#the Ewan McGregor scent collection
palfriendpatine66 · 8 months
In less than a week I will have the opportunity to sniff Ewan McGregor with my own nose, for science.
I will update final results with my real life assessment 🤣
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casp1an-sea · 5 months
(You can Literally tell me to answer all of them. I WILL)
1. Qui-Gon Jinn: love or hate? Discuss.
2. Pick a Padme outfit to be your signature look.
3. What are midichlorians? Wrong answers only please.
4. Do you prefer the prequel, original, or sequel trilogy, and why?
5. Say you’re in the business of collecting Jedi lightsabers as trophies. Whose would you need to complete your collection, and what would you do with it once complete?
6. What is your favorite Star Wars meme?
7. Dumbest Star Wars moment?
8. If you could ask George Lucas one question, what would it be?
9. Who shot first: Han or Greedo?
10. If you could pull a George Lucas and sneak into Disney plus and edit any Star Wars scene, what changes would you make?
11. Who would you want as your Jedi master? (Why)
12. What lightsaber form would you master?
13. What is your earliest Star Wars memory?
14. BESIDES THE ROTS NOVELIZATION What is your favorite Star Wars book?
15. Fuck marry kill: Ben Solo, Syril Karn, Moff Gideon
16. Fuck marry kill: Asaj Ventress, Dedra Meero, Elia Kane
17. Pick one Star Wars line to describe your life, what would it be?
18. What is your favorite piece of Star Wars merchandise that you own?
20. Please describe in as much detail as possible the signature scent of Ewan McGregor and/or Obi-Wan. (Are they different? Probably)
21. What’s an embarrassing Star Wars related fact about you?
22. Ask your own slightly unhinged Star Wars question here!!
@theosb0rnway @xentari94 @sunshinechildskywalker
@tomatette @dragonflies-draw-flame
@diabollicallyangelic @silly-little-goober-core
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devondeal · 7 months
For the weird Star Wars ask, questions 1,4,7,8,10,11,14,17,18 and 20 😌😘 Have fun
Oooo good ones. Also hard ones 🤣
1. Qui Gon Jinn. Love or hate? Discuss.
I love Qui Gon Jinn. I love how calm he is and how contemplative he is. This doesn't mean I can't see his flaws though. Regardless he is a one of the coolest Jedi the prequels have introduced, I just wish fans wouldn't put him on a pedestal. Let characters be flawed and wrong sometimes, it's ok I swear y'all.
4. Do you prefer the prequel, original, or sequel trilogy, and why?
God this is a hard one. Original is more nostalgic for me, like I watch them for comfort since I watched them when I was a kid all cozy with hot cocoa and blankets and just adoring the characters and twists. But the prequels are just so meaty and entertaining with the flashy visuals and meme humor.
It hurts to choose but I guess I'll go with prequels cuz I do engage with them more in fandom given how juicy they are. That's not to say the OG isnt juicy but the tragedy of Anakin Skywalker is kinda hard to beat there.
7. Dumbest Star Wars moment
God so many to choose from 🤣 but yeah Jar Jar stepping on shit then immediately getting electrocuted. I may have the order wrong on those sequence of events but either way... dumb.
Honorable mention: Jabba's CGI band with Roach and Miss Lips Close up. Just thinking abt it makes me laugh. Like George what were you on? 🤣
8. If you could ask George Lucas one question, what would it be?
I would ask him how he would continue Leia's story after the OG trilogy. I just always felt she deserved more in depth character exploration and I'd want to know his POV on that.
10. If you could pull a George Lucas and sneak into Disney Plus to edit any Star Wars scene, what changes would you make?
I'd take a away the "No... NOOO" from the Vader scene in Return of the Jedi. Just takes away from the suspence of if he will save Luke and ruins it for me. That's really it. Not much of an edit since it wasn't there to begin with. So an un-edit?
Next, I would edit some squeaking noises for C3PO during the Luke and Leia kiss, maybe an "oh my" even though he wouldnt be sure why he didn't like it 🤣 maybe some background dialogue for him and and R2 abt it.
11. Who would you want as your Jedi Master? (Why)
Luke Skywalker. I feel like he would really help with my confidence issues with his tendency for positive reinforcement. And he's nice and calm so he wouldn't trigger my anxiety. But still enough discipline so that I stay sharp and on it which I also need as a scatterbrain. I feel like because he started as a scatterbrain himself, he'd know where I was coming from.
