening his eyes again. "I think he's worth it."
The Royalty AU is actually a fairly new idea. Royalty AU has always been one of my fav AUs to read in other fandoms but because I’ve reread kkslover9′s A Tale of Two Princes a thousand times and it is sooooo good, I never really thought to try my own. Until now. It’s still very much in the works and being outlined, and I just completely decided to rewrite the beginning so I don’t want to give you anything that won’t make it into the final, but here’s a little haha.
"It's your duty," Sergio says quietly. "We're all required to do our part. Mine, since I was a child, has been to follow your every step and keep you safe from all harm." He claps a hand on Cristiano's shoulder. "And yours is to lead your people when the time comes. You've already proved your worth in battle, and your men will follow you anywhere. But you've been raised since birth with the expectation to one day take the throne when His Majesty passes. And despite your feelings about what's happening today, I know that you're aware of your responsibilities."
Cristiano's jaw tightens but he forces himself to relax. "Of course you're right," he says, shifting to lean against the wall as well. "I'm just..." He trails off and swallows his frustration down until he can find the words. "I would have preferred Prince Koke over some savage from Barcelona," he adds with a huff. "At least I've met Koke and he's not terrible to look at."
"Koke?" Sergio scoffs. "We both know that you could never be interested in a man who never picked up the sword." He wiggles his eyebrows. "Now, on the other hand, they say Prince Lionel--like you--has commanded Barcelona's armies for years. He's the second son and barely ever attended court. And when he did return home, it was never without a trophy from battle. Apparently, his skill with the sword is unmatched. They call him La Pulga." He quirks his lips. "Think he'd be up for a bout? I'd love to see if what they say is true. And if so, test myself against the best."
Cristiano ignores him. "La Pulga? He's going to be hideous," he murmurs. "I just know it. Probably some uncivilized creature who's disgustingly bloodthirsty and unfit to be seen in our company." He stares down toward the courtyard again, and shudders. "I don't even want to think about it."
The Vampire/Werewolf one is the one I posted a chapter of, yes. It was inspired by some art @detodores did for Cressi week a while back. Here’s some not yet posted :)
The vampire--Leo--looks away, seeming embarrassed. "Yes, but... I'm sorry, it's just feeding is usually just such a private process." He opens his mouth and then closes it like he's rethinking his words. "I fed from two of the wolves from the other pack. They were the ones that volunteered, and I will not betray their names," he says warningly.
"So it did not have to be from all of them?" Cristiano asks, his worries about how much the vampire needed to drink coming to the surface. On the other hand, he's grateful that the rest of his pack can be kept safe and be spared the entire process.
"I realize you are just curious," Leo says with a blink, "however you should be aware that you have just implied I am very promiscuous." He doesn't quite look at Cristiano. "As I said, it is a private process. It can be very... sensual."
Cristiano's cheeks flush as he realizes his misstep. "You're saying it's like fucking," he says, envisioning throttling Sergio for sending him in to do this. Wolves are not shy of their bodies, with the constant shifting leading to the necessity of nudity, but anything leading to actual sexual acts is much rarer and much more sacred.
Leo has no reaction to the crude word. "It can be. Or, it can be simply... meaningful." He sighs. "Blood given is very different from blood taken, despite what you have read or what they show in movies and shows these days. It's about a connection with someone, as well as being about nourishment."
"So it doesn't hurt?" Cristiano asks then, not really wanting to explore this any more than he has to. He's grateful to turn away from the mention of sex and into something else. Of course, he's also somewhat incredulous that such a thing is painless.
"I can make it hurt," Leo says, eyes still not looking at Cristiano. "But I do not. There's no point." He tilts his head as if in thought. "I can not speak for others of my kind. If you are bitten by another vampire, it may not be as I have described."
"So you're not a monster," Cristiano says skeptically, thinking back to the tales of Dracula and trying to replace them with something like a sparkling Edward Cullen.
