#the NHS is regional between countries
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wild-at-mind · 2 years ago
Just listened to the new episode of Tortoise’s Slow Newscast about Gender GP and it’s sooooo bad. Maybe I should have known better than to bother with it, but I’ve enjoyed their non-gender related stuff. I also know at least one person who uses Gender GP, and I separately have been hearing from an FTM support group I’m in that a lot of NHS trusts are no longer willing to do shared care with Gender GP while still doing it with other similar services. I had hoped maybe it would shed some light on why that might be, because even though trans healthcare is vital it’s still important that it be done ethically and held to the same standards as other healthcare. But no, instead it was basically a referendum on whether medical transition is good/bad. Again. Fucks sake.
(For non-UK people, Gender GP are a private service for transition related healthcare but they can, or have in the past, worked with the NHS to provide shared care e.g. blood tests for HRT monitoring. It is needed because it’s a very, very, very long drawn out and difficult process to access NHS transition care.) The podcast’s thesis was that the founder of Gender GP (a cis GP named Helen Webberley) is not practicing ethical healthcare because there isn’t enough assessment before providing HRT. They do treat children but the majority of their customers are adults. However you can guess which demographic was focused on. No children or adults who had undergone treatment with Gender GP were interviewed. There was a suggestion from the interviewer that maybe Helen Webberley is y’know a little bit ditzy, naive as hell of course, but also isn’t she bad for making money out of this? In this way she is juxtaposed against the NHS, which is the Good and Right way to transition, because they don’t profit off trans kids I guess. This argument stops working in any country that doesn’t have free at point of use healthcare of any kind, but never mind that. Also the podcast to its credit acknowledges several times that there are no currently practicing NHS gender clinics in the UK, and that this is a problem. But that’s about all we get in that department. There’s a waiting list, but no clinics. That list gets longer and longer. It’s so fucked up.
I would argue that the podcast is sceptical about the entire concept of being transgender, and I wonder if they even realise this about themselves. Two mothers of trans sons are interviewed, one who used Gender GP and one who accessed black market hormones. The first mother says that Gender GP ruined her child. But she was still referring to her child as her daughter and using she/her. You would think that if medical transition was the only concern, the mother would have been fine with the social and 100% reversable changes in pronouns and name. I know it’s hard for someone who has known you their whole life as one name and set of pronouns to remember at first, but this was different, she just hadn’t done anything. Without saying it out loud she was clearly waiting for it all to blow over, and not even considering that it might not. Meanwhile the child’s father (they were divorced) is helping the child access Gender GP, which can’t have helped matters. The mother sadly laments how Gender GP tore her family apart. The 2nd mother was worried about her child accessing black market hormones and using home syringes. This is a valid worry. However she also referred to her child purely as daughter, she/her and actively aschewed his new name. I don’t even know why she was interviewed as her son wasn’t using Gender GP, and this wasn’t a perspective about what Gender GP was clearly designed to be- a safer option in between black market hormones and the endless wait for the NHS. It was very clear she was even more ‘wait for it to blow over’ than the first interviewee. She spoke with apparent disgust (though to be fair was voiced by an actor who may have been hamming it up a bit) that since socially transitioning at school her child was suddenly really popular and was liked by many people he wasn’t before, and they all loved using his new name....that part felt especially weird, like she was angry that her child was being called a name he preferred by his friends. It’s not the first time I’ve heard of parents alluding to children coming out as trans at school to become popular. I read an article where a parent was relaying what their child had said, where apparently their classmate came out as trans in assembly and everybody clapped. The idea that there might be other factors involved, such as novelty that will wear off for the classmates, the classroom social standing of the child in question, or even in the case of the 2nd podcast interviewee’s son, increased confidence post coming out making him more sociable, was ignored. I do understand that this is a relatively new area of medicine without much long term data to draw on. However all types of healthcare has to start somewhere, and I wouldn’t have thought that the fear of an army of angry and betrayed detransitioners one day (which the interviewer was clearly disappointed that Webberley had never seen) should hold back progress. There are older adults who transitioned as children out in the world. On tumblr almost a decade ago I remember young trans guys in parts of the US accessing hormones through informed consent clinics, to much hand wringing from certain reactionary internet circles-see if you can contact those people. How are they doing?
There is so much more I could talk about but I have to stop there or I’ll go on all night. Edited to add: this should not be interpreted as a defence of Helen Webberley, only as a condemnation of the podcast episode’s framing of the concept of gender services that don’t require stringent assessment as very dangerous and scary and automatically malpractice. There’s a reason why I listened in the first place- because I had heard not great things about Gender GP. Sadly I didn’t get a look at its problems and its founder’s problems, I got yet another highly biased condemnation of the entire concept of transness with way too much airtime for parents who don’t believe their teenage children have their own internal selves.
Edit again: I understand now what the podcast was saying about clinics- there are currently no gender clinics in England that treat children. There are a few in the country that treat adults over 18, and the waiting lists are really long but at least you can refer to one in any region. My referral was for Nottingham even though I’m in the south as it currently has the shortest waiting list on the tracker.
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sourcreammachine · 7 months ago
tldr: there's a feeling of tension in this manifesto, between youthful zennial climatic ecosocialism and old-guard hippy-liberal environmentalism. this year the greens may well go from 1 MP to the dizzying heights of 2 (there's whispers on the wind that they may even get 3...), and the green council delegation is at 800-odd now, so this could easily be a changing-of-the-guard moment
with the great Berry and the ok Denyer in parliament the party could have more momentum in battling the starmerite government, and with that, it has the ability, the possibility to pick up more momentum. this is a big opportunity in the party's history - over the next five years it can and could be pushed into a holistic ecosocialist movement by the centrally influential mass party membership, and remove the last dregs of its tunnel vision to provide a lefty movement for everyone, green and pink, a Newfoundland coalition. with votes at 16 on the cards and this potential evolution of the party, 2029 could be a big moment for this country's left. whether or not the greens play the role of keystone is up to them
it is also the only manifesto to use the term 'neurodivergent'
wealth tax of 1% on individuals with assets over §10m and 2% for assets over §1b (an extremely humble proposal), reform capital gains and investment dividend taxation to be at the same rates as income taxation, remove the income-based bands on national insurance contributions, ie raising total income taxation by 8% at §50k/a, – altogether raising government revenues by upwards of §70b/a
stratify VAT to reduce it for consumer stuff and hike it for stuff like financial services
permanent windfall tax on banks for whenever they get windfalls
perform a holistic land survey to get the data needed for a new, effective Land Tax
abolish the tax relief on existing freeports and SEZs
heavy carbon tax to raise a boatload of billions, rising progressively over a decade to allow industrial adaptation, for a ~§80b state windfall for five years that'll be for green investment as this windfall starts to recede
renationalise water and energy
§15 minimum wage, 10:1 pay ratio for all organisations public and private (ie §150 sort-of maximum wage, ~§300k/a), mandatory equal pay audits, 'support' lower hours and four-day weeks [clarification needed]
unambiguously define gig workers as workers with contract rights from day one, repeat offenders of gig-slavery will be banned from operating in the country
every City bank required to produce a strategy with a clear pathway to divestment of all fossil fuels "as soon as possible and at least by 2030", every City non-banking organisation simply to be banned from having fossil fuel in their portfolios, credit to be banned for repeat City climate offenders, mandate the BoE to fulfil the funding of the climate transition and climate leadership of the City, FCA to develop measures to ban fossil fuel share trading in the City and immediately prohibit all new shares in fossil fuels
"we will explore legal ways for companies to be transformed into mutual organisations"😈
develop regional cooperative banks to invest in regional SMEs, coops and community enterprises
diversify crop growth, promote local agricultural cooperatives and peripheral urban horticultural farms, give farmers a sort of collective bargain against grocers
aim towards a circular economy: require ten-year warranties on white goods, rollout of right-to-repair
tighten monopoly laws on media with a hard cap preventing >20% of a media market being owned by one individual or company and implement Leveson 2
abolish tuition fees and cancel standing debt
surge nhs funding by §30B, triple labour's spending plans for everything, the entire budget, the entire state, everything
free personal care, with occupational therapy being part of this
35h/w free child care (eg seven hours over five days, or seven days of five hours)
renationalise many academies under local authorities, abolish the "charity" status of private schools and charge VAT
surge funding for smoking-cessation, addiction support and sexual health service
surge funding for public dentistry with free care for children and low-earners
free school breakfasts in primary school and free school lunches for all schools
one-month guarantee of access to mental health therapies
online access to PrEP
let school playing fields be used in the evenings by local sports clubs
greater funding for civic sports facilities and pools
unambiguously-under-the-law nationalise the crown estate for an absolute fuckton of land and assets for housing and for green energy and rewilding for FREE