14. BESIDES THE ROTS NOVELIZATION, what is your favorite Star Wars book?
The Approaching Storm is just a chock full of Jedi fun. It gives you an idea of what Jedi are meant to do and you get to see familiar characters in a more relaxed (for Jedi that is) setting.
17. Pick one Star Wars line to describe your life, what would it be?
"All his life has he looked away... to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was. What he was doing."
This Yoda line about Luke very much described me for a very long time. I've always felt and sometimes still do. I tend to live in my head and struggle with being present. I guess Qui Gon's line about being in the present applies too.
18. What is your favorite piece of Star Wars merchandise that you own?
Oof I can't narrow that down to one. So it's gonna be the Ahsoka doll you gave me 😘 also the Savi's lightsaber I made. My Lego collection is huge but I have a soft spot for the Tie Fighter and Luke's Landspeeder cuz they were what got me back into Lego since my childhood.
Literally any Lego clone minifigure.
20. Please describe in as much detail as possible the signature scent of Ewan McGregor and/or Obi-Wan. (Are they different? Probably)
Omg, really making me think like a straight woman eh? 🤣 Idk or care what Ewan smells like even though cool dude. Obi Wan... hmmm....
Tea leaves and really faint raspberry. Why? Cuz the nerd eats them off the Jedi Temple gardens. Just seems like a raspberry guy to me. His robes are always clean so probably fresh laundry. His hair smells like puppy breath idk.
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violecentstrs · 8 years
Our True Love - Chapter 10
A/N: The longest chapter in the series so far. I know it is a lot, but I hope you’ll enjoy it nonetheless. It is a compilation of memories between the reader and Bucky together. A little glimpse as to why their friendship means more to them than any other. I hope you’ll like it. Let me know what you think. <3 (Sorry in advance for any grammatical errors in my stories!)
Previous Chapter(s): Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Warnings: Angst, nightmares, mentions of murders Word count: 4,444 Summary: Reader and Bucky doesn’t get along well after his marriage to Rosaline. Will her friendship with Bucky last or will they crumble and fade?
★ ★ ★
I lay on the bed, staring up at the ceiling.
“When are you coming home, darling?” My sweet mother’s voice loud in the other line. I smile, feeling my heart at ease after hearing her voice.
“I will let you know, mom. I’m using most of my holidays to save up for a month’s worth vacation. I’ll tell you when my boss is generous enough to give that to me.” I say as I shift around in my bed.
“Okay. Call me as soon as you find out. We miss you very much. Besides, you have to see your dad’s growing collection of the Star Wars merchandise. We found the lightsaber prop used by Ewan McGregor on sale in Georgia the other week.” Her voice excited behind the line. I chuckle.
“Okay, mom. I’ll be sure to let you know when I’m coming over.” I say.
“All right, honey. We’ll talk later. Oh, tell Bucky, Steve and the rest of your friends we said hi.” I feel my heart jump a little at the mention of Bucky’s name.
“Will do, mom. Tell dad that I miss him. I love you.”
“I will. I love you too, honey.” Click.
I continue to stare blankly at the wall next to my bed. My mind is shuffling through my memories of times spent with Bucky. He seems to remember our memories together, but with Rosaline instead. But he knows it in his heart that he feels something for me. I wonder what exactly. I close my eyes.
•  F L A S H B A C K   •
The grunts and cries from next door is killing me. Bucky is having another restless night. Ever since he moved in, my nights have always been interrupted by Bucky’s cries and yells. I tolerated them at first, but after over a month of constant sleepless nights, I couldn’t handle it anymore.
I stormed out of my room to go to Bucky’s. But, I freeze in my steps as I find Steve standing in front of Bucky’s door. He looks at me, worry written all over his face. Even though Steve has his own place to stay, he stays over the tower for Bucky almost every night after finding him.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I know it is bothering you. I tried to calm him every night.” He says in defeat and concern. I look at him, suddenly feeling sorry for him. I hear another yell before a loud thump. Bucky must’ve fallen off the bed.
Steve quickly bursts into Bucky’s room to check if he’s all right. I approach the half broken door, watching how Steve is kneeling next to Bucky. Steve is really concerned over his friend. He must have sleepless nights too because of how worried he was over Bucky. I watch as Steve helps Bucky up onto the bed again.
