#the Muse live experience is truly something beautiful
sunburnacoustic · 2 years
Muse Fosters Community Between the Lines of Your Favorite Song
Rolling Stone Magazine spoke to Muse fans earlier this year in 2022 about how Muse bring together a community of fans
Kwasi Boadi, July 29, 2022
In our second Welcome Sessions feature with Jim Beam, we dig beneath the live music frills to explore how strangers in the crowd become quick friends by talking to the supergroup and their most passionate fans
There’s something so communal about going to a Muse show. The experience has a way of inducing a unique catharsis. On the one hand, it’s hard to ignore the tremendous feeling of it all, from the hypnotizing laser light show to the rousing pyrotechnics and the otherworldly visuals.
But beneath the (literal) flash and frills lies something much more intimate. Fans are embracing, fists are pumping, and in spurts, the audience takes on the role of lead vocalist while they roar the lyrics of their favorite records. In these moments, complete strangers become part of something much larger than themselves because there’s community to be found between the lines of your favorite song.
“Nothing beats being in the crowd with music fans when you don’t know what the setlist is,” says self-proclaimed superfan Helen Rose Tooth. “When they start bringing out the songs, and bring out some rarities, and everybody just comes together, you get picked up by the atmosphere.”
Rolling Stone caught up with Rose Tooth and a host of other Muse diehards at a secret homecoming show in Exeter, Devon. Hosted by Jim Beam as part of their Welcome Sessions event series, the intimate gig brought Muse superfans back to the Cavern, a cozy music venue in the South West of England where the band started out by playing for some of its earliest supporters: friends, family, and classmates.
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When asked about her favourite song to see live, it only takes Rose Tooth a moment to land on “Definitely ‘Knights of Cydonia’” as her answer. Tom Kirk, a longtime friend of the band, doubles down on the sentiment. ’Knights of Cydonia’ is the ultimate fan singalong. I don’t think Matt needs to even stretch his vocal cords for that anymore because the whole crowd in the arena or festival [is] just bellowing it out. It’s an electrical force of people being completely tuned into the moment like nothing else exists.”
It’s easy to hear why the record elicits a range of emotions from the Muse faithful. The song kicks off with a spellbinding harmonica solo by bassist Chris Wolstenholme. Though everyone in the house knows what’s coming next, the anticipation builds like a roller coaster inching closer to its first big drop. Then, at the perfect moment, Matt Bellamy sends the audience into an auditory free fall once he interjects with a few crackling strums of his electric guitar.
When you’re singing along to lyrics that speak to you, that feeling you get is irreplaceable, and it runs much deeper when you look to your left and see a fellow fan sharing in that communion. There’s a bond created there, an understanding that the words that made such a pronounced impact on your life have struck a chord with someone on a similar frequency. At that moment, a would-be stranger feels more like a kindred spirit.
This belief that you truly feel connected when belonging to a community is rooted in Jim Beam’s two-century history of bringing people together, and that sentiment is evident in talking to another Muse superfan, Hannah Chandisingh. “You’re all in that together”, she says. “And when they break out these really powerful songs, when you actually realize that you and the person next to you are both in floods of tears, [there’s this sense that] ‘I don’t know you, but I love you.’”
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It’s a feeling that can transcend language and borders. Danny Yeates has vivid memories of his first Muse show outside of the UK. “I went to Madrid for a VIP experience in 2016,” he recalls. “The fan base was just so different. This guy literally collared me, and [we] just started singing along. Generally, in the UK, it doesn’t really happen that way. The cultures are very different, but we’re here, and the universal language is Muse.”
Muse frontman and songwriter Matt Bellamy describes this lightning in a bottle as equal parts method and magic. “It’s hard to describe the emotions that you feel on stage. Spiritual, I guess some people could describe it that way,” he says. “It’s something otherworldly. Very connective with thousands of people.”
Early on, Bellamy realised he should pen his lyrics through the lens of inclusivity. “Over the years, [I realised that] you know what? I can actually play with this and start writing songs using ‘we’ pronouns instead of ‘I’ and singing about myself. ‘Uprising’ was the big moment where I was like, ‘I’m going to change this song. Instead of it being about me, I’m going to make it about us,’ and I sort of deliberately wrote the lyrics with that in mind.”
That communal spirit can be just as stimulating for the performer as it is for the audience. Muse drummer Dom Howard speaks warmly of that synergy. “It’s an amazing feeling,” he says. “It’s kind of this really reciprocal feeling of you enjoying what you’re doing and them enjoying what you’re playing. It’s a wonderful thing where you’re very much tuned in to each other and aware of how everyone feels.”
In the mind of a songwriter, that reciprocity is a catalyst for growth because feeling understood can be an invitation to push the envelope even further. Bellamy observes that, “there’s a vulnerability in songwriting because you’re digging into workings of your personality and expressions and experiences that you’ve had,” he says. “There’s a kind of confidence that emerges over time when you realise how many other people there are in the world that can relate to that. And over time, that actually gives you a bit more confidence to maybe dig deeper.”
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tarotwithavi · 4 months
How will your future partner make you feel?
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How to choose a pile?
Close your eyes and take a deep breath and ask the angels to show you the right pile for you and open your eyes. The first pile that catches your attention is the right pile for you.
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Pile 1
They will make you feel as if all those lonely days were worth it, all the time you spent looking for love was worth it. They'll make you feel like you never have before. You'll be more confident in their presence, feeling as if you are the only woman/man in the entire universe. They'll make you feel so special that you may start wondering if your life is a dream. I see that you might get too attached to them, or they might get too attached to you, but either way, there is a sense of obsession. Being so infatuated with each other that you can't see anybody else. They'll make you realize that the time you spent alone was all for a better reason. The time you spent working on yourself was worth it. They'll make your stagnant life more enjoyable. I see that you may feel like you live a really boring life, but they'll make your life more interesting. You'll wake up every morning thinking about what will happen today, how your day will be, and what you will do together. They'll bring stability in your life and they'll make you feel heard and understood. They'll respect your boundaries and treat you the way you want to be treated. You'll feel as if you have won a lottery.
Pile 2
They'll make you feel understood. You might have been misunderstood your whole life, or people seem to outcast you for no reason. But with them, you'll feel at home. They'll know everything about you and understand you without you having to say anything, almost as if they can read your mind. They'll know exactly what you want or need. They'll always be there to support you and protect you no matter what happens. You'll feel like yourself in their presence, and you'll feel like you don't have to change yourself or be somebody you're not. You'll pay no attention to whatever somebody says anymore. You'll feel no pressure to hide parts of yourself. You'll have a lot of deep conversations with them, finally having somebody to talk about your interests with. You may have a lot of knowledge about stars, dinosaurs, or something unusual. And they'll listen to you. They'll also provide emotional stability by always being there for you. I see that you guys will work together on something.
Pile 3
Your future partner will make you feel incredibly passionate and alive, bringing a spark into your life that you might not have known was missing. They will make you feel beautiful, not just by complimenting your looks, but by making you feel valued and cherished for who you truly are. I see that they are really rich/financially stable so With them, you'll feel financially secure, as they support you in achieving your goals and creating a stable future together. They'll teach you so many new things, whether it's about the world, different cultures, or even about yourself, transforming your perspective in ways you never imagined. Most importantly, they'll change your perspective about life, helping you see things from different angles and inspiring you to grow and evolve into the best version of yourself. Their presence will transform your everyday experiences, making life richer and more meaningful. They'll make you feel more creative and passionate about your hobbies. I see that they may become your muse or vice versa.
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sykestarot · 10 months
what's holding you back? how should you move forward?
1-2-3 (left to right)
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I do not own any of these images
Hi guys I felt this was the message that needed be heard this week and some of it got very specific. Lmk what you think! Thanks for stopping by ily!!
