#the Uchihas would be so miffed they’re so far down I’m laughing
dark-elf-writes · 1 year
I would bark for:
You’re right and you should say it tbh.
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silverwhiteraven · 5 years
Borne of the Stars - Chapter 7 - An MLB Kryptonian AU
Tag List:  @eve-valution @weird-pale-blonde-person @kris-pines04 @soulmate-game @abrx2002 @amayakans @vixen-uchiha @heldtogetherbysafetypins @raisuke06 @dorkus-minimus @captainartsypants @mopester-is-here @moonlightstar64 @annabellabrookes @maribat-is-lifeblood @toodaloo-kangaroo @the-navistar-carol @elspethshadow @chocolatecatstheron​ @ivymala07
[ Posted on Ao3 ] [ Chapter 1 ] [ Chapter 6 ] [ Chapter 8 ]
[ A/N: Chapter 8 is also finished, I will be posted it right after this one! ]
[Summary:  Lunchtime break has arrived, and the Parisian duo meet the companions Kara has in Paris. ]
The first three hours of class passed by quickly, full of teacher introductions, reviews, and chatter from students not yet out of their summertime mindsets. Marinette was happy to see Mlle. Mendeleiev had moved up from teaching in their old collège and had transferred to their new lycée with them, but not as their homeroom teacher. 
During Mademoiselle Mendeleiev’s third period Algebra class, Alix learned Kara was just as willing to take on bets as Kim, and they started a note-passing competition to see who would get caught first. Marinette and Nino both got roped in half way through when one of the notes fell on the former's head, and the latter picked it off and snorted at the message inside, hiding it before Mlle. Mendeleiev could see it or Marinette could have a curious peak.
Marinette lost by a technicality of being spotted, but won in her own way when she didn't get in trouble. For one, she knew the teacher was harsh against students messing around in class, but was lenient to let the ones who had completed their work already, and letting them have their fun so long as it wasn’t distracting. She had finished her review sheet before the other three, and the note wasn’t considered distracting because, conveniently, it was an offer to tutor Nino during lunches. All of her notes had been class related in preparation for her luck not holding out, so when the bell rang for the end of class, she was mildly smug when she turned back to the girls behind her and grinned at them. 
“That was fun! I’m glad you still got your work done, though maybe make your bets after finishing first, okay?”
The three note-passers hid their giggles as they nodded. Nino nudged her then, and she jumped up. “Oh right! Everyone, wait up!” MArinette stood and scooped up the box of macaroons she had pulled from her locker before the class had started, and hopped down the stairs to stand at the door. “Macaroons! Happy first day of lycée everyone!”
Most of the class broke out into moderate whoop and thank yous as they filed out the door and took a macaroon each. 
“See you down at the lunch tables today?” Adrien asked as he bit into his attained treat. Marinette took notice of a pin peeking out from under his overshirt, smiling internally as she recognized the colors of the bi pride flag, glad to see him knowing himself a lot better than he had two years ago.
Marinette glanced at Nino standing with Kara, both waiting for her outside the door and she considered the question. She nodded to them and shook her head. “I think Nino and I will show the new girl around today. See you in class later?”
“Course! See you, Marinette! Let’s go Alya, I'm starving.”
“I sure hope not,” was Alyas teasing retort. “I’ll try to start a smear campaign against your dad again, and this time you won't stop me!” Adrien only laughed as the two headed down the stairs and out of sight. 
After making sure Mlle. Mendeleiev got a macaroon of her own, Marinette joined her friends out in the hall, the remaining treats back in the bag on her back. 
“So, what now? I know I said we’d show you around, but I won't make either of you go anywhere if you don't want to. Nino, you up for it?”
The boy nodded vigorously, his hat slipping before he stopped. As he straightened it out, he answered properly. “Of course, bro! I finally get to hang out with this cool dudette outside of your house, there's no way i'm passing this up. No offense, Mari, but she must have been dying always being cooped up inside a bakery, even if it did smell heavenly. How bout you, Kara, up for your first real visit around Paris, City of Love?”
Marinette ignored the way Nino wiggled his brow at Kara as she focused on the other girl, awaiting her answer. 
“Yeah, one sec’, let me check something,” she pulled out her phone, searching her messages. “Remember how I said I didn’t move here alone?”
