#the 100 grounders
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Red Sky At Morning - THE 100 REWRITE Chapter Twenty-Six
Previous Chapter / Next Chapter (07/03/2024)
Summary: The group followed the map drawn in Lincoln's book to the sea but found no one there. Or so they thought. It wazsn't until night that the grounders they were looking for came for them and brought them to the one and only, Luna. But she wouldn't easily be convinced to help them, if she would be at all.
Words: 5.4k
Warnings: The 100 season 3 spoilers (episode 13 "Join or Die"; episode 14 "Red sky at morning"), same title as episode 14/ancient rhyme used by Sailors "Red sky at night, sailor's delight/Red sky at morning, sailor take warning"; fluff/romance, angst, a little blood, some violence
“It’s been an hour since we passed the airplane wreckage.” Jasper noted, following the map drawn on a double page in Lincoln’s notebook. The drawing was especially faithful, and Michelle was impressed by the Grounder’s skills. They wouldn’t have as much trouble driving around through the forest if he were still alive, but they didn’t have time to think in what if. “Seeing as we are using a map without any distances, it could be days before we reach Luna’s village.”
“At least we know we’re going in the right direction.” Bellamy retorted, focused on the road as he drove the Rover, Clarke in the passenger seat next to him. The confrontation with Emerson could have been messier, they were all there sitting at the back of the vehicle, except for Raven, Harper and Miller who stayed back. Michelle was slumped, staring into space while listening to the conversation quietly.
“We’re running out of daylight. We should stop in the sun, recharge the battery.”
“What sun? We keep going until it dies.” Clarke wasn’t wrong. One look through the window was enough to see the dark grey sky. It rained cats and dogs the whole time and stopped not that long ago. The trees were wet, their foliage and branches drooping under the weight of the water that fallen on them and gathered in the creases of the leaves, weighing down the wood.
“We keep going until we get to Luna.” Octavia chimed in. Both Clarke and Michelle gave the girl a look out of the corner of their eyes while thunder sounded in the distance and rain started falling heavily again. Octavia was understandably bitter at the whole situation, and no one really said anything. Jasper then flipped the notebook’s pages and showed another drawing to Octavia; a portrait of a woman with a thick head of hair. Her gaze, even as a drawing, was striking and severe. Octavia confirmed that it was the Luna in question.
“What do you think she’s gonna say when we show up to put an A.I. in her head?” Jasper asked sarcastically.
“Lincoln said she helps those that are in trouble. She’ll help us too.” Octavia declared. The three at the back were shaken when Bellamy suddenly pulled the car to a full stop, tires screeching in the muddy path. As she was slouched, Michelle slid off her seat and leaned on it to stand up, bending forward to peek out of the windshield while Jasper and Octavia kept talking about Luna and whether or not she would help.
“Backtrack.” Bellamy said in a low voice. Trees had fallen because of the thunder and were lying right across the road, blocking the way. “We’ll find somewhere where the trees aren’t so bad. Hey!” Octavia opened the backdoor and jumped out of the Rover. She wasn’t going to wait around and decided without a word that the whole ground would continue on foot. They all got out of the vehicle, following her in the rain. Michelle took off her father’s jacket, still wearing hers underneath, and put it over her head too keep dry. Jasper glanced at her after noticing she had two.
She shrugged, “What? I got mine and my dad’s, gotta make use of it.” He shrugged as well, nodding. While the others started running off, he rose his voice.
“Anyone hear the part where I said it could be days?”
“Stop.” Octavia stopped in her tracks, raising her hand. Water was rushing loudly nearby, and she looked around. She turned to Clarke. “you hear that?”
“Water.” The two girls took off and Bellamy still tried to warn them about whoever they could run into. Whoever might be there, they could indeed be hostile for all they knew. Michelle’s jacket fell down her head and onto her shoulders and she found herself too lazy to put it back up, and it was useless anyway, the rain had stopped already. One minute it was pouring, the other barely a few drops crashing on their scalps.
“They’re not hostile. Put the guns down.” Octavia then claimed, looking at her brothers before continuing to walk away. Michelle was standing next to him as Jasper joined the girls, her dad’s jacket resting on her shoulders as if it were a cloak when Bellamy put a hand on her backa dn they started running after their friends, going down the river cutting through the forest. They reached the sea a minute later, fog hanging over the body of water, but no village. It was silent, no more thunder either. Looking around, they saw a piece of land with piles of rock set up in a circle. Octavia checked the notebook. The stone circle was drawn on it, but there wasn’t any Grounder village. Maybe their village was further into the sea and not visible from shore. She ran to the stones, followed by the rest of the group.
“Isn’t a village. It’s just a bunch of rocks.”
“No shit.” Michelle said under her breath, slipping her arms back into her dad’s jacket’s sleeves now that they stopped running around.
“She’s gone.” Clarke said, desperate. Michelle then voiced her assumption, that the village was out in the sea, but it still didn’t help them figure out what to do now. Clarke turned around, following their gaze as they watched Octavia walk to the edge and kneel, leaning on the rocks as she let out a scream. The rest of them just looked at each other in a heavy silence. Eventually, they decided on making a fire. Bellamy was walking back and forth, bringing wood. Clarke stood up.
“It’ll be dark soon. We need to talk about what we’re gonna do.”
“We waitr until first light, and then we split up and search the shore in both directions.” Octavia declared without taking her eyes off of what she was doing, rubbing two long sticks together trying to start the fire, panting with the effort. When she saw a sparkle, she leaned forward and blew on it. A white smoke grew from it. She careful moved it to the pieces of wood set up at the center of the stone circle and kept blowing on it with Jasper. The fire then spread and grew over the wood. It was at least one good thing done.
“I agree. Lincoln wouldn’t have put this spot on the map unless it was important.”
“Yeah, if their village is out in the sea, maybe they come to check this spot to see if there’s anyone, and with the fire, hopefully they’ll see we’re here trying to make contact.” Michelle added, looking at Bellamy. He bent forward, picking up the notebook as she spoke and Octavia smacked his hand, urgning him to not touch it. He kept quiet for a second before crouching down. Clarke then agreed with her friend and the two moved closer to Jasper, on the other side of the fire while Bellamy attempted to talk to his sister, who was just ignoring him.
“Come on, O. How long?”
“I don’t know. I can’t even look at you…” She indeed avoided looking at him while she cracked some sticks, adding them to fuel the fire znd keep it going. She spoke through gritted teeth, staring at the flames, “because every time I do, I see Pike putting that gun to Lincoln’s head. I hear the gunshot. I see him fall.”
“I didn’t kill Lincoln.”
“No, but he is dead because of you.” She stood up, her tone rising with anger. Michelle, Clarke and Jasper were crouched by the fire, trying not to stare at the two siblings but it was obviously a little akward to be there in silence, in front of such a conversation.
“I came to you. You didn’t take my help. If you had just trusted me, I…” She threw her wood on the ground, and it fell, the pieces clattering against each other as she seemingly gave up talking to him, crouching down again. Clarke and Michelle stood up, looking at Bellamy walking away along the shore, alone. Jasper sighed and threw something in the fire, which turned the flame a weird shade of green.
“What did you just do?” Octavia enquired.
“Nothing. I just threw these in the fire.” He held a branch in his hand. Octavia stared at it as if she had just thought of something and picked up Lincoln’s book at her feet. She found a piece of a branch of the same tree in between some of the pages.
“Ugh. Signal fire. He was trying to tell us. Michelle, you were right. They must be watching this place, waiting for that signal. This is how we contact Luna.”
“I’ll get more.” He threw one more bit into the flames and ran around to get others. The three girls smiled at the discovery but Clarke and Michelle both looked over their shoulders at Bellamy, still walking away in the distance.
“Should we leave him alone or should I…?” Michelle wondered quietly. Clarke motioned for her to go after him, adding that she would join them later. Michelle didn’t plan on trying to talk to him about his situation with his sister, he wouldn’t like that. She wouldn’t like it if he tried to come up to her to if she was in such a situation with her father, which she used to, back when she was with Murphy and he knew it wasn’t his place to really say anything, and right now it was basically the same. It wasn’t exactly her place to try to tell him what he should or shouldn’t do. He gave her a glance when he noticed her approach as he just stood there, facing the open sea, his arms crossed. She just tried to give him a smile as she sat down on a rock and his face relaxed a little. Michelle closed her eyes, the strands of hair falling along her face and stuck under her jacket, blown by the breeze, the sea wind caressing her skin. Her arms wrapped around her knees, she let her mind wander and lose itself in her memories. her mind quickly spiralled out of control, and she couldn't think about anything but how much she was worried about her father in Polis. She had a bad feeling. Her face reflected her trouble and her brows furrowed, her lips tightening. She rested the side of her face on her knees, looking at Bellamy and the forest sideways.
“Are you okay?” She asked quietly.
“I’m fine.” He, at first, responded quite harshly, though she obviously didn’t take offense. His eyes wandered back to the fire where his sister still was. She straightened up, looking up at him. It was easy to tell he was saddened by how downhill his relationship with Octavia went, and there was no one but himself to blame. He did choose to side with Pike and let the latter get to his head. He almost lost any chance of Michelle and him ever being a thing as well. He looked at her, his eyes glossy, widened in fear that the damage he did to their relationship was undoable. “Michelle, I think I’ve lost her.”
“Give her time, Bellamy.” She stood up, facing him, her hand softly holding his arm as she gave him a compassionate look. “She’s gonna need lots of it. And there may be blood on your hands, but it’s not Lincoln’s. That was Pike.”
“He did it because of me. I let him.” He slightly shook his head, glancing at the fire, his eyes getting glossier as he struggled to keep the tears at bay.
“Pike wouldn’t do something just because of you. You didn’t want that to happen. You tried to stop it. Octavia will forgive you eventually…” He looked away from her as a tear rolled along his cheek and randomly glanced at the forest behind him to try to hide it. Michelle frowned in concern, taking a heavy breath and turning his face back to her with her hand, wiping away the tear with her hand holding his cheek. “Question is, will you forgive yourself?”
“Forgiveness is hard for us.” His eyes were wet, and his bottom lip quivered as he looked at the fire again. She followed his gaze and saw Octavia stare at them before turning around and walk away, a plank of wood under her arm.
“I’m not Octavia but, I get it.” Her hand slid off his face and rested on his shoulder. He watched her attentively as she spoke. “It took me weeks to forgive my dad – for something he wasn’t even responsible for but anyway… took me some time to forgive you for choosing the wrong side too. But what did it for me was that both my dad and you showed that you were sorry for whatever happened, whatever you did... And I grew to love my dad, I didn’t wanna be mad anymore, and I—” Michelle cut herself off, looking into the distance, towards the sea. She pursed her lips, pressing them against each other. She knew what she wanted to say outloud and maybe it was the right time. With a sigh, briefly closing her eyes before looking back at him, she added; “I love you.” But she quickly went on to say something else, a little embarrassed by her confession which was ironic since they did already kiss and sleep together a few times, “Your sister loves you too, Bellamy. She will forgive you, give it time. She’s angry but one day, she won’t want to feel this way anymore.”
“Michelle.” His brows furrowed sadly as a couple more tears fell from his eyes, and he turned his head to wipe them off with his fist. She gently held his face and drew him into a kiss. He then wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her tightly and buried her face in her hair and she in his neck as he whispered to her ear, “I love you too.”
“Could you have imagined, when we landed on the ground, that we would say stuff like this?” He chuckled, a sob breaking through his laugh as he held her tighter. She didn’t exactly remember how she felt about him in the beginning, but she remembered she didn’t really like him. He was somewhat cocky and acted so sure of himself, but she smiled, remembering it was him who showed her how to use a gun, though she did have beforehand knowledge on those weapons. She had no knowledge of what it was like to love someone like this, but now she did, and she only had him to thank for it. Her lips quivered, thinking of her father out of the blue but she was way more worried than she would ever admit out loud. It wasn’t just a bad feeling. She was terrified to find out whether he took the chip, and whether she would have to kill him which she wouldn’t be able to do so, if no one killed him, he would kill her, because of Alie’s grasp over him and the fact she would never take the chip. She held Bellamy tighter as well, feeling like she had already lost her father. She was getting ahead of herself too much and she knew it, but she couldn’t help but let her mind spiral. She would keep it to herself for now, it didn’t feel the right time to draw attention to her own troubles.
