#the BOB fandom is the sweetest fandom out there
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softguarnere · 2 years ago
Mom why my sister's name is Rose?
Because i love roses.
What about me?
Enough questions softguarnere
(The conservation between me and my future daughter)
The way that I just busted out laughing in the middle of my lunch hour 🤌🏼😆
Thank you so much, Anon! I'm so glad you found my silly little blog and enjoy it - you absolutely made my day! I hope you have a lovely day, darling 🥰
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(I saw this reaction pic on Pinterest - all credits to whoever created it!)
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simplyjake · 1 year ago
Enha hyungs w / idol!reader !!
summary: tbh its pretty self explanitory, fem!reader
a/n guys maybe at one point ill write for maknae line but also idk so dont hold me to it, not proof-read
Let’s say ur in aespa
So rmbr the drama challenge they did
Instead of winter it was you and karina right
OUUUU ik he was giggling when you asked him to do the challenge with you
At the end of the challenge he puts his arm around u 
He looks at u like you hung the stars one by one
Heeseung pls this is gonna be posted later
When you are on screen performing 
He has the biggest heart eyes and a slight smile pls
Its like he dgaf if yall get caught
Definitely interacts with you in public when he can
He wants to see all those ship edits
Invites you to his concerts and you invite him to yours
Once bought like 500 albums so he can get all of ur pcs and inclusions
Ur honor he was being silly!
And in luv w you!!!
Okay stayc member i see u
He learns how to play ur songs on guitar
Such a cute supportive bf
You guys have sm matching things tgt
Phone cases, hats, jewelry and more
Surprisingly no one has caught on yet.
He lurks on stayc twt for updates when hes away on tour
Even tho he can just text u himself
You accidentally left your jay signed album in the open on live
“Omfg yall since when did y/n and jay know each other”
” Wait but the signed album? Do yall rmbr when we caught them w matching hats but no one batted an eye WHAT ABT THIS”
Call jake for the dating rumor damage control selfie
Anyways he has all ur albums and you have all his
He found out you voted for him during Iland days and sobbed
Staycs number 1 fan, will fight ANYONE for that title
Worse than heeseung when it comes to hiding things
Oh lord here we go
“My girl- i mean my friend” its rover.
On live streams he uses this to promote your group without looking suspicious 
“Have you guys heard le sserafims comeback? It’s so good”
“Oh Y/n? Yeah her part was amazing as well”
When he sings your part of the song it has u blushing on the other end of the phone
Once you were on a live, you forgot to let jake know
You were showing some photos that youre gonna post on instagram and all of a sudden
Is this love by Bob Marley aka the ringtone you have for jake
And his contact name “yunie<3” pops up
Quickly you decline the call and look sheepishly to the camera
Hoons time to do the selca damage control.
He accidentally liked a y/njake post on twt on the main acc tho
Ruh roh 
Definition of nonchalant 
Nonchalant king if u will
Well besides that one time when he was mcing
And your group purple kiss was with him and wony
He was definitely getting side eyed by the fandom after sending you quick glances and a smile!!
Other than that baby hes an illusion
He dont know you
Well at least to the cameras, he doesnt know you
Otherwise hes the sweetest bf to ever bf
Sends you flowers to your dressing room after performances
Always claps whenever you guys win an award
Once a camera was pointed on him at an award show during your song
But he pointed to ur group telling them to focus on yall instead
UGH i love supportive bf hoon!!
Ofc your one of enhas biggest supporters as well
No one knows this but you have a secret sunghoon fan acc
He thinks its cute, a way to publicly say u love him
Without it actually being public yk
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yayakoishii · 10 months ago
Picture This | Balam Shichirou x Reader
Fandom: Mairimashita Iruma-kun
Pairing: Balam Shichirou x GN! Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Genre/Tags: Fluff
Summary: You find out about the kind and gentle Balam Shichirou and meet him with a proposition of your own.
A/n: I have known this demon for 3 episodes and I'm in LOVE;; so I basically got possessed by the sudden urge to write something for him. he's the kindest, the sweetest, the BEST TEACHER EVER 😭 I love teachers like him so much, this was very self-indulgent and kinda just me admiring him hehe... I hope you enjoy this short thing I wrote, even though there's a high chance that he might be slightly ooc since I haven't known him for longer than 3 episodes.
also available on ao3!
The chatter in the class was a low hum as everyone worked on their own worksheets that you had just printed out. The Apocalypse Test was close and as a new teacher at Babyls, you wanted your first results to reflect well. If the results were not good then that would mean you had to work harder as a teacher.
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You were walking amongst the students, listening in on their discussions or aiding them in finding where the answer could be found in the textbook. It was an open book, open discussion worksheet solving session and you were pleased with how well the students seemed to be handling it without making too much noise. The abnormal class could be really serious about studying when they put their mind to it, huh?
The bobbing of a blue head caught your attention and you walked closer to Iruma's seat. As always, he was sitting between Alice and Clara but the three of them were referring to their own books. (Except for Clara; you were pretty sure the book in her hand had nothing to do with studying…) The book in Iruma's hand was one you had never seen before but it looked interesting.
"Iruma-kun?" You stopped in front of his desk and looked down at the book curiously. Said boy startled and looked up in panic until he realised it was just you. "Where did you get this book?"
"Oh!" He gave you a warm smile, the kind that always made you smile in return. "Balam-sensei gave it to me because I was… y'know… struggling to understand."
"Can I see it?" You asked, curiosity taking a hold of you. Iruma handed you the book and you leafed through it. Surprisingly, it was a picture book with really easy explanations. Whoever wrote it had your gratitude; these were the kind of books that made learning enjoyable and less daunting. You closed it and looked at the cover to check the author's name. "Huh? Balam Shichirou…? Balam-sensei wrote this book?"
"Yes!" Iruma beamed at you. "He made some of them especially for me."
"That's wonderful," you felt touched even though you had never met the man. When you had aspired to be a teacher, this was the kind of teacher you were aiming for. Somebody who helped even the students who were struggling to understand, from the basics so they could build a stronger structure of knowledge on it. "Is it easier for you to understand this way?"
"It is," Iruma admitted, shyly scratching the back of his neck. You smiled and lightly patted the top of his head, startling the boy a little.
"I'll keep that in mind for my next class," you said. "And while I'm grateful for Balam-sensei… Why didn't you tell me if you were struggling to understand my teaching, Iruma-kun? I would have adjusted for you."
You pouted at him so he knew you weren't seriously mad at him; just a little upset.
"No, no, no!" The boy panicked and shook his hands in a negating gesture. "That's not it, (y/n)-sensei!! I just didn't want to burden you because I was the only one struggling even with your easy explanations… I guess having it in written form like this just helps to remember what you've already taught."
"It's not a burden, Iruma-kun," you reminded him. "It's my job as a teacher to make sure you understand. If you don't understand something, that's my responsibility. If you're worried about being a bother to the rest of the class, you can always come to me after the classes are over to get a quick personalised lesson."
"Eh?" He looked surprised. "Wouldn't that take up your time, sensei?"
"If it helps my students then it's time well spent!"
After your classes for the day were done, you asked around the staffroom for where you could find Balam Shichirou. Kalego gave you the directions and you made your way to his office, curious about what kind of person he must be and how he would look. From whatever Iruma had told you, he already sounded like a kind person and a great teacher. You found the door and knocked on it before looking inside.
"Balam-sensei?" You asked. There was a demon with long white hair sitting on a table, writing something down, who startled at your voice. "Can I come in?"
"O- Oh, yes, please!" He seemed a little confused by your presence but you stepped in and closed the door behind yourself. There was an empty stool across the table so you sat down on it. "Um, (y/n)-sensei, would you like some Hell Grey Tea?"
"Oh!" You hadn't expected him to know your name. Suddenly, it felt embarrassing that you had never heard of him before this. "Yes, thank you for the offer, Balam-sensei."
