#the amount of DUMB shit they're saying out there. it's wild
lgbthv · 2 months
brynden stans on twitter dot com tf do you know about bloodraven 🤨❓🎤
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dmsr-art · 15 days
I wish I had one of those "this is a work of fiction" disclaimers from old video games to use as an emoji reaction on people who are like "oh no how dare you like cnc and incest and power dynamics you must approve of those things happening in real life if you enjoy reading them!" like hi. shut up. people in real life hey man how's it going style. I like the fake shit and if me and my wife write out roleplays where our characters are sicknasty daddy daughter kissing. that's Our Business as Grown Adults who have Common Sense.
like yeah fiction can hurt you it can be used to indoctrinate you and make you believe that some things are normal and okay when they're not. that happened to me when I was a kid! I know how bad and sad it gets!
but also. fiction can give you the tools to recognize when things that are happening to you are Not Okay. you can point to a book where someone gets attacked and say "this happened to me" and you can get to a safer point with the communication opportunities that fiction can provide you. gothic fiction was meant to be a cautionary tale. yeah it's hot taboo shit is hot but it serves as an example of "this is a bad thing to do to people in real life."
also like nobody else is reading me and my wife's freakshit but us so shut the fuck up and tag your shit appropriately. if people don't wanna see it then that way they won't see it! and people who Do wanna See can find it easier!! ya know??
anyway hi thanks for listening I hope you wake up feeling the perfect amount of rested and that the shower stays the exact temperature you want it to stay at for the whole time you're in there. have a lovely rest of your week
they are larping 90s "violent video games make u violent irl" rhetoric but with sexual kinks now. and they are too stupid or not self aware enough to realize it. it's always "so u support incest???" but never "so u support murder???" they fully understand that u can watch and enjoy violent horror movies and not want to recreate what u saw but lose their god damn minds when two trans gfs on twitter call each sister and accuse them of wanting to fuck their actual real life relatives.
i know most of these ppl are just young and dumb. i HOPE they'll grow out of it and learn to mind their business. it's still very jarring to me bc when i was a teen on the wild wild west internet NO ONE was like that!! i was out there exploring sexual taboos via fiction and it was chill af. ppl were minding their own business not throwing wild accusations around... don't like don't read was the norm!! OUR MOMS READ FLOWERS IN THE ATTIC... LIKE COME ON.... this shouldn't be an issue 😭😭😭
[chin hands] anon i am happy to listen, thank u :3
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eggsaladsandwhic · 1 year
Vash Headcannons (SFW and NSFW)
Follow my previous posts about the Poly Knives x OC x Vash CollegeAU fic I'm doing so here's some ideas I gotta dump.
Ecology Major vibes, is also getting an Ethics minor
Hates chemistry with a burning passion
Makes a lot of friends, but only hangs out with a few so he doesn't overwhelm himself
Nurodivergent Vash!
(He/They)! Or (They/them) either works
Doing a stem degree while having ADHD and anxiety sucks so much but Vash thrives in it somehow
College has really been flaring up his plant traits lately, has to call Rem or talk to Nai on the weekly for help (Though Nai just keeps telling him to stop repressing it)
Has to wear long sleeves or hoodie a lot to cover up the feathering leaves that pop out.
Vash doesn't realize it but it's anxiety that's causing it, but Nai started lending him some compression shirts and so it's gotten better
BUFF DADBOD VASH (this idea possess me)
He's gotten better with dealing with stress and no longer resorts to starving himself
GOES TO THERAPY(one of these twins gotta do it)
Between Nai's cooking, drinking on the weekends, and the amount of donuts this dude can eat he's living his best life
Works out when he gets the time and bowls competitively
Wants a significant other (Mates for life) but it's so hard, especially when starts thinking about the fact he's not human
Has a fear of having someone he really loves and then them finding out he's a plant and reacting negatively. Vash thinks Nai and him would likely have to move back to the facility with Rem. He doesn't want to uproot the lifestyle him and his brother have
Gets a little depressed about it, but is really good with having a support group on standby
Gets hit on at bars a lot but it always flys over his head or they're too pushy about it.
Wolfwood sets him up with dates once in a blue moon but it goes horrible or the girls just don't like him for more than his looks
Physical touch is this man's love language and he just wants someone he can lean on
Add someone who likes doing domestic activities?? Y'all are going to the courthouse next week
Wants to just curl up next to someone even platonically at this point
Has an agreement with Nai sometimes that they sleep in the same bed like when they were kids (Nai always grumbles about it but sleeps better that night anyway)
Nsfw Below 👇
So I did some research today and did y'all know that wild purple geraniums have a tendency to be Hermaphrodites
Vash is a dual package (living the dream ong)
Plantussy and Plantdick combo meal
So I imagine that his dick would sit above his vulva and vagina? Testes would likely be internal (genuinely trying to form an anatomy basis I'm actually looking at a diagram rn)
As for his female organs I'd say he consented to a hysterectomy because it was causing growth issues (post op sucked but he figured it out)
Took testosterone for awhile until everything was functional
Became a lot more sexually comfortable with himself after this
6.5in prehensile tentacle dick, bumpy rounded ridges on the sides and little more on the girthy end
Has more of those downy soft petals that unfold during sex, and dick likely has a sheath because it's more fleshy (kinda like the inside of your mouth)
Hyperspremia and leaves a mess everytime he jerks off, squirts a lot too (probably got a dedicated bath towel at this point)
He has fucked himself with his own dick and usually prefers to
Owns quite a few sex toys and likes to experiment around a little bit
Goes from a Fleshlight, a regular dildo, has a couple fantasy ones, and anal and prostate toys
High sex drive, but can cum pretty quick (short recovery period, usually goes 3 rounds but can do more)
Rut is 10x worse too you'd be lucky to make it to the fridge
Makes sperm plugs during rut
SWITCH VASH(still a virgin though)
Desperate sex kinda guy, gets pussy drunk or cock dumb so easily, folds like a chair no matter what
Make him unfurl his wings out it means he trusts you so much
Please go down on him and absolutely devour him
Very sweet though and would definitely check in a lot (check in with him too it makes him feel fuzzy)
Has a sex awareness to not hurting you accidentally, during rut he's very nervous about it
Aftercare King (loves to shower or take a bath after)
More of a hickey giver than a biter
Usual kinks: Breeding, Pegging, Overstimulation, Cum play, cockwarming, Oral, Praise, Hair-pulling
Unusual: Blindfolding, Shibari(both ways around), Begging, wants to be degraded a little bit
Jesus my brain went wild there, I was doing research for some of this shit. Was supposed to be doing Geochemistry homework but this happened ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯. Anyways gn y'all I got a 9am.
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tobiasdrake · 1 month
Are you officially gone from TV Tropes? Haven't seen you on any of the forum threads for a while now.
I pop in from time to time to lurk on some threads, but I'm not actively following things there the way I used to. I've been focusing a lot on Tumblr lately.
But I've always had less online time in general lately, as these last couple months have involved a substantial amount of adulting.
I'm finding I enjoy the format of Tumblr a lot better than internet forums. There's less pressure to respond to people here. I can shoot opinions out into the wild and people can take or leave them as they will, and then everyone just moves on.
In a forum, everybody's in one room vying to duke it out with whoever spoke last. Everything has to be such a debate. Everybody's always competing to prove how smart they are and how right their position on whether Batman can beat up Superman is.
