#the Lees supported and raised Chimney
whineandcheese24 · 5 months
my unpopular opinion for the day: i don't like the way the 911 fandom shoehorns the firefam into a nuclear family situation. Bobby may be a father-figure for Buck, but he is not really his father and Athena is definitely not his mother. neither of them raised Buck, or even knew him when he was a kid, and that's kind of a big part of being a parent
the thing that pisses me off is the mom!Athena thing, because it feels like the only reason people say that is because of Bobby and Athena's marriage. Buck and Athena never had that kind of relationship. she may affectionately scold him, but like Bobby she didn't raise him, and unlike Bobby, she doesn't feel any kind of responsibility towards him. she loves him and cares for him, and he's part of her family, but that doesn't make her his mom. in fact, Buck already has a mother figure, and it's MADDIE. frankly, Maddie is more of a parent to Buck than Bobby is
and this goes for Maddie, May and Harry too. Bathena are not parent-figures for Maddie. Athena is Maddie's friend, and Maddie's on-screen relationship with Bobby is almost non-existent, same with Buck and Maddie's on-screen relationship with May and Harry. they're not siblings, as far as we know they barely know each other.
I just hate the way people want to shove Buck and even Maddie into the Grant-Nash family like a little nuclear family cutout. Bobby will always feel responsible for Buck, more so than he does for the rest of the firefam, and Bobby is one of the most important people in Buck's life. but being a parent isn't just about a relationship dynamic, it's about child-raising, and money, and teaching.
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deluweil · 2 years
Unnatural to raise another man's kid?
Like Mr. Lee raised Chimney?
Like Bobby is basically raising Buck?
Like Buck is raising Christopher with Eddie?
I don't know, I mean, the Han and Buckley men weren't exactly keen on the job. Someone had to do it instead. 👀
Gotta admire the hypocrisy, though.
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idontknowreallywhy · 6 months
Resurface 12 - Remember
Parts 1-11 here
So… we finally find out what happened on the roof. Sort of… *cough* sorry Johnny… and Virg… and Jeff. And Scott who I presume is on the receiving end of some version of this account from John…
He’d done what he was asked. The kids were “kept out of the way” even if they were yelling and crying and rattling pointlessly at the door handle he’d wedged the chair under. He felt awful about it but they had to be safe, not see anything… worrying. Anything that could cause them more problems than they already had. But he couldn’t just stay and babysit when everything might be going wrong. Dad might need help.
John should have seen this was coming. He should have paid more attention. He should have stopped it. He should have been less selfish. Pressing his knuckles into the spaces between his nose and his eyeballs he swallowed hard then raised his voice above the yelling, told Gordon and Alan he’d be back in just a minute. Then with suddenly trembling limbs followed his father up the fold down ladder to the flat part of the roof they used for stargazing.
The sky was cloudless, the sun had just set and blue hour was upon them, the iron oxide-soaked sandstone gleaming as red as any of Dad’s Martian landscape images. Here, in the lee of the dormer there was a dead calm, as if the wind was anxiously holding its breath in the same way John was. His father, about 5 feet above him was edging carefully across the ridge towards where the peaked roof of John’s third storey attic room loomed over the rest of the ranch. Dad looked back over his shoulder and frowned, silently demanding silence.
John complied. His throat had seized up anyway. As had pretty much every nerve in his body the moment as his eyes drifted past his father’s clambering form to the figure standing tall at the highest point of the roof. He clung to the railing at the top of the stairs and prayed to anyone that would listen that this wasn’t what it looked like.
Virgil was stood at the highest point of the roof, one hand resting atop the chimney stack, the other gesticulating as if he was engaged in a passionate debate. His posture was so familiar, the unstyled hair hanging in his face, less so. He couldn’t hear exactly what his brother was saying but his tone was friendly, good humoured even. Which, given the circumstances, was downright eerie.
A solitary bird of prey wailed impatiently as it hovered overhead. Peregrine, probably, John realised with a pang. Scott would point them out as they passed through every spring and every fall. He remembered the otherwise ‘so much more grown up than you lot’ fourteen year old bouncing gleefully around the yard the day they’d seen a female stoop on a pigeon right overhead. Every Tracy knew, because he reminded them often, that that was the fastest any living creature could travel under its own steam, although Scott was determined to break that record one day.
John was aware it should probably be ‘had been’ but was not in any way ready to make that shift. Not in any way at all. He swallowed hard at the lump threatening to close up his throat and returned his attention to his next biggest brother. He edged slightly closer as Dad finally reached Virgil and held out a hand.
Virgil didn’t take it.
More wailing from above, multiple voices this time. John, unable to resist glancing up at the sound, counted a group of four hastening through the sky towards the lone dot in the distance which he imagined wheeling back around at the cries of waaaaaaait-waaaaaait. Scott’s reverent voice reminded him that these birds travelled alone except for newly fledged siblings who would undertake their first big migration together for protection and moral support.
Virgil’s raised voice dragged John’s attention back - how had he lost concentration? What had he missed? His father was talking in a low voice, but John detected an edge he could quite place? He was… uncertain? That wasn’t like Dad at all. To hell with it, he had to get over there. He abandoned stealth and scrambled along the roof until the frustrated pain in his brother’s shout stopped him in his tracks.
Virgil’s back was to his father and he flinched away as Dad reached out to touch his shoulder.
His father’s voice was finally raised but then cracked, agonisingly, on that last word and Virgil spun to face him, fury in his eyes.
Time slowed. John felt tension thicken the air, as potent as the moment before a storm breaks and it resolved in much the same way: With a roar of anger and a strike of pent up energy from Virgil’s muscular arm.
Dad crumpled to his knees and leant heavily against the chimney breast. There was absolute silence. John tore his eyes from his father to gape up at his strongest yet most determinedly non-violent brother, in time to see the horrified expression on Virgil’s face, staring at his own clenched fist as though it belonged to someone else entirely. He looked around in a panic and began to shuffle backwards away from his father, more like a small, frightened animal about to bolt than the broad, reassuring presence John knew him to be.
John was moving before his mind even registered the implications. Of course he was too slow, he should have been there to start with. He called out to try to warn him but only succeeded in causing his brother’s eyes to lock on to his for the split second before they widened further and he disappeared from view.
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raviposting · 4 years
Okay. Okay. Okay. I think I’m where I can manage to talk about this without going feral, but I just wanted to talk about how we see the grief of a child in The Buckley parents vs Bobby & The Lees. All of them have lost children, and all still have children, and it’s just so interesting for me to see how we see a non-toxic grief when it comes to the Lees & Bobby. 
Starting with Bobby - we know, obviously, that he had an obviously difficult time with his family’s death. He placed a lot of guilt on himself and we do see that it gets to him in a non-healthy way, where he’s convinced himself that once he saves the amount of people that he caused to die, that it’s the end for him. But, he does reach out for help and is honest about his grief, and we see him be a wonderful father to Buck, May, and Harry (I’m focusing on Buck here because it’s a direct contrast to the way that he was raised by his parents - but I think this meta on May is worth reading). But with Buck and Bobby, we see Buck acting out, constantly, and Bobby calls him out for it, but he also continuously supports Buck. We see with the Buckleys - they’re parents who’ve made mistakes, but they don’t own up to it with Buck and Maddie. 
Bobby is someone who knows he’s made mistakes, the loss of his family is a constant reminder of his mistakes, but he doesn’t let that affect his relationship with Buck or his other kids. Actually, scratch that - he does let it affect it, but in a healthy way - he takes his lessons as a father, but he knows his pitfalls and weaknesses when he was parenting and he owns up to that and uses that to better parent Buck and the Grant children.  He’s firm without being cruel, he points out wrongdoings without rubbing it in their face, he gives advice without being condescending. The Buckleys talk about how hard everything was for them, how Buck was too difficult, but Bobby actively parents by approaching it how it is - he’ll call out mistakes, but it’s also not about him and if a matter is resolved it’s resolved, without any residual bitterness. And we see it help Buck - he’s grown a lot from the character we see in the pilot, and he directly references it in the crossover. Bobby never gave up on him, and we see that in Bobby constantly. He’s always opening up his home, he’s the team dad, he does his best to make people welcome and it works - Bobby is a great parent, one who took his grief and guilt, owned up to it, and used it to become better and he’s a wonderful parent who can provide safety and comfort for his kids. 
And then with the Lees - it’s hard for me to talk much about them when we’ve seen them such few times, but I think it’s pretty clear that they’ve been wonderful parents to Chimney throughout his life. Chim and Buck have a lot of parallels that I’ll have to get into one day - absentee parents, the death of a brother, a hero complex (especially in season 1) - but here, for this situation, Chimney is a bit like Maddie. He wasn’t a child when Kevin passed, but like Maddie he had a brother, one he loved and lost, and he feels such crushing guilt over it, and we know the Lees were mourning their son. Chim is like Maddie in a sense, where his grief caused him to isolate from his loved ones, and he did avoid the Lees out of that guilt - something Buck mentions Maddie doing, running away, once with Doug. But what strikes me is the difference in the parents there - the Buckleys cut Maddie off when she married Doug. 
They said she was making a mistake, so they were going to stop supporting her. Even after she meets Chimney, they’re making backhanded compliments and making her feel bad. As soon as Maddie went away from them they rescinded any of their support for her, they didn’t provide a safe space for her to return to. That didn’t happen with the Lees. Chim felt guilt, but not because of anything the Lees did. They never once blamed Chimney for Kevin, and when he returned to them they welcomed him back with open arms. They still mourned their son, but they knew they still had another son, one who was grieving in his own way and needed time to heal, and they didn’t push him but they also made sure that when he finally returned to them that they didn’t rub any salt in his wounds, that they didn’t hold anything against him. Even with meeting Maddie - there’s no condition there, no need for Maddie to have a formal name or be anything more or less than she actually is, they accept and love her unconditionally because they love and accept Chimney unconditionally, because no matter what led to Kevin dying, Chimney is still their son too. The Lees lost a son but never forgot that they still had another one, and that even though he was an adult - one who wasn’t biologically or legally their own - he still needed them as parents. 
And it just makes me emotional because - I feel for the Buckley parents, because losing a child is a trauma I wouldn’t wish on anyone, but we also see three other characters who’ve dealt with and are still grieving their children, but don’t neglect or close their hearts off to their other kids, and continue parenting them into adulthood. We see sometimes, their grief consuming them early on, but for the most part they’ve been dealing with their grief in a healthy way, in a way to make sure they’re parenting these other children they have in a healthy and non traumatizing way, to take that grief and make sure that they help these other children of theirs flourish, while the Buckleys are so wrapped up in their grief that they emotionally abandoned their children and blamed them for their lack of parenting. And I’m so glad that the show has this depiction with multiple characters, because we can feel for the Buckleys but we also see directly how much their parenting is wrapped up in themselves instead of their children and it’s such a great thing for the show to have. 