They were staring off into the distance, standing in the dark of night, still on the shore, when Clarke finally joined them. The trio began to talk about Octavia again and Clarke thought the same as Michelle, she would forgive him if he gave her enough time. They talked about when Clarke left them, how angry he felt but that he didn’t want to feel this way anymore and what Michelle said earlier seemed to clock in. As they were comforting each other, saying they were there for each other, Bellamy turned his head towards the sea and alerted them when he saw figures stick out the water. They were taken by surprise, tackled to the ground forcefully, grunting. Michelle felt warmth around her eyebrow and felt the blood drip on her eylid. She had been slammed on the sand so hard, her face hit a rock, but it was better than the concussion she got the last time she hit her head. The strangers put something on their mouth before tying and gagging them and bringing them back to the fire, where a few other of them were holding at gunpoint, but with crossbows. Octavia and Jasper held their hands up while the three others were forced on their knees. The Grounder addressed Octavia in trigedasleng. From what Michelle made out of it, it sounded like questions.
“Why should we give you safe passage?” The man then asked in English.
“Lincoln.” He glanced at his companions upon hearing the Grounder’s name. “He sent us.” He then spoke again in their language and the people standing behind Bellamy, Michelle and Clarke removed their gags and frees them.
“What’s going on?” Bellamy questioned in a whisper. Octavia had no idea either. The Grounder took a few steps towards her and handed her something.
“What is that?” Clarke asked.
“Safe passage.” He said as he gave one to each of them.
“Octavia, wait.” Bellamy rose his voice when his sister drank whatever it was in the little vial. Her only response was that she trusted Lincoln, and the Grounder that gave them those specified that if she was the only one to agree to drink this, she would be the only one to go. Michelle was the first to follow her lead and drink the content in one go. Bellamy repeated himself, grabbing her arm too late, she had already drunk. The two girls looked at each other, Michelle knew she was feeling this same weird way as she did. She felt all her strength gradually leave her body. Her vision got blurry as she fought to stay up but when she took a step to balance her weight on her feet, her knee bent and her leg way under her and she collapsed to the sand, her head turned towards Bellamy as he caught her in her fall. His face was the last thing she saw before it went dark.
She frowned, awakened by a ray of sunlight, and leaned on her hand to sit up. The others had woken up too, and everyone was looking around in complete confusion, having no idea where they had ended up. They were locked in a large, rusted container, and sunrays penetrated through holes in the metal here and there. Their guns were gone, and Octavia realized she didn’t have her sword anymore. She banged on the wall and soon after, whether or not it was related, the doors at the end of the container opened, blinding the group for a moment as a woman entered, her face hidden at first as she stood against the light but it quickly became clear that it was Luna that was in front of them.
“Where’s Lincoln?”
“Lincoln is dead.” Octavia told her.
“Lincoln said that you would help us.” Clarke stepped in.
“Did he?”
“Luna, you’re the last of your kind, the last nightblood.”
“So Lexa’s dead as well.”
“Her spirit has chosen you to become the next commander. Titus entrusted me with the flame to give to you.”
“Then he should have told you that I left my conclave swearing to never kill again.”
“You don’t have to kill. To lead is your birthright. How you lead is your choice. Here.” She stepped towards Luna, holding the small box in which she kept the flame and handed it over to her. She carefully brought her hands to her to observe the small object.
“I recognize the sacred symbol, but what is that?”
“This is the flame that holds the spirits of the commanders, of Lexa. Will you take it and become the next commander?” They all hung on Luna’s lips, waiting for her answer, hoping she would take it. The suspenseful silence was broken by her negative answer as she rolled Clarke’s fingers over the flame and pushed her fist away upon her refusal. They couldn’t believe they had come all this way for it to be over so quickly. Clarke glanced at her friends before running after Luna, calling out to her. She didn’t stop or turn back to them and just walked away. It was the group who stopped in their tracks, looking around in bewilderment. They were on a huge platform, an oil rig like the one Michelle saw on pictures, in the middle of the ocean.
“Everywhere I looked, there were fins. And teeth. And blood. I knew if they saw me, I’d be next, so I just floated there, waiting, praying they’d swim on.” Michelle stared into space listening with one ear the girl reading poetry in the hall of the Oil Rig. None of them was really paying attention. They were waiting, hoping for Luna to agree to help them and take the flame. A door opened and she entered.
“She’s here. Maybe she changed her mind.” Bellamy told the group, Clarke, Michelle and him standing up to go meet with her.
“The boats return at nightfall. Then you leave. Forever.”
“Luna, let us explain—” Clarke was cut off by the Grounder.
“I said no.”
“No, you need to hear this.” Bellamy stepped in front of her. She eventually looked at him. “There’s something out ther that is going to destroy us all.”
“Whatever it is, it can’t reach us here.” She walked pasted the trio and went to Octavia, telling her they needed to talk. Jasper took it as his cue to leave and got up, leaving the two women. Once Luna left, they returned to sit beside Octavia, having to wait it out since she was so against taking the flame and coming with them. In the distance, Jasper was chatting with the girl who recited poetry a moment ago.
“Jasper’s actually smiling.” Bellamy noted. He followed Clarke’s gaze as she looked at Luna, cuddling with her lover against the wall.
“Clarke. Let it go.” The latter glanced over at her best friend and shook her head.
“We can’t just leave.”
“It’s not like we have much of a choice.” Octavia added, fidgeting with a tiny piece of wood.
“Maybe we do.”
“What are you talking about?” Bellamy enquired.
“I’m talking about putting this into her head without asking.”
“Clarke, we can’t do this.” Michelle leaned towards her.
“We can fight and go back to Arkadia. We arm up.” He added, agreeing with his girlfriend.
“Fight who?” She questioned. “It’s an army of our own people. I don’t like this any more than you do. But if Raven’s right, and the code on this thing can stop Alie…” Two Grounders came in shouting in their native language; She paused, glancing over her shoulder before turning her head back to her friends, looking a little hopeless. “Give me a better idea.”
“We’ll stay here. It’s the only way they’ll leave you alone with her.” Bellamy concluded. As Clarke was about to stand up, she was briefly stopped by Octavia addressing her.
“Even Alie gives people a choice.”
“We gave Luna a choice. She said no.” He shrugged, exchanging a glance with Michelle and Clarke, nodding at one another before the blonde finally got up and walked away. They met up again once it was dark, and dark it was out in the open sea. Aside from the light of the moon shining on the waves, and a few spotlights on the rig, it was pitch black out there and the whole oil rig was dead silent, as everyone was asleep. They were being led back to the container in which they awakened this morning as they were going to be brought back to shore. Luna was waiting for them by the container. Jasper wasn’t with the group and according to Clarke, he was saying goobye to his new friend, not that Michelle cared much what he was doing right now. They opened the doors and a group of Grounders stepped out.
“Sorry, Cap. You gotta take them back.” She turned to them. “You get your weapons once you land.”
“Inside.” While Clarke tried to ask Luna about the flame since the later took it from her after she tried to forcibly put it in her neck, the others were pushed inside the container. They didn’t try to fight, it was pointless. They failed at convincing Luna and now they could only leave this place. Michelle’s thoughts were already, and as always, on going to Polis to check on her dad. She was anxious to find out whether he took the chip or not and what would be left of him. This was her main concern at the moment. Then suddenly, the Grounders that walked out of the container started attacking everyone outside, stabbing and grunting and slammed the doors shut, trapping the group in the dark. Michelle was quick to understand they had somehow been infected by Alie as she came to realize they attacked shortly after Luna pulled out the flame to show Clarke.
“They’re locking us in.” Octavia exclaimed, alarmed. Clarke started banging on the wall and shouting, eager to find out what was going on.
“They took the flame. Soemhow, while they were on land, they took the chip. Luna’s safe haven is compromised now.” Michelle said with a sigh.
“Yeah. Alie’s here.” Bellamy added, agreeing with her. Clarke looked at them, speechless, not knowing what to do, or how to get out of there. They had no weapon, nothing to free themselves while Alie’s minions tried to take over the oil rig. They only had a flashlight. Holding it in front of her, Octavia walked around the container while Bellamy tried to nudge the doors open.
“How did Alie even find this place?” Octavia wondered, kicking in the wall with anger.
“There was a drone at Niylah’s. She must’ve followed us looking for the Flame and now she has it.” Sat on the floor, Michelle looked at him while Clarke was frowning, her gaze staring into space. “She’s gonna put the AI in Luna.”
“She’d have to chip her first. If Luna’s chipped before she gets the AI, Alie’s gonna know everything. We’ll never be able to stop her. We can’t let that happen.” She sprung up on her feet and walked with a determined step towards the door, banging on it and shouting. Everyone ended up just sitting down in silence, trying to wait it out, or wait for someone to come open the door. There was nothing they could do from the inside. They were locked up, end of story.
“This place was safe until we got here.” Octavia spoke, flashing her light at the wall, up and down, aimlessly. They had no idea how long it had been, but they all turned their heads instantly and got on their feet when they heard the lock clancked against the door, meaning someone was messing with it. The door opened and they jogged outside, thinking it was Jasper who freed them, only for them to find the girl he was chatting with, gasping on the ground with an arrow in her shoulder. Clarke kneeled by her side and the girl tried to speak.
“Machine room… B level…” then she gave her final breath and they left her there, unable to do anything else. She was dead. Michelle gave her a horrifief glance out of the corner of her eyes, looking at the blood covering hre mouth and chin. It reminded her of when she had been infected with that weird blood fever back at the dropship, months ago. Or when she had her hands slashed, and her leg pierced through with a drill. She had had her share of her own bloodshed, but it was still not something she liked to see. They ran through the rig and got to their destination. Octavia ignored her brother’s warning, telling her to be careful and ran inside the machine room. They found Luna, on the ground, holding her lover, her other hand around the handle of a knife plunged into the man’s chest. Jasper was hanged by his wrist on the other side of the room. Two other grounders, those that came on the rig chipped were dead. A young girl was curled up near one of the bodies, she’d probably been used to pressure Luna into accepting the chip or something like that. Bellamy went to check on her while Michelle and Octavia cut Jasper down, and Clarke went to Luna, who let out a bloodcurling cry when her partner let out his final breath. Michelle felt her pain and looked at her, her mouth frowned slightly, her lips twitching. She was wailing, holding his body close to her, her face distorted by the heartbreak and grief, caressing his face and apologizing for what she had to do while sobbing.
Once she somewhat calmed down, the whole lot of the Oil Rig’s inhabitant gathered for the funeral ceremony. Michelle, Clarke, Bellamy, Octavia and Jasper were standing there in a corner. They had to wait for Luna to come to them when she was done.
“Any of them could be chipped, and we’d never know.” Bellamy whispered, her eyes glazing over the room.
“If they are, they’ll make their move before we put the Flame in Luna. Stay sharp.” Clarke watched as Luna came towards them, accompanied with another girl.
“The ceremony is about to begin.”
“I’m so sorry. But now you see what we’re facing. An enemy who will do anything to win. She won’t stop until she had everyone.”
“People I love died today. Needlessly, by my hand. I can’t let that happen.” Luna looked down at the Flame, held in between her fingers. She turned her back to them, facing everyong in the room. They all stood up, cups in their hands. The group had been giving cups too. “As we prepare to give our brothers and sisters to the sea, we honor their lives.” They spoke in their native language in unison, and everyone drank from their cups quietly. Luna turned back to them.
“I we’re gonna do this, we have to hurry. Alie will send reinforcements. We have to find some place private to perform the Ascencion.” Luna stared at her with an impassible face.
“You believe that to defeat an enemy who will stop at nothing, you must stop at nothing. How is that different than blood must have blood?” As she spoke, Michelle slightly frowned and squinted her eyes. For some reason, her mind felt clouded, and she began to have trouble on what was being said, looking into space, trying to focus her eyes. She took a step to the side as her sight began to sway, or maybe it was her body. She raised her hand, trying to reach for Bellamy’s shoulder and he grabbed her arm, catching her as she fell, but ended up collapsing in turn, his arm stretched out under her head. Their cups had broken to pieces on the ground. She opened her eyes and sat up with a start, a little disorientated still. Bellamy was already awake, walking around with his weapon in hand, watching over the others, still passed out. She put a hand to her eyebrow, the little cut that she had gotten after hitting her head on a rock before being transported to the Rig, had been stitched. Well, she was at least thankful for that. Her eyes went on the hand held out in front of her and looked up to Bellamy as she grabbed his hand and he pulled her on her feet. Movements caught their eye, and they glanced over at Clarke who woke up, checking the box put in her hand, to see if the Flame was inside. They exchanged a nod and kept on walking to the shore while Octavia and Jasper came back to their senses as well. They failed to convince Luna. And they were now back to square one.
“Now what?” He asked, turning his head to Clarke as all five of them stood in line, in front of the sea, clueless as to what to do. Michelle had her sight set on Polis, and getting news from her father, after being separated from him for three days. She had to chase away her bad feeling and keep hopeful that he was still alive and well.