And I just. I don't have the mental space for that anymore. I haven't for years. I'm in my late thirties now; I don't want to fistfight someone in the Denny's parking lot over Spider-Man movies.
And I'm also just so tired of long, drawn-out arguments with people who clearly aren't reading what I'm saying, and just respond to the general idea of my point that they've heard from others. Then make me out to be the bad guy because they've made it into an argument and dragged it out for pages on end.
"Ugggh, there goes Drake answering questions and clarifying misinterpretations of what he was saying again. Why does he always have to drone on and on about this every time people keep pushing the topic back onto him? Why won't he just drop the topic we keep responding to him about?"
TvTropes is an echo chamber governed by mob consensus. They like to say that they're just... pro-positivity towards media. "We are a website for celebrating media," is the pitch. Threads that exist purely to complain about a piece of media are forbidden and the general belief is that if a fan and a critic are arguing, the critic is always wrong.
But that's a lie, because the forum has plenty of complaining threads. The Sonyverse thread exists purely so everyone can shit on the Sonyverse and talk about how dumb Sony is for ever thinking these films could work. And also conspiracy theories about Venom's success being fake.
In actuality, TvTropes is governed by mob rule. The community has an opinion consensus about a piece of media, and if you disagree with the consensus then you're wrong. You're not supposed to talk shit about the MCU in the MCU thread but you're also not supposed to defend the Sonyverse in the Sonyverse thread, and either of these positions will incite the furious mob. It's an echo chamber.
For a long time now, it's become my policy on TvTropes to just say my piece and then fuck off and not respond to whoever gets uppity about it. Just fire off an opinion and then bail. Because I don't want to fistfight you in the Denny's parking lot, and if I actually respond to questions being asked then I put a target on my back.
And that's just. Not any fun for me. I didn't like the movie. Seven pages of screeching at me about it isn't going to make me like the movie. That's kind of the thing about media discourse? Even if you have the facts on your side, you're never going to change someone's mind by vanquishing them in the Arena of Logic.
No one has ever gone, "Oh, you're right, Black Widow's death technically does not qualify as Women in Refrigerators because she had agency in it. The scene is therefore good now. My qualms have been quelled and I will now defend this movie with my life." At the end of the day, we're just using words to describe how the thing made us feel. You might outmaneuver my words in a clash of verbal blades. But my feelings live on. You cannot slay them in semantic jousting.
And I've long given up on trying.
This is where Debate Bros will say "Well, my goal isn't to convince YOU but to convince ALL OF THE PEOPLE WATCHING US," as if sharing opinions on whether Batman can beat up Superman carries the same cultural gravitas as a Presidential Debate.
I use media discourse the way other people use fanfic. To express the feelings and ideas that are burning in my brain and need an outlet, need to go somewhere. On TvTropes, that always has to turn into a fight, because everyone in a forum environment has to have opinions about everyone else's opinions and we're all expected to civilly scream at each other until the mob consensus has been formed and the Official TvTropes Opinion is reached.
But on Tumblr, I can just throw my opinions out into the wild. And if people like them, they'll get Notes and maybe even start doing numbers. And if people don't, then they'll just be left to the void of forgotten statements. Either way, I can move on with my life after saying it, you can move on with your life after reading it or not read it at all, and we can all just go do something else.
That's basically how I try to use TvT these days, but on Tumblr that's actually the culture. It's what's expected. And so I find myself drawn more and more to the calming void of Tumblr over the combative civility of TvTropes.
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rulerzreachf4n7 · 3 months
Reason number one- you're five year olds aren't the targated demographic for this movie
Yes come at me all you fucking want but this isn't like the first movie where it's much more innocent and doesn't handle heavy topics like having an anxiety attack and puberty, I'm sorry Karen but you're two six year old kids won't be needing to learn about what puberty is, TRUST ME THAT IS GOING TO SAVED FOR ANOTHER TIME, and it was obvious this movie is targated for teens, especially the ones born in 2010 cause like half of y'all (including me) are 12/13 years old already, and just because it's a Pixar film doesn't mean it can't be mature it was definitely not targated for people under puberty
Reason number two- take a fucking hint and stop being homophobic
Personally me, RILEY X VAL IS A HILL I AM WILLING TO DIE ON, I WILL DEFEND THAT SHIP LIKE MY LIFE DEPENDS ON IT, but from a more...different view...just because two girls are interacting and holding hands DOES NOT FUCKING MEAN THEY'RE DATING TAKE A FUCKING HINT YOU TRUMP SUPPORTER, sure Riley x val may not be canon due to obvious homophobic people complaining, and a kinda underrated one where people think the age gap is too big given that Riley is a freshman but I think Val might be a sophomore? Not sure it's never like mentioned but calling val a super senior is fucking weeeird bro, and also Disney is a SHIT at writing gay couples and probably would stereotype them is more to add of how bad it'll make them look
Number three- surprisingly there's racism???
Not really a big one but I've heard some people complaining about Val's hockey team, saying it's "too diverse"...BITCH WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN " TOO DIVERSE " YOU WANT EVERYONE TO BE AS WHITE AS RILEY??? not much to speak on here but it truly is infuriating
Number four- Riley's belief system makes her a bad person??
Another small one but still very annoying people complaining that Riley's not a good person and has a bad belief system but even though she considers herself a good person but makes mistakes it doesn't matter because God isn't in it and that alone apparently makes her a bad person...SHUT THE FUCK UP, I'M ALL FOR RESPECTING RELIGIONS BUT THE PEOPLE I HATE MOST ON EARTH ARE FUCKING CHRISTIANS LIKE TAKE A FUCKING HINT WHAT HAPPENED TO LOVE THY NEIGHBOR??? SHIT WENT OUT THE WINDOW SINCE ADAM AND EVE SINNED
And number five- peoples ever decreasing media literacy
Every since the movie came out people have been complaining over Anxiety and saying she's "the villain"...im going to take your hand while I'm saying this...DO Y'ALL NOT KNOW WHAT FUCKING ANXIETY IS SHE LITERALLY EXPLAINS IT HER FUCKING SELF WHEN SHE'S FIRST INTRODUCED YOU DUMB BITCHES, " B-But she made Riley have a panic attack🥺🥺 " first of all It's an ANXIETY ATTACK second, people were saying "w-why was anxiety making Riley over think and worry so much? 🥺🥺" TAKE A LONG WILD GUESS IT'S IN HER FUCKING NAME, I'm convinced people who went to watch it, saw thirty minutes of it then left cause they didn't even know what anxiety is and what it causes, half of the people watching don't understand anxiety's motives CAUSE Y'ALL HAVE NEVER HAD ANXIETY, coming from someone who has anxiety and social anxiety I get where she's coming from (and maybe secretly rooting for her at the end, like fr let her cook) and y'all wouldn't have acted like this in the first movie cause everyone HAS experienced sadness, everyone HAS HAD sad moments so it's no difference with anxiety, except this time only a certain amount of people will get it
Also am I the only but I fucking HATED Riley's friends like they were SO GODDAMN ANNOYING 💀💀
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dawg sometimes i need reassurance abt aeon because these tiktok stan’s are so confident about their obviously wrong takes of their relationship it’s starting to make me question myself like am i the dumb one (i don’t actually think they r right it’s just so wild how far they’d go to make their own ship seem somewhat canon/ make ada the villain/ them just having an actual crush on leon and seeing ada as a threat 😭)
so here's the thing tho lol
a LOT of tiktok stans are underaged so i would probably not take a lot of their opinions seriously lmao. a lot of them haven't played the games and simply simp over leon
the amount of ss i've seen of them literally saying that they're "tearing their hair out" because they "found out that leon and ada slept together"
(TYPICALLY- not always!) a lot of younger girls are also threatened by a lot of what ada "stands" for? is written to be?