"Oh, no," Leo says, interrupting his thoughts. "Make no mistake. I am most definitely a monster." He smiles again, and this time, shows two large fangs jutting down from the top of his mouth. They're as white as the rest of him, looking sharp and pointy and dangerous. "Even in this," he pauses and sounds frustrated, "weakened state. I would not call myself anything other than a monster."
"You've killed people then," Cristiano ventures, easing the pressure on his heels even as the conversation does nothing to ease his anxiety.
"Haven't you?" Leo asks, sounding tired again. "The world is not always kind to monsters, is it? And I've lived a very long time. I've had to eat. Had to survive." He closes his eyes again, black lashes stark against his pale skin. "Humans have always been so fragile... It's why I thought working with the wolves would be so beneficial. A way to take humans out of the equation entirely."
"And now your wolves have abandoned you," Cristiano says flatly. "Left you here, in our territory, to die. Because they certainly know we have you. They've had a month to figure that out. And still, they did nothing." He doesn't know why he's trying to drive this point home. Maybe because he hates those wolves and wants Leo to hate them too.
Leo does not reply. 
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mogoona3000 · 5 years
Irondad & Spiderson Extravaganza—Fanfic Author Appreciation Day Edition
In honor of Fanfic Author Appreciation Day, here’s the fic list that haunts me at night, that list I cannot stop reading even if I wanted to. There are a few more but this was going to run too long, so I’ll just add my AO3 bookmark link because wow. Everything I bookmarked deserves the look over. Promise.
Lights to Guide You Home - @jolinarjackson
This is that story I cannot stop reading, and I love it more each time I do. It introduces other characters from the MCU, and honestly, Jules can give the Russos a run for their money with the way storylines are connected here. It’s elegant and perfectly paced. It’s one of my favorites. I recommend the entire series wholeheartedly. 
What We Are - @yellowdistress
A sucker for biodad Mr. Stark = me. 
Guys. The very first chapter--the very first line in this story holds right at your PULSE. And it doesn’t let go, not until it wants to. Which is never. Precious Peter Parker is an UNDERSTATEMENT. You want some AU Stark boys going through their lives as best as they can? With your canon “chaotic & heart of gold” Tony, and “walking disaster & too pure for this world” Peter? This. This is it. The whole series. The whole thing. 
The Third Option - Uncertainty_Principle
My very first fic in this fandom and it was, indeed, the best start I could’ve possibly gotten. This AU is outstanding. Man, what a job well done. I have so much to say that I can’t even begin to express it all. This fic blew the door wide open for me. It’s..yeah. This is masterful. 
Hydra’s Not a Home - @tempestaurora
Ugh. There is something about biodad Tony that just fills my lungs with air. This entire series was so complete, so well done; it was fun, and witty, and hurtful and feelings were everywhere. Also, also..Pepper is everything and more in here, and I love when she’s heavily involved. And it’s done well. It makes me FLY. Needless to say..yes. So much yes. The entire series. The whole entire thing. A must read. A muuuuuust. Yes. 
Webcams and Webshooters - @losingmymindtonight
I’m trying very hard to keep my composure because THIS SERIES RIGHT HERE, MAN. WOW. These two chaotic messes are being ridiculous on Peter’s YouTube channel and it’s the funniest, the most enjoyable thing. Nothing short of the most loving and endearing clips until it punches you in the mouth, leaves you bleeding, and then patches you up. All at the same time. If you listen closely, you can still hear my love and tears over this. Goodness, this was outstanding. 
It’ll Be Over (And I’ll Still Be asking When) - @jbsforever
My heart. The jokes. The tears. The Bruce. The way this story is handled, the way Peter Parker..I just..And there is that one scene that I just go back to all the time, because y’all just write the coolest things, and my nerd tears are LOUD. Someone read this and geek out with me. Message me right after you’re done. RIGHT AFTER.
Reviving Peter Parker - @yellowdistress
Here’s what happened: I read this and it took me the h out. 
You know, some times we wish for things that we know cannot take place. And when they actually do happen, because in the world of Tony Stark, aliens and gods walk amongst him so nothing can really surprise him anymore, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. Denni has a way to tell a story with such very human-like emotion, and responses from our boys, that it’s almost too much. The tears were present right with their sibling pain. Read it all. All the parts. You won’t regret it. 