[To be continued…]
Previous Chapter / Next Chapter (07/03/2024)
Published (06/19/2023) by Andrea
Taglist: @cathrin2405 @kika64 @mirellef2001
#the 100#the 100 fanfiction#the 100 oc#the 100 original character#the 100 clarke griffin#bellamy blake#the 100 bellamy blake#clarke griffin#oc#original character#the 100 fanfic#the 100 grounders#the 100 tv show#the 100 clarke#the 100 season 3#the 100 season 3 episode 13#the 100 season 3 episode 14#the 100 callie cartwig#callie cartwig#callie cartwig daughter#the 100 marcus kane#the 100 luna#the 100 octavia blake#the 100 octavia#octavia blake#the 100 jasper jordan#jasper jordan#oc fanfic#the 100 rewrite series#the 100 rewrite
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BELLAMY BLAKE APPRECIATION WEEK 2025 day three ► favorite outfit + favorite facial hair ► wonkru war gear
#bbaw25#bellamyblakeappreciation2025#bellamy blake#bellamyblakeedit#the 100#the100edit#t100edit#the s5/6 facial hair will forever have me on my knees#this is also giving grounder!bellamy au#*
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Hello! I have been trying to find out if there is a Trigedasleng word for Phantom, but I have come up short.
you wouldnt happen to just know that would you?
Dokwocha is a word for "ghost". I find often, though, with questions like this there is often an expectation that there will be an exact match for a particular synonym that exist in English. For example, in the neighborhood of "ghost", we have spectre, phantasm, ghoul, spook, phantom, geist, poltergeist, spirit, shade, etc. You may look at some of these words and say, "Well, but that doesn't quite mean exactly the same thing," and I'm sure you're right, but the reason we have all these words is they come from different languages at different points in time history from different stories, different cultures, different traditions, etc. Their histories are quite specific, and so the odds of finding an exact match in a language that doesn't share the same history are astronomical. For a more absurd example, it's kind of like asking what the Dothraki word for "skibidi" is. Obviously that's an extreme example, but it's the same issue.
Now, Trigedasleng, of course, is unique. It derives from English. But it derives in an extremely contrived, unrealistic way. There was a massive schism that occurred with the nuclear event. American culture—world culture—effectively vanished over night for most people. What remained would have been what was committed to memory, then what the next generation remembered, and then what they passed on, and so forth. My assumption is that a lot of the synonyms that populate English vocabulary would have been lost. What synonyms remained would've taken on a more functional load in order to be retained (e.g. las from "last" means "previous", but praya from "prior" only means something like "baggage"; it lost its "previous" meaning)—at least at first. Synonyms come later.
When it comes to something so heavily cultural like "ghosts" I tried to imagine how superstitions would have reemerged within Grounder culture before the events of The 100—what kind of ghost stories they may have told, what they were afraid of, what kind of supernatural beings they may have dreamed up. I came up with the idea of dokwocha from "dock watcher"—one who watches from the docks—and thought it sounded ominous. I didn't have a specific story in mind, but it sounded like the type of thing older children might warn younger ones of. "Beware of the watcher on the docks!" Sounded spooky and fun. Hence, dokwocha. I don't know if it evokes the same thing as "phantom", or if, for whatever reason, you decided dokwocha wasn't good enough for "phantom", but that's what we have at the moment.
A commenter mentioned they thought it came from "dark watcher", and I actually went back and looked at the etymology and it does!!! That's my bad there. It is dark watcher, not dock watcher, and that makes sense (someone that watches in the dark). Duh. lol This is why you have to write these things down—which I did—and why you have to read the things that you write down—which I did not. >.<
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persistence | bellamy blake x gn!reader
description: training with bellamy.
trigger warnings: some seductive behavior, gun usage, fluff, etc. read at your own risk.
word count: <1k
Holding the shot gun close against your right shoulder, you aimed it towards the wooden target outside. You'd been the only one training that afternoon, everyone else was at lunch. You closed your left eye and tried your best to hit the center of the target. You pulled the trigger and missed it, the bullet drove through the wood several inches away from the center.
You released a grunt and tossed the gun against the grass and dirt, frustratedly. You kicked a rock that was by your feet as you clenched your jaw. Placing your hands against your hips, you stood still for a moment, staring at the target for a while; as if it would give you the answer as to how to shoot the center of it.
"It's really not that complicated," Bellamy's voice was heard from behind you.
You parted your lips and released a soft breath, uninterested in his instruction. "I almost had it," You avoided eye contact and reached down to lift up the shot gun, holding it tightly against your shoulder again.
Bellamy stood behind you, crossing his arms over his chest as he watched you for a moment. His eyes squinted subtly due to the brightness of the sun.
You pulled the trigger and missed by a hair again. You sighed, quietly.
"Hold it up again," Bellamy instructed, walking towards you.
"I don't need your help," You replied, looking back to him.
"Just hold it," He said, not phased by your attitude. You looked ahead at the target and held up the gun again. Bellamy's hands slowly moved around to your arms to fix their position. You could feel his breath fanning against your neck. The closeness caused a lump to develop in your throat, unable to speak.
"Yeah.." Bellamy cleared his throat and stepped back, awkwardly. "Like that," He nodded.
You felt your grip against the gun loosen from the sweat that produced in the palms of your hands. Swallowing thickly, you pulled yourself back into focus and closed your left eye again. Bellamy stood at your side and watched as you pulled the trigger.
The bullet swiftly moved through the red painted dot against the wood carved into a circle. You smiled widely as you stared at the hole in the middle of the target.
"I did it!" You laughed, almost baffled that you were capable of doing it. You turned to see Bellamy and he was smiling at you. That was something he didn't always do often, but when he did it was beautiful.
"I told you it wasn't that complicated," He smiled. "It's all in how you hold it."
"Thanks, Bellamy," You grinned.
He simply nodded with a smile to his lips.
a/n: hi, darlings!! so i just started watching the 100 and it's honestly so good! i hope that i captured bellamy's character well here and if i didn't, i'm sorry 😭 i'm still learning his character! love you guys mwah! — angelina
#smut#imagine#reader#x reader#edit#the 100#bellamy blake#octavia blake#clarke griffin#the 100 x reader#bellamy blake x reader#bellamy blake x y/n#bellamy blake x you#y/n#murphy#john murphy#bellamy x reader#raven reyes#grounder#ice nation
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Star Crossed Enemies

Cassiopeia was born before Clarke Griffin and this posted a challenge for the family until their mother Abby made a very hard choice. Send the oldest daughter down to the ground before they send the 100 prisoners. After being tossed onto the ground like dirt Cassiopeia must quickly learn how to survive, learn how to fight a new language but the one thing she could never prepare for was being the enemy of Bellamy Blake.
1 - The Day Everything Changed
2 - Prisoners of Sky People
3 - Hunting Party
4 - Beginning to Bond
5 - Cassiopeia Rhodes
6 - The Truths We Hide
7 - We Can't Just Live by "Whatever the Hell we Want"
8 - Trust is Earned
9 - Where’s the Fun in That?
Comments really appreciated ❤️
Tag list ( send ask to be added ) @severa-kane @100foreverfiles @ocappreciation @ocappreciationtag @arrthurpendragon @lover-of-books-and-tea @kmc1989 @caprisunzz @lindsayjoy444 @sgdhsiiwhshajiishe
#bellamy blake x oc#bellamy blake fic#bellamy blake x reader#bellamy blake fanfiction#the 100 bellamy blake#wattpad fanfiction#ask box is open for feedback#comments really appreciated#octavia blake#the 100 x reader#the 100 x oc#the 100 fandom#the 100 fic#the 100 fanfiction#grounders#bellamy blake x grounder oc#bellamy blake x grounder reader#lexa kom trikru#lincoln kom trikru#abby griffin#clarke griffin#clarke griffin x twin sister#kathryn newton#enemies to lovers#twin sisters#surveillance#love and hate relationship#oc : cassiopeia griffin#bellamy blake fluff#bellamy blake angst
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#THE100MEME | 4 Minor Characters - Harper McIntyre | Nathan Miller | Madi Griffin | Roan kom Azgeda
#the 100#the100meme#harper mcintyre#nathan miller#madi griffin#roan kom azgeda#minor characters#i love them your honour#I wish Roan could've made it all 7 seasons#and HARPER TOO#the delinquents#the grounders#t100kt#the100edit#are these scenes spazzy and random? yes! do i love them all? also YES 😊
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Bounty Hunter - I Love You
Warnings: swearing, smut (can be skipped, won’t contain something relevant to the storyline), mentions of injuries, blood, stitches.
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x Grounder!reader.
Word count: 2780.
Series Masterlist.
You opened your eyes to see a metal ceiling above you, the light shining down at you make you squint your eyes. As you slipped back to consciousness, you became more aware of the room you were in. You were laying on one of the beds in medbay, a tube connected to your cubital fossa. Your headache was much better, allowing you to sit up slowly.
“You should be resting.” You heard a voice say from your right. You turned and saw Nyilah approaching you.
“I just woke up.” You said, your voice cracking due to the smoke the invaded your lungs.
“How is your head?” She asked, stepping closer to you and gently touching your head, only now you were aware of the wound right by your hairline. You raised your own hand, touching the stitches that were made.
“It’s good, thank you.” You replied, dropping your hand.
“You’re welcome. There is someone who wants to see you, but I told him that you needed to rest a little before anyone could visit. You hit your head very hard and you need to let it time to heal.” She explained, however after she told you someone wanted to see you your focused left her almost immediately. Bellamy, he was the one who wanted to see you. And, god, you wanted to see him so bad. You wanted to wrap your arms around him and hold him tightly, you wanted to kiss him and just feel him.
Before you could reply to her, your attention was drawn to Clarke who entered the room, heading straight to you.
“Hey, how are you feeling?” She asked you, coming to stand by your bed.
“I’m feeling good, and I guess I should be thanking you for saving my life. I’m pretty sure I would have died if you didn’t help me.” You said, giving her a thankful smile.
“That one wasn’t just me, actually.” She admitted, making you frown in confusion.
“What do you mean?”
“After you passed out Roan came to your side and made sure that you got to medbay. No one was willing to come that close because the Ark was crushing down.”
You couldn’t help but feel surprised at her words. It didn’t make sense why Roan would help you, especially after what he’s done.
“Where is he?” You asked, letting your curiosity win this time.
“He’s in Arkadia.” She informed. “We’re supposed to have a meeting later about leaving for the island.”
“The island?”
“Yes, that’s where Becca’s lab is. My mom and a few more are already there, working on the Nightblood solution.”
“Nightblood? You want to make everyone immune to the radiation?” You asked, the idea not quite settling in your head.
“Exactly. But the Nightblood can only be made in space. There’s a rocket there so we need to bring them the fuel.” Clarke explained to you.
“When are you leaving?” You asked, twisting your body so that your legs were hanging off the edge of the bed.
“Tomorrow morning.”
“Then I’m coming.”
“Wait, that’s not a good idea.” Niylah objected and took a step closer to you, making you turn to her.
“Why? I have all day to rest and then I’ll go. It’s not like I’m going to war.”
She sighed before nodding her head, however her face still showed disapproval.
“Where is Bellamy?” You hesitantly asked Clarke.
“Don’t worry, I’ll go get him.” She said and quickly turned around and left the room.
You fiddled with the tube connected uncomfortably to your forearm, then you noticed the now stitched cut. You took a deep breath before pulling the tube out of your skin, hissing as the action stung. After a minute or so Bellamy came rushing into the room, walking towards you.
“Y/N.” He said before wrapping him arms around you. You returned the hug, relieved to finally be in his arms. “Are you okay? How are you feeling?” He asked as he pulled away, examining your head.
“I’m good, Bell.” You said and grabbed both of his hands. “How are you?”
“I’m okay, clearly not the one you should be worried about.” He said, making you roll your eyes. “How did you even get here? I though Roan left you at Polis.”
“He did, but I escaped. I came straight here to warn someone but before I could the ship exploded.” You paused for a second before you realized. “This was your solution, wasn’t it?”
He looked down before nodding his head. “And now it’s ruined, and so is our chance of survival.”
“Clarke told me about the Nightblood. She told me you were leaving tomorrow to bring them the fuel. There is hope, if Abby can turn us all into Nightbloods than we have a chance to live.” You said and gently cupped his cheeks. He offered you a small smile before drawing away.
“Come on, let’s get you to your room. You can rest there.” He said and helped you off the bed. After saying a last ‘thank you’ to Niylah, you followed him out of the room. He led you through the halls, insisting you lean on him as you walked. As you got to the room you noticed that on the door was a note that said, ‘Bellamy Blake.’