ada ticks all of the boxes of what is "not attainable" when you're young
she's older
"rude" or "abrasive" which i argue is just not taking any shit from anyone lol, or choosing not to be nice to everyone (because she doesn't need to be)
"doesn't need a man" who at like- what 16 year old is looking for that in a romance? lol
she has a lot of characteristics that would never fall into the "good girl trope" or the "girl next door," the mary sue character, which a lot of female characters are written to be like-
sure in things like shonen animes or stereotypical male lead stories, there will be a female characters that's fits within these trope, but they're usually poorly written and have like ONE SINGLE FLAW of like "annoying" or "cold" or just "very sexy" or something like that
but are often time still shipped with the main male character
anyways uh yea
sorry for ranting all the time LMAO
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violetjedisylveon · 2 years
Incorrect Kaesoka quotes cause they're funny
Kaeden, at Ahsoka's Funeral: I need a moment with her. Other rebels: of course.*they leave* Kaeden, leaning over Ahsoka's coffin: okay, listen here you little shit, I know you're not dead Ahsoka: yeah, no shit.
. . .
*Ahsoka falls over* Kaeden: Ahsoka! Are you alright? Ahsoka: Is that you, God? Kaeden: What? Ahsoka: It's just, you sound a lot more like Kaeden than I expected.
. . .
Ahsoka: Caffeine no longer keeps me awake while I work, so instead I have Kaeden periodically send me texts saying ‘we need to talk.’ Ahsoka: It gives me the right amount of adrenaline and fear I need to keep going.
Ahsoka: Do you want to know your gay name? Kaeden: My... my gay name? Ahsoka: Yeah, it's your first name- Kaeden: Haha. Very funny Ahsoka- Ahsoka: *gets down on one knee* And my last name. Kaeden: Oh- oh my god.
. . .
Ahsoka: Did you know you remind me of all 26 letters of the alphabet? Kaeden: What? Like J F K W S Q X- Ahsoka: No, like, U R A Q T. Kaeden: Awwww!
. . .
Kaeden: Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake. Ahsoka: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear. Kaeden: ... Kaeden: You mean ring bearER, right? Ahsoka: ... Kaeden: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding. (Not part of quote: Ahsoka gave an Akul buddy the ring bearer duty I decided)
. . .
Kaeden: I’ve been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response. Ahsoka: Wow. They sound stupid.Kaeden: But they’re not. They’re really smart actually. Just dense. Ahsoka: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don’t know… “Hey! I love you!” Kaeden: I guess you’re right. Hey Ahsoka, I love you. Ahsoka: See! Just say that! Kaeden: Holy fucking shit. Ahsoka: If that flies over their head then, sorry Kaeden, but they're too dumb for you. Kaeden: Ahsoka.
. . .
Kaeden: Hey, Ahsoka, what do you think it would be like if we had kids? Ahsoka: What would it be like? Inconvenient, mostly. Kaeden: No, I mean, what would they be like, the kids? You ever think about it? Ahsoka: Can't really say I have. Kaeden: You know, for someone as eccentric as yourself, you can be boring as fuck sometimes. Ahsoka: Sorry, Kaeden. For what it's worth, I'm picturing them now. A boy and a girl. Two perfect little freaks of nature raised by people who've clearly got no business bringin' up anybody.
. . .
Ahsoka: Being gay is a constant battle between "I wish to sit on a window bench with my lover, our legs tangling as we listen to the birds" and "Hey, let's go throw rocks at Storm troopers" and I think that's very sexy of us. Kaeden: If the window's open and you time it right, you can do both.
. . .
Kaeden: We’re getting married, bitches! Ahsoka: And we're about to make it everybody else's problem. (Not part of quote: i wrote a short fic that was basically this quote last year, hehe, it's funny)
. . .
Kaeden: My future partner must be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized. Ahsoka: *steps on a caterpillar and proceeds to drop to their knees and sob while apologizing profusely* Kaeden: That one. I want that one.
. . .
*about the darth Vader Anakin connection* Ahsoka: I think I just figured something out. I got to go. Kaeden: Aren't you forgetting something? Ahsoka: Uuh...*hesitantly kisses Kaeden's forehead before running out.* Kaeden: No, pay your bill! Damn, who raised you?
. . .
Miara: I know you love them. Kaeden: I am not in love with Ahsoka! Miara, staring at Kaeden: I never said who... Kaeden: *realizes* Kaeden: Shit. Well, anyways-
. . .
Kaeden, holding a rock: Ahsoka just gave this to me and said "I feel like you deserve the moon but all I can give you is a rock". Miara: If you don't marry her, I will.
. . .
Miara: Do you mind if I slyly mention that you’re single? Ahsoka: Do not do that. Miara: You won’t even notice! Kaeden, entering: Mira, you wanted to see me again? Miara: Ahsoka's single Ahsoka:
. . .
Miara: I dare you to kiss the next person who walks into this room. Kaeden: Screw that, I’m not kissing any of you. *Ahsoka walks in* Kaeden: Fine, I’ll do it. Rules are rules you know.
. . .
Kaeden: Hi. Miara: Hey, did you do what I said? Did you tell her? Kaeden: I did. Miara: And what did she say? Kaeden: “Thank you.” Miara: You’re totally welcome. What’d she say? Kaeden: she said, “Thank you.” I said “I love you” and Ahsoka said, “Thank you.”
. . .
Ahsoka: Someone take me to art museums and make out with me. Kaeden: But they said not to touch the masterpieces. Ahsoka: Well somebody's got to pin the artwork to the wall. Miara, on a walkie talkie: This is Miara, those idiots are fucking around in the East wing again.
. . .
Ahsoka: Due to personal reasons, I will be fucking sinking to the bottom of the ocean in a large metal box. Miara: Did Kaeden say 'I love you' and you said 'Thanks'? Ahsoka: THE REASONS ARE PERSONAL–
This was fun! I'm doing more tomorrow, nobody can stop me!
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Also, sorry, I feel I must disclose things. It has come to my attention that your friend has never heard of type 1 diabetes after getting references for my own reasons, as I have actually not been creeping terribly hard before getting screenshots. Her responses are more important to me than most other things, if you understand. I have not gone nearly as far into her blog as I have to find this information. It doesn't matter much to me. Her immediate asks and a few nothing-of-reblogs is more than enough, though she is apparently more diligent to try to find... Anything at all on me. She didn't have to, mind. I would have responded openly to asks, as I will to your own if you require more to feel right.
I assume you can operate google well enough to figure out how this is so hilarious to me that they don't understand there is a few different variations. (I don't mean to demean anyone, but it is so basic. So, so, so very basic of a google search... I imagine we both have done more work for a lot less. I did mention type 1 if she found any posts about it, how silly of her not to see it. I'm perplexed how this wasn't understood.) There's a specific gestational diabetes she should be aware of for her own health, realistically.