Pile 1
“it consumes my mind, it consumes my soul, it wants my life, it wants complete control” (8 of cups (rx); 8 of wands (rx; The Emperor; The Hermit; king of wands; The Star) This pile might struggle with mental health issues, such as depression or anxiety. When channeling your energy pile one I had a heavy chest and a hard time breathing. You could be pushing yourself too hard and not taking a break. Or avoiding taking a break because then you’ll see how much pain you’re in. Either way I feel very heavy energies with you. I see you feel stagnant in your life, but this is because you refuse to make changes because you feel comfortable in the routine or cycle you’re in. I’m also seeing for some of you, that you went through something hard recently and you’re keeping yourself hidden due to fears of it happening again. This situation led you to forget how much power you hold and how truly beautiful you are. I think you might expect life to happen for you, even though you’re not really leaving your house. Sometimes we have to make things happen for ourselves, although I do understand not wanting to because of the fear of the unknown. The advice that the cards give you is to remember how you sparkle. I feel like your current energy is the song I channeled but the energy you need to embody is bejeweled by Taylor Swift lol. Two very different energies. Spirit is telling you to lean on them and let go of the past, because holding onto that is only going to make your journey to the top slower. I’m also not sure if this situation involved a betrayal but spirit is also letting you know that two people’s perspectives that may differ on the same situation can both be true at the same time. I also see in this advice that this is a journey you have to go on alone. I understand how daunting this may feel but I promise you have the strength and the resilience to get through this. I keep hearing “I wish you could see the way you shine”. Signs: August; the number 8; 8 mile; Eminem?; blue sapphire; stardust the movie; Aquarius; girl in red?; insomnia; overthinking; stripped socks; dark room lit up by tv; “remember who you are” - lion king
Pile 2
"Je te laisserai des mots" (2 of swords (rx); 3 of swords; The High Priestess; The Empress (rx); Justice (rx); 8 of wands (rx)) Hi Pile 2! I feel like for you guys you recently went through a breakup, possibly with your first love, or someone you thought was your forever. Maybe you guys were on and off for a while and you really believe this person will come back. I see that in terms of what’s holding you back is that you don’t believe that you can live without this person and that’s not true. I see that you would’ve given this person the world. I hear that quote where one person says “you were a wonderful experience” and then the other person says, “you, you were everything.” And I feel like you’re the one saying that the other person was everything. Perhaps you're an artist and this person was your  muse and without them you feel like you can’t make your art anymore. I genuinely feel empty channeling your energy. I see that what’s holding you back is the idea that this person was the only reason you were successful, which couldn’t be further from the truth pile 2. You are worth so much more than what you create. I also feel that you only value yourself by how much you create or do and that you punish yourself for not meeting a certain quota. But because of the loss you’re going through right now you’re not meeting quotas because you’re hurt not because you are an unproductive being. If you leave this reading with one thing I hope that it is that you are worth so much more than just what you create. As far as advice goes for you I see that you need to place trust in the mysteries of life. Most times you don’t know what life has in store for you even if you think you do. Place trust in your heart and your gut feelings. Rest when you feel you need to and create when you feel the need to. I also see that your inner monologue could be hurting you, the pessimism in your mind could be keeping you in a cycle of self hatred and unproductivity and they're working hand in hand to keep you stagnant. Try to think more positively and be gentler with yourself and you’ll see progress almost immediately. I’m also seeing that when you step back and see the bigger picture you’ll find that everything happens for a reason, and almost every ending leads to a new beginning. I believe in you pile 2 you can do it!! Signs: 222’; piano; marble; fine arts; french?; museums; pine scent; guitar; the color blue; long distance; wishing on stars; turn back time; Romeo and Juliet; “it’s better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all” ; paintings; indie
Pile 3
“keeping me from who I need to be, distracting me from what I need to do” Pile 3 I feel like for you what’s holding you back is your inability to admit that you are wrong about something. For you I see you continuing to try to do something that isn’t working and probably hasn’t worked for you either ever or for a long time. I see that for you your destiny holds much more than what you are doing. I see that you are going down a path that is filled with obstacles and you believe that it’s because it’ll give you a better success story when these obstacles are not even obstacles there more like road blocks. I see this pile is more of a career pile. I also feel like I can hear you while reading this immediately going, “pfft this isn’t for me”. If you thought this at all then this pile is exactly for you. I don’t know if someone told you that you wouldn’t make it in the line of work you’re in but I do see that you took that and made it the fire that lit you up. For most of you though this is a job that you can make it in but it won’t fulfill you in the way you think it will because at the end of the day I believe you don’t actually enjoy this job. SO if you feel like your life is stagnant or staying in the same place it’s because this career isn’t meant for you. I feel like you also know what career is meant for you and you’re being super stubborn. I also feel like when you talk to people you’re close to about your job issues they immediately bring up your other option of what you could be doing. Like if you’re a lawyer and it’s draining you and you tell your friend and they immediately go “oh what about the art you used to make you know you were great at that!” I also feel that this irritates you lol. I feel like you know and are aware of it at the very least. The universe has been sending you signs about this for what I believe could be years. But you do what you feel is right for you. As far as advice goes for you pile three I see it’s time to heal. Perhaps the reason you're staying in this job is because you feel the need to get recognition to stick it to the person who told you you couldn’t. That’s not necessarily the healthiest behavior for ourselves. I also see that you need to start thinking of laying something solid down for the rest of your life, so maybe this job is also not letting you provide for yourself or others and on top of all of that you don’t enjoy it? I think spirit wants you to think in long term goals and does this job or cycle let you pursue those? Spirit would also like you to know that you aren’t alone. I really heavily feel that given the opportunity your friends would love to support you in any endeavor and are probably rooting for you to leave this situation. So go ahead and reach out when you’re ready to leave!! Many people love you and only want the best for you, remember that. :)  Signs: October 6th; October; June; pumpkins; hammers; carpentry; wood?; post malone; trinkets; working with hands; toxic positivity; hard helmets; hammers; beer; heinekens
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crisiscutie · 2 months
Have/Will you do a gender bender scenario?
What if femme darling transform into a male for one day due to some Morph Magic gone wrong? All at the same time Sephy is in his horny mode. Darling also clueless on how to pee like a man so Sephiroth has to step in to teach her/him.
Thank you even if you reject this request.
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Pairing: Sephiroth/Male!Darling
Content Warning: NSFW, Gender-bending kink.
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You're not really sure how on Gaia this happened. You just underwent a mako injection not too long ago. The scientists also injected you with something else, but they told you it was nothing special.
And yet, you shapeshifted into a male version of yourself the other day. Yeah, nothing "special".
Your silver kitten boyfriend didn't judge you thankfully, he only loved you for who you are, not what you're composed of.
When you questioned him on how to live as a man, he only shrugged his shoulder.
"Do you really want to ask me that, someone who had anything but a normal life?" He said. You were too busy musing about your new body to catch the teasing edge in his stoic voice.
He sat next to you on the bed, his body still towering over yours.
"I'm not even sure how to pee," you sighed.
His bare hand traced over your collarbone, sending a slight shiver down your spine... and for a second, you felt your cock twitch.
"...Love?" you said, getting lost in his beautiful, half-lidded eyes.
He leaned in to plant a brief kiss on your lips, which you happily returned.
He fumbled with your SOLDIER uniform, taking off the sweater and then taking off his own trench coat.
You moaned into the kiss as his bare hands roamed your torso, worshipping it.
His thumbs toyed with your nipples, which felt even more sensitive to you than when you were female.
He broke the kiss, his voice husky as he whispered into your ear.
"Let me show you,"
He pulled you closer to him, your back pressing against his torso.
"You must release your cock," he said.
His hand freed your semi-erect cock from your pants, his thumb gently massaging the smooth skin right underneath your tip.
Your cock twitched once more, causing even more blood to flow towards it.
He hummed reassuringly in your ear as you slightly squirmed in his gasp.
"Shhh... It's a new pleasure for you," he cooed in your ear, now moving his thumb to your cock's tip and teasing the small hole there.
"It's not too different from before," he stated, now softly stroking your cock.
Your cock became rock hard, now able to stand on its own as he briefly let go of it.
He pointed to the small hole. "This is where it comes out," As he lightly grazed his fingers over it, pre-cum began to leak. You let out a brief yelp, watching as it trickled onto the floor.
"You're just getting excited," he whispered. Once again, he gripped your hard cock, this time with a hint of possessiveness.
He became committed to giving you pleasure, not stopping until he knows he has succeeded.
Goodness, no wonder men loved having a cock. It turned out to be far more amazing than you had expected.
As he held you tightly with his other arm, he sensed you were on the verge of experiencing your first orgasm as a man.
He wiped the sweat from your forehead and resumed humming in your ear.
As he watched the release of your pleasure, a euphoric smile adorned his face, finding the sight truly heavenly. The fact that he could bring you such immense joy only heightened the experience, making it even more special.
As you were recovering, he traced a finger up your shaft and savored the taste of your salty cum.
"T-that was amazing..." you breathed out. He chuckled in response.
"Oh, there's still so much for you to learn, my darling~"
Your eyes widened as you felt your flaccid member growing cock once more.
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First time doing Male Darling NSFW... I would love to do more in the future~!
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misslavenderlady · 2 years
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The Lost Boys x Chubby Fem!Reader Headcanons 💕
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Big thank you to @wowisksksj for this request! As a chubby lady myself, I was very happy to do this and I hope I made it truly special!
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Now it’s no surprise that being immortal vampires, the boys have seen quite the variety of body types and shapes. Humans change their minds on what they think is “attractive” so fast, and they find that to be silly. There’s beauty in every kind of body.
The flings and crushes they have all look incredibly different from one another. It’s all a matter of who they’re drawn to at the moment, and what kind of personality they have to keep them wanting more.
So yes, they find bigger women to be quite stunning. They'll stare in awe without any shame, totally entranced by the beauty walking down the boardwalk. If they see something they want, they'll get it~
When they say “bigger”, they don’t just mean hourglass figures with small waists, large breasts, and an ass (though they do like that too). You could be apple-shaped, pear-shaped, have a small cup size, not much in the back, or quite a bit of belly in the front. They’re well aware that everyone isn’t going to look the same, and they’re totally fine with it. 
The boys are all incredibly handsome men with amazing bodies. They know they have pretty privilege and use it well to woo whatever lady they have their eye on. 
If you're more shy and worried they're just trying to tease or play a mean prank by asking you out (cough totally not speaking from experience cough), they'll subtly use their powers to ease your mind and enjoy the attention they give you. 
If you're more confident, then they boost your ego as high as it'll go. Compliments and flirty touches galore. You live for the attention, and they're more than happy to give it. 
They're a pack so if one of them finds you beautiful, they're all drawn to you. Even if you prefer one boy over the others, you might as well accept the fact that you're pretty much gonna date them all. That's not a problem though. More love to go around. 
Your own personal hype squad! They thrive on making you feel good about yourself. Your joy is their joy, so they will shower you with compliments without even having to be asked. 
They're supportive whether you're more prone to covering up or flaunting some skin. David with his two coats totally understands the former while Dwayne, Paul, and Marko are more for the latter. Either way, they'll be sure to tell you how stunning you look in your outfit (and how it would look even better on your bedroom floor~)
The boys are already very touchy-feely with one another, but they'd be even more handsy with you. An arm around your waist here, a subtle grab at your ass there, they just can't keep their hands off their beautiful lady. 
Each boy has their own unique way of appreciating you and your body. 
David likes putting you in front of mirrors. Even if his own reflection isn't there he'll stand behind you and whisper sweet nothings about the goddess he sees before him. He'll trace his gloved fingers over every curve and make it clear he finds you ravishing. 
