#the amount of suggestive scenes caught me by surprise ngl
nomoretumbler · 2 months
just watched an american werewolf in london…………… WHAT THE FUCK /POS IN A VERY CONFLICTING WAY.
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i-need-air · 4 years
Hey, you can ignore this if you want. But, just a thought, hybrid Izuku? Like maybe he has a kinda bad past too, just because I live for the angst beginning to fluffy end.
Sorry it took me a couple of days to answer! I wanted to switch it up and I mainly had to think a way to make Izu work as a hybrid, so I decided to make him be a bunny hybrid [ blame his cute hero costume, srsly ] I ended up writing the small amount of 3.7k words somehow— [ listen, i get emotionally involved, ok??? 😭 ] I genuinely hope you like it! 💕
[ Masterlist ]
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Hybrid!AU Bunny!Midoriya Izuku
× you looked at the man sitting in the corner of the cell, both petrified staring at each other
× his bunny ears were lowered, his green eyes widened in your direction
× all you could do was to stand still, shocked and without being able to even mask it
× he looked awful to say at least
× meanwhile the reception guy that accompanied you for a tour of the shelter whispered in your direction; "This one is in really bad shape. Very traumatized, poor soul..." he clicked his tongue before continuing "He's been sent here from another shelter cities away, I don't know much about him and he won't talk."
× you could not look away even if you tried
× the reason why you decided to pass by the shelter was because you offered to help voluntarily in the weekends as you had some free time
× you did read and hear horror stories about the shelters and the hybrids thrown in them, how underfunded they were, how bad the conditions there were and how little help they had but—
× even if you came prepared for the worst you got surprised with the state some of the hybrids were in
× specially this one; his name was on a plaque by his prison like cell— Midoriya Izuku
× he had bruises, cuts, his hands looked specially beaten up and scarred, his behavior was erratic, nervous, just a disaster...
× something deep inside told you to smile and show him you're no threat, so you did
× you introduced yourself and nodded your head, really trying to keep a calm composture but your heart hurt seeing him like that
× much to your surprise, he nodded back, still uncertain but didn't move from his place, far back in the cell
× you've been gently pushed away to continue the tour and to establish your tasks, all while being thanked for your kindness; you didn't know why you felt like throwing up at the indifference in the man's voice...
× there weren't many hybrids in the shelter anyway, yet you've gotten your scheduled hours in which you'd help clean and cook and as you left for the day after some introduction to those tasks; your mind still lingered on Midoriya Izuku even through the night, as his terrified eyes stole the sleep from you that same night
× the following two days you began your volunteering hours and always kept an eye for the hybrid; he was skittish and asocial even at lunch and dinner times, did not talk to any other hybrid and specially not to any worker there
× he caught your eyes multiple times whenever you'd be in his general proximity, yet you'd see him scurrying away instantly, which made you feel unease; you weren't any threat, really, so maybe with time...
× it's when you brought your own cleaning supplies [ because there were little to none ] and decided to help clean their "rooms", so called by the staff, when you firstly got to talk to him
× you reached his cell and he was reading an old book, probably borrowed from the small library they had; he snapped his eyes up when he heard you approach
× "Hello, Midoriya" you'd say gently, heart in your throat, really scared you'd frighten him
× he just nodded and looked away, not before giving your cleaning supplies a long look, knowing what's to come
× with his permission, he let you go inside as you started preparing everything to swipe the floors, putting the broom in a corner as you leaned down to pick some other stuff; what you didn't notice was how the broom was gently falling, almost about to hit you on the head
× the green-haired hybrid was on your side instantly, catching it; it would've been a small tap on your head and most out of the situation would've been you looking ridiculous but you chuckled at the scene and thanked him wholeheartedly
× smol bean blushed so hard you almost dropped everything in your hands at the sight; "N-no problem—" he stuttered, his voice sweet and shy 🥺
× he stood there fidgeting with the book in his hands watching you move around until you heard an unsure "Can I help you?" 🥺🥺
× you told him sure, if he'd like to, mainly worried he really didn't want you in his "territory" but the man took it as an invitation and—
× it didn't stop at his cell? he helped you all day???? you cleaned around together but not without an awkward air around both; which ngl it's funny bc he's staring whenever you talk to everyone, clean, help, so on; big round eyes are always on you;;; IF YOU LOOK THO, oops— "what an interesting wall right there!" - Midoriya, probably.