The Closest Thing He’s Got - @ grilledcheesing 
The..things I underwent with this wonderful work..All the emotions in the spectrum. Just so many things to feel. 
You love Steve? Read this. You hate Steve? Read this.
You love Spidey? Read. This. You hate Spidey? Read this, but good luck.
You love Irondad & Spiderson trope? Read this!!!!!
You love Tony Stark? Read this right now. Because he’s dong his best and everyone needs to back off. 
You hate Tony? Read this and eat your heart out.
Read this. Read this read this read this
5 Times Peter Parker Saved Tony Stark - @madasthesea 
There is a special place in my heart for all things “Peter Parker saving himself + others” and Tony just impressed with him each time. Because yeah, Tony. You found a good one. And he loves you just as much as you love him. “Ugh. So proud of that Spiderbaby” was what I murmured throughout this whole thing, with the occasional scream :)
5 Times Peter Made Tony Laugh Out Loud - @ grilledcheesing
There were tears rolling down my face when I read this. It was the funniest thing. I love Peter, that walking disaster. I’m just glad Tony is in his corner. Please read this and have yourself a good laugh. It is the best. But beware that all jokes must stop at some point.
5 Times Everyone Thought Spider-Man was Iron Man’s Favorite Superhero -  @madasthesea
Mr. Parker deserves all the love, and all the support. All the encouragement. All the good and “doing his best to be good” Irondad. This is the fic where my boys are loving on each other and everything is right with the world. 
Here’s to All the New Beginnings - @groo-ock
There is no retired Irondad like this author’s retired irondad. Gosh, Tony is a MESS, but what a good one he is. This gives you origin pieces here and there, and Tony being comically distressed over Peter, and loving him so much, it’s almost unhealthy. Also, love me some Pepper Stark nei Potts. I laughed so hard and then cried just as much. Peter’s growing and Tony can’t handle much of it. 
Honey Bee Theorem - @ closingdoors 
There are so many ways Tony’s life could’ve been lived, so many things that could’ve happened, so many things that could’ve been said. Pepper explores all of them, and it leaves you breathless no matter which way she presents them. This was quick and painful and gorgeous. We stan Queen Stark nei Potts. And we might not be okay, but yeah, he can definitely rest now. 
Soul of Wit - @yellowdistress
Sometimes I’m in bed at night thinking, “hmm, Denni is out for blood.” And by that, I mean she’s out for mine specifically. This ridiculous one-shot shot me right in my chest. Leave it to Denni to literally show you the world as it is, and make you feel this..ache in your chest, and have you THANK HER FOR THE PAIN SHE’S CAUSED. I love her work so much, that talented bean. Read this. Till the very, very end. It’s gonna suck, but I promise you’ll love it. 
Holdfasts - @groo-ock
“I know this is just my under-treated anxiety talking,” Tony says, “but if I leave this chair or close my eyes even for a second, the kid is going to die. So I have to stay here.”
Tony and Peter are a walking disaster. It’s so bad, oh my gosh. It’s so bad. The laughing while simultaneously panicking as I read this was unbelievable. The things these authors make me FEEL. Y’all don’t understand how good this is. Like, lol, seriously. This is just straight up phenomenal. Phenomenal.
Four Paragraphs - @iron--spider
WOW. Okay. The softest thing in all the land is what takes place when this majestic author creates a story. I mean, seriously, these were the best four paragraphs I’ve ever laughed and cried through. The love, the pride, the longing, the gentleness. “Everything is alright. We’re okay” is always the theme with iron--spider and honestly? I STAN SO HARD, IT MIGHT BE ILLEGAL. Loved this so much. So much. 
Call This Fixer-Upper Home - @3wworms 
Amy has a way with words. It’s surreal how a simple one shot about a couch can have someone aching, eyes prickling, and long after the tab for the story is closed, the thoughts of it all produce salty tears. Maybe it was the note she left before the story started. But..nah, Amy has a WAY with WORDS. It’s unmatched. It’s surreal. 