Paul loves taking pictures of you. You're his muse and he loves setting you up in stunning poses so he can capture your best angles. He'll praise and cheer you on the whole time, getting you to smile widely. "That's it, sugar! Show off for the camera! You're so hot". He also has a few telescope keychain pictures of you in your birthday suit for his eyes only~
Marko is just as upset as you that plus-size fashion is such a joke. If you're tired of cold shoulder tops and endless floral prints, he offers to be your personal stylist. He knows how to sew, so all it takes is a few measurements from you to make exactly what you want. He knows just how to make the wardrobe of your dreams and help you feel like a fashion icon. 
Dwayne will sweep you off your feet-LITERALLY. If you worry about your weight and size, he'll immediately silence those thoughts by picking you up in his arms. No matter what you're doing or where you are, he'll take the opportunity to lift you up. Sometimes he'll even do it with one hand or lift you onto his shoulders. It always surprises you. If you start worrying about hurting him, he'll shush you and say "you feel like a kitten to me"
They proudly show you off in public. Usually, you're right in the middle of all of them, giggling while holding onto them. Sometimes other girls will give you a thumbs up and an encouraging smile as if to say "you go, girl!"
If anyone is rude to you in any way, they are on the boys' hit list. Anyone is fair game. Rude catcallers on the sidewalk, stuck-up workers at department stores, restaurant-goers who comment on what you order, ANYONE. Even if you don't hear the mean things, they do. And they'll make sure nobody bothers their lady. 
They make a show of loving every single part of your body. Stretch marks are caressed, curves are worshiped and rolls are kissed. They have all the time in the world and will take as long as they please to map out your beautiful body. 
If you like having sex, then be prepared to get your goddamn world rocked. They can lift you into their arms with no issue and have plenty of energy to fuck all night long. They each have their own style of love-making, but all equally ravish you (Paul and Marko especially love the saying "more cushion for the pushin'")
Each boy has their own favorite body part. 
David loves to take your face in his hands and stroke your soft cheeks while making you gaze into his eyes. It lets him appreciate what he’s claimed as his own.
Dwayne adores your thighs and hips. He’ll either rest his head on your lap while spending time with you or grab onto your sides to pull you in close for a kiss. 
Paul is a sucker for your breasts. No matter what they look like, he’s drawn to them like a moth to a flame. He cannot and will not keep his hands off of them. He may even offer to get you a mesh shirt of your own to show off your goods more.
Marko is an ass man. He has no shame. He’ll smack your behind at any goddamn chance he gets. If you’re bending over to pick something up, he’s going in for the kill. If you’re ever on a date with him, his hand is always in your back pocket, giving you a squeeze.
Since you’re not the same size as the boys, you feel sad about not being able to wear their jackets like other girls with their boyfriends. So to make it up to you, the boys each pitch in to help make your own custom jacket. They all add their own flair to it to show you’re their girl. They’ll even add patches with their initials or have the words “Lost Girl” written on the back. 
They’ll also indulge you in wearing those cheesy couples t-shirts from the shops on the boardwalk. The ones that say “If found, return to Y/N” and “I am Y/N”.
If there’s ever a day you’re feeling self-conscious about your body, they’re by your side to help cheer you up. No matter what it is that made you feel such a way, the boys will do anything to put a smile on your face again. They would never make you feel ugly or unwanted. They may be vampires, but they’re not monsters. 
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nearestend · 15 days
as i am looking through my blogroll, i am now realizing that reblogging this meme might have been a mistake if only because of my indecisiveness and inability to choose ... nevertheless, we must persist.
this got long so we're putting it under the cut!
send ✨ and i'll recommend a multimuse blog.
starting off strong, i am going to say birdie @entriprises! while i'm not familiar with every single character on their roster, i really enjoy how much depth and thought they put into their portrayals. it doesn't always feel necessary for me to know the source material because they're just exceptional at weaving a scene that feels both vibrant and descriptive. i also really appreciate dedication to taking a side character such as cathy and giving her nuance and interest, while also seamlessly integrating with the universe she originates from! i think that can sometimes be hard to do so smoothly (in my own experience, it can often feel clumsy or forced if it doesn't flow naturally with the rest of canon) but birdie does this so well!
send 🌼 and i'll recommend a blog with beautiful writing.
there are many of these to choose from, but i think saying "everyone i follow" is a real cop out answer so i won't do that. but i am a big admirer of laney over at @guttersniper / @tellwolves / @choicescreen. we haven't written a whole lot together, but i love reading her threads whenever they pop up. laney writes with so much realism and grit, and paints it all with intrigue, but it never feels sugar coated or glossy to me. i always feel that creating interest can sometimes toe the line into romanticism and it's extremely tricky to keep a balance, but laney definitely has such a handle on maintaining interest without wandering into an unjust territory. her writing very much reflects the reality of which her characters live in, which is something i truly love in any situation — like when a more whimsical/fantastical character is written in a flowery or poetic prose, or a monstrous character's pov is more visceral. with her oc mutt in particular, i see a lot of grit, a harshness, which very much reflects the environment in which he exists. i could go on for a very long time analyzing all the aspects i like about laney's writing but oh boy. let's carry on!
send 🍄 and i'll recommend a blog with incredible graphics.
also a very difficult question because i think everyone i know does a really beautiful job with creating something that suits their muse. @endurehim / @velourya / @catchfire some incredibly beautiful work! i'm a big fan of how ink uses colour palettes that are tailored to the characters she writes. i have the tendency to visualize what i read or write a lot and often have colour associations to stories/themes/characters/etc, so this is something i greatly appreciate. bobby is an obvious example with all shades of icy blues (appropriate and fitting!) but what i really love is ink's choice to give joe a palette of greens and yellows. not just because it looks so visually interesting, but also because of the symbolism (no idea if this was intentional on ink's part but a really nice coincidence if it wasn't!). green being symbolic of money but also being representative of renewal, growth, and regeneration — something that heavily ties to joe as a man who is constantly at odds with his identity. i think it's all very beautiful work beyond just having something that looks cool and fun (which would also great anyways because i think we should just do some things because they're cool and fun) and it really speaks to ink's dedication and thought behind her characters. love, love, love.
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causesciencethatswhy · 2 months
It’s a beautiful sunny day in the UK today (first time in a long time) and my husband is driving us to dinner, I’ve got the windows down driving through the countryside listening to Muse and it’s divine. Honestly, I’m deeply in love with my husband and I can relate to the songs you know? That feeling of falling and the first whispers of meeting someone. He’s captured it all. He’s lived it. He’s been acting like a man in love for a long while now.
That truly sounds so magical and wonderful. 🥺 I think our ability to experience love is probably the best gift the universe could have given us when it left us on this rotating ball of dirt with no seeming purpose or plan. I wish I can experience something that warm someday.
It's comforting to know that Jimin has had a chance to experience it too. With whoever that may be.
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Comte’s Drama CD: Track One, Prologue
Since I got the Comte drama CD and there’s nobody around to stop me from inflicting that on everyone else, it’s time.
The premise of the entire recording is that MC and Comte spend a day together, so it’s basically Comte non-stop simping for nearly an hour. As you can imagine, I had an excellent time and I hope you will too.
I will say I did enjoy a few of the tracks more than others, only because he’s the most dramatic man alive and I love him. His head is empty and he’s the only one for me!!! More seriously though, there are also a lot of sweet moments that really speak to how vulnerable and real he is with her--and I’m always really drawn to that duality in him. Yes we all mask the true nature of who we are to a degree, but I think there is something to be said for the effort he makes to be honest with her; especially considering how deeply rooted that instinct to conceal is for him.
Without further ado, I will go through each track with little snippets of actual dialogue in the CD. Please note again, I am by no means a professional or a perfect translator; I’m just too obsessed to be stopped. 
The rest is under the cut to avoid spoilers, also because it’s long meta/squealing fest:
So the first track is called “Prologue” and as you can imagine it is exactly as it sounds. There really isn’t a whole lot to this one, as he basically recaps all the things we learn in his main story route. I do want to comment mostly on the beginning and the end of it though, since it’s exceedingly cute and makes me want to kiss him.
His spoken lines at the beginning are as follows:
So this is where you were. Were you looking at the moon from the balcony?
…Indeed, it’s true. It’s hard not to be captivated by such a beautiful crescent moon.
Usually it would be time to go to bed, but it’s such a lovely moonlit night. Let’s stay up a little late tonight.
We could have a glass of wine, or play a game? What would you prefer?
...huh? You want me to tell you a story?
Like. There are so many moving parts here, I don’t even know where to begin. The fact that he’s always seeking her presence (this can easily be corroborated by dozens of event stories). The way that he’s also drawn to the moon, the little silence there speaks to his thoughtfulness and musings of his own that are unknown to us. What does it evoke for him? Is he, too, reminded of the night they first met (hoping MC is thinking of the same)? Can you tell the thought alone is killing me?
The fact that he wants to spend that time with her, lingering beside her and unwilling to part. The way he always gives her a choice, always wants to know what she wants too. The audible surprise when he’s like ????? Storytime? And mind you I don’t think it’s because he thinks it’s immature, rather that he wasn’t expecting it. In a life surrounded by people--both purebloods and humans alike--that are entertained by so little, it’s heart-warming to be with someone who looks for something deeper, something closer to the soul. That, in a way, she’s asking for the gifts of his mind and voice, two things entirely unique to him.
I weep.
He goes on to say:
(his laughter SOBS) That’s a very sweet request…not at all, of course I don’t mind. 
I am neither a playwright, nor a novelist. I don’t know if I can tell a good story.
I hope I can fulfill my princess’ expectations.
…Hm, what should I talk about?
Well then…what about a man who lives forever?
So many things going on here, and no I will not remove my commentary because it’s essential to recreating the experience for the poor souls who will never hear the majesty of his seiyuu’s acting. Truly Horie-san exists to bring Comte to life and I hope he knows I owe him a blood debt.
