#the 5th on contrary
lovelybaka · 2 years
Watching old Yu-Gi-Oh! episodes on tv.
It is/was so great and I loved Yu-Gi-Oh! so much but I can't help and laugh now as it is so full of drama~
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Bonus: I found the gif from the very same episode 😏
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une-sanz-pluis · 4 months
Despite the strength of his claim, the anti-Lancastrian groundwork laid by his uncle and namesake in Wales, and his close family ties to the rebellious Percys, Edmund remained oddly inconspicious in the broils of the first quarter of the century. To be sure, his name does surface from time to time, as in the treason case of 1402 involving the Welshman John Sperhawk, who had the misfortune to repeat a rumor he had heard from a certain tailor's wife of Baldock to the effect that the present king was not the true son of Duke John but rather was born to a butcher of Ghent and that the earl of March was in fact king by right. That is the year in which Mortimer's uncle and namesake joined in coalition with Owain Glyndwr, explaining to his tenants his support of Richard if he were alive and otherwise of his nephew as "droit heir." In 1405 Edmund and his brother figured in a bizarre kidnapping attempt in which they were to be abducted from Windsor Castle, apparently to become rallying points for anti-Lancastrian activity, probably with their uncle Edmund in Wales. As late as 1415 one of the options supposedly entertained by the Southampton conspirators against Henry V was (according to Richard, earl of Cambridge's undoubtedly coerced confession) to have had the earl of March "into the lond of Walys … . takyng upon hym the sovereynte of thys lond. " Nevertheless, Edmund's uncle and Richard, earl of Cambridge, and most of the other high-echelon conspirators who mentioned his name, tended to treat Edmund, not as a first conspiratorial resort, but at best as a fallback should Richard really turn out to be dead and no good impersonator present himself. This effective neutralization of Edmund's claim was accomplished in part by the brilliant machinations of the Lancastrians. In a move that conveyed multifold practical and psychological advantages, the newly crowned Henry IV promptly took the young Edmund and his brother Roger into his personal custody. Practically speaking, Henry controlled their extensive lands and rents, and the patent rolls for 1399-1413 abound in his awards of sergeanties, stewardships, custodies, and wardships to Henry's loyal followers. At the same time Henry gained psychological advantage by treating Edmund less as a prisoner than as a child de- pendent; Henry was generous in his annuities (ranging from three hundred to five hundred pounds yearly) and, in the years prior to the attempted abduction of 1405, even boarded the two brothers with his own younger children.
Paul Strohm, "The Trouble with Richard: The Reburial of Richard II and Lancastrian Symbolic Strategy", Speculum, Vol. 71, No. 1 (1996)
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sakurapandadreams · 1 month
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Please take all of these predictions with a grain of salt I'm not a professional astrologer.
Here's my masterlist
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🌊 Capricorn moons honestly suffer alot due to their family. I have seen cases where their siblings lie to them and scam them. Cases where their family wishes ill upon them. And what's more hurting is they keep forgiving their family and still love them alot. [Same goes for vedic]
🌊 Virgo moons can have mothers who are Virgo moons or Gemini moons [doesn't apply to all]
🌊 Gemini Moon Bestie >>>>>>>>> A group of friends. [This goes for vedic too]
🌊 Many Scorpio Moons are taken advantage of by their mothers, like their mothers dominate their lives before marriage.
🌊 In relationships Scorpio Moon seems like the more dominating person as compared to their spouse to the outsiders. However, their spouse almost dictate their life after marriage.
🌊 12th house shows what you struggle at :-
For example : Cancer 12th house may struggle at showing sympathy to others as well as to yourself
Scorpio 12th house may struggle understanding their intution [may dismiss it as coincidence many atimes]
Libra 12th house may struggle to accept they are intelligent and they also LOOK GOOD.
🌊 Uranus 6th house gives the vibes of someone who carries many erasable ink pens.
🌊 Uranus 4th house people love to keep their house tech savvy, like lights in their rooms will turn on automatically if they enter the house. [If your house isn't like that I'm sure you dream of making it this way ☺️🤭]
🌊 Uranus in the 7th house make great Cyber Crime Lawyers.
🌊 Neptune 6th house may end up looking good naturally even when they put on natural makeup. Their bare face >>>>>
🌊 Many Capricorn Moons are INTPs
🌊 Sagittarius Stelliums and Sagittarius Moons have such superior facial features 😌.
🌊 Mercury opposite Jupiter makes a person overly inquisitive [their thirst for knowledge is never ending]
🌊 Venus trine Pluto people look quite mysterious, like they look unattainable which makes people go crazy over them.
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🌊 Mercury dominant or people with exhalted Mercury may wear very strong perfumes on the contrary people who are Venus dominant or have an exhalted Venus may wear perfumes with a more softer fragrance.
🌊 Gemini Moon women and Scorpio Moon don't get partners they deserve to get.
🌊 Cancer Moons are not only close to their mothers but quite close to their sisters even more than their mothers at times.
🌊 Mars conjunct Rahu also causes alot of arguments with siblings and it also ends up giving an illusion to both the siblings that the other one doesn't love them.
🌊 During your Shani Sade Sati you will have a hard time communicating your problems to others or asking for help, you may often times suffer in isolation. In your Shani Sade Sati Saturn is teaching you to resolve problems on your own
🌊 Many Virgo Moons are into the spiritual community of Tumblr [from tarot readers to astrologers]. I'm trying to tell you Virgo Moons that you have a good intution.
🌊 Moon in the 2nd house also gives beautiful features especially eyes another thing whatever they say sounds intelligent or sophisticated [Also depends on mood]
🌊 Many Uttara phalguni Moons end up doing well no matter what career they choose. They get good recognition for their work.
🌊 Saturn conjunction Rahu, natives with these people attract jealousy easily with their work. Rahu gives people the illusion that they can never be like these natives. Hence people also copy them alot.
🌊 Aquarius Mercuries please go and check your messages and reply to the ones you haven't since 10 months lol [same applies to natal]
🌊 Gemini Moons 🤝 Witty comebacks
🌊 Ketu in the 5th house could've witnessed toxic relationships since a young age and hence may not be into dating.
🌊 Aries Moons are also quite good at maths and calculations.
🌊 Many Magha Moons tend to behave as elders in their family like they give advice but they don't take any also don't like being corrected.
