#the answer was actually peanuts :|
wisteriasymphony · 2 months
i agree with emilie being a typical boy mom jocasta complex style shes been the centre of attention her entire life i dont think she would be okay with having a mini me daughter at all 😭 she definitely enabled gabriels rapunzelment and child modelling i hate headcanons where she is a good person fr 😔 also what does this say about nathalie and her being/wanting to be romantically involved with that couple 😭
i mean... it says bad things? even if she didn't encourage it or just did the bare minimum to scold emilie for being inappropriately close with her son... it says bad things, dude. why are you so invested in the worst couple of blondes to grace the planet?? were there no other options??
or, we could go the route that nathalie was also groomed/manipulated into it. we don't exactly know how old she was when she met the agrestes, she could've been just starting out as a plucky archeologist when these kind and wealthy benefactors introduced themselves into her life via tomoe. and emilie's cult of personality with gabriel's coolheadedness and determined nature might've just drawn her in.
^ of course, this works better for situations where Mayura was never a thing. and there's also arguments that both of these options can coexist. yikes all around regardless
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sweetronancer · 4 months
not to be random (absolutely being random) but how does peanut butter sound in a ronance au like how does pov peanut butter differ from pov bread
well.. ngl- im not totally sure?
like i would like to think, or at least in my peanut butter ronance au, peanut butter is all knowing. there arent any other jars of peanut butter in the house because its a jar robin brought over (the wheelers are allergic to peanuts) and she hasnt brought it home yet. its really wise and its been at the wheelers for a while, ya know? theres nothing else for it to gossip with so it just really has its own thought process with the ronance thing. the bread isnt really aware of ronance happening until it's obvious something has changed because the bread collectively talks about it, the peanut butter takes not of every small change between robin and nancy and has been aware of it for like ever
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danthropologie · 1 year
going thru the comments in the f1 posts about daniel is making me nervous for him and also so irritated. people are saying "we will miss nyck" etc etc but come on lets be real here i bet these people didnt even give a shit about him before all of this went down they just wanna look good so they can sleep thinking that they rly did something with pretending to vouch for him. but im scared for daniel bec theyre going to eat him alive if/when he performs badly. sorry im dumping this here i didnt know who else to share my annoyance with
i mean the nyck stuff i can't be too bothered about because the way he was let go WAS extremely brutal. obviously when something like that happens, you're gonna get people feeling bad for him that might not have actually cared all that much about him before. and at the same time, obviously you're also gonna get people that see it as an opportunity to shit on daniel because he's the one moving into the seat and they're gonna take it, just like they've taken every opportunity to shit on him for the past 18-24 months. it's not really worth being all that upset about because a) being upset about it isn't going to change or stop it and b) eventually it WILL blow over. at this point you're probably just better off focusing on the good and fun things we're getting rather than getting bogged down in the comments yk?
and same with daniel- people are gonna talk their shit, it's gonna be annoying as all hell, but at the end of the day, who really gives a shit!! sure the car is shit, sure he might not be lighting up the timesheets, but he's back on the grid!! there's a non-zero chance that he'll be back in the red bull in the next 6-18 months!! so many things have already happened this year that we nEVER could have seen coming and that never would have even been in the realm of possibility if you'd listened to those cunts that just shit talk him on the internet all day long, so why does anything they say matter at this point!! he's happy to be back, we're happy to have him back, end of discussion!!
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peanutbutterex · 9 months
if you really love me, then how many times have I watched the mermaid stede scene already?
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keeps-ache · 7 months
mmmmmmmnnnn cuz yeah. because the yes. and the yep
#just me hi#this means nothing because i had like 3 detached thoughts and only affirmative answers#and i don't remember what any of them were so hfbsh !!#i think one of them was about glittery fruit. unconfirmed#//oh but listen those glittery fruits they sell for display at crafts stores are So good#why are they not real!! why am i not allowed to eat them !!#they look five times as good as normal fruit.. like the little water-dewey glitter drops on them. very good very good#but they're not real and made of styrofoam :/ which is Apparently not good to eat but i learn by example sooooo#i tried a packing peanut once and That was fine !#though those Are made out of corn starch.. i think....#hang on what do they make styrofoam out of#btw did you know that styrofoam is like. an actual trademarked company? bc i thought that was just the stuff they made cups at the gas#station out of#/oohh it's petroleum based (from my one search i see)...#so... it Did come from dead plants and stuffs... just kinda sauteed under the earth for a little while.... just kinda brewed......... :>>>>#i'm going to eat the glittery fruit that's what i know now >:3#/they don't Feel very good though#like the little water-dewey glitter drops are just a lot of Bumps and it's not that great :/#but maybe it crunches well. so.. :33#//what was my last overused word. i think it's still Anyways but now it's So.. hvbshf#it was Like i think#mmmmm lolll#//going !! to run errands now !!!#i love errands errands my good friend <33#toodles ciao adios Bye !!