ANYWHO so like. The way he’s delighted to indulge her (screaming and crying and throwing up why is he so cute??????). But not only that, the self-conscious bent of how he says “I don’t know if I can tell a good story.” I feel like it’s easy to forget that Comte is very much the type of person who prefers to blend into the background; he doesn’t seem to like or be in the habit of drawing a great deal of attention. He likes MC’s attention but I think that’s not really comparable, he’s very specific about who he shares himself with/seeks attention from.
Also I will say. I’ve never really been the type to like the term of endearment “princess” (he literally says hime in the CD) but. Because it is Comte and his adorable face that I want to squish between my hands, I will allow it. He’s a silly goose and he’s more than enough, I love him sm.
Following that he goes into his life up to that point, and because a lot of it is a bit repetitive I might leave bits and pieces out. I do want to highlight a few lines--mostly because they give insight into his character construction that might not have been as obvious in the main story.
A long time ago, so far away that even memories can grow dim…a man was born into a certain aristocratic family.
The family had a great secret. They weren’t human--they were pureblood vampires.
A person who was born with the promise of eternal life.
A person who had the capacity to pursue every pleasure in this world forever.
…But there are always two sides to everything.
…The endless life was, in other words, a prison made of time.
To have met and parted countless times with his loved ones,
The man’s chest ached with loneliness, overwrought by the emptiness.
He had no choice but to watch the world pass him by in endless hours.
I think there is. Something so haunted and fascinating in the words “But there are always two sides to everything.” Even more so because in his literal main story, he openly says “The brighter the light, the deeper the shadows”; always returning to this idea that all things in life are dual in nature. For all that you see one quality, the opposite exists as well. Interesting too because I feel like it explains a lot of his deep-seated anxieties about waiting for the other shoe to drop. Where love exists, loss exists as well. Where joy exists, so does pain. Where fulfillment is possible, so is emptiness. I think it makes a lot of sense that, when you live in an endless expanse of time, perhaps the scariest aspect of it is the constant fluctuation and change. Life is fun when things are going well, but what happens when the painful parts stretch so long? How do you cope?
Just things that keep me up at night yk.
I also think it’s fascinating the way he speaks about his immortality. In Leonardo, we see him address it as something that is monstrous and unnatural. He feels it is an abomination, something to be rectified or removed, almost. Comte doesn’t seem to share that view entirely. He says “He had no choice but to watch the world pass him by.” The removal of agency here is something that I want to highlight. Leonardo sees immortality and his identity as something that has to be reviled; there is a self-retaliatory nature to it in my view. Since he can’t fight against it, he fights against himself. Comte’s words speak more to dissociative terror; to force disconnection from your own body/mind because the pain of your entrapment or the threat to your life is so great. And tbh it’s brilliantly tied back to his lifestyle.
Comte uses the repercussions of his trauma two-fold. To seek out parties and novelties on one level expertly cloaks him in the mien of someone who is a devil-may-care product of overwhelmingly sustained privilege. But on another, I think it’s reasonable to argue that he seeks these things out with two other motives in mind; protection and grounding. He openly tells MC that his greater motive in attending parties is to seek out information to understand who to support on the world stage. This tells us that he does operate on a political level, if only to ensure the safety of his family--but I suspect it is also his way of moving the tides of fate around him in more benevolent directions. Furthermore, keeping himself engaged in something ensures that he is not left alone with his thoughts for too long and keeps him rooted in the present moment, something he also admits to struggling with. (And is a core feature of more extreme dissociation, the endless struggle to live in the present moment.)
I suppose I’m just incredibly interested in the way Leonardo regards himself with such self-hatred and revulsion, where Comte just seems so…removed. Not that Comte is empty of self-contempt, only that it does not feel quite as charged as Leonardo’s. I guess for me it more evokes the image of a child locking himself in a secret hideaway. Where Leonardo lashes out, Comte is the opposite; he retreats/hides. The only time he chooses to fight is when he’s protecting someone else (screams and cries, pls don’t get me started on his righteous fury I could go on for years, every time I remember Jeanne’s rt I’m 👌🏼 close to sobbing).
I also still don’t know how to reconcile the fact that his room is deadass filled with hourglasses (bruh), yet he says “…The endless life was, in other words, a prison made of time.” Like. Something something is his room considered the prison made of time ????? Because if that’s the case my god I’m throwing them all out. Then again it could be his attempt at controlling that which he fears, which I can respect considering I too delude myself into thinking I can control shit I can’t to face the impossibilities of the universe…
After that, Comte starts to explain the agreement he and Vlad made. Honestly it really is a summary for the most part, but there is a section I find worth discussing:
They wanted to create a person who would not die, and would continue to shine with their unique talents.
Without realizing how arrogant it was, they tried to find meaning in this life lived forever.
But…it didn’t go well.
Until there was a sizable rift between the old friends--and they parted ways.
They both loved humans, and worried about their future…they should have felt the same way.
…regardless, all that was left was a door that could cross time and space freely.
What I find interesting about all this is how Comte processes the conflict that transpired between them. Granted there is always the possibility that he’s not addressing everything he’s feeling (the man is REPRESSED) but there’s something that stands out to me when he says “they should have felt the same way.” I feel like when people have a fight with someone they tend to be pretty preoccupied that the other side was wrong; Vlad certainly is desperate to prove he was in the “right.” Comte doesn’t seem interested in that at all. He seems more confused, as if he simply doesn’t understand who Vlad is anymore. Like he doesn’t recognize the person who once cherished human life as much as he did (which I do have some contention with; I’m really not sure Vlad ever did love humanity the way Comte did. Perhaps Comte had believed it was so because he so deeply wished to have friend to comfort and understand him in his pain). I don’t think it’s that Vlad isn’t capable of caring about humans, more that--following the massacre of his clan at the very least--he has too great an interest in retaliation to be able to interact with them without power abuse happening.
I do say this fully understanding that Vlad probably saw some fked up shit, I’m just saying objectively the man sees humanity in an adversarial lens, an oppositional force. Comte tends to be more neutral/positive; he’s more interested in working to a common goal and identifies more closely with them psychologically speaking.
I also find it interesting he says their goal was “arrogant.” Recently I’ve been thinking about the complexities of arrogance. I think it can be easy to oversimplify it as shallow motives that are only focused on self-aggrandizement, but I think it can develop in even more complex situations--often with the best of intentions. I think Comte is trying to say that, while they wanted to preserve lives that were inspiring and uplifting to others, there is folly in the idea that only a few people can manage that. 
People and life in general are multi-faceted things; so many influences and variables act upon them. It is more sustainable to be a single unit of immovable, radical mindfulness and extend that outwards. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with people working together to achieve that goal, only that the responsibility for changing the world can’t fall on a handful of shoulders. It requires everyone to care and think more critically about their behavior, with the help of the people around them (ideally). There is arrogance in the belief that they had control over the fate of the world--an arrogance Vlad will not relinquish, one that continues to get him into trouble and lost him his oldest friend.
Aight and because that’s enough of my brainworms, this track ends with:
And the door brought another important encounter…that’s you. :> 
Now, you know what I mean, don’t you? That’s right…that’s the story until you and I met each other in our destiny. 
But that was only the beginning…now, we move forward together.
Our very sweet, and happy love story.
I just…………like I know I say it over and over again, but the way he just fills me to bursting with uwus. Another important encounter, a life-changing one for him…that a new story is being written, one that they get to write together. That “we move forward together” in a “very sweet, and happy love story.” It’s nearly like a fairy tale but somehow it doesn’t feel contrived or hokey when he says it, it just fills me with warmth. I think I just love that, for all his initial hesitations, he really doesn’t waver when he’s decided on something he wants. And if MC is willing to bet on him, he’s ready to up the ante.
All right well that about sums up track 1, next one to come is track 2! Enjoy these musings until then~
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a-luran · 5 months
Oooh trans Arthur lover here. Any and all info I’ll take. I adore how you portray and Alasdair and his reaction (or lack there of) does Arthur have much support elsewhere. I’ve always though as Arthur as this kinda pale lanky being no matter what’s in his trousers and thus able to pass very well.
sorry pal! I was away but I'm home and delighted to come back to this ask.
My Arthur headcanons all depend on the AU I'm thinking about but i do feel like there is a general baseline so I'll answer based on that/ give a take on something approximating canon (or the canon that lives in my head rent free).
Like you say, Arthur is probably able to 'pass' from a young age playing on the biases of the people around him. He unassuming, lanky, fails to execute idealised masculinity in a way that makes him stick out as historically queer but not necessarily trans. (I wrote a bit more about my thoughts on Arthur, vanity, and historical masculinities here.
I think that growing so isolated, Arthur was in for a harrowing realisation when he (still very young) comes to live amongst settled humans and discovers that gender and sex matter to them in a way that it never mattered to Scot/Wales/Ireland (other nations coming across him would not have been able to tell, would never have gotten close enough. In my headcanon not even Francis knows, necessarily, for a good while. This is both a blessing and a curse). I think this makes Arthur zealous, isolates him further, and makes him defensive to the point of cruelty in the long run. He knows what people are capable of and going stealth is a defence mechanism at first, and later on just a commonality. This robs him of support and community, however necessary, and robs him of broader, more fluid perspectives on gender. I do mean it when I think that Arthur's greatest tragedy is of his own doing. In this case there are obviously a lot of other things in play-- his physical safety and the parameters of his social and economic conditions throughout history, his personal relationships and what others expect of him, etc.-- but there comes a point where the people and nations who love him would welcome him and he just won't have it. I think it leaves him angry and aching and with a skewed perception of intimacy.