I Am One of You Forever - @groo-ock 
Say goodbye to your canon broken heart because this is coming for it full force. This was entirely too beautiful; it was easy. Simple. Genuine. It was SO moving. The closing chapter to the brand new book. Like a dream. Mundane, loving, friendship, love. You name all good things, this one-shot has got it. The tears will be inevitable. On multiple occasions. 
Star Child - @iron--spider
This is so organic and so soft. It’s wholesome, so much so it made me cry. These two really deserved more time. And I will never thank this author enough for giving it to them. Always. My Pete is undoubtedly a star child. Don’t fight Tony on it. 
The First Birthday After - @iron--spider
Goodness. No words. Just tears. 
Happy Birthday, tincan. 
We miss you. 
Flight of the Navigator - @3wworms
Everything, and I mean everything Amy posts is truly organic, mature and just nothing short of phenomenal. This is my favorite from her. The level of detail and characterization displayed here leaves me speechless. Always. I literally run from her fics. She pushes things out of me with the most mundane, simple concepts. A conversation, a thought, a LINE. Goodness, did I cry when I read this. It’s elegant and intelligent, insightful. It’s just so great. There is a tone to everything she creates, and it’s always so heartfelt. Everything. Everything everything is truly a work of art. 
Blankets and Brain Melting Fevers - @hailing-stars
I love some ridiculous, overprotective, comical Tony Stark. And I love even more the way Peter’s heart always has a thing for showing something new to this man. Something as simple as spaghetti-o's, and to make me CRY real tears. This was so funny and truly wonderful. Uncalled tears! But wonderful nonetheless. 
On My First Son - pansley
I almost didn’t include this. There are some things some would say are better left..unread. But what a disservice would that have been to you, to us, to the author. 
I cried throughout the entire time I was reading this. Literally. The moment you meet Peter, you already lost. 
This is absolutely incredible. What a piece. 
This one is the definition of a tear jerker. Period. It will wake up things inside of you that you’d never even know you’d felt for these characters we grew with. 
I cannot emphasize this enough: I was dangerously dehydrated. 
Heavens, what a story. I was breathless. 
Read this, but sincerely do so with extreme caution. 
Hold on to everything, because this one-shot is coming like a tsunami. No ifs ands or buts.
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leviskokoro · 4 years
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summary|Mari had finished her night stroll with "Tsunotarou" but decided to venture deeper into the woods. Unfortunately, she never came back. Now her friends need to find a way to save her before it's too late.
word count|2710
fandom|twisted wonderland
notes|so I decided to make a multi-part fic with my obey me/twisted wonderland oc. I also posted this to my quotev acc (link if you’re interested).
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“Well, I’ll be going back to my dorm. It was a pleasure speaking with you, child of man. Good evening.”
And with that, Tsunotarou disappeared in a burst of fireflies. A few lingered, danced around her form. She chuckled lightly, crossing her arms. The feelings were mutual. The horned Diasomnia student was always lovely to talk to. He was quite an interesting man with how he spoke to her. She didn’t even know his real name. Leaves crunched under her feet as Mari continued to walk in the forest close to the Ramshackle Dorm. Most of the fireflies had dissipated into dust, save for one that decided to stay. It was cuddled up on her shoulder. How cute. The wind kissed her cheeks, blowing past her chocolate locks.
But in her path, a freakishly tall man came into view. His skin was sickly pale. Long raven hair swayed in the wind, hiding his face. His aura felt intimidating, somewhat like Lucifer’s except less on the scary side but more on the creepy side. Anxiety started spiking in her senses. She bit her lip and took her phone from her back pocket and hastily typed a message in her group chat with the other first years she was friends with, keeping her eyes on the man before her. After seeing that the message was sent successfully, she tried to walk away.
Only for him to turn around. Eyes that were red like you’ve never seen red before pierced through her soul, sadistic glee glinted in them. A grin creeped up on his lips, pearly white fangs shone in the light. “Hm? You’re the one I’ve been looking for.” His voice was deep and hoarse. It was as if pure evil spoke to her. “Yes… You’ll be my blood bride.”