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Where did everyone get the info that Bully originally had a storyline with Johnny and Mandy?
why hello anon!!! i hope you know that you have unleashed a beast bc that's something i'm soooo passionate about
so basically!! premise: we're mainly talking audio files; i will mainly put the transcript since tumblr won't allow more than 10, but if you want to listen to them by themselves you can either look them up on yt or download them from here! (another premise: some audios are numbered by chapter, but as you might know bully was initially meant to be 6 chapters + endless summer instead of 5 + 1, the sixth chapter beginning with jimmy being expelled)
first thing first, we do know that mandy a.has a thing for johnny (she mentions him 4 times in her audios:
Mandy_CHATTER_v6: mmmh… johnny vincent is kinda cute. why is he with that tramp lola?
Mandy_CONVG_v3: can you believe lola? i bet she's been with at least half the boys of the school just to make johnny jealous.
Mandy_CONVG3_v1: lola's got johnny all wound up the poor guy. he should forget about that tramp and try out for the football team!
Mandy_CONVQP_v1: have you ever wondered what it'd be like to make out with johnny vincent?
and that b.she has a certain rivalry with lola, which includes but is not limited to johnny's attention. there's also this quite interesting conversation bw mandy and lola, that was supposed to play during complete mayhem but got deleted just like all the content we'll discuss from here on:
Lola_6-02_023_v1: shut up, you jealous bitch!
Lola_6-02_023_v2: so what? he didn't have your name on him, did he?
Mandy_6-02_024_v1: who do you think you are?
Mandy_6-02_024_v2: i can't believe you used to be my friend!
(him, imo, v probably johnny)
which isn't a lot; after all, johnny doesn't mention mandy even once in his audios, expressing far more of an obsessions towards lola
now; also during complete mayhem, though, there was supposed to be this v interesting conversation between johnny and jimmy:
Johnny_6-02_036A_v1: jimmy, y-you saw us! please don't tell lola!
Jimmy_6-02_036c_v1: on one condition: you get your crew to stop fighting!
Johnny_6-02_036C_v1: anythiing you say, jimmy, just don't tell!
to me this sounds a lot like, gasp!, johnny was caught cheating on her. or just being with someone else - i want to remind you that lola claims, in finding johnny vincent, that they broke up; it's questionable whether they got back together once more or if it was for good. even if they were, after all, johnny would have all the reasons not to let lola know he's seeing mandy. if it was mandy this would have a lot more sense
but there's something i think that. really kind of puts the last nail in, being an ambience conversation audio that you could hear during the sixth chapter from none other than vance medici himself:
Vance_CONVG6_v1: someone saw johnny vincent by the football field, i swear!
on the contrary, peanut's chapter six ambience conversation audio tells us that he has no clue where johnny might be or what he might be doing (and then again, we know it's not about finding johnny vincent because that would've been in chapter five):
Peanut_CONVG6_v1: where's johnny? has anybody seen johnny?
so, is this certain? not 100%, but sure there are a lot of pieces coming together in this puzzle imo.
i think the storyline was scrapped because it was far too complex and far too late in the game to be fleshed out nicely. and, i mean, the choice itself is right. but i think the situation would've been a nice occasion for character developments of all johnny, lola and mandy, plus an occasion to see them all interact, since their pop culture and analysis from a "media archetypes" perspective so to say is a thing that interests me a great deal
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11x13kyle · 1 year
Schroder is canon so do you think The Peanuts and South Park share a universe?
[Schroder is in Fingerbang]
most adult cartoons that center on child characters are, to a certain extent, trying to both be peanuts and act as a direct foil to peanuts in one way or another!