He nodded and got up to make you some. He worked in silence so you took the time to look around his office. The shelves full of books were eye-catching and your hands were already itching to dig into them and read all the unfamiliar volumes. Your eyes drifted over to the book sitting in front of you that Balam was working on. Your eyes widened when you realised it was another picture book, this one on one of the battles that had occured some centuries ago. Your hands moved to check it before you could even think that it would be rude.
"Here you go– oh, you saw my book," Balam placed the tea just out of the way enough so that you wouldn't accidentally bump it. "Do you… like picture books, (y/n)-sensei?"
"Not particularly," you admitted as you skimmed through what was already drawn and written. "But I like to read so picture books are fun too! I suppose I never got much into them because my home was full of textual books and I liked those just fine so I never had any picture books as a kid. I may not know much about them, but this is really well-written, Balam-sensei! You draw so well too."
"Oh," the other demon pinked at your words as he took his seat. "Thank you. I'm glad you like it. I'm making this one for a student but you could borrow a different one if you're interested."
"Ah! That reminds me why I came here," you beamed at him, gently placing the book back where you had picked it up from. "I saw the picture book you gave Iruma-kun in my class today. Our subjects have a small section that overlaps so he was referring to the book you made for him and I couldn't help noticing it. It was truly so easy to understand and it gave me the idea that such a method would be helpful with other subjects too."
"Really?" He seemed surprised by your words but you could tell that he was also touched. "I would like to share them with all the students too, but for some reason, they keep running away when I try to show them my picture books."
"Ah," you leaned back when you realised that you had accidentally leaned over in your excitement. The other teachers in the staffroom had told you about Balam's reputation amongst the students. "I'm sure they would benefit from it. I could share your books with some of my students if that works for you, Balam-sensei. And, if you would be interested, I wanted to try making a picture book explaining my subject too. It's a huge task and I would compensate you accordingly for your time and efforts–"
"You…" If Balam had seemed shocked before, it was nothing compared to his face now. Although his mouth was covered by a metal mask, you could tell from how wide his eyes had gotten. "You want to… make a picture book… with me?"
"Only if you're interested!" You bit your bottom lip nervously. "I personally really liked your books and I thought it would be a great way to learn for the students who have a weaker or slower grasp of understanding. Since I'm not very familiar with the process, I thought it would be amazing if I could have the aid of your experience. I understand if it's a commitment that you don't have the time for, and there's no guarantee that it will work out but I would love to at least try it with you."
"I would love to," Balam uttered softly and even without seeing his mouth, you could tell that he was gently smiling at you with how his eyes curved just so. The sight made your heart unexpectedly quicken and you fidgeted in your seat, picking up the Hell Grey Tea you had forgotten about. "I didn't think any of the other teachers liked me much but I'm very happy that you thought of me when you wanted to try this out."
"I don't think they dislike you, Balam-sensei," you smiled from behind the cup of tea. "But I suppose people just get so caught up in appearances and assumptions. People who have much to hide seem dangerous at first glance and we don't take time to get to know them if we can help it. I admit I might have fallen prey to the same kind of thinking if I hadn't heard about you from Iruma-kun. I could tell you were a kind and wonderful teacher from the way he spoke about you."
Balam's eyes widened and for a second, you thought his eyes seemed glassy. You blinked and the light was gone but Balam's eyes were still the soft shape. Now that you took the time to study his face, you realised he was quite handsome. The thought made you accidentally slam your tea cup down on the table in panic and the ceramic broke, startling the both of you.
"Oh no, I'm so sorry!!" You were flustered but you hurriedly tried to collect the pieces together without hurting yourself. "I'm so clumsy…"
"It's okay," Balam reassured you, coming over to your side to help you pick up some of the pieces. "I'll take them to the trash. Are you hurt?"
"I don't– oh, just a little it seems," you had a very tiny cut from a sharper piece you had picked up. It didn't hurt. You waved it off as you carefully put the pieces you had collected in Balam's large gloved hands. "Nothing to worry about. It will be healed in a day or two. I really am sorry for troubling you, Balam-sensei!"
"I told you, it's fine."
He carefully threw away the trash then returned to you with an ointment from his desk drawer. You had stuck the finger into your mouth to suck at the blood and stop the flow but it felt embarrassing when you realised that Balam was watching you. You hurriedly removed the finger and tried to find a cloth to wipe it off but Balam crouched in front of you and asked for your hand silently. You ended up placing yours in his and watched him carefully pat it off before putting on the ointment.
"Thank you," you blushed fiercely when he was done and still hadn't let go of your hand. In fact, he was now standing up and holding both your arms in his own; the proximity was making your heart beat unnaturally fast. "Um, Balam-sensei..?"
"Yes?" He asked, blinking down at your comparatively smaller form in his arms.
"Y- You can let go of me now," you mumbled. Your words made him stutter and he let go in a panic.
"I- I'm so sorry, I just tend to do that without thinking!" He was blushing too, embarrassed. Balam didn't want to make you uncomfortable after you had been so nice to him. For once, he was actually getting along with someone new. For that matter, you were the one to approach him first! Not to mention, he had found you really beautiful when he had first seen you in the staffroom, laughing at Dali's joke. You hadn't seen him then, but that brief memory flashed in his mind when you softly giggled.
The sound of your laugh made his heart skip a beat. Balam stared at you as you flashed him a warm smile.
"If you wanted to hold me, you could have just asked, Balam-sensei!" You beamed and opened your arms for a hug. "I don't mind you touching me. I was just surprised."
Balam's hands twitched for a second, the same nervousness he felt when Iruma tried to touch him popping up. But this time, it felt a bit different. The nervousness in his stomach felt like those fantastical creatures called butterflies that he had read about. His heart seemed to be thumping louder than usual too.
It was only when his larger frame swallowed yours into a gentle grip that he realised. He could feel the outline of your smile against his bicep.
Ah, this was what they called a crush, huh?
All likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated! ♡
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intricatechaosofyou · 1 year ago
I have a request for you
TW: mentions of being sick (like a cold)
Hey I'm feeling a bit sick so I was wondering if you could write how Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia,Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Robert "Bob" Floyd and Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw would do that or something?
You don't have to I was just wondering
Sick Days
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Pairing: x gn!reader
Fandom: Top Gun: Maverick
Summary: You’re not feeling well. Luckily the Navy’s best is a pretty good nurse. Just some headcanons about how our favorite flyboys react to you being sick :)
Request: yes
Warnings: being sick (symptoms similar to a head cold), medicine
Author’s note: this is my first request???? Wtf?? And I hope you feel better hun!! <3 this is actually a little late cause I got sick too so perfect timing haha. Also first time writing for most of these characters! I hope you enjoy!!
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Robert “Bob” Floyd:
My guy gets so worried
Does a quick little Google search to make sure he’s giving you the best medicine for your symptoms
He will make sure you’re so comfy in bed
You’re surrounded on all side by pillows and blankets and tissues
It’s a glorious nest
He’ll make you tea with honey to soothe your throat and help you drink it
Constantly checks in on you to make sure you’re still doing okay
Barely leaves your side
When he does, he’s texting you constantly
Like seriously, he’ll be in the kitchen and text you
[are you feeling alright?]
