#the Q
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cilly-the-writer · 11 months ago
The character who desperately needs just someone, anyone on their side getting an entire found family is absolutely my favorite comfort trope
I feel like there are many stories with found family elements, but they're romance focused or it's really more of a friend group. But there is just something about the found family being EVERYTHING for a character
When no one cared about them before? Or they lost everything? When they are so alone in the world? When they feel like everything is against them? Or they feel like it's best for everyone if they just stay a loner? When their found family completely and unequivocally saves them?
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andyoullhearitagain · 11 months ago
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amartianonmars · 6 months ago
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Somepony on Instagram said that Picard would like Discord, I'd say they're not entirely wrong. (For those of you who don't know, John De Lancie is Discord's voice actor and also a strong source of inspiration for his character despite the fact that John avoided using his 'Q' voice for his lines)
Bonus Panel
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Worf's really not happy that Q also likes Fluttershy.
Description under the cut.
[Image ID: 4 panel greyscale comic. The first panel is of Picard's hand holding a brush and dusting 2 photo images of My Little Pony toys. A Discord figure sits on the left of a Fluttershy toy on the top shelf.
The second panel is of Picard wearing a bathrobe and happily humming to himself, flowers surrounding him, his arm extended out to his left while he resumes his dusting.
The third panel is of Picard, now visibly annoyed with his eyes shut, his arms extended inward as he sighs while Q sits perched on his back wearing a red engineering uniform. Q wraps his hands around Picard's shoulder after appearing out of thin air and leaving a lipstick imprint on his bald head. He sensually says into Picard's ear, "Jean-Luc, did you miss me, Mon Capitan"
The fourth panel is of Q scrambling up Picard's shoulder excitedly, pointing at the Discord figure Picard was cleaning and exclaims, "Oh look it's me! Where'd you get this" Picard in shock looks up and exclaims," Wait, what?"
There is a separate comic panel at the end of the caption. It is a greyscale panel of Q holding up a Fluttershy toy photo in his left hand, the right hand petting the toy with his pointer finger. He coos at the toy, "My darling Fluttershy! How I've missed you so. The background is a light grey with sparkles at the left of the comic, the comic turning into a dark grey as Worf stands at a distance towards the right of the panel. He is holding a bat'let in his left hand and is visibly angry with a grey cloud around him. End ID]
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trekkie-polls · 11 months ago
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constance-mcentee · 16 days ago
Wednesday, 12 February 2025
I've got a question for all nerds who know both Star Trek lore and Greek mythology.
My son and son-in-law asked me this question:
If the Nemean Lion was impervious to mortals' weapons, would that include Borg nanites?
I'm thinking that Borg nanites would not harm the Nemean Lion because the Borg are not immortal.
However, the Q might be able to craft weapons that would do the job. And since all of Species 8472's technology was biological, they should also be able to defeat the Nemean Lion.
What do you lot think?
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sachanscribbles · 1 year ago
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Game night at the boyfriend's.
Not sure if I'll finish this???
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cloudemojisworld · 4 months ago
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tack-bell · 2 years ago
Captain Picard is Q's blorbo
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cilly-the-writer · 3 months ago
you know what?
*unromanticizes your romance tropes*
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fictionadventurer · 8 months ago
"If the structure of your world ever evaporates, I will still be here."
I think The Q might contain one of the greatest declarations of friendship/love ever.
#books#the q#beth brower#this seems clunkier out of context but trust me in context it's very moving#they're discussing how quincy's entire world is wrapped up in work#so even if she likes the people there if the business somehow disappeared she probably wouldn't see them again#because they all have other family/friends to go to and she doesn't really have any#leading to this promise#and let me tell you it's just about enough to make me believe in found family#because this works as a romantic or platonic declaration#it's a promise#a commitment to provide safety and stability when there's nowhere else to go#and i love it#this book is so odd because i liked it quite a bit last year#then rereading i was at first like 'why did i like this at all?'#there's no scene-setting or character description it's just kind of stuff there#but then the relationship starts to develop and i am SO invested#under normal rules it shouldn't take 100 pages for the story to get good but in this case it's worth it#it's such an odd structure#each chapter is almost like its own little short story#or a character sketch#almost like the character have stopped to discuss their own character worksheet#but in context it somehow works#and it drives home how much traditional publishing and writing rules stifle creativity#because your average editor would look at this and try to smooth it over#make it all into one flowing narrative#and it would lose so much of what makes it unique and compelling#following the rules of 'good writing' robs you of all the stories that don't follow those rules#there is so much scope outside of the one 'best practice' that is currently in fashion#and those stories need to get told too!
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direwolfrules · 2 years ago
Ya know what, I like to headcanon that after the tomfuckery in TOS, TNG, DS9, and VOY, that all Starfleet ships have a “Days since an all-powerful space deity messed with the captain” counter. Really drives up morale on the ships that aren’t super glamorous and famous, like the California-class. Like, sure, this is the eighth cargo transport mission in a row, and your not exploring strange new worlds so much as fixing the bureaucratic mess the guys exploring strange new worlds left behind, but at least a rogue Q hasn’t decided to turn you inside out for a laugh.
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nx01whore · 1 year ago
"They feared me so much they had to lock me away for eternity. And when they did that, they were saying that the individual's rights will be protected only so long as they don't conflict with the state. Nothing is so dangerous to a society."
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sachanscribbles · 10 months ago
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When I first watched this episode of tgcf, I IMMEDIATELY thought of these two...and now I ship both 🥰
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timelapsequeen · 1 year ago
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I love this agent of chaos
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stardustandrockets · 1 year ago
a time, a place, a person
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Do you collect different editions of books?
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I tend to only collect my favorites and never more than two or three editions. Though I think If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio is an exception because I have four copies.
The collector's edition of One Last Stop released recently and I had to snag one to match the RWRB edition. I absolutely adore the end paper art. Vanessa absolutely blew it out of the water! Of course, I had to pair it with my OLS fablebands and magnet from Rainbow Crate.
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