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girldraki · 11 months
starts typing out “does clef in authorcanon date night have objectum swag” and we start coughing up blood before we finish our sentence
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peanut-butter-juice · 11 months
do you,,,do you have any other socials that I can stalk you on (follow) 👀 /nf
The only thing I have other than discord is yt... but the only thing there is a vid to a discord sev that I deleted- 👀
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starchaserbaby · 2 years
milo idk this seems like an image thats up your alley
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no context. just peanut butter raisin lettuce wrap (with soy sauce). made for maximum offense to god
ant what the fuck
the gods are crying rn
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sea-jello · 1 year
We'll your obviously morro but that's already even proven canon.
You also seem like the type of person who brought home frogs and turtles and snakes in their pockets as a kid
And you probably like pb and j (ewww)
BZZZ WRONG i grew up in the city so no frogs or turtles or snakes
and i DO like pb&j i tried it for the first time literally like last summer its banger and you are a strange stranger person for not liking it
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stevebabey · 1 year
okay bestie if you like fruit paste with your cracker and cheese, have you tried peanut butter with crackers and cheese? it might sound weird but it is SO good that i swear by it, it’s my comfort snack (also crackers and butter)
😦 peanut butta…and cheese? homie tell me rn what cheese u mean, surely not expensive brie or anything ??? i can respect crackers and butter that shit is delicious but i can safely say i have never tried ur combo
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pa-pa-plasma · 1 year
sorry for sending you an ask about this but i saw your tags on the warrior cats post about neutering and i just wanted to let you know that they actually do take away the cats balls, they leave the sack but the balls are what gets removed. eventually the sack shrinks and like goes away because of the lack of nuts inside. so i guess bluestar did know what she was talking about in the end
this is. literally what i said. also, i've had neutered male cats with balls (or a sack as you put it, i am using informal words here) that you can see. which is. where i'm getting my information from. btw.
so. Bluestar still had to have looked at a lot of kittypet ass very closely to figure this out.
plus, gonna reiterate, we should also consider that this series just isn't very well written. in all seriousness, as a writer myself, Warriors is a badly written series that should have ended over a dozen books ago, with authors who make shit up & don't bother to communicate with each other about their new headcanons & characterizations. not shitting on it (i love Warriors) but we should remember that there's like a million orange female cats & calico/tortie male cats, Graystripe's parents are siblings, & nothing actually killed Firestar on his last life, he just dropped dead randomly for the drama.
it's fun to speculate, but also Bluestar was just saying that shit about the cutter cuz of Rusty needing a final push to leave his twolegs. it was entirely for plot reasons & the authors never actually did research to make anything in this series accurate.
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yakultii · 3 months
since my fridge has been obliterated with invisible rot for the foreseeable future I’m living off peanut butter on bread now someone pls tell me the genuine health benefits of peanut butter cause chat gpt just tells me what I wanna hear
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linksnonbinaryass · 1 year
Last night I contemplated getting in a warm bath and slashing my wrists. Then I ate a peanut butter bar that my aunt made the other day. It was so good. I felt genuine pleasure in eating that peanut butter bar after a long day of telling myself I’ve been eating too much. That peanut butter bar gave me the strength to get out of bed and take a shower. And today I will once again treat myself to my favorite coffee drink.
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sardonic-the-writer · 5 months
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𝐁𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐀𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐬
↳ warnings: none
↳ song: hells greatest dad—various artists
↳ notes: this turned out way longer than expected. reblogs are appreciated
masterlist | commissions | carrd
• What you did with your spare time outside the hotel had never been a problem
• Everyone blew off steam in different ways. Husk gambled is days away at dinghy bars, Vaggie practiced sparing, and Sir Pentious dreamed up designs for his retired war machines. The important thing was that everyone knew better than to ask the other about it
• So your friendship with Lucifer never come up. At least, not until Charlie decided to invite her dad over one day
• You were well aware of the strange relationship you had with the king of hell. He was all powerful ,and technically your ruler, sure, but it was hard to view him that way after you caught him babying a small army of rubber ducks
• It had been such a long time since you’d first met him, honestly you were still surprised you’d remembered it
• Back when you still worked as a part time package deliverer for the UPS equivalent of hell, you’d been tasked with handing off a rather heavy, and rather odd shaped box. The label didn’t give an address, rather a small drawing of an apple with a snake curled around it
• It took you a while, and way too many u-turns, to arrive at a pair of tall metal gates
• An uncertain push of a button had been delivered to a nearby buzzer, and you briefly wondered if you had been sent on a dead end errand. Your boss liked to do that; said it kept his employees on their toes. You just thought that he enjoyed seeing the pissed off looks of returnees
• Nothing longer than a minute passed before you were answered with an overjoyed voice, sounding rushed and getting father away from the mic as he proclaimed ‘I’ll be right down Terrance!!’