[Robby, you saw me thirty second ago]
[just checking]
Not to mention he cannot say no to you while you’re sick
You wanna watch that horror movie he despises? Anything for you
You wanted to know if he’d make his mama’s famous biscuits? Say no more
Literally pampers you
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw:
Mama Carol taught this boy the ✨best✨ soup recipe
Like it cures all
The second you sniffle or cough, he’s racing to the store to get the ingredients
Rooster is such an acts of service person, so he’d totally make this soup to show his love
He’ll do everything within his power to make you better: soup, make sure you get plenty of sleep, get your medicine, and if you claim a kiss will make you better? How can he resist
Definitely goes a little bit overboard in his caring
The softest, sweetest voice while he’s talking to you
“Hey, chicken. You gotta eat. I made my mom’s famous soup”
Will rub your back as he sings you to sleep
While you sleep, he gets the soup put away and makes dinner
Except to pampered, you will not be lifting a finger
No cooking, no cleaning for like a month after you get sick
Rooster’s taking care of it all (and if he misses his training, he’ll get Mav to understand)
Jake “Hangman” Seresin:
He’s a complicated man
You mention you’re sick and his immediate response is “don’t get me sick”
You cough or sneeze and he’s out of bed in an instant
And it’s hurts, like does he really prioritize not getting over your well being
You wallow in self pity for ten minutes until he comes back in with a box of tissues, cough medicine, some water, and a large glass of orange juice
“You were out of orange juice so I went to get some, babe”
He left to get you some “sick supplies” to get you better faster
Cause he’s a sweetheart when he wants to be, and he’s gotta make sure his sweetheart is good to go
He makes you stick to Navy routine:
Medicine every few hours, drinking a glass of water every hour, taking your temperature intermittently
It’s funny honestly, cause he’s never cared for the rules but the second you’re sick he’s the biggest stickler for the rules ever
“No, baby, you gotta take the medicine. It’ll help you feel better”
“Jakey, I don’t want to”
“C’mon, sooner you’re better, sooner I can kiss you”
You think over his words for a second before holding out your hand and letting him hand you the pills
He’s gonna get you better as soon as possible (he really misses your kisses)
Mickey “Fanboy” Garcia:
He’s the type to try to distract you
You aren’t feeling well? Time to break out the jokes
Dances like an idiot when he delivers you soup or juice or anything like that
And don’t get me started on how intuitive he is (that’s what he gets from being a backseater)
You want soup? Stove’s already on
Need some water? Full glass is already ok the nightstand
Out of tissues? Where’d that new box come from?
Literally anticipates your every need
And if you just want cuddles? This is your man
He will cuddle your sickness away
“Babe, I don’t think that’s how it works” “shhhhhh”
He will let you lay your head on his chest as your watch dorky shows and he really earns his call sign as “Fanboy”
Definitely the one to subtly try and slip you medicine so you don’t notice and won’t taste it
One of the bestest boys to have with you while you’re sick 10/10
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buryyourrevolutionaries · 4 months ago
my friend guesses the outsiders musical characters part three FINAL PART
(she has never seen the musical, read the book or watched the movie. all she knew beforehand is that there were three brothers, people died, and someone had a pony-based nickname)
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Clary (came from a mix of Claire and Sally)
"she's literally gorgeous omg"
"definitely part of the forced heterosexual ship, probably with ponysweat" (for context if this is the first post you are seeing, my friend genuinely believed the main character was named "ponysweat")
"she wants to go to school and become a lawyer" ("I want to help people not go to jail!" - Clary)
"family trauma. with her mom, dad..IDK she's got some family trauma"
"mezzo soprano. I know I didn't do this with anyone else but she's a mezzo"
"she would've voted for Kamala"
"she's not friends with Irwin (Bob) but all of her friends are friends with him so she has to be around him"
"Maybe Irwin has a crush on her but she avoids him"
"she loves ponysweat tho but no one likes their relationship because it takes too much away from the main story and ponysweat's grief for Jonathan (not Johnny but Darry)"
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Rick (was very unconfident about this)
"is that a beer opener or a pocket knife?"
"I don't think that knife means anything for his character/when you think of rick you don't think of a knife/it was just the prop the actor wanted in this photo"
"running joke that Rick is obsessed with his hair" ("I may have sexy hair but that doesn't mean I can't fight!"- Rick)
(she didn't have anything else to say about him)
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"why is she here?"
"clearly a socialist"
"something in the show is definitely her fault/she definitely did something stupid"
"a whole section of the fandom is dedicated to defending Jeanie"
"friends with Clary I guess"
"no way she's single"
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Fizzlepop (the story of how she got here is hilarious)
"third brother?"
"did Benny (her original name for him) die? there's no way two of ponysweat's brothers die!"
"dumbest out of three brothers but also the sweetest"
"lemme look up names that end in "oop"!"
"scoop...his names not poop is it?"
"wait that might not be an o...it's a p!"
"who puts their NICKNAME on a name tag though?"
(looks up compound words that end in pop) "brainpop...technopop...lollipop..."
"what's something in the sixties with pop? A DRINK!"
(after thirty minutes she decided it was a three-way tie between fizzlepop, orangepop, and sodapop but from here on she referred to him as fizzlepop)
"probably a fan favorite if he's dumb and his name is fizzlepop"
"probably the fandom made him gay"
"he's with Jeanie but the fandom is upset because they wanna be with him"
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"he is equally as mean as Irwin (Bob) neither of them are nicer than the other"
"he says a joke about golf at one point"
"more of a fighter than Irwin/he's the brawn to irwin's brains"
"Louis looks uncomfortable with his rich jerkiness! Or he's adjusting his shirt."
"definitely a bad student"
"Irwin/Louis is a popular ship. Wait would fandom ship two people that nobody likes?"
"he definitely dies"
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moonchild-in-blue · 11 months ago
Gushing about animol crossing lil guys (gn) token. Expires never.
Hello Will I kinda really love you for this, you sweet sweet blue boy you 🥺💙
Say hello to the Hope World family 🌈
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Deets and Pics bellow (very long):
Coco and Lily
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My two favourites! Will get along with literally everyone 🥹
Coco is forever my number one spookie cookie bunny, but Lily is a close second - the sweetest froggy you'll ever meet!!! They are both incredibly sweet, and in my island lore they are besties 🥺🐰🐸
Their houses are next to one other, and often share books, baking tips, and whatever knitting project their working on! They hang out with Zucker a lot 🐙
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My cranky old man 🥹 Out of all of them, he's the least popular in the fandom 😔
Has been with me the longest - was my very first campsite villager, and has since settled well! He may be old, but likes to learn new slang from the youngins. Has the coolest study/library ever.
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It him!! My precious takoyaki baby boy!!!
He always has a silly outfit on - the pineapple hat was a MUST. Loves to snack, play games, and hang by the beach. A silly cutie patootie 🥹🐙
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Look at him!!! He so small and sassy 🥺
Marshall is the fashionista / coffee snob of our island. Literally lives off caffeine and compliments. Likes to visit Elvis and be Fancy™ for a little bit hehe. Great friends with Francine. Smol and Angy hehehe 🐿️
Bob and Chrissy
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MARRIED. They are MARRIED and IN LOVE - 3 year anniversary coming up soon!!! 💜����
Bob is the coolest (and only) cat in the whole island. Chrissy was totally smitten with him hehe. He's also a silly boy who is a bit of a gamer - has a super cool set up. A literal textbook himbo 🤭
Chrissy is Francine's twin. They were popstars in their youth (listen to K. K. Bubblegum), and currently she's the only one still in the entertainment businesses. Always dresses fancy - pink and glittery and so so cute 💖. Sings all the time, also the most extroverted of the bunch.
Francine and Fuchsia
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The Cool Girlfriends™ - kinda intimidating at first, but very friendly 💙💖
Francine is Chrissie's twin. Unlike her super chirpy sister, Francine is a bit more elegant and reserved. She now works as a designer - the spotlight was made for her Chrissy, not her. Best friend's with Marshall - The Fashion Duo ever (WILL judge your fashion choices) 💅 ✨
Fuchsia is our resident punk barbie deer. Dresses mostly in black and band merch - we talk a lot about bands and stuff. Very sensible and kind, always there for you if you need to vent. A true punk princess, Avril Lavigne wishes she was her 🖤
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Our newest resident! Moved in last week after Pietro left. He's still getting to know everyone, but so far is getting along super well with Bob - he and Zucker often have game nights and Genji loves it (Elvis is too old to stay up so late, and Marshall prefers to go drink with the girlies).