🌊 If a Moon is well placed in the 8th House you end up getting a mother in-law whose kindhearted also psychic to certain extend.
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Copyright © 2024 sakurapandadreams | All rights reserved.
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Random Observations
#4 synastry
🍨 PEOPLE’S PERSONAL PLANETS IN YOUR 5H tell me if I’m wrong but, in my experience you can't stop smiling. They bring you joy and with just a look you start smiling (I guess this won’t happen if your 5H or the planets falling in you 5th are afflicted). I have some examples with two friends. With one, their Moon is falling in my 5th and with the other it’s Venus. One night, after meeting with some friends, we spend some time the three of us and literally we where kids laughing and making each other smile. Both of them produce me that feeling, but the second one in a more romantic way (even that I feel attracted by the Moon)
🍨 PEOPLE WITH SUN CONJUNCT YOUR ASCENDANT you look alike, and people can view similarities between you. For example, my friend follows an instagramer (christylevich) that has her Sun precisely conjunct my Ascendant. She always send me posts of her, telling me the resemblance. I also have this one with my sister -in a wider orb 2º-, same again. One more example could be my cousins Sun conjunct a friends of mine Ascendant. The other day I told her, WOW, you remind me of my cousin. And then I realize about the aspect. But in this case, my friend has her Mars conjunct my cousin Sun, and their suns are in opposition, so there's more added to it
I just noticed that all this examples happen in Virgo 🧐
🍨 SUN ASPECTING MARS I experienced this aspect several times, with hard and soft ones, and I can say that it’s SO attractive. The last example that made me want to write about this aspect was the trine. I have double whammy with tight orb with one of my work colleagues. In air (Libra-Aquarius) and earth (Virgo-Capricorn) signs. Apart from other good aspects that we share -trying to isolate this one- I would point out that we like how the other makes things. Since the beginning I was physically attracted to him. And he told me that he likes how I work. There is attraction. Although he shown me signs of that, the trine is more gentle than the hard aspects. With the square and opposition double whammy I noticed that the contrary can happen. It always depends on the natal chart of each individual and other aspects BUT, there is a feeling of “I don’t understand how you do things”. This happened to me with a flatmate. Even I accept her and she is nice, sometimes I have this feeling of, "why would you do that?"… (not proud of it)
🍨 URANUS ☌/△/✱ PERSONAL PLANETS LOVE-THESE-ASPECTS! Every person that I had this aspect with was amazing. Since the beginning I had 0 shame about being weird. In other words, I could be myself without restraining. But if I had to choose I would choose the SUN-URANUS as the best one. Being yourself is funny. There is no judgment between you. You feel alive and want to be with that person. It’s similar to the other aspects, but because there's different energies involved it subtly changes. With the VENUS-URANUS there’s that freedom-feeling that it’s comfortable, and in my experience, the Venus person will feel the attraction straight away
🍨 YOUR PLUTO ASPECTING THEIR INNER PLANETS/POINTS you can’t express this feeling with words. It's just something that happens with both of you. I have the VENUS-PLUTO double whammy—☌ to my Pluto and ✱ my Venus—with my best friend and it’s an aspect that creates glue. Is the level of deep understanding, there’s no secrets between you. Also, the conjunction is on the 4H, creating that level of openness to the private life. We also have MOON ☌ PLUTO and IC, again producing a deep level of emotional support and trust. On the other side Pluto negatively aspecting your inner planets/points, can be manipulating, but that’s another story, long enough to make a new post. What I can say is that it always depends on the maturity of the Pluto person, and how this planet is aspected in their natal chart. I always found Venus-Pluto aspects in the natal chart as a softener of that “toxic” intensity
Hope u liked it! :) And as always, I love to hear from your experience, so we both learn. Let your comment if you have something to share <3
© Astrologyobservationsss
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minsh0e · 5 months
mini astrology observations 2/?
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hi hi ! i am back with another mini astrology observations. I want to thank you all for such an amazing reaction to my “work”, and for all your positive/negative comments that you left for me. these opinions make me realize a lot and will definitely make me grow further in the future… before you move on to the reading, i want to say, that I am not a professional, so take everything lightly. as always, have fun reading <3
p.s. - photos are mine :)
☆ people with empty 1st house may lack life guidance or be less aggressive while voicing their opinions. on the contrary though, they might judge people based on their personality and manners, not appearance or first impressions.
☆ libra risings literally don’t have to wear makeup as they look/feel better without it
☆ in my first/last observations, i talked about the mars and/trine venus synastry and how it can be the first thing that pulls you in. in this case, mars represents the man and venus represents the woman. last time, i talked about how i got attracted to the men, who have mars in the same element as my venus but i haven´t mentioned, that all of them had virgo mars...
i have a theory of mine (that i observed on me and others) in which venus mostly gets attracted to the mars sign of same element that is positioned clockwise (e.g. scorpio -> cancer) and mars mostly gets attracted to the venus that is positioned anti-clockwise (cancer -> scorpio)…i have, however, observed this on people who are attracted to the opposite gender not the same gender, therefore, i can’t really tell you nothing about how this works for homosexuals.
-> please let me know what you think about this/what are your experiences if you have time :)
☆ this is a very random observation that you can skip if you want to…our dog it considered to be beautiful by most of the people we met/meet. he has shiny, colorful fur, symmetrical face and body color placements. i decided to check out his natal chart for fun and found out, that he has libra venus in 5th house…interpret this as you want, but i guess, that you can really apply astrology to anything :)
☆ people with sagittarius mars are the ones, who love the sports/movement the most. they are amazing at doing anything physical, so you can literally see them being great at any sport…even if they do it for the first time. they may be interested in a lot different kinds too.
☆ those with lilith in 8th house get sexualized/objectified a lot. if you have lilith (or any other lilith) in this house, you were most likely introduced to the “sexual” more early in your life and matured more faster then your other peers. also, you might be randomly called/shouted at by other disrespectful people on the streets…i was really surprised to find out, that this is not really talked about that much, so here i am…
☆ another observation i talked about in past were pisces/12th house placements. i talked about how sleepy and tired they can get without any specific reason but let me tell you…all the water signs/house placements get like this and it's mostly because of said no reason or when they get tired just by thinking about working on something/having to describe something to the other person. they treasure their energy and how they spend it.