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tell-tale-taeil · 3 years
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A customer (Chapter 1 out of 2)
Protagonists: Jeno Lee, original character, NCT Dream members mentioned Genre: mystery, noir, self-knowledge “Jeno wanders to a mysterious bookstore where he encounters even more mysterious individual, but somewhere deep down Jeno knows that this story is actually only about him.” TW: none 
See other members’ stories here:
Author’s note: When I saw this particular moodboard, an idea sparked inside my mind. With a constant support from my friends, I finally finished the first half of the story that I am presenting to you now. Thank you for your love and kindness, this is for you, I hope you’ll like it :) Special thanks to Woo and Volpe for proofreading <3
Any feedback, reactions, comments, recommendations or ideas for other members’ stories are welcomed, I wouldn’t mind turning this into a series.
Tagging: @neocluefor , @your-local--trashcan​  Let me know if you want to be added!
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A dark, dim evening, the sun had just set, bits of the dusky orange sky shone through the maze of power lines, chimneys, rooftops and posts. As Jeno was walking down an empty tucked away backstreet, he felt like he set foot on a hidden crossroad between two worlds. The feeling of the unknown and the unexplored sent shivers down his spine and he quickened his pace, as he did not wish to get held up at here any longer than necessary. He told his manager he just wanted to grab something warm to eat and stretch his legs a little, but the truth was… He wanted to be alone.
Not so long ago Jeno realised he has a very rare gift – a gift of invisibility. Wherever he’d go, no matter how many people surrounded him, he felt unseen and unnoticed. Jeno, we need you to voice over this ad. Jeno, we need you to shoot a dance video. Jeno, we need you to smile for the photos. No, no, do the thing with your eyes, yes. Oh, you’re still here? We don’t need anything now. Sorry, were you saying something? Listen I gotta go, talk to you later maybe? Everyone knows Jeno the idol, but how many people have heard of Jeno the person? How many people remember Jeno the friend from school, Jeno the boy next door? What’s the point of rushing back into dorms, if he’s going to feel all the same? At least at here I can hear my own thoughts for a change. Without having to fight to get a word in. Noone’s interested in what you have to say anyway, so be a man, Jeno, and go sulk somewhere where people don’t have to look at your sorry face. Hmm, jjamppong sounds nice.
He walked where his feet led him, hands in the pockets of his coat, eyes staring blankly on the passing pavement tiles, red tiles, black tiles, grey tiles, shapes and figures, forms and contours. His mind unfocused, his thoughts scattered. Stop. Wait. Like in a dream, he saw himself standing in front of a narrow door, black paint flaking away, a few variously shaped and randomly placed yellow window panes, a big brass handle waiting to be pulled. He noticed a little oval plaque in his field of vision and the next thing he knew, he was standing in the middle of a bookshop. A minute passed, maybe ten, maybe an hour. Jeno glanced around, scratching his head. „Uh… good evening!“ He bowed his head a little, even though he didn’t see anyone at the counter. Nevertheless, he felt like he’s being watched, scrutinized, evaluated. Something was staring at him and Jeno suddenly wished that he was invisible again. He turned his head to where he felt the uncomfortable feeling coming from and there it was - behind the desk, on the left side of the wall, squished between large overflowing bookcases, right next to a tall wooden coat-stand shaped like an old tree - a red door with a big round opened eye painted on it. The door was opened, just a few centimetres, and a faint piano music was coming from inside. Come in, if you dare.
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Jeno cleared his throat. Might as well look around properly, before they come back out. It’s no use of shouting or trying to make myself heard while that song is still playing. Listening to the melancholic but somewhat promising tune, Jeno inspected the surroundings. The shop looked messy and untidy. Chaos was the king of this castle, carelessness the lady of this household and together they ruled over their tiny land made of heaps of books, magazines and papers haphazardly placed on each other, shelves full of postcards and pictures, walls covered with ornaments and embellishments. Without a single tag or label in sight, Jeno wondered how could anyone find anything in here. He imagined the miscellaneous objects flowing into the shop and never leaving again. His gaze landed on a flashy pink paper packet filled with chewing gums in a no less showy wrapper on one of the shelves. Cool, a freebie! He reached for the gum, unpacked it and threw it into his mouth only to immediately pull a disgusted face as he chewed into the candy. It was like biting into a tasteless rubber. He spit it back out into the crumpled wrapper, put it next to the rest of the unused gums and set out to look for a trash can. He tripped on the thick dusty carpet and nearly stepped on something that looked rather expensive. This must be a bookshop with super rare prints and antiquities of some kind, this isn’t a place for me, I don’t fit in here, I should leave. And so, he stayed, bound in the place by a force of increasing curiosity he did not quite understand.
The piano stopped playing. Perfect, now’s my chance. „Hello? You, uh, have a customer! Heh…“ he stuttered awkwardly. Jeno wasn’t the type of a person who would enjoy excessive attention. If he ever tried to voice his opinion and was met with disregard or unconcern, he would simply think it was because his opinion on that matter was stupid and pointless. That’s why he was fairly used to this, not being heard. The only difference was that usually the rest of the members would fill the room with their chatter, so his lack of involvement in the group activities would normally go unnoticed. Unlike here, where the only sound was a deathly silence and Jeno’s thoughts humming in his head. He already spoke twice, what more does he need to do to be heard? Raise his voice? I just want to buy a book and get out of here. He took a deep breath and opened his mouth to speak and right at that moment, the piano started playing again.
„Wha-, are you kidding me?“ he mumbled quietly under his breath. He looked around, confused, as if he was looking for understanding and sympathy from the other angry customers waiting for their turn to be served. He was the only one here and yet they’re making him wait. What is this, a private concert? Did they possibly saw him coming? Did they think that they’ll impress him with playing lowkey creepy piano melodies? This better not be a prank. He really wasn’t in the mood for fans and he didn’t think he could fake a smile at this hour. But he didn’t notice any hidden cameras, or any security cameras at all for that matter. He paced around the room nervously, scratching his neck. That’s it, I’m leaving. I don’t need that book anyway. I don’t need anything. If they don’t want me here, that’s okay, I’ll do just fine on my own.
He made a few strides towards the front door and then turned around again. „Hellooo! I came here to ask about books! Books that you happen to be selling!“ he raised his voice to the most pleading yet still polite level. The piano stopped again and Jeno gazed hopefully at the red door. He started walking back to the counter, slowly, carefully, as if he didn’t want to scare off the possibility of finally being served. He leaned on the desk, ready to place his order, tapping his fingers impatiently on the dark wooden surface. And just like that, as if it wanted to laugh directly into Jeno’s face, the piano started playing yet another tune, as impatient as Jeno himself. He pursed his lips and bent his head down. What the heck is this place, huh? A bookstore or a concert venue? At least serve some coffee and cake next time! He could just leave, never come back and forget about this place. But he really needed that book, he’s been looking for it so long, and he knew, he just knew, that this is the right place to look for it.
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„Alright!“ Jeno raised his head and pointed his index finger to the door, from which the music was coming. „I’m going in there! And I’m going to knock real loud, so you better not be scared or surprised or angry!“ I doubt they can hear me, he thought, as the music only grew louder and louder. Okay, here we go… He approached the door behind the counter, cautiously, and with his finger still pointing forwards he tapped on the red wood with his nail a few times, gingerly, like he was expecting the door to bite his hand, after a while he shook his head and finally made a few feeble knocks. He put his head inside with a quiet: „Excuse me…“ and peeped into the backroom. As soon as his foot touched the threshold, the music stopped playing and Jeno opened the door wide. The room was small and empty, safe for the piano by the wall. No other door, windows, cabinets, electrical appliances, boxes, merchandise, not even trash. Just four bare walls and the damn piano that he swore was playing just a mere second ago.
Jeno gulped, his hand on the doorknob, his feet midstep, his whole body ready to run in the even that something would go wrong. Now now, be brave. „Hello?“ his voice was dry, hoarse and small. Goosebumps covered his nape. „Oh! A customer!“ said a voice behind him. „JESUS CHRIST!“ Jeno nearly fell back onto the ground, as he made several hurried steps backwards, tripping over boxes, books and papers, knocking over the tree coat-stand which embraced him in its patulous grip, making him feel trapped. „Can I help you?“ said the voice and as Jeno’s ragged breath started to decelerate again and as the stars stopped dancing in front of his eyes, only now he saw a pale face hovering in the shadows of the dimly lit place. The initial shock was over and, gradually, the face grew hair, and connected with a torso, arms and legs. „I…“ Jeno stuttered as he finally untangled himself from the clasp of the coat-stand and stood straight, „came here to buy a book.“ He clutched his hand near his heart and blinked hard for a few times. Get a grip, man, get a grip. „Then you’re in the right place! After all, this is a bookstore and we store all kinds of books,“ smiled the face that no longer resembled a ghost, but a person. „I’ve been… waiting here for 15 minutes… at least.“ He tried to sound angry, but the truth was he wasn’t really sure of how much time he actually spent here. Oh my god. A thought just crossed his mind. What if they’re already closed and I didn’t notice and just practically barged in here demanding to be served?!?! He wiped his forehead and opened his mouth to apologize for his intrusion, but before he could say anything, the figure in front of him spoke again. „Gosh, but I didn’t hear or see you at all!“ said the person, covering their red coloured lips with their hand. Typical. „I… tried to…“ Jeno sighed. If they didn’t hear me, I should have made more effort I guess. „I apologize, I’m sorry for the inconvenience I caused you.“ He bowed his head slightly. The person, dressed in a silky black dress that rustled with every step, fixed their dark eyes on Jeno’s apologetic face and shook their head disappointedly. They passed Jeno, who hurriedly backed out of their way, bumping into the red door, oh, I could have sworn the eye was open. huh, weird, and started to rummage through the bookshelves and bookcases, opening drawers and cabinets, dancing around all the clutter with their feet bare, without knocking over a single thing.