rent control for local authorities, ban no-fault evictions and introduce long-term leases, create private tenancy boards of tenants
local authorities to have right of first refusal on the purchase of certain properties at aggressive rates, such as unoccupied or uninsulated buildings
all new homes to be Passivhaus standard with mandatory solar panels and heat pumps
§30B across five years to insulate homes, §12B of which is for social homes, and §9B more for heat pumps, and §7B more for summer cooling
planning law reform: council planning mechanisms to priorities little developments all over the place rather than sprawling blobs, demolitions to require as thorough a planning application as erections, new developments required to not be car dependent
planning laws to require large-scale developments feature access to key community infrastructures such as transport, health and education, often mandating the construction of new key infrastructures, support nightlife and local culture in planning regulations
exempt pubs and local cultural events from VAT
building materials to be reusable, builders' waste rates to be surged to encourage use of reuse
750k new social homes in five years
'a bus service to every village', restore local authority control and/or ownership of their busses
renationalise rail via franchise-concession lapsing, slowly assume ownership of the rolling stock (currently leased, and would continue to be so under labour's implementation of renationalisation) by buying a new train when the stock needs to be replaced
electrification agenda across the rail network, strategic approach to rail line and station reopenings
bring forward (sorta, the tories suspended it but labour says they'll reinstate it) the new petrol car ban from 2030 to 2027, existing petrol cars targeted to be off the road by 2034, investigate road-price charges as a replacement for petrol tax, hike road tax proportionally to vehicle weight, drop urban speed limits from 50kph to 30kph (or from 30mph to 20mph if you only speak Wrong), mass funding for freightrail and support logistics firms transitioning away from lorries
§2.5b/a for footpaths and cycleways, target of 50% of urban journeys to be extravehicular by 2030
frequent-flyer levy, ban on domestic flights within three-hour rail distance, remove the exemption of airline fuel from fuel tax, prioritise training of airline workers into other transportational jobs
abolish the home office, transfer its police/security portfolio to the justice ministry and its citizenship/migration portfolio to a new migration ministry separate from the criminal justice system
abolish the kill the bill bill and restore the right to protest
recognise palestine, push for immediate ceasefire and prosecution of war crimes, back the south africa case, "[support] an urgent international effort to end the illegal occupation of palestinian land"
grant asylum-seekers the right to work before their application is granted
end the hostile environment
abolish Prevent
end routine stop-and-search and facial recognition
commission to reform 'counterproductive' drug regime, decriminalise personal possession
amend the Online Safety Act to "[protect] political debate from being manipulated by falsehoods, fakes and half-truths", ie actually protecting 'fReE sPeEcH' and not everything that rightists imply by that phrase
decriminalise sex work
reform laws to give artists IP protections against ai
cancel trident and disarm
push for nato reforms (in its and our interest, they're not russophiles, they're not galloway, it's ok): get it to adopt a no-first-use nuclear policy, get it to prioritise diplomatic action first rather than military reaction, get it to adopt a stronger line on only acting for the defence of its member states
right to roam🚶‍♂️
zero-carbon by 2040, rather than the ephemeral ostensible government target of 2050
stop all new oil/gas licenses, end all subsidy for oil/gas industries, regulate biofuels to end greenwashing, end subsidies for biomass
decarbonise energy by 2030, minimum threshold of energy infrastructures to be community owned, "end the de facto ban on onshore wind" with planning reform
massively expand the connections between the insular grid and the UCTE continental grid to increase electricity import and export and prevent the need for energy autarky
more targeted bans on single-use plastics
"give nature a legal personhood" ok grandma let’s get you to bed
§2b/a to local authorities for local small-business decarbonisation
"cease development of new nuclear power stations, as nuclear energy is much more expensive and slower to develop than renewables. we are clear that nuclear is a distraction from developing renewable energy and the risk to nuclear power stations from extreme climate events is rising fast. nuclear power stations carry an unacceptable risk for the communities living close to facilities and create unmanageable quantities of radioactive waste. they are also inextricably linked with the production of nuclear weapons. green MPs will campaign to phase out existing nuclear power stations." because some people just can't let go of the seventies. nuclear is good. nuclear is our friend
invest in r&d to find solutions to decarbonise 'residual' carbon in the economy, such as HGVs or mobile machinery
increase unharvested woodland by 50% (no time frame given), grants to farmers for scrub rewilding, rewet Pete Boggs, make 30% of the EEZ protected waters and ban bottom trawling
§4b/a in skills training to stop gas communities getting Thatchered, prioritising shifting these workers into offshore wind
a.. licensing scheme for all pet animals? you guys sure about that one
regulate animal farming with a goal of banning factory farms, ban mass routine antibiotics, ban cages/close confinement and animal mutilation
ban all hunting including coursing and "game", ban snaring, ban hunt-landscaping such as grouse moors, end the badger cull, mandate licensing of all animal workers with lifetime striking off for cruelty convictions, compulsory hedgehog holes in new fencing, 'push' for 'ending' horse and dog racing [clarification needed], new criminal offences for stealing and harming pets, 'work towards' banning animal testing
proportional representation for parliament and all councils
abolish voter ID
votes at sixteen
votes for all visa'd migrants
restore the electoral commission's prosecutory powers and remove the cap on fines it can impose on parties
increase Short Money, especially for smaller parties
create a manifest legal category of organisation for think tanks, to allow better enforcement of lobbying and funding restrictions
consider fun new measures for political accessibility such as MP jobsharing and allowing public provision of offices for all parliamentary candidates
Self-ID including nonbinary recognition, including with an X passport marker
"work towards rejoining the eu as soon as the domestic political situation is favourable", join the eea now (with restored free movement)
let local authorities invest shares in sports teams, including professional ones, dividends ringfenced for public sports facilities and coaching
right to die
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gingerhotelsindia · 10 days ago
Nashik is a city in Maharashtra, India situated in the cultural and scenic mid-point between the historical and modern progress. It is famous for being known as the Wine Capital of India and it holds religious significance for a big chunk of pilgrims in the country. The city is famous for the plethora of attractions it has to offer to its visitors.
One of the most common inquiries while visiting a new location is where to stay. As previously stated, when it comes to choosing a popular hotel option from among many, Ginger Nashik is the best of all- with a sophisticated experience at a moderate cost.
As one of India’s most holiest cities, Nashik is a city steeped in history and traditions, hosting the Kumbh Mela every twelve years, which draws millions of pilgrims. The city is also famous for the Godavari River, which runs through it, as well as the old temples that can be seen throughout. Nashik exudes both seriousness, as a religious city, and spirituality, as seen by its peacefulness.
However, Nashik is more than just a holy site. On the other hand, the city is quickly emerging as a wine lover's paradise, with vineyards and wine production facilities serving some of India's finest wines.
The Fine Essence of Maharashtrian Food
Without seeing some of the most amazing restaurants dotted along the city's streets, what would a trip to Nashik be? The following places have to-try street food:
1. Vada Pav at Sayantara: Every Maharashtrian takes pride in this snack, and Sayantara is one of the greatest venues to have it in town.
2. Misal Pav at Sadhana Misal: Meal prepared Nasik`s or misal pav is particularly famous for its spiciness and Sadhana Misal is perhaps the most famous.
3. Chaat at College Road: For the people fond of the tangy flavours of ‘Chaat’, there is another place called ‘College Road’. From 'Pani Puri' to 'Bhel Puri,' this establishment has it all in terms of 'Street food'.
4. Sabudana Khichdi at Tushar Sweets: Tushar Sweets' vegetarian dish, sabudana khichdi, is exceedingly tasty and may be enjoyed during fasting days.
5. Vada Pav at Sayantara: Every Maharashtrian takes pride in this snack, and Sayantara is one of the greatest venues to have it in town.
Why Choose Ginger?
The strategic location of Ginger Nashik is strategic to both tourists and the business people. Its location at the-Ambad- Nashik city is strategically situated on the NH-3 national highway thus making It possible to easily access various business activities like Sinnar MIDC, Ambad MIDC, Satpur MIDC among others. The hotel is also among the best accredited hotel developments close to Nashik train station as well.
They have 55 well-designed lean-luxe rooms equipped with the latest facilities and maximum comfort. All rooms provided free and fast internet services and charge points among other services that make your stay even more convenient.
In addition, Ginger Nashik offers a range of facilities to guarantee its visitors' comfort. This hotel has the best veg restaurant in Nashik and aims to satisfy your appetite with food prepared all day long. They also serve food to your room if you wish. The Banquet Hall and conference spaces are designed for business purposes to hold meetings, conferences standing out as the finest seminar halls near Gargoti Museum in Nashik while the fitness centre is for people who prefer to exercise even when they are on the go. Some other services such as laundry and dry cleaning ensure that such kinds of obligations do not interfere with your fun.
Travel Tips
1. Moving Around
You can easily move around the city using the readily available local transport like auto Rickshaws Once arrived at the destination, there are also means of public transport which would be easily accessible. For more comfortable means of transport you can use taxis or cabs for the journey.
2. Best time to visit
The best time to visit this place is from mid October to March end as the weather in this region is slightly cool. It is during this time that the weather is pleasant and favourable and therefore allows you to make the most of your trip.