• It was only when Lucifer himself had opened the gates to allow you in, that his face fell from an excited grin into one of confusion
• “Oh. You’re not my normal guy.” He frowned, looking up at you slightly. “Are you sure you have my package.”
• You simply showed him the address label’s drawing, and he nodded
• “Yeah that’s it alright.” A little bit of the enthusiasm he had shown at the sight of his delivery reappeared before you. It didn’t take long after that before he remembered that you were both still standing outside the towering stature of his house, and quickly invited you inside so you could help him move the package where he wanted it
• “So! Is Terrance sick or something? I could have sworn it was just yesterday that he was where you are now.  Or a few days. Maybe a few weeks. Alright it’s been a while, but can you blame me. Do you know who I’m talking about? Long horns, red splotches, and a weird amount of hands. He always had the funniest jokes to tell though— “
• The first impression of him you got was weird. For the ruler of hell at least. But as time went on, and you kept delivering packages to his house with each passing month, he just struck you as lonely. His house, while big, was always empty. You would go as far as to say that you were the only steady interaction he had. Even if you were technically required to visit him
• Eventually, you quit your job. It had been a long time coming, and you were looking forward to a different take on life away from packing peanuts and scotch tape. Yet, for some reason, you didn’t stop showing up at Lucifers place. And he didn’t stop letting you in
• “You know—“ The devil approached you one hot afternoon in his work room. It was actually quite cold outside, but the fire breathing duck in his hands had heated up the room something fierce upon demonstration. “If you ever need someplace to stay, my daughter has a passion project that she wont stop talking about. It’s pretty sparse in souls, and I’m sure she’d let you stay there as long as you went along with her plan that she has!”
• You tilted your head with a small hum that day, choosing not to mention the far away look in Lucifers eyes as he talked about his daughter
• “Sounds better than where I’m currently living.” You shrugged, handing him a spare bolt off of the floor when it rolled off his work desk. “Where is the place?”
• So you’d shown up on the Hazbin Hotel’s doorstep, then still known as the Happy Hotel, with a bag or two in had and asking for a room
• You hadn’t told Charlie that Lucifer had mentioned it to you. You didn’t want her to feel like you were only there because he dad had named dropped it, but you guessed that she had her suspicions. You didn’t seem very taken with her title as princess of hell after all
• You were there nearly as long as Angel Dust; the likes of which showed up in the room next to yours a week after the move
• That means you were present for the embarrassing news interview, and in turn, the introduction of Alastor as a new patron
• He had been annoyed by you at first. Unlike Charlie’s slight nervousness at his appearance, or Vaggie’s outright aggression, you practically ignored his spectacular entrance, save for a few quick comments
• That had bugged Alastor. You’d hardly reacted when he’d shown just a sliver of his powers. Your lackluster once over as he pulled the darling Nifty from a fireplace had given him nothing to go on. Nothing!
• “Now what’s your role here, my friend!” The Radio Demon practically sang to you on that same afternoon. He waltzed over to your position in a corner, and his smile thinned slightly as you barely spared a glance at him. You found yourself much more enthralled with the sight of Husk fending off Angel’s advances over at the bar
• “I’m a tenant.” You mumbled, looking right through him. You didn’t miss the way his eyes narrowed down at you in an unreadable emotion that day
• He took to annoying you for the remainder of his stay following his debut. With every day, he increased his pestering, and you continued to remain the same
• Neither of you made a breakthrough with the other for quite a while. Months passed, and he found you looking as disinterested as ever with his display of powers. At this point he was sure you were purposely giving him nothing just to see his smile crack at the edges. And he was getting frustrated, for a lack of better words
• It wasn’t until you’d wandered into his recording studio by mistake that something changed
• Alastor felt a disturbance in the air the moment you stepped foot in his little alcove. Territorial demons such as himself could always tell when somebody was trespassing on their land, especially when having as much power as he did, and you were no exception to this rule
• He materialized behind you almost instantly. His limbs were already beginning to crack and stretch in size, a glowing smile casting wild shadows all throughout the room as he searched for what was sure to be your cowering form as you dropped whatever item you were attempting to steal
• Instead, he found you kneeling to the side of his polished desk, blinking up at him as your hands sat frozen in the motion of flipping through a record basket. His record basket
• “And what, pray tell—” Alastor’s distorted voice sounded like an screeching echo. He wouldn’t be surprised if the rest of the hotel could hear it from downstairs “—are you doing here my dear?”