The two others nodded, remembering the comment from that morning and the unanswered question of who are the others. Kara grinned down at her phone and then back as she quickly typed out a text and sent it. She turned the phone around to show them a new group chat log with one message, ‘meet us, front courtyard, goin out for lunch and fun!’,  and two speech bubbles displaying the recipients as already replying.
Both replies were identical. 
Kara laughed as she turned the phone back and saw the texts, putting it away without replying. “How long are lunches here, anyways?”
“Two hours,” Nino answered her as he led the way to the stairs.
Stars joined the twinkle in the hero’s eyes. “Oh, I am never going back to America now.”
Marinette and Nino laughed as they headed down the steps and led the way through the halls and out of the school building, into the open courtyard now dotted in groups of students.
“Here she comes,” Kara says absently, stopping and standing in the spot as though waiting. The other two turn around curiously but are interrupted by an excited yell before they can ask.
“Kara!!” In a fashion almost identical to Marinette that morning, a hoodie wearing ginger haired girl went barreling into the called person like a purple streak, caught without wavering in a solid hug. 
“Hey there little Batsy,” Kara grinned as she let the other go, looking around. “Where’s Karen? I thought you had class together?”
“She’s catching up! Look, there she is!” 
The new girl gestured back the way she came, and there was another girl, honey-toned skin, dark, thickly curled hair tied up into two pigtails with a golden highlight streaking through one, and dressed in a striped soft yellow and brown sweater. Marinette’s first thought was she looked like a very adorable bee. 
The newest girl huffed as she slowed from her sprint and made her way over, clearly a bit miffed with all the rushing around, yet glad to have found her friends.
“H-hey, I’m here! Hi, Kara,” Karen finally greeted as she caught her breath. “You said something about, ‘us’? Who is us? Oh! Are you us??” She turned to Nino and Marinette as she questioned them, a slight smile in greeting on her lips, though a crease of worry in her brow at being unprepared for meeting anyone new.
The two addressed teens nodded in unison, “Yeah! nice to meet you, dudes, I’m Nino Lahiffe, one of Kara’s classmates.” He held out a hand for a fistbump in greeting, which got returned with varying levels of enthusiasm and hesitation from the two newcomers to the group. 
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng, nice to meet you two!” She waved as she greeted, smiling brightly. The two green eyed girls waved back happily.
“Karen, Karen Beecher, nice to meet you two, too.”
“I’m Barbra Gordon, but you can call me Babs, it’s much easier. Wait, Nino? Like, the Nino that Kara has started to listen to a ton of music from, that Nino?”
“Uh,” was his wide-eyed response, and Kara laughed as she wrapped an arm around his shoulder.
“Yup, he’s that Nino; cool, right? Finally get to introduce you guys and, bonus, hang out properly for once.” 
“But, wait,” Karen interrupted, looking pensive, “What about.. Uhm…”
“Geode?” Babs supplied helpfully, and Marinette stiffened at the nickname. 
“Well, yes, her, too, but,” Karen shook her head, “actually I was going to say: ‘Didn’t you meet him as you-know-who and thus shouldn’t be acting so familiar with him?’ Kinda blows your cover and defeats your whole purpose here, doesn't it?”
“She has a point,” Babs chimed in, pointing at Kara with an exaggerated frown and a raised brow. 
Kara rolls her eyes, “Yeah, but kinda pointless you hide it, don't ya’ think? If I can't be her, it means I can't exactly hang out like normal, now can I? Besides! I trust these two to keep it on the down-low; they're really good at it so far.”
As though suddenly realizing that they were discussing the identities of Supergirl in front of her, the two other American girls turned their gazes on Marinette, who took a half step back in surprise.
“Wait,” Babs tilted her head, tapping her pursed lips in thought. “Does that mean-?” 
“Indeed, Babs,” Kara piped back in with glee. “Girls, meet the cutie of Paris I may have forgotten to tell you the actual name of; the one and the only: Geode.” Kara made an exaggerated flourish of her hands as she said this, as though she was presenting Marinette like some kind of royalty to a court.
Marinette couldn't help but to blush in embarrassment at the whole display and explanation, waving slightly once more. 
Karen and Babs stared at her before the news finally settled, and it clicked for them both at the same time.
“Ohh…” They said in unison.
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