I might have alluded to the fact I thought they were a dumbass once. I never in a thousand years thought it would turn out to be true that they're actually, you know, stupid. And it might be the case, but an oversight. I hope so, anyway. I hope she doesn't experience gestational diabetes too, hormones (like insulin) while pregnant are unfortunately up to the individual, and no amount of diet and lifestyle can help a person not experience wild hormonal changes. That is probably the only thing a human person could get so wrong that I have to disclose something. It's literally the most dumb-ass coded thing a person could say, and literally nobody else is so hard pressed to go through a blog that they would bother with it.
I'm sorry to have updated you on this miscalculation. I am not trying to persuade or dissuade you of anything. I just want you to google something that is silly levels of information gathering and think about two seconds harder than your friend has. I like to think the best of people, so I assume she was a touch too emotionally charged to consider this.
I had to sleep on this and when I woke up, I still did not give a shit. Please pick up a drug habit or some other hobby.
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apexulansis · 1 year
Tumblr media
TAGGED BY: @dynamoprotocol who did this a while ago but maybe fixed the @ because i Just Now got the notif for it thank you!
Vindaka with @vin-robles obviously!!! That ship is literally the entire reason Ardaka even exists. Probably why Kariians are they are right now exist as well, since I might not have bothered to split them off from their original fandom-related stuff were it not for this particular dynamic. They're very dear to me. :')
In large part, it's pretty dumb to try and apply age gap stuff to aliens who live hundreds, thousands, if not an indefinite, number of years. So a literal age gap is inevitable and kind of always will be. Obviously I don't mean this as a way to excuse gross shit but when it comes to adults, yeah, the age can vary by literally millions of years in some cases.
It gets uncomfortable when the other muse is more comparable to a teen than an adult. As Earth years equivalent I'd say anything younger than 22 would be Uncomfy.
(But again, doesn't always apply. I mean, one of Ardaka's partners is an A.I. and they most definitely do not mature the same way that organics do. So.......)
When it comes to writing with me, you'd probably just know it when you see it. I don't like to jump right into NSFW territory, I'd rather allude/suggest to it first — and the post would be tagged 'SUGGESTIVE CW' or something.
If it's the very first time things creep into NSFW territory with someone, I will just give them an OOC heads up so they know, and we can go from there. Sometimes people don't want to write those things out, in which case I'd like to know that so I can fade-to-black accordingly.
As for my personal opinion — I kinda just think of the meaning of NSFW, as in Not Safe For Work. If I wouldn't want to be caught reading it at work/in public, then yeah, it should be censored or tagged.
Yes lmao. I don't just want IC chemistry, I want OOC chemistry too, and that can be kinda hard to come by on this site. I don't really like shipping with people (Emotional Character Relationship kind of shipping, not just 'they fuck sometimes') if I don't consider them a friend. Honestly, the rapport being good OOC is almost more important than the IC connection to me. Like... if I don't add you on Discord, it's safe to say I'm not gonna ship with you.
When the IC/OOC chemistry is Just Right, then no, I'm not selective. If I've already established a ship with someone, I'm pretty willing to do Whatever since I already trust in their writing skills.
Other than Ardaka / Vin....
Ardaka / Two / Xaallo with @precognitor and @xaallo. I love them as an OT3 but also as separate ships on their own right. The chemistry of these three is always good, but it definitely changes depending on whether or not Ardaka is with both of them, or just Two, or just Xaallo. It makes for a very dynamic relationship with a lot of variety. It's been one of my favorite things to write over the past year or two.
Ardaka / Sliske with @ohshadow. Sometimes I think about the interactions of their original canon counterparts and it's wild. It's wild how far they've come now. Channy and I haven't gotten too many chances to write them but it's great when we do. I just feel so!!! Proud!!! Of where we've both taken our characters. I love the way Ardaka and Sliske banter of course, I just feel a lot of OOC contentment for it. It's been so many years since we've known each other, and I think it's pretty cool where we're at now.
Ardaka / Malphas with @guildoffarah. One of the few ships I can't exactly call slow-burn even if there is a good amount of development behind it now. Their chemistry was just Immediate. Also one of the only relationships Ardaka has where his species/identity isn't a barrier he has to overcome at some point, so that has a lot to do with it, I'm sure. Anyway, Farah has been a joy to know and write with!
Ehhhhhhhhh? Probably not? It's beneficial to confirm it later down the line sure but if the ship happens naturally in writing then so be it. I don't really like controlling the relationship direction much OOC, I just want it to progress naturally. If it happens, then it happens.
I don't want to just be asked straight up for a ship. Someone can suggest a scenario in which our muses could bond, but I don't want to plot the outcome of such a thing, if that makes sense.
Obsessed but only with the ships that develop naturally or for ships with already established shipping partners. I have NO idea how people can just make posts that say "like this post and we'll ship together". Shipping calls? I think it's weird, cannot relate at all, sorry.
Not in a fandom. I don't really like picking a one favorite anyway; they're all good ships! I like them all for their own reasons!
Write with me. If we're mutuals, I am open to the possibility of it happening. We would just have to find out how it goes IC!
If we're already shipping partners, it's as easy as just suggesting a potential other pairing in passing and we can shoot the shit about it.
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scopophobia-polaris · 2 years
Hey poris could you tell me about timie's personality? Or some curious facts? I've been curious about it + I'm planning to draw him again so I,like, need a amount of information from a character because yes even if it's not necessary
I'm gonabthrow up (the power is out and we had to drive somewhere to see if we can text family) uh
Okay honestly I don't know how to answer this one because theyre....weird.
Fun fig facts I guess theyre a bit of a dad (when theyre older) like a big stupid dad, sweet and all also my mother but...God wait should I talk about them when they're a kid??? Hmhmhm
Even when theyre a kid theyre just kinda sweet. I draw them very mean and barky right now but honestly it's because they're upset about a lot of things, I think Timie is a bit of a clingy person and doesn't like to be alone very often (they grew up in a big family after all!)
Theyre also kinda...dumb, like maybe dumb isn't the right word but realitively fearless is, they really do look at fuck up shit and go oh 🥴 a lot, or just jump into situations were they probably shouldn't, not because theyre aggressive but I think tmbeing the hero of time once has kinds got them under the impression that they can handle most things. (Idk man this js the kind of mf to see a zombie and be like ewwwww lol and kick it down a hill)
Now don't think they like getting into fights they don't, they avoid them as much as possible, actually, during oot they were kinda playing pacifist until they couldn't. Most monsters speak forest language so it's like "hey buddy I understand you're getting paid for this but I actually need to go through here so pretty please let me through? You wouldn't deny a little guy on their birthday right 🥺🥺🥺" it's how they got through the Maze to the forest temple.
I...also think they got disney princess vibes, I don't know how to explain that one properly but they seem to be able to get whole birds to come down and peep at them ( this might actually be the triforce of courage compelling animals too itself)
They also just really like cooking, they're gonna discover good flavor one day and blow up, wanna replicate that kind of stuff at home, they've grown up in kokiri village and the kokiri don't need to eat people foods and would just steal from people picnicking at the edge of the woods and or just feed poor (Link at the time) raw vegetables and fruits. Some times roast stuff for then but that's was rare. I think the moblin tribes in the woods had to feed them a lot cuz it's like huh the forest kids keep shoving raw apples in your mouth? Try this (and it was probably wild carrot mushroom soups, with creams, and chicken bullion they stole) must of tasted real good.