Nashik's attraction is universal since it blends modern living, culture, and spirituality. From the wines to the temples, this energetic city has plenty to offer a wide range of interests. Out of all the hotel choices in this price range- Ginger Nashik lays among the most budget-friendly ones. Ginger Nashik provides comfortable and spacious rooms with all the amenities in addition to having a very good location. It is also well designed and has a modernised interior as well as facade. Therefore, Ginger Nashik will ensure that your needs are well catered for regardless of whether you are in the city to have some time exploring its history or you simply want to take a break.
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candy-floss-crazy · 2 months ago
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Not exactly our usual post this one. If you have come here hoping for some more stories of the cock up's we have made. Or a review of a funfair manufacturer. Then I can only apologise. The only connection we have with the star of this post, is that we are now based in Yorkshire. Oh, and I have a pilots licence, though not for rotary craft (helicopters). Most of us drive. Some of us quite a lot. A split second mistake could be disastrous, leaving any of us with serious injuries, possibly life threatening. At times like that we are quite likely to need these guys. So letting everyone know about them is always worthwhile. History Of The Air Ambulance The first air ambulance service started in 1933. With a flight from Wideford Airport in Orkney. A night time flight was made from the same location in February 1939 using car headlights to help during the take off and landing. The aircraft, registration G-ACEW was a General Aircraft Monospar. This was a fixed wing aircraft (think aeroplane) rather than the more common helicopters you see today. Both types of aircraft have their advantages. Fixed wing tend to be faster and have a longer range. Heli's the ability to land in small spaces such as on a minor road, or in an industrial estate. Emergency Air Ambulances Generally the modern service is based on helicopters. These are used to respond to medical emergencies in support of land based ambulances. Nearly all of them are charity funded. With the charities either owning the aircraft directly, or contracting in private service providers. The staff are usually seconded from the NHS and local ambulance services. There are a surprising number of Air services around the UK covering most of the country. Yorkshire Our local service was established in October 2000. Currently they operate two Airbus H145 aircraft. Like most of the services they are reliant solely on the donations of individuals and organisations. Originally developed between Airbus and Kawasaki Heavy Industries. The craft is basically the front end of Eurocopters EC135 and the rear of a BK117 C1 helicopter. A previous joint production between the two companies. Nostell Priory Base The charity was originally based in Nostell Priory, an estate in Yorkshire that was purchased by the Winn family in 1654. A family that originally made its fortune in the textile trade in London during Tudor times. The first active heli, was based at Leeds/Bradford airport, where overnight maintenance facilities allowed a high state of readiness. A new operations centre was built and became operational at Nostell in 2013, including a hanger and aircrew accommodation and the aircraft moved to that base. A second aircraft and base was opened in Sheffield in 2007, but closed a year later. With the aircraft being rebased first at Bagby in Thirsk, then eventually sharing a base at RAF Topcliffe with the 645 Gliding Squadron. There are landing pads for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance at most of the major regional hospitals including Leeds, Hull and Middlesbrough allowing high speed patient delivery straight to casualty. Photo Copyright of Wehha licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. Richard Hammond One of the services most high profile cases was the high speed crash suffered by Top Gear presenter Richard Hammond at Elvington airfield. Hammond was driving a jet powered drag car called Vampire, powered by a Bristol-Siddeley Orpheus turbojet engine, when he crashed at 319 MPH. He was airlifted to Leeds General Infirmary by the aircrew and spent five weeks recovering, including two weeks in a severe coma. The Yorkshire Air Ambulance relies entirely on charity donations. head over to their website and check out some of the merchandise on sale to support their operations. Resources - Yorkshire Air Ambulance - Nostell Priory - Richard Hammond Crash Read the full article
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signature-global-71 · 4 months ago
Gurugram Gets Its Share of Flagship Luxury Living with Signature Global Titanium
If you are on a lookout for one such luxury residential enclave in Gurgaon which fuses together style of living and methodology of building in a perfect eco friendly manner, Signature Global Titanium is that place. Now let’s explore the aspects of this development that cements its position as the best in high rise living and luxury oriented real estate.
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Unrivaled Connectivity Thanks to Strategic Location
Ideally located in Sector 71 Gurugram, Signature Global Titanium connects all the corners of Delhi NCR and the city of Gurgaon’s more central areas remarkably. Going to work, or simply going out for fun, this development is placed in the middle of everything. Levels of this structure are however quite easy to access having the NH 8, Golf course Extension Road, and Southern Peripheral Road near which allows residents to reach major business and commercial as well as recreational areas in a short time.
To live in Signature Global Sector 71 is to constantly be in connection, and that is why it is not only a piece of luxury that one can buy, but it is also a very reasonable decision for people with a high standard of living who appreciate easy connectivity.
Sustainable Modernism: A Concept of Contemporary Living
Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of Signature Global Titanium is its entire approach towards sustainable development. Those are not just empty words. This project is eligible for IGBC GOLD Pre-Certification, indicating environmentally friendly infrastructure and thorough measures taken to decrease carbon footprints. Every single thing about this development from the design to the facilities provided has been well planned in a way to promote natural lighting, ventilation, and energy conservation.
Each apartment is also positioned in a way that makes the best use of natural daylight reducing the burden of artificial power during day time. The building has a natural ventilation system that also helps lower the air conditioning level which allows it to be one of the energy saving homes in Gurgaon. By residing in this building called Signature Global Titanium, you are not only investing for your own comfort but also doing your part in making this planet a greener one.
Structural Wonder: A Skyline Oozing Ambition
The architectural styling of Signature Global Titanium is an outstanding feature as far as residential projects in its region are concerned. With 8 towers which are of varying heights between the ranges of 25 and 40 stories in height, the project introduces a striking skyline which provides glorious views of the changing skyline of Gurugram.
The artistically advanced design of the building is not just for optics but also shows wishing of people inhabiting a skyscraper. Holding such conclusive stands, the proposed non-residential structure is predicted to be one of the legends of high-rise buildings within luxury residential development due to its 47 stories of high-end apartments. It is provided that one tower includes 4 units per core, through which all apartments will be guaranteed best views, sufficient natural light and cross ventilation.
Signature Global Titanium combines grace and practicality. The building has set new benchmarks for high end residential properties in the country.
Luxury in Everything: The Residences
What sets Signature Global Titanium apart are the sheer intricacies that one can find in each residence. The project provides several configurations including 3.5 BHK, 4.5 BHK and exclusive penthouse apartments. Each unit is more than just a living space and comes with en-suites, large living rooms, large terrace balconies for fresh air, and most importantly, a connection with the outside.
These apartments are not merely dwelling rooms but are architectural masterpieces that are functional yet still aesthetically pleasing. The opulence and grandeur of the living space are complemented with 22-feet double height living rooms in the interior, in addition to three side glass walls which give an uninterrupted and panoramic view of Gurugram.
And for those who enjoy their own private spaces away from the general public, the private elevators which open straight into the house render an element of elegance and class. Such finer aspects are the reason why Signature Global Titanium stands out as the perfect place for luxury home seekers in Gurugram.
Uncommon Features and Amenities to Live to the Fullest
Signature Global Titanium is not limited to selling houses; it has to sell the entire experience. One of the biggest strong points of the project is a long list of amenities that the company has incorporated to the benefit of any kind of resident. It does not matter whether you are a fitness freak, a mother, or a person who is simply an admirer and loves everything; there is something available for you at this place.
Infinity Edge Indoor Pool: Swim, in what is touted as the first ever indoor crystal clear glass heated infinity pool in the country. Great, not only for a swim, but for a cardio workout as well, the pool encourages the swimmer with scenic sights of the outside surroundings.
Culinary Connoisseurs: A restaurant wiithin the building promises that you will not have to go outside to enjoy any gourmet meals.
Entertainment Terrace: This space is designed for relaxation and is equipped with all the facilities needed to entertain private parties or social evenings. With a barbeque nook and outdoor cafe, this place will be the center and the high point of any social activity.
Kid’s Play Zone- The Parents will love this Kids Club equipped with Childcare Services, which ensures the kids have fun and safe zones to play and grow.
A Rock Climbing Wall and a Games Room: There’s always something to do when there’s a rock climbing wall and a games room complete with billiards, pool, and table tennis for the thrill and adventure seekers.
Enhancing Individuals’ Health and Well-Being
At Signature Global Titanium, health and well-being can be seen in all the amenities provided. The resident fitness trainers and a well-equipped fitness center offer custom-designed work out programs to keep you fit. After all the workouts, one may enjoy the steam and sauna rooms or the 24*7 customer care service which takes care of everything including the laundry, dry cleaning and even orders for food.
This enhancement is complemented by a lifestyle concierge, who is also included in the development, who is always ready to assist the residents and gives an added benefit of comfort in the activities of your day.
Investment with Luxury
When it comes to Signature Global Titanium, investment is not simply acquiring a property — it is shares in one of the potential shaped real estate development within the region of Gurgaon. In the existing upturn for luxury commonplace high residential construction worth investing in, Signature Global Titanium more than meets the criteria.
With its green homes, sustainable development, and strategic place, the project is nothing short of a benchmark of eco-friendly urbanism. To put it very frankly and simply, you can get anything at all interesting in Signature Global Titanium whether it be investment and even to buy the house of your visions.