Genji is a total gym rat but not obnoxious at all - he's just super active. He and Fuchsia will work out together sometimes 🏋️
-> Old family photo from when Pietro (clown sheep) was still in Hope World - taken during my birthday sleepover. You can see Fuchsia in her Sleep Token shirt 🥹
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Bonus family photo but Silly™
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If you read this far, have a little snack -> cherry pie, a Hope World specialty! 🍒🥧
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years ago
Happy Anniversary, love! Although I knew you prior to my Top Gun: Maverick era, your blog was one of the first I followed once I joined this fandom. You also supported me when I decided to write fics within the TGM universe and I’ll always be grateful for that. Would you be willing to write a little something for Bob that involves a sweet summertime date? I know he would plan something thoughtful and memorable because that’s the kind of guy Bob Floyd is☺️💛
Katherine! You were one of my first Tumblr friends and I’m so thankful for you! From WSS to TGM, I’m grateful for all the men we’ve been able to thirst over together 😂
Summer in San Diego was shaping up to be magical.
Just a few months ago, you’d shocked your family and friends by making the uncharacteristically spontaneous decision to leave your comfortable and safe life on the East Coast behind in favor of a life full of unknowns and adventure in sunny California.
Considering it had only taken you three weeks after moving into your new apartment to meet Lieutenant Robert Floyd, you couldn’t say you regretted that decision in the slightest.
One of the girls who lived in your building had a cousin who worked on North Island, so she’d invited you to tag along with her and her friends one evening for a girls’ night out at The Hard Deck. You hadn’t been there for more than an hour when you locked eyes across the bar with the most handsome man you’d ever seen in real life.
Evidently, you still had a little bit of that uncharacteristic bravery left inside you because after finishing your drink, you mustered up the courage to go up and talk to the cute officer who had snagged your attention. And you found out that not only was he the most attractive man you’d ever met, but also the sweetest and most gentlemanly, too.
The two of you spent the whole night talking, stepping out onto the deck so that you could hear each other better. You learned that he was a naval aviator stationed as part of a special squadron at TOPGUN, and he listened attentively as you told him all about your sudden cross-country move.
“So you’ve never been to San Diego before?” Bob asked curiously, nursing the Diet Coke he’d been sipping on all night.
“Never,” you replied with a smile, shaking your head as you looked up into the bluest eyes you’d ever beheld.
“You’ll need someone to show you the sights then,” he said a little shyly, rubbing the back of his neck as he shifted from foot to foot.
“Mhm, I will,” you nodded, butterflies fluttering in your stomach as you watched a blush extend from his cheeks down to his neck.
“I mean, what kind of a guy would I be if I didn’t offer to show a lady around?” Bob questioned, smiling nervously as he looked into your eyes.
You’d happily given him your number, and from that night forward, Bob had been making it his personal mission to show you every inch of San Diego. Just last weekend, he’d surprised you with a drive to La Jolla, where you’d been delighted to see a beach full of seals close up.
Today, since he had the day off from work, Bob had told you that he was taking you out for the afternoon, but he hadn’t given you much details beyond that.
“You can wear whatever makes you comfortable,” was all he’d said. “Oh, and maybe put on some sunscreen.”
Excited but nervous, you’d settled on a pretty yellow sundress and a pair of sandals that were easy to walk in. When Bob called you to let you know he was outside your building, you snatched your purse and a pair of sunglasses and hurried downstairs to meet him.
Standing outside his car, Bob beamed when he saw you, hurrying to open the passenger door so that you could slip inside.
“You look great!” he told you as he slid behind the wheel, eyes widening and cheeks flushing when he realized what he’d said. “I mean, um, that’s a really nice dress. Very…yellow. You look like sunshine,” he stammered, growing more anxious by the second.
You just smiled, charmed by his shyness. “Thank you, Bob,” you said, resting a hand on his arm. He smiled back at you in gratitude. “So where are we headed on today’s adventure?”
“Ah, now that’s top secret information,” Bob replied, eyes twinkling as he glanced over at you. “I’m afraid you don’t have the necessary clearance, Sunshine.”
The nickname slipped off his tongue easily, and the air between the two of you sizzled with a thick tension that you could cut with a knife.
“Would that be my call sign?” you teased softly, breaking the silence that had descended in the car.
“Yeah,” Bob nodded with a smile, taking a breath. “I think it suits you.”
You’d been so distracted by the conversation that you hadn’t even noticed where Bob had been driving until he suddenly made a turn into a lush and verdant park, greenery and flowers everywhere as he drove along a winding road.
“Oh!” you exclaimed brightly, pressing your face against the window. “What is this?”
“Balboa Park,” Bob explained with a grin, driving for a few more minutes before he found a parking spot. “The San Diego Zoo isn’t far from here.”
“Is that where we’re going?” you asked curiously as Bob came around to open your door, ever the gentleman.
“Not today,” he shook his head, smiling as he took your hand and helped you to your feet. Hurrying around to the trunk, he quickly pulled out a large picnic basket. “I hope you’re hungry,” he said, suddenly looking worried. “I realize I didn’t say anything about us getting lunch, so I understand if you already—”
“I’m starving,” you cut him off, grinning as you placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
“Good,” Bob sighed in relief, smiling down at you. He hesitated for a moment, but then reached for your hand and guided you towards an open, spacious field, where he set the picnic basket down underneath the shade of a tall tree.
“Oh, Bob, this is so wonderful! Thank you!” you cried in delight when you saw the spread that he had prepared—sandwiches, a fresh summer salad with strawberries and apple slices, homemade lemonade, and some cookies for dessert.
The two of you spent the next hour talking and laughing together on Bob’s picnic blanket. It was so easy to talk to him. You found yourself revealing things about yourself to him that even some of your closest friends back home didn’t know.
“So how are you feeling about San Diego?” Bob asked, sliding his glasses up his nose. “Do you think it could be home?”
“Most definitely,” you smiled, shifting closer to him. “I’m especially fond of the people.”
Bob reddened at your words, his blue eyes widening behind his glasses. “Oh—oh, yeah? Any people in particular?”
“Mhm,” you breathed out, leaning in and brushing your lips against his. “My tour guide has really been making me feel at home.”
“Sunshine,” Bob breathed out, gently cupping your face in his hands.
“I want to be your Sunshine, Bob,” you whispered, nuzzling your nose against his.
“That’s good,” Bob grinned, pecking your lips softly. “Because I want that, too.”
Join my “TOP ONE” Anniversary Celebration! 🥳
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kandisheek · 7 months ago
I love how athletiger always manages to come up with really creative concepts for their fics. I especially love their smutty writing, which is why I'm recommending them here, but honestly, you should just go through their entire AO3 catalogue and read everything on there. I promise you won't regret it.
Here's some of their work that I think you should check out:
say it with flowers
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: E Words: 2,179 Tags: Shibari, Flowers, Sub Steve
Summary: There are flowers tucked between the rope and his skin, beautiful white and purple orchid flowers standing out starkly against his fair skin. He leaks because Tony is right: they look beautiful. Steve looks up to see Tony staring at him lovingly, and he swallows, his Adam’s apple bobbing.
Reasons why I love it: The mental image of Steve tied up with ropes and flowers is so beautiful, I'd probably pay to see it. I love how gentle Tony is with him and how it allows Steve to sink further and further into the scene. It's lovely to see, and I really hope you give this one a shot and experience it for yourself!
Knot your Typical Case
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: E Words: 18,289 Tags: Bomb Squad AU, Werewolf Steve, Knotting
Summary: Steve and Tony were called out to what sounded like a standard domestic terrorism bomb threat. It escalated a bit, maybe. Possibly a lot. Ch1: the Mission. Steve and Tony face down a complicated situation, that is maybe also On Fire, god damn it, and may or may not explode. Ch2: They comfort each other in the best way they know how; using Steve's giant wolf dick.