“I relive those memories of murdering people, Steve. It’s hard for me to get any rest without them haunting me. Then the brainwashing. Those God awful brainwash…” Bucky says tearfully, unaware of my presence by the doorway. I listen to his plea painfully.
“It is okay, Buck. It’s over. You’re not alone. You are safe with us now.” Steve reassures him.
I walk over to the kitchen to warm up a glass of milk with honey in it. I don’t know if it’ll work, but it is worth the try. I went into my room to pull out that scented beads I’d use if I can’t sleep at night. It might help him too.
Bucky is still holding his throbbing head in his hands when I returned. Steve looks up at me bringing the glass of warm milk and beads. Bucky jolts up, surprised to see me finally. I smile and hand him the glass of milk.
He stares at me with those blood chilling eyes.
“I’m not going to poison you. I’m here to help.” I say, trying to ease the tension. Steve smiles at me.
“Thanks, Y/N.” Steve says. Bucky shifts his glance between me and Steve.
“Come on. I sleep in the room next to you, okay? I need my sleep too.” I say, gesturing to the milk again. He lets out a sigh and grabs the glass. He chugs it down slowly, drinking every drop of it before handing the empty glass back to me.
Steve helps Bucky lie back down onto the bed. I reach up to tie the beads, but Bucky quickly grabs my hand to stop me. His eyes carefully watching me.
“It is lavender. It helps with your sleeping.” I say, feeling how tightly his hand is grabbing mine. He sighs out, letting my hand go. I hang the scented beads on the headboard where he can smell them. Bucky closes his eyes tightly, still feeling the throbbing pain in his head.
But he managed to sleep quietly that night with Steve and me by his side.
It had become a routine for us. If Bucky wakes up in the middle of the night, I’d have the glass of milk ready for him and Steve would be sitting on the bed with Bucky. He would listen to Bucky’s tearful memories, how much they affect him, and how he had to deal with them alone when he was in Romania.
Bucky started trusting me more over the course of the weeks. I had been helping him out every time and listen to his stories with Steve. Despite them being murder stories, I couldn’t help but feel even sorrier for Bucky.
Sometimes he would even knock on my door at the dead hours of the night because of his nightmares. He’d end up falling asleep in my room on the floor after talking for a long while. I’d stay up just so he doesn’t feel alone or afraid. Steve had lessen his midnight visits to his friend’s room after seeing how much Bucky’s sleep is improving over the nights.
Lesser yells and screams. Just restless sleeping and nightmares. He can only sleep knowing that someone is there with him. The one that reassures him the most is when someone holds his hand.
• • •
“I don’t care! You could have gotten killed!”
I hear the loud yell from the living room. I exchange looks with Tony.
“You better go. Something must’ve happened to Steve again.” He answers simply while looking back down to his arm. I bite my lower lip before running into the living room.
“Why didn’t you look around before you went??” Bucky yells at Steve. They just returned home from a mission. Apparently, Steve had gotten in the way of a rocket launcher carelessly. Steve had small pieces of metal lodge in his shoulder from the blast. That really made Bucky worry about him.
“Buck, there’s no need to be angry. I am fine.” Steve tries to reassure him. Bucky’s burst of temper had taken him by surprise as well.
“You are so careless! How do you think I feel if I lose you?!” Bucky yells again.
“No need to overreact, Barnes. The whole damn tower can hear you.” Tony calls out from the kitchen.
“Can it, tinman!” Bucky yells back. I reach out to hold Bucky’s arm, but he jerked away. His expression softens when he realizes it was me.
“Bucky, Steve needs to rest. He is still alive, okay? We should be thankful of that.” I talk to him softly while holding his hand. That seems to calm him down a little. Steve looks at me thankfully. Bucky lets out a final angry sigh before nodding.
“I’m sorry, Steve. That was unreasonable. I was worried. I’m really sorry.” He apologizes. Steve holds his friend’s shoulder.
“No worries, Buck. I know you were concerned. But I am no longer that small and weak kid from Brooklyn, okay?” I smile, giving Bucky’s hand a gentle squeeze. I didn’t realize how tightly he was holding my hand at the time.
• • •
I had woken up in the middle of the night to check on Bucky. But he was nowhere to be found in his room. I check in the living room and find him pacing back and forth.  
“Bucky, what’s wrong?” I ask him, watching his body shifting from one end of the room to the other.
“I can’t sleep.” He answers simply, hugging his body. I sit on one of the couches before petting the place next to mine. Bucky runs his hands through his hair once before sitting next to me. His forehead and hair soaked in sweat.