In Conclusion: The Home of Your Imagination is Here
Signature Global Titanium is the embodiment of luxury investment and contemporary green living in Gurugram. The project is distinguished by remarkable designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and a focus on energy efficiency, which places it on a whole new level of luxury residential projects in India.
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simonloweblog · 4 months ago
"Making Britain great again"
On July 4th, the UK Labour party was elected with a thumping overall majority of 158, so the new PM, Sir Keir Starmer has an opportunity to act radically to arrest the ongoing decline in Britain which is one of the only things that pretty much every section of British society agrees is happening. He managed to win the election in spite of only offering scant details of what he would do in government if he won.
If he and his Cabinet believe that they can "make the UK great again" by only tinkering around the edges he is sadly mistaken and  Brits will be sadly disappointed. Increasing workers' pay and improving conditions and social benefits when the treasury has no money in the kitty will not work and planning to fund those additional benefits by increasing taxes on the rich, the top 1% of whom already fund 28% of all government tax revenue, is just part of the old Labour playbook that has never worked. Relying on a substantial increase in productivity as the universal panacea is equally delusional when unions continue to press for and succeed in obtaining shorter working hours, longer holidays, allowances and higher benefits for their members. Over the past 50 years there have only been a handful of years when UK productivity has exceeded 2.5% p.a. What this government needs to do is
" to boldly go where no man has ever gone before".
I herewith outline an 11 point plan that might provide a platform for change that could alter the pathway from one of continuing decline to one of restoration and improvement.
1. The Class system.
Make no mistake that in spite of some changes since the war, the British class system still thrives in the UK and remains an obstacle to bringing it firmly into the 21st Century of equal opportunity; so immediate action is needed to:
a. Finally deliver major reform of the House of Lords. It is no longer acceptable for either of the two major parties to pack the Chamber with old discarded MPs and cronies to ensure that the Upper house passes the government of the day's legislation. It's very name is archaic and harks back to a time of inequality instead of an era that is supposed to encourage the very opposite.
b. Abolish the entire "gong system". the time has come to get rid of OBEs, MBEs and CBEs that bestow rewards in the name of the British Empire that government seems to forget no longer exists. 
The king should replace them all with a new reward called "The Medal of Merit".
2. Welfare & taxation:
a. Instead of levying stealth taxes on the middle classes such as taxing independent schools by way of VAT and planning to levy non-Doms with inheritance taxes on assets that have no connection to the UK they should instead concentrate on:
b. Ceasing to boast about an unemployment rate of 4.1%  which is completely misleading when there are over 9m* people aged between 16-64 that are economically inactive, who are not working and not seeking work.
3. Healthcare:
Tackling the massive waste in the NHS would save hundreds of millions of pounds. They should start by appointing a cross-party committee to agree a comprehensive ovehaul of the system and study countries like Spain and Switzerland whose health systems deliver better healthcare at approx. the same percentage cost of GDP as in the UK.
4. The Social Divide
Finally do something about the huge divide and disparity between the North and South. Osborne's "Northern Powerhouse" and Boris Johnson's "Levelling Up" policies never got off the ground and if British society is to come together, regenerating the North and creating a truly United Kingdom has to be a top priority. That includes "leveling up" in Wales and Scotland as well and devolving more power to the regions. Brexit happened because Northerners voted for it and were and remain fed up of being the poor relations of their southern Masters.
5. Europe
The last Tory government well and truly screwed up Brexit. Whereas I have no desire to be reunited with Germany with its increasingly popular AFD, nor with France who are moving to the Right with Marine Le Penn waiting in the wings, but the Government needs to renegotiate the hideous trade deal that Boris surrendered to in his haste to "get Brexit done". Where there is a will there is a way.
6. Pay
The massive inequality of pay between different skills and industries needs addressing. Junior doctors cannot be asked to work often 80 hours a week for an average of £43k a year after studying for 8 years whilst train drivers pick up an average of £65k a year. 
We are living in cloud cuckoo land if we expect to attract the best minds and brains when we pay our MPs £91k a year and our PM  £167k and then create a scandal when they accept gifts from rich donors looking for political favours. An urgent review of pay structures in a number of sectors must be a priority to resetting the way our citizens are rewarded. In that vein let's start that process by raising some money for example by taxing those with a title; say £50k a year for those wanting to hang into their Knighthoods or Damehoods; £100k a year for a Lordship or Baronet. £150k a year for a Marquess, Earl and Viscount and 250k a year for a Duke. That would raise circa a billion a year until all those with a title either give them up or die. That in itself would accelerate the demise of the class system in the UK and start to pivot towards the future as opposed to clinging onto a social structure that harks back to a long-lost society that should have ended with the demise of the British Empire.
7. Productivity. 
To pay for desperately needed new infrastructure, better Healthcare, Education and affordable housing every government has spouted the same mantra for decades, namely that they will achieve that objective through increases in productivity, but for years their efforts to do so have rarely been successful for anything other than for a short time. AI and Robotics are two of the obvious solutions and the government needs to make a meaningful commitment and investment into that sector and other 21st century technologies. The new Chancellor recently announced the establishment of a British Wealth Fund and will invest £7.9b into it. Give me a break! Norway's wealth find has over $1.3 Trillion in its coffers. If we want to be a world player we are going to have to up the ante considerably. The government should create tax free zones in the regions and match private investment £ for £ as well as launch a " productivity bond" for citizens to invest in for the future of their children and grandchildren.
8. Major infrastructure projects and military procurement.
Over the past x decades Britain has been hopeless at managing major infrastructure & innovation projects such as TSR2, HS2, the NHS computer system not to mention military procurement all of which have the common bond of going massively over budget alongside suffering from substantial delays in delivery. We need to get professional non-government personnel to run these so that the country gets real value for money and projects are delivered on time.
9. Foreign policy. The armed forces. 
The UK 2024 defense budget is £57b. Apart from the fact that almost every senior member of the armed forces agrees that we could no longer mount any kind of overseas military operation we have two of the world's most expensive pieces of military hardware, namely two aircraft carriers that cost billions, one of which is almost permanently in dock  being repaired and  neither of which have the planes to make them effective because the navy can't afford to buy them. Britain finally needs to accept that it is no longer a world power and simply cannot afford to pretend to be one because it cannot afford to spend the money to be one.
Please note that prior to a French invasion in 1797 that lasted two days, Britain was last invaded in 1066. Unlike the Continent the Island of Great Britain is pretty safe from invasion. The government should cut the defense budget and divert £30b+ a year into health and education which would be of tangible benefit to the British people. Spain's defense budget is €22b viz. Britain's of £57b and life for Spanish citizens has improved exponentially over the past few decades whereas by comparison Britain's for the average citizen has faltered. The UK should remain a nuclear power and needs c £100b to modernise its Trident fleet. This should be funded by a special long term "defense bond"
10."Education Education Education"
…..was Tony Blair's mantra. Whereas more students obtain a University degree today than ever before nobody is going to claim that Britain's education system is any longer the envy of the world nor that it delivers many of the skills needed for a modern economy. As per the NHS, Education is plagued by paperwork and bureaucracy. Successive governments have for decades failed to provide a clear vision and sustainable education policies. On average there has been a new secretary of state for Education every 1.5 years over the past 30 years. Burdensome student debt, a plethora of graduates who can't find decent paying jobs with skill sets that are inappropriate for the modern economy are part of a system that needs to be radically overhauled. Again, this can only be achieved through cross-party consensus.
11. Housing.
...has been the bain of all political parties since the second world war. Everyone acknowledges the problem but no-one has fixed it. The government has declared that their target is to build 1.5m new homes within the 5 years but haven't spelt out how they plan to achieve that. Legislation to free up brown and green belt land will not suffice. In addition, they will need to:
a. Remove the current restrictions on parents giving children more than £3k a year as a tax-free gift. This needs to be substantially increased; I suggest the allowance be increased to £25k a year.
b. Developers obviously seek to maximize profits when building houses and they make little on low-cost housing. They should be given tax free allowances on all houses delivered under a pre-agreed price to boost affordable housing projects.
c. Stamp duty should be exempted for all new houses under £x.
d. Local authorities should be empowered to overrule all "nimby" objections to new housing schemes provided that they conform to current building regulations and guidelines.
e. Banks need to be "encouraged" to make loans available to 1st time buyers at cost alongside long -term fixed loans as is the norm in the USA thus allowing buyers to plan their finances by having a stable fixed cost component which is likely to be their largest financial commitment and annual expense.
(*Some reasons why people might be economically inactive include: Long-term illness, Students, People who look after family or a home, People with disabilities, and early retired)
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orionrealtor · 5 months ago
Luxury Residential Apartments on Dwarka Expressway
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The Dwarka Expressway, also known as the Northern Peripheral Road (NPR), has rapidly emerged as one of the most sought-after real estate destinations in the Delhi-NCR region. The expressway, which connects Dwarka in Delhi to Gurugram, has been the focal point of numerous residential and commercial projects due to its strategic location, excellent connectivity, and the promise of robust infrastructure development. Among the most enticing offerings on this stretch are the luxury residential apartments, catering to the discerning needs of homebuyers who seek both opulence and convenience.
