#the Springfield files
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classic-simpsons · 2 years ago
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frostedwheats · 3 days ago
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08x10 | The Springfield Files
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rebeccaajc93 · 3 months ago
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Here are the Aardman Sequels are very similar to The Simpsons Episodes.
*A Shaun The Sheep Movie: Farmageddon (2019) - The Simpsons in The Springfield Files (1997)
*Chicken Run: Dawn Of The Nugget (2023) - The Simpsons in You Only Moved Twice (1996)
*Wallace and Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl (2024) - Cape Feare (1993)
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leilol · 11 months ago
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The Simpsons | The Springfield Files | 1997
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precedex-files · 2 months ago
Could not pass this up, my two favorite shows, an amazing episode and a fantastic print!
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Patrons have ONE MORE DAY to get in on my January Patreon reward: An exclusive print celebrating “The Springfield Files”, the X-Files / Simpsons crossover episode that aired 28 years ago this week.
More details at: https://www.patreon.com/posts/119107372?utm_campaign=postshare_creator
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mia-golgotha · 1 year ago
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alien dude
The Springfield Files Se8/Ep10
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quartzionic · 1 year ago
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the simpsons predicted jerma
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thecittiverse · 5 months ago
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The Springfield Files - Frinktober 2024 - Day 5
"Alien-Dude: Need Two Tickets to Pearl Jam"
Frinktober 2024 Day 5: Mr. Burns
Mr. Burns and his healthy green glow with a medley of scenes from "The Springfield Files."
See the whole Frinktober 2024 prompt list here.
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fullscoreshenanigans · 4 months ago
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she is the moment
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geddy-leesbian · 1 day ago
ngl weirdly salty that there's already like an Established Leon Lore guy. does not matter how much i meticulously document everything about DSC lore, literally no one will ever come to my ask box on @leon-stupid-kennedy to ask a lore question. I guarantee if the vast majority of my mutuals had a question related to Darkside Chronicles Leon they wouldn't come to me, they'd run straight to highball. don't get me wrong highball is GOAT, but like when it comes to Darkside specifically I'd say I'm more useful. like I'm not trying to be arrogant or say I'm a Leon expert or anything but I don't think he's even played DSC ever, I had to get him screenshots of costumes once when he posted about not being able to find them and also he wasn't aware that the cutscenes are pre rendered or whatever so costumes don't work in them. I have a phd in darkside chronicles at this point but i don't have cool name recognition so why even bother asking me when you could just ask highball because his word is gospel who cares what anyone else knows about leon
No matter how hard i try i will never get lore questions or requests for anything because ???
Like even outside of darkside i feel like i have enough cred to be someone who would maybe get a luis lore ask once in a blue moon bc ive analyzed his fucking trash can and found a HIDDEN ROOM IN HIS HOUSE NO ONE ELSE HAS EVER GONE IN but nope no one cares about heathers thoughts at all! my opinions are worth nothing i exist to pump out gif and screenshot sets. the only time i get headcanon/lore/anything asks is when i pathetically beg which makes it less fun! :) literally how the fuck do people judt get spontaneous asks.
I do so much work taking screenshots of EVERYTHING and compiling lore and no one gives a shit because I'm not some household re fandom name like highball or eric. I'm the weird loser outcast of the fandom that's never fully included. You'll drive by and maybe slow down and reblog a gif set of mine or a shit post, but you're keeping your windows rolled up, you're not engaging with me.