„So?“ asked the bookstore owner, combing through a particularly overflowing drawer. „Sorry?“ „Which book are you looking for?“ Jeno resisted the urge to facepalm himself and laughed nervously instead. „Ah, the book…“ Wait, the book? What book? „Umm… the book,“ he frowned. Why is he here again? He finished his schedule, yes, and then got out of the car sooner than the rest, because…? Because I wanted to buy a book? Uhh… I guess? „Um, yeah, I was hoping to get a book about the history of-“ „Hey!“ the character was now standing in the middle of the room, their arms crossed in an irritated manner, the long red painted nails tapping angrily. „Did you eat my chewing gum?“ You IDIOT! And you even left the wrapper and the actual gum right there on the shelf, ugh! „I’m really sorry,“ Jeno started apologizing at the double, „it was just sitting there, I thought-“ „How did it taste?“ asked the owner. „Um…“ Jeno blinked a few times and frowned. „Weird,“ he answered, looking down at his feet, like he was feeling guilty and disappointed at the same time. „I remember really liking this brand and it surprised me that is tasted so… stale,“ he answered truthfully. The woman sighed. „No wonder. It’s a special edition, a collectible. It’s been sitting here for five years. And now it’s ruined.“ She took the whole package in her hands and shook her head, discontented. Who the hell stores a pack of freaking chewing gums? „I guess I should have treated it better, maybe all the exposure made it tasteless and bland.“ She clicked her tongue. „What a shame. But at least the wrapping is still colourful and pretty to look at.“ „Uh… yeah. Sorry about that.“ She put the gums back in place and resumed with the thorough scouring of the area. „What book did you say you wanted?“ Oh, yeah, the book. The damn book again. „Ah, yeah, um… I was interested in the techniques of-“ „How about this one?“ The woman, currently kneeling down by one of the huge bookcases, proposed. Jeno stared at her, eyes wide. She reached under the furniture, scrabbled and felt around a bit, until she triumphantly retrieved a blue hardback tome. Just what is going on in here?  
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Jeno watched the woman get up again, dust down her knees with a sigh, and then walk back behind the counter. She put the book on the desk and Jeno finally got a good look. The jacket was dusty, creased and torn in a few places. There were no pictures or details, it was just… blue. „Sound…” he read out loud. „Sound?“ Jeno raised an eyebrow. „That’s the title, yes.“ „It looks like a… heavy reading.“ He took the book in his hands to weigh it, it must be at least 500 pages long. „And pretty expensive.“ „It’s a poetry book, if you’re worried about the pages. And you don’t have to pay me for it.“ „Ah, I-… Wait, what? You don’t want me to pay you for it?“ „No, because I am not selling it to you. I’ll only let you borrow it. I‘ve always wanted to read it, because I am curious about the story, but… Do you sometimes get the feeling, be it a book, a movie, a photograph, or even a new pair of shoes, that it’s calling out to you? And when you finally get it, it’s like it’s your missing puzzle piece that you didn’t even know you need and it makes you complete?“ „I… guess, yeah.“ But not really, no. I can’t remember the last time I had this feeling. „Well, turns out, this book doesn’t complete me.“ She packed it in a plain paper bag and sealed it with a decorative tape. „But it might complete you,“ the owner said expectantly, sliding the wrapped book towards Jeno. He touched the paper and for a while, the room drowned in complete silence and time stopped, like a movie that froze and only showed a single frame. A frame with a book wrapped in a plain paper bag in the center, a woman’s hand with red fingernails touching it on the right, a man’s veined hand touching it on the left. Jeno’s hand.
He moved his fingers the tiniest bit and with them, the book. His body was immediately hit with a wave of electricity, the time unfroze and Jeno sighed heavily, leaning against the counter, like he just ran a hurdle race. „Will that be all?“ asked the owner with a kind smile. „I… can’t just take it.“ „You already did.“ She pointed towards the book Jeno was hugging anxiously, like he was afraid someone would steal it from him. He looked down, sighed again and finally stood up straight again. „I can’t take it for free. Even though I’m just borrowing it. How do you know I won’t run off with it?“ „Are you a thief?“ „No, but… I could be!“ „Well, in that case… How about you leave something behind then, like a pledge? I quite like the ring of yours,“ she pointed on Jeno’s hand, which he quickly pulled away. „That’s… it’s not anything fancy, and it’s bent, twisted… it’s worthless.“ „I’ll lend you a thing that’s worthless to me and you’ll lend me a thing that’s worthless to you. That’s a fair deal I’d say.“ She held out her hand. Jeno hesitated. What will the others think when he comes back without his friendship ring? They probably won’t even notice. „Alright…“ he took off the ring and rolled it around for a bit in his hand. Then, with a guilty feeling, he placed it in the owner’s hand, immediately regretting his decision. „Thank you for your purchase, have a nice day and see you whenever!“ he heard the woman say with a smile, pocketing the ring quickly. Then the door behind him shut with a loud bang and he was staying outside, with a book he didn’t know he needed and without a ring he didn’t remember wearing.
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foundfamilie · 5 years
so finally, I was able to watch last night’s episode (had to start over three times, aaahhh). here are my thoughts, I wrote them down as I watched it.
one thing I want to say upfront: I looooved the episode, everything, from start to finish. it was a bit like coming home? if you know what I mean. it felt so familiar and nice and it was really sweet. the found family trope was EVERYWHERE from start to finish and what more could I ask for?
honestly, if you want to spend some quality time with a loved one, maybe go and drink a coffee? or cook a fancy meal together? have a walk around the park? talk. hug it out if both are okay with it. maybe don’t jump out of planes.
Bobby asking Buck about his leg, knowing Buck was the best for this job?? yeeeesssss. Buck is back for real!!
"I was standing on top of a moving fire truck the other day..." imagine being this kid's doctor, honestly
poor Chim, his birth family makes him feel so uncomfortable
family comes to us in different ways... And that coming from Hen!! Ahhh. She and Karen will be awesome (foster) parents
"I don't think I have the guts" really, writing team??
Buck calling Albert Chim's kid brother when they are - what? - 7 years apart? lol
Again, poor Chim. I hope he'll be fine with this whole situation
"TO JUSTIN" wow way to embarras a friend. Even though the love note thing is creepy af. Oh fuck. WHY IS SHE READING THIS OUT LOUD??? I’M CRINGING SO HARD. OH SHIIITTTTT. What a love story
Again, poor Chim. I'm so glad we're finally getting more information about his family, that’s so cool!
Eddie being so delighted when Albert said "there is as much virtue to the novel warrior as there is to the most enlightening scholars " was cute though
Maddie feels so bad for Chim, I know what it's like to see a loved one suffering because of their family and well.... She definitely has Chim's back. So lovely to see that
Chimney is so jealous of Albert. Oh my heart. "this entire table has proved that". "these people are everything I have" oh fuck my heart "and you don't get to take them away too" shit, Chim, it's your parents' fault!!!!!! Not your brother's. As much as it hurts you that he had everything you ever wanted, it also isn’t what he wants and/or needs
Can I hug Chimney? Please?
Maddie being there for Chim? ugh, thank you, 911. I love how calm and supportive she is with him.
"I ran to my brother. He was the one person that I could count on." oh shit. my fucking heart is bleeding for all of them.
Buckley parents being bad parents. I KNEW IT!!!!! let’s hope we’ll find out more about it as the season goes on. the focus has been on Buck a lot but still we know so little about him, don’t we?
Never lie to your teenage children when you're sick! My dad did that when he had a major heart surgery when I was 17 and it caused nothing but trouble, misunderstandings and hurt feelings. When he changed tactics and became more open about it, it was easier to deal with everything
May is such a strong sweetheart
Chim coming to Albert, speaking to him. good for you, Chimney! good for everyone. all of them are just so sweet..... I misseed them soooo much
Chimney's story... All he ever wanted since his Ma died was somewhere to belong. Ugh. Don't we all need that? Belonging somewhere
Albert "I think I like your family better!" my heart can't take all these major found family vibes in one episode
"you get the family you're born into and the one you choose. that's what the 118 is, the family we chose" I won't survive these last few minutes will I??
Chris with Buck (and Albert), playing on the couch!!! I love Chris so much
Buck and Maddie’s relationship is so nice to watch as well! she’s this mixture of mother and sister towards him and still shows him her own vulnerability. again, my heeeaaart you guys, what are they doing to me? to us???
"Uh, this is Eddie's house, I'm not really a guest"..........  anna.exe has stopped working. I have no words for this
Buck and Maddie; Maddie and Chim ........
cheers to Mr and Mrs Lee. the people Chimney deserved! the world needs more people like you, helping others raise their children when they can’t ♥
fuuuuck. what was this episode? my heart is so full right now. thank you, 911 team. I didn’t know how much I missed you! thanks to Lone Star for making me not notice :) I love both of you but 911 will always be my first love
24 notes · View notes
inexpensiveprogress · 5 years
What is Studio Pottery?
It is always hard to say what the joy is in studio pottery, but I think it is knowing that it is crafted and made rather than mass produced in a factory. There has always been a tradition of decorated slipware in pottery as other than paintings, carvings in churches and textile embroidery there were few opportunities to ever see any decoration on items. If you did, it was normally because you too had money. 
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 Thomas Toft - Staffordshire Slipware Dish, c1670-90
After the fashions of early slipware and large decorated chargers came the smaller refined pots that the public would buy in the Victorian periods. This followed the social change of home ownership and so factories had new markets to cater for. This is the time when Royal Doulton and Brannam Pottery both stopped making sewage pipes and chimney pots and started to make domestic kitchenware and vases.
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 Arthur Bamkin for Charles Brannam - Sgraffito Cup, 1898
After the fashions of early slipware and large decorated chargers came the smaller refined pots that the public would buy in the Victorian periods. This followed the social change of home ownership and so factories had new markets to cater for. This is the time when companies like Royal Doulton and Brannam Pottery both stopped making sewage pipes and chimney pots and started to make domestic kitchenware and vases.
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 Robert Wallace for Martin Brothers - Double Sided Face Jug, 1901
The Martin Brothers whose large birds command such high prices also demand a mention for they were the blurred line of Doulton's factory made designs and Brannam Pottery's craft. They created vases with bold and bright decoration before going into a series of ceramics with natural earthy tones. The most interesting thing about them is that they can be incredibly surreal, and, well, tacky. Some are beautiful, but I thought it was good to show some early surrealism.
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 Joseon Dynasty Moon Jar, 18c.
The moon Jar above is the most famous example of Bernard Leach’s effect on British Crafts. He bought the jar while out in the East and brought it back to Britain and when he died he left to Lucie Rie, who in-turn left it to the British Museum. 
Bernard Leach was raised in the days of the British Empire. His father worked for the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank and as a child he was based in Hong Kong and in Japan before returning to Britain to attend schooling. He attended the Slade for a time and then the London School of Art in Kensington where he was taught etching by Frank Brangwyn. Leach was at this time very fond of Etching and returned to Japan with the intention of teaching it to the Japanese.
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 Bernard Leach - A London Scene (Etching), 1908-9. (Leach-Redgrave Restrike)    
While in Japan Leach became obsessed by the craft of pottery and took lessons with Urano Shigekichi. After learning the industry for a year he set up his own pottery in Japan before moving to China. He exhibited his works and this lead to the introduction to Shōji Hamada.