A Prime Location with Unmatched Connectivity
One of the key factors contributing to the popularity of luxury residential apartments on Dwarka Expressway is its prime location. The expressway is strategically positioned, providing seamless connectivity between Delhi and Gurugram. It also offers easy access to the Indira Gandhi International Airport, which is just a short drive away. This connectivity makes it an ideal choice for professionals working in Gurugram's bustling corporate hubs and those who frequently travel by air.
Moreover, the expressway is well-connected to major highways like the National Highway-8 (NH-8) and the upcoming Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC), further enhancing its accessibility to other parts of the country. The proposed metro line along the expressway is set to bolster the connectivity quotient, making it a preferred residential location for luxury homebuyers.
Exquisite Living Spaces
Luxury residential apartments on Dwarka Expressway are designed to offer an unparalleled living experience. These apartments boast spacious layouts, with 3 and 4 BHK configurations being the most common. The design philosophy behind these residences revolves around providing maximum comfort, functionality, and aesthetic appeal. High ceilings, large windows, and open-plan living areas create an airy and bright atmosphere, while premium materials and finishes add a touch of elegance and sophistication.
The interiors of these apartments often feature state-of-the-art fittings and fixtures, modular kitchens, and luxurious bathrooms. Smart home technology is increasingly becoming a standard feature, allowing residents to control lighting, temperature, and security systems with just a few taps on their smartphones.
World-Class Amenities
The luxury residential projects along Dwarka Expressway are known for their extensive range of world-class amenities. Residents can enjoy a plethora of recreational and wellness facilities, including swimming pools, fully-equipped gyms, spa centers, and yoga studios. Landscaped gardens, jogging tracks, and children's play areas offer ample opportunities for outdoor activities and relaxation.
For those who value social interactions, these residential complexes often feature clubhouses, party halls, and lounge areas where residents can host gatherings and events. Some projects also include sports facilities like tennis courts, badminton courts, and golf putting greens, catering to the needs of sports enthusiasts.
Security is a top priority in these luxury developments, with 24/7 surveillance, gated entry points, and trained security personnel ensuring the safety of residents. Additionally, many projects offer concierge services, valet parking, and dedicated maintenance staff to provide a hassle-free living experience.
Investment Potential
Investing in luxury Residential Apartments on Dwarka Expressway is not just about acquiring a home; it is also a sound financial decision. The expressway is part of the larger Gurugram-Manesar Urban Complex, which is expected to witness significant infrastructure development in the coming years. This growth potential translates into promising returns on investment for property buyers.
Moreover, the demand for luxury housing in this region is on the rise, driven by the increasing affluence of the population and the influx of professionals working in Gurugram's thriving IT and corporate sectors. As more businesses set up their operations in the vicinity, the demand for premium residential spaces is expected to increase, further driving up property values.
Sustainable and Green Living
Many luxury residential projects on Dwarka Expressway are also focusing on sustainability and green living. Developers are increasingly incorporating eco-friendly features such as rainwater harvesting systems, solar power, and energy-efficient lighting into their projects. Green building certifications like LEED and GRIHA are becoming more common, reflecting a commitment to reducing the environmental impact of these developments.
Additionally, the extensive green spaces within these projects provide a serene and peaceful environment, allowing residents to escape the hustle and bustle of city life. The emphasis on sustainability not only enhances the quality of life for residents but also contributes to the long-term value of the property.
Luxury residential apartments on Dwarka Expressway offer an enticing blend of modern living, convenience, and investment potential. With their prime location, exquisite design, world-class amenities, and focus on sustainability, these apartments cater to the needs of homebuyers who seek a lifestyle of luxury and comfort. As the Dwarka Expressway continues to develop and evolve, the demand for these premium residential spaces is set to rise, making them a wise choice for both end-users and investors alike.Visit: https://www.orionrealtors.com/residential-dwarka-expressway-listing.html
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tallmantall · 5 months ago
James Donaldson on Mental Health - Suicide risk for female doctors 76% higher than general population
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Suicide rates in profession have declined but analysis of evidence from 20 countries shows need for more prevention efforts, BMJ says Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com Suicide risk is significantly higher for female doctors compared with the general population, according to an analysis of evidence from 20 countries. The researchers said that while suicide rates among doctors have declined over time, and risk varied across different countries and regions, the results highlighted a need for continued research and prevention efforts. Their findings were published in the BMJ journal. According to previous estimates, one doctor dies by suicide every day in the US, and about one every 10 days in the UK, but evidence on suicide rates for physicians is inconsistent across countries. To address this, researchers led by the University of Vienna in Austria analyzed the results of observational studies published between 1960 and 2024 that compared suicides rates among doctors with the general population. A total of 39 studies from 20 countries were included. The researchers found no overall increase in suicide risk for male doctors compared with the general population. For female doctors, however, suicide risk was significantly higher (76%) than the general population, the BMJ reported. While there was no overall increase found among male physicians when compared with the general public, a separate analysis of the data revealed male doctors did have a higher risk of suicide compared with other professional groups with “similar socioeconomic status”. Analysis of the 10 most recent studies compared with older studies showed a decline in suicide rates over time for both male and female doctors. “Overall, this study highlights the ongoing need for suicide prevention measures among physicians,” the research team wrote in the BMJ. “We found evidence for increased suicide rates in female physicians compared with the general population, and for male physicians compared with other professionals. “The recent Covid-19 pandemic has put additional strain on the mental health of physicians, potentially exacerbating risk factors for suicide such as depression and substance use.” In a linked editorial, experts from Doctors in Distress, a charity offering support to healthcare workers, wrote: “Persistently high rates of suicide among female doctors need particularly urgent attention from researchers, health leaders and policy makers, including studies to explore likely contributors such as discrimination and sexual harassment, to characterize those at highest risk and to develop and evaluate gender specific interventions to protect female doctors’ mental health. “All doctors must have access to early intervention and confidential treatment services so that they do not suffer in silence.” Katie Hardcastle, a senior research manager at Samaritans, said: “We’re concerned this new global evidence suggests an increased suicide risk in female doctors, as it builds on what we know from national data about risk among female health professionals, particularly nurses. “It’s vital that all health workers who might be struggling are encouraged and supported to seek help when needed.” In the UK, the NHS said staff wellbeing was a crucial part of its workforce plan. A spokesperson added: “There is a range of mental health support available for staff, including access to 24/7 confidential support services, coaching and flexible working options, but we know there is much more to do to ensure everyone working in the NHS feels comfortable asking for help and receives the right support when they do.” #James Donaldson notes:Welcome to the “next chapter” of my life… being a voice and an advocate for #mentalhealthawarenessandsuicideprevention, especially pertaining to our younger generation of students and student-athletes.Getting men to speak up and reach out for help and assistance is one of my passions. Us men need to not suffer in silence or drown our sorrows in alcohol, hang out at bars and strip joints, or get involved with drug use.Having gone through a recent bout of #depression and #suicidalthoughts myself, I realize now, that I can make a huge difference in the lives of so many by sharing my story, and by sharing various resources I come across as I work in this space.  #http://bit.ly/JamesMentalHealthArticleFind out more about the work I do on my 501c3 non-profit foundationwebsite www.yourgiftoflife.org Order your copy of James Donaldson's latest book,#CelebratingYourGiftofLife: From The Verge of Suicide to a Life of Purpose and Joy www.celebratingyourgiftoflife.com Link for 40 Habits Signupbit.ly/40HabitsofMentalHealth If you'd like to follow and receive my daily blog in to your inbox, just click on it with Follow It. Here's the link https://follow.it/james-donaldson-s-standing-above-the-crowd-s-blog-a-view-from-above-on-things-that-make-the-world-go-round?action=followPub Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com Read the full article
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propertyparadise · 6 months ago
Ace Noida Extension: A Prime Residential Haven in Sector 12
Welcome to Ace Noida Extension where contemporary residing meets strategic convenience. This surest residential project gives a number 2, 3 and 4 BHK residences designed for comfort and style. With its top area in Greater Noida, residents experience seamless connectivity to main highways, Delhi and NCR regions. Explore a lifestyle enriched with top-notch facilities, the best property, and vital services and landmarks. Discover your new home these days.
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A Home for Every Family
It fulfils a wide range of housing wishes with its numerous apartment options. Whether you are a younger couple starting, a developing family, or empty nesters looking to downsize, you will discover a home that fits your lifestyle. The property offers 2, 3 and 4 BHK (Bedroom, Hall, Kitchen) residences, ensuring there is something for everybody.
These nicely designed homes come with various amenities to enhance your daily existence. While precise features can also vary, residents can normally count on modern kitchens, spacious living areas and balconies that offer a breath of sparkling air and perspectives of the encircling place.
Location Connectivity
Ace Sector 12 provides an enviable location with top-notch connectivity to key regions and the most important highways, making it a perfect residential desire.
Key Connectivity Features:
Faridabad-Noida-Ghaziabad Expressway: This limited-access highway guarantees a smooth journey between Faridabad, Noida and Ghaziabad, extensively lowering trip instances.