“Which nightmare was it?” I ask, looking at him. He remains quiet. I touch his metal arm carefully. I feel the machine whirring underneath the metal surface. He sighs out, looking at me with tears threatening to spill from his eyes.
“It was… a different one.” His lips quiver at the words. I look at him surprised. A new one?
“What is it?” I ask again, keeping my eyes on him. I had folded one of my legs on the couch to face him. Bucky is leaning forward, holding his head in his hands.
“I… I had to murder the parents of a child.” He continues, feeling the words coming out like venom. My heart drops.
“It was an order. I had to take the child and bring him in to HYDRA. He was experimented on. The screams and cries of the child… It still rings in my head.” Tears pour out of his eyes. His voice starts to shake.
“And I let them experiment on the poor child. When they finished, the child had incredible strength. But he managed to escape. I was out to hunt him. I did. I found him… And I killed him. Mercilessly. No hesitation, no questions. I murdered him.” Bucky cries into his hands. His body shivering from all the guilt he holds. I can only watch him in silence.
“He pleaded for his life. He begged me. A young boy. No older than eight. But I… I…” I wrap my arms around him tightly. I hold him there, stroking his hair to calm him down.
“Shh… Bucky, shh… It’s okay.” I say, feeling myself tearing up. The emotion in his tone was so painful to hear. Bucky didn’t move at first. But after a while, he wraps his arms around my waist, holding me tightly against him as he cries into my shoulder.
“I have to share a body with this merciless killer who has no hesitation at obeying orders. But I, I am the one who has to live with the pain and regret of his actions. I never wanted to commit those murders. Never…”
He regrets everything he did. It is bad enough he wasn’t himself when he did them, but to remember these senseless murder is just too much for him to bear. I didn’t know what to say to make things better. We both know what he did. No words can soothe that fact.
“Let me get you a drink.” I say as I try to get up. He clenches onto my shirt.
“Please don’t leave me…” I look at him. He sounds like a child afraid of the dark. I wrap my arms back around him tightly.
“I won’t. I’m always here for you, Bucky.” I say quietly into his hair.
He ended up falling asleep on me. I let him lean against me, using my shoulder as a pillow. I stayed up for him in case he gets the nightmare again. Just before he fell asleep, he laced his fingers with mine, holding them tightly throughout the night.
• • •
One night, Bucky is leaning against my bed while sitting on the floor. I was lying there, half asleep from a tiring day. He holds my hand in his, not showing any signs of letting it go. I didn’t mind. I wanted to give him as much comfort as I could.
“Y/N?” He calls out to me. I answer with a sleepy sigh.
“Thank you.” He says, gripping onto my hand. I smile tiredly at him before pulling myself closer so that my head would be resting on his shoulder.
“For what?” I ask, slowly making myself more awake. I feel Bucky’s hair brush against me as his head moves. I smell a hint of the lavender scented beads on his hair. It must’ve dropped onto his pillow at one point.
“For doing this for me. Staying up whenever I am. Accompanying me. Reminding me that I’m no longer alone.” He says quietly. I open my eyes to look at him. He is staring down at my hand between the fingers of his metal and flesh hand.
“Like Steve said, you’re not alone anymore. You are safe here.” I repeat what Steve had told him the night before. He lets out a small chuckle. It was the first time I hear any kind of laugh coming from this man.
“Every night I go to sleep, worrying that I would wake up in that cell again. Fearing that my heart would stop. Become frozen solid for years. But ever since you came to me that night with a glass of milk, that thought never crossed my mind again.” He says before bringing my hand up to his face.
My heart beats rapidly against my ribcage. To feel the rough hair of his stubble against my hand as he holds it to his cheek makes my body shiver. He closes his eyes, resting his head on my arm, keeping me close to him.
“I tend to have problems with my memory because of the brainwashing. I forget about things that happened to me before. But they would appear as a dream, then I’d forget them again. It surfaces in and out…” I smile, rubbing my thumb against his hand.
“I know…”
“But when I’m with you, I remember things a lot better. The events of each nights. The memories of your caring touches. They don’t appear and disappear like the past memories. It is as if your presence is the reason why my memories are a lot better. And you’re also the reason why my nightmares are a lot more bearable too.” He says quietly. I didn’t know how to respond to that, I just listened to him. It was silent for a few minutes.
