laurenkmyers · 3 months
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msmk11 · 1 month
Heyyy, I just saw that you were taking requests for Tangerine x Readers, and I was wondering if you could write something like Tangerine and reader being fwb before the whole bullet train thingy, and she catches feelings but he's super distant (bro has serious attachment issues) so he pushes her away and is a bitchy manchild about it (LOTS AND LOTS OF ANGST but it has a fluffy ending) (smutty too if ur comfortable with it) ofc u can ignore this request if u don't want to, and I'd write it myself but I have zero motivation rn and I js wanna cry and then giggle😭🫶
And I Have To Live With It, For the Rest of My Life
Tangerine x fem!reader
WC: 3.4k
CW: HEAVY ANGST; slut shaming; booze/being drunk; fighting; cursing; lack of aftercare; mentions of sex; Tangerine is a HUGE asshole. Tiny fluff ending.
A/n: Hi love! Thanks for requesting! Sorry this took so long I just needed to find inspo. I’m also sorry for the lack of smut (and fluff tbh,) I just don’t take smut requests. As for fluff, I did want a “happy ending” but it felt cheap to try and go from ANGST to “everything is perfect again” in such few words. Maybe I’m just traumatized, but I have a hard time forgiving quickly lol and I think that shows here.
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Everything was really, really good.
So of course you had to go and ruin it.
People say you can’t control matters of the heart and you think that it’s a load of bullcrap. Why not? Why couldn’t you have control over your heart?
And why did you have to catch feelings for Tangerine?
It isn’t part of the deal. Tangerine is a business partner. An acquaintance. A friend. A friend you occasionally fuck.
Your relationship with Tangerine was always supposed to be casual. No strings attached- business was simply business and fucking simply fucking. But then your heart got involved.
What’s one supposed to do?
Certainly not keep going back to the captor of one’s heart.
So of course that’s exactly what you do.
You’re laying in your hotel bed, completely naked, covers pooled around your waist. You and Tangerine just finished having sex and he’s already up and moving about, throwing on his clothes that had been discarded on the floor somewhere in your flurry of lust. Instead of saying anything, you just watch him in all his glory. You admire his tousled post-sex hair, curls askew, the way his back muscles ripple as he bends down to sweep his shirt up off the ground, and the way his fingers deftly button up his shirt.
“Got a meeting to head off to?” You ask casually.
Translation: Please don’t run off so soon if you don’t have to. Stay.
Tangerine’s eyes flit to yours briefly before he bends down to tie his shoes, “something like that.”
You pull the covers up to your neck, suddenly feeling very vulnerable so bare and exposed to Tangerine who’s nearly fully dressed.
“You got a comb?” the brunette asks you gruffly as he straightens his suit jacket.
You nod towards the bathroom, “yeah, in there.”
He gives you no reply, only walking into the bathroom and shutting the door with a resounding thud.
Your stomach clenches painfully and your heart aches. The indifference with which Tangerine treats you hurts so badly. You’d rather him hate you then act like this. At least you’d know that he felt something, anything.
Is it too early for a drink?
The bathroom door opens again and Tangerine walks out, looking as though nothing ever happened. To him, nothing probably has. Nothing of consequence, at least.
“Well, I’m heading out. See you for our debrief tonight at nine.”
Tangerine begins to walk towards the door.
“Wait!” you call out.
You stop him just in time, his hand frozen on the handle. You swear he visibly tenses at your words, “what?”
“Could- could you at least get me a towel? Please?”
He doesn’t even look at you before nodding, “Yeah.”
He disappears into the bathroom for a moment before reappearing with a towel in hand. Tangerine, it seems, doesn’t even have the decency to walk the towel over to you. Instead, he tosses it across the room, almost hitting you in the face.
Shame pools in your stomach and you keep your gaze on the towel in your hands.
Tangerine grumbles a reply and then makes for the door so quickly that there’s no chance for you to say anything more.
Your heart sinks at the possibility that Tangerine might know you have feelings for him.
You’ve already found a secluded spot in the hotel lounge and have a drink in hand when the twins appear downstairs. They take a seat across from you wordlessly and Tangerine lifts his hand in the air gracefully, motioning for a cocktail waitress to come take his order. Lemon and him order their drinks, and you ask for a second. It bothers you severely when you catch Tangerine winking at the waitress out of the corner of your eye.
You down the rest of your drink in one gulp and ignore how it burns your throat.
“Right, so the job’s done. When are we getting out of here?” Lemon asks tiredly.
“We,” Tangerine says, pointing between him and his brother, “are out of here first thing in the morning, “I’ve booked our tickets for a 5 am flight.”
“And her?” Lemon responds, pointing to you.
Tangerine barely glances at you, but you can see his jaw tense, “the job’s done. Figured she’s a fucking big girl who can handle getting herself home. Isn’t that right, love?”
Condescension drips from Tangerine’s words and it makes your stomach drop. You refrain from saying what you really want to and instead assume a relaxed persona, “mhmm, always right you are. I arranged for my travel last night.”
You, luckily, weren’t lying, though you had ordered a car big enough for three. More room for you, you guess.
The waitress comes back with your drinks and you eagerly take yours. When she asks if you need anything else, you can tell that she’s really only talking to Tangerine. Still, you tell her yes, asking for a third drink.
Lemon eyes you, “you haven’t even touched your second drink and now you’re ordering a third?”
You shrug your shoulders nonchalantly and lean back in your chair, “I’ve got the money to spend on it now that we each just made what, nearly 12,000 pounds?”
Lemon smirks in celebration and holds out his drink to you, “cheers.”
You clink glasses but Tangerine doesn’t join in, a perpetual frown gracing his face.
“Ya really wanna get fucking sloshed before ya travel tomorrow?” the brunette suddenly chimes in- rather judgmentally, you might add.
“Who said anything about sloshed, Tangerine? I can hold more than you think.”
While your answer is confident, even combative, on the inside, your heart leaps into your throat and pounds desperately. You think you might explode.
“Still, ya certainly don’t have any self-control. Not over ya drinks, your mouth, and most importantly….” Tangerine’s eyes narrow at you, “not over ya emotions.”
Your heart sinks in your chest.
So Tangerine did know about your feelings. Worse? He’s being a right fucking prick about it too. There’s no emotional sensitivity, no respect for privacy, nothing. Serves you right for fucking a cold-blooded assassin.
Unfortunately for you, tears spring to your eyes despite the fury boiling in your stomach, “you wanna talk about control, Tangerine? Let’s talk about how you have so little control over your own feelings that you lash out at others and make them feel like shit, even your own brother, so that you feel better. Let’s talk about how you can’t keep your dick in your pants because you’d rather fuck anything that looks at you than deal with anything real. Let’s talk about how what’s happened between us has made you feel so out of control that you’re willing to go low enough to hash this out in fucking public. You’re a walking disaster, Tangerine, and I feel right fucking sorry for you, I really do.”
You stand up harshly and purposely knock his drink onto his expensive suit. You start to walk away and then turn back, batting your eyelashes innocently, “oh wait, should I get you a fucking towel to clean up? Or would you rather beg me for it?”
You don’t wait for a response and grab a dry towel off a random cleaning rack, throwing it right in his fucking face.
Tangerine glares after you as you storm off.
“What the bloody fuck was that all about?” Lemon protests.
Tangerine ignores Lemon and instead curses loudly before chasing after you. He could not let you have the last fucking word. He catches you right in time, hand stopping the doors of the elevator you’re in.
You look up at him startled, and your shocked expression is quickly replaced with an angry one.
“What the fuck, Tangerine? Get out of here!”
“Ya don’t get to fucking talk to me like that and spill my drink all over me and then just walk away.”
“Why not,” you scoff, “you ran away as soon as you were done using me to jack off. It only seems fair.”
The elevator doors slide shut and the car begins to move upwards slowly.
“Yeah, well that’s usually what happens when ya casually fuck someone. But I don’t think ya have a casual bone in your body- always stomping around being a dramatic attention-whore.”
Tangerine watches your eyes narrow and jaw harden, “there’s a difference between being causal and being a huge dick, Tangerine. I should’ve known you’d be the latter.”
“And I should’ve known not to mess around with a fucking slut like you.”
Your eyes widen in shock and even Tangerine knows that he’s taken things a little too far. While your effort to fight back your tears is valiant, it’s fruitless, and they begin to stream down your face.
“Fuck you, Tangerine. You know, I never expected you to return my feelings, and I’m sorry I crossed a line by falling for you. Swear to fucking god I wish I didn’t. But you- you’ve just crossed an unforgivable line, and I never want to see you again. Have a fucking nice life.”
The elevator doors slide open and you scurry out. This time, Tangerine doesn’t follow you.
After everything that happened with Tangerine on your last mission, you decided to take an indefinite hiatus from work and just focus on yourself.
One of your goals? Fuck your feelings for Tangerine out of you. So of course, you’d been spending a lot of nights out at the bars, seducing all the eligible bachelors of the city into your bed.
You hope that it’s working.
Tonight is no different from the rest- you dressed up in one of your sexy outfits sitting at the bar of some new local pub. You’ve already eyed a muscular blonde about your age from across the bar and motion for him to come over.
He complies and makes his way to you, a cocky smirk on his face.
“Hey gorgeous,” you tease, looking him up and down.
The man takes a seat next to you, “Hullo, love. What’s a pretty girl like you doing sitting at the bar all by herself?”
You shrug nonchalantly, “looking for a handsome man. Like you, I suppose.”
He cocks his eyebrow at you, “you suppose?”
“Always hard to tell in this type of lighting.”
The blonde bites his lip and eyes you, “I can promise you I’m handsome.”
“We’ll see.”
“I’m Matt,” he says, extending his hand.
You respond with your name and grasp his hand. You’re expecting a handshake, but instead he brings your knuckles to his lips and kisses them softly.
“Pleasure to meet you.”
Damn this man is smooth.
“Really, the pleasure is all mine, Matt,” you respond, trying not to appear too flustered.
“Can I get you a drink?”
“Yeah, sure. Surprise me though.”
Matt orders the two of you drinks and you take the time to ogle him. He’s perfect.
But not as per-
No, you don’t have time to think about him.
Matt hands you the mysterious concoction and you eye him, “what is it?”
“Just drink,” he nods, “promise it’s good.”
You take a small sip and it’s sweet. It’s yummy, and you take another, larger sip.
“Oh shit, this is good.”
“Told you.”
“Can I know what it is now?”
“No way. Need to hold this above you so you keep coming back to me to ask for another.”
You chuckle and look down, “okay Mr. Smooth-Talker. That was pretty good.”
“I can do a lot more than that,” he says seductively. His hand slides out casually and finds a home on your thigh.
You inhale sharply in pleasant surprise and lean towards him, “oh really?”
Matt leans in towards you too, “yeah, like-“
Just as you’re about to kiss him you hear a loud shout.
“Hey, get your hands off her!”
You startle at the sound and turn to see who could possibly be yelling like a maniac inside this bar. You’re also curious to know who’s the one getting yelled at.
Your stomach drops when you realize that you’re the target. And the yeller?
“Oh my fucking God,” you curse, resting your forehead in your hands.
Tangerine comes stalking towards you.
“Uh, who the fuck is that?” Matt asks warily.
“My ex….fuck-buddy? Friend-with-benefits? I don’t know, it was complicated. But a piece of shit- that’s what he is.”
“What the fuck are you doing, mate?” Tangerine yells at Matt when he approaches you two. His words slur together and you can tell he’s really, really drunk.
“I could ask you the same thing,” Matt says gruffly.
“I’m not the one getting handsy with someone else’s girl,” the brunette snarls.
You scoff loudly, “Your girl? That’s rich Tangerine. Last I recall I was just a slut you fucked.”
Tangerine’s expression softens just the slightest and you almost think you clock regret in his eyes.
“Look, mate, you’re drunk. So get your ass out of here before I hand it to you,” Matt threatens.
Tangerine is sent back into his rage and steps toward Matt menacingly, “you little fucking,”
“Okay,” you shout, stepping in between them and putting a hand on each of their chests, “that’s enough.”
“Tangerine, go. home,” you growl.
“Yeah fucking right I-“
“Just let me take him,” Matt interrupts.