Before Mari could blink, he had taken hold of her arm, grip tight as iron. Sharp nails dug into her skin, almost drawing blood. She couldn’t even struggle, knowing full well that her efforts would’ve been fruitless. His free hand took the smartphone from her hands. Her eyes widened in fear, looking up at him.
The pieces of the now broken phone fell uselessly to the ground. He shattered it as if it was a toothpick. Screeching noises could be heard as a cauldron of bats surrounded their forms and covered them completely.
When the bats disappeared, they were nowhere to be found.
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Grimm woke up to see that it was morning. Sunshine peeked through the curtains. His confusion was immediate. Usually, he would be woken by the prefect. And yet, he couldn’t even find her in bed. That’s strange. He got up and checked the clock, only for his eyes to widen in realisation that he was extremely late to class. With a loud yell, he grabbed his books and rushed out the dorm, headed for his classroom.
As the day went on, the cat monster hadn’t seen a single sign of his “servant”. Not in the Ramshackle Dorm, not in class. Even while he was having lunch, she didn’t turn up. His facial expression was one of worry and irritation.
“Oi, Grimm.”
Said monster looked up to see Ace and Deuce. Behind them were Jack, Epel, and Sebek. They seemed to be wearing concerned looks as well.
Ace held up his phone to him, displaying her last message to the group chat.
Mari, 9pm: Danger! Please help! Strange man in the woods near Ramshackle Dorm!
“Do you know what this is about?” Deuce asked.
Grimm shook his head. “I’ve been looking all over for her. She didn’t even wake me up this morning and I was late!”
“Eh? So she’s not just pranking us?” Ace tilted his head, placing a hand to his hip.
“Mari doesn’t seem like the type to pull pranks like these…” Epel spoke up.
“She didn’t say anything besides that so we have no idea what happened to her,” Jack said, crossing his arms. His body was tense, ears pointed forward.
“If nobody knows where she is, then we must contact the Headmaster immediately!” Sebek was yelling, but that was nothing new. “I will do a thorough search of the Night Raven College for her while you report it to him.”
Before they could reply, he was already brisk-walking out of the cafeteria.
The remaining five glanced at each other and nodded in agreement. They made their way to their masked Headmaster’s office. Their pace was so quick that they almost bumped into several students, as well as each other, along the way. But once they got to the office, they knocked.
“Come in!” They heard his voice and Ace gripped the doorknob and turned it, entering the room with his friends. They explained the situation to him and showed him the text. His lips pulled into a deep frown.
“Oh no… We should check the security cameras,” he said and checked it on his monitors, pulling up the footage of the night before on the exact time the text was sent. It was fortunate that he had also thought of adding cameras in the forests around campus.
Ace’s eyes widened as they watched her encounter with the man. They could tell even through the screen that he must’ve been extremely powerful and certainly inhuman.
Then, she was taken, leaving only the broken pieces of her phone behind.
They were shocked by what they’d seen, dozens of questions floating around in their head. Who was this strange man? What did he want with the prefect? What was he? Where did he come from? Where did they go?
“All of you, call for all the dorm leaders to meet here and return.”
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The first year group had followed his instructions. In the room stood all the dorm leaders, the first year friend group, and the Headmaster who showed them the footage to fill them in on the situation. The dorm leaders all had different reactions to it.
“Who the hell is this creep?” Leona asked, eyebrows furrowed and his ears erect.
“That is Vladimir, King of the Fallen Kingdom of Sânge,” Malleus spoke up, his expression unreadable. He crossed his arms. “I see he wants a blood bride, but why her? From what I’ve heard from Lilia, he’s very picky when it comes to choosing a bride.”
Ace groaned. “Ugh, this is like when Idia got kidnapped by that ghost princess.”
At the mere mention of the ghost, Idia shuddered, not wanting to recall his traumatic experience of being forced to marry.