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 Bernard Leach - Leaping Fish Vase, c1965
Hamada was deeply impressed by a Tokyo exhibition of ceramic art by Bernard Leach, who was then staying with Yanagi Sōetsu, and wrote to Leach seeking an introduction. The two found much in common and became good friends, so much so that Hamada asked and was granted permission to accompany Leach to England in 1920 when the latter decided to return and establish a pottery there.
Edgar Skinner – a friend of Leach's father introduced him to the St. Ives Guild of Handicrafts which was supported by local wealthy philanthropist called Francis Horne who lived at Tremorna in Carbis Bay. She offered him a capital loan of £2500 to set up his pottery with Hamada and also an assured income of £250 for 3 years.
The Leach Pottery was founded and over the next ten years they would experiment with the clays, slips and glazes in the UK and different woods to burn in the kilns. In 1923 Michael Cardew joined the pottery and left some years later to found Winchcombe Pottery.
The Leach Pottery took on various students to work there: Katharine Pleydell-Bouverie, Norah Braden, Charlotte Epton and Dorothy Kemp. It was not the only pottery but I think it is honest to say the Leach pottery and the skills learnt in Asia have made him important. His influence would go on when there was a serge in home pottery in the 1960s and people copied his designs and used his glaze recipes. 
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 Charlotte Epton - Jar and Lid, c1930
The other pottery that helped the surge of British Studio Pottery would be at Dartington Hall. Bernard Leach helped set up the pottery in the late 1920s. He recommended Sylvia Fox-Strangeways who was the first potter at Dartington. She was joined by Marianne De Trey who would later run it and education pupils.
Many other potters were forging the way in Studio Pottery in the interwar years: William Staite Murray, Dora Billington, Lucie Rie, Ursula Mommens, Ray Finch and Hans Coper. But to list the styles they made, the shapes of pots and their individual glazes would make this post too long
In the 1960s and 70s in the UK there was a boom in the amount of small potteries. Some looked back at the methods of making pottery in the Leach-Asian tradition, some went on to make domestic wear, others just experimented with styles. There are so many wonderful potters from all over Britain and their decorations and ways of potting are all so different. To collect it now doesn’t have to be expensive as some galleries would have you believe and I have been both collecting and selling pots in Cambridge for years. 
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 Peter C Arnold for Alderney Pottery - Pot and Lid, c1970
I don’t know if the modern potters would call it their moment of postmodernism, but there are many craftsmen out there who are experimenting with the size and form of things. Below is plate by Dylan Bowen who has an amazing eye for almost careless slip designs. 
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 Dylan Bowen - Plate, c2015
Now some potters make record amounts at auction and museums have exhibitions of their pottery, like Kettle’s Yard with Jennifer Lee. In the 1990s David Bowie invested in the Leaping Fish Vase by Bernard Leach and in the sale of his collection of art it broke the record for a Leach work at £32,500.
0 notes
eatbcstx-blog · 7 years
Sponsored by Brazos VIP: Half Off at Local Restaurants, Shops & More
JACKSONVILLE, FL – APRIL 27, 2014: A Krispy Kreme Doughnuts store in Jacksonville. Krispy Kreme was founded on July 13, 1937 by founder Vernon Rudolph.
Tons of new tastes are coming to the Bryan-College Station area. Here’s the latest delicious list of eateries planned for B/CS.
Berryhill Baja Grill Coming to Century Square across from Texas A&M
Berryhill’s relaxed and friendly atmosphere, in addition to their famous margaritas and frozen screwdrivers also make it the ideal spot for happy hours and group dinners. With eight locations throughout Houston, the Century Square location will be Berryhill’s first expansion outside the Houston market. Visit berryhillbajagrill.com for more information.
Casa Do Brasil South College Station
The Casa do Brasil menu will include several varieties of fresh sliced, roasted meats, seafood, a high-end salad bar, and traditional Brazilian entrees. South American desserts like papaya cream and flan will tempt those who saved room. The restaurant will feature multiple private rooms, semi-private rooms, and spaces with audio visual equipment for your next meeting or event.
Chick-fil-A Coming to Villa Maria & 2818
Chick-fil-A has submitted site plans for a new Bryan location across from the Wings-N-More on Villa Maria near the 2818 intersection.
Dat Dog Coming to Northpoint Crossing
Dat Dog, a popular New Orleans franchise chain that specializes in gourmet hot dogs and sausages, is set to open its newest restaurant in College Station, Texas. The restaurant marks Dat Dog’s first location outside of Louisiana and will be owned by franchisee group B&G Food Enterprises, LLC, which currently operates more than 100 Taco Bell, KFC and Long John Silver’s restaurants across Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi. Located in the Domain at Northgate at 101 Church Avenue, the new restaurant is slated to open… continued at QSRmagazine.com
French Fry Heaven Coming to Century Square
The mission of French Fry Heaven is to serve the best fries on earth. The restaurant chain will soon be bringing that mission to College Station, Texas. We first heard a rumor that the chain was coming on the MyBCS.com New Businesses thread, and confirmed on the French Fry Heaven website that a College Station location is listed as “coming soon.”
Harvest Coffee Bar Coming to Century Square
Harvest Coffee Bar serves specialty coffee and a gourmet menu in historic downtown Bryan, Texas. They feature items handmade from scratch with fresh, natural ingredients. Century Square will be the coffee merchant’s second location.
Hey Sugar Coming to Century Square
Hey Sugar will open a third Texas location with 1,495 square feet of space at Century Square dedicated to selling specialty candies, chocolates, cotton candy, and old fashioned sodas. Customers can expect to find old-school classic flavors in the wide selection of treats, but will also discover that Hey Sugar offers a variety of innovative and fun flavors like bacon and merlot.
Hooters Coming to pad site in front of Premiere Cinema
After years of attempts, Aggieland appears to actually be getting it’s very own Hooters Restaurant at 960 N. Earl Rudder Freeway in front of Premiere Cinemas. As for now, the only sign of Hooters is a sign in the field where the restaurant will soon be constructed, notifying the public of their beverage permit application.
Howdy’s Pizza Coming to Tower Point
Say Howdy! to Howdy’s Pizza, a new pizza joint coming to Tower Point. They will offer great craft pizzas, wings, pastas, salads, and more! https://www.facebook.com/HowdysPizza/
In-N-Out Coming to College Station (Rumored Chimney Hill)
Last month, a petition was shared on the The Spirit Of Aggieland facebook group asking the iconic In-N-Out Burger to build a location in Bryan-College Station stating: “You can get a Double-Double Animal Style or 4×4 at t.u., UNT, UTSA and even Baylor these days. It’s time for Aggies to have access to some of the best burgers and fries on the planet without a 100 mile road trip being involved.” In response to the facebook post, College Station Mayor Karl Mooney posted the following: “They are already looking to be in College Station — no petition needed.”
Jersey Mike’s Subs Coming to College Station
Jersey Mike’s, a fast-casual sub sandwich franchise with more than 1,000 locations open and under development nationwide, has a long history of community involvement and support. Started at the Jersey Shore in 1956, Jersey Mike’s serves authentic East Coast-style subs on fresh baked bread – the same recipe it started with over 60 years ago. The company’s mission is to bring its customers the highest quality, freshest made sub in the industry and give back to the communities in which it operates. A store locator and franchise information for Jersey Mike’s can be found at www.jerseymikes.com.
Krispy Kreme Coming to Harvey Rd.
Krispy Kreme’s most famous and best-selling product is the glazed, yeast-raised doughnut known as the “Krispy Kreme Original Glazed®.” Soon, citizens of College Station will be able to get their Original Glazed right on Harvey Road near Post Oak Mall. According to multiple sources, a Krispy Kreme is slated to be built on the restaurant pad site at 1100 Harvey Rd.
Mess Waffles Etc. Coming to Century Square
MESS Waffles, Etc. recently made the announcement that Aggieland has been hoping for since one of our favorite food trucks rolled off into the sunset earlier this year: a bricks and mortar location is coming soon! The new Century Square shopping center across from Texas A&M will be the site of the popular waffle shop’s first permanent location. Mess is known for dessert creations as well as savory, inventive waffle entrees that go far beyond traditional chicken & waffles.
Mojo Burger In Front of the new Embassy Suites, next door to Aggieland Outfitters
“It’s called Burger Mojo and is the latest restaurant venture for the Dallis family, which is best known for Café Eccell and La Bodega,” announced the City of College Station’s Jay Socol in the latest “Is it a thing?” post on the city’s blog. The restaurant is being built in front of the new Embassy Suites, next door to Aggieland Outfitters on University Drive.
Mo’s Irish Pub College Station Coming to Century Square
Lively and festive anytime of the day, Mo’s Irish Pub is the perfect place for game watching and to gather with friends. Featuring Irish American scratch cooking, live entertainment and the perfect pint!
Nam Cafe Coming to Northgate
The sign is up for a new Asian eatery where Jin’s World Cafe was located: Nam Cafe. According to signage, noodles will be a specialty of the Nagle Street’s newest restaurant when they open.
Ronin Cooking Coming to the Ice House in Downtown Bryan
Ronin Cooking currently hosts farm-to-table dinners at their Bryan, TX farm. They will soon open a farm-to-table restaurant in Downtown Bryan’s redeveloped icehouse.
Ronin Cooking, best known for fine farm-to-table meals served at their Full Moon Dinners and catered events, will be serving up fresh food at the Ice House on Main’s new farm-to-table restaurant as early as this fall.
Rx Pizza Coming to Caprock in South College Station
Rx Pizza & Bar is well loved in downtown Bryan, Texas. They serve brick-oven pizza, salads, and craft beer & cocktails. South College Station is in for a treat.
Sharetea Coming to Century Square
Tea shop and Taiwanese food purveyor Sharetea is building a location in College Station’s Century Square development, across from Texas A&M University.
Star Cinema Grill Coming to Century Square
Star Cinema Grill will be opening at the new Century Square development on University Dr.
Star Cinema Grill was recently added to the ever-growing list of exciting new businesses building at Century Square. Star Cinema provides movie-goers a full-service restaurant experience delivered seat side while enjoying Hollywood’s latest blockbusters.
Starbucks Coffee Coming to Tower Point
Starbucks Coffee has submitted a site plan to the City of College Station for a new location at Tower Point. Currently, the only fine coffee purveyors south of Rock Prairie are Gogh Gogh, Tipsy Beans, and Blue Baker, so Starbucks should be a welcome caffeinated addition to the area.
Stella Southern Cafe Coming to Hwy. 6 Access Road, Just South of Momentum Bank
Stella, a concept by Michael Lair of Washbangers, will be located on the access road to Hwy 6 just south of the Momentum Bank building.  The food is going to be built around scratch made biscuits and stone ground grits.  And , boy, do we have some great things to slap on those – including buttermilk fried chicken, smoked pulled pork, and chicken fried tofu (what?!) among other things.