NH-24: A principal country-wide dual carriageway that connects citizens to various parts of Delhi and the NCR location efficiently.
Greater Noida Access: Seamless access to important zones within Greater Noida makes daily commutes hassle-free.
Sector 76 Metro Station: Proximity to this metro station offers easy public delivery options across Delhi NCR.
Indira Gandhi International (IGI) Airport: Located near the airport, citizens have smooth access to home and worldwide travel.
A Neighborhood Rich in Recreation
For those who experience an active lifestyle or certainly love being outside, Ace Sector 12 Greater Noida does not disappoint. The location is close to numerous essential landmarks that add to its appeal:
NCR Sports Ground: Perfect for sports enthusiasts and health buffs
Noida Stadium: A venue for diverse carrying activities and activities
Nehru Yuva Kendra: Offering cultural and adolescent development programs
An Investment within the Future
It is not only a magnificent region to live in – it is also an attractive alternative for buyers. The rapid property, coupled with its strategic region and excellent connectivity, suggests a sturdy ability for asset cost appreciation within the coming years.
Ace Noida Extension can also find itself well-located to benefit from the growing profile. The mixture of cushy living spaces, modern facilities and unbeatable areas makes this development a smart preference for those trying to construct long-term wealth via real property.
A Community to Call Home
Beyond the bricks and mortar, it is ready to build a community. The blend of apartment sizes attracts a numerous group of citizens, from young specialists to growing families and retirees. This range creates a colourful community wherein humans from exceptional walks of life can come together, fostering a sense of belonging and community spirit.
Looking Ahead
As Noida Extension continues to develop, Ace Sector 12 Noida Extension is poised to emerge as a good greater appealing vacation spot. With its strategic area, remarkable connectivity and an array of nearby facilities, this residential enclave offers the appropriate balance of comfort and ability for growth.
Whether you are looking for your first home, upgrading to deal with a developing family, or searching for a clever funding possibility, this property deserves a spot on your shortlist. It is greater than simply an area to live in – it is a lifestyle desire that mixes the excellence of contemporary city living with the promise of a vivid future.
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signatureglobalindia · 7 months ago
Strategic Retail Spaces: Navigating the Commercial Landscape in Gurgaon Near Dwarka Expressway
The bustling metropolis of Gurgaon is renowned for its rapid development and thriving business and residential environment. As one of India’s most significant commercial hubs, it offers a plethora of residential options and investment opportunities for commercial property in Gurgaon. This growth is notably accelerated by the development of the Dwarka Expressway, a significant infrastructure project that has not only transformed connectivity but also turned the region into a thriving residential and commercial hub.
Rise of Dwarka Expressway
Dwarka Expressway, also known as the Northern Peripheral Road (NPR), is a 27.6 km-long expressway connecting Dwarka in Delhi to Gurgaon in Haryana. Its strategic location provides seamless connectivity between Delhi and Gurgaon, bypassing the congested NH-8. The expressway’s development is part of the broader plan to decongest traffic and foster urban growth in these regions.
With its strategic location, excellent connectivity, and promising infrastructure projects, property near Dwarka Expressway presents compelling investment opportunities. The millennium city of Gurgaon has well-connected routes to Indira Gandhi International Airport. The exclusive metro rail project further offers a transformative boost to connectivity.
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Residential Boom
The appeal of living near Dwarka Expressway is multifaceted. Besides connectivity, the area boasts modern infrastructure, including wide roads, well-planned sectors, and green spaces. The expressway has emerged as the top performing micro real estate market in the country with an annual growth of 34%, in average capital values of under construction properties in the last one year, as per an analysis by Savills India. Moreover, area along expressway has witnessed a substantial influx of residential projectscatering to various segments of homebuyers. From luxury villas, penthouses to independent floors to high-rise apartments, the region offers diverse housing options for those looking for property in Gurgaon.
Commercial Evolution
While the residential sector has seen remarkable growth, commercial property on Dwarka Expressway is also evolving rapidly. The area is poised to become a major commercial hub, with numerous retail spaces, office complexes, and mixed-use developments springing up. One of the key factors driving this commercial boom is the strategic location of the expressway. Businesses benefit from the easy accessibility to both Delhi and Gurgaon, ensuring a steady flow of customers and clients. The development of commercial spaces is tailored to cater to the needs of the growing residential population, creating a self-sustaining ecosystem.
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Strategic Retail Spaces
The strategic placement of retail spaces ensures maximum visibility and accessibility, making them attractive for retailers and shoppers, and retail spaces along the Dwarka Expressway offer a holistic shopping experience, catering to the diverse needs of the residents. These spaces are often integrated within mixed-use developments, combining residential, commercial, and recreational facilities in one place. This integration fosters a sense of community and convenience, enhancing the overall appeal of the area.
With diverse options available, buyers and investors can explore the Gurgaon’s real estate landscape, making it a sought-after destination for seeking properties in the region. Signature Global, a leading name in real estate, meticulously develops properties that promise an unmatched lifestyle by combining refinement and modern design.
Signature Global DE-LUXE DXP (commercial of DE-LUXE DXP) in sector 37D, near the coveted Dwarka Expressway stands out with its contemporary design and world-class facilities. Located in a prime sector, this project aims to redefinecommercial properties in the region with a focus on luxury and functionality.The project offers a high return on investment by catering to the discriminating interests of every customer with its luxury stores spread throughout 1 lakh sq feet on three stories. DE-Luxe DXP provides a variety of retail spaces catered to your needs. With flexible floor plans, advanced security systems, and premium finishes, this project ensures that businesses can operate in a comfortable and prestigious environment.
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Signature Global SCO 88A is strategically located in Sector 88A, a rapidly developing area that offers excellent connectivity to major roads and highways, including NH-48 and the Dwarka Expressway. This prime location ensures easy access to key business districts and residential areas, making it an ideal spot. These SCO plots in Gurgaon boasts state-of-the-art infrastructure designed to cater to the needs of modern businesses. With high-quality construction, ample parking space, and well-planned layouts, Signature Global SCO 88A offers a conducive environment for retail shops, offices, and eateries.
Signature Global Titanium SPR is another eminent project by the brand located in Sector 71 on SPR Road, Gurgaon. With spacious and luxurious living environments this new project redefines opulent living by featuring 608 uber-luxurious condominiums. It includes 3.5 and exclusive 4.5 BHK apartments in Gurgaon, each designed with a Singaporean flair.  Each tower soars 40 floors high and offers over 55+ top-notch amenities, including seven lagoon pools, a top-tier club, multiple sports courts, pet gardens, outdoor gyms, senior citizen lounges, jogging tracks, and more. The project’s 91% area is dedicated to green and open spaces, designed with a biophilic approach to promote well-being and a strong connection to nature. Titanium SPR also ensures unparalleled security with a 5-tier system, subterranean parking, grand triple-height entrance lobbies, private elevators, and expansive decks—every detail meticulously designed for its residents' utmost comfort.
Dwarka Expressway is undoubtedly transforming the commercial and residential landscape of Gurgaon. Its strategic location, coupled with robust infrastructure development, has created a dynamic environment for both living and business. As the region continues to evolve, it stands as a testament to the potential of strategic urban planning in fostering sustainable growth and development.
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gaiafertility · 9 months ago
How IVF costs around the world differ from one nation to another?
Infertility is that one evil that has impacted the lives and associated happiness for millions of couples across the world. While they have tried and tested random solutions, only IVF treatment has been able to offer them some kind of relief from the struggle. So, we can say that IVF, or in vitro fertilization, is a ray of hope for millions of people and couples who want to start or expand their families. In this intricate medical procedure, an egg is fertilized externally, and the resulting embryo is inserted into the uterus. The financial side of IVF, however, can frequently be overwhelming because the costs differ greatly between nations. In order to give a thorough and comprehensible overview, let’s examine the IVF treatment cost landscape in Argentina, Cyprus, and the UK.
What do we understand with the cost of IVF ?
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Analyzing IVF costs around the world   Argentina
The cost of IVF differs from one part of the world to another. So, we can say that the cost of IVF treatment in Argentina is different from what you pay in a country like USA. That said, Argentina’s excellent healthcare system and reasonably priced fertility treatments have made it a popular destination. Also, IVF cycles typically cost between $4,000 and $6,000 USD in Argentina, which is much less than in many Western nations. The basic steps of the IVF procedure are frequently covered by this cost of IVF treatment in Argentina, but it may not cover extra procedures, medicines, or longer embryo storage. On the other side, reproductive treatments are also partially covered by Argentina’s healthcare system, which can help locals pay less out of pocket. Cyprus
Cyprus is known for its state of the art clinics and medical facilities and this is where it usually attracts thousands of individuals seeking IVF treatment in Cyprus. Moreover, recognized for its cutting-edge reproductive clinics, Cyprus has become a center for reproductive tourism, particularly for patients from the Middle East, Africa, and Europe. IVF cycles in Cyprus usually range from €3,500 to €5,000 (roughly $3,800 to $5,400 USD), though this can vary based on the clinic and the particular treatments needed. This cost range typically covers the IVF process and the first consultations; however, it might not cover all prescription drugs and extra procedures like freezing embryos. Cyprus’s reputation as a fertility tourism hub is enhanced by the use of cutting-edge technologies in treatment regimens and its high success rates.