“Poor Mari! She must be terrified!” Kalim cried out. He’s been kidnapped more times than he can count to the point where it doesn’t faze him anymore, but seeing his close friend be taken like that made his stomach churn.
Vil sighed, an exasperated expression on his handsome features. “This is the second time a student has been kidnapped. Shouldn’t you have tightened security by now?”
“Where is… the Fallen Kingdom of Sânge?” Epel asked, trying to remember if he’s seen it on any map.
“It’s an incredibly distant country to the west. They were known for having an unmatched military. But then a plague struck the kingdom and wiped out most of its citizens 350 years ago. From the ruins rose the vampires. The king of the nation was one of the vampires that came back as one,” Malleus explained, rubbing his chin in thought. “Among them, he’s the most powerful.”
“Great, we went from ghosts to vampires,” Grimm groaned.
“We have no time to complain! This is urgent!” Crowley exclaimed, “Being a blood bride means she’ll become enslaved for eternity, being nothing more than a blood bag. We need to get her before that happens!”
The room went quiet. The tension was so thick, you could slice it with a knife. They all stared at their Headmaster.
“Alright. What’s the plan?” Riddle asked. It was as if there was a lump in his throat, but he hid it under a guise of being calm.
Crowley looked shocked. He turned to the side and muttered something under his breath. “I didn’t think you’d all be so willing to help…” And he was so prepared to blackmail them like he did when Idia was kidnapped too. It’s truly fortunate that Mari has a lot of talent for beast taming.
He cleared his throat and looked back to them. “As Mr. Draconia said, Sânge is a very distant country. So much so that we can’t even use the Mirror Chamber to travel there. We’re going to need to find a way to get to her first.”
“Hm, I believe Lilia actually has a friend there that he visits from time to time. Perhaps he has a way to get there quickly,” Malleus spoke up.
“Then someone please call for Mr. Vanrouge.”
“You called?”
“GAH!” Everyone, except for the horned Diasomnia dorm leader, cried out in surprise to see said boy standing on the ceiling like a bat. It was difficult to get used to his entrances.
“Geez, stop scaring people like that!” Grimm exclaimed.
He chuckled. “My apologies.”
“Sebek, it’s fine. No need to shout,” Lilia told him. The said boy shut his mouth and nodded.
“Mr. Vanrouge, do you have any idea how to get to the Fallen Kingdom of Sânge as quickly as possible?” Crowley asked him, turning to look up at him as he jumped down from the ceiling to stand on the ground properly like the rest of them. The rest of the students gazed at him as well.
A smile pulled at his lips, nostalgia sparking in his crimson eyes. “Why yes! There’s actually an ancient spell to get there in the blink of an eye. It takes a lot of practice to do it successfully. However, I should be able to do it for everyone.”
“As expected of Master Lilia, he’s truly a talented mage!” Sebek commented.
“Well, now we have a means of transportation. Now we need an actual plan to save her,” Azul spoke up, pushing his glasses back. Among them, he seemed the calmest. Emphasis on the word “seemed”. He’s always been good at hiding his emotions.
“There are two ways we could go about this. According to Sângian marriage traditions, if someone challenges the groom for the bride’s hand in marriage, they’ll be given three tasks. If they succeed, the wedding is cancelled and the challenger gets the bride instead,” Lilia spoke, “These tasks can be incredibly difficult, especially since the groom is the King of Sânge himself.”
He placed a hand to his chin, a thoughtful expression on his pale face. “We could destroy the rings but we might have to save it as a last resort since vampires always keep their valuables well hidden.”
“Do you know what these tasks are?” Azul inquired.
He shook his head. “They’re decided by the groom and it’s usually different each time.”
“So we can’t rely on the idea that he’s going to make this fair and square.” Vil’s eyebrows furrowed in frustration. His lips pulling downwards into a frown.
“Then we should have two teams for this. One team will look for the ring and destroy it, the other will challenge the groom.” Riddle proposed a plan. “It will be easier for the stealth team to search for the ring if the challengers are distracting the groom.”
“I like that! It sounds like it’d work great,” Kalim commented, smiling.