× it's from then that you notice a switch; whenever you're at the canteen, he's there offering to help, looking just as skittish as always but a small blush always on his face
× whenever you'd be playing with the younger hybrids he'd watch in awe bc you treat them so well
× exactly when he actually starts talking to you more too! he's in the impromptu playground with you and the few little ones when he suddently drops your name in a stutter and says you're kind-hearted
× you almost drop dead in the spot bc his look, man; you haven't seen him so sure of something until now and it did something to you
× it's been a month and hybrids came and got adopted, yet your new friend wasn't really getting any attention; he really acted terrified and you of course questioned his behavior; you knew nothing of his past but seeing the way he acted it could've been just awful
× as you started to slowly engage in larger conversations with Izuku, it's at the canteen that this time you've been caught staring; at his hands in particular
× he was helping you cook, which he really didn't know how to do but tried nonetheless just because he really enjoyed being around you [ or so you assumed, hopeful ]
× when he realizes where you're looking at, you almost dreaded him retracting from the situation like he used to do but he just looks down at them too and sighs
× "I was at a fighting ring—" he said, pursing his lips "—but I'm a rabbit hybrid... a prey... they used me as a punching bag."
× your heart rips in two as you're speechless; even if you tried to be careful with your movements not to spook the man, you could not help yourself by putting your hand on his
× and that's how Midoriya Izuku died, end of HCs 💀
× just kidding; he almost fainted, face fully red as his ears perked up, staring at you with big eyes yet did not move an inch
× and even if his face would've been adorable in any other situation, his words remained imprinted in your mind as you squeezed his hand in yours
× "I'm so sorry you had to go through that, Izuku" you whispered back at him; he just nodded and blabbered something before continuing with the task clumsily
× boy is broken for the rest of the day, that's what I'm implying
× bad news got to you when you found out you couldn't go to the shelter anymore to help; your hours got increased at work and your shift was all over the place and even if you really did talk with your boss, it was decided that for now you had to adapt
× dread filled your gut when you realized you couldn't see Izuku anymore and with that you noticed how fond you grew of him, that's why you loathed the next visit there
× but— you really wanted to see him more; getting to spend time with him and helping around was what got you through the week...
× you told him slowly that same Saturday and it visibly broke him
× he tears up and tries to mask it as best as he can, yet he nods understanding
× "Will— Will I ever see you again?" the soft tremble in his voice shook you to the core
× "Of course. Every day, if you'd like." you blurted;;;;; he blinks at you, tears stopping just to have his head tilted to the side, ears flopping with the movement. "Would you like to come home with me?" you say, idea just popping in your head and balling it;
× he cries harder then he nods
× everything about your volunteering ceasing for the time was already filled in, you guys just needed to fill some paperwork for him, grab his little to no belongings and get the hell out
× small gym-bag in hand, i sweat to god, this man is overwhelmed with being outside
× stays glued to your side all the time, specially on busy streets towards your home
× once you feel him grab on your shirt just for precaution and you melt?? but let him have it
× once you arrived, you see tension leave his body as he smells his surroundings; mf drops a "It smells like you here" through a smile before realizing what he said and getting all flustered 💀
× sooo you move past that as you can and show him around, a spare bedroom not long ago used by your old roommate offered to him
× you only see his surprisingly muscled back as he enters the room and drops the gym-bag on the floor
× he slowly turns around to look at your face and fat ass tears run down his cheeks, not being able to say a word even if he tried
× hands-down the scene almost gives you a panic attack; he then asks if it's all for him and you assure him that indeed it is when he cries harder...
× ok, that again shreds your heart but it wouldn't be the last time
× like for example the moment of utter disbelief he threw at you when you asked him what he wanted to eat that night and he didn't know how to respond because nobody, ever, asked him; you got that as a response after asking if you said something wrong
× or the following Monday, when you suggested you went to do some shopping for him in the morning, since there wouldn't be many people and it would be calmer
× the look of awe in his face, istg...