I think he starts dabbling with cross dressing to explore aspects of femininity he admires but doesn't truly lean into it into the late nineteenth to early twentieth century. I had a couple of scenes in my drafts of a '5+1 times Arthur wears a dress (starting from the early middle ages to the present)' exploring this desire to explore gender as a trans guy but life happened and sadly I never got around to finishing it. My main takeaways from writing it though were his innermost thoughts about gender and beauty. This is also where a lot of my Alasdair-reacting-to-Arthur headcanons began to take shape. I think the Isles grew up relatively isolated and wrapped up in each other, in a lot of ways, which definitely affected Alasdair as well. He has never questioned his gender himself, or Sean's, and Wales', and so it never occurs to him to question Arthur's; it is just who he is. The only person he might question gender around if probably Francis (which is funny to me, and a little endearing. I think of Francis finally putting two and two together and figuring that Arthur is trans a lot, and the scenario usually involves Alasdair's fat mouth and his clumsy musings about gender).
Sean is similar to him in this sense, albeit probably a little more inquisitive about gender and sex and all things human (inquisitive but unwilling to chase down Arthur to clear any questions he may have; Sean's experience with transness comes from experiencing other people, and then turning to look at Arthur with a realisation of 'ah, I see you in others, and see them in you too. I understand you a little better now, and it makes it even more difficult to hate you.')
Wales has always been sympathetic and probably would have been the first to try and address gender around Arthur... only to get immediately shot down. I think that he is also he only person who truly knows the things that Arthur saw and experienced that so harshly made him into the man he is, and so despite how much he wants to talk about it, help Arthur, be the safe space he needs in the world, he understands he needs to let it happen on Arthur's terms.
Francis pushes where Wales doesn't, and insists on Arthur's wellbeing and talking things out in a way that a lot of the time ends up pushing Arthur further away too. It would never be Arthur's first choice to run to Francis, even if he might do it subconsciously. As the most gender-literate of the whole bunch, Francis would probably also get frustrated, which would make matters a million times worse. If anyone could cut Arthur deep it would be Francis, and it probably has been. Theirs is a complicated relationship despite Francis' best intentions.
I think that Arthur turns to Alasdair for all of these reasons. It's his gruff acceptance, the wordless kind of understanding he offers, and the fact that he lets Arthur decide for himself. Unlike Francis he isn't offering him words to describe what he is; he is just a constant presence by his side. It isn't all roses, I do think that Arthur needs the questioning and the pushback he gets from others to an extent, and Alasdair can be blunt and crude and insensitive. Part of Arthur might resent how at ease Alasdair is with his own body and the fact that he has never had to question his gendered role in the world (this assessment is also unfair, and Arthur knows that, but he wouldn't be able to help it. Envy isn't rational). Even with all that, Alasdair is a shield, a sword, and a castle wall. They all would be, if Arthur let them.
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imagine-lcorp · 2 years
You Make a Fool of Death with your Beauty (One Shot)
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A/N: Well, hello little beans, I know we’re now past the Halloween/Day of the Dead celebrations but of course I’m still posting this little piece of writing. Took me long enough but it is here. Inspired of course by my favorite band ever F&TM and one of my favorite books ever, Death with Intermitions by Jose Saramago, I decided to pull something nice, or at least I tried. Enjoy your reading! Lots of love to you my darlings.
Lena Luthor x Grim Reaper!R//Word Count: 3,124
Always since the beginning of time, always since the beginning of life.
How you came to be was a mystery you had never cared to discover. The fact that you were, that you existed, that you had purpose, was enough.
You were alone, yes, but you needed no one. Or so you thought.
The first time you saw her, you hadn't pay much attention. She was still an infant, young and innocent enough that her eyes could catch a glimpse of the world beyond, and too inexperienced to understand the hardness of the life she was barely starting to live. Too young still to understand what and who you were, to truly understand why you had walked straight into the sea. The same way her mother had done moments before.
When you emerged from the water and, in an strange fashion that would be repeated someday, you had turned to look at green emerald eyes looking right back at you. Confusion, fear, and sadness had pooled in her eyes as she understood only you would come back to the shore.
There had been no pity, no remorse, no anguish in your heart for you had none.
However, and it was also a strange occurrence, part of you hoped you would see those green emerald eyes again in their final day, filled with something else entirely. You would see eyes that had seen the world and its wonders, and marveled at its beauty, carrying beautiful images instead of what they had witnessed in your presence.
You carried the soul of the mother away, disappearing from her sight until it was meant for you to return and see what had become of those green emerald eyes in, what you dare to hope again, would be a long long time.
Little did you know you would see them sooner than later.
Same jeweled eyes brimming with tears as she tried in vain to call for a young man whose life and destiny, you discovered later in the endless annals of the universe, could had been as brilliant as the stars above, were it not for the malice of his peers.
You had reached him in his final agony. When his body, invaded by his own creation, could not take the pressure and the pain.
If you had been able to pass judgement on his case, you would have mused how it did little good for mortals to play with such inventions. But you were no judge and thus could not pass such judgement on him or his life. So you waited patiently for him to take his last breath, taking his soul with ease when he was done, as he did not protest like many others.
You felt a string being pulled at the core of your being, after watching her silently cry as her heart was breaking for a second time. And again you hoped, as you crossed him to the light were all souls go, for those eyes to be filled with warmth.
It didn't take long for you to see them again. This time it was a boy that had brought you back to her.
Named after what many people believed to have been the first man ever created, he had tried to find a solution to his impeding problem.
He had tried to help her. For his sake. For the sake of his dead brother. For the sake of humanity. Playing with an element brought to her from beyond the edge of their world, manipulating and experimenting with it's unknown nature. He had put himself under her scrutiny with the promise of a future, attempting to amend a mistake that wasn't his, trying to pay for a debt he thought was his.  
You loomed over him, witnessing  what could have been of him as a new ichor ran inside his veins, before his mortal body gave in. For the first time in all your existence, a sigh of disappointment escaped you and it was truly a strange thing to happen.
The boy's protest, that came after he understood the nature of his circumstances, pulled you back to the task at hand.
In a unique voice, only for him to hear and understand, you had spoken, explaining his time on this realm was over. There was no use in fighting the obvious. He stopped his complaints when he asked about his brother. If he could find him beyond the light, only he could discover it, you had said, and feeling braver than he had ever been before, he followed you.
You passed by her side as you walked with him. The light in her teary eyes had not changed and, if anything, they seemed darker. Like a wild forest before the dawn. So, you went, hoping the sun would reach and illuminate them before coming back for her.
Then, you saw her for a third time.
You had no heart, but if you had had one you would have felt nothing still for the man that was about to die.
Egocentric, ambitious, arrogant, ruthless. He was all this and more in his final moments. Not even your shadow, hanging like a promise over him, made him reconsider his last words. Words filled with bile and poison, ready to sting, revealing secrets which were not his own.
He protested, of course, when you pulled his soul out of his body, and you added the word annoying to the list of his faults. He asked many questions, none of them you answered. He had been a proud man in life and so he was even after finding himself in your presence, showing nothing but indignation when you remained silent. Whatever awaited for him on the other side you did not care, and his passing had been tedious unlike any other before.
Only after he crossed the light, you dared to look at her.
You had no heart but if you had had one it would have ached for her.
For her broken trust, for her broken heart. For all the things that would shatter, all what she would break before becoming whole again.
The forest was burning and you could do nothing to put it at ease.
What would you find in her eyes the next time, you wondered, feeling heavy as you marched.
However, the strangest thing came to pass some time after that. Destiny was rewritten, erasing his brother's name from your accounts. He came back from the light, as if nothing had happened, and the world was anew. But your job was the same and, for the first time, you seemed to enjoy the idea of detaching his soul from his body one more time.
She crossed you mind, making you wonder if this new world would bring her a new destiny. One that was more generous and kind for her, who had lost so much already.
You received your answer shortly after.
She was agonizing when you arrived at her side.
You observed, lingering closer to her as you waited, the way she finally came to terms with her end. She knew you were coming and this fact did not frighten her. Her last words were that of comfort and honesty as she opened her heart like she had never done before. She was satisfied and with a smile on her lips before she closed her eyes forever.
When she found herself face to face with you, she didn't tremble like many others before and, unlike her son, she did not argue. She welcomed the light, fearless and poised, ready to find what would come next.
And so, you realized, you had taken another mother from her. Not because you wanted it but because it was your duty. Something that, for another first time, didn't bring you contentment.
You stood behind for a moment longer after her mother had passed, turning to look at her.
Once again, green eyes were brimming with tears.
Unconsciously, you took a step towards her. The shadow of a hand passed along her cheek, trying to wipe out a single tear streaming down her face. But the tear followed its path and your touch, cold on her skin, only made her shiver.
You were of little comfort and it bothered you, prompting from you a sound you didn't even know you could make.  
Your little grunt startled her as she believed herself alone. It startled you too when green eyes turned sharply to look at you.
None of you said a word in the long moment that passed between you two. Both too surprised and confused to understand the nature of what was happening.
In her eyes you were still a shadow, faceless and phantasmal, but she still felt a speck of familiarity. An old memory resurfacing from the depths of her memory. An old ache reemerging from the bottom of her heart, which made the latest departure even harder. Her furrowed brows made you realize you had overstayed, long enough for her to actually perceive you.
As if suddenly remembering your responsibilities, you turned around and started to walk into the light. One step before reaching it, you stopped and lingered at its edge, not daring to take a step further.
There was something you wanted to say but you had no means of answering for you had no mouth. It was different when you talked with the dead. Your voice was meant for them and only for them, no need of lips or teeth or breath for them to understand you. At the other side of the veil it was that easy.
What did you wanted to say? You didn't know yet but you hoped you would know it in due time.
And so, the time came.
There's was magic in her blood. Magic so powerful it called for you.
You were pulled suddenly from the light and into a room illuminated by another kind of light, artificial and colder than the one you were used to, where an encrypted circle, with a language long forgotten, kept you confined.