“What did I ever do to deserve an angel like you?” He says before he starts dozing off. I didn’t sleep that night. I was too entranced in the calmness of his face as he sleeps. His hand never letting mine go at all times.
It was at that moment that I had fallen for him.
• • •
I slump myself onto the bed in my work clothes. Completely tired and stressed. My boss had just spent an hour lecturing me on a simple mistake I made on one of the reports. He really shouldn’t be yelling at me like that when he finds out how his own agents are hopeless on their raw reports.
It brought my spirit down and I didn’t even talk to anyone after that whole thing. I can hear the creak of my door opening. I turn to see who it was. It was Bucky. I sit up on my bed to look at him. I’m not in the mood to talk to anyone right now, even if it is with Bucky. I need to be alone.
“Bucky, can we talk later? I need a quick rest and food before we talk. I just got home.” I say weakly. He shakes his head and closes the door behind him. I sigh out. Maybe he needs to talk to me about a memory he dreamt of or something.
“What is it?” I ask him. He silently strides over before kneeling in front of me on the floor. His worried blue eyes searching in mine.
“You’re troubled. What’s going on?” He asks out of concern. My heart jumps.
“No, nothing is. I’m just tired.” I say half-truthfully. I look away to avoid his intense stare. He reaches for my hand and grip it reassuringly.
“Y/N… talk to me.” He says. I look back at him. The same worried eyes. I sigh out before smiling as I push a strand away from his face.
“Just some shenanigans at work with my boss. I’m doing fine, really.” I say, feeling a little bit better after Bucky held my hand. His concern really melts my heart a little.
“Well, I’m sure it wasn’t your fault. You’ve done such a wonderful job at the office and don’t overthink things too much.” He says as though knowing that I had just been yelled at by my boss. I feel my eyes tear up a little from Bucky’s kindness. I laugh.
“Thank you, Bucky. I really appreciate it.” He pulls me into a tight warm hug. I feel my problems fade away into thin air after that.
A couple of days later, my boss came in to apologize for yelling at me the other day. I heard from Steve that apparently, Bucky had made my boss read a raw file made by his agents on the mission he was on before I refined it. And Steve said that ‘made’ was a gentler way to put it.
• • •
I lie down on a picnic blanket at the rooftop of the Stark tower. I gaze at the stars above, watching it sparkle. The longer I stay, the more I see them. Even with the city light, I’m lucky enough to see them on a clear night sky. I sigh out satisfyingly. I feel a small brush of cold air. Oh, so peaceful.
Bucky is out on a mission with Tony and Wanda. I decided to hang out by myself on the rooftop to escape from Vision after he asked me to play chess with him for the tenth time today. I need some alone time after all of that.
I hear the sound of an elevator door opening. I look towards it and see Bucky emerging out of it. I blink and sit up. When did he come back?  
“Bucky, welcome back! How was the mission?” I ask as he stands close. He hasn’t changed out of his combat outfit. I can see sadness in his eyes. I stand up to hold him.
“Bucky, what happened?” I ask while searching his blue eyes. His lips are quivering and I can see hints of fear in his eyes.
“I… got thrown into a frozen lake. Tony saved me from underneath the thick ice, but it brought back terrible memories of being under ice all at once.” My heart drops. My chest tightens from his shaking voice. It must’ve been awful.
I hold him tightly against me. His body is shivering so much a. I stroke my fingers through his hair. His grip around my body is so tight it hurts. But I didn’t care. I know Bucky needs all the reassurance he can get.
“Come, let’s watch the stars with me.” I say, attempting to take his mind off whatever is buzzing through it. I lay back down with Bucky on the blanket. Hands holding tightly together. I stare up into the sky again, trying to find a way to ease things out for him.
“Why do you like to watch the stars so much?” He asks quietly. I smile.
“You see that group of stars? That’s Scorpius. Scorpius, the scorpion, would come during the summer while the hunter, Orion, would flee. Orion only rules the night sky during winter, but come summer, he disappears. Because in Greek mythology, Orion was killed by a scorpion. Which is why they are never in the same sky at the same time.” I say, reciting the story I’ve heard so many times from my parents. Bucky’s eyes fall on me.
“And you believe in that?” He grips a little tighter on my hand. I chuckle.