× from then on he opens up pretty nicely too; it's such a refreshing sight to see him tell you about how he learned to use the computer, TV, phone— the sparks in his eyes whenever he talks of something new he learned? imagine it and now you've gained 20 more years of lifespan, you're very welcome
× such a soft cutie, i swear 🥺 always asks things about you and gives you the same sparkly eyes when he learns more about you
× it does take him some time to come out if his shell though
× you fastly realize he's a nerd; oops, but it's true, and definitely isn't a bad thing! he just really likes to learn about everything and anything and I feel he genuinely likes to tell you about those new facts
× i hope you like them bc when he learned new cool stuff he made a note to tell you about them bc he thought you'd find them cool too and—
× is very tidy and helps around the house, but when it comes to being social he just freezes
× you ask him if he'd like to go for walks and you see him itching to go out for some fresh air, although the thought of other people...
× with time and small walks around the neighborhood, he overcomes the fear as long as you're by his side
× will definitely want to go back to the shelter to volunteer even if you can't, but the fear of walking there just overtakes him again since he'd have to do it alone
× mentions it though
× his expression is so uneasy bc he feels like a burden
× maybe you could work around your schedule to take him there and pick him up? he genuinely loved giving a hand at the shelter so if you do, Izu would be so thankful
× in a few weeks he'd gain the confidence to walk alone
× one 💕adorable💕 thing he does without even thinking is jumping around you, or just in place
× "Today little Miya got adopted!" he'd say, hopping slightly in place "I could tell they were good people too! They had good intentions... just like when I saw you for the first tim—"
× so he mumbles without thinking;; and sometimes blurts out cute stuff like that but when he realizes what he's saying he gets very shy 🤭
× he has this fluff smol tail but we don't talk about it;;; no, no, it's too much for us, I promise you it's the cutest fucking thing you've seen in your whole existence and it moves a little bit and we all die here???? he hides it though, pft
× so fluffy we gonna dieeeee
× he steals your blankets
× hear me out, omg! he does!! if you have small blankets you just throw over yourself to stay on the couch or anything, sometimes they'd dissappear only to be found in his room; he's very sneaky about it but cracks under [the zero] pressure you put on him, leading him to say "It's because whenever you're not around, I like to have something close to me that smells like yOu! it makes me feel sAfe—" his voice cracks "BUT IF YOU DON'T WANT ME TO, I'LL STOP, I JUST—" he'd placate his hands instantly, apologizing
× tell him it's okay and now your hoodies are gone too lmfao
× he's a muscular guy too so consider buying really big ones just for him to wear;;; after you wore them;;;;;;
× says sorry a lot and that's a thing you have to work with a lot
× if he messes up something, he will apologize instantly; if you tell him to stop bc you don't mind he forgot to put the washing machine as he promised he will act like he's the worst
× as if he feared you'd get angry...
× i know it's a recurring topic but give him time
× whenever you both have free time and hang around the house, he'll be on the couch reading near you
× eyes you constantly and he's so obvious about it it's ridiculous; you can see him from the corner of your vision when he turns his head to check on you so through a smile you have to ask him if he needs anything
× what's fantastic is that he's getting over the point of being scared to speak out around you YET he stutters, blushing
× "N-no, nothing!" but he's observing your comfortable form with much interest
× "Wanna... cuddle with me?" [ 's not like you read about bunny hybrids and how they need skin contact which definitely didn't make you uwu and die in the spot bc that's so 🤧💕😭💘🥺 but you waited for him to show any signs that he'd want that; we're respectful like that, mhm ]
× his fluffy ear twitches
× shock, disbelief, blush
× it twitches again
× blushes harder then nods
× sksjdkdjd he's by your side instantly though with no idea of what to do
× good lord, he's so stiff; why don't you grab a blanket to throw it over both of you, hmm?
× he'd bury himself into it then into your arms and soon he'll find out being there is his favorite place in the galaxy
× since his mind drifted to galaxies, Izu then starts talking about constellations bc he's nervous
× so when you rub his back he melts into you with a happy sigh yet when your hand reaches his hair, almost about to touch the top of his head mindlessly as you hum at his words
× he flinches— then you stop to look down at him, catching him wide eyed staring into nothing
× you don't even know why you apologize; maybe his horrified face?
× but before you can form a full sentence he interrupts you
× "Don't apologize. It's not your fault—" he'd glue his eyes on you "I— I used to get bullied a lot back then... they'd pull my ears..."
× without any other explanation you take your hand away, placing it on his shoulders, mainly feeling out of place again; every time he speaks of his past, it just gets worse...