☆ degrees are a very important part of reading an astrology…if you have time, please learn/read about them
the end.
these observations were slightly shorter, so i am sorry about that :(
again, feel free to leave your feedback :)
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crishayle · 10 months
Astrology notes
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Reminder. When reading, take into account your entire natal chart.Thank you for the feedback⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
People with the Moon conjunction/trine/sextile Jupiter are very friendly. I will not say that they immediately seem cute at first impression (you need to watch the ascendant for this), but in further communication with them you feel their charisma and friendliness.It's very cozy with them!
I often discuss with people their natal chart and their complaints, and I noticed that people with Mercury square/opposition ascendant have certain features in terms of mind. For example, memory problems, or good long-term, but poor short-term memory, it is difficult for them to concentrate on several things at once, or on the contrary, they lack perseverance, it is difficult for them to assimilate new information. Their mind is not weak, just different from the usual one.Or I observe problems with speech (stuttering, burr, lisp, unusual accent)
Selena in the 3rd house, Mercury conjunct Venus/Mars, Venus in the 3rd house have very pleasant voices. Their voices are velvety, most often modal (chest)
Have you noticed how during the scorpio season all astrologers wrote posts on the topic of sex? It's all scorpio's vibe𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑
I read on one forum that the combination of the ascendant in Leo and the Sun/Venus in the 1st house gives a bright and sexy appearance. I'm not sure about sexuality, but their appearance is really very beautiful and unusual!
People with Lilith in the 4th house are more likely than others to think about moving to another city/country, and just to another place. In a change of environment, they can feel out of their comfort zone and self-development. If Lilith is amazed, then the person will want to move because of personal beliefs (most often because of politics)
It seems to me that the most important and cardinal thoughts come to our minds when transit houses return to natal houses (for example, the Sun in the 3rd house in the natal chart and the transit Sun in the 3rd house).It's like a personal new year in my head.You sum up your results, plan, create different options for the future. Ideas may come up that you haven't thought about before. Physically, nothing new is happening, the usual routine (home and study/work), but in a person's head there are huge independent (!!!) changes
Guys, whose strongest planet in the natal chart is the Moon, do you also f*cking feel every full moon and new moon?
People with the Moon in the 1st house, the ascendant in Cancer, the Moon in Cancer/4th house, the Sun in the 4th house need personal space. They can be very sociable and energetic, but they need at least 15 minutes of silence to distract themselves and be alone
Retrograde natal planets can be compared to a splinter that is stuck deep under the skin and you can't see where it can be pulled out. It's difficult, but it's possible. Retrograde planets can also be made less problematic, but it will take a lot of effort
Some underestimate the influence of stellium, believing that the ascendant, the sun and the moon are enough to understand a person.As practice shows, most often this is not enough, especially when the stellium and the Big Three are different in temperament.Please consider your stelliums
Mars in Sagittarius can look athletic even if they don't do sports
If you see a person who reads the news about maniacs, murders and crime, then there is a 90% chance that he has placements in Scorpio/8th house
Most content makers have strong placements in Leo/Aquarius/5th house/11th house. I'm talking about people who have been blogging for a long time and professionally, as well as whose work is related to the media sphere
Mercury in Virgo/6th house has a lively mind in conversation. They argue well, they discuss well, they can turn your words against you.They may respond sharply, but in fact
Often we may be attracted to the creativity or personality of some famous person because of similar placements in the natal chart
On the astro-seek website, you can guess the Sun/Moon/ascendant of a person from a photo. According to statistics, people with Scorpio/Aquarius in the Big Three have the least guessed photos. Still, I agree that these are the most mysterious signs of the zodiac
According to Ceres in the natal chart, you can learn about the upbringing of a person (since this asteroid shows the connection between parents and a child).For example, Ceres in the 5th house indicates a creative child. He could come up with a lot of games, drew a lot, and behaved a little differently than other children. He could love to read or listen to fairy tales.Good imagination, but perceives visual information best
It seems to me that people with the Moon square/opposition Saturn/Uranus/Neptune/Pluto are more likely than other people to wind themselves up. These people perceive emotions, events, people deeply. They have high emotional intelligence, but it is often difficult for them to turn off their head and calm down from thoughts
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astrologicalsstuff · 2 years
Slutty astrology observations.
You can tell a Taurus rising sometimes I feel like they sometimes attract more attention than Leo.
Scorpio risings everyone thinks you hate them with the amount you stare. I’ve heard “I felt like they were reading into my soul”
Jupiter on the ascendant people are beautiful they have this glow to them.
Everyone thinks cancer moons are sweethearts but they’re some of the fakest people I’ve ever met. So sensitive too but they really do come off as the baddest bitches.
Let me say something rq cause someone’s gunna get offended what’s coming next is pure observation and aspects and house placements really do change things a lot.
Sagittarius mars is ruled by Jupiter…. The planet of abundance… Sagittarius mars has a big 🍆🍆🍆. Like seriously crazy unless Jupiter is afflicted.
Contrary Pisces mars… the men tend to feel pretty insecure about it tbh… also 12th house mars. But they are also the sweetest and most romantic in bed. Put in extra work to make these people feel comfortable. Total romantics. But uhm this is so outta pocket but I’ve noticed these kinda… short and curved…discoloration too…
Pisces mars woman though get wet wet.
Scorpio mars are growers and if Pluto is in Sagittarius than Oml you’ve won. They can really put it down.
Cancer mars is the freakiest sign in woman these people want to be protected but also like dominant people. Attracted to power. And dominance. All about the post care too.
Cancer Venus lowkey has a lot of cheaters and I don’t know why. I don’t even think they are aware of it
Virgo mars♥️♥️♥️ can put it down in the bed ong. They like to analyze so they work really hard to understand your body. They love to know your body and turns them on when your turned on. I’ve seen this placement get turned on purely by giving.
This one’s just a diss please comment good things you’ve encountered with libra mars’s we’ve really never gotten along
Libra mars🤢🤢 you guys are so indirect and it ain’t cute like you’d rather get someone else to say what you mean than say it. This one guy used this to try to get me to date him by telling my friend to give him a reason why he wasn’t datable and we all just sat there awkwardly. They’re probably down to do whatever you ask as long as you return the favor.
Tw:violence ab*se.