Subzero Coming to Century Square
Sub Zero, opening its 12th store in Texas in College Station’s Century Square development at University & South College, uses the freezing power of liquid nitrogen to customize ice cream creations right at the counter. Customers select the flavor and mix-ins of their choice, which are added to a bowl of fresh cream and then frozen in moments with the use of liquid nitrogen. In addition to dozens of popular recipe ice cream combinations, the menu also includes shakes, smoothies and ice cream pies.
Sweet Paris Crêperie Coming to Century Square
Sweet Paris Crêperie will open their third location in Texas – their first location in College Station – occupying 3,750 square feet of retail and patio space within Century Square. Sweet Paris Crêperie will offer a diverse selection of sweet and savory crêpes as well as waffles, milkshakes, salads, paninis, and options for kids.
TaD’s Steak & Seafood Coming to South College Station near Lowe’s
“Coming Soon” signage is up near the South College Station Lowe’s for TaD’s Steak and Seafood. The company currently has locations in Richmond, Katy and Tomball.
Urban Table 40 and Barron Rd.
Chef Tai Lee announced that construction has commenced on a what will be his newest restaurant at the southwest corner of 40 and Barron Rd. The 2 story building will feature a bar on top with views all the way to campus. The restaurant on the first floor will be similar to Tai’s Veritas Wine and Bistro concept, which serves wine and fine food on University Drive near Texas A&M.  Tai’s big news was revealed during his talk at the Governor’s Business conference held at the Stella Hotel earlier this week.
Walk-On’s Bistreaux & Bar Coming soon to College Station
Walk-On’s Bistreaux & Bar is set to open a College Station location in 2018. Eat BCS heard rumors about the popular sports bar’s plans for Aggieland, so we reached out to Walk-On’s corporate via facebook. They confirmed a location is planned for “North College Station” in 2018. The sport’s bar and restaurant’s facebook page bills it the “place to grab a bite or a beer, bring the family out to dinner, party with your friends, or head to before, during or after any game.”
Z Bistro & Bar Coming to Northgate
Construction permits have been issued to Z Bar & Bistro for an extensive renovation of the old Loupot’s / Neebo building at 335 University on Northgate. Plans include a 3rd floor with a rooftop deck.
  28+ New Eateries Bound for #BCSTX : Z Bistro, Urban Table, TaD’s, Mo’s + More Sponsored by Brazos VIP: Half Off at Local Restaurants, Shops & More Tons of new tastes are coming to the Bryan-College Station area.
0 notes
eatbcstx-blog · 7 years
Sponsored by Brazos VIP: Half Off at Local Restaurants, Shops & More
JACKSONVILLE, FL – APRIL 27, 2014: A Krispy Kreme Doughnuts store in Jacksonville. Krispy Kreme was founded on July 13, 1937 by founder Vernon Rudolph.
Tons of new tastes are coming to the Bryan-College Station area. Here’s the latest delicious list of eateries planned for B/CS.
Berryhill Baja Grill Coming to Century Square across from Texas A&M
Berryhill’s relaxed and friendly atmosphere, in addition to their famous margaritas and frozen screwdrivers also make it the ideal spot for happy hours and group dinners. With eight locations throughout Houston, the Century Square location will be Berryhill’s first expansion outside the Houston market. Visit berryhillbajagrill.com for more information.
Casa Do Brasil South College Station
The Casa do Brasil menu will include several varieties of fresh sliced, roasted meats, seafood, a high-end salad bar, and traditional Brazilian entrees. South American desserts like papaya cream and flan will tempt those who saved room. The restaurant will feature multiple private rooms, semi-private rooms, and spaces with audio visual equipment for your next meeting or event.
Chick-fil-A Coming to Villa Maria & 2818
Chick-fil-A has submitted site plans for a new Bryan location across from the Wings-N-More on Villa Maria near the 2818 intersection.
Dat Dog Coming to Northpoint Crossing
Dat Dog, a popular New Orleans franchise chain that specializes in gourmet hot dogs and sausages, is set to open its newest restaurant in College Station, Texas. The restaurant marks Dat Dog’s first location outside of Louisiana and will be owned by franchisee group B&G Food Enterprises, LLC, which currently operates more than 100 Taco Bell, KFC and Long John Silver’s restaurants across Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi. Located in the Domain at Northgate at 101 Church Avenue, the new restaurant is slated to open… continued at QSRmagazine.com
French Fry Heaven Coming to Century Square
The mission of French Fry Heaven is to serve the best fries on earth. The restaurant chain will soon be bringing that mission to College Station, Texas. We first heard a rumor that the chain was coming on the MyBCS.com New Businesses thread, and confirmed on the French Fry Heaven website that a College Station location is listed as “coming soon.”
Harvest Coffee Bar Coming to Century Square
Harvest Coffee Bar serves specialty coffee and a gourmet menu in historic downtown Bryan, Texas. They feature items handmade from scratch with fresh, natural ingredients. Century Square will be the coffee merchant’s second location.
Hey Sugar Coming to Century Square
Hey Sugar will open a third Texas location with 1,495 square feet of space at Century Square dedicated to selling specialty candies, chocolates, cotton candy, and old fashioned sodas. Customers can expect to find old-school classic flavors in the wide selection of treats, but will also discover that Hey Sugar offers a variety of innovative and fun flavors like bacon and merlot.
Hooters Coming to pad site in front of Premiere Cinema
After years of attempts, Aggieland appears to actually be getting it’s very own Hooters Restaurant at 960 N. Earl Rudder Freeway in front of Premiere Cinemas. As for now, the only sign of Hooters is a sign in the field where the restaurant will soon be constructed, notifying the public of their beverage permit application.
Howdy’s Pizza Coming to Tower Point
Say Howdy! to Howdy’s Pizza, a new pizza joint coming to Tower Point. They will offer great craft pizzas, wings, pastas, salads, and more! https://www.facebook.com/HowdysPizza/
In-N-Out Coming to College Station (Rumored Chimney Hill)
Last month, a petition was shared on the The Spirit Of Aggieland facebook group asking the iconic In-N-Out Burger to build a location in Bryan-College Station stating: “You can get a Double-Double Animal Style or 4×4 at t.u., UNT, UTSA and even Baylor these days. It’s time for Aggies to have access to some of the best burgers and fries on the planet without a 100 mile road trip being involved.” In response to the facebook post, College Station Mayor Karl Mooney posted the following: “They are already looking to be in College Station — no petition needed.”
Jersey Mike’s Subs Coming to College Station
Jersey Mike’s, a fast-casual sub sandwich franchise with more than 1,000 locations open and under development nationwide, has a long history of community involvement and support. Started at the Jersey Shore in 1956, Jersey Mike’s serves authentic East Coast-style subs on fresh baked bread – the same recipe it started with over 60 years ago. The company’s mission is to bring its customers the highest quality, freshest made sub in the industry and give back to the communities in which it operates. A store locator and franchise information for Jersey Mike’s can be found at www.jerseymikes.com.
Krispy Kreme Coming to Harvey Rd.
Krispy Kreme’s most famous and best-selling product is the glazed, yeast-raised doughnut known as the “Krispy Kreme Original Glazed®.” Soon, citizens of College Station will be able to get their Original Glazed right on Harvey Road near Post Oak Mall. According to multiple sources, a Krispy Kreme is slated to be built on the restaurant pad site at 1100 Harvey Rd.
Mess Waffles Etc. Coming to Century Square
MESS Waffles, Etc. recently made the announcement that Aggieland has been hoping for since one of our favorite food trucks rolled off into the sunset earlier this year: a bricks and mortar location is coming soon! The new Century Square shopping center across from Texas A&M will be the site of the popular waffle shop’s first permanent location. Mess is known for dessert creations as well as savory, inventive waffle entrees that go far beyond traditional chicken & waffles.
Mojo Burger In Front of the new Embassy Suites, next door to Aggieland Outfitters
“It’s called Burger Mojo and is the latest restaurant venture for the Dallis family, which is best known for Café Eccell and La Bodega,” announced the City of College Station’s Jay Socol in the latest “Is it a thing?” post on the city’s blog. The restaurant is being built in front of the new Embassy Suites, next door to Aggieland Outfitters on University Drive.
Mo’s Irish Pub College Station Coming to Century Square
Lively and festive anytime of the day, Mo’s Irish Pub is the perfect place for game watching and to gather with friends. Featuring Irish American scratch cooking, live entertainment and the perfect pint!
Nam Cafe Coming to Northgate
The sign is up for a new Asian eatery where Jin’s World Cafe was located: Nam Cafe. According to signage, noodles will be a specialty of the Nagle Street’s newest restaurant when they open.
Ronin Cooking Coming to the Ice House in Downtown Bryan
Ronin Cooking currently hosts farm-to-table dinners at their Bryan, TX farm. They will soon open a farm-to-table restaurant in Downtown Bryan’s redeveloped icehouse.
Ronin Cooking, best known for fine farm-to-table meals served at their Full Moon Dinners and catered events, will be serving up fresh food at the Ice House on Main’s new farm-to-table restaurant as early as this fall.
Rx Pizza Coming to Caprock in South College Station
Rx Pizza & Bar is well loved in downtown Bryan, Texas. They serve brick-oven pizza, salads, and craft beer & cocktails. South College Station is in for a treat.
Sharetea Coming to Century Square
Tea shop and Taiwanese food purveyor Sharetea is building a location in College Station’s Century Square development, across from Texas A&M University.
Star Cinema Grill Coming to Century Square
Star Cinema Grill will be opening at the new Century Square development on University Dr.
Star Cinema Grill was recently added to the ever-growing list of exciting new businesses building at Century Square. Star Cinema provides movie-goers a full-service restaurant experience delivered seat side while enjoying Hollywood’s latest blockbusters.
Starbucks Coffee Coming to Tower Point
Starbucks Coffee has submitted a site plan to the City of College Station for a new location at Tower Point. Currently, the only fine coffee purveyors south of Rock Prairie are Gogh Gogh, Tipsy Beans, and Blue Baker, so Starbucks should be a welcome caffeinated addition to the area.
Stella Southern Cafe Coming to Hwy. 6 Access Road, Just South of Momentum Bank
Stella, a concept by Michael Lair of Washbangers, will be located on the access road to Hwy 6 just south of the Momentum Bank building.  The food is going to be built around scratch made biscuits and stone ground grits.  And , boy, do we have some great things to slap on those – including buttermilk fried chicken, smoked pulled pork, and chicken fried tofu (what?!) among other things.
Subzero Coming to Century Square
Sub Zero, opening its 12th store in Texas in College Station’s Century Square development at University & South College, uses the freezing power of liquid nitrogen to customize ice cream creations right at the counter. Customers select the flavor and mix-ins of their choice, which are added to a bowl of fresh cream and then frozen in moments with the use of liquid nitrogen. In addition to dozens of popular recipe ice cream combinations, the menu also includes shakes, smoothies and ice cream pies.