× "But! But I trust you, [Y/N]. I really do." and he leads your hand back to his head
× 🥺💕💕💕💕💕
× then, with convinced features, he drops his head on your chest and snuggles for some good seconds before it clicked to him
× now he's apologizing
× until you ruffle his hair and he just experiences bliss in real life
× massage his scalp and say goodbye to ever leaving his side, you're now in his firm grip until the end of time but who's complaining
× like he has no shame anymore, it feels that good
× he can hear your heartbeat, as fast as it is, and he snuggles further into you; it's his lullaby
× now let's get to business
× look: he's adorable, sweet, doting, cares about you and about hybrids, he's actively trying to get out of his shell, he's built but tender, couldn't hurt a fly;
× don't lie to yourself, you've got a big fat crush
× little did you know this guy right here liked you from the moment you introduced yourself to him, months prior
× the issue is Izuku is really insecure; after hearing his whole life that he's inferior to both humans and some hybrids, he started believing it
× and comments whenever you're outside with him do not help
× he has a spectacular hearing
× doesn't miss how people whisper about you two, even if you mind your own business doing whatever
× it's mostly older people, judgemental and disgusted with hybrids that call you a freak for having one, that call him an abomination
× he tries so hard to ignore them but his behavior changes back to his silent old self, yet this time he doesn't cower anymore although grips his pants until his scarred hands are white, not answering back to you if you talk
× you have to assume he's again uncomfortable outside so you suggest leaving, not sure how to behave
× he kinda snaps on your way back home when there's nobody around
× stops in the middle of the road, looking down, brow furrowed and trembling lips
× "Am I never going to be good enough for you?" he'd clench his teeth
× "Izu—, what...?"
× the determined glare he sends you stops you in your tracks
× "Because I want to be. I want to be better for you."
× 😳
× basically confesses in a dramatic way as he's overtaken with emotions then screeches bc oh no what if you don't feel the same so "I-It's okay if you don't feel the same! If you're uncomfortable I can move back to the shelter!! I'm so sorr—"
× smooch him pls????
× and share your feelings just to give him a stroke lmfao
× he'll take the initiative to grab your hand and walk home like that, the other on his face covering it
× peck his lips and he malfunctions every time
× but loves it
× be sure of this: after that night, he's so soft for you and won't hide it
× he's a creature of contact, meaning his fingers will linger on your form, he will seek your form, he will want to snuggle his face in your neck, he definitely will stare at your lips for too long bc he's still shy and embarrassed by his confession to make a move; smooch him pt. 2
× he's so— adorable; he finds himself in front of your bedroom door with your blanket in his arms and has an existential crisis
× you see his shadow at the small creak under the door and akfjaksj
× open the door and let him sleep with you ffs I'm having a stroke for him
× can he be the little spoon? or can you two hug face to face? it's just that 🥺 he feels safe with you like that, a feeling he's been always missing
× any time you're in his arms or vice-versa he breathes out as tension leaves his body; best place in the whole universe, no hesitation.
× he's a petty lil shit, let me tell you that, ok??
× someone flirts with you? lol k he's behind looking not intimidating at all but he's frowning, his ears are twitching and chest puffed
× takes your hand just to prove a point
× talking about his hands
× kiss them, caress them, anything
× he just... yes, pls, do that
× whenever you're not looking he's giving you the gentlest smile and even if you notice, his lips will curl even more before he throws a compliment at you
× pretty much likes your reactions bc he's always the one that's flustered the most between the two [ genuinely doesn't matter if you get flustered or not, he just tops that energy 100x more ]
× likes to know he has the same effect you have on him on a daily basis
× will try to find a job at something he's interested in and i definitely see him finding one at a library or something like that
× he enjoys the silence, completely different from his old loud and over the place life, and also loves books
× unrelated hc but i just imagined Izu whispering the words out loud whenever he reads without noticing it; his green eyes focused in the book, face concentrated and ears low to not get in his field of vision; want to make him happy? listen to him and when he finally notices you, tell him to go on~
× he's the embodiment of akfwpdkslfjjwj 💕
× honestly your life with him is peaceful
× the way he loves is gentle, really sweet and it all revolves about peace in your household
× he adores you to no end and thanks you for helping him improve himself
× and getting him out of a life without a goal or purpose
× gets out of his way to help you, always you and wants to prove he's good enough
× he already is and you better tell him
× give this baby all the love he deserves and you'll get just as much in return
× I'm soft for him oml 💘
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