I dont really know what else to say though,,,,,
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awesomephd · 2 years
Watching Through My Collection: Day 1/36
Creepshow (1982)
Day 2
So for a challenge to myself and motivation to put a dent in the frankly absurd amount of horror movies I own that I haven't seen, I've decided to spin a wheel and watch one random movie every night from my birthday to Halloween and post about them.
I know there's a big chance that a lot of them will be very obscure and niche despite starting off with one as well-known as Creepshow, so most will probably be a lot shorter than this one. I'll keep them mostly under a cut, still.
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CW: bugs, body horror, and drowning
I'll start off with saying that I think it's a little ironic that I've honestly had very little interaction with Creepshow or any Tales From The Crypt media before my 27th birthday- especially since I did read my fair share of actual horror-related comics! (My mother had old DC comics including Stanley and His Monster and I even got my hands on a couple printings of Plop! as a kid.) Though, while I was looking up stuff about Creepshow, I unlocked some very old memories of having seen Creepshow 2 once before, so I'm at least familiar with the idea of it.
Knowing it was written by Stephen King and finding out partway into the movie that it was made with George A. Romero and Tom Savini too, really made the experience for me.
The movie really has a ton of fun with the comic inspiration, playing with colorful lighting everywhere and fun backgrounds to highlight cuts just goes hand-in-hand with the pulpy comic writing of the horror.
Father's Day
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The first segment of the movie is simultaneously the worst story and the best setup for the mood going forward, imo. It's truly a story of death and murder for the sake of getting to do it and I salute them for it. o7
The characters are all kinda dumb and the only one you really even feel a slip of sympathy for is killed first. It's an honestly boring first half followed by a weird ending with some fun and wild visuals.
So a perfect horror comic short story!
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The Lonesome Death of Jordy Verrill
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Finding out that part of the direction Stephen King was given for this bit was to act like Wile E. Coyote just noticing he walked off a cliff elevated this whole bit to camp. He's a toony country bumpkin with toony sci-fi horror problems and I honestly loved the plant growing effects and makeup- even if apparently Stephen King was so allergic to the makeup he had to be on constant medication and given shots!
He also kept a figure of Greedo in his pocket and kept trying to play pranks with the makeup effects like trying to surprise his daughter with a ton of cuts and bruises and taking his son out to lunch with fx makeup done. Love that for him.
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Something to Tide You Over
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I'm already of the camp that Leslie Nielsen and Ted Danson are actors that would have a hard time not being the best part of anything they're in and I stand by that still.
The whole drowning in high-tide killing plot is also a ton of fun too, so I just had tons of fun with this one the whole way through.
Also, apparently Leslie Nielsen had a fart machine in his pocket during rehearsals and would crack everyone up with fart noises before scenes and shit which just highlights how good the serious acting is and makes it more impressive.
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The Crate
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Starring Tom Savini's first ever animatronic effect nicknamed Fluffy!
I'd call this the more usual plot in horror short stories. Some decent tension and raising stakes and a climax where the most insufferable person finally gets shut up by getting merc'd by the monster! And what a monster he is.
Very Good Boy 11/10 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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They're Creeping Up on You!
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Despite every other segment's great makeup effects, this one was the most expensive part of the movie! The sheer amount of cockroaches cost them thousands of dollars to get. Money well spent, the hoard of bugs did exactly what they were meant to do. 👍
I love them and they were wonderful actors.
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it's dumb for you to just say shit about reintroduction of animals to the UK without doing research. maybe when somebody says "there's this really interesting project to reintroduce XYZ animals to the UK" your response shouldn't be a totally brainless and unresearched "uH tHoSe ArE AmeRiCaN AnImAlS you IDIOTS!!" the majority of the population of the UK is AGAINST the government's policy on sport hunting & anti-environmental policy. blame THEM, not the people of the UK working hard to change it.
Yes because I definitely called people idiots in that post. My reply amounted to “THEY'RE DOING WHAT!?” as a comedic reaction to what I perceived the tags to mean. It was essentially a “say sike rn”.
Anyway, when sport hunting and constant rallying against the reintroduction of any wild animal is met with the vitriol it is, I am not going to assume the best. When British groups have introduced multiple species where I live that have decimated our wildlife out of an attempt to “add European culture to the American landscape”, I am not going to assume the best. When the response to legislation making it harder for the common Brit to go out and kill scores of gulls and crows was largely negative, I am not going to assume the best. When Britain has decided to die on the hill that killing birds and squirrels is a house cat’s god given right, I am again not going to assume the best when it comes to ecology in the UK.
I do apologize that my genuine confusion has offended you. As always, you are more than welcome to block me to curate your tumblr experience to cause you less strife.
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riphimopen · 3 years
i'm watching the Halloweens for the first time these days (skipping the third one and the sixth one bc fuck off obviously) and you're the michael expert in my eyes i wanna know EVERYTHING you think of him and how do you feel about the rob zombie version etc etc <3 thank youuuu
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IM THE EXPERT????? OH BOY IM SMOOCHING YOU no youre making the right choices FUCK 3 6 and FUCK rz. ok here we go let me just talk abt the movies first
west coast best coast first movie best movie PERIOD obv im all for expanding on mikes character and shit etc but 1978 said THERE IS A FUCKED UP GUY PERIOD. THATS IT. and i really admired their dedication to lack of detail. like if i was just gonna watch one and done? first movie has mike, jamie lee curtis, and murders, and thats really all you need. plus obv cinematography and soundtrack
H2 is where we get BALLING its got explosions doctors MORE JAMIE LEE CURTIS and ofc...... my favorite plot twist on da planet lol <333 personally i love the sibling twist bc its funny as SHIT. h2 is a good one. ending wild as shit
h3 not real #girl
h4 and 5......... UGH ok i love jamie lloyd sm she a baby fr and one of the best things to happen to the franchise. WE DO NOT TALK ABT THE THORN CURSE OR H6 THEY R NOT REAL overall 4+5 as a package deal are solid and have some good moments, if you can get past the stupid druid shit and the man in black theres lots to expand on mikes character and make you HATE sam loomis
h20 is the FUNNIEST SHIT on the planet. PERIOD LMAOO LIKE??? this was really the Laurie Off Tha Shits movie and i think they were SO brave for that i personally dont keep it main cannon in my little brain but its extremely funny and i love the emphasis on sibling dynamic. its so good and by the end ur yelling like YES thats what horror characters SHOULD have done
resurrection................... GOD well. i wish jlc couldve done the whole thing but she didnt. and mike gets electrocuted in da balls by Busta Rhymes so thats really all there is to that one
now on the rob zombie shit. asides from the EXTREME amount of nudity and sex scenes in that shit, asides from all the other things that dont work w those movies, THE THING THAT IRKS ME IS THAT HE TRIED TO REMAKE JASON. he tried to make michael into a hulking sympathetic giant with an abusive childhood who can talk to his mothers vision and is heavily motivated by his grief trauma and emotions like. We Literally Already Have Jason Thank You. myers is meant to be some batshit 5'10 dude completely off his gourd and ASIDES FROM ALL THE WEIRD MISOGYNY AND VIOLENCE of the rzs, they just do a shitty job of recharacterizing mike
AND LASTLY THE 2018 TRILLOGY..... ok so 2018 was solid. kinda dumb, but we get laurie for the lesbians and bald asf myers. kinda stupid asf to be hyping him up if they're picking up right after the first one, and im bummed they didnt keep the sibling plot, but whatever
KILLS, however. this movie is true to its name and has good kill scenes but thats ALL i can say in its favor. it's muddled commentary on mob mentality and policy brutality completely overshadow any point it may have made about ableism within the horror genre and it ultimately ends up advocating for the police to murder unarmed citizens while simultaneously being extremely preachy in condoning mob violence, encouraging the public to leave things to the cops and encouraging cops to be more violent. BUT: mike takes out all those firefighters and it fucks hard so its ur call to balance
and u want 2 hear what i think abt mike..... ugh i luv u ok. so ive said it before and ill say it again i LOVE two dimensional evil characters who are just SHITTY and villainous and nothing behind their eyes. but since michaels establishment in the very first film, we are given too much of his background to properly categorize him as one of the above. this is a medically abused severely drugged young adult breaking out of a decade and a half of serious trauma and going off the shits one night; one can hardly take a character one meets as a helpless child and condemn it to the label of monster. my design and interpretation of michael are heavily based on my experience with mental illness because, when u really boil him down, he is a mentally ill person who was never given the help he needed and was in fact exploited, abused, and mistreated, and went off the rails bc of it. its largely a critique of the medical field: i hate doctors. the way i see michael is as literally just some guy, some complete rando, who was dealt shitty mental health at a young age, handed over to abusers, and was able to achieve the catharsis and vindication of becoming the monster theyd told him he was bc. well i love rage killing and excessive violence lol
deep sigh anyway thank u SO much 4 asking dont take any of this as law and make sure to formulate ur own opinions ofc donate a billion dollars to ur local mentally ill person AND REMEMBER: horror movies is for laughing and going "AH!" and thats all there is 2 it.