You scan his tense body, “Look, I appreciate it, but you’re not gonna win. Tangerine here is, well, trained. And I don’t want anything to happen to your pretty face. I’ll take care of him.”
“But he’s definitely stronger than you,” Matt protests.
You side eye Tangerine, “he won’t hurt me.”
The blonde’s eyes narrow.
“Physically, at least.”
Matt finally sighs and steps back, “I’ll be waiting here for you.”
You send him a half smile and then turn to the brunette with a glare, “Let’s. Go.”
Then, you literally grab him by the ear and drag him outside the bar. Tangerine lets out a string of curses and tries to fight back a little before he finally gives up.
When you get outside you let go of his ear and shove him, “What the fuck was that, Tangerine?”
“I was trying to protect you from that git,” he slurs.
“Tangerine, you’re the git. You’re the one that hurt me. It’s you I need protection from.”
Tangerine’s tough guy facade crumbles right before your eyes into one of remorse. He suddenly looks years beyond his age and crumples down onto the sidewalk, back pressed to the wall.
You look down at him with disgust. His hair is all over the place, his clothes are a complete mess, and he reeks of booze.
“I’m calling Lemon.”
With shaky hands you dial his number.
He picks up rather quickly and you can hear the confusion in his voice when he answers, “uh, hello?”
“Lemon, come get your fucking brother.”
Although Matt was everything you could’ve hoped for, your night was ruined after Tangerine left. Luckily, Matt was understanding, and you’d exchanged numbers to meet up another day.
When you’d gotten home from the bar, you’d broken down completely. All of the anger, betrayal, frustration and sadness that had been pent up within you for weeks burst forth like a raging storm. You’d sobbed and screamed and even pitched a picture frame of you, Tangerine, and Lemon across the room, shattering it. The broken glass was a problem for later-you, and you’d ended up falling asleep on your couch, still in your bar clothes.
Loud bangs are what startle you awake hours later, and you curse as you flail off the couch. You hit the floor with a thud and groan. Now, not only is your head pounding, but your back will be all beat up too.
The pounding on your door continues and you curse whoever is making a ruckus this early.
You yank the door open, “what the fuck do you want?”
The last person you expect to see is on the other side.
“Fuck off,” you spit before swinging the door shut resoundly.
Except the door doesn’t close because Tangerine’s foot catches it.
“Fuck me,” he groans in pain.
The brunette shoves the door back open and you smirk, “that’s what you get for being in places you don’t belong. Now get the hell out of my apartment.”
“Wait, wait. Please, just give me a chance to talk to ya. And then, if ya want, you never have to fucking see my face again.”
You don’t reward him with a response and instead just walk away, sighing.
Tangerine takes this as an invitation and walks inside your apartment, letting the door shut gently behind him. You beeline straight to where you left off on the couch, paying him no mind.
The idiot must not be paying attention because you hear the crackle of glass beneath his shoes and a quiet curse.
Tangerine goes silent and you stiffen, listening closely. You hear the pings of shattered glass being sifted through and then his footsteps as he nears your spot on the couch.
“I forgot about this picture,” he rasps.
“Well you can fucking have it. I don’t want it anymore.”
“Can I- can I sit?”
You briefly glance over at Tangerine and look him up and down. You don’t respond, only nodding.
Though he, like you, is still in his clothes from last night, he looks ten times worse. The purple bags under his eyes are heavy and dark, his hair and mustache aren’t groomed, his button up is missing a few buttons, and his shoes are untied. Maybe it’s bad to say, but you revel in how miserable and pathetic he looks.
“You look fucking awful,” you remark, venom heavy in your tone.
“And ya look like you’ve been crying.”
“Well no shit, Tangerine. Sort of happens when someone you thought was your friend turns out to be a big fucking prick. “
He looks down at his feet and shuffles awkwardly, “I know. I’ve uh, that’s why I came here to talk to ya. To apologize.”
You scoff and look at him with disbelief, “okay now you want to apologize? Only when you’ve fucking hit rock bottom you wanna mend things?”
“Love, no I, I’ve been wanting to since that night in the fucking elevator I-“
“Don’t call me that,” you whisper angrily, lip wobbling in spite of yourself.
“I’m not your love, I’m not your friend, I’m not your anything anymore. We’re done Tangerine, this is over.”
It’s then that the boy you’ve known for almost five years does something you never would have imagined.
He grovels.
He literally gets on his knees before you and grabs your hands tightly, looking up at you with pleading eyes.
“Just listen to me for a second. Please. I want ya to know how fucking sorry I am. Not just for last night, but for everything. I’m sorry I called ya a slut. I’m sorry I was rude, and distant, and an asshole. I’m sorry for fucking you like some piece of meat and then just leaving you behind with no aftercare, no attention, nothing. I’m sorry for being a terrible friend and I’m sorry for not telling you that I love you sooner.”
Tears shine in Tangerine’s blue eyes and he chokes on his next words, “Christ, I love ya so fucking much. And I know I’ve gone and fucked things up now, and that it’s too late. And I have to accept every day for the rest of my life that it’s my fault. I have to live with that. And I will, even though it could kill me. But I don’t know what I would’ve done if I couldn’t tell ya at least once.”
Tangerine’s forehead falls to your knees and his body begins to shake in quiet sobs.
He inhales sharply through his nose, trying to hold back more tears, and looks up at you so sadly. “You’re the best girl out there, and you deserve the best. You deserve to find that with someone. Someone who isn’t me.”
Tears of your own begin to drip from your face and your heart throbs in your chest.
You reach out and cup Tangerine’s jaw so gently it’s as if he could crumble under your fingertips at any second.
“Tangerine,” you whisper.
You search his eyes for any sign of insincerity, of some sign that he’s going to break your heart again. But all you see is true, genuine adoration and vulnerability. Consciously or not, your heart returns to the hands of the one who holds and you pull him in, kissing him softly.
The kiss is sloppy, and salty and wet, but you don’t care, because every peck and sigh and bite is punctuated by what you both know- I love you. I love you. I love you.
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justliketoreadsowhat · 2 months
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Captured ☁︎︎
☁︎︎𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐬
☁︎︎𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛 𝐠𝐥𝐚𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐞, 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐚 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭
“𝐃𝐨 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲’𝐥𝐥 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐌𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬?“
“𝐈’𝐦 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞, 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡 𝐨𝐟𝐟 𝐈 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮’𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐞“
“𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐮𝐦.. 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐝𝐨 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭?“ 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐞𝐱𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐚 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐠𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐤, 𝐞𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡.
With summer almost coming to an end, it was only right to sneak in a few more side quests before your two worlds became obstructed with sports & school. Overtime you and Paige learned to never take these moments for granted, as she would soon be making her way to the WNBA, where things would never be the same.
“Bought a camera and don’t even know how to work it” Drew snickered, watching her older sister struggle to his amusement. “I told you to keep the instructions”
Side eyeing Drew she bantered “I don’t need instructions and I definitely don’t need to listen to a 10-year-old”
The two were indefinitely the same people in different fonts, but nevertheless, the core memories being created made up for everything else that happened in between.
"I'm sure you'll get some good pictures once the lights dim a little bit. besides the scenery is way too nice for the camera to give it enough justice" you appealed to the view, sitting in the row watching the players move swiftly to hit the ball to the opposite side of the net.
"Yeah you have a point, I jus wanna have these moments to keep with me" admitting to her thoughts slipping out from her mouth. Paige loved experiencing new things, cherishing them with the people that she loved. Most importantly, you.
"I get it, we can go get them printed out afterward" The suggestion molded your mind into the memory of when you first met Paige. Her room was filled with polaroids and old cameos adorned with her friends and family. She talked for hours about what happened during each one, as she wrote dates on the back in case her memory became clouded.
A smug look grew upon her face and she examined your expression, she knew you all too well. it became like a 2nd nature to her to notice when you were in a thinking daze. "You should let me take some more of you, I'm having withdrawals"
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion "Wha- Paige you took pictures of me when we went to Aaliyah's game"
She scoffed at your allegation "That was over a month ago!" Truth be told she was a true lover girl at heart, she could never get enough of you. Religiously keeping small pictures in the back of her phone case to keep you close to her heart even though you were miles away.
"Okay okay fine, but you need to take some of yourself too, you look beautiful” admiring the way her ponytail fell perfectly down her back as two strands framed her face.
"Sooo...we all just forgot about me? I would like some cool flicks too" Drew asserted, removing the camera from Paige's hands quickly changing the settings.
"We'd never forget about you Drewski" you laughed as you watched him hold up the camera extremely close to his sister's face.
"Say cheeseee" he dragged, the sound of the camera clicking, clashing with the bright flash blinding everyone in sight.
"Shit I'm gonna go blind" Paige muttered rubbing her now sensitve eyes.
"You're already blind P"
"Ayee that was a good one" Drew lit up with excitement, reaching across to shake hands in agreement.
"Alright now nobody's getting pictures since you two think it's so funny" Her protest grew weak as an announcement over the intercom haltered the crowds' attention.
"No Flash Photography Please, Thank You"
"You sure you don't need those instructions?"
"Just let me live bro" she groaned placing the camera back around her neck. “They’re definitely gonna fine me now”
“S’okay, it’ll all be worth it”
𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐠𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐒𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐬.
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐬𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐛𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮’𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬, 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬.
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redr0sewrites · 11 months
i woke up today with no thoughts but edging blade and making him ride me.
I AM THE NUMBER 1 BOTTOM BLADIE ADVOCATE. i see every character as a switch but theres way too many top blade fics and i think he needs to be absolutely destroyed like if you put me in a room with him one of us is coming out pregnant and its not going to be me.
AAAA UR SO REAL FOR THIS LIZ <33 sorry this took so long to reply to, i started this but stupid tumblr ate my progress so i had to restart 😒 ANYWAYS, I HOPE U ENJOY !!
🥀Cw: smut, AMAB!reader, sub!blade, overstimulation, marking, creampie, edging, breeding kink, overall filth
🥀minors dni
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"p-please!" Blade moaned out, thighs quaking as you rocked your hips back up against him. He was straddling you, his neglected cock twitching as you forced him deeper onto your cock. "nghh puh-please, i wanna- i need to come..." blades stoicism had dissipated entirely, leaving you with the whiny mess currently grinding in your lap.
you had denied him of his orgasm 3 times already throughout the night, and he was becoming desperate. his poor cock was leaking precum, and his cheeks were flushed a hot pink as tears formed on his lash line. he was just so pathetic, he needed you so bad! who were you to deny him?
"aww, bladie~ why should I? tell me why I should let you come. are you being a good boy for me?" you smirked, thrusting upwards into his tight hole hard enough to make him sob.
"i- im being good! im your good boy! please- please- ngh- i need you so-oo bad" blade moaned, nails digging into your shoulders as your hand traveled up his chest to his nipples. you leaned forward, taking one into your mouth and kneading the other with your hand. suddenly, you twisted the hardened nub between your fingers while simultaneously thrusting up against his prostate and he squealed in pleasure. fat, glossy tears streamed down blade's cheeks as you began to pick up the pace, leaning back and thrusting up into him so hard he nearly toppled onto you. needy whines escaped his lips as you mercilessly railed him, forcing him to ride you. blade's hips grinded in tandem with yours, and you could tell he was nearing his orgasm.
"you close baby? t-tell me how bad you want it~" you choked out, a moan threatening to slip past your lips as he squeezed your cock so tightly.
"i- auhhg- p-please, please i need it, i need you, i needa' come o-oh-" blade was cut off with a scream as he arched his back, hips stuttering as his sought after high washed over him. Your eyebrows knitted together, you could feel your own release building in your orgasm.
"You want my cum, baby? want me to come inside, fill you up real nice? im gonna breed this precious hole, fuck you full of my seed~" Blade's mind went blissfully blank at your words, and you wrapped your hand around his neglected cock, stroking him roughly as he shook in overstimulation. He could already feel yet another coil of pleasure building in his abdomen as your thrusts became more sporadic.
"Ye-yes, o-oh yes, please master, i need you, nghh need your cum, want you to fill me up so bad, want it so bad-" your hips jerked up in a few final thrusts as bliss filled every nerve in your body. Blade let out a needy sob as you came inside him, his hole tightening so perfectly around you as a second orgasm shook through him unexpectedly. His cock coated the both of you in his release, and a ring of cum surrounded the base of your own dick still inside of him. With a soft whine, Blade collapsed on top of you and you chuckled softly.