Reasons why I love it: athletiger and MountainRose did a fantastic job here! The whole action sequence and bomb diffusal is so good, the suspense is incredible. And I love the backstory of Steve's werewolf condition. Plus, the smut at the end is hot as hell! This fic has it all, and I love it to bits, so I hope you give it a shot!
the sweetest sound is the music of your cock
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: E Words: 3,107 Tags: Sounding, Fluff, Sub Steve
Summary: “Look at you,” Tony croons, “you’re so wet and messy because you want this. I can see it in your eyes.” Steve nods desperately, cuffs rattling above him. “Beg for it then, sweetie.” Steve gasps wetly. “Please, Tony, I want it,” Steve says in a litany, straining against his bonds. Frustratingly, they bound him tightly so he can only beg with his eyes and his mouth. “I want to feel the sound go down my cock, and I want you to control my orgasm, letting me come only when you want me to. I want to be your good boy.”
Reasons why I love it: Okay, first of all, that title? Iconic. I'm a huge fan of sounding fics, and we don't have nearly enough of them in this fandom, so I'm very happy that athletiger blessed us with one. The scene that Tony created for Steve here is so goddamn hot, and I love how overwhelmed Steve is by the end. It's fantastic, and I highly recommend that you check it out for yourself!
Buio Profondo
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: E Words: 1,235 Tags: Non-Con Elements, Rimming, Breathplay
Summary: Tony's sleeping lightly when the deadbolt unlocks and the handle turns, listening to the barely-there footsteps entering the room. The bed dips under Steve's added weight, and Tony can feel his heat emanating through the thin blankets. With one smooth motion, Steve throws off the covers, revealing Tony's nakedness. Because he doesn't get clothes anymore either; Steve owns him entirely, heart, mind, soul. "I know you're not sleeping," Steve whispers in his ear.
Reasons why I love it: This fic is dark and sad and everything I love in a twisted Stony fic. The added context of Extremis and the Post-Civil War vibes make it even more impactful. I love the whole concept, and despite the context (or maybe because of it), the smut is impeccable. If you like dark fic, you will definitely love this one just as much as I do!
Shaken, Not Stirred (a What's That Sound? Remix)
Pairing: Steve/Bucky/Tony Rating: E Words: 2,771 Tags: Laundry Sex, Dom/Sub Undertones, Threesome
Summary: Tony had masturbated to Steve's and Bucky's laundry cycle, but now Tony found himself on top of their washing machine while the spin cycle was running at full speed.
Reasons why I love it: The whole concept of this fic is just fantastic. Tony getting off like that is super hot, and Bucky and Steve getting off on Tony makes it even better. I love this one, and I bet you will too, so I hope you'll check it out!
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queenie-ofthe-void · 10 months ago
Nine people I'd like to get to know better
I was tagged by @mustlovesteve (tysm!!)
Last song I listened to: Disloyal Order of Water Buffaloes by Fall Out Boy on my way home today. But I've also been listening to I'm on Fire by Bruce Springsteen on repeat
Currently Watching: Just finished X-Men 97 (sooooooo good jfc) and now I'm watching Shogun on Hulu. It's fucking awesome but also intense and complicated, so I've been looking for a light show to balance it out. Right now I'm just doing my usual Bob's Burgers rewatch until I find something else.
Sweet/Savory/Spicy?: Savory for sure: umami, salty, smokey. I'm putting soy sauce and gochujang in my ramen, cajun seasoning on my mac and cheese, and mushrooms in everything. The sweetest I normally go is dark chocolate, and unfortunately I can't do spicy at all. I didn't have a wide variety of food growing up, so my tolerance for spicy is SUPER low.
Relationship Status: Been with my partner for over six years now and things are getting a bit rocky. I signed us up for counseling and I'm pretty excited about it since I know quite a few couples who've done it and they've all had great things to say. So I'm hopeful!
Current Obsession: Other than The Usuals (Steddie, Bob's Burgers, Cosmere, and The Locked Tomb), it has to be Formula One. They way that sport is MADE for tumblr is crazy. There's only twenty guys-- two on each team-- and each pair are teammates against the other nine teams, but are also rivals against each other. They're multi-generations of drivers who grew up go-karting together, so they're all childhood frenemies. These boys are so absolutely weird and awkward and hilarious. The shipping wars are insane and so fun. It's a great fandom tbh.
Tag List (no pressure!):
@paperbackribs @theheartofthekoko @cuips-not-cute @katyawriteswhump @doublecherrypiediscosuperfly
@lingeringmirth @corvus-perplexus @rindecision @chronicpainstevetruther
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withahappyrefrain · 1 year ago
Hey Abby! So glad you brought the positivity night back, I think we all need a minute to chill out.
Sending all the love to everyone I list off, as well as to anyone that I forget because there are so so many amazing, positive, and fandom nurturing people and accounts out there and we really need to step in the way-back machine and remember that fandom is community!
Gonna get off the soapbox now 😂
@startrekfangirl2233 -> I feel like y’all are sleeping on here work! Her series You Are My Soulmate with Roo is currently driving me up the wall because he is so stubborn and it’s just fantastically written. On top of her amazing work, she is a fantastic friend and I love her to pieces!
@sarahsmi13s -> I currently blame her (affectionately) for my muse going in 7 different directions right now, but she is just the sweetest. She is working so hard to bring us all some amazingly heart-wrenching whumptober things and she is doing fantastic. Such an amazing person who deserves all the shout outs!
@mayhemmanaged -> May has been one of the biggest supporters of my series AGAD since she found out I was writing it. She has her own series, Heavy is the Head, that is just fantastically plotted and y’all aren’t ready for some of the twists (I will catch up May, I promise)! Yet again, very sweet, very kind, and very much needed a shout out
@horseshoegirl -> Lucky makes me scream. That’s it. Her series Damn Those Dog Tags is just so fucking amazing and I still have to catch up, but oh my god. She is such a kind and warm person and I have always felt safe and supported when chatting with her. Such a good person with a chaotic horse and yeah…
@roosterforme -> Em. My first real connection in the TGM fandom and honestly, she’s just incredible. All of her stories are so fleshed out and the characters are all so different, yet they still have those elements of strength in them at all times. Roo and BG (the first series) was one of the first fics I read for this fandom, and on top of writing 3 or 4 series at once, she is also so supportive and kind and I will get more Roo and Rosie for you!
@footprintsinthesxnd -> Jess is just a sweetheart. Point blank. Her series, The Good Die Young, another wwii AU for Jake (iykyk 👀), is one of the reasons that I wanted to rewrite my own series set in wwii. She’s been through a lot this year and yet still offered to help me research for my own work. Show her some love and support because she is incredibly kind and generous, and also an amazing friend.
@bradshawsweetheart -> Riley, one, I’m sorry for all that bullshit that happened a few days ago. Two, Good Vibrations was AMAZING (still have to reblog it but I’m getting there!) Three, you come off as such a kind person and I honestly can’t wait to get to know you better!
@roosterbruiser -> Millie, you always hurt me. I’m still playing catch-up with Cruel Summer, but I don’t think that I have read another fic with so much hidden darkness in it. Horror is not my genre by any means but your skill with words is just phenomenal. I have screamed at you enough times to know how sweet you are behind that all of that angst you throw at us, and I’m so thankful that your fic fell into my lap!
@teacupsandtopgun -> Beth, we only really just connected and I love how positive you are! Jake and Flick are on my TBR pile rn and I will get there! I wish I could say more, but I’m really excited to get to know you!
@bobfloydsbabe -> a sweetheart. I will get to Professor Bob at some point but I just know that it’s going to be amazing!
Abby, I will probably be back when I remember who I have forgotten, but I cannot wait to see how this night turns out!