Pluto conjunct mars can really like BDSM the love for pain and overall high tolerance. I know a couple people with this placement and I’m not talking about just chocking. Closer conjunctions are crazy like punching bruises cutting burning. Real intense shit.
Mars in Aquarius are not that sexually charged. And if they are I think these natives can be porn addicts? Idk I know so many people with this placement and all I can say is that they can be pretty private about it. But also j don’t get with people a lot. By choice.
Mars in capricorn… I know this is exhalted but be sometimes you have to be carful with this placement. It’s all about working for what they want. They have crazy stamina and can last a really long time tho.
Venus in Virgo are also freaks. Love giving too.
Venus in libra in mutual reception with mars in scorpio would do anything for their partners.
Gemini mars and talking bro… like they can be fucking you and have a full as conversation about some other random thing://… like dude I can’t focus when we’re talking about your day.
Aries mars can go fast but their recovery is crazy mars in the first house too. They just get so into it. These people are yummmy!
Gemini Venus lovin da threesums or just fantasizing. Maybe u got a side piece.
5th house ruler in the third u definitely got a side piece or your poly? Same with Venus in the third and maybe just Venus in the 5th. Open minded in relationships
Mars conjunct Jupiter can last long same with Saturn
Neptune in the 8th dreaming about that one person they definitely should not be getting with🤞🤞
Mars in the 8th are packing, not to sexualize them or anything I know it musta been hard. But your gunna take your anger out in the bedroom.
Please don’t steal my work and let me know what you want next!!
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novy2sirius · 9 months
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Novy’s Astrology Notes Volume 1
Read: These are about isolated placements/aspects, so depending on the other aspects, houses, signs, and degrees of the placements mentioned the interpretation may vary
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Although Gemini is ruled by Mercury the planet of communication/speaking there’s a good bit of them that I meet that aren’t outgoing just good at socializing whenever they need to
With Mercury square Neptune lots of people will underestimate your intelligence. This is because Neptune represents the hidden/illusions and Mercury represents intelligence. There may be this illusion to others that you lack intelligence even when you don’t solely because you struggle to express yourself properly
People with their Moon in the 5th house constantly feel like they’re being dramatic even when they’re not which is why they’re scared to share their emotions sometimes contrary to the popular stereotype they’re given of “bringing lots of attention to their emotions” and “sharing their emotions too much” a lot of the time they don’t
Aquarius Venus’ have a very unique style/fashion sense. It’s most likely because Aquarius is ruled by Uranus the planet of uniqueness and Venus rules over fashion. They like outfits that really stand out
Your Venus sign/house and Ascendant sign can show you the best way to dress in order to become your most attractive self
Your Venus sign can tell about the people you have girl crushes on. I love Ariana Grande and my Capricorn Venus is conjunct her Capricorn Rising
Your 2nd house placements/sign can tell how you spend your money and what you spend it on. I have my 2nd house sign in Cancer and I always spend it on fast food
My mom has Jupiter in the 7th house and met my dad who’s a Sagittarius during Sagittarius season and my dad also has his Venus in Sagittarius (Venus can tell about your wife). I’m wondering if maybe your 7th house sign/ planets and/or Venus can show the time of year you meet your spouse
I’ve noticed people with opposite signs in their big 3 tend to be very bubbly. Example: Gemini Sun & Sag Moon, Leo Moon & Aqua Rising, etc
Having a 4th house stellium can indicate that you’re someone who’s very family oriented since stelliums in our chart show important energies in our life and the 4th house represents family
People with their Sun or Jupiter in the 7th house tend to date a lot of people. Examples: Ariana Grande, Drake, Marilyn Monroe, Chris Evans, etc
People with Saturn in the 3rd house do well in jobs involving social media. Example: Social media influencer
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© novy2sirius
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a-very-tired-jew · 5 months
Finally got an anti-Zionist definition of Zionism
An Israeli was brave enough to pop into the Dropout Discord’s Palestine channel today (May 5th, 2024) and ask what definition of Zionism they were using. While most people all had the same base of “Jews having their own state in their homeland” every single one of them goes off the rails with their own respective definition and conspiracy.
The first person said this:
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Fig. 1. First person responding to the Israeli gives their definition of Zionism.
Notice that they say Zionism is the idea that Israel is uniquely and solely the rightful homeland of the Jews. This implies that there’s a malicious intent in Zionism towards non-Jews within Israel. This person has likely never heard of Kahanism, but in their mind Zionism and Kahanism are likely the same.
Here’s the second person to respond:
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Fig. 2. Second response uses refers to anti-Zionist. Jews and their supposed definition.
Now, I know a bunch of anti-Zionist Jewish groups and people and I have never heard this particular definition. I’ve only heard this from extreme antisemites who hide behind the guise of being anti-Zionist progressives and actual terrorist groups trying to create a false antisemitic conspiracy narrative. However, this is my own personal experience and this could be the case, as the user says this is what is said in their circles. And if it’s true then it’s a conspiracy driven alt reality version of things as it denies all evidence to the contrary. There are whole levels to this that ignore the non-Jewish Israelis, the rights that they have in Israel, their representation in the government, and so on.
and the third person to respond is someone I’ve talked about before. This is the Jew who claims they were indoctrinated and all their elders are brainwashed and just need to “open their eyes to the truth.”
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Fig. 3. Third response from a user who expands on Fig. 1. User’s definition and adds their own conspiracy.
I want to point out that this token Jew who believes others are indoctrinated actively believes the Israeli is making it so only Jews can be citizens. This is not any policy I can find, nor is it something I’ve seen even talked about outside of the most extremist elements. I think they’re referencing the 2018 stuff about Jews having the right to self determination, setting Hebrew as the National language, and government endorsement of settlers. But that’s far from the Israeli government and Zionism stating that Israel is for Jews and only Jews, and active programs to remove non-Jews. It’s something that, once again, would only come from antisemitic groups who want to generate strife through a particular narrative.
These are the definitions that they’re working with and/or believe. It’s no wonder you can’t actually talk to these activists because these definitions are laced with rhetoric from terrorist groups and antisemites. There’s traces of Jewish supremacy, world control, and other tropes throughout, and what’s sad is that a self confessed Jewish person believes it. Not only do they believe it, they’ve been extremely vocal in the server about it. They have so much to unpack that I can’t imagine what brought them to this level of conspiratorial thinking regarding Jews and Zionism.