• You didn’t say anything for a moment. He watched as your eyes flickered to this symbols floating around him, then back down to his face
• “I was looking for some good music. Sorry to intrude” You eventually pull out of your weird staring match with him. Dusting the seat of your pants off, you rise to walk past him and towards the door
• Alastor’s mouth opens to say something, but stops when you pause in the doorframe
• “Nice antlers by the way.” You shrug. He doesn’t have to look up to know your talking about the honey structures protruding from his forehead. They really only come out when he starts to take on his true demonic form, and never before has he had someone compliment them
• Before he can get a better read on you, you’re gone
• Turns out, you weren’t exactly unimpressed with him. Just wary in your own way. It was a slight hit to the overlords ego that he hadn’t been able to pick up on that so quick, but he’d never admit it. Instead he took to your new attitude with rigorous mischief 
• Music and murder had been the thing to bridge the gap between the two of you. When Alastor discovered you were particularly fascinated by his time period, he laughed heartily
• “Why my dear, you should have told me you had such good taste!” He wrapped a tight arm around your shoulders. “What is it you wish to know about the darling 1920’s?”
• “Did you really feed your victims to alligators?”
• “Hah! That’s for me to know, and you to find out,” He said while flicking your nose. You just hummed with a scrunch of your eyebrows and wriggled out of his grip. Alastor laughed at that
• You wouldn’t classify the two of you as friends necessarily, but Husk did mention one day that the fact he didn’t kill you that day in his recording studio stood for something
• “He’s murdered demons for less.” The grumpy cat told you. You chose not to respond
• Everything came to a head the day Lucifer showed up at the request of his daughter
• He didn’t notice you right away, instead doing a little dance with Razzle and Dazzle as the rest of the hotel watched on confused. Angel tossed you a look and you just shrugged
• Lucifer eventually spotted you standing by the scrappy welcome table. With the same exuberance that you'd seen time and time again before, he hugged you almost immediately
• “Good to see you again too, Luce. Heard you were coming over.” You exhaled after he set you down. You chose to ignore Alastor as he stepped out of his shadows and stood behind you ominously. You could almost feel his gaze burning a hole in the back of your head
• “Ah so this is his majesty! You’re a bit shorter than I expected.” Alastor’s voice was a bit more grating than you recalled. His grip on his cane tightened as you raised your eyebrow at him
• “Uh, excuse me. Exactly who are you? Lucifer gave the overlord a once over, looking very bored as he did so
• An eye twitch
• “Why the Radio Demon of course! Manager to this very fine establishment, and a—!” 
• “Nope. Never heard of you. Sorry.” Lucifer cut Alastor off and smiled tensely from next to you, not sounding sorry at all
• It became apparent very quickly that the two of them didn’t mix. If a competitive musical number didn’t convince you of that, the way the both of them wouldn’t let go of your arms sure did. By the end point of Lucifer’s visit, you were sure a bruise or two had formed on your forearms
• “You know you should really come visit me more!” Lucifer adjusted his hat as he spoke, sending you a sharp toothed smile as he prepared to step out the door. “I’m sure you get tired of this hotel sometimes. Or at least the people—“
• “I’m sure you’ll find they are perfectly happy with their arrangement!” Alastor didn’t let Lucifer finish his thought. His shadows were getting restless at this point, stretching in the three of yours direction as if attempting to push Lucifer out. At this point Charlie and Vaggie had stopped paying attention to the weird power play between the two of them, instead talking about their upcoming trip to heaven together, so you were all alone. Save for two of your friends that were acting really weird
• "You know maybe the two of you shouldn't hang out."
• "Agreed."
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