“This is your room?” You asked as he unlocked it with his keys.
He opened the door, allowing you to step in first. You took a look around noticing some discarded clothes in one corner of the room, the bed was unmade, and there was a book on the bedside table. “Nice room.” You commented.
“Thanks.” He said and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. You took a seat on the bed, keeping your gaze on the wall in front of you.
“I’m sorry.” You said, making him look at you with surprise.
“What do you mean?” He asked, coming to stand in front of you.
“For not coming back.”
He opened his mouth to argue but you cut him off. “I know you’re mad, or at least were mad at me. And it’s okay, I get it, I do.”
“Hey, look at me.” He said softly and cupped your cheek, gently lifting your head to look at him. “You’re right, I was mad at you for not coming back but it wasn’t because of you, I just missed you. Things happened here and I just wished I could have talked to you about them.”
His words didn’t make you feel better, only more guilty as you looked away from him.
“There was just so much to deal with and I- I think I was scared to come back here.” You said quietly, still not looking up. “I mean, after what happened with Pike I didn’t think I would be welcomed here.”
“I understand your worries. But I promise you that no one is going to try and kill you or hurt you. I would never allow that to happen.” You finally looked up and met his eyes, a small smile rising on your face as you took in his features.
“I missed you, you know.” You said, bringing your hand up to run down his chest.
“I missed you, too.” He said and leaned down, locking your lips with his. The kiss started slowly, as if recognizing the other’s lips for the first time. You felt his tongue run over your lips and you opened your mouth, deepening the kiss. You placed your hands on his chest, then moving up to his shoulders and pulling him with you as you laid back. He followed your lead, climbing on top of you without breaking the kiss.
You felt at ease, you felt exited and relieved to be with Bellamy again. You pulled his body closer to yours, hearing his soft groan made shivers run down to your core. You slowly began to push his jacket off with your hands, but he pulled away before you could take it off.
“Y/N, we shouldn’t. You need to rest.” He said, his voice sounding deeper than usual, which only made you want to continue.
“I’m fine, Bellamy. I promise.” You said and pulled him back to you, placing a light kiss on his jaw. “I want you.” You said, then continued trailing kisses down his throat. “I need you.”
His jaw clenched before he slightly drew away to take off his jacket, then he moved back to you, kissing down your neck. Your hand moved to his hair, gripping it tightly as he found your sweet spot, making you moan quietly. You free hand moved to the bottom of his shirt, slipping your hand up and tugging it. He got your hint and took off his shirt. You all but drooled over him, running your hands down his torso, feeling the hard muscles beneath them. You moved your hands up, pulling him down to kiss you. He kissed faster and deeper this time, his hand coming to hike your leg up his hip. You moaned when you felt his hardness press against your core, your hips grinding up uncontrollably. He moved his hips against yours, gifting you the fraction you needed.
You’ve had sex before, but it never felt like that, not so soon. You’ve never wanted someone so bad, needed someone so bad. You sat up and pulled your shirt off, your bra coming in second. His eyes widened as he stared at your naked skin, before he leaned down and pressing his lips against the soft skin of your chest. As he sucked gently on the skin of your breasts you closed your eyes and gripped his hair, the other hand fisting the sheets. He flickered his tongue over your nipple before sucking it into his mouth, drawing a whine from you. He gave the same attention to your other breast before moving his head up to look at you.
“Are you-“ he cleared his throat, “is this your first time?” He asked almost shyly.
You shook your head as your cheeks turned red. “No. Are you?”
You stared at each other before you decided to take initiative. You moved your hand down to palm him through his pants, drawing a low groan from him. He dropped his head down to your neck and by the way you felt his hips grinding against your hand, you’d say he was enjoying himself. You wanted to have him, to touch him and to make him feel good, but you wanted to do it slowly - to tease him. You flipped, now laying on top of him. He looked at you, confused, but that expression didn’t last as you leaned down and started kissing his neck down to his collarbone and chest. You pressed your tongue flat over his nipple, feeling his hands coming to rest on your thighs. You grabbed them and moved them up to your ass before continuing your work. As you kissed down his torso you felt his hands shamelessly groping your ass, a smirk coming up to your lips. You licked just above where his pants started, his hips jolting up.
“Fuck..” he muttered, eyes closing. You slowly dragged his waistband down and let your tongue follow.
“Can I?” You asked, tugging further on the waistband.
“Yes, fuck.” He cursed, hands coming to fist the sheets.
You then opened the belt and pulled down his pants and underwear, just enough to take his cock out. Your mouth gaped open as you took him in, thick and tall with a purple tip and a little bit of precum adoring it. You gently licked over the tip, tasting him in your mouth. You opened your mouth for him but he suddenly pulled you back.
“As much as I’m enjoying this.” He said and sat up, pressing a kiss to your lips. “I don’t think I can wait any longer.”
He flipped you again, returning to his spot on top of you before ridding himself of his pants. His hand reached to your pants undoing the belt but not before receiving a nod of consent from you. He started tugging on your pants, a hiss from him catching your attention. You sat up and saw him suck his finger into his mouth, blood staining it.
“What happened?” You asked and grabbed his hand to assess the damage.
“Your many, many knives happened.” Bellamy explained with a chuckle.
“Oh, shit, I’m so sorry.” You apologized but he quickly shut you up with a kiss.
“It’s okay, but I am going to need help in taking these off.” He said and pointed to your pants. You chuckled before carefully pulling them down and throwing them to the side. He gave your lips a peck before kissing down your body, leaving hickeys behind him all the way to your panties. He spread your legs and placed them over his shoulders, giving him access to your cunt. He placed a gentle kiss on top of your core through your panties, making your breath hitch. He began pulling your underwear off, discarding them behind him, before returning to his latest position.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful.” He whispered as he ran his finger through your folds, making you gasp. Without any warning he licked a stripe of your pussy before moving to your clit, flickering his tongue. You moaned, hips jolting up but he held them down. Your hand moved to his hair — gripping tightly as he began sucking on your clit, his own hand coming up to grip your breast. You felt heavenly, what he was doing to you was heavenly.
He pushed his finger inside of you, your moans getting louder. “Bellamy, fuck, please.” You whined as he added another finger, feeling yourself getting closer. He moved his fingers faster and softly bit on your clit, the action made you go over the edge, gripping his hair even tighter as you yelled out his name loudly. You panted, trying to calm down as he made his was back up to you. His eyes met yours and you couldn’t help the smile the rose on your lips. He returned your smile before leaning down to kiss you. You could taste yourself on his tongue, and the thought itself made you needy all over again.
You opened your legs and felt the tip of his cock tracing between your folds.
“You ready?” He asked, positioning himself at your entrance. You nodded your head with a whine of ‘please’, wrapping your arms around his back. Your nails dug into his skin as he pushed inside you, drawing moans from both of you.
“Can I-“ he groaned, “can I move?”
“Yes, fuck, Bellamy.”
With your permission, he started thrusting in and out of you in a slow and steady pace. As you got used to the feeling of him inside you, you pulled him close to you. “Faster, go faster.”
He obeyed, quickening his pace. Your moans were loud enough for anyone who walked by to hear but you didn’t care, your only focus was on Bellamy. His lip was locked between his teeth as he kept thrusting inside of you, grunts and moans escaping him. You ran your fingernails down his back as you almost screamed, getting closer. Bellamy felt you clench around him and he moved his hand down to draw circles over your clit, pushing you closer to the edge.
“Fuck, Bellamy, shit, I’m so close...” You moaned loudly, throwing your head back in bliss and closing your eyes. “I’m cumming.”
“Look at me.” He demanded as his thrusts were getting sloppier. Your eyes met his and by the dark look on his face only, you came. Your vision became foggy and your breathing was heavy as you. He pulled out of you, jerking himself off and cumming on your stomach with a loud groan of your name.
He dropped on top of you, panting. You wrapped your arms around him and held him close as you came down from your high. “I love you.” You said to him.
“I love you, too. So much.” He said and placed a kiss on your neck before leaning his head on your chat, breath still uneven.
You placed a general kiss on his head and started playing with his curly hair. He hummed in approval, pushing his head up. You chuckled, smiling wide as he lifted his head up to look a you.
“That was amazing, you are amazing.” He said before kissing you. You slipped your tongue in his mouth as you began to move on top on him, his hands coming to study you.
“How about round two, baby?”
#the 100 bellamy#bellamy blake imagine#bellamy blake x grounder reader#bellamy smut#bellamy blake#bellamy blake smut#bellamy blake x reader#bellamy blake fanfiction
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In which John Murphy steps out of his comfort zone.
Trigger warning : blood, reference to violence.
No one asked for this one but it’s here anyway and vaguely edited 😈
(It came out a little longer than intended, I got ever so slightly carried away…)
When Murphy came back from the grounder prison camp, despite him being the bully of all the delinquents, you couldn’t help but feel guilty. What did Bellamy expect after exiling his once second in command? We should have seen this coming. The grounders would have been fools not to take Murphy for all the information he had. Blood was smeared all over him. You couldn’t tell where it was originating he had that many wounds. The image of his torture made you shudder. Even his fingernails had been ripped from his fingers. You looked away. Forgetting all the times you had needed to confront him to protect others, you made a choice.
“Is there anything I can do to help?” You asked Clarke, the only person with medical experience.
“You can find someone to go with you to the path that leads to Mount Weather.” She said with a sigh. “The poison sumac there would be really helpful.” The tired blonde uttered her thanks, while you left to find Octavia. She would most certainly accompany you.
Murphy watched through one eye, since his other was tightly inflamed. He could not fathom why you would be willing to risk your life leaving camp, simply to acquire a calming herb to ease his plight. Especially because the last time you saw each other, you were fighting him to save a child. A child who murdered the chancellors son, and got him hung to within an inch of his own life. Murphy hated you for that, so why didn’t you? The child you were trying to save did die because of him after all. He was a black and white sort of man. One who never understood forgiveness. A person would come to blows once and that’s it, they are dead to him. He always stood by those very rules. Until you, who only fought him in the name of peace. Which is why risking yourself to help someone who truly needs it, came natural to you. Even if it meant giving a second chance to someone like Murphy.
Unfortunately none of the hundred felt the same way as you. After failing to find Octavia, you begun asking around camp for someone to go with you. When that also failed miserably, you decided to grab a gun and head out alone.
The expedition went as well as you could have hoped. You did not feel the many eyes of the forest on you for once. In fact, it was so calm outside of camp that it almost spooked you. You decided to grab extra of the plant while you were there, to save Clark and Fin a job. Finally, your bag was full and it was time to turn back. You realised that you were a little bit out of breath after a few steps. You must have been picking the flowers for longer than you thought.
The walk back to camp felt much more tiring, so your feet began to drag. You could feel the sweat dripping all over your body, particularly annoying you around your top lip. Huffing, you removed your coat and wiped away the sweat from your face with it. You moved to tie it around your waist, only to be hit by a wavering buzz. It sent your whole body spinning. You watched your coat drop to the floor and finally noticed the blood. All that blood, covering most of the garment. You were so dazed that you didn’t even notice you had fallen.
“Get. Up.” You growled to yourself. Sputtering thick crimson, you clawed at the mud. This must be biological warfare. Your symptoms too similar to Murphy’s to be a coincidence. This revelation only cemented your determination to get this poison sumac back to camp. If you had caught it, then others must have too. Your mind went round in loops while your arms refused to rest. Until you inevitably exhausted yourself and dropped your head to the forest floor.
Murphy was finally starting to feel better. The countless patients in the drop ship could not say the same. As he gave water to a quiet girl named Fox, the fabric around the drop ship door ruffled loudly. Miller came rushing in with you slumped in his arms, blood and dirt covered you to the point where you were almost unrecognisable. He watched as you were dropped into a hammock. A strange feeling, one he could not identify, filled his chest as your bag spilled open revealing the many poison sumac flowers you had brought back.
You awoke to the feeling of something cold and wet on your forehead. You groaned at the heaviness in your lungs, which only caused the blood to gurgle and spurt from your mouth. As you choked, your eyes shot open to be faced by Murphy. His eyes almost went as wide as your own as he quickly removed the cold cloth from your head and pushed you onto your side. Your breath shook in relief. Instantly oxygen came easier, and the blood drained away.
“Rest.” He spoke in a softer tone than you thought was even possible from Murphy. Of their own accord, your eyes fell closed once more. The blood was wiped from your face in a manner that felt more like caress, helping you drift away peacefully to your dreams.