It takes a lot of work to get people to see their conspiracy theories for what they are and that they’ve been misled. It’s easier to fall into them than to crawl out of that hole and realize you’ve been radicalized. That takes time, self reflection, and often a big “oh shit” moment, which may or may never happen.
At this point I’m just documenting how radicalized the people in the Dropout TV Discord are and how many of them believe in antisemitic conspiracies and downright falsities. Maybe they’ll do something about it one day, but I doubt it.
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nanaosaki3940 · 10 months
TokRev in Final Timeline (Kazushi Yamagishi's Wikipedia)
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Credit: Marin (@RanHaruchiyo) on Twitter. The original Twitter post - Link
Toman's Commander - Manjiro Sano aka Mikey
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I asked Mikey-kun if he had ever lost a fight and he said, "Only once. To a guy with a regent head who would never give up."
Toman's 2nd Commander - Takemichi Hanagaki
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He sometimes makes eye contact with Mikey-kun and gives him a distant look like he's lived twice his life. Feel irritated, even though he’s Takemichi!!
Toman's Vice-Commander - Ken Ryuguji aka Draken
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He fights with Hanma once a week. Seems like he had 48 victories out of 52 fights.
Toman's 1st Division Captain - Keisuke Baji
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He and Chifuyu sometimes talk about the old vice-captain (Ryusei Satou). "He was very flirtatious and a jerk." Both of them laugh.
Toman's 1st Division Vice-Captain - Chifuyu Matsuno
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He’s close with Takemichi even though he's not in the same squad and don't have much contact with him.
Toman's 2nd Division Captain - Takashi Mitsuya
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I said, "Mitsuya-kun, you get along with everyone, don't you?" and he said, "Except you." Maybe he is a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Toman's 2nd Division Vice-Captain - Hakkai Shiba
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He often gets into fistfights with his big bro, Taiju. How can you defy a monster like that?
Toman's 3rd Division Captain - Haruki Hayashida aka Pah-chin
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The first squad has a lot of strong fighters. One of them, Osanai, who’s cared about by Pah-chin, is said to be strong at the captain level.
Toman's 3rd Division Vice-Captain - Ryohei Hayashi aka Peh-yan
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He has an alliance with Senju and Kazutora who want to win Mikey-kun. Senju’s the only one who seems to be taking this alliance seriously, even though he’s the one who made it.
Toman's 4th Division Captain - Kazutora Hanemiya
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He and Akkun have been together every day since the Mizochu Incident when they had a one-on-one fight, and I'm a little bit jealous.
Toman's 4th Division Vice-Captain - Atsushi Sendo aka Akkun
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The vice-captain of the fourth squad, Sendo Atsushi!! He’s the savior who put us in the fourth squad.
Toman's 5th Division Captain - Haruchiyo Akashi
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Mikey believer. He is often banned from meetings because of his bad character. NOTE: the person to watch out for When I followed him, I found that he often meets with Mucho, one of the big four of Tenjiku. He is a traitor definitely!!
Toman's 5th Division Vice-Captain - Senju Akashi
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The captain of the 5th squad substantially Finally I witnessed his cheating!! They were both eating chocolate mint ice cream from Seventeen Ice, and Takemichi looked good as he said, "We finally made good on our promise.” I have to report this to Hina-chan!!!
Toman's 6th Division Captain - Nahoya Kawata aka Smiley
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He recently changed her hair color from apricot to nasturtium orange. He was angry that no one noticed.
Toman's 6th Division Vice-Captain - Souya Kawata aka Angry
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Apparently, there is a band and he is the leader. The vocalist is Mitsuya, the guitarist is Kazutora, the bassist is Akkun, and the drummer is Angry.
Toman's Strategist - Tetta Kisaki
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BAKAmichi’s partner. I wonder what it is about each other that attracts them even though he’s so smart like that?
Toman's Assistant - Shuji Hanma
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He's still growing in height, apparently.
Black Dragon's 10th Generation Leader - Taiju Shiba
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He's so strong in fights that he's like a wild gorilla, but he gets top grades in school apparently.
Black Dragon's Elite Guard Captain - Hajime Kokonoi
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I was following him to try to get some information about Koko-kun, but on the contrary, he took advantage of my weakness.
Black Dragon's Attack Squad Captain - Seishu Inui
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Inupi-kun apparently always keeps Koko-kun's wallet, who is careless with money. My fave from BD! He looks like me somehow huh?
Tenjiku's Boss - Izana Kurokawa
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Unlike BD and Toman, Tenjiku is under his dictatorship. Apparently, he considers his members slaves.
Tenjiku's 1st Heavenly King - Kakucho
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A prodigy in fights. He can compete with Mikey or Shiba Taiju in a one-on-one fight He is my fave from Tenjiku! Perfect! I strive to be like him in the future.
Tenjiku's 2nd Heavenly King - Yasuhiro Muto aka Mucho
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The most “personable person” in Tenjiku.
Tenjiku's 3rd Heavenly King - Ran Haitani
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When he talks to someone, he immediately starts talking at a distance of one centimeter. As a matter of fact, he seems to be very short-sighted.
Tenjiku's 4th Heavenly King - Kanji Mochizuki aka Mocchi
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He seem to like Yukimi Daifuku.
Tenjiku's Executive - Rindo Haitani
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I watched him all day long. In the morning, he drank in the park. In the afternoon, he drank with the homeless. In the evening, he drank with people in the off-site betting office. Finally, he drank in the nightclub at night!!
Tenjiku's Executive - Shion Madarame
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He often gets sick to his stomach.
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tarotenchantress · 3 months
Astrology observation ptII.
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By- Tarotenchantress🧚🏻‍♀️
Note: all these observations are based on ny personal observations.
🌕solar return obv🌕
🐪 okkk so i had lilith in 1st house of my solar return chart and guess what i literally lost all my friends and people started to villanise me and criticise my every decision. I also had people randomly stare at me and it was just weird overall. Like i actually became a loner. And given that it was in virgo and at the 13° it didnt make it easier either cause like everyone was criticising me and also were acting a "bit" aggressive towards me.
Alsooooo omggg people became so critical of my appearance as well.
🐪 On the contrary though, with lilith in 1st house and in virgo 13° i could also feel myself becoming more focused on my appearance and self centred too. Like i became more focused on my work and i was also critical of who i surrounded myself with.