"You tired baby?"
"mhm. Wanna sleep." with no reason to argue, you wrapped your arms around your lover as he nuzzled into your neck, and you gently pulled out of him. blade whimpered softly and you chuckled, gently running your hands through his hair as you both began to drift off.
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jihyoruri · 9 months
heyy aurelia, can i request a “bada and aespa!yn questionable moments” if you havent made it?
BADA AND YN QUESTIONABLE MOMENTS 568k views bada lee x aespa!yn
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warnings: yn is a aespa member from my aespa!yn series that you can find in my masterlist, fluff, just something short <3
CLIP #1📸
“don’t you know im a savage?” yn said to the camera mocking her member, the girls were filming their comeback and she was on a break. “that’s minjeongs line in the song I’ve been teasing her about it.” yn explains looking at the camera but her eyes drift to behind it and a smile makes its way to her face.
she brings her hand out and a hand latches onto it, “it’s bada unnie.” yn informs kissing the hand that holds hers, “she doesn’t want to be in my video right now, she’s hiding her pretty face.” she adds which earns a laugh from the dancer.
“I’ll catch her off guard later.” yn says seriously.
“no you won’t.”
CLIP #2 📸
“just like a zoo,” taeyong turned his camera towards yn who was marking the choreography, “working hard?” he asks the younger girl, he asked her to be apart of the dance practice video of the song that her and her member aeri is on because yn always leaves him impressed with her dancing
yn turns to him and walks towards the camera with a thumbs up, “bada unnie is driving me nuts.” she says with a fake distressed voice causing the older idol to laugh, “I know she has a crush on me but get off my back bro.” she teases.
“I have a crush on you?” the voice of the older girl fills the room as she makes her way towards yn before standing behind the shorter girl who laughs awkwardly.
yn scratch’s the back of her neck turning her head to the girl behind her before turning back to the camera, “I gotta go.” she says before awkwardly walking to the other side of the practice room.
bada laughs before following behind the younger girl and grabbing her.
CLIP #3 📸
yn leaned against the older girl as she sang softly and read the comments of the live, “who were you rooting for during street woman fighter?”
bada looked down at yn tightening her her hold on the girl who was almost in her lap.
“I was rooting for…” yn trails off teasingly looking up at bada who just stares at her, “jam republic, audrey grabbed my attention the whole show I couldn’t see anyone else.”
bada licks her lips and just laughs at the girls teasing, “you texted me after every episode th-”
“shh.” yn cuts the older off bringing her finger to her lips before laughing nervously to the live.
CLIP #4 📸
“let me show something to the camera.” yn says to bada who turns her camera to yn, “fan service.”
“what are you trying to show them?” the dancer asks but she doesn’t get a answer just yn doing a “sexy” pose.
bada quickly turned the camera from yn to her shaking her head, “she jokes to much.”
“it’s fan service!”
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slut4sugu · 1 year
— 𝐌𝐘 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋, 𝐃𝐎𝐍𝐓 𝐂𝐑𝐘 [𝙛𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜] 𝐄!𝟒𝟐 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬
Miles x Fem!Black reader
Including: miles scaring reader, comfort fluff, slight angst to fluff, bro I almost cried 3 times while writing this I can’t make this shit up bro
Genre: angst-fluff
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🎸: 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐔𝐬- 𝐋𝐚𝐛𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐡 𝐟𝐭. 𝐙𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐚
It was the weekend and you were hoping that you would be able to see miles if you stayed up long enough, you knew he hated the fact that you would stay up to such an ungodly hour just to see him check up on you, but you couldn’t help it this time. You haven’t seen him since early this week and you really missed him, FaceTime calls and texts helped but you wanted him. You wanted to feel his touch or his weirdly comforting dark presence, you wanted to know if he was okay- wait what time was it? You looked at your clock digital white clock to see it was almost 2 am. You quickly sat up and searched for your phone underneath the bedsheets before finding it, unlocking it only to find no new text messages from miles. Your heart sank, what if he was hurt? What if he got shot? What if he never comes home?
So many what-ifs ran through your mind you didn’t even feel the the tears that blurred your vision and ran down your cheeks, you grabbed the plushie that Miles had gotten for you on your birthday and held it close too your chest. It still smelt like him, tears streamed down your face as you worried for your boyfriends safety. You heard your heartbeat in your ears, only wanting to hear his to calm you down- “Ma?” Your head quickly shot up and looked to your window, “Miles?” You froze, just staring at him in the dark making out every feature you could to verify it indeed was our boyfriend, who climbed into your apartment and walked towards your side of the bed. “Why are you cryin? Did someone threaten you mami?” His tone serious as he cupped your face, wiping away your tears with his thumb. You slowly shook your head no, “I..I thought something happened to you. You didn’t text me it was late I thought-“ You couldn’t fathom the mere idea of miles being dead and broke down in tears. “Hey hey mami, I’m here. I got held up and had to take care of sum bullshit, but I’m sorry.” He sitting down on your bed, he lifted you into his lap. One arm going under your knees and the other one on your upper back, you instantly buried your face into the crook of his neck.
Your arms clinging onto him tight as your tears continued to fall, your body now leaning fully on him. The sight of you so broken and scared made miles rethink the idea of being the prowler, if it meant that there was a 50/50 chance of something like this happening again he wanted out. He hated seeing you like this. Miles’s hands now shifted one on your lower back, the other on the back of your head. “I’m sorry princesa,” He whispered into your ear, his tone soft as he pressed a kiss to your cheek. You looked up at him with happy and yet sad eyes before looking back down and nuzzling your head further into his neck. Then a hand that was gripping the collar loosened and went down to hug his torso, “Promise me something miles, please.” “Anything amor.” “Always keep me updated, I don’t want to assume th-that your-“ Your voice started to waver before miles shushed you and rubbed soothing circles into your waist with his thumb. “I promise, and that won’t ever fuckin happen ma.” You inhaled his scent, the smell of expensive cologne and rain making you feel safe. “Please stay the night.” You asked, your voice sounding small seeming as though you thought he would say he couldn’t “I will mi amor.” He pressed another kiss to your forehead and his grip on you tightened, “I won’t leave you alone.”
Miles knew he would get lectured for not reporting back to uncle Aron that night, but he didn’t care. At that moment at 2:23 am, all he could possibly care about is you. The angel he held in his arms.
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heeliopheelia · 1 year
can you do enha as love languages?
I'd love to!! I'm sorry, this is kinda long ://
HEESEUNG'S is definitely 100% physical touch:
- always HAS to have his hand around your waist or shoulders to pull you as closely to him as possible. i perceive him as a rather possessive man so the grip around you only INTENSIFIES whenever he spots a possible ✨threat✨
- holding hands is a must with this man, his thumb always strokes the skin on your palm. if you like to wear a ring, he'd love to run his fingers over the cool metal, with time doing it nearly absentmindedly, out of habit
- man's absolutely obsessed with your lips and kisses them whenever you're in a close enough proximity for him to tug you by your waist and smash your mouths together ^^
- but he loves kissing your cheeks and nose too – and don't even let me get started on your NECK!! oh boy, he lives for licking and sucking on the soft skin in there, marking you up (maybe or maybe not for everyone else to get the message that you're his and his only)
- let's just sum it up with that: whenever this man's eyes land on you – he's dropping everything just to pull you to his side
JAY'S are both gifts and words of affirmation:
- is hands down the best at comforting you when you're feeling down bcs he just can't stand to see his baby upset and he'd do anything to see your pretty smile again
- compliments you so much you'd think he would've ran out of ideas by now but nooo – every day it's a new one from him. and man is also just so fucking GOOD with his words he never ceases to make you feel butterflies in your stomach
- "there's no one else for me but you" "i love the way this shirt looks on you. i'd love to rip it off of you even more" "we're so good together, aren't we?" "everything i do is for you. you're my whole world"
- spoils the living shit out of you bcs he's this typa boyfriend to buy you everything he thinks you'd like or would've caught your eye if you went shopping with him
- it don't always have to be the big things. it can be one pretty flower he spots on his way back home and he's gonna buy it bcs he knows how happy you always get at such small simple gestures
JAKE – physical touch as well:
- my bro's addicted to hugs and always drags them out for as long as possible... loves to literally ENGULF you in his arms and squish you like a teddy bear
- always finds a way to somehow pull you to his lap, even if the two of you are just sitting by the table side by side and you're watching him eat whatever you've cooked for him earlier – bcs why would you sit on this hard chair when his thighs are so much more comfortable??
- can't go a day without your cuddles so pls make him happy and cling to him every chance that you get. feeling your warm body this close to his just makes his heart feel so full and mushy ajbsnzzsmx
- sleeping without having you in his arms is a literal HELL to him so even if you're not a sleep hugger right now – you're gonna turn into one after two months of dating sim jayun
- needs you to be his pretty little passenger princess bcs there's nothing that makes him happier than resting one of his hands on your thigh or intertwining it with yours to pull it on his lap. depends on his mood
SUNGHOON'S is quality time:
- as he's always busy, he absolutely treasures every tiniest amount of time that he gets to spend with you
- tries his best to never make you feel neglected so expect a date night at least once per week or two if he's super busy. has a list on his phone of all the places the both of you wanted to check out together, so the date ideas never run out
- he makes sure to spend his lunch breaks with you – whether to eat together or just simply take you for a walk
- also, takes three hundred pictures of you on each one of your dates so that he can scroll though them as much as he wants whenever he finds himself missing your pretty face
- thrives off of every moment spent with you, even if the two of you are just laying on the couch and scrolling through your phones. he cherishes your company the most in the world
- shamefully often ditches his scheduled meetings with friends or some work parties only to hang out with you instead
SUNOO – acts of service:
- always plugs your phone to the charger for the night bcs he knows you tend to forget about it as you drift off while scrolling through some dumb social media (an unhealthy habit of yours he discreetly tries to change)
- if you fall asleep after a party or some rough day at work/school and don't have the chance to properly take your make up off – dw cause he's gonna do it for you with gentle caresses of the make up wipes he's bought for you some time ago
- makes sure your plants are watered and healthy bcs he knows how sad you get whenever one of them ends up dying on you :(( (also is a big fan of buying you every single pretty plant he sees in a store so now you're happily stuck 14 of them decorating your bedroom)
- loves to do house chores together with you – he finds it so relaxing!! from washing the dishes alongside with you wiping them dry, all the way to simply dusting the rooms or folding the laundry together – he THRIVES off of every single one of these activities
JUNGWON'S are absolutely words of affirmation:
- since he's still young, physical contact might not be something he's super used to. speaking though – now that's something he's really good at
- "i'm not going anywhere" "loving you is never a task, darling" "i think you're just fine. you're perfect" = best boy at reassurance and boosting your confidence
- always hypes you tf up whenever you feel insecure or worse about yourself, so he makes it a personal mission for him to make all of these thoughts go away as he showers you with hundreds of compliments
- loves praising you and watching you becoming a flustered lovable mess 🫶
- after finding out that you love the sound of his voice and find his talking soothing – bro ain't gonna shut his mouth even for a second. he'd do just about anything to make you happy so if blabbering about every single stupid thing he saw on the internet today is one of these things, so be it 🙏
- he'd break his tongue if that meant you would feel loved by him
NIKI'S are subtle acts of service:
- he's very attentive to everything you do even if he might not appear as such type
- he has all of your order preferences memorized by heart or written down in his notes app. also, he knows you're not the biggest fan of ordering or talking to the waiters so he always makes sure to do it for you and places your order alongside with his by himself
- whenever you're on a walk and it's getting cold, he will FORCE his hat or gloves onto you, rather having himself freeze to death than seeing one shiver running down your body
- walks you to school every morning without a fail and always buys you coffee on the way
- has some or your spare clothes in his wardrobe so if you spontaneously decide to stay the night you don't have to worry about not having anything fresh to wear the next day
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0osubby-bunnyo0 · 7 months
Just want an older brother to lure me into his room with promises of bonding time.
We havnt hung out in so long, school has been keeping me busy and work has kept him away from home :(.