"... and I summon you, Death, to do my biding." She exclaimed at the end of her chant with a strong voice.
"Who summons me?" You said with a hint of amusement that couldn't be noticed through the sound of a thousand voices coming from you. You had to admit it was quite the novelty.
"I'm Lena Luthor, and I shall be your master now." She declared.
"I have no master." You admitted. In all the millennia you had existed, there had been no one to answer to and you didn't think that was something that could be changed.
"I've bound you to this earth. If you wish to be freed, you must grant me my wish." She took a step towards you, a fierce look in her eyes.
Curiosity invaded you and you felt compelled to follow her little game.
"What is it that you desire?"
"I wish for my goddaughter to live." She declared and your surprise turned into concern and confusion.
"And what I'm supposed to do?"
"You won't take her life."
"I shall take her when it's time."
"You can't." She walked closer to the circle, desperation clear in her voice. "Not yet."
You didn't quite understand what was happening, so you reached beyond the veil, looking for answers.
A child was dying, fighting a strange sickness from a strange world. Her mothers couldn't do much and, even when a cure was in the process of being discovered, her diagnosis was not favorable. The little girl was suffering and the time to take her through the light was fast approaching.
"She's dying." You answered, feeling heavy once again.
Lena sighed. "You can't take her."
"I shall when it's time." You repeated.
"Haven't you taken enough already?" You saw her green eyes brimming again with tears as she raised her voice, and you felt a sting inside you.
"You think me responsible for their lives?" You asked.
"Who else then?" She brushed her tears before they could fall. "Tell me and I will summon them instead."
There was another sting, of something you couldn't quite pinpoint.
"You would do it just to save her?"
"I will." The fierceness in her voice never faltered.
"What do you offer me then?" You mused after a  moment.
"Offer?" She furrowed her brows. "I have bound you."
"You have summoned my presence and bound it to this circle. Only that. I'm everywhere, all the time. You cannot prevent me from fulfilling my work just like you cannot stop the wind from blowing." You explained. These rituals were almost fun but they rarely worked for those who performed them. However, this time you wanted it to work. "I will take her in due time but if you so wish I can delay my visit. But beware, this gift comes with a price."
"My life." She swallowed, standing her ground like she was ready to fight. "You can have my life."
She looked at you with no hesitation. You could almost imagine the gears in her mind working. She was considered one of the most intelligent people in the world but she wasn't mad enough to think she could deceive you. Only you were foolish enough to change the course of someone else's destiny, all because she had called to you.
"Then I will have it." You looked at her, with something new moving inside you. "Three days."
Her goddaughter didn't die, although she did suffer for a while longer. Her sickness had taken a hold of her, making her agonize in the days to come in which only you could have ended it, but you had promised you wouldn't come. In that last day, the cure had finally been crafted and tested with positive result.
The child lived and it was time to collect what you too had been promised.
"Lena Luthor." You called with your voice echoing in the walls of her apartment.
She had been sitting on the floor, writing over the coffee table of her living room. Waiting as she knew you would come.
"The child lives." You said matter-of-factly.
"Yes." You saw her shiver as she raised her head, trying to find your figure around. "And I guess you have come to collect what is yours."
"I have."
"Then, I'm ready." She raised from the floor,  looking around for you to look at.
She had prepared herself for that moment. During the three days that Esme had been ill, she had also tried to prepare everything before she had to depart. She had been signing her last will just before you had called. She didn't want to leave anything unsolved and, if she was going to leave with you that day, she was going to look at you in the eye with no fear.
"I'm ready." She repeated with a sigh, waiting for the inevitable.
"It's not your time." You answered, guessing where this was going.
She frowned. "You gave me three days for it."
"I gave the child three days, yes, in exchange for your life not your death. What use would I have for it if I had to take you with me?"
"You won't kill me."
"Then why are you here."
"Life." You said. "I wish to understand it."
"Understand life?"
"I've always been around." You said. "Never questioned my role and duty. Not once I've mourned those who parted, not once I've felt for them. Not once made deals with them."
"You made a deal with me." She kept looking for the source of your voice.
"I did." The echo of your voice reverberated in the room with strength. "I've seen you, Lena Luthor. Always been there at each of your goodbyes. I've seen what their loss has done to the light in your eyes, and I've wondered what it means."
"I don't think I can explain it." She mumbled.
"It's not so easy." She said with a clearer voice. "Some things, to understand them, you need to experience them, live through them. You need to be...human."
When you didn't answer, she continued.
"We experience life mostly through our senses, our bodies. You would need one, at least, to barely scratch the surface of what it means to be alive."
"Then I shall get myself one." You finally answered.
Of all the things she had expected to happen, having to teach Death about its counterpart was not one of them. She didn't know if it was even possible. Would you change your mind if she failed?
Silence followed your conversation and Lena was left alone with her confusion, but not for long. The doorbell rang then, pulling her out of her thoughts. She walked to her door, a bit hesitant of what she might find behind it but she opened it nevertheless.
The face and the body she come to find standing in front of her was nothing like what she could have ever imagined.
Your eyes, real human eyes, finally looked into those emerald eyes looking right back, and the light in them seemed a bit brighter.
"It's you." She scanned you from head to toe, and it surprised her that the expression in your face was kind and expectant, as if you were already excited to be there.
"It's me." You said with a new voice, echoing with a single tone, and it surprised you how your new eyes perceived her.
It wasn't only the eyes but her brows, her forehead, her nose, her lips, her chin, her cheeks, her hair, and everything else, that made you want look at her and nothing else. You too had a mouth, lips, teeth, lungs to breath, but the words you had wanted to say were still far away from you.
So, you stood there for another moment until she asked the question that would start everything.
"How does it feel?"
"I..." It took a second for you to formulate your answer. "I feel."
For her, that was enough for a start.
"Then let's begin." She said stepping aside to let you in.
When you didn't, she figured out you weren't yet accustomed to such human interactions. So she took a steep closer to you, taking one of your hands and feeling it's warm finger around hers.
Suddenly,  your heart, the one you now had, pounded fast and hard. A new voice at the back of your new head appeared, whispering a new truth.
You would see those eyes filled with wonder, you would say the words that you wanted to say. All in due time as you learned what it meant to be alive.
And from that moment on, you didn't have to be alone.
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polycharismas · 4 months
my monthly alien stage rewatch findings. or rambles. Yeah rambles. i didnt say anything about Black Sorrow or Cure because those are like the most analyzed videos of all time and im tired Sigh
My Clematis: It still amazes me how much of an effect this one still has on me after all the time that has passed and after all the things that have happened in Alien Stage by now. It truly represents every single thing that makes Alien Stage such a special story. I think watching it again after all that went on in the story just elevates it so much more. This time around what did it for me was the monologue because you can easily apply it to every other character in this and it just Fits so well. Because truly what else do these children have aside from one another? Who else are they supposed to believe in? Where else are they supposed to find a God that can keep them moving forward in a world as cruel as this? All of them have someone, the nature of their admiration and the way they express it varies so much between all of them, but it still follows the same principle after all. The whole mv just put it in such a beautiful way it honestly holds up as its own story but knowing there was way more to these two girls and this whole world makes it so much better. I love yuri
ALIEN STAGE: UUugggGGahsgagahHahwnajwjdj Sorry. Okay. This is like the actual real trailer for this thang and its also so perfect. It foreshadows everyone's role surprisingly well. I think the fact Sua is the one singing also makes it better somehow because it just makes sense. She's the one that indirectly triggered a lot of what happens in Alien Stage in the first place she's the most important for our protagonist she's related with the rest of the cast in many different ways and to this day we still know next to nothing about her and yet she's the one singing the song that can be considered a true introduction to this whole world and that's Fascinating to me. I just feel nostalgic about this one also even if it really hasn't been that long since it was released. General banger and also it looks pretty as hell it makes me ill. Waugh
Unknown (Till the end...): OKAY I REALIZED THIS WAS PROBABLY THE ONE WHERE MY OPINIONS WOULD CHANGE THE MOST i have recently taken quite a liking to thinking about Till since a Twitter thread changed my whole perception about him and Oh Boy Did It All Change. It kind of really fucks me up. Till's relationship with Mizi i mean. It's stated he's one of the most brilliant in Anakt Garden. Not only is he skilled at both singing and playing an instrument he's also a pretty damn good composer. It's really something when you realize Mizi was the one who gave him both the determination and the inspiration to achieve all of this. The song he performed was the fastest selling album and he made it to Top 2 despite the fact the aliens are just not fond of him at all to put lightly. And he only achieved all of this because Mizi decided to show him a kindness she has always been familiar with but also a kindness he never experienced once in his life. Till has suffered a lot. Struggling to find an alien that would actually want to adopt him, being experimented on by the aliens and probably way Wayyyyy more, but it only took a single person to show him kindness for him to be able to keep on living. The nature of his feelings can be easily interpreted as romantic but it honestly resembles more that of a painter and his muse to me. So how do you think he felt when he saw his muse experience for the very first time the unkind world they lived in? He couldn't even glance at her during his performance because seeing his idol in such a state was painful. That still didn't stop him from wanting to speak his heart out through a song specifically made for her to hear. I sure hope nothing bad happens to this determined and energetic little guy!