Sweet Paris Crêperie Coming to Century Square
Sweet Paris Crêperie will open their third location in Texas – their first location in College Station – occupying 3,750 square feet of retail and patio space within Century Square. Sweet Paris Crêperie will offer a diverse selection of sweet and savory crêpes as well as waffles, milkshakes, salads, paninis, and options for kids.
TaD’s Steak & Seafood Coming to South College Station near Lowe’s
“Coming Soon” signage is up near the South College Station Lowe’s for TaD’s Steak and Seafood. The company currently has locations in Richmond, Katy and Tomball.
Urban Table 40 and Barron Rd.
Chef Tai Lee announced that construction has commenced on a what will be his newest restaurant at the southwest corner of 40 and Barron Rd. The 2 story building will feature a bar on top with views all the way to campus. The restaurant on the first floor will be similar to Tai’s Veritas Wine and Bistro concept, which serves wine and fine food on University Drive near Texas A&M.  Tai’s big news was revealed during his talk at the Governor’s Business conference held at the Stella Hotel earlier this week.
Walk-On’s Bistreaux & Bar Coming soon to College Station
Walk-On’s Bistreaux & Bar is set to open a College Station location in 2018. Eat BCS heard rumors about the popular sports bar’s plans for Aggieland, so we reached out to Walk-On’s corporate via facebook. They confirmed a location is planned for “North College Station” in 2018. The sport’s bar and restaurant’s facebook page bills it the “place to grab a bite or a beer, bring the family out to dinner, party with your friends, or head to before, during or after any game.”
Z Bistro & Bar Coming to Northgate
Construction permits have been issued to Z Bar & Bistro for an extensive renovation of the old Loupot’s / Neebo building at 335 University on Northgate. Plans include a 3rd floor with a rooftop deck.
28 new eateries coming to Bryan-College Station: Berryhill, Dat Dog, Krispy Kreme, Sweet Paris, Mo’s, Casa do Brasil Sponsored by Brazos VIP: Half Off at Local Restaurants, Shops & More Tons of new tastes are coming to the Bryan-College Station area.
0 notes
eatbcstx-blog · 7 years
Sponsored by Brazos VIP: Half Off at Local Restaurants, Shops & More
JACKSONVILLE, FL – APRIL 27, 2014: A Krispy Kreme Doughnuts store in Jacksonville. Krispy Kreme was founded on July 13, 1937 by founder Vernon Rudolph.
Tons of new tastes are coming to the Bryan-College Station area. Here’s the latest delicious list of eateries planned for B/CS.
Berryhill Baja Grill Coming to Century Square across from Texas A&M
Berryhill’s relaxed and friendly atmosphere, in addition to their famous margaritas and frozen screwdrivers also make it the ideal spot for happy hours and group dinners. With eight locations throughout Houston, the Century Square location will be Berryhill’s first expansion outside the Houston market. Visit berryhillbajagrill.com for more information.
Casa Do Brasil South College Station
The Casa do Brasil menu will include several varieties of fresh sliced, roasted meats, seafood, a high-end salad bar, and traditional Brazilian entrees. South American desserts like papaya cream and flan will tempt those who saved room. The restaurant will feature multiple private rooms, semi-private rooms, and spaces with audio visual equipment for your next meeting or event.
Chick-fil-A Coming to Villa Maria & 2818
Chick-fil-A has submitted site plans for a new Bryan location across from the Wings-N-More on Villa Maria near the 2818 intersection.
Dat Dog Coming to Northpoint Crossing
Dat Dog, a popular New Orleans franchise chain that specializes in gourmet hot dogs and sausages, is set to open its newest restaurant in College Station, Texas. The restaurant marks Dat Dog’s first location outside of Louisiana and will be owned by franchisee group B&G Food Enterprises, LLC, which currently operates more than 100 Taco Bell, KFC and Long John Silver’s restaurants across Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi. Located in the Domain at Northgate at 101 Church Avenue, the new restaurant is slated to open… continued at QSRmagazine.com
French Fry Heaven Coming to Century Square
The mission of French Fry Heaven is to serve the best fries on earth. The restaurant chain will soon be bringing that mission to College Station, Texas. We first heard a rumor that the chain was coming on the MyBCS.com New Businesses thread, and confirmed on the French Fry Heaven website that a College Station location is listed as “coming soon.”
Harvest Coffee Bar Coming to Century Square
Harvest Coffee Bar serves specialty coffee and a gourmet menu in historic downtown Bryan, Texas. They feature items handmade from scratch with fresh, natural ingredients. Century Square will be the coffee merchant’s second location.
Hey Sugar Coming to Century Square
Hey Sugar will open a third Texas location with 1,495 square feet of space at Century Square dedicated to selling specialty candies, chocolates, cotton candy, and old fashioned sodas. Customers can expect to find old-school classic flavors in the wide selection of treats, but will also discover that Hey Sugar offers a variety of innovative and fun flavors like bacon and merlot.
Hooters Coming to pad site in front of Premiere Cinema
After years of attempts, Aggieland appears to actually be getting it’s very own Hooters Restaurant at 960 N. Earl Rudder Freeway in front of Premiere Cinemas. As for now, the only sign of Hooters is a sign in the field where the restaurant will soon be constructed, notifying the public of their beverage permit application.
Howdy’s Pizza Coming to Tower Point
Say Howdy! to Howdy’s Pizza, a new pizza joint coming to Tower Point. They will offer great craft pizzas, wings, pastas, salads, and more! https://www.facebook.com/HowdysPizza/
In-N-Out Coming to College Station (Rumored Chimney Hill)
Last month, a petition was shared on the The Spirit Of Aggieland facebook group asking the iconic In-N-Out Burger to build a location in Bryan-College Station stating: “You can get a Double-Double Animal Style or 4×4 at t.u., UNT, UTSA and even Baylor these days. It’s time for Aggies to have access to some of the best burgers and fries on the planet without a 100 mile road trip being involved.” In response to the facebook post, College Station Mayor Karl Mooney posted the following: “They are already looking to be in College Station — no petition needed.”
Jersey Mike’s Subs Coming to College Station
Jersey Mike’s, a fast-casual sub sandwich franchise with more than 1,000 locations open and under development nationwide, has a long history of community involvement and support. Started at the Jersey Shore in 1956, Jersey Mike’s serves authentic East Coast-style subs on fresh baked bread – the same recipe it started with over 60 years ago. The company’s mission is to bring its customers the highest quality, freshest made sub in the industry and give back to the communities in which it operates. A store locator and franchise information for Jersey Mike’s can be found at www.jerseymikes.com.
Krispy Kreme Coming to Harvey Rd.
Krispy Kreme’s most famous and best-selling product is the glazed, yeast-raised doughnut known as the “Krispy Kreme Original Glazed®.” Soon, citizens of College Station will be able to get their Original Glazed right on Harvey Road near Post Oak Mall. According to multiple sources, a Krispy Kreme is slated to be built on the restaurant pad site at 1100 Harvey Rd.
Mess Waffles Etc. Coming to Century Square
MESS Waffles, Etc. recently made the announcement that Aggieland has been hoping for since one of our favorite food trucks rolled off into the sunset earlier this year: a bricks and mortar location is coming soon! The new Century Square shopping center across from Texas A&M will be the site of the popular waffle shop’s first permanent location. Mess is known for dessert creations as well as savory, inventive waffle entrees that go far beyond traditional chicken & waffles.
Mojo Burger In Front of the new Embassy Suites, next door to Aggieland Outfitters
“It’s called Burger Mojo and is the latest restaurant venture for the Dallis family, which is best known for Café Eccell and La Bodega,” announced the City of College Station’s Jay Socol in the latest “Is it a thing?” post on the city’s blog. The restaurant is being built in front of the new Embassy Suites, next door to Aggieland Outfitters on University Drive.
Mo’s Irish Pub College Station Coming to Century Square
Lively and festive anytime of the day, Mo’s Irish Pub is the perfect place for game watching and to gather with friends. Featuring Irish American scratch cooking, live entertainment and the perfect pint!
Nam Cafe Coming to Northgate
The sign is up for a new Asian eatery where Jin’s World Cafe was located: Nam Cafe. According to signage, noodles will be a specialty of the Nagle Street’s newest restaurant when they open.
Ronin Cooking Coming to the Ice House in Downtown Bryan
Ronin Cooking currently hosts farm-to-table dinners at their Bryan, TX farm. They will soon open a farm-to-table restaurant in Downtown Bryan’s redeveloped icehouse.
Ronin Cooking, best known for fine farm-to-table meals served at their Full Moon Dinners and catered events, will be serving up fresh food at the Ice House on Main’s new farm-to-table restaurant as early as this fall.
Rx Pizza Coming to Caprock in South College Station
Rx Pizza & Bar is well loved in downtown Bryan, Texas. They serve brick-oven pizza, salads, and craft beer & cocktails. South College Station is in for a treat.
Sharetea Coming to Century Square
Tea shop and Taiwanese food purveyor Sharetea is building a location in College Station’s Century Square development, across from Texas A&M University.
Star Cinema Grill Coming to Century Square
Star Cinema Grill will be opening at the new Century Square development on University Dr.
Star Cinema Grill was recently added to the ever-growing list of exciting new businesses building at Century Square. Star Cinema provides movie-goers a full-service restaurant experience delivered seat side while enjoying Hollywood’s latest blockbusters.
Starbucks Coffee Coming to Tower Point
Starbucks Coffee has submitted a site plan to the City of College Station for a new location at Tower Point. Currently, the only fine coffee purveyors south of Rock Prairie are Gogh Gogh, Tipsy Beans, and Blue Baker, so Starbucks should be a welcome caffeinated addition to the area.
Stella Southern Cafe Coming to Hwy. 6 Access Road, Just South of Momentum Bank
Stella, a concept by Michael Lair of Washbangers, will be located on the access road to Hwy 6 just south of the Momentum Bank building.  The food is going to be built around scratch made biscuits and stone ground grits.  And , boy, do we have some great things to slap on those – including buttermilk fried chicken, smoked pulled pork, and chicken fried tofu (what?!) among other things.
Subzero Coming to Century Square
Sub Zero, opening its 12th store in Texas in College Station’s Century Square development at University & South College, uses the freezing power of liquid nitrogen to customize ice cream creations right at the counter. Customers select the flavor and mix-ins of their choice, which are added to a bowl of fresh cream and then frozen in moments with the use of liquid nitrogen. In addition to dozens of popular recipe ice cream combinations, the menu also includes shakes, smoothies and ice cream pies.