Once in a while I'll get thanked for what i do but idk it just rings hollow sometimes. Ppl tell me ive done so much for the fandom but the fandom doesn't seem to be aware of that seeing as a lot of re blogs that interact with my mutuals constantly refuse to follow me or engage with me in any way beyond reblogging my shit posts :) literally people who joined the fandom long after I did have more RE mutuals than me. whenever a new person pops up in the fandom everyone flocks to them and they'll follow back and interact with a ton of people, but not me! :)) like do I need to change my blog theme? Trash the ugly wall of disorganized text. Oh wait no that won't do anything because even when I had a super clean/neat/organized blog description I was ignored like I am now :)) something about me is inherently off putting to other RE fans and I should just give up <3
#it was irrational but i was like REALLY upset recently when he answered a question w the written orders operation javier file#and mutuals were reblogging acting like it was brand new information. BITCH THAT EXACT FUCKING FILE HSS BEEN ON MY SIDE BLOG FOR A MONTH#should not be new information >:(#but im not cool i don't have street cred i don't have star factor. i should just stop trying to have a lore blog no one cares#about what i have to say at all.#ive felt like an outcast in almost every fandom ive been in but re is BY FAR the worst. i hate that i got so sucked into a fandom that make#me feel this excluded regularly. literally every god damn day i see smth on my dash that reminds me my mutuals all have other ppl more#important to them than i am and that ppl just generally don't care abt me. i see the way they interact w other mutuals and like... i don't#get that. ppl don't interact w me the wah they do w other mutuals. and ofc i constantly see mutuals reblogging and conversing w cool ppl#that refuse to follow me. literally ive made a birthday post for someone on discord not a mutual and i figured MAYBE they might follow me#when i tagged them in screenshots i specifically went out of my way to get just for them. but nope still doesn't follow me 🙃#this fandom to me is. in the eternal words of rick springfield. it's all give and take and you just take. i can't take it you see#ive done EVERYTHING FOR YOU. you've done NOTHING FOR ME.#brain plz go back to obsessing over pokemon so i can stop trying to find myself a place in this fandom that doesn't have room for me#im going to regret posting this tomorrow but rn im too lost in the sauce to care
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frostedwheats · 9 days ago
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08x10 | The Springfield Files
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michaeldamico · 1 year ago
Shh... nobody knows 🤫🤫
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spockvarietyhour · 2 years ago
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Rick Springfield
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debtfreema · 2 years ago
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mostlysignssomeportents · 2 years ago
The "religious liberty" angle for overturning the overturning of Dobbs
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Frank Wilhoit’s definition of “conservativism” remains a classic:
There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.
Conservativism is, in other words, the opposite of the rule of law, which is the idea that the law applies equally to all. Many of America’s most predictably weird moments live in the tension between the rule of law and the conservative’s demand to be protected — but not bound — by the law.
Think of the Republican women of Florida whose full-throated support for the perfomatively cruel and bigoted policies of Ron Desantis turned to howls of outrage when the governor signed a law “overhauling alimony” (for “overhauling,” read “eliminating”):
This is real leopards-eating-people’s-faces-party stuff, and it’s the only source of mirth in an otherwise grim situation.
But out of the culture-war bullshit backfires, none is so sweet and delicious as the religious liberty self-own. You see, under the rule of law, if some special consideration is owed to a group due to religious liberty, that means all religions. Of course, Wilhoit-drunk conservatives imagine that “religious liberty” is a synonym for Christian liberty, and that other groups will never demand the same carve outs.
Remember when Louisiana decided spend tax dollars to fund “religious” schools under a charter school program, only to discover — to their Islamaphobic horror — that this would allow Muslim schools to get public subsidies, too?
(They could have tried the Quebec gambit, where hijabs and yarmulkes are classed as “religious” and therefore banned for public servants and publicly owned premises, while crosses are treated as “cultural” and therefore exempted — that’s some primo Wilhoitism right there)
The Satanic Temple has perfected the art of hoisting religious liberty on its own petard. Are you a state lawmaker hoping to put a giant Ten Commandments on the statehouse lawn? Go ahead, have some religious liberty — just don’t be surprised when the Satanic Temple shows up to put a giant statue of Baphomet next to it:
Wanna put a Christmas tree in the state capitol building? Sure, but there’s gonna be a Satanic winter festival display right next to it:
And now we come to Dobbs, and the cowardly, illegitimate Supreme Court’s cowardly, illegitimate overturning of Roe v Wade, a move that was immediately followed by “red” states implementing total, or near-total bans on abortion:
These same states are hotbeds of “religious liberty” nonsense. In about a dozen of these states, Jews, Christians, and Satanists are filing “religious liberty” challenges to the abortion ban. In Indiana, the Hoosier Jews For Choice have joined with other religious groups in a class action, to argue that the “religious freedom” law that Mike Pence signed as governor protects their right to an abortion:
Their case builds on precedents from the covid lockdowns, like decisions that said that if secular exceptions to lockdown rules or vaccine mandates existed, then states had to also allow religious exemptions. That opens the door for religious exemptions to abortion bans — if there’s a secular rule that permits abortion in the instance of incest or rape, then faith-based exceptions must be permitted, too.
Some of the challenges to abortion rules seek to carve out religious exemptions, but others seek to overturn the abortion rules altogether, because the lawmakers who passed them explicitly justified them in the name of fusing Christian “values” with secular law, a First Amendment no-no.
As Rabbi James Bennett told Politico’s Alice Ollstein: “They’re entitled to their interpretation of when life begins, but they’re not entitled to have the exclusive one.”
In Florida, a group of Jewish, Buddhist, Episcopalian, Universalists and United Church clerics are challenging the “aiding and abetting” law because it restricts the things they can say from the pulpit — a classic religious liberty gambit.