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Hey! I think this question might be kinda dumb LOL but I'm new to your blog and I saw you referring to groups? Like Group 1-4? I'm assuming that they're the cliques of Class 3-E that have been categorized, but if you could explain it to me I'd appreciate it! Like is this official or mainly decided by the fandom, and if it's fandom-made, how did the groups get decided on? I'm curious! Thank you in advance 💕
Hi!! Omg no problem at all! And welcome to my blog!! I hope you’re enjoying it so far UwU 💕
The groups 1-4 are based off the groupings of students in the Kyoto Trip episodes. But they’re like the general friend groups of 3-E anyways, even if there are a lot of overlaps still.
So yeah it’s canon haha, but every group is very endearing to the fandom. Some have their favorites and like to focus on a certain group, like me for example. I always talk about how Group 4 are my babies. I’d say the group I see content of the most on tumblr is probably 3 or maybe 2.
Now here’s the fun part hehe. I wanted to make a post like this a while ago and now I get an actual chance.
The (Unofficial) Guide to Friendship Groups in 3-E
Group 1: Isogai, Kataoka, Maehara, Okano, Kimura, Kurahashi, Yada
I always associate this group with being the “popular kids” although that’s not super curious
They’re the closest to being that type of group. But really, I’d say they’re just the friendliest and most...proactive group? They’re assertive and make plenty of plans/ideas for assassinations.
They’re close with each other as like a clique, but all of them hang out with a fair amount of the class, especially the girls.
I feel like...the class reps, Maehara, and Okano are closer...and then Yada and Kurahashi tend to branch off more and hang with other people too.
Kimura is sort of the odd one out ngl, and it’s canon that he hangs out more with other guys in the class. But he sits near most of Group 1, so who’s to say they’re not close, right? He seems to be tightest with Okano and Yada, and he crushes on Kurahashi hehe.
Oh yeah. This group is made of some of the top athletes in the class. Physically, they’re def the strongest imo. We love the jocks
Group 2: Chiba, Hayami, Okajima, Sugaya, Mimura, Nakamura, Fuwa, Ritsu?
Mostly made up of background kids, but nonetheless entertaining
The Artsy Kids™️
They’re scattered across the middle of the classroom but seem to sit near each other generally. I’d say their shared interests bring them closer though
I compare this group to like a standard friend group I’d see in school. They’re like the squad who sticks together from freshman year until past graduation haha.
The boys alone are my favorite part of this group lmao. They’re just chaos, and I love that they had a pre-established friendship from 2nd year, then Mimura fits right in UwU
Art trio kind of have their own thing going on ofc. And Fuwa interacts with them. Chiba is besties with them. We have sniper duo. What’s nice is that 90% of the group has been showin interacting and having friendships. That sadly can’t be said for some others T_T
I’d say the odd ones out are Nakamura and Ritsu lmao. The former doesn’t have a ton of moments or established friendships, and she’s not particularly artsy. And Ritsu...I can’t remember how she joined lol.
Ngl I think this group has the most interesting and creative talents and ways that they contribute to assassination. But they’re generally more supporter types, the ones who hype up the assertive kids.
Group 3: Terasaka, Hazama, Yoshida, Muramatsu, Hara, Itona, Takebayashi
We have the delinquents squad~ No just kidding, I think of them as just the ones who don’t fit in as well in the setting
They took the longest to get used to the class and get along with everyone
They look tougher than they actually are honestly. Muramatsu and Yoshida are soft punks. Terasaka is a big teddy bear deep down, etc.
I think they have the tightest bond amongst all the friend groups. Like...they’re basically a mini found family in 3-E lmao. They’ve been through a lot together, and just are super close.
They immediately open their arms to Itona and take them in after his whole...um, situation. He’s basically the baby of the group lmao.
Hara is of course the Mom Friend but I like to think she’s less so with this group. They treat her more like a close friend rather than someone who needs to take care of them.
Terasaka is their leader just for face. Hazama is the badass who’s actually running things. She has the one braincell always.
Takebayashi is an on-off member for me ngl. I think he’d hang out with them a lot outside of school, and see them as his close friends. But in school, he’s most likely to branch off and hang out with other kids.
A pretty skilled group, nice balance of talents. Almost all of them can cook extremely well, holy shit.
Group 4: Karma, Sugino, Nagisa, Kanzaki, Okuda, Kayano
MY BABIES! My precious children. I unashamedly have such a bias for them.
Ok so...every other group I mentioned so far have a lot of stuff in common, pre-established friendships, close seating, etc
Group 4 has like...none of this lmao.
They’re the wild cards of the class. How did they even get together as a solid group oh my god
I mean...basically Nagisa, Sugino, and Kayano got close by sitting together. Nagisa invited Karma, an old friend. Sugino invited Kanzaki, his crush. And Kayano invited Okuda out of friendliness. And from there...
They are the group of hidden talents/“blades” and I love them for it.
What’s nice about this group in contrast to the others is that it’s clear the guys are tight, and the girls are very close, and it’s decently mixed. They’re just so adorable.
The type of group who don’t hang out as often in class...but would go on a random train trip on the weekends if they’re all free.
They’re spontaneous, ok?