Sweet Paris Crêperie Coming to Century Square
Sweet Paris Crêperie will open their third location in Texas – their first location in College Station – occupying 3,750 square feet of retail and patio space within Century Square. Sweet Paris Crêperie will offer a diverse selection of sweet and savory crêpes as well as waffles, milkshakes, salads, paninis, and options for kids.
TaD’s Steak & Seafood Coming to South College Station near Lowe’s
“Coming Soon” signage is up near the South College Station Lowe’s for TaD’s Steak and Seafood. The company currently has locations in Richmond, Katy and Tomball.
Urban Table 40 and Barron Rd.
Chef Tai Lee announced that construction has commenced on a what will be his newest restaurant at the southwest corner of 40 and Barron Rd. The 2 story building will feature a bar on top with views all the way to campus. The restaurant on the first floor will be similar to Tai’s Veritas Wine and Bistro concept, which serves wine and fine food on University Drive near Texas A&M.  Tai’s big news was revealed during his talk at the Governor’s Business conference held at the Stella Hotel earlier this week.
Walk-On’s Bistreaux & Bar Coming soon to College Station
Walk-On’s Bistreaux & Bar is set to open a College Station location in 2018. Eat BCS heard rumors about the popular sports bar’s plans for Aggieland, so we reached out to Walk-On’s corporate via facebook. They confirmed a location is planned for “North College Station” in 2018. The sport’s bar and restaurant’s facebook page bills it the “place to grab a bite or a beer, bring the family out to dinner, party with your friends, or head to before, during or after any game.”
Z Bistro & Bar Coming to Northgate
Construction permits have been issued to Z Bar & Bistro for an extensive renovation of the old Loupot’s / Neebo building at 335 University on Northgate. Plans include a 3rd floor with a rooftop deck.
  28 new eateries coming to Bryan-College Station: Dat Dog, Krispy Kreme, Sweet Paris, Mo’s, Casa do Brasil + many more Sponsored by Brazos VIP: Half Off at Local Restaurants, Shops & More Tons of new tastes are coming to the Bryan-College Station area.
0 notes
eatbcstx-blog · 7 years
Sponsored by Brazos VIP: Half Off at Local Restaurants, Shops & More
Tons of new tastes are coming to the Bryan-College Station area. Here’s the latest delicious list of eateries planned for B/CS.
Berryhill Baja Grill Coming to Century Square across from Texas A&M
Berryhill’s relaxed and friendly atmosphere, in addition to their famous margaritas and frozen screwdrivers also make it the ideal spot for happy hours and group dinners. With eight locations throughout Houston, the Century Square location will be Berryhill’s first expansion outside the Houston market. Visit berryhillbajagrill.com for more information.
Casa Do Brasil South College Station
The Casa do Brasil menu will include several varieties of fresh sliced, roasted meats, seafood, a high-end salad bar, and traditional Brazilian entrees. South American desserts like papaya cream and flan will tempt those who saved room. The restaurant will feature multiple private rooms, semi-private rooms, and spaces with audio visual equipment for your next meeting or event.
Chick-fil-A Coming to Villa Maria & 2818
Chick-fil-A has submitted site plans for a new Bryan location across from the Wings-N-More on Villa Maria near the 2818 intersection.
French Fry Heaven Coming to Century Square
The mission of French Fry Heaven is to serve the best fries on earth. The restaurant chain will soon be bringing that mission to College Station, Texas. We first heard a rumor that the chain was coming on the MyBCS.com New Businesses thread, and confirmed on the French Fry Heaven website that a College Station location is listed as “coming soon.”
Harvest Coffee Bar Coming to Century Square
Harvest Coffee Bar serves specialty coffee and a gourmet menu in historic downtown Bryan, Texas. They feature items handmade from scratch with fresh, natural ingredients. Century Square will be the coffee merchant’s second location.
Hey Sugar Coming to Century Square
Hey Sugar will open a third Texas location with 1,495 square feet of space at Century Square dedicated to selling specialty candies, chocolates, cotton candy, and old fashioned sodas. Customers can expect to find old-school classic flavors in the wide selection of treats, but will also discover that Hey Sugar offers a variety of innovative and fun flavors like bacon and merlot.
Hooters Coming to pad site in front of Premiere Cinema
After years of attempts, Aggieland appears to actually be getting it’s very own Hooters Restaurant at 960 N. Earl Rudder Freeway in front of Premiere Cinemas. As for now, the only sign of Hooters is a sign in the field where the restaurant will soon be constructed, notifying the public of their beverage permit application.
Howdy’s Pizza Coming to Tower Point
Say Howdy! to Howdy’s Pizza, a new pizza joint coming to Tower Point. They will offer great craft pizzas, wings, pastas, salads, and more! https://www.facebook.com/HowdysPizza/
In-N-Out Coming to College Station (Rumored Chimney Hill)
Last month, a petition was shared on the The Spirit Of Aggieland facebook group asking the iconic In-N-Out Burger to build a location in Bryan-College Station stating: “You can get a Double-Double Animal Style or 4×4 at t.u., UNT, UTSA and even Baylor these days. It’s time for Aggies to have access to some of the best burgers and fries on the planet without a 100 mile road trip being involved.” In response to the facebook post, College Station Mayor Karl Mooney posted the following: “They are already looking to be in College Station — no petition needed.”
Jersey Mike’s Subs Coming to College Station
Jersey Mike’s, a fast-casual sub sandwich franchise with more than 1,000 locations open and under development nationwide, has a long history of community involvement and support. Started at the Jersey Shore in 1956, Jersey Mike’s serves authentic East Coast-style subs on fresh baked bread – the same recipe it started with over 60 years ago. The company’s mission is to bring its customers the highest quality, freshest made sub in the industry and give back to the communities in which it operates. A store locator and franchise information for Jersey Mike’s can be found at www.jerseymikes.com.
Krispy Kreme Coming to Harvey Rd.
Krispy Kreme’s most famous and best-selling product is the glazed, yeast-raised doughnut known as the “Krispy Kreme Original Glazed®.” Soon, citizens of College Station will be able to get their Original Glazed right on Harvey Road near Post Oak Mall. According to multiple sources, a Krispy Kreme is slated to be built on the restaurant pad site at 1100 Harvey Rd.
Mess Waffles Etc. Coming to Century Square
MESS Waffles, Etc. recently made the announcement that Aggieland has been hoping for since one of our favorite food trucks rolled off into the sunset earlier this year: a bricks and mortar location is coming soon! The new Century Square shopping center across from Texas A&M will be the site of the popular waffle shop’s first permanent location. Mess is known for dessert creations as well as savory, inventive waffle entrees that go far beyond traditional chicken & waffles.
Mojo Burger In Front of the new Embassy Suites, next door to Aggieland Outfitters
“It’s called Burger Mojo and is the latest restaurant venture for the Dallis family, which is best known for Café Eccell and La Bodega,” announced the City of College Station’s Jay Socol in the latest “Is it a thing?” post on the city’s blog. The restaurant is being built in front of the new Embassy Suites, next door to Aggieland Outfitters on University Drive.
Mo’s Irish Pub College Station Coming to Century Square
Lively and festive anytime of the day, Mo’s Irish Pub is the perfect place for game watching and to gather with friends. Featuring Irish American scratch cooking, live entertainment and the perfect pint!
Nam Cafe Coming to Northgate
The sign is up for a new Asian eatery where Jin’s World Cafe was located: Nam Cafe. According to signage, noodles will be a specialty of the Nagle Street’s newest restaurant when they open.
  Ronin Cooking Coming to the Ice House in Downtown Bryan
Ronin Cooking currently hosts farm-to-table dinners at their Bryan, TX farm. They will soon open a farm-to-table restaurant in Downtown Bryan’s redeveloped icehouse.
Ronin Cooking, best known for fine farm-to-table meals served at their Full Moon Dinners and catered events, will be serving up fresh food at the Ice House on Main’s new farm-to-table restaurant as early as this fall.
Rx Pizza Coming to Caprock in South College Station
Rx Pizza & Bar is well loved in downtown Bryan, Texas. They serve brick-oven pizza, salads, and craft beer & cocktails. South College Station is in for a treat.
Sharetea Coming to Century Square
Tea shop and Taiwanese food purveyor Sharetea is building a location in College Station’s Century Square development, across from Texas A&M University.
Star Cinema Grill Coming to Century Square
Star Cinema Grill will be opening at the new Century Square development on University Dr.
Star Cinema Grill was recently added to the ever-growing list of exciting new businesses building at Century Square. Star Cinema provides movie-goers a full-service restaurant experience delivered seat side while enjoying Hollywood’s latest blockbusters.
Starbucks Coffee Coming to Tower Point
Starbucks Coffee has submitted a site plan to the City of College Station for a new location at Tower Point. Currently, the only fine coffee purveyors south of Rock Prairie are Gogh Gogh, Tipsy Beans, and Blue Baker, so Starbucks should be a welcome caffeinated addition to the area.
Stella Southern Cafe Coming to Hwy. 6 Access Road, Just South of Momentum Bank
Stella, a concept by Michael Lair of Washbangers, will be located on the access road to Hwy 6 just south of the Momentum Bank building.  The food is going to be built around scratch made biscuits and stone ground grits.  And , boy, do we have some great things to slap on those – including buttermilk fried chicken, smoked pulled pork, and chicken fried tofu (what?!) among other things.
Subzero Coming to Century Square
Sub Zero, opening its 12th store in Texas in College Station’s Century Square development at University & South College, uses the freezing power of liquid nitrogen to customize ice cream creations right at the counter. Customers select the flavor and mix-ins of their choice, which are added to a bowl of fresh cream and then frozen in moments with the use of liquid nitrogen. In addition to dozens of popular recipe ice cream combinations, the menu also includes shakes, smoothies and ice cream pies.
Sweet Paris Crêperie Coming to Century Square
Sweet Paris Crêperie will open their third location in Texas – their first location in College Station – occupying 3,750 square feet of retail and patio space within Century Square. Sweet Paris Crêperie will offer a diverse selection of sweet and savory crêpes as well as waffles, milkshakes, salads, paninis, and options for kids.
TaD’s Steak & Seafood Coming to South College Station near Lowe’s
“Coming Soon” signage is up near the South College Station Lowe’s for TaD’s Steak and Seafood. The company currently has locations in Richmond, Katy and Tomball.
Urban Table 40 and Barron Rd.
Chef Tai Lee announced that construction has commenced on a what will be his newest restaurant at the southwest corner of 40 and Barron Rd. The 2 story building will feature a bar on top with views all the way to campus. The restaurant on the first floor will be similar to Tai’s Veritas Wine and Bistro concept, which serves wine and fine food on University Drive near Texas A&M.  Tai’s big news was revealed during his talk at the Governor’s Business conference held at the Stella Hotel earlier this week.