Ruler of My Heart: Hi. This time around i thought really hard about how naturally Luka could hit all of Mizi's weak points through his performance. It's like a skill he learned throughout the years which is a really disturbing idea for me because we all know the state of his mind but what else could this be than giving the aliens exactly what they want from hosting this competition through all these years? Luka's parallels with Hyuna in the way they went about their roles in this world always fascinated me greatly because on one hand we have a total rebel who didn't hesitate to escape and do what She thinks is correct and on the other we have the Perfect contestant for Alien Stage. A title that sounds prestigious but can be also terrifying if we look at it from a human perspective. Someone so capable of twisting people's minds for the sake of entertainment and someone just detached enough to not hesitate at the truly awful implications of being a part of this competition and still participate with everything he's got. We don't know what exactly is the reason he did all of this and we also don't know much about. Anything that goes through his mind. So what the hell am i even talking about honestly. I want him so badly its painful i can fix him❤️
TOP 3: guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys. Here it is. Famously known video i never shut the fuck up about. I think dropping this not before Alien Stage started but in the middle of it was genius because now we know exactly what the nature of this world truly is. I will never shut the fuck up about how absolutely amazing this video specifically is. The shift between the perspective of Alien Stage the aliens have to the perspective the humans themselves have is so fucking well done it makes me insane everytime. What could Alien Stage be to beings incapable of feelings? Just the perfect source of entertainment and money they could ask for. Its nothing more than that. But to the humans themselves its absolutely everything. Where they could win everything or lose it all. In this world humans have no other option than to trust their abilities to have even the slightest chance of being given the right to live freely. Where the cost of losing is your life. But also where the cost of winning is your own humanity. This video represents all of that in such a perfect way and it makes me ill in the head. GHhagzgHagGagagagav im normal
MIZISUA: Having a dedicated video for the most important relationship in the whole series is actually such a brain move. You can always feel the love these two have for each other every time they are together but the way you can feel it here just hits. Not a single word is spoken and yet you can feel everything they felt for each other in just that peaceful moment they shared when they were being sent to Anakt Garden. And the way you can also feel the pain Sua's absence has on Mizi in the span of so little time. You can feel absolutely everything with just that final scene alone. You can also see how opposite they were to each other and yet how well they fit together despite that. Seeing Sua like this makes me feel ill because i know already how much Mizi's everything changed her completely. To be loved is to be changed indeed. This video says everything you need to know about their feelings for each other and im DIGGING IT man. I miss them so much it hurts
All-in: HEH. HEY. HI HYUNA. This is like the perfect way to introduce her. We already know Hyuna somehow managed to break into the competition itself to save Mizi and this video just enhances more the way we see her by showing us how strong she is both as leader of the resistance and as a person. Hyuna is by far the most mature of the cast and this video shows it in such a perfect way. Someone like her is exactly what Mizi needed to finally break away from the pain Alien Stage caused her and to search for a path of her own in the freedom she now has. I love how easy going and fun the whole song feels because its no longer a performance for the aliens its a performance for the humans. Its no longer a song trapped beneath all that surrounds Alien Stage. Its a song made for the people that are free from the aliens that's meant to inspire them to keep moving forward and to not stop fighting for the future where the humans hold freedom. All of this also makes the fact that Luka is such a huge trigger for her elevate both of their characters greatly and also just make the whole conflict between them more interesting. What exactly was it that made Hyuna despise this man to the point thinking about him makes her sick? What exactly goes through Luka's mind when it comes to Hyuna specifically? They make me insane in the head i think the day we get more Hyuluka lore is the day i officially pass away forever. Godbless
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just-orbiting-you · 8 days
do you know, back in the day when Tae would say heartfelt stuff like ‘if you were a stone in your next life, i would carry you around and show you all the beautiful places in the world.’ (said to Suga), when he was known for helping a shy Jungkook to be more comfortable in social situations, when he tried to bring newbie Jimin into his school friends circle, i could understand how he and Jimin might resonate with each other.
they seemed to display similar levels of devotion and sincerity in their BTS friendships. and even a few years ago, i recall Jin’s birthday live when he seemed so touched by how Tae had all his famous friends send him birthday greetings after hearing that Jin felt lonely (paraphrasing) on his big day.
but now, i feel that Tae has changed in such ways that if they still consider themselves soulmates… i think i will feel very concerned about Jimin’s state of mind. i wonder where that devotion and sincerity went. did it fade? or has it been channeled into another direction?
i think that Tae and Jimin will always be friends from childhood who granted went through a grueling yet extraordinary experience during their youth, but that’s the extent of it.
this is so eloquently said, thank you so much for sharing. i fully agree.
i think i will feel very concerned about Jimin’s state of mind. i wonder where that devotion and sincerity went. did it fade? or has it been channeled into another direction?
of course i do not know if jimin has personally changed. but there’s a pointed difference in their solo trajectory that gives me hope and probable cause that jimin hasn’t changed.
jimin committed himself to sharing his story on face and furthering that on muse. i recently was rereading the lyrics on face and watching pieces of his doc. i hadn’t read them in a while and i was honestly shocked at how vulnerable they were. i feel like it took a lot to release something so raw like face as your DEBUT. also continuing to work on a new project, diligently completing vocal lessons and day in and day out practicing choreo for who weeks before enlistment? thats his devotion to his craft. call me biased but i feel like his authenticity is felt through his solo career.
not that tae didn’t put in hard work through his solo releases, they’re just different. maybe i missed it, but i didn’t hear tae talk about his recording process or meaning behind the music or purpose in performance choices. he didn’t write any of it either. what i did see is that he had a role in curating a vibe, mood, and overall creative direction. still important, but lacking in the sincerity needed to carry true artistic direction. when tae said in ays that he wishes he could create like namjoon did on rpwp, i feel like its very telling. he most likely lacks the authenticity and introspection needed to create such an indepth project sonically and lyrically.
namjoon is a very unique artist with a curated team behind him, but i feel like jimin holds potential in him to create indepth larger scale projects like namjoon. of course we are seeing the start of his solo journey, while the rap line has been doing this for years, but i truly am excited for what he will create in the future. that’s why he hasn’t changed.
different point, i wonder if it was the fans or the company that pushed the soulmate narrative or if it was vmin themselves. i don’t really know the origins, but i honestly doubt that’s something they say to each other. especially if jimin put in the work to write friends with a team.
i wonder how the interpersonal relationships and differences across the members will have an impact moving into a post enlistment comeback. i wonder who will take creative lead, who will have input, because the difference in artistry is apparent in the members.
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tempesthorne · 25 days
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Since I am new to this platform, I didn’t realize that AO3 requires an invitation, which took me a week to obtain.
Here are ways to check out my story, Fleeting Thin Places (Joji 2024)
Archive of Our Own (AO3):
I started writing again because of George 'Joji' Miller. While he may be my muse, I firmly believe in the saying 'Never meet your heroes.' I remind myself often that he, like other people and celebrities, is merely an inspiration. At the end of the day, it’s best to remain ignorant of the things we don’t truly have the right to know. Otherwise, you'll go nuts.
I wrote this story for Joji fans today, particularly those who came in after his Filthy Frank era and aren’t familiar with Pink Guy or Frank. It’s especially for those around his age (he will be 31 this September 2024; correct me if I’m wrong)
"I wanna make people sad and horny, you know what I mean?" - George "Joji" Miller -- My story might make you sad and perhaps even a little bit horny, because life is nothing more than a series of fleeting moments—an endless transaction of beautiful conflicts, isn't it?
fleeting thin places looks at how our choices shape our lives and create different paths we can't all explore. It’s about the struggle to make a relationship work despite different priorities and life goals. While LOOSELY inspired by Joji (this does not represent him in reality), the focus is on two young people in love, dealing with timing and priorities.
The narrative reflects the human experience of giving up something we love for something else, showing the bittersweet side of life’s decisions. The fig tree symbolizes wanting more but knowing we can’t have everything. The story ultimately explores the sacrifices we make, similar to George's choice between a private life and fame
I've mentioned this several times throughout my story, usually in the end credits of almost every chapter, but Fleeting Thin Places is loosely inspired by George Miller, specifically the public persona he portrays, his branding as an artist, and his work in the entertainment industry. His love interest, Victoria, is a fictional character, so there's no need to worry about her.
George Milner (yes, Milner in my RPF; I have basically tweaked most facts out there) is a fictional character that is loosely inspired by George Joji Miller, but he’s not meant to be the real person. For me, characters in RPFs are not the actual individuals—they’re inspired by their public personas. Timelines may change, and some harmless facts may be tweaked for their protection. Please keep this HUGE difference in mind.
Ultimately, I wrote this story because Joji inspired me to pursue the things I love.
Here’s a quote from the man himself:
“It was the only and biggest changing point,” says Miller. “Immediately after that, my whole mentality changed. I stopped touching social media. I only cared about what I cared about. Life is short.”
(The Joker, Joji, Notion Online) Miller, G. (2024). The Joker, Joji. https://notion.online/the-joker-joji/
And I wholeheartedly agree. Life is short, so since Joji became an inspiration for me, I decided to write again. I made him my muse with no intention of offending him through this story.
I’ve decided to take a break from Tumblr for a while, so this will be my last post here for the time being, and I might not be active for a while. However, if you'd like to chat, have questions or feedback, or just want to say hi or discuss how insanely of a daddy Joji is (Jk!), feel free to email me at:
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yunharlaquin · 2 years
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today, on this varyingly chilly day of the twenty-fifth of december, we commemorate the death and roast of the blessed squawkcoo, laying the way for the noble chewbacca to realize the error of his ways and repent consuming porgkind. as the porg so loved to do with his brethren, we remember his sacrifice by sharing how much we enjoy each other's company...
alright, alright, alright, enough jokes! merry christmas, god jul, fröhliche weihnachten, and happy holidays to everyone on the dash from a shockingly snowy oklahoma! whether you're celebrating something today or eating chinese (or in one confirmed case, middle eastern) food, i hope you're having a wonderful day. you all bring me such joy through your presence, and i hope (as i'll inevitably forget someone) if you don't find yourself on here, you know i still deeply appreciate you. i laugh, i cry, i squeal almost every day, all because of you and your muses. you're all so supremely talented, and i adore everything you produce.
now, without further ado...