Made up of academic nerds, except for Sugino, but it’s ok. We still love you
I hope this helped a bit, sweetie!! Welcome again to the blog 🥰
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cattles-bians · 3 years
damie vibecca exes au part 20
post directory
obsetress: ok but when they first meet
obsetress: at that bar on whatever night or whatever
obsetress: when dani and viola are talking
obsetress: viola's waving her hand around as she says something and dani's staring and then totally out of nowhere:
obsetress: "wanna compare hands?"
obsetress: "what?"
obsetress: "lemme see your hand"
obsetress: and dani is grabbing one of vi's with both of hers and pulling it towards her "like this"
obsetress: and then dani's pressing their palms together and viola's raising an eyebrow and dani just GRINS and then even once they lower their hands back to the bar, neither of them move away
em: dani is SO bold i would die for her
obsetress: god same
obsetress: dani keeps glancing down at them as they're talking and she is NOT subtle
obsetress: viola catches her every time
em: maybe dani gets a smidge of smthn on the corner of her mouth and viola...
obsetress: viola pulls her hand away and dani blinks and her brows do that lil thing but then viola's murmuring "here" and grazing her thumb along the corner of dani's mouth
obsetress: dani squeaks
em: love when dani gets out dani’d
obsetress: viola's like "sorry, was that... was that okay?" and dani just swallows and nods with big shining eyes and then vi kinda hesitates and (they've been talking for a couple hours at this point, touchin hands and obv v into each other) lets her thumb graze across dani's bottom lip and she murmurs "what about that?" and dani's eyes flutter shut
obsetress: cut to: them making out in the bathroom
obsetress: no um
obsetress: thinking about vi and dani's first kiss and like
obsetress: maybe like right after that up there vi's leaning in closer and i think she. asks dani "can i kiss you?" and dani's whispering "please" and then they're kissing all soft and THEN cut to: them making out in the bathroom and one of them slamming back against the door and kissing hard
em: dani whispering please…
em: also the smash cut between um nervous anticipation and SLAMMING against a door is so funny to me
em: sums them up
obsetress: RIGHT
obsetress: it's so good i love them
obsetress: i cant decide like
obsetress: because i don't think vi would be so rough with dani at first as to shove her hard against a door and i DO think dani would be shoving her against the door and her tongue down her throat first chance she gets
obsetress: but i think vi prob flips them p quick
em: i am. creasing thinking abt dani having to rename all of violas contacts like STOP FUCKING UR EX
obsetress: STOP FUCKING UR EX lskfjakdlsfjsd even BETTER
obsetress: edit the tumblr post coward
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em: obsetress: no um dani definitely calls the landline once and viola's like "HELLO?" and dani's like "hi?" and viola's so glad to hear her dumb voice but she's still like "dani, why are you..." and dani's like "well... i, uh... i... i was... and then i..."
obsetress: anyway they have phone sex on the landline
em: danis blocked all of vis numbers except the landline shes down Bad
obsetress: yeah,
obsetress: (dani still comes over after)
em: unstoppable force (danis thirst) meet immovable object (violas stubbornness)
obsetress: just imagining like
obsetress: i mean either after this or at literally any other time
obsetress: dani and viola laying side by side in vi's bed catching their breath immediately after and viola's just like
obsetress: "you have the libido of a teenage boy"
obsetress: and dani's head just flops to the side to look at her and she just GRINS
em: dani makes some quip abt um
em: danis like i read somewhere women don’t hit their sexual peak until their 40s or something and violas like (extremely tersely) i’m 35
obsetress: SCREECH
obsetress: dani "no, i... i know, i wasn't–– i was just––"
obsetress: viola can't stay pressed w her
em: dani tryna explain her way outta that one i’m
em: dani has never once seen violas drivers license nor ID
obsetress: "i was just... saying, because, you know, i mean... for me, i'm... you know, i'm only ever getting more..." (flush, head duck, grin up through her lashes) "you know. and i'm getting older, so i was just... thinking. for me, i mean. thinking for me"
em: dani; also i give WAY better head than a teenage boy
obsetress: viola biting her lip, grinning, melting because how could you not? and then dani kinda stops in her tracks and her brows pinch together and she tilts her head at viola "i'm... a lot better at going down on you than a teenage boy though, right? i think i am" (long pause) "i hope i am"
obsetress: anyway viola laughs and tugs dani over n on top of her "i wouldn't know" and dani does her lil nervous laugh and is like "yeah, you're right, i guess not" "but" and dani's face lights up and viola continues "i think you probably are. and you're definitely up there" and dani just GRINS
obsetress: her head is back between vi's legs not three minutes later
em: dani talks big game n then like immediately double checks for validation
em: it’s an important part of her character growth!!!
em: ok more ‘viola has been doing this lesbian thing for longer than jamie realises’ content but like
em: perhaps she has a whole lot of ear piercings that she just never wears
em: and then one day she’s like gosh gotta make sure these don’t heal over and jamies like
em: hey what the fuck
obsetress: um suddenly had a thought
obsetress: viola tattoos
em: oh
obsetress: yeah, like um
obsetress: vi wouldn't have heaps and they'd be hidden bc Propriety but
em: hidden tattoos my beloved
em: all tattoos my beloved
em: i mean defs has like. the date and coordinates of isabels birth somewhere
em: but um! hmm
em: haha violets
obsetress: violets are very vi tho like
obsetress: shade plant yk
em: under the tit
obsetress: GET OUTTA MY HEAD
obsetress: ok it has to be canon then if we both thought it
em: it’s canon!!
em: hmm what else
em: i think viola and dani have belly button piercings but like they got them separately
obsetress: omg when did they each get theirs
em: hmmmmmm
em: i mean wild child rich heiress viola (untapped potential here won’t lie)
obsetress: wild child rich heiress viola/boarding school wild child dani au
em: oh my god
em: viola defs went to a boarding school and dani n her commiserate over it
em: viola gets it done while she’s in highschool
em: dani post eddie break up
em: like symbolically reclaiming herself deal
em: doing things for Her
obsetress: YES
obsetress: i was gonna say vi highschool dani college
em: YES
em: idk what tattoos dani would get but am thinking abt viola holding her hand while she’s getting a tattoo or piercing done bc she’s braver than ppl think but Also
obsetress: vi holding dani's hand and telling her how good a job she's doing
obsetress: dani kissing vi's tattoos
obsetress: super fascinated even though shes seen them a hundred times
em: danis like haha and what’s this one mean (plants a big old smooch)
obsetress: Shananigans402: dani putting on 4 inch heels and being so content that she's finally her girlfriend's height and then viola kisses her before putting on 6 inch heels with a smug little grin
obsetress: i––
em: oh my god shannon
obsetress: oh shes on one
obsetress: Shananigans402: dani starts keeping things on a high shelf in her place just so she can ask viola to reach up to get them down for her
obsetress: i was talking to shan abt the shelf thing
obsetress: and i played myself i think
obsetress: because now i literally cannot stop thinking
obsetress: dani putting the strap on the top shelf in her closet "baby 🥺 can you get it 🥺"
[em note: once again it is the time honored timezone tradition of either sending ur friend something really good or really fucked up b4 they go to sleep]
em: what about
em: jamie and dani laying in bed after brunch w violas excessive amount of ear jewellery and jamies like ‘those were cool. i want some’ and danis like ‘with ur tiny lil ears??’ and jamies like ‘well. yeah…’ and danis like well. if u wanna. i think one would be cute here (mwah) and here (mwah) or maybe here (mwah)
em: ticklish jamie. that is my lil idea
obsetress: im Soft
em: thankyou
em: em softsbians
em: what was ur lil idea
obsetress: oh
obsetress: not obsoftress
obsetress: but um
em: look i was really hoping i could make it hornier but alas sometimes the idea is soft
em: can’t force the horny
obsetress: i will do my job n delivery the horny for u i suppose
obsetress: it's a hard job but somebody's gotta do it!