Kentucky’s challenge comes from three Jewish women whose faith holds that life begins “with the first breath.” Lead plaintiff Lisa Sobel described how Kentucky’s law bars her from seeking IVF treatment, because she could face criminal charges for “discarding non-viable embryos” created during the process.
Then there’s the Satanic Temple, in court in Texas, Idaho and Indiana. The Satanists say that abortion is a religious ritual, and argue that the state can’t limit their access to it.
These challenges all rest on state religious liberty laws. What will happen when some or all of these reach the Supreme Court? It’s a risky gambit. This is the court that upheld Trump’s Muslim ban and the right of a Christian baker to refuse to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex couple. It’s a court that loves Wilhoit’s “in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”
It’s a court that’s so Wilhoit-drunk, it’s willing to grant religious liberty to bigots who worry about imaginary same-sex couples:
But in the meantime, the bigots and religious maniacs who want to preserve “religious liberty” while banning abortion are walking a fine line. The Becket Fund, which funded the Hobby Lobby case (establishing that religious maniacs can deny health care to their employees if their imaginary friends object), has filed a brief in one case arguing that the religious convictions of people arguing for a right to abortion aren’t really sincere in their beliefs:
This is quite a line for Becket to have crossed — religious liberty trufans hate it when courts demand that people seeking religious exemptions prove that their beliefs are sincerely held.
Not only is Becket throwing its opposition to “sincerely held belief” tests under the bus, they’re doing so for nothing. Jewish religious texts clearly state that life begins at the first breath, and that the life of a pregnant person takes precedence over the life of the fetus in their uterus.
The kicker in Ollstein’s great article comes in the last paragraph, delivered by Columbia Law’s Elizabeth Reiner Platt, who runs the Law, Rights, and Religion Project:
The idea of reproductive rights as a religious liberty issue is absolutely not something that came from lawyers. It’s how faith communities themselves have been talking about their approach to reproductive rights for literally decades.
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The Clarion Science Fiction Writers’ Workshop (I’m a grad, instructor and board member) is having its fundraiser auction to help defray tuition. I’ve donated a “Tuckerization” — the right to name a character in a future novel:
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If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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[Image ID: Moses parting the Red Sea. On the seabed is revealed a Planned Parenthood clinic.]
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Image: Nina Paley (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Moses-Splits-Sea_by_Nina_Paley.jpg
CC0 1.0 https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/deed.en
Kristina D.C. Hoeppner (modified) https://www.flickr.com/photos/4nitsirk/40406966752/
CC BY-SA 2.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/
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take-it-on-the-run · 4 months ago
Fox Mulder Playlist
"You're my one in five billion."
Fox Mulder Masterlist | The X-Files Masterlist | Main Page Masterlist
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A/N: Could also be interpreted as 'Being in Love With Fox Mulder'. You guys, I don't think you can understand the amount of yearning I feel for this man. He's already shot up to number two on my list™ and is probably going to get promoted to #1 if I write for him. I'm going to throw up because I love him so much.
Fox On The Run // Sweet
Fox on the run; you scream and everybody comes a-running; take a run and hide yourself away
Spooky // Dusty Springfield
You always keep me guessing; I never seem to know what you are thinking
Psycho Killer // Talking Heads
I can't seem to face up to the facts; I'm tense and nervous and I can't relax
Light My Fire // The Doors
The time to hesitate is through; no time to wallow in the mire
The Killing Moon // Echo & the Bunnymen
Fate; up against your will; through the thick and thin
Pretty Girls Make Graves // The Smiths
I could have been wild and I could have been free; but nature played this trick on me
The Adults Are Talking // The Strokes
They've been saying you're sophisticated; they've been complaining overeducated; you are saying all the words I'm dreaming
Fade Into You // Mazzy Star
I wanna hold the hand inside you; I wanna take the breath that's true
Vampire Empire // Big Thief
I see you there, rejecting all your earthly power; protecting and dissecting 'til you've emptied every hour
Lover, You Should've Come Over // Jeff Buckley
Too young to hold on; and too old to just break free and run
Cherry // Lana Del Rey
Love; I said real love; is like feelin' no fear
No. 1 Party Anthem // Arctic Monkeys
The look of love, the rush of blood; the "She's with me" is the Gallic shrug
The Night We Met // Lord Huron
I am not the only traveler; who has not repaid his debt; I've been searching for a trail to follow again; take me back to the night we met
Sailor Song // Gigi Perez
Oh, won't you kiss me on the mouth and love me like a sailor?; And when you get a taste, can you tell me what's my flavor?; I don't believe in God, but I believe that you're my savior
Everlong - Acoustic Version // Foo Fighters
And I wonder; when I sing along with you; if everything could ever feel this real forever; if anything could ever be this good again
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