For the first time in his life, Murphy had entered his personal grey area. Your undeserved kindness showed him the world through a lens other than his own rage and paranoia. He decided then and there that he would take care of you until you recovered. Allowing himself to believe it was getting even, when really it was something else entirely. It was simply another thing he had yet to understand.
#fluff#x reader#john murphy#the 100#cw the 100#the 100 x reader#grounders#angst with a happy ending#light angst#genshin fluff#john murphy x reader#hurt/comfort#caretaker#bellamy blake#clarke griffin#scifi#fanfic#writing
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the 100 is the funniest show in existence because in s3 it gave us the most lukewarm take about AI hive mind vs the human experience ever, where the AI is evil and wants to help humanity by eliminating pain, but to experience pain and the whole range of human emotions is to be human. like it was very boilerplate cookie cutter scifi, but it was coherent!
and then in s7 they bring in an alien hivemind that is essentially peddling the exact same function and they go "THIS IS NIRVANA THIS IS GOD THE HIVE MIND IS THE SAVIOR" with no remorse and not a single memory of the entire plotline of season 3
#bonus points for s3 being handily the most relevant plotline for the rest of the show in every other season#like the things established in s3 about grounder culture are easily the most referenced for the rest of forever#but they were like ALIE? we dont kn ow her#the 100
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My sexuality is girls from primitive misunderstood societies falling for the enemy, confess their undying love and are willing to die for their girl.

Dammit I forgot them.
#willow#jade x kit#jade kit#tanthamore#kit tanthalos#jade claymore#see#wren#haniwa#wren haniwa#wren x haniwa#bone reavers#Alkenny Tribe#grounders#clexa#lexa#clarke griffin#the 100#the dragon prince#amaya janai#amaya x janai#amaya#janai
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The Two-Horned Beast - THE 100 REWRITE Chapter Twenty-Five
Previous Chapter / Next Chapter
Summary: Raven was saved but the group wasn't out of the woods just yet. They still had to find a way to really put an end to Alie. Thanks to a book written by the hand of the woman that made the AI, they found a new lead, a Grounder named Luna, who might be the key to all this.
Words: 4.8k
Warnings: The 100 season 3 spoilers (episode 12 "Demons"), fluff, some romance, guns, knives, blood, stabbing, attempted & actual murder
The sun had risen in the sky as they drove full speed across a field. They drove all night really, with Bellamy at the wheels. Clarke was at the front with him, and Michelle was sitting at the back with the others as they all began to plan out their next moves to stop Alie and her army of zombies. They had saved Raven from her grip, but the latter was far from being the only one that was being mind controlled. Michelle looked through the windshield, listening to the conversation with one ear, leaning forward on her lap. She was wondering about the situation in Polis. Her father was there, and she hoped he was safe. For the time being, they were headed for Arkadia. It was probably fine to return since Alie and her minions were trying to find them and they were far from the trading post already.
“Becca’s journal is amazing.” Raven exclaimed, carefully flipping the pages of the old notebook. “At 26, she found a pathway to access a human mind. That same year, she had to lock up Alie, because her answer for what was wrong with the world was “too many people”. She was 27 when it launched the bombs.”
“What did she write about the Flame?” Clarke twisted on her seat, turning towards them.
“Alie 2.0. She saw it as a way to atone for her sins. She designed it to not just access a human mind, but to merge with one. It could never wipe us out, because it would be one of us. She put it in herself first. Altered her genes so her body wouldn’t reject the implant.”
“Bekka Pramheda, the first Commander.” Michelle glanced at Clarke. She nodded to herself before looking at the others, crossing the gaze of her best friend before she focused back on Raven. “The gene therapy made her blood black, didn’t it?”
“Yeah.” She said quietly, surprised that she knew this detail without having read the diary. She wasn’t the only one that was surprised.
“How did you know that?” Octavia enquired.
“Nightblood. That’s where it came from. Somehow it became hereditary. Luna has it. That’s why we have to find her. If she can access Alie-2…”
“She can tell us how to stop Alie-1.” Octavia said, concluding Clarke’s statement.
“Get back to the mind pathway.” Monty spoke, taking a closer look at the Flame. “If Alie uses it to upload our minds to the City of Light, then there’s a chance my mo’s still alive.”
“That depends on your definition of “alive”.” Raven’s words must have shattered his hopes, but he shot his mother. The woman’s body wasn’t alive anymore and whatever was left of her in the City of Light, wasn’t her. Seeing him like this made Michelle quite sad and it made her think how if her father happened to take the chip, she wasn’t sure she would have the guts to shoot if he put someone in danger. She hoped she would never have to kill him to save someone else because if her father, her only remaining parent, died by her own hand, she would never survivre it. Losing her mother broke her and she didn’t even see her pass away, so it would be the last straw. She would never recover from it.
“Eyes sharp. Weapons hot. We’re almost home.” Bellamy spoke up as they approached Arkadia’s grounds. He called for Harper and Miller over the radio, telling them they were a couple minutes away from camp, but no one replied. It wasn’t a good sign. Michelle straightened up, stretching her, craning forward to look through the windshield. She couldn’t see Arkadia just yet. They were still too far but once they saw it in the distance, and noticed the gates were wide open and there was no one in sight, they stopped the vehicle. Some of them got out with their weapons, walking alongside the car, Jasper standing up at the back, sticking out through the roof opening and Bellamy had left the wheel to Michelle. She wouldn't have minded coming outside with him, Clarke, Octavia, and Sinclair; she was a pretty good shot, but he had insisted that she stay inside the Rover. Her assumption turned out to be correct though, Alie and her minions had deserted the place, probably since last night. From inside the car, she couldn’t really hear what the others were saying but she heard Jasper note that no one was there to fix the gate. It was like a ghost town as they slowly progressed inside the camp.
“Maybe they saw the open gate and went in for Lincoln’s book.” Jasper added, talking about Miller and Harper. Bellamy was still trying to get a hold of them, but no one was responding. When she looked in the mirrors and saw her peers stopping in their tracks, she slowed the car and turned her head to Raven, sitting in the front seat next to her. She met her gaze and she understood they had stopped by the pool of blood that must have soaked the grounds ever since Lincoln was shot by Pike. She gulped and they continued on their way to get the grounder’s book. It was supposed to guide them to other Grounders that could help them to stop Alie, with all that nightblood stuff. As they approached the hangar, the doors opened and she drove in, opening the window and popping her head through, to hear what Bellamy was saying. He looked at her after telling Jasper to close the roof.
“Turn the Rover around. We may need to get outta here quickly.” She nodded and sat back into the driver’s seat, waiting for the others to get out from around the vehicle to turn the car around. The doors of the hangar closed shut behind them with a thud. As the group looked around the large room, she did as Bellamy asked and then jumped out of the car. Climbing up the small flight of stairs, she, Raven, and Monty joined the others around the table where a bunch of stuff was scattered, decks of cards, half-empty plates and drinks, as if people just got up and walked away, leaving everything behind to rot, without a second thought. “We’re in and out. Pack as much gear as you can into the Rover.”
“I’ll get the map.” Octavia left almost as quickly as she spoke. Jasper went along with her. As she watched them walk away, Michelle was reminded of the fact that her precious jacket was still lying somewhere in Bellamy’s room, and she wanted to get it back before they left camp again. She was about to mention it to Bellamy, parting her lips, turned towards him, when Raven came from behind her and spoke up.
“What’s the rush? They won’t be coming back.”
“How do you know?” Clarke asked.
“Alie’s mission is to chip everyone. It wouldn’t make sense to return to a place she already took.”
“It might make sense if there was someone in that place, you, who could tell us stuff like that.” Raven agreed with Sinclair’s point, and they all went in different directions. Only Michelle went after Bellamy and he looked over his shoulder, hearing her footsteps. She still wanted her jacket, even if she was wearing her father’s ever since the group parted ways with him, Pike, and the Grounders. He nodded at her request, and they walked through the door towards the inside of the Ring, heading for Bellamy’s room. The two of them walked inside the room and Michelle kind of looked around while Bellamy opened a wardrobe next to his bed. He let his gun hang to his side as he took the jacket from a hanger. She took off the large, black guards’ jacket that her father gave her so she wouldn’t be cold and put it down on the desk while he handed her vest to her.
“Thank you.” She said as she took and put it on, one sleeve after the other. Then, she picked up her father’s and put it back on. She noticed Bellamy watching her as she got dressed and she looked at him with a chuckle, the corner of her lip stretching into a smirk. “What?”
“Nothing.” He shook his head, looking away, and she took a step towards him, taking his hand, intertwining their fingers as they locked eyes. His eyes went down to her mouth for half a second and he cupped her face in his free hand, pressing his lips against hers. Their kiss grew more passionate as time went on and he let go of her hand to slip his fingers in her hair, at the back of her head. Her whole body felt like it was lit on fire when they broke their embrace, resting his forehead against her cheekbone. She was catching her breath, as if she had forgotten how to breathe properly and she heard Bellamy chuckle. She smiled, telling him not to laugh, playfully pushing him away, shaking her head and he caught her arms, pulling her back towards him into a hug and she wrapped her arms around him, warm under his jacket. She could feel him breathing in her hair while she rested her chin on his shoulder, closing her eyes. It was the first, real intimate moment that they had shared in many months and damn, how she had missed it. The words I love you, would take a little longer to be spoken out loud though.
“All right let’s go look around. We don’t know know how much time we have right now.” She broke the embrace and he nodded. They left together, exiting the Ring through the front door. She didn’t have a gun, so she remained behind Bellamy as he kicked open the door to the armory, holding his gun up in case he came face-to-face with someone. It was empty. She stepped in after him as he opened a mesh cupboard inside which they could see a bunch of automatic shotguns lined up. He checked the content of the boxes stored underneath. They were filled to the brim with bullets. He grabbed the radio at his belt and contacted the rest of the group still inside the hangar.
“Everyone finish what you’re doing and meet us at the armory.”
“Why? What’s going on?” Clarke was the one to respond.
“You’ll see when you get there. We just got lucky.” While she told them they were on their way, Bellamy picked up a gun, filled a charger with bullets and gave it to Michelle. The latter started walking back and forth outside the door, looking around the camp, alert, and turned to Bellamy while they waited for the others to join them. Her mind was really making her do comparisons between what she now had with Bellamy and what she once had with Murphy. She didn’t want to keep thinking about both the relationships she had ever had but her conclusion was that the two were diametrically opposed. Maybe it was because she had grown since they first landed on the ground, and because Bellamy was a few years older, but their relationship had a much more mature feeling to it. The nature of their feelings for each other was very different from when she was with Murphy. When he left, she realized, even if he did love and care for her, she most likely loved him more than he did. She mentally shrugged, thinking it would have ended at some point but the fact that he just got up and left, with Jaha, it still bothered her. She shook the thought away when Clarke’s voice reached their ears. She was calling out their names weakly, panting and Bellamy caught her before she fell, giving her support so she could stand. “What is it? What’s going on?”
“Emerson.” It was just one word, well a name really, but the three of them were very much aware of what it meant. The guy from Mount Weather, who they thought they had gotten rid of already, was back, harder to kill than a cockroach. The trio then walked into the ring, with Bellamy and Michelle walking in front of Clarke, their heads tilted, eyes glued to the viewfinder lens, guns up, flashlights on.
“Where’s Monty?” Bellamy enquired.
“Emerson took him. Why?” She frowned, trying to understand what Emerson’s motivation was. He grabbed his radio and tried to make contact with his sister, stopping in their tracks.
“Octavia, can you hear me? Come in.”
“Jasper was with her.”
“Jasper, are you there? Say something.” The only answer they got was a static sound crackling on the other end.
“Maybe Emerson got them too.” Michelle said quietly. Clarke looked down, frowning, shaking her head.
“Miller, Harper, Bryan… This is all my fault. I let Emerson live.”
“What are you talking about?” Bellamy looked at Clarke, blinking in confusion before exchanging a glance with Michelle. She had no idea what she was talking about either, but their friend seemed preoccupied. Her eyes went from one to the other.
“In Polis. I had a chance to kill him, but I let him go.”
“Bellamy, what’s wrong?” Raven’s voice came over the radio, interrupting their conversation.
“Raven, are you okay? Where are you?” He immidietaly asked.
“Still in engineering. We’re fine.”