I miss my big bro, I miss just being in each others presence. Of course this just makes it that much easier for him to manipulate me into doing whatever he wants. How could I ever refuse my big brother!
Oh? You wanna cuddle because you miss me too? Of course! I’d love to!
What’s that poking my back big bro? It feels hard.. hehe stop kissing my neck, that tickles!
Ah! Why are you on-top me now? Th-this is wrong! Only lovers are supposed to do this!
You don’t care though, it’s been months since you’ve been able to properly see me. Your hand isn’t enough anymore, you need to corrupt your little brother now. You need to fuck into me stuff me full and breed me with your cum.
I’m in high school now I could start dating. Not on your watch. I belong to my big brother only.
So when you finally got a day off at the same time I had a day off you knew you had to take a chance.
So here we are now, you on-top me rutting into my squirming body as I protest and whine. It’s fine, you can feel my boycunt get wetter and wetter as you rub yourself on me. You slip your hand down my shorts sensually rubbing clit as you mark up my neck.
My whines have turned into confused moans “b-big bro what are you doing? A-ah! It feels good..! M-more! Please brother!”
Ripping my shorts off you nose at my sopping cunt. Using your free hand you spread my beautiful lips, pushing your tongue against the folds and licking upwards, tasting my sweet juices, coat your tongue.
“F-fuck, brother! Hah…Want more…Want to feel you inside, please~!” The request was met with fingers lacing through your locks, pulling you closer to the required destination.
You grunted softly at having your hair pulled but he complied, using your finger to push the hooded area of my clit, revealing the shiny sensitive pearl to the eyes of the world.
You open your mouth and latch on once more, sucking onto the bud like your life depended on it. Pressing your tongue flat against it, you can feel more of my juices dribble out, coating your chin in a sheen of slick.
Slowly you move your finger sliding it inside, pushing deeper and knowingly pushing against your little brother's spongy bundle of nerves.
Spreading me open with one finger while continuing your assault on the my clit, the sound of my moans and whines echoing off the walls along with the wet sounds of slurping and squelching.
“I love you big bro~!” My cries, chanting like a mantra and canting my hips against your awaiting mouth.
“Cmon…cum for me. Cum for your big brother~.” You urge, licking over my soaked folds and resuming your position against my clit. Sucking on the pearl while fucking your fingers into my cunt at an unrelenting pace, not stopping even as your arm and wrist begin to strain.
I pull harshly at your hair while arching off the bed, feeling you abusing the spongy nerves even more while sucking harder. You can tell my climax hits me hard by the way my voice catches in my throat.
Sitting up, you gaze upon my dazed body as my eyes glaze over, floating in orgasmic bliss.
Maybe next time you’ll fuck into my virgin body but for now you’ll enjoy the pride of being your little brothers first orgasm.
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akookminsupporter · 22 days
Preface: This is not an analysis post, and honestly, I don’t want to overanalyse their interactions or everything they said and did—many others are already doing that. My intention with this post is simply to share my thoughts on the episodes, my impressions, and perhaps my conclusions.
I’m writing this as I watch the episodes for the second time.
Oh no, just from the intro, we can already tell we won’t survive Sapporo. I mean, that alone screams COMFORT.
So, no clips or mention of the time they spent in Tokyo? I wonder if we’ll see that in Jungkook’s documentary? Will Jimin be there too? Not just in Tokyo, but in New York as well. Oh, will we see Jimin celebrating with Jungkook when he released his single "3D"? That happened while they were in New York, right?
It seems unreal that we’re going to get so much content of blonde Jimin and black-haired Jungkook together.
How do you subconsciously say something? Hahaha, when did they say that? I wonder if the original plan was for the show to end in Jeju. The fact that there’s no clip of them deciding to go to Japan before actually going, like what happened when they decided to go to Jeju, makes me think that the trip wasn’t part of the initial plan. I wonder if, when it was confirmed Jungkook was going to Japan for work, they said something like, "Oh, I’d love to go to Japan one last time" or something similar, and the agency didn’t think it was a bad idea.
God, Jungkook mentioning their trip to Tokyo and then saying THAT'S WHY he wanted to go back… my heart! Plus, the tone in which he said it, while massaging Jimin’s neck and looking at him, not the camera… How do people expect us not to be… hopeful?
I don’t know if this is weird, but to me, Jungkook looks great with a mask and a big hoodie. It reminds me a lot of the picture I have as my profile picture. That’s one of my favourite photos of him.
Jimin reminding Jungkook to walk slowly (because Jimin walks slowly) is adorable. Did you notice how Jimin was holding Jungkook’s hand while it was inside his hoodie?
Okay. Them in the car. The angle. The closeness. Jungkook’s expressions. They DO NOT HELP CALM MY IMAGINATION. Also, I don’t understand their seating arrangements. Jungkook looked HOT in that clip. Bro, the car was spacious. Why did they decide to film the clip like that? Oh, Jikook.
Jungkook loves getting the camera up close to Jimin’s face. I guess he loves his eyes. God, saying he can see a lot when Jimin asked if he could see anything… JUNGKOOK!
It’s no longer "Ppeuri" but "standing next to you". I guess this is my tinhat moment of the post. Do these songs, especially the words or parts of Jungkook’s songs, have double meanings for them? Because the way they said them and the way they looked at each other while doing so tells me yes, but I don’t know if it’s just what I want to believe or…
Jimin and Jungkook sitting in their hotel room, deciding what to do or eat, is everything right with the world. I LOVE these moments in the show. I appreciate that the editors decided to include more of this. They should’ve done the same when they were in the US.
Ahh, Jungkook’s best ship will always be him and food hahaha.
Sharing sausage is fine, and even beer – though Jimin didn’t end up drinking any because Jungkook had already drunk it all – but Jungkook crosses the line by eating the potato skin just because Jimin touched it with his fingers. Okay, Jeon Jungkook.
Jungkook, what video did you watch? When did you watch it? Didn’t Jimin film the video he was talking about the day before the trip?
Jimin forgetting about the camera and, with it, the fact they were filming a show told me he was comfortable enough on the trip not to see it as "work".
They don’t know the concept of personal space, do they?
Them making jokes or comments about when they’d be in the military is both funny and sad. Why did they make them do that? They should be on stage, not on the border with the crazies from the north!
They love snow.
When the clip of Jungkook falling came out in the show’s trailers, I thought he was imitating Jimin’s part from "Spring Day", but it turns out he actually fell hahaha.
Jungkook being sure that Jimin would love the gimbap triangle he chose… he knows him well!
Again with the "standing next to you", and this time Jimin said part of it, paused, and Jungkook continued. That means something more between them. Either that, or I’m going crazy hahaha.
Jimin and Jungkook bickering over the most mundane, often domestic things is everything.
Fluffy Jimin and Jungkook!
I’m confused. Was Jungkook talking about the restaurant they went to in Tokyo in 2017? But then Jungkook said he went there that day, and Jimin said he’d gone a few days before. So, they were saying that they went back to the restaurant recently, right?
Ahhh, so Taemin recommended that restaurant to Jimin, and that’s why Jimin and Jungkook went there when they travelled to Tokyo in 2017. Each of them remembering things from the trip the other didn’t is what I call teamwork, or I guess it’s team memory hahaha.
It’s too sweet seeing the hyung line, especially, almost in denial of the fact that Jungkook is all grown up, that he’s an incredible person and an amazing artist. They’re all proud of their maknae.
I really appreciate how Jungkook never makes Jimin feel bad for wanting to eat more or anything like that. On the contrary, he’s always cared about Jimin eating well and eating enough.
Jungkook calling each destination a season - no pun intended - is hilarious. Jungkook, I need more seasons, please!
Jungkook with a headband is too cute.
Jimin and Jungkook love the snow. And Sapporo. Also, they’re great ambassadors for CD and CK, hahaha.
We’ve all been Jungkook, scolding ourselves for eating and drinking too much. I’m like Jungkook almost every day, hahaha.
Jungkook saying he’ll remember those moments from the trip, aka being with Jimin when he’s in the army… with Jimin, that’s everything. Jimin’s comedic timing is everything.
Jungkook predicting Jimin’s intentions… again, hahaha, they know each other so well. Oh, and Jungkook taking a few minutes to choose which glasses to wear because, according to him, none looked good on him. Then Jimin just picks the first pair Jungkook chose, and they look great on him – that’s comedy gold. The way he looked at him, like “Really?” Hahaha.
Jungkook loves the snow. The cold. The winter.
They seriously don’t know the concept of personal space. Also, their bickering is always super funny.
By the way, Jungkook’s bag or pouch or whatever it was – it’s so cute!
Jungkook made Jimin do the sign of the cross over his food with the camera? I mean, I guess that’s some kind of ritual? Hahaha.
I don’t care how this sounds: Every time Jimin talks down about his looks or his body, I just want to slap him a couple of times to make him understand that he’s beautiful, handsome, lovely, incredible. Gorgeous inside and out.
Jungkook’s mission was to make special memories to remember during his military service. And it’s sweet that those memories were made with Jimin so they can reminisce about them together while they serve because they enlisted together. Will they talk about that?
It makes as much sense as Jungkook not wanting to eat the potato skin because Jimin touched it with his fingers but was totally fine with those same fingers in his mouth. That logic is slightly illogical, but I guess it makes sense to him.
Jungkook loves Sapporo.
Joking about their military service was their way of coping, hahaha. It’s not funny, but I’m laughing.
Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if they ended up living in Japan, hahaha. They really do have a special connection with certain cities in that country.
Was it really that hard for the editors to give us more of this in the USA? Like, I want to see the everyday Jimin and Jungkook. Not in a rush, just enjoying everything. Being happy simply by… being. That said, it’s hilarious seeing Jimin and Jungkook acting “normal” in Sapporo, with security and their managers behind them, hahaha.
Wait, so Jimin saw the same video as Jungkook where someone was talking about how to talk to cats or something like that? Do they share accounts, and send each other funny videos all the time, or are they really just that similar? Which is it?
The editing the team did to avoid showing the inside of the train station and the train is hilarious, hahaha.
I love how Jungkook will always be gentle with Jimin.
Jimin covering his right ear because he was wearing one of Jungkook’s AirPods, even though he’s a Samsung ambassador, is so funny. And it was even more obvious – and therefore funnier – when Jungkook said they were listening to a Japanese song and he was only using one AirPod, hahaha.
Again, do they have the same 'For You' pages on every video platform, or do they constantly send each other links, or are they really that similar that they watch the same content? Because Jimin always gets the meme or joke references Jungkook makes. And he always plays along. And vice versa.
Jimin deserves an award for not showing that AirPod, hahaha. My question is, wouldn’t it have been easier to just use Samsung headphones or something?
Sapporo, you will always be special.
Jimin and Jungkook don’t know the concept of personal space.
Awww, Jimin talking about having a daughter. I’ve no doubt he’d be a great dad.
Jungkook telling Jimin he didn’t want him to drive without actually saying he didn’t want him to drive is peak Jungkook when it comes to Jimin.
It’s been a while since I’ve seen Jungkook do that hand gesture he and Jimin use when they’re telling themselves to focus on something, hahaha.
Jimin really loves the song 'Hate You'. I remember how, during Jungkook’s concert, he said in the comments that it was his favourite song.
That’s right, Jungkook! Screw society’s standards. It’s a shame we couldn’t hear 'Christmas Day'. As compensation, they should give us another song together.
Okay, but being a bit serious, them walking in that place under the snow, with their coordinated outfits, huge smiles, and constant giggles, it almost looked idyllic. Romantic. Sometimes it’s not our imagination – it’s them giving our imagination material, hahaha.
Them going to a… museum? I think it’s a museum or something like that, about whisky, it's so… hahaha. Yoongi would be proud. They’re so funny, so chaotic, and so quirky. And the most impressive thing is how well they match. Also, they really like role-playing. Like, it’s one of their things.
Nooo, they forgot to pay! They probably thought the staff would handle it, hahaha. Jungkook giving the card to Jimin is so relatable – I’d do the same out of embarrassment. Jungkook having to pay in cash at the end is hilarious. Seriously, they’re funny without even trying. My question is, was that their personal card or the company’s? Hahaha.
Jimin and Jungkook don’t know the concept of personal space.
Jimin and Jungkook seriously love the snow. Like, really, really love it. They just click, you know? 