🐪 Scorpio rising in your solar return chart can make tou a bit insecure and more converned about your privacy.
🐪 5th house stellium in your solar return chart may mean that you would be more focused on your creative work or your playful side.
🐪moon square sun in solar return chart may mean that you may feel more frustrated or may feel that youre not able to express your feelings properly and you may also become more secretive or may start feeling that you dont want to show your feelings alot. You may also struggle with what you feel and want.
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timecheck47 · 2 years
astrology observations 4 💐
if an aquarius moon is not afraid to act completely unhinged and voice out their weird thoughts around you, congrats, you won them over
contrary to popular belief, aries moons do not ever come across as aggressive or hot headed, like at all, rather very chill instead
aries in big three can lead to having really prominent and well shaped eyebrows, can be because of its color, shape or size
virgo mars can get real petty in arguments and often bring up every little thing you did that they deem as a “flaw” or “mistake” to invalidate whatever you’re saying
sagittarius in the big three can lead to travel being a big part of your life, when asked about your hobbies you may bring that up as your #1, may also travel more as you grow older
libra moons really do notice every single detail about your appearance, may not say anything out loud but oh are they thinking it in their head, have no issue ripping someone apart up in there
capricorn in the big three may have extra pressure placed on them from a young age to do things, the type to be scolded for not being hardworking when other people around them also aren’t
in addition to that, capricorn in the big three can lead to taking on leadership positions early on life compared to their peers and excelling at it
scorpio in the big three may have very alluring eyes matched with great eyebrows, intense glares, usually what people notice first about them is their upper face
aquarius in the big three almost always have had a fascination with aliens at one point or another in their life
your big three can also be found in your family’s chart, whether it be same sign or opposite
ex: moon conjunct moon, sun conjunct moon, & moon conjunct rising is the most common in what i’ve observed
you probably have a romantic soft spot for people whose placements fall in your 5th house
following the path of your mc really is where you find the most success
ex: selena gomez is a taurus mc and has had massive success in both her cooking show and beauty brand, rare beauty, both of which are taurus qualities (food, beauty)
capricorn risings and or people with saturn in the 1st house have impeccable bone structure
you spot the gemini rising in the room by looking at whoever is managing to talk to everybody at the same time about the most utmost random topic ever, either that or they’re talking to one person but their voice is so loud you overhear them anyway
virgo rising, especially in men, have facial features that are closer together, also looks as if their squinting or pondering something at all times
you probably find yourself approaching people who have placements that fall in your 10th house before anybody else, almost like you spot them first in the room and feel most comfortable in their energy
scorpio risings always have something going on with their life that makes you think wtf, sometimes in a good way but other times not so much, also have the craziest stories to tell
thank you for reading!
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imagineastrology · 1 year
Random Astro Notes ✨️
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♡ Sun in the 11th could indicate dominating friends.
♡ Saturn in 1st ppl are considerate.
♡ Saturn in 1st ppl also have excellent bone structure and teeth.
♡ Neptune in 1st ppl can be master manipulators if they are angry or feel disrespected.
♡ Uranus in the 3rd House individuals could experience many accidents around their environment or childhood.
♡ Pluto in 4th ppl need therapy...das all I'm going to say...
♡ Aries, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio or Leo near your Midheaven has the ability to envision their highest achievements, hence why they are ambitious.
♡ Chiron in the 9th or aspects to the ascendant could indicate a fear of horses! Chiron in Greek Mythology was half man half centaur (horse).
♡ Lilith in 1st, 8th, and 12th ppl could take an interest in taxidermy.
♡ Asteroid Nessus (7066) in the 1st House can indicate bad impulse control.
♡ If there is a lack of 1st House planets in your chart, it can mean your physical body is not THAT important to you.
♡ Venus in 3rd house ppl can be hand and arm models!
♡ Saturn, Mars, Pluto, Uranus in the 4th house ppl often get confused with receiving love and it may feel 'unreal' or too fake to feel substantial. These people need patience when opening up, contrary to what we believe.
♡ 5th House stelliums!! Get into speculative activities like the stock market...thank me later ;)
♡ Chiron in the 5th may have felt threatened or ashamed when expressing themselves in some form or another.
♡ Aries moon people move on from tricky situations so fast..
♡ Moon in 7th House people may subconsciously attract unstable and fickle partners.
♡ Saturn in the 9th could result in extremist behaviours.
♡ Any malefic planet in the 10th house natives laugh at setbacks as they have had so many.
♡ Virgo Ascendant ppl approach life and people in an orderly, polite, careful, and punctual way.
♡ Capricorn mars people either do things the right way or not at all.
♡ Scorpio mars ppl have trust issues and are reluctant to show themselves to people.
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astroismypassion · 1 year
Astrology observations 🟢🟢🟢
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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🟢I noticed high number of people that like the idea of saving yourself for marriage have Scorpio over the 8th house, but also often Capricorn Vesta, Vesta at 22 degree or Vesta in the 10th house.
🟢People with Pisces Vesta might have rather low libido. They really enjoy things that are more metaphysical and they are often very detached from their own body, not very in tune with it. They might do just well by watching films, TV series and indulging into their favourite movie snack. They are really fine with being on their own.
🟢Aquarius Ceres people had a mother that emphasized that their identity, personality and body are very unique. These are the people that will always tell you you're one of a kind, special and unique. This placement is very much "No one is you and that is your superpower" quote!
🟢Additionally, on Ceres note, your Ceres sign serves like the 2nd Moon sign. Ceres also shows how you perceived your mother's nurturing. So you could have a Virgo Moon, but Aquarius Ceres. And you might actually more relate to Aquarius Ceres when it comes to your relationship with your mother. Similarly, you can have Aries Moon, but your Ceres is in Pisces. But often times Moon and Ceres are compatible and connected.
🟢Scorpio Ceres doesn't want to think about money, although throughout their lifetime their life revolves A LOT around money. Either in form of debt, financial issues, help others with their money etc. Money for them is a veryy emotional topic. When they receive money they might actually tear up a little. When they give or lend money it's often an investment for them and they might have regrets connected with it or hold resentment later on for giving someone their money. Sometimes they make purchases that they not only regret, but might feel a bit ashamed that they even made this purchase in the first place. Also, this is very much the person to mix sex with money. Or they spend money on the person they are physically intimate with (sexually involved).