And PSA to those who don’t find their names up here! You are still loved and appreciated! You are valued in this fandom and don’t ever feel like you aren’t enough!
Fern, thank you!!! You have introduced me to people who sound awesome, which is my favorite thing about Positivity night!!!
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wri0thesley · 7 months ago
Not in a fandom you're in, as far as I know, but Noan would be more than happy to cuddle me for hours and give me back rubs, sing some songs he remembers from when he was a little, or that he's heard from other people. He might read out loud a book he's currently reading, or read a book I like for me.
We could doodle together, or maybe follow along to a Bob Ross painting. He would definitely watch a movie with me and we could talk about what we liked and the symbolism used, or overall meaning of the film.
He'd also be willing to just do nothing together. To stare at the stars or just let me play with his hands, or hair and just exist in each other's company. Noan's the sweetest and will go out of his way to make you feel loved if you ask him.
so i googled noan and i understand he is probably from punishing: grey raven but i also saw this guy who i think is just a random player’s wow character and the thought of you painting together made me smile
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but anon! these are all so sweet. i hope you and your video game boyfriend have all of the soft romances you deserve <3
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fayestardust · 1 year ago
for bob tours: was there a moment (or more than one) at a place where you felt ~connected to a scene from bob/the real events?
All the tours I’ve been on have special moments, though some more than others. Thank you for asking me about this, as I love recounting these memories. Some of this is actually what you asked for; the rest is just me being sappy.
Okay, ready? Behind the read more because it's SUPER long.
Eindhoven tour, April 2022
This was the first WW2 tour I’ve ever been on and the first of We Happy Few 506’s Band of Brothers tours. Special for that reason alone. It was a one-day tour with a Q&A the day before, and only four out of six actors who were supposed to join actually made it over to Eindhoven. First up: Matthew Leitch (Floyd ‘Tab’ Talbert), our fierce leader on all of the tours so I won’t mention him every time. He co-founded WHF506. He’s kind of a very annoying older brother to me now. Also there were Tim Matthews (Alex Penkala), Doug Allen (Alton More) and Mark Lawrence (William H. Dukeman).
I enjoyed the Q&A, though at that point was far too insecure to ask anything about Band because the room was filled with much bigger WW2 nerds (at the time, I’ve now caught up) who all seemed to ask very profound questions. I also shied away from taking any photos with the actors because people pretty much swarmed them, and I’m slightly claustrophobic.
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I was making art already at that point, and for this trip had managed to draw Matt and Mark. See here a moment of joy for me.
The next day was the day of the tour, and I was pretty nervous about it because I’d never done a bus tour before, but in my experience, buses aren’t particularly wheelchair-friendly. Such was the case here, too, but the moment I approached the daunting steps of the Megabus, guests (special and not) flocked over to help me up them. All doubt evaporated. I got appointed the spacious back-of-the-bus seat, with my cousin on one side and Mark Lawrence on the other.
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I’ll single Mark out for this tour because our conversations on the bus were very real and important to me. But also because one of the most moving moments on the tour happened when we visited the Crossroads. This is where Mark’s character and the real Dukeman died. If you ever get to visit... the Crossroads in the show looks exactly like the real location. Easily one of the most true-to-life set locations. And Mark had never been to the Netherlands. It tore him up. We all sniffled, watching him cry. The thing you have to realise is that he feels like he owes his entire life to the show. He met his lovely wife because she saw him on tv, and they fell in love. He has Dukeman’s service number tattooed on his body. And he’s the kindest, sweetest soul.
Later, months after the tour, he called me up to sing me happy birthday at six in the morning.
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Both Doug and Tim remain my friends to this day. I’m perhaps most grateful for the connections made on these tours. Some of the other guests are now also like family.
Bastogne tour - part 1, November 2022
Bastogne is a magical place for me. I took one of my geekiest friends on this second tour. Special guests were Freddie Joe Farnsworth (military advisor on both BoB and the Pacific) and Phil McKee (Strayer). Not the most well-known people in this fandom I think. But interesting. And funny. 
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This tour was led by Reg Jans, and he’s THE guide who knows everything you could ever want to know about the Battle of the Bulge. So, during this tour, I feel like I learned a lot more about that, beyond what we see in Band.
Of course, we also visited Easy Company’s foxholes in the Bois Jacques. There was no snow (stay tuned for that on a later tour), so it’s not like it is in the show. But the woods are eerily quiet. I don’t know if I believe in anything supernatural beyond things like intuition, but if I were to start anywhere, it’d be there. Freddie Joe explained the consequences of sleep deprivation for your brain to us, to help us understand the soldiers better. Sometimes, they were their own worst enemies. They were freezing, underfed, underdressed and barraged by artillery, and most of the time, could not even see the Germans.
We also visited where John Julian was pinned down by Germans for hours. It’s still unclear what exactly happened to him, or when or how he died. We only see seconds of it in the show. It's like that with many things in the show actually. All the battles took a long, long time.
This tour isn’t my favourite - there’s a better one right after this, but this did solidify the idea that I would go on these tours just to see the people I’ve met while there. 
Bastogne tour - part 2, January 2023
Here it is, my favourite tour. Barely two months after the last one. Bastogne in the very dead of winter. Let me tell you: it was COLD. But it would have been, for the soldiers of Easy.
The special guests on the second day of the tour were Shane Taylor (Eugene ‘Doc’ Roe), and Lucie Jeanne (Renee Lemaire). Doug (Alton More) was also there, and it was lovely to see him again. But as you can guess, having Doc Roe and Renee on the tour in Bastogne is pretty amazing. Eugene and Renee never actually met each other, one of the few dramatisations of the show. It serves a purpose, though, so it’s mostly seen as acceptable. Renee’s story is quite tragic, and she died very close to where she had lived with her parents and her body was wrapped in the fine silk of parachutes and brought back to them. 
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There were also some good hugs at the 'Nuts' bar! But the absolutely most amazing part of the tour happened without them. Our second day started really, really early. We got up at 5 am, got on the bus, and drove to the Bois Jacques. It was still pitch black when we got out, freezing cold and fresh snow crunched underneath our sleepy feet. 
Reg Jans was on this tour again, and he had something truly haunting in store for us. We all stood in a circle around him with our (mostly just purchased for this trip) head torches on as he recited a prayer by Lt. Col. Robert L. Wolverton, commanding officer of 3rd battalion, 506th PIR. 
Here it is.
Men, I am not a religious man and I don't know your feelings in this matter, but I am going to ask you to pray with me for the success of the mission before us. And while we pray, let us get on our knees and not look down but up with faces raised to the sky so that we can see God and ask His blessing in what we are about to do: God almighty, in a few short hours we will be in battle with the enemy. We do not join battle afraid. We do not ask favors or indulgence but ask that, if You will, use us as Your instrument for the right and an aid in returning peace to the world. We do not know or seek what our fate will be. We ask only this, that if die we must, that we die as men would die, without complaining, without pleading and safe in the feeling that we have done our best for what we believed was right. O Lord, protect our loved ones and be near us in the fire ahead and with us now as we pray to you.
And into the woods, we went. You have to remember, there are no cars at this hour. It’s dark. It’s quiet. We were told to be quiet. We were told to sit in the foxholes in the snow. We switched off our lights. No one was shooting at us, but we felt, in part, what the men of Easy Company would have felt. And then we watched the sun come up. It’s the closest thing to a religious experience I’ve ever felt.
I met one of my favourite people in the world on this tour, too. He took these wonderful photos of me and inspired me to take up photography again, myself.
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Normandy tour, June 2023
This tour was a bit of an odd one out. It felt chaotic because it was scheduled around D-Day, which made Normandy really poorly accessible. It’s so busy, so our tour was mostly improvised around areas with the least amount of traffic jams. 
It did have its moments, though. Normandy is a cool place. And we had the amazing Pete McCabe (Donald Hoobler) with us. 