When the clip of them playing in the snow came out in one of the trailers, I remember someone on Twitter saying they’d bet that after Jungkook threw the snow block at Jimin and dusted off his hands, he went straight over to help Jimin brush the snow off himself – and damn, they were right. And I don’t know if that means we know their dynamic that well, or if Jungkook’s just that predictable when it comes to Jimin... although, isn’t that basically the same thing? 
Honestly, it’s impressive how they instantly get references from memes or viral videos the other made because, how on earth did they even find that video of... Ken? Saying "good" every two seconds? Seriously, how? Did Jimin send it to Jungkook or did Jungkook send it to Jimin? Because I refuse to believe they’re that similar, to the point their 'For You' pages or video recommendations are practically the same. 
Jungkook, you didn’t eat the potato skin because Jimin touched it, but you’ll... never mind. 
The fact that they pointed out they think the same way is funny to us as fans, because it’s like, wow, Jimin and Jungkook just said that if you put your hand in a glass of water, it’ll get wet, hahaha. 
It’s hilarious that Jungkook wondered what it would be like if they were the same age. I suppose he was talking from a cultural POV and it's funny because their dynamic doesn’t really fit that context, and that’s one of the main things that sets them apart from the other members or their dynamics with them. Jungkook often comes across as Jimin’s hyung, and Jimin’s fine with it – which is crazy when you remember that’s something Jimin really respects. Jungkook often drops the honorifics with Jimin or speaks informally to him, and it feels natural like they do it all the time. So, him saying that is funny because their relationship would probably be exactly the same as it is now, except Jungkook would never call Jimin hyung. 
Jungkook, I need you to keep your promise and tell us the real story about that fight between Jimin and Tae, hahaha. 
Hearing them talk about their future plans, touring again, and all seven being together is beautiful. I can’t wait for 2025. Damn, I need money. 
I loved this episode. Like I said in another post, it’s my second favourite episode of the show so far.
Here, we returned to that normality in their dynamic and the show, that we saw in the first two episodes. We went back to the calm, the tranquillity of their trip. I loved that the editors decided to show more of Jimin and Jungkook’s day just… being. Discovering or exploring their surroundings.
I loved that domesticity that many of us were craving to see again.
Sapporo feels different. More intimate, more… melancholic. I suppose it’s because of the moment they were in, in their lives, and what would happen a few weeks after that trip. That said, I also think it’s because of Jimin and Jungkook. Here, we didn’t see that little awkwardness we saw in the first episode. Here, they weren’t adjusting to anything. They weren’t reconnecting, so to speak. They were just them from the start. Literally, from the beginning of the episode, I loved that. I loved seeing them happy and more in sync than ever in this show, honestly – and that says a lot when we’re talking about Jimin and Jungkook.
Something I love about AYS is that it gave Jimin and Jungkook the chance to be “normal”, and to do ordinary things like go to a supermarket or ride a train. And yes, I know they do that kind of thing in Korea, especially the two of them, but maybe not with as much freedom. And yes, I know they had a security team with them, but I hope you get what I mean.
Something I’ve really appreciated seeing is how much Jimin and Jungkook validate each other’s wants. And I don’t mean anything dramatic or anything like that, but the little things like Jungkook wanting to eat more and Jimin saying it doesn’t matter, go ahead, or asking if they should order more food or saying he should get his beer like it’s no big deal. Jungkook telling Jimin it was fine if he wanted another gimbap triangle, etc. They validate and encourage each other to do things they’re hesitant about, whether it’s buying something or eating something – they don’t mock or criticise the other for it. That’s so sweet and important to see in any relationship. Validation and words of affirmation. These are two fundamental things in any kind of relationship, no matter what type. And not just that, I love how throughout the whole show they made sure the other was happy, asking if they liked what they were doing or what they did. The subtle way they care for each other, not just from a material or physical standpoint but also emotionally, is so beautiful to watch.
I loved Sapporo. I loved Jimin and Jungkook in Sapporo, and it makes me sad to think that the show is coming to an end, but I’m treasuring every smile, every moment, every laugh. I’m going to cherish the fact that they shared all those moments with us.
I can imagine many people are happy with this episode because it gave us the same feeling that the first two episodes did. And I don’t blame them. I still think the Jeju episodes were good because they highlighted the difference in the dynamic between Jimin and Jungkook compared to how they interact with other members but Sapporo will always be special. I can’t wait to see the next episode.
Jimin and Jungkook could totally pull off the funniest thing in the world at the end of AYS by releasing a song together. Actually, why just one song? An EP would be amazing!
If you’ve made it this far, I’m sorry and thank you—I just couldn’t stop writing ajajajajaa.
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princessbrunette · 9 months
Okay so I know we usually talk about how the reader doesn’t like rafe fighting and how she’s usually scared when he loses his temper like that buuuuuuuuuuuut what if one time the complete opposite happens. Rafe and her are out at some party and some guy can’t keep his eyes of her, constantly trying to get close to her to the point that she even notices and gets uncomfy. He was already on Rafe’s radar but as soon as he picks up on the fact that his princess is uncomfortable he just sees red and basically jumps this guy in the middle of the party. Rafe knows how you get when he fights and he’s expecting to have make it up to you in more ways than one but when you get home and he’s still bloody and dishevelled you basically pounce on him as soon as you’re through the door, completely throwing him off guard. And you’re just kissing him and moaning about how much you like watching him protect you and he’s just got the biggest smirk like “yeah baby, you like watching daddy do that?” and you just grab his hand and bring it under your skirt, letting him feel how wet your panties are, just looking up at him with big doe eyes. He’d be trying not to bust then and there🥰💕💖💘
my tail started wagging
just rafe approaching the guy, confidently spinning his smaller body around by his shoulders and patting his chest. “y’talking to my girl?” he squints, malicious smile playing at his mouth.
the boy smirks, knowing he’s been caught but trying to play it off anyway. rafes already made up his mind. “nah bro, s’not like th—”
his words at cut off by the beer bottle in the cameron’s hand colliding with the guys head, smashing into pieces as he falls. gasps fill the room as rafe ever so nonchalantly scratches his chin, climbing over the boys body to hover over him, clutching his shirt as he splutters. “oh so you’re gonna lie to my face, okay—” he pummels his fist into the boys jaw.
“no i—”
“i really don’t care what you have to say.” he gets in another punch before topper and kelce haul your boyfriend up by the arms, pulling him back. rafe shoves them off, dusting his hands down his jacket. “i’m good! i’m good.” he breathes, shaking himself off, blood splattered on his cheek, looking round at everyone’s shocked gaze. “shows over, alright?” he swivels his head, looking for you before he spots you by the door, twiddling with your hair unsurely, big wide doe eyes fixed on him.
shit, he was in for some grovelling.
“hey lets uh— let’s get out of here okay? let’s go.” he makes an effort to be extra gentle as he guides you by the lower back out and away from the party. he waits for the tears on the drive home, but they don’t come. infact, he’s avoiding your gaze in the car— white knuckles gripping the steering wheel, staring straight ahead. he feels you looking at him, and he’s trying not to imagine the look of fear or disgust.
“y-you know i did what i had to do— if you don’t show these guys who’s in charge they just — they think you’re a bitch— think they can just come and take what they want n’i’m not gonna let them do th—”
“rafe it’s okay.” your voice is soft as velvet, cutting him off completely. something must be up, you must be mad or something. he stays silent in thought for the rest of the drive.
he steps through the front door to your empty house, closing the door softly and he looks a little lost, like he doesn’t know what to do with himself. luckily, you make a move, wrapping your arm around his neck bringing him in for a kiss.
he doesn’t expect it, and certainly doesn’t expect the way your tongue languidly rolls over his, a quiet moan falling into his mouth. “need you…” you whisper against his mouth and he pulls back, his hands hovering either side of you.
“woah woah— w-wait a minute. what’s going on?” he breathes and you blink up at him, doe eyed and guilty.
“love when you protect me, daddy…” you mewl, shyly and slightly ashamed. his eyes are still wide and bordering on horrified.
“uh— since when?”
“since now…” you gently take his wrist, guiding his hand up your skirt, your own fingers on your free hand peeling your panties aside to push his through your soaked folds. your lashes flutter at his touch, lips parted.
“me beating that guys ass really did it for you, huh?” he drawls, finally catching on as he stares down his nose at you.
he spins the two of you around so that he’s pressing you to the door, rubbing his fingers through your mess. “s’kinda filthy, don’t you think baby? i mean i was just doin’ my job as your boyfriend…n’you’re here gettin’ off on that shit?”
“i know.” your voice comes out a whisper, shaking and embarrassed. he pecks at your jaw, nearly your mouth but not giving you what you want.
“yeah… just need daddy to protect you, that right? so fucking weak.”
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waxflowerexe · 9 months
Yk who isn’t spoken abt enough
Ts ofc let’s use our critical thinking😍
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Bro is perfect, tall, BIG, long hair, polite.
ANYWAY. Minors please go away🫶🏾
ᴵ ʰᵃᵛᵉⁿ’ᵗ ʳˡˡʸ ᵖʳᵒᵒᶠ ʳᵉᵃᵈ ᵒʳ ᵃⁿʸᵗʰᶦⁿᵍ ᴵ’ᵐ ʲᵘˢᵗ ᵗʰᶦⁿᵏᶦⁿᵍ ᵗʰʳᵒᵘᵍʰ ᵐʸ ᵏᵉʸᵇᵒᵃʳᵈ.
ᴼⁿ ᵗʰᶦˢ ᵒᶜᶜᵃˢᶦᵒⁿ ʰᵉ ᶦⁿᶦᵗᶦᵃᵗᵉᵈ ʷᶦᵗʰ ᵗʰᵉ ᶦⁿᵗᵉⁿᵗ ᵒᶠ ᶠᵒᶜᵘˢᶦⁿᵍ ᵖᵘʳᵉˡʸ ᵒⁿ ʰᶦˢ ᵖᵃʳᵗⁿᵉʳˢ ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵘʳᵉ. ᴵ’ᵛᵉ ᵍᵒᵗ ˢᵒᵐᵉ ˢᵗᵘᶠᶠ ᶦⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ᵇᵃᶜᵏ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ᵘˢ ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵘʳᶦⁿᵍ ʰᶦᵐ ᵗᵒᵒ😮‍💨
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Because he’s so big (everywhere)he’d be so anxious about hurting you during sex, the difference in strength between the two of you scares him. Therefore, he becomes incredibly attentive. Lots of questions and soft caresses to your face. His attentiveness means he 100% prefers missionary or any position where he you can look you in your pretty eyes, and speak directly to you, entirely focused on your pleasure.
“Is this okay?”
“You like when I do that baby?”
His anxiety towards hurting you means extensive foreplay, he wants you ready for him. His cock isn’t huge but it’s long enough to graze your g-spot perfectly and thick enough that you feel the slightest sting from the stretch. So while he warms you up he’s slow and gentle, eating you out, fingering you and rubbing your clit. In whatever order or combinations you like. He makes you cum until you’re a panting mess, overstimulated and begging him to get on with it. Secretly he likes seeing you overstimed but he hides his depravity behind a guise of wanting to ‘make sure you’re ready’ while cooing soft praises.
“That’s it ,good girl, just one more for me”
“Cum again for me angel, show me you’re ready for me to take you”
At first he treats you like your gonna break (ironic bc we want to be broken over here). He knows he can get carried away so he’s always holding back, and you know this. So if you want it rougher you have to rlly work him up, beg him to go harder. He mayhaps just likes hearing such dirty things from your perfect mouth, he’d never admit it tho
“Are you sure love? Say it again just to be sure”
“I want you to feel good, I don’t want my angel to hurt”
And once you’re nodding and begging him to use you, with tears in your eyes, it’s wraps.
He would demolish you. He finds your clit in an instant, regardless of how over sensitive it is . As much as he chases his own pleasure- he wants you to feel good, he wants you to cum and he wants you to cum hard. He thrusts deep slow thrusts, hitting all your good spots.
He’s very vocal as his once soft gentle praises become subtle and possessive degradations. So lost in the pleasure that he half dosen’t realise what he’s saying.
