#the Galo energy is still their much to my delight
livelaughliushen · 2 months
I finally started dungeon meshi and I gotta say I was expecting more Galo Thymos and less Makoto from MADK energy outta Laois.
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cesium-sheep · 4 years
thoughts on promare (essentially a consolidated liveblog, so beware of spoilers)
the animation style is uhhhh very studio trigger lol, for lack of a better descriptor. it always takes a minute to adjust to.
the stylization of the fire is gorgeous
this motherfucker summoned a fire chair when his subordinates summoned vehicles to go fight, definitely big laurent energy
galo is also very much a himbo but not quite the same genre as damen, he’s a much more outwardly boisterous type. he’s got the same naivety tho
the dialogue is great fun whenever it spontaneously comes back down to earth. “is he an idiot?” “definitely an idiot.“ and “you know, I didn’t get naked just for fun.” “it hadn’t crossed my mind.” (big damen energy to that one tho lol)
everyone on the protag team is just like “no dude burnish don’t like, choose to have pyrokinesis”, love that.
the very misty design of the pink girl’s outfit is delightful, although I hope they aren’t setting us up for comphet.
ah. the very next scene with them is the comphet. like it’s probably even cute! he’s just saying she should put value on her own accomplishments because he’s too dumb to ever think otherwise! but also like why.
oh lol I paused it cuz arin came home and it turns out he wasn’t actually remotely thinking about kissing her he was distracted by the reflection of a flame in the ice
the music during the cpr scene was absolutely gorgeous.
presumably the governor was meant to just be getting like, a retina scan, but it really looked like he was shooting laser beams out of his eyes.
has anyone considered like. using their fucking words. the burnish control fire, they may be able to control the magma somehow. and/or they may be able to team up to power your warp shit without burning themselves out.
okay so later lio is shown literally controlling the magma. almost like the burnish are totally capable of fucking solving this.
that dragon cry is fucking dope sound design. there are some absolutely fantastic sound choices in this.
refusing to let someone else self-destruct is such a good trait to pair with a himbo tbh.
lio’s sleeves burned off. nice.
“if she doesn’t survive all this will have been for nothing!” yeah almost like. this was a terrible motivation from the beginning you dumb baby. you knew only a very limited number of people would even be taken on board.
I love galo falling asleep during computer grandpa’s narration. I relate.
bitch is this some pacrim shit, are they gonna copilot, and did he really name it deus ex machina
also I do love that the plan to escape the problem is literally what caused the problem to start with, that is very good.
“a burning firefighter and an ice-cold fire-starter” and he fucking named it “lio de galon” this is just so much lol
bruh you could have just jumped over the ice wall instead of smashing through it.
“if we don’t do something it’s gonna explode!” *immediate explosion*
the destruction of the robots looks so fuckin cool, with the spikes coming out of each back
mm. dunno how I feel about the twist reveal abt the governor, it’s like. kinda weakening everything else y’know? I do love lio protecting galo so hard tho. galo literally just held lio’s flame in his hands and I guarantee the fandom has made that into a whole Symbolic Thing.
hhhhhgghghghghh did lio’s promare transfer to galo??? and also the line “now here’s what I’m gonna do. save him, save earth, and even save you!” good!! good shit!!!
bitch!!!!!! idk if cpr technically counts but!!!!!!!!!!! that’s pretty fuckin gay!!!!!!!!!! and he has a panic over “for the first time in my life I lit a fire!” instead of “oh no I kissed a guy!” they’re just hanging out shirtless in the promaretech engine! I’m gonna lose it! the loyalty all the burnish feel towards lio! send help!!!!
they’ve combined their wills!!!!!!! help!!!!!!
okay given that they end on a fistbump it was probably technically not supposed to be gay. but it was still pretty gay.
overall I feel like it kinda dragged in places but once it hit its stride it really took off running. I can see why everyone else went ham over it lol
I can also see the parallels between lio/galo and lamen. they do really kinda have a similar vibe. “the ice bitch who’s secretly very good” and “the absolute himbo that has to learn that sometimes people lie”.
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