🟢Having Venus in someone's 10th house in a romantic Synastry is such an interesting overlay I notice. Often times one person really supports other's career and long-term goals to the point they help the other person set up a business. But I noticed that often that also become a weakness later in the partnership. So they continue the successful business, but the partnership dissolves.
🟢Ruler of the 7th house in the 5th house often has a crush on blond/light-haired people or those that have golden highlights.
🟢I'm not saying always, but most often in particular people who have Gemini over the 7th house often assume or very early on when meeting someone assume they the person is interested in them romantically. With Sagittarius over the 1st house (which points to an exaggerated sense of self and ego) they persistently think someone likes them despite clear evidence to the contrary. And Gemini Descendants even more so, they sometimes tend to believe they can "convince" someone if they put enough effort or try hard enough, even when the person verbally expressed that they are not interested in them. Even this Sagittarius Gemini axis can sometimes deal with delusion much like Pisces Virgo axis.
🟢Libra or Taurus over the 10th house: people at your workplace, random co-workers, even your boss will be very interested in your relationship status. Those around you will often speculate whether you have a partner or ask you if you are single. Also, if you have one of these two signs, be mindful with who you are connecting yourself with, because people around you might often make assumptions or jump to fast conclusions to who you are dating, even if the two of you are just friends! They could see you talking with someone and they might already assume you two have something going on.
🟢People with Scorpio Jupiter often go for Capricorn Sun as their spouse or committed partner. If you have Scorpio Jupiter in your Natal chart you are likely to attract a rather controlling partner.
🟢People with Pisces and Aries over the 4th house felt like they had to raise themselves. They are also really late bloomers. They might start raising themselves and working on themselves in late 20s, 30s.
🟢When you have Scorpio over the 7th house or Pluto in the 7th house in your Solar Return chart you will feel like don't receive help from anyone and it will be the year of many rejections, either in your love life, career or you will feel rejected by your loved ones.
🟢Composite Leo Mars in the 7th house make the two of you much more indecisive when together than independently/when you are apart. You often swing from "You choose, I don't mind anything" to "I don't know". When you are together you seem to make a decision much slower and it's harder to even pick to which restaurant you want to go eat. With the sign of Leo, you might have power struggles over making your choice as the final mutual decision. You will both want things to go your own way, not how the other person wants.
🟢Ruler of the 7th house in the 5th house are the biggest flirts that tend to be non-committal, because they value their independence a little too much, but also because they have the enough charming, charismatic confidence that they can get anyone.
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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fiamat12 · 11 days
It seriously seems like the zillionenth post in the way ppl go round and round on this subject. JD posts a very clear message last night and now he's trolling us? Hmmm...
1st- That actually could be construed as gay baiting and I don't think N nor JD would approve of that...
2nd- why the insistence, w/ so much evidence to the contrary, that he's bi or pan & could be dating N? Are ppl too scared to be wrong or just don't want to be disappointed if N & L aren't together? OR as @mezcalespressomartini astutely noted: for all the women who see themselves in N, was the perception that L chose A a rejection of them? So they hold fast to N having JD? (Note: I don't believe in any way L chose A; imo, he's always been waiting for N as I think I've made clear in other posts) 😉
3rd- YES, JD could be bi or pan EXCEPT nothing suggests that. No, going to a gay beach or gay club or dating a man for 3 yrs or going to a movie abt being transgender or portraying a gay man in a short film said to reflect your life doesn't necessarily mean you're gay. BUT! there needs to be evidence to the contrary... or, more importantly, that you're down so bad for N that she's posting love songs abt you. How abt lusting after N's boobs or pinching her butt or grabbing her tightly around the waist (all of which L can't seem to stop doing) OR any comment abt how hot & desirable women are (boner alert!). Has JD dated a girl in the past? Maybe. But nothing publicly says so in the past 3 yrs. & he's only 24.
4th-Nothing else suggests romantic attraction to N, in particular. The body language isn't there. And trust, DM has been on them, so certainly they'd be caught kissing or canoodling. JD is almost too casual abt it. He cozies up to his taken gfs (i.e. LH and BB) in a way that their bfs prob wouldn't allow a straight/ bi/ pan man to do - if they're anything like L, definitely not... 😡🤣. Could it be the bfs are ok w/ the level of closeness because he's a gay bestie?
5th- Those who want to consider JD for N don't realize it's actually an insult to want someone for her who seems so little into her - esp. after saying how they want someone to look at them like L looks at her. Even EF was seemingly a better match w/his level of maturity, attractiveness, accomplishment & the way he doted on N. I've heard claims that maybe JD is confused about his sexuality... that's what you want for N? Someone unsure abt her & figuring it out? I highly doubt N would be exchanging love declarations w/someone in that state...
BUT more to the point: N is just fine on her own, and SHE is in control of her love life. She's a QUEEN & doesn't need to be chosen by any man! Yes, even baby girl LN!
He just happens to be her soulmate...
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everalii · 24 days
Random Hogwarts Legacy Boys Headcannons
Just bc I wanted! I'll post one for the girls later
♤ Sebastian Sallow ♤
• doesn't play quidditch, but was very good at it, much to Imelda's dismay. She fought hard to blackmail convince him to join the team, with no success;
• Is a night owl by heart, and if it wasn't for Ominis at Hogwarts, and Anne at home, he would lose much of the morning. However, feels he lost the day if he wakes up around midday;
• Has an expansion charm on his trousers pockets, makes it easier to smuggle some books from the restricted section;
• He'll never admit his feelings for MC, but still didn't realized his feelings for her are way too explicit. He can't shut up about how brilliant she is, Ominis can't stand to another night of his rambles about her. MC and Sebastian are clearly the only ones oblivious to his feelings;
• He and Solomon had a good relationship before he went to Hogwarts. His uncle taught him fishing and gardening, and that it a very fond memory for him. Another reason of why he resents his uncle so much;
• Hates the fact he is the spitting image of his father. Despite having a good relationship with his uncle before, Sebastian truly believes that his uncanny resemblance of this father is one of the reasons his uncle can't stand him;
• Is a fiery Sagittarius, his birthday is on december 14th.