“My angel, so desperate for me”
“All for me, pretty baby, so dirty”
He isn’t a kinky guy by any means, but if you put his hand on your throat he would go wild. He’s usually so timid so the illusion of controlling you in such a way drives him wild in a way that only you could. Hair pulling was another game changer. He loves when you pull him closer by his hair either for kisses or just to feel his breath on your neck. His thrusts would speed up making the stretch you felt before evermore apparent abusing all your sweet spots until you’re a stuttering mess. He loves your fucked our little face as pleas for more spill out of your drooling mouth.
“Good girl, taking it like you wanted”
“Ask me for more baby, I know you can”
You’re already 3 or for orgasms deep when he gets closer to cumming himself. He would be reduced to moans and broken curses as he further picked up the pace. He always asks where you want it, and you always say ‘inside’.
“Inside? Thank you baby thank you th~….”
He cannotttt speak when he cums, he hics his was through sputtered moans happy to fill you full of him.
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Once he finally collects himself he’s apologise for getting carried away and like clockwork you brush the loose strands from his face and tell him it’s fine and you liked if and that he can repay you by cleaning you up. You both know he’d help you anyway but your request helps him feel better.
He cleans you softly, treating you like the princess you are, forehead kisses, brushing/detangling your hair, telling you how well you did and how much he loves you.
“You were so good for me angel, thank you”
“You took it so well, such a good girl”
He’s a gentle thing at heart and you love him more for it.
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ᴾˡᶻ ᴵ ʷᵃⁿᵗ ʰᶦᵐ ˢᵒ ᵇᵃᵈ ˡᶦᵏᵉ ᴵ ˡᶦᵛᵉ ᶠᵒʳ ᵇᶦᵍ ˢʷᵉᵉᵗ ᵇᵒʸˢ ˡᶦᵏᵉ ᵘᵍʰʰʰʰ ᶦᵐ ˢᵒ ˢᵒᶠᵗ ᵃⁿᵈ ʰᵒʳⁿʸ ᶠᵒʳ ʰᶦᵐ
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pablitogavii · 1 year
more of the prank wars pls 🙏🙏🙏🙏
love your writing btw ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
Here come another prank on our poor Pablito ;)
Bro Prank
Summary: You decide to call him "hermano" ("bro") like his friends do all the time just to see how he will react.
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You were currently having a fun evening with Pablo and some of his friends making some grill and listening to the soft Spanish tunes while enjoying the warm Barcelona evening.
Pablo was putting meat on the grill while you were sitting with girls sipping on some wine and smiling at your handsome boyfriend..he looked hot even when he was sweaty and surrounded by the smoke from the grill.
"I got it, hermano!" Ferran rushed inside to grab a bowl as an idea sparked into your head and you smirked thinking it would be a perfect opportunity to prank your golden boy again.
"Gracias, hermano" Pablo said after grabbing the bowl and putting the finished meat inside as you slowly walked up to him snaking your arms around his torso.
"Are you hungry, preciosa? It's almost ready!" he said still flipping the meat while you were glued to his side and you smirked moving to stand beside him before casually saying " looks good, hermano" and returning to sit with the girls.
Pablo furrowed his eyebrows thinking to himself weather you really just called him hermano!?
You told all his guy friends about the prank when he went inside to wash his hands and they smirked agreeing to play along just to see Pablo's face when he realizes you got him again.
After y'all ate and moved to sit by the fire place afterwards, Pablo brought you your glass of wine before sitting besides you and you smiled knowing this was yet again a perfect chance.
"Thanks hermano!" he said and Pablo looked around at his friend who were chuckling a bit but you chose to ignore them pretending like nothing was wrong.
"Amor...why are you calling me that?" a few minutes later when everyone was talking amongst themselves he whispered into your hear while his hand twirled a strand of your hair around his finger.
"Why not, hermano?" you said internally screaming when you saw his clearly frustrated face making him that much more adorable to prank.
"Because I'm your boyfriend??? And you never called me that before." he said bitterly and you rolled your eyes at his little frustration which only made him angrier that you were dismissing this so easily.
"Whatever, hermano" you say casually not expecting that to be his setting point.
"¡Lo que sea!" [Whatever!] he just got up walking with boys to play some basketball while you stayed there chuckling about his little outburst.
"Estas exagerando Pablo.." Pedri told him after the gave his panicked speech about how you must not be attracted to him anymore and that soon enough you will dump him.
"¿¡Soy tonto!? Ella me llama hermano! ¿Alguna de tus chicas hace eso?" [I'm silly!? She calls me bro! Do any of your girls do that?] he said tossing the ball into the net before looking around his teammates waiting for answers.
"I think Pablo might be right..I mean if she isn't just doing it as a joke, maybe she is not into you anymore hermano" Ansu knew what he was saying and of course that immediately got to Pablo's head as that was the only think he thought about for the rest of the night.
How could she bot be into him all of the sudden!? Last night sounded like she was more than into him..but what if Ansu is right? Fuck!
When the rest of them left and it was just you and him cleaning the house, he walked behind you while you were washing some dishes leaving butterfly kisses on the side of your neck showing your what he wanted but you had a batter plan in mind.
"I'm washing dishes, hermano! Not now!" you said feeling his arms immediately fall off your body as he sighed sounding completely defeated.
"STOP! Stop calling me that!" he said and you turned around met with his angry eyes and clenched jaw. All you could think about is that he looked delicioso in that moment..
"What would you want me to call you then, hermano?" you did it again on purpose seeing that he was on edge while walking towards where he stood looking him straight in the eyes.
"All the things you usually call me..amor, amorcito, cariño, Pablito...I'm not your hermano preciosa..I'm not your brother and I am definitely not your bro" he said while walking towards you making your back hit the wall as he leaned into your neck leaving kisses before capturing your lips for a heated make-out session you least expected but welcomed of course!
"I thought you hated whenever someone called you Pablito?" you said after you puled away from the kiss your lips swollen and your desire that much bigger.
"Nobody but you is allowed to call me that princesa" he said pecking your lips thinking this little game of yours was over but you had a different plan.
"Okay, hermano!" you smirked about to walk back to finish the dishes but he quickly grabbed your body like it weighed nothing tossing it over his shoulder while walking towards your shared bedroom.
"Let me go! I need to finish the dishes Pablo!" you hit his back but he didn't listen tossing you onto the bed before getting on top of you in one swift motion.
"Now we will see weather I am your hermano or your papí princesa " he smirked and you did as well letting him pull off your clothes piece by piece before spending the whole night making you regret ever pulling this prank on him ;)
I know it's short but I hope you like it and YES prank wars are back! ;)
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fillthattank · 10 months
Hey there, congrats on the 2000 followers! I wanted to see if you were still taking submissions for the mini celebration you were having. If you are, could you do a story about these progress pictures?
Keep up with the great blog and here's to another 2k followers
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He was already one of the bigger and stronger guys at the gym when I first saw him. Nice bic pecs, a defined mid-section, and arms that earned him many stares. I was one of those, I won't hide it: I wanted to be that big too, one day.
But when I talked to him, I soon found out he didn't care for all those envious - and sometimes lustful - stares. All he wanted was to grow bigger and get stronger.
"The bigger you get the more you want to grow," he said, when I pointed ou he was already massive. He was drinking a gigantic shake in the locker room, his abs already bloated. After giving me some more advice, he tilted back his head to chug the last of his shake, his belly inching forward ever so slightly.
"Damn, I'm so bloated," he laughed nervously, noticing my eyes staring at his belly.
"You always have this much?" I asked, still in awe.
"Lately, yes. Trying to bulk up, but it turns out you need a real lot to be in a surplus when you're my size."
He moaned and rubbed his belly with one hand, as he flexed his other arm. In every gym, you see guys with big bloats, but this was seriously big.
"But like, is it safe to let you belly get this big?"
"Yeah, it's kinda freaky how big it gets. But it's just a bloat. And I want that extra muscle so bad."
This was indeed a daily occurrence. He'd bloat himself crazy after each session. Earning himself plenty of stares, from terror to jealousy passing by fascination, sometimes freaking himself out by the size of his bloat. But for his efforts, he was rewarded with consistent strength and muscle gains.
One day, he turned up at the gym with an already bloated tank, stretching his shirt tight.
"Big lunch?" I asked
"Big dinner, really. I was still so bloated when I woke up," he said, slowly rubbing his huge round gut. "Fitting breakfast and lunch in there was rought. But I want those gains so bad."
He really was huge. I'd seen him leave the gym after some monster chugging sessions with a smaller bloat than this. Watching him pump iron with a belly that looked like it would explode if poked the wrong way was both fascinating and terrifying.
And yet, his workout done, I found him in the locker room, holding the same monster shake. His bloat hadn't gone down one bit, digestion being offset by the water he'd been drinking between sets.
"There's no way you've got room all that, right?" I let out.
"I'm gonna make it fit. Can't miss out on any gains."
He didn't so much chug the shake as brute-force it into his already overloaded belly. His neck muscles working hard, leaning back or to the side as his stomach was forced to stretch. I stood fascinated, both telling myself I might need to jump in if he hurt himself, and in awe of how a single belly could hold so much.
Once done, he opened his mouth to burp, but no sound came out. He was beyond maxed out. Way past his limit.
"I think I need a belly rub," he said.
His belly looked so full I was scared to touch it. But, no one had ever looked as desperately in need of belly rubs as ths guy had.
Just a slight touch and I straight away felt the insane pressure inside his huge belly. As if the huge volume of food and shake was pushing against my hand with all its strength. Just touching the belly seemed to provide a visible amount of relief
"I needed that," he said.
I tried moving my hands around a bit. Like any self-respecting gym bro, I'd overdone it with the shake or the cheat meals a few times, and had some experience, but this was no ordinary bloated belly. His already huge stomach was so overloaded it seemed like he had gone beyond his capacity, forcing it to stretch. There really wasn't much I could do, though it seemed
I offered to drive him home. And to stay with him for at least a bit, as it didn't feel right to leave someone alone with a gut this dangerously stuffed. We lied him down on his bed, his enormous belly taking up a freakish amount of space. Jutting out vertically from below his beefy pecs, and rising up high in the air before it even started to curve back down.
"You really do want those gains bad," I joked.
"Yeah," he replied. I got a chucke out of him. "So bad I almost burst."
Desite almost all the energy in his body being redirected to managing his gargantuan bloat, he mustered enough strength to flex one of his arms.
I ended up staying the night.
The next morning, his bloat no longer looked like it was at risk of bursting, but still stuck out from beyong his pecs by a few inches. Not surprising, as even big muscle guy like him couldn't digest that much in just one night.
What did surprise me was how hungry he was. Even with a bloat big enough to freak out a smaller guy, his belly was still grumbling in hunger, loud enough to wake both of us up. Begging for a gigantic breakfast that he immediately got up to make for himself.
"How are you still hungry?" I asked.
"I don't know, I just am. My belly feels like it's empty."
The hunger only faded when his belly was back to being close to the size it had been last night. I was concerned, but he was now getting excited: with all this food, he was going to be able to put on even more muscle.
Rather than try and calm down after overloading his belly so much, he only increased his intake. His belly did not explode, but his strenth did. PR after PR was crushed. He was adding size at an insane pace.
All that weight wasn't muscle of course. A gigantic belly stuck out at all times. The constant overeating made it adapt. It kept getting bigger, of course, and it got sturdier. His belly no longer looked like a bloated six pack that would burst if poked the wrong way, but like a solid powerbelly, capable of digesting just about anything.
His abs were now gone from sight (though likely bigger and stronger than ever), but he didn't care. The giant belly wasn't just a tool to get bigger muscles, it was a point of pride in itself: just like he had the biggest guns, he also had the biggest gut. And he wanted both bigger.
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delcakoo · 2 years
jay with a short gf ↷♡
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requested <3 ! jake ver ! hoon ver ! riki ver !