“I don’t know, but I’ve always been interested in them nonetheless. It’s just creative how each stars have their own stories to tell. Then they all make up one large story together. How one affects the other. Doesn’t it intrigue you that the stories of the past is written in the stars?” I ask while looking at him. I find his eyes staring right into mine. I blush at the sight while looking back up.
“That’s just my opinion after all. I just love watching them. A reminder of how beauty can still come from billions of miles away. Right?” I ask looking at him again. His eyes are closed but his grip on my hand didn’t loosen. Did he fall asleep?
I lay on my side to watch his sleeping face.
“You don’t always need to look too far to find something beautiful.” He says suddenly while opening his eyes back to look at me. His other hand reaching over to cup my cheek.
“I already found something even more beautiful right here.”
I didn’t ask what he meant by that. My voice was gone and I felt my whole world stop. Bucky smiles at me before closing his eyes back. I only stare at him silently before looking back at the stars. I cover my eyes with my arm before smiling to myself.
He’s right. There is something even more beautiful than the stars between us.
• • •
When I moved out from the Stark tower, Bucky’s sleepless nights return slowly. Steve had married Sharon around the same time as well, so with both Steve and I absent, he felt his loneliness returns. I would sometimes sleep over to keep him company because of that. He seems to find comfort in my presence. And I was happy that he was. But each night I spent with him, my love for him grew.
I told him he needed to open up to the other members. So that he can go to them for comfort whenever he needs it since I won’t always be there. It was hard to convince him, but he did end up taking my advice.
He started opening up to the rest of the members. He’d talk just about everything he could. Steve was happy to see his friend, James Buchanan Barnes, returning. The cheerful and kind soldier he knew. To see him finally letting others in, it made me and Steve happy.
• • •
“You know, Y/N?” Bucky calls out to me. I was taking a sip from my coffee on the park bench. The snow had covered the field with nothing but purity. It was a delicate scene first thing in the morning. The sun was barely up.
We had just returned from a mission together and decided to sit in the park before heading home. I look at him, using the warmth of the coffee in my hands to warm them up.
“I’d like to have a family of mine one day.” He says, staring out into the city skyline. My heart race at his words.
“I’ve been with different girls in the past, before the serum. Even though they were unique in their own way, but none was of wife material, you know?” He chuckles at the memories. I manage on a smile, holding the paper cup to my lips.
“Well, any girls would have fallen for a soldier like you then.” I say. He smiles.
“Yeah. But I’ve always wanted it. To share my life with someone. Someone I love. Someone I can come home to. Have a child. Build a family together.” He runs his fingers through his hair. I look up at him and find his eyes looking right at me.
“What’s stopping you then?” He remains silent.
“It’s not easy to find someone who will understand the problems I have. I am about 103 years old after all.” He says, laughing to himself. I blush, rubbing my hands against the paper cup.
“One day you will.” I say, secretly hoping that girl was me. Bucky leans forward on that bench, watching the first hint of sun light rising over the horizon.
“I’m tired of fighting. Tired of running. I want to spend the rest of my life with that special someone. However long that may be. I already left a mark in history. But now I want to move on and enjoy what life has to offer. Even though I am very late at that.” He chuckles.
I look at him. My heart races as I watch his features being highlighted by the morning sun. I reach my hand to his, feeling the freezing cold skin underneath my warm one. He looks up at me, gripping onto my hand.
‘Oh, Bucky. I can be that girl for you. I can be the one who can put an end to your suffering. I can be the one to fulfil your dreams. I can be that one who you come home to every night. I can be your wife.’
…are the words I so desperately wanted to say to him.
“You’ll find happiness with someone special in this world, Bucky.”
How much I regretted saying that instead.
• • •
Our time spent together had gotten lesser and lesser. With Bucky on missions and me working nightly, we barely had time to see each other. Even our calls and texts cease out because of it.
It was probably five months before I showed up at the Stark tower again. Bucky was excited to see me, but for a whole different reason. He introduces me to Rosaline, an ex-HYDRA agent he met during one of his missions. Another month passed before I saw Bucky again.
“Y/N! Remember that girl I introduced to you? We’re getting married!” Bucky’s excitement showing in his expression. I hear my heart shattering inside my chest. But I manage on a smile.
“I’m happy for you, Bucky.” I force out. He was the happiest I’d ever seen.
•  E N D  •
Tears are streaming down my face as I hold the pillow to my chest. I cry into it with all my heart, letting the memories of the past consume my mind. Those nights of how he’d come to me for comfort. Nights of talking about his nightmares and memories. Nights of finding comfort in someone who would listen with an open heart.