♤ Ominis Gaunt ♤
• Plays piano like a god, almost like the keys are an extension of him. He pours his soul when playing, and makes everyone fall in love with his skill;
• His mother is desperately trying to stay close to him, sending many letters, begging to professor Black to ask Ominis to talk to her. But he couldn't forgive her for forcing him to torture muggles, and she's not sorry for it;
• Is hopelessly in love with Poppy, but doesn't know how to even start a conversation. Sebastian finds out and they make a bet on who will marry first (remember this is 1890-1900);
• Despises crowded spaces for obvious reasons, he can't distinguish the sounds and he gets dizzy, might even throw up. Someone must save this boy and bring him to somewhere peaceful, please;
• Is a romantic by nature. You may think Sebastian is flirtatious, but Ominis' simply a natural! The first date with Poppy, arranged by MC, ended with "It is much of a regret not being able to admire your face right now" Poppy turned red as phoenix feather;
• Has a sweettooth. You'll find him in the kitchens stealing cakes and candies, and he always have one in his pockets for when he gets anxious or overwhelmed;
• Is a lovely Gemini, born in May 30th.
◇ Garreth Weasley ◇
• His love for potioncrafting begun when his mother fell ill, and a St Mungus' potionist crafted a potion for her in front of Garreth. When his mother recovered, he knew that was exactly what he want to work with;
• Is a social butterfly, and is on for any gossip you may hear. Him and Cressida always have the hottest gossips;
• One may think that professor Weasley favours her nephew, but is quite the contrary. She demands and exceptional behavior from him, and grounds him for literally anything. But he loves his aunt very much;
• Adores to sing, but is very keen about it. His Gryffindor friends always get him drunk enough to sing. Garreth is the life of the parties;
• Is very aware of the uncanny resemblance with Sebastian, and boy they do take advantage of it. Isn't uncommon for them to trade school uniforms and transfigure their haircolor to avoid detention or enter locked spaces such as the restricted section or Sharp's office. Garreth even saved Sebastian's pittyisome grades in Potions once, and ever since, professor Sharp begun suspecting;
• Secretly fancies Anne, and may Merlin forbid anyone to discover. Was very preoccupied when she didn't showed up in the 5th year, asked his aunt casually and he's trying to figure it out some potion that might cure her curse;
• The boy is a proud Pisces, born on april 3rd.
◇ Leander Prewett ◇
• Oh, he's a bullied bully. Being the 4th son of the Prewett family, he tried to find a way to get attention, and unfortunately, it wasn't the best way. But he has a good heart, trust me;
• And he's trying! He's not an excelled student, but he tries very hard, he just haven't found what really makes him shine;
• Was once very close to Amit, but in his quest to become popular, being friends with the boy obsessed with the stars stained his record (in his mind, because no one actually cared). Amit was very sad for their strained friendship;
• Is incredible at linguistics, the boy can speak any language possible, and secretly loves to study foreign languages. Professor Ronen always praises him for his perfect pronunciation in Charms;
• His older brother is his greatest inspiration, as a very famous auror working abroad in France. Leander trully wants to excel in every subject that will make him a great auror, just like his brother;
• He did apologized to Zenobia for his bullying in his 7th year. Little did he know that she found that way too adorable for her own sake and pride;
• He despises astrology, as the good Aquarian he is. Leander was born in february 9th.
◇ Lucan Brattleby ◇
• the mind behind Crossed Wands is a highly skilled duelist. Before MCs arrival, he and Sebastian held the second and first place respectively. Their rivalry and friendship was well admired;
• His greatest dream is to become the head of the auror department, just like his grandfather once was. He thinks that he will eventually fight with Sebastian for that post, little did he knew that his friend is not interested in the auror career;
• Oh, if Sophronia knew how much he fancies her... He's the only one that truly listen to her trivia for hours. Lucan actually studies for her quiz, only to make her proud of him;
• Is definitely Professor Hecats favourite in his year. She decided to tutor him by the end of the 6th year;
• Loves creatures, you can see him petting the Puffskeins and Kneazzles in Creature's;
• Here comes another problem for Madam Scribner... Out of the 5 times he broke in the restricted section, she caught him twice. "I was just looking for a book about offensive spells", she swears she heard that before...;
• This is one a spicy Scorpio, born in october 30th
♧ Amit Takhar ♧
• We know he's interested in gobledegook, but after Lodgok, he never touched a book of the language. Poor thing;
• Much yo Everett's dismay, Amit owns a broom! And he's a very good flier, despite his insecurity. MC and Everett are helping him to trust his own skills;
• Still misses Leander very much, but wouldn't accept his apologies, he's very proud and knows how to stand his ground when needed;
• Amit's family came from India during the Regency Era, and he visited the country a couple of times. He's not very fond of the heat, but the night sky stole his heart, the many stars he has never seen... Breathtaking!;
• He follows rules, but breaks into the Astronomy Tower way too many times for professor Shah liking. However, she was very torn to send him to detention or not. She did, twice, to make him learn to follow the rules. Needless to say it didn't work until she threatened to lock him away from the astronomy tower;
• Loves to watch quidditch matches. He considered the tryouts for the Ravenclaw team, but he was way too scared of the bludgers (and I totally agree with him);
• He's a sweet capricorn, born in January 16th
♧ Everett Clopton ♧
• The best flier in the school, sorry Imelda. But since he doesn't own a broom of his own, he never got the chance to beat the Slytherin captain;
• Professor Kogawa pity him, and considered gifting him anonymously with a broom, but she's too correct. If he gets a broom, she must give one to every child in the school!;
• Is a prankster by nature, but can be cruel sometimes. Teamed up with Ominis once to lock Duncan in the Puffskein cage. A very gruesome friendship between him and the Slytherin was formed that day;
• He's an incredible artist as well, every single one of his parchment is covered with drawings. The professors tend to scold him for it, but secretly adores to see his drawings thriving. Professor Weasley encourages him to keep with the hobby;
• Was the first to perfectly cast a corporeus Patronum in DADA during the 6th year, besting Sebastian and MC. His Patronus is a deer. (SORRY, he's my Hogwarts Legacy version of James);
• Still tries to get Imelda off her tracks with his pranks and teasing, and she loses every time. He loves to have her attention, and understood why close to their graduation. Officially started courting her a few months after Hogwarts;
• Another Sagittarius, but this one was born in december 2nd.
Another boy to make headcannons? Lemme know :)
And sorry for any mispronunciation, english is not my first language
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