PAIRING ! jay x f!reader
WC ! 1.4k
GENRE ! fluff, crack, slight suggestive
a/n: sobbing this was so cute and fun to write, ty for the req anonnie <3
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if you told jay you were insecure about your height.. oh boy
he’d literally go straight from :D to >:[
you’re just so !! cute !! he wants to shove you in his pocket and protect you from the world !!!
and you’re lucky jay is not one to tease often
he’s more just. blunt and completely honest with what he’s thinking at all times
exhibit A
due to your short height you can’t reach a lot of things in the kitchen :(
so when he sees you standing on top of the counter to grab something off the shelf he just goes, “aww”
you whip your head around and there he is. just 🧌 in the doorway
so being the gentle soul you are you give him the middle finger *eye twitch*
but the truth is he wasn’t even teasing you!!
he genuinely thought you looked adorable :c
you could pick a twig off the ground and he’d go ‘☺️ that’s my y/n’ like a literal dad
AND AND due to your height n’ size difference jay’s clothes just OVERFLOW on you
you’ll walk in like, “bub?”
he looks up from his phone all tired and— AHHHHSJHDND Y/N’S WEARING MY SHIRT look how cute she is!!!
he grows the most fond smile imaginable as he murmurs out a ‘yes angel’
but he won’t lie the shirt goes down to your knees so it looks like you have no pants on
he giggles a bit BUT AGAIN jay does not tease you much so he stays quiet <3
even if you were taller than him, this man would still find ways to baby you
but since you’re a great deal smaller than him, his instinct grows even stronger
when it’s cold out???? suddenly you’re a first grader who can’t even zip up their own coat
“ok y/n where’s your gloves? no not those cheap ones, i mean the big puffy grey ones with the velcro straps, your hands are so tiny we have to— OH, AND WE CAN’T FORGET YOUR HAT. seriously, i heard you can get sick from having your ears exposed to the cold for too long—“
you’re just like 🧍‍♀️”love, i don't think my ears temperature will affect my health”
he silences you by further tightening his giant black scarf around your neck and chin
this goes for warm weather too of course, not just cold 🙁
“hmm, i don’t trust this sunscreen brand, y/n. since you’re so small, it shouldn’t be too hard to find a hat that can cover your entire body, right?”
“hey! i’m not that small!”
it’s too late
instead of a hat though, your boyfriend’s brought you a whole umbrella to carry around, declaring that the sun will NOT be burning you today!!
secretly, you have to admit you love being taken care of by him :)
one reason you find yourself getting annoyed by your height though, is when you have to literally stand on your tippy toes just to give jay a kiss :c
yeah, instead of seeing his handsome face when you look in his direction, all you get is his shoulder 🙁
every time you want a kiss while he’s standing, you have to beg him to stay still and bend his neck down so he can meet you halfway
sometimes he can’t help but chuckle a little at your efforts just to reach him
which makes you pout of course, “it’s not my fault you’re as tall as the BFG!”
“eh? i’m average height y/n”
“not for me you asshole”
bro laughs at you again
he thinks you look like one of those little demon chihuahuas when you’re mad
(but he’d never tell you that cuz he’s scared you’ll beat him up with those tiny knuckles of yours 🏃)
sometimes jay gets a little uncomfy looking down all the time and complains about his neck hurting
so, if an innocent kiss turns into something steamier he will instead scoop you up and bring you somewhere where you won’t have to stand on your tippy toes the whole time and his neck won’t feel like it’s about to fall off
either that, or he gets impatient and just lifts you by your thighs to hold you against a wall/kitchen counter
muscle pig
but you’re just like “babe why are we doing this against the wall, can we go to like. the couch or something”
suddenly he’s pouting with his swollen ass lips (proud to say that’s your doing <3) “but i wanted to show off my muscles..”
since you’re a softie for pouty jay you let him do what he wants with you
speaking of his muscles you think it’s fun to tag along on jay’s gym expeditions
sunghoon and niki are usually there too !! gym bros !!
it’s fun watching until they ask YOU to join
“absolutely not. i’m here to pass you your water bottles and that’s about it”
doesn’t matter
the youngest has already dragging you over to the pull up bar and jay’s just smirking his stupid jay smirk because he KNOWS you cannot reach that shit
“okay go, just try one,” niki encourages innocently
you swear if he wasn’t so buff you’d fight him right there
this kid knows damn well you cannot reach that bar
before you can say anything, your boyfriend luckily comes to the rescue
without a word, he grabs your waist lifting you with such ease that it makes you a bit flustered
you whip your head over to the silver haired boy in offense before looking back at jay
“ay, you’re my boyfriend, why aren’t you stopping this discrimination”
he goes 🧍‍
“but.. its true”
you flick his forehead in retaliation ☺️
anyway so with the help of jay you reach the pull up bar and surprise yourself by actually doing A WHOLE PULL UP 💪
jay’s jaw dropped and he starts clapping and smiling and JSJND HE WAS SO PROUD OF YOU !!
“that’s my strong girl. wah, can you do another one for me?”
you folded right there
it felt nice receiving such praise so..
before flopping to the ground because damn pull ups are hard
jay made a delicious meal when you both got home that day because YOU DID TWO PULL UPS <3
there’s like a silent agreement between you and jay that when you’re standing up, he’s the one giving the affection
it goes from just reaching down to give you little pecks to resting his chin on your head with a warm backhug
god jay loves back hugs so much, especially since you’re so small, it’s easier to just wrap you up in his arms like a burrito n’ trap you there forever c:
sometimes it’s a bit too much though
“babe please i’m going to choke”
“sorry angel, you’re just so cute.”
you give him the side eye
BUT when you’re sitting or lying down.. it’s your time to shine!!
finally you can see his handsome face without having to crane your neck up
gotta use him lying down to your advantage !
y’know when jay wears his classic boyfriend outfit with the white muscle top UAHSJSH
you pull him onto your lap n’ he’s like .. 🤨
bro is a strong believer that you should be the one in his lap not the other way around
BUT once you get your fingers running through his hair n’ massaging his temples he just deflates
jay doesn’t get taken care of often so he’s just amazed because wait?? it feels so good???
then it leads to you giving him a full body massage because it’s what the man deserves
then as you’re massaging his stupid muscly arms he goes “your hands are so weak i can’t even feel anything love”
all in all. jay is your number one fan no matter how short you are (and secretly, he doesn’t want you to grow!! >:c)
hugs for my short readers out there 🫂
likes don’t tell me much, reblogs n’ comments are always very appreciated if you enjoyed <3
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© delcakoo on tumblr. all rights reserved. do not rewrite, cross-post, translate, copy, etc.
perm taglist: @duolingofanaccount @strawberry-sunset-skies @scented-morker @koshinene @boowoowho @sultrybaby @yunjinlvrr @lov3niki @yujiecho @monstaxdirtywonk @dekusgirl @l1lac-dreamer @kodzukii
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christinarowie332 · 11 months
i am his .
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matt sturniolo x reader
pt 3 of “i’d be an idiot if i said no to that” and “i win” .
warnings - suggestive ? no droogs (boring ik)
y/n and reader realise maybe it ain’t just tension.
“matt your not even looking”
i say turning my head to look at him giggling , as i’m sat on his lap sideways at his desk .
“i am looking” he whispers lowly , still not looking away from me .
“oh i know your looking , your just not looking at this!!!” i say tapping the paper infront of us .
it’s been around two or three weeks since i hung out with them all and smoked together for the first time . since then i have barley left their apartment . nick and i have gotten so close , chris too .
turns out me and nick had more in common then i initially thought . we both loved melanie martinez , him ,her new stuff and me her old bangers . we also bonded over more personal things and silly things but it’s fair to say we are now attached at the hip . sleepovers . meeting my girl friends . added to group chats and staying up all night talking absolute nonsense and getting deep out of no where.
chris’s issues with him and his girlfriend were worse then we thought . his ramblings from the other night followed into the morning and ended up with us all realising she maybe isn’t the nicest girl . they broke up. this is one of the things that brought us closer . late night seshes talking and listening to music . walks when everyone else falls asleep . him annoying me for half the day .he’s turned into my little brother and i love tm the kid .
matt .
although there are no labels . i am his . not in a toxic way . i am just trilly enamoured with everything this man does . waking up to him smiling down at me . late night drives ending with not so pg moments . his light touches , speaking more then words . the only other language i would ever want to understand . his smile when he sees me and his brothers getting along well . and it’s the same for me . everytime i see his cold mask and attitude drop , everytime i catch him smiling while his brothers talk , everytime a song plays that he likes , watching his shoulders relax and the corner of his mouth twitch , it seems i can physically feel my heart swelling .
so here we are now , in his bedroom after hanging out all day , trying to get him to learn cursive . a silly thing i realised this man could not grasp for the life of him .
“MATT ITS NOT THAT HARD YOU JUST LINK THE LETTERS TOGETHER!!” i jokingly shout through chuckles . grabbing his hand from my thigh and putting the pen in his hand.
“ugh i dont get it !!! it looks stupid bro” he whines out putting his chin on my shoulder and wrapping his free arm around my torso .
“here” i say wrapping my hand around his and moving the pen for him .
i write it subconsciously and i feel him take his head off my shoulder . i turn my head at the loss of heat to find him staring at me with relaxed and warm features , his eye brows curled upwards and a smile lazily plastered on his face .
“what?” i say tilting my head slightly and shifting my body towards him .
he doesn’t respond and just placed a hand on the side of my face . moving his thumb up and down my cheek looking between my eyes and my lips before leaning in .
we kiss constantly. not being able to stay away from each other . each kiss saying a different thing . “you look good” , “i like your makeup today” “i missed you” “that was really cute” “i need you” . never has it ever said this . the kiss screamed many things . the loudest being “i think im in love with you”
he pulls away first . we both stay silent as turn on his lap and put both my legs over his , sitting face to face . his hands trail down my back to my ass , pushing me forward so our chests are all most touching . i move his hair from his face , admiring the boy in front of me .
i arch my back slightly as i lean in to kiss him again . hands in his hair and on the back of his neck . his hands are on the underside of my thighs lifting up and down at the movement of our make out . his cold fingers getting warmed by my body every time i move downwards on his lap .
he moved his mouth down to my ear , my neck , my collarbones. anything he can reach from this angle . leaving bruises and pink marks in his wake . making my head throw back at the sensation and stealing soft noises from me .
my hand trails underneath his shirt. fingers running down his chest , rising and falling with his deep breaths . he takes his top off with my help before lifting me and not breaking the kiss as he carries me to his bed . holding me up with both arms under my thighs before dropping me down on his bed and kissing down my chest. before making his way back up to my lips and placing a slow peck on them .
“ i want you all the time . i want to be yours and only yours y/n please” he whispers ,leaning on top of me , holding himself up by outstretched arms
“you have me matt .”
he has me.
i hate this sm . i’ll give em a spliff ext time i swear guys i just need a spliff myself first !!!
taglst 🤍
@mangosrar @sturnphilia @urmyslxt @biimpanicking @soursturniolo @sssturniolofart @deatthmatch @martyniukpl @parkerssecrets @lividnity @littlebookworm803 @daddyslilchickenfingers
love u all :) -millz / milkie 🤍
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Other Language -Pedri González
Summary: Your boyfriend has already met your family, but his nervous increases mostly when he's about to met your younger brother
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"C'mon Pepi" You said entering your shared backyard where you found your boyfriend, doing some tricks with the ball on his feet. You sighed
Pedri was absolutely nervous to meet your younger brother, even though, he had already met your parents and has been dating you for a whole year and a half, he wanted to like him.
Why the so delayed meeting?
Easy, your brother had level autism, which meant he had problems making new friends, didn't exactly knew how to communicate, didn't liked hugs and most of the time he didn't held eye contact.
The two friends he had on his school was thanks to you, you had sat down when you went to pick him up at school and noticed that the boys were playing football, something your younger brother loved even if he didn't knew how to play it very well.
You made a light conversation with the little kids asking who was who's favorite player, when one of them answered with a "Cristiano Ronaldo is the best", and when your brother listened to that, he swiftly made the not-very-nice-toned comment that "The best is Pelé and he will always be. If you are making a second choice then Cristiano and Messi could be very good. Both of them are great"
And instead of the kids taking offense, they joined your brothers argument and invited him to play as you sat there for a while as you waited for the kids parents to pick them up, Santiago, your brother excited and made them promise to play next day.
But the thing was, he never dared to play with you claiming it was a bit weird and prefered to do other stuffs, something that always left you a bit down since you loved your baby brother but couldn't exactly know a good source to spend a good time with him not making him uncomfortable
Now, after a year and half you thought it was a good idea for him to know your boyfriend. You couldn't forever keep them apart. Pedri had been asking to meet your baby bro and Santiago wanted to know who Pedri was and why his parents and you were always talking about him when you reunited.