“It has my approval.” Vil crossed his arms.
“Dorm leaders, choose which students will be on which team. We’ll need as much help as we can get,” their Headmaster ordered them.
“I can get a few scout drones to assist,” Idia spoke up from the floating tablet that he used to communicate during dorm leader meetings. A new voice came from it.
“I wanna help too, big brother!”
“Count Ortho in as well for the Stealth team. I’ll get to putting on his stealth suit.”
“Jade and I will be on the Stealth team, Floyd should do well on the Challenger team.” Azul adjusted his glasses, resting his elbow on his hand. There was an unreadable glint in his stormy blue eyes.
“Dorm Leader! Please let us challenge the King!” Ace and Deuce cried out in unison, pleading to him.
Riddle turned to them and he couldn’t help but grin. “It’s good to see you two so eager to save her, especially you, Ace. You were so against helping the last time,” he told them.
Said boy rubbed the back of his head. His eyes darted downwards to avoid meeting his gaze. “It’s just that I owe her for lending me her notes.”
“She’s my friend. I can’t let her be enslaved like that,” Deuce stated.
“You two really aren’t honest with yourselves,” Grim sighed.
Regardless, their redhead dorm leader glanced at Crowley. “Ace, Deuce, and I will be on the Challenger team.”
“Alright! I’ll challenge the king and Jamil can be on the Stealth team.” Kalim raised his fist in the air. Determination was evident on his face.
Vil sighed as he glanced at his freshman. “I suppose Epel and Rook would want to help. All three of us will be in the Stealth team.”
Said boy’s eyes widened in shock. “E-Eh? You’re actually letting me go?”
“Yes, but don’t think that this is an opportunity to slack off. I expect you to be on your best behaviour.” His lilac eyes were harsh as he glared at him.
“I understand…” Epel bowed his head.
“Heh, I would’ve expected you to join the challenger team just to show off,” Leona spoke up, causing Vil to redirect his glare to him. He turned to the Headmaster. “Jack and I will join the challenger team. Ruggie is an obvious choice for the Stealth team.”
Jack stood in attention. His eyes widened, a clear spark of gratitude in them. However, he tried to mask how much he wanted to help.
Everyone turned to the dorm leader of Diasomnia with looks of anticipation. He seemed to have been thinking for a while, his hand was placed to his chin. An expression of contemplation was on his features.
“I can’t challenge the king myself due to political reasons so I’ll have Lilia in the Stealth team and Sebek in the Challenger team,” he finally came to a decision.
Lilia tilted his head with a smile on his face. “I’ll do what I can to help.” He had noticed the strange behavior of his dorm leader, the restless glint in his eyes, how he fidgeted ever so slightly. Most people wouldn’t notice these things, but he wasn’t most people. He knows him better than anyone, being the very person that watched over him since he was but a child.
“I WON’T DISAPPOINT YOU, MASTER MALLEUS!” Sebek was so loud that he almost popped the eardrums of those closest to him. Unfortunately, that was Jack, who now had to cover his ears while wincing. Leona glared at him.
“Sebek, no need to shout,” the vice dorm leader lightly scolded him, making him immediately go quiet after apologising.
“Now that we have that in order. We should do some research on the Fallen Kingdom of Sânge,” Riddle spoke up, “However, I don’t believe there are any books on it in the Library.”
Lilia chuckled. “I have a few maps and books that I acquired from old friends. I’d be happy to lend it to you for the time being. Plus, I could even teach you all on the customs of Sânge.”
“You’re as excellent as ever, Vanrouge,” Azul complimented his upperclassman with a smirk. The vice dorm leader of Diasomnia was an enigma to most people. He always seemed to have information on subjects that many people would have no access to, especially when it came to History. It was as if he had experienced these events himself.
The octo-mer wished to unravel his secrets, find out how he knows these things. It would be extremely beneficial for him in the future.
He looked at him and nodded, smiling as well. “Why thank you, Ashengrotto.”
Crowley cleared his throat. “Alright. I’ll give you all an hour to research and prepare before going to Sânge.”
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