Walk-On’s Bistreaux & Bar Coming soon to College Station
Walk-On’s Bistreaux & Bar is set to open a College Station location in 2018. Eat BCS heard rumors about the popular sports bar’s plans for Aggieland, so we reached out to Walk-On’s corporate via facebook. They confirmed a location is planned for “North College Station” in 2018. The sport’s bar and restaurant’s facebook page bills it the “place to grab a bite or a beer, bring the family out to dinner, party with your friends, or head to before, during or after any game.”
Z Bistro & Bar Coming to Northgate
Construction permits have been issued to Z Bar & Bistro for an extensive renovation of the old Loupot’s / Neebo building at 335 University on Northgate. Plans include a 3rd floor with a rooftop deck.
  27 Eateries Bound for #BCSTX : Jersey Mike’s, French Fry Heaven, MESS, Krispy Kreme, Casa do Brasil + More Sponsored by Brazos VIP: Half Off at Local Restaurants, Shops & More Tons of new tastes are coming to the Bryan-College Station area.
0 notes
eatbcstx-blog · 7 years
Sponsored by Brazos VIP: Half Off at Local Restaurants, Shops & More
Tons of new tastes are coming to the Bryan-College Station area. Here’s the latest delicious list of eateries planned for B/CS.
  Berryhill Baja Grill Coming to Century Square across from Texas A&M
Berryhill’s relaxed and friendly atmosphere, in addition to their famous margaritas and frozen screwdrivers also make it the ideal spot for happy hours and group dinners. With eight locations throughout Houston, the Century Square location will be Berryhill’s first expansion outside the Houston market. Visit berryhillbajagrill.com for more information.
  Casa Do Brasil South College Station
The Casa do Brasil menu will include several varieties of fresh sliced, roasted meats, seafood, a high-end salad bar, and traditional Brazilian entrees. South American desserts like papaya cream and flan will tempt those who saved room. The restaurant will feature multiple private rooms, semi-private rooms, and spaces with audio visual equipment for your next meeting or event.
Chick-fil-A Coming to Villa Maria & 2818
Chick-fil-A has submitted site plans for a new Bryan location across from the Wings-N-More on Villa Maria near the 2818 intersection.
French Fry Heaven Coming to Century Square
The mission of French Fry Heaven is to serve the best fries on earth. The restaurant chain will soon be bringing that mission to College Station, Texas. We first heard a rumor that the chain was coming on the MyBCS.com New Businesses thread, and confirmed on the French Fry Heaven website that a College Station location is listed a “coming soon.”
  Harvest Coffee Bar Coming to Century Square
Harvest Coffee Bar serves specialty coffee and a gourmet menu in historic downtown Bryan, Texas. They feature items handmade from scratch with fresh, natural ingredients. Century Square will be the coffee merchant’s second location.
  Hey Sugar Coming to Century Square
Hey Sugar will open a third Texas location with 1,495 square feet of space at Century Square dedicated to selling specialty candies, chocolates, cotton candy, and old fashioned sodas. Customers can expect to find old-school classic flavors in the wide selection of treats, but will also discover that Hey Sugar offers a variety of innovative and fun flavors like bacon and merlot.
Hooters Coming to pad site in front of Premiere Cinema
After years of attempts, Aggieland appears to actually be getting it’s very own Hooters Restaurant at 960 N. Earl Rudder Freeway in front of Premiere Cinemas. As for now, the only sign of Hooters is a sign in the field where the restaurant will soon be constructed, notifying the public of their beverage permit application.
Howdy’s Pizza Coming to Tower Point
Say Howdy! to Howdy’s Pizza, a new pizza joint coming to Tower Point. They will offer great craft pizzas, wings, pastas, salads, and more! https://www.facebook.com/HowdysPizza/
In-N-Out Coming to College Station (Rumored Chimney Hill)
Last month, a petition was shared on the The Spirit Of Aggieland facebook group asking the iconic In-N-Out Burger to build a location in Bryan-College Station stating: “You can get a Double-Double Animal Style or 4×4 at t.u., UNT, UTSA and even Baylor these days. It’s time for Aggies to have access to some of the best burgers and fries on the planet without a 100 mile road trip being involved.” In response to the facebook post, College Station Mayor Karl Mooney posted the following: “They are already looking to be in College Station — no petition needed.”
Jersey Mike’s Subs Coming to College Station
Jersey Mike’s, a fast-casual sub sandwich franchise with more than 1,000 locations open and under development nationwide, has a long history of community involvement and support. Started at the Jersey Shore in 1956, Jersey Mike’s serves authentic East Coast-style subs on fresh baked bread – the same recipe it started with over 60 years ago. The company’s mission is to bring its customers the highest quality, freshest made sub in the industry and give back to the communities in which it operates. A store locator and franchise information for Jersey Mike’s can be found at www.jerseymikes.com.
Krispy Kreme Coming to Harvey Rd.
Krispy Kreme’s most famous and best-selling product is the glazed, yeast-raised doughnut known as the “Krispy Kreme Original Glazed®.” Soon, citizens of College Station will be able to get their Original Glazed right on Harvey Road near Post Oak Mall. According to multiple sources, a Krispy Kreme is slated to be built on the restaurant pad site at 1100 Harvey Rd.
Mess Waffles Etc. Coming to Century Square
MESS Waffles, Etc. recently made the announcement that Aggieland has been hoping for since one of our favorite food trucks rolled off into the sunset earlier this year: a bricks and mortar location is coming soon! The new Century Square shopping center across from Texas A&M will be the site of the popular waffle shop’s first permanent location. Mess is known for dessert creations as well as savory, inventive waffle entrees that go far beyond traditional chicken & waffles.
Mojo Burger In Front of the new Embassy Suites, next door to Aggieland Outfitters
“It’s called Burger Mojo and is the latest restaurant venture for the Dallis family, which is best known for Café Eccell and La Bodega,” announced the City of College Station’s Jay Socol in the latest “Is it a thing?” post on the city’s blog. The restaurant is being built in front of the new Embassy Suites, next door to Aggieland Outfitters on University Drive.
Mo’s Irish Pub College Station Coming to Century Square
Lively and festive anytime of the day, Mo’s Irish Pub is the perfect place for game watching and to gather with friends. Featuring Irish American scratch cooking, live entertainment and the perfect pint!
Nam Cafe Coming to Northgate
The sign is up for a new Asian eatery where Jin’s World Cafe was located: Nam Cafe. According to signage, noodles will be a specialty of the Nagle Street’s newest restaurant when they open.
  Ronin Cooking Coming to the Ice House in Downtown Bryan
Ronin Cooking currently hosts farm-to-table dinners at their Bryan, TX farm. They will soon open a farm-to-table restaurant in Downtown Bryan’s redeveloped icehouse.
Ronin Cooking, best known for fine farm-to-table meals served at their Full Moon Dinners and catered events, will be serving up fresh food at the Ice House on Main’s new farm-to-table restaurant as early as this fall.
Rx Pizza Coming to Caprock in South College Station
Rx Pizza & Bar is well loved in downtown Bryan, Texas. They serve brick-oven pizza, salads, and craft beer & cocktails. South College Station is in for a treat.
Sharetea Coming to Century Square
Tea shop and Taiwanese food purveyor Sharetea is building a location in College Station’s Century Square development, across from Texas A&M University.
Star Cinema Grill Coming to Century Square
Star Cinema Grill will be opening at the new Century Square development on University Dr.
Star Cinema Grill was recently added to the ever-growing list of exciting new businesses building at Century Square. Star Cinema provides movie-goers a full-service restaurant experience delivered seat side while enjoying Hollywood’s latest blockbusters.
Starbucks Coffee Coming to Tower Point
Starbucks Coffee has submitted a site plan to the City of College Station for a new location at Tower Point. Currently, the only fine coffee purveyors south of Rock Prairie are Gogh Gogh, Tipsy Beans, and Blue Baker, so Starbucks should be a welcome caffeinated addition to the area.
Stella Southern Cafe Coming to Hwy. 6 Access Road, Just South of Momentum Bank
Stella, a concept by Michael Lair of Washbangers, will be located on the access road to Hwy 6 just south of the Momentum Bank building.  The food is going to be built around scratch made biscuits and stone ground grits.  And , boy, do we have some great things to slap on those – including buttermilk fried chicken, smoked pulled pork, and chicken fried tofu (what?!) among other things.
Subzero Coming to Century Square
Sub Zero, opening its 12th store in Texas in College Station’s Century Square development at University & South College, uses the freezing power of liquid nitrogen to customize ice cream creations right at the counter. Customers select the flavor and mix-ins of their choice, which are added to a bowl of fresh cream and then frozen in moments with the use of liquid nitrogen. In addition to dozens of popular recipe ice cream combinations, the menu also includes shakes, smoothies and ice cream pies.
Sweet Paris Crêperie Coming to Century Square
Sweet Paris Crêperie will open their third location in Texas – their first location in College Station – occupying 3,750 square feet of retail and patio space within Century Square. Sweet Paris Crêperie will offer a diverse selection of sweet and savory crêpes as well as waffles, milkshakes, salads, paninis, and options for kids.
TaD’s Steak & Seafood Coming to South College Station near Lowe’s
“Coming Soon” signage is up near the South College Station Lowe’s for TaD’s Steak and Seafood. The company currently has locations in Richmond, Katy and Tomball.
Urban Table 40 and Barron Rd.
Chef Tai Lee announced that construction has commenced on a what will be his newest restaurant at the southwest corner of 40 and Barron Rd. The 2 story building will feature a bar on top with views all the way to campus. The restaurant on the first floor will be similar to Tai’s Veritas Wine and Bistro concept, which serves wine and fine food on University Drive near Texas A&M.  Tai’s big news was revealed during his talk at the Governor’s Business conference held at the Stella Hotel earlier this week.
Walk-On’s Bistreaux & Bar Coming soon to College Station
Walk-On’s Bistreaux & Bar is set to open a College Station location in 2018. Eat BCS heard rumors about the popular sports bar’s plans for Aggieland, so we reached out to Walk-On’s corporate via facebook. They confirmed a location is planned for “North College Station” in 2018. The sport’s bar and restaurant’s facebook page bills it the “place to grab a bite or a beer, bring the family out to dinner, party with your friends, or head to before, during or after any game.”
Z Bistro & Bar Coming to Northgate
Construction permits have been issued to Z Bar & Bistro for an extensive renovation of the old Loupot’s / Neebo building at 335 University on Northgate. Plans include a 3rd floor with a rooftop deck.
    27 Eateries Bound for #BCSTX : Jersey Mike’s, French Fry Heaven, MESS, Krispy Kreme, Casa do Brasil + More Sponsored by Brazos VIP: Half Off at Local Restaurants, Shops & More Tons of new tastes are coming to the Bryan-College Station area.
0 notes