Those nights when he needed physical reassurance; a hand stroking his hair and interlaced fingers would always put him into a peaceful slumber. The nights when he would stare into my eyes while talking about his past.
The night of his first laughter. The night of his vulnerability. The night when he held my hand lovingly, finding comfort in knowing that I was there for him. Those nights that belong to us and only us.
None other.
★ ★ ★
A/N: It is quite long, but I feel like it is necessary to show why the reader has such conflicting feelings about being friends with Bucky. The things they did together was more than friends, for sure~ I hope you enjoyed it! Please let me know what you think. I really love hearing responses from people about my work. Thank you for reading! Much love! <3 
Next chapter coming soon!
Tag(s): @ipaintmelodies @goldwanderer @hairdye-enthusiast @bexboo616 @chipilerendi @typical0001 @damnbuckyishot  @mrsnegan25 @minstrel-axx
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palfriendpatine66 · 1 year
Target’s Ewan McGregor Scent Collection
@yourfavoritefridge clued me into this collection and got me started on this insanity of nailing down Ewan McGregor’s signature scent.
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Wondering what candle to get to match your preferred Ewan McGregor vibe? I’ve done the sniff tests and paired them with what version of Ewan they are serving
Leather + Ember (your pal’s preferred scent, heavy Roman Sionis vibes. Love)
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Ocean + Moss (breezy and delightful)
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Fennel+Pine (camping Ewan)
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Whiskey + Oak (light, refined - similar to sandalwood+smoke)
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Sandalwood + Smoke (very similar to whisky and oak)
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Vanilla + Bergamont (library vibes)
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Applewood + Amber
Strong on the apples, light on man scent.
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What he might smell like on an apple picking date, I suppose
Rose + Cedar (Very floral, just a hint of cedar undertone)
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The least Ewan scented of the collection, but definitely what he would smell like in a flower shop au.
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palfriendpatine66 · 1 year
Your Pal’s Star Wars Ask game!
I had to go and make it weird - reblog if you want these unhinged questions to appear in your asks! Tag a friend if that’s your jam!
Want answers? Pick a question and ask on anonymous or not, whatever floats your boat!
1. Qui-Gon Jinn: love or hate? Discuss.
2. Pick a Padme outfit to be your signature look.
3. What are midichlorians? Wrong answers only please.
4. Do you prefer the prequel, original, or sequel trilogy, and why?
5. Say you’re in the business of collecting Jedi lightsabers as trophies. Whose would you need to complete your collection, and what would you do with it once complete?
6. What is your favorite Star Wars meme?
7. Dumbest Star Wars moment?
8. If you could ask George Lucas one question, what would it be?
9. Who shot first: Han or Greedo?
10. If you could pull a George Lucas and sneak into Disney plus and edit any Star Wars scene, what changes would you make?
11. Who would you want as your Jedi master? (Why)
12. What lightsaber form would you master?
13. What is your earliest Star Wars memory?
14. BESIDES THE ROTS NOVELIZATION What is your favorite Star Wars book?
15. Fuck marry kill: Ben Solo, Syril Karn, Moff Gideon
16. Fuck marry kill: Asaj Ventress, Dedra Meero, Elia Kane
17. Pick one Star Wars line to describe your life, what would it be?
18. What is your favorite piece of Star Wars merchandise that you own?
19. Quick fic inspired question: would you ever consider using a lightsaber hilt as a sex toy?
20. Please describe in as much detail as possible the signature scent of Ewan McGregor and/or Obi-Wan. (Are they different? Probably)
21. What’s an embarrassing Star Wars related fact about you?
22. Ask your own slightly unhinged Star Wars question here!!
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palfriendpatine66 · 1 year
Ask game!
6, 10, 17!!
I have a good feeling about 10🤣🤣🤣
Thank you🥹🥹🥹
From this ask game
6) Are lattes a cocktail? ok dude, I’m going to be real here, I don’t even completely understand what a latte is. But no, I don’t consider anything without alcohol a cocktail
10) FYI typically favor scents like “ocean breeze” or “sea island cotton”
FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO DON’T KNOW YET why I’m always being asked smell questions: a very dear mutual clued me in to these candles from Target which they affectionately called “the Ewan McGregor collection”, and decided that these two in particular smell like these different versions of Ewan. Note I didn’t start this, but it did kick off my personal quest to find out what Ewan McGregor does actually smell like in real life. (Which, unfortunately, remains unanswered).