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The day before the tour, I actually got to meet three Normandy veterans. Humbling, to say the least. I also met several more Band actors (Peter Youngblood Hills, Alex Sagba-Brady, Christian Black, Nolan Hemmings) and Scott Gibson, who played Captain Haldane in the Pacific. We still keep in touch. Christian Black is now a Still Photographer, and mostly shoots Tom Cruise’s movie stills. He also took this photo of Nolan Hemmings, this painting of him and little old me. 
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I was really glad to see many friends again. And I brought my own camera and took amazing pictures (teehee). We saw most of Easy’s known landing spots in Sainte Mère Eglise, like Winters’ and Lipton’s, to name a few.  
Our guide here was Paul ‘Woody’ Woodadge, an English guy married to a French woman. He’s nice, but critical of Easy’s fame, not so much on account of Easy, but mostly because Easy was just one of the many companies that did incredible things. We visited the area around Brécourt Manor, where we learned that other company Paratroopers cleared the way for Easy’s famous mission.  It doesn’t make it less impressive, but it adds loads of context.
Another thing that I found incredibly moving was the reading of Lt. Meehan’s last letter home. It’s easy to forget how young these men were. And how wise. Meehan’s plane crashed in a field, and nearly 80 years later, you can still see where it landed because while the field is fully planted, there’s a part near a hedgerow that remains barren to this day. Haunting. 
We also visited Marmion Farm, where many famous Easy Company photos were taken (it’s where they more or less come back together after the jump).
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One of my favourite stories, though, is that of medics Robert Wright and Ken Moore of the 101st Airborne. They treated 80 injured American and German soldiers and a child in a church in Angoville-au-Plain. There are still bloodstains on the pews. 
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So, as you can tell, not everything had to do with Easy, because we also went to Omaha Beach, where I got out of my chair and walked. Just to walk where these brave men had walked and really feel the history.
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Eindhoven/Arnhem Market Garden Tour, October 2023
My second favourite tour after Bastogne in winter. Our guest here was Mark Huberman (Lester Hashey) who was meant to come on the original Eindhoven tour but couldn’t. He’s delightfully Irish, and had the best anecdotes from the set. Also absolutely hilarious.
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Many of my friends weren’t on this tour, so going on to it, I couldn’t have guessed it would rank among my favourites.
It was split between two things. Some Easy Company sites and stories (some repeats from the first tour, but often with a slightly different angle or experience), and the British side of Operation Market Garden!
By the way, did you know that Hoobler picks up the Luger that ends up killing him in Bastogne, at the Crossroads? I think they changed it in the show to let the story flow better.
Anyway. I loved this tour. We visited Schoonderlogt and the Crossroads again. This time I sat in the grassy field while everyone else did the famous run across. It’s such a long way!
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But the stories of the British troops were perhaps even cooler to me. Because that all happened right on my doorstep. I knew the bigger picture, but we had Reg Jans on this tour again, which is synonymous with really personal stories. So for our British troops day, we followed in the footsteps of leaders and soldiers alike, until we met them again in their final resting place in the military cemetery. A really rewarding journey. Mark also read a letter by Ivar Rowberry, which I posted about here. There’s an audio recording of it too, which is well worth a listen. 
If you want to read more about any of these tours (I’m a bit tired of writing so much, check out my actual - non tumblr - blog over here. There is an entry for each one, there.
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romirola · 2 years ago
Hey romi! Slushiepizza here! Just wanted to tell you that I've read your cat trio fic with Aggro, Ben, and Cheese multiple times, and it's brought me such immense joy. It just warms my heart every single time and I just wanna say again, thank you for writing it. It has a special place in my heart.
Oh, @slushiepizza, you are so, so welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed the headcanons. Thank YOU for letting me borrow Cheese, the sweetest kitty in all of Dahlia. <3
Hey, Redactedverse Fandom, have you seen their brilliant Guy fanart, featuring none other than Cheese, Honey and Guy's adopted cat? Check it out here, and then, please read my post that imagines cat-shenanigans between Cheese, Bob (William's spoiled cat created by @claracatlady), and Aggro here!
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keicordelle · 2 years ago
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Beneath the Human Guise
Fandom: Genshin Impact Rating: E Pairing: Childe/Zhongli/Xiao Word Count: 5.2k Tags: Established Relationship, Threesome - M/M/M, Explicit Sexual Content, Explicit Consent, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Anal Fingering, Adeptal Transformations, Top Tartaglia | Childe, Switch Zhongli, Bottom Xiao, POV Third Person
Summary: Zhongli fell apart so easily, coming undone beneath Childe's hands and his lips. But Xiao... for all the time they'd been together, not once had Childe seen Xiao slip from his human form even in the deepest throes of pleasure.
It looked like Childe was just going to have to work harder.
Pale flesh bled into obsidian beneath the pads of Childe’s fingers as he traced along the muscled curve of Zhongli's shoulder. His wanton moans filled Childe’s ears like the sweetest music, nearly drowning out the oiled shlick of his cock as it slid between Zhongli’s supple cheeks to bury itself in his ass. A haze of Geo swirled lazily through the air like an earthen shroud, heralding the Geo Lord's building pleasure just as much as his low moans and the quiver of his muscles beneath Childe’s hands. The wet smack of lips drew Childe’s attention down the strong lines of Zhongli's body to where Xiao knelt before him, his golden eyes fixed on Zhongli's face as he swallowed down the Archon's cock. Spit dripped from between his lips, his pupils blown wide and the red liner beneath his eyes smudged to make him the perfect picture of debauchery, sucking happily at his Lord's dick while Childe fucked him from behind. Between them, Zhongli writhed, caught between the attention of his two lovers ravishing him at once.
Zhongli cried out as Childe slammed home within him, the plush muscle of his ass quivering from the impact. Zhongli clenched down around him, the edges of his form blurring as his head tipped back, spilling dark hair tinged with glowing amber down his back and over his shoulder to tease at Xiao's cheek. Antlers sprouted through the tangled mess of hair, his thick, scaled tail arching from his spine to curl around Childe’s waist, the yellow, cloud-like plume on the end tickling at his ribs.
Childe chuckled as he tugged the broad appendage to the side where it wouldn't impede his thrust, stroking along the dark scales to feel the flex of muscle beneath. "Looks like Xiansheng is enjoying himself."
Zhongli let out a strangled moan in answer, obediently holding his tail aside for him. Childe’s hands shifted down to grip his hips, holding him steady as he pounded into his tight hole. On his other side, Xiao redoubled his efforts, bracing himself against Zhongli's thighs as he bobbed messily along his cock, lewd noises rising from him to twine with Zhongli's lust-addled voice and the oil-slicked slap of skin on skin.
Zhongli's breath caught as the pleasure they lavished upon him became overwhelming, driving him over the edge of orgasm between one stroke and the next. His insides clamped down around Childe’s shaft, the tight heat of his body squeezing around him like he was trying to suck his soul out through his dick - and Childe would be more than happy to let him. Xiao spluttered as Zhongli spilled himself down his throat, his cum hot and thick over his tongue as he struggled to swallow it all down. A rivulet of white escaped his lips to drip down his chin, and Childe wet his lips as he watched its slow trail, longing blooming beneath his breast to lean down and lick it up. Xiao's eyes flicked up to meet Childe’s as his tongue darted out to lap up the stray drop, something like pride in his heated gaze as he drank down every last drop. Childe held his gaze as he fucked Zhongli through his release, thrusting shallowly just the way he liked it as he spent himself fully, Xiao lapping obediently at his cock to ensure not a single drop of spend was wasted.
Zhongli slumped between them, his tail sweeping along the floor as he panted, "Stop, enough, enough." Childe drew to a halt, shooting a grin at Xiao as he sat back on his heels while Zhongli panted for breath between them. The corner of Xiao's lips quirked as he tipped his head in answer, a silent acknowledgment of their shared pride in being able to so thoroughly pleasure their ancient lover.