"Are you even sure he will like me?" Pedri asked stopping, his hands going at his hips already dressed seeing as your parents could be here at any moment. He had a basic black pants, a maroon hoodie on and still rocked it.
You walked towards him passing your arms around his shoulders, one of his hands instantly went at your waist
"Yes, he will" Hopefully, you thought.
Pedri didn't know about the fact your brother had a little condition. You didn't wanted to scare him even more than he already was. Pedri could see a little doubt in you and he sighed
"Bonita" He started speaking but you shook your head
"He will like you, he does gets a little uncomfortable around new people tho" You admited "So, he may be a little... raw with you at the beggining but I swear once he sees you more and more, he'll give in"
"That doesn't help me at all, Y/N" You groan flushing your face into his neck
"Don't be nervous, he'll like you" You admited kissing his neck a few times, Pedri opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by the bell "Those are my parents, I'll go" Pedri let out a little high pitched scream as you walked back inside the house to open your parents
You greeted them with a smile on your face, you loved when they visited you and they loved visiting you, after hugging your parents you looked down at your six year old brother, they let you alone with him going on their way to find your boyfriend
"Hi bud" You greeted softly
"Hi" He didn't looked at you but rather at the floor
"How's everything going on?"
"How's everything going on?" He repeated looking up at the ceiling "Everything's going well" He nods "You?"
"Everything's goign well too" You smiled "Wanna come in?"
"Can I take off my shoes but not my socks?"
"Of course" He undid every lace in his shoe, folded it in neatly before doing the same with the other, when he was done he put them together in the corner "Can I hold your hand? I want to introduce you to someone very important to me" You let your hand out softly
"I don't like strangers"
"I know you don't. But it'll make me very happy if you meet him, he's important for me and I want my boys to know each other"
"He's my boyfriend"
"Your boyfriend... Okay" He said pushing his hand lightly into yours as you made your way towards the kitchen where you could hear your dad's jokes, your mom's laugh and Pedri's comebacks
"Hello" You say announcing your arrival with your brother
"Hey" They all answered back, your eyes travelled to Pedri's smiling at him
"Santi... This is Pedro, my boyfriend. We all call him Pedri tho"
"It's a nickname" You answered with a smile "Pedri, this is my younger brother, Santiago but we call him Santi"
"Only my relatives can call me that"
"That's okay, bud" Pedri said nodding a bit with a tight smile on
“I’m not your bud”
“SANTIAGO!” Your mom, your dad and you yelled a bit
“Don’t worry” Pedri said with the same smile on, but you recognized it, it was a sad smile
“It was nice to meet you, Santiago” Pedri straightened up “Are we hungry?” He didn’t waited for your answer “I’ll go to the back to start the grill” Without waiting for anything, Pedri left leaving you with your family
“Santiago!” You exclaimed “I asked you one thing, just one!” You said feeling a bit mad towards your younger brother, you let go of his hand and went towards the backyard, watching Pedri stood in front of the grill You walked towards him and hugged him from the back “Pepi” You felt him stiff
“He doesn’t like me” He said immediately shaking his head
“I’m sorry” You say feeling at the verge of tears, this is why you didn’t wanted Santiago to meet Pedri.
He never controlled how he felt, what he thought or what he said.
“You don’t have to be sorry for, bonita” He sighed turning around “It’s not your fault I’m not for his liking”
“No, Pedro. I swear he’ll like you, he’s just like that with everyone he meets at first time” Pedri shook his head
“Leave it, Y/N” You sighed once more, your head on his chest as you silently cried.
It wasn’t your fault, but you hated what had happened; you hated the way Pedri must feel right now, you hated the way your brother unconsciously broke your boyfriend’s heart and you were also afraid what this could meant for the two of you.
“Está bien” Pedri said softly into your ear as you felt him hug you tighter
“No, it isn’t fine” You shook your head “You were too excited to meet him, I was excited for both of you meeting. Pepi, I swear-”
“Don’t, Y/N” You shut up getting his harsh tone “I’ll just have to live with it” You hugged your boyfriend crying as he kissed your cheek repeatedly
“Honey” You heard your mom’s voice “Don’t worry about cooking tonight, how about we order in”
“You don’t have to worry about that, miss Y/L/N” Pedri said
“I’m not” Your mom said “And I wasn’t asking, son. I was letting you guys know, your dad and I will head towards the Pizzeria and bring something back” Your mom walked towards the two of you “And I’m sorry, he’ll eventually open up to you”
“I don’t think so, miss” Pedri said shaking his head as my mom patted his shoulder“You stop crying, baby” Your mom said caressing your hair “We’ll be going” And with that your mother left you guys alone
“Your mom has a point in there, bonita. You should stop crying” You shook your head “I know you’re sad but there’s nothing we can do about it. Go, wash your pretty face and then we can watch TV or something with your brother until your parents arrive. ‘Kay?” You nod lifting your head up and connecting your eyes with his. Pedri smiled at you lightly and connected his lips with yours “Te quiero” He said as he wiped your tears away, you smiled lightly hugging yourself into him
“I’ll go inside then”
“I’ll wait for you at the couch, then” You smiled as he leaned down to kiss your lips again Both of you walked in hand in hand inside the house, your brother was sat on one of the kitchen stools
“Mom and dad left to go for Pizza” You nod
“Yes, mom told me that” You spoke a bit serious, you were still mad at him
“Are you sad?” Your head perked up at that, you shook your head
“You were crying”
“I wasn’t”
“Are you hurt?”
“Why are you lying?”
“Can you be quiet? I’m alright” You said feeling your boyfriend tighten his grip on your hand, you calmed down a bit “I’m alright, Santiago. Do you want to watch a movie?” He shook his head
“Can I be in the backyard?” You nod
“Just don’t do anything crazy, okay?” You pleaded opening the door for him and closing it after he left.
Meanwhile Pedri sat in the couch you went to the bath, to fresh up, looking yourself in the mirror you could imagine how bad Pedri was feeling and the only thought of it made you want to cry again.
You knew about your brothers condition but you thought he would control himself and act a bit better, than he did a few moments ago.
You went to the kitchen and poured three vases, two with Coca-Cola and the other with apple juice, it was your brothers favorite.
You gave Pedri his vase leaving a kiss on his lips making him smile, you left yours in the table and went to give your brothers his.
"Santi" You called him "Here"
"Is it apple juice?" You nod with a light smile "Thanks" He didn't looked at you in the eye but you nodded "Are you mad?" You sighed
"Dissapointed" You clarified
"Is it because of me?" You sighed not answering his question "Is that ball yours? Can I play with it?" Your eyes followed his hand pointing to the ball pulled in the corner
"Pointing is bad" You pull his hand down a bit "That's Pedri's ball. He also plays football. In fact he's a football player"
"Is he?" You hum nodding "Can I play with it?"
"I don't know, it's not my ball to tell" You watched your younger brother look down at his shoes
"Pedri was really excited to meet you"
"Was he?" You nod
"I'm sorry"
"Thank you" You leaned down a bit and kissed his hair quickly "I'll be inside with him watching a movie, you can join if you want"
"What are you watching?"
"I think he choosed Harry Potter" Your brother nodded
"I don't like the Cáliz de Fuego"
"Neither do I" You said smiling "I'll be going, you know where to find us" He nodded once more as you went inside
"Ready?" You flop down next to him, cuddling him, he was serious and not the usually joking and smiling self he was.
"Yes" You said kissing his cheek watching as his cheeks turned crisom and he left a little smile out.
Probably fifteen minutes had passed when your parents came in with the pizza and headed outside along with you and Pedri to eat, the four of you laughed as Santiago was like usual, in his own world.
If it would be the four of us only he would join the convo but seeing as Pedri was present, he was anxious and probably a bit uncomfortable. At the end of dinner you and Pedri went to wash the dishes but your mom and dad already were on it
"You guys are the hosts" Your mom said
"And that's exactly why the invited shouldn't be doing things the hosts should do" Pedri said with a smile winning a cloth whip from my mom, your dad and you laughing about it.
"Go. You wouldn't like seeing your mom's rage when she gets angry-OW!" Mom cloth-whipped your dad too, this time Pedri and you laughing about it
"You want one too?" Your mom offered with a smile as you shook your head
"We'll be going" You replied pushing Pedri out of the kitchen "Outside?" You ask seeing as your brother was watching now his favorite TV Show Pedri grabbed his ball and started playing with you, softly both because of his injury and also because you sucked at the game but you always tried your best.
When your phone started going on and off you stopped playing going inside to attend your phone as Pedri kept on playing by himself. Minutes later, Pedri felt the door being open as he was focused on the ball at his feet
"No" He stopped playing when he heard your brothers voice "Where's she?"
"She's inside the house, on a phone call" Pedri said with a light smile on. Your brother nodded
"Ball" Your brother repeated pointing to the ball at Pedri's feet
"You like playing football?" He nods not looking at him "You want to play with me?"
"Can I?" Pedri nods passing the ball to your brother Time had passed and Santiago had opened up to Pedri.
Both of your parents and you stood in the kitchen watching through the glass window how Santiago started a high five with him, smiled and laughed like crazy, held eye contact and most importantly how he hugged Pedri.
You smiled watching the carefree nature of your baby brother and the happiness of your boyfriend came back. Both of them goofing around
"He already has Santi on his hand" Your dad commented as your mom nodded meanwhile only you could see the image with a smile on
"We'll watch something on the TV, you coming with us?" You shook your head at your dad comment
"I'll stay here" You smiled not for once taking your eyes off of them.
They smiled and went to the couch as you stood there with a smile on, suddenly your brother stopped playing and came back
"Is there any Pizza left?" You nodded "Can I have a slice of it?" You grabbed a plate and put a slice in it watching him eat it. You walked back to where Pedri was, instead of playing he was sat in one of the chairs
"You've him on your hand. Told you he was going to open up eventually" Pedri smiled letting you sit on his lap
"You were also worried" You nod
"I was" You fell silent "My brother has level autism" You confessed taking Pedri by surprise "That's why he's how he is" You shrugged off your shoulders a bit "He has problems meeting new people and also on how to communicate, he doesn't like to touch people nor be touched, he doesn't hold eye contact and to see him doing all those things with you it was simply beautiful. He doesn't even do it with me" You smiled a little
"He doesn't hug you?" You shook your head
"He doesn't even play football with me because he says it's weird, I don't do a lot of things with him because of the same thing"
"Well, for being my girlfriend you really don't know how to play football" You fake laughed
"You aren't funny" He smiled "I'm truly happy seeing him this happy with you. My boys" Pedri smiled
"When was the last time you hugged him?"
"When he was two. He started feeling a bit sensitive whenever we had him in arms and he just started pushing me and my dad away. He only truly hugs mom and that happens once every four months or something like that" You smile "I steal some kisses from him, like when he leasts expect I peck his nose or cheek but he always get angry so..." You shrug your shoulders a bit "I try not doing it that much"
Santiago suddenly appears his face full of pizza souce, you smile
"You have" You point all across his mouth watching him clean it up by himself
"Thank you" He looks back down at the floor as you try to stand up from your boyfriends lap
"Santi" Pedri says "Playing football is cool, right?" He nods "How about we teach your sister how to play?" He nods excited once more "Also, one more thing... You wanna know something us players do before coming out?"
"Sure, what do you do?"
"We have a grupal hug" Santiago looked at you and then to Pedri and nestled himself in between the two of you while sitting himself on your lap
You hugged your brother tightly, feeling his tiny arms around your neck, you held in his coconut scent and the lavender of his clothes something you haven't done in a few years.
When your brother hummed in discomfort you let him go, holding back the tears
"C'mon, we're ready to play" You said standing up from Pedri's lap as your brother went to pick the ball up, you hugged Pedri tightly
"Thank you, thank you, thank you" You mumbled into his ear
"I'm sorry if-" You shook your head
"That was perfect" You smiled kissing his lips "Te quiero"
"Are we playing?" Your brother asked as you separated from Pedri
"Hey" He called you making you turn around "Y yo a ti"
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Tag list: @gaviypedrisbride
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