“Raven, listen to me. Emerson is here. Are the others with you?” Clarke spoke up, taking the radio after Bellamy handed it to her. Raven replied in the negative. She was alone with Sinclair. Clarke then gave them instructions to lock down the hangar bay and to not let anybody in but the three of them. They had yet to find their other friends, who were probably held somewhere by Emerson. They ran there but when they came at the door, shouting out the mechanic’s name, banging on the door, no one answered, and the hangar was plunged in the dark. They left, running around the ring to get to the other door. When they reached the large door from the outside, it was just opened slightly, leaving a thin thread of light penetrate inside. Slipping through the opening one after the other, the two childhoos best friends kneeled next to the lifeless body of Sinclair, lying on the ground, a large stain of blood on his t-shirt, and blood running down his mouth. His dead eyes stared right back at them, frozen, and empty. Clarke still went to check his pulse, but it was obviously too late. He was already gone. She closed his eyes. Michelle sighed and got up, her hands on the gun hanging across her shoulders, glancing around the hangar. Raven was nowhere to be seen.
“He took Raven.”
“We’re too late.” Bellamy added, but Clarke somehow disagreed. She turned her head to them.
“He didn’t kill Monty or Raven. He would’ve left their bodies. Michelle is right, he took them somewhere.”
“If you’re right, Octavia and the others are there, too. Where would he be taking them? They could be anywhere. How does he even know his way around?”
“He was here. You were in Mount Weather.” As she talked, Clarke was already thinking, and she came to the conclusion that the man that had them running around the compound looking for their friends, had taken them to the very airlock in which he had been detained before. It only made sense that he would lock them up in there. She snatched the radio from Bellamy’s belt. “Emerson. I know you’re listening. We need to talk.”
“I don’t need to do anything.” They heard grunts in the background, confirming that he did have their friends with him. Clarke had their back to them, facing the hangar’s door and Michelle and Bellamy looked at each other. “You should have killed me when you had the chance.”
“And now you’re here to kill me, is that it?”
“Something like that.”
“Then let my friends go.” She tried to bargain with him, offering to give herself over if he did what she asked. Of course, neither Michelle nor Bellamy wanted this to happen. She turned to them. “I know what I’m doing.” Michelle gave her a firm nod, trusting her, though this whole ordeal worried her.
“Come to the airlock. No weapons. Right now.”
“What the hell are you doing?” Bellamy stopped her as she walked away with a determined step. She was set on saving their friends and they didn’t disagree with this but neither of them wanted her to sacrifice herself.
“Look, when it’s over, take this to Luna. Promise me.” She took the Flame out of her pocket and handed it over to him. Her eyes went to Michelle who didn’t like the way she was talking about all this, as if she was going to die going to the airlock and there was nothing to do about it. She didn’t the decisiveness of this moment. Bellamy slightly squinted his eyes, shaking his head.
“No. You’re outta your mind your mind if you think we’re letting you do this alone.” Though she stayed quiet, used to go along with the flow of whatever Clarke wanted to do, Bellamy didn’t even think about it and included her in his statement, knowing that she was as much against this as he was. And in other circumstances, she would have sketched a smile, because he was right. Clarke glanced at Michelle before putting her gaze back on him.
“This is my fault. I’m not letting anyone else die for my mistake, okay? So take it!” She didn’t raise her voice, but her tone and gesture were strong and direct, urging him to take the flame from her hand.
“Are you through? I don’t know what happened between you and Emerson in Polis. But I do know that letting him kill you here today is a stupid plan.”
“You got a better one?” He pinched his lips and shrugged; his smirk tinged with sadness.
“You distract him, we shoot him.” Clarke let go of her original plan to just surrender herself to the mountain man and nodded to Bellamy’s proposition. She looked down at the flame while Bellamy stepped away. Now, they had to put the plan into motion, and hope it would go smoothly but what Emerson would do, and his reactions were out of their control. Clarke walked a few feet ahead of them, with Bellamy and Michelle with their guns right behind. They stood behind the corner, hidden in the shadows while she held up her hands and approached the airlock.
“I held up my part of the deal. Your turn. Let my friends go.”
“Tell Bellamy to show themselves first.” He must have seen Bellamy’s shadow, or he simply knew the girl would never actually come alone but they were both reminded that even though Michelle knew the man’s name and who he was, he probably didn’t even remember her, other than being that one Asian girl who was Clarke’s friend. She wasn’t even sure he remembered that she was one of those who basically got her thigh drilled into and almost died, if it weren’t for Clarke opened all exits of Mount Weather. The two gunsmen glanced at each other.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about...” She tried to lie, and he knew it. He grunted and Octavia let out a scream, prompting Bellamy to come out of hiding, telling Michelle to stay back with his eyes. She gave him a nod, standing her back to the wall to conceal herself better. He kept his gun ready to fire as he stepped into the hallway.
“Good. Now, take out the clip, throw it down the hall, put the gun down and get inside.”
“Please, you wanted me.” She tried to talk with him, but he wasn’t here to listen to her pleading. Surrending herself in exchange for her friends’ lives being spared, but something was off. He really wanted Bellamy to come into the airlock. The latter gave in, telling him to stop. Michelle didn’t know what Emerson was doing but she guessed that he must have been holding Octavia at gunpoint or something like that, for the young man to be this nervous. He did as order, took out the clip and kneeled, putting down his gun, along with the rest of his weapons, which included the two knives he had. He threw them away, making them slide down the hall and their course stopped right in front of Michelle. If it came down to it and using her gun was too dangerous, she would pick up one of the blades and use it against Emerson. It was clear that Bellamy took advantage of the fact the man was clueless about a third person being there. He then put his hands up in the air and walked towards the airlock, disappearing from Michelle's sight. She heard Emerson���s voice addressing Bellamy followed by Octavia grunting. Michelle was practically glued to the wall, taking deep, quiet breath, ready to step in. She clenched her jaw, hating the fact that she was blind to what was now happening, right around the corner. She listened to Emerson giving orders to Clarke, telling her to get down on her knees and put her hand behind her head. There were footsteps, certainly Emerson, followed by a beeping sound and the airlock door closing.
“No- You can do anything you want with me. Okay? Just let them go.” Hearing him grunt, Michelle peeked. Emerson was his back to her, holding Clarke the collar of her coat and pushing her towards the closed space. He put his arm around her neck, his handgun against her head, pressing her against the glass. Michelle then thought, using her gun would put Clarke’s life at risk, while using a much sneakier weapon such as Bellamy’s knives, would give her a bigger chance of neutralizing Emerson. She let go of her shotgun, letting it hang to her side and picked up both blades to her feet, holding the handles tightly. And she waited for the right opportunity to come out. Not knowing if he had his finger on the trigger didn’t help her determine when to act either and she couldn’t risk Emerson seeing her, it would fuck the whole plan up as well.
“You murdered 381 people. You took the lives of my children, my brother, my friends. Did you really think that I would be happy with just one life in return?” When she heard him step back, dragging Clarke with him, she took another look. The gun was now aimed towards the ceiling. He put his arm back around Clarke, right across her chest and used his free hand to uncover a glowing red button. She came out of hiding as he pressed it. A voice over PA announced that the airlock was being emptied of its oxygen. He looked to asphyxiate their friends. She took advantage of the loud, dull noise covering her steps and she rushed towards him, driving the blades of the daggers right into his skull with a grunt. A gunshot went off as he collapsed, dragging Clarke with him. She broke free from his grip and rushed to the airlock control panel to open the door. Michelle just then processed what she did and though she didn’t feel bad about it, she couldn’t help but stare at Emerson’s face, his empty eyes staring back at her. She realized her fingers were trembling, so she closed her hands into fists. The two knives looking like horns that had grown on the sides of his head. Clarke got up, stretching out her arms to reopen the airlock. Their friends inside weren’t exactly passed out but a little lightheaded from the lack of oxygen, breathing heavily, while the two were getting rid of Emerson. Michelle stepped over the man’s body, helped Clarke up. As she freed one of them, they helped free each other. Michelle went to untie Bellamy from the wall and frowned in frustration since her hands were still a bit shaky. She felt his gaze upon her.
“Are you okay?” He asked quietly.
“You’re the one that’s restrained. I’m fine.” He grabbed her hand and glanced over his shoulder at Emerson. She huffed, following his eyes, and stared at the dead body. The knives sticking out of his heads, a pool of blood all over the floor and trickles having flowed across his face. His eyeballs were hidden, covered with a red layer. It wasn’t the first she had had a deadly weapon in her hands, but it was the very first time that she stabbed someone this violently, in the head, and not just with one knife, but two at that. She didn’t have such a hard time shooting at people with a gun but using bladed weapons did shake her up a little. She didn’t even think, she just did it to save Clarke. Seeing that she was staring at Emerson, he stepped aside, blocking her view, making her look at him.
“You did it to save Clarke.”
“Yes, I know why I did it.” She pinched her lips, not reacting the way she would have wanted to. She answered abruptly when he was only trying to help her. But he understood and only looked at her with concern for her on his face. She locked eyes with Clarke and Octavia, who noticed them holding hands and the latter were surprised to say the least. They obviously didn’t expect to see their siblings together. The group then eventually walked outside, dragging Emerson’s body away. At nightfall, while they were putting things away, they saw Bellamy walk through the gate, carrying a large body wrapped in a body bag, in his arms. Because of the weight of the body, his gait was a bit slowed down, and his steps were heavy, sinking into the mud. He put it on the ground and took a step back while Octavia fell to her knees. She raised her hand to uncover the head and hesitated for a moment before finally doing so. It was Lincoln.
Octavia's sobbing turned into hearbreaking wailing. The rest of them were all silently standing there. Michelle felt her pain, though it was not over the death of the same type of love, she had cried just as hard over her mother. It made her want to cry and she felt a tear had run down her cheek. She swiftly wiped it away. They built a pyre and put both Sinclair and Lincoln’s bodies on it. Raven went forth, saying her goodbyes to her former mentor and stepped back while Octavia lit the pyre, pronouncing words in trigedasleng. Your fight is over. They all repeated those words in unison. While Michelle said it for their two peers, her eyes rose to the starry night sky and her thoughts went to her mother and she stared at the fire, losing her gaze in the dance of flames until Octavia's voice rises above the loud crackling.
“It’s time to go. I’ll get the map.” Bellamy watched her walk away, swallowing harshly. As he turned back towards the fire, he felt a hand hold his and his eyes went down to his hand and then up to Michelle’s face before they both observed the fire for a moment. After a while, they all went to the hangar to put their things into the rover and get ready to leave. Clarke was putting the flame back in its box and Bellamy was carrying boxes of weapons into the back of the car. Michelle was next to her childhood friend. The three exchanged a nod as he walked past them.
“Hey, we’re leaving. Why aren’t you ready?” Bellamy asked Raven and Monty as the two approached.
“We’re not going with you.” She then said, being helped down by Monty. “I can barely walk, and my shoulder is killing me. But my brain’s all kinds of awesome.”
“She remembered that Alie downloaded herself into the Ark mainframe. If the code is still there, we might be able to find a back door.” Monty added.
“I’m guessing once you connect Alie-2 to Luna, we’ll need to access Alie-1 to take her down.”
“Miller.” Bellamy called to the young man in the background, with his boyfriend and Harper. He motioned towards the other two.
“I’ll keep ‘em safe.”
“I’ll keep them safe.” Harper said, repeating his words with a smile.
“How about you? It’s gonna be dangerous.” Bellamy turned his head to Jasper.
“You know me well. I’m in.” On his words, Bellamy walked off while Clarke and Michelle said goodbye to their friends. Octavia went directly inside the car. Clarke went to the front with Bellamy and Michelle joined Octavia, followed by Jasper. The humming noise of the engine starting sounded in the hangar as Raven shut the backdoor and they drove away. Next step was finding this Luna and find a way to get rid of Alie once and for all.
[To be continued…]
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Published (02/24/2023) by Andrea
Taglist: @cathrin2405 @kika64 @mirellef2001
#the 100#the 100 fanfiction#the 100 clarke griffin#the 100 oc#the 100 original character#oc#original character#clarke griffin#bellamy blake#the 100 spoilers#the 100 grounders#the 100 series#the 100 tv series#the 100 season 3 spoilers#the 100 season 3 episode 12#the 100 callie cartwig#callie cartwig daughter#raven reyes#the 100 raven reyes#the 100 sinclair#the 100 monty green#the 100 monty#the 100 bellamy blake#clarke griffin's best friend#the 100 clarke#the 100 octavia blake#the 100 series fanfiction#the 100 series rewrite#fanfic rewrite#series rewrite
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Neutral 8
This part may suck BUT I am slowly trying to get back into the story so skim through this and don't be mean.
You stared up at the endless blue sky, watching the clouds slowly drift by as the earth continued its endless orbit. The faint smell of burning metal filled your nose as a gentle breeze ruffled your hair. ‘I wonder if they'll ever find us down here,’ you thought, your hopes fading with each passing minute.
Around you, the search party members shouted to one another, their voices echoing off the mountainsides as they frantically pushed aside debris.