UK is a country that strictly follows the legal guidelines put through by the fertility laws of the country. That said, IVF costs in the UK can differ significantly, mostly based on whether the procedure is performed in a private IVF clinic in UK or under the National Health Service (NHS). Moreover, private IVF treatments cost between £5,000 and £8,000 (roughly $6,500 and $10,400 USD) per cycle, making them some of the most expensive in the world. Also, this price typically covers the basic IVF procedure; it does not cover medication, extra procedures, or potential donor expenses.
 Although the NHS does provide IVF treatment, many choose private treatment to avoid lengthy waiting lists or if they do not meet the NHS criteria because of the treatment’s stringent eligibility requirements and regional funding variations.
What you must know while putting your first step forward ?
You must think a lot in prior to decide on IVF treatment as this may come as a decision o lifetime. Hence, taking care of the following aspects is highly advisable
Medication: The cost of IVF medication can add thousands of dollars to the overall cost, depending on other factors. Moreover, the cost of medications varies based on the prescribed course of action and amount needed. Success Rates: When assessing expenses, it’s critical to take the clinic’s success rates into account. Given that a higher success rate may result in fewer cycles being required to conceive, a higher price may be justified.
Extra Procedures: While methods such as PGD, ICSI, and frozen embryo transfer (FET) can raise overall costs while improving success rates for some patients, they also come with a price tag.
Insurance Coverage: Depending on the country and policy, insurance policies may not cover IVF. IVF is mostly an out-of-pocket expense in some nations, while private insurance or public healthcare systems may pay a portion of the bill in others.
Final Words IVF treatment is surely one of the most important steps you can take to counter the infertility concerns in your life. Still, it is highly recommended to consider the type and quality of the IVF clinic in prior. That way, you can always achieve your parenthood dreams without getting into any legal or medical complication.
Source: https://gaiafertility.wordpress.com/2024/04/23/how-ivf-costs-around-the-world-differ-from-one-nation-to-another/
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candy-floss-crazy · 2 months ago
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Not exactly our usual post this one. If you have come here hoping for some more stories of the cock up's we have made. Or a review of a funfair manufacturer. Then I can only apologise. The only connection we have with the star of this post, is that we are now based in Yorkshire. Oh, and I have a pilots licence, though not for rotary craft (helicopters). Most of us drive. Some of us quite a lot. A split second mistake could be disastrous, leaving any of us with serious injuries, possibly life threatening. At times like that we are quite likely to need these guys. So letting everyone know about them is always worthwhile. History Of The Air Ambulance The first air ambulance service started in 1933. With a flight from Wideford Airport in Orkney. A night time flight was made from the same location in February 1939 using car headlights to help during the take off and landing. The aircraft, registration G-ACEW was a General Aircraft Monospar. This was a fixed wing aircraft (think aeroplane) rather than the more common helicopters you see today. Both types of aircraft have their advantages. Fixed wing tend to be faster and have a longer range. Heli's the ability to land in small spaces such as on a minor road, or in an industrial estate. Emergency Air Ambulances Generally the modern service is based on helicopters. These are used to respond to medical emergencies in support of land based ambulances. Nearly all of them are charity funded. With the charities either owning the aircraft directly, or contracting in private service providers. The staff are usually seconded from the NHS and local ambulance services. There are a surprising number of Air services around the UK covering most of the country. Yorkshire Our local service was established in October 2000. Currently they operate two Airbus H145 aircraft. Like most of the services they are reliant solely on the donations of individuals and organisations. Originally developed between Airbus and Kawasaki Heavy Industries. The craft is basically the front end of Eurocopters EC135 and the rear of a BK117 C1 helicopter. A previous joint production between the two companies. Nostell Priory Base The charity was originally based in Nostell Priory, an estate in Yorkshire that was purchased by the Winn family in 1654. A family that originally made its fortune in the textile trade in London during Tudor times. The first active heli, was based at Leeds/Bradford airport, where overnight maintenance facilities allowed a high state of readiness. A new operations centre was built and became operational at Nostell in 2013, including a hanger and aircrew accommodation and the aircraft moved to that base. A second aircraft and base was opened in Sheffield in 2007, but closed a year later. With the aircraft being rebased first at Bagby in Thirsk, then eventually sharing a base at RAF Topcliffe with the 645 Gliding Squadron. There are landing pads for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance at most of the major regional hospitals including Leeds, Hull and Middlesbrough allowing high speed patient delivery straight to casualty. Photo Copyright of Wehha licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. Richard Hammond One of the services most high profile cases was the high speed crash suffered by Top Gear presenter Richard Hammond at Elvington airfield. Hammond was driving a jet powered drag car called Vampire, powered by a Bristol-Siddeley Orpheus turbojet engine, when he crashed at 319 MPH. He was airlifted to Leeds General Infirmary by the aircrew and spent five weeks recovering, including two weeks in a severe coma. The Yorkshire Air Ambulance relies entirely on charity donations. head over to their website and check out some of the merchandise on sale to support their operations. Resources - Yorkshire Air Ambulance - Nostell Priory - Richard Hammond Crash Read the full article
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organicbusinessconsulting · 11 months ago
How Prevalence of Chronic Diseases Propel Genomics Market?
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The genomics market growth & size is predicted to be worth USD 46.2 billion in 2023 and is predicted to reach USD 83.1 billion by 2028, increasing at a double-digit CAGR of 12.4% in the forecast period. The expansion of the genomics market is propelled by different key factors, including increased governmental backing, an increase in genomics studies, deducting sequencing costs, and an increase in genomics applications. The genomics market is poised for significant growth due to crucial advancements in genetics and their widespread usage in different research fields. This includes the exploration of intragenomic phenomena including heterosis, pleiotropy, epistasis, and many more associations among loci and alleles within the genome. In addition, the predicted growth of the genomics market is further propelled by the potential contributions of bioengineering and synthetic biology applications.
One of the global genomics market driving factors behind the market’s growth is the growing support from government-funded genome projects. These projects play a crucial role in advancing genomic research, serving as indispensable tools for the development of effective therapies. The substantial investments made by different government agencies in genome projects underscore their recognition of the important role genomics plays in medical innovations. For instance, collaboration between Genomics England and the NHS, leading to the introduction of the Genomic Medicine Service, which integrates whole genome sequencing into routine medical care. Comparable initiatives, such as The Saudi Human Genome Program, France Genomique, Personalized Medicine Program, and many other projects, further contribute to this global trend.
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As per the Press Information Bureau, the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) granted approval during 2020 for a three-year initiative to systematically document Genetic Variation in Indians. Spanning 20 different institutions nationwide, this project has the ambitious objective of enlisting 10,000 people within three years, representative of the country’s rich demographic diversity. The usage of whole genome sequencing to introduce all-inclusive data is predicted to increase future human genetics research in India with increased accuracy. In addition, the insights attained will contribute to the advancement of a genome-wide association array personalized for the Indian population. This strategic move focuses to facilitate the generation of cost-effective precision healthcare and diagnostics for prevalent syndromes, thereby propelling market expansion in the forecast period.
The transition towards personalized medicine, coupled with the decreasing costs of sequencing facilitated by Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology, has given an increase to a spectrum of novel products and services. The genomics market trend is evolving with the entry of new market players, encouraging businesses to introduce inventive offerings to fortify their positions. For instance, the announcement made by Illumina in 2020, unveiling the e TruSight Software Suite and offering an all-inclusive infrastructure for complete genome sequencing, specifically designed for the identification of genetic diseases. This strategic move is predicted to play an important role in prolonging the market by delivering cutting-edge solutions and staying competitive in the dynamic industry landscape.
Meanwhile, the substantial potential notwithstanding, the global genomics market demand in developing nations is limited significantly by the scarcity of trained technicians. Many of these nations face a dual challenge: a shortage of technicians and a deficiency in the requisite skill set to function advanced sequencers effectively. In addition, the high cost of instruments presents an additional obstacle, functioning as a deterrent to market expansion in these regions.
The expansion of the market can be credited to the comprehensive research and development strategies employed by biopharmaceutical market companies, specifically in the realm of drug discovery, coupled with technological innovations that facilitate the realization of customized medicine. A noteworthy example is the release of an open-source model by Clemson University researchers in 2022. This model is specifically crafted to help researchers construct prediction models, representing intricate cellular interactions, and allowing the integration of large datasets. The application of such models proves beneficial in customized medicine scenarios, such as drug matching for cancer therapeutics.
Market participants are placing significant emphasis on expansions, collaborations, acquisitions, and substantial capital investments to drive genomics research forward, especially in the understanding of rare diseases and assistance for drug discovery. Notably, PacBio has announced a strategic partnership with Genomics England, focusing to leverage PacBio’s technology to recognize genetic variations in rare and unexplained disorders. The study’s objective is to resequence a curated set of samples collected during Genomics England’s 100,000 Genomes Project. The focus is on assessing the operational and clinical benefits of long-read sequencing in recognizing mutations linked with rare diseases. This collaborative effort underscores the industry’s commitment to advancing genomics research through innovative partnerships and cutting-edge technologies.