em: it’s a thankless job!
obsetress: dani, sneaking up behind viola to wrap her arms around her waist and bury her face between her shoulder blades: baby 🥺 can you get the strap 🥺
obsetress: dani, laying on the bed, staring up at her, panting: baby 🥺 can you get the strap 🥺
obsetress: dani, pulling away mid-heated makeout, half naked, still grinding into vi even tho they're not kissing anymore without even realizing it: baby baby 🥺 can you get the strap 🥺
obsetress: dani, catching her breath after her first orgasm, letting her head flop to the side to look over at vi: baby 🥺 can you get the strap 🥺
em: insatiable dani clayton my beloved
obsetress: thank you i agree
obsetress: something about dani calling vi baby also........................
em: oh i love dani calling vi baby SO MUCH
em: fucked up that dani clayton is potentially just the right height to motorboat vi pretty much whenever
em: sappho may u plant ur self face first into the breast of ur tender gf or whatever
em: dani: haha i’m so short i can’t reach it. can u lift me
obsetress: vi sees thru all of dani's little tricks but entertains them anyway
obsetress: because she knows shes gonna get to rail her at the end of them
em: dani being a little shit is foreplay actually clayton
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Dreamwatch: REMember (Match 1)
Elimination 8-Man Tag Match: Takaya Kiryu/Johnny McLaren/Katsu Himuro/Yamato Ryukawa vs Shota Inaba/Keiichiro Asakawa/Ewan Jacobs/Tatsuya Mido (Click here to watch!)
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We start off this historic show with a huge tag match! Four of Dreamwatch's most promising talents face off against a litany of mystery opponents! Who knows what could happen in this match? Who will stand out?!
Short answer: Everyone. Everyone stood out. From the first minute of the match we knew we were in for a wild night when MMA fighter Shota Inaba decided to try and burn Ryukawa with fire! Ryukawa has faced off against Carlos Gomez in the past so he was more prepared for something like this than expected, ducking out the way despite being visibly shaken. From there the match was chaotic and frenetic, while simultaneously showing off the best qualities of every participant. Ryukawa's strategy, McLaren's striking prowess, Kiryu's speed, and Himuro's overwhelming intensity were all on full display as if they hadn't been on a hiatus at all! The enemy team was not willing to be stood up, though, as Tatsuya Mido provided the power and intensity of the team, even seeming to match Himuro's at times! Along with him was the heart and explosiveness of Keiichiro Asakawa. These two have only shown us Dreamwatch fans a glimpse of what they can do, but they did look promising out there! Ewan Jacobs looked like he came to do business, getting in the ring and hitting straightforward world-class punches like only a top-level MMA fighter can. Along with him was... "MMA fighter" Shota Inaba, who shocked everyone with his antics! Perhaps you expected a shoot fighter like Jacobs, but instead Inaba's most notable moments were breathing fire and pulling out a scythe to cut Himuro and bust him open! A wildcard to say the least!
As the match rolled on, the opposing team did well and even got off two eliminations, but the Dreamwatch team was too solid all the way through to take a loss here. Team Dreamwatch takes the victory in a chaotic and very fun opening match!
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*Ryukawa, Kiryu, and Himuro share a long, uncomfortable look at each other. Himuro then glances over to McLaren and the two share a look. There is no talking for a significant amount of time*
Himuro: *shoving Kiru and Ryukawa out of the way to get closer to the camera* This is the first show back and this is what you give to me. Those opponents... One of them tried to make me bleed to make a name for himself. He's an embarrassment. My heart pumps, and I have more heart than his frail body can muster. He made me bleed with his dulled tools, but I'd grind him into the ground with my bare hands. Also that shitty white-haired guy? He tried to be big and bad and he got embarrassed. Get these pieces of shit out of my ring and don't invite them back. Dreamwatch isn't a game, Dreamwatch isn't big paychecks. Dreamwatch is me. Don't step to the strongest if you're not strong. I'm done here. *Shoves his teammates out of the way to walk off-screen*
Takaya Kiryu: One legend, seven losers. This ain't a welcome party in my book. Let's not forget that I'm the most successful wrestler in Dreamwatch, I've beaten one of the most successful wrestlers in this business is under ten minutes, and yet I'm being put on the same level with the biggest disappointments in this company, facing a comedy act of a team. Gonna need a bit more love around here, considering I'm literally carrying the company on my back. I better be getting paid more than Ryukawa, at least. *Kiryu prepares to take his leave before stopping and turning to McLaren* Also... Johnny, right? I noticed the orange gear. You looking for my attention? Now that we're back, show me what you can do, yeah? I'm watching. *Kiryu takes his exit*
McLaren: I need new gear...
Yamato Ryukawa: We need to step it up now that we're back! My last big match resulted in a loss that cost me in a big way, and it seems like they're trying to replace us with... Whatever those guys were *laughs* It didn't work though, even though admittedly that Keiichiro guy... I've heard of him and he was pretty strong. Mido too... Regardless, I need to change my focus. There's still a struggle for supremacy in Dreamwatch, and no offense to you Johnny, I'm the only one that can stand at the top by the end of this. Now that I managed to avoid having my hair burned off of my head for the second time, I'll at least look good when I get there.
Johnny McLaren: Its good to be back everybody! I was getting ready to fight in the Blood Crown tournament before the hiatus, and I'm assuming that that's still going on, and the look on Ryukawa's face tells me he forgot...
Yamato Ryukawa: Sorry!
Johnny McLaren: I hope you've been working on those leg locks. I don't want to have a rival that's lost a step. No point in beating you then. Anyway, now that Dreamwatch is back its time to begin the long crawl. When I first got here, people didn't think much of me, and during the hiatus I meditated and thought back on how things went, and I can tell I'm in the right direction. Dreamwatch fans, get loud! Johnny's back baby!
Tatsuya Mido: Dreamwatch, huh... They ain't as tough as all the hype makes them seem. That hiatus makes it seem like you boys and girls are all crumbling under your own weight. Perfect opportunity for someone like me to swoop in and take over the whole operation. You need someone strong running things here. Invite me back, Dreamwatch. I dare you.
Shota Inaba: Look what I did to your boy, Dreamwatch! Look what I did to him! That win means nothing, that wasn't a real fight, but I let a present for that bitch! *holds up the sickle he used in the match to cut Himuro* A little souvenir from the baddest fighter on Earth! Nobody can touch me! If I see that tall fucker again I'll carve his ass up! See me one on one, boy!
Ewan Jacobs: That guy's an idiot but I like his energy! Anyway you already know who I am and if you don't you need to wake up and watch some world-class fighters instead of the bums you got here. It's Ewan Jacobs, the most infamous man in sports. Pro wrestling rules are dumb. Over the top rope eliminations, three second pins... idiotic rules for idiotic people and their low-life fans. Pro Wrestling is the most pathetic-
Keiichiro Asakawa: *Shoves Jacobs to the ground* Oy! Watch your damn mouth!
*Jacobs Lunges at Asakawa, and a brawl ensues backstage, with both men having to be separated from each other and escorted out of the building. A distant "I'll kill you!" is heard from Jacobs*
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