Read the rest on Ao3!
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apatheticcrossovers · 2 years ago
Hey i was wondering if you could do a one shot fic of Bob velseb martha from helluva boss and it's love at first bite? (pun intended) what if Bob was a canon character in Martha's universe?
Of course! I'm not sure how I feel about this, but I hope you like it! Fic will be under the cut!
Love at First Bite
Fandoms: Spooky Month, Helluva Boss Ship: Bob Velseb (Spooky Month)/Martha (Helluva Boss) Characters: Bob Velseb (Spooky Month), Martha (Helluva boss), Martha's Family (Helluva Boss, brief mention), I.M.P. (Helluva Boss, Brief mention) Tw: Cannibalism, Murder, Romanticization of one's own death Summary: Bob Velseb remembers the say he met the love of his life. A beautiful southern belle, the sweetest lady ever, and had the most beautiful laugh when she tried to eat him. If only he could've gotten her name before she killed him.
Bob liked to remember the day he met her. He hadn't known her for long, he didn't even catch her name, but he already knew they were both soulmates. He had been sneaking into her house on another hunt, assuming that he could take out one of the kids, and if not, then the whole family would work too. What he didn't expect was the family being far more prepared to deal with a break-in than he expect. Next thing he knew, the mother had him pinned to the ground, pinning him down with her shoe to his chest and a shotgun pointed to his face. He would've attacked her, but, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, everything about her was just perfect.
"Say your prayers you, lowsy-" Just before she could finish her sentence, a look of realization crossed her face, her eyes widening slightly as she seemed to recognize him, costume and all. "Oh wait, your that Bob Velseb fella, aren't ya?" She let out small laugh as she lowered the gun slightly, putting a hand to her chest. Her laugh was the most beautiful thing Bob had ever heard, it made him feel something he thought he had never felt before.
"Wait, you... you know me?" Bob tilted his head in confusion, letting out a small chuckle as he looked up at the southern belle.
"Oh of course! Me and my family are huge fans of your work!" she had said, smiling at him sweetly. Bob was confused for a moment, fans? How could someone ever be a fan of him when he was not only a cold-blooded killer, but a cannibal? "You don't know how excited I am! I can't wait to tell the kids we'll be eatin' their idol for dinner!" That's when Bob realized, this lady, and her whole family, were cannibals just like him. Though he did question it for a moment, raising an eyebrow.
"Uh, don'tcha mean you'll be havin' their idol for dinner?" suddenly, the barely of the gun was pointed right back at Bob's face, his eyes wide as the lady's smile turned sinister.
"Eatin', havin', same thing isn't it?" Before Bob could even respond, she pulled the trigger, killing him and sending him off to the deepest parts of hell. It wasn't too bad though, to his surprise, he could practically do whatever he wanted down there without repercussion. Plus, the ram horns were kind of cool, like a permanent reminder of the costume he wore when he was alive.
So, he became a butcher, with the meat he sold being the best quality he could find, which was hard, not many demons down in hell had alot of meat on their bones. In his free time though, when he had nothing to do, no customers to help, and no need to slaughter anyone, he would sit in his butcher's shop, and daydream about the southern belle, the wild look in her eyes, the sweet saccharine of her voice, and the butterflies he felt in his stomach right has she shot him in the head.
It was just another slow day in the shop with he heard a familiar voice call out from the doorway to the shop. "Well well well, long time no see~". Bob looked up, and despite how hell may hay have changed her appearance, he could still recognize that sweet southern belle that killed him. She looked much different now, looking more similar to a lamb, though, her eyes and snout were more wolf-like than anything... 'A wolf in sheep clothing' was all Bob could think, quite fitting for a beauty like her.
"Well what a surprise! Did the police finally catch up to you?" Bob tilted his head, leaning his arm on the counter gently as he smiled at her. She was surprised by such a warm welcome, she would've thought he'd be at least somewhat vengeful for what she did to him.
"Oh now, it was actually some other demons that were paid to kill me! It's a long story though, you probably wouldn't care." She waved her hand dismissively letting out a small chuckle as she approached the counter. Bob only smiled wider as his expression softened, letting out a sigh. He had seen adverts for a company in hell that did that, but he never thought someone would actually pay to have their enemies killed, it seemed like such a waste of money.
"Well, That's certainly not a way to go out, I can't imagine anyone hating a pretty lady like you that much..." Bob's voice was sweet and soft. He was trying to flirt with her, thought= he wasn't sure if it would work, he almost felt like she was out of his league. "But I've got nothing better to do today, so I'm all ears. I'm sure the stories mighty interestin' anyways." Bob let out a laugh, straightening his back slightly before crossing his arms. "Oh, by the way, whatcha name? I never caught it before I died!"
She was still surprised by how welcoming he was being, but she certainly wasn't one to turn it down. He was still her idol after all, even if they were both dead. "Oh, I'm so sorry darlin'! I guess I should've told you, I was just so excited to finally get to eat my idol, I just couldn't wait! The name's Martha~" She held out her hand for him to shake, which he happily took without hesitation.
"Martha..." Bob repeated, almost left breathless. He would've imagined that name belonging to an angel, which in his eyes, she was an angel. He pulled his hand away and dusted himself off. "Well Martha, How about you tell me whatcha want from my little shop here, and then you can tell me all about your little encounter with the demons, alright?"
It might've been the fact she was in hell, but Martha felt a bit warm around Bob. She had grown a fondness for him over the years, she might as well call him a crush if it wasn't for the fact she had eaten him. Still, Martha felt a warm feeling in her chest, and she knew that she'd enjoy knowing Bob as much more than just a meal.
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whicorzoo · 2 years ago
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hi hi!! you can call me max or maxine. i mostly reblog/post abt haikyuu, but i'll also reblog/post abt whatever else interests me. if you want to actually keep up w me more though, i'm more active abt life stuff on my bluesky. i just vibe and store stuff on here, really, w occasional brainrotting in the form of art and various written bits and bobs. also, i'm a firm believer in the power of the block button, so feel free to employ it on me even if i just mildly annoy you!!
i'm a karasuno enthusiast and i especially love the first years, so if you send me content for them i'll give you the sweetest high five and probably an inordinately extreme keysmash.........my dms are open to just chat, too!! i don't bite(real people, at least) :P
guide to my ongoing tags below:
"haikyuu": all haikyuu related posts, regardless of media
haikyuu character tags: names of characters prominently in the post. i write out their full names in family name, given name order w romaji spelling, ex: hinata shouyou, miya atsumu, etc
a few hq character/reader tags. may include(in no specific order): tsukishima kei/reader, yamaguchi tadashi/reader, bokuto koutarou/reader, kuroo tetsurou/reader, nishinoya yuu/reader, miya atsumu/reader, ennoshita chikara/reader, hinata shouyou/reader, iwaizumi hajime/reader
haikyuu ship tags: when tagging i generally go by the most common name for a ship. note: i spell tsukishima ships w one k usually and i use "yamayama" for kageyama/yamaguchi posts
"haikyuu meta": analysis related posts
most or all of the above specifications will go for other fandoms!
other fandom tags(likely suspects): mp100, undertale/deltarune, hxh, fma, supernatural, good omens
"giggles": funny/silly/whimsical posts
"cute stuff": probably mostly cats
"cool art": only goes for non-fanart. fanart will be tagged w their fandom(s)
"max.txt": textposts i personally make or posts i reblog where i make significant enough additions
"max.png": my art! fandom tags also apply
"nsfw": not safe for work, ofc. MINORS AVOID THIS TAG PLEASE PLEASE. i'm not gonna check the ages of people who interact w me but please just.......don't
"tonal blue": more serious or contemplative posts
if i add any new tags i'll edit this post, so whatever you see right now should be up to date!!
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