‘She can’t be dead. She hated me but she would never leave me like this. Why did I have to try to prove myself? Please come back...please,’ you silently pleaded, even as your weary body begged for rest.
Clarke mirrored your determined attitude, the dark circles on her face were more prominent in the bright sun while she meticulously scoured the debris strewn across the mountain.
Every step brought you closer to Clarke, her gaze fixed on some viscous liquid oozing from a ruptured container amidst the rubble.
"Clarke," you called out softly, she turned to face you reluctantly meeting your gaze. "What’s wrong?" you asked, your curiosity piqued by the sight before you.
Without a word, Clarke gestured toward the oozing liquid, her expression troubled. You followed her gaze, crouching down as you took in the scene before you. The pink liquid dripping to the ground, its pungent odor assaulted your senses, causing you to recoil instinctively.
Suddenly, Clarke's voice shattered the tense silence, her cry of "Oh!" echoing through the desolate landscape. Raven reacted swiftly, sprinting up the slope to join you both.
Her eyes were wide with concern as she assessed the situation, her sharp mind already racing to decipher the cause of Clarke's distress.
"Y/n, stop! Get away from there" Raven shouted as she reached your side. You both turned to Raven, her expression a mix of shock and disbelief. "Rocket fuel?" Clarke questioned.
Raven nodded grimly, her features drawn tight with concern. "Hydrazine... Highly unstable in its non-solid form. If this stuff meets fire, we're all pink mist."
“Suddenly I don’t think that would be too bad.” You started, recovering from your crouched position beside Clarke. She shot you a sideways glance. "Are you serious?" Raven huffed with disbelief as she struggled to comprehend your words.
"Watch this," Raven declared as she reached for a nearby object. “Fire in the hole!” You and Clarke ducked for cover as Raven hurled it toward the pink liquid with a swift toss, the impact causing a small explosion that sent debris flying in all directions.
The explosion was deafening, and the heat was intense, but you couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction as the rocket fuel burned away.
Bellamy's commanding voice reached your ears, “We move in formation, no straggling, weapons hot. We've got to get back before dark," he bellowed like a clarion call to action.
Without hesitation, the group began to fall in line, their movements synchronized and purposeful as they prepared to venture back into the woods. You remained rooted to the spot for a moment longer, your eyes scanning the debris-strewn landscape one final time.
As you lingered amidst the wreckage, lost in thought, you felt a presence at your side. Bellamy had come up beside you, "that means you too, Hestia," he remarked, his voice softer now, laced with a hint of affection.
You couldn't help but smile at the nickname. "Just taking one last look," you replied, turning to face him. His soft eyes met yours, filled with warmth.
"We'll find her," he said, squeezing your shoulder reassuringly. "But not if you work yourself to exhaustion. Come on, let's head back." You nodded, allowing him to guide you away from the wreckage.
His hand dropped to the small of your back. He was right - you had been pushing yourself too hard. But you wouldn't stop looking until your mother was found.
Glancing back over your shoulder, you silently made that promise once more. Bellamy's hand pressed more firmly against you, as if he had heard your unspoken words.
Your heart pounded against your ribcage as you pushed your way through the throng of people. The air hung heavy with the oppressive heat of the sun, the stench of sweat and dirt permeating your nostrils. Bellamy walked ahead of the group, shoulders tense and his head held high while the rest of the group trailed behind.
As you approached the gate, the commotion grew louder, the voices rising in pitch with each step you took. The gate creaked open with a deafening squeal, and Octavia emerged, her eyes wide with fear.
She swallowed thickly before rushing forward, “Bellamy...” she gasped, her voice barely a whisper.
You pushed your way towards the front where Clarke and Bellamy stood, “Octavia whats wrong?” you demanded. The three of you shared a look as everyone waited for her to speak. “We found something bell. Its in the dropship.”
With that, Octavia turned and headed back inside, guiding the three of you into the ship. The camp's stragglers dispersed around the perimeter, their voices fading into the distance. You followed closely behind Octavia as she ascended the metal ramp, the sound of her heavy footsteps echoing through the cavernous interior.
Once you reached the top, Octavia pushed back the plastic tarp covering the entrance, your breath caught in your throat at the sight that met your eyes.
John Murphy lay slumped against a wall, his once-blond hair matted with dried blood. His eyes were closed, his face covered in an excessive amount of cuts and dirt.
You and Octavia exchanged a grim look. Murphy had always been a thorn in everyone's side, but he didn't deserve this. “Everyone but Connor and Derek out... Now!" Bellamy emphasized
"We caught him trying to sneak back into camp," Connor stated, his voice low but firm, eyes narrowed as he assessed Murphy's reaction.
Murphy's jaw clenched, his gaze flickering briefly towards Bellamy before returning to Connor. "I wasn't sneaking," he retorted, his tone sharp with frustration. "I was running from the Grounders."
Bellamy, arms crossed over his chest, stepped forward, his expression unreadable in the dim light. "Anyone see Grounders?" he questioned, his voice a blend of skepticism and curiosity.
Connor shook his head, his eyes darting around the cramped space of the dropship as if searching for any sign of the elusive enemy.
"Well, in that case--" Bellamy began, lifting his rifle at Murphy before you began to panic, placing yourself between Bellamy and Murphy.
Your gaze flickered nervously between the two men, uncertainty clouding your features as you struggled to find the words to intervene.
Murphy's fate hung in the balance, and though you knew his actions had been reckless and foolish, there was a nagging voice in the back of your mind urging you to spare him.
"Wait," you interjected, your hands trembled at your sides, fingers curling into fists as you searched desperately for a reason, any reason, to convince Bellamy to show mercy. Bellamy's gaze softened slightly; his expression thoughtful as he considered your words.
"We were clear what would happen if he came back," Bellamy reiterated, his tone firm, uncompromising.
You took a shaky breath, summoning all your courage as you spoke, your voice steadier now, but still laced with uncertainty. "We... we don't know the full story," you ventured, your words hesitant but earnest. "Maybe... maybe there's more to it than we realize."
Clarke's voice sliced through the tension that had settled over the group like a sharp blade. "No," she declared, Clarke stood tall, her stance resolute, her eyes locking with Bellamy's in a silent challenge. "Y/n is right."
The soft glow of the flickering firelight illuminated her features, casting a warm, golden hue across her determined expression.
Bellamy's jaw tensed, his gaze bore into hers, as he bristled at Clarke's assertion. "Like hell he is," he retorted, his tone laced with frustration. "Clarke, think about Charlotte."
You couldn't stay silent, not when the memory of Wells's death still lingered like a specter in the shadows of their minds. "We are thinking about Charlotte," you interjected, your voice cutting through the charged atmosphere with a bitter edge. "Or did you forget what she did to Wells?"
Clarke knelt down beside him, her fingers grasping Murphys hand, she flexed It back and forth. “He's not lying,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. “His fingernails were torn off. They tortured him."
Bellamy hesitated, torn between his sense of duty and the gnawing doubt that tugged at his conscience. Finally, with a resigned sigh, he relented, his shoulders slumping in reluctant agreement.
"Fine," he conceded, his voice heavy with resignation. "But if this goes wrong, it's on you." His gaze flickered toward Murphy, lingering for a moment before shifting back to Clarke and you.
“You need to practice shooting, Y/n. After yesterday, we can’t take any more chances with these grounders,” Bellamy insisted.
“And what if I don’t want to?” you challenged, a hint of defiance in your voice.
“I wasn’t giving you a choice,” he replied back just as fast, his words leaving no room for argument. You hid your giddy smile behind your hand as you followed Bellamy and the group to the makeshift shooting practice area.
Miller and Monroe lined up the empty ration cans, preparing for the practice. Clarke strutted over to join the group, picking up a gun and readying herself for the competition.
Sensing the competitive energy in the air, you accepted the challenge without a thought.
"On the count of three, I want you guys to start," Bellamy announced, his voice cutting through the chatter. You nodded in reply, feeling the weight of the rifle against your shoulder as you lined up your shot.
“One, two... three,” Bellamy counted, and with precision, you fired at the first tin. It flew back off the log with a satisfying thud to the ground.
Swiftly, you moved on to the next target, hearing Clarke finish her second shot. You took aim at the third can, your senses heightened as adrenaline surged through your veins.
Two shots sounded in quick succession, echoing through the clearing. Both you and Clarke hit the targets with pristine accuracy. The group cheered in approval. “Who needs men when you have us?” You joked to Clarke, gaining a big smile from her for the first time today.
shouts and cries rang out from the perimeter. "Clarke! Where's Clarke?" Connor's voice, hoarse with desperation, his words punctuated by fits of coughing. The sound sent a shiver down your spine, the hairs on the back of your neck standing on end.
Clarke's brow furrowed in concern as she moved towards his voice, "Connor?"
"It won't stop," Connor's voice drifted through the air, strained and ragged, each word punctuated by the gut-wrenching sound of his coughs.
"Clarke! What's happening?" Raven's voice joined the chorus of cries, her tone frantic with worry. Your breath caught in your throat as you witnessed the sight that greeted Clarke's eyes.
Horror washed over you like a tidal wave, threatening to engulf you in its icy grip. "Oh, my God, Clarke, your eyes," you gasped, the words tumbling from your lips in a hushed whisper.
You moved instinctively to approach her, to offer whatever comfort and support you could in the face of such a devastating revelation. But Clarke's hand shot out, a silent barrier that pushed you and Raven away with unexpected force.
Her eyes, once bright and vibrant, now held a haunted emptiness that sent a shiver down your spine. The color seemed to have drained from them, leaving behind only a dull, lifeless gaze that spoke volumes of the horrors she had witnessed.
Clarke's hurried footsteps echoed against the metal floor of the dropship as she entered, her senses on high alert, her eyes scanning the room with an intensity that made your heart race. You followed closely behind, the weight of worry pressing down on you like a leaden cloak.
Murphy's presence loomed in the corner of the room, his figure tense and apprehensive as he attempted to blend into the shadows, a futile effort to evade Clarke's keen gaze. The air crackled with tension as she approached him.
"Murphy, hey, look at me," Clarke's voice was soft yet firm, cutting through the silence like a knife. She reached out, her hand gently gripping his shoulder as she sought to anchor him in the midst of his mounting panic.
Murphy's gaze flickered nervously, his muscles tensing beneath her touch as he met her unwavering stare. "I need you to tell me exactly how you escaped from the Grounders," Clarke continued, her voice steady despite the turmoil swirling within her. "What happened?"
Murphy swallowed hard, shifting his weight uneasily. "I don't know," he admitted, his words coming out in a rush as if he were desperate to convince her of his innocence. "I woke up, and they forgot to lock my cage. There was no one there, so I took off."
Clarke's brow furrowed in confusion, a hint of skepticism creeping into her expression as she processed Murphy's explanation. The pieces of the puzzle seemed to shift and blur before her eyes, leaving her grasping at fragments of truth in a sea of uncertainty.
"Bellamy, stay back," you urged, your voice tinged with urgency as you moved to position yourself between him and the infected. Bellamy's brow furrowed in confusion, his gaze flickering between you and Murphy as he struggled to make sense of the situation. "Did he do something to you?" he questioned, gripping the rifle tighter in his hands.
You shook your head. "What the hell is this?" Bellamy demanded, his tone edged with frustration as he glared at Clarke, searching for answers in the depths of her haunted gaze.
"Biological warfare," Clarke stated, wiping her hands down her face in distress. “You were waiting for the Grounders to retaliate for the bridge? This is it. Murphy is the weapon." Bellamy's eyes widened in disbelief, the realization seemed to hit him like a physical blow, his shoulders slumping in defeat.
Clarke's revelation settled over the dropship like a suffocating blanket, a heavy silence descended upon the room, punctuated only by the sound of their ragged breathing.
Suddenly, the world seemed to blur around you, the edges of your vision blurring as if obscured by a thick fog. Your senses swam in a dizzying whirlpool, the world tilting precariously on its axis as you struggled to maintain your balance.
A bead of sweat trickled down your forehead, tracing a path down your flushed cheeks as the heat of the moment pressed in upon you like a tangible force. Your breath came in ragged gasps, your chest rising and falling with each shaky inhale.
With trembling limbs, you moved away from the group, climbing the narrow ladder of the dropship's interior. Your breath came in ragged gasps, the air thin and suffocating as you ascended to the third floor. Finally reaching the top, you stumbled into the cramped space of the third floor, the dim light casting long shadows across the metal floor.
Alone at last, the tears flowing freely from your eyes as you collapsed to the floor. Your knees cracked uncomfortably beneath the weight of your body. The tears mingled with the blood that trickled from your eyes.
you let out a choked sob, the sound echoing in the empty space around you. The tears continued to fall, unchecked and unbidden, as you surrendered to the overwhelming despair that threatened to engulf you.