Genomics Market Segmentation
The North American region is predicted to maintain its dominance in the genomics market in the forecast period. This is attributed to different factors, including the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases such as cancer, increased investments by government personalities in research initiatives, an increased level of customer awareness, and the existence of improved healthcare infrastructure. These elements collectively contribute to the continuous innovation of technology within the genomics segment, and an increasing need for biotechnological practices around the region, further driving its growth. In addition, the domicile existence of foremost industry players around North America reinforces the region’s prominence in shaping and propelling developments within the genomics market.
About Us: Organic Market Research Business Consulting is a fast-growing Market Research organization which is helping organizations to optimize their end-to-end research processes and increase their profit margins.
Organic Market Research facilitates clients with syndicate research reports and customized research reports on 10+ industries with global as well as regional coverage.
About Us:
Organic Market Research Business Consulting is a fast-growing Market Research organization which is helping organizations to optimize their end-to-end research processes and increase their profit margins.
Organic Market Research facilitates clients with syndicate research reports and customized research reports on 10+ industries with global as well as regional coverage.
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Mob : +91 9319642100
Noida One Tower Sec 62 Noida 201301
Website : https://www.organicmarketresearch.com
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organicmarketresearch1 · 1 year ago
How Prevalence of Chronic Diseases Propel Genomics Market
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The genomics market growth & size is predicted to be worth USD 46.2 billion in 2023 and is predicted to reach USD 83.1 billion by 2028, increasing at a double-digit CAGR of 12.4% in the forecast period. The expansion of the genomics market is propelled by different key factors, including increased governmental backing, an increase in genomics studies, deducting sequencing costs, and an increase in genomics applications. The genomics market is poised for significant growth due to crucial advancements in genetics and their widespread usage in different research fields. This includes the exploration of intragenomic phenomena including heterosis, pleiotropy, epistasis, and many more associations among loci and alleles within the genome. In addition, the predicted growth of the genomics market is further propelled by the potential contributions of bioengineering and synthetic biology applications.
One of the global genomics market driving factors behind the market’s growth is the growing support from government-funded genome projects. These projects play a crucial role in advancing genomic research, serving as indispensable tools for the development of effective therapies. The substantial investments made by different government agencies in genome projects underscore their recognition of the important role genomics plays in medical innovations. For instance, collaboration between Genomics England and the NHS, leading to the introduction of the Genomic Medicine Service, which integrates whole genome sequencing into routine medical care. Comparable initiatives, such as The Saudi Human Genome Program, France Genomique, Personalized Medicine Program, and many other projects, further contribute to this global trend.
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As per the Press Information Bureau, the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) granted approval during 2020 for a three-year initiative to systematically document Genetic Variation in Indians. Spanning 20 different institutions nationwide, this project has the ambitious objective of enlisting 10,000 people within three years, representative of the country’s rich demographic diversity. The usage of whole genome sequencing to introduce all-inclusive data is predicted to increase future human genetics research in India with increased accuracy. In addition, the insights attained will contribute to the advancement of a genome-wide association array personalized for the Indian population. This strategic move focuses to facilitate the generation of cost-effective precision healthcare and diagnostics for prevalent syndromes, thereby propelling market expansion in the forecast period.
The transition towards personalized medicine, coupled with the decreasing costs of sequencing facilitated by Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology, has given an increase to a spectrum of novel products and services. The genomics market trend is evolving with the entry of new market players, encouraging businesses to introduce inventive offerings to fortify their positions. For instance, the announcement made by Illumina in 2020, unveiling the e TruSight Software Suite and offering an all-inclusive infrastructure for complete genome sequencing, specifically designed for the identification of genetic diseases. This strategic move is predicted to play an important role in prolonging the market by delivering cutting-edge solutions and staying competitive in the dynamic industry landscape.
Meanwhile, the substantial potential notwithstanding, the global genomics market demand in developing nations is limited significantly by the scarcity of trained technicians. Many of these nations face a dual challenge: a shortage of technicians and a deficiency in the requisite skill set to function advanced sequencers effectively. In addition, the high cost of instruments presents an additional obstacle, functioning as a deterrent to market expansion in these regions.
The expansion of the market can be credited to the comprehensive research and development strategies employed by biopharmaceutical market companies, specifically in the realm of drug discovery, coupled with technological innovations that facilitate the realization of customized medicine. A noteworthy example is the release of an open-source model by Clemson University researchers in 2022. This model is specifically crafted to help researchers construct prediction models, representing intricate cellular interactions, and allowing the integration of large datasets. The application of such models proves beneficial in customized medicine scenarios, such as drug matching for cancer therapeutics.
Market participants are placing significant emphasis on expansions, collaborations, acquisitions, and substantial capital investments to drive genomics research forward, especially in the understanding of rare diseases and assistance for drug discovery. Notably, PacBio has announced a strategic partnership with Genomics England, focusing to leverage PacBio’s technology to recognize genetic variations in rare and unexplained disorders. The study’s objective is to resequence a curated set of samples collected during Genomics England’s 100,000 Genomes Project. The focus is on assessing the operational and clinical benefits of long-read sequencing in recognizing mutations linked with rare diseases. This collaborative effort underscores the industry’s commitment to advancing genomics research through innovative partnerships and cutting-edge technologies.
Genomics Market Segmentation
The North American region is predicted to maintain its dominance in the genomics market in the forecast period. This is attributed to different factors, including the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases such as cancer, increased investments by government personalities in research initiatives, an increased level of customer awareness, and the existence of improved healthcare infrastructure. These elements collectively contribute to the continuous innovation of technology within the genomics segment, and an increasing need for biotechnological practices around the region, further driving its growth. In addition, the domicile existence of foremost industry players around North America reinforces the region’s prominence in shaping and propelling developments within the genomics market.
About Us: Organic Market Research Business Consulting is a fast-growing Market Research organization which is helping organizations to optimize their end-to-end research processes and increase their profit margins.
Organic Market Research facilitates clients with syndicate research reports and customized research reports on 10+ industries with global as well as regional coverage.
Mob : +91 9319642100 Noida One Tower Sec 62 Noida 201301 Sales : [email protected] Website : https://www.organicmarketresearch.com
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systemtek · 1 year ago
NHS set to lose out on £1bn of savings each year if 5G rollout slows
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Research commissioned by Vodafone has found that the NHS will lose out on £1 billion of savings every year if 5G is not rolled out quickly across the UK. Local councils also stand to miss out on significant savings, with 5G-enabled technologies having the potential to reduce social care spending by 5%. On top of the £40 million 5G Innovation Regions funding currently available to councils, this would help plug the existing gap in social care funding. The findings, calculated by WPI Economics, come as projections show that the ageing population will put an increasing strain on the NHS and social services in the years to come, with £79 billion of public spending required to meet these needs. 5G-enabled technologies will be essential in addressing these challenges. The 5G network will enable more patient care to be delivered remotely. For patients at home, 5G will enable high-quality and high-speed video connections, enabling doctors to deliver quality care quickly and efficiently. This will empower people to better manage their health, allowing them to live independently for longer and could prevent people from needing additional care either in the home or in non-residential settings. The NHS has already recognised the importance of this technology for bringing down waiting times and reducing hospital stays, as it is due to introduce remote care for 10,000 patients from September of this year. Within care homes, residents and staff will also stand to benefit from the rollout of 5G. Sensors could help staff monitor residents in real time, improving care and alleviating staff burnout. Sharing data between care providers and hospitals becomes easier, faster and more secure. Trials have shown that these innovative measures could save £296,000 per 100 users each year, equivalent to nearly £1bn based on the current number of users of public social care services. With this number set to increase by 61% by 2038, the rollout of 5G could save up to £17.5bn over the same period. However, these savings will not materialise unless nationwide 5G is rolled out quickly. Speedy national 5G rollout is a necessary condition for delivering savings to both the NHS and local councils. Vodafone’s merger with Three will enable the new network to invest billions in the UK and support 5G-enabled improvements in public services. Ahmed Essam, CEO of Vodafone UK, said: “5G technology has the potential to transform how health and social care is delivered in this country and unlock £1bn of annual savings for the NHS. 5G will support breakthroughs like at-home health scanning, personal devices and real-time access to medical expertise – innovations that will drive better health outcomes. To fully capture this potential, we need to rapidly build nationwide 5G coverage. Our proposed merger with Three UK will give us the scale to accelerate investment in digital infrastructure, allowing everyone to see the benefits of the 5G rollout faster.” Stephen Hammond MP, former Minister of State for Health, said: “As the NHS continues to grapple with tighter budgets and increasing demand, the need to modernise health care delivery becomes ever more necessary. This research underlines the importance of seizing innovative solutions like 5G-enabled technology. The potential for remote consultations and in-home health monitoring to improve efficiency and health outcomes will be transformative. With thoughtful implementation, 5G presents an immense opportunity to deliver savings, and build the NHS we need for the future.” Read the full article
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tallmantall · 5 months ago
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