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EDITED TO ADD: @yourfavoritefridge @fulcrum843 I looked at homegoods and decided these were all candidates for real life Ewan scents as well. Teakwood and Oak is what I imagine/hope for.
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17) I am absolutely terrified of ghosts and want nothing to do with them ever but I *love* me a murder mystery. I’d like to think I’d make a good detective. IRL I’m probably someone interviewed who knows nothing helpful and is way too excited to be involved.
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palfriendpatine66 · 1 year
Me trying to buy my way out of depression day #2: completing my Ewan McGregor scent collection
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casp1an-sea · 5 months
Star Wars ask game, answer all, or else 👁️👁️
i rebloged two Star Wars ask games, so I don’t know which one you meant. So I will answer all the questions for one of them here and then make a separate post with all my answers for the other one. :)
Buckle in this is a lot
Qui-Gon Jinn: love or hate? Discuss.
Mixed feelings. I find him to be an interesting character but the way he handles things in phantom menace does not sit write with me. I say it better in this post. 
2. Pick a Padme outfit to be your signature look.
Her yellow dress from Naboo in attack of the clones. 
3. What are midichlorians? Wrong answers only please.
The powerhouse of the cell 
4. Do you prefer the prequel, original, or sequel trilogy, and why?
Originals are objectively my favorite because the plot is well written and I’m REALLY ATTACHED TO THE CHARACTERS. But I watch the prequels more frequently. They’re easier to watch for fun bc they’re so funny lmao and they’re great. I am not a sequels fans I’ve only rewatched them once and I’ll only ever do it again because I’m obsessed with Hux/Kylux for no reason. Rey is my least favorite character in all of Star Wars. I Will say though Rise of skywalker was the first Star Wars movie I watched in theaters and it was cool to watch (still don’t like the movie but cool to watch)
5. Say you’re in the business of collecting Jedi lightsabers as trophies. Whose would you need to complete your collection, and what would you do with it once complete?
Honestly don’t rly know how to answer this question 
6. What is your favorite Star Wars meme?
Oh there are literally so many so I’ll put my favorite one of the ones I have made myself 
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I call him Ki-Adi-Munter
It’s gonna be mayday is close second 
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7. Dumbest Star Wars moment?
I have 2
and also this
8. If you could ask George Lucas one question, what would it be?
9. Who shot first: Han or Greedo?
Is this even a question? It was Han. 
10. If you could pull a George Lucas and sneak into Disney plus and edit any Star Wars scene, what changes would you make?  
Delete Rey from existence 
11. Who would you want as your Jedi master? (Why)
Plo Koon, Luke Skywalker, Or Coran Horn. They’re just nice guys. And Coran is my favorite Jedi so
12. What lightsaber form would you master?
My main OC/Self insert has a single bladed green saber and a cured inquisitors saber so whatever form that would be.
13. What is your earliest Star Wars memory?
Being mad at it for replacing animation studios at Disney. I was like in 5th grade lol was bitter at Star Wars for years clean, and I hated it even though I knew nothing about it and often mistook it with meet the Robinsons don’t ask me how.
14. BESIDES THE ROTS NOVELIZATION What is your favorite Star Wars book?m
Courtship of Princess Leia 
15. Fuck marry kill: Ben Solo, Syril Karn, Moff Gideon
Fuck Ben Solo (Except I’m Hux), Marry Syril My guy, Kill Moff Gideon because who gives a shit about him? Not me. 
16. Fuck marry kill: Asaj Ventress, Dedra Meero, Elia Kane
Fuck and marry Ventress. Leave Dedra alone because she has to keep living for season two of Andor. KILL ELIA KANE!!!!!!! 
18. What is your favorite piece of Star Wars merchandise that you own?
Uhh idk I like a lot of things, a lightsaber, credits I unsuccessfully bribe cast members with at Disney, all my Funkos most notedly: Tech, Han in Carbonite, and Han and Leia I Love you I know scene, oh and an Ewok cereal box.  
20. Please describe in as much detail as possible the signature scent of Ewan McGregor and/or Obi-Wan. (Are they different? Probably)
Uhm idk man sea otters?
21. What’s an embarrassing Star Wars related fact about you?
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@sunshinechildskywalker I’m gonna answer all of yours in a separate post
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