"Will you stop crying?" it scoffed, dripping with disdain. Your eyes snapped open, scanning the empty expanse of the room in search of the face behind the voice.
But there was nobody there, just the echo of the words hanging in the air like a ghostly whisper. Confusion clouded your thoughts as you shook your head, trying to dispel the illusion that had taken hold of your mind.
A sudden weight settled on your shoulder, causing you to gasp in surprise. A hand, firm yet comforting, pressed against your trembling form.
Slowly, you turned your head, your heart pounding in your chest as you prepared to face the unknown presence behind you. And there, standing before you, was Diana Sydney, your mother.
The sight of her sent a jolt of shock through your system. Her hair was no longer the blonde that you once envied, once a shimmering cascade of blonde, was now charred and matted, wisps of smoke still clinging to the strands.
And her skin, once flawless and porcelain, was marred by angry red burns accompanied by the smell of char.
“Mom.” you whispered, your voice barely above a whisper as you reached out tentatively, as if afraid she would vanish into thin air at the slightest touch. For a moment, you simply stared at each other, the silence between you heavy with unspoken emotions.
The sudden sharpness of the voice shattered the fragile moment like glass, snapping you back to reality. "Do you ever shut up, y/n?"
"No," you replied. "I don't."
#fluff#masterlist#angst#new writers on tumblr#the 100 fanfiction#new fic#bellamy blake x reader#octavia blake#the 100 series#bellamy blake#bellamy x reader#bellamy blake imagine#bellamy blake fanfiction#bellamy blake smut#clarke griffin#mount weather#lovers to enemies#raven reyes#x reader#the ark#y/n#alternate universe#the 100 imagine#abby griffin#fanfiction#grounders#jasper jordan#john murphy#lexa kom trikru#vera kane
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idc how people will come at me but i still find it super super unfair that bellamy and him being involved with pike (not that it wasn't wrong) is being repeated over and over and over again and hashed out by every grounder there is starting from indra and going to roan as the *most horrible deed* when they f*cking started killing CHILDREN, CHILDREN from day one just because they landed in their territory and that happened CONSIDERING the fact that their goddess becca pramheda CAME FROM SPACE so it makes absolutely no SENSE To kill kids who landed in your backyard FROM space that you supposedly worship and then be a total villain and crucify and be absolutely horrible to the outsiders and the rest of the clans and everyone in general and be an utter killer but then pretend to forget about it and paint pike (yes he was wrong I'm not saying he wasn't) and bellamy most of all bellamy a villain and rub it in his face for two seasons when HE told pike they went too far from DAY one and doubted him all the way through and only followed him because 1)pike prayed on his self-hatred and told him that yes he's guilty for Gina dying and everything that happened in mt weather and 2) because he wanted to protect the kids that Clarke left him to take care of while she was gone and he saw no other way.
but that's not even the problem. the double standard is. like the whole grounder cultre and understanding of the world and somehow the skaipeople being worse is ridiculous.
let's not forget that the mighty commanders and the 13th clans had been struggling for ages to kill the people in mount weather, then clarke did it and they wanted to KILL her for it instead of like sit down and actually make peace with skaipeople and WANT them to be in the coalition instead of refusing to have them.
#the 100#anti grounders#anti the 100#i guess?#i mean i never got this#and yes i get what yall will say I DO trust me i've been in this fandom forever#i just get angry from time to time#so angry
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I've made a new conlang Grambank entry for Trigedasleng! Jessie Peterson created a Google Sheets spreadsheet that conlangers can copy and fill out in order to share their work. I did one previously on High Valyrian, and now the Trigedasleng one is finished.. This won't tell you everything about the language, but it'll tell you a LOT in a very small space. If you'd like to do something like this for your conlang, the blank one can be found here.
#conlang#language#the 100#Clexa#lexa#clarke#grounder#grounders#slakkru#Trigedasleng#Trigedasleng language#Grounder language#cw
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#The 100#Emori kom Spacekru#Luisa D'Oliveira#the100edit#the most beautiful grounder in the show#she is positively breathtaking in every way
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1 - The Day Everything Changed
Part 2
Star Crossed Enemies
@severa-kane @100foreverfiles @ocappreciation @ocappreciationtag @arrthurpendragon @lover-of-books-and-tea
2 years ago
“Get your hands off me. I haven't done anything wrong!” I screamed and kicking my legs about while having guards drag me down multiple hallways until we got to one of the pod launch bays. “What the hell do you think you’re doing to me!”
Footsteps came up behind me and the guards where I sharply turned my head around seeing my mother Dr Abigail and father Jake Griffin coming up to us. “Remove your hands from our daughter now please.”
“Counselors. We are just following your orders that you sent us Dr. Griffin.” One of them spoke, removing their hands from my forearm.
I elbowed the other guard in the stomach and he stumbled backwards into the nearest wall. “Orders. What orders have you told them?”
“Cassiopeia, honey there isn’t another way to ensure they won’t kill all three of us. I’m sorry, but we are sending you to the ground.” My mother explained beginning to take steps towards me till I harshly slapped her hand that reached out to touch me.
“You kicked me out of the house at sixteen to lower suspicion of you possibly having two kids but now you’re saying that isn’t enough!”
My father went around the corner escorting someone by the arm where it took me a minute before I recognized who he had alongside him. “Jake! We can’t let anyone else know what we are doing.” My mother gasped seeing my best friend.
“Cass! Why are they sending you down there? It isn’t safe yet. It hasn’t been a hundred years yet.” Glass Sorenson came running to me with her blonde hair and blue eyes, flinging her arms around my neck and began to cry.
Wrapping my arms around her I sobbed into her shoulder not wanting to be forced to leave her. “I don’t know why they’re doing this. I don’t want to go, Glass.”
“Dr. Griffin, please don’t do this. She’s my best friend.”
Mom sniffed through tears that were welling up in her eyes. “Glass, it’s family business-“
“Oh for god sake. I have a sister. Her name is Clarke and we are twins and nobody knows about us. That’s why they are sending me to the ground without knowing if it's survivable or not!” Throwing my hands up in the air I shouted getting frustrated that she was avoiding the truth.
Glass grasped my hand closest to hers. “Can I at least say goodbye before you send her down?”
“Yes. You can say goodbye, Glass.” My father nodded with a very weak expression.
Glass spun around on her feet, throwing her arms around me a second time. “I’m going to be praying that you make it. Because you are so much stronger and tougher than anybody thinks you are…may we meet again.” She sniffed back some tears once she had broken the embrace.
Squeezing her shoulders underneath my fingers I wiped away falling tears. “I will see you again, bestie. May we meet again.” From that day forward anyone else that came from the Ark couldn’t be trusted in my eyes.
I was born in space, but I became a Grounder.
Two guards drew the tent curtain opened on either side of me as I strolled inside with my shoulders back and head held high knowing who I was standing in front of at this very moment. The woman I now considered to be my Commander was seated on her throne of trees spinning a dagger in one hand until I paused in my step directly in front of her presence. “You summoned me, Heda.”
“I have an assignment for you. You are my best tracker and fighter in the ones up to take my place when my fight is over.” The Commander began speaking.
Brushing some of my loose hair from my eyes I had twisted one side of my hair into a braid and left the rest of it completely loose. “How have you chosen me to serve you today, Heda?”
“Anya has informed me that one of her scouts has stopped reporting the number of the sky invaders on our lands. I want you to set up camp near their camp and find out all you can about these sky people.”
Nodding my head in understanding I bowed my head down to her. “It will be done, Commander.”
“When you landed in our territory years ago I had many of my advisers tell me I should have just killed you right then and there.” I spun on my boots about to leave till she called for my attention again making me peek over my shoulder back at her. “I’m very proud that I made my own decision and kept you alive. You may have come from the sky but you’ve proven to be a true Earthborn, Warrior Cass.”
“I appreciate that I have your respect, Commander.” I smirked back at her spinning on my feet leaving her tent and heading off onto the assignment I had been given.
Days later I had moved into one of the nearby caves not too far from the sky camp. I sat on one of the middle ground branches hearing a small group of them coming in my direction. Wearing a pack of knives that were attached to a leather strap I scanned the area seeing a group of four guys running from one of the traps Lincoln had set up to catch reapers.
One of the guys that was wearing goggles on his head was screaming in the direction of some clan members that I knew about. “They can kill us whenever they want. Then they should get it over with! Come on! We know you're out there!”
“You want to kill us…” The second guy with long black hair grabbed the goggle wearing guy and slapped his hand over his mouth trying to shut him up.
“Bellamy!-“ The other sky person hollered to the one I was guessing was the leader of the group. I leaped down from the tree drawing out a flute with multiple darts inside of it, blowing into it I shot the other three in the neck and they collapsed out cold.
Raising myself up from my knees I bolted towards the last standing guy with curly raven hair. He tried to run at me but I twisted one of his arms around his back shoving him against the nearest tree. “I wouldn’t bother trying to call for help if I were you.” I whispered a warning in his ear, pressing a dagger to the back of his neck.
“You don’t scare me, grounder girl.” He growled back, doing his best to not show me any hint of fear.
Spinning him around pushing his back against the tree I soon realized that he was slightly taller than I was so I had to angle the blade up more than I originally thought I would have to. “I’m guessing you're their leader. I’ll give you a bit of advice, don’t put yourself out in the open unless you have a death wish.”
“Like I’ll ever take advice from the enemy.” The guy I heard them call Bellamy spat in my face. His dark brown eyes locked onto my green gaze.
Stepping away from him I tossed the dagger in my hand downwards towards his boots hearing a foghorn from somewhere else off in the distance. “Keep the blade you’re gonna need all the help you can get, Bellamy.”
“How the heck do you know my name? What the hell is yours, grounder?” He raised his tone, shifting his gaze from mine then down to the dagger at his feet.
I smirked hearing the horn noise getting louder telling me it was time to go. “I can’t give you the answer right away. Otherwise that gives away the game. See you around, Sky Boy.” Twirling on my feet I bolted into a run through the terrain leaving him too stunned in shock to chase after me.
It had been a few hours since the acid fog had cleared, meaning I could leave the entrance of Lincoln’s cave when I wanted to. Quietly entering the rest of the way inside Lincoln’s cave I saw a girl with dark black hair beginning to wake up. Hearing other footsteps running in I slipped behind the available space in the wall, making sure she or Lincoln didn’t see me watching them. The sky girl had managed to grab the keys and the group of boys that were with Bellamy helped her off the cave floor. She jumped into the goggles guy's arms. “How did you find me?”
“Followed him.” He chuckled in relief, hugging her back.
The girl broke the embrace and ran into Bellamy’s arms until he saw a spear laying beside a passed out Lincoln on the stone floor. “We should go. Now. Before he wakes up.”
“He's not gonna wake up.” Bellamy picked it, gripping the spear tightly in his hands.
The girl attempted to grab his wrist. “Bellamy, stop. He didn't hurt me. Let's just go.”
“They started this. Finn. Move.” He ignored her.
The guy that was bent down by an unconscious Lincoln noticed the horn he was wearing on his hip before Lincoln woke up and stabbed him in the belly where he collapsed onto the ground. “Foghorn.”
Bellamy raised the spear about to hurt Lincoln until I leaped out from hiding and up onto the older boy's back. “Argh! Get her off me-“ He struggled to grab a hold of me where I made him drop the weapon before he gripped my thighs throwing me off and onto my back harshly.
“Stop! That's my brother!” The young girl cried out moments after Bellamy and Lincoln went fighting over the spear till my friend grabbed it. He knocked the sky boy down pushing the weapon against his throat until she screamed.
I gasped sharply but wasn’t fast enough before the other guy hit him over the head and he fell unconscious. “Lincoln! - uhh you son of a bitch..” Scrambling to my feet I attempted to rush over to him but I felt a dart go into my neck making my vision blur, seeing Bellamy holding the dart flute up to his mouth seconds before everything went black.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
#bellamy blake x oc#bellamy blake x reader#wattpad fanfiction#ask box is open for feedback#comments really appreciated#the 100 fanfiction#the 100 fic#the 100 fandom#the 100 x oc#the 100 x reader#the 100 bellamy blake#bellamy blake x grounder reader#bellamy blake x grounder oc#bellamy blake fic#bellamy blake fanfiction#bellamy blake angst#lexa kom trikru#lincoln kom trikru#abby griffin#clarke griffin#clarke griffin x twin sister#twin sisters#kathryn newton#survival#enemies to lovers#oc : Cassiopeia griffin#octavia blake#grounders#love and hate relationship
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