@graysistance / @lionthought / @commandsir / @greenscrunchy & your plethora of blogs which are starting to rival the number of mine — PUCK, you beautiful, wonderful, sweetheart of a saltdish, you've listened to the ups and downs of my year side by side with hackett, always finding the time to come up with a comforting or encouraging word. your kindness is the sort of thing people like to claim their friends have, but you truly possess it. i adore talking about history with you, spinning out context with so many subjects we speak of, let alone specifically the group wwii au. your support for my various crafting projects always brings a smile to my face. i love to see the things you fun and across, including your growing collection of legends books. i adore how you characterize each of your characters, giving them the depths of compassion and forethought that so many hold. your internal dialogue is absolutely stunning and our plots make me giggle hysterically.
@aniimvs / @scoundrvls / @honorhunt / @hellmartyr & your equally numerous blogs of which each is perfection — HACKETT, considering how intrinsically tied you and puck are in equal measure to my time on this hellsite, i wish i could you both side by side at the top of this list. sadly, this is not a tumblr feature..... yet. in this year of coding and dash tumult, you have soldiered on behind the scenes irl, kicking names and taking ass, while popping up to deliver exquisite pain, cause minor chaos, and be the saltmine you are. our discussions of just how bad a certain... pad.mé writing author's work is brings me life. your technical history knowledge is top notch and i adore all you bring to the wwii au so much, let alone the jp and lotr aus you and puck have worked on. you, more so than perhaps anyone i write with are the queen of establishing a setting. i always love seeing where you decide to set a not established location thread and to build off the descriptions you give for it. it lends an effortless star wars vibe to everything... let alone your depth for your grey and dark muses... *chef's kiss*!
@carnalstress — literal best friend, JESS!!!!! even though i've only managed to the once so far, i am SO happy that i live close enough for us to visit each more often, and i'm so glad you're back to writing on tumblr. you bring so much comfort and joy into my life with your conviction and your kind heart. i admire your dedication to your field even when things get tough and that you're trying to find new avenues in it. you are such a wonderful friend. and your cat is the cutest thing. i hope this next year is the best one yet!
@debelltio / @impostre — ALISTAIR, you are perhaps the newest friend amongst this section of the list, but you are no less dear. i love the subjects we have crossing over interests and experiences in, from living in multiple cultures, to law, to history, food and beyond. i've really loved getting to know you over the last few months, and you do such a lovely job with orson and all your muses. it is just a whole wonderful thing.
@colpapabear — annika! i love that we've written together for so so long and bonded over so many different things. i especially love the vintage clothing and knitting discussions we've had of late. they bring me so so much joy. watching you take leaps and bounds in both and produce such pretty things is the literal best.
@darkestshadeofgrey — listen, i neeeed to respond to our threads because every single one without fail is a plot i am wild for. your characterize your muses so interestingly and each is so very compelling. and even though i'm often late to respond, i ADORE the star wars tiktoks you send me, so often so much pain.
@heirite — i know you haven't been on for a bit, but i'm very much hoping you'll come back and see this! you are such a lovely friend, and i adore your ben to pieces. he brings me such joy, and with you off doing irl, i occasionally go back and read through your blog for that ben sky.walker goodness!
@notimminent — hey you! not that you've ever been truly gone but i'm so glad we've met up again. i can't wait to turn our plotting into threads for emma! you're a truly wonderful person and i'm so happy to have you back more regularly on my dash.
@acharnemcnt / @finaliseur— ame! i'm so very excited for some of the plots we're slowly working on and the threads we have in the works. you've also been so so kind. i very much enjoy your hux, and i'm thrilled about the new multi AND the ask blog AND rae. it's all so so cool!
@galaxycrxss / @hamadaxfighter — hey hey, i very much enjoy your clone squad. and the genius boy. watching you flesh out echo and hiro is a lovely thing, as well as hearing about all your ideas for the future!
@astraldestiny — listen, you adding winter hands down made my week! the plethora of legends characters you write never fails to bring me joy to see, and i enjoy writing and plotting with you so much. stay warm and i hope you enjoyed a christmas market! (next year when i go back, NEXT YEAR)
@multipleoccupancy — caraaaaaaaaa! no matter what you set your mind to on your multi or elsewhere, you do to perfection. it's been so lovely to write with you for so many years across so many genres and muses. our history threads will forever be my favorite!
@chokethelight — you you you, we haven't been able to write much this year, but whenever you pop in to say hello, or whatever version you decided to use that time, you bring a smile to my face! i hope 2023 is a better year for you. <3
@stillsails — i'm so glad to see you around again on tumblr! you've had so much happen!! i am so so so proud of/happy for you for all your accomplishments and milestones this year! keep being the lovely academic and wonderful writer you are.
@fasciinating — listen, whatever we're working on brings me much joy, and the friendship that spock and jaina are building is just lovely. plus, i've really enjoyed the headcanons you've written for that challenge, let alone your beautiful art!
to all those i really love writing and talking with but also hope todo more with this coming year:
@paramounticebound @gurrillero @fifthbornforrester @lunascientia @rubiesintherough @protectxthem @caedus @kylo-wrecked @keeve-trenniis @jaigalorad @mandogold @hopegained @ncxile @reawakcn @theysparked @becomelions @fatedtruths @vuulpecula @conniidel @withoutpeer @skjebne and everyone i inevitably missed, have the happiest of new years!
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alphabetboyluvr · 7 months
Hey Holly!
How’ve you been? How was the trip? Saw some beautiful pictures on your ig story and got super excited for u!! <3
This is gonna be a long one but here goes!
I’m here because I wanted to tell u how much I love each and every one of the characters you’ve written. I’ve read most of your works and each one has its own beauty and aura(?) that is so uniquely its own. Bd!jk and B and so different from CV!jk and Annie who are so different to YU?!jk and Neva that it messes with my head sometimes. How you’ve managed to give jk such a distinct yet familiar personality is truly astounding.
I’m so happy seeing all the love you receive for BD (which is so soooo very well deserved btw) but i think we don’t talk enough about CV. I mean the plot. The characters. The attention to detail. The insane storytelling. Heck, even the chapter names leave me in such awe. I’m truly truly grateful to have found your work when I did and I know it’s silly to say that I’m a changed person for it. The kindness u show us and the love u have for the tannies is so heartwarming. Holly, I hope the people around u know how lucky they are to be in your presence. Your work is not just some silly little stories, it’s a piece of you that you’ve chosen to share with the world and it is such a privlidge. I don’t think I’ll ever stop talking about it.
The amount of times I’ve cried tears (good and bad ones) from all the emotions surprises me too. I constantly think about your writing and even though this past year I’ve given a piece of my heart to bd I think a bigger chunk will always go to color Vision. This is in no way a comparison of your work, it’s just something I’ve come to realize recently that cv just has a very special place in my heart. However, in my mind I’m practically married to bd jk and he’s MINE (sorry B :3)
Sorry for the rambling but I hope u know that u have a forever fan <3
my trip was really lovely thank you - it was a bucket list location for me, and I got to experience it with one of my best friends in the whole entire world so yeah, super special <33
before i get into it, i just wanna say thank u for sharing your thoughts with me - I know it takes a fair amount of time to send an ask like this and so I really appreciate it!!
i always like to think of my jk characters as multiverse versions of each other. there are similarities that run through (after all, they're all based on the same muse!!), but they all have different lives that shape them into the character they are.
ahhh cv <3 im currently in the process of doing some edits to it and honestly I wish I had more time to devote crafting it into an even better story. i love the world the world of cv - I'm constantly thinking about the spin off stories I could write (like hobis, gawwd I wanna explore his experience of colour!!)
I know it’s silly to say that I’m a changed person for it.
i'm always in such a state of disbelief whenever I read things like this. to know I've had an impact - and a positive one at that - is just wild to me, and you'll never know how appreciative I am.
writing these stories has really been helpful for me, and sometimes can be a way that I process my own issues. I'm a changed person for them, too.
thank you thank you thank you for this overwhelmingly gorgeous display of kindness.
im so lucky <3
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afireyearth · 8 months
I often find myself in sticky situations. I am a very romantic person in nature-musing regularly about the love that surrounds us in every moment. Interacting with possible romantic or sexual interests, especially those of the opposite gender, leads to a lot of confusion for they mistake my romantic musings for flirtations. I do not see myself as a flirtations person because I am not often moved by the people I am with but the moments that surround us. I find beauty in the sunshine coming through the car window or I find going through an arduous task (going to the grocery store) together a bonding experience, or I suggest taking a moment to smell the flowers. Suddenly, they think I am feeling this heightened sense of love for the delights of the world because their presence has brought something out in me. Yet, they cannot fathom the idea that I am simply this in love with life by nature. In my solitude I am musing about the sunshine, I am getting into my car a battered solider, I am hunting down the smell of fresh jasmine. I live my life with love at my finger tips. I breathe in it in every breathe. I am filled by the light of gratitude every chance I can get. They do not see this in me. They only see their reflections-or what they hope is their reflection- in my gentle love for the world around us. They mistake my poetry for flirtations. They confuse my naturere for lust. I want nothing more than to shake them and say THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU! THIS IS ABOUT MY LOVE FOR LIFE. LOVE ME FOR MY LOVE NOT FOR YOUR REFLECTION! It's exhausting to guard your heart from a world that's so hungry from their own starvation. Disconnected from their own inner romantic they think they can eat it up in someone else. I don't want it. I want the devour of another truly romantic soul. To be smother in the light of another person musing dremaily about the ladybug on the green leaves, or the ducks dipping below the water of a pond, or watching a mom hold the hand of their child. I want a soft, tender, bleeding heart to hold mine. As only they'd understand that I am not flirting. I am swimming in the act of love, romance surrounds me at every side, drowned in the beautiful moments we get to exist in.
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